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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

>Previous >>483450638
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What was the point if we can't even reach it
the levels of autism and schizophrenia in /erg/ are unreal
you all take your meds o go see a psychiatrist NOW
probably a berserk reference
You wouldn't get it
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What I wouldn't do for a glorious mane of hair like this
It looks better from a distance, just look at any of those twisted bodies on the way up, they look straight out of a play station 2 game.
Messmer did nothing wrong
Reminder that Prime Radahn is so shit that he's literally impossible to no-hit with no ashes and shield. Not even Ongbal could do it after 72 hours of labbing.
ToT miquella feet erotic!!!!!!!!!!
That cutscene felt too much on the nose, just Miquella saying what he knew already. That's the fucking ending to the whole saga?
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Does anyone know how you get over there? So far I've found no way to get there, or to any of the other places in the Storeroom/Specimen room tower.
I will make Rya a divinity and be her Elden Lord!
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Happy launch week. Show me those tarnished. Collecting one more time in the next couple of days.
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The Gloam-Eyed Queen, whatever happened there.
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>make new character
>rush to erdtree to get new cool weapon from boss
>get shit on because low level and skibidi blessing 4
its over
Does this DLC offer infinite ancient smithing stones or am I still autistically keeping my weps at +9/+24 before i'm absolutely sure I want to use it
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Behead all hornsent
Kill Miquella
Marika was justified but doomed from the start
There's nothing wrong with me, it's the world that is wrong.
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Sooooo... How long until the general is usable again?
What's this then

He burn a lot of grass and trees, contributing to bad air quality in the Land of Shadow.
You need to enter from the eastern gate, you're wasting your time at the main section.
as soon as the dlc becomes playable
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I still think she is a nice lady.
>do you job as a dragon communionist and get better dragon TF as a reward
>roofie priestess and gaslight her into being your waifu while getting an excellent defense buff incant but stuck with inferior TF
Kill Bayle. Behead Bayle. Roundhouse kick Bayle into a volcano. Slam dunk Bayle into a bottomless pit. Scarlet Rot Bayle. Make Bayle bleed. Poison Bayle. Frostbite Bayle and hit him with a hammer. 4v1 Bayle with summons. Stab Bayle repeatedly with a spear. Rip out Bayle's eyes. Nuke Bayle with a Frenzied Flame. Eat Bayle's heart.
yea i got stuck on this too
you reach there from an entirely different area than the specimen room proper, so don't worry about it. you'll find it eventually
if you really want to know you get to it from the [spoiler/]backside of the shadow keep
The ending was very disappointing. It's like "Huh? That's fucking it?" and then you check on the map and everyone is dead. You check on Trina and she's just an item description. It's so tiresome.
He uses the deflect tear which is basically like using CE.
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He's too beautiful...
Got beat up by Maliketh and died.
If you block with a sword, that sword is a shield.
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Going back to the Haligtree after teh DLC, I forgot how dissapointing Millicent's quest is.
Fuck both twins.
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am i missing something or is this thing total fucking dogshit?
So in the end Malenia is just Chris Redfield?
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I'm going to cure and marry Malenia then we'll live a long happy life in which we have sex multiple times a weak and raise an entire brood of demigod sword master children the firstborn of whom will be named Millicent.
The crazy thing is it would be entirely possible if that fucking cross-slash combo didn't exist.
Deflect tear. Yep. It's over.
Drake lives matter.
As a DS2 reference to the skulls in the intro.
From has been getting a pass in delivering undercooked quests for a really long time. The ending is pretty much nothing, you don't even hear Miquella say anything. They just vanish and that's the end of Elden Ring, feels empty like the whole thing
I am making a survey.

Did you have troubles with beating commander gaius?
Did you use torrent?
elden ring 2 should have mosquito mobs that hit you for 0.001 damage every 5 seconds so that hitless runs are impossible and no you wont be able to call a run "hitless (mosquitos excluded)" on youtube because fromsoft will take it down and sue you
Honestly, I would have preferred to fight Malenia unencumbered by rot in the DLC.
cut content
the Putrescent Knight is named "Knight of the Gloam Eyed Queen" in the files.
It looks pretty. But it scales almost completely with arcane, so it's pretty lackluster unless you're really specced into that.
There's a good amount, but not infinite.
I didn't have trouble, I didn't use torrent
but why
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If the player is forced to use broke mechanics like perfumes, sekiro deflect and big shield and poke, your game is broken. Get your act together fromslop.
finally killed the faggots, holy shit what an awful fight, i'm ready to not touch this game for the next 6 months
>Did you have troubles with beating commander gaius?
>Did you use torrent?
no, i tried once, but died.
Really? I could avoid most of his attacks even when fatrolling.
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Radahn is such an unfun fight that its spoiling my dlc experience. Like I think it dropped down to an 8/10 just for that boss battle, I dont get why he needs so much health.
>git gud
Yeah but the fight is still bad though. I dont want to even practice it.
Does spinning slash fucking suck now? i'm not sure if i should use it over storm blade or double slash. Storm blade is an interesting idea now because of the lion's talisman
put an end to this madness once and for all
No, my mimic tear and I, both equipped with greatshields and poke weapons, had no trouble with Gaius. We did not use torrent.
>final cutscene of the Elden Ring saga is a non diegetic flashback of a recycled character model cut from the base game in a featureless room, viewed from behind so the lips don't have to be animated, while narration plays

that'rr be forty dorrar gaijin
the scarlet rot buildup is pathetic and the ash of war has zero poise and a billion startup. it does okay damage but swings slow as shit as well.
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Anyone want to do some 1v1 duels?
pass is erg
Location: Gravesite plains(starting grace)
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For the second day in a row I get sent to the title menu because "inappropriate activity detected"

is anyone else seeing this? have not been lurking because spoilers, it happens when I get summoned or summon. I have no mods or cheats
Look they don't even acknowledge that you're the lord of frenzied flame, why on earth would they acknowledge some super secret bonus of that ending?
Why does this stupid fucking dragon have splash damage on all his fucking lightning attacks
>Did you have troubles with beating commander gaius?
Technically no. I beat after 9 tries, but it was hectic as fuck. I do like him now though, on my second playthrough.
>Did you use torrent?
No. I tried but his Boar has more horsepower than Torrent
>did you have trouble with gayass
>did you use torrent
I tried a few times but it actually is way harder with torrent. When i finally won I was exclusively on foot.
>forced to use broke mechanics like perfumes, sekiro deflect and big shield and poke
Never used any of those.
I hope perfumes get nerfed though so I can use them on my next playthrough because they seem fun.
where tf is he?
ive explored everything except Miquella's tower thing and no sign of him.
>inb4 he's in miquella's tower
Who is "the player" anon? I wasn't forced I beat every boss with my beloved flamberge.
I used mimic tear
>backside of the shadow keep

Is it from the Church District?
I beat the entire DLC solo with a Zweihander
you just dodge and heal what you couldn't dodge, stack resistances if you need and you'll win
I liked all the bosses in the DLC. I would've given it a 9.5, maybe even a 10, but Radahn is simply too dogshit for me to lie like that.
Commune with dragon.
Cummune with dragon.
Becum dragon.
Impregnate dragon.
For Lord Placidusax.
can't believe that my reward for all this shit was hearing miquella saying he's going to fuck radahn right after I walked in on him being full nelson anal creampied just FIVE FUCKING SECONDS AGO
extremely based idea
No. I will continue to shield and poke and it’s all memezaki’s fault for not allowing player expression.
Hello? Miyazaki? New destined death & godslayer weapons & incants?
around 15 attempts for Gaius, an annoying fucker
They wanted you to know Miquella was already taken and never for the Tarnished
you are missing some extra stuff then I think
storeroom of the shadow fort, there's an exit towards the north. use loft bonfire to get there from above
He's behind Shadow Keep, you gotta go through the back gate. You can get there from a new area in the storehouse that you can access by entering the keep through the Church District elevator.
>he couldn't beat the game without a crutch
kek. might have well have used 2x RoB and mimic tear
godskin chads lost so unbelievably hard...
please God (marika) tell me that's not a guy
The reception to the DLC is very positive (which I do agree, it's a very good game) but if you were in on the lore/quests it's very depressing.
Having the NPCs talking during summons (hornsent, igon) is amazing and creates a very good storytelling, but then they fucked it up in the ending.
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I never fight on horseback because I don't like when Torrent gets hurt
I want to fuck the magic girl's feet and stick my dick in the bundle of miquella's and marika's (as they put their heads near eachother)
>Did you have troubles with beating commander gaius?
>Did you use torrent?
no, just my colossal sword and me, and some buffs
If Melina is the GEQ, in Fromsoftware fashion, there's nothing more to say.
Threadly reminder that the Greater Will only cared about his ancient dragons and once Placidussax and Bayle mauled each other into being crippled broken piles of pain he peaced out.
Metyr has been shitting bricks and stalling everyone with her flawed two fingers ever since (Notice how Placidussax only has two remaining heads, while having had five like a proper hand).
The world was fucked before Marika even became a god.
>we call this a difficulty tweak
>*greatsword + giant hunt*
>Game has been loading atrociously slow ever since dlc dropped
>3 minutes on first save load
>Launch game without EAC
>Game loads instantly with all issues solved
Ah, I see, good thing I don't enjoy online play.
Are you picking up stuff from hosts? Don't do that, some people like to drop illegal items. Also you might have gotten a 90 day flag because of it.
I'll be honest, the DLC has ruined the whole story for me. In fact, I would rather Miquella not have been part of it, because then at least I could hope for him to appear in a future game. But no, it's over, he is dead. Even if Elden Ring 2 ever comes out, we will never get a happy conclusion for the twins.
smooching Malenia's rot butt!
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I never fight on horseback because I don't like Torrent
Happened to me too, I'm guessing it's just the lag between players that messes up the system
I wish there was more to do in the Abyssal Woods. The atmosphere is kino but there's fuckall to do there except for the Manse.
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sorry, coomer here. I want their hair put together to put my bepis in it.
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The Leda fight where they're all talking feels so satisfying. I love the dlc NPCs, they all feel likey have strong moments.
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Uppies! Uppies!
Ymir gave us more info on the nature of the world than the entire base game
at least now it's going to be giga easy to make a Sekiro mod. just put the new tear in the same location as the flask and give it infinite duration.
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>playing at NG+5
>done all the DLC with colossal weapons and some of the new greatswords
>just rolling and punishing, no summons
>not even because MUH DIDN'T BEAT THE GAME, just because I enjoy it that way
>meet final boss
>first phase has a couple of annoying input readings, but I manage to figure out how to roll everything, pretty enjoyable
>see second phase
>bash my head against a wall for 2 hours
>slowly figure out a move at a time, but some of the combos are just ungodly retarded and the screen is pure light effects vomit, can't understand shit
>bring him to 30% HPs once, but die to an insane combination of attacks
>stop for a moment, feel nothing
>switch to my greatsheild build with blood stitcher, 90+ Guard Boost and 80% Holy negation
>kill him on my 3rd or 4th try
>don't even get a final cutscene or last words for this shit boss
>genuinely start laughing

First and only time that I switched to greatshield since probably NG+1. I usually feel a bit cheap doing that, but this time around it felt just right.
If he had around 25-30% less HPs, or 2nd phase only happened in the last 1/3th of the fight, or even just had less light rays, then sure I would have still endured it
But some of the shit he does is just ridicolous. It's so comically overpowered compared to anything in the DLC or the base game that I'm not even sure why they done it this way.

Mesmer deserved so much to be the final boss of the DLC with a 3rd phase.

Here bro
No, its just when I summon or get summoned.

They better hotfix this shit. I think it might be Easy Anti Cheat mistaking the DLC for some kind of mod or whatever
I never fight on goatback because I know the devs made light attacks hit backwards on purpose and it annoys me to no end.
I never fight on horseback because it's clunky as fuck and I'm better off going on foot
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Would it be better if this was the ending? A cured Malenia and Miquella...?
I would have liked the Miquella plot if it was integrated into the base game and made much longer. He reeks of "last minute bad guy reveal who usurps the role from the primary antagonist" and I honestly think he'd be better written if they did just that instead of cramming an entire game's worth of development into a five hour long DLC.
ah thanks. yea i thought i explored that area pretty thoroughly but probably missed something obvious
Honestly Messmer's first phase has perhaps the best move set From's ever created. He turned out to be much more difficult than I anticipated.

The snake attacks in the second phase were kinda meh. Bayle and Rellana are still the best two in the DLC.
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Say it.
It's so god. And the ost for the fight is also surprisingly great as well.
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Don't reply to my posts to spew such hatred
Not with that camera
Jousting and being aggressive on torrent is the most fun way of beating himŘŚ it
saddens me when people fall back on spirit ashes, magic, and shields instead of riding the horse.
Coolest boss fight in the DLC
Every zone related to Metyr and the fingers is ominous and otherworldly.
Is it really? Because I haven't found a way to the green patch of land from there, just the way dow to the Scadutree base.
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>fist weapons arent striking/bludgeoning by default
>need cragblade on them to work

He is so much easier on Torrent, it's insane.
The first part of the final boss theme that remixes Radahn's original boss theme is also LUDOKINO. From was really cooking with these tracks, which kind of makes up for how unremarkable the rest of the game's music is.
Would be just as lazy. I would have preferred to have fought Miquella by himself.
I killed Radahn and Miquella with cancer
He's weirdly easier in the second phase. The snake attacks give him much more recovery after an attack.
Not really
And no, only on foot.
The DLC music is great.
>easy mode tokens
it already is
>once had a natural, tall, thin blonde gf
>now she is long, long gone
Blonde people are perfect.
Marika statue next to the back gate site of grace is a hidden entrance to the green area that you gotta use a specific emote in front of
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Heh.. they should've named him Fagquella, called him miquellfaga.. yeah, they should have named him miquellfaga hahaha what a fag.
I mean this as solemnly and respectfully as possible, but please swallow a shotgun barrel.
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Sigils from the DLC
No and No, he assploded in two Ancient Dragon Lightning Strikes and if you stand right by the fog gate he gets stuck charging into a corner long enough to easily land it.
i bet her shits smell the absolute worst and she gets explosive thick not watery diarrhea
Ok, now please nerf the fight so I can have a good time in subsequent playthroughs, and make fun of people who didn't experience this dogshit on release. Please.
Why are you fags so hellbent on not using any of the tools the game gives you? It's just a game why do you care so much about how others beat it?
Would have been slightly better, if still lazy.
He's like draconic tree sentinel, but with janky hitboxes and different moves.
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I know that feel
>host one-shot by random boss move after getting it to 50% with no hits
>120 +25
This difficulty really is AIDS
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>Sacred Rite Scroll says you need a lord and an Empyrean to create a god
>Marika on-screen makes herself divine long before she picked up Godfrey to be her lord
Oh I see.
>please play the game the way I like
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>The Death mask helm
>the rite of resurrection of soulless bodies
>Spirituality of Messmer's flame
>Messmer's flame comes from the Abyssal serpent
>the serpent is eating away Messmer's kindling (his eyes) which is used to burn away a tree
>Looks like the darksign
>the back of eye socket looks like the pus of man
completely-different-IP bros, it's not looking so good.
>Hornsent, Fingers
>Miquella, Messmer
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>another pedo elden ring streamer
Why does this keep happening
The fuck do you mean "happy conclusion" retard? Did you forget what game you are playing? Did you forget what a soulsborn game is? Everyone is fucked in the head and gone insane and any character that once had noble ambitions has been twisted and corrupted.
>Why are you fags so hellbent on
>why do you care so much about how others

has to be trolling but you just know that's the way casuals really be
Because of e-celebs and wanting to feel validated.
Spirit chooning
Did he give the prompt
I'll go look for it
No (I used Mimic Tear with a frost great katana)
It would've been better if a rebloomed Malenia returned for the DLC as your ally and redeemed herself for Caelid by sacrificing herself to take Miquella out because she couldn't bear to see him become the antithesis of what he stood for.
wtf her poor spine LMAO
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wait is the memory after the radahn fight it? theres nothing else?
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The entire DLC is amazing when it comes to the NPCs or just the general buildup.
Exploring a random catacomb, only for the boss fight be in an entire new area, with dev messages hinting of an enemy who you can't beat in a fight and having to resort to stealth (you even have plants that make noise), entering the mansion and hearing screams and someone telling you to leave, etc.
Finding a random shack where you read about Bayle who fought Placidusax, later on finding Igon, screaming and cursing him. Then the entire path towards him, with dragons fighting, our first priestess, it's amazing.
Hornsent's dialogue when you summon him for Messmer, when he fights against Leda and the many other NPCs fighting eachother (and Radahn) is top tier, too.
The only thing that makes it fucking suck is the ending. Radahn's fight has too much going on, it feels unfair. You've been playing for what, 40-50 hours now? Now you're spending hours in the same boss fight. And then the "conclusion" of this "epic tale" is just the NPCs dying. Miquella getting a mid cutscene, and Trina turns into an item description. Nothing changes in the base game and you realize that the Haligtree will still be fucked. Amazing.
>Thank you for praying, royar gajin. Did you rike?
Marika is literally too powerful. She doesn't need rules. That's why Miquella is such a jobber. He's autistically (and artificially) replicating Marika's journey without any of the meaning behind it. He deserved to fail. I'm glad I killed that gay little poser.
what was he doing there anyways? what is he holding?
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>marika's village was attacked by the hornsent first so her multi-species genocide and enslavement among other atrocities is actually ok
do people seriously believe this?
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>that clip with him looking at his phone and finding out he was getting sacked while the OST picks the PERFECT track for it
Mohg did nothing wrong
So that cutscene was either a ruse or just got cut
I killed them by hitting them more than I got hit.
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ITS MILADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>left Malenia alive
>betrayed Milicent so she would one day bloom
>neither have any impact innthe DLC
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>General Radahn. A pleasure to finally see you, after all this time.
>But those remains do not belong to you. Lord Mohg will have his dignity.
total [whatever mommy wants] death
well sorta. technically you reach it from eastern side of shadow keep.
there's a site of grace there called "back of keep" or something which is why i called it that. thought you would recognize it.

so anyway, start around where Ymir is. ride NE to the shadow keep and you'll find it. hard to miss.
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>Ugly people committing genocide good
>Hot blonde milfs committing genocide bad
Oh man i gotta see this
>Marika's village was attacked by the hornsent first so her multi-species genocide and enslavement among other atrocities is actually ok
Glad you understand
That's Marika retard.
Yes I do.
More like The Smell Omen
I may have used a mimic tear and I may be a filthy sorcerer.
But at least I'm not a braindead "hold block to win" user or a status effect abuser.
They actually feel like real characters whose deaths mean something. Amazing how much simple choices like dialogue during fights, especially when the ones you summon die, can make a difference. Ansbach and Thollier are right up there with Millicent and Alexander for me.
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finally updated my game and got the dlc
should I enter with my lvl 530 character on ng+7 or go in with a fresh character on ng
>>betrayed millicent
yes, genoside is valid and necessary both in concept and in real life
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Oh hey, I did one of these for the last thread prior to release.
I'll post a tarnished in a bit.
Man I love Messmer's spear.
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Pedo Knight Leda
I want a gf so bad bros...
She looks just like me..I...thank you...
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It got cut. Miyazaki was still talking about it as a spoiler a few weeks before the DLC dropped.
>DLC on NG+7
you're gonna get gaped if you do this, enter with a fresh character
>still no way to have ps icons on pc without disabling anti cheat and online
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I wish there was a bloody greatshield with good guard boost to complete the bloodied look
By that logic, what Mohg is doing is also okay and justified because he got traumatized by Marika first
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You’re gonna get raped regardless
Any chance that there's still some hidden ending or some shit like that? Or have people already combed through the files enough to deconfirm that idea completely?
It's not genocide if it's a hornsent, it's pest control.
The world is objectively speaking, a slightly less shitty place thanks to it.
>im gonna kill hornsent
>actually jk im gonna stay at three crosses
>im super distrustful tho
This game's NOC quests are a joke
Holy fuck thats perfect
>Marika and Godfrey conceiving Godwyn
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What should I do after beating DLC?
No, I used the Carian Thrusting Shield and he died like a bitch.
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It wasn't even the fucking Hornsent. They did that all to themselves, the Hornsent just helped.
Most likely no hidden endings, that was the first thing the dataminers looked for
multiplayer or do a new character
You don't have the right O you don't have right
in short you don't have the right, you don't have the right
(Radahns) rain of arrows melts him
Man, light greatswords might fucking suck for many things but i just can't fucking switch to any other weapon type, it feels so fucking good to combo shit together while two handing one, the poise damage is complete ass and i'm pretty sure it fucking sucks in PVP due to that but still
coop and watch hosts get 1-2 shotted because they didn't bother picking up scubagear.
miquella's shota cock...
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thanks will do new character
somehow i don't think godfrey would have taken it like that but ok
>just like Miquella you are uniting disparate factions
>but unlike him you are doing it by encouraging them to seek the truth of their own factional allegiances
Its kino. I was not expecting fucking Thiollier to be one of my favorite NPCs.
Loading screen simulator
>Hit her stupid head 3 times with dragon katan AoW
>R2 jump her leg countless times
>Never staggers
Ancient Dragons are bugged. They have 95% poise damage resistance unless you hit their eyeballs.
How did you get "they were doing it to themselves" from that you fucking retard? It says they worshipped them not that they made them. Bonny Village and co are abundantly clear that the Hornsent were the ones doing the potting.
>Nerf rahdan
People really just need to collect more scadu and git gud.
I beat it first try.
Is there a way to get into the big temple outside the Castle Watering Hole grace?
>The poise damage is complete ass
I don't know if it's just because I've been using them so much, but I've been posture breaking enemies pretty easily.
Anyone tried the fixed Godslayer gs?
What weapon is that? What type is it?
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So what the fuck IS the Scatree
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Reminder Malenia was in on the whole thing.

We now have concrete proof that the entire Malenia vs Radahn war was staged entirely to give Radahn credibility as a war hero so he would qualify as legendary enough to be consort to a would be God in Miquella.
dung ahead
It's the Midra weapon, I think it's a greatsword
It's the greatsword you get from the frenzy boss. It's ash has a grab move.
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They nailed the feminine divine boy aesthetic with Miquella, not gay but I can see why people would feel compelled to follow him
based, 'challenge' and no hit runs are cancer same as tranny speedruns
Same, I was even shitposting on /erg/ on my second monitor while fighting him
>they actually put out a "how to improve your character in Shadow of the Erdtree"
How does this fucking happen.
Clearly unfinished like 90% of base game and DLC
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The "reverse" image of the Erdtree.
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Innit fun?
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god bless you for this picture
he does
>twink dlc
>no twink body type
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Miquella The Kind? Miquella THE FOOL!
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Good luck mate
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I want to thank the tank build playtester from Fromsoftware for making this possible.

Time to beat Malenia with this.
>find cool armor
>it has no poise
Into the trash it goes
Yeah obviously, but what does that actually MEAN in the lore? How does it even exist?
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Is the pvp level still 150?
>The kindling that burned inside Messmer the Impaler.
>A dark thing, eaten away at by a wicked serpent.

>Burns the sealing tree said to be found at the old Rauh ruins.

>Messmer, much like his younger sister, bore a vision of fire.

So Melina is the fourth kid without a shadow of a doubt
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I get the design and would suck his cock but I still wish he were a girl I love handsome women.
That's a penis...
Why would you save a drawing of a literal 3000 old eternal shota's penis on your computer?
And why would you share it on a blue board of all places?
I literally just told you. It's the image of the Erdtree in the Land of Shadow. The Land of Shadow and the Lands Between are two halves of the same whole.
Why no more Melina?
Why no more Malenia?
dlc is missing torrent armour. I wanna ride a night cav, or ancestral spirit deer.
Same, I already beat him at lvl1, people are just bad.
still haven’t found anything better than solitude set
oh wow thats a cock
thanks very much anon for the picture i'll save it twice just in case
We have reached a point where From can do no wrong. ER2/Sekiro 2/Not-Demon Souls Yet Again is gonna be a clusterfuck.
For my first run, should I be careful not to get too high leveled? I care more about the pve, but I keep hearing people tell me to stop at 125 or 150. Do I listen or do I tell them to get bent?
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>host buffs himself with 5 or 6 different things over the course of a solid 30 seconds while I wait by the fog door
>when we enter the room he dies before I can even hit the boss once
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What do I have to do to be able to get Swift Shit or whatever it's called? I know it involves Hornsent or whatever his name is but I don't know what steps to take
It was always the case, the GEQ stuff was people huffing their own farts. Same reason Melina could see Marika's memories as if she had lived them, she's basically the Holy Son to Marika's Holy Father.
Yeah, the model is completely androgynous but leaning towards male. I just hate how the superhumans in souls games end up with elongated limbs.
Torrent armor is 5 dollars.
you will get horse who stumbles when it’s slightly windy and nothing more
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Why do I get the feeling that Melina performed a similar duty to Mesmer? Getting rid of undesirable demigods and what not with her godslayers, and then getting sealed away by Marika once she had outlived her usefulness?
>failed to save your teammate

skill issue on your part
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at the entrance, can't take a DLC screenshot this week
cant decide if i should be playing DEX or ARC. both are good but both also suck. ARC is great but you are locked into bleed autism or suboptimal occult infusing. DEX has versatility but doesnt feel that intriguing outside the weapons that are available to it
If you care about coop stay at 150.
Honestly I have no faith in them at this point, they still double down on reusing shitty bosses, no coherent writing, anime tier movesets in a rather grounded fantasy setting, Miyazaki said Elden Ring is close to his perfect game, if that's your perfect game, then... you get the idea
Yes. The game spells this out for you through Ansbach's opinion on the matter: the only thing that makes Marika and the Hornsent different is that the Hornsent were the losers in their war.

They're both cunts, but one is slightly more justified than the other because the other side started it. It doesn't help that their one NPC representative gleefully brags about how he can't wait to murder you for no reason after you jump through all these hoops to help him, solely for his own ego. The Hornsent are a classic case of an oppressed people becoming oppressors themselves, as is Marika and her kingdom.

Erdtree burial culture, where only dead remains are interned in jars, is probably closer to how the Shaman practiced it since Marika would only have that to base it off. The Hornsent co-opted their beliefs and turned them into some shitty degenerate knockoff, much like what happens in real life.
Not part of that discussion, but could you post the source of this E3 pre-release concept? I have no dog in this race, just curious about the differences between that concept stage and the final in-game and trailer products we got.

Like this piece, Marika seemed embedded on the Erdtree during the trailer on a previous concept art.
Normal people playing the game don't give a shit about duelfags and are spending their runes whenever they get them. If you want to play with those normal people you should spend your runes the same way they will, they're all getting the same amount as you.
Anon don't be silly, that's obviously a sword handle
I legit though Leda is going to turn out to be Miquella who could turn out to be able to genderbend himself at will like his mom/dad.
Certainly would've been a better twist than what we got.
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I LOVE this stupid flower
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St. Eepy, the cute
125 and 150 are for PvP metas, you shouldn't care about that unless you want to tryhard with reddit builds
tell them to get bent, go up to 175
Explain how the blasphemous blade is heavier than Black steel greathammer?
Scadutree fragments are a very clunky and broken "solution" to a real problem that normalfags didn't want to be fixed. Which is the lack of progression in the end game. Your average asshole doesn't know what fucking skibidi fragments are. It's a confusing bandaid fix and is bad design. I say this as someone who thinks the DLC is 9/10.
how much was SBI's involvement in the story was in this dlc
What sword is that?
>Runes are eyes
How did I not realise this sooner? Jesus Christ I'm stupid.
Im so glad I cheesed this faggot with bloodfiends arm and cragblade, now I will unashamedly use mimic in all my playthroughs against him
Oooooh death...let your ass grow fat once more
>It's a confusing bandaid fix and is bad design.
Its filtering the casuals just like Sekiro did so I don't mind, I found most of them naturally because I kept exploring before progressing since I was afraid of breaking NPC quests.
I still broke a lot of them.
Gay interracial tranny sex EVERYWHERE.
>they patched the mohg cheese
it's over
Foam hammer
The cheese where you enter the fog gate, unload, and then run back and do the rune-farm cheese to insta-kill him?
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Good lord the last boss of this dlc is fucking bad. Extremely lame too, literally just a rehash of one of the least thematically interesting characters in the series, literally just a big sword man. Could be the first boss in any jrpg and fit right in.

The afterimage mechanic makes absolutely no sense in a game with dodges that work like this. Who decided to have a boss that spawns pillars of light between your character and the camera with every attack.
Good riddance Elden Ring, four good bosses in a hundred hour game.
Frenzied flame guy was cool though.
I'm at 150 and the final boss is dumpstering my ass, kinda wish I had leveled the whole time. Next character I'm going to enter the DLC at 120-150 and just level up normally.
Where? I wanna read the comments.
Sekiro really was the better game, I thought Elden Ring made up for being a medieval fantasy game but the gameplay is fucking shit in comparison
>worst DLC of the last 2000 years
how the fuck did they do it
How come Fromsoft is the only game dev that seems to be able to create a halfway decent mythology style lore and world building? Everybody else just blatantly copies existing ones (I know miyazaki draws stuff from others as well, but it's still unique enough rather than being like "this is just norse mythology").
50dex 17arc the patrician build (morgott's cgs, helice and the new scythe require this much with cgs and scythe being dex weapons, also if you put the arcane talisman on you get to use the fun rot halberd)
Great Eepe
Surprised none of the lorefags have said anything about Demi-Human Queen Marigga.
>a halfway decent mythology style lore and world building?
They aren't Miyazaki is just old enough to draw inspiration from older source material.
by copying berserk, retardbro
????? Did we play the same game

This is literally just the greek gods but with EXTREMELY derivative berserk characters and dev waifus instead.
yeah there's proper death plane now way before you unload shit
>read torn diary page description
>"Its Nanaya business"
thanks Mike
Did you rike his left-right cross-slash combo that is literally impossible to dodge?
Sekiro is the definition of hard but fair boss design
Normal leveling isn't going to help you, gotta grab all the fragments.
I actually didn't think Radahn's moveset was that bad
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Could I theoretically make a RL80 invader with endgame DLC stuff and just level up the ashes for the tough fights without ruining my matchmaking?
>Fume Knight
>Burnt Ivory King
>Orphan of Kos

Out of all of these only one stands out as exceptionally low quality. I love the DLC and think its an easy 9/10 but that final boss fight is dogwater (and thats coming from someone who thinks the concept and ideas in the fight are neat - that charm grab attack is fucking awesome). I dont care if I get called a casual, it needs a patch.
>t. mimic tear, summon, prawns, golden vow+flame grant me strength
>/v/ absolutely adores the game and shits on casuals who dislike it or criticize it
>/erg/ in general is at least a little disappointed by it

Why is /erg/ so full of casuals and normies now? Maybe these games aren't for you anymore.
You need 20 scudatree fragments to fight him, even just going from 16 to 20 was enough for me to go from banging myself against a wall and barely getting him to half health, to killing him on the second try.
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>have to s*mmon to complete NPC quests
I liked the DS3 Anri approach better where you get summoned instead
"This FUCKING right cross" is all I've said for the last three hours.

I feel like I'm fighting Tyson in his prime but he has 5000 watt LEDs for eyes.
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Bls respond
>get to mountaintop of the giants
>get bored
>want to start a new character
What is wrong with me why cant I even just respec and continue I need to form a whole new rp larp in my head from the start I'm never reaching the DLC.
>I-If you like the boss you must have cheesed it somehow!!!!
Holy insecurity
>Red Dancer is actually not in the Cerulean Coast but somewhere else
>Messmer has a different VA
>Torrent in the Abyssal Woods
>Hippo doesn't use that attack
>Miquella cutscene isn't in the game
Play at 139.

/v/ spent the last several years seething about Elden Ring so I doubt that.
>if you don't uncritically consoom product, you aren't a real fan
Possibly the most normie take of all.
>I dont care if I get called a casual, it needs a patch.
The patch is having 20 scuda blessings.
So the things I mentioned are cheese?
The game is too easy when Powerstancing, what's the second easiest build???
what the fuck does "scadu" mean
you pronounce it as shadow
Remember Marika bedchamber and how it looks like the skies in the realm of shadow? Now image if it (in relation to the erdtree) was upsidedown and up to the ceiling.

Roots, but not.
>game hard even with mimic and mohg fork
Gay af
Shadow/shade, like Halig is holy in Old English
It makes perfect sense, it just sounds fucking stupid
You'd be surprised, just use a guide it'll give you a 20 minute break while you figure out which ones you missed.
Personally, I still think BB was the peak. Right balance of player power vs. enemy power. Glass cannon vs. slightly-less-fragile glass cannon. And the lore wasn't too complicated for its own good
>you're in a nightmare
>tonight's the hunt
>go hunt
>oh shit eldritch horrors
>kill those too
All it needs is a way to fucking play the game at 60fps.
Mimic Tear as well as summons? Yes
is there a reason why magic/faith weapon buffs suck so much? ive never made a build with one and thought it felt useful or good
Anon if you think going from 19 to 20 blessings will make the Radahn fight not suck ass I dont know what to tell you.
DS1 was peak and if you disagree you're a newfag
It's pronounced "shadu".
heh, you guys are gonna feel really silly when we find out that you can actually no-hit Radahn without physick deflects/shields/ashes/spirits.
sure, all the big speedrunners/labbers like ongbal haven't found a way after 100+ hours but once they do, you'll realize you've been dogshit at the game the entire time and that the DLC is perfect.... tick tock.
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I'm out of Miquella fanarts, can you guys post some
What the fuck even is power stancing. I still don't get it. It seemed way worse when I tried wielding 2 katanas than just 2H the better one. Is it like a meme when people say this where they're powerstancing 2 colossal weapons and just giga-stagger any enemy constantly?
>did some taunters tongue for fun
>a get a bunch of rabid invaders who instantly nuke you with frenzied flame and mash L2 immediately with their choice of DLC weapon like the flower

they deserve their max level phantom ganks
It's a very derivative world building as well, as you noticed, even more than you may realize. It's just that Miyazaki does a good job of obscuring things and using less mainstream sources.

Something that's been on my mind about this topic too, is that Celtic/Irish mythology is still very obscure to the masses, yet it's disproportionally influential to the fantasy genre and most people can't tell how derivative some concepts or characters are, not only in Elden Ring but even in foundation works like Tolkien's.
Isn't it 138?
i really like having progression like this in the DLC, but it's absolutely stupid they're not simply gated behind bosses like Sekiro. i don't want to go on a bullshit scavenger hunt for 50 of these.
We can already do that retardbwo
Ryan is getting rekt trying to cast anything, how are caster bros doing in the DLC?
I am 100% confident it's possible, it's just effectively playing while blind. You need to know exactly what is going on behind all the flashing magic and which animations are completely misleading.
this game needs dual spec for pvp
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Nothing will top the Dark souls 2 release experience for me, the fact that everyone could invade everyone made a playthrough feel very unique.
I still fondly remember the /dsg/ cosplay tournament we had.
lol show me
yea that's it. Looking for an easy build but not as easy as that
I'm just thinking how stupid they are for spending 1000 hours doing something that can be done in 30 minutes of playtime like deflects or tanking
das1 sewer fight clubs were better
Will killing Messmer progress/fuck up any of the NPC quests?
>come back for the DLC
>the pvp is still just spammy 1 hit kills and weapon arts
How is it still like this? Jesus this game was probably one of my top 2 From games to run through the first time, but the pvp being so shit has killed all replay value for me. After I finish the DLC it'll go back to sitting on the shelf for me collecting dust meanwhile I have thousands of hours in the other From games.
Here's the thing. The way I played through the DLC was the correct way. I explored a lot. Killed almost every boss and I haven't had scaling issues like most things. The reason I think it is bad design
>Scadutree Fragment is a vague term that normies are confused by (if this was the only issue I wouldn't mind)
>there is a very specific number of upgrades and path your are intended to take (much like the base game) and there is an intended Scadutree fragment scaling for each boss
This would be fine except trying to figure this out blind is based on pure luck. It's all endgame but some stuff is endgame for the endgame and some stuff is beginning of the endgame. So it is entirely possible to get to absurdly high Scadutree Fragment level and then just destroy every boss if you were just trying to find cool stuff. I found an early dungeon late in my playthrough and fucking stomped everything like I was in Limgrave. The level up is opt in but it feels like I'm going to have to follow a guide in future playthroughs to find the sweet spot for each dungeon and boss.
Best set in the game. Nothing in the dlc comes close.
Is there a new level cap for maximum jolly cooperation that is being played around with?
Base game was 125 and I am hoping that Shadow takes it higher
Beat the DLC, scat tree fragment system still sucks
ok based
copying that build asap
>Go to his chat
>Rule pop-up tells me to not be a bigot
Messmer's new VA is so much better than the old one holy shit.
It would probably be easier to password summon.
>clearly hit by the stomp at 0:25
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The story weapon is the best.
Don't care, didn't play and didn't pay. I still love Miquella.
Does burning down that sealing tree fuck over my questlines?
It was late and I just kind of did it because I was prompted without thinking
Dueling shields are the easiest, most braindead to use weapons in the DLC
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If this shit was in ER, you'd have people still calling it tough but fair. That's how far gone we are.
Does >>483466774 count
he uses deflect physick here
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>i don't want to go on a bullshit scavenger hunt for 50 of these.
And yet people kept complaining that the open world was worthless in the core game.
Now casually wandering around, exploring everything careful, enjoying the sights and killing every miniboss actually has a use.
You know instead of
>Does my build need anything from this area.
>No? Rush through it on torrent and ignore 99% of enemies and turn the game into a boss rush.
Boss rush mentality is unironically what is getting people dumpstered.
Radagon is using Hitler's Language.
I've seen that stomp do no damage to people a few other times, it has a weird hurtbox
BB was definitely the most polished "new IP" game From has done. DeS was unfinished as fuck, DS1 shit the bed after the lord vessel, and Elden Ring albeit being huge as fuck was still unfinished and the enemies got repetitive.

Bloodborne felt like the only one that was fully complete, albeit being a smaller game. It felt completely fleshed out before and after the DLC. The chalice dungeons while not completely perfect were still a fun end game and had a satisfying ending as well.
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Don't have a weapon equipped but will post one later.
I still don't understand why miquella didn't just take St. Trina as a consort and save everyone and have everything turn out great.
the pvp is like that, that's why Miyazaki only activated it for coop so that you have 2 guys to put the mad red dogs out of their misery
he uses physick deflects in this video just as the post you're replying to says, thoughever
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Anybody knows which set is this?
Love me some armors that keep that shoulder fold
>that stomp
Yep. Cheat engine. There's no way, what the fuck
The issue only comes up because people are stubborn, if you're getting 1-2 shotted by a boss, the game is very deliberately trying to tell you to go explore more.
But some retards are locked in the "git gud" mentality and it is unironically harming them.
It's hard to come to terms with the fact that you have the IQ of an American middle schooler, huh.
Oathkeeper set with Leda's armor
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Fromsoft has completely exhausted the souls formula, they should go back to making armored core.
Ac6 dlc when?
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Ainz Ooal Gown
I did 100% playthrough both in the base game and the dlc, exploration is mostly a waste of time because you find useless shit, so yes, in fact rushing through maps on Torrent is the only sensible way to go about it
? If you're a light/medium armour build, this is the reality of the dlc even with the +3 trinkets on and high scadutree. It's really overtuned in places, especially Rellana for how early she is.
Leda’s armor with oathseeker set. Pretty much standard oathseeker but with robe
Erm sweaty have you tried not being a chuddie
I was never going to say that.
But telling me that makes him a faggot, simple as... Tsh, THIS is /erg/'s favorite streamer?
THIS is """Sane Ryan"""? What a fucking joke.
You have failed to present an argument. What you presented instead was an ad hominem fallacy.
This but I want to be able to pilot a cracked mech in the DLC like SOL 644.
>so yes, in fact rushing through maps on Torrent is the only sensible way to go about it
Agreed and they tried to remedy that by putting the upgrade material in the open world.
If it was dropped by bosses then it would only further incentivize boss rush mentality.
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>be wretch on my 7th playthrough
>make 30 million souls on invasions alone per day
>every zone I go blue invades me
>all popular zones always had at least one red invasions
Bring me back to simplier times.
Most fun str weapon?
an argument against what lol
if the game's too hard for you don't buy it, not everything has to be made with the disabled in mind
More like they made the area awful to explore so I’d rather not
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People dont like being around /pol/tards bwo, hope that helps

you people did this to me. I use to be pure.
Is Melina related to messmer?
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>talisman that increases 2hand damage
Wow they ran out of ideas.
>That helm + chest combo
What's the weapon with 200 bleed
rent free
Wait so Romina just created the scarlet rot somehow when Messmer was buring everything up? I thought it was an outer god that was sealed by that one swordsman?
How do you get that item that lets you do the creepy scream?
So if I collect all the douche frags, beat the game and come back in ng+ do i have to collect them again?
Fists with Raptor. Stay in their face and hop right over dumbass aoes and punish with that jump heavy.
how much bleed is bloodflame blade usually worth? like 45?
>Here are a bunch of super cool ashes of war you can use
>The bosses will immediately knock you out of the windup animations though, so don't expect to be able to use any of them in any of the real fights. Stick to the insta-cast ones.
FFS fromsoft. At least make them way stronger to compensate for only having an opening big enough once every 2 minutes.
I fucking killed him... ngl second phase of radahn feels like being at the mercy of rng and getting good patterns
slurping up dogshit is too hard for me, yeah
i'll enjoy real challenges like tekken
you're proving my point lol
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this time dont forget to add me
>SteamDB still active
patch soon?
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/erg/ was actually talking about him like a month or so ago and I went to check and his chat had this attention whoring tranny with a VIP badge begging everybody to wish "her" friend good luck with "her" transition surgery, grim stuff
>? If you're a light/medium armour build, this is the reality of the dlc
I did Bayle at 5 scadu and spent the rest of the DLC as a dragon priestess with only 7% base resistance across the board while light rolling.
I did not get 2 shotted by bosses most of the time because I had appropriate levels of scadutree blessings.
Anytime I did I just turned around and explored some more until I could eat at least 3-4 shots.
I know this person. You once helped me fight someone. Thanks anon.
Unconfirmed obviously but yeah it's very heavily implied.
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can anyone drop a spare Milady? I'm doing a Clive build and it's moveset seems very similar to how he wields his sword, but I'm no where near the dlc
As many issues as I had with ds2, it had the best fucking PVP, I've never had more fun being invaded or invading
I've been searching for Miquella fanarts on Twitter, Gelbooru and Rule34 everyday for days now. Get in line.
you keep thinking about /pol/ unprompted
Radagon was already there from the pot slurry fusion
you're brown
I want to see an AI fight between Radahn and Malenia
You're acting like a cliche bwo, calm down.
When are they gonna fully concede and add a talisman that either increases poise while flask drinking, or increases the speed?
you'll never be good at fighting games timmy
yes, if you haven't done Leda's, Ansbach and Freya's quests you lose out on stuff
not sure about Thiollier
also that one NPC in Belurat will become unavailable
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: )
Wow... that's fucking crazy...
And to think /erg/ genuinely posts about him. Yeah, "grim" is a good word.
It's fucking grim.
I think you need to calm down
t. average miquella enjoyer
God. Could you imagine taking a handful all of that?
Wait, who are malania, radahn, and miquella's beast companions? Shouldn't they have ones too?
But I'm not even done with the base game yet...
Anyone else feel really unsatisfied about the lore in SOTE?
It feels like nothing really got explained other than the Hornsent are dickheads and got what was coming.
Radahn isn't an empyrean
Im gonna kill radahn tonight no matter how long it takes
I might max out the scadu fragments though
They're gonna nerf the perfumes
Malenia and Miquella? yes.
Radahn? no.
Do I need ps+ to summon?
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No way that's the streamer /dsg/ has been shilling for years.
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>punished for having fun with game mechanics, now I'll never face the bosses in their prime.
>Tarnished sees the silhouette of Radahn through the fog
>the smoke and dust clears, the landscape of rolling sand becoming visible, the shadow of the Divine Gate appearing on the horizon
>the features fill in on the contour of the giant demigod
>the Tarnished is stunned, staring while Messmer has him locked in the grab animation
>he finally realizes who it is
>Tarnished slaps aside Messmer
do you mean "most fun weapon exclusive to strength builds" or "most fun weapon accessible to strength builds"

imo the main reason to go strength weapons is maximize value from 2 handing and to use stance-breaking weapons like great hammers and such. i thought giant crusher would be fun but i think i liked great stars and greatsword more on my strength guy. being able to guard counter with a big ass 2h weapon is fun
Yeah rolling sparks is getting dumpstered, and perfumes as a whole are gonna get caught in the crossfire.
Any special that needs to be done before burning the tree besides the st trina stuff?
Okay well I did the final boss with 17 scadu and 60 vig, both trinkets on for his damage types and in the night cavarly set and tons of his attacks were still thoroughly in 2 shot range, just barely three on those quick crosses. So dunno what to tell you.
>bro, just spend a half hour playing this ctrl+c ctrl+v dungeon with this reused asset boss for the 100th time
no thanks. i'll stick to boss rush.
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If Malenia needs a dog I'll start barking.
I just want a stable frame rate when fighting radahn, the fucking nuke and divebomb kill my frame rate and make it impossible to roll
I though /dsg/ shilled that esl canadian faggot who's always complaining about "shit net"
believe it or not most Fromsoft content creators are to the left of 4chan. Conservatives dont really create much of anything these days outside of videos on how offended they are about shit.
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It's time (to lightning perfume it)
What the fuck?
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Honestly one of the main reasons why I like the armor is that plus it has the skirt shit in the back and it matches with the cowl. It's like a slightly nicer looking unaltered banished knight armor.
I just need some gauntlets to match but I like the bandaged weapon arm since it gives it character. I wear gaiuses pants because he never could.
They’re gonna nerf chicken wing along with them…
i thought it only matters if you burn the tree? you can kill messmer but just dont use the fire yet.
Japs ruin everything. They managed to get a white man to write their story. Without GRRM in the credits for Shadow of Erdtree like. The fuck did ya'll expect? Most you get from Miyazaki is him stealing stuff by the bucket load.
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These are the best players in the world. They playtested every build to beat every boss.
>Did you have troubles with beating commander gaius?
>Did you use torrent?
Yes (I only hopped on it to dodge specific attacks and then jumped right off combined with the air plunge attack, it was a tool for repositioning)
>60 vigor
>13 skibidi
>2-shot by Midra
Jesus Fucking Christ
>"What if Yhorm... but WITHOUT stormruler?"
Reminder that Radahn isn't mind controlled. Radahn does the exact same thing he did in the OG story trailer before he fought Malenia, down to every minor mannerism. Miquella wasn't even there to see it and replicate it.
So who the fuck was Radagon?
Maybe if they weren't so jewish with the wind currents so going up or down a hill didn't involve running along an edge for 10 minutes before getting to a slope and didn't reuse the leonine misbegotten boss for half the little dungeon boss fights I'd have felt like exploring more in the base game.
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On my way to avenge Mohg.
Miquella, I couldn't save even your other half... I can't save ANYONE.
>Plot twist is gay incest
Grrm definitely wrote that
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how the actual fuck do i get to this map fragment?
Pre-transition Marika, because the Hermit Saints can meld their flesh into whatever.
Though Elden ring has literally zero rules about physiology anyway, they literally just design literally whatever and then don't explain it.
Credit where it's due, Jeenine would never have that happen in his stream.
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How do I get the item that lets me do the "euhuhuh"? The prattling pate type item.
Smithscript great hammer.
Very funny to Chuck at bosses and poise break from afar. Wildstrikes is also a nice close range AoW to have because of the built in endure and the follow-up R2 does a lot of poise damage.
this is too good for this general.
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>Random shedded snake skin in the woods near Bonny Village
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I like pretty things:)
So assuming you don't meddle in the dlc, would the events have any effect on the story later? Would you just sit around as elden lord until rahdon came to fight your ass or something, assuming he stomps messmer at some point?
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>Miquella abuses retarded grab hitboxes to charm Tarnished twice
>we still don't have a boss rematch menu because of gameplay-story segregation or some shit
>typo in the very first name
I vaguely remember climbing in a coffin but I don't remember where it was. Shadow keep?
Bro fuck that, Radahn needs to be nerfed yesterday. I already beat him, so I got mine.
Nioh's bosses are far better than thse ER DLC bosses so far
Fat fuck
is it near a bridge?
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you're not a parry abuser, are you?
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why is he so based
incel dragon
Enter the castle -> underground
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Cave at the blue dot. Have to scale down the wall on gravestones. Cave takes you to the bottom area.
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I'm sorry it's just to /fa/shion souls I can't resist. At least I know someone else has as good tastes as me.
Yeah but Jeenine is arguably as embarrassing after that meltdown over people lagging
Sorry, we keep telling meemeer to clean up after his winged serpent but he doesn't listen.
Man, thought using the hefty furnace pots was gonna be a pain but the furnace golems actually stun after a single one so as long as you can get in position it's actually quicker and much easier than the regular golems.
there's a ton of trannies in souls stream chats, and a visible number among streamers. If you see a post starting with "as a woman", you just know it's a tranny
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You gotta go into the unfinished woods, through the darklight catacombs which are southeast of the Bonny Village, on the south side of the lake.
did i brick thiollier's quest if i'm at st trina and I no longer have his poison? that's the only solution I can think of
You have to let St. Trina kill you 4 times.
He fucked around a lot though? all the wyverns and drakes are his
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Ok, now what? In my INT playthrough I think I went for 60 INT first, then 60 VIG. Should I do the same here?
Lamenter's gaol or something like that
Somewhat. It was closer to the O Mother gesture pickup.
that's more of a twitch problem than a game related one

twitch chat has turned into a tranny safe space
Lamenter's Goal, it's on the north western edge of the red zone south of Graveyard Plain.
the only legit way to beat the boss is to do it no heals, no hit, with your bare fists with fatroll and neve parry abuse, no letting the boss finish their combo is cheese and its just plain rude

if you didnt do that, you literally didnt beat the game and are a complete shitter and you probably post on reddit
it's such a dumb system. it was maybe fun at first, but i'm lvl 10 or 11 now and it's just tedious.
i'm about to fight Radhan and hearing anons say i need to be level 20 for it is devestating.

this is on a first playthrough too. imagine collecting this bullshit your second time.
How do you fight the Scadutree Avatar? I went to Scadutree base but he's not there
Just keep drinking Trina's milkies (Poison that kills you in seconds) like a retard until the sleep paralysis demons start talking.
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What I needed from my Mimic Tear…was a model.

You yourself had no openings. But Mimic’s adaptation wasn’t to panic roll like I would do, but to attack and break your posture. Your nonsensical 20-hit combo with input reading-triggered extensions meant nothing, so long as you had poise that could be broken it could all be staggered.

It was a near impossible feat to pull off. But that model proved quite effective.

You were a magnificent foe, Radahn. I will not forget you for as long as I play this game.
>tfw no 8 foot war goddess gf to wrap you in her cloak and pull you in close while still slick with the blood of a bunch of giants and monsters she just killed yet treating you with utmost tenderness
why am I fucking alive
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>g-get off me, dude! get the fuck off me DUDE!
>i'm n-not gay dude! bro get the fuck off!
You can go back to see archived /erg/ threads and the first 24 hours is this general losing it at the thought of having to get Scadutree Blessings. What changed?
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Did I beat the game?
in lamenter's gaol? not sure what you mean, but possibly its the lament pate
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>That one area
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>imagine collecting this bullshit your second time.
about the same as your average build run actually, if you've unlocked all the graces it takes 20-30 minutes.
10 is definitely not enough for Radahn.
/erg/ will sperg about using bleed but say this is okay
i'm using this thing with suboptimal stats at +7 and it still fucking shreds everything. can't wait to see how it performs when i start pumping dex
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I beat Radahn with backhands, no summon, no ash, no shield.

It's a really bad and unfun fight. The fact the game just "ends" with nothing additional also feels whack. ER's trend of moving away from sprawling zones with content and aweosme dungeons leaning to boss after boss is shit. Open world is dull. ER's remembrance dungeons are largely nonexistant (frenzy flame dudes dungeon is literally 3 rooms). This DLC was fine, but in the scheme of things worse than all other From DLC besides 2's.
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DLC is kino
>dodged one attack

Congrats, you beat the game!
I like the idea that Morgott astral projected into some random Redmane and just jumped his ass.
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does your fragment level reset in ng+?
I feel like this is more deserving for Messmer. Less BS, sure, but more fun.
no you abused an obvious bug, but you do you anon
this unironically
i paid 40 dollars for these boss movesets i want them to use their full movesets
no, you only truly beat Radahn if you rotten breath him and run away. But it was close enough
Igon really is a charming ass nigga.
When he just shows up out of nowhere when you kill those two drakes just in absolute joy at witnessing how good you murder, what a king.
a masterpiece
I wanted to see a lore accurate Morgott.
He apparently whooped everyones ass on the regular.
>got my hands on the newest version of dsanimstudio
aweee yes
first order of business (after porting everything i've already made) is to make a custom aow intended for the fire knight greatsword that uses the soc's big wombo-combo attack
Enjoy it while it lasts
It's better than all the souls DLCs. Only Bloodborne competes.
the fire knights are impossible to kill

I'm using Danes fist but it's impossible
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>Frenzy forest
>The finger valleys
>Enir Illim or whatever the name is
guys pls help
I think it's pretty crazy if you put the top tier pots on the mimic it'll usually use them without limits seemingly.
That weapon is probably getting nerfed sooner or later, but good on your for finding it out early.
It's true. More enemies people are only getting past with cheat engine.
I ended up swapping to backhands from fists because his hitboxes are incredibly jank, you can miss from right in his face with martial arts.
Sucks because I had loved dryleaf arts for the dlc before it.
90% of the zones are completely fucking empty and have no reason to be open world. It makes it very clear they made the zones first then desperately tried to come up with things to fill them with.
From's style just doesn't work for open world and their development cycle is completely backwards, design zones for important setpieces and bosses, not the other way around.
Do you think Morgott did that to Mohg too
lmfao based. Radahn deserves to have as much effort put into beating him as they put into making him.
>everyone who beats me in pvp is cheating
>everyone who kills mobs i struggle with are cheating
just cope with another sword until you beat Mogh, you can get it ASAP in the DLC. Clive uses like 40 different swords.
This is the only boss that deserves it
Yes, you must do whatever it takes to stop gay marriage.
Please. The source, please. I beg you.
Where you at, I got you
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Just finished the DLC. It was a beautiful journey desu. It has issues for sure but Elden Ring may be my favourite game of all time.
nigga everyone knows about it
Like most humanoids, I pressed giant hunt
I thought it'd be fun to start the DLC at NG7+ but it was a huge mistake. Everything one shots me, or at best, two shots me to death
Is there a mod/cheat table that lets me revert to NG1?
>400 hours in and I've never used the perfume before...
What's your build? I want to respec and finish this fucker and then never fight him again.
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Alright, I've had enough.
I've been wandering aroung the Abyssal Woods for almost an hour. I've killed some five of these Bloodborne throwbacks.
Where the fuck is the boss?
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"ideal" is 139 but yeah 150 is good too,125 is sweaty duel level but who cares im pretty sure honestly you can be whatever level you want and get plenty of invasions for the next coming years, the lowest the game has ever been so far was 20k average which is massive, dont stress so much about it if you need a couple extra points for a build you really want to play just go for it
For me its Elden Ring and BG3, I am in my 30s and feel blessed my favorite games are ones that came out so recently and have no retarded monetization bullshit.
>Wanted her armor since the first image they posted of her
>Had to wait until I was 99% through the dlc
Atleast I finally got it...
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I'm being filtered.
Thank you. I love you.
It's in the southwest.
>Did you have troubles with beating commander gaius?
not really
>Did you use torrent?
using torrent is equivalent to throwing the fight
>everyone knows about it
I haven't seen one host or phantom pull it out, no one has made a epic "OP MUST TRY" video yet to make the normies realize it yet.
Also only works with the spark aromatic as far as I can tell, they each get a different effect and the status ones do way less damage.
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>do the perfum + madness build
>3000+ attack rating
>have bloodfiend's arm
>can't put blood infusion
>have black whetstone in my inventory
literally why the fuck cant i use this
If boss has adds, Im also summoning. Fuck you with that extra bullshit. I want to have an epic 1v1 and not some fucking pick up game while boss spazzes around me.
this is so sad :(

"I like finding things. For you, Lady Leda, her allies, and the foraged brood. Things bring joy to all"

bro was retarded and got taken advantage of by the faggot bitch leda, god i hate her now.
im at the first step
password is shidfard
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And I just realised too, this is the end of Elden Ring. We're not getting any new content after this. Maybe a sequel? A novelisation by GRRM? But the future for the first time is empty which makes me sad.
>bro was retarded
That's my first thought the moment I heard him say a single line. Poor guy.
Vigour first.
>if you've unlocked all the graces
>implying i'm going to be doing anything other than rushing the mainline bosses
Dryleaf Dane, elden ring gigachad who knew the one and only thing worth dying for was a femboy that smelled nice.
It would be fucking stupid to expect people to play through the DLC and not level up.
Average level after the DLC is going to be somewhere between 170 and 200, anywhere in there is good.
yes you did. good job on killing that gay rapist.
Never trust a Yandere.
No maiden
>game’s final goal is for you to kill the two grooms at a gay wedding
>not a peep from journos
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Oh shit, a new Prattling Pete dropped
it's horrible, but I can see the potential
nah it's mid. more bad bosses than good. empty, dull open world with lrgely pointless content (yay more graveworts...). 3 and 1 both better. 1 if only for lore and aesthetic alone.

Where it gets skinnier in the south, to the direct west of the finger ruins.

Backhands are great but they're still kinda short. Radahn fairly annoying to fight w/ them. Blind Spot also breaks on him (just moves you slightrly to the left in front of him).

From definitely are doing a bad thing by biting more off than they can chew over going back to gorgeous set pieces etc.
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what's your excuse?
I lost all sympathy for him when he literally spammed scarlet rot pots at me while the gladiator girl was chasing me down. That man is getting killed early every run now.
Looks like he's having a ton of fun. I don't blame him.
>Radagon Soreseal
Uh oh.
>rushing the mainline bosses
And that's what the system is intended to prevent, I guess it's doing its job lol.
so how the twin blades of Rellana work with her talisman, the longer I keep the pose of the skill the higher the damage?
This is what Melina is going to do to the Frenzy Lord.
Can I just parry Radahn to shit?
i have no idea how people are having issues with this nigga. one of if not the easiest boss in the game. you can literally sit under him and rape his legs or even easier his tail.
I use it whenever reds die.
Wrong opinion. The new one sounds so bored and modern it takes my immersion away. The one in the trailer is actually into it.
It's the perfect taunt.
you get two shot anyway for most of the dlc, the soreseal damage doesn't really matter
I had a feeling Leda was going to be a cunt from the start, she gave me Friede vibes
blackgoal got through and 2 shot him, that was fun. should be interesting to see how long it takes him to realize he should remove that lmao, dancing lion is gonna be a nightmare because he also has virtigo apparently.
So do you think they'll just code a limit of the number of times rolling sparks can hit someone, or do you think they'll just turbo nerf it/perfumes as a whole into unusability?
you can keep your ubisoft empty map collectathon, zoomer. i will just add skibidis up to the recommended level in with CE and there is nothing you can do.
Marika never wiped.
Just so you know
Gonna be honest anon, I haven't really used the multiplayer. I set that as the password and throw down my sign near mask doofus, that's all?
Is our like 200+ level difference going to stop it appearing
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miquella feetjob...
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>Red Dancer is actually not in the Cerulean Coast but somewhere else
Those were two players fighting.
It's just a 15% bonus if you hold the stance for a couple seconds. A worse version of Alexander's unless you plan on stacking them.
Alright what’s the parry build bros
>i will just add skibidis up to the recommended level in with CE and there is nothing you can do.
Why even bother playing the DLC at that point, just "gift" yourself all the weapons you need.
Not that consolebabies are any better, they just have to wait longer for a "complete all items RL1" save to get passed around.
wiki says you need 3 parries for one riposte which sounds giga cringe considering you will probably deal like 8% HP max per riposte with how spongy that fag is
I hate Indians so fucking much it's unreal.
Radahn has cummed on these
Are the dueling shields any good
I think so? I'm in the same boat as you. Level 62 btw
Can you actually tank the phase 2 divebomb, do I just have to save my flask for it with livers and such, would an enchanted shield save me?
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Heard they added dragon form from the DLC , and im wondering is it good? , or is it once again garbage tier.
Is there any way to filter all ranged users from duels?
>every NPC is gone except for Leda

Carian one is OP
No happy endings for you, faggot.
I rolled forward onto a player though the solatitude art and got staggered by his body after the slash (took no damage) is there some high END mechanic I'm not aware of or something? Could that have just been some off lag?
I don't think you can survive a direct hit, but you can survive being on the edge. i did on my kill.
I've used it but I don't have hard numbers. It's nice doing the quick roll but I find it hard to recommend over some halfway decent armor.
>Messmer theme is the inverse of the Elden Ring main theme
>"...and then, it'rr be reveared that Miquerra actuarry BETRAYED everyone, just rike Griffith!"
Why is HACKazaki so obsessed with plagiarizing Berserk in the worst ways possible?
just put it in the multiplayer password and you're good to go
>no item ahead
>therefore turn around

Oh ok if you say so *turns around and never explores that part of the map* thank u so much for savign me all this time
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is poise worth anything in PvE, against bosses? they patched that so there's no more static poise, right? what things can attack through a boss's attack and not get staggered, and at what poise values?
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>a talisman to increase your elemental damage by 12%? um sweaty that's too good, you're also going to take more physical damage if you equip it, okay?
>a talisman to increase all ash of war or two handed weapon damage by 15%? fair and balanced of course :)
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Reminder that if a character is barefoot and remotely feminine that means Miyazaki is attracted to them.
Why do you retards associate literally every generic fantasy with Berserk?
They're pretty stupid.
I haven't tested them with the sekiro tear yet, but if they work with it like I think they do then they might be downright broken.
Why can't I reposite fanged imps?
You wanted to use your ash of war? Too bad howaito piggu, you roll now or die by the 10 hit combo
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>Radahn's triple swing that comes out without a wind-up and staggers you for the full combo
>Start his second phase with a giant AOE that kills any spirit summons
>Stomps now hit BEHIND HIM
>Every other attack has 4 phantom slashes
>Meteorites now followed by a dive with more phantom slashes and then another instant AOE that give you no chance to escape
I'm not too upset because I love the spectacle and music, but how the fuck am I supposed to win this
because Miyazaki has been plagiarising Berserk for 20 years now
Carian shield is stupidly OP, but nobody is talking about them so they might not actually get nerfed
thanks for the sword anon, you're a real gent
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is he beating the game? won't he just steamroll every boss behind his unbreakable shield?
two handing a weapon comes with disadvantages, having an elemental weapon doesn't
whats really fucked up is that either of these are only tuned to the effect of 10-15%. This kinda shit should be more interesting
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There are two forms. One you can get with a painting puzzle from the Shadow Keep, the other is at the end of a questline. They both basically look like this, but the priestess one has more damage negation and dragon cult incant buffing. However, you can also get a strong defense buff incant from the priestess if you roofie her and then admit what you did later.
I had to leave a red sign instead, I remember having to do that in previous versions too.

Goodluck on your quest anon.
I hope you liked my cassowary themed kicks only character
>Base game tiny drakes allow you to target either their heads or bodies
>Large drakes allow you to target their head, body, or legs
>You have the choice of targeting Senessax's head or his neck
>You can only target Bayles head
It's like From just accepts that shitty camera is part of the difficulty and creates fucked camera on purpose.
People do credit Berserk with too much but Miyazaki is a known Berserk plagiarist. It's literally the one time Berserkfags are right.
only hackzaki, because he’s been copying berserk since the beginning
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Based Melina using sweaty feet scented perfume bottle to annihilate two homos
>And that's what the system is intended to prevent
why though? why are the devs so hellbent on forcing me to play copy-pasted dungeon #80-100.
can't even say its skill check as all of them are piss easy. it's just a chore
Miyazaki has a huge boner for berserk
>see a cool skill a boss uses
>use it yourself
>it's shit because you don't have the super high poise they have
Name ONE (1) time that isn't the case
The more i learn about Berserk the more I realize all Fromsoft games are just "Berserk: The Video Game"
No and yes. I infact greatly enjoyed to fight him on torrent, he had actual mechanics that interact with torrents movement but once you figure it out you can dodge him 100% consistent. Only mounted fight I enjoyed in this game
miyazaki is pretty blatant about his love for it
Spinning Gravity Thrust poisetanks everything.
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I'm loving mine, it's hitting for 1.2k with jump attacks, If you have it in your left hand you can give it weapon buffs and if you have it in your right you can give it the shield buff. It's actually insane how useful it is.
Who fucking cares
>Um reddit streamer man didn't beat the game like I did!

Hmm yes, I do wonder why?
I think most enemy attacks deal either 50 or 100 poise damage, so ideally you'd want at least 51
Though that's something I read at least a year ago so it might not be true anymore
What talismans should I use for a DMG build?
Should I go for str or int scaling?
Shit game. Either cheese or an unfair fight
>His hairline got so bad he looks like an egg now
You hate to see it man
Only steamroll I’ve seen so far is with the perfume cheese so prolly not
It's bizarre that Rellana is totally optional and you can just walk around Ensis Castle.
wow, a dmg build? I personally run a build that doesn't do damage but I think you got the right idea, it's not working well
the reaper looms above me
>literally the 1 second mark
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guess all it took was godskin swaddling cloth and a triple hit R2 with high strike damage and infinite hyper armor. still don't know what i gotta do to poisebreak this motherfucker though, maybe i need to start using the stance breaking physick?
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Let me use the frog tongue move From you bastards
Skill issue
The new skills are actually for your summon/pokemon. We want the Palworld audience.
>nylon feet
>Put spinning gravity on my ice GS
>Instant deleted someone who invaded and they couldn't knock me out of it
>It even out poises all of radahns attacks
Easily my new favorite ash of war next to the meteor GS dash
wasted 2 gold feet on the skibi tree
fuck that piece of shit
The realization that I have is that previous Souls games felt genuinely rewarding for overcoming a boss that took you more than a few tries, whereas now you're glad you don't have to deal with it no more

Elden Ring is substantially less fun if you really think about it, I'm done with soulslikes cuz it's all the same shit at this point
Can you not get it? I assumed you could even though I haven't found it.
I did full fingerprint poke build and some bosses has annoying hits that hit you to the side and above you
most bosses also got grab attacks you gotta learn
>put npc summon you need for quest inside of boss arena
>if you try touching it the boss spergs for like two or three full combos before he even spawns
why is fromsoft like that?
You mean DMGS, right?
Go for minimum requirements for Str/Dex, it scales better with Int
it's all the onions, probably. he lives in commiefornia after all.
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just started the DLC, my computer is roaring like it's never done before

rot and then run around resummoning :)
Morgott’s cursed slice is actually good. Mohg’s spear, maliketh’s destined death, blasphemous blade
Is there a list of skills with hyperarmor? I'm tired of getting crowdcontrolled.
>76 endurance
>40 vigor
what a fucking retard
The boss fucking charging at you before you can touch it is epic. Why not just fucking makes the boss slowly get up or something first
>rolling sparks is gonna get perfumes excessively nerfed and they'll be useless by the time I do a perfumer cosplay or a new madness build
turn off the gaytracing retard
>Why even bother playing the DLC at that point
NTA, but to answer your question it's because the legacy dungeons and bosses are fun. riding through open field #2000 to pick up skabibby fragment #50 is not
No that's an average host in my experience.
>heavy armor
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epic reward
Rennala's Moon
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>Host abuses broken ash of war
>Kills me because Im wearing the mirror
>Jumps off and kills himself because he thinks Im the host
bayle was a complete pushover. i guess i shouldn't have waited until the end but i assumed he was this dlc's midir.
can i poise through boss attacks with a 2h r1 stone club or is that just not a thing anymore?
Do people really have fun playing like this
You can't because Miyazaki is a bastard who hates me specifically for liking frogs
You have to summon during an opening now.
cutting off radahn's head and raping miquella until he agrees that you're his real consort!
>Miquella's is a tramp stamp
Fitting, I suppose
Yeah the fact that I'm opening chests and getting like, passive animal drops and <tier 5 stones is the biggest sign of placeholder shit to me. This dlc definitely needed a few more months.
I gotta ask, what damage type does Bayle even do? Lighting or fire?
>map is 100x better than base game
>enemy placement and loot placement sucks shit
maybe elden ring 2 will get it perfect
Er, I made a mistake, The person who jumped off was the invader, not the host.
Cool, thanks.
I have shard of alexander and godfrey icon and my other 2 amulets are defensive. Heard magic scorpion amulet or w/e is good for it but I locked myself out of it.
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I literally first tried Romina is that normal
It's good but you still can still get knocked out of it with a single hit
Ohhh nooo. Is most states thats legal
it reeks of them initially wanting to you be able to access the DLC much earlier until some faggot decided to lock it behind Mohg. sure do love having to do endgame bosses to access a DLC.
Depends which boss but yes, you get hyperarmor
she's one of the few "no bullshit gimmick" bosses in the dlc
The most useful buff for those shields is probably order shield as it means they can shrug off all elemental damage and status buildup.
Yeah she's pretty underwhelming in all aspects honestly
only if they kill memezaki and find someone competent
I want an elden ring without roll-slop iframes.
this and unironically
>rate this message good?
of fucking course igon dies. why did i expect any different? its literally obligatory at this point. fucking retarded writing.
not that i know of. worst case scenario you can always just experiment, but the roar's are definitely one of them. swaddling cloth was better than more damage, feels like most of my stuff is about defense, with roar talisman and roar axe to buff damage. i just want to take less damage and heal, makes the hyper armor even viable in the first place. you better be tanky as fuck in this if you plan on ever trading.
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>People unironically though they would change their winning formula
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This is a cool weapon, any build suggestions for Euporia?
No no anon, I'm talking getting goat horns from chests. That's not "this was meant to be earlier in the game" that's "this literally was not finished, it's a placeholder"
Did you expect Ahab to somehow kill the whale in Moby Dick or something
He was a paraplegic at that point, to be fair
he's a fucking cripple that literally tells you to take just his soul to Bayle. what did you expect?
>Crippled man who's barely clinging into life and only stays alive because of his need for revenge
>Surprised said half dead man dies after he finally gets revenge and has no more reason to survive
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That's really dumb. It doesn't even seem OP or anything like that compared to some of the shit in the DLC. Next question: Can you get that Centaur stomp that pic related does?
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damn that looks lanky as hell, I was hoping it would look cooler akin to someone like lansseax, but it'll have to do I guess.
well at least you summoned him right? give him his final dues and a proper sendoff. He's one of the better npcs for sure.
is the putrescent knight a good fight or not
Magic scorpion charm is not mandatory but yeah it's pretty good, especially if you use the magic cracked tear
>put summon sign in front of Rellana
Time to have "fun" with the perfumes. Or maybe I should put it in front of Messmer for more activity.
>have not seen dragon form
>have not seen a single painting
>have not met a dragon priest
>have definitely not roofied anyone
>i have explored the entire map
This game must be a lot more fun when you actually get to interact with things besides the faggot enemies.
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he was literally standing in the boss fight...
>that stat distribution
kek. it balances out with the cheese poke build, so yes. he is beating the game.
he said on stream "once i figured this strategy out, the game became a lot more straightforward for me."
I was honestly pretty concerned I fucked something up because when I went back later to climb the mountain again he was dead and non responsive. Turns out it's all fine.
That was his spirit in his prime
Might be coincidence but it really feels like this spell helps you drop agro from bosses at times. Whenever I use it at a distance the boss will completely forget I exist.
>tfw miquella's plotline ended up being the most boring shit possible
thats true you can't do damage when using these items
yeah i did.
jesus day9 is looking rough
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Here ya go
Alright that settles it. I'm never going to be a crucible RP.
CPU type damage
honestly with how much normies are complaining about the DLC's difficulty, it's gonna be hilarious to see when he actually runs into a boss that counters his build. like what is he gonna do about it?
the only horn i remember getting had a hidden path near it to get to another chest that dropped a good talisman
Not a single example is valid in that video. This is hilarious. The immense reach of eveyr example. Like, really? Berserk invented elderly blacksmiths, the name rickard, big swords and repeating crossbows?
Berserk fags are utterly delirious.
rellana and messmer were some of the most satisfying fights i've ever had in souls games.
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Fun fact
Consort Radahn on NG+7 with 3 phantoms summoned has 179,850 HP
No, that's not a typo
>boss that counters sword and board
doesnt exist
If Miyazaki doesnt copy Berserk, he doesnt have anything
why so much strength? isn't the soft cap 55 or something
time for bleed
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He can survive the entire DLC without fighting you
>read the two lenses I can give to the Edgy waifu after the troon finger fight
>this was used to make people feel better when dying and calm their fears
>this one was used to intensify the fears of people who are dying
>use the former because I liked her
>its the bad ending
>Wow the wheel enemies roll just like in the comic
As opposed to wheel enemies.. flying?
try scarlet rot but hole
>destined death proc deals thounsands of damage with the DoT alone
please don't tell me he's just gonna ez mode steamroll the whole game. i want to see him suffer. at least a little bit.
>Fromdrones can't cope with the fact that HACKazaki plagiarizes a superior work
it's so characters without all the bell bearings can upgrade weapons easily. All tiers drop, from +1 to the highest
you niggas realize miyazaki himself has stated berserk is/was a big inspiration. no need to be contrarian
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>kill the hippo in like 30 tries because of the camera fucking me over every time
>kill the fucking blackgaol knight at the start of the dlc in like 20 tries
>kill rellana in one try
????? Hello balance team? You there?
>Berserkfags keep associating common fantasy tropes with plagiarizing
is rot damage percentage based like bleed?
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How do I get up there?
Did you rike it?
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>Kill Bayle
>Dragon woman is just gone
I thought she'd have something to say
I fought rellana for 4 hours, got the hippo first try and the knight in 4
DS2 bros we are so back
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My dude he already was a fucking cripple by the time you first met him. He was already fucked beyond repaire but thanks to your help he died an honorable death doing precisely what he wanted.
To be honest the actual Miquella we got was extremely boring compared to all the theories people had
Was it really necessary to give Radahn two more swords that have the exact same moveset with an AoW swap? This is the laziesr boss reward ever jesus christ, the more From shoves horseboy down my throat the more I hate him. It's not even his fault, he's just not an interesting character at all yet gets the most shilling, at least Ranni has the NoBK to color her intentions/morality.
>my dude
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>it's another fucking high dragon
Goddamnit. I fucking hate those things. Ankle fighting and terrible camera.
We never left. The one (1) and only dark souls where the enemies are mostly congruent with one another and have a theme.

Elden ring is nothing but bad excuses for anime characters with one paragraph descriptions made in total isolation from eachother.
I got into Berserk because of Dark Souls 1 over a decade ago and was surprised to see how quickly it nosedives after the first couple of arcs, the last few chapters I read with the wacky pirates and shit still haunt me as some of the worst shit I've read in my life
This denial is unhealthy. It's not a coincidence that HACKazaki keeps putting in things that look exactly like things from Berserk.
spiritspring in the north, its on the valley down there
4 hours for an dumb knight what a noob lmao
how do I reach the church in the east? I've been wandering around in shadow keep for hours, tried looking at all the cliff sides before that
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literally just walk past it lol
what's the best way to inflict rot? strength build btw, if it matters. just rot breath?
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Did hm, did this shit bug out, or am I missing something.
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>tried to use cheat engine to give myself arteria leaves
>changed the game to offline mode and disconnected my ethernet
>the second I open cheat engine the game closes itself and a pop up comes up saying to close cheat engine
They really want me to do the grind this time.
>scar seal
>level 178
>random ass points allocated all over the place

what the fuck ?
bro just respec and follow a youtube build guide

this guy is just begging to get two tapped by an invader using the fire knight sword
>Miyazaki: "I love Berserk and its influence can be clearly recognised ever since the first Dark Souls. For Dark Souls 3 we even added an attack for the Zweihänder that Guts regularly uses."
Hippo was with only a couple fragments, rellana and the knight was with 8 skibidis. Like seriously, who's fucking idea was it to make the legendary bosses weaker than a literal who microboss in some backwater basement?
Wow dude you're so cool and contrarian. Do you have a club I can join?
>had zero (0) trouble against the dragon because i used a bow
nothing personal
Couldnt beat her until I started parrying every attack.
just die and kill him again
yeah its stupid
for radahn i just use fingerprint shield and poke him with antspur rapier. it's hard to get a full rot breath off
The valley with the midgets and the catacombs?
Rot pots I would assume, investing in fth/arc just for dragon breaths seems like a waste
The new one grew on me, it better showcases that he's meant to be a tragic figure, not a villain.
Which build would you guys prefer

Faith/Arc, just abuse dragon communion scaling to cast Frenzied Flame and fire spells
Int/arc, use Trina to put them to sleep and wake them up with super hard hitting spell
i fucking hate the combat in DS2, fuck that game. it's the one game i only half completed and then quit because it fucking sucks to play (single player).
There's a difference in inspiration and plagiarism. Notrhing featured in Souls did Berserk originate.
Tips for the divine beast? The camera is spazzing the fuck out if he gets you close to an edge. Dodging feels hard too.
>forgot I had the erg password on
>host died to Messmer in 20 seconds
>"we used the guts attack"
It's just a +10 summon flower
Im so fucking sick of getting summoned for Ghostflame Dragons.
>deal so much damage to rennala with bleed weapon it skips the attack where she slams the two moons
so this is what power feels like
you have to boot it without eac
To me it feels really well paced. You're slow and so are the enemies, it's got the best flow of dodge and attack of any soulsborne.
What it doesn't have at all is reactivity, that's a bloodborne staple. If you fuck up then you are punished hard.
Also I think it's the best in the series but Agility is fucking stupid and so is durability in both games it appears.
>people talking about the game, lore, etc.
>people doing nothing but whining about ganks and posting shitty fan art

Damn bro you’re pretty mentally ill
no, it's where you have the map fragment right there
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>berserk invent swinging big sword a certain way
>the monkey's paw curls
The next Elden Ring has no roll command.
Don't reply to 2niggers they are mentally ill and begging for dark souls 2 discussion after being chased out of dsg
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>read the note on how to kill furnace golems
>lure the one near shadow keep to some nearby cliffs
>slow as fuck and he keeps doing his fire balls attack
>finally reaches a good spot
>throw 3 pots at him out of the 6 I have
>he just disappears once I throw the 4th pot
>now back at his spawn point
>just give up and cheese him with lighting bottles
I can't defend these gay ass games anymore, man.
>"Notrhing featured in Souls did Berserk originate."
>Miyazaki: "We literally copied Guts' attack for this weapon."
i love bleed so much bros
on my ARC rogue she hit 2nd phase and started to get ready to do her magic slash combo, my mimic ate the entire thing but just kept mashing attack while 2hing reduvia
she died so fast it was funny
ADP is fine once you get past some of the early break points, it's just retarded that you have what is essentially a stat tax just to have a decent roll.
uncanny valley AI art is so weird, but it's so fast to make.
learn the openings it has
1. after missing grab attack
2. after doing the 3 puke spins
3. after the single puke spin after doing the 3 air combo
4. after the long and slow slam (be wary that he might reposition slightly after

don't bother hitting him outside those openings
during lightning he has no openings due to everything above leaving a bunch of random lightning strike puddles
during ice he also has a long stomp that sends icicles into 4 directions that is also an opening
during wind his air combo doesn't lead into a puke spin, and his tail spin is an opening
in comparison my STR/FTH build took a bit longer to kill, might also be because it was NG+2
it's still an insane contrast
Those were Miyazaki's exact words, yes. Do you have brain damage? What is your argument?
>"For Dark Souls 3 we even added an attack for the Zweihänder that Guts regularly uses."
>a club I can join
Yeah it's called reddit
What head is that?
>middle of Radahn fight
>connection with the server failed going back to the main menu
How do i allocate my stats if i want the most out of rellana swords?
Any charms to go with it?
Rot and poison are significantly less useful than bleed and frostbite. If you're really desperate to do it, Antspur Rapier and abuse shield pokes. You get the 16.2% damage over 90 seconds inatead of instantlt meaning its a very passive play style
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>Notrhing featured in Souls did Berserk ori- ACK
I fought relanna at 2 or 3 and it was rough. Hippo at 6 and it was a joke.
What a beautiful AI visual story, anon.
Servers die?
oh yeah. I forget I'm a wizard sometimes cause of the sword. thanks for the tip
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>Assmongoloid has to use a broken weapon, finger shield, and be SL 333 to play the dlc
Streamers are journo tier.
damage keeps going up and I'm two handing it anyway, so 66 str two handed hits the hard cap. Only level 156 or whatever so at this point I only need some more defensive stats or a little more int.
streamer content nerf incoming
no, steam went down which means everything goes down
Don't worry, I forget sometimes too with how in your face every enemy is in this DLC. I can't remember the last time I actually used a spell.
bro you just need to stance break him 3 times and he'll fall over unless it's the ones with armored legs
>Asmon does the same thing
>"Hahahaha! Learn to adapt!"
>Asmon changes playstyle and adapts
>"Wow, dooood...."
>level 216 on NG on PS4/5
>get summoned instantly for the DLC bosses
Ongbal stream?
He's literally the shittest of shitters. Never got gud.
I also saw it heal, I assume this has something to do with the bitch in the storeroom since thats a reoccurring fromsoft gimmick.
Using broken things isn't adapting, it's giving up.
NG has nothing to do with summoning, you can be summoned in a NG+7 game even if you're in NG
I don't know about that, but I do know you're right about this release literally being a beta build. The best example I have to prove this is Gaius.
>Boss is very buggy
>Seemingly made to be mounted battle but trying to do so is scuffed as fuck
>Both areas behind him are absolutely fucking empty
>The lance you get from his remembrance not only upgrades using normal smithing stones instead of somber ones, you can change the ash of war and damage type on it
>Learn to adapt
Do I keep skibidi blessing on ng+ and will they respawn in the same spot?
I got 16 skibidi level and don't want to find the rest with a guide
i'm level 190 just by playing the game, haven't farmed and i haven't even gone through messmer yet

i'll probably be 200 something by the time i'm finished
I like Forsen, he plays like me. Shit at the game but stubborn
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>want asmon to actually be forced to learn the movesets instead of just braindead spam brute forcing his way through every fight

tiresome, it all is.
yes you do but the skibidi fragments you already found won't respawn, just like base game perfume bottles or cracked pots
Which is funny because he likes to brag about how he beats these games and is pretty good at them, then you watch him play any of them and he sounds like he's having the most miserable time of his life
Wonder how the scaling works with the DLC
needing to be level 300 to beat the game is shitter behavior, might as well open cheat engine if you're gonna be that bad
Curseblade Mask
I dropped IT from the female omen going up the ladder north of the "Rauh Ancient Ruins, West" site of grace.
>Asmon changes his playstyle thats more suited to him
>"This is bad, actually"
It is way too much fun making fun of him.
It's not adapting. The game can be beaten naked sl1. If you opted for a build and got filtered off it, correct. It's not adapting, it's giving up. Assmongoloid had a perfectly capable build so it's not like he statted like a tard.
Is there no Erdtree's Favor +3?
I believe he has the capacity to beat the game without all those crutches
>hey i just gave myself 900 levels i'm not bad i'm just finding a suitable playstyle :)
Why are you an orbiter
I swapped to the fingerprint shield too. If the bosses are gonna do 90% of my end through fucking fingerprint then you're damn right I'm shieldmaxxing.
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My beloved... I will NEVER cheat on you.
You don't get much from levels past 200. Your stats soft capped like 50 levels ago anyway.
>"I didn't look up a build"
>Doing the same build every streamer has resorted to
He's such a balding pussy
is he actually lvl 300?
that's like saying oroboro using a glitched MLGS buffed with CMW is simply "a playstyle that's more suited to him". you're being disingenuous.
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I remember when black knights dropping the black knight shield was like winning the lottery. Funny, I can't seem to recall the last time I used a shield.
>random lone wolfrider has his pants for some reason
boss design in this dlc is dogwater
all of them are absolutely broken by both parrying or greatshields because From was too busy turning them into beyblades than actually thinking
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He couldn't beat MHW Fatalis with or without crutches, just barely beat Alatreon (with crutches) and complained about quitting the entire time
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>no achievments for the dlc so I can't brag about beating(false) radahn before the nerfs
fuck you hiroshima you lazy faggot
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999 smithing stone 9
Level up
you beat the game
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I think that people who get mad at streamers for beating the game the "wrong" way are just really weird and losers irl.
Because youre putting playing the game in some specific way on such a pedestal, that when you see someone else beat the game in a way thats considered easier, you feel like your ego is bruised because it feels like your accomplishment isnt as impressive.
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>finally people catch on to what I've been saying about perfumes since release
>it's gonna get nerfed before swift slash or blindspot
Nice cope assmong
nice r/asmongold post, now try posting again without simping
>lol you're struggling? just use this
>you use this? you didn't beat the game
Which is it
>are just really weird and losers irl.
Where do you think you are?
But if you level up past 150 you didn't actually beat the game
let me finish my playthrough first
they still seem decent, it's just rolling sparks that it's overtuned as hell
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>no new pvp content
i am bitter and disenfranchised
by 500,000 runes worth of string. It's what I did.
Don’t listen to retards
I remember using the master key to always get the dragon crest shield within 5 minutes of starting the game
Finished the dlc and going back to try out some of the weapons that didn't fit my build.
The backhand blades are absolutely insane? Lightning fast combos, obscene damage and that weapon art baking mobility into massive piercing damage is disgusting.
I love them. Finally I can play a Majora's Mask Gibdo.
Give me a response that explains why I'm wrong instead of getting mad and being emotionally invested in beating a video game.
So this is the power of shieldsissy gameplay.
What is the drop rate on the Fire Knight's Greatsword?
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that's like saying bosses are broken by hitting them and dealing damage. you can make the game as easy or as difficult as you want, it's your choice. your take is shit, if you don't like the game go somewhere else before you get mocked incessantly, kiddo.
Assmongoloid is a hypocrite. He's the first to call out low skill, shitters, etc. and he's resorted to it.
It's not overtuned, it's just exploding all at once when you shoot it at the floor. That doesn't seem intended and if that was fixed it'd probably be okay.
God damn it, guess I gotta pop out the guide.
I got like 40 golden sneeds and literally no use for them after maxxing the flask, wish I could sell them
The second one.
i haven't used a shield since my first dark souls 1 playthrough
even when you don't shoot at the floor it still deals +3k damage, regardless if the enemy is big or not
Nah shitting on streamers is always based. Except for Koseki Bijou my favorite vtuber who can do no wrong.
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>why I'm wrong
Because you're projecting
>being emotionally invested
Projecting again
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The dlc's story is not good

It feels like modder fanfiction.
back when parry was still based
perfumes are nothing without rolling sparks. the other perfume-unique ash is the same slow speed without any of the damage, the normal moves have highly inconsistent damage and deal no poise damage, and have the same frame data ass whips without even half the range
>level 4 skibidi summon
>at Messmer
>"if you're struggling with a boss, just take some time to explore and come back to do it later when you're stronger"
>DLC where most people are doing it after beating the game
>if a boss is too hard you can't explore the area to get stronger first
And thus skibidi fragments were born
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>can't hit dragons because he only knows how to hold block and guard counter
>Asssmongoloid sitting there blocking all of Bayle's spells and dying instead of getting underneath the boss
Truly, he always was a shitter.
Why don’t people just eat the fruit?
So instead of explaining why I'm actually wrong you just deflect and use the most ironic use of "projecting"
Man, its crazy how this always happens when you ask Elden Ring elitists to explain themselves.
3rd option
>git gud, scrub

personally i don't really care as long as you do it yourself without summons of any kind. but there is clearly a difficulty slider, and it's based on your build.
can you parry dragons?
I like using the cold perfume in my off-hand, I feel like it procs frost pretty fast consistently
except for all of the new weapons and spells and areas to invade
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>/erg/ - streamers playing elden ring discussion
I genuinely hope they go back to the old formula. The open world is eyecandy but I dont think it adds much otherwise
>dies and gets mad anyway
Agree. I don't know how to articulate it but it's like they were trying to go for fanservice, but failed at making it actually good.

You're the true shitter
If Ubishit had a bossfight that was completely broken by holding up a fucking shield you would mock it, but because it's your beloved from you consider it acceptable in current year
the streamer shills aren't even trying to hide their raid
He didn't even grind it. It supposedly built a macro to farm the albinaurics on the cliff with a keypress.
The two fingers prayer stance is mimmicking the gate of divinity. GW is behind it 100%
Does Radahn shit on shieldsissying?
>checked stream
>actually lvl 333
>saying he doesnt want to summon Igon because summons are cheap
If you are gonna be a bruteforce clown at least commit like Cohh
man, it's gonna be so fun spending like a week after i finally finish my first playthrough and watching all of the ecelebs cry while dying to bosses. xDD
why do you think hiro hid the IP counter lol, they're paying him to spam
"n-no u"
I'm just laughing at you for defending some cringy unfunny eceleb and claiming he's not shit at the game
That would happen automatically. You can't put out a dlc without at least new areas, weapons, skills and spells.
At that point just use cheat engine.
Making fun of streamers is better content than the homosexual pedophiles obsessing over miquella or the shit flinging over personal head canons of the characters/"story" or random shitter being filtered by an easy boss.
>every single type of arrow deals less damage than the regular ones
How does it even work? Regular arrows have 45 physical damage, while fire arrows are 15 physical and 95 fire. How does a total of 110 damage deal less than 45? Why would you ever use fire, magic, lightning arrows when they're all worse?
>busted out the bleed spear
We're pretty close to shittermax. What else? Rot pot spam?
Bros my favorite streamer just shat his pants while playing Elden Ring, it's such a good game, I never even played it
how did he get to 300 he was like 160 when he started the dlc??
you can't just hold up a shield, retard. asmon is learning that as we speak. my point about choose your own difficulty remains the same, and is as of yet uncontested.
If anything, not using summons is the easy mode of the DLC because bosses gain too much HP if you do summon.
Max fun build now goooo
No, you can fingershield through everything he does and guard counter kill.
Nioh 2 is a better game as well
Turning automatic updates off and going offline once the patch drops should keep me safe from the nerfs, right?

Bayle was 5 hours, Messmer like 3, I am so ready for 10-20 hours Radhan.
>watching assmongler
You have to be 18+ to post on 4chan.
Youre the one getting upset that the eceleb is winning.
What does that say about you?
Do you guys mind elaborating?
asmon right now: "yeah, he's just doing a lot of damage. it's just really annoying."
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I co-op and use swift skibidi to shit on running invaders then show them how big their asshole is by doing Miquella's But Hole.

I am way too much of a fucking pussy to invade with swift skibidi.
I guess this is what bothers me the most. ER already had “meh” story but they had a chance to plug in the holes and make it interesting but opted to make everything gay and retarded instead.

The Ringed City just blows this shit out of the water in terms of writing and aesthetic quality. Elden Ring remains a hodge podge of weird gay meaningless bullshit(and cut content)
At least the locust boys made it in updated form. Oh I mean uh “flies”….right.
>from designs a boss that is intended to be countered with a shield
>dodge autists flip their shit and call the boss broken
>you can't just hold up a shield, retard. asmon is learning that as we speak.
Yes you can. Obviously it just hyper retarded to be a black fag in front of a dragons face over its tail/body/legs where it has far less moves.
Miquella's story FUCKING SUCKS
They're similar, the difference is that Nioh gives you the tools to stand up to them
baylebros?????? is our guy actually a shitty designed boss????????
>boss is unplayable unless you use a very specific playstyle

That's shit design
>Uses slow talisman
>Uses lightning
Some "game"
i just saw his no hit radahn the promised homo
literally just uses a straight sword with stand off
which playstyle
i beat the entire game and dlc without equipping a shield once
The 2nd phase laser is absolute shit otherwise good boss
No, it's literally the greatest boss in their entire catalogue.
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Don't bosses not get any extra HP if you use a NPC summon? And isn't he required for his quest?
I miss Nioh 1
>Stack confusion
>Do literally anything
So the new throwing dagger weapon feels a bit shit, but i’ve heard there’s another throwing knife style weapon called the claws of night. Anyone used them? If so how are they?
You're just mad he's not a 2-dimensional shota hero figure
>asmon currently searching for the summon sign, to summon

can't make this shit up
I'm mad it's not US but RADAHN, it's unfair
They are good
Why won't these people summoning me use Mimic or any spirit ash? They clearly need the help.
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>Waddle underneath
>Rot him
>Sit under him and just slash away at his tail
>Dies without hitting me
Shit like every dragon boss. Fights the same way.
loooool keep me updated dude
yeah this is proof the DLC is extremely easy, you just put on a shield and level up to 300 and nothing matters
>you're weird losers
>your ego is bruised
>(incoherent cope about accomplishments or something)
>you're emotionally invested
>you're an elitist
>you're mad
Nah, assmongrel is just shit at the game
Feel free to cope all you want
hes level 333 and fat rolling how is that possible
Miquella's story is so fucking boring and predictable especially after you get a few hints of what will happen mid dlc. Everything would have been better if it went a different route but no it's full GRRM style retard writing but zero intrigue. Honestly I'm pretty sure grrm wrote a lot more interesting stuff but to make an entire expansion on this shitty part of the story is a bad decision by michael zacqui.
You should learn to be flexible. I fought the giant with a greatbow and mever used it otherwise. Made the fight much better
Because you can't use them with player summons
>Beat every boss in the DLC except for Gaius and Metyr, who are supposedly both awful to fight
Should I keep playing?
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so much for just holding up the FP shield for a free win. dude is literally using the cheesiest build in the game (just completely ignores the moveset) and STILL loses, lmao.
>"Streamer is wrong because he didnt adapt"
>"Streamer is wrong because he adapted"
>"Streamer is wrong because hes using a build I dont like"
>"Actually, youre the problem"
Youre so fucking weird, dude.
He's trying to summon Igon.
He's under the impression igon has to be in the fight to get his shit, which is false.
Second anon here, I'm mostly talking about the lore shit. Like you've got a boss related to the Scarlet Rot, to the Frenzy Flame, to the Fingers and their origin, all things that people like and were curious about in the base game, and then of course Miquella and Trina. But the difference between the base game and the DLC feels like the difference between the original Silent Hill games and the western-made sequels, where the guys making the latter had an extremely superficial understanding and appreciation of what made the originals so good, so it's just full of pointless, almost vapid "Hey look at this thing, remember this from those games you liked! Well we included it here, aren't you happy?" fanservice.
People who have been around when previous titles released, has it always been like that? Scrubs loosing their shit over the difficulty, I mean. Started playing in 2018, so I wouldn't know.
Using a barbed spear would be cheesier, right?
Sweet, does the WA inflict bleed? Since I see it has build in bleed. Considering that I wonder if it’s best on pure dex or a dex arcane build. Glad to hear they’re good, since the game came out and I found fan throwing knives i’ve had a great desire for a weapon like them that does real damage
Is the npcs unmasked available yet? I wanna see if Freya is worth waifuing or if she's actually fugly.
He's still shit at the game
The difference is that the DLC is difficult because of how tedious and badly designed it is, not because it's actually challenging
it's like that every single game
member chained ogre?
I just wanted my bro to get his revenge
yes, there was tons of crying in DS1 over biggie & smalls and other hard parts, and DS2 in general was a crybabyfest
People were more chill when Ashes of Ariandel came out, just complaining about the length. Ringed City was pretty well praised. This DLC has caught way more flak.
I don't get why "people" like that not just keep trying over and over to actually learn the movesets instead of doing shit like that
Someone tell these streamers about the lightning perfume
>this is the first time i've ever used a rune arc in this game
>summoning when he said summoning is cheating

he's getting desperate.
i beat radahn without getting hit
turning the proof into a webm now
It was like this even when Elden Ring released and people were getting btfo by Margit
What talismans should I equip for Radahn? I'm getting roflstomped and need every leg up I can get.
I'm loving them. Super versatile and they still do major damage in melee range.
They're a lot better in PVP than against bosses though.
DSP is unironically better than Asmongoloid at fromsoft games
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Malcom please invade Assman and turn him gay.
Gayer then he already is ofc
Y'all are way too hung up over this guy. Just don't watch his stream dumbass.
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Oh my god she's fucking hideous. Truly a redmane woman's face.

VA is fucking cute though, what a waste.
To some extent, yes
But ultimately the “git gud” sentiment won. This time the complaining is more legitimate because the core design isn’t that great.

Just wait till people really start pvping and realizing how broken backhand blade is. The tears will flow just like they did about things like moonveil at launch.
crimson seed talisman, golden braid, greatshield talisman (if you're using one)
Alright lemee rewrite this story to actually be good

You can keep the initial stuff up until Messmer the same for the most part, but let's flesh out Messmer/Melina's connection to blackflame/GEQ with a hidden boss, and flesh out the frenzy forest area with an outdoor dungeon blocking the boss dungeon, with better designed frenzy eye stealth segments, more enemy types and additional lore. Also it's explained that Torrent was Miquella's companion in his quest to leave crosses in the realm of shadow as a spirit, a boon granted to him by the hornsent for the vow he made to free their land. He left torrent to Melina and the spirit bell to Ranni (both his trusted siblings who he was able to contact in the spirit realm), asking them to grant them to a tarnished worthy of becoming Lord.

Miquella's crosses are used to form a gigantic rune over the land of shadow which is activated by burning Messmer's ember on the Sealing Tree. His rune ushers in an Eclipse over the peak of the Scadutree, changing the skybox as well as lifting the veils, and drawing Miquella's soul to the Gate of Divinity. The Gate of Divinity is now at the base of the Scadutree, and it is the locus of the Crucible of Life, which you learn was sundered by the Golden Star, which Marika invited in to impregnate herself with Godhood. You learn that the Erdtree also grows from the Gate of Divinity, on its "other side". Enir Ilim is now located at the Scadutree's base

The eclipse blocks the golden realm from its connection to the shadow realm, which will allow Miquella to become God of the shadow realm, creating his order of compassion within it. However, there are two obstacles remaining that block him from completing his ascension.
Where do I find the 30% phys reduction talisman?
sounds like you weren't around for sekiro and the game journalist apocalypse where they literally used cripples as a shield of compassion for why they wanted an easy mode. really need more FromSoft games where you can't summon help.
Dung eater lookin nigga
>mohg beat the allegations
>the bloody chicken leg is the best weapon in the game
Mohgbros stay WINNING.
Yeah she looks fucking rough, it's such a shame
>Mohg abducted Miquella as per instructions of the formless Mother in order to ascend to godhood but fails to progress
>Miquella has to get rid of Radahn to cause a ritual that can bring Godwyn's soul back and ascend himself in order to save his sister as well

>Actually Miquella is gay and that's all there is to it
its impossible to make a good looking woman in Elden Ring
bwos... the new thread...
I could just tell by the voice she was a cutie.
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Leda is cute as hell
Maybe they’re better against bosses with some arcane investment if the WA applies bleed?
Bayle is at minimum top three in the DLC.
>Rolling Sparks
Did I beat Radahn
Its not a strawman if thats what happened.
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>w-well just don't watch him
Concession accepted lol
FromSoft was making packaged experiences back then.
Erdtree is just "omgggg hard gaem!!11!" streamer bait now. Erdtree is a solid 6 at best and thats with FromSoft points. Any other developer that put out this empty and boring of an open world with such varying quality of bosses (half are just straight shit) would be lambasted.
>please reply to me with your waifus
Fuck off baiting nigger.
Elden Ring got too big so way too many normies try to play it and expect to immediately succeed in the DLC
they were getting walled by other bosses in the main-game too though
>golden braid
he deals holy damage? I assumed he was doing phys/magic
Are you so used to elements being so vague and sparse in from games you get upset when some things get the spotlight they deserve???
its 20%, and in brace of the haligtree if you jump into the church from the roof and walk on the wood beams
First obstacle: The eclipse had a secondary effect. Without the binding influence of the Golden Order, Godwyn's soul, bereft of its body, crashes into the pillar of suppression, destroying it. The Lord of Death rises at this site, continuing to draw in death from the golden realm, preserving a connecting force between the two realms.

Second obstacle: Miquella needs a lord.

The default ending has you slay the Lord of Death and bring his soul to the Scadutree chalice, granting Miquella his consort. He begins the age long process of his ascension and eventual creation of the Age of Compassion in the freed shadow realm, with gentle death being his lord companion.

There are 5 other endings.

Frenzied lord soul from Midra.

Scarlet lord soul from Saint of the Bud.

Draconic lord soul from the Dragon Priestess questline.

Seed of Fingers from Metyr.

St. Trina ending in which you place Trina's poison in the chalice to access his boss arena and slay him.
Wrong, Sellen exists.
I got oneshot today at 2k hp in that new heavy armor by perfumer's frenzy bottle. Was trying to backstab the guy and caught a charged one while guarding. The frenzy meter built up from one hit, can you believe that shit? The armor has pretty high focus too. Wild stuff.
>DLC an unbalanced mess with a gay pedo incest ending
>trannytubers now milking the "DLC TOO HARD REVIEWBOMBING??" for clickbaits
grifters always find a way
Honestly seeing a lvl 333 shitter still job with the most op build possible says a lot about how bad some people are.
There's a 30% one in the dlc.
most people are
I remember the complaints about Gael but honestly it wasn't as bad as what we have right now, specially since the fanbase is way bigger now and to be fair they do have a point but only about Radahn, that shit is so badly designed it's not even funny
His phase 2 is entirely physical/holy besides his rock throw, gravity erupt, and possibly the divebomb.
you mean the one that scales with equip load? that one only gives 20% @ 100% equip load, its garbage. dont use it.
It is a strawman if I didn't say any of that
Maybe you asmongtards should go back to circlejerking in chat
No there isn't.
>too many normies try to play it and expect to immediately succeed in the DLC
I was getting stonewalled by Rellana on day 1 then yesterday I waltzed back in with +12 Skibidis and raped her first try. It's crazy how much the blessing level affects bosses
the brain rot has exponentially increased since the pandemic. really fucked the world up.
So you started replying without learning the context first?
This is the least deranged asmon hate watcher.
Killed Renalla on 14th try. Killed hippo in 6th. Killed.Blackgaol on 2nd.
>Koseki Bijou
You will never have sex with a cartoon little girl.
can we get a new thread
The point is that it feels like they included those things not because they had any actual stories to tell about them, but because they were popular with the fans, and didn't pay attention to whether what they wrote fits the game, fits the lore that already exists, or is even well written. But obviously that's just how it feels to me, I'm not saying it's objective fact.
So are his sword swings pure PHYS or are they PHYS/HOLY?
>I didn't say any of that
>So you started replying without learning the context first?
Another strawman
Am I too under leveled to be fighting that fallen star beast in Sellia Crystal Tunnel?

Fucking rushed through all the tunnels/dungeons in Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula just to get leveled up enough to get the gold beetle talisman early.

Haven't even been fought Margit yet but holy shit that fucking bug alien bull thing is beating my ass and no one is doing multiplayer right now.
Mate, I wasn't even the guy you were replying to... there's no concession to be made dumbass. I just think you guys are stupid for obsessing over asscrack or whatever his name is if you hate his stream.
consort radahn is the worst final boss in fromsoftware's history as a game development company and its bad that such a statement isnt entirely controversial
And to think Moist beat most bosses in less than 20 tries (Messmer <30 I think) and Radhan in like 4 hours with just Star Fist. He's honestly crazy good for a variety streamer.
Whatever you want to believe.
I mean physical but in phase do they do holy spears, erupts, and his rapid attack are holy ghosts or someshit. have u not seen phase 2/
>Messages say Friend in Ellac river
>no NPC
Welp, thanks Miyazaki
Nigguh I had 3 skadus for Renalla
because he's retarded and sucks at video games
I don't "hate" him, I do think he is unfunny and shit at the game however
Concession accepted
Because people who seek easy ways out do it because they're dogshit.
They only scale with dex and are somber weapons so pumping arcane won't do shit.
Post Tarnished
>implying they need defending
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shit boss. 6/10 dlc. 8/10 game. rollslop needs to die. more sekiro and bloodborne type games pls.
No thanks
yeah she's incredibly ugly
NTA but unironally curious
why are you so emotionally invested in this dude being "good" or "not good" at a video game
You pumped your vigor too high too early. You're not underleveled, you just spec'd into hitting like a wet noodle
assman sucks at a lot of things ngl
Fuck you
only the ones with the unhittable legs need to be bombed and they're always by giant cliffs with jump springs. you're just retarded mate.
The only "emotional investment" I have in this conversation is getting a slight chuckle out of every reply of this rabid asmong fan
Doesn’t arcane boost bleed build up inaccurately if a weapon has build in bleed?
I think that's only with occult affinity
What you're seeing here pales in comparison to Chained Ogre's Wild Ride and the sheer cascade of butthurt it caused. Hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions, filtered, beaten and left with their anuses agape and ruined beyond salvation by Big Ogre Cock.
>Laughs in Gravelord
No. Older games got some flak for being trial and error etc when people tried to rush through them. There's a lot of old /v/ memes referencing people sprinting through levels, getting btfo'd and then whining about artificial difficulty. Bosses rarely ever got complaints if any, partially because before DS2 DLC bosses were all really easy.
If you want my authentic oldfaf opinion, game design changed and focuses more on bosses which is causing this.
she does if you daterape her
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Good fight, lots of openings, lots of openings to find (jumping into crouching attacks, blind spots) but holy shit why do we heal with the speed of Johnny the Dark Souls when bosses can shit ranged attacks/gap close with the speed of Mark the Bloodborne? Low HP wanna heal? Well fuck you I moon slash your healing attempt even at good distance so now just fucking waste time running into the other corner of an arena or wait for my guaranteed healing opening. It's not like healing is unlimited and free, you don't regen stamina for shit while healing.
Is backhand blade supposed to be built as pure dex? is there any other cooler or more stylish weapon than this? I dont wanna waste my smithing stones to max upgrading it right away.

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