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Recent News
Extra Drops Campaign (Water) - (06/24 - 06/30)

Unite & Fight MC skin - live
Side Story menu update - 06/28
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline

Europa Character CD - 07/10
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>June Schedule
06/21 - 06/28 Unite & Fight (Dark favored)
06/28 - 07/06 The Last Sumo Warrior

>Future Schedule
07/07 - 07/?? Tales of Arcarum: Hanged Man (Rerun)

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Previous thread >>483421898
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yeah i love my wife
/gbfg/ is fucking cooked man
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is this the Naru-to collab people were talking about?
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>Players are skipping Sumo 2.
Oh, that must mean they don't like Naru anymore.
>Players are reading Sumo 2 because Naru.
Oh, that must mean they love Raiden.
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i love my wife
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>brings up And You... out of nowhere to defend the anni false advertising

I wonder who could be behind that post
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god i love anon's wife
Putting neechang in a stable and milking her like a barn animal!
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>unit with no SSR that's not getting anything again
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>raiden event part 2
KRAKABOOM true maleringer logic right here
Fukushittednecktroon actually thinks like this
grubabs will read it for me
Poz and Juri
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There was this interview, but it came after the event, not before, so there's that
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The state of the general reflects the state of the game.
Gotta have the full stream slaves so they can talk about it during summer stream!
not voiced flashback of him for Raziel
also calling it now they will do a second sumo dude as Raiden rival
might have just been this i was remembering then, it was a while ago
Razi will put on a swimsuit for Gran
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Neechang putting me in a stable and milking me like a barn animal!
this but unironically
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it's funny how the grub team sees themselves as sophisticated writers, but add narmaya at no other time except as a crutch to lure people into a tedious event sequel with revolting characters that otherwise would be skipped by everyone. it's almost like a tacit admission they refuse to make compelling entertainment, and they do this anyways because they're a bunch of egotistical queers who think they're above pandering, have run out of passion long ago, and hold nothing but contempt for their audience
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So what did have to do with Phoenix's 6000 year old plan to cuck Ceodric?
This is the worst cast list ever. Nothing but shillclub.
Song is confirmed, maybe another jew too since the trailer post said "The Eternals visit Thalassa"
Meg too since she's probably mad about Raiden drying up Auguste
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Feeling the year-long 10th anniversary celebration /gbfg/?
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>Put neechang in a sumo event with raiden and iparus or whatever he was called
>The players will LOVE us for it
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The Lunalu ring was an accident btw, people always leave that part out for some reason
>granblue 10th year
>all events magically feature the director's personal favorites
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"related stories" doesn't include any of their fates, only the first event, so you know they will just be unimportant bait to entice people to read another shitty sumo event like Fediel was.
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nyes its true, and you trailer had naked dragons and yet, the event had no naked dragons...
I grinded for 10 years and all I got was this lousy Guild War skin.
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merely a coincidence
ummm what is Naru doing with the sumos?? why is she included
Petra is now a FKHR favorite?
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He wrote a whole fanfic about her afterwards, of course I'm gonna make fun of him for it
Dont be retarded
Ummmmmmmm....they will love us for it!
WAM (and Mugen by extension, also he can compete in sumo) + Tefnut to work together to restore the water in Auguste.
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>he doesnt know the extended lore
good night grubbas
i look forward to c6r1ing furina when i wake up then reading the new granblue event later in the day
That one Mugenfujo asking for him is gonna be very happy
because the "on accident" part was obviously a larp
Cameo to bait people into engaging with the event.
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they think they're above pandering until they need to make money, then they add it and subvert it anyways to spite the player base. rinse and repeat year after year
And so was Petra. She was a main character too.
I would be happy to ring Lunalu and some other harvin girls if game gave me more rings to do that.
Lunalu also suspiciously stopped getting content after she was ringed. Weird how that plays out
>good night
>it's 3pm
We havent had any surprise summer appearance since Poz in Auguste of the Dead
Lunalu really isn't that interesting
You’ve used 23 rings?
Wheres the joke, Buckley
new event are coming out during the finals? WHAT
basically this
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>G-GalgeGAWDS like runaru!????
>B-but they were supposed to hate her!
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No she didn't, you're just schizophrenic and think the world revolves around you.
she's going to try to use her katana vs sumo but naturally our guy Raiden will defeat her
>clicking Lunalu
>clicking EMP
>scrolling to the bottom of it
>clicking the ring option
>clicking the marriage ring
>click the are you sure? ok button
I don't care if he was pretending to be drunk or possessed by Obama's ghost you have to be extra dumb to believe it being an accident
he was hate fucking her since before the ring and did it as an excuse to post her more
damn that sure is content..... guess we got bea content because they paid a cosplayer
17 plus 1 in inventory. But i already have plans on the rest.
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To me the most memorable Shay saga is that time Memenel ignored his OOC comm to draw Yaia cuck porn which made him nearly snap by his own words
She got into Rising....
So there’s plenty of rings you haven’t gotten. Sounds like a (You) issue and not a problem with the game not giving enough rings.
How the fuck are they selling fresh accounts with 1800 draws for 5$?
Nearly snapped posting was sovlful, We don't get fun schizo meltdowns like that anymore
>Lunalu disrespect
Sure as hell hasn't gotten any new units I'll tell you that. I already had a idea for summer Lunalu in mind and summer fates planned out too. But the writers are just insistent on using Lunalu as a vehicle for their fuji fantasies and inside jokes they're gonna repeat over and over
Game is dying, they need to get as much money from these accounts ASAP.
There's not enough because there's more charcacters that i want to ring compared to number of available rings in the game.
They gotta sell before the game implodes.
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>We don't get fun schizo meltdowns like that anymore
excuse you
The schizos that currently frequent this general just throw generic catty homofaggot remarks, it's boring
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.......as a background npc if you pick random. Holy FUARK. Thank god we got Vane who's a huge su-
Because account sellers stock up hundreds of alts from like 7 years ago and just passively collect crystals and tickets on them
his GAY OOC mind you
those were the days, the current Yaia attempt to shitpost is lame compared to Shay's Yaia hate
The game is losing value fast so the prices are dropping in accordance. Also they’re easy to sell since they can have as many rolls as they want, it doesn’t matter since those rolls don’t promise you anything core and the accounts don’t have anything good already under their belt.
On it
Ropabros... her song sounds generic as fuck...
I was talking about Bea bwo
homoflops stay flop
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>I already had an idea for summer Lunalu
Please never stop being a retard
Remember that time slurpers made up headcanon about saying FKHRT claimed Sneeds would be a low stakes event and that makes it okay for them to lie during the marketing for it? What was THAT all about?
>Vane 92k
what were they thinking? the only people that like that character are the very vocal homos on twitter.
I thought you are done with anything Grub-related
Why do you keep coming back here?
Style change
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When do we get the extended cast? Like how many hours? I might stay awake to see the reactions.
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>he is in the dark about Y. Lunalu
Tomorrow 5pm jst maybe
I wonder if we'll get second summer units for some characters (besides Jannu) because sure as hell they regret giving R and SR seassonals to some of their popular/shilled characters.
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Only shilled homos like LanVan will get that. Actual popular and beloved characters like Lunalu won’t.
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What did you expect? Grubs aren’t idolmaster girls.
maleringers look like that and do that
Remember that time slurpers said Raiden wont be getting a 2nd event because it was unpopular then it actually happened which they claim is thanks to the popularity of the 1st one? What was THAT all about?
They're freakin' NUTS!
Rs and SRs were slightly more relevant and they wanted them to be more like skins and less like important hyperlimiteds before KMR went full jew
Lunalu(Organic success) called, and he answered.
I once had a premonition of someone besmirching neechang's name in my dreams, so I got up checked the chans and sure enough someone called my neechang boring so I called him a troon and went back to sleep.
Lil blud, let's not act like characters haven't gotten multiple alts like Flopfried for example. It could be yukata or bath robe Lunalu. Either way the fates could be the same
So basically Lunalu is at the beach on vacation, trying to write a new book right. But she has some severe writers block, burnt out, nothing coming out onto the paper. So she hopes to spy on couples at the beach to get some sort of inspiration. Danchou is at the beach simultaneously, and after running into her decides to help right? So shenanigans ensue of danchou and Lunalu running all over the place observing different people.
Skill fates will go like this, they stop, tired, to take a break, Lunalu says it isn't working and is saddened but they decide to stop by a nearby stall and get some ice cream. As they buy the ice cream, danchou plays although, the stall keep teases Lunalu and asks if danchou is her boyfriend which gets her all flustered.
Then they go back to observing other people a little, but now Lunalu is very aware and conscious of danchous presence. At the end of the day danchou is unsure if it worked, and feels he let Lunalu down. But Lunalu speaks up and says she in fact has a really good idea now. It ends with Lunalu finishing her book and a little excerpt is read out so the player can get a look into what she wrote. And the story is suspiciously very similar to the time her and danchou spent at the beach. Anyways, she releases it and it becomes very popular around Auguste. Which Lunalu is both happy and stressed over since she's worried danchou will find out about it when they head to Auguste next.
Maleringing slurpers are clinically retarded subhumans
this is unironically the kind of self-absorbed crap a westoid lunalu would draw all day
foxcuck back at it again with the essays
>Hm...no one's using Yngwie, my self in-I mean favorite character! Let's give him a un-wait we already did that....hm, oh I know! Let's make a whole new mechanic to give him basically a uncap/new unit!
>......what do you mean no one's using him?
Shaygod rising from the ashes like a phoenix to save us
Why is FKTRN like this?
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Grubs for this feel?
Based NeechangWARRIOR
It's like Heart of the Shay or some shit
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>And the story is suspiciously very similar to the time her and danchou spent at the beach.
I think that is pretty good actually, especially compared to other grub fates.
it is, however, WAY too galge for FKHRTBBQ+
Is this true? What’s their source?
Seraph just makes me cringe because all his tantrums are the same shit day in and day out. Shay meanwhile, is a creative. Look at him go.
Nier! had a pretty good character song that wasn't completely generic.
Cug's, while generic, had sovl.
never thought I'd say this but this is better than most summer fate episodes so far and not very OOC either, especially coming from you
Again with this dogshit, its not "Global" if its just translated EN, what a fucking downer dude. This doesn't make sense in any context, its just shooting yourself in the foot because you dont wanna foot the server bill
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so many possibilities for grub events and grub fates to be peak galge, but we'll get none...
This pretty much
Shitraph comes across as a seething twittertroon whereas Shn/ay is a complete lunatic
Their source is an ESL saiges employee that seems incredibly confused about the question
Uma got a fresh start on all other regions it released so there's no logic behind global being any different
stop acting like one is better than the other. both are faggots and attentionwhores. giving schizos ground to prosper gets you this shithole of a general
If this is true that's based. Means I can just jump back on my jp account
I swear this is the plot of an FGO summer event. The one with S.Jalter in a doujin convention, wasnt it?
i mean.... it's not bad at all and fits the games tone
Shay is a based god who believes everything he says and follows up on what he says
Trooneraph is an insane contrarian screeching homo who just says and does things to enrage and without good faith
>so there's no logic behind global being any different
it's a good way to avoid all legal bullshit that westcucks have and not waste any money for western servers. i wish more games followed grub pattern
>Shay meanwhile, is a creative. Look at him go
yes the one who introduced spamming troon/slurp/slop/fkhrt/etc. 50 times a day is very creative
They need to do this for Priconne
And Seraph just copies him.
The way he spams it is entertaining enough to make other anons pick it up, meanwhile Seraph's buzzwords never really caught on except among fellow seething trannies like Padjeeta
so they're both retards, glad we agree
>all of those things became part of the general's culture
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>ropa's character song put me in a mood to listen to other character songs
>watching CUG's live
>remember how peak it is
god... I could really use that Cug yukata fire alt (10.0)...
Naru won't have a scene with (You)
Fuck this cuckshit game
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uhhh bowman?
they're both are two sides of the same coin
hypocritical faggots
I cant beelive cygays went full woke this is a sad day for yapan
I really can't think of any reason to put a male as queen other than they knowing about the meme and wanting to avoid it which is weird when you consider how "progressive" our writers are
I'd like to think someone actually emailed cygames about the significance of the queen of spades and they decided to switch enyo with bowman
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Ain't no way. What does Bludman mean by this?
According to our jannies it's nyot very progressive....
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He is the only male queen, so...
Thanks, I thought of it a long time ago, another anon gave me the idea I think and I just built off it but I can't remember. Anyways though, Lunalu has solid potential to have some for (You) moments. But she's really just reduced to being a gag character for the writers to speak through pretty much. If we go get a ssr summer lunalu it'll probably just be pogging at homos on the beach
Idk I stopped playing FGO far before that
I need to take a shower
bowman can take it, he gives no shiddles and diddles about some porn meme only dweebs care about
never maled?
Wyell this is one thing I have no problem being maled...
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>they/them have been acking out just because bowman got the queen of spades card
Which girl did you want to get it? or did the homos want sandal/lucifer with it?
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"I used a machine to mulch up other peoples art and took the credit for it! No one else couldve done this but me, the Ideas guy!"
I want Lucifer nyes
Probably galleon seeing its constant spam posts
Noone specific since they've been releasing these every year, I just wanted shitposting fuel. The only notable queen of spades posting here was Magisa anyway
>Gabu won queen of hearts
feels good being a Gabufag. So many years of waiting for her to finally be on top.
New Marge just dropped
Ideally none which is why it's funny that he's the only dude ever to get a queen card for this reason
are we doing the RB strats for NM200 bwos??
oh nyoooooo
New certified lil homo maleringerflop roon turd brimstone 'arge marge sarge slop coal huge fail moment just dropped albeit thoughever kekaroopowow geg
I'm literally bowman btw
I'm gonna try the Lucha strat but it'll probably flop again
i talk like this
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Yes and I'm expecting my fingers to end up like this
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>last year's card
uh oh
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>Satyr is a 10 incher with a heart shaped flare
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who the fuck i thought it was ryan
where does the adding -beit or though- to every single thing come from? im starting to see it in other boards and im nto sure if its /gbfg/ raiding other places
What's the lucha strat?
I fuck my sister
nyo ereshkigal only
domainyier expansion
soiteen garbage
it's sharty speak
>zeta and bea
Mimonel was almost onto something.
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Here's a picture of me.
Momoilogia WON
The cuck is losing it
what's the NM200 Ereshkigal setup
maleringing shittedcucks are convulsing like that
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>WAM is the ace of spades
>next gw is earth boss, g raphael
Another win for wam.
Shouldn't it be water boss
Why are maleringers so mentally ill?
Realistically what would having a Runaru wife be like?
why raiden has eyelashes like that what an ugly troon
Lots of large insertion and cumflation.
Trying too hard
I could fix his design in one milisecond by making him bald
nigga really went with that fukuhomo haircut
Nigga is zesty af
Cosmos 1/6 76% 14 minutes left
Kill her
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>nee-chang in s*mo event
>artist i like(d) drew her with a goblin
they dont really care about >us
>ringed europa
not exactly helping shiva's case here
>pigfloppers are pozringers
of course
Just Pigpag things
bro is mad as hell let it go lmao
Imagine liking Pagbhira lmao
>europags are maleringers
She'll put on cringe ikemen anime no one wants to see
She'll start to smell if you dont wash her every few days
Probably a bad cook too
Definitely dies of exhaustion after 2 flights of stairs
But her love and loyalty is absolute
This is disgusting. I actually feel ill just seeing this. Nothing but shillclub and homos.
Meant for
I skip event stories unless they start on the weekend, don't have time to read through everything and do event dailies before I need to leave for the day. Still don't understand why they haven't changed it so events start at server reset and give a full day for the first day instead of 12 hours.
This game has become its own parody.
S. Mugen?
Y. Sandalphon?
S. Yngwie?
S. Mankini Wilnas?
Everything is possible now, and the question is not whether it will happen, but when.
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Do NOT lump the faithful Ropabros in with the mentally ill.
>Still don't understand why they haven't changed it so events start at server reset and give a full day for the first day instead of 12 hours.
Did you know that Granblue Fantasy is a Japanese game?
Thanks for introducing NAI to this general btw. You’re an interesting critter sometimes but you did good for once.
pigSUCCESS is beloved by all
>Christmas character star poll
>Valentines character star poll
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Oh shit rare Bowman art aaaaaaaaand ruined by Belial :/
I don't like that type of anime but I'll partake in it since she likes it
I'll try and convince her to shower/bathe with me everyday
I'm a bad cook too albeit but I can cook although limited, I'll make her spaghetti
I can carry her
Holy wife almighty!
>pozringer referring to himself as a “queen”
Ain’t no way bro
he just got aids rip
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Are we posting rings?
blahblah something something 70s/80s boomer shonen design eh who cares he's a fag
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200 Summer Tickets that can only be use during the August Flash.
Rate Ups:
S. Mugen
S. Wilnas
Y. Icarus
Y. Tabina
Blud really going mask off
It’s a VA joke.
>shartsy samefagging again
no one wants to see your malerings cuck
S. Mugen
S. Wilnas
Y. Icarus
Y. Juri*
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>tigflopper is a maleringer
It was close. rip
you really saved the worst for last there
Don't host shartvans during GW..
In a perfect world not only would FKHRT be executed, Shaygod would be made director, all m*les would be deleted from the game, and all maleringers would have their accounts banned.
Straight fax
This + execute shipcucks and yuric/u/cks too.
And yet events still don't start at server reset, or they'd be starting at 16:00 for me and not 04:00.
Do you guys think it’s possible to beat the DLC without using any Skibiditree Fragments?
I’m sure some streamer is already working on it.
She'll just appear for 10 seconds only to job and then that's it lmao.
I saw that too.
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>the red n-ACK!
yes yes grand juri any day now
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leave your neechang to me
Now that H. Cassius is all but confirmed, what’s next for FKHRT?
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>This is what FKHR is gonna give us for summer
There's just no way
s icarus is confirmed too
I went to check and saw a guy doing SL1 with no skibiditree fragments.
Let's just say those Mcdonalds collabs will turn out to have come in handy for landing him a new job
I fuck this every day
Too galge for FKHRT
>When are we getting [Good thing]
Wyell.... it's not very likely anytime soon...
If we ever did it would be focused on shit like Wilnas ass shot
FKHR would sooner give us live 2D of Wilnas's ass in our face and be like "it's just le fundoshi joke or something!!"
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NM200 core?
This is some unwashed virgin coomer shit anon have some self respect
I hope she joins the shillclub quickly like Hekate. Best GW boss in years.
baka nyaaaa
he's kinda cool, I'll read his shit when I stop being busy next week
for your dick maybe
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So true that shits weird as hell. I'd never be able to play waifu games because I don't want people to think I'm le weird. THIS is what's really freaking based and what us ironic weebs that are too good for hot girls really want!
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>Best GW boss in years
The problem?
So how long until GW bosses just straight up get unremovable buffs and debuffs?
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Whenever they release nm 250
whenever fktrn finally pozzes out
There’s a reason mixed toilet gacha always make less than galge
maleringer moment
>s sumo the sun-god master
>s icarus is his homo disciple
>neechang does nothing in event
Ha ha that's our fkhr
Meant for
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They already have those
Remember when the dark soul death dragon or whatever the fuck supplemented everyone to death
Icarus getting an event with Siete would normally be cool since Icarus has a magic talking sword but since it’s a sumo event it’ll either be mentioned once and forgotten or never brought up.
Beautiful, she's beautiful
God, she's perfect.
>new character that speedruns getting into an event solely for his VA, with one of the most boring characters in this game that already gets plenty would normally be
stop making me like lunalu, retards
Djeeta and Cain should have bullied Ichiki harder so he would have killed himself
What's better, having her stand on obvious boxes or picking her up for the wedding kiss?
Serious replies only
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This is a good sign to stop
Picking her up and throwing her in the dumpster then marrying Haase instead
>pozcarus gets an event
>meanwhile carmelina ???
She can balance on my erect dick
Momnaru albeit
Her standing on boxes but she still has to stand on her tip toes for the kiss
if girls play this game why am i still virgin
tiger ___e
>so many full pots
This anon gets it.
Good idea, Lunalu can stand on haase's shoulders
>not saving them for the final boss
Just FKTRN things
Final boss also known as EoS
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>Picking her up and throwing her in the dumpster
I would never do that.
>marrying Haase instead
I would do this, though.
Shut the fuck up about Carmelina already. None of you actually give a shit about her and if she actually got anything you would just come up with excuses to complain about it
maleringer moment
>Shut the fuck up about Carmelina already
Harvin sex
>Stop fucking taking about about that BITCH I just gave you Raiden and you will LOVE me for it!!
She's right you know, Carm at least has an SSR and a SR. There are many characters stuck in R only hell who deserve content.
Meant for
Sumo class when?
Icarus is basically Poz 2.0...
Only if Djeeta wears nothing but a fundoshi
The only thing that makes me happy these days is looking at Grub yume tweets.
Ok, for real though, who asked for this?
for a sumo sequel?
No one. Thats who, and fkhr knows it, which is why he threw in narmaya
>There are many characters stuck in R only hell who deserve content.
Yet we got more Raiden.
not a grand, not brown, fate episode is probably better too
It's called mawashi
Why is Wifenaru like this? Do you think she'd be a good mom? Probably not at first and there'd be a lot of mistakes but she'd give it her all I think
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Rate my manga wind grid
gayest post itt
Yeah he's not really a bad character and his fates remind me of old grub, he just looks like the really bland fusion of Gran and Tanjirō.
>bland fusion of a troon and troonjiro
so he's shit
he didn't say dxita though
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>It's called mawashi
Only the schizo cares about Pagmelina
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disorganized weapons/10
I ringed her long before disciples started getting shilled. I used to be a waterfag back in LuciHL days, and then a windfag before that, hence why the harvinflop and siete were ringed.
Reading comprehension xis?
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>ain't no way
>Granblue Archive banners
>named after classic mid 2000s galge
>Troonblue Fagtasy events
>named after gay porn FKHRT was watching the day before
silence maleringer
How do you know it was named after gay porn?
Is Monkey a m*leringer character?
Monkey got me bricked up frfr like SHEEEESH
Trooneraph told me
I want to thank dark players once again for being lazy shits and giving me a free top 80k
Elden Ring.....won......
I don’t think I’ll be able to do NM200 with Eresh without 3 Exaltos and Extremity chain.
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>still doesn’t have an event
>meanwhile Raiden has 2
FKHRT deserves to be boiled alive in oil
Just do last year's comp
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I love Harvin women.
Harvinflops have 2 more events than they deserve
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Now that we know Naru isn't an option anymore who do you expect to be part of the cast for the soon to be officially announced naruto collab?
How about the ninjas we have in our crew
Can we stop shoehorning Naru everywhere?
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>Now that we know Naru isn't an option anymore
??? Don't they have VA's work for various things once they get them on the booth?
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It's a bleach collab, stupid retard.
We all love Galgeruto here.
Meant for
M A O said she's no longer going to work as a voice actress after doing the sumo 2 events lines
"I'm so fucking done with this company" is what people hear her saying while leaving the cygames main office, many tweets were made regarding this but FKHR paid to delete them so don't bother fact checking this
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We have exactly two ninjas (not counting the class) and one of them is dubious.
Better start calling meantforschizo Toucan Sam since that nigga FRUITY
I sniff this
Ok use them
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I hate women so much but I can’t stop masturbating to Haase anal
somewhat relatable
Sato is a haki user from her uncap albeit.
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Knew it was going to happen after they made Raziel the Sandalphon replacement
>Has it been said yet that JJK is the MLP of shonen anime?
A cultural phenomenon filled with cute girls?
Ngl someone posted mlp porn of horse pussy and anus on /v/ it was really hot
I’ve never seen MLP so I wouldn’t know what that comparison is supposed to imply.
We call it My Little Galge around here
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They're not anywhere as obnoxious as Jojo's, they're lucky their peak coincided withe horsefucker's who drew all the hate away from them.
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Yeah, I skullfucked her. I ain’t tryna deny it.
If you’ve ever been to deviantart just once in the last 20 years you’d realize that’s either DBZ or Naruto, and it isn’t even close.
getting a lot of winner vibes from this one
You’re probably the only person here familiar enough with MLP to know.
>trying to gaslight you that this kids show on a network for toddlers was "secretly deep" and "steeped in fandom culture"
yeah I'm never falling for that shit again
That sounds kinda like slurpers in /gbfg/…
Bruh nobody said about grub writing being "secretly deep" and shit, except maybe some trangelfloppers thinking HIV writing is "deep".
A cultural phenomenon filled with cute girls?
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>cultural phenomenon
Got called a slurper for I won’t be participating in NM200
Pokemon GO was a cultural phenomenon, not your cringey horse game beloved by balding middle aged losers.
We call it galgemon around here
Kek seraph melting down HARD rn
both are beloved by balding middle aged losers tbhfamdesuwa
Sumo event with 3 sword autists for some reason although i guess Icarus is debatable if he's a sword autist or deimos is the autist
Pokemon should have let you hook with the NPC trainer girls
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Good luck in round 3 /gbfg/
I did say slurpers
Just mentally ill maleringer things
Pokemon should have let you hook Vaporeon and Gardevoir
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>We call it galgemo-ACK!
y-you too woofus
wtf gamer dent is real???
Gardevoir is human egg group already albeit
thank you woofus
You can't just call everything galge
y-you too
On that note Pokemon Sleep is probably the best example of Gacha games overcomplicating their mechanics in order to force you to make mistakes and fix them with money
Raziel is Galgecore
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thanks my woofa
more games should do this
or even if they don't let you keep your jp stuff, they should just start caught up instead of starting years behind
it'll cause some weirdness initially but it balances out in the long run. any game worth playing has 'side stories' for old events these days anyway
I'm gonna fuck you
Honestly, I had my doubts FGO would even last a year being two years behind on content, but it turns out EOP slurpers will play any translated shit you throw at them.
Ok so its a horse racing game where you raise horses, but how do you raise them?
If it isnt as complex as grub im just not gonna play it, sorry
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Man, I really hate that all fire raids have some sort of built in anti-skill damage/anti-auto attack mechanic.
I'm so sick of them still forcing the kengo meme.
>captcha: R8M0M
it's actually pretty nuanced and complex yes
granblue fantasy
sex with mom
Wonder if it'll be in the english stores proper or be the great filter 2.0 like grub
>but how do you raise them?
Like this:
English speakers will play games they can understand?
Someone tell the press about this world shattering discovery
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You have a variety of training options that boost specific stats. Certain umas perform better with certain stats and the training options improve the more you ise that form of training. There's also a degree of rng as your uma could injure herself during training and get perma debuffs that brick her build or feel lazy one day and skip a training session just to name a few.
>free for HadesGODs
she pleasures old human men
great anime
it's more complex than grub, but grub is not all that complex sis...
All these old men? Me.
The coco and mimi onahole
This bitch is fucking crazy she had Kaguya working as a whore for her
Windbros are we ok with this?
>10 hours of pressing FA
Hell yeah, funnest part of the game.
>pagblue pagtasy
My pet right there
post da nm300 teams
>nm300 teams
wtf la
Zosimos MC with Lucilius Id and the Qilin shota
>If it isnt as complex as grub im just not gonna play it, sorry
So that means you play every game except grub, including kick the can.
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FA prime and not planning on changing
based JJKgalgeGAWD
Rat/Mamagus/Mamalogia for me.
uma smokes grub hard in complexity
7 year grub vet btw
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lol nice joke
Meant for >>483477628
>e-drones in my grub thread
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they should import my RoBwife into grub
>posts nu-pokemon
>galge in #1
Yep yep
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uhhhh chat, is this real????
Yup, she's mad
NM200 is too hard, I’m going back to my quick NM150 FA.
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>my RB setup fails to kill
>keeps getting dodge
>buried under a gorillion other buffs
Next powercreep: dispelling the oldest buff
everyone knows the only people that participate in character polls for any game are homos, fujos, and yumes because they are hellbent on being represented in their favorite media.
normal people do not care about these things, so they don't bother. this is why every poll ever in every franchise always has the most homobait or yumebait shit imaginable up top.
>thought i had the easiest 200 of all time
>it was 100 somehow
>source: anon's ass
Slurpers have NEVER been able to refute this image
sounds like a strategic failure on the part of galgegods
thankfully china is leading the revolution against mixed toilet trash and will shortly rectify this error
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no YOU'RE a ratard!
I'm dying.
>ignores the part about it being shit
>"ha ha i got you now"
>nm200 completely melts my team in fauto
>the damage isn't even close to survivable
>can't even dent her past a certain point because of all the defensive buff spam
yep, back to the nm150 mines. what a dogshit event.
>1, 2, 3 all private
fucking cowards
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it's over
except nobody in china actually supports those incels
cope maleringer
Granblue Archive has deeper and more complex gameplay than Grub
Galgebreak does
awful bait nigga
Nobody plays that flopge
meanwhile raising sims
>producer I'm cute?
>yes! (+5 cuteness)
>no! (-2 cuteness)
>perhaps (+3 cuteness)
>repeat for hours
Fixed my FA by including nier
See you tomorrow losers
FateCHADS always win.
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leave NM200 to me
homoflop stay flop
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Well its cozy and mamapilled
we'll workshop it
tyra is better than magus just for double dispel alone
Fate vs Grub gameplay
who win
>8 min semi FA and have to Bubs 50%
this shit sucks
Dinosaurs aren't real.
Primals aren't real.
>one dispel
>on ougi
Back to bed, grandpa
This puts into perspective that there isn't really a good dispelbot class. Monk and Shieldsworn kinda get the job done I guess.
Grubs for this feel?
That’s better than black screen simulator
We love xoqqer and corn here.
I love using Azusex
In a better, alternate universe, we would've had playable Nyarlathotep right now instead of the forced dinoflop memeshit.
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im gay
Does nm200 also clear debuffs at 50%?
orologia dispels every turn your MC normal attacks when candor is up
Unless its different from the last 20 200s, yes
Dropped kengo for manadiver...
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And that's worse how?
no one uses orologia albeit
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>triple zero perfectly lines up with 50%
homoflops flopping till eos
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hi, I'm no one
nwyell where's your 1:30 clears?
sounds about right
I think you're seeing your inner desires there
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I wish I had Magisa or a better Eresh grid.
Nah, I'll FA
Seems really consistent. Could be faster though
homoflops stay flop
Funny how nobody is using her as predicted
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>oh hey, SS has in-built dispecl cancel
>"when guarding"
I seethe in stereo. By any chance does S1 count as "guarding"?
All top 3 players are using ringed Tyra
no they aren't lol
Why do you lie?
maleringer cope
maybe i should ring her too...
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who's your fav gw boss?
Meant for
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Tyra-chan doko
bro, your HalMal?
They should really have an end of season gw that is null element to let all the elements compete and see who is on top.
The shitposting potential would fuel this place for months.
Meant for
>full auto
Is that #1 player?
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NM200 is 2.5 or 3x the honors for NM150?
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The quest to find Tyra-chan
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nee in the event
why are tyra bros schizo? she is nowhere to be seen
>not #1
>no tigers
>no logia
What do? Is eresh shieldsworn a meme?
I like the part where they were shitposting against troonman and now everyone's pretending he isn't there
where's roonch?
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I need to spank her again...
What skills to run on LJ?
Monk setup not working for nm200 fa
>sixters too scared to post #1
just hack into his account sixters
Birdsong/Loglop or Dispel/mist
birdsong, then either verdant melody or log lop
then mist or dispel
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>shitx and clownman unused
>maleringer goes flipping nuts
Bowman is busy being the queen of spades in grub's latest merch
Top 4 isnt that far off top 1 and he is here >>483481416
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Number 7 is public
>sixters (pfp) losing members
is logia meant to be in case of emergency?
>sixflop down to #7
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Undebatably in every team big winner as usual my fucking wife.
Where is tyraflop tho
no, guarding is guarding
>#4 >>483481416 Six
>#6 >>483481691 Six
>#7 >>483482506 Six
>tHe ToP ThREE doNt UsE It!!!!
hacked into #1 team and she's there, sixter
are you just rifling through twitter to find xeets that support your shitposting
The verdict is in:
still not in top3 though
I don’t like GW so none of them
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Real reliable source you got there
>strong armed cucking my comfy FA
I'm starting to hate this sandniggercat
but WHERE is she though???
>have to use some annoying brats, a crazy bitch and a couple of troons
god, Ilsa can't save this element, when's next GW
The problem?
>annoying brats
>crazy bitch
>couple of troons
Tyra and De la Fille
Tyragods look like this?!?!?
You only got the first one right congrats brainlet kun.
>this profile is private
These bots are boring.
Thinking about ringing my dad...
Liking ilsa can't save your post from being gay as hell.
Please understand muh sekrit strat
Any manual comps without Tigers/Logia?
But 'crazy bitch' is not necessarily a bad thing?????????????
Try last years i guess
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number 3
sixflop down to number 3 from 1?
What was it?
yep yep. tyrafloppers have lost it
sixters still can't post #1 lmao
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I'm thinking the winners club just got a new member...
Six do be saying that
don't worry sixters maybe next dark GW you'll be able to post #1 team...
I would if I could but going down from the available profiles theres only Six in all of them...
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FA bros how are we doing?
is that safe? i've been doing lj with the same team
it's consistent
I see a death so that means its not consistent
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I don't think my grid is strong enough to switch over to MD so I'll take it since it's comfy
it's a tactical death, bwo
Losing my shit this game fucking sucks
Terrible. I'm motherless...
Tried, either kot bitch just hits harder because of those stacks or the lack of an ES makes me squishier
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wallahi i'm finished
>9 min magna FA

Tyra just bit my dick off
Nice, you're a woman now
lil ooker......
I love my doctor
nm200 is fucking shit
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zoi's lore after stars and skies
Tyra nowhere to be seen
>throw bubz ball
>boss keeps the "special" buffs up
He's number 2 now lol
sixflopper has yet to post #1 team
as usual
>paid opus jobs to GOD piercer
nyou cyan't dyspel toxoplasmosis
>another GW where my honors are faster in 150 than 200
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On mobile data.
What happened to flopmyoji, maleringing xisters?
>she spent 150 moons on a paid opus
troons necking out at this one
Remember that time Lraph tried to trick dark galgegods into rolling for a 9.5 that was "most gigacore for HL"? What was THAT all about?
150 moons to lose
I dyon't have rei...
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>had to use revival pot and 3 blue pots
it's so fucking over for me bros...
lil blud is LOSING it. No roonch, no Tyra, no paid opus. She's finna ack
>still hasn't posted #1 team
maleringer in full meltdown mode KEKAROO
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and he's clearly faster than the other two lmao
Remember when Lraph said flopmyoji is faster than Eresh? What was THAT about
lich demoted to 10.0x0
paid FLOPus
if this isn't a 41% angle i don't know what is
Nobody beats darkfags when it comes to losing, yup yup
What's the m*gna NM200 setup?
why can't maleringers post the #1 team though?
he never said that
saying eresh is mandatory on the other hand is something darkbabs said...
so what mainhand is everyone using in top10? make the collage
>only 6 and 9th place are using paid opus
maybe next GW maleringers will be able to post top10 teams...
too early for collage thoughever
last day is when we always do it
it's nm200 albeit
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>check lichi ratings
>it's true
>dark is now a dadge element
first poz, now lichi... it's the end of an era.
right now
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>raiden sequel too
this is like some 4 horsemen of the apocalypse shit
>last day is when we always do it
unless it goes against the narrative so the collage never gets made, like flogen wars
What's a good NH for LJ? No cummy or agastia
>collage never gets made
you're confusing it with dark where richi was unused
>lich 9.9
>poz 9.8
probably seraphic if you don't have agastia harp
>all private almost
why are darksissies like this?
no other element has this many privates in their top 10.
>weakest element
>weakest 150 moons weapon
>trooncore team
it's nyover
>>trooncore team
maleringers love their troonix and troonman quite a lot
ferry harp is ok
world harp might not boost your team at all but the ougi has dispel cancel which might be nice
avatar harp
and there's always the seraphic
the 3 non-private accounts, antisocial darkbabs
Only waterGODS were proud to show off their teams
Remember when Lraph said poopgen and nehack would get more GW art than galge waifus? What was THAT about
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hey nice
top players are too embarrassed to show troonlogia teams
yeah because they had POZGOD in them
why are maleringers going nuts right now?
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Well, of course, when your frontline is this, why wouldn't you show off?
oops i mixed up the pics, they are 9th, 6th and 2nd in that order
>lucio and his sluts
>disregarding the existence of HIVcio
I only see galgexis acking out right now....
For (You) characters and your wingman
Fucking galge element. Every good galge has one male bro helping you score.
Homoflops stay flop, and this angered the HIVbrains.
maleringer cope
there's no coming back..... FROM ALL THE MALES I RINGED!!!!
rooncord needs to send backup, lil xis is acking out all thread by xirself.....
maleringing roons do be samefagging like that
glegle sisters mental shattered so hard they attack their fellow gluegloo water friends
Number 1's about to lose his spot to skypiercer chad LOL
Just change orologia into a female... how hard is that?
>maleringer already posting schizo babble
>other elements jealous water gets to run three (3) [sarasa] confirmed for (you) draph girls in their nm200 frontline
>meanwhile, dark is running multiple males and girls that aren't even for (you)
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what the fuck are these posts..
They're all for (you) thoughbeit
Runescape is too galge for fkhrt
For (you)
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maleringer can't even type anymore
Bowman isn't an erune
Aside from Kou who can fill enemy diamonds in dark?
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>dark suffering the FKTRN effect RIGHT now
is this the new cope
Its fucking over
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>multiple males and girls that aren't even for (you)
males sure, but tigers, ilsex and nier are all for (You) and incidentally all Erune too
This image represents the state of maleringers really well.
>for (you)
how many times do we have to have this conversation?
Ayer's buttplug tail makes him an honorary erune
>do nm200 once for crystals
>go back to farming nm150
God, wilnas is fucking massive
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as many as the amount of males you've ringed
Where are the logialet clears?
same but 95
buttplug made of jessica hair
Isn't it funny how this shitposter went from "tyra will beat six" to incoherent screeching about maleringers as zero teams ended up using his flop? Why is he such a sore loser?
>Isn't it f-ACK!
will maleringers ever be able to post the top10 collage?
sumo 2 will save us from this hell
Why don't you post it yourself instead of coping and seething?
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Posting like this won't get you those 150 moons back....
Yeah but I'm not interested in refunding my hrunt
/gbfg/ said eresh is a good investment...is it too late to ask support for a return?
Ah sorry wrong guy, I didn't buy Ura.
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Karm clan erunes are just that power
You're literally this mad
The maleringer brings up a good point. Why Six and not Tyra? Are the top rankers using Six because he can be sacked with his S2?
urACK sis is losing it over eresh
anyone watching her? what happened to her PC?
You got duped by rank 200 darkfags. They get off on bricking accounts for newfags like you and kekypowing about it in the 'cord. This is all just a joke to Numpers.
was it a bluescreen?
funnily sagihara also bluescreens but she waits for new pc
everyone else is private
Blud you lost to a rank 200 darkchad.
maybe her gw slave simp stopped grinding.
yukata ilsa will be dark and erunes will rule the element surely
I wonder if any of the people asking last night and the night before about whether they should buy eresh ended up doing so despite everyone telling them it's a bad investment.
Maybe in your dreams lil timmy. The ones where you didn't waste 150 moons on a paid opus....
>press skill 1
>borderline no animation
>does a billion damage
>press skill 3
>3 minutes animation so F5
>press skill 2
>5 minutes animation so F5
>press skill 1
>F5 again
>do slightly less damage than Six
Don't cry so hard viceMVP husbandoxis. I know that subaha run hurt you pretty badly.
>use mama/magus/el ratto
>they still slowly die off
I thought this was supposed to be consistent
meant heles fuck
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KEKYPOW he's still mad about this
so this....is the power.....of maleringers...... losing to rank 200s...whoa......
>not rank 200
>not dark
Say it with me;
The galgetard method
don't know, just tuned in and the stream doesn't have rewind on.
Yet it took that nip 10 seconds less and she wasn't even ringed. Curious.
Can't she like use her phone to fa?
hack into their accounts then
>watching grubtubers besides lemon
do loyal grubbers really
who are you talking about
That's because DAO is just a slow team in general, six + tigers is faster
i check lemon vids but he himself isn't that amusing
otaku yumefujo on the other hand...
the one that pressed ALL Six skills?
yes he wasted time doing that
also I'm sure some random knows more than the players on the top 10 :D
You still lost, as usual, Seraph. There’s nothing intellectually dishonest about that.
That player is darkchad and the rank is in the 200s...are you okay sis?
Maleringers do be mentally deficient like that.
>it wasn't a rank 200s dark player, it was a rank 264 dark player that I lost to OK??????
does Lraph really....?
He sure won an A in that geography class.
I wish Emiri would stream GW.
since when does dark use hrunt
KEKAROOOOO Lraph really is like that
This NM200 is hellish holy fuck.
His hexa attempts were also on dirt so he's more of a dirtplayer as of "late"
Except he doesn't even play since day2 of last gw
Maleringer not doing well after De La Floppyroon saw 0 use this GW KEKW
Deep breaths maleringer
unironically granblue archive's pvp is more complex than anything in grub (or priconne)
the position tech is crazy

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