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Make a new thread edition

Saturday June 29th at 3:30pm PT/6:30pm ET
Saturday June 29th at 12pm PT/7pm GMT


>NA #7 VOD
(congrats grimanon)
>NA #6 VOD
(congrats luci anon)

>EU tournament #3
VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2155240644

>NA tournament #5
VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2138483599

>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Upcoming DLC
>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Grimnir, Katalina, Soriz!
>Latest Patch Notes
>Steam page
>south americans:
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays

Previous Thread: >>483257991
total bigger death
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we won
>fight a bea
>now they dont do a single slide unless its ult
its kinda weird not having to look out for slides now
Do you bruise daily now.
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I'll hop on.
haha yeah I hope your character's best move gets deleted from the game too haha
>b-but I play an honest low tier, issa need b-buffs -
yeah haha but see you wanted this to be an honest footsies game haha, let's just take all your specials haha so you actually do just have to walk back and forth and press 2M and that's all you can do haha
Shut up faggot.
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so uh how the fuck do i get out of the corner in this scenario? f.M gets crushed (and doesn't move far enough anyway), 66L/M are too slow unless me not using the dash macro is the difference between it being viable or not.
No one who plays a top tier is allowed to post here. (I know we have Nier and Sieg players here.)
Only people who play high tiers or lower can post in this thread (Narmaya, Vira, Soriz, Luci, Beatrix, etc)
use the dash macro
When this game was first announced I had no idea how much emotional pain it would ultimately bring me.
*stands up*
I too am mentally ill, and it's terminal
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Same desu
Now that I know about draphs, living in a world without them is nothing but constant pain.
6 straight months of declining playcount.
Even DNF had a boost in playercount 5 months even.
honestly if they still do slides i dont even throw them, because I find thunderbird harder to deal with
People in Grand Bruise are so mean...
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Shut up Nier.
I'm more busy causing mayhem than trying to win when I join and have my daily done already.
Desu, get some pads for me at the store, I’m on my period…
Did not ask.
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Buruaka collab when?
you don't have an option there as yuel, throw out fM into 236L or jump into airstall and pray. hopefully they buff our slide to be an actual low profile and make it not throw punishable
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>this is fine :3
The target audience of Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising
People are not ready for the Faasan buffs
nerf bc nerf bc nerf bc nerf bc nerf bc nerf bc nerf bc nerf bc
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I wish I was beautiful like Faa-san...
remove delay 2l remove delay 2l remove delay 2l
We know bubz.
nerf bc nerf bc nerf bc
nerf meter gain nerf meter gain nerf meter gain
Nah, bubz is cool as fuck and actually fun to play
nerf 66l nerf 66l nerf 66l
They already did
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Bitch what, Beeyelzebub in this game is handsome as fuck.
I’m disappointed we never got to experience pre-nerf Bea together with pre-nerf 66L. Now THAT would have been a character.
>pre """nerf""" 66L
>pre """nerf""" Bea
Fixed that for you
i just ate 20 chocolate oat biscuits in a row
got your azz
>Got my Belial on masters
>Got Faasan on masters
>Got Bubz on masters
I am not getting Avatar Belial to masters but Versusia is going to masters.
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Post the face your main makes when you put it inside them
>the nerfs are fake
>the nerfs mean I don’t even have to look out for slide anymore
You have to pick one.
nerf this

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I told you the jap players were evil.
Can't believe they would do Nia like that.
Based Master villain.
Maining the villains...
yeah but try and get Nier to master (you can't)
This is the type of person who got Bea nerfed
Nier is not a villain, she is a victim...
>no fangirls jacking off behind merp
game actually confirmed dead
Nyo, the people who got Bea """nerfed""" are heroes, not villains.
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I've waited in ranked for 10 minutes, then the three matches I get are canceled. Is now not a good time to play in NA?
You cant blame random people for Beatrix getting nerfed
what rank? I usually don't have trouble with na from around this time(s-s++)
What rank?
I am in NA too and I rarely have to wait more than 4-5 minutes.
Game is dead now that all the Beas are gone.
>Got Bubz on masters
teach me da way
A4 green square
servers are bugged
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smug and naked
I have never struggled to find a match from noon to midnight
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getting no ping matches that never get accepted
it's fucked again
Dunno anon. I see a lot of a ranks running around and I assume they're still the largest/2nd largest group along with S.
Last I checked, S is currently the largest group follow closely by A, yes.
Delete your local gbvs folder in userdata. I had this happen twice to me at launch and this fixed it both times.
no i don't think i will
I'm serious, its just a settings folder that gets corrupted or some shit and causes issues with matchmaking.
nah it's fixed without me doing anything
>Anon trying to get other people to delete their entire collection of colors, weapon skins and rupies
steam cloud is on by default so nothing happens even if you do it.
and even if you turned that off you'd have known you were retarded for perma deleting it over sending it to the recycle bin.
and no its a real fix nigger.
last time i trusted anonymous my pc blue screened
last time i trusted anonymous my wife ran out
So glad this entire shitty franchise is dying
aren't you supposed to finish that game and move on?
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Anila please, it's fucking 4 PM
I remember when Relink made us drop below 1k and people thought that was really bad
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>jappas are dooming
it's over
>not asking you to count some sheep with her
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>"You've signed out" right as someone killed me
Why didn’t I get to try out the Balance Bear?
jappas have been dooming since day -1
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>the Balance Bear
it's the resident bigger posting using google translate, please understand
The people complaining about 66L are the trannies though?
The people who want zoning to be strong are the literal trannies like Nezumiku and Nekotech.
Meanwhile Zippy, one of the few normal looking males who competes at a top level, said “yeah I just accept the game for what it is, so I play Nier because she’s the strongest”.
anon, it's time for your meds
You see, if you get invited into Bepaw’s basement…
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you can ride the balance bear at evo anon
Exactly. A man embraces aggression because he ain't no pussy. He goes SOIYA and 66L's trannies to death.
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This is the person responsible for not nerfing Nier, Seox or Siegfried.
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Congrats you fucking retard.

and in return you got a game that no body playes except for the tranny loving faggot, Zippy. LOLOL!
Consult the Balance Bear
hold up we have a resident bigger?
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i appreciate this character
Yeah but it is kind of monster hunter though
The last update was the last one however so let's just say that Cygames did its thing
It's mostly me, but there's at least one or two others.
every single post about that game led me to believe they were going to support it with content for the foreseeable future. then seemingly out of nowhere lol PLEASE UNDERSTANDO end of service thank you for your support
No, that was people coping. They said from the start it wasn't gonna be a live service game and they were gonna do the 3 updates. People thought they were gonna reconsider because the game was way more popular than expected.
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relink expansion pack when
It's Cygames we are talking about so expect it in an year when the game is completely forgotten.
>a-a-a-and in ret-t-t-turn...
>*The tranny collapses into a heap on the floor, ceasing its unintelligible vappa babble*
>I grab him by the leg
>blood smeared all over the alleyway walls
>Soriz hands me the acid
>pour it on the zonertroon corpses
>NO ONE goes looking for them
this just doesn't have the same ring to it as lukegawd
The Siegfried sneak
we need a unique meme... some guy tried with belial before, it was a bit better but didn't work
lukegawd has no ring either, it got killed by capcom pushing the gay jamie ship
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female eternal when?
holy shit the game literally died after the Bea nerfs lmao
Enjoy Nio
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I get she was strong but did she really need a nerf with all the other busted character running around free? Was the whining justified to get her nerfed that fast? At least let the people who payed for the character get like a MONTH of fun before esportsing the game up.
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>the balance bear
wow what a unique post I had not seen one of these yet
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sheep anus
'yaru 'ors
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what are they watching?
Ok this one made me kek
Unusual memes compilation #331
mario kart 8 at CEO
biggers chased the regular playerbase out and then pussied out themselves. such cringe beings
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I am genuinely baffled they didn't go for that.
Is the whole "counting sheep to sleep" a western thing?
I don't actually know.
no, it exists in Japan too.
I don't know anything vchubbas but that was cute.
apparently counting sheep is serious business
Only chubas can save this game at this point
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I just remember a scene in Shinchan where he tries to count sheep to sleep.
I forgot what happens when he tries, and I don't think I'll ever find a clip of it.
They basically stripped out what made the character fun, and I don't want to play anyone else in the roster, so, yeah. Why would I even keep playing at this point?
Based on the direction the patches have been going in, they'll probably keep lowering the power level and making the game even slower in the big meaty, so maybe you guys will enjoy that more than the current patch. They're obviously not going to make the game into something that I enjoy, so I hope that at least you guys can get what you want out of it.
Shut up faggot.
i think you clicked on the wrong general..? strive and dbfz is that way
You guys...you guys killed my favorite fighting game..yeah! You and you and you, you over there
whens marvel
>they'll probably keep lowering the power level and making the game even slower in the big meaty,
I fucking wish, but the one balance patch we've gotten strongly indicates that they are going to double down and increase the amount of retarded nonsense in the game.
You mean the patch that (admittedly very slightly) nerfed the top tiers and 66L?
I could understand if you had said they intend to keep the game kind of retarded, but your post implies they made those things worse.
I bet anon is 100% talking about the Anila changes
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im just baffled they nerfed her within WEEKS like holy fuck let people LAB atleast against her meanwhile Nier Seox and the usual cabal get away scot fucking free

Its fucking stupid so im personally checking out myself.
Its wild niggas whined about Bea and this bullshit is still in the game NEVER listen to the minority whining
That's one character. And in the "nerfs" column we already have Nier DP nerf, 2B nerf, Bea nerf, and 66L nerf.
(To be clear, the Nier DP nerf was a good thing. I'm just saying that that's clearly another example that they're willing to make big changes to lower the power level of the game.)
Just fuck off already you faggots
It's unironically not my fault that they finally threw off all the dumb restrictions they had when designing other characters (no plus frames, no throws that actually work without a massive drawback, etc) and designed a character that's actually fun for once. No wonder she was popular.
>66L nerf.
gran raped
belial untouched
Shut the FUCK up you fraudulent, carried faggot.
The character is still retarded by the way, no idea why you cunts keep whining about it.
Another day of trying to mash 2L on defense when I should be using 2M
Its a new character release there always gonna be an army of them retard look at sf6 and Akuma
just got my shit kicked in by some 4k crystals lowain
i thought being able to spot dodge his parry and sba was all you needed, my god that character has so many knowledge checks fuck me
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Just block Desu's attacks
how do i play Anila?, i've been playing mostly Charlotta and Zooey since i bought the game and wanted to try Anila to switch up things a bit but i've been getting bodied non-stop...
Mofu mofu
I can't believe the Bea fags in this thread are for real
You should be mashing 2L though?
I already tried to mofu mofu and asoko ja but didn't worked
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They very slightly nerfed the top tiers but let them keep almost all of their retarded bullshit sans Nier DP combo, while also omega-buffing few low tiers with similar retarded nonsense.
Literally just spam 66H. It's an unpunishable huge range combo starter that beats pretty much any move your opponent might try to do.
All of the master Lowain players are bitches too, I have almost all of them blocked for one and done'ing/rage quitting. Imagine playing Mario Party fraud king and having the audacity to one and done anyone.
Bubs still envies Faag's beauty
Public lobbies are for

>chatting about your day
>running around and playing with your avatar weapon
>do funny emote with someone else doing funny emote
>only play with one person for the rest of your life and no one else
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>so bad at Grand Bruise I literally only ever make it to round 2 if there are AFK people in the match
I'm too awkward to sit on a booth
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>get urge to play Rising
>remember that this game is dogshit
>urge subsides
this but unironically
poor nier...
the fraud low-mid tiers get on my nerves. they don't win consistently so unlike the top tiers their fraud shit only exists to ruin people's days
fuck bubs
fuck lowain
fuck vas
fuck fastiva
fuck eustace
fuck ferry
fuck metera
fuck uno
fuck vira
fuck narmaya
fuck abel
Anilabros, we remain honest and respectable.
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I know S+ is barely scratching the surface of being actually good, and I also know I will probably spend another 1,000 games now in the S+5 / S1 blender, but just breaking this wall feels nice.
Sounds like you don't enjoy the game if you have a problem with half the cast
good job
now join the tournament and become my onahole
>now join the tournament
Sure, I might
>become my onahole
Honestly very based Anon.
Mofu mofu.
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Thanks friend.
Here, have more sheep.
All me
good job zoi god

just get that ugly sheep out the image, you should have cropped it better.
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Cock, even.
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Don't be like that, friend... both Zoi and Sheep are good girls, and they have lots in common!
why is every match today lagging ass
how can i tell if the lag is my fault or the other player?
>how can i tell if the lag is my fault or the other player?

>every match today lagging ass
that's how
idk why it would be me though, my internet is normal and ping is low
pickle eyebrows
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Cute caterpillars.
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how the fuck do you deal with this
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Make your move
whiff punish it :)
i think ferry is pretty
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Just don't cancel it
Draph horses...
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Push a button.
or don't idk
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look at how pretty she is
*cums in glove*
*does not cum in glove*
Your loss
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>bwuise daily
>no bwuise pop
nyo my rupies! pls help
what server..
i'm trying na
ok i shall queue just 4 u
lol game just got stuck on connecting when I chose to play grandbruise in the menu, its truly over.
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Have you visited the Granblue cafe yet /gbvsg/?
it popped
do they sell cheeseburgers
They sell Shizu-burgers.
i didn't get in but i am happy for you
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Yes, enjoy your ratburger
ty for queueing. ill stay in queue for a bit to keep it popping
the bigkala
i don't need the dailys/weeklies if you wanted to do other things anon. maybe you just enjoy grandbruise though.
>no vikki lemonade
Rat? This is a rat burger?
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indeed it is
always down for some bruise
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cheesed to meet u
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I fucking LOVE Aoi Yuuki!
...but I fucking HATE Aya Hirano
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raging strike dodge has my favorite sound effect
nier has my favorite sound effects
No one dodges my raging strikes, I do them during left right mix when people are too mentally focused on blocking the cross up/holding the block button.
i dislike this character
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I admire this character.
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Stay the FUCK away from the Chickadees
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This is it guys, tonight I go to sleep without masturbating! Hooray for day one! WAGMI!
Thanks Djeeta, very cool.
I've fallen
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Did you get her battle pass illustration?
Lwobby? Styatus?
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Why is that a good thing
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I have not paid for any of the battle passes, is that in the current one?
I would 100% paypig if they add this bikini as a costume but so far I can do without the premium rewards.
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>play Beafag in ranked
>check their profile afterwards
>9/10 times their only ranked characters are Bea, Nier, 2B, Siegfried
id like siegfried a lot more if he were a woman
preferably with a flat chest
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nah it was in the last one
it looks like the first panel here >>483507179
it's not a big deal because ASAP (all sheep are cute)
WEW I finished the pass last second boys. Now to stop playing until there's more to slurp.
So is there a pause on the BPs, or did they learn their lesson about adding things that are easy to datamine?
>playing a master rank bea in the open lobby
>did ult slide
You didn't read the patch notes...
You are punishable now...
You were not supposed to react to it bwo...
>bro gran why did you ult boot what are you a retard?
Yeah I'm a retard
And I'd do it again
ARE you supposed to just randomly DORAIVO BASTO in neutral?
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holy fuck this general is dead
>Make a new thread
>Make a new track
Anon are you subtly telling those that know to play hors game or am I schizoing
somehow we are still less dead than /ggg/
and that game has like 10x our daily players (not that it's impressive)
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Cygame's parent company bought Nitroplus
Saya as a guest character soon
Just stop jumping when I stick the red nade on you bro
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heh these are neat
Is Lucifaa allowed to be funny in the gacha?
*cough*… *wheeze*…
I mean Strive’s numbers are impressive by fighting game standards. Very few fighting games have ever been able to regularly break 2k players years after release. Basically only SF and Tekken are able to beat those numbers.
concept art? wheres this posted from?
I'm glad we got one of her alternates as Yuels outfit.
Will be nerfed in the big meaty
He barely appears outside of the events where he is the main villain so not really. Even in the AU just a dream story his other self is pretty boring. Then there's the Grandblues comics but everyone is wacky there.
>Then there's the Grandblues comics but everyone is wacky there.
Wait, those are official?
Always have been
I've seen them posted here but I always assumed they were made by a very, very prolific fan
One can say many things about Cygames, but they are usually pretty aware about jokes and memes in the community.
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Absolutely insane that Seox ult empty hand, Narmaya ult teleport, and Zeta ult spear are still in the game, but Bea ult slide got obliterated.
At least Mai is coming to SF6. Probably just gonna take a break from fighting games until then.
Just spot dodge the six ult
Just mash on naru's teleport
Just block the zeta ult
Absolutely insane that Nier is still in the game, while Bea got deleted.
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*puts on cowboy hat*
*unsheathes revolvers*

ya'll varmints are in some real trouble now
Shirou would be a BASED fucking choice
Can't believe KMR has better taste what the FUCk
for me, it's Yuel's semi transparent dress
we could've gotten shirou and instead we got.......................... vane
You didn’t actually expect them to put in 3 homoknights and not put in the fourth one right?
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Wait, isn't this that Uma Musume horsegirl? Why is she in a Granblue Fantasy OP?
>lancelot fraud loses
>switches to sieg
can't make this shit up
Golshi is in Granblue and Granblue Versus
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Horses are granblue
I’m so glad that Bea got nerfed so we can see more Sieg, Belial, and Lance on screen.
why are j.L's active all the way until you touch the ground? I feel like that leads to really stupid gameplay options like doing rising j.L to preemtively beat out any jumping normals your opponent sticks out on reaction, while still giving you a hitbox on the way down if your opponent didn't jump.

It's not like committing to a move punishes you since stuff like 2H are air unblockable anyway. If someone is expecting you to jump, you're gonna eat shit whether you pressed a button or not.
Because horsefuckers HAVE to be obnoxious, regardless of the form the horses they want to fuck take.
I like it for niggers who twitch react jump throw, they just jump into my j.L like a tard
Agreed, they're far more tolerable
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>j.L on Vas
>it hits him on the way up
>now I'm like -100 in the air and I can't stop it
It's to give them an usecase.
For most characters you have a cross-up button, a heavy jump-in button for extra blockstun, a longer-ranged air-to-air button (some characters trade one of these for an air-stall button), so that leaves very little use for j.L if it wasn't active all the way through.
In addition, it's probably also to make it easier to do jump-ins for extreme beginners. Remember that base Versus was very concerned about making the game as approachable as possible, getting your jump-in/safe-jump without having to time the button to hit when near the ground might make the game less frustrating for someone completely new at fighting games, but that's just me guessing, I don't actually know if true beginners struggle with timing jump-in buttons.
>true beginners struggle with timing jump-in buttons.
True beginners don't know about safe jumps even as a concept.
I learned it through this game.
Or rather the discussion around here.
>10pm in JP
>can't get a bruise game going even queuing there for 15mins
it's more over than its ever been before
you were saying?
Bro why are you making fun of them? Thats us in the future…
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I cope thinking that the gacha's Guild Wars event event is affecting this game's player count, I guess I'll be proven wrong in two days when it doesn't suddenly go up.
>full screen mids
>full screen low
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do you need more bruise, anon?
you're not that slow-ass black/white charlotta right?
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People wanted to use the REAL dark cuties
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>Madabouthorses is back
wasn't me, i was in that game though, just needed 2 stages for the daily quest
steam summer sale will save us bros...
20% off trust the plan...
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>game soes on sale
>anon comes here to ask if it's worth the mony
>/gbvsg/ nooo, go away, keep your money, they don't nerf the top tiers, they nerfed 2b and bea, not enough patches too many patche, fuck off.
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>game goes on sale
>anon comes here to ask if it's worth the money
>golshi's game? mmmmmmyes
All they need to do is advertise the free version.
Fucking Cygames.
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I'll only buy if they add more horses
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I look basically identical to this in real life
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I need an adult?
baka this guy doesnt know how to type penis and avoid the word filter
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>Granbruise daily
Wait until close to daily reset.
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>make your m-ACK
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who wants to game?
Gonna play in approximately two hours, but don't know if I should suffer in ranked or if I'm fit enough for the lobby. May I'll just do my dailies.
Going back to honest mid-tier Sieg after Bea is quite the adjustment, but I do like having a DP that actually hits people instead of whiffing even when people are 1cm away from your face.
>Bea is broken
>Slayer is broken
>M Bison is apparently broken too

all fighting games are made by the same person
Bison is allegedly bugged because his mine explodes twice
Those Japanese FGC developer round tables makes me think that their closer than they should.
was me ggs
>Bea is broken
Societte's upper-class country accent in English means she sounds like a slave owner, which... hot?
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Dangerous toes
playing against siegfried makes me afraid of hitting buttons
fuck this gayass
So is Bea /honest/ now?
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VaneGODS, I kneel!
She's still broken
Same level of delusion as the people who were crying about Vira during launch week
dangerous rear
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Racist girls are the best ones
No one else can do insane damage off a random 66L. They didn't nerf her hard enough.
gyaru fox gyaru fox gyaru fox
Gyaru horse
Took a shit.
My asshole is sour.
People who stick shit up their ass for pleasure are demons.
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oh, so you are cool with things coming out of your ass but things going back in is somehow evil?
my futa wife
my rat wife
my nier hagwife
my dino adultcunny wife
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The Chipotle Pope is gracing us with his presence, what do we do Kizzingtons...
oh so bison is out
did he release today? I wonder if he affected our numbers
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I think I'm going crazy.
The game feels a couple of frames faster.
Or my brain is just getting slower.
You're just getting old.
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>36 in EU lobby
jesus those eyes
revert the bea nerfs or else..
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Don't be rude
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I'm finally free to play the game but have absolutely no will to log in.
my tongue down her throat
Don't these horsefaggots have an entire general? Why are they always dumping their trash here?
i like this character
Can you explain to me how Beelzebub is bad?
He seems like a solid, mid-tier.
Relies on gimmicks, once you learn them and properly deal with them he's useless.
Vaseraga is a better version of him since his gimmicks are insanely hard to deal with and constantly forces you into a guessing game.
Sorry bwo I'm downloading Dawntrail
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Imagine being mad at horses
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horses are our friends
Lucilius is such a faggot character, I don't care how mid he is.
*PHOSPHOROS this post*
Is there a bed for the photo mode?
Probably not, you'd already done dirty stuff with it.
Didn't want to reply to that anon...
I thought you were implying that because I play Lucifaa I am some kind of pervert?
I am
is beatrix nerfd yet
She’s mid-high tier now, probably hanging out a couple spots below the top 10.
She is """nerfed"""
She is functionally, essentially the same. Easily still top 5
bea is mid now
You're mid.
You can never truly nerf a sol badguy moveset.
>an actual Japanese person in the EU lobby
This is completely delusional and when we have another month of data post-nerf you will look as silly as the Zeta upplayers.
Shut up faggot.
Bea got nerfed harder than 2B, you can’t reasonably argue that.
Even outside of her combos, 2B still has whiff cancelling, double jumps, and hover. Those are all insane tools for this game, so she can only be so bad, unless they really go out of their way to wreck her. Bea’s ONE insane tool was slide, and now that’s gone. The rest of her kit is still solid, but not as fundamentally busted as 2B’s is. (You could almost argue that command grab is on that level, but it’s held back by the fact that Bea hurts herself).
Is being mentally ill, living in a completely different reality a cause or a consequence of being a Beafag?
Holy fuck.
>he STILL can't react to the slide
you can just block it now lil tim tim, there's no need to check it anymore
The Bea smearing campaign is being conducted by thinly veiled Lancelot mains
Put your fucking rank into your profile.
Sneaky little faggots, all of you.
>sacrificing one of the 4 spots dedicated to my PriConnes just to announce my rank

Hmmmmmmmm.... nyo
It’s actually insane how many of the anti-Bea people just openly admit to being Nier/Seox/Sieg/Lance/Belial mains.
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>another 2hrs of Djeeta mirror
I mean It was very fucking fun but oh my god...
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>solid, mid-tier.
That is precisely how I'd rank him...
... before Bea was added to the game.
See, I don't believe tierlists exist in a vacuum.
Bea MU is horrible but it isn't Bubs' worst matchup, Nier and Sieg are probably worse
But Sieg and Nier aren't 90% of the matches, Bea is.
I'm a firm believer that Bea single-handedly dropped Bubs a few tiers.
Most of the time I think Bubs strengths make up fairly well for his weaknesses, but I'll list some of these weaknesses
Glacial movement speed
5U is incredibly slow making it's uses either niche or ridiculously risky
fL has a really short range
Limited resourceless conversions and damage midscreen
Karma will get you killed half the time you use it and it has a Blade Level Zero Lucilius tier cooldown
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>play ranked as S-shitter
>get matched with a S+
Thanks, game.
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>GBVS 10 views
>GBVSR 7 views
what a literal faggot does to your multibillion worth franchise
I am probably going to leave scarred for life from this franchise due to the sheer wasted potential and missed opportunities
i guess I understand why /gbfg/ is so bitter towards cygames now
i dont want to frighten people off in casual with my scary s+ badge.
>sheer wasted potential and missed opportunities
This describes almost every single Japanese franchise, it's actually incredible.
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but I'm B
that's a waste of a badge slot
this game is fucking trash, man.
The funny thing is two different people could say this and mean entirely different things by it.
like what
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bwo...I finally got it
the stupid ass frying pan
Someone explain the "white woman save me" or "white woman this or that" meme. I see this in profiles, hear it in videos, and it's across FGs in general.
Please, queue in bruise...
I think the game is trash because it's too slow and defensive. Other people think the game is trash because it's too fast and aggressive.
This game is the best fighting game I've ever played I've only played SF6 and DBFZ
which region
Sorry, a game actually happens.
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Gbvs was the better game
This is also my favorite fighting game, and it's the one that finally convinced me to git gud. I'll be really pissed if it dies before I get master.
i wish at least one of his jumping normals crossed up. I've neutral jumped so many bea 22X's only for them to stop behind me and suddenly i'm the one eating a combo. I guess i should just unisonic and gtfo in that scenario but it feels bad getting robbed of a punish.
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I like the game a lot
I don't like your character, she has terrible personality, I'd rather get my balls kicked in everyday by le ebin genki gorilla girl than the my family wronged me, now billions must die girl
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I hear you and I respect what you're saying but you cannot be in the new world. Desu, show him the door
August is coming
you can tell that beatrix was nerfed because the schizo frauds are back on vira.
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There is no August. We will loop in June forever.
>timeskips to august
>accidentally timeskip to 2323 august
perfectly balanced if you think about it
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I was talking to my friend about this game and we both agreed this was one of the most wasted potential games of the whole GB franchise. Just completely botched it character choice wise, balance wise, marketing wise etc. My god it legit makes me not even wanna bother with there products anymore.
For SOME reason we needed all homo knights or weird shit like Anre that 2 people use.
Then GVFRelink also completely shat the bed when as a new ip got ass loads of people playing and all they had to do was add tons of characters and more bosses but were like...nah.

Is it still FKHR running this shit?hes fucking killing this ip.
Homophobic nier...
there is no place for faggots in Nier's new world
if we are to be completely honest FKHR is most likely just a scapegoat.
It's unrealistic that he's behind every single shitty decision made and everything he does gets approved without passing by more people first
It's likely the problem runs deeper...
who else could be giving the final say though? who else is approving all homo knights/angels in EVERY GAME?
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He is but hardly the source of all the problems. We're talking about an extremely big franchise (or what used to be).
I have absolutely no idea how can anyone else in that company think they're doing a good job. They're probably stuck in their comfort zone and don't want to put any effort and anyone who wants to change the company for the better is either too low ranked for the yakuza boomers who currently run it or/and it's too much of a hassle to handle or fix, just like when you run for politics hoping to change your country for the better only to find out there's so much corruption or retarded rules preventing anyone from changing anything so you just stay there to get your money and barely anything else.
Nah, he is the actual director, KMR is the scapegoat and a lot of people blame KMR over FKHR
I've played
Idol Showdown
Of course, the time I spent in all those games isn't split evenly, but yeah Rising is my favourite fighting game.
I won't say it's the ''best'' because at the end of day that's up to each person, to me picking your favourite Fighting Game just means finding the one which the glaring flaws bother you less and that just so happens to be Rising for me.
>just means finding the one game which the it's glaring flaws bother you the least
fixing my esl moment
>which the it's
Watching his Largeness play VI and it's insane how everything, absolutely everything in this game, just screams "niggercore"
>picking your favourite Fighting Game just means finding the one which the glaring flaws bother you less
And then they go and add 2B to it.
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Another bruise daily....
Nice blogpost.
You better subscribe
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What did Charlotta mean by this?
harvin murder
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idk. Let's see
too far?
Charlotta would never enjoy being abused by villains
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this is NOT gawdlike, you WILL like, you WILL subscribe, you WILL support me on patreon
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This is someone's knight.
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I like Beelzebub
He always sounds like he's having fun.
he laughs at me
not nice
it's just brown cope
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(Video game) white women are fucking hot. It really is that simple.
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no who is that
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my knight
>being this fucking naive
I want to commit a Belial. I want to have mindbreaking violent sex with her while telling her the world is rotten and unsalvageable.
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Insurmountably based.
The world needs more people like her.
not far enough
id swap faa for avatar bel doing the most lewd face available though
>eats a corner cH starter
>gets shit on
>laughs at the opponent
something else is swelling in my pants when i see her, if you catch my drift
that peek at her crotch...........
siegfried needs like 10frames of windup added to every single one of his moves. Man should be as sluggish as a dark souls character for how much reach and damage he has.
forever pure
Unlike you, she actually has the strength to make it happen
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She's 96 cm tall.
it's magic
don't have to explain shit
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Which chibi has the best unique action and why is it Ruria?
He is already very gimped with 7f c.M meaning he can't do 66L->autocombo like all the top tiers can. His f.H is also slowest in the game.
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>He is already very gimped
the state of sieg players
>his f.h is the slowest on the game
charlotta is literally right there
Still wondering what do you gain by acting like a retarded faggot all the time. There's no way you spend 24/7 here baiting people for (You)s.
take the eyes off bea please, thank you siegking
try having a 7f c.L FAGGOT
I want you all to know that 1) this person is serious, and 2) this is the type of person who has been saying that Bea was ruining the game and it was critical that she get nerfed.
>2) this is the type of person who has been saying that Bea was ruining the game and it was critical that she get nerfed.
Incorrect, I was a Bea player pre-patch and only went back to honest mids Sieg because they undeservedly gutted her.
shut the hell up vascel
I have a 6f c.L. The government owes me a girlfriend. I need access to state mandated pussy.
>1) this person is serious
His posting style is very familiar and downplays anything the general tries to shit because he wants to get (You)s or generate seethe.

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No matter how the blind mice struggle, the clock WILL tick down to zero.
So what are you guys playing now that this game is dead?
Getting to Mythril on ER
Playing single players like Song of Conquest, Song of Syx, Starsector
Gacha chores

No other fighting game looks attractive to me
Its dead?
Works on my machine.
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Just keep playing
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thank you
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How DARE you
Anila is 100% natural
I started a replay of Kingdom Hearts what with the Steam release and all, but man, the first game is clunky as fuck.
>no minimaps (extra frustrating because the worlds were way too confusing to navigate)
>obscenely difficult even on the "normal" difficulty
>can't skip cutscenes (fuck you riku)
man was it fun but FUCK that game
>can't skip cutscenes (fuck you riku)
Thank god you can in the PC version, I definitely wouldn't bother with it if that was still the case.
oh neat
still not playing it again because of the other issues though
2 is the best arpg of all time by the way
Eh, I don't have a problem with difficulty, and the stages are fairly small so I don't think a minimap would actually help much in navigation. And while 2 is a big step up in gameplay, unfortunately the writing takes a nosedive from which the series never recovered. (Although admittedly the nosedive began with CoM).
>and the stages are fairly small so I don't think a minimap would actually help much in navigation
you clearly don't remember Wonderland, Atlantica and Hollow Bastion
>Wonderland, Atlantica and Hollow Bastion
The stages in that are tiny. Yes it's a fucking maze, but having a minimap wouldn't actually help you navigate it since it's all about random entrances and exits that link in inconsistent, illogical ways. I suppose Hollow Bastion is a bit bigger than most areas in the game, but I also remember it being quite straightforward. Atlantica I have completely blocked from my mind due to the awful gimmick controls.
Anyway, how about that Rising, that sure is one of the games of all time.
ruria sex
hey guys.. club check haha remember lol haha
let's goo we're so back
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>tune in
>sieg and 2B
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>we're so back
are we?
>monday night mashfest
It's Wednesday though
why doesn't he shave that little tuft off?
i am really liking this saga of posting gyaru hors
golshi is old and busted
sirius symboli outdated
mejiro mcqueen overrated
long have we waited
We like all horses here
we need more horses
not just one
yeah but you wrote this post in the style of a shitty twitch copypasta, so whatever you wrote is garbage and cringe now
the commentators are right, BC benefits ladiva so fuckin much. If they increased it to 2 diamonds we wouldn't see so many robberies from this dumbass character
I stopped some faggot Bea player from getting their 3 wins to rank up today, only to have my own wins denied just now by a different faggot Bea player.
Circle of life.
I haven't seen many Beas in S++ ranked. I'm happy. Although, probably a lot of them already got Master by being scum.
this is why ladiva players don't have any grounds to complain, bc ch hkd is busted on her
You lost to a mid tier. Why are you upset?
Fuck off retard.
Look you can either deal with me, or you can deal with nezu calling Cag bottom 1. Your call.
Fine, you are the lesser of 2 evils.
sorry chudcel, numbers don't lie she lost like 500 damage per special, they literally blew her kneecaps wide open and made 22m useless.
she's mid. you got gapped if you lost i'm afraid.
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join the tournament

Saturday June 29th at 3:30pm PT/6:30pm ET
Saturday June 29th at 12pm PT/7pm GMT
I was playing Vane who is literally bottom 3 so even if I accepted your "argument" (I don't) she's still 100% fraudulent by comparison. Checkmate faggot.
I might
I don’t get how anyone can still say with a straight face that Ladiva is bad
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my dragon breath, not drool
>plays vane, 200x more fraudulent than bea
>only reason vane sucks is cause he is basically missing a special move and in spite of that the character is literally cancer to play against, the only player having fun is the vanehomo
>still dares to call other people faggots
not my fault you picked the wrong homoknight, homo
>Ladiva is le bad.
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no wait... my friends...
ice man that needs to be nerfed like Bea...
Vane and his gay fanbase...
Percy and his lazy player base that don't want to work for wins...
my precious friends...
I'm tired of WORKING for my wins.
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>stops the very moment from taking charlotta's head off even though she top tier with crushing resets
you work for your wins?
it's fucking free with perci
most people can't even deal with f.H > fireball
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I thought Aya Hirano constantly shrieking was annoying as shit, but I just looked at some replay from some faggot who uses English voices and holy FUCK it is somehow unironically 10 times worse. I am so fucking thankful we don't have to deal with dubfags during actual matches anymore, I would have truly uninstalled the day the Beafag flood started.
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i probably should kill the captain of the holy knights who is 24 years old
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with the power of friendship, i manage to keep the dragon aids under control

>ranked up!

Beabros, what buffs do you think our honest mid tier is going to get in the summer patch? I think improving the framedata on her normals and reducing the self damage from command grab might be a good start.
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wtf why did you record my game
how did you get that picture of me and my boyfriend siegfried
Offline meet up when!
For some reason no matter who he is shipped with I feel like Percy is a bottom
perci is a power bottom
vane is a power top
lance is a bottom
sieg is a top
ngl artorias is kinda dogshit huh
oooooooo nier mirror!!
What the FUCK does """Lazy Ruin""" even mean?
laggyruin please do the needful and flush the ragequitting tard.
being lazy ruins society

saya in season 2 poster VINDICATED.
at this point it's eos in season 2 buddy
fuselit... loses
how am i supposed to navigate cag's annoying obstacle course
who do you play
? not sure what that implies but if any narmgod here could help a shitter out that would be great
Okay if you're really not sure what tools to use, almost every special of yours will work. You can also use 66M to kill traps, even both ex traps at the same time. Your ult skills will fraud your way in as well.
can't narm just run over the traps? ignoring the rest of your kit.
sieg wins but the ragequitting nier tranny loses
Sieg bottoms for Metera
welcome home mr sol
how did a ragequitting tranny nier make it to second place...
I'm also a shitter, but if you don't know already, you can M Transient over traps unless she's sitting on them. You can also 2L or 66M grounded ones like everyone else, but Cags can try to bait this and counter hit your attempt.
\2L the traps on the floor, and block the spikes that are meant to catch you destroying the trap
if you think shes going to set more traps, you move in
if you think the cag is bad, use one of your specials to rush in like her 214U
damn they actually shid on that nier
there are no real answers, they picked cag and won on the css so you have to outplay them ten times as hard to succeed. 66m low is your best bet like most characters that have it
>universal safe ob low that steamrolls through everything the character can do
>mmmyes cag wins on css
didn't know about killing the traps, i'll try focusing more on that next time, thank you
though for using specials the cags' i've fought seem to catch on really quick and interrupt me out of it
>universal safe ob low that steamrolls through everything my retarded self can do
fixed. trip on, tranny
little problem there I don't lose to you people despite being at a clear disadvantage because of cag so clearly you're the retard
but you couldn't even win a tournament here
i won evo
unless you're a djeeta player I don't want to hear that from you.
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Is this in character for Belial?
I guess they don't want any legal trouble by having chibis telling you to play Rising all night long, but surely he would approve?
golshi tells you to keep playing when you hit the 3 hour mark
KEK really?
Absolutely based.
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Where is the Nofap Ferry anon
This is a CUTE Ferry
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Where is the 'take a break' chibi melty anon
long gone...
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i played against an S++ Cag, didn't realise how absurd the character was before then
absurdly bad
it's ok, a cag is number one on ranked right now. hopefully the nerfs will follow soon enough
the second hours mark at least is golshi telling you to take a break in her own autistic way
Cagliostro randomly has a hydrogen bomb of a 2U and a MOAB of a fH
Is Golshi as funny in her anime as she is in chibi form?
Yes she's mostly comic relief since all 3 seasons of the anime don't focus on the time period where the real hors raced in real life. She's also silly during her story in game for majority of it.
>since all 3 seasons of the anime don't focus on the time period where the real hors raced in real life
actually season 3 focuses on the same time period when the real hors was in his last year of racing
it falls flat because they had refused to focus on her at all beforehand
I mean uma usually focuses on the 3rd year career and beyond for the horses but Gold Ship was basically an old man by the time Kitasan/Diamond/Grand/Duramente started running in the crown series. I wished they'd animate the 2012 Satsukisho though, the way golshi won was kinda funny
Jumping preserves momentum, right?
I wonder if round start dash super jump H.Unisonic jump scare works?
normal forward jump is too slow
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Bubs' divebomb, j.214X
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>CEO finals start right after reset
Let's hope that there's no GrandBruise daily, then....
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>go to check the vod since i missed it
they upload their vods on youtube but it's still dumb
should just have the vod on youtube instantly under live
incase you are mega-retarded.
Aren't you the B rank charlotta in Asia Lobby 1 who spends their entire day looking for newcuties to bully and dodging pink squares to maintain their own pink square lmao
does anyone NA want to play abit im close to Lv500
gods strongest b rank charlotta
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how is this move oj
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>even as a chibi thing on the lower corner of my screen, Beelzebub cannot stop seething
it's not oj, oj is orange and usually liquid sometimes with pulp
some nigger in arcsys thought nier being able to combo off a sweep was ok
who can't combo off of sweep

the fuck are you talking about
are you drunk? it's midnight anon
if your character can combo off a sweep you're a fraud
i just got off work......
When's the 100% OJ room
>He doesn't work shitfaced
answer the question
grimnir, lancelot
nah hes just a fraud kek

imagine being such a loser to hunt down an orange newcutie perc just to boost yourself to pink and then proceeding to dodge all pink players after LMAO
Lancebros, we are SO honest.
grim and lance are the epitome of honesty
>t.plays female characters
I play male and female characters.
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I, too, would never GranBlue Fantasy Versus: Rising a car
well, she needs to have death to do that so it's balanced, mnyes?
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hooo...someone wants to taste the 300ms 7rbf experience?
I hope they break Seox knees next
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I HATE Metera
Shitposting aside, I still struggle fighting her.
Maybe she's low-tier, but you don't want a buffed zoner.
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Good news, there is a female character who cannot combo off sweep!
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thank fucking god siegfried is back
might puke
God this is so retarded
They should've just kept normal rotation and then if they wanted to do this shit you'd just have more free charas to try
Instead we had sieg and nier 3 trillion times
they know the only way to keep the game alive is to give the free players the op characters so they boost player count
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I will save this game when Versusia comes out
Also the fact that they confirmed the 1.5 will be playable during EVO is pretty funny, I bet they wont let anybody get any footage anyway like with Beatrix lol.
I don't know if you can do it king but I wish you the best
Not only 1.50 needs to be an absolute banger of a patch, but it will need a ton of shilling too, with carefully crafted events to showcase the game at its best.
And to be completely honest I have 0 faith in Cygames' ability to make a patch to end all patches.
>Melee and Ultimate get Sunday finals
>Strive doesn’t
>mario kart 8 won
alright time to win
i think ferry is pretty
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is the harvin eternal cool?
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There are two.
Funf is literally a kid but her magic is megastrong
Nio is sex, cute, unique weapon type and would be cool to see
Bubs seethemaxxxing is really entertaining
Funf sounds fun(f)
If this is the new normal then I’ll probably just quit fighting games altogether. Randomly nerfing characters every week based on whoever’s crying the loudest on twitter. Absolutely retarded way to manage a game.
did any zangief win anything besides snakeeyez pulling a miracle in one tournament
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it barely got nerfed
Honestly we need more staff users in this game
He got 5th at Dreamhack the other week. Grapplers shouldn’t be allowed to do that well so he has to be nerfed immediately.
We also need at least one harp user (real)
no stave users
theyre just fucking spears
But they shoot out funny blue light
It's canonically a polearm.
I think.
Yeah that's why I meantioned Nio, since she's the harp user of the Eternals.
Why is the size of this thing never consistent in the art.
Damn you, Shosan.
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Except for monkey who is cunny Sun Wukong staff users are wizards etc, staff weapon class is also closer to "magical item" than proper staff. Grub's weapon classes are weird like that.
It's size changes depending on how excited Zeta is.
>Except for monkey
nm we need one stave user
Maybe the logic behind that is that staves are things you use, instead of stabbing, slashing and hitting with.
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just fought a real Vas player for the first time(?)
I can just HOLY LADDER my way through Vas's kino walk right?
>I can just HOLY LADDER my way through Vas's kino walk right?
not the blue one
subtle beanigger post
we need cunnycake
Yes I do play Bea.
Even before the Bea fiasco I always supported the “buffs not nerfs” philosophy. Modern fighting games seem to be shifting in a direction where they’re really eager to nerf all the fun out of the game in order to avoid offending anyone, and I really don’t like that trend at all. The idea that you should actually have to lab and work to overcome a tough matchup is totally incomprehensible to modern zoomer fighting game players.
>b-but Nier’s DP!
Not relevant, not the same thing at all. That was a semi-universal tool where hers was just 10x stronger than everyone else’s version of that tool for no reason. That’s a textbook example of a case where nerfs are actually justified.
>I always supported the “buffs not nerfs” philosophy
Don't even need to read the rest of your post to know it's shit.
And Bea has an exclusive combo extender mechanic while her combo damage was on par wit everyone else's even without using it, which is something they tackled in her rebalance.
>ven before the Bea fiasco I always supported the “buffs not nerfs” philosophy
stopped reading there
go play dnf or soive
>blue one
NYO! None of that shit
why have i been 'connecting to servers' for like 10 minutes now
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>Even before the Bea fiasco I always supported the “buffs not nerfs” philosophy
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>new PC so playing newer games
>haven't loaded GBVSR in a week
>should i join tournament

Fuck it sure. I've got 2 days
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I only now just realized that the reason they panic nerfed Bea was that they don't want any of the DLC characters in tournament top 3s, because they would then have to put said DLC in the free rotation.
damn we're dead
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E.Gran when?
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We need a BA fighting game
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>play in casual
>get one and doned
>wait in lobby
>get avoided
beabros.. i thought that we're honest now.. why won't they fight me
Would fight you.
Unless you are master rank or lower than B rank.
... but I'm a D rank Master ranker...
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there is actually no Bea left in ASIA lobby
kinda nice
JP bruise is popping btw
i've just been playing casual the past week while waiting for dawntrail and it's literally just the same master sieg/belial/cags over and over. There's no one else playing. Can't imagine being a new player and queuing into this freight train.
my internet is shidding its pants and i cant connect to the servers jizzington...
Pretty sure A and S ranks are by far the most populated ranks.

It can be ducked, and if you're reading it, you can try to use a sweep/2U, but the Vas can also use the savage rampage low to mix you.
Normally I’d say this is crazy, but Cygames might actually be retarded enough to do something like that.
Bison seems strong but not broken
There are some twitter combos of him doing full retard damage but they require him to already have a bomb set up and then land an ideal starter. He's just doing Bison things other than that
>ladewaybac is playing DNF Duel
It's fucking over
They buffed this button last month and slightly nerfed it because they thought they overcorrected. It's still stronger than it was two months ago, and Gief got a bunch of other buffs too
yeah but you have to realize you are talking to a retard whose only understanding of anything related to fighting games is someone on twitter, reddit, youtube feeding them their opinions
>the thread is dead except for the horse posters and that one psychotic beafag
this reeks of ''bea isn't broken, her 90% midscreen combo is a meme starter''
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I'll get active again after the big meaty
When Cag gets nerfed this game will hit 70,000 players like Streets
Sowwy, just woke up. Make a room and I can play with you.
>youtube commenters still seething about Bea even though she's a mid tier now
A broken character is one that completely warps the entire meta around them.
"Top 5" is not the same thing as "broken".
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You can only watch nier v nier grand finals so many times before you realize it's nag v happy chaos all over again
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never seen a raging strike clash before
Amazing, post the video.
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I'll save CEO
All the way from Australia?
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bwo....not like this
I went too far with my "unpunishable" DP/Super bullshit
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sorry xerom.. you're just gonna lose to zippy again..
i don't like either of these characters
>Nier vs Charlotta Grand Finals again
So tired of seeing these two characters...
mmmmmm mshyark
Kangaroo bros...
it was just a 2L clash into raging strike. Thinking about it i have no idea why you would cancel into that in a clash, but we were both retards so i guess that happens.
yeah raging strike is like the worst option you could do in a clash RPS, it loses to everything
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I am so happy that the Bea nerfs didn't increase the playercount at all. And in fact the 24 hour peak is still falling.
Maybe Cygames will learn that listening to whiners on twitter isn't how you create actual interest in your game.
i think they should nerf beatrix again
They should nerf Nier so all the Nier players can leave too. Then the game will truly be dead and we can all move on with our lives.
Why do you like doomposting so much?
She's too popular and over saturated! We are so sorry!
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no one expected bea nerfs to increase the playercount, beatard. they just made the game more enjoyable to play for everyone except you and the legions of other beatards. now, are you going to keep crying that your top tier cancer got demoted to high tier forever?
ffxiv expansion launching tomorrow is gonna take another 10% off the remaining playercount.
There were multiple posts in this thread that said "I'll come back when they nerf Bea". Obviously those were all lies.
From a business perspective if there were more people playing the game when Bea was strong then they should have kept her that way. Playercount is a better predictor of BP sales than how "enjoyable" the game is. I paypigged every BP up until now, but now they can go fuck themselves.
The point is that people who whine a lot about how X character needs to be nerfed largely 1) don't play and 2) are impossible to satisfy, as the declining numbers show.
you're carried trash, get over it
play a real character
Every time I go into a Beafag's profile, she is either the only character they play, or it's just a bunch of other, similarly easy-mode characters.
It's funny but it's also fucking disgusting.
>Reee you can't just play simple, easy characters, you have to jump through hoops so that you can achieve similar results simple characters get by pressing a button reeee!
Why though? If someone likes playing basic characters, what's wrong with that? I mean that's why the basic characters are there.
The only people who get mad about shit like that are the ones who are hardstuck at some dumb rank and feel like they deserve to be placed higher
It’s ironic because Rising literally has one button specials and is built around having very easy execution.
Every character in this game is “basic” and “easy”. No one is actually hard to play.
You are free to play whoever the fuck you want, just like I'm free to point out that you are a gigantic, carried faggot.
It is very simple.
Execution of moves is not the only aspect that makes fighting games difficult.
>if only the game "balanced" I would be master rank... grrr
Oh absolutely. Execution is part of difficulty but it's not the only thing. Difficulty also comes from being forced to react quickly to multiple scenarios, having to be very proactive on defense, having lots of knowledge checks and being forced to learn a lot about how other characters work in order to beat them, etc. All of which Rising is very light on.
I love Yuel's and Anila's dumb faces when they're getting hit
>Beafag is so asshurt when people point out he's carried that he has to make up imaginary enemies and their arguments in his mind
It's not even Bea related, people like that would appear even during the BB era (before bea era)

Whenever people would post them getting promoted, you would only ever see some people post salt if the post was someone getting master rank.
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there was a beatard going for masters and he received nothing but encouragement here
Fart provoking golshi
Now that uma is getting a global release, will "they" send people to America in order to enforce the no lewding rules?
you mean that guy who was stalked by a schizo
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golshi bread
People like playing zoners?
no i mean the recent one just before the nerfs.. or was he stalked too?
>ragequitters in casual
>Broski just released his 2 hour Aki guide
Great excuse to install SF6 again, since this game is pretty much dead.
didn't ask
r a r e
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They have no power in the land of the free
who would play a zoner in this game with dodges/rolls and full screen neutral skips. At least in other games you can force people to jump or take the chip.
No, I just checked the archives, but it's when the schizo anon appeared to complain about the other Bea. So that sort of counts.
zonerfags are mentally ill and think that the opponent having any movement options besides walking forward is cheating
I can beat zoners with Nier.
bros cheer for me
they're fighting
just saying but that 2b isn't from here. we don't claim shitters. only winners.
oh nyo...
*closes stream*
you served as a montage clip for that narmaya
how does it feel
he gave it his best, you guys couldn't beat dishonest gorilla nigmaya.
that was a 5L > RS input and it gave me throw
I hate this game's fucking input buffer
that narmaya is the very definition of the SCAMaya playstyle
did you never play him before?
I have never seen this guy before. I got driveby ft2'd just now
try not to get frauded by him again

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