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What are the top 3 cheats in elden ring
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Anyone else 20/10?
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how do you activate this wickerman?
Rya cuter
Like that, different pot I think
just so fucking retarded... god she's cute
Using status effects
Using any kind of magic
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Miquella is cute!
anon........hes dead.......
>lost twenty hours of progress because I apparently broke a quest by entering shadow keep too early
That would have been a cool way to do it
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>This is the tarnished mother wants to fucks and become elden lord?
you got the right method but you need the hefty furnace pot
Dragon bros
Which dragon form do you anons like better?
The priestess or the rock heart?
how much skibidi for mesmer
everything about this boss is retarded.
gameplay wise, story wise etc.
1) Spirit Ashes
2) Fingerprint Greatshield
3) Comet Azur + Infinite FP
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Easy game lmao. I beat the game.
I love warrior women
>miquellas rune gets shattered
>immediately begins sizing up who to murder
woman moment, she even says the rune was the only thing keeping her from going schizo and killing people
20k ADLS....it's no contest
This is getting dangerously close to attention whoring, no one cared the last three times you posted it.
KFC Original Recipe Drumstick with 2000 Super Break (bleed)
Man it sucks when you explore open world games and bosses you encounter later gets way too easy
Midra just fell over
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I gave the rite scroll thing to Ansbach because I didn't know what else to do with it and also told him about her doing something with the tablets, but she's still complaining about not being able to understand them. Was I able to give her the scroll instead? Also I fucking came when I slotted this weapon art, it's exactly what I've been waiting for.
you can get inside from behind, use Torrent to jump
Story-wise it's fine, retroactively makes sense. Would have preferred fighting Miquella solo and the Radahn stuff just not being there.
Mechanically though, overtuned as fuck fight
why? just use it yourself faggot
>Frenzy Flame started as a Hornsent thing
My impression of Frenzychad just go down even though Hornsent rejected Frenzy Flame in the end
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I missed every single NPC quest. I'm just going to wait for the inevitable "all NPC questlines" YT walkthrough.
i can fix her rape
reset then try talking to ansbach again, then i think you can tell him about her, and i think she gives you a letter or something
Priestess both looks best and performs the best.
i did it at 10 but i felt a bit underpowered
i think it seems intended for messmer to be the second to last boss

i have a feeling they want you to clear everything else get your skibidi's to like 15+ and then fight him
Go back and talk to Ansbach about Freyja.
Use the pot that uses the wickerman face to craft it. There is a right fire and a wrong fire.
Can you kill the not! wintern lantern things or are you forced to sneak every time?
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>find stone sword
>finally think I have a good strength straightsword
>does less damage than most straightswords
>cant be infused
>cant be buffed
>cant change ash
>find altar and change it into sword of darkness
>its still trash
>find different altar and change into sword of light
>its still trash
What a fucking major disappointment.
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It's a shame such a beautiful knightess is a hopeless shotacon and also insane.
>Hornsent are introduced as le oppressed victims of genocide whose NPC representative is justifiably pissed and out for vengeance but will warm up to you if you back him up whenever you get the chance
>turns out they were a murderous ethnostate that wiped out an entire race, there's a whole dungeon dedicated to showing their warcrimes, and Hornsent openly gloats about how he's going to shank you if you do everything right to finish his questline
>he and his people deserve everything they get and then some
kek, I'll give Mike Zaki credit, it's impressive that he went all the way with depicting a "even the oppressed can become oppressors" narrative in 2024.
The DLC makes me feel bad for killing Placidusax. He seemed chill as fuck (to humans at least) and never did anything wrong.
You can by parrying the grab
lmao retroactively it does not make sense at all. It still literally comes out of left field and is at odds with the characterization of both Malenia and Radahn in the base game.
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>This is Radahn all along
>The children he hugs include Malenia
How bad is the camera and the lock on points in the Bayle fight? The world itself looks cool but I don't want to buy the dlc if it's just going to be more of me fighting the camera. Also, how good is fire for the dlc? I love Str/Fth fire builds.
It IS the way to do it. Just a different pot.
How do you reach the plateau with the giant archer before Romina at the ruins?
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lemme know when radahn is nerfed. this shit is unbearable.
you can parry the grab, they drop crazy grapes. apparently one of them also drops a talisman but i never got it despite killing 3 of them. after you parry them their invincibility goes away so you can just kill them, and they dont respawn
>20k ADLS
What is your set up for that?
>Messmer's Spear is DEX/FAI
There are none. If it's in the game it's meant to be used and if possible exploited.
With the parry ash of war right? How do you parry ingame?
Furnace pot
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Scythe-bros how do we feel about the Obsidian Lamina? Has anyone used it in PvE/PvP?
>get to bayle
>can only lock onto his head
>this coming after the ancient dragon fight where i couldnt lock on to his back legs
i felt no remorse for using igon and mimic, even still he was a pain
I don't really understand how you're supposed to dodge Gaius' charge. Even if you're frame-perfect his hitbox reaches so far out his ass you still get hit.
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Go up the elevator which has this cunt up there. Ignore the fashion and weapon was just using it as a meme screenshot for a friend
Immediately take a left and go down what looks like a kinda jumping puzzle looking area.
>even the oppressed can become oppressors
Yeah, like Marika did
>can't call him son and make him seethe
>can't offer to allow him to return to the erdtree and avoid the fight
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>Beat Radahn
>End cutscene is literally just picrel
Malenia's characterization is being Miquella's hound and strong as fuck
Radahn's characterization is being generally considered a chill guy (even by Rykard), being well liked and strong as fuck
Miquella's plan of getting Malenia to kill him to get hold of his soul after he rejected (?) to be his lord both makes sense in that context and explains why Malenia went on a march directly to Caelid despite having sworn fealty to Miquella, who wasn't really partaking that actively in the shattering
There are shades of this in the base game, the merchants were buried alive because they were suspected to worship the Frenzied Flame, and it turns out they did since some of them know Frenzy spells if you attack them.
get shield/dagger in your offhand, equip it with parry ash of war, then parry
These are my thoughts personally:
remove spirit ashes
remove poise breaking bosses
remove guard counters
remove camera lock
remove stagger
remove physick flask
ash of war should be locked to one affinity
God damn I hate nu-Fromsoft. Why can't a knight just be a fucking knight? Why does everything have to float and dash and do stupid fucking anime moves every 1.5 seconds?
Colossal Weapons
Are you kidding me? Unbelievable.
>don't respawn
Shame. Same with blade lions.
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is it just me or is ghiza's wheel actually good
>axe talisman
>rotten winged insignia
>godskin swaddling cloth
>just spam 1h charge attacks to do a fuckton of damage and get health back for each one
>Leda and the Tarnished will never be murderhobos together
So when enemies wind up their attack, that’s when you parry right? Sorry this is new to me.
>after he rejected (?) to be his lord
it does seem like Radahn ended up choosing family over the twink no? more Ranni than Rykard probably but it cant be denied all 3 were cooperating
And how are you supposed to know that?
I like Leda and Miquella why do they have to become my enemies?
Killing him and eating his heart is exactly what he would've wanted
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Restarting the game got me the letter, thanks bros. Also the weapon art I meant from the picture was Flame Spear, I forgot I had the Dryleaf Arts equipped.
God damn it fromsoft. Fuck it. Next Elden Ring playthrough I'm not even going to try doing things "legit" like I did on my first playthrough, I'm summoning for every bossfight besides Godfrey. I wish I could burn down this overtuned world, but that would mean killing Roderika. So Ranni ending it is this time too.
thanks anon
cheating in consumables
cheating in gear so you don't have to do additional playthroughs
cheating in runes
iirc there's a message next to a broken one in scadu altus
There's a note somewhere in the open world. I don't remember where anymore.
You are literally the thing Messmer has devoted his entire life to mercilessly killing
I like that Leda is my enemy, makes the thought of raping and breaking her hotter
There's a note in Scadu Altus near some destroyed furnace golems explaining that
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>We could have had the god of kindness and abundance make a utopia
>dlc cucks us not only out of a shota god wife, but the shota lobotomizes himself in the process of ascension and no longer is able to feel love or kindness
The dream lives on I suppose. I will not be denied
I wish I was the one who helps braid his hair
Just miss half the questlines and don't bother finishing the DLC like I did.
>Leda stuck at Three Crosses talking about how distrustful she is the entire game
Feels good man
I am now picturing the Tarnished as an overeager stepdad trying desperately to connect with his stepson who's very much not interested.
Also not Elden beast or Margit/Morgot. Those fights were excellent and fun to do by myself.
Nta but the entire gravitas of Caelid is made a fucking joke and turns one of the most compelling battles of the Shattering into gay fujo fanfiction. I can't take Malenia's struggle against the rot and Millicent's questline seriously when THAT was the reason she bloomed. The fact that Miquella was there the entire time completely shits on his bond with Malenia as well and makes him look like a fucking asshole, and the fact that he sent her to murder Radahn makes the whole "abandoning his kindness and love" plot with St. Trina completely fall flat since he was already a psycho.
I don't get why he's whining anyway, doesn't the Grace of Gold literally bring us back to life everytime we die?
Gravel Seal Off hand, Incant scale 350~ main hand seal (you have three solid options), charged spell boost talisman, lightning scorpion talisman, greater incant talisman, (one defensive talisman to survive), lightning boost physick, dragon priestess transform, and golden vow. It only works on big bosses though.
i have 10 and get absolutely throatfucked
It's fucked, I gave up and used an endure dagger for the first charge
After that, if you always close in and never create distance, he'll never charge, and if he does, you can roll through him before the retarded charge hit box gets established
I was under the impression that they only became Frenzy worshipers after the genocide. The ultimate point is the irony of it all; they were driven to become the very thing they were falsely persecuted for.
infinite stamina
anything over 5k hp
infinite poise

oh wait…
desu there were a bunch of furnace things around those ruins and it dawned on me to craft that specific pot earlier
This pretty much. The entire plot turns everyone involved in it into a complete fucking retard and if you think it makes sense it's because you're a complete fucking retard yourself.
I'm fairly sure all the multi-hit talismans and tear are explicitely not trigerred by the wheel spinning
do it right before they hit, like a good second or so before then. try practicing it on some weaker enemies like common soldiers or something if you really want to get the timing perfect
Miquella your sister is dying!
Cuts to Miquella licking Freyja's wounds like a freak
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The Hornsent did nothing wrong. Shaman pots were their own doing.
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I am not gay. I am not gay. I am seriously not gay for blonde femboys.

>tfw I look in the mirror and see Mohg
Because fuck you! Fantasy Japan game, not westoid "ultra realistic" slop.
>Shaman Village
>Marika bathed the village of her home in gold, knowing full well that there was no one to heal

Hanz, are we the baddies?
How do i get the secret ending?
once all the major streamers and youtubers have made their epic videos, anon
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Threadly reminder that Miquella was a brainwashing monster prior to becoming a god.
Becoming a god required him to toss away his love.
He would only become more of a monster, St Trina herself says as much.
You must kill Miquella.
Mohg deserves some dignity, not to have his fucking corpse possessed by his half brothers ghost (Who also didn't want to be involved with this shit)
Miquella is a perfect example of why mind control powers are fucking terrifying and should be crushed asap.
They don't know that you aren't graceless. They just assume all tarnished are by default.
so in a months time?
problem with shit like spirit summons is that they make the fights way too easy. so you're either gritting your teeth at some bullshit thats too hard or rolling your eyes on how easy it gets because the boss cant cope with having more than one target
Honest opinions, what are the Radahn nerfs going to be like?
Yeah I think I'm really getting tired of ER's wambo combo bullshit. It's spam attacks, giant aoe, pause, fake out attack, spam, rinse and repeat. It's just not that engaging.
I wonder if Finley knew that Mickey was there afterwards and instead of helping Malenia or saving her comrades from the rot he was smooching Redmanes. Malenia objectively comes out as a victim in this situation, imagine abandoning everything you stood for because of your brothers cocklust and he leaves you to go get penetrated by Mohg and heal your enemies
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Unless the recent patch changed it, the charged r2 attacks don't have nerfed procs, only the ash does
his mom gave us grace back though and we are currently PLAPing her, he's got no reason to be upset. Need some father and son bonding while killing some hornsent scum

kill miquella, ending with St. Trina. Only acceptable "miquella" ending, she was the best part of him anyway. Miquella is ambitious and ruthless as Marika, hence why he threw away St. Trina
Is that Centurri?
I see
I'm currently using the rock heart for Bayle's incantation
The highest I've gotten was just 3k damage sadly
Wouldn't he see the Grace of Gold physically reviving us and pulling us back to life if he kills us even once? I wonder how Messmer would react to that if dying was canon.
I am bisexual. Trina could swap places with him mid plap and I'd still top them. I want to fight Radahn for the right to put a ring on that like Godfrey and Marika
The window is pretty narrow, around 1/10th of a second, and the parry also has startup times before it works
Carian retaliation is the best if you have it. I think I hit the button right after the winter lantern raised its wand up to grab you
This motherfucker still bloodraped innocents long before Miquella got his hands on him, he deserved to rot
I always knew Mohg was a decent guy when I broke into his home and he said “welcome honored guest”
>makes him look like a fucking asshole
He is? He just thinks he has a good enough justification to get away with the shit he unleashed. He thought he'd have to get his hands dirty just for a little bit, in exchange for creating paradise for all.
Tale old as time, it's not that convoluted and it is pretty explicitly stated in the DLC and teased in the main game with how everyone hypes him up to be THE guy who could fix everything
It hits multiple times on big targets. That's the only way you get to such high numbers.
The lore is so incredibly bad that I'm not going to buy it now. This is actually good from a gameplay POV because this means when I finally do buy it when it's discounted to $5 or something, it'll be properly patched.
Now imagine Morgott's reaction.
>furnace golem
>woooow why does it need a furnace pot?
big think
Delay after combo is something that IMO needs to be done.
I beat him earlier but it was a massive pain only being able to press attack once with quick ash of war after I had been dodging for 6 seconds.
Trying to cast any spell that isn't instant will get you killed.
Trying to use any ash of war that isn't instant will get you killed.
>He never wore the pants
Well duh. If you were living out in the woods with no one else but your woman do you think you'd ever be wearing your pants?
I absolute hate this fucking plot point. Oh yeah, let's make two armies fight to death because of a promise or whatever the fuck it is. It's like all 3 of them don't care about normal human beings lifes, which shouldn't be the fucking case. Atleast not for Miquella.
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upgrade your skibidis

i used light roll for him makes dodging him a lot easier
>kill miquella, ending with St. Trina.
Trina is linked to Miquella. She dies when he does.
You are fully correct. But if Fromsoft can't balance their game then I don't really feel bad killing everything that prevents me from experiencing the beautiful world, especially since I've already killed most bosses solo. However, if the bosses are well made then I'll fight them legit. You know, bosses like:
Even base game Radahn isn't that bad and I'd do him solo.
that's the fire giant's fell god you retard
majority of Japanese deny they did any war crimes during WWII and even those who do don't feel guilty about it. Miyazaki is based and just putting that into the game, hence why all the Chinese review bombed it
how can I get the martial arts from the dlc on a new playthrough as early as possible? I want to play the entire game with it
His bond with Malenia was one of the most compelling parts about the DLC, for him to just abandon her like a sick dog with only a passing mention of her as his "loyal blade" in the entire dlc makes me ill. I already mentioned that him being this much of a cunt makes Trina's plotline meaningless as he was already like this before abandoning everything
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how are these weapons without buffing and stuff?
why didn't Miquella just mind control Radahn if he could mind control Mohg? Why didn't he mind control fucking Morgott and just grab the Elden Ring day one?

Never put mind control in your story, it'll never make sense.
Is it me or Dancing Lion's theme is very Sekiro-like?
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>varre's reaction to seeing me use the blood knight medallion to teleport to mohgs palace after explicitly telling me not to use it yet
No. Sick of FROM giving us good stuff and "hardcore" retards screaming for nerfs then complainnig there's only ten things you can use. Made worse after learning these subhumans don't go past NG+3 on average. Messmer should have turned you all to ash.
that only applies to the ash of war, the multi hit strong attack procs any multi hit talismans
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old webm
not anymore, whatever Miquella did made Trina independent from him
They really doubled down on their obtuse quest design in this DLC. It's like they decided to put effort into making Ranni's questline and figured that it's too much work.
Dark Souls 3 was better
The Dark Souls 2 DLCs were better
lmao no, the whole soul injection nonsense and Radahn being this promised consort is all retcon nonsense. None of it is present in the base game at all.

Malenia marched on Caelid and attacked Radahn because Radahn is preventing the fates of the empyrean from proceeding by halting the stars. Miquella needed his fate in oder to complete the transformation he was engaged in within the base of the Haligtree. She blooms and destroys Caelid in a last desperate attempt to achieve this aim, because neither her nor Miquella give a fuck about Radahn. He's simply an obstacle to overcome. Miquella has no special affection for Radahn anywhere in the base game, it's only ever for Godwyn. The statue of the three figures in the Haligtree is clearly meant to be Godwyn, the hair looks nothing like Radahn's.

Radahn halted the stars because all three of the Carian siblings were allied together in opposing the Golden Order, that's why Radahn's portrait is found in the volcano manor and why Ranni gifted Rykard a fragment of the rune of death in the Blasphemous Claw.

Ranni needed fate to be suspended for Black Knives plot to work, specifically so that she could change bodies, otherwise her fate would be to continue on the path of the Golden Order. With her spirit detached from her body, though, her fate is free to change to betrayer, which is why she then needs Radahn to cease what he is doing, but Malenia's rot has fucked with his mind, so instead he has to be killed.

Everything regarding the connection between Radahn, Miquella, and Malenia in the DLC is a retcon, and one that totally undermines and contradicts the base game lore, all for the sake of le ebic anime final boss. OMG Miquella is Grifith and Radahn is Guts for real for real, isn't that sooooo cool??
Then why does she die after we kill Miquella
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soo what happened to the three story paths thing in the dlc? or am i misremembering things
She died when he died
>Expecting the ultra incest femboy to be good
All the Empyreans are unhinged ayn rand characters taking advantage of you
she might actually be the worst of the bunch
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Ansbach is super polite too, even introduces himself to Radahn before starting the fight.
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>seems intended for messmer to be the second to last boss
>I've only seen/killed lion, rellana and hippo so far
And here I thought I was off the beaten track, I only have 9 skibidi
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Miquella in the base game:

>abandoned his religion and family for his sister
>created the Haligtree and the unalloyed gold (an entirely new kind of magic and material) for his sister
>sacrificed his flesh and blood to grow the Haligtree for his sister
>crafted dozens of prosthetics and multiple [unfinished] medicinal needles for his sister
>took the time to put purely aesthetic decorations on all those prosthetics for his sister
>decorated his city with statues of him hugging his sister
>decorated the Altus Plateau with a statue of him hugging his sister (cut content identified this location as "St. Trina's hideaway"; a statue of his sister is the ONE thing he had in his hideaway to feel safe)
>has a datamined weapon about him and his sister saying they're inseparably linked to the same fate
>has datamined dialogue where he kills himself to revive his sister

And that the biggest DLC bait in the base game was:

>"My brother will keep his promise."

and absolutely none of this is relevant in the DLC because he wants bara dick.

>b-but the secret rite scroll said he needed a lord to become a god for the ritual and Trina said he casta side his humanity and Leda was a psycho so maybe she also never met Mal-

fuck off, no one forced them to write the story that way.
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best weapon in the game
bleed fags need not apply
Hwr disappeared from my game after a really early boss and I never saw him again
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That headbutt is something else, I can't roll through it as its hurtbox is still within me as i run out of iframes.
>makes the whole "abandoning his kindness and love" plot with St. Trina completely fall flat since he was already a psycho.
St. Trina was probably locked up during that period like how Marika did it with Ragadon so she could shatter the Elden Ring. DLC he permanently splits her off
I want to have a helmet with that madness eyeballs thingy you fight in the dlc. Does it exist?
Alright, I'm purchasing timeshare options in the Mohg fanbase. I can't abbandon Ranni, but I can say that Mohg did nothing wrong.
Does hurling fire pots into flame golems works on only specific one or all of them?
What Weapons/AoWs can i get for STR/INT? right now I'm using a magic pickaxe with gravitas and just got hoarfrost stomp.
That's headcanon and contradicted by the actual game, the land of shadows is where he physically cast out aspects of himself
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miquella's dew...
st trina nectar...
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I'm so glad i didn't spoil this for myself. This cutscene was relatively simplistic but it's also one of the biggest "oh fuck" moments i've ever felt in these games
Ranni's questline sucked.
Welcome, brother. Revenge for Mohg
Hornsent genocide
I dont care what you did or didnt do.
Youre ugly and thats enough for you all to be wiped off the face of the earth.
You have to use the DLC ones as in hefty fire pots and furnace pots
She's a child you sick fuck.
He's total bullshit especially at lower scadu
Went back with 15 scadu blessings and destroyed him
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I cast throwing knife
>Hwr disappeared from my game after a really early boss and I never saw him again
the item chest should be account wide. i'm gonna get a friend to trade over 2 characters with me to use cool weapons on a fresh save anyway, just take that work off my hands and let me access the same chest on all characters.
> the entire gravitas of Caelid is made a fucking joke and turns one of the most compelling battles of the Shattering into gay fujo fanfiction
The battle had about as much depth as a Death Battle video. We didn't even know the reason why Malenia was in Caelid to begin with. It was always a big gaping plot hole.

>The fact that Miquella was there the entire time completely shits on his bond with Malenia as well and makes him look like a fucking asshole, and the fact that he sent her to murder Radahn makes the whole "abandoning his kindness and love" plot with St. Trina completely fall flat since he was already a psycho
Black and white thinking is a symptom of autism. Just because Miquella is a duplicitous little shit, which we've ALWAYS known since the base game, doesn't make him a one dimensional monster. It's likely Miquella expected there to be causalities, but he never expected them to be from Malenia kamikazing herself and unleashing the scarlet rot, which is presented as a moment of weakness on her part.

Portraying Miquella as this evil yandere is just as wrong as acting like he's some dindu nothin' good boi like retards were hoping and praying for for years. Just like everyone else in the game, the reality is somewhere in-between.
>immediately tells you to fuck off out of his house
>just says fuck it and takes his own head off just to kill you and become the lord of frenzied flame
its a plant and a god, they are like 1,7 and 2 meters tall too
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Total Horncuck Death.
Is he retarded?
next fromsoft game will have a marketplace and it will crash the industry with no survivors
Please tell me it doesn't get worse than Jori and the Lamenter, I can't take a shittier boss fight than those two
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If only.
>We didn't even know the reason why Malenia was in Caelid to begin with. It was always a big gaping plot hole.
No it wasn't you literally get seventy different sites where you're explained in detail the progress of Malenia's army down the Lands Between culminating in her final battle with Radahn, the one Demigod that could stand against her in battle.
But it's for all of them not just very specific ones?
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Remember the mantra of the DLC
Getting 1-2 shot?
Grab more Scadu
It's a night and day difference even if a few % doesn't sound like much.
>aryans wipe out their oppressors
only way Miyazaki could have been more based is if he gave Messmer some obvious Japanese land of reeds character who uses a katana to help purge them
Are shields/gshields only viable with spears and thrusting weapons?
>for him to just abandon her like a sick dog
The whole point of his order would be for people like his sister to be able to live decent lives. That has always been a big aspect of his character, that he wants things to grow whether they're considered "good" or "bad" by the current order.
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>Can't put Carian Sovereignty on Moonrithyll Greatsword
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>tfw st Trina is a god of dreams because we'll only be their lord in our dreams
Hurts just a bit
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You do have the best sword in the game, right? Right, Anon?
>even if a few % doesn't sound like much.
a 20% minimum does sound like a lot desu
>Fire infused smithscript to reset frost
ooooh, smart.
I do have the dismounter, yes.
>kill all the invincible faggots
>kill Midra
>Spectral Steed is still afraid
Torrent stop being such a cowardly faggot holy shit.
he explicitly tells you he's done taking shit from everyone including and especially you, so he just decides to fuck you up. also his boss theme is kino as fuck and even has a callback to the merchant song in it
>t. Hornsent
Also, considering how Great Jars work in Erdtree culture, I think the Shamans were only putting already dead remains in their jars. The Hornsent saw this and corrupted it by putting Shaman in them while they were still alive for some batshit insane, degenerate reason.
I got 14 skibidis. I can get Torrent but dodging that horsecharge is something I can't figure out.
>looks nice
>shit moveset
Every time
This is such a cool team I hope I don't have to kill them all haha
>He doesn't know..
You'll figure it out eventually. The move sets on this thing combine the Godslayer Greatsword with the Zweihander.
I do and I don't use it because it doesn't fit my build
Love to see the chaos zweihander back tho
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>I ask you forgive me, dearest Nanaya...
>O mother, forgive me.
>You must kill Miquella... Grant him forgiveness.
Should work on all of them but you have to throw them inside the opening at top which is usually only available for the golems with armored legs
Player messages said try thrown item and it was right next to the cookbook and all the wickerman crafting items. I tried a normal firebomb first and it did nothing.
In reality, Torrent was just scared of the dark.
That would completely break progression fuck off.
Ill be honest.
The whole "MIQUELLA IS..... EVIL??????" isnt a twist at all. Its incredibly expected and just tired at this point.
A proper twist wouldve been if Miquella was actually nice and took Melinas place in the DLC and had some nice dialogue about Torrent
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Explain why killing Radagon doesn't kill Marika then.
They're all alive in my game.
Maybe not Ansbach I don't know where he went.
They really went above and beyond with making everything suck dick and impossible.
I don't care. The Dismounter looks cooler and if I need some overpowered bullshit I can always rely on my bloodflame, or my Flame of the Fell god+Burn, O Flame combo.
Radagon was a separate being before he fused with Marika. St Trina wasn't.
That's literally the exact opposite of the truth.
That's what stated, but when his sister just blew herself up and was knocked into a coma on his behalf and he just fucking leaves her (remember that Finley managed the journey back to the Haligtree ALONE) and doesn't even bother to give her a needle or subdue her rot comes out as a gigantic prick. That lore bit of his presence at Aeonia is honestly what makes me seethe the most because of how badly it ruins the base game lore
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Very Christian themes from a writer who subverts it at every turn.
why does no one fucking talk about the shitty ass armors in ER? Like everything that looks cool, fits to magicians or even hex belongs to woman? Like what should I even wear? Why is there body type a and b, but no unisex armor?
someone's double kill on here
Okay so only taking the base game's lore into account, why did they fight? Quote the text in the game
>ng+7 caster
>summon npc with 12k hp and mimic and still barely win
man that final boss isn't fun at all

barricade shield works wonders though, you REALLY don't take that much chip damage
what the fuck is eternal sleep!!
They never tell you WHY she and her army is marching on Caelid, though. She could be doing it for everything from seizing his territory to attacking preemptively before he does the same to her.

If I'm wrong, I'll gladly eat shit, but I don't remember any NPC or item description explaining why she went through all the trouble of amassing her army to go down there.
They modeled his adult eyes? I didn't expect that.
Idk why I expected anything different but I did and I'm incredibly disappointed.
(Also every single NPC fucking dying AGAIN.)
read the item description
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would you let Marika fuck you so she can conceive another deranged demigod?
death but happy
i wanted to do a dual wield morning star playthrough because that fat fuck aris thinks his jump attack mornigstar build is bad and i know it's cheap.i already made a wretch lvl1 save and currently waiting for someone to respond atm. sadly don't have anything to offer but you can grab my gfs tits once if i met you irl
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>Forgiveness also equates to killing them.
I would fuck her brains out to conceive another seventy deranged demigods.
The DLC adds a new Discus move that's the same as the normal one but it doesn't use INT. Kek. Golden Order incants are cucked.
Don't two NPCs lived?
There's art from before the DLC was even announced that shows Miquella holding Malenia back from fighting Radahn.
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Could Miquella fix the dung eater without robbing him of his free will? Keep in mind that if you just stop him from acting like a monster, but don't remove the impulse, that will slowly boil into resentment and eventually despair (Making him fall to the frenzied flame, or the mother of truth, or maybe even some all new horrible thing we haven't seen yet).
Miquella had one (1) Golden needle that he gave to his twin sister, even if you find a way to mass produce them, what do you if people don't want to take your jab? Will Miquella enforce total compliance through a police state? Because that never has a 100% success rate and even queen Marika needed a standing army to do most of her heavy lifting.
Suppose for a demi-god, death is the closest thing to freedom
we wouldn't stop at just one demi-sperg child
what are your thoughts on this ash of war
I still don't know what the Scadutree is.
It only popped into existence AFTER Marika met with the Greater Will/Fingers right?
Which ones?
you are a big time idiot
its moveset is literally perfection
That does not fucking exist you liar, and even if it did we know she was there on his orders
nta but not sure if i fucked up my quests but literally every npc i met in the dlc died
Did they nerf Mountaintops of the Giants at some point? I remember this area being harder when I first played through the game
What are you even trying to convey here? That you're waiting for someone to drop you the morning star?
That you're waiting for approval?
That you're roleplaying some weird cuck nerd fantasy?
I don't remember their names. The Pureblood Knight lives, yeah? He even helps you with Radahn
I love that fucking hat so much
Ansbach and Thollier can live all the way through the final battle, but they still die after you defeat Radahn.

I know Ansbach has dialogue when he dies, but I don't know if Thollier does. Can a dataminer confirm that he doesn't?
he was so perfect... why did they have to ruin him
very good
What timezone is poopa?
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Is there anything about Melina in the dlc?
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>Marika is supposedly the sole survivor of her village
Then are the Numen/Black Knife Assassins also shamans or are they some separate tribe who allied with Marika?
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nah you just sucked
dismounter looks like ass though
It's a little obtuse to explain, but look in the sky. You see that veil-like substance? That's a giant mimic veil covering the Land of Shadow.
It's real physical location is the center of the Lands Between.

The Scadutree is what the Erdtree looks like through the veil/it's the shadow version of the Erdtree, or something. It's in the exact same position as the real Erdtree.
I'm gonna play some Darktide, I don't like Gaius' charge attack.
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How many "pure" casters don't use a weapon?
the first obviously
Is the sword spear from gaius any good? Also crucible wings is kinda shit. Does barely any damage to enemies.
>beat radfaggot
what's a fun build to help people via co op with
>Altering Messmer's Helm changes "Messmer's Flame" to "Messmer's Fire"
Why though
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>mfw someone tells me a boss is hard
alright cool
>his mom gave us grace back though
That is precisely why he is upset, she sanctioned your graceless ass while he's left in the shadow lands for eternity, with nothing but snakes and a yandere tomboy to keep him company
Nope her existence isn't acknowledged at all
There is one item description that vagueposts about someone that's presumably her but she isn't even named
He's so beautiful. I can see why Radahn accepted
I'll watch it and hurry up with my perfumer build before it gets nerfed
So far I think they are very underwhelming, not much range or damage. You're getting fucked the moment any enemy bigger than a small one shows up.
>It's real physical location is the center of the Lands Between.
But it's way too big to fit in the mini-ocean between Altus/Liurnia/Limgrave/Caelid
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>still die after you defeat Radahn.
From WHAT?! A spontaneous heart attack?
>He's beautiful
Fuck it, just rework the dlc so I can be his consort
The most annoying part of the DLC are all the fucking shittubers and twat streamers coming out and being like "UHHHH ITS ACTUALLY LE EZ" and not actually reading why people say the DLC isnt fun.
>you can get multiple irises of grace in a playthrough and use them to turn dying NPCs into summons
>you can't use them on Ansbach and Thollier
What a goddamn waste.
It's like a cross between a cleaver and a sabre. It's great. The only weapon I like more is the crescent moon axe.
Time is convoluted, what do you want from me, man
Out of all the demi-gods, Mohg deserved an ally route the most
I want to see the Mohgwyn Dynasty.
They don't, they're gods.
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I have a confession tho, the only way I could find to make progress in phase two is with a mimic tear... forgive me honor bros I feel little sad and hollow about it I wont lie but I at least didnt quit
Yeah, I don't know how it works either, but that's what the Sealing Tower hints when you go to it. It'd be in the exact center of all the Divine Towers.
Another thing that doesn't make sense is how the Cerulean Coast makes sense when it... wouldn't be a coast if it was connected to Limgrave.
would would would would would would would would would would would
I strongly dislike people repeating that the new leveling system is there to stop overleveled characters from being OP. It's not, no one with an OL character abstains from eating skibidies, only tryhards do that. It's there for forced difficulty. OLs only become more OP
Thiollier has dialogue, I summoned them both
He said something like I'm sorry it's up to you now, fulfill St Trina's wish
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Godfrey was so fucking lucky.
Someone made a version of the map using the Supressing Pillar as the center of the Lands Between and it (kinda) fits.
They all hail from the lands of cut content.
no, thank fuck they trashed that awful character
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how get here?
>open an epic Elden Ring gamer stream
>yeah so I use cheat engine on every character I make and today I will show you how to easily beat the game
Death to whole lot of em
would you plap the retard knight anons?
>P-P-Please understand
Gay pedophiles like you should be killed.
Pretty much everyone had to use Mimic tear on that boss I wouldnt feel bad about it, as long as you werent also using a busted build. Looks like youre a dexfag so I think its honorable
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>soloed every boss
>also scarlet rotted every boss

did i beat the DLC?
take a good look from around the dragon
Built like Slimthick Vic
Where the fuck is this from
>haven't played since original launch
>don't feel like continuing off of my old character
>don't feel like doing all the tedious gathering of crafting materials on a new character
fucking open world games
Unfortunately the DLC can't happen without him getting killed.
It's kinda how I'd like to side with Godwyn prior to him getting stabbed, bad things just happen to demigods it seems.
Marika is doomed to see all her family die again.
No you didn't. The only people who beat the dlc are those who bought a physical copy of it and punched it to bits.
Plap her skull in with a sword then rape, behead, rape again, bring head home for later
i wish she forgave me
from the cerulean coast further south you run along the beach and drop off a little cliff to get over there
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I don't even know why I expected anything
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What in elden ring has the biggest boom factor
They have death dialogue in the fight, so the implication is that they lose their lives in the effort to kill Radahn.
It's amazing how something so simple as adding dialogue during fights can make you give a shit. My bros deserved better.
If Limgrave was connected to Charo's Grave and the Cerulean Coast then it would be a land of Red grass, Green grass, and Blue grass. Literal fields of RGB.
>summon cheaters coping ITT
you did not beat the game
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I would, but I'm not sure she'd be interested since I'm not a little boy.
can you actually rot the scussy (scorpion pussy)?
>cheat engine character
>fingerprint shield
>star fists endure
>status effects
Any of those means you didn't beat the game. Several of those means you didn't even started the game.
>lmao retroactively it does not make sense at all.
Yes it does
Does does Young Radahn look like under the helmet?
cope harder
I'll get it on my level 20 dude later.
STR/FTH has pretty much no competition.
>can use greatshields to tank so your team doesn't die in two seconds
>can use 60% elemental resist buffs + Golden Vow so your skibidilet teammates don't instantly die
>tons of STR/FTH DLC weapons to try out so you don't get bored
The second item is specially important because many bosses of the DLC are element-themed.

Other builds might be better at nuking but if you want to actually enjoy the fights that's by far the best option.
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MiquellaCHADS... I'm going to suck every last drop of dew out of Miquella. I'm not going to stop no matter how hard Miquella moans...
Malenia gets to watch in the corner, she can see I won't take too much from Tender MIquella... and if I do she can kill me.
That still doesn't work because the scadutree is now way North of the Erdtree
>"Whats going on everyone, I'm here to cherry pick arguments like a middle school boy picks shit pebbles out from between his ass hairs on why YOU are actually wrong about the DLC and I wont give any real explanation why these people are wrong other than 'hard game is hard?'"
After bosses like Messmer and Bayle
What complete and utter disappointment Romina Metyr are
Even regular monsters are stronger than them, especially Romina. What a weak boss
This is fucking fanart, and even then Miquella is nowhere to be found are you blind?
NTA, but can you point out what I'm supposed to be seeing here? Where's Miquella? Not sassing you, I genuinely just can't tell where he's supposed to be and it's making me feel like an idiot
Shut up, pedophile.
People are really having trouble telling the difference between the answer to their question not making sense and it being a shitty unsatisfying answer. This is the latter.
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>Does does
That's actually pretty normal for gays to abandon everything and everyone for cocklust.
>Built like Slimthick Vic
Based gooner
Faithbros, what new gear do you enjoy the most in the DLC?
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I want to fuck the blonde twink so hard.
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The DLC killed PVP for good
Bait used to be believable.
What a lickable stomach.
good, pvp is gay
Literally and figuratively the Shadow of the Erdtree™
kill my children
kill my husbands
kill the elden beast
>fingerprint shield

so you telling me i can use the next best GSh or even just the best medium shields with shit like greatshield talisman and i'm perfectly legit? good to know anon, good to know.
I'm not into Yandere's no.
Ansbach is my homie and was willing to face down a full powered god and his elden lord with me.
Unfortunately I messed up Thiolliers quest near the end, peak game design to have me repeat the same thing 3+ times with no indication that it does anything memezaki.
YUse light roll. The window to dodge his charge is so small with medium rolling you'd have to be a literal machine to consistently perform with that precision.
No it saved invasions. Niggers don't know how to deal with enemies and it's literally free kills.
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I will continue beating the game with new characters and you will continue to seethe and cope.
Summons are so great. Not only are they fun to customize and tweak for different builds, but you get the added bonus of making a retarded autistic faggot really upset every time you use it.
based beyond belief
I'm not even the guy you were talking to :(
>That miquella
Think Malenia had to protect her brother's virtue for his promised consort when they were younger?
>"Taste the love!"
why is he next to laundry detergent?
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Tarnished only. Radahn and Mohgfags BTFO.
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>Radahn 2nd phase
im gonna bweh
this is actually a really cute picture if you keep your mind out of the gutter (you won't).
boss has 2 healthbars? so do i bitch
dragonbros, do you use the named elemental skills, or the dragon[attack] ones instead
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>killed PVP for good
Are you trying to imply it wasn't already dead?
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First time doing a faith build what incantations should I be on the lookout for?
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Should have been Godwyn
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These things keep getting worse and worse to fight
summon ansbach
summon thollier
summon mimic nigga
summon adolf hitler
summon joseph stalin
summon satan
summon the zodiac killer
summon john wayne gacey
summon john f kennedy
*dark souls 3
bleed or frost
but he is dead
Ashes are great, i can have a coop without resorting to summoning some retarded nigger and the only ones mad are those retarded niggers left behind and redcucks left behind even harder
Begone wagecuck
Anyone who does pvp in these games are just retards who cant play actual fighting games, even more so when From decided covenants shouldnt exist
No, the Battle of Aeonia now makes sense and we kniw what happened. Miquella needed a King Consort as Lord to ascend to Godhood. And Saw in Radahn, who controlled gravity and was very ambitious the perfect candidate.
Radahn can control the Stars, which means controlling Fate, and Miquella is in his way trying to alter his own fate.
The Battle of Aeonia also symbolizes the corruption of Miquella's character. He acts as a savious and wants to be a benevolent God, but whoever can't be charmed and doesn't subject bimself to his will by offering his adoration is killed. Malenia waged war over Radahn breaking the oath, both because he needed him and because he will not accept it. Miquella's Age of Compassion is founded on betrayal, war and manipulation, that's the entire point of why you can't join him in the first place.
Spirit ashes are one of the first things they introduce. It's literally in the game meant to be used.
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>can't heal him with a warming stone
damn, so that really was just a one-time thing, huh
what a shame
>summon shitter
>reddit meme
catch flame, frenzied burst, lightning spear, golden vow, flame cleanse, flame grant me strength, ancient dragon lightning, black flame
so was radahn
>Milady + shield
Is it viable?
His tiny arm is holding her back right dead in the center of her body. You can see his silhouette pretty clearly. Use your eyes. Keep in mind this is before they were willing to depict Miquella fully like in the intro cutscene.

Gay pedophile cope. It's from a pre-release E3 trailer.
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>yeah bro, praise the sun or whatever
Anyways, thoughts on Midra? Wasn't so hard, took me like 2-3 hours to register his patterns well enough for effective parrying. Cool fight, but less bullshit than Rellana
why? also PvP has been dead since the beginning. after your 50th "3 dudes standing in an open field" open world invasion it gets pretty stale. i miss the first two years of DS3.
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Going from beating Radahn to fighting Malenia feels like attacking a Nuke and then beating up a coughing baby with a gun
good thing I found this talisman that reduces the sound of your footsteps, apparently since Malenia is blind they added a lore detail that as long as you dont make sound by walking in the puddle she cant perfectly track your movements. Pretty cool but its damn hard to stay in the grass all the time, anyone got any tips to make walking in the grass easier so my talismen gets more value?
I'm literally only invading with Swift Slash until it gets removed from the game.
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Yes my Queen
named are too fucking expensive
yes most games start with a difficulty selection and easy mode is meant to be used thats true
>Majority of new armoursets are just a bunch of shitty, worn out rags.
Sometimes I wish a Korean studio like Shift-Up made Elden Ring but had the same difficulty and stuff
no he was gay, its a little different
Been trying light weapons/armor for the first time in this DLC and its going poorly. How do you guys deal with enemies like those Fire Knights? Trying weapons like dual blades against them is just impossible. They don't stagger at all and you stagger from everything when using light armor. How do you even play this game without staggering something with your every hit?
>Ansbach is a high ranking member of a sadomasochistic blood cult where one of the core values is love, or at least Mohg's version of it
>he's devoted enough to lay down his life for you and dies acknowledging you as his promised lord
A-Ansbach bros, does this mean he loves us?
After beating it I no longer thing it's overtuned, except for the second phase big gravity slam after he pulls you in. Every other attack he has, I learned to dodge or block consistently or mostly consistently. Parrying is mandatory, however.
Where is this from? Very based, btw.
is the death knight armor anywhere in the game or do we not get to have it?
They're shit and have infinite combo chains. I just switch to the Anvil Hammer when I see them.
>but less bullshit than Rellana
Rellana was piss easy bro. Just parry.
The first 6 months or so of ER invasions was always 3 dudes with rivers of blood or moonveil
Every single time
My plat says eat shit.
Enir-Ilim really, realy sucks.
if they just fixed phantom downscaling it'd be fine because then you could legitimately 1v3 people if you were good enough. they'll never do that though. they must cater to the casuls.
bullshit thats not true
It is, inside some catacombs
>entered dlc rl 127
>now rl 198 without doing any grind in mid game
>scooby-doo treats are fucking easy to find and everywhere
>tons of max upgraded weapons for any occasion
you guys are fucking pussies
also this shit destroy everything, best dlc weapon so far
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that's very cool, bateman, but that's nothing... look at this
Favourite boss of the DLC, just wish he wasnt so easy
But in this DLC I guess if he wasnt easy he'd be flipping around 50 times and shitting AOEs on every attack, so I'm happy enough with him now
what did it do
That's Malenia putting her broke ass arm back on, I don't know what schizo shit you're seeing
I do have Leda's sword yes
so was radahn. who gives a shit? it means nothing
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>Retarded Autistic faggot
>Seething and coping

Best feature Fromsoft has ever created.
Elden Ring has no difficulty selection.
It's your own self imposed challenge to not use the tools that memezaki tries force you to use.
Marika's tits
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I have to admit that dressing up as a confessor and killing 5 wayward tarnished felt like very good RP
i just chicken wing them
>It's a retcon
>Malenia marched on Caelid and attacked Radahn because Radahn is preventing the fates of the empyrean from proceeding by halting the stars. Miquella needed his fate in oder to complete the transformation he was engaged in within the base of the Haligtree.
This is an headcanon theory completely unproven. Nothing says that the Fate of Miquella is tied to the Stars like Ranni. Nowhere it's mentioned that Malenia's motive was stopping Radahn from halting the course of the Stars. The Carians draw their Fate fron the Stars, Miquella did it from Gold, and when it didn't work he discarded everything golden to create a new Fate
how many somber ancients are in the dlc?
It's fun
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>some giant flying shit appears
No, I don't think so
start with madness incants they are your best early game damage until other stuff overtakes them later
also use black fireball and black fire sweep
I actually find exploration more fun than the bosses.
I had a lot of fun exploring Messmaballs castle and when i found a boss it suddenly stopped being fun. Its not that I dont like bosses. Its just that this DLC has really annoying bosses.
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These generals are literally making people gay with how beautiful that creature
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>Basically empty
>All the mobs suck ass
>Short as fuck
2 years and this is the best they can do
Anon know matter how many words you write explaining it (which I already get, btw the fate shit is headcanon) it doesn't change anything about how it's such a shitty and lame motivation. You seem incapable of understanding that people can get the lore and still think it sucks balls and is unsatisfying. There's even the question of whether Radahn refused or if Malenia was holding up her part of the vow, which makes the conflict even more meaningless if true. You're also missing the point that it makes Trina pointless as a character. Fuck you, never respond to my posts again you miyazaki cocksucker
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Flying is only has niche uses in specific levels with high verticality and then generally only if you're the invader.
Regular dragon attacks are more mana efficient in all other situations.
It's in some catacombs, pretty well hidden
Okay, I think I'm just stupid and/or blind, because I can see that something's there but I can't make any heads or tails of it. Thanks anyway
That's your opinion chad, her attacks patterns kinda pissed me off
i summoned for the DS2 ganksquad and i feel little remorse... thought you guys said there'd be 5, though? only encountered 3
What is a good faith weapon
Dex faith preferably
this is actual schizophrenia lol. he's not anywhere in that image
what if they were real and inside your house
Best spot to farm flame knights? I want that chest piece.
>suicidal twinkshit in the noob dungeon
Yeah ER pvp is gay
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I don't just summon. I equip raw meat dumplings and sleep pots so it has unlimited heals and stuns too.

Are you upset?
>Using status effects
Even poison?
spit roasting m*rika betwixt me and my mimic tear
>playing online to see other players' messages
Why is there no ending where I get to squeeze Miquella?
>they actually put dragon body in the game

what is fromsofts obsession with turning into a dragon man?
I will never fight Miquella, Miyahacki.

I'll be imprisoned in this Shadow Realm for eternity and never end the game. Honing my skills with the blade until I can Judgment Cut the end credits like in Nier Automata and get my Miquella ending.
standing in an open field, with no mobs within a 5 mile radius, in a place where you exist in an infinitely large puddle with lightning weapons and spells. with max level phantoms that are anywhere between 2x-10x your level as an invader.

i put in 600 hours and im amazed i even got in that much considering i primarily played RL60. the only good time to invade is the first month of release because then you can get actual noobs instead of just pro gank squads exploiting host advantages to the absolute maximum.
Purely platonic love, the guys ancient and his dick no doubt stopped working centuries ago.
yasss we did it reddit!
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right right, check this out
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>He was never gay for Miquella
>pre-release E3 trailer
Even assuming that image is depicting what you're saying it's depicting (it's not), is there any blurb in the actual game that mentions this, or are we gonna consider pre-release material while the game was still in development and shit was no doubt changing all the time canon now?
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This looks like something out of a fanboy's Elden Ring anime mod except there you have some anime bullshit of your own to deal with the retard anime moves. Also, what's with the stuff above my head after I got grabbed.
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fucking sick dude
well done
literally just parry bro
Storeroom loft grace. Drop down a floor and there are two to kill, one drops a greatsword
you can run to it from the start and beat up an NPC
Malenia is a stinky fujo
Everyone out here is lusting after a shota who doesn't want to fuck us when a perfectly good blood knight who probably does is right here.

Maybe I'll do something with that if I can I work up the energy to get my writerfag on.
cope, seethe, mald
Mind Control rune. You die instantly if you get grabbed again. If you have Miquella's great rune fragments you can use it to dispel it.
Holy shit flowerstone gavel is disgusting. Just watched a host hit for 4k in one skill without any temp buffs, just talismans and the dragon form.
in the specimen place there's a floor near the top where there's like 5 or 6 of them all together. the seventh floor spawn near freja also has one that spawns very close by. i think the fourth floor spawn is next to a ladder which has a knight facing away from you so you can very easily backstab but he might fall so you can't loot him.
The first balance update will make everything dogshit and borderline useless again don't worry lil grumpy cat fella.
I'd kill everyone in the lands between to get my hands on them
Because he's MARRIED to Radahn you slut! Stop trying to turn Miquella into a hussy like his (completely justified) whore mother who used breeding as a coping mechanism.
Meanwhile in reality all "content creators" are creaming themselves over new stuff
And what quest was that?
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This is what a REAL boss fight looks like. Notice how he actually has idle periods to give the player time to attack, rather than spazzing out like a coked-up retard 24/7? Take notes.
Forgot to spoiler the webm but it's not like it matters since this m̶o̶d̶ expansion is shit anyway.
How do I get more and more importantly, can I get an unlimited amount of them?
Malenia doesnt exist
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>draw a girl
>call it a guy

it's not gay it's literally just a girl and you're calling it a guy. a look at any real life troon proves this.
>also this shit destroy everything, best dlc weapon so far
>he doesn't know swift slash
Really? There's barely anyone doing invasions and the single guy that is is constantly raging about katana tracking.
>Miquella's charm horns point downwards
As above so below, the horns pointing down is a sign of evil
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>boss attacks are purposeful and have a direct answer to them (like parrying) instead of just being a bunch of constant hyperarmor poise destroying attacks spammed at random
wow is this actual game design? in a soulslike??????
Miquella is Tarnished only, newfag. Lurk more.
Pretty sure it works infinitely. You need to kill the Scadu avatar to get it.
Despite the anime bullshit the fight feels lamer than dog Radahn, it's not even Radahn himself that's impressive here it's just Miquella vomiting light explosions everywhere
Why the fuck would her functioning arm be so fucking tiny when we know it's about the same size?
How blind are you?
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very nice...
Reminder to people new to fromsoft DLC that, barring DaS2, their DLC is comprised almost entirely of cut content (both asset-wise, concept-wise, and plot/story-wise) frankensteined together and then fleshed out. It's not uncommon for upwards of 75% of fromsoft DLC bosses and areas to just be scrapped base game content with fresh paint

The most realistic scenario for the miquella/radahn shit not being in base game is because it is entirely cut content, which is why radahn's story is non-existent and miquella is just MIA with his great rune unaccounted for.

Keep in mind that extremely early dialogue drafts (predating age of abundance) included both mohg being protective of miquella AND malenia protecting miquella's cadaver from you at the haligtree, creating the very strong implication that early drafts may have had mohg cavorting with miquella himself in some fashion. The miquella+radahn fight could even be a repurpose lf an initial miquella+mohg fight concept that they scrapped.
>join someone via co op
>game crashes to desktop
am i fucking playing skyrim
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and people says shadow of the erdtree's bosses are damage sponges.......
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This looks like dogshit
No (you), sorry your headcanon wasn't real.
Except it's not unsatisfying at all. It actually explains everything and Miquella's characterization and face off is THE narrative highpoint of the game and easily of Souls games. Doesn't matter if schizos expected Holy Blade 2.0, none of that shit would have actually explained the fa tion dynamics like this DLC did. The Battle of Aeonia now makes sense, and signifies Miquella's mentality and need for complete adoration that makes him act like a warmonger and tyrant. His obsession for ascending to a God and "saving" everybody goes as far that he will hunt those he can't charm and use them. Radahn is just a Golen at the end, doesn't even show the eyes towards the player at the end of his second phase transition, which singlifies being an unwilling slave.
Should I limit my build to 150, or is it fine to go a bit above? I want to use Romina's poleblade along with the Ranah dancer stuff, while still having at least 33 Faith for some Incantations, but I feel like I'd spread myself too thin. What kind of Dex and Arcane would be okay?
Wait, so why was it necessarily for Fromsoft to revive radahn at all? Making it a Mohg + Miquella fight still would've worked in the DLC we got.
honestly thinking of joining the spirit summoning crowd (no NPCs/phantoms) for the rest of my first playthrough of the DLC. might i beat the shit out of every boss with easy? maybe. but i can (and will) just start another playthrough or go to NG+ and play through without summons the second time. you can do both.
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>Prayer Room Key can be used to open the prayer room in the house of worship in the church district (Shadow Keep)

Why is this wiki so shitty
nice cope
i hear some people are going to 170 and 200 but the multiplayer is so fucking shitty at grouping you i'm terrified to stop 1 level out of bounds
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what the fuck I'm supposed to do with Trina once I find her?
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After playing through the whole DLC now and going back to Base to finish up loose ends I really am reminded just how much better this boss design is, I used to think Malenia was shit but now on return she is easily the best boss of the whole game
Also shes just funny to think about
>Radahn fight
>I am Malenia, I have never known def- wait shit, im losing, welp time to nuke this place
>Didnt count, wont happen again
>(you) fight
>I am Malenia, I have never known def- wait shit, im losing, welp time to nuke this place
How does Mohg put on his clothes
Considering what the Tarnished goes through, we just about do that yeah.
Pretty sure that's a low level one kinda run.
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I'm seriously over these flame golems man
Malenia's transition cutscene is so pathetic, with the way she says
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Is this weapon any good with minimum ARC investment? The R2 move looks bad aside from the blood second hit.
Looks really nice though.
I prefer him cute while also knowing he has an absolute womb breaker of a dick hiding on his dress.
Take ibuprofin with her.
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They should've scrapped the Miquella shit and made it a DLC about stopping Bayle from ascending to godhood. His arena even looks better than the gates.
I think she sincerely doesn't know that she didn't kill Radahn
try learning basic english grammar first
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>a powerful charm has been released
Did I just brick my questlines?
what about straight pedophiles?
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It's AI generated, got it from a earlier thread.
Crying about your favorite website just makes you look more pathetic.

Seethe harder please. It's genuinely funny to me. You are actually increasing how much I enjoy the game.
the gravity vortex into shadow clone downward slams into a second gravity vortex is his most retarded combo
nearly all my phase two deaths came from that attack or Miquella's kiss
it's a fun little puzzle
i hate being summoned to a boss and dealing piddly damage because im a summon and then the 2 other retardos do no damage and the host eventually dies to red circle or something

i wish i could just replay bosses bros
What kind of retard made this?
Similar experience setting up my next DLC chara but with Mohg
Love that fucker more than ever, still easily best fight in the game
yeah, that's basically a fail screen. you fucked up. you can't progress the DLC at all now.

just kidding lol it's fine, try talking to some of the NPCs
you rape her, of course

interact with her a couple times and drink the stuff she gives four times to get dialogue, two more if you want to hear more. if there is a NPC nearby tell him what she said and then go outside, rest at the site of grace.
We are all gay for Miquella now.
Those clone moves he does actually deal like no damage and are very easy to block, which let's you dodge his actual hit afterwards. But basically it's just staying in his face, parrying what you can, and slugging it out. I had lots of fun
How is it pathetic, she's literally warning you and giving you time to get ready
Is 125 a good level to play the DLC at? Can I use my wife’s sword as a weapon and is there anything in the DLC thats good for this build?
>buff stacking
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I've noticed a lot more issues with the game not closing properly when I quit to desktop. Once summoned someone only to immediately fucking bluescreen
Keep mind much of the coastal space in the Lands Between map is sheer cliffsides. It only really overlaps badly at Limgrave.
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I'd reccomend Holy incantations but the 3 rings incantations from the base game are all int/fth and after this dlc where all the holy incantations are pure faith it's better to stick to pure faith since that gives access to flame and lightning spells.
I'm still upset I have yo respec my holy character for the 8th time because of this.
Good. Go be autistic in your own game.
Is killing him justified now?
>nearly a full paragraph of cope
Worthless gay pedophile.
They reuse concepts and frankenstein them together. For example Sister friede was a redo of the initial twin princes, child of kos is an amalgamation of a cut story idea and the cut secret boss arena for moon presence.
I am not reading all your seethe, but that's a cool concept art piece
>It's AI generated
But edited afterwards? That looks really fucking solid for AI
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I grinded materials for grease before I unlocked any lightning ashes of war and now I feel retarded
what's even the point of physical infusions and this mmo ass grind for grease if just going the elemental infusion for your stat in the first place does more damage without the need to buff?
>How is it pathetic
She says it when I'm already walking away with my back turned
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>Malenia this whole time thinks she killed Radahn meaning she totally didnt lose
>Doesnt know hes been somehow surviving as some zombie braindead beast at that exact same battlefield living off corpses because hes just that fucking raw
You won't do both though.And even if you do, the excitement of doing it properly the same time will never exist for you.
Somebody has good taste.
It's amazing how they managed to make 2 absolute kinos (Ansbach + Igon) on a pretty mediocre DLC
Literally nowhere it is written that Miquella was blocked by Radahn halting the Stars.
The Stars have nothong to do with Miquella, Miquella leaves traces of golden grace.
This thing is so visually perfect. Its the longest sword in the game now and it's beautiful
Lets play a game, post some relatively minor and harmless headcanons you have for elden ring lore. I'll start:
Sellen and Selivus are siblings
>SEL in their name and that kinda naming in this game is often denotes relation
>the only remotely positive npc towards selivus is sellen and vice versa
>they both violate peoples bodies selivus turns them into puppets sellen makes people into graven schools
>selivus has a body for sellen waiting for her
>selivus is a dark haired old man, what we see of sellen's perhaps original body is a dark haired middle aged woman
how do you feel about the fact messmer only exists so you can kill him and burn down the tree to access the radahn fight
Igonposting saved /erg/
I’ve noticed this. After coming back from the dlc, Malenia is like Godrick
Attach mouth to breasts. Drink.
No. Marika just adapted the Jar process to collect corpses and take them to Erdtree roots in order to be reborn. Hornsent used the Jar process as cruel torture.

Marika Jar is good, Hornsent Jar is evil
no because ours stuff corpses into them so no harm is done while in the shadow realm disgusting hornsent put innocent humans into pots
No, our pots are different then their pots, Alexander crumbs after the quest or when you kill him and there isn't that odd fleshy mess.
If the only reason there is a roll delay is because the same button is used for both roll and run, then why didn't the put the run with the jump button?
tl;dr from just first sentence because i refuse to read more: who gives a fuck? it's 10/10 kino. im getting my ass kicked and i love it and the art is beautiful.
It's unsatisfying because it's borderline stereotypical and sums up how all the writing in these games goes:
>erm aktually, the noble hero you trusted was never your ally, he was evil, there are no happy endings, nothing you do matters
Miquella was always too good to be true, but it was so blatant that people thought it was a misdirection, which arguably would have been a better twist than the easier, boring choice FromSoft went for.
How does it feel that the only way to truly save the universe of Elden Ring is to be a gay pedophile and put a ring on a shota?
Posting different concept art changes nothing, you worthless gay pedophile.
yassss tell em sister
edit: how do I award reddit gold on this website
they may not be directly siblings but i do get the feeling they were probably more directly related in earlier story drafts. pretty much anything and everything in the story has a mirror counterpart or opposite.
Better lore than miquella
Better lore than radahn
Incredible phase 2 cutscene
He's actually fun to fight
I don't know who's your wife but make sure you have 60 VIG and 20 END regardless of build, otherwise you might as well go RL1 for the clout
Tell Fromsoft, maybe we get gauntlets.
Wait Square off is actually really fucking good, how did I miss this on my base game playthrough. I'm tempted to do a basic ass bitch sword and board knight build now.
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Oh my god so this is what it does in pvp
I can't stop laughing
Am I the only one who didnt like Igons voice acting?
It sounded too forced and not in a funny way like Rykard
Swift Spear is so fucking fun to use bros
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messmer and melina are siblings because fire, and they both have left eye closed
Imagine being the tarnished, he can be vore'd as many times as he wants because he'll just respawn
schizo retard
its fine if you have a decent build and dont suck

i started at 120 and beat most bosses in less than 10 tries
An actually good grab move is crazy. Faithchads continue to win
I like how they get up like normal and then die when they finish standing back up.
Fromsoft Quality Assurance.
elden ring pvp is fair and balanced with a large variety of fun and viable equipment and spells and bui-
This but Mohg’s spear for justice
There's literally no excuse not to give the frenzy grab hyperarmor too
im glad i got that sword ngl, even if it looks like it wont be as useful in pve as pvp. midaschads win again
might as well just watch someone else play the game if your cheesing that hard
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So what causes Miquella's charm to break? Approaching the Shadow Keep at all? Any other triggers?
Any good lewd Queen Marika?
>mourne castle
>phantom has full bullgoat, fingerprint
>host has full malenia
>probably same end-game and maxxxed out weapons
Why do these people even bother "playing" the game instead of watching YT playthrough?
Looks like the movie has a wonky ds2-tier hitbox
You'll feel better once you kill them. I killed my first two yesterday.
You know you can still cast those spells with the good scaling you get from the Golden Order Seal right?
>actually doing questlines

you used a guide, didn't you? admit it. "no bro i like totally got out a notebook and pen and wrote down all that shit and planned out how i" fuck you no you didn't.
Boing boing, ONE UP
Kai Schreiber would like a word with you.
Congrats! You managed to cope harder! Just like I asked!
Now do a backflip!
>hosts in jar dungeons keep jumping on the elevators too soon, before their buttons reset, and breaking them
DMGS is really good even after the nerf.
probably just approaching the shadow keep, because then the npc quests start up after that
Ancient ruins of Rauh fucking sucks man fuck this place
This but actually for the forge golem, because I either cannot reliably hit the ruby or it does shit damage anyway. Luckily they're slow so I just run past them
Both of them had less than 600 HP, they probably just had someone drop them the armor.
Not my fault demigods cant deal with a stone slab my nigga
Well I’m already watching nonstop acrobatics from the bosses
Very carefully.
Am I the only one that likes the obsessive yandere for radahn version of miquella we got? I think it's extremely cute. Guys being obsessed with girls is cringe and wrong guys being obsessed with guys is cute.
Are you retarded
Most of the questlines are extremely straightforward, the NPCs are just sitting next to graces most of the time
Unlike other Blood weapons this one gets both AR and status from ARC, it's absolutely garbage if you don't level it.
The R2 is great though, specially if you want to actually use it against other people as it's faster than all other colossal R2s and can also easily catch people going for jump attacks.
Post build?
I never put vig above 50 and the only boss I had trouble with was Renalla because I hadnt played a similar game since ER released.
>no bro i like totally got out a notebook and pen and wrote down all that shit and planned
No, I just have a functional brain and memory
t. fucked up or missed 75% of the quests
Just dupe the remembrance bwo
No, only bad ones
Filtered by the verticality, entire place is kino

Bet you also got fighting words about the Abyssal Woods
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If you store everything but the items and gear you want for 2 loadouts, you can quickly switch back to your own loadout after summoning a customized sidekick build.

Using sleep arrows and sleep pots with high poise is possibly the best summon. If you equip Shabriri's woe on yourself, the mimic essentially works exclusively as a referee to stop anime bullshit with sleep staggers.

It's easily the greatest way to play. You're still the main character facing a decent challenge but bosses no longer get to overdose on anime cocaine for their attacks.
Let the autists sit in their corner and cry while we fuck and party.
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My Guiding Moonlight
try finger, but hole
I'm about to get the DLC, is using summons "required"? I don't like using it, 1v1 is far more enjoyable.

For reference, I beat Malenia twice with no summons, once with a DEX/INT Moonveil build at NG+ and once with a STR/FTH Magma Wyrm Scalesword build in normal game, so I believe I'm somewhat decent at the game.
I use guides for quests and don't feel inadequate. You know how massive this game is? Am I supposed to spend 50 hourd just combing through each area tonfind where some NPC moved to next? Throat my whole meat.
>messmer obsessed with his mother
>miquella obsessed with his brother
>so cute and wholesome!
Slurp on her pussy juice several times
nah it's dogshit and completely out of character. they threw away everything we knew about miquella prior to the dlc just to shoehorn in radahn because he's a popular character, and in the process they ruined both characters
he's shmoovin'
holy shit I first tried the infamous hippopotamus
granted I was on skibidi +9 and already beat Bayle so I got my shit pushed in far enough
it's kind of interesting to consider that potentially the main thing preventing straight guys from being gay is how much like a woman a guy can look, act, and maybe sound. like, you might want to fuck a guy if he looked feminine enough, even though he's biologically male.
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fixed your gay ass dex build with shield
>le black evil devil horned demon that summons blood magic is le good
>le heckion wholesome chungus is le evil
>fuck St. Trina
>fall asleep
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>watch a pre-DLC lore video on the ER timeline
>godfrey's crusade apparently makes no sense if he had to go through liurnia
>instead he went through the OCEAN?????
Overlayfags might be right
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Anyone try the red bear claws?
My president : )
i dont like his dumb chaos head thing because i know its probably shit anyways even if i could use it
Literally how this DLC made me feel. Every time I struggled on a boss I switched to it and beat them in <5 tries.
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Ok good thanks, I want to get scadutree blessings early but dont want to lose coop opportunities.
I wish it had a poke on crouch but that would probably be too much.
Can you infinitely switch between them?
Nta but I like it because of how annoying every single miquellafag, maleniafag, and radahnfag has been for years. Morgott on the other hand was proven right about the omens, malenia, miquella, and btfo radahn as Margit of all things.

He fucking won
>endured through the skibidi sunflower's explosion
Get fucked I ain't memorizing your shitty timings
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potheads ww@
the demigods never invented ships
>spend 5 minutes riding through it
>come to a very easy but kino boss fight
Whats the issue? Its bland but fine. I'm more annoyed at the last dungeon being so narrowly linear and dull. Best song in the dlc btw:
This looks and plays like a shitty Korean mmo lmao
do you see a fucking port anywhere
based facetanking lump of meat
Amazing boss, I'd have liked a phase 2 tho, just to make it a bit longer...
Not sure. Is that thing good? I'm just pure strength with no faith but it looks kind of neat.
>red bear (ex-redmane) has the same attack radahn has of right slice left slice and then both of them at once
We didn't even find out who Torrent's old master was right?
What's the trick to dodging Radahn's quick left slash into the right? I always get hit by one of them
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>no multiple endings
>no eclipse
>no godwyn
>no gloam eyed queen, no explanation for blackflame
>nothing about the seduction, nothing about the betrayal, nothing about the affair from which gold arose
>the relation between the skadutree and the erdtree is barely addressed, and how marika grew them in the first place is not explained
>divine gate contradicts already existing lore
>no resolution that affects the nature of the realm of shadow, just "lol he's dead now"
>the only great area in the game, frenzy forest, is a criminally incomplete mess
How did they fuck it up so bad?
Summons are not obligatory but the skill level to solo the game is increased.

We get a bunch of retards that are both absolute garbage at the game and too proud for ashes, so they just kinda hang around and seethe forever about b ing filtered. I hope you have the insight to not join them
>glove covering the fick
Has vaati made the lore coherent yet
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>Loves reddit so much he knows how all their gay forum systems work

Next time I summon I will probably actually laugh out loud with joy thinking about your seething.
Is there a way to respawn a boss without entering NG+? Id love to try to beat them with different builds. Md8x4
Honestly I don't mind it having the "bad" greatsword moveset, it's already one of the best weapons in ER
Anons all the talk about how to fight bosses or not, spirit ashes etc etc. what's the maximum fun way to play elden ring boys? How do I pick up my character from 2 years ago and get back into it maximum fun? No dlc yet but seems like there's no rush to get it.
dude weeeeeeed
Hornsent must have the most passive and retarded summon AI I've ever seen in this game
What a useless faggot
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>Solitude, Night's Cavalry, and Black Knight sets are all varying shades of black
Got to him with scadu level 17
Was way too easy, kinda regret that I didn't find him earlier
If invaders hate invading overleveled phantoms and lame pro gank squads abusing shit: why not host? It's the only way to set the rules of engagement. You can still make it difficult for yourself by nerfing yourself to your preference.
i know, but it's boring, escaping while cornered from mobs intact while all behind is dead is nice thou
The rot swamp with the fucking bugs keep knocking me off my horse and dick lick Hornsent keeps bullying me before I can get to the site of grace. :( I’m tilted is the main problem.
Reminder miquella wasn't evil for what he did to radahn. You people have just never been in love with anyone and it shows. And so what if he used mohg's body? He's a hornsent or hornsent adjacent his life doesn't fucking matter. And yes miquella's age would be objectively the best one that's why everyone is seething, they can't cope with me being completely innocent and you having to kill him due to your own greed and lost for power
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I mean technically that is the phase 2. Second best after Messmer for me.
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Elden Ring needs a Scholar of the First Sin treatment. Melina can be our Aldia and get lots of new content and then she can be the hidden true final boss.
they probably should have invested in a port, considering 60% of the place is water. otherwise if you'd want to go from the capital to caelid you'd have to go all the way around instead of just going in a straight line
this reads like a woman post so kill yourself but post tits before doing so
fuck off pedo
There are boats everywhere though.
It's Miquella. The promotional artwork is canon. He predictably abandoned everything and everyone and that left Torrent masterless. Not sure how Melina ended up with him, but it's safe to assume she was associated with Miquella before he died.
>Post bitching about the lore
>"Muh Godwyn"

Lile clockwork
Issue is you also take a massive dump I'm stats to mostly go into 2 stats and since it's essentially a spellcastor you need a decent amount of points into fp and stamina. Which means you end up taking a big hit to dex,str, and vit which is made even more frustrating since you get basically no choices for MHs to play around with.
Sure the GO seal has great scaling especially with duel stats but it's unironically better to use go into faith then int/fth because it means more options for for weapons and more incantations to use since a lot of the big hitting ones in the dlc require an insane amount of fp.
It's worse than fire knight colossal sword
also you can use savage lion's claw or fire spear with fire knight which makes it a way fire a way better weapon
Are power stances straight swords good?
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>ctrl+f (You
>4 results
>none of them are actually (You)s for me
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What are the most fun ashes in the DLC?
Real talk tho, Melina as the secret Final Boss of the Frenzy Flame ending would have been kino
So what Torrent lore did we get from the DLC? Was he a survivor of the hornsent attack?
The boss fights feel less cinematic and less build up
>make tons of cool new weapons in the dlc
>there are only 4 ancient somber dragon stones
Why would they do this
love elden ring ai generated porn
So is Miquella's body we see in the DLC also a reanimated corpse like with Radahn and Mohg?
Because invaders are people too shit for Colosseum duels, they can say a lot but all of them just really wanna beat low level shitters with twink builds
fire spear my goat
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He does not.
It's just an illusion.
He's naked all the time.
Wing stance is kino but it's just a worse piercing fang.
>Ongbal uploaded his no-hit of Radahn
>Finally get to see how you dodge that left-right-crossslash move reliably
>He has to deflect it with the Phsyick, then dodge the rest
>Meaning you can't just dodge it
I'm going to kill From Software
uh idk hes a horse
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here, have one
Those things are much cooler than they seem
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>Spell that creates a bunch of skeletons that then chop down on the enemy as he ignores them
>Insanely powerful with the right build and talismans
>This is fine

>Equpping Shabriri's woe
>Using summons strictly as bonus damage spells

Living with autism this intense must not be easy.
Do you run any spells with it? I have 55 int but dont cast at all.
If the bosses are gonna ignore my interaction and just spam attacks, then I have the right to ignore theirs as well. It's your fault if you fail to see that this is Miyazaki's vision.
>Rom 2.0
>Midir boss area 2.0
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>make tons of new cool ash of war
>cant use them because bosses are hyper aggressive and do 10 hit combos
why would they do this
>theres a fucking dragon in there
Because you got 493254929357082 somber stones in main game and most somber weapons there are ass
lol! nice meme, I updooted it on the front page
summoning is heckin cute and valid, keep slaying and don't let those chuds say you're bad just because you played the game on easy baby mode
Ha ha holy shit that caught me off guard. Fucking brutal. Pretty good, anon.
use your fucking spirit ashes
use your fucking spirit ashes
use your fucking spirit ashes
use your fucking spirit ashes

miyzaki is BEGGING you to play the game normally
>Sacred implement made from the pubic hair of Marika the Eternal, whose divine essence permeates every strand. Enlivened by her holy essence, this whip shimmers with a golden luster.

>Long ago, when Marika was revered as the embodiment of purity and order, she bestowed a part of herself upon a chosen few. This whip, a relic of her divine favour, channels her blessed warmth, searing both flesh and spirit with each strike.

>Though it bears the majesty of the divine, the whip's true power lies in its ability to invoke Marika's wrath, unleashing torrents of righteous fury upon those who dare challenge its wielder. Such a weapon is sure to draw the gaze of burgeoning lords and envious gods alike.

What did miyazaki mean by this?
over my dead body
>ancient dragon sendasex
Who play tested this
Can't even perfume it
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Because fuck you that's the way they want this game to go you will NOT buy anything after you beat the game and you WILL spend hours farming
>use your fucking spirit ashes
Bosses are so aggro there isn't an opportunity to ring the summoning bell
kill yourself spiritroon.
>10 points
>(you) only bitch about godwyn
Riddle me this batman
If spirit ashes are so balanced and how the game is meant to play why can't you summon them anywhere instead of those random locations outside of bosses?
ancient dragon sneednfeed
Miyazaki likes girls with short, and Marika's grandma was definitely called Miranda
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then suffer
>use spirit ash
>boss sticks to me like glue
could be worse
Based, no fun havers seething already
Only a gay pedophile would be this obsessed with trying to maintain the sanctity of an evil piece of shit that employs suicide bombers just because he was written as a little boy that wants to fuck adult men.
Poison/Rot it.
Here's a tip, you can ride through him on Torrent and nothing he does can hit you.
His AI is passive enough that he won't do any move unless you're in range.
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Unless shitters learn to dodge, this WA is going to be a legendary host destroyer forever. It looks like it doesn't give a fuck about latency and just bruteforces it from "my" side, like status effects do.
It's also a claymore, so the base moveset is solid.
God, the SFX is so satisfying, too.

Faith is by far the main winner of this DLC. I may do a dedicated RL~168-200 faith build just to use all this fun shit in lower, chiller ranges.
LotR reference
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your shitposts probably weren't good enough
apply yourself
Yapper pooloo gunna get ur build nerfed.
>Stop noticing patterna goy
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This is incorrect.

Spells and int are useless. Go arcane, use this loadout. Poison and rot the bosses from behind your shield and then bleed them with your giant faggot arm or as an alternative swap to a bleed poke weapon to continue being a huge bitch ass
option + down
The Erdtree is just an incantation Marika invented. You can get the spell yourself.
So is the Dual Catalyst still bad?
Because it's a fromsoft game so fun is not allowed
KT games give you AI companions which are basically ashes and they just work
well there are some big areas that let you use them, but too few and far between
That'd be sick, down the line.
So do you guys think miquella ever approached radahn's chambers in the capital when they had their meetings and gave radahn a quick peck on the cheek then running back to malenia excitingly shouting "I DID IT I DID IT"
Yes, my turn is one (uno) r1, bosses turn is 20 hit combo followed by delay into arena wide aoe before he flies into the air so I can’t hit him with my one and only r1.
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>delayed attacks in 10 hit combo
literally learn by dying, goddamn retard ape miyahacki
The only questline I figured out without a guide is Gideon's demigod hunt.

Fromsoft has the worst quest design in the industry. Hands down. You can only find worse if you dig through two dollar indie games made by children.
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Anyone here normally a more challenge-oriented player, but sometimes get the feeling like just trying summoning as many NPCs as possible and see what easy mode feels like for at least one playthrough? Especially if you just want to set up a new PvP character?

I think anything that can be done in offline mode is fair game. I want to summon the NPCs and spirit summons. Even if it's easy. Easy can have it's own qualities that are fun. Not even saying to do it all the time but at least try it out once in a while if you like to replay the game a lot like me.
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I've been summoned for base game Radahn literally dozens of times on this character and I've only ever actually had him die before the host thrice
Shut up female
I love my insane shotacon wife Leda
I'm just past Messmer and I'm having the time of my life. Dancing Lion was fun. Rellana was incredibly easy with parrying. Messmer wasn't nearly as bad as built up and light rolling made Gaius an actually fun fight.
>70 Faith for a tiny sapling
How much Faith does Marika have to make the actual Erdtree?
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I don't have faith in Miyazaki anymore after this DLC, it's clear they actually don't understand how to make rpg encounters good
nigga the game is over when you get that shield
no point making anything around it
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So is the current Erdtree just the Crucible Tree with a coat of cheap gold paint or what? The Elden Beast must be a parasite eating away at it from the inside (and all the tasty souls being funneled into it) and that's why Marika chimped out.
>parry the first one
>no more combo
I beat the final boss without rolling. I used Summon (2x Boss HP), Scarlet rot, and Dueling Shield.
love my elden ring bros
you have to concede taking a hit to summon on a lot of the bosses including the last one
but i can already do it, it's just a hassle
>Get the double edge waifu spirit ashes Jolan and Anna
>Summon them for Radahn
>He kills them in one full combo
They added a bunch of new spirit ashes but most of them are pretty weak and nowhere near Mimic/Tiche/greatshield dudes.

I'd prefer Miyazaki let me go through the whole overworld with my spiritbro and then get rid of them for bosses and legacy dungeons.
I hate the generic drake and ancient dragon fights so much
Just pop endure and ignore it, or hyper armor through it, anon. YOU HIT ME I HIT YOU A BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA BOO!
Melina can create a moderately bigger sapling if you summon her to Morgott.
i only bother learn boss moves that one shot. any other move i tank is just gray noise and will be instantly forgotten and chugged away. if i die to attrition then ill find a way to increase my dps or lower my damage taken. i actually never really learn how to fight any of the bosses until maybe later when i do coop for them
>dude just use everything broken!
I beat Elden Ring originally by rolling only, no magic, no ashes, no shields, just rolling and a dex weapon

With DLC I have to replay the whole thing again and this time I don't give a fuck, I'm using ashes, guard counters, incantations and I'm having fun, enough of tryharding for me
This statement is now literal given the final boss.
Divine beast frost stomp is kino
No it's good
Hire this man.
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This might be my own autism going off here, but part of me is frustrated by the clash of what from soft wants to make and what the game is.
The wickermen are cool, sadistic, weapons of war made to level towns and mass burn omen alive, yet fighting them is pure fucking garbage.
You just hack at their feet and dodge or throw a furnace in their head. In an ideal setting, you'd be using siege weaponry against it, or something like greatbows to pick away at the wicker. But because Elden Ring is a one man show action game, and not something like mount and blade, that's either impossible or it just becomes a shitty set piece.
This problem extends to how everything in this game is fuck huge save for tarnished. I know it's a gameplay thing as well, allowing the player to more easily see the enemy and their movements, but literally everything is bigger than you, and most things seem like they would be best tackled by an army or squad of men.
>still going on about muh parasite
The Elden Beast is just the Elden Ring, how hard is this to understand.
I sometimes use the cold pebble when I'm fighting a boss with it, Carian phalanx too. For exploration the spells I use the most are the bow ones (sniping) and cannon of Haima (AOE).
Also Glinstone Kris L2 is better than comet.
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Does anyone want to duel?
Drop sign at the middle of Hinterlands bridge.
Pass is erg
You arent supposed to fight the dragons, they're environmental hazards
>So is the current Erdtree just the Crucible Tree with a coat of cheap gold paint or what?
Worse it's an illusion. Only the trunk and roots of the real tree remain
what’s a great backup for my backhand blades? Great Katana?
I have 4 saves, among which I have a comfy character that I use for the first run, and an edgy tryhard character that is absolutely busted to run the game solo
next thread is going to be amazing bros
From's next game is going to go all in on the MMO angle with Souls: Online. It will have a monthly subscription and you will always be able to see other players in the overworld with dungeons acting as instances.
How the fuck do I down the wicker man with invincible feet? I see messages that say throw. But nothing works. I tried the fire whirlwind pot because of the note I found outside a castle by a dead one, nothing. I tried ice pot, nothing. Tried jumping in, nothing. Wtf
your bussy vs my cock
>trading damage with a boss that has >20k health
shiggy diggy
It's pretty obvious at this point and doesn't really matter but did they ever outright confirm in the DLC whether Miquella is Torrent's original owner or not?
I mean that's just what I have right now. You can use fingerprint if you want, it's better, I just like that shield for looks.
To be fair that Dragon was shit even in the base game. There was no saving it.
What is the Elden Beast getting out of the deal if the Greater Will fucked off then? Everything is going to shit outside and that stupid alien is just gooning nonstop inside the tree.
Why is it called the Age of Fracture ending if you fix the Elden Ring?
This I'm so tired of people coming here to whine and when you tell them they're crippling themselves they go
>Uh no I am gigachad wojak ultra gamer I don't need that
hahahaha dude really does not want to get hit again
but will it be fun with friends?
Yes, he'd write about it in his diary
>Ongbal had to block for a no-hit Radahn
It's so over.
>puredark still hasnt updated upscaler
im lagging so much bros
get one of these massive pots that were introduced in this dlc and toss them in from above
because the ER is fractured and in that ending you basically just taped it back together instead of mending it with another rune
That's the point, why would they add this shit when it was already bad
>Get to Radahn
>Almost all his moves are parryable sans the stomps, rushes before gravity, light dashes and blood flame shit
>Parry the first normal combo chain and his A.I just keeps repeating the same opener that's parryable or does a stomp
>You can literally cut all the bullshit 12 combo chains like this
Kek that was easy as fuck
>Miquella is Torrent's master
>Torrent chooses (You) as his owner
>This decision prompts both Ranni and Melina to trust you and in your abilities
>Miquella in the DLC is just a retard
you cannot play with any people you know outside the game and will actually be banned if caught
If the beast is the elden ring why does it still exist after you kill her
Why is it so hard to understand that people wanna beat the game boss v player with no bullshit?
We've literally never had to summon in any of the previous games.
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How fucked up and retarded are the bosses gonna be in Elden Ring 2

I can't imagine what unholy and evil shit they would have to do in order to make the game "challenging" for ER vets
>finishes with a surprise attack that takes half his health
out fucking played
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10/10 game
10/10 dlc
We're so back
Which one
>dont use the tools the game provides, cheater!
Why is he getting the attention when some other guy did it first?
I'm getting too used to light roll and I feel like it's saving me in a lot of these fights, when I go back to mid it'll feel like fat rolling I bet
>>Finally get to see how you dodge that left-right-crossslash move reliably
It's unreal how much I struggled with that single fucking move. I searched up so many no-hits after beating him for the sole purpose of trying to learn what I was doing wrong, and it turns out it's just a gotcha. Shitty garbage boss.
My favorite character is Prime Radahn. He knows gravity magic and bloodflame and light spells and gay sex and he can fly and doesn't afraid of anything.
I really like this girl, she has cool weaponry and I think her design and voice are neat. Which option should I pick here and what do they do?
hey Miyazaki, how you doin? you're already doing damage control?
Will check them out. I have a bunch of ss equipped that I remember doing PvP with, like slicer and piercer for roll catching, but they arent that useful vs bosses.
The previous games were balanced
The elden beast wants to be immortal and is willing to sacrifice the world for it because it never gave a shit about the lands between in the first place.
This is my weekly reminder that the vision within marika isn't her vision, its the elden ring's vision.
Grace gives you the girl as ash
Occultation gives you the sword she has
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The shield boys are my go to summon.
I think for spirit ashes they're really fair since they have shitbdefenses but the shield is blocking almost all damage. Helps that they sometimes hit people with the shield so it helps to stagger bosses eaiser. Also they sometimes chuck ghost flame pots for more frost build up.
They're also pretty nice for casters since they pull agro very well and yoy can sit back and spell spam bosses. Tich and luchitel I think are better but the shield boys are goated.
holy FRICK, vaati just uploaded my theories about zanzibar
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>finally finished a discussion in the last thread
>new thread is already at 794
You niggers need to stop making new threads until we're off the top page.
would be funny but I hope Elden Ring doesn't get a sequel, we're done here
but I imagine it'd be the same increase in difficulty from DS1 to DS2, so not much until the DLC
Grace gives you them as a summon.
Occulation gives you their weapon.
Always do Occulation when given the chance.
Spirit Ash
>instead of mending it with another rune
Not with "another rune", but the selection does say "Mend the Elden Ring", so isn't it just as mended as in the other endings?
That faggot isn't prime. He's barely above cutter quality.
"bullshit" is completely subjective to your autistic slam head against wall playstyle. This is not a sequel to any of the previous games. Summons were never a third of those games like they are here.
Not having fun? Go leave a negative review so everyone will know you suck.
Sounds like parasite shit to me
Um sweaty have you tried attacking the enemies in the middle of their combos instead of playing it like turn based combat
You can sneak in a R1 during a lot of combos, even against enemies like Messmer or Rellana, and it helps preventing their posture bar from recovering
St trina dumbass. Miquella alone has nothing to do with sleep, death, or spirits.
The claws of night are absolutely disgusting in PVP
Very quick ranged harassment and immense damage at a short range combined with a bleed buildup that feels twice as fast as the weapon says it is.
A slam dunk over a NBA renowned center is more impressive and fulfilling than dunking on an infant.
It's a point, a dunk, and a victory regardless but one certainly feels better. Personally, I would rather earn my victories.
I'm not sure if I remember correctly he only changed the promt. The first had grey or blue eyes then he changed it to this so I don't think it's edited.
>do this
>get one shot
>bullshit" is completely subjective to your autistic slam head against wall playstyle.
How is fighting the boss and learning "slamming my head against the wall?" Why are you so angry? People want to 1v1 the boss because they think summons are cheap, when they ask for advice, they want advice with the boss, not "oh just summon yourself so you only have aggro half the time".
To make bitches like you cry a river, works quite well it seems
>don't summon all dlc
>finally give in on radahn
>hard to find a point to even do it
>mimic spends the entire fight standing there or chasing after Radahns entire screen mobility
>finally beat him without mimic doing a god damn thing including never being targeted
feels bad.
>Dodge his first leap
>Run to the end of the arena
>Dodge his gravity suck
It's that simple
Unironic skill issue
Go practice against Radagon and see what I mean
I would grease that up with magic grease and make myself cum with that hair
he always clipped me with his swipes after the dodge. i just hoped for not an immediate leap or rolled the leap summoned and just accepted being hit by a slash.
Furnace pot while they're charging up an attack. Should do ~40k damage
The Elden Beast probably doesn't truly die when you kill it.
The 2nd tier fire hefty pot (not the one requiring the dudes head as a material) from a high ledge. You gotta throw it into their basket.
Don't wanna get invaded? Don't summon. It's THAT simple.
Total hostcel death
i always just dodged his first leap and then summoned and accepted the hit
Ha ha his posts are getting longer

If I add an ifunny watermark will it actually physically harm you?
You can land that grab after a Madness/Sleep proc btw.
God I want to fuck her feet
Whatever makes you sleep at night anon, you have no need to measure your digital peepee with anyone, no one gives a shit, in fact, you give too much shit about what others do in a single player game
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I agree
In a perfect world, this would be the end of the souls style of gameplay and they will instead make other type of games, be it a completely different genre or an evolution of the combat into an specific direction like in Sekiro.
imagine crying about "taking a hit" whern you have a piss easy to craft consumable that gives you an aoe 90% damage reduction bubble and 15% damage bonus
Messmer, Romina and Midra are the good ones
Still dumb
I would enthusiastically accept and Elden Ring 2 that had deflecting and swimming, in addition to jumping, dodging, and running.
He created suicide bombers and swindles all the ugliest most rotten entities in the lands between into helping keep his sister locked away rotting to death despite his ability to heal and mend.

He's evil and you're a gay pedophile.
>disappeared from the DLC after second map
>laying in a road crying about some faggot dragon I will never fight because he fills the entire map with stunlocking lightning (this game is ass)
Yeah, real kino
Because 90% of them are worthless so they know you won't level them all up
you ever heard of this game Armored Core 6 by this one indie developer?
/v/eddit doesn't play games
I would give you more (You)s if you actually posted elden ring content.
He's not a fucking troon he's a shota god. Of course he's beautiful.
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Literally the worst boss in the entire franchise, fuck this. I'm not buying their next game if this is the type of stuff they're going to shit out.
stop swinging that thing around boy
We learned that he isn't blocked by magic but is actually just a giant pussy.
Enabling him for Beasto de Elde was the right call but it makes no sense now. Actually eh, maybe it's a subtle redemption moment.
I'll know. Cheating ruins any personal achievement for anyone with a moral code.
>"I'm not buying their next game"
>he paid actual money for Elden Slop
>It's unsatisfying because it's borderline stereotypical
No really, it isn't
>>erm aktually, the noble hero you trusted was never your ally, he was evil, there are no happy endings,
that's not the point, the point is that Miquella has Messiah's complex and lives in the delusion of being a compassionate God in spite all of his actions, which tied to Marika also being foolish and committing evil to become a God and that amounting to nothing but her being powerless
>Elden Ring 2
Anon, I don't know how to tell you this...
Probably one of my favorite bosses of the franchise, can't wait to see what they do next.
what if Torrent is a female and there's an actual giant pussy
>Literally the worst boss in the entire franchise
Nah, you are just mad you got farmed for hours.
Why do you think Fromsoft bought the rights to Elden Ring from Bandai Namco last month?
>Faith is by far the main winner of this DLC
Sadly we still need to wait for the first balance update to know that. Otherwise I agree completely. Especially with how many options allow you to use high faith for something other than pure holy damage.
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new retard here
what's this armor and shield?
>carian slicer
you should be embarrassed
>Carian GODlicer
You should be proud, Lord Consort.
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>need to kill armored leg ones with hefty fire pots
>craft 6
>miss a few shots
>run away to craft more but cant as the fucker is zerod in on me a mile away
All for a shitty cyrstal tear I never even used
So they don't get the bloodborne situation where they could have made a ton of easy money but some other company is squatting on essentially their game just because they were funding it?
I did post elden ring content. Screencaps and all. Meanwhile it's that post completely unrelated to elden ring that gets you to give me a (You). Liar.
skill issue
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I'm not just talking about this WA in particular. We just got a fuck ton of good new spells in general. Golden Arcs are probably among the best cheap and spammable pvp spells for faith for example. Even something as silly looking as Messmer Orb is good.

Dryleaf is also implied to be for faith builds. Maybe i will do a level ~50 full Dryleaf holy faith build.
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my save file just got corrupted at the end of the DLC
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>do second run Radahn with both summons for the drops
>fight gets infinitely more shit because the NPCs are absolutely useless
bravo, Niggerzaki
literally why shouldnt i 999 all my smithing stones at endgame
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>blood infused Bloodfiend's Blood Arm +25
>60 arcane
>(217) blood loss buildup
>every single R2 trigger bleed
What the fuck
What will the new pvp level be? 200?
you don't need to use the summons for the drops

at least I didn't have to for thollier's stuff, I didn't do ansbach
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>STR/ARC colossal? Sure, it'll be fun.
fuck, I suffered for nothing
god dammit i just repecced into something else just now, stop giving me ideas
175, it shouldn't change too much or everyone starts becoming good at everything
>hmm should I go into the DLC with my INT character or my STR/ARC character
>nah STR/ARC is too niche, I bet there's lots of cool magic shit
>4 days later
>found 1 ash of war and 1 weapon for INT
>found like 5 unique STR/ARC weapons
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Here goes
The entire fucking point of the entire game is killing it. Its dead.
I did str/int as well, got rewarded with a reskin of a weapon that has a weapon art that is just a repurposed spell. Legitmentally felt cucked. Every other character I play through this is going to be feasting tho
Actually I forgot I also found 2 spells that suck ass
>damn, so that really was just a one-time thing, huh
huh? You could heal an NPC?
>that autistic faggot is still going on
it's literally in the main courtyard, in an alcove on the side. Put a marker and follow it
yeah, one of those pest things
I think it was somewhere near Messmer's castle
I am pleasantly surprised with the colosseum
everyone is playing a grounded melee game and there is not much cancer in 1v1 duels
everyone seems to be trying to get better at the game

how come there is such a difference between this and invasions?
You telling we always have to walk the woods? I will fucking go drown a dozen omen babies.
>unwanted and obnoxious, want redfaggot out of my world as soon as possible
>consensual, we all know what we're here for, can experiment with builds with little inconvenience
Gee I wonder
U mad bro?
You opinion sucks and I wished to express my disgust. I am incapable of anger at present.
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she was never losing. she penetrated Radahn and he kneeled to his superior.
>play defensive and cautious against mesmer
>get rekt
>get fed up and impatient and decide to attack while saying fuck you to my health
>get staggers then walk off and heal

So I guess the formula for the DLC is literally to just accept you will take damage no matter what and fight offense with offense.
>mfw I get Radahn to 15% for the first time with less than half health and no estus left
>(I have already accepted my fate)
>fight offense with offense
Always has been in the base game. Hyperarmor + poise is the direct answer to aggressive bossfights like Malenia.
Who cares if she heals if she only gets to do 2-3 attacks between stance breaks?
You know, if the game wasn't so asinine about having you get one shot and such, I wouldnt mind trading hits. I feel like the game would be a lot more fun if I got to do that.
>Literally mising an arm
>Radahn tanked this and she had to be carried away
>Miquella so embarassed by this he never talked to her again

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