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Previous: >>483396017

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Countdown Campaign
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-04 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Countdown Pickup Summon
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "TSUKIHIME" Global Release Celebration Campaign
2024-06-19 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "Main Interlude: Ooku" Release Campaign
2024-06-20 21:00 - 06-27 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] "Main Interlude: Ooku" Release Pickup Summon
2024-06-20 21:00 - 06-27 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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this gudako is quite sexy
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Kama Love!
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I'm saying it's not necessarily related to the Wyrm vs. Worm debate, since it comes with the Vorty name.
UBW is just Nasu's chuuni chant, not even close to a translation
If you think it is that means they translated "He was always alone, intoxicated with victory in a hill of swords." to "Have withstood pain to create many weapons"
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post servants armpits
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30 free quartz soon
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who is kuroha
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It is also called White Dragon of Britain or something similar.
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Is this true, bros?
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I miss big binchi...
some ugly whore
My future wife.
You know what? I think we should get a Kagekiyo summer servant but the entire gimmick is that the first ascension is just the normal Yoshitsune in her normal armor, the second is Yoshitsune in a summer outfit and then the final ascension is Kagekiyo.
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it's my wife
Post-op reviewbrah
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saying toxic unironically is grounds for cutting all communication
who is this man
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Another reminder, in terms of dragons, Wyrm and Worm is the same thing. If something NA was really clever this time around.
She died before blessing us with a swimsuit...
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I don't know about toxic but /bag/gots are pure cancer, I know that for sure. Whenever they pop up on /alter/, they prove it again and again. Maybe it's the brand of /bag/got that is also a gachatourist. Maybe the /bag/bros that stay in their thread are good ones.
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Sashi spotted.
saying toxic unironically is grounds for getting relentlessly shat on
i NEED to have sex with Anning
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I'm going to give bakery some mana bye
Holy based
small cock*
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This reminds me of the other day when a moth landed on my shirt
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Bros when is the prediction for the anniversary and Summer? I blew all I had on Tametomo so I'm on a tight rope...
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Anon spotted.
It's now or never
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are you ready for quick to be saved in 2 years?
anniversary is always the day after anime expo so july 7th, summer is probably gonna be a few weeks after
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i think that if Lucksucker spammed futa he would be loved here
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Punch Bobitch in the face!
Wish I wasn't a city boy deathly-scared of every 6-legged creature.
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I am entitled to a grown-up 100% undisputed female Vinky. I have EARNED her.
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Not only am I ready, in fact I am giddy.
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You can give her a reach around while plowing her tight pussy
don't be selfish
>Gogh + double Skadi + Tamamo + Melt
Bye Kama, I'll be back for you bitch
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I'm gonna give YOU a fucking reach around!
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>thought this was the current thread when I searched because almost a hundred posts had been deleted
What’s goin on /alter/?
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Official sisters of FGO.
waaah its not fair that tiamat is on arcade
t. reddit
Voidstancer spammed cropped porn for hours.
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Little Pawma! I really love these things you know...
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this goblin cosplays as Morgan
most curious indeed
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No, these are the sisters of FGO.
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Beat Bob black and blue!
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Yeah, he ruined the thread for 6 hours, but he did remind me I like competition swimsuits. When life gives you lemons and all that jazz.
Steins' Gate is shit.
I hate Kurisu.
I'm not a Christian but source for this? I'm sure the Catholic church came up with a cope for it 2000 years ago in any case.
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I want to die when I realize my time for snagging and athletic gf is probably over...
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There's a fluffy Kama...
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Servants for this feel?
Wow guys, I found the greatest Musashi armpit licking doujin probably ever. You gotta check this out.
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Go to the woods and pick up random insects you see crawling around. Its fun bro.
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yeah make sure to advertise that he ruined it yeah say it again and dont forget to make multiple messages about it yeah bro you got it
Suzuha is a clear winner, not really a stacked field though. Anyway for me it's
Thank you! I shall!
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hello /alter/
I can't do any of these things
it's over
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wtf, the 2nd based Liz sticky that I've seen this week?
I hate Liz
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52 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
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I would berry my dick so far up her ass whoever pulled it out would be crowned king altria
Lipfags? You love this thing?
Shuten would go for the other lips
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She's an angel(devil)
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On a scale of 1 - 10 how relieved was gilkek that he didnt get called up to deal with tametomo? Tell bailed him out big time
Hello Kama...
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>She's an angel(devil)
I accept her anyway
Karen my beloved...
I need a Da Vinci wife, bros
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>Albert Translation
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>Summer Melt's S3 is bugged
how so
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My king...
She doesn't absorb charge at all.
albert will fix it
give him time
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Iyobros... She is almost here...
if i woulöd see bob on the streets
i would rape her
Now I'm curious if Gogh's curse suck works.
I wouldn't stick my dick inside this thing.
I'd just punch her lights out.
You didn't have to make it plural, anon
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Congratulations, Albert. You've outdone yourself. What will his next trick be?
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We are many!
*makes it rain free quartz*
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Funny Vamp EX
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Sorry it was my fault
I injected so much mana in her she can't absorb anymore
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Sounds like a good way to get covered in bug bites
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It will be fixed
In 5 years
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>bought a google card
>try to buy some quartz
>uhm sorry sweety but we need more information or we can't book the money onto your google play balance, fill out this form
uhm wat? this isn't even the first purchase ever either.
Is there a certain amount that makes their system go spastic and I can fill up my balance with lower amount without trouble or did they go full retard because of some poo card scammers and you have to verify every card now?
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Just not the same without it.
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That's your reward for paypigging
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For me it's my tulpa.
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They will buff it as an apology.
>bait banners right before anniversary and summer

Nice try.
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not kuroha
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>reddit spacing on /alter/
Nice try.
>decide to do my 1 SQ summon during work because of the maintenance not finishing before it
>momentary loading meaning it's a thing I don't have
>get excited cause I might get Kama
>actually it's a CE
>it's my first copeScope
Well that's neat I guess, it's marginally better for my Nightingale than the standard scope.

Reminds me, for support nightingale - scope or her bond CE (10% buff to buster for team, 20% buff to healing)?
So she gains 0%? Or she'll get 60% charge without draining from allies?
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Mohammed Jihad.
Healing potatoes
She gains 0% and drains nothing from allies.
I am going to roll Summer Kiara.
Doesn’t matter because no one will use her anyways
She's excellent. My go-to for most CQs.
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Hag sex
What if Fujimaru Ritsuka was BETRAYED by Baobhan Sith and TRAPPED in her feet worship chamber?
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>Sakura's gets a bunch of tentacles
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Currently playing Fate/Grand Order rn
I recognize this swimsuit!
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You sure this isn't BB?
I'd rather die desu
It's clearly summer bb inspired
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It's a good thing Albert had anni maintenance early! Now he'll have time to fix all these bugs in advance of the half-AP period.
Now that the event is over, we're all just collecting brapples, so really the bugs don't matter at all.
Smart thinking, Albert!
It's the prisma cast
Question for people who finished the Main Interlude. I see on the wikia that there's a "Retrospection Quest" that seems to be a repeat of the final Kama fight. Is this like the Kiara CQ in the CCC Main Interlude where it's an infinitely redoable CQ available for us, or is it a one-time only fight?
Who the FUCK are you talking to, old hag?!?!
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What did Albert do this time?
MAOU SEX!!!!!!!!!!
Infinitely redoable
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Sounds bad. Can't wait for the apologems.
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Most noteble one >>483396086
I encountered this problem as well
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The person speaking to Carmilla out of picture? All me.
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You now remember Nero's most recent buff on her 3t guts giving her 50% np gain up, 50% buff success up, and a 20% np damage up on every guts proc
snake sex
how many worms are in the line in front of me
>50% buff success up
But that's all she needs for guaranteed IP buffs.
Does the game suddenly run like ass for anyone else?
Okay cool, so I can try to fight Kama as a 100% Tokugawa someday. Probably never going to succeed but nice. Thanks Anon.
Sir, please be patient we are working to serve your number as soon as possible, please take a seat.
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It's really not too bad now that we have Castoria, she counters her pretty hard.
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Oberon love!
New unity update
That wasn't unity update btw
It's been dipping for me since around New Year's. Maybe I'll clear cache right after anni.
The game also stopped rotating after the update but I can't prove that I didn't fat finger the phone's rotate setting.
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>ivan skipped in time 6 months
Ahh yeah, the anti-Threat to Humanity buffs. Makes sense.
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Where were you when Nero shat all over Muramasa?
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So that's where the raid went!
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Sessyoin Kiara is a sewer whore
Muramasa can't do it with BG, ocean flier, or scope
If there is enough overflow like this then it could cause some real problems later. People are already saying that some skills aren't working.
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May as well use Seiba ya fuckin fuggoo
Hello bro!
Is it from the Rioka artbook by any chance?
Saber costs more.
Check the video
She also removes debuffs and doesen't care about Kama's invul pierce..
Keep in mind this is a *grailed np5* Muramasa in the video
Yeah but you don't need NP5 to make her work
>check out this faked propaganda video
But everyone has NP5 Nero.
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Hello bro, yes it is. I didn't bother scanning it initially since quite a lot of the art there is already uploaded. I could scan it if you want, I need a break from seeing all this Hokusai and Abby anyway.
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About that...
>NP5 storylock 4*
Anon, I...
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Love watching snowflakes losing their mind over irrelevant bugs
I swear, kids these days piss and shit themselves if a bug does not get fixed in an hour or 2
Back then, bugs used to exist for months, years even
From Atlas:
>It seems the drains on Caren, Yang Guifei, Summer Carmilla, Summer Melt are not activating after NA app update. It's probably a similar situation to the Summer Kiara / Romulus bug where the game code and servant data are mismatched. >https://atlasacademy.io/romulus-quirinus-and-summer-kiara-post-mortem
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Saberkeks, your response?
I don't even have one, so my ears are still blessed.
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I don’t have a single copy and I’ve played since 2017 lol, I do have bride and caster though
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>missing out on this
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>But everyone has
You haven't forgotten about Ooku, have you?
>I could scan it if you want
It would be amazing!
>I need a break from seeing all this Hokusai and Abby anyway
Do you mean ones from their artist’s artbooks? There are definitely A LOT of them iirc.
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Finished it yesterday.
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Even niggerman couldn’t stop what I’ve done
Finished it today. My crits goddess did a fantastic job, I should reward her with some grails.
Awful art, might be the worst one
FGO NA is on decline
Cleared that garbage yesterday and I'd rather not think about it ever again
>go to artists twitter
>nothing but Chinese gachas screenshots
This looks AI generated
Ooh fancy pants rich McGee over here
Fuck you
This is the same artist that's done the fgo en anni art for years
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Just finished it a couple of hours ago. It was comfy to use my favorite on every single node for the sake of bonding.
Haven’t used any apple this time desu.
vou entrar no ooku da kama
It absolutely does not?
>clear out final drops from dogs
>Bakin text box keeps scrolling around even outside the shop
>goes away
>go back to doing Ooku rooms
>the box is half-sized like Bakin's text box
>can't click or scroll past it
>have to restart
What did Albert mean by this? This is fucking stupid.
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Tota's stuff. 140 pages in the one huge set book and then another 30 from another artbook. But alright, I'll get around with doing Rioka's artbook soonish.
Even our artists are getting lazy
It's so over...
>90++ without an event damage CE or a BG
>empty gauge
You didn't beat Ooku
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Post your Max Gauge Kama clears
doesnt count
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Part of me honestly wants to fly all the way to Murrica and go to AX just to attend one of the anniversary panels live
>THAT team
You didn't beat Ooku
>67 turns
Come bakc when you have defeated it with a real team
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>infinite stall team
There isn't a single quality to it that would imply this, and the style is consistent with the artists historical work which has existed much longer than any AI generation could do an image like this.

Please shut the fuck up.
It's cute, especially Protea and Bunyan, but feels kinda unfinished compared to the artist's previous anni works
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Kama isn't worthy of me to go all out
stop getting easily baited retards
Why not? Max gauge Kama gets invul pierce in her NP.
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I don’t have time to 50+ turn it currently but I definitely consider doing it with summer bob in the future.
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Eternal Reminder.
Yeah it's blurry as shit. How lazy are chink artists?
Thank you bro!
>anniversary isn't until the 6th this year
Delayed again
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It's so fucking over, hopebros...
You should know by now that anime expo holds it back
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It's Twitter compression

Also she's from Australia, she's done many arts for FGO NA
They wear Shibari under their clothes for sure.
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I don't think I'll do it again this year, here's the one from 2 years ago.
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new usagicos just dropped
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Post link to her twitter
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From what I remembered his event end dialogues are exceptionally long. The text box might be hard coded for a longer display time, or it will disappear too soon before the audio ends. But they didn't consider the case what will happen if you leave in the middle, thus if you leave the shop then it's still there.
She's drawn a CC and official merch for JP before too
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just google it
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Oh yeah anni July 6th then
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And this is the first non-NA-exclusive CE she's done
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>50 saint quartz
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not liking or sharing btw
JP got more...
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It's a total of 100sq and it could be splitted.
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When will we get the other 20 then? Any ideas?
I'm going to like it but claim I didn't here because likes are hidden and no one will ever know
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oh yeah since those are hidden now I guess they don't even need bots anymore. they can just lie and say they got it every time
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Happy Anniversary, bros!
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I'm not liking or retweeting. Get to work, slaves!
I don't think it was a timing issue. When I left the shop, it popped up a new text box with a new dialogue. And leaving the shop in the middle of somebody talking never prompted that before from my experience so this is part of whatever they did to break the event shop in general like with the shit you see when you collected stuff from the dogs. I imagine I can probably trigger the soft-lock again if I go into the event shop and leave early. But I'm not going to be Albert's QA and it's probably not going to be fixed since the event's over.
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But you just did!.
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>fgo na hits the 7th anniversary
time flies…
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Cute Morgan
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That Barghest's stare, though
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Post your Arc savings bros
>240sq now
>1,000sq when anni drops
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I would if SOMEONE didn't bug my melt's skill.
>0 now
>0 when anni drops
call me based
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morning bros
i refuse
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0 sq, 0 tickets.
Saving mode until summer 8.
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600 now
around 1.5k when anni drops
can't wait for funny vamp!
Epic fail retard
30 SQ, may as well throw a YOLO at her.
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Cute fotm
My last big target.
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>Arc savings
I have 1M FP saved for Xu Fu.
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Saving for the funnier vamp, sorry Arc.
>bobkeks and shit taste
Name a more iconic duo.
You can't.
You don't need to be sorry, you will regret it later, she doesn't get another rate-up
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melu pregnant...
Morgankeks and shit taste
They are about equal, though?
MaleGODS and patrician taste
@ ?
Bobkeks don't simp for a 5/10 mutt cosplayer
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lift weights
>Name a more iconic duo
Li Shuwen and one-hitting Foxes.
she is not preg us just the angle
So do you use Buster or Arts when farming QP? Or Quick.
Me and Void Shiki
Farming QP? What a nostalgic experience.
Both at the same time.
My first time using an immortal team, damn these are pretty neat
Bro you need to use Merlin over Reines here
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Skipping all the sluts and saving for my boyfriend.
This desu
>100 Reines
I dunno, I have some suspicions about your taste.
Weren't you saying another male servant was your boyfriend a few months ago? And another one before that?
To be honest that's just one dude with buyer's remorse after spending $500 on few .jpgs.
For dead weeks and most events, I pick Castorias because +30% NP charge to both starters is convenient. I don't care about card type as long as they get bond, and can AoE.

For lotteries, I pick whatever will get me a reliable 3-turn clear while farming bond.
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No, Mandricardo is my friend, not my boyfriend.
Anyone that's max charge append with a 50% battery CE benefits from it.
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Typical cheating women.
If I get stronger I'll never fulfill my fantasy of being with a dommy mommy stronger than me
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I don't have him.

What are your suspicions?
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>korea is now 3 months ahead of us
Have you kneeled before another superior server NAkeks?
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was this really necessary
I don't know but his obsessive shitposts remind me of that one bjork simp who an hero'd.
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Your Barg?
None of the bond CEs give 50% battery. So I just take like 5-7 turns to clear nodes. When I'm on natural AP, I don't care. I only get to do a handful of runs every 120 AP anyway.
That we might be brothers but it depends on the reason you grailed.
any bros?
She's not real...
Damn, are you serious? Sucks to be you
Butt pain and this guy >>483455284
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just 12 more days bros...
Stop getting mad about stuff people say on a gacha general. It's not healthy.
>(You) and a rope
Around your neck, sweetie
no such thing
>Sucks to be you
Okay? It's not like there's a bond CE out there that's also a NP battery. What a weirdo.
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Lip love!
Habetrot is best girl and it's not even close.
Don't give up bro...
>character is popular
>character gets hated
>/alter/ acts surprised
Every single time
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She's one of my favourite characters, Fate or otherwise, I love how she treats both Waver and Gray and love her story and think she's absolutely beautiful as well.

Here is a commission I got of her at the end of last year.
Flies time...
my dick
in xu fus ass
How much did you pay? And is she level 120 on your account?
Me and getting ignored.
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Oh he mad mad now
>Character exists
>I hate niggers
Every single time
>character gets spammed by one douchebag
>she's popular and /alter/core!
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Sorry to burst your bubble, but the peak of shit taste and the lack of sovl would be dumping once-in-a-lifetime given 900+ sq to the rate up with servants I don’t care about. Especially when clairvoyance EX is available.
Musashi isnt popular at all doe
You mean Musashi? Most of the time she is not treated well and people shit on stories she is in for no reason
That's even more cancerous
I hope I don't get spooked by Arc because I only care about Xu Fu
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Lip love!
>People shit on stories she is in for no reason
>No reason
Man come on. It's not Musashis fault she's in shitty stories but don't say no reason.
Yes, we've already established your taste is rancid shit, no need to dig yourself in deeper.
He is not Arcfag and most likely doesn't even care about her, you know?
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I don't remember exactly but don't think it was a lot. Within $50 - $100 range I believe.

And I'm the anon with the Lv. 100 from above, so nope. I'd like to 120 her but that'd mean two more copies since I unlocked her append 2.
>Altera and unfunny
I mean he got a point here. Name one time Altera avatarfag was funny
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For me, everytime
I like reines because she reminds me daily to never spend money on this piece of shit game.
When he dabbed on saberfags
I wasn’t talking about any specific servants, you know? This was an abstract example.
Careful now, you're crossing a dangerous line.
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No, I actually don't.
And I'd rather things stayed that way.
F/SR is pretty good though and Musashi is in it.
>morganbro making /alter/ seethe
All right with the world!
Yes, Shimousa, Russia and Olympus are great stories and /alter/'s opinion is wrong
You can thank contrarian faggots for that
>anti-morganbro making /alter/ seethe
All right with the world!
(you) like morgan
don't know about /alter/ but this person definitely in a seething mode>>483457380
Wasn't that the 7th time they recycled shimosa? At some point enough is enough.
>adding LB1 to the other 2 shitty stories
You are stupid
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>morgan making /alter/ morgan
All morgan with the world!
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don't know about /alter/ but this person definitely in a seething mode>>483457468
Musashi was in LB1 and she played a huge part in it but this gets ignored somehow
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Chuckled a little bit tbqh.
A dangerous line was crossed at the exact same moment when I decided to start posting here.
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You are not making me seethe, /alter/
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I think "huge part" is kinda exaggerating, she's there to be some extra muscle but doesn't really have any memorable scenes
I'm struggling to remember what she did in LB1 that was of plot importance. I remember her and Billy meeting but not much else.
I'm not watching you vid
>Worth it?
You are rolling for Arc and she does not deal damage
You may seethe now
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Thanks for bringing the pizza for Melt Tuesday Altera!
Chapter was good. Not because of her mind you.
Can't make someone seethe if they are already seething
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>anti-/alter/bro making /alter/ seethe
You love to see it!
LB1 was where you had barely any servants so they padded it out by having Musashi show up and slice Ivan
that's literally all she ever does
>show up
This is so disingenious to me
Chaper which she was in was good BUT not because of her! Nuh-uh!
Make your mind already
HOLY 150!
Holy shit I think I am starting to seethe
Theres nothing disingenious about it. You can like a chapter without loving every part of it.
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I want to motorboat those tiddies
there were other characters in LB1 anon
She can cook....
Based jannies, keeping general clean
I honest to god forgot Musashi existed in LB1.
Yeah, it was good because uh....um....welll...ah...hmm...well there was...no...yeah....maybe...
Nope, there's nothing. It was fucking shit. Now that i think about it, part 2 really was the filler and ordeal call is the filler of the filler.
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Jannies are useless, so it was more likely a self-delete due to extreme butthurt.
There you see it now>>483458757
He is gonna say that 1.5 wasn't good next
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I'm pretty sure Kama made that for her...
it was okay but at least it was better than all the singularities before babylonia
>It's good because nothing happened
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This but LB6
>i am seethegod
I’m not made of fucking money. Put that shit back.
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>literally shaking from sucking in her gut all day
would it not be easier to just lose 10 pounds?
stfu shrek nobody likes you
Holy falseflag
Self delete incoming in 3...2...1...
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Are bobfags the most hated servant posters on /alter/?
For me surveyposters
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Umm, but Altera posting IS funny??
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white woman spotted
Nope, I'm 100% sure the contents of the bento box are fucked because it was made by her.
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What happened, cutie?
Damn her nipples are RIGID.
There is only one bobfaggot and the hate is on par with the kamafaggot.
This is what happens when you let a horny idiot design a character in your vn
>t. Bart Simpson
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The whole fact that it was the introduction to LB and master vs master fights, having kadoc as a foil for guda was good, him planing shit was interesting and Billy was cool. The ending with salieri playing twinkle twinkle little star was phenomenal and a highlight of the whole part 2 arc for me.
Why was an update last night? Are we having a new event before anniversary?
I hate the morgankek named shrek, especially when he falseflags in an attempt to stir shit up .
bobfags don’t exist
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Come back here when you have a better taste, tourist
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OC1 is unironically good tho.
>Unexpectedly canon Holy Grail War
>Insightful dissection of the Alterego class
>Kama for you pandering maximus more than Summer 6
>Tons of FZ and FSN reference
>Tons of Sakura & Rider clap
>Bhima and Durga might be a little bit lacking development but Duryodhana part is very well-written
It's just the excuse for Alaya banning extra classes is shitty and seems like procrastination to the end of part 2 to me.
Cunny Vamp EX
You're not allowed to call out servant related posters that do nothing but shit up the threads day in and day out. You're also not allowed to call out that faggot who was spamming images this morning.
You ARE allowed to sperg out about fictional e celebs that don't exist and are just a figment of our imaginations.
Anni prep and bugs >>483449157, u rike?
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any gooners?
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When was the last time Alteraposting was funny?
Why the fuck did we get an 8gb update
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Did you guys know that Arcueid backwards is Dracula? Pretty cool right considering that shes a vampire.
We got a lot of QoL updates and performance improvements.
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Yes, that's how the things are
Get used to it
>Grail war
>Alter ego
Overused and boring
>FZ and FSN
Old and boring
>Sakura and rider
Boring and overrated
>street shitter servants
Even more boring
never goon
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>summer 7 didn't start until August in JP
How long will we be waiting for Summer? I swear to God if we get a dead month after anniversary
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We're skipping ahead to the final battle against CHALDEAS in antarctica. It's finally over.
>Alter ego
Shut your whore mouth
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T-this anon called our goddess Kama boring and overused>>483460453
Kamabros, let's teach him a lesson by spamming images of our beloved waifu for the next 18 hours!
I'll start
Kama sippy btw
Why are we talking about OC1
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Because you're an iOSer
who is dracula
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Money bills .....
Bro I'm on Android
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I tried to draw Mordred
We've been over it, fucking retard
It's not related to iOS
>t. had this update on emulator and on android phone
Bazett counter is tagged as NP damage, right?
When wasn't altera posting funny?
I hope they have fixed the bug where only some NPs have subs and finally all of them works. I hate Alber for piling up bugs until the game crashes.
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Reminder that Arcueid's rate-up during the 7th Anniversary is the only rate-up outside of the GSSR that she has ever gotten to this day in JP. If you want to get the Funny Vamp, she won't get another rate-up for 2+ years after this one.
Happy anniversary day 1 bros (TRUE).
Now draw Altera.
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Gooning to FGO ain’t ever been the same since the like update
BetterFGO apk is out
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Sorry bro, the ladder has been pulled up on drawing.
Kama posters are going to sperg out
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Looks like Falin from Dungeon Meshi, good art tho
Yes, it's affected by NP Damage buffs and by CE like Black Grail. But don't use Oberon's 3rd skill on Bazett, she falls into the Eternal Sleep before the enemy turn.
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Nice bro
(you) vs (you (past))
Nearest to NA after LB7. I assume that a lot of anons here already have had at least some impression to LB7 and hey it's by Nasu KINOko, how bad it could be?
Go attention whore somewhere else. No one cares.
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I care, and I like it
Impressive, post login streak now
Because we must defend kama. We got mind broken over how shit summer 5 was and we had no choice but to latch onto her in order to cope.
We CANNOT admit that the game is in decline. EVER.
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>summer 5
Like you would know anything about good taste, prostitute simp.
If not for Kama I would not be playing this shitty game, satisfied?
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Thanks bros!
That shit is in shambles. I've broken it like 4-5 times by now, usually over dumb stuff like just forgetting to log in. Christmas was truly the gift that kept on giving.
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I like Bedi
You should try drawing someone else, got anyone on mind?
t. AIcuck
I still remember than one christmas where the game fucking was down for the whole day and the most we got was a golden fucking apple.
It's already a known bug since...
>English subtitles may not be displayed when using certain Servants' Noble Phantasms in battle. (Added on January 16th)
Oh dear...
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Bedi likes you. :D
I don't give a fuck and neither should you
Looks cool bro.
2nd class citizens getting uppity in this thread
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Based mobro
Looks cute even without the ponytail!
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Pic unrelated
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I'm about to get uppity!
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Including you?
>:( Albert Hate!
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Boobzette rape-up when
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>We have many surprises in store for Masters this year so keep an eye out for more details coming soon!
Why? She hits a like a wet noddle unless you NP1250 her.
Does your boyfriend play FGO?
I have been uppity all my life, it was over before it even started! (For You)
But Albert freed us from the constraints of perfect streaks. By breaking all of them, he broke the chains that bound us.
They say this every year
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maybe i want to NP1250 her.
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Hopes and dreams? Buffs and costumes?
What are you on about? It looks alright.
Why didn't you do it 4 months ago?
Nah fuck that he should give us the returning masters bonus' till the end of time for that fuck up.
a broken clock is right twice a day!
Opinion on these posts
Lmfao delusional only koreanGODS get speedup, enjoy your combat update that happened two years ago and maybe another EXCLUSIVE gssr for you na piggies
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NP1 Bazett hits as hard as NP3 Meltryllis (600% x3 vs 1800%).
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Time for a walk down memory lane, bros
blame fate grand order not me
Your surprise will be an Artemis+Stheno rate-up and you will like it.
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Wrong general, NAtard.
I'm not an attention whore!! I'm just a whore.
tell me everything about this female woman
Melt is all about gorilla crits though
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Bazett has 130% Crit Damage.
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NP3 Meltryllis is shit though, so my point stands.
That doesn't make sense.
Check her skills retardbro
Is that not the imouto from samurai remnant
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Play the game
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I usually draw girls I like or make random designs(usually tomboyish). Mordred is one of a few characters I have drawn more than once.
Arigato! I thought it was an interesting idea to draw her without the ponytail.
Why do you enjoy shitting on other servants so much ati?
Who will be the next?
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Post your 3 turn clear of FULL GAUGE Kama with another servant.
There is another retard who is using Melt for crits
/alter/ moment
It's weird for a Dragon Palace event without Kiara, Otohime is in the related servants area of her profile in FGOM.
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>using Melt for anything other than mana transfer
low test
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Are you even trying...
someone has fapped to this
>ana (caster)
>sigurd (saber)
>lan ling (saber)
>ash man (archer)
>caenis (lancer)
>morgan (berserker)
>tez (assassin)
Was that an accident? Even if you pretend its xiang yu instead of lanling as the equivalent 5* in that position, it's still a double with no rider.
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The accusation about the Mélusine incident are false! I have and like Meltryllis, I was just pointing out the numbers that show that NP1 Bazett isn't so bad...
>not letting her dance to her hearts content
Low test.
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Good night, bros.
>off topic 3dpd spam
Correct, it's Xu-Fu as seen from above.
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Any gamers itt?
Nite lippa.
>0 crit bonus
>she gets mind blowing 15%! crit damage up after attacking with a 0 crit bonus card
>now she can crit 15% stronger wow
Okay, you did this to yourself retard
>yeah i spend all day running calcs in FGO for an event 2 years in the future
biggest cuck mindset. just go to /fgog
Night bro, I think I should too call it a day.
Voidstance needs to keep busy while the dogs come back from their break.
>gets crit bonuses
yeah, a crit servant gald we agree
Lancelot isn't bad at all, huh
>Don't play the game because it makes you a cuck
This is a new cope
A very strange one
Are you a zako?
Good night Lipfriend.
So it's Voidstance who is behind these posts? Can't say I'm surprised
Nobody said anything about np1. Only you shitting on np3 and bellow melts.
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Wanna play some halo on pc?
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Gil’s cocksleeve
Good excuse though
Gotta give him that
Are you a whore?
Do Scherezade
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He said that Bazett is weak outside of NP5 120, I pointed out that even at NP1 she's comparable to other ST NP Quick Alter Ego even if they are at a higher NP level.
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>Gil’s cocksleeve
>t. zako
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>Sent, Dracula backwards in all
>t. whore
You could just show her raw damage or any video of her claring CQ, the fact is that you seem to like putting others down now being the second time.
melt sucks? yeah i know if you know what i mean
Need those tits on my face.
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Open your mouth z-a-k-o~
∀ppǝp ɐup loɔʞǝp
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>Sent, Altera in all.
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That's not what I did here or in the previous time. Bazett can't 6CE Illyafest's 3rd rotation as the solo damage dealer either.
What does this has to do with what I was saying?
>I pointed out that even at NP1 she's comparable to other ST NP Quick Alter Ego
>enemy uses 3 self buffs
What a dogshit abortion of a servant.
when are they going to buff regend again?
What do voices in your head tell you, bros?
>That's not what I did here
You quite literally went and said
NP3 melt is worthless, hell any NP is when bazett exists apparently.
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>Sakura appears with a mischievous look
>"guy's that can't be Sakura, it's BB!"
nice try cia
“Order pizza”
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Works on my 120 Melt machine
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>Sent, Altera in all.
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Mom love!
Auntie love!
>NP1 trash vs NP3 garbage
Low stars in general need better stat scaling. Regend's kit is already godlike.
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You forgot that your cute and loveable Liz has Skill Seal and can help servants like Bazett!

That's not what I said...
Head empty no thoughts
"Do it"
>laughs in debuff immunity
>Skill Seal
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Liz is trying her best...
>That's not what I said...
It is, it quite literally is. When people compare 2 servants at different np levels it is to tell other not to waste their sq on the inferior servant.
Cool story but Ea GG
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Usually a lot of things. Why do you ask?
just savescum until they don't use a skill
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>Gets roofied by Kotomine
>Gets her first love stolen by Kotomine
Bazett is a worse jobber than Artoria
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im her first love
>Low stars in general need better stat scaling
yeah, that too.
>Regend's kit is already godlike.
I'll remain greedy though. maybe some new rank for mind's eye (false).
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>enemy uses self-buff skill
bazett sisters.... it's over
Yeah, for like 3 hours straight until I realized maintenance was over
>they are attacking bazett
I can see who is behind these posts
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Nah that one's BB.
The eye and mouth shape are emulating Wada.
I love posters like you…
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how do you do, Cu?
Well, who?
see >>483466340
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Gorilla woman cute!
Gorilla woman sex!
Fuck gameplay or whatever!
im gudao
Imagine Kama and all Sakurafaces drawn by takeuchi
Lurk a thousand years more, newfag
Sakura has a pretty playful personality. She just doesn't get to show it much in FSN because she has Angra destroying her mind for most of it.

yeah me
Well, that didn't answer it at all.
"We can't afford the API call bandwidth since we're drowning in debt, here have some privacy lipservice"
The inadvertent reduced proliferation of FGO porn will unironically deepen its downward trajectory
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Sakura is nothing like Kama
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Takeuchi Lip is actually pretty cute.
Kama includes aspects of Dark Sakura in her personality.
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>The inadvertent reduced proliferation of FGO porn will unironically deepen its downward trajectory
It was already too scarce. There isn't even any good Caenis futa, just a few decent solo images. (pic not rel)
Kama does not have worms and so cannot be god of sex
Reading comprehension bro... I-I ah whatever
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>reduced proliferation of FGO porn
>because of twitter shitters
2022 called it wants it's boogeyman back.
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Oops wrong pic
Pretty sure he did it because of this.
Servants for this feel?
Yeah, the Apocrypha materials said that if Sakura wasn't given to the Matous, she would've been given to the Edelfelts and she would've been doing tag-team wrestling matches with Luvia.
>things that actually happened
Eric Bloodlike
>himiko swimsuit
A cavewoman like her would just go nude
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>dumb musclehead Sakura
Man, I never thought I'd be grateful to Zouken Matou...
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I'm OK with that
>he doesn't want sakura to crush his head with her thighs
Get out of here.
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Caenis has a dedicated artist putting out new futa art like every week
Too muscled
>Bazett can't 6CE Illyafest's 3rd rotation as the solo damage dealer either.
Bazett can't ever do shit as a solo damage dealer because she relies on skill seal which is largely provided by other DPS servants

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