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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

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Yep, this is the bare minimum required to beat the DLC.
>Helm of Wego, elder among the Fire Knights. Two warped death masks stacked one atop the other. Reduces FP used to summon spirits. Gnawed at by loneliness, the old man turned his attention to the spirituality of Messmer's flame, using it in a rite of resurrection. Yet the soulless bodies he brought to life were no comfort to poor Wego.
Retconbros, we're winning bigly. They could have brought Godwyn back to life with Mesmer's flame
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Just me or is everyone using a shield build now?
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This place was made for this
Nope. I'm seriously getting raped. But I also have only been trying for ~15 minutes
I forgive him.
Bayle was surprisingly easy

at SL200 with 18 skibidis and maxed out dragon hunter's great katana
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I'm going to kill Radahn.
I'm going to rape Miquella.
God himself cannot stop me.
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hell yeah bros i fucking did it it only took me uhhhh i started at like 6pm and it's past midnight, fuck
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uhh, bros? i thought you could just block and win? what's going on here?
The concept of a hate watcher for asmongold is simple.
They both hate him and love to see him lose in a video game. Most hate watchers want to feel somehow superior to the millionaire streamer because they are better in a video game.
>"But hes using a bad build and its lazy and cheap!"
Okay, turn off the computer and tell me your accomplishments matter.
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Hitless Radahn with no shield
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Whenever I see a bunch of blood signs I never know if it's because some abominable monstrosity is gonna pop out of nowhere and rape my face or because people are dumb and die to anything
what ammo does that thing use?
is quality any good or should I shift milady to keen? I've got more dex than str (25 vs 20)
never, shield is for pussies and shield enjoyers, i'm gonna beat my head against rahdan with backhand blades until he goes down
>Stand in front of Consort Radahn's arena
>All phantoms are using bleed cheese/and or with a fp shield
Basically, yeah
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Why are there so many bloodspots at Solitude knight bros?
Can you aim ranged weapons while disguised as a prop? Would be more disgusting.
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I'm so glad Mizayaki didn't resolve every plot point and answered every question we've been asking ever since Elden Ring hit the shelves.
He obviously manifested this gay pedo incel ending so he can save Zanzibart's revenge arc for Elden Ring 2.
Collecting all SCADA fragment enables players to divulge where the fire started in Fromsoft's office on the 8th August of 2023. Amazing.
Tree Sentinels, Runebear, Fallingstar Beast, Golems and other reused enemies are a metaphor for history repeating itself, signaling that the specter of fascism is looming over Europe once again.
Masterful storytelling Miyazaki-sama, as always.
If someone is able to craft a beautiful lore/story, it's Hayao Miyazaki and George Ronald Reuel Martin.
I'll put my faith in these two to create beautiful games and fantasy literature.
Once again, thank you.
3/10 wouldn't replay
Can we not discuss streamers
you should go with either fire or lightning when it's that low
if your IQ is low enough even that strat might not work
that isnt the big achievement you might think it is
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its impossible to make an attractive female character in elden ring. you cannot prove me wrong.
>use a cheat weapon that kills him in 2 hits
nice, very impessive
that area in particular is a real annoying obstacle course
>send sign to summon pool
>get summoned to the base game
why isnt there an option to send it out to the dlc only (and still be far)
he gonna ragequit the game again now that his "build" isn't working anymore, he's such a fucking cunt
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Radahn's character design and everything is literally just Bowser but human
but then I cant put bloodflame on it and bloodflame looks cool
you can't make this shit up. literally double digit IQ.
>Solemn duty weighs upon the one beholden; not unlike a gnawing curse from which there is no deliverance.

so can we all agree that this was talking about messmer the entire time?
what a strange post
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Nature is healing...
>Trying to barricade shield Rellana
Yeah, not dealing with this anime bullshit
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Do I really have to run around the abyssal woods without Torrent? This area is huge.
Can someone explain to me what's wrong with Miquella's story and Radahn being the final boss? Serious answers only faggots.
You can't say it's a "massive rewrite", we've barely known anything about miquella in the game in the first place. His story was a blank canvas and I'm pretty impressed with what from delivered. Did the shazam trannies spam during the leak get to your heads?
>running Backhand Blades on DEX/ARC
>struggle to find anything better or more fun than this weapon
any suggestions? already beat the dlc, just trying out new stuff
I did it before it was cool (medium shield)
Hi thread. Few things to say:
1. Use Crucible Feather Talisman to make Gaius playable. He still sucks but at least he functions correctly
2. Radahn's left-right-cross combo is legitimately one of the most unfair attacks in history. I don't even hate the fight as much as a lot of people do but that one combo is guaranteed damage every time
3. Anyone know a good list of pure INT melee weapons? Scholar's Armament sucks, MLGS requires a weapon buff to be good and is otherwise just okay, Moonveil is too OP, and I'm currently using Bastard's Stars which have solid damage but awful range and is slow.
4. This DLC will get more fun on replays when you mod out the chud fragment system and just use a trainer to set your blessing to a level that autists have agreed is the golidlocks level of blessing to fight the bosses at.
Are summons the reason for all this bullshit aoe
Ah, so THAT'S why people were constantly whining about him in the last thread. Thank you for the explanation.
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The death rattle of a total shitter
Filtered bleed and caster fags have had to resort to guard counter builds. Just go watch Assmongoloid. He's one of those shitters that abused power stance staggering and he's getting filtered still kek.
I killed the pezt that was digging near the ruined forge where you get the meteor sword. Did I fuck up?
Behead ecelebfags
Made a new character for the DLC and the first thing I did was rush towards Caelid to get the gold beetle talisman then killed Greyoll.

Proceeded to clear out all of Limgrave, Weeping Peninsula, and most of Caelid and I haven't even gotten into Stormveil Castle or fought Margit yet.
Getting filtered hard by Sellia Crystal Tunnel's boss.
Which one makes more sense.
>Following the trailer and the cut ending
>Bringing a character back to life and having him interact with a character that has 0 mention of him in the base game
Which seemed more reasonable to expect?
Miquella's bussy belongs to me, The Tarnished.
Knocking hosts off ledges is always the funniest part of any souls game
I think it's ridiculous Elden Ring's criticism was it's reused assets, and then they practically doubled down on it for the DLC.
>reused Radahn
>reused Radahn's Greatsword for TWO Remembrances

And of course while story isn't that important in a game, Elden Ring's is clearly shit-tier and makes no sense at all. It'd take total retarded lorefaggot to "make sense" of anything.
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anyone wants to do a fc
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it keeps happening. how is this even fucking possible with FP shield. how. it's like he's figuring out ways to be bad we didn't even know were possible.
I give it 2 hours before the ecelebs get told about perfume and we get it emergency nerfed next week
How do you dodge Radahn's meteor attack?
Kino fight that I get to enjoy more FUCK
Messmer's spear should have been a stance ash. Light gives you the current combo, heavy gives you his grab. I'm totally not biased, it's totally not my favourite weapon.
Do skibidis do anything at all? Or is that shit just placebo? The enemies I use to test my weapons need the same number of attacks to die at scaudtree level 10 as they did at level 7.
backhands are my main, but i also use spear of the impaler and sword of night to change it up a little, they're pretty fun in pvp as well, especially the spear
>putrescent knight
Why do I get the feeling that they just took Midir's arena and put poop and flowers on the ground
"look at these scrubs who can't dodge, using the fingerprint shield" I chuckle, hoping the community doesn't realize how braindead raptor of the mist is
I don't
Amen. Lorefags should have their own generals and take the pedophiles with them. Literally NOBODY CARES.
run in a straight line far away
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Why does every fucking boss immediately use some dash attack the moment you pass the fog gate.
>finally beat Gaius, easily the worst boss of the DLC
>able to access that juicy-looking area behind him
>approach the monolithic structure there
>it's just an archway
>there's nothing else, no way inside, nothing to do
>behind it is just an empty bowl and 5 skibidis
What a fucking ripoff. I'd been trying to figure out how to reach this place all day and it's fucking nothing.
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I am now convinced more than ever that shields are a massive crutch and that they make you a worse player
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How do I get down here? I can see a site of grace coming out of what looks like a tunnel, but can't figure out where that is.
I did
>Belurat - Divine Beast
>Castle Ensis - Rellana
>Fort Reprimand
>Shadowkeep - Hippo and up to Specimens Storage

I heard Messmer is here in Shadowkeep but it breaks NPC quests. What's some other boss/dungeon/place I should visit that's KINO?
Bloodhound step -> roll -> Bloodhound Step
do they work with arcane?
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What's the comfy invasion level and location nowadays?
you really out here beating bayle with raptor of the mist? i feel like you'd just get hit wouldn't you? or does the new FP regen talisman change the math on that?
4% attack & defence buff per level. Which is huge after a few levels for lategame builds.
Who the fuck gives a shit about the trailer? What cut ending?
>with a character that has 0 mention of him in the base game
Malenia marched under the orders of Miquella. She had no reason whatsover to travel all the way to Caelid, is what we thought, now we know.
I was excited about this catalyst until I saw the scaling. Why would I use this when I could just run Prince of Death + Golden order seal? Is it just convenience?
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What the fuck lmao
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>finally beat gayle
>hate every second of it
>get his breath attack
>equip magma and breath talisman
>go use it on the twinblade knight boss in the keep
>does 400 damage
>use ghostflame
>it does 2600 damage
yeah they do a lot
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>we are reaching a point where using shields doesn't count for "beating the game"
Just port Bloodborne already.
There's a coffin you need to climb in in Shadow Keep
>i dont care about my sister who i love so much i made statues of us hugging
>in fact i basically sent her off to fucking die in aeonia against radahn
>thats how much i want radahns cock in my fucking asshole
fanfiction tier writing
They're trying to make it harder for you to get a free rot breath/comet azure off at the start of the fight. Notice how Putrescent, the only boss immune to rot, is also the only one that doesn't immediately open with a projectile/gap closer
Because miyazaki knows the first thing people do when they cross a fog gate is summon a mimic, so this is a way to punish that
Are ANY of the new incantations not complete garbage?
He is 100% playing a character for "content".
There is no way someone who plays video games for a living can be this bad at them.
go down the stairs from the outside area of the shadowkeep before the library
>picked giant retard radahn over me
I don't. They can go to the grave together
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Now how the hell do you get over here?
my weapon has like 500 ap in base game and 1300 in dlc so you tell me
NPC quests break specifically when you burn the sealing tree, which is a separate action you do later. You can kill Messmer just fine.
>What cut ending
I'm not explaining shit to you, lorelet. This has been datamined years ago.
>She had no reason whatsoever to travel to Caelid
Remember when this game came out and the demigods fighting for great runes for the shattering was reason enough? Now Malenia is an insane fujo
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>actually find a hidden path
>make a message
>get downvoted
why are the people that play this game such faggots?
what level?
I think it's aimed at where you are at so you just run
Vow of the Indomitable can work too but if you time it wrong you are dead
i think it's honestly just FP shield specifically. maybe whatever is the 2nd or 3rd best greatshield too. i don't think anyone is gonna mind if you use even the best medium shield though, anon. or parrying.
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>game is too hard without skibidi
>game is too easy with skibidi
why are from so shit at balancing nowadays? it was fine for the most part from ds1-ds3.
This isn't >>>/v/
yes, also its still at 300+ scaling so its whatever
I beat Bayle in 2 tries, now stroke my cock.
nah they both dex scaling, B at max level, i'm running a SL200 build with a mix of dex and faith for magic memes
Which ones should I make sure to progress as far as I can before I do that?
>port the 1 (one) game sony has going for them
they are NEVER EVER letting it go anon and you know it. you WILL play it at locked 30 fps on a console that probably runs better fucking emulated
160, but what difference does it make
age of abundance, which is just a mending rune generic throne ending. they cut it because a demigod deserves more than a mending rune generic throne ending.
Help with NPCs questline pls
I found Freyja, then I found Ansbach. I did both dialogue choices with Ansbach, reloaded the game and he disappeared.
Then I gave the letter to Freyja, reloaded the game (after getting the shield) and she disappeared.
Apparently I should have a red invasion sign at Ansbach's location, but there's nothing there. Did I fuck up something?
Leda is still looking for the Hornsent at the Highway cross location
Because le hard game xD
What's with the Leda and Co fight? It's not doable on your own unless you got overpowered build i get. It's me and a random blood guy vs 4.

>Git gud
No, this isn't a normal fight by any means. There's nothing to learned, you'll get ganged up anyhow.
dragon hunter great katana makes bayle piss easy, feels like cheating, but fuck dragon hitboxes
The library is so fucking peak shame I already fought a couple of gankers that cleaned everything and refused to move from the starting point
He made a statue of him and his sister hugging Radahn
What was the point of the scene at the end, with a young Miquella? Felt like nothing we didn't already know by that point.
Also the worst part of the DLC is by far that they dont let you climb up to the gates of divinity, for fucks sake at least let me enjoy the view
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No, I will not come out from my FP shield.
Raptor of the Mists is amazing. I used it against Gaius and it allowed me to actually survive long enough to do damage to the cunt. Now I've got a shitty dagger with Raptor on it for when I need to dodge some horseshit in the future.
I think most people are still sticking to 150, but I'm gonna raise up to 170-180ish, personally. Also new content is comfy.
The Messmer incants are good, so are the ranged heal and the ranged force. Haven't got it myself yet but I hear okay things about Light of Miquella. Lightning spear+++ is lightning spear but better so
The shadow one isn't bad.
The crucible ones, and the golden arcs suck ass though.
The erdtree one has me just deciding to use warming stones instead, seems worse than Melina's version.
Is it me or the shortcuts in the dlc are completely useless?
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>Millicent's whole quest is to return to Malenia and help her resist the the rot
>Dies right before completing it, giving Tarnished the needle she wanted to hand off to Malenia
>Rather than completing it for her, Tarnished decides to fight Malenia and take her Rune/needle as his own
Man, what a let down that quest was.
well not for the build but for actually getting invasions
i can't imagine getting a lot of hits at like 100 or 200
That's the thing that bothers me. I know people were coping hard with Godwyn not being central to the DLC but it would've been cool if maybe he was supposed to be the promised consort? Like, Miquella used Radahn as a vessel to create a new Godwyn, so the second phase of the final boss with Miquella's long golden hair on Radahn could look like some twisted version of Godwyn's prime. Hell, certain Gravity magics look like purple lightning, might as well have made a visual connection there
Mesmer or BAYLE first?
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>he summons
>he dies
>i cannot tell lies
parryfags were always like that, the standard practice has always just been to tell them to fuck off. protip: nuradahn isn't that hard, certain people just refuse to shield.
>get summoned
>see it's base game
>finger out
simple as
if you do all the correct NPC questlines it's you and two allies against her and Dane, so you gank her.
>generic ending
There was a unique monologue for that ending, retard
The platforming puzzle is stopping me from using that fuck ugly shield.
Yeah, its super weird.
I used to be a hate watcher when I was a sophomore in High School. But I grew out of it because I stopped and thought "why am i making myself angry watching someone I dont like?"
All of Leda's troupe.
do the Hornsent quest, summon sign if you walk out of the east exit of the hippo arena and then up the stairs
>"ah honorabu journarist sama we have something carru easy modu which is summon mimic and use coop haha verry good!"
>also makes it so bosses oneshot the player if they summon
That's why we all lust over Miquella the only attractive person in all of the Lands Between.

Okay anons what if, Miquella accompanied the entire DLC on torrent with an option to put him infront or behind and the position giving different buffs. It goes without saying that Radahn is removed and a Miquella ending to persue.

Also is there some kind of hair braiding magic or do they not wash? Because it looks like a lot of work to do that daily even for demigod/gods
messmer is more kino
did you miss the part where miquella was a literal sociopath by the time you meet him, and the plot point about him being unable to accept things he cannot fix (see: malenia)
If I swap over to this staff what are some incantations that would be nice to pick up as a sorcerer? Golden Vow is a given. Maybe one of the fire ones since the Sorceries for fire kind of suck?
>watching this one host one shot everything with the new dragon lightning mace w/ash
>no buffs, just dragon form and presumably talismans
what the fuck
he's hitting for like 5k
i enjoy any misfortunes of this faggot and i want to see him fail in everything he does
Ohhh I see. Gonna check it out now, thanks
It's From's terrible quest design at odds with their general game design which is causing gigantic issues now.
Yeah, I was promised areas with Stormveil level exploration and I’ve not seen anything like that at all.

Still kino (the over world is god tier) but I’m hoping the later dungeons are like that.
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>Give myself 999 levels so I can max all stats
>Wear the heaviest armor for maximum defense
>Use every consumable to buff my stats even more
>Bust out the greatshield so I never have to dodge (and if I take damage that just means the game is badly designed)
>"Yes this is appropriate"

>NPC summon

What the fuck is wrong with you faggots?
For me? It's that I feel like we had no conclusion.
Malenia is just there. Godwyn is just there.
If Ranni's ending is supposed to be the canon one, what the fuck are they going to do with them?
Marika is so built the tarnished has to be canoncically black, it makes sense she's trying to replace her two white failure husbands
Might as well just use cheat engine if you're going to do this.
Why not just nerf those spells
To get to the location, you need to go through the front entrance of the shadow keep and get to the part with the boats and water, then you want to find the hidden passage below the bridge. To get to the ruins, you need to throw a big ass hefty firepot on the fire golem who blocks the entrance.
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>the only attractive person in all of the Lands Between.
How does he do it?
speak for yourself pedophile.
take the door to the right of where you killed the hippo, past the manlets, up the stairs, go right until you find a ladder that leads down into the sewers, follow the path until you get down to the ruins
throw a furnace pot into the inactive fire giant blocking the path into the shrine
>>"Yes this is appropriate"
nobody says this
>This has been datamined years ago.
I thought you were talking something recent you dumbfuck. Cut content is cut for a fucking reason, bringing any of those in a conversation is retarded.
>Remember when this game came out and the demigods fighting for great runes for the shattering was reason enough? Now Malenia is an insane fujo
Again, she's under the orders of Miquella and miquella doesn't care about the shattering, why do you think he fucked off to make his haligtree in the first place? Are you capable of connecting dots yourself or do you need Vaati to spout garbage in your ear?
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I want to hold Miquella and give him a squeeze.
i think this dlc made me fucking hate elden ring bros
That's just the end result of all souls games, that's why you have to cash in early
I see nothing but pure, undeniable facts in this post
Thanks found it. Maybe I'm just a retard but the shadow keep seems way more confusing than any previous souls castles.
See the two posts I responded to.
>>"Yes this is appropriate"
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Wrong, the only attractive person in all of Lands Between is Mohg
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>squarely in the range of poisemonsters DWing greatspears, infinite projectile spam and shield faggotry
/erg/ says it constantly
Pontiff Sulyvahn is still the best boss From has ever made.
Can anyone tell me if they confirmed they were actually going to nerf it? I'm afraid they'll sneak in a patch and I won't get the intended experience. I still have some shit to do before going to Radhan.
nigga i'm trying to use my golden vow+boiled crab+wondrous physick+Ash of war buff+turtle neck+Perfumer bottle
It's just out of left field. The base game doesn't acknowledge them interacting at all. Then they resurrect (worst trope) Radahn by putting his soul (which I am in possession of because I killed him) in another dead guy's body. Radahn in the base game is fine. He's like a 7/10 boss with cool visual flare. But I didn't want or need anything additional. Fighting Radahn again? Why? I don't care about Radahn? Give me someone new. Give me a character I haven't seen. It's just Radahn again but a manlet. He's less fun and more annoying. It's borderline blue smelter demon.
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I still don't know who this is.
>Basically impossible to just use a Claymore from start to finish in the DLC
Bad DLC design
miyazaki will continue making the same game until the heat death of the universe
you still have to beat the boss instead of letting the AI do it
Squeeze him until his head pops off.
>Get punished by a questline
For fucks sake.
I can imagine still getting a lot at 200, but maybe not 100
100 then idk, I like to have full builds and 150 is the minimum.
All of my builds are 150, but I'm thinking about going to 166 for the DLC area as that can range down to 150 and up to 200 for invasions and coop. Does this mean 166 is new meta?
The Tarnished, like almost all Souls protagonists, isn't a very nice guy even at his best. They tend to stumble into bad outcomes and do some really sketchy things, which is one of the reasons everyone is always attacking them. Granted, they're still usually on the better end of the relative morality/sanity curve, but that's not saying much considering the worlds they operate in.

The whole Millicent quest does color the Tarnished as somewhat self-serving though. He was only helping Millicent so he could get to Malenia to gain power and/or a cure for his flame affliction (which he may have taken on to save Melina, or maybe not).
All ranges are like that due to password phantoms.
The main difference is that in the DLC areas enemies can fuck up the host and phantoms.
I would eat a crayon if miquella asked me to
You can go a few days between washes with ultra long hair, but since Miquella is a natural blond he probably has fine hair and would have to rebraid halfway through the day because of fuzzy braids.
This was it. Thank you so much, have a good day
Well done. Shitters GTFO of this series.
Multi-layered ring of light is comparable to giant's flame for holy damage if you're using the seal for it.
If I can beat it with dual wielded toothpicks you can with lion spam. Filtered.
I'd still say it's Artorias. Occasionally during his fight he will roll in the opposite direction of you if you roll away from him, virtually identical in animation as well. Shit like that just hits different compared to any other boss I've faced
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But the DLC came out 5 days ago how am I already matching with gankers and grace goblins
Kinda want to dupe Milady since I can't use literally any other of the Light Greatswords.

Anybody on PS5 want to trade/dupe/+10/+25 some stuff? I'll help you out.
Grab giant hunt, stun lock everything.
Which one is more logical. Killing Radahn because he's arresting the stars and interfering with your fate (old lore)
making your fujo sister kill Radahn so you can stuff him into a corpse later to make him into your consort
it's literally just unfinished and cut content anon
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I beat Lion, Rellana, and Messmer with just a Claymore and rolling
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How in god's name am I supposed to fucking get to this part of the map? I'm driving myself nuts trying to find a way.
Which one
>Still gets that at all levels due to high level phantoms
>Still gets that due to duped consumables
>Still pushing the unfun >150 meta where single stat scaling is the best and hybrids are anal fucked in damage or defense.
No. 170ish for the DLC areas will be most active anyways.
>he doesn't know the joy of btfoing greatspear gank squads with spinning slash
Granted I haven't tried it since the nerf.
I have been doing exactly that so far (alternating between heavy Zwei and heavy Claymore and nothing else), have like 5 bosses left. Claymore is much stronger than Zwei, btw.
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Mega based, preach brother.
Golden shota power.
A delicate water lily of unalloyed gold that has started to fade and wilt.
Thought to be beloved by the Empyrean Miquella in his youth. -> Implying he's now an adult.
Trina is around our size, Miquella looks like he's way bigger than us. Who's the "kid", bitch?
do the skibidi fragments carry over into NG+
Any confirmation on what weapon/staff/whatever she is holding?
is this a fucking Shin Godzilla reference? he looks like stage 2. they already did it once with Midir, right?
PvE chads run this genny
Play a fighting game if you want to do PvP
The southern bit of what you marked you can already access
The other path is a secret in the Shadow Keep
>What needs to be buffed
More damage resistance to Messmer in his second phase so he doesn't die as quick
Putrescent Knight in general
Golden Hippo HP (They're all too squishy)
Rot girl HP (She's too fragile)
Sunflower HP (Too fragile)

>What needs to be patched
Radahn and Lion Dancer having moves that direct attack your FPS

>What needs to be nerfed
Gaius charge hitbox
Gaius occasional doublehits
Radahn in general
Damage increase the player gets from skibidi fragments
Poise damage on jumping L1's
Holy fuck the fucking perfume
Greatshield stability.
I genuinely think he doesn't like playing this game at all, but he just keeps doing it for views.
yeah, the monologue given when you get the rune. the actual ending is just a throne ending.
>they already did it once with Midir, right?
and placidusax
Bonny village. North. Statue.
Shadow Keep. Upper ceiling part. Open door passage.
Same, it just isn't fun. I think its because its over focused on bosses but then put in all these barren empty areas and zones between them.

tldr open world was a mistake.
MOA seraph
just youtube it boyo, plenty of "content creators" that have short guides to every single damn grace in the DLC
if he cared about views he would stream on his main account
The Church you reach from Moorth ruins. There's a way to drop down.
Hinterlands are reachable from the Church district of the Shadow Keep
he's not a gamer, he's a WoW player
I have exclusively used the claymore and not summoned at all. You are bad.
Was expecting some hidden bait but this is all 100% reasonable.
It's a ASOIAF reference
Balerion the Black Dread > Bayle the Dread [Black dragon]
Aegon > Igon
other than the ancient dragon the dragon gauntlet was my favorite part, I rotted that thing and kept making it chase me and respawn until it died and I'll do it again and again
Somewhere around purple is a hole you drop down, leads you to a village and some bridges, Bonny village iirc. If you go into the shadow keep from that side it has a path to that very top part from it.
I've seen enough. /erg/ is full of shitters.
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The ending of Malenia's quest is ambiguous. Beating her up may have killed her or may have not. The Tarnished could have been fighting her for a variety of reasons, some altruistic, some selfish. Like maybe the idea was to beat her up then poke her bloom with Milicent's needle, in which case this would have actually been a good end for Malenia. Or he could have just merced her for her Ruin. Or maybe it was just self-defense since Malenia was clearly off her rocker and attacked him first. The world may never know. I think, though, for as long and arduous this quest was (it's almost as long as Ranni's), that it should have been more straight forward and at least opened up another ending.
>Golden Hippo HP
For the love of god please do not make me have to fight this fucking abomination longer than I have to. Literally a DS2 boss he's so awful
They're mad I am ignoring their:
>troll messages
>"edge" messages
>request for free heals messages
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Yeah that is the best dragon fight in this game hands down.

Once you figure out that in the second phase, the best strategy is to try and bait out his double charged lighting arms and then just whack the shit out of his tail/leg, its over. You can still hit his head if you want by dodging right but you can get like 3-4 attack in for free at his tail/leg. Also as long as you dont panic the laser is pretty easy to dodge.

I cant wait to use Igon for this fight on my next run.
hello can someone please explain to me how asmon is level 333 and has a fingerprint shield and is still getting hit and even dying to the same boss over and over? thanks :)
>miyazaki is making a new echo night game
write up the synopsis
Anon, no! It says "do not repost"!
it's also a huge Moby Dick reference. all 3 fit the bill.
they should just remove jumping attacks from the game unless it's a weapon art or ash, i hate that there are entire builds based around jump attacks and that they are far superior to many other builds, i hate myself even more for having tried it
Miquella wanted only the biggest cock to blow out his asshole like ai generated attack on titan porn
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He's already got Bonny Village, I dunno why he didn't just follow the path
Yeah damage increase of skibidi fragments is a bit too much methinks as well.
>AoW spam
Didn't use Claymore

No you haven't, you've been using a greatshield.
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No, I want to hold him to my breast and gently stroke his perfectly golden hair.
The original intent was that Millicent would have transformed into Malenia and you would have fought her for reasons. This was abandoned pretty late into development considering all the datamined dialogue Malenia has with the Tarnished.
I fucking hate gaius
dont worry he shows up as a regular enemy later just without the gold shit
That sucks because that actually would have been kino.
>Golden Hippo
only if they fix the hitbox on the grab, then it'd be fine
>Rot Girl
absolutely, she dies way too fast and I didn't even know what her attacks did because she died on the first try
It already revives two times and the gimmick is hitting the head, not needed
Hell yeah! He literally has 0 bullshit attacks, I just wish it was a bit easier to hit the head in the second phase. With a slow weapon you're kinda bound to the legs lest you want the fight to take 20 minutes.
Yeah, I still think Stranger of Paradise and Lies of P are better games than Elden Ring
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I didn't watch him play ER but I tried watching him play MonHun and he ignored all the mechanics and coped with stat stick gear upgrades. So I'm guessing he's trying and failing to do the same for the dlc.
I love the DLC but I completely agree here. It’s as if the Ringed City ended with a ‘prime’ Pontiff fight or Laurence was the final boss of Old Hunters.

I know they line is this is all early GRRM lore but am I the only one who doesn’t buy that?
noooo he's adapting ok
The talisman that increases throwing weapons applies to Messmer spear?
Stranger fucking sucks
shit taste
That AoW is insanely retarded given its speed and accuracy. I'm guessing it scales off AR or something since it was only doing 2-3k when I used it without buffing
No his mobility gets amplified, he shouldnt be tankier.
Agreed his only mechanic jumpable.
The boss? No. The world ones? Eh I guess if you want. They're braindead on horse.
You were probably just using a weakness. She waas the tankiest for my build behind Radahn.
HP won't change anything. His moves are all easy to avoid besides his global nuke.

Get a good computer.

>Gaius crying
Nevermind you're a shitter.
Thank you for your input. We value your opinion.
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i have had some time to reflect.
i just realised as a dark souls 1 boomer the reason we all loved sun bro is because he helped us when summoning him, but us le souls veterans are now shitting on people for using ash summons who are probably the sun bros of elden ring...
>asmon literally just refusing to fight the boss, wanting igon to kill it

can't make this shit up
That doesn't look gentle.
this post was made by Needle Knight Leda
This. Wish I could Thanos snap them all.
Just try it out you lazy fuck. I use the guy patrolling the church of dragon communion for my damage testing
can I go into Shadow keep without fucking up questlines?
I want to get the fire knight sword before fucking with Rellana
Does anyone know how many deaths KaiCenat has on Radahn? I didn't even know who this nigga was until some retard on /v/ kept mentioning him on ER threads, but I checked his stream and he has currently 1000+ deaths? How can you actually die this many times on this DLC?
Fucking test it out? Not hard.
Absolutely no one gives a shit what an eceleb is doing. Kill yourself newfag.
You get the gesture from bonny village and use it at the statue of marika beside the entrance to the boar boss areana.

The fact that he was able to age himself up is proof that he was able to do what Marika could not for Malenia with regards to telling Outer Gods and whatnot to fuck off.
I tried the le epic thorn sorcery meme bleed build everyone is saying is crazy OP and it's actually just "good". I don't feel it's any crazier than what regular bleed builds can do. What a letdown.
How the hell do you get to Shadow Keep before Rellana
Seriously, I'm trying to get the throwing hammer and the death knight stuff early on
And it's NG+0 lmao. Like if the jump attack wasn't enough of a braindead style, it suddenly isn't as much of a braindead mode as in the base game and went for the next jewtube super easy mode build. Not even his own, literal DSP is better than him at this point.
Is the Albisneedic staff useful now?
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Can't do that otherwise Millicent/Malenia would have taken the waifu crown away from Ranni.
The system just has degraded immensely over the years, it used to be randoms who would help you and you would never see them again, now it's your local groomer with a max level cheated character or a rando who both play the game for you
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I just emerged here (Ancient Ruins, Grand Stairway), how close am I to getting Dane's Legwork? I'm loving Dryleaf Arts so much and I want to see what the other version is like. I'm assuming that's the tree everyone was saying would advance/end a bunch of questlines, so I'm probably avoiding that for now.
Ok but how do i make a twink build?
Yeah when you miss a clear opening on the head because of the tracking its frustrating as hell.

He also seems to have fairly high stance ? I didnt get one knockdown on him the entire fight.
Unless you're trolling, you just suck, honestly.
Around ~600 deaths and 50 hours in. Even a therapist showed up, for some reason.
>Bayle dead
>Dragonwife acquired
Which Flame Lightning incantation is the better one?
Is Putrescent Knight actually a joke? Like, is Miayazaki just taking the piss now?
>dude what if he dashes at you again and again and again and again and again and again and when he's not dashing AT you he's dashing AWAY from you again and again and again and again and maybe you get to do something to him once every couple minutes lol
Dude somehow managed to make something even more fucking stupid than Elden Beast, it's actually impressive.
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The absolute state of H*rnsents.
>64 Endurance
A-are the performance issues on Radahn really that bad?
>have to go find unique items scattered around the world just so you do the normal damage and receive the normal damage you get in base game
what the fuck were they actually thinking? was it padding?
go south of the castle front Site of Grace, keep going south and down until the path curves to a poison swamp. follow the edge until you get a sealed spiritspring. unseal that and go up
>waah waah why didnt the dlc have godwyn
the player is godwyn
what the fuck does this even do? just make you look ugly?
Probably was running Alexander shard & Godfrey icon minimum.
Milady status?
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Thanks for the answer. The hairstyle looks beautiful but just thinking about having to braid it makes my head spin. I wonder if there are any real life Miquella esque hairstyles.(with the same complexity picrel)
from the bridge you can go down a cliff and around the carian castle, what is it called enis(?)

it's basically like the storm veil skip
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You don't take the needle, you actually do return it, and she's still alive. The one you receive after the quest is explicitly a different one and it comes alongside an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone. She's saying thank you. The Future Press guide confirms this.
>classic sword and shield knight
>greatshield spam

know the difference
what is that sword I havent seen it yet?
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Something about Miquella triggers my motherly instincts.
It's a catch 22 because of how fucked the scaling is. There's no way they could balance it for level 120 to 713.
I had no problem with Rellana because I used M'lady, Wing Stance, and the new stance talisman, which allowed me to win with trades. All items the game gives you before you fight her. It's practically screaming at you to duel her with Wing Stance.
God I love the atmosphere and creepy music underneath Manus Metyr, I wish they made a game around alien horrors, maybe scifi
>absolutely no one gives a shit
I would believe it, if I didn't see faggots talking about Asmongold 2min into the thread. You should gatekeep better faggot.
Why didnt we get the option to just not fight Miquella and then summon him and Radahn for the ending so they can have a happy pride month?
almost reminds me of hoarfrost stomp on release
those were good days
>cut ending
was never going to happen because Miyazaki refuses to make DLC mandatory or have impact on the base game. Kind of based because he doesn't want to turn FROM into the average money grabbing game studio, but at the same time it would enhance the games a ton if he allowed it
>only if they fix the hitbox on the grab, then it'd be fine
There's nothing wrong with it.
That attack is trivial do dodge all you have to do is wait a little bit for him to gain enough speed then you roll into his mouth and then it's a free punish.
>Elon posts on /erg/
Can I marry your son
which perfume weapon is the most op
that asmon bayle fight has gotta be one of the most pathetic things i've seen in my life.
It's pretty good. Used it until I got a flame knight greatsword.
there is a sci-fi horror RPG by From that's like the King's Field games i think.
they did, it was called bloodborne. and echo night beyond, but echo night beyonds more about ghosts in space
should take all those retard points out of str past 80 and put vig and end up
Fire Knight's Greatsword, you get them from the guys in red at Shadow Keep
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you're a retarded fat nigger and you're 100% just spamming attacks in frustration, causing you to get hit and then you spend your actual openings on sippies
how about you start learning his openings like after the potato masher combo, jumpattacking the sweep, or after his super combo
i fucking hate elden ring but at least complain about the shit worth complaining about NIGGER
stance talisman?
These niggas are what torment the omens in their dreams huh
For lamenting hosts to pissing themselves to death
That ape KaiCenat has resorted to blood limb but at least he sin't shield fagging like Assmong. He's turning ads off and is making good progress.
>sekiro did it
>ER does it
You schizos disgust me.
start vagabond
+3 elemental weapons
radagon soreseal
pump vigor till you are in the 20-30 range

start killing hostcels
Wing stance is so fucking stylish. Feels great whenever you use R2 and jump over an enemy's attack.
600? You should be able to fight that faggot boss blind by now.
hipocrisy in all it's forms is so nasty. And this guy is king of that, so retarded.
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he's scared. don't be insensitive.
Rellana's Cameo
whats your level?
>He also seems to have fairly high stance ? I didnt get one knockdown on him the entire fight.

Not really, I've knocked him down in the first phase almost every try, but I was using a colossal sword, mostly hitting the legs with charged R2s and the head with jumping R1s.
I have literally never summoned once since DS1
Actually a legit sci fi horror game by them would be kino. Just combine BB and AC
its Romina as her church burns, her OST is playing and it looks exactly like her weapon
this desu
It's ass but funny to strip buffs from pvpfags.
>you're a schizo if you dont compare apples to oranges
these are not the same you disingenuous fart
I went 100 tries in and just gave up, swapped to a shield.
Sometimes it is like that. I knew his moves but would still get hit like a retard.
I would never use that cunt's weapon.
In Dark Souls 1 co-op wasn't co-op.
Perhaps you needed humanity, or wanted to try a boss yourself. It wasn't a 2 player playthrough - it was two ships passing one another in the night and pulling off a miracle of a boss battle inbetween, vanishing to never see one another again. But this came with its risks - dark phantoms invading to steal humanity...

In ER, this beautiful system has degraded into 2 phantoms beating the game for the host and doing ganks.
proof that the gay pedo incest shit wasn't written by GRRM:

[303014010] Godrick must have an idea.<br />
[303014020] About the vengeance sought by General Radahn, to whom I swore my oath.<br />
[303014030] ...Yes, Godrick's corpse will know what to do...<br />
[303014510] Godrick must know.<br />
[303014920] That of all the grudges born of the Shattering, Malenia the Rotted is the object of the most profound. </p>
<h4>Section 15</h4>
<p>[303015000] Ahh, my head is throbbing, everything is bright red...<br />
[303015010] Master Radahn, is this how it feels to ferment with vengeance?<br />
[303015020] I can hardly keep from trembling... </p>

this predates both rotted radahn and jerren. in the OG script radahn wasn't mad with rot, he was mad with pure, unadulterated rage aimed directly at malenia
you didnt beat the game
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>have to EXPLORE

nice glitch abuse, you beat the game but not fairly
Yeah, it's too bad the stance talisman is no good on most of the other bosses since they don't reward trades very much and you wanna just AoW the instant you have an opening
link please
apparently spark, but I've been having a blast with frost
If the leaks of that "Spellbound" game are true, it could be kino
>Souls spells are cool but generally not practical, a game focused around them would be fun
>Imagine the new disappear-reappear blink from the DLC but that's just the roll
>can have magical sekiro parries
>New game means no ruined ER lore
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Your interpretation is as correct as >>483483592 because FROM quests are always ambiguous due to all the moon logic and lack of context. As far as the smithing stone, it could literally just be a gameplay abstraction (you got a reward for beating a boss) or something with actual story context. FROM is like that.
>shield is for retards, but not my bleed build that trivializes 98% of bosses
Feels good being a fthGOD this dlc.
I feel like I'm missing something. Do I need a key item to kill the Skibiditree Avatar? Nigga keeps on reviving. I'm guessing I need Messmer fire or something?
oh fancy
but did she really sit still long enough for you to charge it?
Dane's legwork is found about 50 meters away from the final boss.

can't do that because a player would completely miss out on the boss fight for not finishing her quest or, god forbid, mindlessly killing the NPC.
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Im the only one Miquella needs
Would probably be too much, but I thought it would have been incredibly kino if the DLC has a BB style hidden genre switch to full sci-fi in the last third. I’m thinking Numen spaceships, maybe some kind of Destiny looking temple or something.
>explore area
>oh boy a neat secret spot i wonder whats here
>smithing stone+1
how rewarding, sorry i forgot i have to explore to have the right to play the game with the base level of hp and damage output
>dude just die at St.Trina four times

How the FUCK is anyone suppose to realize this
he just streamed it just look up his twitch VOD for today. he just won (used all flasks, almost died, summoned)
Seems similar to mine
Guess either I got lucky or you got unlucky
so in this did Radahn kill Godrick dead or is he full of rage and wants revenge for Malenia killing Godrick
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I'm Light.

There are three main problems 1) The cause Radahn was fighting for during the Shattering was antithetical to Miquella's and just the Empyreans in general. Not only is his choice of armor in honor of the past Elden Lords Godfrey and Radagon - showing his position as a staunch traditionalist - he held the stars in stasis, which prevented any new Order emerging to replace the old Golden Order. This is why in Ranni's questline he also has to be killed in order to progress. This is also the reason why Malenia to travel to the other side of the Land's Between to face him, as Miquella could not ascend to godhood within the Haligtree while the stars remained in stasis. Part of the reason why the Haligtree failed to grow into an Erdtree in the first place could be attributed to Radahn not being defeated prior to the Tarnished's arrival in the Land's Between. 2) Of the demi-gods, the other that Miquella was closest to aside from Malenia was Godwyn. Who was part of the reason for his ascent to godhood, as not only would he be able to cleanse Malenia of her Rot, but further his plans to create an eclipse to give Godwyn a true death and resurrection after purging him of his deathblight. There is no connection in the base game between Radahn and Miquella, and they would've been enemies as soon as Miquella had left the Golden Order to create his own that would be capable of curing Malenia of her Rot. 3) The relationship between Miquella and the Tarnished is more pronounced in the base game, and it's heavily implied he masterminded a plan with his Empyrean sisters to raise the Tarnished as his chosen Lord. The Spectral Steed whistle originally belonged to Miquella as shown in the keyart, along with the Spirit Calling Bell. There is also the Unalloyed Gold Needle received at the end of Millicent's questline which allows the Tarnished to resist the Frenzied Flame and save Melina without burning down the world.
Not done with the DLC, but I've always felt pretty middle of the road about it.
Any complaints I've seen so far though are also issues with the base game, people just forgot because they haven't played it in so long.
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Whoever said this weapon is trash is out of their mind.
Super fun moveset and pretty respectable damage.
I also love weapons that have a 2-hit spin on the charged R2.
I like to beat the game without summoning, but I never had issues with people that like to summon. Being a sunbro was one of my many joys in DS1/3/R.
>>New game means no ruined ER lore
Too late for that
>helping others fight Bayle non-stop
>get maybe one win per hour
>every other fight ends with the host dying in phase 1
>nearly all of them die to the grab/bite attack
The timing on that thing is nasty
How lame
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no, the hornsent were haunted by the fell god.

should've called it Leda's Needle
There are a ton of videos on the internet about complex fairytale princess braids. Also some forums and discords for people with below the butt and beyond hair length that can get into styling recommendations.

Miquella's hairstyle would probably need extensions to fully replicate on a person with an average number of hair follicles on their head. Looks like he's got a dutch braid anchor that has a lot of smaller braids attached to it?
I did it twice and noticed Thiollier said something odd after it, and just kept going
Her quest is quite literally impossible to fuck up unless you kill her. I forgot about it for 100 hours after starting it and went back when I realized I was missing some Talismans.
same effect, it tied into a frenzy questline so Radahn was basically being kept alive by another outer god. And the reason they fought could have still been the same even in that situation. Would make sense for Radahn to be that pissed at Malenia nuking Caelid over such a stupid reason like Miquella being obsessed with him
>food analogy
I accept your defeat.
You're right, Sekiro beads affected attack power alone while while Scadu affects attack and defense. You're still a bitch of the bitchiest order though.
Nah I mean full on scifi
G O O D. You can screw up Ranni's quest and lock yourself out of a ton of content. Why shouldn't it be the same for Millicent? All you'd need is to maybe sign post the fail flags better.
a game exclusively about spellcasting and completely balanced around it would be very cool, either no melee at all or just tied to niche spells
>Why should we have to go to class if we came here to play FOOTBALL, we ain't come to play SCHOOL, classes are POINTLESS.
same energy
>Gaius charge hitbox
This alone negates any legitimacy in that list. BHS at an angle into the charge completely evades the attack.
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Rellana needs like 10k more hp.
They really nailed the hp bars with the rest of the bosses, finally. DS3 bosses were such a joke in that regard.
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If you hit Bayle's legs you genuinely didn't actually beat him
His face is so big for a reason
Yep, as expected no one can give a reason why the Radahn and Miquella twist is bad other than it went against their fanfiction.
so........the surge meets echo night beyond with aliens?
is 150 still the meta level for consistent coop/pvp experience?
I don't see any videos on his thing. Is there a paywall?
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>I love the DLC
Oh yeah I should clarify I adore the DLC I just think the final boss is a sour note. And I'm not complaining about the difficulty either which is a separate issue. Radahn is just a jobber who loses constantly and I don't give a shit about him. His resurrection feels forced.
Could the Astels be another one of the GW's children? Metyr was the first star and her attacks are all cosmic space bullshit like Astel. At first I thought they were completely separate from the GW and were. just some random aliens but random aliens are the GWs whole thing
i hit bayle's face with the dragonslaying katana until he stancebroke
then perfumed him after to skip p2
no the NPC wants to know why radahn is so pissed, and he believes that godrick knows why he's so pissed. this particular NPC is first met in limbgrave, and its a subtle way of guiding the player towards godrick to fight him.
Most people forget this, but you are right. Humanity was a scarce thing for newcomers and it was a risk using it lightly. The warping being blocked before Ornstein helped for that effect, as most places for farming humanity were not nearby.
plenty of pvp at 200 and above as well, just depends how much hybrid build and magic/incantation shit you want to use/face
every enemy can slap you out of the weapon art and you fall flat on your back ready to be pancaked like the cuck you are
Same story as Midir. Game very clearly wants you to stand in front of his face to fight but people will try against all reason to hit the legs to cheese the fight, have a horrible time, then blight all online forums with whinging about how the fights sucks
Yep, as expected no one can give a reason why the Radahn and Miquella twist is bad other than it being Michael Hacki's fujo fanfiction that ignores the base game
It's so players with finished characters can get a sense of power progression in the DLC. It's fine.
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Mohg should have taken back his divine gate buffed, Radahn-ified body after you weaken it to stage 2. Grown his wings, all that good shit.
>Bring my INT build from when the game first came out to the DLC
>Feels like it was a mistake
Anyone have some fun playstyles to share? When I look online it's just people shilling the star lined sword. Might be good in PVP but for PVE it feels like an inferior memeveil.
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Omen, not hornsent.
Agree on phase 1
On phase 2 he moves so much and has so much AoE that sometimes the legs/tail are the only hittable parts
Good shit brother
why do invaders get teabagged after they lose valiantly 3 v 1. why do (you) do this
You need to chill out, Ymir.
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The thread went under before I could upload so I can be immortalized with the rest of the autismos in here.
Sekiro's prayer beads also increase your posture bar
so they just assumed everyone going in would be tryhard sweats who've done nothing but level their characters to max level since the game first came out
>Spirit Ashes
This is going to be hard to accept, but the +iframe talismans are invaluable this DLC
The damage taken doesn't matter with skibidi scaling and 5 more iframes cucks a lot of rolltraps.
>Demon Princes
DS3 was boss kino.
I enjoy blaming GRRM on principle because the fat nigger fuck helped to usher in the dark age of le subverted expectations/the dung ages/le betrayal and hardcore dark setting!!!!
Yes I know Dune did it long before him yes I know he's only part of the trend but HBO's S1 aired in 2011 and vidya and movies definitely lost a ton of color after that
whats the point of learning radahns 10 hit combos with roll catches when i can rot him and run away, maybe casting storm blade once if i have 1 moment of respite
and then candleja
Try that with a colossal weapon and no status effects, you absolute dork. Enjoy your 15 minute long phase two.
Weapon art is usually the most irrelevant part of a weapon for me so that's fine.
It's usually for clearing trash mobs too.
It's not even that bad, Messmer's spear felt 10x worse.
A lot of his AoE intentionally leaves space for you to keep standing next to his face
Go fuck yourself
Because they are the ones fucking around and now they found out
the end of the dlc was incredibly unrewarding
I legit expected another boss fight with how disappointing the end "cinematic" was
>Thriollier is mad at me now

because they can. it's the reason for all of the evil done in the world. or maybe more specifically, because they can get away with it (or at least believe they can).
malenia simps needed a reason to justify her nuking an entire region, she looks bad no matter what but they coped that it was for "the greater good" of some glorious Miquella plan. DLC took that away from them
If you want pvp, go to the arena. You invade someone I've been summoned to help I'm gonna do whatever it takes to kill you and then shit in you for the attempt. Invaders don't have rights.
>swing for his head
>while my attack is on its way he breathes a little bit
>the movement from that is enough to get him out of my attack range
Nothing. A win's a win
You literally cucked him, bro
original version didn't have rot, in the reveal trailer radahn just falls to his needs and goes bunko crazy. caelid was just a huge desert in the alpha leak map. considering how late the change was (jerren uses that NPC's armor set) my assumption is they did it largely for gameplay reasons when they were moving shit around.
this is exactly why I refuse to keep playing the dlc until the grand merchant mode is updated
I'm sick of fromstoftware's bullshit
first Kos' Parasite and now this
and you can't even rush to it without having a bunch of quests just breaking
Why does it have to be anyone?
the only 3 moves in the entire DLC I could see crucible feather being good on are hippo's grab, gaius' charge, and radahn's left/right/cross cancer bullshit combo. rest of the dlc is far easier to just learn natty
He gets over it.
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Go git yourself gud

I'm a maleniafag and I was happy with her just nuking caelid to ensure she won against radahn (which she did)
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the point is if you have fun doing it

I had fun learning all the other bosses 10 hit combos. I didn't have fun learning radahn's, or gaius's, so I pulled out the poison antspur rapier and the blood bloodfiend spear for them.
I wish I could so easily replay the fight and demonstrate how wrong you are
There are at least 4 moves that give fully charged r2s
because coopers are baby back bitches and there's a reason they need 3 people to clear an area
it started the downward trend to where we are now though, Nameless King was the first "meta" boss designed to intentionally roll catch and punish players for common tactics and healing and it only escalated after people praised it
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I mean it's literally his eye
No, the system is also designed for people who stop leveling at shit like 125, 150, 200 etc. It's more for these people if anything.
you can just roll through things like Radahn's meteors and his flash-projections.
No she fucking doesn't
If I feel satisfied after killing a boss, then I beat it
If I don't feel satisfied after killing a boss then I didn't
It's that simple
>Assmong pussies out after a few hours of dying
>Nigape KaiCenat literally has 100 hours and over 1000 deaths and still trucking
gotta give credit. lil nigga terrible at vidya but at least hes trying.
>he's playing in dragon form
>beat the DLC
>boot up Dark Souls 2 to play a better FromSoft game
hmm I see, I'll prob stick to 150 for this run and consider a 200 for another
asmongold is at the level he is at so he isnt bound to one build and can try a bunch of different shit, why do we think thats cringe again?
I bled the fuck out of Leda and co 2v4

relanna needs to be toned down slightly, she's the shield equivalent of fighting gaius without one.
The damage taken matters a lot more than you think. Going from 60-ish DR to sub 50 can come close to doubling the damage you take from attacks. If you're good at dodging every single time, sure. But that extra damage will matter.
First phase of Radahn feels pretty fair and the remixed theme is kino, people just have a problem with the second phase right?
It does feel like the From team looked at basedface retards on xitter going "oh my le god he's so strong despite being rotted and holding back the stars, I wish we could fight prime Radahn :)" and thought it'd be good fanservice to make that the final boss of the DLC
>asmon actually talking about what qualifies as "cheating" in the game

someone tell him he didn't really beat the game
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So it's over
The exploration, art direction, world, NPCs were god tier
The boss combat design, not so much
Maybe my 2nd favorite game after DS1
gimme a build to carry co op with
i'm using str/arc with bloodfiend arm but the bleed procs aren't coming out a lot
>be a piece of shit that wants to spoil my fun because you're a dick/autistic/memer/
>cause every cool weapon and ash to be nerfed in the name of balance cause you keep getting dumpstered, and ruin PVE for solo players in the long run
I would genuiely kill you all and stand before God with no fear for my actions.
reveal trailer shows Malenia with missing limbs, what would the cause have been without rot?
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100%. We’re in the same boat.

I know people don’t like Elden Beast mechanically, but I personally find it to be an incredible finale. It’s so alien and unlike anything we’ve seen in the game before it feels like we’ve really got to the heart of this eldritch presence in the world.

In the DLC, we stand before the gates of divinity and the big fight is a rehash of a mid game boss? Forgetting the lore disappointment for me, it’s also a visual and thematic disappointment.
watching someone play and they have 1k deaths, think the only remembrance boss they've fought so far is the lion though
I can clear first phase radahn in under two minutes, he's not hard at all, you just have to learn how to dodge the meteors
frost perfume with the ash of war if you want to bring out the nuclear option
I can't wait to play it again and go through the same boring empty fields to get to the same forgettable legacy dungeons with the same copy pasted enemies to get to the bosses I don't actually like fighting
Now that we know mind control is a thing that can be used with impunity and that Mickey Mouse abandoned her because he wanted to make out with Redmanes Maleniafags can always go back on the "she was being mind controlled" theory. Before it was universally reviled but considering how Miquella turned out I'd want to distance her from her fag brother as far away as possible
The issue is From taking a unique, super hidden boss and making his gameplay commonplace throughout. Great fight for DS3, but when it's repeated ad nauseum players don't like it and for good reason.
I don't know what weapon to use anymore tho, but the drip is insane
This, but BB.
>Umm yeah the gameplay was bad but it was pretty!!! great souls game!!!
you should be killed
>other than the reason that it's bad, no one can give me a reason. not a single one.
by didn't have rot I mean radahn and caelid didn't have rot, sorry for the poor clarification. it was just an angry man in a desert.
Dude no way I fought him for five hours I've learned every move by heart, trying for the head with a slow weapon in phase two is unfortunately a no-no. He's very much unlike Midir in that regard.
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I'm having fun
Not that guy but lightning perfume literally did more damage at 12 Faith than Ice Perfume did at 60 INT, it's just the better choice for everything
lmao it does feel like iguana now that I think about it
but even though I thought that allmind fight was retarded at first it grew on me and it's genuinely kino
If spirit ashes "aren't beating the game" why are they in the game? Why are they a primary upgrade mechanic in the dlc? Seems like your self-imposed challenge run isn't the way the game is meant to be played. Sorry sweaty.
You can just respec anyway
First phase Radahn is easy. To dodge the meteors you just need to run to the same direction (either left or right and then jump). 2nd phase my computer can't handle it
I did a coop playthrough with some friends and whenever we fought someone who was really good we made sure to teabag and taunt as much as possible in game but privately speaking to each other we would generally talk about how good the invader was and give him praise that he will never know about.
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>Play as sunbro with friend who is level 200
>Every invader that we fight is actual dogshit
In the 125-150 range every time we got invaded it was pretty much guaranteed that we were dying. At that 200 level range it feels like the skill of invaders completely nosedives
Oh so they ARE literally the same shit. Okay. Scadu haters whine piss shit and cum. GTFO this genre.
Screams before his long combo attack and a chance to punish if you dodge it all
>Every DLC boss
8 hit combo with no indication, all with variable timings to rollcatch
I hate elden beast because it ends a cool fight with radagon too soon.
I want to make an edgy rogue type build, using claws of knight for throwing knives and I was thinking maybe the black knife for the cool factor. How well does the black knife scale if your pretty much all in on dex and faith at the minimum to use it?
>If spirit ashes "aren't beating the game" why are they in the game?
So mom and dad who came from game of thrones can have an easy time.
I can't believe he's over 600 deaths to Radahn despite looking up a meme bleed build that does 6000 instant damage to him per jump attack. He even looked up videos of people doing Radahn hitless and still gets destroyed by him instantly in phase 2. How is it possible to be so bad at this game?
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this kills the dog
Noticed the guy was taking considerable damage from lightning so I spammed Gransax Bolt L2s at him until dead
Still easily the stupidest bossfight so far not just in the DLC but maybe even in the whole game
Because you are a twinking nigger, thus I forgeit all ideas of honor. I WILL gank you, I WILL use the cheesiest counterbuilds and I WILL teabag you in the end, you red cuck
it'd be fine if they gave it to you after bosses. it's not fine when you have to scavenger hunt 60 of them
There's something very fucked about the shadow keep area, i'm having to play on low just to keep playable frame rates.
>invade someone
>shocked and disgusted they don't treat you well
Yeah sorry anon let me bend over right here for you, fucking gape me go ahead. Why do invaderfags expect everyone to be happy and accommodating?
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Anyone tested the oil flask tear yet?
I chunked Elden Beast with the new pest threads incant, it was ridiculous
I didn't play Sekiro and DS2, but for me it's something like this: DS1 = BB > DS3 >= ER
Because only PvP tryhards lock themselves into arbitrary level ranges. RL150 is full of tryhards. RL 151+ is full of shitters.
I'm so excited to be playing the dlc finally there's so much shit to explore
Did he really use spirit ashes?
The bosses will grow on you. I felt like this for past DLCs. Rellana and Lion Dancer has really grown on me after using perfect block.
what has been nerfed in pve because of pvp
I've beat every demons/sekiro/bb/etc from game
I had fun even if I was dying to some of the bosses like malenia and eventually got gud and beat all of them, never really more than just an enjoyable challenge, easily cheesable if you want.
Did all the DLC up to the end too, even hard bosses like Rellena were reasonably fun, just had to adapt to it, chose not to cheese them because it was too easy

I won't finish Radahn unless they nerf it, I stop here
Can't even cheese him by normal methods like mimic tear, doesn't matter. No way I'd possibly learn his phase 2 moveset. The boss is literally just "cheese with very specific methods you have to respec into, or don't beat it". What's the point? If it gated more progress or good items I'd waste two larval tears but not when the game is already over
no reason to play this garbage fight at all
I'm not even mad with from, just disappointed, I thought they were having a laugh with the zanzibart meme with that one bosses line, but here the fully deepthroated the 'try to be the hardest shit ever to one up everything previously' and just made a clusterfuck strobe light fight that 100-0s you with 10 different moves that all have to be dodged perfectly with delayed motions like waterfowl dance x10. I mean that's really what it is, radahn is teleporting on top of you with a gap closer and spamming 10 different types of waterfowl dance that all require a different reaction
except shields, or stunlocking, which trivialize it
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So the internal files confirm that the hornsent and the fly people they turn into are originally Empyreans (神人) which matches the in-game text about the old lady in Belurat. They're all empyreans.
Iguazu really grew on me too. Radahn is that but poorly executed.
I'll throw it on the female npcs and i'll take notes
It's almost unfair to compare Gael to anything because he's the best boss fight of all time, everything will look like shit next to Gael
Also a lot of the bosses are far easier to read than people give them credit for.
what do i want for dinner anons?

DLC Ranking
BB > DS3 > DS1 > ER > DS2
From a pragmatic point of view, why would you even tweet a thing out going "haha yeah I did it, but it wasn't like that" instead of just leaving it alone for your fanbase to defend
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Average Hornsent btw
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This was a pretty sudden increase in difficulty out of nowhere
>Yeah I was talking to minors and the contents of said conversation were enough to get me canceled from literally everything
This is the funniest shit.
Fucking Iguazu getting isekai'd into the Land of Shadoe would have been a better final boss than Powerbottom Radahn was. But I actually do like the fight on a gameplau level, it looks decently challenging.
It comes completely out of nowhere but the idea of this guy being so astronomically butthurt about 621 beating him that he overrode Allmind is hilarious. It's like someone took Jerid from Zeta Gunfam and decided he wasn't butthurt enough.
I liked all the bosses except Radahn, he's just bullshit.
So it looks like the hornsent can ascend to godhood, which makes sense because apparently they have a bunch of roman-style tutelary deities. Looks like their meat tower has some merit
The hunt is to encourage exploring the DLC if you are stuck on bosses though. The base game is like this as well. You get so many power ups without killing any boss in the base game. The system is fine.
First phase is pretty good. The entire boss fight should have been that, just give him more gravity gimmicks and 30% more HP to account for his "fairness" and make it an endurance fight. Phase 2 is cancer and the worst fight they've ever made.
I'm ready for it. I've tried to have fun with magic smithscript daggers and Relannas twinswords but a lot of enemies have giga poise that make them not fun to use. Is it only good for boss deletion or is it fun against mobs too?
You could spend 500000 hours on a fight but if you're not actively trying to land r2s you won't know they fit
I think I'd rather fight the two cats than radahn again
150 is for tryhards, anything above is people just wanting to have fun.
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>his name is disrespect
>people mad that he's disrespectful
Yes. It's like a home invader, you are entitled to kill them. The only thing thay keeps you from it is this retarded society that defends evil.
On the way there you have to fight a Leonine Misbegotten piss ghost that drops the perfect incantation to destroy it.

I used that incantation with some Holy Talismans, Golden Vow and Holy Tear and destroyed it so fast I barely got to see phase 2 (except for the times I died until I realized I can just jump the flames lmao)
You have to remember he's a moron.
I agree, no-one playing Elden Ring would survive a fighting game
I think I'm a little over halfway done with the DLC and my overall assessment is that I love everything except the remembrance bosses. Maybe if I used a shield they wouldn't be as obnoxious to fight. Either way I'm hoping Fromsoft takes some cues from this DLC's reception and tones down the ninja-flipping spinning attack shit in their next title.

Out of the bosses I have fought so far I'd rank them as:
>1. Messmer
>2. Romina
>3. Scoobydoo Avatar
>4. Putrescent Knight
>5. Dancing Lion
>6. Commander Gayass
>Forgetting the lore disappointment for me, it’s also a visual and thematic disappointment.
Across the board it sucks. Agreed.
>DS3 not at the bottom
yeah you're a fucktard
You should cheese the night rider guy in calid as well, it's easy
>blackhand blade
FInally a fucking weapon
Why do you care that other people think less of you for trivializing the game if that is, indeed, the way it's meant to be played?
This is a DLC general, sir.
Empyrean inflation, I thought they were supposed to be special...
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trying to squeeze the absolute most out of these with my build and they're pretty fun. different kinda playstyle, and the scatter ash of war shreds up close.
125-150 is ganker sweat city, after that a lot of noob invaders can prosper because even with a shit build you can spam L2 and kill a host getting carried through the game
I'm thinking this was advised by a lawyer or some shit because even if what he did wasn't technically illegal, it's such a hilariously bad look.
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how do you think at SL 200
do you know what a think is
I guess you might have a point, I'll try next time. Hm, actually I have a save! Off I go.
>talk with a minor online
>life destroyed
Why are americans like this
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>even a boss that rides a fucking armored warthog has a flippity jump up in the air and land in an AOE kind of attack
jesus christ From
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The gameplay was good and the exploration was good
It's just that when Fromsoft try to make anything really difficult, the limits of the souls gameplay really start to show
Also dont ever talk to me again nigger

To be honest my main gripe is mostly with Gaius, Metyr and Radahn
Renalla, Bayle and Sunflower were absolute kino
I don't know why my retarded ass keeps forgetting to jump evade attacks. I did it against him, and against the finger boss. I realized it way quicker on her though.
im not... im lvl 188 and i dont know the thresholds and i use shit weapons
I would swap DS1 with DS3, but I agree with the overall sentiment.
How does matchmaking work in the DLC? Can I get summoned by Skib-lets? I don't want to be summoned by Skib-lets.
the miquella characterization is perfectly fine, it's completely in line with what little we knew about him, and people pissed about it were too hung up on the lovable perma-shota aspect of the character.
the major gripe for me is that the radahn angle doesn't make sense. it could absolutely make sense and a ton of issues would be cleared up if they had made it clear that radahn said no, and everything stemmed from miquella being a psychotic control freak.
as it stands, radahn agreeing to be his lord and just fighting malenia and getting ported into mohg's body for funsies makes zero sense.
>wtf why aren't they beating us 2v1 every time? they are so bad
>Original post had "minor" in it
>Edited 1 minute after to take it out
>Edited 20 minutes after that to put it back in
Yeah you're probably right
Throilloer is just on the ground repeating “Ahn” now and St Trina also repeats the KILL dialog

Am I fucking done here?
>umm yeah I sent messages that I call innapropriate to a minor, what's the big deal
You're nearly untouchable when you're an eceleb, all you have to do is not be a pedo yet so many of these retards manage to fuck it all up
Honestly love the smithscript weapons.
This is why I was convinced the leaks were fake: not only did the final boss not make any sense lorewise, but it also just looked lame as fuck, there was nothing cool or impressive about it visually. At least Elden Beast is a spectacle, but the DLC's final boss isn't even that
Perfume GOD...
That's still perfectly applicable though. Miquella needed to fulfill the prophecy tk become a god and that prophecy involved a lord and a vessel at the divine gate. She believed in Miquella's Age of Compassion so she fought the war for it. Her character isn't actually changed by the DLC at all. It's Miquella and Radahn who look considerably more retarded.
yes but you should kill yourself 50 more times to make sure
Yes, make sure to summon him for Leda gank and the last boss to get his shit.
Yeah. You've finished the quest. He'll show up later.
You can't deny that it looks cool though.
I never bothered learning how to dodge that I just call torrent and ride away. Fortunately he only does the attack once except on rare occasions when he is feeling extra retarded
I live how nobody calls the scadutree fragments by their name
Just invaded a host at level 180 who had 319 HP, what the fuck
Keep in mind on some openings he raises his head a bit so you actually have to delay your attack so it connects as its coming back down
good luck
I died killing Putrescent Knight at the same time because I defaulted to rolling a flame attack instead of jumping

Still got the runes and rememberance tho
>there's no GEQ lore
Thank God. I can get the tattoo now.
>rot weapon
didn't beat the game
It's just a dumb name. Skibdis really is more appropriate.
>no rot ash from rot boss
It's ogre.
if you're gonna praise any streamer it has to be moonmoon, that masochist is doing the DLC with zero leveling and zero skibidis
That I care to rememeber rn? Bleed in DS3. Moonveil and Rivers. BHS. Countless builds
BB > ER > DS3 > DS2 > DS1
don't let nostalgia blind you to how tiny the dlc for ds1 really is

elden ring is basically giving you 70% of a whole new game but its got some real balance and rehash issues, empty fields, recycled content, total lack of story coherence, etc
BB did it all amazing

DS1 gave you
>the woods above oolacile / buildings
>the dungeon under oolacile / abyss
aaaand that's it
its two areas basically
4 total bosses (guardian, artorias, manus, kalameet, prisoner) and only 3 new enemies (bloatheads, scarecrows, humanities). And holy shit its just a floating blob lmao
of the 5 new spells all 5 of them are copy/paste reskins of base game spells
the new ring does literally nothing but make you take more damage

I cannot express how bad DLC was for DS1
At some point in development. They're not empyreans any more than the Putrescent Knight is a knight of the Gloam-Eyed Queen.
I didn't mean their effect, I meant how you collect them. Scadu fragments are annoying because they're scattered in some random shitholes. You collect over half of the prayer beads just by killing enemies and due to how defense system works in Sekiro they're much less important. I never bothered looking for them specifically and didn't feel pressured to search.
They also don't affect attack power at all, that's governed by memories which drop from main bosses so you literally can't miss them. Your damage is never gimped.
>heavy rotten greataxe
YDNBH shitposting aside I'm happy for you anon nice job.
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What should my next DLC build be bros I want something fun
those mainly got nerfed in pvp only and are both perfectly fine in pve
DS1 DLC also gave you a gauntlet of some of the best bosses of DS1, and some of the best bosses From has ever made in general.
because scadutree is a retarded name and awkward to say
lol you think the nerfed fight is hard
Lorewise are the bosses using upgraded weapons, or are they just so strong that the scaling carries them? Are we the only shitter that has to upgrade stuff?
Of what, anon?
He uses gravity magic that he learned from Radahn
I think people would be more willing if they were aware it's supposed to just sound like shadutree instead of how it's spelled.
Vigorlet hosts are the funniest
>throw fan daggers at host with bubble tear
>14 damage
>still loses 1/10th of his health bar
>mindlessly killing the NPC
Funnily enough I watched some dumbass lock themselves out of the fia quest and lich dragon fight by doing exactly that. Summoned me, walked over to fia while she was still awake, started hitting her after standing in front of her for a while. Players that act stupid deserve consequences
Just imagining how insanely kino a Godwyn final boss would have been
quantity =/= quality
artorias, manus and kalameet were all memorable and fun bosses
also the dlc was like $15 anyway
Shadow Tree.
That's literally it.
For me it's the fucking arena. I would excuse all that shit if the arena was actually cool, but it's just fucking garbage low res assets with a pale colour thrown around randomly.
I know they will never top the Gael arena which is literally the end of the world with the previous game's kingdoms in the background but come the fuck on.
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>And this heavy armored boar can travel 20 meters from afar in an instant with one tackle *raughs*
But what do I want for dinner?
She was a 17 year old toddler you sick pedophile motherfucker
I don't know about everyone else but my first DS1 experience was with PTDE on PC so it was basically the DLC area rolled into with the base game's price. Honestly never crossed my mind to think about how little you get with it.
The black flame symbol
Living, or fish mode?
Do we have the list of which composer composed which track of SOTE?
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Im not a man that wants to give birth to weird finger monsters
I just want Miquella
>muh prince of death fight
I am glad Godwyn will forever be nothing more than a rotted mermaid
if you used skeebeedoobop-a-hop fragments you didn't beat the game
Why do we hold great spears like retards. Why the fuck are we holding it at the bottom of the shaft one handed instead of in the middle or under the head. This is actually pissing me off it looks so dumb.
>And then all three of the hitboxes on the charge can overlap and kill immediately
I didn't fight the flower boss or the other lion, where are they
Bullshit my murder knight waifu Leda is way better than that fag god
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objectively correct boss tierlist
a 'minor' by american standards is a 17 year old.
Oh you mean like the shape of the Godslayer's Seal? That'd be a pretty cool tattoo honestly.
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Curseblade cirque or backhand blade? I’m a pure dex build
>Godwyn (forma de fish) shows up
>Second phase Miquella mercy kills him, and this ends up reviving him as Godwyn the Golden or whatever
>some dragons show up because dragons are cool as hell
ah yes, the abundance of empty zones with 3 gay enemies and a smithing stone [1] or a cookbook
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Which bosses DON'T have this attack?
its crazy how shieldfaggots never to have to learn any mechanics
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>will forever be nothing more than a rotted mermaid
Hey, now. He can be your Rune Son too!
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Why does everyone say that magic is easy mode? I've always found playing a character who relies on spells for DPS to be way harder than a warrior or hybrid build. Fact is is that most of the more difficult enemies will get up right in your face where range really doesn't matter.

You'll still be rolling between their long ass comboes, just with less armor and no shield, and having to attack between their long combos, and it's not like your magic is doing that much more damage then just slapping them with your weapon. In fact, spells are typically way less FP and Stam efficient than using a weapon art, not to mention that most casts take forever to go off (many times giving the boss enough time to recover and launch another attack) in comparison to melee.

Even if you get some distance, most of them have a quick ranged interrupt that will fuck you up if you try to cast, and that's when they aren't just reading inputs and dodging everything. Now, if you have a meatshield of some kind, magic becomes waaay better, but you're already pretty much in easy mode if you're summoning or using spirit ashes.
>flower boss
Under the Shadowkeep
>other lion
Please don't tell me they reused it
Chick fil a
Putrescent does not remotely deserve to be that high.
I used Mimic Tear and a busted Lightning Perfume build on Gaius and I don't regret it one bit, fuck this shitty fight, wouldn't even bother if it wasn't for those 3 Scadu fragments
>Lion below Putrescent Knight
No, he was kino
>because dragons are cool as hell
not in Elden Ring. those dragon can go fuckthemselves with the retarded flips my camera is doing while they shit lightning everywhere.
>no eclipse lore
>no godwyn lore
>no torrent lore
>no godskin lore
>no blackflame/GEQ/melina lore
>no lore about the alien vagina marika pulled the gold threads out of
>no explanation of how the rot god and the blood goddess ended up influencing the shadow realm
>all the lore of all the side areas are disgustingly underdeveloped

>all replaced with bara on shota incest and a 2 second ending cutscene

2 nukes wasn't enough
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>Fagdahn phase 2 in anything but F
And? Still a minor. And you're still a pedo if you send inappropriate messages to 17 year olds. What do you have in common with them anyway?
I'm trying to decide whether I would have preferring a pure holy phase 1, but the cursemark of death is too much for even a divine Miquella to handle so it corrupts him into more of a tainted-holy Angel of Death in phase 2, which also makes us more justified in killing him. Other alternative would be that backwards. Throughout the DLC we learn an ascended Godwyn + Miquella would have been bad news, so Godwyn grows in power from angel of death to just angel in P2, the implication being we're killing him just before he becomes too much to fight.
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Old Hunters was also a mixed bag you just haven't played it in years so you have a selective memory. The spinning staircase, Ludwig, Orphan. All S tier. Maria was good. The rest? Forgettable at best. Exceptionally gay at worst.
are there any blacksmiths in the dlc? or do you have to back to the base game to upgrade your weapons?
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you forgot to mention the
>unrealistically stays still in the air for a bit so he can throw you off
to be fair, gael's arena is literally a reused cut asset that was 90% finished and only needed touchups to add DLC features.
>Give myself 999 levels so I can max all stats

Using heavy armor and shields is whatever, but why did you start with this? That's obviously not appropriate.
>Name is God Win
God fucking damnit, Godwyn keeps spooking me
I've seen a screenshot of a lion in a green grassy area
Where under the keep? Not in the direction of the frenzy area right?
>overworld divine beast
Holy jumpscare on that phase transition that was unexpected.
I think characters are actually intended to use summons at this point design wise. I basically only have time to shoot my dagger instead of any real spell.
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>Mother why did you turn yourself into a dude?
I think that's true of most people, its not a value proposition if you are getting it anyway and PTDE was way more popular
This elden ring DLC cost $40 so it had to fucking give $40 worth of game, and instead it gave $60+ worth of game easily
Its going right up there in the annals of great dlc of all time next to witcher 3

Meanwhile look at the absolute trash other gamers have to put up with
>pay $20 for botw dlc
>get 1 minidungeon, 16 shrine pseudodungeons, 1 bossfight
They gave it Deathblight phase too
That summons 5 basilisks
The old lady is referred to as an empyrean in the final release.
>Messmer at top
I agree, the rest of the list is irrelevant you've got my vote.
Fuckin love that guy, despite the 26 tries it took me. His spear & incant are great too.
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This thing
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Updated my drip.

Also why won't this guy talk to me? Very rude.
>Poking him from above with Loretta's mastery because I didn't feel like fighting him
>Suddenly Basalisks all over me
Gotta admit that was funny.
ER DLC is not good. Most of the remembrances meh. No real redeeming qualities besides some neat new weapons and Messmber/Rennala/Romina are fun. The rest are retard easy, gimmicks, or severely unfun (Radahn).

DS1 had great aesthetic and content even if it was brief. What it did it did great start to fin.
>rotblasting him because he's blowing out your ass otherwise
based and Maleniapilled
I agree with Midra. The only boss in this DLC I didn't use spirit ashes. He's just so fun to fight.
You want to give birth to Miquella?
The 40 year old sending messages to a teenager is normal bro you don't get it bro nothing deeper
he wants to duel
I somehow managed to parkour my way down in the storehouse area of shadow keep, was this intended? Also heard some girl talking on the other side of a bookcase.
i haven't looked at item descriptions much. is messmer's serpentine shit in any way related to the god devouring serpent?
they should have called it shadowtree
scadu sounds retarded
probably some hot overdeveloped 16 or 17 year old stacy thirst trapping him

if all he did was send messages i couldn't care less, actually, if he bent her over and pile drived her i couldn't care either.
He wastes no words, only fists.
He gives you a gesture to use on him, and you will duel.
it trivializes the game because the AI isn't designed to deal with multiple opponents. this has been true for all souls games. it's very rare you get a Midir.
You need to hit him to wake him up. The 1st hit won't deal damage, like with Frampt.
>40 tries on Radahn
Am I good yet
check your inventory for Monk's missive, read if you want to
use the Gesture "May the best win"
Only in one item description, and her name officially is Hornsent Grandam (角人の老婆), so the "empyrean" has clearly been left in accidentally
You are comparing size of content in a 40€ DLC to a 15€ one. Besides, it's not about quantity, but quality, otherwise BB should also be on the bottom of your list. Shadow of Erdtree is not even better than the Ringed City.
I agree that theoretically a faster paced game better fits Sekiro's gameplay, but even in Sekiro that game had maybe 2.5 good bosses Genichiro and Isshin are god tier fights but they don't justify the rest of that game and that combat style completely obliterates any RPG mechanics which have their own merit
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Holdover from DeS, DaS1, and DaS2 where bosses were lumbering and had long recovery times. Fact is is that solo casters have been pretty subpar since BB when it comes to fighting bosses. The only reason you'd go for a magic build is because some of the best weapons are locked behind INT and FTH. It's also great for exploration as it gives you plenty of buffs and crowd control options.

seems like Rellana's swords are actually worth a damn
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I don't care if it's cheating. I'm summoning my nigga Igon so he can watch me whoop Bayle's jabroni ass.
Baffled why people like Midra. His fight is barely invader tier in quality/challenge and his stage is a near empty 3 rooms.
use an emote
Storehouse is divided into two parts, one route you get to from inside the black keep main, and one side from the church district on the right side of the keep. I'm not aware of a way to parkour between them but it wouldn't surprise me if there is one,
>backhand blade
>lightning infusion has B scaling in dex
fucking finally
Yeah that's what I was getting at. It's a really cool design.
It's in the castle, I don't remember where exactly but if you start seeing some of the fucked up jar guys you're in the right direction
Skibidibi avatar should go up, it was genuinely a fun fight and aesthetic
golden hippo down, its basically a normal enemy
onze and labirith and blackgaol down, but not too far down
metyr up
count ymir to the fucking bottom, same with fallingstar recycled x10

Furnace Golems to A tier
they are fucking amazing and exist solely to teach you that you are playing the game wrong
its like they took the delayed attack memes from the main game to heart and decided you know what fuck you
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Because it would lead to something very, very funny, my boy.
I'd agree with you in every other game but this is the game where they gave almost every boss an AoE move. Frankly the amount of times ashes killed me was more often than they helped and I eventually just stopped using them.
The dlc for DS3 is better than ER desu.
>better story
>better boss fights
>better pacing
>actually added more pvp into the game (spears of the church + coliseum)
In fact Elden ring not having real covenants has always been a real let down. Exploring mostly empty maps doesn’t trump all these other elements in which DS3 is clearly better.

Honestly none of these fights are objectively better than Sister Friede and Gael, and the lore behind the fights doesn’t even come close to matching. It’s arguable whether Bayle is better than Midir too.

Not to mention the first boss TRC is a kino demon fight. While the first boss of shadow of a turdtree is a reskinned player npc.

This isn’t nostalgia, objective truths.
They probably still are. Empyreans are just anyone that can become a god, and the Gates of Divinity were designed to turn Hornsent into gods. But they wouldn't call it Empyrean because it's normal for them.
The Hunters Nightmare was kino.

Fishing Hamlet was Kino.

Living Failures was a decent spectacle.

The only thing about the dlc that was kind of disappointing was Laurence. Everything else was kino and the storytelling was absurdly good. You are criminally retarded.
Where the fuck is his summon sign? I can't see anything with Bayle biting me in the ass.
Kino dropped.

Bayles theme is so dimes and Igons maniacal yelling makes the fight
>Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not.
kek. literally giving the Chris Hansen TCAP excuse
I summoned Igon and Latenna.
It's funny to think how all of them, even the boss, don't have working legs.
wtf is this real?
>overdeveloped 16 or 17 year old
Even the most overdeveloped 17 year old is still a child, physically, mentally and legally. Stop trying to find excuse for pedos that should be hanged.
it's a total non sequitur, literally everything else about the dlc plot makes sense except radahn? just, why?
Just looking at the DLC's
BB = DS3 > ER > DS1 > DS2

Bloodborne has the best level design by far, but I personally find every single boss in the DLC meh besides Ludwig, who's probably my favorite boss to fight despite me fighting him so many times I can no hit him by now. Didn't care for Orphan, just found him lame and the lore is more interesting than the fight itself. Maria needed to be harder. Everything but the bosses carries it for me.

I like pretty much every single boss in the Ringed City except Halflight obviously. Only Gael reaches the same tier as Ludwig, but I still like Ludwig more. Friede is great too, but the wolf boss is shit. Ringed City and Ariandel were great to explore, but not as good as the the hunter's nightmare. The bosses carry it despite some flaws.

Elden Ring's DLC was fun, just because the last boss was anticlimactic doesn't ruin the fun I had with most of it. Most dungeons were great, most of the bosses were really fun, and the sheer amount of new enemies and weapons it added counts for a lot. But there were a lot of misses with bosses and it fell for common open world traps where I still struggle to see what value the open world added.

Dark Souls is my favorite souls game. No other game, not even BB, has given me the feelings I had playing it for the first time, and I played Demon's Souls first. It's unsurpassed in level design, atmosphere, world design and lore for me, and the gameplay holds up still. That being said, the DLC is overrated, 90% takes place in a forest with zero level design and while Artorias, Kalameet and Manus are amazing bosses, I just run past everything to get to them every time I replay it.

Dark Souls 2's DLC is basically the same as Elden Ring, a lot of quantity to make up for the lack of quality in some areas. It was fun to play and salvaged the game somewhat, but at the end of the day, it's still DS2.
why do people like Midra so much?
the fight wasn't actually that interesting, he just does big piss AOEs and spins at you
Because it's fun and thematic, would you rather fight Gaius or Ymir?
I am skibidi level 15, should I be fine vs messmer?
17 is legal in my country, dumb burger, 17 year olds are not children. I had sex with a 30-year old when I was 16 myself and it's one of my fondest memories. the idea that it has anything even remotely to do with pedophilia is solely an american concept.
Directly in front of the boss fog inside on the left
I can't even fathom what kind of turbofaggot would deny themselves Igon kino.
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>Not doing Keen for S and lightning infuse which in turn gets you Vow and Defenseives
>faggots jerking each off about how much they hate Fromsoft

>I think this one is le shit!
>Oh yeah but I these two are le shit!

Gayest anons in the general right now
DS3 in general has much better boss fights than anything in Elden Ring. The DS3 bosses are some of the best in the series.
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>no bleed perfume bottle
>To be honest my main gripe is mostly with Gaius, Metyr and Radahn
i thought Metyr was easy, Gaius gave me some trouble, but i enjoyed the fight, looking forward to Radahn
>perfumes are gonna be turbo nerfed and unuseable by the time I make a build with them
if the boss is scaled up because of coop...
and the coop partner dies...
because there's no more coop
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>You want to give birth to Miquella?
No, I only want to hold him
this is better, personally I'd put divine beast higher but that's just my shitty opinion
everything else is correct
To add to this it might be covered by a faggy message
I beat Messmer at like 11 so you're probably good
You cheated.
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I don't care about your backwards country's pedo laws. Incest is legal in some countries, does that make it morally excusable?
>No old monk
>No rat covenant
>No spear of the church fight
Imagine if Elden Ring had a PC boss or there was a covenant for Abyssal Woods that made it into an invasion zone for maddened tarnished.
>In fact Elden ring not having real covenants has always been a real let down.
I fucking hate PvP in these games and I still agree. The closest you get is doing the Volcano Manor quests.
Radahn didn’t teach him, he was literally Radahn’s senior while studying under the alabaster lords
I don't think bottles will get nerfed, it's literally just Rolling Sparks and how the hitbox interacts when being aimed at the ground.
I'm Light.

I'd be so happy. Imagine if the DLC was just exploring the ruins of an abandoned world with the Tarnished's shota fiancee, helping him ascend to godhood where they are then married. It makes me feel so bubbly just thinking about it.
There could also be a focus on Outer Gods and a cool fight at the end where you defeat the Outer Gods to reconnect with the Greater Will, and Miquella teams up with the Tarnished to defeat them. Then the Tarnished goes back and heal Malenia and Godwyn. It'd be perfect kino.
>crystal sage
>shitty gimmick dragon
also had some of the worst
The only change they need to make to Radahn is remove his light AOE that can happens after his slashslashlsahslsahsslash combo. This is the reality. The rest of his moves are fair.
not gonna lie
messmer makes the flame sorceries and snakes actually cool
Rhykard is a literal shit head
we should've had Messmer in the base game instead
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Nah I'm right
>Functional camera
>Nothing super bullshit
>Cool aesthetic
>Unironically hits you with the Zanzibart
i see that, and it's fine enough for my first playthrough as i want to explore all this stuff anyway.
however it's not fine for replay value. not sure if i'm going to want to try the DLC as different builds as collecting these thing is going to be like a 2 hour chore.
My favourite part of the DLC was the Shaman Village with the soft piano Elden Ring theme. Closest a game has made me feel nostalgia for another character.
which one can I get earlier (new game)
nagakiba or rivers of blood?
my whole world was a lie
I entered by church district and jumped down on a statue and kept going down. The last drop I was in doubt if i could survive so I equipped the cat ring and managed to make it to the bonfire at the bottom.
Because even on the easier side he's cool as fuck and is easily the most honest boss in the entire DLC. I also wish he was more difficult and in a better DLC in a better game he would have a third phase with a cooler arena but what we got is very solid. Midra is one of the few bosses in all of ER I would actually be interested in fighting another time.
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Why does Radahn's teleport spam attack look son wonky? It's turning me into a Maleniafag. Say what you want about her, but her attacks were beautiful and fluid.
still blows my mind that famous people (or anyone, honestly) do this sort of shit, when people getting all of the texts they thought were private get leaked to the public. everyone should assume anything they ever text might be read by their grandmother some day. maybe it's good though i guess. they caught him before he could hurt more people. another pedo down.
Because he's more of an spectacle fight with telegraphed attack and people feel that's fair, also the buildup of that area was great
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I'm not even sure if I'd call it cheating. Igon does basically fuck all. His dinky greatbow does little bits of 100 damage at most. But it was really fun to hear him retard rage at Bayle.
Where's Jori? He's the only boss I would put under Lamenter
>seething about DLC lore
>muh Godwyn
Will Godwynfags ever stop crying
I did it
I beat Radahn fair and square with Milady, wing stance, on a "FTH" build, 16 scadu fragments, RL150.
The DLC was a 9/10 up til that point, but that boss is so bad and unfun, and seeing how important the finale is to a game for me, I'm knocking it down to a 8/10, maybe even a 7, which is a damn shame in my opinion.
I will try to ignore the fact that that boss exists, and find ways to cheese it properly if I ever want to redo it, and instead just enjoy the other parts of the DLC on subsequent playthrus, like Midra, and Bayle.
Fuck Radahn, fuck the Scadutree fragments, fuck the furnace golem minigame, fuck the hidden spiritsprings, and fuck the Dancing Lion (skill issue honestly, I know, but I never got the hang of that one) 9/10, but not really, but really.
I don't know why they never brought convenant's into this game. It was something that kept the previous souls games more dynamic, in my opinion, and posed for a decent side content.
I don't even have the DLC yet lol
They don't even need to remove it just tone down its damage. Getting clipped by it and losing 70% of your hp bar at 60 vig +15 scat is just really unfun
Beat it with quality greatsword with giant's hunt, golden vow and alexander shard.
Rest of the build is just pure tanking : crimson +1, dragoncrest, ritual shield, morgott great rune, opaline hard tear and stance break tear.

No summon, no spirit ash, no bleed, no cheese.
Just git fucking good.
Both were easy. Gaius was cooler.
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>leveled normally for singleplayer
>level 195
>now i can't find any multiplayer sessions
>using rivers of turd in 2024
I beat rellana in 5 tries but I legit got stuck on pontiff sulyvahn for a week
Why do people hate gaius?
His moveset makes sense when you fight him on horseback.
>phase 3 fortissax turns up and you and godwyn fight on his back as fortissax flies through a storm or something
no one cares.
Why do half of Bayle's attacks ignore blocks completely?
This is bullshit
HACKazaki is utterly incapable of writing anything other than pointless misery porn. All of his games are like this and I'm glad people are starting to get fed up with it. One of the reasons why I liked Lies of P so much is that it DID have a happy ending for a soulslike.
You can get Nagakiba literally at the start of the game, just kill Yura. Rivers of Blood is locked behind Mountaintop of the Giants.
i find so fucking funny when people censor the character eyes/names
I'm Light.

He was a nice dude! He should get justice if at all possible. But make sure to get it right, I'm a Miquellafag not a Godwynfag.
It's literally some JRPG protags ultimate move, death by 1000 cuts bullshit
I'm always mildly amused when I see somewhere high up, a cliff, or some narrow ledge absolutely littered with blood signs. No matter how far you get in the game, gravity's gonna fuck you.
yeah I want nagakiba but I need something to get to it
or maybe i should stick to uchi
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>Fight him on horseback
>Ymir not in F
The faggot does nothing but teleport away every two seconds if you dare to get near him. It’s like Micolash but somehow more annoying despite being in a smaller area.
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I wanted to go full cold but sadly Icecrag sucks. On the other hand, if it didn't, the normal comet spells would have no reason to exist.

Then again, THIS spell exists which makes the normal Carian Greatsword pointless so I dunno what Mike was thinking really.
I care.
Do i get more rewards if I side with Leda or Hornsent?
HDR chama, your screenshot saturation...
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the presentation and build up was amazing. people were waiting a long time for a frenzy flame boss. plus the aoe's are actually manageable. I found him a decent challenge too, a boss doesn't have to stomp on your balls for hours for it to be good. this mindset is killing these games and gave us aids bosses like consort radahn.
>git fucking good
>s tier weapon, s++ tier ash, buff stacking, activating great rune
I used almost the exact same setup, except by the end I adored the final boss, and was having an incredible amount of fun fighting him. To each their own, I guess, I like parrying
Ds3 has like five decent fights and then as many retarded meme fights as ds1. The only thing ds3 has going for it is the first two real fights of the game are actual real fights instead of the average first boss being a complete non functional joke fight.
they barely managed to finish the fight if preview builds were anyhting to go by
classic case of fromsoftware not being able to meet deadlines
I don't think bayle should be allowed to almost one shot a blessing 20 player in NG with 60vig
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I mean.... I would, but...
Hes already born.
Also Im going to take that cigarette out of his mouth
you will have to stick with uchi becasue you're just not getting occult nagakiba until midgame
DS1 is fucking amazing. Sen Fortress and Anor Londo are forever etched into my mind. It would be great if someday they would remake it with the missing content from the second half of the game.
>Why are there so many bloodspots at Solitude knight bros?
First filter of the DLC.
is it worth it to kill yura though? is that quest hard or not
i generally don't like killing npcs in souls games
More like horse-ACK
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>Go back and do the base game boss fights for certain things on my DLC character
>Bell bearings etc
>Realize that DLC bosses are basically a hyperbolic time chamber and make the base game bosses look like absolute baby shit.
I'm not turning it off to give you better screenshots. You'll simply have to imagine how much better it looks while I'm playing it.
this is why i'm terrified to go over 150
My issue with it was twofold:
Okay yeah it makes sense to fight him from horse back, but then you have problems tracking him and Torrent tends to get knocked over really easily.
Then he still has a lot of moves that still hit you really easily somehow, like that one horn swipe.

My winning strat was more me hopping on and off as I needed.
It was a happy end to the quest. Millicent is an aspect of Malenia, and essentially embodied her will to resist the Rot and fight without it. Taking that needle at the end of her quest and giving it to her implies that she gets her memories at the end and will awaken to fight with the Tarnished at a later juncture (presumably to find Miquella)
we can see the radagons seal nigga even with your blurry ass pic
skill issue
I've created a new headcanon where my tarnished has been gathering all of the fragments of Miquella he discarded as they travel throughout the DLC. And after I win and defeat Radahn? I'll stuff them back inside him, beginning with his love, then he'll be my wife and everything is fixed
What's next after sote if they have no plans for a elder bing sequel, dark souls 3 2?
He's only relevant if you're going the Frenzy route, he dies at the Mountaintops anyways.
Real shit is realizing that this is the cycle with every game Fromsoft has ever made
How the fuck does anyone get stuck on piss easy pontiff?
>cool as fuck
>isn't a spastic turbonigger with 200hit combos and infinite stamina with no room to attack
>the buildup to it is insane
>dramatic song
He's well designed, fun and satisfying to fight
>using tools the game gives you
Shut the FUCK up
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Tarnished! Look here!
I have two characters at 175 and 190 and have no issue finding co-op, where are you trying?
Rumor has it that they're working on a survival crafting game.
america is LITERALLY the only 1st world nation with a legal age above 16. even within america itself most states have a legal age of 16.
Fashionbros how do you do it? I feel like while looking really cool this is the most restrictive game so far in terms of things that go well together. Each set is almost too unique the metal textures or cloth never match up.
yeah I felt this when I finished the dlc and started a new character
Why are you riding into his ass?
But I agree the double hits are fucked and we should be able give torrent some armor
co-oping in scatman tree sucks because of this fucking shard system. you get summoned at level 0 and die in 2 hits to everything
>The "literally one shot" posters are using shit that increases their damage taken
Honestly it just makes sense
It's only making a 5% difference
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>Yooo this ER game is fire let me try the old games
>1st tried everything except Bed of Chaos
Nah, I've gotten Friede down to a science but twin princes and aldrich still give me trouble in ds3
>60 vig
>still using radagon's seal which makes you take 15% more damage from all sources
I did parry his first phase to speed things up, but never even got a chance to figure out if he's parryable in the 2nd because of how oppressive it was.
Dont get me wrong, the fight was actually kinda fun, sometimes, but after the 20th death, it started getting grating, the visual clusterfuck of particle effects got tiresome, and getting grabbed by the most bullshit hitbox just added another level of salt in the wounds.
I wish it was more fun than it ended up being, because it IS a cool fight, but at the same time, SO shit.
I wanna go back to Midra and fight him forever...
Either a follow up to Armored Core 6 of some kind of the mage game that's been talked about. Personally hoping for the former
stop giving people shit info, he need to last at least until academia and at this point you can as well just go to altus
Romina has been my favourite boss fight in the DLC so far, but I haven't seen many posts about them, what's the general consensus on her?
I like her even more than Messmer, although she was also a fair bit easier.
>This is the HARDEST DS3 BOSS!!
>5k hp or something
Y'know, it's just one of those things about the inexorable forward march of time
It just kind of sounds like you guys liked it because he wasn't difficult
it certainly didn't feel like it was worth trudging through the woods to get to him
where the hell is the Igon summon sign to fight Bayle??
he even gave me his bloody finger
i want him to fight along me, poor dude needs his revenge
How do I get good at parrying?
it might've been 'written' in the sense that it was considered in some draft at some point, but it clearly wasn't present by the they got in to actual production. just a deflection, cloaking it in legitimacy.
Why does every Youtuber insist the Moon of Nokstella sucks? Do they seriously only play the entire game with a handful of spells? Or do they use NO multislot spells? I don't get it.
She's easy but cool. IMO she has the best boss song.
good call nigga
I would move Bayle up to A only if Igon is present, too kino to pass up.
I also would put Romina in S, agree with the rest of the list
Miyazaki is building us up. Training us for... something.... Maybe soulschads get to pilot the mechs in the war with the space lizards.
>scoops him up
You don't need to hypnotize me silly!
>nuzzle nuzzle
The only thing you miss by killing Yura is Raptor of the Mist.
lmao ikr
every time I hear that someone's a pedo in america it means that the girl was 17 years old wtf
Bleed (DS3) and BHS sure as fuck were nerfed in both, and before you say it, I don't summon, so I'm did not exploit BHS. I don't NEED crutches but I would like to use them sometime. Also, lightning in DS2. I don't give a fuck how you try to justify it, nerfs are shit and 100% invaders' fault, they're the ones whining endlessly about "balance." What pisses me off the most, they suck at PvE and don't care for it, rarely going beyond NG+3, but are happy to ruin the game for PvE players who go to NG7+ and beyond. There is a reason why you fucks kept getting more and more resticted each game and it's not appealing to a wider audience, or we wouldn't be having conversations about Elden ring difficulty. It's twinking, griefing, being a general nuisance and when the hosts fight back, "this is broken nerf it I can't fight a host and his overlevelled phantom." You reap what you sow, too fucking bad you take the reat of us with you.
I'd replace Midra with Messmer desu
To me it felt like they were similar in difficulty
the final boss has proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that going "HARD= GOOD BOSS" has broken the series
>1st world
keklmao obviously brown thirds have 16 as legal age
He cheated in to level 333, and stole a youtube braindead fingerprint shield build because "his" previous braindead build wasn't woking as much in making the game a joke.

But you can tell he has grief, he looks stressed like when he got pwned even with "his" but all the time now, and of course, he made the gameplay a joke, and himself another joke, and worse of all, the entire game a joke, and he realized it, but too late.
Deserved for being a hyprocite little bitch snowflake that can't deal with a tiny amount of stress, but now he's all the time like that lmao, so retarded. Just hateplaying the game that broke him into cheating.
go inside the arena and walk left a lil bit
Why do you need twelve spell slots?
first trying bosses in demon's and dark souls was not at all abnormal anon, back then a challenging boss was just like, 3 tries. barring a select few hard bosses like flamelurker and gwyn you weren't getting walled by much.
Don't reply to my posts anymore, you're scary.
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Please respond...
it's not pedo until they're below 16
O-Ornstein and Smough took me 8 hours...
>muh difficulty
I'm so tired of you faggots and your retarded difficulty, difficult != good
Side with Hornsent and you get an OP cancer ash of war
>Damage increase the player gets from skibidi fragments
Player defense too
i whacked bayle until i learned the fight solo, then summoned igon for the kino voice lines, i used the dragon hunter katana so was already cheating anyway
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Summons aren't tools?
Spirit Ashes aren't tools?
Bleed isn't a tool?
>"no cheese" while using stuff a hair below broken tier

You can't shit on others while literally being apex shitter, bro.
all the stuff you mentioned was overpowered in pve first and foremost

i hate casting and even i did a lightning run in ds2 just because of how brokenly easy it was
Because there is much better options and you can switch spells at graces. You don't need multiple multislot spells really.
Did Bayle and Greyoll fucked?
funny story, I was getting my ass blasted by lion dancer and relanna for a day and a half, not noticing until after I beat them that I had a baldachin blessing in my inventory.
>the AI isn't designed to deal with multiple opponents
This game is literally designed around multiple opponents. Bosses will swap targets mid combo. It doesn't mean it functions that well.
Leda for a talisman that buffs attacks after rolling
Hornsent is shit
My current loadout is

>Rennala's Moon
>Comet Azur
>Rykard's Rancor
>Terra Magica
>Night Comet
>Ambush Shard
>Adula's Moonblade
I was just watching a tierlist that put it middle of the pack, and the guy is someone who specifically said he doesn't use spell heavy builds very often but understamds the utility of having extra space for big dick spells like Placidusax's ruin.
This retard is comparing basic bosses to Malenia who's designed specifically to be extremely difficult for the average player.
>Messmer is easier than Radahn
>Messmer is a better boss than Radahn
How do difficultyfags cope with this fact?
Does anybody know if the dragonkin soldier in lake of rot should respawn in NG+? The one that drops the dragonscale blade.
I wanted to get a second dragonscale blade and I'm in NG+ currently, but the soldier is not there at all, and I only have one blade in my inventory (from NG I guess).
slightly northwest of fog gate
if it's not there restart the fight
and yes you will have to deal with bayle being a cunt in meantime, summoning the npc is harder than to beat the boss
Imagine an attack that deals 2000 damage. You're at 70% DR. You take 600 damage. Your sorseal lowers your damage mitigation by 15%, so you're now taking 900 damage. A 50% increase.

Now take that shit off. Obviously my numbers are bullshit and not accurate to in game but the intent is the same. Skibidis ironically make these damage increasing talismans LESS sense than more.
Holy fucking kino
>there's EIGHT(8) furnace golems
Yea I've already killed 3 of these fucking things I'm closing my game and opening up cheat engine to 1 shot these fucking things from now on.
difficulty isn't everything but Midra wasn't even approaching the sweet spot
I'd rather fight Garl Vinland and Astraea than most of the DLC bosses, I think I felt more during the Dragon God boss fight than Rellana because at least that thing killed me at the start of the game.
>What do you have in common with them anyway?
we're both fully sexually developed adults
O&S was a bullshit duo boss and still is, all duo bosses are cancer.
Holy true, you can tell he just ruined the game for himself and now tries to cope suddenly giving attention to whatever lore the game throws at him since that's all left after deleting the difficulty and the gameplay.
he was a normal sword guy fight like artorias
almost every bossfight in dark souls 1 is better than radahn and they are all far easier
Fair enough. I still don't really get when you're supposed to do against Manus in DS1
Nah the numbers only go down by 5
i think Sister Friede was my favorite of them all
>demons was my first souls game
>fuck a shitter that I had to get flamelurker stuck running on a small rock and cheese him with a bow
I'll never blame someone for summoning if elden ring is their first souls game, plenty of people talking shit also looked up how to get that dragon tail sword
>plus the aoe's are actually manageable
>charges himself in the air for 3 seconds
>shoots himself at you and explodes the entire room with fire
Wait, are perfume busted enough to not be fun? I was gonna run a build with them, thinking they were gonna be as bad as the throwing knives.
Is it all of them?
Just CRAFT FURNACE POTS and throw. Think of it as an environmental puzzle.
Midra is difficult. It took my friend an hour to kill him. It took me more time to kill him than Rellana or even Dancing Lion. Messmer took about the same amount of time. Not being a spastic headache inducing camera fucking hitbox bullshitting faggot does not mean it's not a difficult fight.
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why is the lansseax reskin before bayle harder than bayle...?
He does that after getting staggered so you can predict it
whats wrong bro? dont enjoy a slowpaced jump-attack "rhytm" game for 5 minutes? Actually, nevermind that, because the golem just did that homing fireball attack, and now you have to run away or roll like a spastic for another 30 seconds, LOL!
Why do more than half these remembrance bosses have no cutscenes
>make furnace pots to kill giant man
>kills me before I can kill it
>can't craft more furnace pots
flamelurker taught me how to roll towards the boss, such a good fight even today.
only two are near any sort of elevation high enough to throw pots into
Because you're ankle deep in water the whole time and nearly every attack it has comes with lightning.
Two perfume bottles have an effect where using the rolling spark ash while facing the camera directly down will do an obscene amount of damage. Otherwise the weapons are all pretty subpar.
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Good fight, lots of openings, lots of openings to find (jumping into crouching attacks, blind spots) but holy shit why do we heal with the speed of Johnny the Dark Souls when bosses can shit ranged attacks/gap close with the speed of Mark the Bloodborne? Low HP wanna heal? Well fuck you I moon slash your healing attempt even at good distance so now just fucking waste time running into the other corner of an arena or wait for my guaranteed healing opening. It's not like healing is unlimited and free, you don't regen stamina for shit while healing.
because it fucking cheats with lightning spreading even on solid earth
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just pour one out
Midra is a boss fight that respects the player, at least compared to 80% of the bosses of the DLC
i listen to dbz when i fight a boss because at least it fits, i'm yamcha fighting ssj3 goku and somehow i have to make it work because miyazaki is a sadist
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>Computer, access core memory: Aspects of the Crucible (Wings)
>Heh... Just like the simulations.
Not a fan of
>boss attacks
>weapon hits ground
>shockwave around it that does damage anyway
i found it to be the easiest nuke aoe in the dlc to dodge personally. could just be me.
O&S was the only well thought out duo boss in any souls game though.
>Big, fat fuck that is slow as shit
>Fast boy that catches up to you
>Effectively a 1v1 the entire time with good positioning
>Arena has columns to hide behind to keep one boss away from you at any one time
And then in Elden Ring we have dumb shit like triple Crystalians.
Because Myazaki is fucking retarded.
Go stand on the hill, and shoot frenzy laserbeams at its head
Or dont, you dont get anything special from it, just 2 smithing stones. I will skip it on every playthru moving forwards
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They barely had time for this, why would they have time for fodder bosses?
>deleting the difficulty
he's still going to be hardstuck on Radahn and either cheat, use summons or give up
rellana in C tier.
she's S tier there with Messmer.

also why do people like the Frenzy boss so much?
all the shame directed at great shields in the dlc makes me feel bad and a long time die hard erdtree greatshieldfag.
Couldnt pay me money to attempt that fighting that fight again, what were they thinking
It removed a lot of soul from the game.
>popping humanity/ember is a double edged sword where you get stronger but also can be invaded.
I forget rune arcs even exist most of the time and when I pop one not that much really changes. No risk/reward dynamic to them at all. No reason to farm them either.

Plus covenants gave pvp a purpose. Some people just wanted to help the nice spider lady. Some dudes were agents of chaos trying to collect vetebrae for the pile. A proper sunbro could actually save your ass, and blades of the edgemoon gave people a “hero” dynamic to pvp if that’s what they like. It was so good, and they just scrapped it….
>You don't need multiple multislot spells
Have you actually played a caster? I use 3 of them, they each have a defined use case

>Full Moon
>Comet Azur
For melting very large or slow enemies
>Rykard's Rancor
For spamming against groups or large but more mobile enemies; can be used to bait the AI to kill itself by running into it trying to get to you
>boss attacks
>get behind him
>jump attack
>hit out of the air by the forward shockwave behind the boss
Radahn you cheating motherfucker
>5 fucking digits
I know what I'm using for Radahn.
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they're only a little good
it has aura
only move he had that felt a bit unfair was the charge bullshit, although it took me a while to get a read on the dog attacks one way, man attacks other crap, i actually enjoyed learning that fight
ch-chink ch-chink ch-chink ch-chink ch-chink ch-chink ch-chink ch-chink ch-chink ch-chink ch-chink ch-chink
>80k damage
Fucking lmao
I can't wait for perfumes to get nerfed into the ground
I played Bloodborne most of the way through before ER but it's been a couple years since that and I've lost pretty much all the skills I got from. Well, '''skills''', I was a shitter and got hardstuck on The One Reborn.
>go to cool finger ruins under cathedral
>ring bell
>black screen transition to metyr arena
its sad
Are all perfumes busted or is only the lightning one?
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equipment and outfits for torrent would've been kino, armor and different saddles, baggage ect. especially since they already have mounted npcs to use as a base.
It's just shitflinging shitters "i played the game harder than you played the game"
It's a fucking video game
To me, it always looked like Tarnished took the needle from her since she's a loot fiend.
>based Igon survived the fight,
anon, I-
Don't, won't work
radahn's punish windows are too short for the long animation of almost every weapon art
bloodfiend arm stunlocking with bleed procs does it, spark bottle doesn't
I did this for every boss
Lightning is just particularly good because most enemies in the DLC don't have a lot of Lightning resist.
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>use greatshield
>haha fear my impenetrable might!
>boss is so large he hits you behind the shield/body and kills you anyway
do you have to be faith for this to work? i can use the bottle but i have like 14 faith
I cannot get over this being your big lore reward for killing Radahn and Miquella. How the fuck is the conclusion of the DLC such a wet fart when everything leading up to it seems amazing?
>captcha GAYG
lol shit was in front of me
based Igon survived the fight, he distract Bayle just one time but it was a lifesaver
i hope the next souls game has updated graphics, it's been over 8 years with the same shit, probably console holding it back

i'm not much of a graphic whore, but better lighting and more pixels would make armor and characters look so much better, not to mention bosses
Yes I'm currently on a caster in this very run, you could easily switch to/from those spells when the case comes up or find a weapon skill that solves your rykards use.
Other options are just better, and that why they rate it low.
is he okay
>single use of a buff that is just there for phase 1 since it's impossible to cast it during phase 2. Calling one buff "buff stacking" lol.
>a fucking melee weapon that is not a katana in this fucking game lel
>an ash of war that is usable and not a gigantic meme

At this point you might say that using a weapon and spending points levelling is cheesing kek
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Slow attack speed, small range. They are decent against small enemies/humanoid soldiers. But anything with more poise and you will struggle. Rolling Sparks is bullshit though, first thing on the future patch notes.
Radahn hit him irl
Is rotten butterflies legitimately useless or am I using it wrong
Jesus christ
NPC summons make the boss harder half the time. they're not cheating.
Goddamn Radahn bitchslapped him IRL?
Yeah I'd rather they not turn their engine into something as fucked up as Creation Engine is.
the fight made me feel that way too desu
>mandatory summons for questlines
why are we still doing this shit?
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Bossfights are exhausting, I'm going to bed now, good night /vg/!
No don't you will sleep forever
They made ER compatible with PS4/Xbone, so yes that held it back.

The Demon Souls remake has way better graphics so it is possible to upscale it, but they have to ditch ps4/xbone.
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>not a gigantic meme
anon, giant hunt is the best 2H art in the game.
he's just gonna call the game bad cause he can't beat Radahn and his echo chamber chat will eat it up
Bitch all I need is shard spiral and night comet
Edgelords try desperately to prove otherwise but I thought Liberator of Rubicon was a pretty happy open ending. You kick out the corps and free the Rubiconians, you stop the coral from being exploited/blown up (for now), you beat up Snail for the final time, you get the girl, and you free Walter from his suffering and mission as he dies in peace knowing that you've found your own friend and purpose in life. Sekiro also had the ending with the rice girl where Sekiro and Kuro both survive in some roundabout manner free from the immortality curse so it all worked out in the end
I don't think you actually have to do that anymore but it's way too much fun to hear Igon reeeeeeee at the top of his lungs at Bayle. Pay that actor more, he deserves it.
At least he's made it there, Asmons using a meta meme build and he's still raging the fuck out.
That's great and all but I want bigger flashier spells
open world dragons are set pieces and nothing more. I never kill them.
Fuck I really want to try this nigger backhand blade but I lost my save so I have to start all over again.
How do I speedrun to DLC? just to get the sword and get out
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Here's mine
Divided Radahn in 2 because they deserved way different ratings
>they turned Sulyvahn's beast into a hippo
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muh graphics
Just killed the Scadutree avatar and I'm amazed by just how shit that fight was. High Lord Wolnir was a more exciting boss than this fucking snoozefest.
holy shit i fucking hate that Radahn can turn on a dime and can hit you instantly in .1 seconds. why do none of the fucking bosses have any punishment windows??
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This seems redundant for him
what does that even mean?
you mean ambiance?
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I like how the DLC gives you a ton of Holy weapons so you can not use them in the base game.
You find that sword right away in the first area. You have to beat Mohg to access the DLC.
>Invade at abyssal woods
>Run to lanterns
>Host can no longer progress the game
>Punishment windows
I'm surprised that so many people seem to hate Radahn phase two. So it's not just "skill issue" it's genuinely kind of shit?
How, after two years of development and with an entire base game to build from, does the dlc feel noticeably unfinished?

I’m getting the impression open worlds are achievable at From but they suck up too much resources and man hours causing other aspects to suffer.
It also doesn't have the ethical problems of the Coral Release ending. Plus hearing Snail sperg out as he dies alone justifies that ending.
>shit tier fetish
every time
Talk to Varre
Meet him at Liurnia, get the crest that TPs you to Mohg
Kill Mohg
Enter DLC
It's crazy how they made the base for a great boss with Radahn's phase 1, and then just completely shat the bed in phase 2.
anon i will defeat this boss whether it takes 10 tries or 1000, but i would rather the game respect my time. otherwise there is no difference between this horseshit and wasting time trying to kill a wicker giant
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>people universally hate elden beast (pre torrent)
>people like the scadutree avatar
why??? its literally the same fight just with multiple health bars
I could beat the base game with just r1s with occasional support aow, and I suck bawls at the game but this dlc made me rely on ash spam and mimic on certain bosses because basic attacks do negative damage now for some reason, just phoned in on radahn with mimic because I was already exhausted from all the bs infinite combos and delayed attacks from other bosses
>go to magic castle
>magic weapons
>go to ghost grave area
>get ghost flame weapons
>go to ice cave
>get ice stuff
>go to saint Trina area
>gives me shit not for dex arcane which is what sleep is, give me some useless fp item

Also anyone use the sleep talisman? Does it just not work? I’ve been using sleep arrows in PvP and never got the buff unless there is no notification like the other buff talismans
So how long until
becomes the new "you didn't beat the game"
i never even thought about invading there
>look up the pvp meta
>there isn't a "best weapon", the top 5 builds are
>1. powerstance any spear
>2. powerstance any straight sword
>3. powerstance any heavy thrusting sword
>4. powerstance any lance
>5. cleanrot knight sword

so is powerstance just broken in this game?
you'll get addicted, having a dodge punish is so nice
They're making a new IP without rollslops.
Uh no, fingerprint and the Moore one are retarded even against RadaMiq. But true, he's just hateplayig the game that broke him into cheating, so pathetic.
I don't get it. Why would Marika use a hypno app?..
>look at twitter
>look at gelbooru
>look at pixiv
>look at rule34
>repeat this every 30 minutes
it's over for me. miquella stole my heart.
>people hate hard to read fight that's just keep away for minutes on end
>People don't hate a fight that has no keepaway and is easy to read
are you retarded?
well you're basically multiplying your AR by 2 so yeah
tree bosses are always shit
the DLC has so many attacks that incentivize you to jump over them instead of rolling

I like it
90% of hosts just plug pull or afk if you invade there, it's really funny
>cleanrot knight sword
What's good about this?
Lightning + water = lightning aoe that are almost as large as half the map while doing increased damage. Works for anything from spells to lightning pots, for both the player and enemies.

This boss has basically 150% more range and 50% more damage just because you fight him in a fucking puddle. And yes, it's retarded and makes the fight harder than Bayle.
yeah I know. that made me want to try it even more
ok thanks for guides anons, I hope it won't take long for me
dude i hope so i love mobility shit
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I just want to reck his girly butthole
Maybe I'm just retarded but I'm pretty fucking sick of every boss having attacks with retarded AoE.
>a fight that has no keepaway
the non stop dashing just didn't happen for you?
and here i am just spamming running r2s with godskin peeler
based, spamming shard spiral is insanely op against bosses and also unironically clean mobs like clockwork
night comet to clean the trash that survived and lone fags
Strength Bros I use to be with you complaining about bleed but at this point you can spam jump attacks and do trades with heavys when the boss is near stagger is just as cheap.
Skibidi charges at you. Beast runs from you.
>Finger Ruin of Rhia
What the FUCK is going on here

I mean I figured it would be fingers based on the map but what the FUCK
>deathrite bird ground flame instant kills you

This is a bug right
I hate Thiollier. Die you fruity fuck
best of its weapon class, catches rolls, is long, has insane tracking, very easy to use
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Hypnosis doesn't work if the target already wants to fuck the hypnotizer
What you didn't like the naked penis monsters?
why is everything so dark? i swear i didnt play like this last time a played when it came out
Why doesn't asmongoloid just quit the game instead of blatantly cheat on top of switching from an already boring jump spam build that he stole because the base game was too hard, into the most braindead boring build because the dlc was too hard. Cheating levels is just too much too.

but whole
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The depth of your FOOLISHNESS!
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Hornsent wont talk to me did I fuck up the side quest? I try talking to him and he just goes "...".
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He's just trying other methods for fun.
The best weapon is the dueling shield.
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Nobody wants to watch a nigga farm and you know it, I know it everyone knows it.
Why is this fucking everywhere in the DLC now
I dont remember this being that popular of a message in the base game
Can you stagger Radahn?
Are you ever able to buy his concoction after he moves. I was able to get 60 of them but I wanted to get a full stock.
his ego won't allow him, he needs chat to like him so he has to finish the game the only way he can
he's got an ego and wants to win because the game is hard.
I miss Lightning Stake bros
honestly I think the fastest speedrun build for DLC, and I did it, it looks like this:

>get dragon communion talisman from heroes grave
>teleport to caelid and get dragon communion for rot breath and the radahn grace
>book it to liurnia, get key + blacksmith grace, scenic icle grace, get the frenzy church grace, and use the shortcut to teleport to volcano manor
>get the sombers, get erdtree seal, cheese the duo abductors by summoning marionettes, then jumping on rocks, spamming rot breath
>from altus farm all the golden seeds, sword talisman
>now radahn is active, simply go kill radahn with npcs + rot breath, which triggers varre questline (any 1 great rune)
>do varre questline with the graces you picked up, teleport to mogwyn
>farm the mogwyn cliff with rot breath
>kill mogh
Best boss in the DLC, change my mind.
"i want to go home,
and edge"
got famous on twitter or whatever, that's why
Zoomer memes
you can also do the despawn
can't wait to see moonmoon do messmer with 0 levelups and skibidis, wonder when the fucker will break and get skibidis
even then, they should've known how to scope the dlc based on their experience with the base game. it feels like there must have been something else, turnover? scrapping an early attempt? another project? you wanna think they wouldn't just drop the ball on a production that already has tech and such a clear creative model to follow
Could've gotten a GO incant that does Lightning Stake but Holy, but nah we need more inferior variants to Discus of Light
-50dkp for standing in fire
How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
yeah, but its like... 5 charge attacks back to back, have fun trying to weave that in between all his combos, I somehow managed it a few times, A FEW.
Why did give every boss in the DLC 1000 stance-health, /erg/?
you mean the attack that's 3 slingshots in a row that he only really does like once? you're just a whiny cunt bitch. kill yourself
Not in normal gameplay since the punish windows are so few and far between you don't build up enough poise
you can however simply stunlock him with bleed procs from the chicken drumstick
I hate tjat far ands away the only part of this DLC I'm enjoying is the exploration and traversal puzzles.
The combat is the fucking worst it's ever been.
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Next thread post your tarnished maidens I think I made a really cute one with the new hair
>mainhand frenzy hand
>off hand frenzy perfume with rolling sparks
>2nd right hand is flame messmer soldier spear with messmers giant hunt ash of war
>2nd offhand is seal for frenzy spells
>have 1 and 2 shot nearly every host and phantom
theres no way this is getting nerfed
But anon! It's HARD! That's what you wanted, right?
Does anyone know if the soundtrack at this timestamp made it into the game?
played super aggressive a few times and managed to stagger in phase 1 and phase 2
lost a few heals due to that though
do you need to summon him for something? also are there any other NPC's that need to be summoned and fought with (besides just summoning and unsummoning) to get something?
figured its something like that

fortnight was already everywhere in base game, edge feels newer
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Damn, Dolores look like that?
your mind is retarded. i shant waste my time.
>click on top twitch stream of elden ring
>guy is on radahn with chicken wing, buffs and spirits
yeah okay
And then teleport back to The First Step, and start picking up every flask upgrade HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
i did one of those scavenger's occult sword blood jump attack builds and basically hated the game, almost made me uninstall

the backhand blades made me enjoy the combat a lot more though, having a dodge punish feels so nice
Nope. I did not ask for literallywho #637477 with the 47-hit wombo combo ending in a delayed AoE roll/heal punish who I will never see again after this fight and doesn't drop anything cool anyway, and I don't like it.
Anyone has no motivation to play the base game anymore? I just copy pasted a save that I had with everything done and I'll play on it every time
nope that specific attack just does insanely ridiculous damage and always has
how god intended
>being a frenzynigger is strong against hapless coop'ers
This is unironically why I dont wanna start a new character.

Flask upgrades AND Shadow Realm upgrades? Fuck that
The day FROM adds a zoomed-out camera perspective for fuckhuge bosses is the day they stop making Soulslike games.
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If they made a working camera system for large bosses it will trivialize the bosses.
He was cool but Messmer is better
new thread
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Can you guys recommend some strong and fun DLC weapons ?
I really like perfume nuclear nuke weapon art but it's way TOO strong
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>>click on top twitch stream
I fucking hate summer.
I know. But that's because almost every ash of war is a gigantic meme with 45s startup animation that will get you killed while doing zero damage and missing their target half the time. That was my point.

Like, the reward for beating Radahn in SotE are another version of his shit greatswords with, again, a garbage ash of war that does nothing.

Of course I'm gonna use either lion's claw, giant's hunt, crag blade or knight resolve. What the fuck do you want me to use ? Freaking hoarah loux earthquake ?
He never went over his neet gamer ego phase and he constantly deflects it on everyone that dares to say he's shit at any game.
It's funny how he constantly shittalks the game too even after cheating and playing in retard mode. It's such a sad manchild behavior, but instead of making fun of cheaters he makes fun of people that like to play the game in a more honest way, it's quite psycothic, honestly just mentally ill.
better lighting and animations would do way more than just increasing the fidelity, plus do you really trust from's ability to optimize.
it's good cardio, and will be good for parry practice
nice sailor uranus
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>boss attacks
>weapon hits ground
>shockwave around it that does damage anyway

>doesn't matter because i pushed R2 with barbaric roar
sometimes scat tree avatar moves a little to much but it's a more traditional fight. he has a weak spot and also a weakness to fire so you can develop a strategy and no bullshit attacks. it's not pure gacha rollslop like the radahn fight
>go through platforming hell to get the Euphoria, and blow my last ancient dragon somber smithing stone on it
>it's shit
Songs for this feel?
This is why you should always settle for +9 with new shit
>unlock cool dragon form after bayle
>7 absorption
Why would I ever use this
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>wah! You mean I have to explore the open world!?
>I suck dick, therefore praise the message
Kill them all.
The dragon forms passively boost your damage with the corresponding dragon incantation schools and you can activate the stone again to give you a temporary buff to dragon spell damage. They're basically highly specialized offensive forms. The priestess form is good for abusing that AoE lighting spell to cheese bosses, while the other form is good for melting whole ganksquads with dragonbreath in pvp.

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