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Rubber duck apocalypse edition


We discuss Modded Minecraft, modpacks, projects, build ideas, etc.
If you're working on a mod or a pack, keep us updated for feedback!
Refer to the OP before asking about launchers.

► 2. NEWS

Minecraft's 15th Anniversary, get free cape: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/15th-anniversary

All legacy/java/Mojang accounts have been killed. Use PollyMC to keep playing the game without a M$ account.


>Useful Curseforge Search
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/464782-old-curseforge-please (script to automatically redirect to the legacy curse pages)

>Current Flavor of the Month Launcher
https://github.com/fn2006/PollyMC (say no to M$!)

>1.7.10 server authentication option (Got shafted by M$? You can still [multi]play!)

>Ideas, Albums, Resources & Inspiration

>General FAQ [Read this before asking for mod-making guides, where to download shit etc]

>Mods, modpacks and guides [Read this before asking what modpacks you should play]

>alive /mmcg/ servers:
Create mekanized: https://pastes.dev/2mRhDCgdXf

Feel free to add your server info in the OP

Previous Thread: >>482163970
jannies tongue my anus
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Too many chunks queued for updating, max queue count [500] ([500] per thread). Some LODs may not be updated or may be missing. Please move through the world slower, decrease your vanilla render distance, or increase the CPU load config.
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>game crashes
>all of my create buildings are reset
>my pretty pipes system can't see any items in my chests
>all of my mca reborn villagers (my wife, kids and grandkids) are gone
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Weird bug.
You have enabled Rotation Lock. Any blocks you place will be oriented in the direction you were looking. Press [K] to change or reset it. This message won't appear again.
Good thing you can just load an automatic backup from 12 minutes and 44 seconds earlier, right anon?
>Good thing you can just load an automatic backup from 12 minutes and 44 seconds earlier, right anon?
That will be an option in the future, i've learned my lesson. Now I must rebuild my empire from its ashes.
I see it a lot with flowers and grass just floating above ponds. Normally I see it in plains biomes the most often, occasionally forests too.
Looking for a memeversion mod that completely disables illager/pillager spawning as well as woodland mansions. Also one to disable natural village generation.
How meme is the memeversion? There's Village Nullifier for the village problem, the other two could be solved with any mobspawn/structure control mod.
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>look at sand
>get angry
nuke it
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Don't you mean... glass it?
use the sand to build a great city of glass spikes for them to harm themselves on
I love it when the beach is heckin' valid
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I got my tier 1 through 3 reagents being made in a fully passive manner, which is nice (tier 4 just requires a lot of setting up crafters that I don't want to do right now). At this point, all I need to do before being ready to really dive into thaumcraft is get botania stuff (up to tier 2 runes, including runes of mana) being made passively as well.
I imagine the runes of mana and the terrasteel will be the pain points, since they're both very mana hungry and I don't want to end up making more than 1 TNT duper to feed entropinnyums.
Rent free
You will never be a real biome. You have no trees, you have no blocks, you have no mobs. You are a beach twisted by dyes into a crude mockery of sedimentary perfection.
what pack
i wanna look at pretty islands while i 'tism
if its a toymy can you link it
It's divine journey 2, I just made my main base in the aether.
nothing like saying rent free when you project your fetish into a mod that a trannyveloper builds into a pack in a way that bricks the pack if you simply remove the jar
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how do i get java 8 again picrel fucks up whenevr i try to launch with it
not a newfag or anything i just have a new machine now and its been a while
It depends on the launcher you use, I just use the auto-detect feature of polyMC and it works quite well at finding my java instances.
adoptium.net or
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i cannot see shit on new moon nights but man this is comfy as fuck
thanks for the java kind gooner
I use ATLauncher and it automatically downloads the correct java version for any modpack/minecraft version IF I don't already have it.
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My iron farm is complete. No more mining.
I don't know, Anon... the surrounding terrain is still looking pretty green and healthy. I think you need to go further.
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oh yeah how do i get my MS account on polly again
i had actually bought the game years ago i just use the offline account so i can play if theres no internet or something
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Now that I don't have to spend so much time in the mines, I'll have plenty of time to expand the city.
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>crafting sticky pistons
>everything is tight so I have to carefully place the exact number of pistons I want
>click on the finished crafted sticky pistons
>realized something
>my materials were used for 11 sticky pistons (slime balls + pistons) but only 1 sticky piston was crafted
>just stood there like an asshole with only 1 sticky piston for this stupid redstone project
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>slime balls + pistons
>hours to find
Not in my world
>mod of comfy convenience gadgets
>every modpack uses it to make crafting buckets require diamantine blocks
what neurological phenomenon causes this
>modpack requires you to go to other dimensions a requirement before you can properly progress through them
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I'm back here after nearly a year, for some reason i get my Minecraft yearning feeling in June

What are our thoughts on this? Is it a good modpack or just a fotm youtuber post?
Sounds boring.
You sound like a porn addict saying "vanilla+? sounds boring"
>adds literal shit tons of stuff
All the best modpacks for games are Vanilla+ because they usually fit best, but thats just my opinion.
I feel like anything with blocks and crafting can be "vanilla+" to some peoples definition
Vanilla+ has nothing to do with the quantity of stuff that has been added, it just means the stuff it does add is in the same spirit of the stuff already in the game.
In other words, no content mods like Create or Thaumcraft.
>make a kitchen sink modpack with no custom config or progression to work towards
>call it vanilla+
every time
>In other words, no content mods
Sounds boring.
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>vanila+ is boring
>anon immediately thinks of porn
>can last about 10 seconds in the nether before burning to death
>come back later with thermal solution
>solution required to be held in the offhand and lasts 15 seconds
>this is somehow the best option for dealing with the heat of the nether
>the modpack also has a ton of extra stuff like Nether cities
>says it's vanilla+
>has Create
If the modpack dev can't even categorise his modpack properly chances are he did a shit job at building and configuring it.
Yeh because you no longer find something fun so you install more slop to get that feeling of excitement you felt the first time
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It looks absolutely horrible, but I made a fully passive rune-making design that I can expand upward up to 5 high (which is important since I need to passive make all 17 runes).
I threw it in the void since it's particle hell, so I really don't care how it looks. I hate that to utilize mana batteries easily, I need to have everything huddled around the mana pool battery. In general I kind of hate botania with regards to mana generation and transportation, but I will say the rune automation was fun.
All I have left for botania setups is figuring out how to efficiently passive the elven trade recipes - all but elven quartz (which is quartz + a terrasteel nugget) should be easy enough, but I might just make two portals so I can fit them comfortably.
trips for truth
>the most generic, nostalgia-pandering, unoptimized, kitchen sink, "vanilla+" slop you could find on curseforge
>using a modpack in the first place
you should kill yourself my dude
>can last about 10 seconds
Ah so this is the autistic crap people play instead of "le ba generic slop", got it.
Fuck man, redstone was such a mistake.
Honestly they've added so much shit to the vanilla game that Create basically is vanilla+ at this point. Back in the 1.7.10 and prior days, I remember normies whining about how they don't like mods because they go against the spirit of the game and add things like harder enemies or autocrafting.

Now 1.21 is adding combat focused dungeons (even though the game has dogshit combat) and autocrafting. lmao
>I remember normies whining about how they don't like mods because they go against the spirit of the game and add things like harder enemies or autocrafting.
And every single one of them was based and correct
you only need to click the ID once, newfriend
mad as hell lmao
Being interested in automation does not make you autistic.
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Is this entirely pointless? Yes.
Is it going to be satisfying to have a legitimately obtained max horse? Probably.
Is it going to die to a modded monster like a dweller at some point, like over 30 of its predecessors did? You bet.
The first ever Aryan horse.
Aryan horses aren't jumping that high, sadly
I've never built the mekanism fission reactor since I never had a use for it. How bad will the meltdown be when I inevitably fuck it up?
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>playing the elden ring dlc
>thinking about how I need to redo my bast line + set up naquadah fuel to get enough lutetium for americium fusion
maybe I have an addiction
yeah speaking of eldogring, don't you have /erg/ to go back to now, poopmask?
I dont see ID written anywhere
ID DN though
Whys everyone on this site so autistic but in a soulless way
The entire fallout area (it's deceptively huge) will be inaccessible forever due to lethal radiation. Don't bother, it's very easy to fuck up even if you're on top of your game.
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You know understand the effects of Gregorius Techneticies' creation. Unfortunately, you have crossed the point of no return.
The only thing I want to use it for is the byproduct to see what the fuss about the mekasuit is. But damn that sounds like a hefty price to pay for failure. Surprising when the rest of this mod has been so babymode.
But I hate having a high jump height value
I only like having just enough to jump out of the 2x2 hole I leave my horses in. More than that and jumping takes too long.
When is psi releasing for 1.20?
>have rad protected meksuit
Not my problem
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Playing Rebirth of the Night
I've got oodles of sapphires, rubies and the green gems but can't find a single god damn diamond
Where do I look to find these little cunts
>he fells for the rlcraft but better meme
No the meme I fell for was the scary nights meme and I've been enjoying that so far
But I need some fucking diamonds
Got tired of having to sleep for day time, just changed the gamerule so time is frozen.
what's the status of bees in memeversions? It seems like forestry stopped updating in 1.16. Do memeversions have ANY decent replacement or are you just stuck with shitty mojang trans bees
Found a moonlight valley biome from Terralith. It looks really cool and I'm thinking about building a wizard tower since it has a neat mystical vibe. What kind of blocks should I use? The trees are acacia and stripped spruce, but I think the acacia planks would contrast with the blue grass in the forest.
After putting it off forever, it is finally time.
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it only gives the dust but not the antimony dust what gives?
I love ae2
What tier is your macerator? If thats gtnh (and I think regular greg too) the 2nd outputs only start after HV
you should be able to get antimony from stibnite ore which is in the same tetrahedrite vein
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>Tried to access a block entity before it was created. BlockPos{x=-15084, y=-17, z=8915}
>go to area
>server instantly crashes
>finally manage to go to the area and its a chest hidden within all the blocks
>breaking it also destroys the server with other entity shit
I have no clue whats going on
these are all vanilla game rules you can configure on world creation/with commands
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I did the same for weather, but I wouldn't want to give up my sunrises. I just torchspam so it doesn't matter if it's day or night around my base anyway.
May I recommend a single magnum torch so you don't have to constantly do ugly as shit torch spam?
I'm playing CABIN where it's gated behind Chapter 2, and I'm still barely out of the first. But I'm definitely planning to do that once I can.
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This is honestly the best and worth thing I'm dealing with right now. I can automate processors with raw materials and nothing else, and that gets on my nerves because I also want it to use my already processed materials.
build an extra line to use up the processed materials
heh nice bottomless void dipshit
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Update on botania - this area is hideous and I can't wait to leave it, but this automation works and is pretty airtight (only tier 1 runes for now, mainly because of laziness). It stops making runes when either mana is low or the buffers fill, and it doesn't leave partial recipes. It's so ugly though, and I'm stuck in the void for the next chapter as well since it's thaumcraft (TC6 in particular), I'll be stuck near it for now.
Make a big tower to encase it, so you don't have to look at it.
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This is my current processor setup - it's kind of odd because the machines are sided, but it's fully passive and fits in a clean face.
There's extra processors in this pack, so I left some room. I haven't reached them yet.
There are two TNT dupers on the sides providing mana, so it's not even easy to encase. My approach for the void is going to be ugly but functional, and leave better looking builds (I like this processor build, for example) for my main base.
I ended up just putting in what I already had in the machines so I didn't have to worry about automating them. I wanted to make processors automation fast an easy so I can expand the system faster.
kino bottomless void modfriend
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If only we could be so lucky, anon. If only we could be so lucky.
The flavor of the month launcher seems to be PollyMC
I would like to ask anons, what kind of launcher do you prefer and why?

I’ve only really had experience with multimc and prism.
They both seemed fine, with prism being maybe a little bit better.
I might try out Polly next.
>The flavor of the month launcher seems to be PollyMC
polly is cracked prism
simpls as
Cracked as in just piracy?
Or does it come with more features?
piracy but afaik it also lets you download from curseforge better
polymc does this too, but doesn't have piracy built in
personally use polymc because I migrated
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reikashit serb just went down
yeah, it's basically just piracy-friendly prism

it just works, but you're better off using prism if you actually have a working microsoft account
that's what the say no to M$ part is about
how well do prism and poly compare in fuck-curseforge
well the difference is I'm not waiting for the p*ly devs to have another tranny tantrum and nuke their project lmao
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Gomen I thought it'd be a fun time to restart and then the auto-restart never happened. It's back now

Reikashit server:
pack: https://dragonrealm.overminddl1.com/
Make sure you follow the installation instructions
wacky ass biomegen, I like it
how's the gameplay, haven't seen much reika'ing
sorry, I like reikashit but I generally don't play mmcg servers
my minecraft username has a clean digital footprint
>I like reikashit
the mark of madness.
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Is that

Is that a fucking slime island
Thanks for the replies, I was just curious to know what it could do.
Sometimes hacked community stuff can have QoL and other fun features, like with ROMs for example.
I was thinking if there was some kind of fun feature for an MC launcher it would probably be like hacked custom skins or something.
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It's certainly something... I don't really know how to describe the gameplay, some elements are pretty neat and unique, other parts are fucking stupid, though that might just be hard modes problem. It's definitely worth a go
What's better? Galosphere or Caverns and Chasms?
Caves and Cliffs
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Switch to ATLauncher, it blows everything else out of the water.
This looks like a really bad idea.
>not hellokittyMC on hannah montana OS
heh, casual
is that a real launcher
It can download JREs for you automatically, and link mods to install automatically when they are tagged to not be downloaded via mod packs.
>Is it secure?
>Simply, no.
Well, at least they're honest.
You can set the rate at which it runs and have auto-SCRAM and whatnot, it's not too hard. Fucking thing chews through fuel fast as hell though, took a good bit of time the first time I used it to get all the byproduct I needed for shit. I know the second revision of it I ran went faster, though somewhere along the way I don't recall what happened, think I messed up some piping or something and ended up killing the chunk for a few hours. So many dead, irradiated fish. That being said the "lethal radiation" doesn't last forever (also used the quantum teleporter things to vent the reactor waste to my buddy's town as a joke once, that was a fun prank). Across the 3 or so meltdowns I caused, 2 of which were on accident, don't think anything was too devastating, though I rebuilt the damaged areas with glass and whatnot to have a constant visual indication of my failures.

TL;DR can just set auto-scram (I didn't) or only run it when you're there to observe.
might be handy if you're setting up a modpack for a less technologically literate friend
absolutely not a good idea for anything involving public servers
I wish there was a mod that made it so the 12 Eyes of Ender you need to activate the portal require you to kill 12 bosses. This would abolish the Speedrun Portal > Blaze Rods > Ender Pearls > End pipeline and make the game more engaging.

Say, you have to combine a sponge with an Ender Pearl to create one Eye of Ender. A Skulk Catalyst with an Ender Pearl for another, etc.

Obviously loot tables would have to be adjusted to make this work, but I think it would be a great change to game.
stupid and gay and anti-sandbox
besides, the End is hardly the end of almost any modpack
(partly because you need a bajillion enderpearls for everything)
End Remastered implements 16 different Eyes of Ender from numerous sources around the overworld, and you cannot place more than one on a single portal. It doesn't sound too hard to take that and just tweak the recipes around to change their sources.
how the fuck do you fit 16 eyes in a frame with 12 slots?
You only need to find 12 out of the 16.
Ugly bloat like 90% of biomes in that mod
is this in reikashit new hormones?
>biome mod
>not bloat
pick one, only one, exactly one, the number of things picked must be a whole number between 0 and 2.
Putting aside the worldgen changes, biome mods like terralith or wwoo don't introduce any new blocks or items. I wouldn't call that bloat compared to something like byg
Coming back to modded after a hot minute.

Looking for some fun but not broken 1.20 mods.
>Thermal Suite
>Applied Energistics 2
>Iron Jetpacks
>Draconic Evolution (I dont really care about the gear, I just really like the concept of the energy core)
>Yung's Suite (Not all, just some structures)
>Biomes O'Plenty
>Extreme Reactors

anything obvious im missing?
none of us have even touched the reika part yet btw, just kinda fucking around but if any anon knows about it I was cheesing some bunker with resonant ender and was wondering how you are supposed to get inside
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Thanks for generating distant LoDs for my superflat testing world, Distant Horizons. I always wanted phantom horizons that disappear into more superflat grass whenever I get close around my testing area. Very cool.
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wait what the fuck? why, when and how did my superflat world stop being superflat
>i've learned my lesson
how are you learning this lesson in 2024?
shit already bricked in 2011 and required manual backups or a script to do it for before the mods came with a backup feature
anon is either a zoomer, a profoundly slow learner, or very fortunate
i lost worlds over a decade ago due to this shit
before the backup mods i made manual copies but that required manual labor, i have dropped worlds because the last backup was half a day ago
no one should be playing modded without an automated 30 minute backup solution
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Hard rock terrafirmacraft is 1.18.2 and they are working on a 1.20 version, it's very worth it
>place spruce logs and give them jungle leaves
>turn all leaves in biome purple
>call it a mahogany forest
>no saplings to replant them
>most of the trees have both green and purple leaves, as well as vines, making it look atrocious
>not to mention the grass

kinda wish mods like these just stuck to stuff like volcanoes, anything to do with flora looks fucking awful with random streaks of nonsensical color you can't get rid of
Nature's Spirit is the best biome mod I've seen so far, but it has a tranny cat.
holy shit, what mod is this? never got into spacemods but this looks kino
ad astra
That WEBM is an in-development add-on for Ad Astra, by the way. In normal gameplay, when you exit a planet you just have a menu to select from.
man, looks cool as hell. would be even cooler if they added orbital mechanics
reminds me a little of that sci-fi plugin that let you make and fly spaceships around
What backup mods do you use? Any for 1.20?
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>come back after being afk for a few hours
>go outside of my base
>look up
>phantoms in the sky above me - even though it's the middle of the day - not burning, not moving, just rubberbanding slightly
>walk out of base
>several dozen lightning strikes in the distance ahead of me within the space of a second, even though it's sunny out
In memeversions, this is called a "performance mod".
AromaBackup on 1.7 and FTB Backups on 1.18 (since they came with the packs I played). Dunno about 1.20.
Just search CurseForge/Modrinth for "backup" and grab whatever comes up, it's hard to fuck up a backup mod.
speaking of backups, does ftbbackups come with okay default settings? a friend of mine is hosting and getting him to agree with stuff is a hassle so I'm not gonna bother tell him to fix backups if it's usable
There's also Simple Backups which works ok with default settings.
i remember i needed to look up a cron expression generator to change the wait time between backups. otherwise i think the defaults were fine.
This >>483013795 was what came up first, so i guess I'll use this one.
that one weirdo that keeps sperging out about "gregtroons new hormones" says its like cookie clicker but its more like clash of clans
>set up elixir collector
>come back 12 hours later and collect elixir
I'm using FTB utilities on GTNH for backup too
Since by default no backup mod ships with the server pack you can choose one of 3 ported and maintained mods to install, one of which is FTB utilities with added benefit of free chunkloading
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>mfw remembering being a menace with chaos cores while playing with friends
I wish there was a mod that somehow let you control dimension access in general, completely customize how different portals work.

An idea I've kicked around in my head for a while is requiring more complex rituals to open portals. Maybe you need a specific item to throw in, maybe the portal needs a specific keystone, maybe you need some structure of blocks around the portal for it to function. Then, the specifics could be randomized based on map seed, and you could find information in books found in dungeons and shit. I think it would be pretty fun in an exploration-focused modpack, but it might be difficult to get right if you wanted some specific progression.
i inject my friends with biomancy shrinking/enlarging serums when they go afk as punishment for banishing my biomancy setup from our base because "all the machines in your mod are constantly making disgusting noises"
Redpill me on Biomancy. I like the idea, but from what I've seen it just has some extremely rudimentary automation and then nothing else.
is distant horizons or alternatives for 1.12 at all?
isn't prism the tranny launcher
it sounds like you already got redpilled on it. though i wouldn't call it "rudimentary automation" since it only has an automatic block dropper and a hopper.
but yeah other than aesthetic blocks it's a very barebones mod right now. most of the stuff the mod adds involves animal breeding (serum that makes animals breed a lot in one go, blocks that only allow childs or adults to phase through, serum that matures mobs) and little else
we were playing the 1.19.2 version, not sure if newer versions have more features.
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>Have to tame two Tremorsaurus to lay an egg, and then use silk touch to collect it
>Have to defeat a Hullbreaker to get the embryo
>Have to defeat Luxtructosaurus to get the shards
>Only needed to kill each boss once since I got multiple drops. Thanks Looting 3!
>Have to craft a nuclear warhead and detonate it near the eggs
>Have to feed the babies toxic waste barrels to tame them
Irradiated for almost an hour as a result, but hell yeah legally-distinct Godzilla in three colors.
Aw they're cute. I'm guessing they won't look like that once all grown up though?
what mod
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Ad Astra is a fucking joke.
>cheese ore on the moon
>the planet dimensions look way worse than galacticraft, venus for example is terrible
>the mod has proxima centauri, but the only planet there is a fanfic ice planet from some other game
>the only biome on said planet is a vanilla ice spikes biome
>shitty reskinned mobs from vanilla instead of something unique
>venus has a literal amogus in the cloud texture
>when i asked why it was there and how to remove it i got told to fuck off it's just a harmless joke etc.
uhm, sweatie it's a video game... let people have fun...
wheres the amongus
Aesthetically, it's really neat. Practically, it's a pain in the ass. holy shit trying to get claws and fangs to drop with Looting is like pulling teeth.

Enlargement Serum is pretty cool too since it lets you farm slimes and magma cream, though it depends on your modpack.

Bro you already have the image on hand, editing out the crewmate and replacing it in the jar file is like a minute of work tops.
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They get big. REALLY big. I got no room in my base for these big fellas.

Alex's Caves. Super overrated mod, but it has some neat stuff.
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Here, I deleted the amogus for you. Now it's up to you to open the .jar file with WinRAR or whatever, find the texture, and overwrite it.
>cheese moon
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>Crashes game if you try to ride it when in F5 mode
Nice coding Alex
>Legally distinct atomic breath attack absolutely obliterates any block in its path
Fuck you, Pillager neighbors!
Sounds like the average space travel mod. Space is fucking boring, there's only rock and nothingness out there. You either fill your mods with sci-fi and meme garbage or your mod fades into obscurity as yet another mod that needlessly tanks server performance with unnecessary dimensions (and several of them to boot).
i remember playing that mod in create astral and the moon had a bright blue sky as if there was an oxygen filled atmosphere
That only happens if you use shaders.
no it dosent i had mine off
create liftoff is gonna have orbital mechanics
>releasing: never
But yeah, it does look like it's going to be the space mod to end all space mods.
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>modpack has extremely flimsy and crash-prone generation because memeversion
>pregeneration works fine
2000 blocks in every direction should be good enough for 3 people, right?
depends on the biome size and what the modpack is, 2km seems pretty small to me though
id go like 10k
memeversions make you look even harder for a good base location since 1.18 abolished flat surface terrain
Have you found a Mushroom Island? No? Then keep generating.
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10k seems overkill, I'll see how 5k looks. I'm using Terralith and BYG, the terrain seems fairly decent for building, other than the mountains.
Funny, there's a mushroom island not too far from spawn to the southwest. Well, "not too far" considering how far they usually spawn.
>no deserts
You haven't generated enough.
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>friend wants to play all the mods 9
>generates map
>closest desert was 30k blocks from spawn
>barely 30 chunks
can someone post that clique pseudonamefagging explanation post for videogame generals screenshot? I'm in need of it
I don't think anyone in here has any clue what the fuck you're talking about. Are you in the right thread?
yeah, someone's posted it here before in retaliation to someone being called out as a gregtech new hormones or whatever player
it was about cliques and behaviours forming and people being able to identify certain posters once a general is old enough, leading to pseudonamefagging and shit.
that's the "oh the biomes you'll go" I think
garbage mod btw
There's FarPlaneTwo, but it was pretty rough around the edges last time I tried it, and seems to be dead now.
>graduated from high school
>i.e. will start wageslaving or going to college soon
>modder means it's probably IT or another flavour engineering which is a time void
Shocking, who could have seen this coming.
...Ah, you mean the random archive screenshot of a two words search. It's in the last thread.
I thought so too but couldn't find it in the gallery, hence my asking
Wasn't that like yesterday?
The dude literally just searched new hormones without even properly making it a verbatim search in the first place so it had a shitload of crap that had both new and hormones in different places of the phrase.
It was kinda silly but he's a silly invididual. Hopefully he'll stay playing el dongo ringu and stop passing by here for a while like he's already done before.
I'll give it a shot but if it doesn't work well I'll just settle for high render distance, thanks anon!
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Why are biome mods so tranny-fied?
because trannies' brains are fried to the point they can't help but moralize everything
Only women and troons like travelling for the sake of travelling and sightseeing. A man only leaves his factory with a purpose.
Constant need for validation lest they are reminded of what they truly are.
Trannies worm their way up the ladder so they can open the door to more trannies. One becomes an infestation.
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can't.... stop.... generaaaaaating
yeah it was, but the screenshot's been posted earlier. can't find it though. I saved it but my hard drive crashed and so I threw that shit out
What's happening in your screenshot?
pregenning preshitting preself
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generating kino
you made your game look like cubeworld
it's a shame the only way (currently) to get shaders to work with distant horizons is on fabric. It looks like the oculus guys have a branch for DH support on their github, though.
>ad astra has been out for two years
>still barebones with fuck all to do in it
it turns out that rewriting your mod for every new minecraft version also gives you less time to actually develop it. huh, who would’ve thought
crazy how that's kept on happening for the past decade or so
ah yes the twilight forest syndrome
don't remind me...
I think that was an insult
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apparently, you can get an early access version if you're an e-celeb
why would that be an insult
i think anon is just saying it looks like cube world
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That's not Liftoff, that's a custom mod some e-celeb made for the memes.

Liftoff will actually look like Minecraft, not pre-1.13 mods with inconsistent artstyles.
probably because cube world looks like shit
I was just remarking it looked like cubeworld, yeah. no other intentions, though anyone's free to perceive it howver they want.
I resent having to search up "trans" in my ae2 system every few minutes whenever I need a voltage transformer
Could they not have been named anything else
>look at AE2 system
>get angry because I remember items are being TRANSported to me
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>A man only leaves his factory with a purpose.
Why isn't Create compatible with Sound Physics?
You've described basically every big mod post-1.12. Very pretty, possibly some interesting mechanics, but absolutely fucking nothing to do.
I do not envy this level of mental illness on my worst enemies
you mean wish?
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I enjoy the grunge of this picture.
good thing you're not an electrician
It's interchangeable
>watch car turn into giant robot
>get mad
now it's vertically flat, if naught else.
Just realized that "oil spill" I thought I saw on the left is a goddamn tree trunk.
>load up my world after not playing for a while
>4 chunks swapped position
I have never seen so little sand in all my years of playing minecraft. This world barely even has beaches. Is this normal in memeversions?
They actually removed the desert biome in 1.20, if I recall correctly.
if you want realistic world gen why aren't you playing memeversion tfc
it has god tier worldgen and you can toymy a good pack with a little bit of work
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i really wish i could just have one of these guys as a permanent familiar that cant die like in terraria because i know the second i take one in a cave its just gonna get shot or fall in lava
it looks great actually, seethe
seethe about what? you paying for two disappearing acts from the dev?
/entitydata @e[your mob] {Invulnerable:1b}
I kinda wanna make a waystone mod for the newest version. I don't like the current ones available, they are too un-vanilla like, especially the models and mechanics.

Ideally, they'd be a late game block, and you'd have to charge them regularly.
the beta is one of the better games of last decade so i don't really care what the dev does past that point
I don't really like waystones, at all. You see a lot of people complaining that horses were bad because they invalidated minecarts, and that elytra are bad because they invalidated horses. And there's some real meat on the bones there for discussion. But waystones turn that up to 11. Why bother building any kind of infrastructure if you can just use a waystone to teleport wherever you want? You can try and balance them but I don't think you'd really have success without fundamentally changing the way they work. Tech mods that add portals tend to be a little more balanced because they suck loads of power and need to be powered constantly to be used.
>Why bother building any kind of infrastructure if you can just use a waystone to teleport wherever you want?
That would be a valid argument if waystones were added to vanilla, but if someone installs a waystone mod, chances are they never intended to build infrastructure in the first place.
Seems like a silly argument when you just said you don't like the current waystone mods because they're too different from vanilla.
I almost wish it was a build that I've made but alas my building skills are far from reaching this level
The only good vanilla transport are Boats.
Like any friendly mob, they're fucking retarded and WILL wander off and get themselves killed the microsecond you dismount.
Require way too much infrastructure for too little reward, they aren't even that good in fucking vanilla (boats on ice lmao) and no mob seems to salvage them. Your iron is better spent elsewhere.
Forces you to have a stack of otherwise useless items clogging up your inventory at all times, require you to fuck around and swap armor pieces, can kill you, are incredibly hard to find and have little durability.
i'm not doing fucking calculations to play block game
>The only good vanilla transport are Boats.
Boats are pretty good now that they're not awful

>Like any friendly mob, they're fucking retarded and WILL wander off and get themselves killed the microsecond you dismount.
Just tether them? I dunno, it's really a non-issue. A bigger issue is that they're incredibly clunky to control when you're in anything other than a plains-type biome. Nice that they can have an inventory, though I can't remember if that's a vanilla feature.

>Require way too much infrastructure for too little reward, they aren't even that good in fucking vanilla (boats on ice lmao) and no mob seems to salvage them. Your iron is better spent elsewhere.
100% agreed. Minecarts are in a horrible place right now. Basically not worth using, even with mods. It's a shame.

>Forces you to have a stack of otherwise useless items clogging up your inventory at all times, require you to fuck around and swap armor pieces, can kill you, are incredibly hard to find and have little durability.
One inventory slot isn't so bad for the amount of mobility you get. The rest of what you've listed is really only an issue if you've got mods that go out of their way to make it worse. You don't need a chest piece when most enemies don't hit very hard in vanilla. Damage and fall damage aren't an issue once you get some enchantments. They're incredibly easy to find, you can get them in a minute or two after killing the dragon and most new servers will see people speedrunning the dragon just to get an elytra. Stick unbreaking and mending on it (very easy to get, especially with mods) and you have almost a solid 30 minutes of uninterrupted flight.

>i'm not doing fucking calculations to play block game
/mcg/ type post. Regardless, I don't consider portals a type of transportation by themselves, but rather an additional layer of complexity that compliments and enhances all other methods of travel. Except maybe boats.
What's the go-to mod to prevent the wandering merchant from appearing out of nowhere with his two retard llhamas harassing me at my base on 1.19.2? No Soliciting stopped development at 1.16.
Also, I hope the Mojang dev that approved HUUH SLUUURP GLUGLUGLUGLUG HUHUUUUUH got everything he deserves.
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>moving house
>load up the cannon and fuck off to make some food
>come back in like 30 mins to find out it stopped due to a critical lack of fart clouds
/gamerule doTraderSpawning was introduced in 1.15.2.
I don't really want to permanently disable his spawn, I still want him to spawn out in the wild, just not at home where he can go for a ride in my crushing wheels or one of the llamas wanders off and drops the lead on a conveyor belt and clogs up a machine.
>Also, I hope the Mojang dev that approved HUUH SLUUURP GLUGLUGLUGLUG HUHUUUUUH got everything he deserves.
i hope he got promoted because he literally made the only interesting thing about the wandering trader
Utilitarian probably has what you're looking for.
How does that even happen?
No 1.19 version.
>rug allows me to control exactly where he spawns
This is even better than what I asked for, thanks!
>not methane
those are machine farts not fleshling farts
When did you realize that machines are just excuses to build cool factories, and that minecraft is a building game and no mod can change that?
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I realized it over a decade ago which is why most modern mods feel flaccid. Why would I want a mod to change it?
you can set it to ignore/skip missing blocks iirc
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>4k radius generation
>a tiny yellow sliver of a desert has finally showed up on the map
>a frozen ocean also appeared in the far north which I also remembered we needed for Aquamirae
maybe 10k wasn't overkill after all
what modpack?
>install mod that adds other biomes
>"why are other biomes showing up?"
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Not final, still deciding if I want to do over or under, this is just for a more automated cable production.
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custom made
that doesn't seem to prevent Forests and Plains from taking up like 50% of all land biomes
nice bricks dude
Is GTNH still the most autistic modpack? I am autistic and want something to soothe my autism.
it's definitely the most autistic modpack
GTNH is just grinding
You'll be sitting around with your thumb in your ass most of the time, not actually autisming
play nomifactory, same shit, less waiting
>cave mod
>title suggests it's just worldgen
>comes with fuckhuge tameable dinosaurs
sure is an Alex mod
There's not a ton of waiting in GTNH until like UHV, you always have something to do
My main complaint is that the game becomes incredibly repetitive - you have a multiblock, put the inputs/outputs in the AE bus, and re-wire to make room for it. Repeat ad nauseum, and that sounds fun for autists mainly
Well you gotta put something in those caves right?
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I started over, and I finally managed to finish my house.

Now I just need to build everything else, like the bridge, the orchard, the foundry, etc.
Can confirm, I enjoy doing the same thing over and over.
how do i make the game hard but not autistically hard
>click a few buttons
>video game character does something
not a lot of fun in vidya in general, people who click all day are clearly autistic
looks great
I agree
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I hate diagonal civil engineering so much
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oh hey that's my screenshot. Don't worry, I found some new friends to add to the duckie flotilla! :3

Where the FUCK do I find green and purple ferns? I've been searching all over and all I can find are the blue ones in the sky slime islands. Also shouts out stinkers for nerfing the slime sling, literally the single solitary thing I liked from this shitty mod. Thank god someone made a standalone slimesling mod with the old mechanics
Domestication Innovation pet beds

this is cool as hell
Wasn't there an option to reduce the size of biomes?
What do I do with 32 barrels of logs?
turn them into 32 barrels of charcoal
I should've mentioned I'm playing CABIN
That seems the best course of action, it's going to take a long time, since I have no iron
Wish 1.20 had psi
I wish Chisel wasn't fucking dead
>Some mod steath added gay bee textures
>Can't figure out which one did it
Since I don't have the patience to comb through over 300 mods, is there a simple mod that adds a flamethrower? For entirely wholesome purposes, of course.
thats a vanilla feature
you have create right? just throw it in the crushing wheels
Throwing a bee in a crushing wheel is a pain when the bee just flies away.
ok fair
if you have reliquery cap its ass with the revolver
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Not using that mod either. My options are a bit more barbaric with this pack. Create is only there because it was needed for the stronghold mod anyway. I'm not big on doing all that machinery stuff.
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My empire beings with a humble start.
Hell, even if you have infinite iron, just placing them is a pain.
Is that a dog door?
>dog door
Pretty much, because I'm a bitch who's too scared to deal with the horde of constantly spawning trident drowned at my doorstep. Those hollow logs from Quark are great anti-mob doors.
>found a cool datapack I'd like to use in a 1.20.1 modpack
>a bunch of the cool stuff is in the latest version which is 1.20.6
>oh that's fine I bet I could backport it, how much could have possibly changed in a few minor versions?
the answer is "a lot" apparently, because mojang added dozens of new attributes and shit that don't exist in slightly older versions

this shit is exhausting
How do you get in?
When you get close to the hollow log, sneaking makes you go prone as if you were pushed down by a trap door. You just crawl through the log.
What datapack
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>create, mekanism, thermal and alltheores for shits and giggles
Fuck I'm drowning in ores here

I bounced around most of the dimensions it adds, and the atmosphere is great. I like the way many of them connect directly to each other, but others are disconnected. It's very similar to a project I was working on years ago using the Vertically Stacked Dimensions mod. I gave up on it for a few reasons that I'm not gonna yap about now, but this scratches a similar itch for me.

Now, obviously it's a datapack so it's not adding any new blocks, but since the dimensions themselves are quite nice, I was going to spawn modded resources, modded enemies, etc. in the dimensions.

I like how most of the dimensions give you different status effects or have other gimmicks. It reminds me of the Forgotten Realms and also Made in Abyss (coincidentally, both of those were things that inspired my previously mentioned abandoned project). Gives you a reason you might want to hang out and build shit there instead of the Overworld being the optimal choice in all situations. The idea of having fast travel dimensions that are even faster than the Nether, but harder to access (at least in the early game) is also a really interesting idea.
Whoa that's cool, I've never actually used (standalone)datapacks at all since they were implemented in 1.13 I'm surprised they can do that much
Anyone know a good modpack that has Create+Add Ons, RPG/Dungeons and stuff like Farmer's Delight that wont fucking crash?
A magnum torch for your monsters gone?
How does one avoid creating a kitchen sink modpack?
add gregtech
If you turn it into benzene that could fuel your base for like 27 piko seconds
I'm still using iron tools, and my most complex automation is a create millstone connected to a smeltery, I just like chopping trees
yes and by far

>t. never played gtnh
I haven't waited around more than an hour for anything since like HV
after you get ae2 the game speeds up and there's an assload of things to do. it's a factory management game.
>Hey this americium is going to take 8 hours to fuse but it's not immediately necessary right now
>Let me go rework my bastnasite line since that's slowing down, I'll need the holmium for circuits next tier. I'm going to go change out the energy hatches since they can't keep up with my miners anymore and add 2 more sifters
>americium finishes fusing in that time
Those are yellow stone geysers
They’re pretty comfy.
In the morning hours you can find zombies and skellies sloshing around in the water to keep the sunlight from burning them.
Kind of like swamps but less humid.
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lmao get memed on
you chose this pack
It's quark
The config adds spaces between the letters of the name of them to make it more annoying to disable as well, or to get around a word filter (not sure).
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LuV and ZPM components were nowhere near this bad
yeah i saw the screenshot on the terralith download page. it still looks weird on the minimap
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Create is a necessary evil because all the memeversion magic mods are incredibly barebones. Without create, here are your choices:
>entity-based automation (say goodbye to your tickrate loser)
boo fucking hoo
see >>483077028 retard
That means I have to up production, retard
not "wait around" and "grind"
>1.19.2 base with ars nouveau starbuncles running everywhere: bad
>1.7.10 base with thaumcraft golems running everywhere: good
>this modpack is grindy
>no it isn't
>proceed to complain about how grindy it is a moment
>lol, lmao
>well no you see it's not actually grindy

classic comedy
clearly wasted on the demented
"grinding" means doing the same shit over and over for hours
when I think of "grinding" I think of spending hours fighting mobs in an MMO to get a .1% drop or to level up
That's not what you're supposed to do here
>Neutronium takes 135 seconds to smelt an ingot?
>Oh okay fuck guess I have to set up 8 passive volcs smelting neutronium so I don't have to wait on crafts
>problem solved
Sounds like Gregcope
I accept your concession
>after you get ae2 the game speeds up
the problem is that getting to ae2 is going to take more than 100+ hours
unironically yeah
in 1.19 every chunk is three times the size and there's more useless entities spawning that exist just to kill tick rate
>"grinding" means doing the same shit over and over for hours
The man's been grinding for so long he genuinely forgot what it means.
Clearly a sign of greg clicker new cookies.
>playing le video game is... grinding???
Only your favorite modlsop
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my favorite part of playing minecraft is alt-tabbing while the game plays itself
why yes i did play factorio and i got absolutely filtered by the lack of a third dimension, why do you ask?
Factory games are inherently better at their core in 2d because it makes expansion and building much simpler. It's why Dyson Sphere Program goes into a 2d mode when you build buildings, it makes things easier.
Building in Satisfactory is horrible, and building in minecraft is fairly annoying as well. Modded minecraft's current strategy is to completely trivialize all logistics with AE2 and people build on giant flat planes (hence lawnbasing)
midwit seethe
It's not an intellectual difficulty though, it's a mechanical difficulty. The journey from thinking "I need to double my iron smelting" and actually performing the action is low manual effort in a game like factorio, but quite tedious in something like satisfactory due to trying to build with vector view.
you're proving my point
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NEVER give midwids a third dimension in factory games.
I mean the Satisfactory devs literally admit they don't play automation games and actively discourage autism features
For a second I thought I was in /egg/.
yeah, how about you don't do that.
i thought this has always been a glitch with superflat worlds
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Well I've reached UV now and after taking a look at the recipes and the quest book there's an assload of things to do now in this tier and most of them besides maybe space elevator (which I've been told to not do) and wetware circuits don't look fun
Apparently this is where normal GT stops so everything past this is gtnh exclusive
If only you kept to what you've been told not to do you'd stop posting here and go back to /erg/
you could be nicer
you could be dead
Why is there brother wars between minebros and eggtists
The only games I play eggs or Minecraft and there's significant overlap in appeal
minecraft is better because its not just an idle game
>idle game
Oh it's this retard
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I think they look cool
there's no "war" what the fuck are you on about
you don't post fagottio in the minceraft general and the other way around
that's how generals work, fuckwad
yes, sadly
ignore it
he couldn't even win
techbros and eggtists are the best of bros, attached at the hip
magictrannies and their severe adhd, on the other hand...
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>playing creative with a friend
>i build this lagoon with tons of flowers and shit around it
>it looks nice if i do say so myself
>i make a tunnel to enter it
>a door opens up
>then you go through a long dark tunnel
>at the end another door opens to reveal the bright sunny lagoon
>really happy with this
>get my friend to go through
>he clearly isn't as excited about this slightly autistic aesthetic venture
post pics i want to see it
I went into a store recently and was talking to the clerk, asked him if any sets came out since March of Machines
He said yeah the universe beyond stuff, I then say "nah I mean any real sets"
Sweet jesus the look he gave me lmao
I'll post them tomorrow, my friend hosts the serv so if he's asleep I can't access it
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We could have this IRL if it wasn't for jews
What in the name of kino is this?
>the same spiral pattern and diagonal bone-line shape slapped all over the place
why are biome mods like this
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It's from the google drive in the op
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I'd make my base in the island in the middle of the lake shaped like a wailing ghost.
woo woo!
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Another month away from modding, another 20something mod updates from the greptech github repo from me to siphon, then test for incompatibilities, as usual.
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can't believe they still haven't fixed this annoying piece of garbage from their CC fork that just casually warped into existence a few months back and I can't even understand what's causing it tainting my precious console logs
not that they would care since those oafs' logs are more errors than white information lines but I do
i thought nobody used this shit exactly because it did more harm than good? i remember it used to cause worldholes everywhere back in the day
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You're thinking of CC*chunks*

CCCore is basically the basic coremod for NEI and a bunch of other crap.

Also everything seems to work normally, except who's this retard who's telling me to have a nice day

What do you mean? Do you mean to wish me a good day or do you mean that it is a good day whether I want it or not? Or perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on this particular day. Or are you simply stating that this is a day to be good on?

Anyway I don't care for it.
Quit putting shit in my chat.
holy fuck that blanket of clouds look great, which shader is that?
so why is turning off ae2 channel limits a bad thing?
>which shader is that?
It's not a shader.
Shaders disgust me.
It's a resourcepack.
Alright geez if you don't want to namedrop it fine, no need to get fussy that your shitty toaster can't handle shaders.
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Oh good, angelica fixed the issue with zume's lazy chunk loading

I made that resourcepack years ago, new friend.
I've put that in the OP years ago.
Every six months or so someone asks me about that goddamn sky.
Also, don't. Genuinely. Don't.
The MMO general is two blocks down, schizo.
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Somnia's being a little bitch apparently.
Yes, and /erg/ is two blocks down.
I literally made mmcg, be quiet retard. Or you want to call me a newfag again?
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name a better combo than
>new fag
>immediately acts like an overaggressive baboon nigger

which one of these is it
Genuinely don't know at this point, I stopped using MEGA ages ago, so that one's probably an older version.
And I said don't, for fuck's sake, every single goddamn time I have I come here you have to do this
no im calling the other guy in >>483167236 and >>483166709 a new fag
your fine dawg
You know it's weird, angelica's honestly kinda shitting the bed
It's hogging my GPU something fierce and it's still microstuttering, so the experience with A52 is much worse than what I had with A40 last time
you never know what the problem is with these alpha updates, christ
I hate doing single version rollbacks
>name a better combo than
>browsing an anonymous imageboard
>thinking you're somebody or that anyone gives a shit
fuck off to an MMO general if you want your dick sucked while still wearing an Anonymous nametag
>i have to act like a faggot because the people on reddit said the site was edgy
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I'm aware, I'm just saying we should really just not, in general because that shit drags on for 15 more posts and he couldn't give less of a shit in any case
It's bad enough when I do it and I chastise myself to just not shut up

Also yeah, it's an angelica crash actually, somnia was just getting called because of the funi crashe
oh boy time for my favorite hobby, finding what the fuck is breaking angelica
I swear one of these days I'll go back to fastcraft 23 and optifine D6 and I won't know what's better
Especially now that mr angry switchel has swept mcpatcher bugs under the rug

seriously the reason why I do these in bulk is mostly because I have to do this shit once a month
ah yeah fair
Where is the edge? You're the one using the word "faggot", not me.
Dafuq are you doing using Angelica? Isn't that shit exclusively tailormade for GTNH?
Well, the long and short of it is that the mod is optimized for a limited amount of channels. Removing that limit it will actually make the IRL calculations of the mod require a quadratic amount of IRL CPU power for the calculations, which means you're taxing your own system more heavily for the sake of brainletness.
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>Early game, haven't gotten very far into modded run yet
>Hear the usual monster sounds from behind walls, including some really fucking scary growling (no dweller mod, it's probably from Born in Chaos)
>Enter dark cave
>Hear a chicken clucking, assume there's a baby zombie riding a chicken
>Find the chicken
>It's glowing in a really dark and really open area
That's a NOPE from me, chief.
>Dafuq are you doing using Angelica? Isn't that shit exclusively tailormade for GTNH?
It's not. It's very much not. It's essentially just an open sores optifine replacer. Maybe you're thinking of lgbtify which kind of is custom tailored for smegtech, and that's because it kind of overhauls the entire java environment and breaks shit big time (I don't use it because yes, that one actually does break a couple of mods I really can't do without, and even then the results of before and after were incredibly subdued so I can't recommend it at all in my instance)
It helps I sorta kinda maybe know what I'm doing some of time time (not most of the time) and know where to check when things break, I dare say that a fifth of the damn issues on the repo are mine.
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that's some fuckin neat terrain generation
>It's not. It's very much not.
Just checked the Angelica Curseforge page and it says it needs GTNHlib as dependency.
Yes? It's basically an agnostic mixin repositiory, a few other smegtech mods actually do have that as a dependency. You're probably thinking of wahtever the name of dreamlib is now, the one that actually has a nested of gtnh dependencies.
can dogs and cats crawl in as well?
when will the government stop your sinful hand
I understand, that's fair. I raised it to 2x limit because I have enough problems already with planning out every greg production line even without having to plan with channel limits. And also I just realized p2p exists and I just... don't want to bother with this shit and want to enjoy the other parts of the game without having to worry about this shit.
That's understandable, channels are kind of daunting to get into. But truth be told they're a thing you learn bit by bit like everything else. Heck, it can also be a fun to dick around with them. That said, x64 max shouldn't really create a problem, it's just when you go really ham with it that things get fucky wucky.
Those weird ass hacky p2p cubes that give thousands of channels are kinda pretty in my opinion.
>skeleton... but with blinding arrows!
who the fuck comes up with this shit
special mobs is a 11/12 years old mod from a guy who isn't really well known for good mods
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how do i get the lava in the smeltery im trying to make obsidian without having to mine it
ok but this mob was added by quark
Oh, that's a thing in specialmobs too though
probably an inspiration
Right click a lava bucket on one of the faucets.
thank you
but its the drain block and not the actual faucet
you can just pour the lava out of one of the containers using a faucet placed on them. no drain needed
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What, that's it?
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Well good, it apparently stops crashing when using angelica 50, so it's an angelica51 issue

temps are also lower and fps is more stable and there's no microstuttering
now to dissect the commits to find out what the hell is causing this

also damn I love this sky now that I finally got the thing fixed with the brightness transition times corrected when anon chimed in with his resourcepack knowledge
was that last year
I think it was last year
nice lad
>but its the drain block and not the actual faucet
That tells you how long has it been since the last time I played Tinkers in non-GTNH modpack.

I wonder when TC will be updated for nuversions. Maybe for ATM10
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>lmao good luck finding which one of my copies is fake with blindness on!
i had this piece of shit in the last pack i played, can't fucking believe he's a vanilla mob. fucking walking pile of cancer
why do you talk like this?
dude actually got filtered by a vanilla mob kek
don't you have another useless animal to come up with for the next minecraft update, mojang employee?
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SEVERE brainrot
been hanging around weirdos and zoomers and autists and I have absorbed their speech patterns
I can't recommend it
it's terminal
no but seriously it's fun for a bit but yeah it gets a bit much
I have to carve a bit of fun where I can when I do this shitshow
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The only thing I can seem to find in 51 that might be the issue is this commit related to the integration of a bunch of notfine updates, specifically for fog.
Bit of a shot in the dark, but I genuinely can't see anything else that might be what's causing it between .50 and .51 all things considered. I definitely have void fog toggled off already, I'll have to make a backup, delete angelica's config, check if this does some fuckery to the internal configs that you can't actually edit in-game, and see if that fixes it. It's usually a matter of previous configs overriding eachother in these cases because, again, alpha and slapdash implementation whatnot.
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We need to cook enriched holmium foils for wetware bioprocessors
i don't know how to do any of that mr white
i'm gonna go chop down more wood while you handle that ok?
oh for fuck's sake it's not the sky
it's the anvil
whenever I look at at an anvil in my base the thing crashes
I need a mod that lets me use the medicine drug
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how much tensile strength would you need for the cable??
how do you get the heavy fucking counterweight up to space?
how do you prevent satellites/debris hitting the thing?
how much would this slow the earth's rotation?
I somehow got filtered by Factorio and not by any Minecraft tech mod/modpack, because somehow I fail to properly scale and manage shit in Factorio when it inevitably stalls, but I can always make some hacky workaround in Minecraft to keep it running. My last attempt at Factorio ended when I wasn't making enough iron and copper plates because I only dedicated one conveyor for each, and I already had populated the main bus in a way that would mean I'd have to redo everything from scratch to add extra iron/copper buses. Never had that issue in Minecraft, be it because I can always resort to manual crafting when needed or because AE2 is a thing.
Bartaria Bay was the best modpack ever created, before it vanished
>use SOL:Carrot to reduce my max health
>the idea: i have to hide and play carefully on the first nights as i travel through the world collecting food to bring it up to vanilla levels instead of just mowing down undead straight away
>create world
>start on top of regular sized oak tree
>drop down
"Where we droppin'?"
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Factorio is all about logistics, and modded minecraft tends to use AE to trivialize all logistics. Back in the old days with things like RP2 tubes and such, there was more emphasis - nowadays, it's pivoted to different kinds of problems to solve (in GTNH, a lot of the problems are power logistics - something factorio completely abstracts away)
which is why create (particularly the expert packs A&B et al) has been such a breath of fresh air. Belts and the limited sorting options available really adds a lot of fun back to logistics. Yeah you can get AE eventually in A&B but it's far too late to be of much use unless you redo your entire factory.
Even without AE2, even when I had to deal with fucking BuildCraft pipes, I never ran into the same issues as I did in Factorio. Factorio expects you to design everything in a way where it'll be perfectly planned out and doesn't have any margin for error. In modded Minecraft there will always be some way to make a clusterfucked mess to keep shit going. At least that's how I feel.
Essex bump
hey buddy what'cha doing so close to me? i disabled your food stealing mechanic remember? now stay still, i need more feathers in my storage...
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theres a fucking solar eclipse rn in dj2
gayest thing I've seen today.
astral sorcery does that. a rare constellation shows up the night following the eclipse
>how much tensile strength would you need for the cable??
carbon nanotubes have been proposed as a suitable material for the elevator and theoretically have the tensile strength to handle it, the problem is that manufacturing a cable that long is currently unfeasible

>how do you get the heavy fucking counterweight up to space?
one proposal is to launch the counterweight along with a thin string of nanotubes on a rocket, and then have a robot build upon the existing string to form a stronger cable

>how do you prevent satellites/debris hitting the thing?
idk man it's supposed to be pretty thin I don't think there's that much shit up in space

>how much would this slow the earth's rotation?
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Does anyone here play modded with a gamepad or steamdick?
i play modded with a steamy dick all the time now thanks to the CPM model an anon shared a few months back
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hey, happy pride month cboone
happy pride month, cBoone!
>buy this old game called uplink
>there's an ingame irc
>check it
>first message is "trans rights"
what's uplink?
not much what's up with you
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totemic is cool
I totally handed you that one and you didn't even post a link image
I thought you were doing the updog
I was, but link isn't a common way to address a person like dog is in (sub)urban culture
like what's up dawg is all fine and dandy but what's up link is a bit more specific
simplified hacking simulator game
That's aquamirae's fault
Getting tired of PO3, kind of want to play something more complicated with others.
What have I done wrong, how come I can't use Unbound shader with fabric?
holy fuck I may have found the problem

I was using a version of waila (1.7) that was one single version previous to this (1.7.1)
and it ONLY happens with angelica 51 for some reason
and it ONLY happens if you have mcpatcher enabled

that's the level of shit I have to work with when trying to debug these mods, jesus christ on a pogo stick
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Spooky stuff needs a good shader. What's a good shader to emphasize spooky stuff?
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sorry whatd you say
When is psi 1.20 releasing?
November 12th, 2024.
Your mother will die in her sleep if you ask for proof
I need mods that add big fish. I already have Alex's Mobs, Alex's Caves, and Born in Chaos, as those are the only ones I know of with big fish..
The Deep Blue addon for Bettas and Aquatics adds some sharks. It's up to 1.18.
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Is Create Interactive jank as other VS mods?
If I install it and make an automatic track laying and mining train base, will it shit itself and send my habar to the void at a random point?
Why do the books look so bad?
ask little maid devs I guess
This. If I could reskin Create to look more magical I would.
>rotational force/RPM renamed to mana/mps
>water wheel to water spirits that generate mana
>windmill to wind spirits
>gears to runic circles
If you change all spruce textures for botania's livingrock textures you'll be 70% of the way there
Mana and Artifice > Ars Nouveau
if you like chinese mmo slop
it even looks as disgusting
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I fucking hate trannies and their neo-vagina forge.
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im starting to think i might need to start batch crafting macerators
We need to cook Exquisite Cerium-doped Lutetium Aluminium Garnets (Ce:LuAG)
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Mr. White.... Minecraft isn't real, you don't NEED to do anything any more, you can do anything else instead.
lex is a faggot among faggots, I for once side in with the trannies in this
at least in theory, I haven't really tried neoforge much
I tried to plug in my ps5 controller and it didn't register so I thought it wasn't possible, is there a mod for it?
He was called "Anonymous"
Check the archive, he's quite active here
Ars Nouveau is the one that looks like chinese slop with its garish gold and purple everywhere, chinese spirits, and mobage spell sprites.
what is cpm
custom player model
imagine being such a miserable piece of shit that trannies are tolerable by comparison
Lex is a true subhuman
You rike him?
>un-vanilla like
your vanigga+++ kind needs to be fucking shot, ruiner of good mods, you are the reason modding past 1.12.2 sucks dick
come play GTNH with me anon :3
vanigga++ is good, I like it, very nice
your home, subhuman
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I meant the name, you big silly billy.
should have specified
your dad should've used a condom
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's alright don't worry about it :)
Do fish not spawn in the Twilight forest? Every river I've seen is just empty, not even squids swimming, and no fish from the mods I'm using. I'm looking for the big lakes that spawn in the forest, but if the rivers are empty I'm sure the lake is going to be barren too.

Playing on 1.20.1
Is there an easy way of knowing if I'm within a magnum torch's range?
yeah when you're feeling the magnum heat
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why though
true, looks atrocious though
but in a weird way that feels like it's on purpose
i want a sharkmaid on my server
you want to jerk off before posting
i dont want to jerk off in fact
Modding sucked pre 1.13.
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Has anyone else played this mod? If so, their thoughts on it?

it's the divinerpg of memeversions
I don't think DRPG has as much lore though.
Just grind resources for 30 hours to make compact fusion reactors bro
looks pretty cool, let me know when they decide on a version and i'll try it
>The Magnum Torch is a torch added by the Extra Utilities mod, which outputs the same amount of light as a vanilla Torch, but in addition it also prevents mobs from spawning in a sphere-like area with a horizontal radius of 64 and a vertical radius of 32 blocks. It will however not disable monster spawners within its radius. Magnum Torches will not stop the spawning of non-hostile mobs. Example: Light Mages from Ars Magica 2 or breeding of animals.

x^2 + (2y)^2 + z^2 = 64^2
plug in the torch-selected block coordinate offsets to see if it's inside the ellipsoid
ie x=63,y=0,z=0 still comes inside, but x=27,y=27,z=27 doesn't
then why are all the best packs 1.12.2 and under?
checkmate vanigger++
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How do I make each recipe a horizontal row?
I'm not an NPC.
every fucking pack after 1.16 thats not a random smattering of vanilla plus mods is just a different flavor of create
>everything i dont like is reddit and everything i like is epic and based
back to the sharty with you
I'm not an NPC.
Don't tell me you faggots really use modpacks rather than installing your own mods? Lmfao

r/feedthebeast is that way.
>toymyniggers are back
I usually install modpacks and then add/remove mods to my liking.
Easier that way, and I get the recipes/quests/progression tree of the modpack.
Some exceptions, I think I made my greg6 pack and my reika pack from scratch.

Modding allows you to turn Minecraft into your ideal game?

Why let someone else do that for you?
yours is kinda shitty bait but editing modpacks is a good starting point, as anon said
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Don't tell me you faggots really use others' mods rather than making your own? Lmfao

r/feedthebeast is that way.
Why install other people's mods to begin with?

Making your own mods allows you to turn Minecraft into your ideal game?

Why let someone else do that for you?
Don't tell me you faggots play someone else's game instead of making your own? lmfao

r/feedthebeast is that way.
Don't tell me you faggots use someone else's programming language instead of making your own? lmfao

r/feedthebeast is that way
That really doesn't work as well as you think it does.

I find this amusing.
Dont tell me grug humpers play on magic box all sun instead of cave painting

go back to eatingbear tribe
You are easily amused.
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what are there like 20 different types of the same ore for anyways
some don't even have different byproducts for crushing
just messing with your inventory for the sake of it
makes me angy
I'm not going to autistically edit 10,000 recipes into a well-formulated progression by myself.
98% of modpacks are garbage too but even a mediocre pack is better than vanilla recipes and it's work that I don't have to do.
To increase busywork, typical Gregslop
A couple mods have a "ruler" item that can measure your distance from a block. E.g. BiblioCraft tape, OpenBlocks pedometer (heh)
Also now that I think about it you could use the OpenBlocks building guide in sphere mode too to visualize the range.
Not sure why no one bothered to make a fully standalone version of all the utility items BiblioCraft adds. Clipboard, tape measure, plumb line, it's the kind of shit that should be an obligatory standalone utility mod for all versions.
What mod for the tail?
here you go!
did you make the tail yourself or get it from someone
it's part of the defaults you just gotta pick colors
i think you can import custom models but idk
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>mod has nice looking screenshots and a promising purpose
>barebones description
>no wiki
>no ingame documentation
>no configs
Why is TeamAbnormals like this?
you did this to yourself
>no wiki
worse, a fandom wiki
yeah you can that's why i was curious
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nice structure generation mana & artifice simply epic
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You want to know the worst part? You're supposed to ask the devs on a d*scord server.
is it really worse than a "discord you can ask questions in" as a substitute for a wiki?
actually you don't because people will snap at you for asking something that has been asked a thousand times before
t. did just that when trying to figure out something for one of their mods. endergenic expansion i think? it's been a while.
never installed another one of their mods ever since.
People wont ask repetitive questions if you make a FAQ (wiki), this is somehow forgotten knowledge
This is the worst fucking shit. Everyone has dedicated mod pages on sites specifically for modding, yet gatekeep all progress and updates on shitcord of all fucking places.
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>let's stockpile information in an invite-only chat room that can't be crawled by search engines and then get angry when someone joining the server for information is interrupting the clique's circlejerk session
Nothing could possibly be worse than that.
>People wont ask repetitive questions if you make a FAQ
no one even uses google to search anymore, they just ask anyways. Even if you have an amazing wiki, you still get inundated with the most basic questions.
What mods am I looking at
Gay Trans: New Hormones
you are playing a discount shittier babymode version of gtnh
no wonder you play nomi
epic fail
what is the GNTH info thingy called?
i know in 2.6.0 it shows slime chunks, i want that but i dont want to update the whole pack yet
"It's for the player to discover it himself~"
shader name?
Stupid retarded mods for faggots?
I need to have a dick up my ass the entire time I play this game.
That creature mod that has creatures put up the LGBT flag, that mod with the tranny cat, or that mod with estrogen as a resource.
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>at least I'm not playing gregtroons new hormones
Well that's the thing, he's been always adding onto this mod every now and then. You can probably play it right now on latest release version [v1.6.35], as the mod is finished as it has a final boss.
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>mod has millions of downloads and patreon support
>most of the sprites look like they were drawn in mspaint by a 6 year old
why can't tech autists just pay someone like $20 to draw some decent looking graphics?
why are you asking? do you want to know where to look for a boyfriend or something?
>like $20
Sprite """artists""" ask for a lot more than $20 for a *single* sprite.
No incentive to do that + the developer does not care.
then get aseprite or paint net and learn to do decent sprites in like a week?
idk the modded shit looking nothing like vanilla artstyle just makes me never wanna touch it
you aren't playing minecraft for the graphics, are you?
you're mixing up visual fidelity and consistency
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What's wrong bro? You haven't touched your spiritual successor to Ars Magicka.
boyfriend that makes me sort his chests...
programmer art > trans crayons ruining my cobblestone texture
i need one of those, i have too much junk across all my chests, unsorted and duplicate, GTNH.
You can only use the programmer art argument if you're playing version 1.8 or earlier
>then get aseprite or paint net and learn to do decent sprites in like a week?
Because getting "decent" is not such an easy feat?
>Trans Nouveau andies at it again
textures changed in 1.14
1.12.2 still has programmer art
but anyways i'm playing 1.7.10, why do you ask?
bro it's literally just 16x16 pixels
you can just take already decent-looking sprites from vanilla or other mods, then edit or recolor them and no one will notice or give a shit, it's THAT easy
go back
Are there any new cool mods for 1.7.10?
>it's THAT easy
Then do it yourself lol
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A hard pill for NES-style hating nutroons to swallow
what's a nut roon
neutronium of course
Fucking grim. You could probably pick a random kid in their discord and they could probably draw a better skin for that poor creature.
I'm actually working on a standalone skyblock game that doesn't get boring as shit couple hours in
But vril it have sovl?
I've been here longer than you, ratjeet.
not with twitchtranny lingo you haven't
The fact you know it's twitch lingo isn't the burn you think it is, Rajeem.
Are there any mods that add realistic spelunking? Like necessitating the use of a crawl mod?
https://youtube.com/watch?v=N8QV5Um4mb4 now just imagine this mod with a ctm map like Ragecraft 3
minimalist for their portfolio
actually reading about minecraft stuff would look kinda unprofessional
I wish there was a serb exclusively dedicated to do pvp fights using cool fight mods like that
looks chinese
What's wrong with chinese mods?
Update: Just got done playing another session and finally found a lake. Sure enough, just like I said, the lake is completely empty. There's not even vanilla fish and squid in it. The lake just has nothing in it except seagrass and sand.

That's a real bummer. Why have the rivers and lakes and add the seagrass, but not have any fish or squids swimming around too?
they were from back when fishes weren't actually mobs yet and you could get fish from any water source
I see. Can spawning some in in creative work at least?
dunno, give it a shot
there's one but the ping is dogshit so it's impossible to play for me at least

the base mod is actually korean so close enough
yeah those asians love over the top flashy floaty animu action. I recognize this from my skyrim modding days. they seem to mod this in every single game if it's at all possible. saw some chinese dragons dogma 2 mods with flashy animu moves too recently
while here in the west a more grounded approach to combat is more appreciated
Yeah fish spawn eggs work. But they despawn if I leave the chunk. Dammit.
dont die
At least it's not like 1.7 where breaking ore blocks can give you all the byproducts instead of just the blocks
Pinnacle of inventory clutter
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no, THIS is
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What is it about gregtech new horizons that makes people seethe and associate it with trannies?
It doesn't even have actual tranny developers like create or mekanism
well the mods on their discord are actual trannies and so are a lot of contributors but i guess they havent gotten around to adding tranny flags yet
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>making shit up
this is the average gtnh dev
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has doctor4t ever released the mods he makes for youtube? i don't see many of them on curseforge so i assume they're made more to be showcased for youtube than to actually be played
I got immediately banned from the server for saying "men can never be women"
go ahead try it
if i wasnt banned i would just have a cursory scroll through the moderators and post the several trannies but said trannies banned me so
>Discord Manager
>GT:NH Staff
>Github Admin
>Official Servers Operators
>GTNH Devs
>Wiki Editor
>Nitro Booster
>nerf nerds
>Multiblock Maniac
>Intellj Enjoyer
>Delta Server
>Epsilon Server
>Eta Server
>Zeta Server
>Bee Enthusiast
>Professional Thaumaturgist
>Gregs Engineer
>Crops Enjoyer
>GTNH Translator
Space mods are inherently boring because they all try to replicate our solar system, which is also pretty boring unless you're some omega-genius scientist with a rock fetish. Our planet is also kinda weird so we have the privilege of biome diversity.
I suggest adding the gigeresque mod because it has xenomorphs, but overall that won't help very much with the celestial emptiness on any planet.
gregorious bump
>Downloaded Integrated Stronghold
>Had to have Quark, Create, and Supplementaries as required dependencies. Oh well, I don't care that mu-
>Quark and Supplementaries suppress or straight up overwrite several QoL mods with significantly worse effects, like inventory sorting being less effective and item durability numbers being straight up suppressed
>Quark adds a lot of intrusive features that you can't ignore, like nether fortresses being vandalized with ugly gold bars everywhere
>Supplementaries adds all sorts of unwanted crap too, like ash and such
I'm tempted to just go back to the shitty Yung stronghold, unless there's another good stronghold mod out there that doesn't use shit mods as dependencies.
actually the add-on you see in that trailer is western, the base mod is much tamer https://youtube.com/watch?v=TjpJNuqdAj8
>risk a 30k member public server getting nuked because one chuddie broke discord ToS
Trannies did this.
So, what's your opinion on Better than Adventure?
The default planets for most space mods are barely above placeholder art. At least a few packs go out of their way to make their own planets, or just replace them with dimension mods like the betweenlands
What are you talking about
How the hell do I get it to be 100% dark at night/in caves? I used to be able to get hardcore darkness to work with shaders, but true darkness wont do shit.
Is there any mod available for newer versions that removes the minimum light level?
One of those packs that requires friends to be fun
do arboreal extractors run faster the more trees are around them
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testing cavegen in my modpack, what does /mmcg/ think of the literal thousand block wide hole to oblivion.
the floating bits are a weird but acceptable artifact of the generation
caves with giant laval lakes are always top tier building spots
1.7.10 was built exactly ten years ago
is there a 1.18.2 mod to make lava and fire not destroy items
not specific items, but *all* items
I tried Fireproof Items and it crashed
One of the nicest, less bloated, biome mods out there. Is handicapped by this. Its always fucking something.
looks kinda cool, the waterfalls all ending in the lava lake looks goofy as fuck though
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I want to have a neet gf that grinds my modded minecraft worlds while I'm away
she'd be mad stinky tho
>want someone whos sole purpose is to perform menial labor
Anon, there are black women in your area
best you can do is a trans "gf"
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you sure? or is it some sort of leap year fuckery
wasnt 1.7 10 years old like several years ago wtf
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>Trying to automate the creation of Thermal Dynamics Cry-Stabilized Fluxduct with Refined Storage
>Keep trying to make the actual empty duct out of copper reinforced glass even though I'm manually putting fused quartz as the input
>When I manually make the ducts the fused quarts works fine
I'm going fucking insane, I've made like a dozen patterns and they're all copper glass.
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Just solved my neutronium problem by "grinding" and setting up 8 passive volcs in half an hour
As soon as I posted this I figured out the problem, it's just a visual giltch, but now I need to find a way to farm quartz.
it was built a day before it was released
what are volcs?
passive how?
>what are volcs?
Volcanus, it's the gt++ version of an ebf. It only unlocks at IV but it has a few advantages, such as being able to do up to 8 recipes at once and having a flat 120% speed bonus over regular EBFs. I'm not providing them enough power to cook 8 neutronium ingots each a time so they're just regular EBFs but faster

>passive how?
You make a large craft like 30k neutronium ingots and have it patterned to go to these volcs in particular
They're going to be cooking those ingots for like the next 2 weeks unless I stop them
did some testing
apparently not
>making multiblocks to produce resources to make more multiblocks to produce more resources to

gtnhsisters, when does this end?
Is there a problem with that?
>Beating level 1 in world 1 and collecting coins to beat level 2 and collecting more coins to unlock secret level 1-1 and then using that to shortcut to the first castle in world 1 and then beating that to unlock world 2

Mariosisters, when does this end?
>eating food to keep my body alive to eat more food to keep my body alive to
it ends when you want it to end.
Optimistically you'd be in a position where it actually never starts but we can't all be so lucky
>people enjoy things
lol, said the scorpion
You're not supposed to have fun when "playing" GTNH.
gtnh is very fun except when something doesn't work and you can't figure out why
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infinite energy achieved
ore generation achieved
time to never leave my base again
nomitoddlers really start generating ores in LV
technically im in MV since i need an mv chemical reactor to make the clathrate
whats your powergen/which nomi edition
ceu version, right?
are you on "normal" or expert
isn't expert almost pure GTCEU
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GTNH is very fun except the part where i need to build a base now but i cant build bases
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nobody builds bases so you're in great company
cave base with smooth stone spam is your friend
normal mode
I hate this
you'll get used to it pretty soon
look at this guy not putting his balls in a vice and squeezing as hard as he can like the rest of us, LMAO!!
this but unironically, what a sissy
you can have solid bases until like EV after that it gets really difficult because you'll start building complex chemical lines that require like 20-30 multiblocks or huge ass multiblocks that can't reasonably fit into most bases
The best you could do is a prettied up lawnbase (which is what I'm doing) unless you want to spend hours building all the time
things not fitting in your base is a skill issue desu, should have planned for a bigger base
polution is off so im going to stack everything in the overworld in 1 megabase
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actual skill issue
>wiremill out in the open
May God bless you with rainfall
in that case powergen is literally only numismatic dynamos
gt5 electric machines explode in the rain even when unpowered
gt6 makes steam machines explode in the rain too for some stupid fucking reason
i have et futurum installed with everything but spectator mode and gamerule doWeatherCycle disabled and have thus disabled rain
>he doesn't make individually themed buildings for his multiblocks/crafting sequences
>making individual buildings for individual multiblocks
>in the pack where you need to build a thousand different multiblocks
3/10, get better material next time
only severely autistic people can manage to play long enough to get to that point
>he doesn't have a borg cube named "Circuit factory" that's 10 x 10 chunks big with floors that go down to bedrock
>he doesn't have a decorative house that's really cute 10 feet away from the monolith
>steals your hard work
>adds trans flags in it
>adds popup trans rights messages
>proceeds to ask for donations for doing it
someone needs to send some 'zas
damn, dude has titties
iirc adrian or whatever gave the torch over to the troon
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This is what the buildfags do, have one building for platline, another for naquadah, etc.
lil bro got filtered at MV and his ego has never recovered
yeah sex hormones are actually some bullshit
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I got filtered at EV
looks really nice
what deco blocks and shaders?
thinking I would like to replicate this look in nomifcatory (expert)
>vanilla minecraft's rustic wooden signs stapled to the walls of this high-tech factory
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my best guess is complimentary shaders, most of the blocks are from ztones so idk if your pack has that, a few others are from chisel
pure SOUL
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Started GTNH recently too (last time i got to LV and 2.0 update dropped) and yea base building is shit for me. Should have rerolled until i got the clay mountain biome but oh well, now decided to just level everything and have a flat area but now that i finished it i can't decide what to do next, took me a while just to figure out that i should build a storage area (its shit and will have to expand and rebuild it probably, not sure how many drawers i should aim for).
IV is where I burn out (twice in a row), the game loses its variety that the previous tiers have and it really just becomes make multiblock machine - connect machine to AE (the buses and infinite storage hatches do this for you now) - make next machine.
It ends up being a lot of re-wiring and just going through JEI plugging inputs and outputs into ME buses.
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Not sure what version you were playing on but after 2.5.1 level maintainer based setups have become much more popular, and they solve the LCR / multiblock spam problem.
In 2.5.1 they added fluid support for blocking cards so what you can do is make a subnet with level maintainers, have either an MCR or 2/4 LCRs with a blocking mode subnet (same automation as assembling line) and have the level maintainers autocrafting whatever you want from the subnet. It makes it 10x easier to build and scale lines.
If it wasn't for this I probably would've burnt out a few weeks ago, there is no way I would've rebuilt platline from scratch without level maintainers.
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So the new gameplay flow is
>set up subnet with some storage, level maintainers, and cpus
>make an LCR or MCR, give it the most power you can afford, and set up the blocking subnet
>pattern all the recipes for what you want
and that one LCR can craft dozens of recipes if you want it to. I finished upgrading my PBI production 30 minutes ago, it took me ~20 minutes to pattern everything and make sure it works. I did it in one MCR, my previous PBI line had 10 lcrs and was slow as fuck. It makes the game way less tedious and if we ever have a gtnh server and get to IV i'd like to set this up there as well
ugly ass texture pack
In 1.12.2 arboreal extractors ran slower the more of them were around the same tree, but you still produced more fluid overall. There's a limit to how many can be around 1 tree before more just don't work, though. Probably the logic is the same in nuversions.
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I was just going to bump the thread wth this before that guy just diarrhea'd all over the thread with that post but I guess
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the reikafags are winning...
autism speaks, loud and clear
the Stargate is just a teleporter????
The real stargate is the infrastructure we built along the way.
It's an epic meme bro
you get the infinity armor and all the creative items before stargate and they're 1/100th the cost
damn I didn't know we had a fourth player but I don't play at this hour
what are your opinions on gtnh
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>mfw there's g*cha players in the general
retard nigger alert
pinnacle of gacha gameplay
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>mod's description is a single broken link to a image hosted on discord
Did Mojang actually go through with private servers having their chat constantly monitored and banning people through it?
yes, but there's a mod that gets rid of it so all is well
Please join our Discord server to describe the issue to us instead of screaming on 4chan :^)
if they have a comment box (which i think CF has) tell them that
Argh, it be true. Which is why I only play on cracked accounts with PolyMC, on servers that be fer rough and tumble n-word slurrin' pirates like me-self.
Will you fix the issue before or after grooming me?
What's the best "new" version to play modded?
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Who is Greg
GregoriusT is the author of the GregTech mods. He is also a member of the IndustrialCraft 2 Dev Team, invited there to fix bugs in place of RichardG867, although he later became inactive. All of his mods are officially distributed through the IC2 forum. He is well known for not having many accounts on social media and forums, aside from the IC2 forums, YouTube and the Official Minecraft Forums, of which he uses rarely.
Why has 1.7.10 stuck around so long? Why not 1.8?
Just learned xe is nonbinary. An embarrassing revelation for Gregtrannies, perchance.
>unsupervised access to the Internet as a kid
Sad, many such cases
Reading his about me page reminds me of those wannabe blog pages on DeviantArt made by douchy autistic 20somethings in the early 2010s. Like Ulillillia but with no charm or self awareness.
1.7.10 had the luxury of being the most recent and stable version while Mojang (and possibly Forge?) kept mining for chocolate from their asses which gave modders plenty of time to develop their mods instead of wasting their times versionchasing. And it also happened before all the good modders started burning out from Minecraft and/or moving on to other projects and/or becoming adults and having to deal with college and eventually wageslavery.
goodbye, mmcg
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I have half of the essentias being made passively now, although the speed of them is quite poor (they're spaced out so I can fit bellows or slurry pumps, which apparently will matter, around each one).
Crafting is still tedious until I finish these though, TC6 really is just such a pain. The chunks are also filled to the brim with taint, but I have a glass roof so it's ok (I really hate TC6).
All the MA seeds that are tier 3+ will take infusion though, as well as my entry into bewitchment, so I have to do this. At the end of the next chapter I get the AE thaumcraft plugin though, which will make a lot of this cleaner.
The cake is a lie
every modder I know already had a 6 figure job before bothering with any of it
Team Subnormals**
if this one dies ill make the next gimmie an image
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>please wait a while before making a post
you aren't the brightest bulb in the room are ya
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yeah im a fucking idiot

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