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Rootie Tootie fresh and Fruity edition


We discuss Modded Minecraft, modpacks, projects, build ideas, etc.
If you're working on a mod or a pack, keep us updated for feedback!
Refer to the OP before asking about launchers.

► 2. NEWS

Minecraft's 15th Anniversary, get free cape: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/15th-anniversary

All legacy/java/Mojang accounts have been killed. Use PollyMC to keep playing the game without a M$ account.


>Useful Curseforge Search
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/464782-old-curseforge-please (script to automatically redirect to the legacy curse pages)

>Current Flavor of the Month Launcher
https://github.com/fn2006/PollyMC (say no to M$!)

>1.7.10 server authentication option (Got shafted by M$? You can still [multi]play!)

>Ideas, Albums, Resources & Inspiration

>General FAQ [Read this before asking for mod-making guides, where to download shit etc]

>Mods, modpacks and guides [Read this before asking what modpacks you should play]

>alive /mmcg/ servers:
Create mekanized: https://pastes.dev/2mRhDCgdXf

Feel free to add your server info in the OP

Previous Duck: >>482898532
>>alive /mmcg/ servers:
the mek server doesn't seem to be very alive anymore thoughever
Sinytra connector but for different versions rather than mod loaders when? Abandoned mods and mods that have failed to update to modern versions need love.
why? there's literally nothing of worth in any modern minecraft version. and even if you somehow for some reason wanted them most of it has been backported by other mods anyway because mojang does a week's worth of development in two years
have the 15 year olds still modding 1.7.10 backported create yet?
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serb status
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I do miss the serb, it was comfy
>add Fireproof Items to CABIN
>load world
>java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'net.minecraft.tags.TagCollection net.minecraft.tags.ItemTags.m_13193_()'
At what point did forge stop just outright saying what dependency I’m missing? Getting a little sick of installing any random mod and having to sift through a crashlog because I didn’t install poopoopeepee library or whatever.
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I'm having too much fun on greg, is anyone seriously playing reikapack? I'll come back to try it if true
>need dependency
>game helpfully tells me what mods I need
Works on my machine.
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Leave some take some.
Leave some:
1.12.2 nomadic tents adds an event handler for the player wake event that's very poorly optimized. With many mods this can cause a "wake lag" where after getting up from any kind of sleeping (comforts sleeping bags, any beds), you'll lag jump back if you start to move or act immediately.
I have a fixed version of the 1.12.2 jar here. Note that I also removed a bunch of other event handlers that needlessly clog up the most frequently called events, e.g. item drop, teleported etc
mediafire(dot come slash)file/ss4bx41q1ddd87o/NomadicTents-1.12.2-9.5.2.jar/file

Take some:
Somehow my 1.12.2 forge toymy always runs into periodic lag stutters after teleporting / switching worlds. This occurs after Ieleport dims (nether, tent dim, aether, etc) a couple times and also if I switch worlds. The lag is very periodic around once every 5 seconds and lags out for another 5 seconds. This lag continues even in world menu. I see my CPU go to 100% during those stutter spikes. I've got optifine and a GPU with about 4GB VRAM. I've also set RAM to be high and low (varied between 6GB and 8GB). My guess is that it's some problem with Java's garbage collection or possibly some kind of memory leak. Any help is appreciated, I just want to chill in muh tepee.
yeah we've been playing for these past few days, it's a schizophrenic kitchen sink but it does seem to have some thought put into it
here's the whole build folder of my modified version of 1.12.2 nomadic tents. You can just git diff it with the original nomadic tents source code online. The build is a bit wacky since it needs hwyla / waila API which is no longer available online so I just included the mod jar itself as a jar dependency in the java project.
mediafire(dot com slash)file/q9ah07dcmaschf9/Nomadic-Tents.zip/file
1.7.10 just turned 10
I wonder what's the percentage of people who play it without content mods
So when is this new 0day patched?
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Finally got all 41 essences automated, and I even made a new friend
save me notch
arent these flux rifts 1.12+? What a cool mechanic
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They are to an extent, but thaumcraft 1.12 feels like a big step down from 1.7
>Like mod
>But it has really shitty features that it really doesn't need
What's her name and disability, /mmcg/?
it's quark
Mods like Hardcore Darkness for 1.19.2? True Darkness doesnt work with shaders.
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Okay but we should have a comfy gtnh serb.... I want to give it another go and hopefully get to do all the fun early game stuff I missed out on the first time
I think we could get pretty far if all the greg geniuses in the general combine their brains...
based lgbt slay base
>sees colors
>immediately thinks of sodomy
mentally ill
>Use symbol for sodomy for years
>Entire month where the symbol is used everywhere for no other purpose than promoting sodomy
I can promise you that color coded assembly lines have no relation to anal sex
do you have nothing more interesting to do than shitpost?
why did you post this
why did you respond
why did you respond
I hope you don't actually think you look like the pic
but I do?
this is literally me
Packs/mods that make you feel like this?
what is this a reference to
Is it compatible with Millenaire
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>Download Horror Elements mod because I'm game for trying a spooky setting
>Come across a new structure with pressure plated doors
>Walk in
Loud = Scary, apparently.
Just booted up the ol' 1.12.2 pack. This modlist is kind of ass but awesome.
>minecraft horror mod
what did you expect
>someone should port ____ to [version]
retards: omg so truuuu
>you should port _____ to [version]
retards: thats so rude why would you say that
because its a fuck you retard type response
Just downloaded the Screaming Villager
someone should port psi to 1.20
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>Find neat little farm area
>Go in, see walking scarecrow
>Suddenly loud roar
>This motherfucker runs into view from the fog, kills some other dinosaur, and roars again
Yep, that's a pair of brown pants now.
What dino mod?
The Dawn Era. It has some flaws, like the Ceratosaurus spawning WAY too frequently in the desert, but otherwise it's a solid dino mod.
you mean setgamedifficulty or dragonrealm? I personally prefer TOYMY for these mods
either YWNBAW or post tits and GTFO. More likely #1 though
colours existed before the faggots went out of control you know
if XY then die
r8 my 1.7.10 mod stack and make recommendations

Xaero's World Map
Archimedes' Ships
Better foliage
Electrobob's Wizardry
Enchanting Plus
Pam's Harvestcraft
Tinkers' Construct
Hunger Overhaul
This mod looks sick.
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Anyone familiar with this mod?


Only 600 downloads, but I'm tempted to install it.
Forgot to mention there's a different mod called Ars Magica Legacy that has way more downloads than this one. So two different mods here.
mcreator ARR slop, it's not going to have anything on it
nta but good catch
>which way western man
>createslop or factorio
create early game factorio late game is the true answer
Can't wait to celebrate with yet another 8 hour gtnh sesh
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>Goontech: New Hormones
>Pams + Hunger Overhaul
Also no real content except Electroblobs? Might as well play this on a memeversion for more vanilla content
posted it again award
Thanks for the heads up anon
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MCreator sisters...
how do we recover???
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>Rizztech: Sigma Horizions
buy an ad faggot, and stop spamming literally everywher with your shitty website
mods need to start banning everyone who posts something from that sit
who are you talking about
hes some kind of... obsessed faggot...
the wojack place
surely you're not implying that he's an esl from /funkg/, right?
>the woah jack place
How incomprehensible...
Just like my favorite X™ memes, or something like that
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geg they really are like this
this is a RAT. it took long enough for people to realize they can literally upload any malware on curseforge and 10000 people will download it.
Why do all the structure mods for Java suck compared to this?


YUNG's is good, but it only overhauls the existing structures. I want ruins and pyramids like this in my game.
>I want ruins and pyramids like this in my game.
Good for you sis, for only 1690 Minecoins™ your dream can come true!
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I can't tell what the classes do because I don't have decomp setup nor do I want to bother combing through it
but the textures and data jsons seem setup properly
it could be just a dumb kid making an mcreator mod
on that note
how long can a RAT or ransomware or other virus be around before it gets detected
like, how long after a virus was uploaded, before it's 99.5% going to get detected by windows defender?
can I assume a scan is accurate on a 6 month old file?
I would assume most script kiddies are grabbing the latest leak
with programs not in a sandbox, is it super easy for someone to just spin a custom trojan that doesn't get detected?
there are lots of mods that open up a TCP connection and send files to the server. why would those go undetected but something scanning your drive and sending data to a random IP wouldn't? windows defender/antivirus/virustotal are completely useless realistically. people who want you to download some trojan usually encourage you to scan it.
>The lag is very periodic around once every 5 seconds and lags out for another 5 seconds
Have you tried profiling it? Get Spark, start sampling once the lag is happening, stop after half a minute or so, check the results. If it's not obvious, do another capture *before* the lag has started to use as a baseline, and compare.
Spark has a GC monitor feature too which alerts you if there's a GC issue, though I'm not sure how it works to be honest.
yeah you're right
so my folders of mods for many games are like giant minefields
how long do people tend to sit on RATs before using them and getting it discovered
im retard when it comes to computers how do i detect RATs and/or avoid them
>detect RATs
you don't
>avoid them
don't download things you can't trust
so a low-effort mod by a new modder?
i guess so then

good luck getting rid of them entirely
the fact that I haven't gotten virus'd in many years (over a decade I'm sure) seems like a fluke now
reminder to make proper backups
DH is the best thing to happen to Minecraft in a decade.

how well does DH support massive create contraptions
I've used it on a server and it works just fine. It just unloads them when they go out of render distance as normal. The biggest performance killer with Create was shaders.
>It just unloads them when they go out of render distance as normal
While compatibility with Create would be cool to have, I don't see why that's surprising. Create is a meme mod anyway.
We need to gather a large amount of propene
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I've profiled with spark before. The problem is almost certainly not due to an in-game mechanism as the lag is still persistent even when exiting to the world game menu.
Spark's profile shows all generic activities of ticking etc just taking significantly longer.
I'll try some garbage collection monitoring but most likely suspect is some form of memory leak / not collected garbage behind the scenes.
Oh, that reminds me, VisualVM has a memory sampler and a heap dump viewer, those should help if it is indeed a memory leak.
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>Install Distant Horizons
>Start a world
>Only one mall area renders, ever
>Can only close the game by killing the process
>Try again with a new world
>Same thing happens
Welp, looks like that mod was a lie.
New mods are fucking impossible to get to work together. On 1.12.2 I had my lighting mod, my shaders, and my loader mod work perfectly, on 1.19.2 I cant get even one of the mods to work as advertised.
Factorio does not own the automation genre.
so true!!! this is literally me
Does anyone know where I can get NikkoriMod? On the civa.jp forum post the download link was removed for some reason.
the old japmods site died when the whole uhhh
I forgot what actually happened but microsoft basically required modders to sign something, and basically your mod was illegal if you didn't? I forgot, it's been a while, but the result was essentially the death of the japanese minecraft forums and also a large swathe of dead mcforum pages
just use archive.org
How do I download it from this page with archive.org?
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No clue buddy.
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>reach UV
>This is no longer enough circuit assembly lines / regular assembly lines
my toy cube collection
never seen a man whine so much as gtnh players
all they do is whine whine whine all day
nobody cares
they're the only ones actually playing the pack they shill, note how toymy fags and create troons never post bases
Rent free.
You mean TOYMYGODS never complain. Create TROONS love microsoft SLOP so I agree with you but next time you cross us TOYMYGODS.... let's just say it won't be pretty.
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there have been several cabinfags posting bases though
rent was finally paid
mods for this feel? (pedophilia)
littlemaids with the sexmod addon
it's called yes steve model https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKryb92lWUk
she big tho
>if she comes out 6' tall from the womb she's fair game bro
I mean, kinda!
literally me! just need a bf to play with desu
damn, let me cum inside your asshole in minecraft
only wolves are allowed to do that
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i'll let you cum inside in real life even
you can't say this and post no contact info smdh my head
if you're not in the right part of the world it's futile to post anyways
well? which continental landmass are you on?
EU for me :3
I am also in EU
oh shit i didnt think i'd get this far
straightest /mmcg/
s-shutup! i'll say no homo and it will be fine!
All me btw
that would mean there isn't actually anybody interested in stuffing my ass whilst i stuff a coke oven for the 2948358th time
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okay, so I profiled it with visualVM, problem seems to be excessive garbage collection. picrel is the stutter lag profile, following is the normal game profile.
Everything else is identical, heap, metaspace (permgen), etc.
Only difference is that stutter lags are repeated period garbage collections.
I know that it's just garbage collections because if I manually call a garbage collection on a normal run's profile, it looks exactly the same as one of the stutter lag spikes
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here's a normal profile with the manually triggered GC spike in there
Now this begs the question, wtf is causing these repeated garbage collection calls? It's not likely a memory constraint issue as a normal run also stays at around the same heap usage levels and same goes for metaspace.
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Finally unlocked bewitchment, but got sent on some side quests since I found some cracks in the base - the first one was I was out of blood (I had gotten my blood from using a signalum weapon, but nothing automated).
Hopefully this solution will be able to keep up with demand.
Gegtrannies at it again
>sexmod addon for little maids
link it
there is tho
well, why arent they playing with me?
ingame and irl of course
because our planet is huge, and random people meeting online tend to live far away from each other
well, most of the time anyways
depends on how distant desu, if also in western europe then it's manageable enough desu
I'm the original anon that wrote about cumming in your ass, I'm in the netherlands
but I'm not actually gay though, 'pologies
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"western europe" is still fairly large, would need a country to narrow it down
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Modded minecraft?
>I'm in the netherlands
ja kanker wat is dti nou
wollah men zijn we beide nederlanders
nu moeten we wel meeten
>zijn we beide nederlanders
jij misschien wat minder dan ik
ja nou moet wel hé?
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i love my soulfully broken terrain generation
Execute faggots and return /mmcg/ to a general about modded Minecraft
what mods
infact, post modlist
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very work in progress. I tried to go big on worldgen and you've seen the results. caves especially.
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Greg steam is a fantastic teacher
btw shader is complementary reimagined with a lot of tweaking, resource pack is mizuno's 16 craft.
the boiler giveth and the boiler taketh
Is there a better alternative to ladders in earlygame GTNH?
Something a bit more, quicker?
stairs broh
Do you have a multiblock saw yet?
that wasn't whining tho
i warned you dog
piston boots
I think the first jetpack becomes available mid MV
so does the thaumostatic harness
if you want to play GTNH without touching blood magic but without making the game harder, what would you recommend
what tier do ore meteors get unlocked at
aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa i want easy vertical shafts like nu-craft water columns
retard don't make a ridiculously large tower in low tech
>if you want to play GTNH without touching blood magic but without making the game harder, what would you recommend
I don't understand the question
Bees I guess? AFAIK the only real use for blood magic past a certain point is meteors. They're also not SUPER important but they're really good and give you access to a few ores that would otherwise be massive pains to get in bulk

>what tier do ore meteors get unlocked at
I think late HV / early EV
who said anything about towers
i just dig straight down on ore veins
if you put a few redstone upgrades on your pickaxe its probably just faster to get back up by making a cobble pillar and digging down when you want to return
ladders are just that bad
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is anyone interested in playing engimatica 2 expert? i'm hosting a server with some nonnies from /v/, we just started a couple of days ago.
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>already started
no thanks
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i don't even have powergen yet. we really just started. (a couple of other people have machines though...)
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seems like you coming here is an afterthought caused by dwindling player count desu
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i've got three or four other core players, but any more wouldn't hurt. i'd still finish the pack even if it were only me, but i thought i'd offer since i'm already hosting a server, and i do want more people to play with. desu.
West side bump
Anyone know any good mods for war weapons? Guns, missiles, tanks and other stuff. And some type quick building/structure placing mod? Making a server with friends where we just kill each other.
Maybe, might be a bit before I can get on though.
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im gregging hard for the time being so maybe the next time you host a server, maybe
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>you can set maids' work, chill and sleep areas
>when it's more than a few blocks away they just teleport instead of running around

effortless building
immersive vehicles with VEB Automobilwerke Schwikau pack or more
hbm's nuclear extended edition if you wanna get really autistic
all 1.12 and work in survival, iirc
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Beginning to automate this cauldron, I can already tell it's going to be rough
I think I'll be able to put part of it off for now while I get deeper into thaumcraft, it was gating the thaum 1.12 emptiness dimension and that's what gates me from thaumic energistics.
1.12 had one mod loader and one major optimisation mod, now there's a dozen of each that can be put into a hundred different configurations. Shit was bound to break
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post ip and i'll include you on the serb meter
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No sorry this is apparently the zoomer homo slavs thread now.
Courtesy of gtnh.
I blame the /v/niggers
remember the one retard who made this thread made it on /v/ first for some fucking reason
>spent two hours trying to figure out how AppliedFlux works
>turns out you just need to make an Induction Card for an Energy Acceptor connected to a power supply
I'm so retarded, I even missed the tooltip that gave it away
>/mcg/ dies
>faggotry spam moves here
why would gregtroons do this?
>eceleb shit
back to /mcg/ with ye
or even better, /trash/
Is it perfectly reasonable to hate modpacks that still use all the different ingots instead of just making all the products uniform instead of making 4 different versions of the same item, while also having 5 different machines that all do the same thing and have the same output, while also having to look at mojang's updates and just get pissed off because they've all been shit? I'm just mad, honestly.
Not unifying ores? Yes, because it's a five minute job (and another five for configuring oregen).
Deduplicating machines? Depends on the pack, and whether you're intended to progress in a certain way or just play with whatever you want.
nordicfags cucked yet again...
just sounds like a badly made pack desune
modded minecraft?
unfortunately not for another few days
Why can't i ever bring myself to use the stuff in farming mods like Pam's and Farmer's Delight and Croptopia? i always end up not bothering with any of that stuff and just use vanilla foods.
because all minecraft food is the same mechanic with bigger numbers on some food
mods (and golden apples) can change it up a little with potion effects, but that's all, and they're usually not worthwhile
and if you're not hungry when you want to proc the effect then you don't get it
food is a dumb mechanic
I just make a chunkloaded redstone clock and saturation command block in every world I play
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>He took the Dawn Era pill
Welcome to the dinosaur's world. You're allowed to play until they choose to make you past tense.
Just downloaded this mod too. Looking forward to it. The models look so cool.
There are pros and cons to it that you and everyone else using it should be aware of.
- Good models
- Really good animations (Struthiomimus freaking out and running away is so good)
- Very challenging early game, super satisfying to tame a carnivore
- You can put armor on a T.Rex that looks like a metal ceratopsid skull with tusks. That's fucking kickass.
- Can get VERY laggy at times.
- T.Rex trampling a tree is very much capable of causing CTDs until the tree fully falls. It took me over 30 relaunches to get past this issue last time.
- T.Rex spawns very frequently. VERY. It won't be surprising to see two or more at a time.
- Very poor documentation

Also, because of the poor documentation, here's how to tame a T.Rex; throw down a lot of raw meat, DON'T let it run around freely, and pray you or something else don't accidentally aggro it while it's eating. Same works with the Carnotaurus. To tame Struthiomimus, you need to be invisible and sneak up to it, hand feeding it raw meat until it's tamed. I don't remember how to tame the Diabloceratops or Dimorphodon, and I don't remember what other dinos there were.
Appreciate it anon. I think the mod is still in beta, so I suppose there's still gonna be some kinks the developers need to work out.
It's been in beta for a long time, like many mods. I don't have high hopes of it getting fixed, but if it does, then hell yeah best new dino mod in a long time. Not that there's many good dino mods anyway.
Playing right now and was digging in a desert at night then heard a ceratosaurus I think roar on the other side of a hill. Jesus these things sound terrifying. I love it. Had to nope right out of there.
Yep, Ceratosaurus is the desert mob. They're nocturnal too, so you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Go back in the daytime, sneak up to one, and throw a stack of raw meat at them for a surprise.
It chased me into a hole and I had to cheese the fight to kill it. I'd jump up and hit it and it's too big to get me in the hole Half a heart left, but i survived.

But now there's a second one not far away. Fuck this is tricky.
>right after that post they're calling a guy schizo for saying /mcg/ has no right to complain about gacha generals because those actually talk about their game
>5 posts later they post vtubers
the self awareness of these dudes lmao
stop being bitters
you're the one paying for a youtube channel membership lmao
so what its my decision
leave me alone
Ublock Origin is free
i'm choosing to comment on the pewds channel and that's it
you're paying for a channel membership for fucking PEWDIEPIE?
that's like throwing money into a fucking gutter, the man has enough money already jesus fucking christ just give it to charity oh god oh fuck
I will NOT leave you alone. From now on to the rest of your life, I live in your computer's drive.
>just give it to charity
you never really know where that money is going
anyway its easy for me to leave this general behind and focus on /hg/ /metal/ /kpg/ or whatever but I won't come here anymore, where there are only pure genuine bitters
That won't make me leave your computer thougheverbeit.
shut up
have a nice life
don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, why did you think advertising a guy playing vanilla on the MODDED minecraft general was the right move anyways?
I will NOT shut up and I will NOT have a nice life.
>I'd rather give money an extremely rich man instead of giving it to someone who could make someone's shitty life better
great, perfect, thanks for funding Pewds new mansion brother, everyone truly appreciates it
this, i have the greg bug, sorry but i've already done e2e twice and now im addicted to greg and im afraind i cannot stop wont stop never stop greg forever
they ruined ublock again so im back to downloading videos until it's usable
>ITT: retards respond to the most obvious bait in the world episode #3467097645799765447
greg general
works on my machine
okay but when is the gtnh serb going live
after you pay for it
buy an ad
flan's mod
>Forbidden and Arcanus
holy shit never in my life have i seen such a hodgepodge trainwreck of COMPLETELY UNDOCUMENTED unintuitive features in the same mod.
at least some of the blocks look pretty
Yeah, the mod has negatives to perks in at least a ratio of 7:1. The biggest, most important thing in the mod, the Stella Arcana that makes any item indestructible, comes from a ridiculously long chain of events and tasks. They DO have a wiki, and JEI can tell you almost every recipe (some items just don't have anything), but man. The amazing lack of documentation really drags it down. It also doesn't help that you need a lot of the mod's custom stone, as well as variants of the cut stone that have THE SAME FUCKING NAME. Polished Arcane and Arcane Polished; very easy to get it wrong.

Really need to just make a datapack or crafttweaker config to make the mod less awful.
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the server ip is:
you'll need torchmaster 1.12 to join, i also recommend vanillafix and optifine.
there's also a discord, at gg/UGXxUes2 . that's not mandatory though.
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What mods should I add to an HBM TOYMY(1.7)? I will add Immersive Engineering and Lycanites Mobs
which one? that tweaked e2e or base?
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it's engimatica 2 expert, we're all too autistic to play the normal one...
GT4 or GT6?
ceu :^)
I think anon was referring to E2E:E, an extended version of E2E
i see! no, it's just the normal one.
>/v/ faggot thinks hes so autistic and grindcore because he plays, get this, base E2E
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fuck you i had fun on the e2e serb
Why is there a crack in the spacetime continuum?
thaumcraft 6 is awful
that's a good question because we did pretty much no thaumcraft
perhaps some bloodmagic/astral shit created flux?
those rifts need a lot of flux though
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I have a hard time believing anyone cares about anything from that mod other than the thing that makes gear unbreakable and maybe the item that lets you carry entities around anyway.
I personally even attempted to care about the dark brown wood that spawns in Dark Forests but - imagine my shock in this clunky as fuck mod - it's not fucking renewable for some dumbfuck reason.
i never said you didnt or cant
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so many serbs
if oracle would just up their fucking capacity i'd add +1 on the list
What is this and how do you get rid of it?
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Why does my toolbar have this junk overlaid on top? Is it some kind of conflict? This only seems to happen when I'm holding Malum spirits on the toolbar. Even with the inventory open it only happens when they're on the toolbar.
It's not like the game is unplayable but it's really fucking annoying whenever I pick up a new Spirit.
but anon you can make enchanted books with
>>>>>>>>4 different fucking currencies
that mods only good for the cobblegen and block breaker
as for the issue i oh uh
Probably a bug caused by the special glow they have. Check if you have any other mods that mess with that, I'm sure at least one mod fucks with the enchanted tool glow in the name of performance.
how cancerous is the expert
Every experience I've had with packs with that suffix have been true garbage
All grind, no substance
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it's fun! the "expert" part comes from the fact that it gates mods, not that it demands you sit in front of a machine for hours while it autocrafts. it's basically a kitchensink that gives you a real purpose to use every mod, and something to do with overpowered energy infrastructure or weapons.
E2E is fun but it's a month long pack unless you deliberately delay it like i did
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how rich am i?
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>lootbag gave me a fancy sign instead of something useful
why ? I'm happy the way I am
elden bump
Just spend your coins, the costs and rewards both go up so there's no real reason to save them.
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Are there kind anons who are willing to run serb with modern modpacks?
Create: above and beyond serbs start up every so often, but there's no other good modern modpacks.
i prefer monster hunter
if the mek host ever comes back, i think they said they were going to host create astral or something
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>New world
>Start building with goal in mind
>Give up halfway and just turn what I've already made into a giant storage facility
Every time...
Alright, somehow I'm closer to the ATM star in 9TTS than in my old world in 7TTS.
How badly can I destroy the environment with HBM? This is important.
/v/ermin, you will make no friends here by avatarfagging with some weeb whore.
You should stop.
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>replying to a mentally ill discordnigger
>implying he'd give a shred of a shit
/v/shitters aren't people
>a mentally ill discordnigger
Pretty sure kid's just zoomin'. I'm just giving him some friendly advice he won't take.
Based young scrolls enjoyer
a fuckton
fracking towers annihilate most plant life in like a hundred block radius, most fired machines create soot (coker units are especially hilarious), radiation kills off grass, nukes create permanent crater biomes, spilling too much oil through a drainage pipe also fucks up the landscape
the average HBM lategame base is a concrete fortress surrounded by a crater-filled no man's land
you know, it's a fucking shame HBM looks like utter chewed up unity dogshit
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Got further in bewitchment, have on-demand automation for both the distillery and the spinning wheel.
I'll need to figure out witches' ovens, which will be a bit tricky. I'm putting off the cauldron for now, since that will be a lot tricky and any mistakes leads to voiding all input items.
I just got some frostfire though, which was one of the gates to thaumic energistics. Once I have more robust thaumcraft automation, a good amount of the witchery stuff should be less of a pain.
This pack (DJ2) is really good, highly recommend for anyone looking for an expert pack. It has caused me to make some really cool setups I never would, without being super samey or tedious (aside from a few points)
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>go to Reddit once to see what they post
>see this
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meant for >>483805859
not me, was meant for
>it's another episode of 30+ year old jealous manchildren millennials shitting on zoomers that are enjoying their youth and playing games
no fun allowed
You mean kids spreading their stupid, childish opinions that have no value at all.
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>shitting on zoomers that are enjoying their youth and playing games
you know, the funniest thing is they all eventually learn how stupid this opinion is.
Don't you have some office job to slave away at? Where's your fat ugly wife to nag you to take out the trash?
How are you going to be a 30 year old manchild and shit on the primary audience for video games (teenagers and young adults)?
prefer that over the JAPPA slop that tech mods have going on these days
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>0 arguments why I'm wrong
he took it personally
No zoomer on 4chan is enjoying their youth, they're all anxiety ridden and depressed
ok but you are a 30 year old manchild shitting on kids for enjoying a block game
my main issue was the avatarfagging, everything else's hogwash.
Oh, then I'm sure you're a great fan of lycanites'.
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>models with a texel size consistent with mc are the exact same as the slopfest that is lycanites because some parts have smooth shading

Yes. Not only that looks absolutely horrendous, but the
>"smooth shading"
i.e the jenny boobs effect
not only is incredibly janky, but it's also incredibly poly-render inefficient to a ridiculous degree you use a staggering amount of computing power ON A SINGLE CORE USABLE GAME simply by rendering the fucking things WHILE THEY'RE IDLE, compared to which is not, as a whole what I would want out of my fucking lego factory.

fucking christ.
looks kino
lmao get a better computer what are you poor or smt
>retarded zoomer opinion strikes again
try rereading the post you're replying to
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Yeah, I'm not in the mood for arguing on the internet
looks horrible and performs horribly by design, period
nobody's telling you not to play it just don't try to grandstand over it
...this looks completely fine. why are anons shitting themselves over this lol
>b-but smooth shading is horribly inefficient!!
flat renders in 20 µs, smooth in 25. stop pissing yourself lmao. uses the same shade model as vanilla block smooth lighting, in addition to using VBOs instead of display lists, so it's actually faster than standard block rendering with equal tri count. but sure if you prefer grugtech shitcubes, whatever
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Really. Then how come last time I tested it in an empty world just looking at a factory of idle HBM machines made my FPS drop? Are you going to run a profiler and tell me spamming "grugtech shitcubes" instead of HBM's multiblocks is going to have the same effect? Are you going to lie in front of everyone?
>with equal tri count
learn to read, nigga
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This is advanced assembly line from GigaGramFab.

It supports item pipelining. That is, it will mimic a real assembly line by consuming ingredients one by one instead of all at start. In effect, it offers a parallelism up to however many item input this recipe requires.
You can think of an advanced assembly line as a collection of assembly slices. Each assembly slice is capably of processing each step independent of other slices.

It will start processing once the input bus contents align with any stored data stick. The first slice will consume the input in Bus #1. After (recipe time/number of inputs) time, the first slice's work is concluded and will start the second slice. At the same time, first slice will look for input in input bus #1. If there are still enough input there slice #1 will start working again.

The terminal slice (the n-th slice, where n is number of item input in recipe) will put the recipe output in output bus when it has concluded his work. Whenever a non-terminal slice finished its work, it will try to pass the work onto next slice. If the next slice cannot find the materials in its input bus, the just-finished slice will remain in §4STUCK§r state and hang the assembly line. To help locate these STUCK assembly lines, the controller's front face will have its status light turned orange.

The EU/t cost of this machine is number of slices active multiplied by the original recipe EU/t. STUCK slices do not consume power. It will use the worst energy supplying hatch's input voltage for recipe tier calculation and normal imperfect overclock.

With exotic energy hatches, it can overclock beyond usual voltage tier, but will consume even more power than usual imperfect overclock. Every laser overclock will add 0.3 to power exponent.

1 laser overclock will have 50% recipe time and use 430% power. 2 laser overclock will have 25% recipe time and use 1978% (4.3 * 4.6000004) power. Will not overclock beyond 1 tick.
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cool, source?
It's just an AR space station with sea lanters, it was used as a image for the skybox itself in that pic which I kind of forgot what it was actually.
Similarly doesn't help that people have had forever to figure out how older versions work compared to modern versions, which is a constant rat race for the most recent version, even if it means constant setbacks because Mojang thought it'd be cute to completely rework all the internal coding yet again.
octagonal base and the square vent things at the middle are sexy as fuck
round stuff sucks though - i'd replace the vertical pipes with just a thin floating line ala sugarcane
no idea what to turn the bottom tanks into to square them up
I was more ripping on him playing the most run of the mill expert pack out there, but also true, it's one of the easier ones
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Holy shit Jesse we are actually cooking Exquisite Cerium-doped Lutetium Aluminium Garnets (Ce:LuAG) 10573:11499
are you talking about the zoomers being dumb or the millenials shitting on them
i don't/didn't have anything to buy
so i just put them in a chest
Try messing with JVM flags if you haven't already. If you add -verbose:gc, some info will be printed in the log about why each garbage collection is performed.
One possibility I can imagine is that it's some faulty mod calling System.gc() manually. -XX:+DisableExplicitGC will disable those calls, but you probably have that set already since it's included in every "list of recommended JVM arguments" ever.
jesse cooks testosterone
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Jesse we did it
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Fantasy MC doesn't fucking work
This but technology MC especially where you gather a bazillion resources just to create ugly machines to create an illusion of progress.
I meant the actual modpack, not fantasy minecraft as a concept
I AM INTERESTED but also already using Nuclearcraft.
Now crush it up and snort it.
that would give me cancer
>Go to curseforge to grab a mod that I completely forgot to download
>Version I want isn't on the front page, go to the files tab
>There is no option to sort between loader and version
>The version I want doesn't show up in the list despite it being there yesterday
>Check other mods
>Every mod, data pack, resource pack, and so on has this same issue
Switching to legacy fixed it somewhat, but still. The fuck, Curseforge?
Holy fuck, WWEE blows RTF out of the water.
>not using modrinth in 2024
Try telling that to all the worthwhile mods that aren't yet on there for one reason or another.
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>developer only moves the most recent version to modrinth
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Out of this pile of bullshit here what should I actually play? Or maybe some other pack entirely? I read the thing in the op and didn't see much for it
I'm looking for RPG dungeon crawling type stuff, quests and classes, maybe with a fun mage playstyle idk
Prominence 2 then.
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Java flags did the trick:
-Xincgc -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
I just switched the garbage collector over to incremental instead of one-shot complete garbage collection. Found the flags on a reddit post.
I think the problem was that the garbage collection somehow got into a corner case pathological situation where it looped itself into a lag causes GC causes more lag causes more GC kinda deal.
Incremental GC fixed everything. Now I can teleport across dims, switch worlds, all perfectly fine no more detrimental GC stutters of death. Normal gameplay also unaffected, sometimes there might be a rare lagspike, like once every 2hr or once per game session but that's more my massive toymy than java gc.
Had a minor world crash back to start menu complaining about buildcraft but simply entering world again and everything was fine. Not a total crash so can't complain.
I can finally do all the nether, aether, and nomadic tent dim bs I wanted to.

Special thanks to the anon that suggested visualVM. Really got down to the core of the problem.
seconding terraria
what a disgusting pile of shit
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why does half of the startup log for modpacks have to be filled with le funny xD messages?
Redditors think that the centre of the Internet is reddit.com and that every other internet user is a reddit user outside of reddit. Because of this, they act like they're on Reddit at all times, even when writing debug logs for Minecraft modpacks.
PolyMC -> edit instance -> mods -> download mods shrimply works for me most of the time
they use a log message to check if things loaded correctly while devving and debugging
they make it le funny xD because that's their sense of humor
Minecraft's start screen has le funny messages too bro. It's inevitable when that shit was there from the start.
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i'll be back on the enigmatica server in a little bit, i was busy all day...beware of using the tcon chisels, those will void your inventory! it happened to me last night.
the first 2 are alright but the automagy one would make me assume something actually broke
lord of bump
when is psi 1.20 releasing?
cant you ask on their discord
I don't have discord
it's free though
free as in free beer, not as in free speech
that's true, but it doesn't mean you can't use it
you're not running discord as your OS or some shit
you're a low IQ schizo who doesn't understand when and why and how these things matter
it's good to demand that people use better alternatives to discord
but to refuse to use it at all just to check for psi is dumb
I don't WANT to use it, it's not that I CAN'T use it
you shouldn't be spamming other people to use discord for you
have some goddamn shame you piece of shit
you're actually retarded lmao
>legit arguing "performance per tri"
even if it was 10x more efficient, a single machine having 100x more tris than gregtech shitcubes means it will perform worse, stop coping
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post modpacks that genuinely made you enjoy the game again like it's your first time
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serb status
is learning computer craft worth it?
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No, just get chatgpt to write your programs.
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after playing create, enigmatica's old-modded feel is really nostalgic...
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Babby's first subnet, took me like three hours because I'm slow in the head and was wondering where the fuck the Mekanism alloys were going
How do I make this more efficient
Why are you making a subnet in this case?
Wanted to learn it, figured making one for mekanism alloy creation is a good first step
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Does anyone know how to force a bonus chest to spawn in 1.19 using datapacks or kubejs. I dont want to have to press the button
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more cool terrain i found while testing things
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thoughts on nightmare craft?
apparently, it was developed by a cult
they did not just do episodicslop in fucking minecraft
What mod does that cavegen?

There's probably config for the spawn rates.

>current year
>giving money to charities
>supporting Jeff Bezo's ex-wife using her husband's money to ruin society as a tax write-off

Google is A/B testing everyone all the time, so it's hard to get a good block on youtube.

>Modders did a better mangroves than Mojang did

Certainly not Vault Hunters.
Any good modpacks about focused a lot on survival, crafting but kept to more fantasy/medieval instead of going into nuclear reactors and stuff like that?
>What mod does that cavegen?
it's vanilla
>Modders did a better mangroves than Mojang did
Goes for pretty much everything.
despite there being far more impressive mods/packs nowadays, 1.12 enigmatica is still peak modded comfiness for me
pretty damn cool, shame vanilla terrain/worldgen is so lame for the most part.
this but unironically
>there's also a discord, at gg/UGXxUes2 . that's not mandatory though.
ad quid?
does it include serializationisbad or something similar
or can that work purely clientside
more mods should make sky islands dimensions like the End
maybe make a set of "points of interest", and then generate bridges between them
5 gorillion underground blocks generated while exploring are bloat
make the overworld a non-standard dimension used for mining
if you want to link over-ground exploration-found indicators to underground ores, you can still do that by same X/Z positioning of things that spawn in the sky dimension and the overworld
>it's difficult to add gamepad support to versions prior to 1.13 because of lwjgl2
>lwjgl3ify exists
>no gamepad mods that use it as a dependency
i like controllers
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god dammit
Cool, I didn't realize changing GCs could actually have such a dramatic effect.
Interestingly I don't see CMS recommended that often, it's usually G1GC people prefer (e.g. the GTNH wiki or brucethemoose's guide). From what I can gather from Oracle's docs, CMS is more suited for toasters with only one or two cores.
>Because at least one processor is used for garbage collection during the concurrent phases, the concurrent collectors do not normally provide any benefit on a uniprocessor (single-core) machine. However, there is a separate mode available for CMS (not G1) that can achieve low pauses on systems with only one or two processors; see Incremental Mode in Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) Collector for details. This feature is being deprecated in Java SE 8 and may be removed in a later major release.
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>is dead in your path
bro just keep it topped up with water it's not that hard
I never used this thing because it's expensive and gtnh has the railcraft boiler is way cheaper
I'd like to do steam for a bit longer if I do another playthrough but light fuel is too good
vs clockwork beat them to the punch
that's what happens when you take closed source to the extreme
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These bac vats have an interesting automation problem that requires a hefty amount of redstone. They're only really used for 3-4 late game recipes but the recipes are important and you need a lot of the outputs.

How they work is:
>efficiency varies wildly for each recipe and the output fluid amount is dependent on how much fluid is currently present in the output hatch (efficiency is at max when output hatch is at half full, drops down pretty quickly after or below)
>Some recipes require a sievert radiation value which means inserting nuclear fuel into a radio hatch, but the radio hatch consumes fuel constantly even when they aren't enabled, so you only want to input fuel when they're working

The guys I downloaded an endgame world from used computer craft to automate them, I managed to figure out a solution on my own.
>Machine outputs 2002L of bacterial sludge, redstone turns the machine off for 8 ticks
>During those 8 ticks a fluid regulator extracts exactly 2002L from the output hatch into a tank, then the regulator turns off
>Machine turns back on
But no Liftoff :(
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I just got done building a max size HP boiler and it's insane just how efficient it is, it shits out roughly 55k steam per coal at 28800/s which beats the large steel boiler efficiency wise, for the low low cost of 2 stacks of steel

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