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Previous: >>483435857

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Countdown Campaign
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-04 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Countdown Pickup Summon
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "TSUKIHIME" Global Release Celebration Campaign
2024-06-19 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "Main Interlude: Ooku" Release Campaign
2024-06-20 21:00 - 06-27 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] "Main Interlude: Ooku" Release Pickup Summon
2024-06-20 21:00 - 06-27 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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liz sex
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Kama Love!
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Has anything good happened to you in the last 7 years?
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Lip love!
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What would you do if you woke up and saw this?

I would be lost
Drifting along
Floating up high
Time after time
And there you'd be
Shining brightly
Your smiling face
To guide my way

Bloody and bruised
Brought to my knees
When beaten down
When broken up
You would appear,
Reach out to me,
Heal every wound,
And make me whole
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get up, 180 and walk away
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draco thread next... ?
sex and satanpilled
Maybe next year.
I locked up Ericeanon under my bed
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>Maybe next year.
Draco seggs
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52 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
I wanted to forget that image....
Is she good?
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I feel like Aoko is better
this summon animation is scaring me...
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let her cook
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Best Quick support in the game and best Buster Crit support in the game.
But I don't want it to be Quick, if you know what I mean
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Look at quick loopers vs arts and buster
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Pick one, /alter/
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love this artist
Sucks that her NP is kinda useless. I prefer regular Skadoo's because it's easy to stack the attack and crit bonuses.
you get the option to farm with summer skadi herself instead though
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It does let her be the damage dealer in a triple Skadoo line-up.
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>best Buster Crit support
What makes this extra spooky is that the music stops and everything.
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What am I supposed to see there?
That Musashi is the best followed by Arjuna?
Imagine if Chaldea lost in France and the dragons there turned all servants into their own kind and breeding stock
Skadi gives 100% Buster Crit while Koyanskaya gives 50% Buster Crit. If your servant doesn't care about Buster NP Damage (like Super Orion) then Skadi is the better Buster support.
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Junao is locked to 50% charge and musashi struggles with irregular nodes more than quick does
Koyan has +burster damage and cd reduction over her, but her skills affect one target. I guess I'll bring both in multicore setups?
Anon if you think people are using Koyanskaya for her Buster Crit buff you are clueless
Nobody is going to use Summer Skadi with Buster DPS, I'm sorry
If you want to use Super Orion or Aoko as your damage dealer then Skadi is the best support for that.
Does anyone know the source to that twitter pic that said elons brave new world or something from last thread
Sure, if I would like to 10 turn a node instead of 3 turning it I would use Skadi then, thanks
What if I want to use Phantom of the Opera as a damage dealer?
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>Skadi gives 100% Buster Crit while Koyanskaya gives 50% Buster Crit.
>mfw all these critlets lack a FAT buster up coupled with a FAT crit up and think they're prime crit support
>cherry picking
Does quick really?
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What are your savings looking like and who are you saving for?
>1,078 SQ
>45 tickets
Hoping to snag Summer Ibuki and Summer Skadi when the summer event drops. Arc looks cool but I don't know anything about Tsukihime so I am not summoning for her
idk look up the double phantom faggot's videos.
She also gives 50% buster up and a bonus 50% man attribute dmg, why would anyone use summer skadi over koyan lol
1k sq, going all out for Arc
Merlin gives 50% Buster, 20% Attack and 100% Crit Damage.
Skadi gives 15% Buster, 20% Attack and 100% Buster Crit Damage.

So Merlin looks better, but Skadi's Buster Crit Damage buff lasts 3 turns, she has a 15 Star bomb, a 15 Star per turn skill and gives Buster Star Absorption for 3 turns.
Merlin is only a little better if you need only 1 turn of damage.
>1500 SQ
>100 tix
Really want to ejaculate my stash for NP5 Merlina, but i've learned that is a wishful dream, so gonna divide my funds between her, S.Skadi and Broyager
Because Skadi gives 15% Buster + 20% Attack +50% more Crit damage (100% vs 50%). Koyanskaya's 50% Buster is only better for an NP, not for Crits.
Koyanskaya is better if the enemy is "Man" Attribute, but worse if they're not.
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>670 SQ
>242 tickets
might roll a bit on proto-merlin for summer CEs but most of the rolls is gonna go towards getting summer skadi then dump everything on komahime
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What is going on?
ivan's back with a vengeance
>600 SQ
>want Arc, Merlina, Ibuki, Skadi, Murasaki

Forgive me wallet-kun, I'll have to go all out...
Eye of C’thun Easter egg for the upcoming NA exclusive World of Warcraft collab event
How many big packs are you willing to buy? I'm thinking 4
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Skadi's star absorption is only for 1 turn. But yes, 15 stars a turn is good, however, Merlin's NP also gives stars per turn for 5 turns and they increase with OC, so something like Devilish Bodhisattva allows him to NP turn 1 and constantly feed 15 stars.
3k sq for Arc, rest if any left over for summer.
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>the eight dog warriors were actually traveling through time and space to past raid events to collect mats.
I already buy around 3 big packs a month, but I might have to go to 12 big packs next month.
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Just... a bit... more...
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Summer Skadi then Koma...
Thank you for supporting Fate/Grand Order!
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Nero in the house
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uhhhhh bros? is albert doing his job?
>Our pets took down Ivan from the future
Ohnononono Koyanbros, I don't feel so good...
35 SQ. I just want Skadi, and I'll be able to get her easily.
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Slow and steady wins the race...
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>is albert doing his job?
That's true, but you might want to do something like BNPB with your Orion, so you can't fit in Merlin's NP.
It's all very situational.
Summer Melu is better than Summer Ibuki.
Are my bros enjoying Ooku re-rerun?
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Ran through a trial quest and if you make a choice and then review the script with the triangle button it will show your choice in red like usual but then wrap around to the first few words. Could be one word or even five or more.

>We're not butterflies on a board
would become
>We're not butterflies on a board We're not
here, sorry I had to go out for a while.
I suppose. Just sent a friendly greeting to him in email regarding several new bugs.
Not including this one tho. Guess they will never fix it since event is already over.
But Ati said melu is shit.
No. I don't like the characters in the story, I don't like the map mechanic and I don't find the story itself interesting. The only good parts are the bond, of which I've gotten 100k+ for so little AP investment and some of the corridor text comments are funny at times. I'm glad I'm never doing this again.
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Breakdancing, also called b-boying, b-girling or breaking, is a style of street dance developed by African American and Puerto Rican communities in The Bronx, New York City, United States.
too weird
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BB Cocking channel
180 180 230 vs 110 140 200
180 210 410 vs 110 160 360
Just as Morgan is better than Arjuna, don't let them convince otherwise bro, you know better
Eh, technically at lower NP levels, Summer Ibuki wins since she does more damage but Summer Melu's looping capabilities are insane. She can do 1/1/1 nodes easily.
Adding in Class Score being locked behind the story also means less damage for Melu
Are you in favor of exterminating all the oni?
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Why is Iyo dealing more damage than Melusine?
Melu is shit compared to Iyo
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>I am the floor therefore I am Ooku
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>448 quartz
>82 tickets
All for draco, have a year left so I'm positive I'll at least be able to get her to np3
I don’t get free stuff since I completed the rerun so no
And seriously?
NP5 vs NP1
loli tummy...
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That's right, Kama...
Im tired of these FUCKING corridors
Okay that makes sense, what doesn't make sense is Ibuki's numbers at NP1 though
>She can do 1/1/1 nodes easily.
Why would you use an AOE servant for 1/1/1? And summer ibuki can do 1/1/1 too, anyway https://youtu.be/1Ynq4dansfA
>Why would you use an AOE servant for 1/1/1?
Who is the best for 1/1/1 nodes? Summer Castoria?
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>Rider 1/1/1
You're not even trying.
Try Assassins or Berserkers.
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Little girls are the greatest.
imagine playing ooku
wouldn't be me
You need the exercise fatty. Ever since you walked across through America you’ve been getting lazier and skipping leg day.
1.5k sq
152 tickets
NP5 Aesc (Mostly for Morgan's ascension)
I think Draco is better when she hits her effective damage, otherwise yeah Castoria
Are there any buster st loopers for 1/1/1 nodes?
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mom draco
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>15 hours for BetterFGO to release the update
At least they finally got rid of the "NEW" on the Dress Making button.
NTA, but I'm not rolling for multiple copies of aoe ssr to loop 1/1/1 assassins
Shut the FUCK up Leonidas
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>out of all the Beasts, all of the ones that manifested in the body of a woman in some way or another also manifest in the body of a little girl (Draco, Tiamat, Kiara, Kama)
>therefore little girls are the ultimate representative of humanity
What did they mean by this
Me in the middle lap soon
It's Himiko, idiot
Me in the right lap soon
Sei next
not fair... theres only whore lap left for me...
No reason to roll for Summer Melu if you already have high level Summer Ibuki.
who did it better?
Liking her is a reason.
What is this?
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>like her
>stopping at NP1
No you don't.
>anon thinks the Beasts are the ultimate representative of humanity, not the Grands who are the ones who represent the ability to overcome the woman.
You're never leaving Gaia, I can tell.
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It is what it is.
why would I want to leave? there's women (lolis) here.
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me getting ready to have sex with old men for money
Isn’t this the 3rd?
>What did they mean by this
Well I don't like her either, no reason to roll for me
You dont need to.
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Damage comparison as in JP with just their self-buffs and niche damage targets.
I didn't Aesc.
>meet a loli
It's not even working out for you in that way either.
Ibuki favoritism
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it has been bothering me for a while now...
isnt mom (true) a little... retarded?
Log in
Log in
Get it twisted
If you log in you can do anything
Get it twisted
Your summons impact nothing
Your Fate(/Grand Order) is predetermined
The only thing that you can change is how much you save
You can win any battle you set your mind to
The game is a playground designed for you and only you to reach Lv. 160
If you don't login until your AP has already run out, nothing can stop you
If you use soulless supports, nothing can stop you
Get it twisted
You are a pawn in someone elses support list
You mean nothing to other players if they even exist
You are a single player
You are one GSSR purchase to the biggest gacha game
Get it twisted
Everybody gets the servants they deserve in this game
If you put in money, you can get anyone
Whale people are better people
Get it twisted
The circumstances surrounding your birth determine how much SQ you can buy
Nothing else matters at all
Your own account level, your attitude, your servant levels, your support list, your saving, your grailed servants
>What did they mean by this
You are making it confusing, anon
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Does anybody actually have this manface grailed past 100?
She pretty smart by turning into a little girl to weaken our defences.
Mmm retard hours
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What did Mata Hari mean by "Tamamo type"?
>Kiyohime says Tamamo is the type to believe obedience is bliss and will melt when a man looks at her
>Osakabehime is one of her online domestic animal friends and calls her a fierce arguer for making her prioritize her bat motif rather than her kitsune nature
>Nero is her rival and jealous Tamamo got a swimsuit before her
>Ibuki/Shuten Douji don't have lines with her despite being two of Japan's Three Great Monsters
>in Sakurai's stories, everyone thinks she is someone who is vain and uncaring on the outside, but very considerate and devoted on the inside
>for (You), Tamamo is vulnerable and adoring; aggressive when in swimsuit
>674 saint quartz
>25 tickets
Saving for Summer Ibuki-Douji, then freezing my spending until Tiamat and Barghest next year. It is tempting to roll for Scheherazade, Kama, and Summer Ushiwakamaru, but I know I'll regret it forever if I waste even a single shard of SQ on them. I can get any servant I vibe with, but ambivalent rolls (utility, coomer, etc.) are quartz sinks.
This is their base damage >>483476320
This is the damage if they hit one or more of their special conditional niches. >>483475125
>No loli form for Summer Ibuki
What did they mean by this?
Disregard Beasts, acquire Foreigners.
Uh..I don't know what you're saying.
Little Kama...
Anyone with a 30% charge on a 6t or lower cd
Coomer class. No thanks.
Small developed minds like small developed bodies
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retarded girls are cute unless they are french
Name them
Accurate. No man can understand the shit women speak at the best of times.
Bro this is without the 1.5x berserker advantage
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She means that Kiara stinks.
I see, but where does this bring us? We should skip Ibuki and wait a year?
Both is good
Multiple 120s
You're right, I'm dumb.
Says the man playing a coomer game.
Mine is 120.
Means Kiara is a good wife.
I wish Kawazumi were a mom already.
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They wanted me to save my sq
This reminds me of that one doujin about the kid that had a grandma that was a fox girl and they had sex and then it turned out both of them had a scat fetish so they started just hyper shitting everywhere and had shit baths and ate it and the grandma was hot as fuck, seriously her design was one of those where I liked it enough that I wish she was in an actual manga.
I think she meant the dangerous and possessive type
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Kiara is like Tamamo.
believe in albert
link pls
Nero's poop as your pizza topping
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Mhmmm, delicious
Haha, no.
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Found it.

"A Golden Week in August Playing with Grandma" / " 8gatsu no Golden Week Obaa-chan to Asobou!" by Radiohead
Tamamo is anal virgin
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here,NAI was not being cooperative with her
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There's a reason S Ibuki is 2 tiers above S Melu

Hmm, I don't know why the graphic shows medb as having 30% charge, though, when I deselected the option for "allies aside from self". Perhaps if another servant was able to give medb the male or fae trait she'd get the 30% charge which is why she's included? (Also Roland is a 30% charger, it's just a split 20% and 10%, but he can buster loop just fine)
Worst swimsuit ever
It does indeed, my queen *mwah*
how do people play this trash after playing something good like hi3 or hsr?
Albert has convinced Nasu that lolis are bad and now we will never again get another loli Servant.
Look at summer Wu, haggified.
Lolikeks LOST.
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My mermaid/nun/therapist/beast lovely wife.
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This game is more like a vn with an autobattler compared to them
I like the writing and character design more than other gacha games
Will this ever be elaborated on?
>Did you seduce the Emperor and kill him?
Yes; No
>Did you blaze through Asia as Daji and cause countless horrendous affairs?
No; No
>Did you seduce other political figures in your quest for love?
Maybe ;^)
The only other men we have confirmation of are her previous Moon Cell partners in the Extra world. Otherwise, she spends all of her time posting on her femcel forum with other significant youkai.
who's the father
>vn aspect complete shit compared to actual vns
>gameplay aspect complete shit compared to other gacha
>character designs are immediately forgotten whereas simple swimsuits in other gacha get 10 booru pages in a day
it's over
How good is Astraea as ST looper dps compared to Vlad?
Have you been finding a lot of success utilizing her?
Why the fuck would I want to play a "real" video game?
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i love this dumb retard expression sheets
I want for her to be happy not miserable. I bet she still doesn't forget about Albert's betrayal cake.
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For farming she's a little bit meh outside her evil niche, she's a lot better at CQ
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she needs child support come back father
she looks like she belongs in asylum
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I play HSR daily and I find FGOs gameplay more interesting.

>but it's just farming
That's as true as saying most of HSR is farming which in that is literally autobattling.

Both games shine in their challenge content and as far as that is concerned FGO has a lot more going on, more interacting layers to its battle system to consider, and a significantly higher roster size and set of niches to consider. Both games are ultimately about team synergy creation and games about that inherently feel better the more options they have.

That said I like both games. I love my wife Silver Wolf.
Isnt Castoria also a beast for Cqs? Galatea should be good too not as good as castoria though
She's the best servant in the game, but this is a ST DPS tier list and thus she's not on it
What is wrong with japanese
This is the ST list, not the CQ list.
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post your moc 12 clear
HSR has a better story, especially since Acheron's arc
>Silver Wolf
fucking pedo
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>6 years later, there are retards who still believe the shitposts about the cake supposedly being fake
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>Chink slop #4 has a better story
nasu enjoys it so :)
That a cow woman.
You didn’t say she had a dick
nothing wrong with being a pedo
Man, I meant ST castoria... could
you not tell?
Nikke story is really good
Nasu is a known slop enjoyer. He plays Elden Ring after all.
>Finally going through Traum
>Hundred Faces gets new portraits just to instantly job anyway
lmao even
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I don't play Chinese games, and I especially don't read soulless Chinese stories.
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Nasu enjoy's Hazbin Hotel too. Does that make it good?
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for sure, and he occasionally writes slop too, like lb6
Oh yeah? What is it about?
>he says while posting a picture of a turtle who is also an entire island
I agree. I enjoyed Salem more.
.....uh..yeah, we dont like that here right bros
ha aha
>HSR has a better story
you are fucking retarded
space china and penacony sucked major ass, yes worse that agartha, it was THAT bad
But they’re best when they’re together
stop avataring with this traitorous faggot
Big fat shits
niggas read tunguska and then have the gall so shit on the stories of gacha they haven't played
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I forgot that part. The shit everywhere was more memorable. She does have a big fucking dick though yeah
Salems setting is cool and a better writer could’ve done so much more with it
we all collectively acknowledge that tunguska sucked
You cant always win. Not even every time.
but you read lostbelt 3 and you play this game, and japan belongs to china
Do you miss Con?
tunguska >> ooku
Tunguska is unironically 10x better than the plots of chinkslop gachas. At least Tunguska makes you feel things, it's full of imagination and creativity, whereas chinkslop is so generic that it might as well not even have a story at all.
>Oh yeah? What is it about?
humanity living underground after losing a war against alien robots, only way to fight against them are hot cyborg girls, but jokes aside the story gets very dark at times
I completely forgot what the special con greeting was so my answer is probably no
Thats just Terminator doe
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LB2 > LB6
Have you done any Schez, I bet the AI will be stumped
thats just war of the worlds doe
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>only way to fight against them are hot cyborg girls
Nigga, you serious?
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This is unironically true. Tunguska has fun gameplay, doesn't shit on your favorite Servants, and, unlike Kama, Vitch actually has a personality.
Alright if the story is that good it should be memorable as well. So tell me what happened that led to Guda meeting Sitonai.
You both are retarded. That's Matrix but without Matrix part
there's o male Nikkes, just some dudes with augmented transplants here and there that also live longer because of that
urinal night, bros
how can it be matrix if its without the matrix smartass?
Don't bother, Kiaraman(?) has made a habit of baiting people by arguing that LB2 is good.
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Lemme break it down for you:
Shimousa > LB2 > Tunguska > LB6
Got it memorized?
It just gets better and better
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not really
Yeah, I guess the bottom of the barrel tripe for philistines has to be tiered too.
Erm... chud... are you proposing Heian-kino is lesser than LB6? Retardgod...
Yes, Shitmousa > 2 LBs (1 and 5.2) > Salem > LB6
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With the normal arts supports she does well looping. Especially if I can get Arts extra chains with her star bomb I get nearly 300% NP overcharge. I use her when I can in 90+ nodes and even with just support Castoria she does well. Her damage against Evil modifier is awesome and helped me so much when I started FGO with bosses. I wish that 90++ node with the 1mil+ BB would let me use Astraea but unfortunately BB doesn't have the Evil trait.
This was my lineup this last 90+.
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Do they have sex with horses though?
No Sashi deducts 6000 points sorry
Guda, Mash and Napoleon went to Skadi's castle and tried to sneak in just to get caught(just as planned) and be sent to a jail, where they met Sitonai. Though she was in her spiritual form all this time, and she came to him in a dream at first.
DOUMAN, no...
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Based Columbus helping (me) earn the big cash
Uh, missed a bit.
Who fucking asked? Don't get this shit started
Why is there an 8GB data download
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He >>483480353 literally asked it.
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Grandsummonerchads won...
You realize you're the 100th person asking this? Read the previous threads and don't waste our posts for discussing what has already been discussed many times
Cool, I can't remember anything about LB 2 other than everyone falling in love with or admiring OOOOOOOOOOOOO so good for you, anon.
It's all good. The anon can back up his claim. That's fine in my book.
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Ophelia deserves love.
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I remember everything about LB2 even though I speed read it, interesting isn't it?
Aoko serenade sex
Who are some interesting edgy / dark FGO artists to follow? I have a shortlist of favorites on twitter but I need more.
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>duh duh duhhhh you can't play wonderwall on a bass guitar!!!!!
Shut the fuck up, Aoko doesn't play bass, Ebora is just a hack artist.
Look you can clearly see that both her guitars are 6-strings.
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So how many SQ are we getting this anniversary? Will something big drop at the end of this countdown or is it just the 30 SQ tomorrow?
I will bow play this game.
Uuuuh, there isn't one
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Post Nubian prizes
just wait until it launches and find out if you don't know by now
Unfortunately, 30 SQ is all we'll get, bro.
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>Vitch actually has a personality
>hates humans
>loves animals
>career woman
Hmm, is sakurai a misandrist aging cat woman? Koyans her self insert then
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Thoughts about 12 year old girls who are thirsty fro your cocka?
q(x)=(5^x)*x+6 where x is the number of crossplay sluts from /alter/ Albert has sex with in the next 48 hours.
melu just had to have molested percival a bunch during their training, no way she hadn't
You can count it up right now. 3 sq for each max ascension servant you have that's not a welfare
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Literal the ideal woman
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Filtered it.
you can't molest a male
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I would too if I were his teacher.
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>You can count it up
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suddenly got an urge to AI gen some Nitos tonight
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Does it count as crossplay if I only did it with characters that wear shorts? Linne from Under Night In-Birth and Hilda from Pokemon specifically.
But this requires actually doing something. What if I just started? I thought anniversary is supposed to give hundreds for free.
Be sure to share with the class
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good night bros
good night, friend, even though it's only 5 pm
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>Playing bass with a pick
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>three... six...forty-eight...
Is Draco this year?
See >>483481613
you'll still get 3sq every time you upgrade a servant to 4th ascension, you just won't get that sweet dopamine hit of taking the fat load all at once.
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As I don’t have one >>483479463 has my thoughts on this matter
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>that sweet dopamine hit of taking the fat load all at once.
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oh hey, it's my favorite floor! the SHITTING FLOOR. time to SHIT on this FLOOR. the SHIT FLOOR.
What's wrong with picks?
At least find a bucket or something you fucking animal
There are quite a few prominent bass players that use a pick.
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Nope. We just had our collab for this year.
He is literally me fr fr.
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He is literally me fr fr.
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He is literally me fr fr.
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no time for bucket. time for SHIT. SHIT aaaaaaaaaa oh shit
I like the 11 year old ones.
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He is literally me fr fr
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Is that so...
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I really shouldn't but i must
oh right I made more book
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why western art is so ugly?
why are (You) so fuckable, bros
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Why is Raikou like this?
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>Genghis Knot is still at it
Impressive stamina.
In order to seduce men and collect mana from their semen.
why she is a naruto dog in this?
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at least 1
God I want to be a cartoonishly ridiculous bimbo
It's some AI generated shit. I wouldn't think too hard about it
I gameplaygrailed Melusine and Arjuna hahahahahahha im invincible!
Raikou is a legendary beast.
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I want to deepthroat Okita and then she coughs blood on my dick and then i push it inside her vagina while she keeps vomitting blood.
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There's Little Kama...
Voidstance activate!
And then she dies and i continue to penetrate her.
I don't. That sounds unpleasant
Ok fag.
God I fucking love horses I wish I could give up my job and my home and my life and move into a side room of a stable and marry a stallion and wake up every morning to wash him and shovel his shit and service him and let him use my body until I get pregnant with his twins
Sis, you're leaking...
please marry me i will support you if you let me watch in the corner
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grown man typing this and hitting enter
I don't think many woman are willing to move to Russia
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bros, i'm about to goon my brains out
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>Kazikli Bey but with silverware
Alice seems kind of overpowered.
>shovel his shit
Lmao of all things to specify with the rest of your post
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Meltrylis reference?
its a fucking plant you moron
i did that last night
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Little Cutema...
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As was foretold
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it was a joke
i hope your kid gets indoctrinated into a far right or far left group
Horses shit a lot. It's not an authentic appreciation of them if you can't handle that.
Your life is a JOKE
Yes. Very astute, the sacred and the propane
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i dont say this often but you need to die
Imagine her biting on yoru cock
Horse girls really are devoted… remind me to not let gudako near the chaldea stables
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Who was in the wrong here?
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George was wrong
Dpd the latest update screw up screen rotation?
Mine rotates just fine doe
Why summer Archer ascension 2 Jeanne d'Arc HATE? I don't understand this /alter/ hate.
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How long have you been a horse girl and why/when did your appreciation turn to lust. A girl I like is one…
Mom would not say that
Post things Jeanne d'Arc would say if she was grailed.
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The part she wouldn't say is "I don't say this often" lmao.
god is great or something
I’m retarded because all my writers are retarded and even my foundational beliefs are somehow forgotten or twisted depending on who’s writing me
“Finally that dragon dick can knock me up”
That's literally Odu Nobunaga writers?
That's every Servant doe
I wanna rewrite Gudao to be a fleshed-out class-A badass MC along the lines of the SMT protagonists like Aleph and Nahobino for my own fanmade Arc 3, because Lasagna is way too slow to progress the story and get things going at all nowadays. Any suggestions?
Post things your Gudao would say after beating a Lostbelt Crypter.
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Please, continue to support your cucked server, NAcucks.
I just watched the Zi-O Over Quartzer movie last night and that's pretty accurate, I guess.
well, aftre some goofy pics and some rng, I actually got one of my favorite pics ever


some other results, teh ai kept giving me blue skin vritra and rnadom girl with bllue skin and black hair

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>Yuyu drain NP doesn't work too

Surely they will not fuck up sq rewards during anni :*)
I don't understand cyrillic
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Make him super gay, actually don’t know why I specified that he already is. But part 3 would be him sucking and fucking every cock on the planet to save humanity from the cancer inducing semen the foreign god inflicted on the planet upon her defeat. Gudao could use his badass female form magic to help with this, there will be a new hostile faction trying to harvest the semen themselves through human farms
Nahobeener was more or less a silent protag, wasn't he?
is that russian? i hate russiana
You will still buy ze gssr
and nothing of value was lost lmao
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>7 interludes
>2 SQ quests
>still didn't finished Traum

Ack-chual content, bois!

0sq. it's not as bad as it sounds because this summer has nothing for me outside of the welfare and I don't like Arc's gameplay/any of her outfits at all. if I roll for summer ibuki, arc, or summer skadi I've accepted that I'm a hopeless retard gachacoomer that will roll for anything just because it's new.
don't forget gogh
You know those like 2 times in these story where he speaks normally in the dialogue box like everyone else? Do that all the time and have him give actual input on different scenarios. Some dialogue he says should depend on the popup choices you get. Next give Mash an expressive personality that he can bounce off. Then finally, don't make him avoid drinking or reject every advance from a servant like a pre-teen, and make him acknowledge advances and flirting from servants who make sense like Melt, Castoria, Mash, etc if the player selects that choice.
So is it all the drain skills like bob and euryale too?
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>30sq or whatever
>4 tickets or whatever, I don't count

Waiting and Hoping for my next favorite shiny jpeg thingy
that's not enough for np2 arc anon
hope you have money to buy SQs
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>np2 arc
>he doesn't know I'm immune to BB agenda and /alter/cuck brainrot gachaism

Not immune to void stancing cuck
Statistically speaking, he probably has a compromised immune system anyway
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You’re into BBestiality?
I love Sashi.
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>compensation: 1 bronze apple

Don't forget to paypig 15 dollarinos, NAcucks
Can you do Merlina?
Nobody's got aids, and I don't want to hear that word in here again!
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bad memories with gaylord experience in London, okita trooncuck?
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Chiyome deserves hugs, in my opinion.
Hanging out with Kama in the 69 room
hehe 69
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Consider using Caren/Yuyu/S.Melt at least once, because these niggers don't give out compensation if you personally didn't encounter the bug.
>just found out draco is ST
I've never lost interest in a servant so fast. one less thing to save for but man is that disappointing
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based sovless gameplaycuck
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Wait what happened while i was out? did albert tripped of with the server power cable?
That's retarded. If they aren't giving it to everyone, they're giving it to the people who have them. They wouldn't bother to do anything that takes more effort to validate.
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>they're giving it to the people who have them

Dat'z right. Should have roll for superior servants (except Meltcuck)

Now you will miss out on 30sq AND whole 1 golden apple!
Thank you very much, anon. I actually forgot about that so I spent 3AP on a Fuyuki X-A run just now.
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>6 more available interludes
>5 more interludes until 10sq

It might be retarded but that's how they did it with Liz's challenge quest.
>hawk thua room
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>360p Brap NP video in Percival interlude

We love high quality FGO mobile gayme
in case you meant the nsfw ones
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Sei sei sei...
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moosh moosh moosh...
>Mighty Chain
What else could they add? 1 turn reduction on all skills if you unlock all 3 appends on a servant?
What did they give out
>"Kadoc MacPollacks, you Slavs really hanging out in the cold, do you? How do you even manage to satisfy Anastasia with your freezing shrinkage? You know what you ice age people like you deserve for Christmas? A million tons of burning coal freshly made from the pits of Hell, right after I send you fuckers to the showers!"
>"Ophelia, I guess you need a second eye patch so that you don't see in the mirror what kind of bitch you have become. You're so detestable and ugly not even a fatass redneck wanna fuck your Ann Coulter-looking cunt!"
>"So you're actually the woman who is married to that centaur dude, right, Paisen? Gross! It's a shame because I'm not ashamed to admit, I wanna tap on your erotic body, but now, not even Quagmire would wanna bang you now that you have horsedicks up your poo poo gai pan ass!"
>"Hey, Pepe, your local gay bar called. They said they want you to stop lollygagging in this Lostbelt and come back there and give them daily servings of used torn-up rectum!"
>"Wodime, I will admit as much, you are the first guy since Goetia that's given me this much of a challenge and put me closer to defeat and at death's door. You are indeed one of the strongest mages and I have nothing but respect for you. But I'm sorry, I cannot agree to your conviction. I have a humanity to save and a world to return to. And rest assured, I won't forget any of this."
>"Out of all the shit I've seen, you are broke the top level of shitbag douchefuck scale, Beryl. You know what, you're not going to Hell because not even Beelzebub's pitchforks or Gacy's ballsacks would want to come after you."
>"You know what, Daybit? I'm out of words. I'm too exhausted and tired at this point. Good Lord, you are something else. And I thought Wodime, Beryl or those Faes were bad enough. I hope you die in a fire or... something, because a double middle finger is not even worth describing all the shit I went through lately because of you. Have a good day, sir."
Something like that.
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150lvl next

But you need NP10 for more coins. ;)
saw a girl at the grocery store that looked exactly like aesc
>anni countdown ends on the 4th
so, arc on the 4th and not the 6th?
One (1) gold apple.
The con event is the 6th
Did you punch her
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based retard
Don’t be greedy
Good thing you aesc her out, right anon?
i didn't want to get testicular torsioned
We already had the con event???
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he really is retarded. Maybe a turbo touristcuck too
No, the other con. Saw con
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Sow con
Whoa... pretty cute and adorable. Thank you.
How the fuck did this game last past the first year? I still can't wrap my head around it
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he is very agressive today, fiddo must have left him out of the room.
He was spamming all last night too
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look at this
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and fanatics like this
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I breed this
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Way too fucking big.
He forgot to buy the dog treats again
Permanent damage bonus from bonds just like in Solomon.
>Scroll through thread
>See the usual pics (know that I don't have to read them)
>Exit thread and go masturbate
Pretty cool, I suppose.
Fate IP, shrimple as
Great suggestion. I also wanna make him more active, especially in combat. And at a later point, give him a new special Mystic Code that turns him into an active combatant with attacks. Any Servant age 13 and above is game. Also, what's is the problem with avoiding drinking?
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Abby… I’m sorry… I lost to that horse image again today… it was posted here don’t blame me
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>Scroll through thread
>See ze usual suspect that I hate
>feel le bad. Day? Ruined. Exit thread and go cry in pillow

/fgoalter/ 2024
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I guess I'm the extra class...
Please update your shitposting list, lucksucker. None of the newfags know about those guys
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How do we save our general?
Have a mod briefly show up I guess
Is this true
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keep going
Honestly I'm in awe of the kind of mental illness superpower that allows a person to stick to shitting up a general for the entirety of their waking hours days after days, weeks after weeks, and years after years.
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It's beyond saving. You either get a janny to nuke it and we go completely dead, or we carry on like this.
/alter/ cannot and should not be saved
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But who we blame for the state of this general?
later i want to keep experimenting with manga styles
It doesn't need saving. At least compared to /fgog/.
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The cuck is still mad his spam got deleted last night.
You guys don’t browse other generals if you think alter is bad
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Maou is the best cuddle partner in FGO. She can control her heat and has a cape, which means you can be cozy and toasty at Anytime.
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>this isn't even her final form
Fix the bugs. Then we play the game. Then it doesn't have an audience.
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you can blame me
It's all my fault
Give some examples please. And is it really a universal law that there must always be a resident autist in a general?
>So mad he messed up the shitpost
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Musashi Miyamoto is the best cuddle partner in FGO. She can control her heat and has a fancy kimono, which means you can be cozy and toasty at anytime.
I wanna see all of them with Aoko's sharkface.
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I beat the ER DLC. It was pretty good, I'm happy. Wanted more of a close out though.
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Welcome back gaybro, now please put on the cosplay and assume the position
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Make Monk in Toriyama's style.
What's wrong with using Jeanne d'Arc Archer swimsuit NP3?
I'd rather not draw attention to them, but a certain single player game I get the urge to replay time to time has a general that's still around for some reason, and a fair amount of time I pop in there after like half a year or more and it's either two schizos that know each other from other communities arguing with each other or some other spurge talking to himself about some RP run
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>6 years ago

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how are people so fast?
i'm still exploring the first part of the map
>hairy albert....
I basically no-lifed all weekend. it's actually insane how many areas they squeezed into that map and the crisscrossing weave of tunnels and Z-axis levels. There are some really cool areas so have fun. You can explore a really, really stupid amount of areas without fighting even a single boss.

Now to just wait for FGO Anniversary.
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>Z-axis levels

Liu Bei. If a general is ruined, it's because of his shit choices.
His Shiki accidentally got some dog cum and pussy juice on his face from her climax when he was copying your post.
Why are Russian girls so easy?
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> And is it really a universal law that there must always be a resident autist in a general?
Generally yes, I’ve tested this by going into random generals and doing a few shitposts which were immediately met with me being called some guy I had no idea about. The more popular a general the more likely there is to be one because they need the attention. Also, the people calling it out contribute to it because every time there’s a shitpost even if it’s not them, you’ll have them barking their name which only fuels the autists to do it more.
What would you be willing to do in order to get out of there?
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i guess people enjoy these games differently, i just love taking it slowly and looking at all the small architectural details
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so kino! Worth my monthky 500$

other gacha slop can't even compare to this level of cinema
I think you meant to quote
To be fair I took it very slowly and found almost everything except one minor boss and a couple items apparently. There are quite a few gorgeous areas later on so you'll be eating good.
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yeah :)
I think a bunch of welfares become available again later. I just haven't paid attention because it doesn't matter to me
We start getting evocation festivals that give out old welfares and coins for them
sure give me a min to see if I can
My old dog just died
>new players just get a welfare after spending a new daily currency, know nothing about their event or character
Based, they really know what the players want
Honestly fairly kino

I got goosebumps
Someone Arcpill me. If you already have literally any other looper, what makes her any different? Anyone going for her will pretty much need to NP5 her.
How is this any different than rolling a ticket on story and getting Nitocris alter
most people already had a full build ready to tackle it, I sure did with my INT one
impenetrable thorns is busted as fuck and will get nerfed to shit, basically you kill anything with it in like 2 or 3 casts
Sorry to hear that.
Something something party NP charge for multiple damage dealers.
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>Anyone going for her will pretty much need to NP5 her.
*Blocks your path*
funny vamp
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This seems a lot like the Vorpal Blade and the Jabberwock in Fate/Extra.
? Everyone has access to the story, a new player cannot access an events story
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Prefiero jalarmelo
finish your threads
But what if I don’t have Nero Brider0dd
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>level 100 event CE
fuck you
go cry to the mods to rangeban the guy who makes 100+ deleted posts per thread. it's out of our hands
I'm sorry bro, at least you gave him a good life
kind of works?
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That model is really fucking ugly, please don’t post it again
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Raikou is really fucking ugly, please don’t post her again
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But you, I'm afraid, are maidenless.
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for you >>483482705
went to make a couple Nitos after arriving from work, unfortunately it's mostly softcore stuff


first time sharing
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T. Fag
I can't tell. Am I looking at AI or a real figure.
In fgo when
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I still haven’t bought the dlc, mom.
the only AI that can do convincing figures is Microsoft's super censored AI
Why do people hate Raikou. I think she looks nice.
It's a 90++ lotto what the fuck do you expect

Borrow one but it's your fault for not having her
Momster ball
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>Seibah is actually in the fucking ER DLC
Pretty good
Why does JP get 100 SQ and we only get 30
>our Sanzang doesn't do a Kamehameha.
Now that's just a missed opportunity now isn't it? At least Ergo does something similar.
Its just one loud fag
I think a lot of women hate Raita’s exaggerated proportions he draws for his girls.
I’ll seek that Elden ass instead.
Why does everyone else get the pizza while I only get the crust?
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the players put more in, they get more out. sorry but that's how it works, leech.
/alter/'s energy?!
Remember the thread where /fgoalter/ debates religion and God two years ago? >379714769
I'm surprised no one brought up the fact that the Counter Force Alaya is something that was never really an inevitability or the possibility that man can have free will completely independent from any inner or outer force, unknown or otherwise. Like in LB7, the alien particles that became the Malla served as the Lostbelt version of the Counter Force for the Deinos. It is just a concept that came out of nowhere and was never some sort of omnipotent force that always guided humanity in every single time of their existence.
I really hope we get to explore the darker side of Alaya and the Human Order more explicitly and the possibility to completely sever yourself from it, fight Alaya itself and make a humanity, a new world and a future where you yourself are in control of your fate and nothing else. After all, for the duration of the Ordeal Call arc, Chaldea is severed and kept out from the Human Order due to the use of Extra Class Servants.
They're distributing it differently, we'll get 30 from the day, 50 from the active social media campaign and the last 20 from some other random shit they'll do.
What service, program or website did you use?
I wanna try it out!
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So you’re saying we can replace Alaya?
Which servants will be able to beat Sukuna?
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Had to switch the lane
Big weight
Big trapper
The pink cheek clapper
The dream team batter
I’m a snake, fuck a ladder
The diamond pitter patter
I drank so much purp
It turned purple in my bladder
We know where you live like we Nardwuar
Doodaloot yo ass, wit that fa fa
They thought that I was stupid, bitch, nuh uh
Keep my fucking name out ya mouth like the hard R
Li Shuwen diffs him easily.
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keep posting this model, manchild chud
Yes. But replace it with nothing but ourselves.
Novel AI
the fucking vampire servant skill drains don't work either? it all just "Miss"es?
I think last year we got the same amount as JP but it got spread out through different streams.
How can Li get past domain expansion?
Cute momtato
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I’ll figure something out if it means I can get her back.
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Peak Milf of FGO
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I've got a lora for local SD that does them decently well. It's more generic anime figure type than that style though.
Sphere Boundary ez.
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We’re getting an Elden Ring inspired NPC in FGO for this now.
fucking love my grailed Jeanne d'Arc summer
one thing about dealing with titty monk is taht even in lewds the AI wont take her hat out lel
Onee-san doing 9,500,000+ damage per wave! I love my Onee-san!
We posted about it when her artwork was first revealed dude
Heya chodes. What's crappenin'?
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fucking love my grailed Miyamoto Musashis
It should though because the hat is easily the ugliest part of her design. The first ascension hat only barely gets a pass.
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Jarcher Ascension 2
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Assuming this is the anon who was able to make Kazuradrop and Violet, were you able to generate Demeter or Aphrodite last night?
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I want to sniff her braps
You must be new here. There's a Raikouschizo who ruined her reputation in /fgog/ and /alter/ by being psychotic and cuckposting. Since LB4 released in JP, I think?
best part is the hat getting a hat sometimes instead of replacing it,

no im not
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prisma illya ending
Anon she one of the most popular servants here. A few loud mouths don’t mean shit to begin with.
That's some "buy a hat for your hat" shit right there. Actually sorta looks better with two hats to be honest
I don't think /alter/ cares about that schizo like /fgog/ does. raikoufags here are pretty harmless
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I love Raicow.

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So Voidstance
Can you try making normal Merlina in her swimsuit with her OG artist, please?
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why is she so perfect?
Kek. Did you forget he told /alter/ to go back to /alter/ once?
Why is she so arrogant?
I’ll never forget that time she made Medb kneel in her Valentines event. Kindest Stacy.
what's her og artist?
Do you love Raicow?
Taiki (luster) in danbooru I think?
Just ignore him he just talk to himself
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...You rock, Medb!
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He really is that deep for a (you).
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How raikou smell like?
Sex with Merlina!
k let me see what I can do
also some barg tits in more manga styles
Why’d you save a gif of a picture of a pile of shit in a heart?
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So skill bugs, display bugs, targetable skill menu bugs, did I miss anything?
Can you do the same thing you did with Barg but with Gorgon?
Man I don't think I actually need her but I'm tempted to waste SQ on her just because of this ascension.
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Tch... Damn hags, being so cute...
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Cheerful and fun to be around, but also wise
>fun to be around
literally would bad mouth you on her blog
Minors are sooo good.
Gillesbro... stop watching Dr. Disrespect
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US senator anon…
She's so cute... it's a disgrace that the glowie wife is forever glued to Super Bunyan.
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This event turned me into a skipchad.
Based Liz
Unlimited Cutlery Works NP seems more suited for EMIYA.
I grailed Bob. Am I based?
Quite the opposite, aescually.
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yeah you're based
sure what artist?

is this accurate? im not familiar with her that much
Kinda but she doesn't have a hat.
Here's a reference >>483508537
Beautiful. Missing the pointy ears though.
>Since LB4 released in JP, I think?
That thing's been at it far longer. Like at least way back in shimousa. Also, don't know if it's the same person but there's also the foxtail fag. There was a bit of frenzy when raikou was in foxtail.
that was just a test i can make her show the ears with the ears tag if you want
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I have 12 copies of bob how does that make you feel
I hate her art and think her character is obnoxious
Mom going through the Ooku rerun.
Night potato patrol
Did you grail her?
this but kama and liz
Kama's art is fine but yeah the second part is true
Nothing but love for Liz though
You are cringe in this case.
Kinda sad the AI can't fully replicate his style.
Thank you, anon!
He started getting vocal when Raikou got replaced by Arjuna Alter.
There's also the fact that Human Arjuna beat Indra which is another form of Raikou or something. He's just a more obnoxious Jetfag.
>Thinks her character is obnoxious
>While liking Liz the actual most obnxious character in existence.
Actual lizkek moment
Bro she’s literally one of the most grailed servants here. The only “people” you are talking that hate her are unironic /fgog/ crossposters and a few fags that tend to attack popular servants regardless.
Kama is perfect so no

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