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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7090 - UwUver lives! Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS - Summer Game Fest Trailer
>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic X Shadow Generations will be getting an animation

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken - 26 June 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 70 - 3 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 14 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 72 - 21 August 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread:>>483452290
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Kit the restoration shooter
Just watched Coney's video, not as bad as I expected, I like that he's not telling people what to think, unlike some other youtubers.

But I noticed something. Near the end he shows a clip where he was playing SA2 in Sky Rail, he jumps off the stage with an aimless homing attack after failing to land on a platform, and he asks "was that my fault?" I didn't realize, apparently people don't understand the homing attack at all. I wonder how much the reticle introduced in later games helps.
Silverbros... we are we so gay?
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do they enjoy making him look stupid or what? surely he knows what a camera is
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his whole plot in Rivals 1 was about a camera that turns people into cards
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Have Silverfags finally learned not to bite the bait?
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the rivals games are not canon and were not released in japan
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The MOBIAN Lady is the epitome of female submission and femininity.

Let's start by looking at her body. Her body is small. Her submissive size makes her presence known without her even needing to point herself out. She is petite, as a result of her high levels of estrogen. This gives her the appearance of health and grace. She is then covered by her fur. This soft fur reminds us of her gentleness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the Chaos Energy of Mobius, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The fur reminds us of our shining, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The MOBIAN lady's demeanor is one of betaness. She is submissve, graceful, and can be explosively adorable. Her behavior strikes wholesomeness and arousal into the more aggressive, brave races of man( Human Monkeys for example).

The summit of expression of her femininity on her body is her belly. The MOBIAN belly is the fuzziest of all the races. As the belly is the penultimate symbol of femininity, this alone would suffice to make the MOBIAN lady the most feminine of ladies. This smol, fuzzy belly is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of men, being able to more than fill all the reaches of the hands (and penis). Its fuzziness ensures that when it's tickled, the potent Mobian wails of laughter and eventually moaning will immediately enter the ears of the man the MOBIAN female entertains.

In total, the MOBIAN lady expresses this femininity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When she fucks, she unleashes the entirety of her lusts and desires upon her partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the MOBIAN lady is the epitome of femininity.
Someone should teach him how to smile
Silverfags are the ones posting "Silver is gay" bait.

>t. Silverfag
They are canon even if they weren't released in Japan. Nega is definitively from the future.
There aren't many Silverfags left. It's clear that the character is a lost cause.
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He cute
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Sonic characters for this feel?
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The four horsemen of boy boobies
>me :)
Stop being horny online, espio
Being Blaze's catboy blobian retainer! Gently touching tails with Blaze when she gets worked up to bring her back to her senses!
>There aren't many Silverschizos. It's clear that the character is a not lost cause.
I fixed your sentence.
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What if you snuck up on him and tickled him
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I want to pick Surge up and give her a big freakin' hug while giving her lots of kisses.
Retard that can't do anything without a babysitter
Marine could do it.
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Instant death via impalement and flash freezing.
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Yessssss, we need more of that
To Silver this is either ancient technology or lost technology, depending on whether the future is a utopia or on fire.
Show a kid a typewriter and they're going to give it a good look to see how it works. Even the most smartphone glued child will attempt to figure out how people used an abacus.
You do realize cameras either got destroyed by the apocalypse along with all but the most essential technology, or are simply just obsolete compared to future tech, right?
He's from a devastated future that didn't have anything. He's not futuristic at all actually.
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>trip is brainwashed to be like rouge
>fang falls in love with her, with trip leading him on
>she steals the marvelous queen and frames him for her crime spree
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Hello, darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence

In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp

When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence

And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening

People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dare
Disturb the sound of silence

"Fools," said I, ""You do not know
Silence, like a cancer, grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you""

But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming

And the sign said
"The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls
And whispered in the sound
Of silence"

Spring Broken left me blueballed why did they bother putting characters on the covers of the comic if they weren't going to actually be in the story.
let me tell you something about wolverine and batman
Mephiles is the one that will teach Kit how to smile!
Sad wolf...
giving kit a belly rub and raspberries!
kit getting embarrassed!
I never played Rush, so can someone fill me in about Eggman Nega. When he's introduced does Blaze literally call him Eggman Nega? Cuz that would be stupid. To her, he would just be Eggman.
how exactly does surge have piercings wouldnt the healing factor just cause them to always be rejected and not allow any scarring
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How does Blaze know what a camera is?
She punches new holes in her ears every time she puts them in, or just never takes them out.
He calls himself Dr. Eggman Nega. Nega fights Sonic and Blaze fights Eggman for most of the game.
consider that it is the year 2024 and yet we know what wheels are
doesn't cartilage not heal?
Nanomachines son
you guys realize they have a room with computers in the future in 2006 right
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I got booted from the whiteboard before I could get anywhere :(
Is it a paid thing?
that's silver's goon dungeon
remember when we used to spam lyrics from random crush 40 songs
Him and Blaze really do have a lot in common...
That's Eggman's office
yeah I think about that sometimes
why does he call himself that
he's a real nega
>The DLC was not planned.
Sage never told anyone about her Update 3 plan because her data going back 18 years told her that sonic's friends are useless
because that's his name
Nah, try joining back again. We'll figure out what's wrong
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>You know I used to be just like you Kit. But do you know what I did to change everything around?
>*grabs Kit's hand and places it on 'her' bulge*
>Have you ever heard of transmaxxing Kit?
That's stupid. Wheels are the most basic thing compared to cameras,and cars were always a thing, even in Silver's time according to 06. Plus, standard cameras are being replaced by smartphones, so even in real-life, zoomers probably don't know how an actual camera works either.

Also, this. >>483492146
This is why the future backstory is an objective improvement.
what really bugs me is that the computer clearly has internet access and a search engine which means space travel is still active
i miss when crush 40
When did you come to the realization you don't like any official sonic media or any fan based media because as a kid you were blinded by random shit to realize that what you like about the series is all personal head cannon? I only realized it when I was cleaning my hat recently, it's not a sonic hat I won't go into detail on what kind of hat it is, only that it's very important to me and I've had it since 2016 but that's not the subject here, I was just doing a mundane task and it just hit me out of the blue I really do not like any of sonic's fan or official stuff, what I liked about him or the franchise turned out to be bullshit I made up as a dumb fucking kid whose head was filled with lies from TV and the adults around me. And yet despite the lies and manipulation I find myself coming here day after day after day in a pointless hope that I see something I like, among the sea of garbage comics, garbage games, garbage shoes and garbage movies and social media posts. I don't understand it feels like I'm just going insane or have some kind of mental disorder in if that's the case I'd rather be dead. I can't afford meds and I definitely can't afford therapy
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I'm plotting my schemes wherever I go
They're perfect in every way
I'd love to destroy the blue one you know
He's an obstacle that always gets in my way
I must play this game by my rules
I will conquer the world with my tools
>Another L for Silver this year.
Good thing Nakamura is an oblivious Nip who doesn't know what's going on overseas or else the dude would probably go into a depression and retire knowing what Silver has been reduced to in the west.
Wheels are still a vital part of the world today, and they will still be a vital part of the future.
Most casual photos are taken on a phone even today, so kids born today would probably find a digital camera a bit of a curiosity unless they were interested in photography, let alone a camera from a hundred years ago

A door will still probably look like a door in the future because it's one of those designs we kinda nailed down
A camera has changed a lot in even just the past 100 years, from a big bulky thing you prop up to a small thing you can insert into a phone. Silver's time might have a completely different design, usage and/or be implemented into a different device altogether
>Please sign up
I'll make an account for the next time then <3
It's too late in the day now
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>the computer clearly has internet access and a search engine
Mephiles said the records were 'contained' in the computer (or in EN that those were his records) so they were probably just stored on the drive, probably by Mephiles himself.
i like sa1
something really funny about a living metaphysics experiment saving documents on a computer
So Silver talking about his future in Colors DS and the glimpse of a city in IDW just didn't happen?
I think he hates Eggman or something so he wants to be his opposite or something
Silver's entire background is just confusing me now.
Lot of shit
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Heaven can't save us
Hell is a joke
No place left to go
What you see
You cannot believe
But when we rise, you'll know...
Well, we're almost dead
Almost dead
Almost dead to the world
>from a devastated future
>not futuristic at all
You're surprised by how questionable his statement is when it has an obvious contradiction in it?
>When did you come to the realization you don't like any official sonic media or any fan based media
Never? I like this series. This just sounds like your own unique experience. What are those headcanons you like so much?
built for FUCKING amy sally and lanolin and sonic and
Surge gave Kit an iPad
>I know what you need, Kitty...
>*Belle grabs his hand*
>C'mon, give it a squeeze
>*She guides his hand to her nose_________
Love the edginess of it all
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Kit isn't an ipad kid
Get a new hobby dingdong
So Silver doesn't know how a camera works despite Eggman Nega using one in a game as a plot point, but also his future is still apocalyptic, but Eggman Nega's backstory is about how was mocked and denied of any scientific achievements because of Eggman's deeds in the past, so that means the future should be advanced enough for an R&D department, but...

Where the hell are those Australians with the leaks?
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>it took nearly half the franchise lifetime for sega to realize people LIKE and WANT edgy sonic content
You don't need an account but no problem
Sally is edgy
Anyone else order the Official Sonic 33rd Birthday/Knuckles 20th Anniversary Graphic Novel?
Because of Evan Stanley, Bentley Jones, and coleslaw.
For some reason, they want the series to appeal to people who don't like it or care instead of the people who do
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>actually giving money to penders
>paying with debit
Gtfo of my board broke ass retard
She is actually pretty edgy if you ignore her design and just look at her overall story. It's a wonder she's even mentally stable.
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Imagine ignoring your friends to sit at the popular table and they still don't like you. That's 2010s Sega.
Surge would never say that.
after being in so many fandoms that died due to baffling decisions from the IP holders or just faded into the night from lack of activity, sonic is the only thing that holds my attention because i can trust it'll fuck up in spectacular ways and somehow keep going
I hate how accurate that is.
Ken Penders deserves every penny.
The joke is she has a southern accent and she is saying sex symbol
She meant "fucking-retard."
Interesting analysis of Eggman and Shadow's relationship.
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>Forced to take up royal duties after her parents disappear
>Has to lead the fight against a megalomaniacal tyrant
>Has to wrangle Sonic before he screws things up
Listening to youtubers nearly killed the IP
Anyone who BTFO a corporations deserves money.
>it took nearly half the franchise lifetime for sega to realize people LIKE Sonic’s friends when they aren't given shitty genre experiments and just generally play like him
I wish that Archie showed how Archienic would behave without Sally. Because this particular Sonic was an unhinged asshole at his worst.
It's always important for a company to try to collect new fans. The problem is when they make trash that the old fans won't vouch for
You're not wrong but this hurts my feelings
He wasn't that bad of an asshole until Ian started writing him. I'm not joking. While he always had an attitude throughout the comic, he became a lot more snarky when Ian wrote him.
I understand making new fans, but this was the opposite. Kids liked the game and they tried to get an audience that wasn't going to care regardless.
It did with the Mecha Sally but I think Sonic mellowed out by then. Also during the dark age of the comic had him act kind of cool. Could anyone try to write a basic character description of how Karl/Ken Sonic acted? He just acted kind of cool to me and quipped sometimes but wasn't a jerk and all together acted more like a normal hero.
But those people weren't "new fans". Sega was just having Sonic do a dance routine for people who hated him and will always hate him.
I'm thinking more house of cards
Isn't she so romantic
>Open the Sega vault
>Sticks scurries out
>Beat her back in with a broom
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Mephiles and Silver browsing Encarta
"Debit" means the money is in my account. I don't use credit because I don't need credit. When I want something I buy it and the money is there because I am decidedly not broke. :)
Tell me why a computer inna sky scraper still has power twenty decades into the future
Archie Sonic was very snappy towards Antoine, but during the early years Antoine was a complete cunt who was supported jailing Sonic or having Sonic die in battle so he could get with Sally.

People also pin Fleetway Sonic for being mean and out of most incarnations of Sonic, he WAS the rudest, but he would never actually abandon in need of help even if he did insult them. He was never actually malicious. Also, his Tails was a total retard at the start and fucked things up at least once or twice.
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Magical rocks, son
That was Archie Sonic's worst moment because it implies he doesn't respect Tails and this was said when Tails wasn't around. He apologized after him and Tails fought, but it's actually still fucked because that was because Tails was right in front of him. Also, what was the logic behind "I dated the girl you like so you can get over her, bro!"?
He's not from those futures he just fixed them
Do you think Shadow Generations or the next open zone game will have human NPCs?
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>This planet was once saved from tyranny and annihilation by you two heroes. Now mankind must protect this peace... at all costs. We must stand united to defend our world against these invaders!
According to Bumblkast the criticisms of House of Cards are invalid, badfaith, intentional misinterpretations of the story.
Its to make sense of what Sonic was doing in the Penders issue with Fiona. Also this word is overused, but this is genuinely supposed to be a moment of character growth for Sonic where he grows to be a better person. When you read it under that context, it becomes easier to swallow this. There's another time where Sonic is in a similar situation and it has something to do with the secret freedom fighters and Sonic reacts differently than he did here, choosing to trust Tails and respect his decision, showing his growth.
Tails was ready to incite a civil war because of Fiona's genitals
Sticks being romantic.
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I think having Sonic defending the monarchy even if these monarchs weren't bad was a touch too far, even if this Sonic isn't as freedom loving as his game version. This is definitely one of Ian's worst stories desu.
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Fiona is truly the Helen of Troy
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I truly hate this arc.
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I'd also cuck my best lil friend for delicious vixen ass
need... new... all hail shadow remix...
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fuck I'm a retard this was supposed to be next

>Whenever the Freedom OCs are not onscreen, all the official characters should be asking "where are the Freedom OCs?"
Fiona's juicy butt...
Sonic defends the monarchy in Sonic '06.
The annoying thing is Sally was less dedicated to keeping the acorns in power than Sonic at this point wtf
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No, new Supporting Me mix
All you story time anons are the same, label your damn images.
Thanks for uploading pages to read btw.
Sometimes I find characters that are charismatic jerks kind of cool. Cocky and a little bit overconfident make them cool. I don't know why though. Obviously a person acting like that in real life would be different, but I think its similar to liking a bad guy in a story as well. Doesn't mean that they're good people I guess.
Gaslight complete, Sonicbros!
I like flawed Sonic more than "heroic" free as the wind Sonic desu
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Yeah the attitude makes them cool I meant. Makes, not make.
The movies did a better job of showing boys fighting until an emotional cool down
He was saving a 16 year old from a grown man
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It's kinda different in 06
If that monarch died the wrong way or whatever then the fire demon would get out and fuck up the future
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Sally is Fiona's teacher?
I don't know anything about Archie so this might not be relevant but Sonic would have behaved the same way if Elise wasn't a princess, he didn't care about the monarchy
That's why sonic's metacritic scores are yellow
I haven't really been to /sthg/ since January. It seems like it's gotten a lot worse than I remember it being
Sonic was protecting Elise not her political position from democratic protestors. Sonics behavior in Archie is straight up anti freedom.
Her kissing coach
Holly Molly, sir lancelot looks really cool with the black arms wings.
Archie Sonic should be a totally different character instead of just Sonic. That way they could both exist side by side and even interact with eachother, instead of changing Sonic into something he isn't.
I hate how they keep making Silver so gay and still force him and Blaze together. Either give him a boyfriend or give him a pair of balls goddamn.
It could only see this possible if Archie Sonic didn't get cancelled and the games introduced the multiverse and Archie Sonic appeared in it.
Nakamura said he came up with the idea because he specifically wanted to see how Sonic (as in Sonic, as in Sonic when he is Sonic, as in, in-character, as opposed to American OOC Sonic) would interact with a monarchy.
It's summer. What did you expect?
Nobody knows what to do with him. 06 was supposed to be the start of his career.
When did he say this?
Making Sally part of the royal family gives it such a big attack surface for people who don't like Sonally. Sometimes I wish Sally wasn't royalty I guess, because I like the order and chaos thing she has going on with Sonic. The chasing thing Sonic and Amy have isn't bad its just not for me.
>Force silver and blaze together
the last time blaze wasn't tied to silver was a year minus 1 day before silver existed
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With Amy and Shadow out of the way Sonouge can finally have room to breath
It's exactly the same, you muppet. You just remember the 'good parts' and forgot the reality.
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Not bad for AI, I'm genuinely impressed.
Vault Silver
Bring back Solo Blaze
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Silver is NOT gay. He belongs to Blaze the Cat.
idk, a big part of sally's character is that she does not like her role in royalty (though depending on the writer she will be a huge stickler about being a princess for no reason)
I think that honestly aids it, especially in her original incarnation where she has no political power and her being a princess is about as relevant as sonia being a princess.
I didn't know TMoSTH came out before Sonic 06
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>Drawfag drama
>/co/ tourists
>Movie trailer drama
>Shipping wars
>Worm autism
>Fanchild autism
>Nintendo tourists
>IDW cope
>Penders' new book
>AI bullshit
>Summer tourists
You should do the same I do, and only come back every few days to grab screenshots, memes, and maybe read some news, if you're lucky enough
You'll keep your sanity longer that way
Trust me
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Vault Modern Sonic
Bring back real Sonic
I'm remembering this horrible fangame that was a crossover between Game Sonic and Archie Sonic and it had Game Shadow and Mina fall in love.
Okay that makes sense. But it does raise questions for Sonic's future and whether he's going to marry in and become a king, because that doesn't seem like it would be a super great outcome for Sonic.
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Shut the fuck up boomer
Why is he such a femboy faggot then?
>Worm autism
what is this?
>Silver and Blaze have been ruining each other for 18 years


I want both dammit
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>Vault Modern Sonic
>Bring back real Sonic
>Posts skinwalker
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And what is it exactly that you like?
Silver metaphorically crashed the car and dragged Blaze with him.
Of course he wouldn't, Americans are retarded
he's a soft, sensitive boy.
>And the reason I made the woman a princess, not just a girl, was because I wanted to see whether Sonic can act without being bound by his status, and whether he can stick to his ways without pandering.
The more interesting route is Sally dropping the princess moniker after living without it for most of her life and actively telling people not to call her a princess but too late since fuckin 25yl is a thing
Because blaze is bony and mannish
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Imagine liking bad games. I literally can't.
tdfwnn is literally the only anon who plays the games
I have been hearing
>sthg has been getting worse
Since I joined a couple years ago
Stop expecting it to get better or stagnate you fucking idiot.
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This shadow x sally /sthg/ drawfag fankid is actually a massive black arms worm creature that just looks like a chipmunk and some people here are really attracted to giant worms
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People don’t hate sonic the character or the games. People hate the Sonic fanbase for being obnoxious furry cocksucker faggolis
How the fuck didn't he get fired after this shit? This was the biggest disaster in Sonic history uo to that point and it was all his fault.
Most alternate versions of Sonic do not share the same origin as the one from the games.
Game Sonic (selflessly) does whatever he wants, whenever he wants, because that's how he grew up, doing whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted.
Most other Sonics don't champion freedom as much as he does because they didn't have the same freedom to grow into the person he is.
Sheeple just go with the flow. The flow has been against Sonic and for Sonic in the past
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The fucking games, you filthy comicnigger secondary

Fuck this shit
This is a game thread now
>Hurr durr you'll talk the same shit as always
Fuck you

Since some faggot in the last thread didn't know about Pocket Adventure, let's talk about the """lesser known""" games
Tell me about your favorite game from either the Neo Geo, the Gamegear, or the GBA
And your favorite stage, too
My favorite game it's Sonic Triple Trouble, but my favorite stage is Aqua Planet
Sonic obeys all the city guards. He is a monarchist.
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>biggest disaster
>also incredibly memorable
>Sonic still bounced back hard
>then proceeded to fuck up again multiple times
>is likely to keep fucking up but us fans will keep him alive and theres nothing your crying can do about it
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>Most other Sonics don't champion freedom
Game Sonic can't champion freedom when there
s nothing restricting him. lmfao

Sonic WISHES he was like Luffy. Luffy is a "free" character done right. In fact, this is why I think GUN being a prominent force in the Sonic plots is good, since it could be to Sonic what the World Government is to Luffy
Cream and Marine friendship is heavily untapped material
>Core 5 rival enthusiast
>Likes Silver and Blaze but hates Silvaze
Based anon.
There's nothing wrong with the kiss. Also, that was probably Maekawa or Kiyoko Yoshimura since they're the actual story writers (the latter later wrote Unleashed by herself).
Imagine thinking Mania was anything more than a Forces advert
I've actually been slacking on a-ranking all of shad05 :C
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I was trying to make her scary
nta nta nta
I have made it a point to bring up ShTH as much as possible and it usually works in getting a convo going. In my experience the games that seem to get the most traction here are SA1/2, Black Knight and Unleashed(?)
What are they going to do?
You cant make a hot character scary, you only will make her hotter by having her be a worm. This is storytelling 101
>reddit spacing
gtfo of my board tourist, no wonder you're not an active poster.
>sells worse than shad05
were you inspired by this
You did a good job. My brain's just broken and wants me to kiss scary monsters.
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Center mouth can be bad too
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That anon is one of the reasons I don't bother talking about the games desu. I can't really trust anyone who just opens so aggressively, we got things to do and if you're only looking to fight then I don't care.
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Take a look inside your heart
What seems fair today,
Tomorrow it may not

Just a walk or a journey
Don’t stop reaching high
Don’t let the time pass you by

So many ways that you can,
Try to forget
So many ways that you’ll find,
Wake up to regret


One Day,
We’ll say live life, I know!

Hold on,
Hold Tight!
Don’t let go,
Don’t lose sight
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Did someone posting the porn I did of you bring you back? I missed you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honestly yea.

GUN being a cool part of sonics world has so much untapped potential. If writers knew what they were doing they could be the order to eggmans control to sonics freedom like a Black Beard Akainu Luffy combo
Why is his cock out?
Camping out in the forest/beach
climb a volcano
Outdoorsy and aquatic activities and skills (diving, surfing, sailing)
Sneak into bars (marine leading on that one)
other girl shit and shenanigans
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You will never be a real classic Sonic. You have no soul, you have no dark quills, you have no 90s attitude. You are a pale imitation twisted by nostalgia and cooperate greed into a crude mockery of gaming perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back modernfags mock you. Naoto Oshima is disgusted and ashamed of you, other “classicfags” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Sonic fans are utterly repulsed by you. Decades of evolution have allowed gamers to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even santiagos who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a true classicfag. Your try hard cal arts style is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a retro gamer home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your brightly colored, flash animated pandering.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself Mania 2 is coming out, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll go to steam, check out frontiers, put it in your shopping cart, and plunge into boost mechanics and homing attacks. The hessfag fangirls will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you on kiwifarms on a 1 page thread titled as Santiago obsessed hessefag, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a modern Sonic thread is buried there there. Your nostalgia pandering will decay and go back to the abyss, and all that will remain of your legacy is merchandise that is unmistakably post 90s.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
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Women love Femboys more than you think...
Adventure. Marine will get Cream into trouble.
All I heard was I don't like good games.
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>like a Black Beard Akainu Luffy combo
That's exactly it. If Sonic is """""alledgedly""""" this rebel who doesn't follow the rules, then give him an actual authority to rebel AGAINST. It always makes me cringe so hard when I see fags on here blathering about Sonic being a free rebel who lives by his own rules. Like, bitch, okay? so what? Every Sonic character is free by that logic.

When you live in a world where there are no rules, which is what IDW and the games are now, no fucking shit you'll be free. Sonic's character is made better via the existence of GUN. There's a reason him breaking out of the helicopter in SA2 is one of the most iconic moments in the series.
>honey, the sink is broke; can you fix it?
>uhm, can you?

Women love femboys until they actually require a man to solve literally any problem.
That's his leg being bent.
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Do you not know what an ambush is?
I mean, yeah, that's not Silver, but still.
You act like YouTube diy videos don't exist
Yes. That's very specific but that's one of my favorite images. Never posted it but I really like Archie mecha sonic's design and I also really love the visual of the consciousness behind the monster.
I don't take it personally. I've got a current obsession with Chronicles. Though only you and a handful will ever know why.
Everyone who likes Game Sonic and wants him to be like "the wind" wants exactly what you are asking for, and it's not their fault it was taken from them. You are quite literally preaching to the choir.
what exactly is Modern Tails doing in this? Like what's he doing with his hands there? is he grabbing Sonic's quills or what
I want to say my favorite GBA game is Advance 3 but I haven't played it in like 20 years and don't remember it well enough to say that. Main reasons I want to say this is because I like the zone themes and the playable characters/pairs (shipping is good btw). I have played Advance and Advance 2 recently though. Advance is great and might be my favorite at this point, while Advance 2 is pretty bad, especially Sky Canyon, especially its boss. I like Advance a lot more. I like Cosmic Angel and Secret Base. That said I do like Advance 2 for having Cream.
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anon's Youtube search history:
>What do I do if a methhead approaches me in the stre-
>What to do if I've been raped
I mean, you're not wrong, but you're still wrong.
how could they animate modern tails to be a bigger bitch than his younger counterpart
*looks up youtube video*
Wow so hard, also she doesn't want you because you are a man she wants as free labor don't let those kinds of bitches control you.
>modern tails is more of a pussy than classic tails is
He's hiding behind him.
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Penders won.
The guy who complains about nobody talking about the games is baiting, I don't ever talk about comicshit whatsoever and I have to see some damn fag trying to peacock by wasting his cooldown time.
Give me your soul and I'll give you Sally back
Most game sonic fans want sonic to be a rebel, but they dont want GUN around, nor do they want other authorities, like various kingdoms, to be against him. When even was the last time Sonic was an edgy rebel?
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Your secret is safe with me.
Are we sure Ken isn't mentally ill?
anyone who likes or has liked sonic is inherently mentally ill
He hasn't grown dependent on Sonic yet
He finds alternative paths when they block his way to where he wants to go
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/sthg/ confederation, are you single?
the fact that a fankid has a yume is hilarious and based
the fact that you are specifically attracted to the unsexy parts of her is also hilarious and based
Into the Wind...
What do women want anon?
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Okie dokie then, last time I ever draw this design probably, fuck hands forever.
Modern Tails: Enjoy your future! Sonic will always tuck you in at night!
Classic Tails: Am I really gonna become as big of a bitch as you..?
He looks like he'll incinerate me if I don't hand over all my catnip.
/sthg/ is my boyfriend, my girlfriend, my mom, my dad, and my picket fence
Depends on the woman. Their is no unifying answer for what someone wants.
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I've actually been married for four years but the things I post here make that impossible to believe. I like that, makes me harder to doxx.
>they dont want GUN around
>nor do they want other authorities, like various kingdoms, to be against him.
I don't mean to sound rude, but this is entirely wrong on your part. I'm sure there are some people like this, but they are in no way the majority.
Look at this fucker with well drawn hands, I hope he dies.
I been studying Bittenhard's style and I think I got it down...
Tails has found the zen of aircraft maintenance , mechanical tinkering and world travel with a side of the supernatural. he is better than all of us
He plays their minigames and literally jumps through hoops for them.
Advance 3 is sick but it's also very flawed.
Why didn't Sonic Team and Dimps make more Sonic games like this one?
>but they dont want GUN around
where did you get this from basically everyone has been asking where GUN is/saying that the idea of them being dissolved is retarded
That's rad, anon! You're an individual of many facets!
Why would I waste my time being in a relationship when I could be playing Sonic games? Are you fucking stupid?
i'm actually kind of sad, I like looking at drawfags improve and usagibel had promise. We never got to see what his art would look like without the scratchy look.
you mean the guy who made the first ever blaziken hentai??
He's alternate universe boy Blaze, except one difference bizarrely is that he only communicates through obnoxious rapid meows.
>unsexy parts
Well I think they're cute.
Yes, I'm a real dummy! Believe me when I tell ya!
>not ugly
>smart enough to be funny
>energetic enough to actually build a future
>capable of taking you and your future children to the promised land
>strong enough to handle his own shit and yours and keep you out of danger
>divine king on the micro level of the household

Literally all of human history agrees with me.
I know him more for his sonic fanart
Alright, I'm done with guy Blaze, back to Coffee the rabbit.
>rows of teeth
Ow, OW, OW! Why would you want that?
>all this insecure masculinity
what is it about sonic that attracts this
Aw, that sounds lovely!
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when were they disolved?
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You see this purple male hedgehog? He can go Super

Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big, Ceam, Espio, Vector, Charmy, Mighty, Ray, Rouge, Surge, Kit, Whisper, Lanolin, Tangle and Barry? They cannot go Super
I am, and I'm starting to think I wull always be unless I marry a toaster.
she was born a little buggy, she wasn't lucky like coffee
Advance 2 had a music level and a techno level so it is kinda cool
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>Why would you want that?
Because they're super cute. :)
It's not...
it's more of a videogame/anime thing, not specifically Sonic. Also it's summer
Would you please describe to us the things that you post here?
True, but I find the level design so inferior to Advance 1 that it ruins the experience unfortunately. I saw there's some enhancement mod so maybe I'll try that.
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Sonic himself is a free chad.
They are attracted to Sonic because is what they'll never be.CHADnic doesn't pipe bitches, or dehumanize women he just keeps on running.
i can't find it but i remember the first image of her like this from a year or so ago
replace Prime with Shadow Generations
are you the guy that was scared of sage's claws too
Marrying a toaster sounds kinda fun, actually.
Hmm, doesn't ring a bell, but sounds like something I would comment on.
Wait, if Rogue is a Sally fankid, and Sally is from the Archie universe, would that mean Rogue is capable of interbreeding with human men due to Mobians partly having human DNA in them?
Is that image from South Island Central?
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It's not related to Sonic's character at all, but I think this is at least inspired by early lore.
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Sonic is a hero...
When I was horny Sonic ran up to me and sucked me off ad then he kissed me... Said "It hurts holding it in all day"
I love you Sonic The Hedgehog...
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But why not?
Until it's time for a romantic bathtub bath together.
>Literal turbo virgin
Sonic is MGTOW
I headcanon that Sara is a human-cat hybrid.
all blobians are capable of doing the sexo with humans
it would be really fucking weird for it to be commonplace in universe to hit on and kiss these little animal people if you couldn't actually start a family together
What year are we in anyway I'm not keeping track of this shit
Renzo and Sonic have the same number of letters and also have an N and O. Z looks similar to S.
scribbles sally is probably satam sally since she wasn't familiar with Archiedow and found his personality too friendly
That is canon though (to the OVA)
I don't take baths
I'm a Heartbreaker but it's not them it's me
Renzo is short for Lorenzo.
They knew
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Bored, choose a character, then state what rpg class they would be from any series.
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One thing I've always loved about this franchise it's how many different kinds of ghost we have
There's the Hyudoros, the Boos, the Pumpkins, pic related, the generic Unleashed ones, the ones that are literally just a magical version of the original like Tikal and the one on your pic...
I'm not worried about that stuff yet. Plus we aren't even married yet.
Surge, get outta here.
makes me happy the movies are using GUN for this reason
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We're in 2006! Have you forgotten about the most hyped game of the year?
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Leave her alone
I don't play games
her entire concept is having severe birth defects from shadow and sally being incompatible and you want to impregnate her
This game is awesome, it's basically SA3
But why did they make Angel Island so smol?
imagine coming off of rush, pissed that they cut down the player character count to shill a new shitty OC, and expecting 06 to be a return to form
thats just one part
Silver would be a dancer or bard.
Cause he's a pansy boy now.
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People legit can't wrap their heads around Sonic being a guy who doesn't focus needlessly on sex.
He's not asexual or gay he just doesn't value it as the end all be all.
I don't know how people can never get this, like having a dick means you act and react like a wild animal.
GODnic is forever based.
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i reread this 3 times as "Imagine cumming to rush"
If she wants to try for a kid I'd take the risk.
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Sally Acorn!

What do you think?
why did the retard remove the master emerald from hidden palace, just to put it where it'll be in more danger
he's the one on your team that you're not actively raising or paying attention to but he keeps leveling up anyway and you switch him in to take hits while you heal up your actually important Pokemon you care about
Oh, I'm sorry, then. Take care, anon.
They didn't. Everything from the Ice Cap entrance is Angel Island. The explorers talk about the gigantic mountain that fell from the sky. That's Angel Island.
I thought the incompatibility only resulted in Sally contracting NIDS before it got fixed by a Solaris Ex Machina. Also, I thought Rogue passed down her Black Arms genes in the future to the point where Mobians like Saleta existed by Silver's time.
That's just the alter, that giant wall in Mystic ruins where the hole you go to Ice Cap in is Angel island, it landed in Mystic Ruins.
I dont mind the scratchy look. Not everything has to be clean
I think her fans are a little nutty
was better with long hair
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Blazefags have this headcanon where Silver has a successful debut and gets two mainline spin-off games while Blaze is reduced to being his arm-candy, when in reality, they're basically in the same position, Silver only got more attention than blaze because of 06. Watching these faggots shit on each other is funny
I was there. I did not fall for the hype of this game. It looked bad from the start.
Wow, you must REALLY suck at Pokemon then.
That was his actual role in Frontiers, yes.
What you're doing here, then?
I can't believe people are remembering these details
yes the latter post is correct. The idea is she passed down black arms stuff but not Ultimate life Form stuff.
I might be mistaken but I personally like to think that Black Arms dna is merely a component in what makes Shadow so special.
Stop calling her Rogue
>But her name is the same as-
Then call her by her full name, Rougette
I watched Sonic X and now LPs
Because Sonic Team has never cared about strict continuity. This is why the Moon has regeneration power.
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>blah blah blah
Shut the fuck up, faggot, we all want to fuck Sonic here
It's not Blazefags, it's just retards who desperately try to get attention by blaming an entire game's faults on one character. It's really pathetic to see them keep doing this for months now.
i kind of like rogue ngl
What let's plays do you watch
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I won't allow that. I won't.
Those of you who want to fuck Sonic, what era/voice actor do you typically imagine him as?
Hey that's my Trumpdow image I used to post to remind everyone to bake le thread before blazefags bake le thread
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>we all want to fuck Sonic here
It depends.
imagine trying to make a female oc unfuckable, it'll never work
That sounds like something you'd read in an advertising booklet.
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>that gif
Shut the fuck up you misogynistic fuck.
Nice high effort post, have a (You)
My theory is that Shadow gave him the gun.
The only Sonic characters I've ever actively looked up porn for is Knuckles, Big, and Vector. I wish Tumble had porn.
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Ah, memories.
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Vanilla would set you all strait
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I think I'm starting to get it
That's the.... Chaos Emerald!
>modern Tails is more of a faggot than his younger self
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Sexism towards men or women is bad.
Don't care. Didn't ask.
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Where is the lie? I can't find it.

"""Classic""" Sonic is a modern invention.
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No Copyright Law in the Universe Is Going to Stop Me!
So does Black Doom still have plans for Earth since his army has essentially been replaced by Mobians with Black Arms DNA in them?
All you have to do is make her ugly
Breaking men and making them bounce on my dick is my fetish.
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>Twitter screenshot
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my holy grail
>limbless giant worm with double mouth and zero anthropomorphic features
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I also love sonic too! He let me touch his soft chest and nibble on it mmmmm
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sort of convoluted, i had an idea involving the original archie setup that her homeworld was killed off, but her powers were commonplace on Bluto (Just the mobius equivalent to Pluto).
Archie explained that their light powers evolved due to the distance from the sun, I thought it'd be cool if that was tied to the black arms and doom somehow.
>mouthless and pussyless OC
Sexism towards women is good.
>I agree
Don't care. Didn't ask.
>But I'm a m-
Not anymore. You're a woman now. Shut up tranny.
Only after marriage though.
>cherry picked bullshit by abused, traumatized women with internalized misogyny, assumes that speaks for the masses of women who want rapists to serve harsher sentences than drug dealers and for the legal system to understand that sex offenders almost ALWAYS repeat their crimes and are unfit for society.
You see women as a homogenized collective because that's how you see your own sex. Break from your own internalized misandry and you will be in for a rude awakening.
It's not ugly at all though
Just a big cartoon slug
Also it's not her main form
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It has occurred to me that Scream would simply stick to her rocket wisp rather than being a sniper with Cyan Laser
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Sonic the Hedgehog is cool, but rude. (Give me a break)
What's the science behind doing that? I don't get it.
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Oooo nice. These will definitely come in handy
Snuggling mephiles...
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>modernshit was supposed to mature tails and sent him backward instead
They are Americans.
>internalized misogyny
Not a thing.
>internalized misandry
Also not a thing.
you could draw the living incarnation of hell and sthg would fuck it
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Hang yourself, ape.
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Sex with Black Doom
you must be a huge Faggot then, I hope you get aids
>Black doom transforming into a sexy chipmunk against his will
Everything is meaningless in this universe. We're all living in the matrix.
>self hating men and women don't exist
Ok tranny
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It's already been done
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Junichi Kanemaru. Imagine his cute boyish voice moaning into your ear
you sick bastards
Who is the least fuckable sonic character and why is it blaze the cat?
Sex with Sex
Also not a thing.
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Why is Morio Kishimoto like this?
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How do you feel when you see THIS image!?
Ok well nothing will happen when you shoot yourself in the mouth, so do it. One less obnoxious contrarian to pester the sonic general
A girl's voice and some subtle curves is all that it would take for me desu, just leave the rest as is.
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What a waster opportunity for Silvisper
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why mommy Blaze left him alone? :(
>Who is the least fuckable sonic character
The End
Stupid shitpost.
is that a fucking godddamn sonisper fankid
Those two issues were just a waste in general.
Professor Gerald...
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Sonic's cunt wife
That scene is about Silver being lost and helpless without Blaze because he's a useless faggot
Also not a thing.
No, it's a Twitter user's random OC.
Probably the filename
without abrahamic religions we would be living in a utopia so harmonious our religionraped ape brains cant even comprehend it.
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Battle Results
>this guy was meant to be the new Shadow
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Not a fan of the nose, desu
Why would Blaze do this?
You don't know what you're talking about, Ian.
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new merchandise
new 2D super sonic/shadow art in the current year?
yes it's official merch by the way
>"Excuse me, miss exhibitionist, why are you wearing a wig?"
Can somebody post the full Spring Broken comic so I know what the fuck is going on?
I actually think Silver could be cool if the west didn't ass rape him and we could get a game where we used his telekenisis again but just..... you know.... not in 06....
Glad to see they are finally learning to make halfway decent box art at least.
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sonic's face here looks AI generated
how did they get super sonic so right and normal sonic so wrong?
Someone had to set the standard for Honey and Vanilla.
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We already know that IDW Silver is a scared weak bitch
>proto sonic
sucks, glad we got the final design
>proto blaze
looks awesome, the final design sucks shit
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>yet another boring issue targeted towards 10yo girls
Oh my God, just please kill this comic already. This shit brings nothing but shit on my favorite Hedgehog characters, fuck this faggot shit comic. Why doesn't Sega see this garbage and vault this feces already? Where the fuck is Iizuka and Nakamura??
One of the weirdest rabbit holes I've fallen into this week
Not even Bakugan seemed this autistic to me
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Nicole's property.
But yes, I agree, IDW needs to die.
A significant chunk of Silver's fanbase comes from him doing cool things in Archie because the games do fuck all with him
Why are you reading "filler: the comic book"?
What's your problem with it?
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LMAO! Typical Coleslaw Cruncher reaction.
Unironically I would go from blazehater to sonaze shipper if this had been her final design.
blaze is the man in the relationship
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Shadow the Hedgehog.
Just make Silver gay at this point. Jeez.
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What did Sega mean by this?
I only like Silver for his Japanese personality and character. I couldn't care less if he was canonically weaker than the others and always required help to save the day, and I would rather have that than Uwuver/Archiever with super crazy powerlevel bullshit.
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>AI generated -oomers
i see we're accelerating ever quickly into the cyberpunk dystopia
We can't have that because Tanabata. He's just Blaze's retarded femboy malewife.
Now imagine Shadow if the west were able to get their hands on him like Silver with barely any mandates being enforced. He'd probably be homo-coded too.
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I mean the games made him a naieve hero who has psycic powers. It was a cool concept but fucking shit execution. I think Silver would be cooler if he was more like a punk type character who was a bit rough around the edges but is determined to do the right thing, which he takes very seriously. I just cant see a guy who spent his whole life in the apocalypse being soft.
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he would go shopping with rouge and he would partake in the flower festival and he would trip over a rock when trying to chaos spear
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What the fuck is this
What is the point of this picture? I just see Sonic being stupid enough to insult the one guy who can easily free him. Also;

>Amy: "I don't care how mean he was, Silver! That doesn't excuse leaving Sonic buried!"

>Silver: "He also said that the only thing worse than being stuck was that annoying pink stalker harassing me WHILE I'm stuck."

>Amy: "...did he really say that?"

>Sonic: "Well, those weren't my EXACT words..."

>Amy: "...leave him behind, Silver."
>Sonic predicted the meme
I wish there had been one that said dialate
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Self-explanatory. Now just relax and enjoy the thread, anon!
You have described Japver
it's a processor name or something they used while developing the game
According to IDW fans him being soft is character development
I think Silver should be a superhero type. Sonic is an adventurer who has trouble find him. Silver should be someone who seeks trouble in order to stop it. Like, the type who would save people from a burning building and stop a bank robbery.
>look it up at your own risk
>it's a common case of self-insert
What? This stuff is nothing, we've already seen worse
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Shadow the Hedgehog.
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kill yourself holy fuck, is it really that hard to put text around a wojak in paint.net
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oh no I meant the fat pony shit.
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Oops, I forgot the image.
Honey/Candy was designed by Masahiro Sugiyama as a joke character (Sonic the Fighters was initially designed by simply placing Sonic characters in the Fighting Vipers engine, so they anthropomorphized a character from that game). Vanilla's "hair" make sense if you look at Cream's head.
sonic show with a laugh track
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Sonic fans are well adjusted, responsible, productive members of society.
He really is Japanese
I see the /utg/ AI sojak poster is here too.
theyre everywhere. theres a new ai tool that lets you instantly generate -oomer memes. literally the lowest common denominator of memes possible yet even THAT is too hard to make and needs to be automated
Sage's face looks weird, but otherwise, it's pretty nice.
That's a lot words to say. "Good point anon."
They gave up on that a long time ago.
seethe more ludite
So that garbage nonsensical meme spam I'm seeing isn't just that, but is also AI generated and posted all over this site?
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Clutch plapping Jewel
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I like japver...
After IDW dies do you think maybe they can hire a comic team that actually makes silver a badass like Sonic and Shadow?
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That shit's disgusting. That's just your nature.
this was bullshit. why did they decide to both make shadow significantly more competent than sonic and also unable to actually do anything
How is Silver going to beat the fag allegations after this issue?
has anyone drawn sex of this pairing yet
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anon he's doing it for attention because his dad was never around to encourage him to pick up any productive hobbies and practice healthy masculinity
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He can't. Silver and his boyfriend Espio love gardening.
Espio won the flower contest thing in case anybody cares.
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>Be me
>Am myself
God I'm fucking based, I love doing THING without being autistic or obsessive.
I'm gonna play [Sonic game]
I feel like Penders went out of his way to put in breastfeeding scenes just so he could have an excuse to draw naked Echidna tits without drawing porn.
He's not. Silver is just a lame joke character in the eyes of SoA and SoJ doesn't care
>christcucks are just as depraved as the freaks they're against
Which is why we all need savior. Duh.
This has also been the case since 06, with him actively seeking out Iblis to protect the survivors in the future. He's borderline obsessed with protecting people's happiness and the safety of the natural world, even to the extent that he'll kill and maim those who he thinks are threatening the world he seeks to protect.
Since most of Clutch's character it's "lol soda", he should subject Jewel to some weird soda themed foreplay
so anyways, who should sonic date, Blaze, Surge, Amy, or Sally?
Does this mean he gets to fuck Amy once?
Makes sense considering it's not "Good point anon.", it's an explanation why your point is shit.
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What would Iizuka think of this?
This would suggest that, statistically, the Catholic Church is actually less abusive than the rest of the world. Which is, of course, correct.
Blaze is not in this story despite being on one of the covers.
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Why is Christian Whitehead like this?
>Blaze is not in this story despite being on one of the covers.
So just bait.
He would "date" all of them, as long as their idea of a date is a run through some dangerous canyon or something with no girly stuff at all.
Is a social experiment.
Neither are Tangle and Whisper, though Lanolin not appearing at all is very telling.
because it was written by faggots who want shadow to blow out sonic's boypussy
Is there a way I can play this game? I never heard of it.

need drawing ideas. Taking requests
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Is there a translation of this interview available? I'd rather not put this through Google Translate if I don't have to.
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>Be me
>Not religious, and don't care much about Religion
>Don't want to do abhorrent things
>Don't want to fuck kids
>Just kind of exist n shit
Am I anomaly of mankind?
>Sonic Rush if it were good
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Why the fuck did they keep pushing this back for? This is the most boring special I've ever read from IDW.
I can't believe they baited the Silvaze shippers...
So it's a cope. Got it.
Where did you read it?
here. Take your (you) and read this.>>483511548
If Rush was good it would have playable Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Cream
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Draw Surge and Sonic like this
I like to think Blobians are sensitive to sugar and get sugar highs when they consume it.
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Another suprise tsundere kiss? Maybe with Rouge the hackee and Wormyume?
Wait until this guy cracks open a history book and learns that the source of all moral progress in the west came from Christianity.
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>Be me
>Want to FUCK Rouge the bat
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What's the point of making Silver lose, if Jewel is not the winner?
The damned prize it's a stupid geode
You can't even sell it for profit, unless you go out of your way to find someone autistic enough to buy it
Are they setting up some shitty future chapter with Jewel and Espio?
Because if we don't get any Chaotix involvement in the newest Restoration Riders shit, I'm gonna have to beat someone down
More Lanolin's mom being a predatory cougar!
Sonic kissing rouge
Clutch is going to be balls deep in the Restoration soon so I'd be surprised if the Chaotix don't do anything about it.
>So you just believe what you are told because the group of people you live with told you what to believe?
thats you lmao, you seriously think people arent capable of discerning right from wrong without a magical book to tell them how to live? that says a lot about yourself, anon
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Do you want to talk about Sonic celebrating the birth of his Lord and Savior Christ Jesus?
That was gay and pointless and made Silver look bad

Typical IDW
Sonic would say that
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I'd happily tap 'em both!
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You're special
thats not how jesus would want you to live.
Titled AI maybe
>its AI
Tangle, Whisper and Surge playing Sonic Advance 3 or SRB2
How do you discern right from wrong without a magical book? Is it because the Holy Spirit wrote the law on your heart? Like it says in the magical book? Or perhaps you can offer some other explanation?
Espio with nipple piercings and leather pants
IDW is going to be a goldmine of Silver slander in the future
Espio x Jewel
Please draw my silly request>>483511935 it's not very common that we get to have funny drawings
You two are silly monkeys
>i can't laugh unless i'm making fun of victims
It's a gold mine of Silver slander now. The writers hate him.
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Dating Maria.
>collage of anons creepy misogynistic fetishes.
wow. Anyways please go to the history and humanities board. This is a sonic general. At least if ur gonna post your fetishes have them be related to sonic
I am really glad SEGA has a no romance policy with Sonic.
NTA but the whole point of comedy it's to turn something horrible into something funny
Even the ancient greeks knew this, and they were a bunch of retards otherwise
You transgender women or what?
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Fucking CUTE!
Requesting the REAL Team Super Sonic fighting some eldritch abomination.
fuck off back to 2005
I'm glad nobody ever does your shitty surge and sonic request
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they sure do
This is just odd.
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Go back
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That """romance""" was one sided. Sonic would never betray Amy with a """human""" girl.
fwa is into underaged?
You draw that?
Looks good
because i actually have the capability to think and reason and know that being a disgusting freak in public and being a murderer and rapist is bad. i dont need a book to tell me not to do shit i know is wrong.
>Is it because the Holy Spirit wrote the law on your heart? Like it says in the magical book?
>how do you know rain falls from the clouds? is it because god gave you that knowledge? gotcha.
no, retard. its because i can actually observe and put myself in other peoples shoes, unlike yourself who wouldnt know that rape or murder is wrong without a book telling you not to do it. thanks for proving the point i made earlier in the thread btw.
Knuckles was into gardening and farming before any of these faggots
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I'm already living in the way that Jesus wants me to thank you
0/10. You aren't funny.
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The only good thing to come out of this issue
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How are you able to determine something is wrong? When you say something is "wrong" what does that even mean? Why should I be convinced of any moral claim you make? On what authority or reasoning are you able to make it?
you know nothing about your own religion, moron. you're bending it to fit your own opinions and beliefs, much like every other christian out there.
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Aren't we all?
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What the fuck happened here?
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whoops my mistake
You know nothing fool! It's Chaos! The god of destruction!
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>super knuckles and Tails
uhh what the fuck is this heresy? Y'all already the rules, stop this it'll never happen

They should spend a summer together
I'm going to steal this amy
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Shadow loves cunny
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Leave her alone before I EMP your fat, metal ass!
Toonsite is like the Cassandra Claire of Sonic with how much butthurt she generates with her shipping shit
>let me tell you about your religion
please do tell
Never say never.
because, as i said, i have the ability to put myself in other people's shoes, unlike you. i wouldnt want to be robbed, raped, stabbed or murdered. that is the same conclusion that all the people who MADE the worlds religions came to. would you not have realized that pedophilia is wrong if not for christianity?
Would honestly be cool if they did something with this concept version of Blaze. Like maybe the Sol emeralds work a bit differently or she tries using the chaos energy but it isn't compatible with her and turns her into an evil character like this for awhile. Kind of like Fleetway Super Sonic but sexy.
holy fucking shit where are the fucking jannies.
Ah yes, my favorite Omega weapon, the melee range bomb.
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something bothering you?
>How are you able to determine something is wrong? When you say something is "wrong" what does that even mean?
nta but. *Get stabbed*
>Wow getting stabbed kind of sucks
*Doesn't stab*
It's called empathy, every very basic social animals can grasp this concept too.
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So all of Twitter is complaining about the Spring Broke comic being lousy. What's so bad about it?
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it's par for the course.
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>lame and gay
Perfect for Twitterniggers
More filler.
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The "rules" are Ian's headcanon, which, through a game of telephone, became "Iizuka's retcon."
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>Twitter is complaining
A lot of waiting and delays for subpar art and rather uninteresting filler.
Neither of these answer anything. Even before the "y'all" controversy happened there were people who seemed to enjoy the Winter special. People just aren't liking the Spring one though.
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Both belong to Blaze.
based. Cream could use the growth
What exactly are they saying?
Sega would NEVER allow Sonic or Shadow to be written this OOC. Holy kek it truly is over for this weedhead.
Why is she like this?
So something is "wrong" if it's something you imagine a person wouldn't want done to them or something you don't want done to you? Okay. Why do you care about what others do or don't want done to them? Why should you care? And why should anyone else adopt your moral system?
False advertising (Blaze is on the cover but not in the actual issue) and Silver being further emasculated as a character.
More retard femboy Silver combined with absolute nothing story

>the "y'all" controversy
>Ian out of nowhere
Nigga Ian's rules are from SEGA and Iizuka is the only one who made the super rules
Get Ian away from the games and put him back to the comic ffs. If they can't, then get the guy who wrote the Scrapnik miniseries. Evan and these other faggots are boring as fuck.
>Why do you care about what others do or don't want done to them?
ask me how i know you're a third worlder.
Blaze = Dr. Disrespect confirmed
someone ask cover artists to write a story for a change jesus
Sega-sama Sega-sama. The fans, they're asking for a Chao Garden Sega-sama.
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cool, name me one character that can go super other than SSStrio, oh what's that? zero? Yeah das rite you can't
I don't care, it's par for the course.
twitter is so reflexive, it hardly matters what they're upset about. The comic sucks as it always did, it's incredibly lame, trying to be cute instead of entertaining. Maybe it takes Twitter twice as long to realize something's shit.
>the "y'all" controversy

Sonic said "ya'll" unironically and people lost their minds saying he would never say such a thing.
IDW is just filler to give Sega a few extra bucks. This shit will never be canon, you can rest assured.
Sega-sama Sega-sama. The fans. They're asking for an Adventure 3 Sega-sama.
Don't know who that is, does he have two wives?
So "morality" is just whatever social traits were randomly selected by evolutionary pressures? So they can be disregarded when they are inconvenient and there is nothing wrong with that then?
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Iizuka told you - or rather NOT tell you all you need to know about Silver's "importance" to the series.
Characters must grow and evolve, otherwise the stagnation breeds dysfunction, like in the fandom
Sonic isn't black. He wouldn't say y'all.
Cream grows to learn her place as Blaze's good little slut.
Southerners say "y'all", though.
The rule is that only Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have Super Forms. The reason being that Sonic is the Ultimate Lifeform and chosen one, Shadow is either a direct or indirect attempt to copy him, and Silver is his reincarnation from 200 years in the future. The idea that only male hedgehogs can go Super was a headcanon that was pushed by people who hated the idea and wanted to make it sound as stupid as possible while ignoring the actual reasoning behind the choice.
Tails, Knuckles, Mecha Sonic, Amy, Trip.
>Characters must grow and evolve

Like how Whisper was "fixed" by hooking her up with Tangle?
White americans would
>he consumes modern sonic content
Sonic isn't from the south. He's from Christmas.
>white people need a semitic religion in order to behave themselves
Honestly? As an arab, I accept your premise
Nigga that rule is something Iizuka alone had made up, even Kishi and other have said they have never heard of such a rule when asked. Iizuka alone is the only one who said that shit it's why Mania out right ignored him
How do we restore Silver's masculinity?
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so the solution is to not allow any growth or change?
Neck yourself you faggot, y'all was never negro speak, it's rural speak and always has been. Anyone else using it should be killed.
Fucking, Thank you.
>The rule is that only Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have Super Forms.

So Burning Blaze is noncanon despite the fact she was recently introduced into the mobile games?
He never said it though
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No laws out in space.
Mighty and Ray.

Damn. Basically anyone can. I guess that's why people are always after the Chaos Emeralds. It's almost like Sonic isn't the only guy that can use them.
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It was written by that nigga Daniel Barnes, right? Kek, he tried to make Sonic speak the niggerbabble and thought we wouldn't notice. He got flamed HARD by Twitter people
Marine and Cream having normal lesbian vibes and fun. no blaze allo
The solution is giving it to people who can actually do a good job, which the current crop has proven they can't.
Characters can only grow and evolve so much. Eventually you need to either add fake flaws for the characters to grow out of again, or regress the characters and make them relearn a lesson they've already known. This is how you end up with Tails being "wildly inconsistent."
Sonic only said y'all because a black writer was projecting him to be black.
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Simply emphasize the "fought through hell" aspect of his character and stop writing like a retarded twink
>things that never happened in the game
Yea you lost
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He's unironically the only person to have every brought it up
the main cast are still children/teenagers though.
This is why white women want arab men in europe.
It's fillershit again
IDW could write filler comics featuring these two and do something new but no. we cant have nice things
And? I'm sick of people parading character regression as good writing, stop fucking doing it.
>growing up and maturing , gaining experience
>character regression
check your logic
Ian's "rules" are excuses he comes up with for his incompetence. Did you not see what the pic was saying?
Here's a list: https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Super_transformation#List_of_Super_States
>sega dindu nuttin dey is gud bois
>Sonic relearing that "friends are good" for the twelfth time is good
>Tails having to "find his courage" again and again is good
there is more to growing up than that, but then again, maybe you have more growing to do
Sonic having to relearn the power of friendship after teaching it to literally everyone he meets isn't "gaining experience" it's having it ripped away from him by writers because they're obsessed with writing the same stories over and over. Just admit you're baiting, and maybe then you could do some growing up yourself.
Pretty much every claim about Iizuka making that rule leads to an unsourced claim at https://ultimatepopculture.fandom.com/wiki/Super_transformation
>ian dindu nuttin hes a gud boi
you are the one holding the characterization to maybe at highest an elementary school level of fables and idealism and worldview
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Empathy, is just an emotional response we have with other. The way you talk about it honestly makes you look more devoid of human traits and more like that of an actual animal.
I as a Person simply just do my best as to not hurt people, I don't need to be told why, I just "am"
You don't really need a complex reasoning as to why you shouldn't hurt people.
We all live on this silly little sphere, with very little knowledge beyond it, and may never know what lies beyond it.
>there is more to growing up than that
yeah, maybe they should do that instead of repeating the same arc and lesson everytime

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