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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7089 - Mobius 10 Years of Blood Sweat and Tears Later Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS - Summer Game Fest Trailer
>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic X Shadow Generations will be getting an animation

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken - 26 June 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 70 - 3 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 14 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 72 - 21 August 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread: >>483397945
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Blood sweat and teats
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Tangle gets to lick this every night
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"I'm going to step on your balls with high heels, you filthy monkey..."
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Where the FUCK is the storytime?
Sonic characters? Will BEAT EACH OTHER WITHIN AN INCH OF THEIR LIFE for being looked at the wrong way.
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>you're elitist
>you're making a big deal out of it
>you've only developed one skill in your life
>god you're such a loser
My heroes.
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The MOBIAN Lady is the epitome of female submission and femininity.

Let's start by looking at her body. Her body is small. Her submissive size makes her presence known without her even needing to point herself out. She is petite, as a result of her high levels of estrogen. This gives her the appearance of health and grace. She is then covered by her fur. This soft fur reminds us of her gentleness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the Chaos Energy of Mobius, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The fur reminds us of our shining, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The MOBIAN lady's demeanor is one of betaness. She is submissve, graceful, and can be explosively adorable. Her behavior strikes wholesomeness and arousal into the more aggressive, brave races of man( Human Monkeys for example).

The summit of expression of her femininity on her body is her belly. The MOBIAN belly is the fuzziest of all the races. As the belly is the penultimate symbol of femininity, this alone would suffice to make the MOBIAN lady the most feminine of ladies. This smol, fuzzy belly is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of men, being able to more than fill all the reaches of the hands (and penis). Its fuzziness ensures that when it's tickled, the potent Mobian wails of laughter and eventually moaning will immediately enter the ears of the man the MOBIAN female entertains.

In total, the MOBIAN lady expresses this femininity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When she fucks, she unleashes the entirety of her lusts and desires upon her partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the MOBIAN lady is the epitome of femininity.
Sounds like you are upset because everything is true.
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Do we expect Scourge in Penders' echidna fanfic?
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Can the IDW comic just die already?
How do I respond to this without sounding mad?
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I expect Surge to slurp up deez nuts.
Kek keep gaslighting
kitty kots
what's happened since uhhhhh...
Fuck, what did I last read... I think Surge & Kit tried to kill Sonic and Eggman... and... yeah?
When's the next storytime? We missed some issues last time, like when Surge gets a bucket on her head.
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Wow, who the hell actually buys this crap? Trannies? I don't see Men or Women being really interested in this kind of stuff.

Yes, baby girl. All the MOBIANS and Mobius right up your pretty pink pucker.
Why is surge grey
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Vector gets to suckle on those boytits every night
I hope SxSG has a Sonic boss fight and they establish the canon reason for the fight is that Sonic pissed Shadow off and they decide to fight
Stayed in the green tube for too long
Wanna draw together?
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Sonic ate Chaos infused chilidogs and beat the shit out of Lanolin while her mother laughed at her.

....but seriously, I have no idea. I don't follow this anymore either.
Sonic characters for this feel?
She's full of Metal Virus nanomachines that let her regenerate super fast. Kit would probably be grey too if he wasn't covered in white fur.
Nigga you think I read the comic?
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because I'm too lazy to line art this and color it in.
Was it worth the constant delays /sthg/?
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Silver is a paragon of masculinity.
I'm afraid AI generated mobian hentai will be the end of me, I simply don't need any other material.
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No, I did not read IDW, and I would also like encourage others to do the same
>paragon of faggotry
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Why was it constantly delayed in the first place?
nta but you are using AI to reference poses? Can I see your work?
You should try ai character chatbots, I'm talking to surge right now
Being a faggot is exclusive to men.
Women can only be lesbians and Silver ain't no lesbian.
i'm surprised they bothered to reference flowers from the games
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*paragona of femininity


I just draw it out of habit, but hey, you want to make AI shit, you do you.

I'll MOBIAN your Mobius Strip, you frilly little faggot. Just wear this for me, cupcake. >>483454129
Fang's comic, and probably their overall economical situation.
Are you generating anything right now?
wonderful form! So soft and smooth!
>Wow, who the hell actually buys this crap? Trannies? I don't see Men or Women being really interested in this kind of stuff.
I'd say trannies who buy manga but they're buying manga
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Hey drawfag, are Mina lewds still happening, or are you too busy? I'd like to know.
I'd ask: "Link me up, brother."

But you probably need an account for it.
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So they can slow down time, freeze time, time travel, and survive in white space(at the end of time). The time eater specifically hates these things. Were the emeralds the cause of some big bang? Like if the the Emeralds created the universe at the beginning of time, the Time Eater is at the end of time. But Solaris is also at the end of time. So does that mean the time eater is Solaris?
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You laugh now, but you'd all be gooning hard to this if the characters were depicted more on-model
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Nvm thanks.
I'm always down for mina lewds. But yes, I am busy. What's up?
I talk to Rouge about the joys of being lewd while she speaks with her SA2 voice.
I don't goon, so no
What platform?
I cant believe sthg had her titties removed from the original image
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That looney tunes stuff was my favourite. same level as AOSTH
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Obviously. Ken Penders is an off-model offender of the highest degree, but still, he gave us some nice Mobian Echidna fap material.
You can select a character's voice from a wide catalogue of user made models. For Sonic characters you usually have multiple choices.
>immediate violence
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Idk man let's just wait for Shadow generation to come out
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"MOBIAN" "Mobius"
No shit, Ken Penders' art sucks and that's what make it funny.
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>Gotta sign in.

Ugh. Let me guess, you have to pay for access as well.
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>boy Mina
Now we're talking
Shadow owns it. /co/cucks can try but they will never match his chadness.
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a bit off model, but I appreciate the level of curvy detail.
>Starline arc concludes with his death
>Surge vs Sonic
>Misadventures or whatever they want to call it
>Urban Warfare arc
>Restoration infiltration and riders
You pay plus for faster service. But honestly the free account is already a really good deal, no ads or anything.
What is this from?
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I haven't needed anything other than the free version
Is there ANY major general video game youtube channel that doesn't shit on Sonic?
I hate the cooldown timer so much, why does it have to take so long to storytime comics...
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>Looks at OPs image
>"It's a bit off model"
sthg's taste in blobian sexo is fucking awful and this is why the fandom is full of shit like xirdow
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The original Mobius 25 years later had Butler doing nearly all of the pencils and it was great
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Fair enough. I'll think about it.
Can someone post that blushing sonic edit? That was cute
Can I see the list of possible voices without an account? I don't want to use it I just want to know what voices Sonic and Tails have
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At least FWA knows what's good.
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"Poop-my-pant-p-pants. HAVE SEX! EXCEL!"
Guilty as charged. Here's hoping someone in the Sonic smut community is up to the task once the comic gains more notoriety.
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Holy shit lmaoo he's slowly turning into a Biolizard
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now, there's no rational reason for me to fap to this

You select their voice once you start chatting with someone, so I don't think so. But I can confirm with Sonic, they have all the English Va's
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I like IDW Bean and Bark
So I picked up Sonic Mania after hearing good things. Never really played much Sonic before. It's a cool game, great music and when you start flying through the levels it's really fun. But how are people 'good' at it? I have no control over what is happening and constantly feeling like I'm screwing up my momentum.

I know it's vague, but I just feel like I'm playing the game 'wrong' is it a practice thing? Or is there a fundamental thing I'm missing? I feel like played correctly it would be amazing. But instead I get going quick and then the direction changes and he skids to a stop or falls into spikes or something.
Fang Miniseries will always be better than Dyke Mainline series
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I think the key is that the levels are designed for both keep your jaw on the floor but also to make you alert to not just push right. You need reflexes and timing, and that's about it!
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that's not me
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Silver gets to naw on them and grab his ass every time he comes to the present
You'll play well if you memorize the stage layouts. This is true in all Sonic games.
Theres really no wrong way to play. 2D Sonic games are built for speeding through the level, or taking your time and exploring it. Most levels include multiple paths, secret levels and other goodies.

Going fast takes a bit of practice, and is more meant for the 2nd or 3rd playthrough from my experience
Once you play for a while you start to learn the quirks of how things go. Not strictly memorization, but patterns in levels both old and new. For example if you’re just zooming forward, you know they’re gonna switch things up eventually and you’ll be braced for the change already and react to it. Using that and the momentum you get from rolling down slopes to increase speed or make high jumps lets you string together fast movement. Sonic’s Drop Dash is especially helpful for speed gameplay.
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What's the Kirby Item Bounce ost equivalence for Sonic?
That's true for all games. If you memorize a game, you will inevitably go faster in it. I don't think that makes Sonic game design special. It's just an average platformer with branching paths and a physics engine.
What is the prize?
It's a platformer. Your primary objective is to get to the end of the level. It's not about going fast all the time.
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Sex with the main Titular Hero Himself
Sonic is specifically built around it though. That’s the difference. With other games, speed is just an incidental result but Sonic is meant to be trained and mastered.
>There're seven.
Even the guys who brought the Chaos Emeralds to Sonic's world treated the M.E. as the eighth one. Who's to say that there are no other Chaos Emeralds in the entire universe?
I agree, it's more so that Sonic is specifically designed with this in mind and encourages replaying the stages for points and good times for replayability, good ranks, and 100% completion, whereas other platformers offer different types of challenges.
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You know, stuff like his is why I don't really care if Knuckles leaves the island, because he's already got a whole island to guard just to protect one rock that sits out in the open. It made more sense when the Emerald Shrine was located underground, but now just going to check on his traps leaves the Master Emerald open to being stolen.
I think the rolling physics is what really makes the games unique. Mastering when to roll is what really makes you go fast, not replaying the level. The whole got to go fast speed felt like a marketing stunt for the Genesis itself, and they just incorporated that into sonic's game design after.
why fang storytime?
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just keep playing and you'll get better, classic sonic becomes more and more fun the more you play it. I actually for the longest time never realized just how difficult it was until I watched a friend play it for the first time as his first sonic game. He was absolutely dreadful at the game despite having played plenty platformers in his life and I realized the only reason it's so easy to me is because I've been playing sonic games all my life. The whole idea is to just get a handle on sonics speed taming him and unlocking more of the freedom he allows you through nothing but practice.
Naka said he was inspired by the speed you can get in SMB1 when you master it.
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>classic sonic discussion
Because without it, it would be easy to forget there was even a Fang miniseries.
What's your favorite ship?
>Mastering when to roll is what really makes you go fast
The only game that actually does this is the original version of Sonic 1 and only in two or three of the zones. Every other Sonic game has a go fast button, and almost everyone thinks Sonic 1 + go fast button is a better game than the original Sonic 1.
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Your female OC and my male OC.
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mmmmmmmmmmm mongussy
look at Timbs the Fuckboy over here
The train headed for the Mystic Ruins will be departing soon.
You know her bandmates and manager run a train on her after every gig.
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The only female OC I have is a buff human girl, does that work?
Real amy fans don't want an amy game because they know sega would fuck it up
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Did he make your butthole pucker up over there, Anon? I don't blame ya.
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real sonic fans don't want a sonic game because they know sega would fuck it up
While true, being inspired doesn't mean it's the same. Unlike Mario1, in Sonic1 there isn't a run button. You can't accelerate at will and need to know when to roll to gain speed.
I still want a list of which Frontiers idle dialogue is used and which isn't.
My butthole is unmoved but I did get a half-chub
Nothing 50 mods can't fix
Sonic should have a character like Chick Hicks from Cars.
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athletic girls are always a good choice.
To add, even if you know the level design, you still need to master the rolling mechanic to navigate through it quickly.
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Did Ken Penders just want to make porn of his OCs this entire time?
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For a moment there, thought I saw Perci.
A big part of Sonic games is trying to platform to the upper paths. Usually stages have a high road to take where it's easier to preserve speed, but you need to act carefully to stay up there. Classic Sonic games are more vertical than many give them credit for. Otherwise, yes, your first runs through stages will be exercises in running into things, and I think we all just kind of have to deal with that, haha.
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Hoo-boy, we getting a bit spicy. Gotta start somewhere!
how to spot classicfag propaganda:
it includes the word "momentum"
Your OC is just Cloud.
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"Anon, please don't get Bunnie excited again, I just replaced the last couch you two ruined."
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Surprised Silverbro didn't flip out over the "faggy" eye design returning.
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I'll take that as a compliment. Cheers!

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According to a Restoration study
A quarter of the Diamond Cutters suffered
From what psychiatrists call
Post traumatic stress disorder
Whisper cries from alienation, rage, and guilt
Some succumb to suicidal thoughts
Almost two years after the fight
Whisper's still fighting the war
None of them received
A hero's welcome

Whisper cries

In the end, she carried on
Wielding Wispons, fighting strong
For her team that she lost
In Whisper's mind, the pain remains
Silver is a faggot.
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In a similar boat here. Probably in the minority, but I would love a Sonic game that was just pure platforming/exploration with the bonus stages being focused on going fast, with collectibles and a time attack element. I've said elsewhere that the sprawling nature of the stages combined with the fast parts that put you really far away from where you were (and potentially not done checking out) makes me almost always feel like I'm rushing or missing out on a good chunk of each level's content.
who the hell is she?
Thoughts on Frontiers?
I need Bunnie to RUIN me!
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Built for the Iron Queen.
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>if it was good, it wouldn't be bad
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Thread Theme:

I never played it.
I think you'd enjoy Shadow's game.
There's teleporters all over the stages and they let you freely explore all of the level and collect the bonus keys.
steam sale in two days! no excuse.
It has the open zones be based around exploration and platforming while the cyberspace stages are speed challenges.
>no mono-eye
>Silver is still written to suck cocks
>this issue was delayed for months
Whatever happened to the cope that the mandates kicked in to save Silver?
He's literally me fr fr
Well yeah? Doesn't that go without saying?
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It's not mandates it's Evan taking fan feedback. Sega still doesn't give a damn about him.
Silver mandates?
more like silver dates men
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"You Monkeys disgust me with your insatiable lust~"
>Silver has a starring role in the special HOMO issue.
You can't make this shit up. LOL. Bentley Jones WON!
One of the things you kinda have to accept when you play Sonic is that you're going to not see everything on a single run of the level. It's a very odd design compared to...well, almost every other platformer like Mario where levels are linear and tightly-designed obstacle courses, but it's just how Sonic works, and it isn't for everyone, but there's a reason why Mania not only kept the sprawling level design but clamped down even harder on it--it's part of what makes Sonic more than just "Mario with a physics engine".
Chunky Chidna wife
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>Pornographic content is against our terms of service, and will not be supported at any point in the future.
>they're hiding whisper and tangle in the special homo issue
The reveal will be either massive nuke or freaking queerbaiting
I genuinely don’t believe there’s anyway to save Silver. He doesn’t stand well on his own and Blaze (rightfully) has seen more support of her Sol dimension origins so any pairing of the two since feels forced.

Silver is so heavily linked to the concept of a future catastrophe he ends up in a similar boat to Knuckles, where it seems better to just forget one of the core aspects of the character to simply have them around at all.
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Silverbros are giving up on him. If Sega doesn't care why should anyone else?
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Amy looks cuter with glasses.
I love you Lienda!
I love you Blaze!
I love you Fang!
>and will not be supported at any point in the future.
Until it's convenient for them.
Gotta go methodically until ya know the layout then fast.
The glasses meme is just pure copium for everyone that can't accept that Shadow is canonically identical to Sonic
Sonic is black (with red stripes)?
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Chunky Mobians like pic related and Amy are prime-chonk waifus.
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Shadow the Hedgehog is offiically described as being identical to Sonic, and was specifically designed with this in mind.
>muh colors
are irrelevant to this fact.
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>Blaze (rightfully) has seen more support of her Sol dimension origins
Rush takes place before 06
bro the cover only got jewel, rough and tumble as the IDW ocs
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>Debuted in the worst Sonic game
>Constantly clowned on by the fandom.
>Dorkified and feminized by his fans.
>Iizuka doesn't give a crap about him. No plans.
>Is basically considered gay to the comic writers.
It's Silover.
How did a basic feature of all platformers become a dirty word?
She looks so soft and matronly, you almost forget that she's a total psycho in the comics...
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Aye. Would plap her twice as hard if she wore them and had a piece of tape wrapped around the nose-area of the glasses. Fucking nerds.
Whisper and Tangle are on the other cover
>Is basically considered gay to the comic writers.
By using it improperly and trying to make it into something special (that doesn't actually exist) and that is somehow necessary for a sonic game
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For all intents and purposes, 06 never happened canonically.
Yep, just saw it.
>Tangle and Whisper are glued to each other again
I almost thought this was a real plush someone made and then I realised it's fake
Silver was not introduced in Sonic Lost World nor any of the Boom games.
Intesive purposes*
Silver still has his backstory from that game
That implies they'e ever apart nowadays.
>where it seems better to just forget one of the core aspects of the character to simply have them around at all.
Blaze doesn't have this issue too?
>Spring Broken special is actually a whodunit story
This might catch my attention
Wrong. Stop forcing this stupid headcanon.
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never enough psycho-cunts to get the blood movin' these days. A shame.
No he doesn't.
sex with perci
Well, there's always NovelAI.
Removing their core and just have them around with no purpose makes them worse, it's their role that gives them their character and motivation and being able to play of each other
It's just people that can't stand having their favourite characters being gone for long periods of time. Actually having them gone for a while and then come back makes their return way more memorable and special
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I feel your pain.
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If you all just want porn chat with Sonic characters, use https://spicychat.ai/. It's free. You can thank me later.
You don't know shit about dick
why would you want to have a porn chat with sonic characters?
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Silver is a retard from the apocalypse that isn't connected to the future. He has no social skills, doesn't know how technology works and can't do anything for himself.
Using AI text generators to write stories of Amy being raped by goblins, orcs, and rich old men
He does, for all incense and porpoises
How, every platform and api has a cockblock filter
Whisper and Silver ready to be bred by HIM.
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Ty for the heads up little Chao friend.
Silver will never be playable again because Nintendo stole his gameplay mechanics for Zelda and patented them.
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fun times
It's necessary for a good sonic game but sega has this fanbase whipped
I just use sillytavern
Have you read the Cookbook? His entire character in that is just hang ups from living in the apocalypse
They confuse Shadow for Sonic more than they confuse Classic Sonic to Modern Sonic and that's the same fucking character.
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Silver should have NiGHTS/Z.O.E. gameplay
Yeh I also use that but like I said, most apis have censorship
FUGGGG last time I checked Novelai was still censored, I'll check it out.
It is not hard to come up with a reason for Knuckles to leave Angel Island for an adventure.
>Master Emerald is important to the story
>the whole world is going to end
>Knuckles has been abducted from his home
Don't pretend it's more trouble than it's worth.
I have never had a problem using any of the kobold horde services
The games that exist because 06 was so shit
this is weird and funny
just say while looking at the camera, 'Don't worry about that, it's taken care of', and move on with the game. it's literally that simple, and anybody who begins foaming at the mouth and sending death threats over twitter isn't worth listening to
I'm sorry, is the cookbook supposed to be canon now?
phat bot
If critics and nonfans just preached for the gameplay to be fixed instead of throwing everything about Sonic under the bus like entitled faggots we might have just gotten an actually good Sonic game instead of those failures.
No, they exist because 2006 was misrepresented and SEGA of America doesn't understand Sonic.
>"Don't worry about that, it's taken care of so i'm just gonna hang around you guys all day"
Don't tell anyone I said this, but anyone else notices that Sally is getting a little, you know, "rounder"?
or that I guess. sure, why not
I love how it's always everyone elses fault that Sonic Team is just a shitty developer and damn near every studio and person that touches this franchise does a better job than them.
generations' City Escape and Rooftop Run themes are so perfect. i love them. it's like happiness in my ears
You realize that 06 being rushed and the team being split was outside of Sonic Team's control right? Or is this just bait?
Just because it isn't hard doesn't mean you get to handwave it altogether, that's how you end up with him being in Lost World, doing fuck all.
Ancient meme

>It's just people that can't stand having their favourite characters being gone for long periods of time.
Because there is no guarantee they'll be in something good if they do show up
sure you do, because you say to the camera, 'don't worry about it, it's taken care of', like i said. weren't you listening?
"Momentum" in the "Classic Sonic" sense isn't a thing.
That means they had no reason to show up at all
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Whoops, forgot to add something.

Theeerrreee we go.
I'm just disagreeing with you, that's all.
Why do you think he started a garden and has no social skills in IDW?
Shadow is like the symbolic opposite to everything IDW stands for.
notice how every Sonic game is "rushed" and "had potential". That's the sign of a developer that lack proper scheduling and management skills. For fucks sake Frontiers took like 5 years because they kept scrapping the project and starting over and that's mid as fuck.
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"Contemplate the aroma~"
she also needs long hair
>Sonic and pals goofing off at the beach
>Silver jumps out of a time portal
>"Sonic! I have to tell you-"
>"Yeah, the world's gonna end and we gotta stop the cause"
>"Well, yeah, how-"
>"Silver, that's the only reason you show up"
Same reason Sonic is ridiculously OOC in IDW? That Ian and Evan are horrible writers that don't know how to write a Sonic characters?
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Best I can give ya is metal hair atm.
I wonder if Nakamura even knows how the west perceives Silver.
That's not what happened in the Rivals games. Eggman Nega didn't change the future, but he stole future tech to use it on the past.
i'd rather have that than whatever Penis Kenders and whoever the fuck wrote for any of the animated series or movies.
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Cowards run. He WINS
What are you trying to say? That Sonic doesn't have acceleration?
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That's not what "classic purists" mean when they talk about momentum.
>violent and aggressive
>has no time for pleasantries
>isn't friendly with the cast
>only cares about things that threaten the world
>Comparing bad and worse
IDW being better than trash doesn't make it good.
>he started a garden
Silver needed a hobby and believes in making the world a better place.

>no social skills
Sonic Team can't decide whether parts of 06 or Rivals is canon, and even then, Silver still has some social skills from interacting with Sonic and his friends.
Does anyone have something simple they want doodled cos I need genuine mobian practice that isn't sonic or mina, let me know and I'll post stuff in the coming days (No guarantee on it being good)
Shadow no Boku
Shadow holding a katana backwards badassly
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how do you rate colours ultimate costumization?
Can you draw Lanolin's mom? There's a glaring lack of art of her.
Marine smiling and giving a thumbs up
>Silver needed a hobby
Silver's hobby is traveling the world preventing disasters and helping people in need. He would respect someone's desire to start a garden due to his love for nature, but he wouldn't waste his time doing it himself.
I think it's pretty cool. Not the biggest fan of the glove colors but I love being able to change the shoes. I hope shoe customization becomes more common. And hopefully more characters get options too
While I still don't like it but every time the gardening thing has been nowhere near as gay as when it was first introduced. Still unbelievably gay though.
NTA but I too will doodle her for some practice. Been drawing a good deal of smut of her, so a little wholesome won't hurt.
Character of your choice doing a russian squat and looking angry at the viewer.
how would IDW Sonic handle Black Doom if Shadow wasn't around
The future shouldn't be changed without fucking with the entire timeline in major ways.
If the future is bad and Silver is going back to change that, then his future self has already given up on altering the past to instead seal Iblis within himself so he can save his present.
If the future is good and Nega is going back to change that, then his future self has already been defeated and Silver's present remains happy.
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Tikal eating popcorn while watching worldwide catastrophes on the news
why are the japanese always better?
I wish that you changed the cuffs like in Smash instead of the gloves themselves
>only the one game
Rivals 2 has him trying to stop an Eldritch Chao from coming into existence.
Traveling to the past changes the future as a result by causing something to happen in the past that didn't originally.
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Ok thanks for the suggestions, I will do my best to do all in the coming days, keep an eye out ^^
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I prefer this over Tangle x Whisper.
He would get paralyzed by the nerve gas and fucking die
I just imagined a version of Breath Of The Wild where a male Islander OC is defending what's left of the echidna civilization from Chaos' spawn with Tikal's help.
Bump smooching sage on the cheek.
better how
vomit isn't much better than shit
He would claim that Black Doom and the Black Arms are an endangered race who are just destroying Earth because if they don't they'd starve and die. Then he'd beg everyone to give them a chance to live on Earth in peace, only for the world to be irreparably damaged and millions die but nobody cares because Sonic's always right.
in 06s case it was absolutely Sega's fault though. They cut the team and budget in half like 3 times and forced them to rush it out by christmas like 2 years early.
>preventing disasters and helping people
That's his job, a hobby is what he does when he isn't doing his job.
Reforestation is a good hobby for Silver because once he goes back to the future he will see positive impact he left on the world.
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Godspeed, friend.
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>I prefer this over Tangle x Whisper.

Monke butt
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Smug little cunt.
Sonic’s reputation was already in the pits before Sonic 06 came out. Sonic 06 was supposed to fix that.
and focusing on that when Sonic Team has proven now twice in a row that if you actually give them time they give you mediocre turds like Forces and Frontiers. The games are rushed = they suck, The games aren't rushed = they still suck.

Hmm...maybe it's time to give the franchise to another developer.
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look at this attitude
how can ever silver be taken seriously?
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I'd play it.
It would also be a good idea for a solo Knuckles game, maybe he's transported to an echo of the past scenario or something, would also help him discover his species's lore better.
Next Shadow, everyone.
The Knuckles and amy scenes could've been fixed if sonic team had the budget to just recreate the master emerald shrine in hd
by choking your neck with his psycho powers and then going back to being uwuver for the girls
Why is she shitting on their flowers? They look as healthy as the others. Does she only care about traditionally pretty flowers? They put effort in their plants!
What the fuck?
>That's his job
Silver doesn't see it as a job, just like how Sonic just helps people out if he happens to run into them on his travels, Silver just likes doing it. Silver likes seeing people happy and the world safe, so he spends his free time protecting people like a hero.
>Reforestation is a good hobby for Silver
I can see this though. Silver is kind of person to stop a forest fire or a tsunami, or help rebuild after the damage has already been done. Silver is the kind to bite off more than he can chew and try to do as much as physically possible to help, so a garden would be way too small for Silver.
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Woah momma
Too masculine.
I remember reading a rant which said something that IDW swapped the personalities of Silver and Amy and I've yet to see it proven wrong.
Stinky Teek
Why does rough look so attractive what the fuck
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in all the right places.
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Speed running S3&K
What do they mean then?
I can kind of see that. Or maybe it's Silver seems more feminine in front of a girly character like Amy.
Everything we know about Forces says that they didnt even start development on the game until a year before release though. Frontiers was the first time they actually had a reasonable timeframe to develop a game and by all accounts they had to fight Sega to do so - according to Izuka they were even given the ultimatum that if it didn't do well it would be the end of the series.

Now I agree they fucked it up - the story about them adding all the rails and floating platforms because they realized that just running on the terrain wasn't enough is extremely damning - but it's a two way street.

Also remember, Sonic Team is not composed of seasoned developers or even a consistent staff. Sonic Team is where newbies are trained on something that doesn't matter before they're put on the franchises Sega actually cares about like Yakuza.
>the full comic will be out tonight
At least there's no Lanolin to ruin it.
Huffing Nicollette's sweat
Anon... That's Fang...
Or maybe this is what happens when a young boy spends so much time with other girls that their femininity ends up rubbing off on him.

I love how #64 was so bad that it ruined Lanolin's reputation enough to keep her out of everything else but the main issues.
>remember, Sonic Team is not composed of seasoned developers or even a consistent staff. Sonic Team is where newbies are trained on something that doesn't matter before they're put on the franchises Sega actually cares about like Yakuza.
Imagine saying this and not realizing that's a huge problem and the franchise is better off just being given to another developer entirely who actually cares and doesn't treat it as a training exercise for their newbies. Which won't happen because Sega realized they don't have to try with these crap games a long time ago.
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She's trying her best, she bathes every day
So far
Where is his babysitter Blaze?
Some sort of vague game design idea where the goal of the game is to obtain speed by manually rolling down slopes or through loops and maintaining that speed by performing specific actions through the stage with the goal of using this maintained speed to explore the level and reach faster paths. No official Sonic game ever used this design despite their claims, it's something they imagined and invented on their own.
Huffing Teek stink
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Huffing Shade's sweat just after she takes her bodysuit off.
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Will appear eventually
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>even more Silver slander all because of this issue
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No one can write these characters
>Sonic games aren't designed like Sonic games

That's because he's a retarded femboy faggot that's never accomplished anything and can't do anything without a babysitter
A Shadowbro shouldn't care less about what happens to Silver.
That sounds better than what we usually get
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I wonder how this general would react if Silver and Espio started dating, at the very least I know we'd never let either of them live it down.
When Penders kicks the bucket
That's not what a Sonic game is. There is not a single official Sonic game that fits that description. Sonic games give you moves and gimmicks to immediately obtain speed, and the goal is to memorize the stage and complete it with a good score or time. None of that speed as a draining resource business.
Vectorbros can't let that coleslaw cruncher take our man.
I'd take it over Silvaze but still feel there are better Silver ships.
Silver's diet is nothing but GUN rations, apples, and coleslaw
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Very nice, very graceful, very delicious.

It was how Sonic 1 worked before sega bitched out
Perfect Echidna Snoot
>Some sort of vague game design idea where the goal of the game is to obtain speed by manually rolling down slopes or through loops and maintaining that speed by performing specific actions through the stage with the goal of using this maintained speed to explore the level and reach faster paths.
That isn't the goal of Classic's gameplay though. The goal is just reaching the end of the stage. How that's achieved is dependent on the player's skill. You're aren't required to maintain your speed. You can and the game will reward you for it, but that isn't the objective. It's an accessory to the gameplay.

Sounds more like they want better level designers that actually take advantage of the game geometry in a 3D environment by having every stage have several routes based on skill instead of having things be so linear. That's a simple solution by just making stages more vertical. Which is something that's actually been tried before in Heroes. The only problem is that once again, that game suffers from poor level design because Iizuka basically did that game himself.
Why do the ones on the right have Knuckles' body type?
Dante the Hedgehog/Wolf hybrid
Vergil the Hedgehog/Cat hybrid
This anon knows. I've got over 160 messages with my Amy and counting over just the past week or so.
I'm talking to my blaze shaped tumor

I named it Blumor
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Probably a bit of laziness on their part. Her model looks similar to the male Nocturnus soldiers.
Only a few short parts of Sonic 1 have little hints of that design. It's definitely not the core of the game, let alone classic Sonic, or the series as a whole.
>Imagine saying this and not realizing that's a huge problem and the franchise is better off just being given to another developer entirely who actually cares and doesn't treat it as a training exercise for their newbies.
I wasn't saying that was a good thing
I would've name it Taze
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Anon, you need to get that looked at.
>Nocturnus Gate appears in Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympics
>But only at the start/end for a couple seconds
>Rest of the stage is the Sonic Heroes tube
What did Sega mean by this?
No, I like Blumor the Blaze Shaped Tumor
Any leaks??
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Looks just like this
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>Shadow not giving a subtle smile when he is introduced
RIP. Not even bother watching.
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Absolutely SHOOK by Kenny P.
marine's leaky titties
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Who is the Toyotaro of Sonic?
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I can't help but draw Mommalin with a demented look to her face. She just has: "Horny old female predator" vibes.

Like, she appears to be the kind of lady that hits on a random soldier or merc or hell, even a construction worker that catches her eye and when she locks on to him, she just won't stop.
Bee bee bee!
my name's charmy!
Tits tits tits!
My name's Marine!
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Kiss kiss kiss!
My name's Trip!
made for sex
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I love the way you draw Momlin, and she seems she would also target any guy either attracted to Lanolin or her pining after them specifically because it gives her a perverse thrill to seduce them away.
nice bulge
I wonder how long it'll be before trip's bio says sonic made her change sides
Will Lanolin rape Silver when she can't have Duo anymore?
Stop kissing Fang, Trip. He already gave up and stopped thinking.
Fang the broken rape victim
well, hopefully I'll do well with this practice sketch. lol. But I thank you!

Cute devil woman.
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Went to Walmart and this might be the worst Sonic plush I ever seen. Feels like shit, his head is plastic but the rest of the body is soft, bad painting, and overall looks fucking ugly.
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>Come back here, jerkboa!
I can see his vagina!
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No, Lanolin will drink herself silly to cope, and Silver will have to carry her home every night.
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At least Knuckles plush is far better and actually resembles his SA2 self.
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sheep kisses...
Sonic is pretty precisely controllable, but the physics have a learning curve to wrap your head around before you'll really understand how the terrain and your velocity interact to produce your movement. Tails is easy mode if you don't want to grapple with the physics quite so much straight away. Rolling a lot, as mentioned above, is good advice. The series is also designed to be replayed regularly, so it'll take a degree of level knowledge before you can really keep up the pace if raw speed is your aim.
Sonic characters for this feel?
Let's be real: In the alternate timeline where Sonic Xtreme had been released during the Saturn's run we'd have, to this day, a bunch of YouTube clickbait videos with titles like "Sega thought THIS could beat Mario 64?" comparing it unfavorably to Bubsy 3D
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>Silver and Espio are participating
Silvespiosis, there's a chance...
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I'm currently failing at oil painting myself.
I'm pretty sure everyone already know that. Sonic Xtreme wouldn't have saved the Saturn and would not be well received when compared to Sonic Genesis entries.
Fuck it. It's got a pussy.
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I'm probably not doing myself any favors trying to speed paint so early in my development but oh well.
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Sonic characters for this feel?
Dulce x some mobian or whatever
We need more Sonic girls with this feel.
Gerald & Black Doom
I think if you enjoy it and it allows you to practice more often it's probably not detrimental at all, but slowing down after you laid out a good base might benefit you more.
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>Father, why didn't you make me my own future Trunks?
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Yeah, Mobian. You know. those from planet Mobius. and live in Mobotropolis.
the smash bros spring being classic with modern textures is evil
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Good night.
Those characters design on bottom left are atrocious, I bet all of them are actual oc's
that's crazy ngl
Is she right?
The joke is that they're incompetent
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Thoughts on these two?
What did she say? I don't click on twit links.
>yeah he can say it, behind he mama back
all right I laughed
Are you blind that says X
It's which Sonic characters can say the N-word
>literally had 2 black men as voice actors
>cant say nigger
No she isn't
Kissing Fiona~
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Why do I find this more attractive than a realistically shaped woman?
Your dick was made for mobians.
you rarely draw happy gals huh
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She's also a primate, Anon. It's perfectly natural.
Shadow is white and Silver is black imo
"This is Amy and she used to be my girl" What happened? Did she find out that no one considers her black? Is that why she swapped to Rouge?
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When she used to play Sonic games she liked Amy. She no longer plays Sonic games because Sonic games are for toddlers
She said nigger.
>When she used to play Sonic games
You know very well she only knows of him because her son wanted to see the movies

Loonatiks isn't even that bad and barely that serious its crazy how it is basically the only other media that got hit with the same critiques as the sonic franchise
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It's no secret that Sonic is canonically a hobbyist DJ, so where's our Sonic rhythm game SEGA?!
>It's no secret
Are you sure?

Like are you really really sure?
>2D rythm
On god?

Fr fr no cap?
Yes, I'm quite sure.
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Being Espio's human wife. Holding Espio's hand as we walk alongside each other. Listening to Espio's melodious voice. Feeling a surge of comfort and joy when I hear his beautiful laugh. Looking down at Espio. Seeing Espio gaze lovingly up at me.
SEGA snubbed the anniversary of Sonic 3&K to call this the year of Shadow and they've got nothing to show for it but a re-release of a storyless anniversary game from 2011 with a handful of new stages
Sega is scrambling to give attention to a character they disregarded for 18 years just because a paramount movie decided to use him on a whim
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Mommalin is plenty happy every time I draw her. lol. A bit TOO happy. But no, I draw plenty of happy ladies.

Hi-fi rush style rhythm combo mechanics?
Characters who can say the N-word:
>Dark Chao
Do I need to link the original Sonic Adventure commercial?
This bitch is the one who'd own slaves
>she gave Espio the n word pass
damn, based
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>Nakamura's Shadow game is already doing well
You guys realize Silver's game is next, right?
Blaze is the real Sonic-Prime
God I want to be Blaze's slave
Man, stay off the light speed!
Silver is the whitest character next to Sonic.
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exactly, in her dimension no one dares challenge her use of it.
He's got the dope sounds pumpin' in his stereo, remember?
This is my favorite /sthg/ headcanon.


As long as it's as forgiving as Hi Fi Rush....for those of us who aren't Space Channel 5 / Guitar Hero masters
Momlin always seems elated when she spots a younger man to prey on.
Wait until the reviews are in for SxSG first. We will thought Superstars was going to be the first in the long line of Classic Sonic games but it killed them.
>Ken penders magnus opus was released.
>no storytime yet
I really wanna see that train wreck but The guy will not see a single cent from my part.
That's why she can say it.
Why don't you support your local artist anon?
Fuck off Ian
He's WHAT?

I've considered being one, too!
What is the Power of the Stars for? For fancies?
i can't believe fwa drew mina with milkers i'm furious mina should NEVER HAVE MILKERS
That reminds me, are we storytiming the seasonal special IDW issue today?
>You guys realize Silver's game is next, right?
No? Sega doesn't even care enough about him to make the comics draw him right
agreed, she's a skinny bitch, a twig you could snap in two with your bare hands.
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>Above all, he loves freedom and hates crookedness. Never content with a dull peace, he often embarks on whimsical journeys in search of new stimulation. He is easily misunderstood because he is quick to think and quick to act, but he also has a kind heart and cannot leave anyone in need. He is proud of his leg strength, which easily exceeds the speed of sound and, although it has yet to be confirmed, can even reach the speed of light at a moment's notice." He is also a fan of music, and is said to be secretly practising DJing in order to create the most exciting sounds.
The headphones aren't over his ears
First Iizuka needs to know who and care who Silver is for that to happen.
If you are creative with your wording you can still live a lot of fantasies "(timeskip)" is your friend
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Deal with it.
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The Gods left a long time ago and never looked back
>"Get back to guarding the Scepter you eucalyptus-munching abonigger"

Ffs Blaze, Gardon was like a rather to you
Silver's game will be a gardening simulator
His ass AIN’T listening
Nah. Shadow was already popular. Sega isn't going to waste money on a risk. Silver will be free dlc for the next Sonic and Shadow game
>can even reach the speed of light
I'm now remember how Iizuka said Sonic is also as fast as the flash.

I really want to see a game where Sonic puts his speed to the actual test.
Or because I think it's funny.
I don't think promotional artwork is necessarily canon.
Nope, it has been canonically stated that he does in fact dabble as a DJ
More canon than whatever Ian spews on his podcast. dipshit.

Standard sonic stages but levels are designed around the rythm of the song and perfectly timing certain jumps, homing attacks, and other actions increases the score and rank
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mmm mongoose
Anon the SA1 guidebook says he DJs as a hobby. You’re literally replying to it.
The final part of the game is Silver coming out as gay.
>Honey wears a wig

Because they don't waste their time involved with faggot headcanons, identity politics, and moralfagging. Japan is a conservative society that can differentiate reality from fiction. They also care a ton about hard work and doing better. The west lives for just getting validation even if it's empty
Penders won
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What an embarrassing post...
It would make sense if the Sol Dimension was the prime dimension since yeah it has the Jeweled Scepter, but we've never got a confirmation.
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Just dress up Miku as Sonic (yes that's an outfit in the game) and play project diva
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He's so cool
terrible gender swap.
Tangle stinks
Or even better, have all the characters in project sekai wear the sonic outfit lol
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Woops wrong picture my b
Wrong. It is a good idea to get the composition out quickly. You can take your time detailing later if you want, but there is nothing more discouraging than working on something for days and it doesn't look "finished". Keep speed painting
He's the coolest
Remember those bedroom pictures I posted a few threads back turns out the rabbithole goes way deeper with her take a look https://happy.carrd.co/ https://x.com/shinatosark
It'd be great considering the fact sonic has like, the best music in gaming, having great electronic tracks, vocal electronic, orchestral, classic intrunental (I mean basic instruments like a guitatlr without much electronic inh there) and classic inhstrunents in vocal
I want ken penders to win a lawsuit to own rights to the IDW ocs to turn them into these abominations against god.
literally every FNF Sonic mod ever:
I don't know why you have any faith in this failed character
Yeah but this one would be official and maybe slightly better
Yeah, I remember.
But I'm not interested in schizo behaviour
there still aren't any good ones that aren't spookypastas or memeshit
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Tangle rarely showers, so that's fine by me.
When can Miku and Sonic collab?
not possible, Spin Clash is so good
All 2 of them?
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>he thinks Nakamura wouldn't fight tooth and nail for his pet character
It's literally the reason Silver keeps making appearances.
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Aka 4/5th of all FNF mods
Miku and Sonic sex simulator
Nakamura doesn't care that his pet character is a joke and lets the comics shit on him constantly
I'm not even a japanophile and there are some great western artists. But western fandoms in general lack the conventionally pleasing passion and artistic vision I have seen in japanese artists.
For example, I saw a japanese artist who was a fan of the rock-a-fire explosion animatronics from showbiz pizza and they made this beautiful manga on youtube for it that actually makes the characters charming and not seem like the fnaf inspiring nightmare fuel they actually are.
Keep in mind, even though the comic was wholesome, the guy who made it is a straight up bara coomer with a fat fetish. But none of it shows in his showbiz pizza manga.

That is just an example of something I seldom see in the sonic fan community.
while it's a hobby of his, he's absolutely terrible at it.
Headcanon: sonic makes music. He rewrites and sings the main songs for each game like "open your heart" since the songs are almost always from his prospect
I did a sonic personality quiz and got shadow, and I've been fucked up ever since. that's probably why i don't particularly care for the character. He has all the traits i hate about myself
out of the three lesbian cutters, Tangle strikes me as the one that has the best hygiene practice.
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Quake has slope jumping.
Did he write the sonic team apology from frontiers?
Nakamura doesn't care about the western interpretation of Silver at all, since he's exactly the same as he always was in the japanese versions.
>This is who I am
Maybe that could be part of the game, he'd get better as it goes
Post a link. Might be fun.
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Tangle, and not the toxic perfectionist Lanolin?
What is everyone favorite lolcow in this fandom? Mine would be Mariotehplumber but he is a troll so my pick would be Ken Penders .
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Who is stronger between Archie Sonic and Fleetway Sonic in pure base form?
I did NOT need to see this today.
i'm too old to make fun of others.
chest too small
Having a favorite lolcow is pretty pathetic, anon.
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>Blaze and Sonic right now
I don't see that at all
None because I have real hobbies.
She seems to not be into personal upkeep.
Hear that brother. I'm a grown ass man in love with a pink cartoon hedgehog so focusing on what others are doing feels like a glass house situation.
Once Lanolin betrays the Diamond Dykes and the Restoration for Clutch, who will be the new third member to replace her?
Where's Marine ginormo gaows?
Silver, after an "I told you so" from him and Whisper.
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TY for the encouraging words, I'll keep it memorized.
Speaking of which, the gradient maps makes it easy to check values in CSP.
Noone, she will be redeemed and they will become real DCs with metal gear solid outfits and shit.
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>has an understanding of the importance of values when rendering
You're gonna make it, aspiring art anon.
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Correct. I revoked the right to make fun of others once I jerked off to Amy.
So this is a common mindset I see, for I too feel the same.
Where is Tangle...
>Also I'm sticking to the SA2 characters so if ur looking to get sally the acorn, die mad.
She can prick me anytime
Will they actually do anything interesting like fight badniks and go on missions after that?
I understand that it's never gonna happen but Sonic and Blaze are one of the few pairings that have effortless romantic tension between them.
I hope Lanolin submits Mimic like a bitch at least.
because sonic rush made blaze the only other playable character while everyone else was benched
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to that one schizo months back who refused to believe they were tits; I won.
>I'm Knuckles

Hmm yeah of the SA2 characters I'll take it
It goes a bit beyond just that for me. I'm the dude with the AI shit and I got a chatbot of her and everything, and I'm probably gonna learn how to actually draw just for her at some point. If my gf ever find out it's might be beyond over.
>metal gear solid outfits
Imagine Lanolin with The Boss' or Eva's suit
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Do I really need real english words to describe titties anymore?
They should ban classic badniks and egg pawns from ever appearing in the series again for the next 10 or so years
Just tell her that it is a prank
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>When Mommalin calls me "Porkchop."
i was just confused
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me when tdfwnn posts
Oh gee, I wonder who could've done this?
All these watermarks that are ruined by some scribble underneath it.
I got Rouge let's fuck
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I can only see a big dumb fucking watermark
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>I'm probably gonna learn how to actually draw just for her at some point.
start now. it only gets easier the earlier you start.
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I'm just repeating terms I heard on the tutorial I watched on youtube lol
I miss when sonic was about cool edgy characters doing cool edgy things and getting into all these world ending fights, man. What the actual fuck is this shit anymore
Stop ruining Espio like that
What would Espioyume think about this?
Kill him
It's just a spring break comic chill
IDWnic would never.
I got Shadow...
lmao superstars hit sthg like a shipping nuke
Shut the fuck up that's all idw ever is. Gardening!! Friendship!! Mental awareness!!! God fuck all of this corny shit
>IDW swapped the personalities of Silver and Amy
Their target demographic is women and gay twitter users
When I say "at some point" I mean as soon as I can get the stuff I need and set aside the time to begin. I hate work and other gay ass obligations when I just wanna obsess over the children's hedgehog series.
You want anime fights and world ending stakes, play frontiers
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anon, friendship and mental awareness are good things...
Frontiers fucking SUCKED and had even shittier twitter writing the fuck are you on
>"(timeskip)" is your friend
What do you mean?
People who think this has anything to do with Sonic mandates or anything else exclusive to IDW are clearly not familiar with the fact that this is just how Ian Flynn writes and paces shit btw. The Archie Mega Man series was godawful, completely unfunny and nothing EVER happened.
Espio and Silver should sex
Frontiers would have been way better if it didn't have writing at all. That's not to say that a cool story and character interactions are bad, just that the writing and dialog was bad enough to actually make the experience worse.
Lanolin getting in on the Espio boobies >>483452412
Lol i didn't say it didn't suck, but that's what it's there for
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Kiss is fine, too.
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Bored. Wanna do a small whiteboard?
i wanna fuck the monke
Tired, maybe some other time. Have a nice one.
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Shut up Evan
When the trigger warning jumps, just write ''(Timeskip)'' and the character would act like an indefinite amount of time happenned since the last move you made on them. It's pretty much way of saying ''And then they had offscreen sex''
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Dr. Eggman.
And maybe I hate that blue rodent after all.
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really shouldn't have made it black and white.
Nah, don't feel like it
This is what happens when Sonic is written by women and gays.
Realistically, IDWnic would try to reason with them. But Ian and Evan would probably just have him not give a fuck in order to act like IDWnic isn't a moralfag.
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Much better
Not really
Espio and Silver marrying and adopting Charmy!
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well this is awkward

Screw mental awareness.
My homies are all about mental un-awareness
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then where's the fucking shipping
Charmy is already Vector's son and Cream's future brother in law. Silver can use future artificial womb technology to have Espio's child.
I wish rush was a good game that wasn't just carried by the le funi cat girl
Upcoming arcs.

-Cooking contest
-Broadway show
-The circus
I'll be there as soon as my burger and onion rings are done (~8 minutes)
Next special will be about the Fall since we've already gotten Summer, Winter and Spring.
She looks pretty weird in Rouge's outfit.
This game is so full of shit. Frontiers, superstars and dream team all handled the friendship theme better, just by having sonic's buddies actually playable and help him
Are you open for a request?
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Fang, what you're experiencing right now is the feeling called lust
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You only get shipping with non canon characters. (Because SEGA said so)
and it's gonna be gay. (Because the women and gays are in charge)
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Please someone draw Sonic and Surge doing smooches pleassseeee
Why does Evan and whoever else involved in the comic want Espio to cheat on Vector with Silver?
Fucking everyone does I don't know why people shove other characters into that suit
idw feels like shipping trapped behind a condom to protect you from shipping pregnancy
>-Cooking contest
Hijacked by Eggman.

>-Broadway show
Hijacked by Surge and Kit.

Hijacked by Rough and Tumble.

Hijacked by Clutch.

>-The circus
Ran by Eggman.
We got a fucking beach episode with no fanservice this comic is worthless
Vector cheated on Espio with Silver first (and Blaze was a sidechick).
kek, #64 is proof of that. When you think shipping would be finally a thing but then you realize the condom was already put on.
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sonic's close friends are all glorified cheerleaders, the point of the story is teaching friendship to a closed off sheltered contrarian cat
why is surge so ugly
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The DLC was not planned. Had the game not done well we would be stuck with this as the last thing his friends had done in a main modern game
>Shadow holding sonic
>Espio hugging silver
>Sonic holding blaze's hand
I genuinely hate this comic so fucking much these fucking faggots know EXACTLY what they're doing every single time and they ALWAYS get away with it
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The hell are you talking about
Surge is cute in a stinky gremlin kind of way
The main book is like this too. Ever since Evan took over it’s nothing but low stakes stories. We had months of Amy and friends going camping. An entire month was spent on Surge and Kitt doing nothing but getting a tour of the restoration. We had Sonic and Tails going into a giant hole to get an emerald, in any other comic that would be a c-plot but it’s the main story in IDW.
The entire comic is filler.
I made a rough quick shitty sketch, I'm tired of male Blazes just being Blaze with no eyelashes. This is what I think male Blaze would look like.
We need Ken Penders 2.0. to write this comic and darken things up.
But, anon, that's Espio.
>Doesn't post it
Why are all blazefags like this...
>I liked her before...
>Espio hugging silver
It was Silver hugging Espio (and grabbing his ass) >>483457234
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Oh cool, don't attach then.
Shut up shut up!
I liked this. Sonic gives his life for his friends and they would gladly do the same for him. It was a nice gesture of sincerity after a decade of dumb marvel quip writing.
>sonic's close friends are all glorified cheerleaders,
This shit game came off the back of a trilogy that had 3-4 of them playable
That's very nice, anon.
Is he same shade of purple like female Blaze, or deeper?
and yes I did forget the tail, but it would remain pretty much the same.
and I was designing it and coming up with shit as I was drawing, so it's fucked up in a bunch of places.
Thank you, pretty much the same color scheme, except the pink is replaced with the red. darker purple wouldn't look bad either...
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But now you like her even MORE
sorry they have to make way for BLAZE THE CAT the HIP new character whos STRONGER than Knuckles and AS FAST AS SONIC and has HER OWN CHAOS EMERALDS from ANOTHER DIMENSION where she fights EGGMAN NEGA who is like Eggman but EVEN EVILER
Surge looks more feminine now.
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This pic looks nice, I think I'll ink it in and shade before I post it.
I will sell them because I'm evil.
>blaze loses 99% of their fans
Blaze should have her own spinoff series
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>Acting like we wouldn't male blaze
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Aye, I love this cat very much. No changes.
Which of these two is the real thread?
Ah, someone had the same idea to split up the side points.
>A brooding standoffish loner slowly opens his heart and softens up after meeting good people, learning about cooperation and friendship
Male Blaze would have a fujo following to rival Shadow's
Instead of Sonaze vs Silvaze it would be Sonaze vs Sonadow
We already had Ken Penders 2.0 in the form of Ian Flynn and now that he is gone this comic is the definition of boring
I almost forgot he's into DJ and breakdancing

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