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>Recent News
Extra Drops Campaign (Water) - (06/24 - 06/30)

Honing Seeker:Nova Unite & Fight Skin - Live
Celestial Bow (Light) & Celestial Staff (Light) - Live
Side Story Menu Update - 06/28
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline

Europa Character CD - 07/10
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>June Schedule
06/21 - 06/28 Unite & Fight (Dark favored)
06/28 - 07/06 The Last Sumo Warrior

>Future Schedule
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Previous thread >>483454052
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i love my wife
De La...FLOP
I love them
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>sky piercer
what's next, s.zoi?
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cunnygers won
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maleringers FEAR them
Please post NM200 teams and grids thank you.
Summer Tigers soon?
Too galge for FKHRT
do your own homework, there's gbf.wiki
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NM200 teams and grids thank you.
It's time
Apology to your canonical bro for your sins of believing there could be a real Six killer
TigerGODS report in
when are maleringers gonna make the top10 collage?
There is nothing wrong with ringing Six
Bai owes me sex
lots of it
at the end of the final round when they unprivate, like every GW
bros I need grid
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>Every single Full Auto team uses Logia
Very cool KMR, thanks.
>changes team right before making the profile public
>make it
>a-a-actually the top 10 doesn't matter! ha...haaa....
no reason to do anything for apes
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>being surprised that the limited released right before GW is core for that GW
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Game is dying because of xingflop shilling.
So which element has produced the most named schizos in this thread?
what shilling exactly
>about to ask for proof
>already deleted
*sigh* why is Seraph having a meltdown now?
Your GW?
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>based males
GODiete only
>unbased males
all others, especially regular Siete
Sandal wasn't core for light GW (aside from the primarch passive)
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Based and true.
he was for t2 RB, because he could kill himself into counter
The two pozschizos were actually light mains
stop ban evading every day retard that's why you get nuked on sight
Water and Dark
nm200 is too difficult
mou owari da
>killing the game
if anything he's the most consistent thing on the entire game
you give him gold bars and you get a good attacker
no cuckshit, no gay shit, just your brother
Global Uma announcement broke him.
>not ban evading
uh huh
Finally found a use for him. Can't say I'm very happy about it though...
possibly the most cursed team of all time
why do you hate yourself so much?
He's f2p therefore killing company revenue.
maleringers be like this
>all those clicks at the start
>for an 8 mins clear
What would Lunalu think of GW?
just because the trendy schizo is pretending to like Six doesn't mean Six himself is bad
don't let the thread schizos control you
we darkGODs have the best characterS not just now but in any time period
I'll be very grateful if you can suggest something else
>just because the trendy schizo is pretending to like Six doesn't mean Six himself is bad
happened with DLF too, it's inevitable
dark characters are mediocre as fuck tho
vgh...take me back...
this gw is the end of the rotation right? so probably next will be wind or dirt adv
Number 1 isn't using Six or Tyra. Bowman won
But he’s the one always complaining about Shillix
Contact the mods and they'll be more than happy to tell you.
Kek, what
love my mamas
love my ratdaughter
i forced the "xing" name into tyra funposts because i actually like him and seeing his name mentioned is nice even for shitposts
don't actually care much for tyra, she's just sexo cunny
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Dirt advantage next with Raiden as their powercreep grand/exalto.
Yeah, that's what I thought
We like GODey here.
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sane and factual, luv my element.
Tyraflop stays flop
0/10 unused
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I will never understand people who hate Nier and write her off as a one dimensional psycho character. She has soul and reminds me so much of my younger self, so I have claimed her as my beautiful wife
WTF WHAT'S THE STRAT HERE???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
this guy got banned in multiple communities and that's why he ended up in /gbfg/
never even joined a /gbfg/ crew either
blatant wormslut ripoff
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My Rocking Uncle!
i don't have any context but he is indeed fucking annoying
Whoops typo I meant six
Maleringer moment
based grandpa cock enjoyer. Where's your Soriz ring?
its the curse of being extremely homosexual and being unable to appreciate Nier!
>biggest blogger that thinks he is the best player
sure wonder why he would get muted in reddit crew
Please I need time to build up another spark
tikoh 3, death, nier field, don't know if they're killing nier for bowman or not
unironically, grand raiden with exalto would end this kusoge for good
is this shopped?
I have somehow not pulled any version of him. Been playing since Sincerely Your Dearest Friend.
hell yeah
Isn't that kinda slow?
no, they just unprivated their profile
I-I should probably go back to 150 before I start hating bastet
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I will taste the chocolate off their naked bodies
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who the fuck is this guy? why does /gbfg/ pat so much attention to irrelevant micro-"celebs"
>extremely annoying guy kicked from multiple communities
>Actually gets tired of /gbfg/ and leaves
What does that really say about us though...
That I hate homosexuals and him being one didn't feel welcome.
we're simply da best
Just maleringers fellating each other.
Galgetards are a special kind of cancer
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Can probably get down to 1:45 with a stable signal, possibly lower with crew buffs.
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some more unprivated their profiles
that we are capable of driving away schizo faggots but do so selectively for some reason...
Tikoh was the six killer???????????????????????????????
Thanks! I learned all I know from (You)!
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Brainlet here playing FA, what triggers Orologia to do a full heal? Someone she gets really low and does it, but other times she doesn't and just dies.
six > tyra confirmed
Nah, you were probably born that way.
gayboyfriends general have preferences, this isn't something weird
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luv my doctor
yep yep /gbfg/ won
when any ally has red hp at the end of your turn
When someone (not her) gets under 25% she full heals.
doc I need an exam right now
Yep looks like I fucked up big time not getting tigers. Kinda just feel like playing something else now.
All maleringers get the rope
Every single last one of them
s h e

Ohh i see, thank you
Do the exo staff + pns + belial supplementals all stack or is there a hard cap?
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da actual six killer?
gw is almost over, fix your mistake next time.
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>"oh cool, a logialet comp"
>3 clockhands
Nobody is calling a blue pot a six killer retards
staff and pns share cap up to 100k
belial is own category that stacks with everything
I have returned once again to beg for NM200 comps. No Magisa, tiger, Bowman, Tyra or Y.Ilsa and last but not least an ereshlet
bowman side-grade (((they))) said...
>says poz is dead
>poz actually MVPs the GW thanks to the chinese sleeper
>says ackman is dead
>he's actually outlived six, troonch and fediel
manadiver, see gbf.wiki
>/gbfg/ tried to argue they weren't good
>used in every single phase of gw
this place is a joke
cunnygers hate is strong in this homogeneral
The Lgetard tribe does often be losing like that
>start FA on PC
>walk away
>every 10 minutes connect to it from phone with the moonlight app to control my PC and restart the FA
>since it's running on the PC it keeps going even with muh phone off
yup it's comfy time
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halmal, rat/magus/lich, Oromama
tigers... WON
So who killed six , tikoh ilsa or tigers?
God, I'm the slowest fucking retard in this thread.
they were bad until hades got a weapon with assload of TA to fix their multiattack
Nobody killed six if he's being used in the top 10
I can't even blame /gbfg/ because I didn't have a spark for tigers anyway
Not by #1
>being used in in inoptimal setups is…LE GOOD
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Probably a dumb question, bUt does Magisa's Oblivion Crest support skill work/stack with Forte's one?
using tigers is basically like using mugen
just nah
still used more than tyraflop
>got banned on 4chan because a mod got tired of him
Doesnt he hop on IRC to beg the mods to unban him all the time?
tyra? you mean tikoh and she won
I have V. Tigers but I haven’t used them since NM150 because I don’t have the full Exalto setup.
I will behead every single one of you with a fucking axe if I ever see you in public.
Nah I'd win
I think I get the Yatima setup. You use Tikoh S3 then Yatima Death her then t2 you use Death again to kill Nier and bring in Bowman.
DA >>483498056 KILLA
all me
So I'm better off going back to nm150? AGAIN?
Tigers won. Never ringing or even using a male other than Gran(me) btw.
I say this and I'm also Gran.
>Six died by having his head crushed like a grape between those thighs
GOD I wish that was me
is the florence comp dead yet? I don't wanna use an anni ticket on that ugly hag
nope still kicking
look ma! I'm baiting a djeeta vs gran argument again!
Just mentally ill maleringer things
Just your normal Trooneraph sliding
Dark won
You lost stop moving the goal post
it's dead for racing and dead in current endgame, only use is gw and subaha
Holy shit, rat sucks at dispelling this bitch
six got killed by ilsa tikoh and tigers gangrape
>Just the year after grub's peak
If Summer lotto never happened could it's decline have been prevented?
>he can't win the dodge rng
yeah, I'm thinking skill issue
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alright bwos i finished gw what elden ring build should i play
>Never send friend requests to players using djeet
Yeah, I do be like that
Rex, Angie and Seraph are all light. Stuey was also originally a light main before he bandwagoned to water
90k bros how much honors are you aiming at?
>the only team not using tigers is gran
Who can even dispel every turn other than Tigers?
t. has posideon on his support summons
How is someone who rings males in grub being called a maleringer offtopic or trolling?
predictions currently at 2.2B with NM200 release, so about 2.8B to feel really safe
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Six on the bottom
3b because I fear the day 4 rush that never happens, 2.5b should be safe already
There is a player by that name
nah, sneeds, covid, versus and the endless relink sink still started the slow decline
I don't really like how they're tacitly acknowledging the meme exists by doing this kind of thing. I think it would be better to just ignore it.
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>do be
2.4b but I'm goin slower than i wanna be...
because maleringer is derogatory and pejorative and we are an inclusive space for all individuals. After all, we wouldn't have Ladiva, Cog, and Lich receive so much love from the playerbase if we hated troons
>Who can even dispel every turn other than Tigers?
marquiares but only if you play ougi and take a million years
Lich is just a primal beast. The third actual troon would be the kid in G.Sandal 2's fate eps
tyrafloppers do be like that
Anything can be called a buzzword, even the word buzzword
it's an ad hominem buzzword that gets spammed 50+ times a day in response to anything, not innocently pointing out "well gosh you have male characters ringed"
>the creature is that desperate for validation and attention
anyways I'll probably stick with 150 burst this nyagger is crazy
If you have m*les ringed then you should die. Sorry not sorry but those are the rules.
It's only ad hominem because you hate the reality that you ringed males.
>That's just a kid that wants to look cute
uhhh are you okay Lraph?
what is it that attracts schizos to the light?
Why’s Trooneraph going nuts today?
Every time I play Magus she actively tries to kill herself. Anybody I can pair her with to keep her alive?
Like moths are drawn to a flame, the unmedicated are drawn to the light,
Was Angie even a schizo?
DAMN that's deep
Who's Angie
Any magna comp without Logia and Cidala?
the instant deletion of this really got to him, huh?
I don't remember what I used last dark gw for 200 teehee
He does, but you want to avoid the subject, also that's just your name so not a buzzword.
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momoiraph if you become janny would you delete my threadly cantatepost?
he hates dark because he's taking the "dark and light are opposing elements" setting seriously
You could maybe argue he wasn't a schizo since he wasn't as obnoxious as the others but he was a named thread personality
Former poster/tranny from Fleet
manadiver teams on gbf.wiki
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>he didn't believe in /OUR DOCTOR/
Actual real GW winners
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Bleed build with eleonora’s poleblade for the true galge experience.
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>Ask for logialet team
>Recommend a logia team
>rule 8
You turned the word buzzword into a buzzword so gg.
Is momoiraph still acking out about his bans like a toddler?
This kills the Lraph
>Need 21 GB
>Need 2 blue papers
>need 10k+ prism
Not even used in GW
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he hates dark right now because that's what he does
all of his posts are made from a mocking someone point view or moving the goal post into hating something popular
is sad how he's doing this day in and day out
Is the sky granblue?
he was literally used just yesterday? and he's out now because 200 requires units with more utility
Yep yep pure facts
There's like 10 team comps on there
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>all that investment for LESS utility than a tixable
I feel like doing a river dance in Six’s grave.
Hope you're not talking about another flop that isn't used
i feel like i shouldn't have bothered replying because you just want to act retarded
we've already gone through like 3 GWs where transcended six was on top, too
told you
But the lil roon isn’t on top this time
Dark finally got some galge options and killed it for good
Those three GWs didn’t have TYRANNO though
>GW skin progress is 1/3
Next rank for the skin will definitely be 1bil honor huh
>shitted spam after getting btfo
why is this creature like this?
I saw this movie because one of Sian’s tweets and I don’t regret it. Indians might be filthy but they make some fun flicks.
Granblue Fantasy.
Neither is yours
First thought that comes to mind when you look at this?
all logia baby
AI slop
Disgusting flop creature
ugly ass potato
you shouldn't reply to them at all
even if rank 1 was a Six solo team he would go for either
>Top 10 doesn't count
>Shitpost about something else trying to move the thread into something else to make fun off
there is no winning with people like that
there is no teaching with people like that
he NEEDS Six to be bad
he ignores Bowman right now because he can't make fun despite also calling him a flop before
just ignore his shit
Doubt it. Each step will probably require 100mil.
I think you're fucking blind
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Why is she holding Siero's baby?
Holy meds
My first thought is “metadata?????”
I don’t really need it or anything I’m just curious.
Oh we can make fun of bowman
>dead gw
bros I'm worried
I miss actually having to trying to stay in 90k
100m->500m->1B if I had to guess
sixter is wounded...
stop bullying our sixsters
they're dying breed
>Lunalu disrespect
It's Grans thoughbeit
In the image, just upload it into novelai or something like that
marge, humans and harvins can't breed
draphs and harvins can on the otherbeithand
Wouldn't call singularity a human
according to whomst
step 3 should require t2k or t2k title.
>blud doesn't even know what a singularity is
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lost every coinflip going for sigewinne and c6 furina and furina's weapon(so i got sigewinne's weapon too), feels fucking bad man
i told you retards you were sleeping on tikoh
wish i didn't slack on doing super faa so i could do cool stuff myself. does anyone have a better party than this for opuslets
Something you'll never be, NPC
cool blog but nobody slept on tikoh, she was part of nm200 prep for a lot of setups
Remember when KMR got his ass beat by Goldships VA and it kickstarted her entire career
>crew won't reach top 5500
how many bans must this nigger evade before his entire country is b& fucking hell janny
They can't ban America
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Dont care I will fill up every harvin
I wonder why...
>Anybody I can pair her with to keep her alive?
logia will full heal her once
other than that rat is good defensively with evade buffs + a teamwide dodge all on her s4
if you're still struggling lumberjack will help too with birdsong + zech.
lumberjack also helps with debuff count from its s1 to ensure magus keeps autocasting her dispel
Boy am I glad they gave us magnababs garrison :^)
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gbfg absolutely doubted she was useful for anything. obviously jp players weren't as retarded, i'm not saying i invented the tikoh party myself.
LMAO just close your eyes and supplemental damage can't hurt you...
There is ONE NM200 comp without Logia but there is a catch...
thanks mate
Just switch to magna? :3
Surely they can ban the west coast. Fun fact; in preschool when they’re teaching you about states, you learn that Washington DC is not in Washington state. At least, you WOULD learn that if you weren’t from California.
>7 grands
>150 moons
>2 hyperlimiteds
>need crew skills
Cool shit darkbabs
Rape then vanilla
Show me ONE team without Logia, I'll wait
NP> Bankai > DE
Just improvise? :3
How do i deal with the charm
That thing slow my run so much
i mean personally i wouldn't listen to a known "muh girls muh galge" player either, especially in dark
but she had uses as early as she came out in subaha burst and a lot of setups including magna ereshlet ones had a concept with her in mind
/gbfg/ mostly doesn't play the game or care enough to watch nips, nothing new
Your S. Ewiyar?
Kill yourself :3
six killa(real) in da house
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slowly but surely, its going down
what does tikoh even do?
check her S3
She's sex
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some useful stuff
s3 and dies
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causes byastyet to waste turns kneading her thighs
Love my doctor
she "checks" my "health", if you know what I mean
>immediately deleted
You didn't answer my question janny? Why aren't you deleting the other rule breaking posts?
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>ctrl+f [deleted]
>1 of 21 matches
good work jannybros
Janny, I want to talk to your supervisor. This behavior is UNNACCEPTABLE.
post it
i think dark gw was kino, lads, pretty comfy cutoffs too
Based. Is that PGR?
Not with that attitude.
bwo thats maleringknights
Sex with doctors
Why do you want to kill six? He's your brother...
We kill Nier too
LJ's birdsong and Luci x Luci should remove 3 debuffs whenever enemy uses a special, right? How come I still get charmed on FA then?
I don’t know that nigga
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Recruit Nier
Ring Nier
Love Nier
because you get only 1 clear from lucifers
Oh the game with sexrock? Damn it’s been a while, I don’t remember its UI and all looking like that.
Dark GW? All sexy galgerunes.
its getting a genshin clone pretty soon bwo you should try the new game out
I hate Tyra only because her model is too fucking big and i cant enjoy the GW skin because of her
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uh oh
should i max out celestial staff or bow first
six can join tyra on the bench.
I wonder if these people actually share accounts
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its going down by 2 mil every 20 minutes
If it keeps up this GW will be under 2.1 mil
They don't stack? Does the rest of the auras (50% HP) not stack either?
Probably. Easy enough to hit individual mins and then help out your crew member going for number 1, and then they do the same during another GW.
That's fucking cheating
I don't want any competition for mama's attention.
It's still...so...fucking...slow
That's why you has an オフ会 and take turns sucking each other's dicks while grinding GW.
wtf is that team bro
what's your grid situation
just go back to nm95 if it's gonna take you that long
NM95 spam will take three times as long to reach 90k
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Don't post anymore Izmir or I will get distracted from stupid GW grind.
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Oops, I dropped this.
Anthy, sad to say, is holding you back bigly
no vikky?
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Sorry, nothing personnel, but I can't just leave an opportunity to sabotage opposing crews. You understand...
nm200 is fucking ASS
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He's cooking
with times like that you arent making 90k bud
It's because nips are working right now during the day.
let me use fields in full auto please I know you're reading this intern-kun all it takes is one line of code I know you can do it
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morning grubbas
That's me, the MC
imagine playing this slop when you could have sumo kino instead
>But would you manual?
Is this also JJK? I swear I saw this page in the dragon ball heroes manga.
Don't look at deleted posts...
I am looking, I always miss out on his ackouts.
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>poorfags getting filtered by the most galge element again
yeap, another galge element victory
>300 moons wasted
Sis.....your skypiercer........
>every other game gets waifusummer
>grub gets this
>safely locked into top 140k
>won't grind enough to get 90k
looks like this is the end of my guild war, gomen danchou
Where is the skypiercer HL comp?
oh nah
i'm sure you can use skypiercer in 6t laborbot setup
You mean the sufaa MVP element? Only fire comes close.
Post your sufaa MVPs
gigacuck status?
Don't main dark though
post grub butts
still darkraging and evading bans
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Eresh? LOST
Six? WON
I don't even look at my rank anymore
Dancho...I forgot to eat...
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Say something nice about your shill club.
Danchou you don't pay me to do GW, I quit
Hope he enjoys his hiv
>he fucking RAN
i like 3 of them
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Anything a latefag can do to make autos hurt? My agonize comp clears 95 faster than this comp despite having 200k less estimated damage.
>3 males plus hades
so fucking galge...
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It's time.
I really like the rat.
Pretend to be a girl for me sweetheart
>flex skin
>no paid opus
extremely based player deserves to win
my shillchang
The comic is playful and lighthearted, focusing on the exaggerated reactions and the humor derived from the size difference between the characters.
i wuv all four
He definitely won the HIV award.
My man shooting his shot. I'm still not a huge fan of them only ever showing the bros in their SSR outfit now, though.
it's ogre
you need more handjob gloves instead of fediel spines and ultima fist
estimated damage doesn't mean shit when it comes to skill/ca memery and its added supps
cope and seethe
emiri singlehandedly getting content for her husbando is pretty based, honestly
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How much Naru can we get in one month
that's my neechang right there
should be every month
do you have agastia sticks or anything better than the spines
I personally don't care for a single character here.
That's not something nice. Can you not understand simple instructions? Fucking dumbass.
>>flex skin
How is that a flex? I have it too.
less esports
six won so fucking hard in the last few hours
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Where I come from, being harsh is the same thing as being nice.
I will cope by not getting aids yeah.
it's slow
>every gw top 2k is dominated by m*leringers
grub is irredimable, FKHRTroon won...
>Verification not required.
Sub-200 so couldn't grind Agastia. I was reading old guides so I thought spines were good so thanks for the heads up. Going back to the exalto grind is going to hurt.
Oh, it's something only GW autists would care about.
totally 100% tiger GW.
it's much slower than the versus skin
>Knockoff Pokemon Masters UI
That explains why it's dying. Grub literally has AIDS. Poetic justice I guess. Another galge W.
a bit late for grinding exaltos mate, just learn to cope and use whatever goes fastest
>there are people in THIS thread that have ringed m*les trying to get a t2k finish
maleringer insta triggered lmao
Just take the L lil bro, you're cooked.
He might have AIDS on his mind but you've got AIDS in your blood. I'd say you got the more raw deal, although I bet you like it raw.
>He might have [deranged homosexual fantasy]
This is what galge does to a mfer
Eresh........... LOST
I'll take the "not having AIDS" option, have fun with your disease though.
you need to go back
>The creators of Type-Moon are literal faggots
>They make a shit ton of money
>FKHR is married to a woman
>GBF is 4% closer to EoS
Wtf bros....
It's too late for that, you're already cooked, baked, washed, and put out to dry.
>AIDs-ridden maleringer copying shay and using zoomer slang
It's over for him.
Isn't Nasu a girl?
At least I don't have aids lmao.
no based woman writer like sakurai in grub, not surprised
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imagine how much better the world would be if they didn't cut the ilya route
>literal faggots
In what way? They're not the ones making shitty sumo events nobody asked for.
Bug creatures do be like that. They don't mind getting AIDS as long as they get to top2k.
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>crew is top 200
>in tier B
I miss the days of grub being alive and my crew getting Tier A and slacking every gw...
paradoxicaly having a wife makes you a m*leringer
Takeuchi is a samurai lord to Nasu's village geisha. No straight man says this while living with him for over 20 some years.
Is Sakurai not a dude
I know people speculated he(?) was a woman based on his VNs(which are great btw) but IIRC some guy in the industry came out seething and said he was a dude like over a decade ago.
You would know all about getting tested, wouldn't you Mr. HIV?
The kids most likely aren't even his.
gigacuck malding in real time trying to suck my dick lmao
I think most people in developed countries would know about getting tested. South east asia must do things a bit differently though huh.
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built for /ss/
FKHR has ringed Tigers and Lyria though...
Sakurai is a woman, she made Robin Hood a cocksucking faggot who sucked old men off for information and money.
this is still my favorite bikki line. Also sounds funny because she almost sounds like she's speaking with an American accent when she says spooky bikki.
Post all of his rings
Rat really isn't that interesting
Is this confirmed or is this you being "anyone who would write *thing I don't like* must be a woman or a homosexual"
Marge why is the gigacuck searching for genderbent men
Lraph already banevading so soon?
She is actually so beautiful it's ridiculous.
Her long flowing hair
Her beautiful perfect blue eyes
Her lovely voice I could listen to all day
Her interesting and unique personality that makes every moment around her fun
Her passion for her hobbies that also spreads to me and makes me want to work hard too
Her cute fashion sense
She's amazing
Just watched HF last month, and it just made me sad thinking about how we were denied best girl's route.
I curse this world everyday I think about it.
Firefly already forgotten so soon?
the double galge Furina + Sigewinne banner dropped today so yes
Why would people discuss Firefly here?
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the one thing i will never forgive nasu for
I'm talking about Sh*y, who was gushing over it for like a week.
It's meaningless when he does it because it's not a limited resource for him. He knows he can ring them and parade them around to deflect from the fact that he's a prancing homosexual and retards will eat it up.
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>top 1 uses Bowman, ringed Six, Papalogia AND non-Eresh
Between this, Lich demotion, sumo2 and Naru in sumo2 cast, I'd say.... /gbfg/ is WASHED
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9.9 is higher than 9.8 is it not?
shutup, I like spooky bikki.
GBF never drew a dime.
lich really isn't that interesting
still getting various pieces of fanart as we speak but I don't see how this has anything to do with granblue fantasy
You're nothing but a fish on my cutting board.
Why was the 9.8 used during GW while the 9.9 wasn't? Seems kinda weird.....
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Did you need to call me out like that?
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are you sure?
we should discuss sunday honestly
>being used
Oh no blud has lost it
Mr. HIV was used on the bench.
Galgesyndrome already affecting his memory this badly huh......
Or is it just his AIDS?
Low quality maleringer meme. It will fade away.
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Surely you can optimize that further by pressing more buttons instead of summoning more
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only ring I spent getting t2k.
m*les not even once.
maleringing really isn't that interesting
why did grubbas just take being cucked like this?
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Used in top 10
Nowhere to be seen in top 10
my brain is fried, solve it for me please
>try to do Lunalu going super saiyan
>instead she summons a mini goku
Collab when?
The girls are cute at least. I fucking hate Sink though
Forgot to mention that, sis
Only bikinischizo can save this thread unironically...
>a cocksucking faggot who sucked old men off for information and money
that's just your average brit
that's just Corn with an eyepatch
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I'm doing this rotation except pressing Ilsa 2 turn 1 so MC doesn't die at the end of turn 3 and also another Ilsa 3 before Kirin
/gbfg/ lost bigly
gigacore in HL
unused and suboptimal
they range banned him because he told the truth...
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I don't get his position, he keeps changing it harder than our maleringer
>fukutroon's favorite eternal
>and zodiac
>and evoker
no surprises here, notice we are in the year of "the dragon"
My grid is too weak so i can't do this without more summons i think, I'm callingsariel t1 and fediel t3, other than that its the same setup
Bikki is KMR's favorite
Get your facts right before shitposting
we literally had Ui wearing a bikini last year and he's still spamming, he deserved his ban.
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Dark MVP team in HL. Where is the water MVP team with the 9.8 flop though?
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erunes won...
>Still linking his same literal who xtterfag
>can't post any of his own runs because......
can't wait for water gw when he doesn't get any use again...
>doesn't count
Thought so
Now run away bitch
>12 minutes
This is supposed to be fast for nm200?
>moving goalposts because lich is undeniably washed in GW, which is what the discussion is originally about
you l o s t
What's your grid? I'm just running 2 ES
>12 minutes
>shit honors per minute
none of the somedy teams use lich
not MD, not eresh LJ
>ringed a male
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didn't realize m3 fists would be used for gw so never bothered to farm them and just stayed in bar mines
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Why do you bring up unrelated content in GW discussion
Is following a discussion too hard for your pea brain?
2 males even!
Suddenly HL doesn't matter
Keep coping
>3rd celestial drop
>all from nm150/200
beginning to think the "just spam nm90s bro" is a complete fucking scam
Completely missed the point. You are too ESL, troonchsis
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I never farmed them either, this is what I'm running
Waiting for your water sufaa MVP team with the 9.8 homobrownflop.
See >>483515091 fucking retard
never got para orz
Still waiting for the water MVP team in sufaa with the 9.8 homobrownflop.
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I'm not the one that can't read and see LMAOOOO
you just got lucky
grub is dead, uma won
>brings up shit irrelevant to what's being discussed in the first place
>i can read btw
Oh nah
Ratbros we keep flopping...
Malevolent Kitchen...
Don't project too hard
You could try replacing the babu axes with 5* celeste axes, the grid calculator gives me a higher estimated dmg
>have a perfect group of animal girls, except for one
>coincidentally whenever one is going to get something, it's always the same boring one
>wonder why the rest of the people that like the other 7 downright quit the game
I didn't say it was nm200 retard
organic success
mixed toilet flop
There's nothing organic about having a full anime shill project made to advertise your game before it's even released
how come nobody complains about ilsa being mandatory hypercore dont-bother-playing-if-you-dont-have-her character, it's cring
Sell me on Uma.
Does it have giant robots and murderers?
>nobody complains about galge characters
Everyone rolled her for free last year
umaflop will die before grub though
You wouldn't have replied with cope otherwise, retard.
Ilsa is galge and everyone knows to get her
grubflop mixed toilet will literally die 10 times over before uma. horse racing is forever.
are you like genuinely retarded or what? you are the one who is coping with that shitty 12 minutes clear that proves literally noting
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why does he keep shilling these flopcharacters...?
You literally can't even read the link anymore, stop shaking so hard sis.
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if i could drop the hag from my dark i would gladly do so but i have higher priority targets
like at least she didn't brick zodiacs as a group, society was shit long before ilsa ever showed up
>literally can't read anymore
Lraph meltdown continues
>caught being retarded
take your L
That's Padjeeta, not Shitraph
Shitraph has better reading comprehension (as bad as it is) and doesnt type in lowercase
what were they thinking with hagila
ilsa at least have nier face on her whored uncap art
Because she's a pretty recent seasonal unit that you could get pretty easily last year during summer with the free tickets
you've literally had a whole year and annitix to get her, and she is galge and SEXO.
you also don't even need her unless you're a t2k retard, at which point, wtf are you doing, you should already have that title by now.
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blog update: i don't need the extra splitting spirit
>That's Padjeeta, not Shitraph
Lraph is also a dxitasis who seethes at gran
>Shitraph has better reading comprehension
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Not even the same guy
You are trying too hard
oh no not le heckin minor spelling mistake...
anyway here's a proper dark run in fast rooms
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Everyone loves ilsex except maleringers.
is there really anyone in this thread that actually still needs to manual and get the t2k title?
I don't see the reason in playing manual otherwise.
>two fire MDs
dirbros... not like this...
That's a terrorist run. Also no MVP lmao.
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>Also no MVP lmao
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ayo kakenari my GOAT. Jacked off to so many of his grub-flavoured doujins
i manual because I have an IRL job and want to play GW as little as possible
manualing means I get 90k mins ASAP rather than being some blob NEET hitting FA for 17 hours a day
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>please talk about anything else... ANYTHING but the cold hard truth
homoflop stay flop
I click buttons because 1button FA spam feels like botting
So this is the power of maleringers...whoa.....
GalgeCHAD here, dont care for Ilsa or dela FLOP. I only roll for lolis and hebes.
You're supposed to grub while you work...
based cunnyGOD
You are really not a slick falseflagger, Padjeeta
>DLFrager + loliflopper
not a real galgegod
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>still posting this shit from 2 years ago
don't you love your boyfriend a little too much
Discordtroons cant cope with reality please understand
His image still made you seethe enough to reply even 2 years later lmao
>cupicore is real
extremely based
Why are padjeetas always falseflagging and shitting up threads? Just look at Lraph for instance.
And his reply got you so seething so hard that you can't even respond directly to his post
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We hate hags around here
They are mindbroken by /gbfg/ and want to get back at anons anytime possible
>got you so seething so hard
eek ook
and you still can't directly respond albeit
Bad time to ask but what awakening for Agastia sticks?
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>his reply
Neither can you apparently lmao
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That guy may be quit or something.
Atk like every other revans
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imagine ringing a male ever
>beaten by someone who doesn't even log in
Lraph...taking huge Ls...
Maleringers and self-awareness dont go hand in hand
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ereshbros it's so fucking over la...
message says sayonara
it's over
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>shitraph mindbroken by yet another dark gw
How is he mindbroken when Lichtards have been the ones trying really hard to deny top 1 team comp
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We love and worship around here.
he's going to make another mcdonald's wifi unusable at this rate...
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>Uehara Himari
/u/ won
as usual
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Do I need the 250 opus for this or can I cope?
>voiced by Katou Emiri
Lobeliasisters won
umm should I just stick to 1min 150 if I can't manual 200 under 5mins?
>how am I broken when I just spent the whole entire day seething?
not a good look on you serACK
OH NONONO c/u/cksisters
That's why darkgods are the most powerful posters in this general. The maleringing creature literally only sleeps 4 hours a day now just to spend 20 hours acking out here.
gakumasbros... we lost...
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>top 1 is a c/u/ck
>sky piercer instead of eresh
>both six and bowman in
this gw is really something else huh
>most powerful posters
>cant make their shitposts stick seeing as tyra, lich and eresh are unused by top 1
>/u/troon headcanon
Not in the game.
still waiting for that top10 collage maleringing sis
>He says while he spent his entire day shitposting here
Isn't 12 hours of 4chan a bit much? Don't you have a job or hobbies?
just make it yourself
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expect top 1, all other setup use this...Anthuria...
His star character is Dokkan
The creature even thinks anyone says calls it Lraph is the same person lmao
so true
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I claim another victim.
He will spend the rest of his life bound to this place, unable to find any joy yet unable to leave.
It's been 4 years for Shay already.
dirt anthy 9.8x6 how does she do it
>Isn't 12 hours of 4chan a bit much?
he said as he spent his 8th hour today on 4chan raging and crying about janny punishing his abhorrent behavior
>this game is run by a homosexual trying to spread his agenda and his aids to the playerbase
>but also female characters and galge win all the time, homo maleringers can't stop taking Ls
Based, keep that maleringing creature chained here for the rest of its life.
30 minutes is 8 hours? Are you high?
>female characters and galge win all the time
>naru in raiden event
>top 1 uses more males than females
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>this game is run by a homosexual trying to spread his agenda and his aids to the playerbase
>but also female characters and galge win all the time
yes but in the other granblue game
>homo maleringers can't stop taking Ls
also true, just look at the maleringer barely getting 4 hours of sleep
not sure if i should point it out but i think it will make threads funnier
current top1 has eresh team if you refresh his profile frequently
Keep believing it's one person if it helps you feel better Lraph sis, I enjoy entertaining your delusions.
Oh it's the Poz thing from water GW all over again. Pottery.
I personally uses Shitraph instead of Lraph, the latter simply doesnt roll off my tongue
this post >>483520449 doesn't seem very on-topic to me
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why didn't you screencap it
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>fisher price elements seething at dark
>they try to play dark
>completely faceplant in HL
>can't even hit the bare minimum of 90k in gw
>that typo
Yeah the guy's LIVID
most of this thread is some random off-topic garbage, but unfortunately we don't have moderation to do something about that
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busy mashing 150
Make a webm with refreshes or something, otherwise you're capping

LMAO is this real?
Same actually
this but unironically
We do have moderation, it only acts half-assedly enough that you'd think it's not even here. It's surreal going from a fast general like /gig/ to any of the dozens of others that don't get babysat 24/7
>You will never guess who I am
You're me.
You didn't coin jack shit losers, most buzzwords here are imported by Shay, except maleringer I believe.
i was the one who first posted 'trangel' then shn/ay picked it up and other anons began using it
>one shitposter singlehandedly changed the way an entire general uses language
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>You didn't coin ja-ACK!!!
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keep copying me monkey
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easily dodged
Oh yeah that turd worlder padjeeta actually sided with Lraph lmfao.
He's too ESL to post anything worthwhile on his own so he latched onto an EoP. Like a true thirdie
why can't cygames make content that is designed to be fun instead of annoying?
Because they don't care about letting people have fun. They want you to stay mazed.
first mention here, is this your post?
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odds: tails
evens: heads
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I coined the term granblue archive.
The first 3 posts with that word are mine
so fucking true...
Not reading that essay, I'm either happy for you or sorry that happened
Man I haven't used Rat in so long she's still in Awakening level 5
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we call him pozGOD around here
Meant for
Bunnynalu, thoughts?
You cannot fathom the future i aim to create.
We read grub events of course we're easily entertained
Why do you like Lunalu again
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Look at all these organic popular characters.
>We read
speak for yourself faggot
the only organic popular thing in this picture is word "stable"
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>We read grub events
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>That post doesn't exist.
>Unironically having delusions of grandeur on a small puddle
faggot nutjob is crazy
I went over it a bit here >>483513204
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I'm not him
Not bad.
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I thought you are into Acheron now
God i love Ilsex
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>Satyr VA and Medussy VA were in the studio
Expect an upcoming Primal Pals event soon
bros...marquiares is actually doing pretty good for my NM200 FA....
sure hope baal forgot to visit their studio that day
Summer Satyr is possible???????
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Summer satyr and yukata meduchi... they WILL save this 4%ge
a shame big meaty is surrounded by such boring nerds or else i might've looked forward to it.
Nothing will save this 4%ge except deleting all male NPCs.
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>click for the yggy thumbnail
also relevant for the upcoming event, i guess
I like both albeit, Lunalu will always be
Please understand Fukushit needs to shill more redditcatflops
>70+ deleted posts
>galgetards will say it is one person
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still waiting on that new zoi...
Zoi is already in the better place now...There's only suffering for her here...
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Well, this thread has been unbelievably gay, we should try to fix that.
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her new clothes looks like ass though
Cosmos will get an alt and Yuni will get another alt before Zoi gets anything
300 of your posts got deleted in a single thread even, Lraphsis
grub doujins....
>namefags and schizos get the rope
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Which uma VAs will they poach to fill our rank of dead characters no VA bothered to come back to voice?
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cunnygers thread
post them
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Nobody wants C-list idol VAs
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Another hagsex victory
like 90% of them are made by Lraph
It always hits a funny bone in me whenever these browser gacha players begin acting like supervillains only to eat ban hammer shortly after
They just immediately ban evade, like this guy>>483524373
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are we feeling any less gay yet, grubbas?
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yeah, keep posting cute harvins
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none of my posts in this thread were deleted.
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This is when we entered the bad timeline. If only Mimonel had accepted his commission...
That's right
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the power of cunny compels you! stop being faggots, grubbas!
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OH NONONO >>483520808
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it's her!!!
2 questions
General consensus based on description, is GW power boundary power, Omni power, or is this just us getting cancer and weaponizing it?

Kappa summer chronicle this year?
speaking of warped
>Searching for posts that contain ‘shay’. Returning only first 3000 of 11305 results found.
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>Searching for posts that contain ‘seraph’. Returning only first 3000 of 18262 results found.
1. Whatever it is, don’t expect it to be brought up or explained ever again. Cygames doesn’t care at all.
2. Our summer event is Sumo II so no.
Latter I think. Boundary power is just blue hair and bahamut timeline juice stuff.

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What's the point? At the end of the day we'll still just be playing grub anyway. We'll still have the same mediocre writing and treadmill grind loop that they haven't tried to improve on in years. We even already know the full layout of content for the rest of the year; nothing meaningful. The only slight hope at any upcoming junction is that the summer characters' fate eps aren't THAT terrible.
>Searching for posts that contain ‘shart’. Returning only first 3000 of 54541 results found.
Not reading all that. I’ll make grub great again.
Everyone has a Tyra for FA but me..
>Searching for posts that contain ‘troon’. Returning only first 3000 of 85050 results found.
What if Runaru asked you to come to her room just for her to show off her bikini to you because she feels self conscious and nervous about wearing it?
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not a reason to be a homo and a schizo.
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>At the end of the day we'll still just be playing grub anyway
not you though
>Searching for posts that contain ‘He won’. Returning only first 3000 of 475874 results found.
i don't play this shit zombie game, i just come here to laugh at you
Searching for posts that contain ‘retard’. Returning only first 3000 of 4720006 results found.
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nothing wrong with being schizo
just use rat
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cute lulu. wish we had more of her.
*punts every harvin before closing the tab*
Displaying all posts with no filters applied. Returning only first 3000 of 197668697 results found.
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In a world where grub wasn't a deadge completely toileted by its devs, this character would have a gorillion pieces of fanart.
There is no series where midgets are popular.
Unfortunately in this world grub is a deadge completely toileted by its devs, so this character have even less fanart than PozGOD.
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we are trying to make the thread less gay, not more gay.
It's gonna be in all 3 descriptions so it will matter there at least, they care about baha power and if it's part of that it's either the middle ground of Boundary and Omnibaha since the event said we can't actually do that without Cag and the Angel since our OG body would fuck itself(MSQ Danchou can probably do it since Those versions no longer have a physicals body and are considered divine/Primal for now)

Isn't that just the first event during summer? Last kappa was July 14th so we'd still have time for other summer stuff(been 2 years too)
Boundary power was blue but don't the draft looks for tier 2 have the eyes a bit blue now? It's hard to see but those eyes aren't the same and our teir 1 Charge attack does use a blue energy rather than the cyan(?) omni color?

Unrelated and mainly to you I suppose, What look would you have used for the new Divine Danchou who's still technically a fighter class danchou
he uses 2 teams retard >>483520808
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I should've picked dark skypiercer..
What is this meant to convey?
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It's working... the faggotry is being exorcized...
Yes and he uses lucha more frequently so why are you acting as if it's a W for le ereshbroz or something
>doesn't count
She's being zesty and coming onto you
I look like and act like this to female grubbers
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>no webm of him swapping teams
lmao even
at least during water gw faggots immediately provided webm with le sikret troonoz team that top2 used
no webms were made during that time though
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The jew outfit + blue hair is still the best combo honestly for anything like that honestly
You now remember Relink
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I remember
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No I don't.
Came and went like a fart in the wind
Best harvin girl as of late was from Relink nyes
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we should have gotten a Mana series collab
hopefully we still can get it with Visions tho
Yeah I remember Mag's game.
I it's a top tier look for Danchou but I feel it fits more mid game than late mid to early end. Depending on how GW part 3 looks I almost feel it's a nice alternative since we never wear the actual jacket on our arms. Re:link armor would have been a neat addition to the main story though

I feel we need a proper true king outfit soon, imagine the crown
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Does your Bikki carry have a skin, /gbfg/?
Just like Palworld
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no, i'm moneylet and i don't use my precious rat at all this gw
Gal(ge)World mogged Relink albeit.
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>made by you know who
I see why noone made a webm of it this time
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doesn't seem very precious to me.
>66 deleted posts
Lraph went all out on that thread.
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Too bad faggots can only double down on their bullshit when they are confronted, just like w*man.
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>trying to gauge my love with his own views and values
i'll pass, ratbro
i guess i did put her R ver for 95 team

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