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Old: >>483207658
welcome to /alexgeneral/
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Indiana Jones
XD Mail him blacksmith hammers
will you guys ever leave this dude alone?
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login to tarisland
you still haven't posted the pumps, you won't gain any attention to your gookshit mobile game if you don't provide a lust-provoking picture
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Stayvun it up
i already did my daily today
still have embarrassment from this
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kek this entire stream is just alex getting bullied
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i only goon to vtubers
imagine how much hotter this would be with a 1pixel panty peek on her hips or something, that shit activates all of the almonds
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Mailed alex the entire transcript of the kangaroo special.
That's what is looks like? Yikes
t.latino american fatty with glasses still in highschool
too many things on the ground for your average cryboomer
he won't read it if that's the title, just a tip
It looks like a mobile game. Exactly like the Diablo one blizzard released
wow looks like a mobile game
Retail does a bit, ya. Classic doesn't at all.

Are you in the wrong general or something?
how is the coom scene in this game, though?
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making addon to send him bread all day and night
>one general since release
>5 days in
it is a mobile game
literally, you can play it in your phone
>game released in 2024
>mobile game trying to siphon retoilet, new world and genshin players
it has 0 coom and sex appeal, like a CCP commisioned pure 100% halaal game
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he's about to break
>wowcg is nothing but Alexposts
>He somehow doesn't have a thread on the 'farms

You can see the despair in his eyes when he reads fivethree
make it chud
Everyone in this general is like
>well it sucks dick but it's better than ff14 lol
B...b...but all the wow streamers who were paid by square said it was such a good game in every way!

I usually like Japanese people but that stealth ad campaign they pulled via wow streamers was so obvious and jewy
>ff14 out of nowhere
The kangaroo memes too, he is trying as hard as he can to not look at them, especially if there's an ellie in-game
>Everyone in this general is like
it's just one schizo shilling that new game for free
Oh, well then its definitely really really bad lol
Im enjoying it so far. I've probably put 2 hours a day since it came out. Currently max level and did all the content, very comfy.
It's what sod should have been, where questing to max level is a 30 minute ordeal and you can enjoy the dungeons and raids
Sod shouldn't have even had levelling. I saw someone say that in here and they were right
well i'm glad the vanilla meme is dead
Ya you can tell any memes related to ellie really bother him.
You retards are so trash lol
Keep trying to steal his tags and you just end up helping him kill shit because you're fucking slow!!!
Unlocking the runes and doing the rune quests should have taken you to 25/40/50/60 respectfully
It really would have been better

Levelling from 1-25 was fun because that takes no time at all, but the 25-40 was pure pain and they might as well have just boosted everyone to 50 rather than having you do 8 hours of incursions.
>calls someone "a little man"
>sings teldrassil music
>"no speak until twitch prime"
can this guy stop copying payo?
Am I the only one who can't stand payo?
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tell everyone there to report alex for cheating
>never reported anyone in anything
>never will
Enjoy your clunky shitty movement and combat that will never even come close to wow which is 20 years old

How are other mmo developers so braindead they can't make their game play well?

Wow is the mmo equivalent of
I dont think the movement is clunky at all, the only problem I have is sometimes my mouse unclicks when I have it held down
>It's not clunky
I beg to differ
what am i looking for
Everything being incredibly clunky, like in every other mmo to ever exist for some reason
you say clunky but dont explain what you mean
You don't have to look, close your eyes and listen to how trash this is. Now imagine playing this for 30 hours a week or whatever
>complains about clunky movement
>refuses to elaborates
>moves the goalpost to how it sounds

i play it muted, just like i do with wow
the built in dbm lights up and explains what you need to do in text
Compare that tarisland video to
I didn't complain about the clunky movement mr schizo. That was someone else. But ok if you play muted that fixes the horrible audio problem for you then, why don't you try it on your phone then
>why don't you try it on your phone then
why would i do that when i can play on my pc
doing this on a phone seems like a bad time
well it's a phone MMO that you can also play on the PC, I assumed you would want the authentic experience. But yes I do agree it is kind of weird how these gameplay heavy games are releasing on phone first, wuthering waves and now this
theyre probably designed to be played on pc primarily but designed for mobile to make it easier to generate money
addon finished, only problem is keeping my character online
that could be but then it feels pretty weird when the gameplay isn't accessible at all for mobile, and lends itself to other problems like having to keep snipping content out of the game so the filesize doesn't balloon past an iPhone's storage, I'm pretty sure genshin has to constantly remove old content because of phones for example
can't you make it jump every now and then or something?
>when the gameplay isn't accessible at all for mobile
its doable if you arent a retard
someone in the general did >>483499893 on mobile and topped the dps meter
the content is pretty easy if you can top dps and clear on mobile then
like anything, if you can do mechanics it is easy
you can play on phone and get matchmade with people on pc, so its not like youre playing with 10 mobile gamers
it does make you wonder though.. if the future content is a lot harder then PC players will start to purposedly avoid mobilefags, I don't think a PC / Mobile hybrid MMO will work in the long term but I guess we'll see
Alodar lost, he is just wandering the world alone.
Alodar won. Bigly.
cata killed wow two times
You now remember cata
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>You know remember cata
>no one said anything about cata
>junkie seethes and namedrops it
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Why does he speak like this
dude why are they still on it lol, tomorrow soddy is gonna lose more numbers while Cata gets an increase
inb4 junkies complaining about how 45k is greater than 317k
>always top dps in raid
>still shit tier parses

I don't get what I'm doing wrong
based cryboomer that can't understand how a parse works
that's literally my term but what do u mean
okay cryboom
parses are a world wide damage meter
if you need more spoonfeeding after that explanation, then no wonder you're getting shit parses
I know what parses are you retarded faggot. I'm just saying I feel like I'm doing good in all these raid groups but then I look at my parse and it's shit so I don't know what I should improve on.
doing well in your group is all that matters
if you arent #1 in the world theres no difference between 10 and and 1000 ranking
you're playing a meta class and doing mediocre at it and everyone else in your group is playing a shit class but doing good at it
I'm looking for a new guild and people are saying your parse isn't good enough
that might be it
>I know what parses are you retarded faggot. I'm just saying I feel like I'm doing good in all these raid groups but then I look at my parse and it's shit
so you don't know how parses work, got it
Kill speed helps a lot, but if you have full consumes and wbs then you're probably just shit at your rotation.
You think thats bad? The biggest stream on twitch had like 5k but he was playing the next retail expansion beta lmao
Theres an hour of content a day, what is there to stream?
Dunno I just think it's funny the only streamer with big numbers was playing wow
>and world buffs

no wonder you grey parse lol
I'm playing cata
>I'm playing cata
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Look at the logs of a good player who plays the same class as yours. You're unironically not hitting enough buttons.
>twitch frog
it's skipping time
>hes "playing" sod
>l'm playing cata
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>she's playing cata
not a good look
also didn't read both of those either lol
how do I find that
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Unironically who is playing Cata though? When SoD was at it's peak (200k more logged characters than Cata currently) there were 2-3 /wowcg/ a day. Now it takes a day to fill one.
rent free lmfao
says I'm active 99.45%
starfall fresh
>only thrown weapon in game drops on one of the optional bosses in lost city
>every single group skips

so the only other one is from pvp. Do i have to switch to sub to pvp or can I get a disc priest and do 2s as assassination? Maybe 3s? I just dont feel like learning all of sub, I never play it
>three insta seethe indirect replies
Lets be honest, Classic players need to be spoken to like the petulant man-children they are. They can't understand simple concepts like "group wide utility" and that classes that bring them shouldn't be topping the DPS charts.
What's going to happen to era in the long run, assuming Blizzard don't fuck with the servers in the next 10 years? Are we ever going to reach a point where people just stop doing content and do nothing but lounge around?
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fresh hype
era = edgers
sod = gooners
cata = trooners
it's over
But don't you have to coom eventually so there's a lot of overlap between the edge and goon crowd
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>continually nerfs hunters
heh, yeah sorry but we're just going to let shamans rape everyone for the third phase in a row
Fr Tarslan bussin fr Pshero "diz iz how I deal with non-Tirslin pliyirs" is plying Turslin and having a BLAST 10k viewers on Twitch Pshero GOD we ballin Terslind play
ni hao
what the FUCK is going on with /ourguy/?

Running around ganking quest givers and lv 20s in dead zones, laughing like a school kid. Then running as fast as he can to the flight master the moment a lv 50+ shows up to dick him down (while laughing and taunting them as if he's not being btfo, of course). Is this some kind of 80IQ plan, or has his med-fucked brain exploding under the pressure of being mildly criticized by other streamers?

Clips in question start at 20:42

He's completely unhinged
How is Alex's career going to survive on whitemane?
I cannot watch people who play this zoomed in
Also "villain" used to be spelled villian and this proves something about multiple timelines
Reminded me of this
It's never been ian
Ya it was
He's still fucking going.
He is writing a novel about shit that can be changed in 5mins.
>but they quickly arrived at the conclusion that that solution was utterly incompatible
Terminal reddit brain speak
He has mastered the art of doing nothing all day but making it seem he works.
He used the word gaslight too, kek.
He's balancing around parse stupidity now? This parsing shit at the expense of utility and doing mechanics is retarded.
Jews historically weren't allowed to work even when they really wanted to so they had to open banks and stuff. Same thing here. He's not allowed to work. Just let him work goyim. Fuck.
So if they're just trying to recreate retail/later iterations of classic specs (wotlk/cata+), why the fuck did they start with vanilla as a base?
Era is actually popular and liked so lots of people resubbed to play
Tarisland fixed this
Ya I hear good things about candy crush, clash of clans, and Diablo immortal too
Utility is a meme, there's no real way for it to be a primary facet in design balance without making a class either OP, complete dogshit, or put in the "okay we'll invite exactly one of you to our raid for the buff and you don't get any loot because you're just here to buff us anyway" cuckshed.
To corrupt it
Parse brain rotted to the core
No you could have fights that are based around use of cc or debuffs. Dps and running from shapes on the ground doesn't have to be every raid fight
>No you could have fights that are based around use of cc or debuffs.
That goes in the last category, except replace buff with cc or debuff.
>dps warlock in sod gnomer
>hey on the last boss could you use meta to easily kill the bombs at range, allowing us to complete the encounter as easily as possible
>of course
>Oh and on every other boss can your first global be recklessness
>sure, I want the raid to do the most damage so that makes sense
Parsers can't even conveive of this
>replace something with something totally different
Class buffs and class cc aren't even close to the same thing
>we need you, you, and you to kite these mobs over here because you're specifically good classes for it
>and we need you and you to cc these mob types other classes cant
Refusing to do these things because muh parse is completely retarded
i wanna play sod eu but i dunno which server
I'm glad you're happy in your little cuckshed anon but don't expect the rest of us outside of it to not notice it's a shed with a sign that says cuck out front.
No, it says raider.io in the front
>make raids that make my spec mandatory in a way that doesn't require quantifiable performance for me to be judged by and kicked for
You just know anyone who says shit like this is both shit at the game AND has never had a real job since setting quantifiable goals is like the first thing any manager does and will communicate to his employees.
Because blizzard hates hunters thats why.
Honestly sod is just a dumpster fire. Imagine releasing a game version where they just constantly nerf and buff classes instead of doing proper testing in pre-release, and the nerfs are often just because streamers are crying about getting killed 1v1. Its a joke.
Make raids 8 mans
Allow exactly 1 of each class in a raid group
wa la
Would be based but class representation is always unbalanced. You could add an overflow buffer fillable with anything, maybe flexed to ~14 or something
is this the xiv derangement syndrome?
you can make up buzzwords all you like but you're offering up an idea thats from tranny fantasy
not only with xivtroons screech about blizz copying their game but if youve spent any time in these generals bad actors(mainly xivtroons) are always lying in wait to poison the discussion and get an "epic gotcha" from wow players, to say that im skeptical of anyone making any kind of post like yours would be an understatement.
i didn't make that post, but you could start by arguing why 1 of each role would be bad for starters anon. i personally don't agree with 8 man content, i think the 10 we have is fine
if you want to drop down to 1 tank, half of your classic tank mechanics get automatically thrown out of the window and your classic healers with throw a bitch fit because they actually have to have both of their hands on the keyboard now.
ultimately ten man content isnt actually that important in the first place outside of tier 4 but the developers original design isnt really flawed outside of party exclusive buffs.
idk what you're trying to say.
sorry i meant 1 of each class, that's what the post said afterall. so you could still have tank swaps but you couldn't class stack anymore
my major gripe with the post is the number so 8s not going to cut it because there arent enough classes to make 10, now if it was reduced to spec that would be acceptable i suppose but people want to be the man so to speak so you're inevitably going to end up with a larger distribution of the classes that preform in the top 3 on warcraftlogs
thats not really a design issue tho, its a community behaviorial pattern.
Oh no, xiv freakies real uppity since this GEMERAL dropped huh?
Diaper rash must be though!!!
i guess that's why he said 8, but we'll have 10 "soon" with monk. maybe could just loosen it up and say 2 tank 2 healer and 6 dps that have to be of different SPECS at the very least. but yeah you're right it's a community problem at the end of the day and anything would be minmaxed regardless
Cant wait to see more of this dogshit meme spammed all over the gaming boards for months, thanks jews. I bet we'll see the classic player, catapajeet and sodomite versions within the next 24 hours
>bro force 1 of each class!!1
>Class is better at DPS than tanking
>Forced to always DPS
I love greyparsers.
>Diaper rash
>literal /wowg/ poster meme
>his insult is based on your parse being insufficiently performative
PleASE be bait
Lil catgirl made stinkies?
Wow needs to add tarisland macros so even bad players can focus on mechanics while still outputting sufficient damage
Yeah... :(
but it had them, they removed the functionality around cataclysm (original release)
I like playing as a female undead warrior because flip animations
use group finder to join quick points rbgs for conquest. isn't there an epic boe thrown weapon as well?
it's "voila", retard. i bet you also write "would of" and "alot".
See >>483538180
>falling for old bait
cmon now.
OG wow macros and add-ons didn't do anything wrong btw :)
Depends, does it bother you people macrod their entire rotation? Yeah it made playing hunter fucking boring for one. Did it bother you DKs got the feature removed for cast randoming their entire rotation and still winning in arena and making pvp movies about what a joke the game balance is? I thought it was funny personally.
hc = gamers
Of course not anon.
Decursive is a fair addon too btw :)
Out of all the things to complain about why decursive? Do you know how fucking dogshit most players are, one in 8 mages decurses anyone EVER even if they used this addon. Stupid fucking parsemonkeys
>designing game around warcraftlogs
sasuga fatgrend
Mage here.

We have a decurse?

LULW I'm not a healsissy I'm a big PVMPER chad I don't do supportbitch shit suck my giant parseGOD cock you little bitch KEKINSANE
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I am not complaining I just like reminding people wow add-ons did unironically play the game for you and they've gotten heavily nerfed.
See >>483538382
Kekmayo parsegrey kek insane
I think having the hackers was better than the delay imposed by the GCD change
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Is glif.app the new ifunny
>rage quits ony after wiping for the 50th time
retoilets disband after one wipe in myhic+ or lfr, lol
>hasn't left goldshire in 3 weeks
are you sure we arent talking about the only content retoilet has here?
Retail and classic players are all actual literal no life shitters. Play an actual competitive game if you want to talk shit. WoW is a joke.
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obnoxious troon
it's that easy
you gotta stay informed.
Are you just lurking to see when they ack or what the fuck are you doing this for
I just find it funny to see them seethe all day. especially since musk destroyed their hugbox and floods their feed with stuff they dont like (normal things)
>Man in dress

Opinion never considered. Alex will be taken more seriously.
>Classic & TBC
>Alliance wins Battlegrounds despite Horde having Orc & Undead racials
>1on1 World PVP encounters Alliance usually wins
>Horde only wins when they overwhelm

Where did the meme that Alliance players are bad at PVP?
>play horde
>”horde is so shit we always lose”
>play alliance
>”alliance is the kid faction we always lose”
Been that way since the start. Both factions continually bitch that the other side can only win with numbers
>Play alliance
>Have to play with human male retardins and male draenei/worgen subhumans
>Play horde
>think I am free
>Blood elf paladin and make t*uren show up
>I have to play with other races in WoW
Anon what are you even doing here
you forgot female humans too
Yeah wish all players where qt314 femhums big pvmpers and nelfie goonettes.
>probably shits 6 times a day from how much he eats
>uses that time to write novels on his phone
>Where did the meme that Alliance players are bad at PVP?
Original vanilla, and phase 2 of classic confirmed it.
This just isn't true. Alliance are born dragonkillers and, in 2024, we're still waiting for the world 1st alliance duel to take place
so alex got laughed off of deviate delight? too afraid to keep playing pvp so he ran to a new pve server? sad, cringe and most of all: beta.
he was just causing so much havoc, he had to be forcibly removed from the server, hater
Who is Alex and why is the entire thread obsessed on him? Even my Youtube recommends videos of him.

I think he has a mental illness or is he a "special child"
Hes still on DD
Get farmed doggie, I’m so popular
Not the real Alex, not enough mommy mentions
>Low IQ streamer
>Playing as Hunter, a class, which requires many skill toolbars and hotkeys.

Why doesn't he just play Warrior.
>Original Vanilla
Everyone was bad at the game

>Classic Phase 2
Horde was better because the ratio was 20/70 in their favor. Horde always loses 1on1 world pvp situations
>faction pride in 2k24
no way you're over 30 years old acting like this lmfao
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I changed my mind, I think Alex is right about leaving DD. He is now free to go, realm is ded anyway. stavn
>a single post has been feel and teared
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Is this English?
/ourguy/ never got this many views on any of his videos....its over....
To be honest my bread add-on kept logging out. Jumping and moving around didn't stop it from logging out. I thought it was actually funny that the API allows me to do jumping, emotes automatically. I'm (stayvun/satanspillow) going to edit my screenshot kill PVP add-on to flex on people on kill shot.
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>1 filtered post
spambot online?
world of warcraft classic
Damn, st4vN has his dog on a leash LOL
>1 filtered post
okay this is getting out of hand
world of warcraft classic
Warrior is too high IQ for Alex. Stance dancing confuses him. His biggest fear is being alone so he needs to play a petclass (or play a priest and be a pet himself)
Time to bvlast bruddas, big pvmp gdkp time soon
>first thread already archived before reaching 750 posts
>on release eve
everynyan is busy playing
>Warrior is too high IQ

>Levelling Warrior
>Demo Shout
>Heroic Strike single target or Cleave multiple targets

>Sunder Armor & Revenge
>Use tab to switch target.

Main problem why Warrior levelling is hard because it's boring.
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>chink/slav mobile trash that doesn't even have coomer armor failed
oh no!
>mobile game
nothing of value was lost
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>1 filtered md5
world of warcraft classic
Rend is a life saver in 1-20 levelling. You miss so many attacks. Rend ensures you do some damage if you have bad luck.
What were they thinking? Only reason people play gacha is to ogle at cute anime girl.png. Mobile gamers are still living in the 90s where they want their female designs sexy
Alliance is better than horde now because more huwhite people choose to play them. In 2005 I would play horde mudhut niggers "ironically", but now that I'm surrounded by mudhut niggers IRL it's last thing I want to see in game, so I roll Alliance.
How come you're seeing mudhut tier people irl anon, maybe it's time to move
why is towellie wiping in this tarisland dungeon?
some prude and ancient ccp member must have told them not to, chinks are kinda fucking retarded compared to gooks and especially japs
Now that t*risl*nd is a complete blunder, time to add it to the filter before the funny haha xD trolls start flooding
anybody try affliction warlock in cata arena? Is it as traumatic as im imagining with people perma training you all game and basically you having zero fun at all?
>WoW Classic will relaunch in China on June 27, 2024
Time for some more gdkps with the homies Wang, Li and Zhang
evergook sisters i don't feel so good
The first (and only) Tarisland general died at 554 posts, it was basically held together by a single shill. Sad!
>You miss so many attacks.
you dont if youre fighting green mobs like you should be instead of ones your level or higher like a mong
The Chinks were already gonna play on Everlook, Everlook CN or Everlook wotlk. Why would they join the new EU fresh?
when are they leaving? is evergook fresh safe?
Who is interested in Everlook 2 when Classic Era is doing fine and There are unofficial fresh servers gong on?
oh nononono
alex got embarassed so badly he had to cry to the twitch mods to ban alodar
Alodar won. Bigly.
Ironforge numbers update when?
Obviously not, but there's less incentive for them to play when they already have multiple other servers of their own. This could all be cope tho, we will see on Saturday desu
"if you kill your enemy, they win"
alodar won
isn't that alex's motto when he's taking res sickness and hearthing back to org for the 5th time?
Yeah that means Alodar won unironically
did alodar actually get banned?
alex won.
alodar will be live on kick
>the final alliance cope
>haha why do you CARE that we're a bunch of faggots hahahah laughing at you
RIP hopefully he gets it back his streams were hilarious.
>Channel not found
Uh-oh stinky. Alex won it seems.
>no mention of faction
Proving the point
what a spiteful little manlet, what 5'3 and balding does to a nigga
>first win in years is banning some literal who boomer streamer
Alex was right, triple chin took it too far. You dorks need to keep it in game. This isn't 2004 anymore.
>alliance faggot preparing to lie that they play horde
You're that same idiot who I noticed played alliance when you mentioned bellygrub. I know you. You made the same exact post about faction pride then too
i saw a vid of alodar getting up to prove his taller than alex
he has amazing tits
he didnt take it far enough imo
>you're that one guy from my dreams I swear!
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why would i care about what mr roachman says
obvious stunt
>baldman bad
>has videos of him saved in his computer
Deviant delight is dead lolol Alodar deleted from twitch and Alex leaving to become the Gdkp Kingpin arc.

DD brothers what now?
Very much so lol
wheres the video?
whenever someone looks up alex they'll find alodars video dismantling him. alodar won bigly.
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i too keep roaches around just to create content, i grow and cultivate them only for the online funnies
it's a 3mb webm, it's a pretty funny one at that. I have weirder stuff on my computer, not like storage space has ever been an issue really. you seem like a fan so how about this wasp picture d00d
all me
alex got has little manlet hole blown out so badly he had to cry to twitch jannies to silence his opposition. embarassing.
Kargoz's stream keeps growing, let the clowns throw shit at eachother while the king sits on his throne. Another masterplan from the established entrepreneur and streamer Kargoz. Chapeau. They will all bend the knee, even Alexhomosexual bought RestedXP guides and indirectly paid money to Kargoz.

Kargoz won. This is HIS world of warcraft you're only squatting in it you disgusting east coast mutt
>Alodar attempts to out janny Alex
Rookie mistake.
>go to store and buy a roach
>put it on yourself on stream
If you cant see this than I will need to inform you that 4chan is 18+
i was not aware you can buy turkish people so easily in the US
Nobody will join a random schizos gdkp whos in blue gear and 9 gold.
Does Alex not know gdkps are ran by established people who the community knows?
Not reading (any of) that, sorry
>alliance seething that people notice how obnoxious and stupid they are
>y...y... you have faction pride???
what are you even saying, schi zho
no way you are actually this delusional lol
rend is for kiting and rogs, using it on anything else is classic noob mistake
>Kargoz: "Like, I'm not even on the leadership position so like..."
Gaysforpays getting grilled live by the mastermind.
I live in the United States
fucking kek
You're shilling for Kargoz, and have the balls to call anyone else a mutt? I have zero idea what race Kargoz even is, that's how big of a mutt he is.
Based Kargoz shitting on Alexhomosexual, ONE viewer raid and comment and Alex instantly lost it. Talk about effective. The modern Julia's Ceasars.
other state maybe, more rural? good luck anon
Alex should stay and do ZG and secretly lvl alliance alt. Kargoz is being a cringly rule dork.
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If this is all a larp it's a damn good one
do zg with who? everyone that plays there avoids him like the plague
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>why yes i have evidence. no, i wont provide it
He should gank with his hunter while leveling alliance offline. DD is getting the hardcore corny kargoz rules treatment.
i just ate an entire megabag of chips lads
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/wpsg/ here

We're so happy we got rid of this guy. You can keep him. Enjoy.
its another season of alex energizing more people to fuck with him only to end with him blowing it all up and going into hiding for a year
how has there been this much controversy over a 200 pop server
If Alex wasn't around this refresh project would be boring as fuck. Stayvun posting screenshots isn't enough. There's too many fucking goody two-shoes playing this ancient game.
if you know anything about alex, its that he's never truly gone
He already said turtlewow is an option so don’t count your chickens yet anon
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He can't stream turtle, or any other pserver on Twitch lol his corpoGOD bosses would instantly perma his channel

He's your problem now, you can keep him
just wait until hes banned on twitch. if it happened to alodar, it will happen to alex too.
can on youtube though
fabricating screenshots that can create a timeline takes practice, else people will spot your plot holes fast
another grim thread
ctrl + w
it will save you from a headache
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>ctrl + w
>it will save you from a headache
why doesnt he just use ai?
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era is so fucking retarded it hurts

>endgame is nothing but gdkp and naxx speedrunning, fresh 60? get fucked
>only BG that's up 24/7 is AV, which horde can't win, ever

Every time I come back to this dumpster fire it seemingly gets worse
hmmm i'm on 4chan not reddit right? just checking
>insta indirect seethe reply
lmao whatever junkie fag, you open this faggot general every day at most
retail fixed this
The Great Cryboomering waiting room
should be in less than 12 hours
what happens in 12 hours?
because ai will break continuity if you make it fabricate stories
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>only 1 month since the tier released
>already struggling to fill a full roster
>quite geared so i'd feel bad if i leave the guild
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I tried ganking lowbies in Redridge once but instead I ended up helping a dozen or so alliance players with their elite orc quest in the keep.
my ingame wife is so cute
>already struggling to fill a full roster
more and more people have taken the pugpill with cata release. Also with the guild perks being available to every guild and 10m>25m, 10 man raid teams are forming their own small 15-20 person guilds
>scan ah
>find stuff thats never on the ah but needed and that i can craft to make a profit
>works well, make a few hundred gold
>people using tsm notice that item that usually doesnt sell is suddenly selling
>people flood market with said item hoping to make a buck
>since they use auctionator, it undercuts by like 5% each time
>people selling it for less than they crafted it
>entire market ruined, nobody making a profit now
why are people always fucking like this in this game?
>Try Turtle WoW
>Do High Elf starting zone
>See people with paid cosmetics in Stormwind
>See people larp in Kharanos

Something just rubbed me the wrong way. It felt like a fanfiction than an actual Vanilla+.
Auction addons and bots that run 24/7 undercutting by 1c ruin the whole thing. Not to mention faggots that feel the need to post 1 piece of runecloth 500 fucking times

once you're at the point where you're essentially running a bot just to undercut some lvl 15 on his linen cloth posting you might as well buy gold from the chinks, just as scummy
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what gave it away?
I was fucking selling bags by buying the mats on the AH, then doing a 20% markup. Then suddenly people were undercutting me by like 70g, and it just kept spiraling from there. Like my guy, it cost like 100g to make the bag and you're now selling it for 55g. Then like 10+ more bags pop up under his because no one pays attention.
Paid cosmetics felt out of place.

>Naked cosmetics
>Necromancer cosmetics

Zombie troll was kino
>naked cosmetics
p-post that degeneracy so we can laugh at it right now sis
It's just a player without clothes on. Having a naked cosmetic makes your gear invisible.
that's kinda lazy but it's basically what I thought then. even retail lets you do that nowadays, I forget if turdle had transmog but I assume they do, just the gear hiding options are paywalled?
He has never mentioned the pserver i play on, life is good.
I don't like paid cosmetics if they change the appearance of the entire character, excluding Zombie Troll

Paid tabards and mounts were good idea.
alexkino wen
when tf did alodar dox alex?
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I'll just stick to blizzard approved slop.
>Canadian is a doxxing dork
Many such cases, i'm glad Alex sided with the law.
you know i honestly was starting to feel bad for alex for basically getting bullied as a grown ass man, but getting somebody banned for hurting your fee fees, (by simply posting what YOU did and said in the past) I think he deserves everything he gets. He has mental disorders and you can tell just by the way he talks. Repeating that he is "the king", how everybody "wants to be him", calling people "dog", its VERY evident he has serious and deep seated inferiority complexes, most likely stemming from his 5'3 height.
I know what it is to have a nerve struck over past trauma or repeated insults, trust me when I say that he will flinch every time he sees the number 53, the name Elle, and kangaroos, or if someone ever says the pouch of a kangaroo
you see this when he starts twitching his upper lip
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Victory drink
thats coke, you can see the carbonate
well children shouldnt drink alcohol
he puts on a nice shirt and still has that pathetic hat on, kwab
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what did he win? did he get tickets to a midget disneyland where he's tall enough to enter most rides?
Did Alodar say his full name or just that his name is Alex and he lives in NYC?
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lmfao actual cringe and admitting he's behind it
alodar has his full name on his stream
>doxes Alex
>gets Alex muted in wow

I'm gonna side with Alex on this one.
He had an ingame character that was alex's full name on screen for multiple minutes. Pretty fucking stupid thing to do desu but we gotta remember he is a fucking leaf after all, hes just looked based in comparison to alex.
what does this mean? i dont know any blacks
ok but what’s Alex’s full name doe
>alodar banned from twitch
alex sisters we won bigly
If we assume alex works a normal 8-4 and then immediately streams every single day right after work then when does he have time to go to the gym or hang out with friends?
Its this-individual-kino, boys
>hang out with friends
they are in his head for 24/7
>First they doxx'd Alodar's tranny gf
>Now they banned him from twitch
Alodar needs to go full scorched earth now
lol jeetodar army malding, seething and coping
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This has just become a war of tattling on each other to the jannies.
Can we all agree that wow drama should stay in game? I mean we are all seniors right?
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restream on dlive nigger
i am a very cute and young animesister do not call me a senior sis
>Wear a hat indoors to hide your balding head
It's pathetic but I get it
>Wear it backwards so your missing hairline is still on full display
>fake outrage episode about some troll post
@me when something interesting happens
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kick are faggots we going dlive
A lot of people look like a manchild wearing a hat forward, I am one of those people. I look a lot better wearing it backwards. He probably shouldn't wear it so high as to expose his shiny bald 6head.
Was Alex, dare I say it, right?
>wearing a hat how its intended makes you look like a manchild
what? if anything, wearing it backwards makes you look like a clown trying to look cool
always was, brother
He doxxes people all the time so he can't sit upon a high horse here.
But doxxing over petty shit like this is cringe so Alodar just sunk down to alex levels.
the deluded boomer got too high on his own fumes, he thought he found a squishy target to dunk on to release his frustrations
Doxxing Alex was just Plain wrong and you all know it...
>first of all, imma ban you!
the only thing wrong about it was doing it on stream. doxing him is funny.
>You miss so many attacks
Only if you're attacking something higher than you are. As a warrior you should be doing quests that are green so you are fighting enemies lower level than you.
you sound like you should play a paladin or another low-test class
Alodar not looking so cool anymore, breaking the law? not cool
You know Alodar went too far when Jipples is on Alex's side.
>almost 500 viewers
alex chads we won bigly
what's in the blanks
hoow the fuck do i get into deviate discord? no link anywhere have tried for days
old man shooting blanks, please understand
i only invite anime avatars
can someone ask alex to do chat ban reviews. He/his mods banned me when he was on the banning rampage for just chatting lmao
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how can you be THIS gay?
Roll the clip Jamie
why is his head so big?
Ser Illyn Payne! BRING ME HIS HEAD!!!
based alodar fucking 17 years old prime thai pussy
vulpera ok? :3
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>Alodar was the real villain
dont you have a twitch chat to be policing for 0 dollars an hour, toby?
ok but what is his irl name
i wanna laugh at the dui story
it was already posted
every time I look at the streams he's just jerking off in orgrimmar
why are you so obsessed with this guy
imagine losing to the guy that 90% of the time just self destructs.
fucking canadians lmao.
these people are even sadder than the retard they obsess over
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All he needed to do was camp Alex with an alliance alt or mail him bread in game like Stayvun. Smh Alodar is unhinged and handed Alex the win.
you’re posting in a wow classic general thread in 2024 on 4chan
Now all of Alodars viewers will go to Kargoz & Staynazi.
Alex can’t stop taking Ls.
i missed it how did alodar lose
he got a 1 day twitch ban
meanwhile alex got renamed, scammed out of $25 transfer, and permanently muted
He did the best thing possible and just ignored him, gave him zero time of day to be able to cultivate drama from him. Alex will wither away once the (((drama))) vanishes.
and yet I'm still superior to you
says a lot, huh?
i see. hopefully this is a wake up call for alodar. he needs to start a family
>this thread
thinking of starting this game
why are there like 3 different versions of classic
That’s nice, dear.
wait for freshie sis
True, Stayvun only was seen on stream for a few moments and kept everything in game. He even stopped pking Gryn and they are bros now.
>name yourself after someone
this guy is so retarded holy lmfao
He ACTUALLY won, holy shit....
Nope I won.
just came back after playing elden ring dlc, barely anyone was giving a fuck about al ex but now there are entire threads dedicated to him, what the fuck did i miss
what does that mean?
Can we agree that Alex won? i mean holy shit.
He won. Yugely.
kek, aIex has dished out nonstop shit toward others for his entire streaming life, and the moment he receives mild criticism, he runs bawling to twitch jannies.

utter midget move
a fresh beginning awaits you adventurer of type-2 configuration who is also my sibling. It would be prudent to start fresh on a fresh server, but do take a look at the other options but just know it might get a bit lonely in the earlier levels outside HC
Alodar shot himself in the foot like the fat fucking retard he is and now the anti-alex faction is panicking.
Honestly the real winners here are the people laughing at the retards on both sides from the sideline.
You’re 55.
>you're not siding with the insane midget? Must be alodar

nah, I just hate alex
You’re Canadian.
>+500 people watching
>alodar banned
>DD basically dead
alex won bigly
why were people in the dlive chat freaking out over alex showing alodar's name?
who gives a shit, is alodar paying you or something?
Oh, ok, lemme play this retarded game as well.

No twitch ban will ever raise your height above 5'3. No twitch ban will ever repair your drug-fucked brain. No twitch ban will ever let you go back in time and become a millionaire like Esfand & co. No twitch ban will stop tinder whores from ghosting you after they realize you're the height of a 12 year old.
They treat this shit like a football game. I honestly think some of them are honestly mentally ill.
alex arcs are kino, better than any tv show desu
nah, hes just a woman on the inside. i guess thats what he meant when he said he was raised around women
we should be happy we have this alex drama honestly, wow is dead game and nothing else to watch on twitch so
alodar doesnt look fat
Alex pushin 600 viewers on Twitch instead of disappearing again

Alodar bros what do we do now?
Alodar isn't a nice old man. I'm glad /wowcg/ has changed sides and support Alex now.
>Whose server?? Alex's server!
Whose server?? Alex's server!
>Whose viewers?? Alex's viewers!
Whose viewers?? Alex's viewers!
>Whose win?? Alex's win!
Whose win?? Alex's win!
If he went Transmongold instead of normal schizo five or six years ago, his life would be unironically better.
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We support winners and Alex won. To the strongest goes the spoils.
I hope we get the planetside 2 / StarCraft 2 treatment soon
why don't you shove your quotation books up your fat ass???
alex just confirmed.
starfall will be fresh and fashy.
Okay so what you're saying is, if I understand correctly. That they'll be released new servers where everyone starts fresh? When will that be?
>twitch frog
>go to twitch
>see alexensual streaming
>click in
>"... literal neonazis"
>"from staysafes chat"
>"but were not gonna talk about that, it was 7 years ago, a long time... nazis"
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im surprised he hasn't brought up his SS folder
he just did
Are we finally mature enough to admit Cata won?
You think a bunch of washed crybooms that only know 1 game for 20 years will admitt to it?
>650 viewers
It really is over. You only made him stronger.
plus 95 people watching him on dlive
Blame Alodar. Why the fuck so many of us decided to throw their lot in with him is beyond me.
I didn't, never trusted him due to being canadian.
>btw someone in chat once said that this guy said that my cat should die
>why would he say that, its kinda fucked up, what do you guys think about that, chat?
>i dont know if the guy actually said that, but it's so fucked up
>chat what do you think about that?
>this guy wants him run over a car? what a piece of shit!
you guys are retarded. I warned you lot about Aldurrar. told you about the stino archives. but no, you had to support the most retarded boomer to ever stream on twitch. now reap what you sow. whatever that even fucking means in this cas
How does he keep this momentum going? Alodar is gone for at least 2 weeks and unless he’s a complete fucking moron he will drop the Alex talk completely.
>thinking about maybe starting back up on SoD for phase 4
>pull up 4chan to check on you guys
>alex is back
>inevitably huge drama is conjured out of thin air
it's literally clockwork with this guy
wow, this thread really fell off
>Alex wins
>thread dies
we're already over alex
>Cata wins
>thread dies
/wpsg/ is melting down because alex was shittalking starfall
>shittalking starfall
I thought he endorsed it?
He said only neo-nazis are going to play there so he couldn't have endorsed it because that would make him a neo-nazi which he is not.
alex drunk stream hype
no way our boy keels over after 1 bottle, wtf??
>chugging an entire bottle whilst being 150 pounds
he's wasted, someone start posting trigger words, he WILL say nigger or faggot, just gotta give him a little push
maybe we'll get an electri bogaloo of "The Cotton Fields" joke
hold on... so you're saying alex isn't... based?
you're not white either thoughbait
1 bottle for such a tiny man, thats a lot.
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what do you think about that, chat?
>lemme tell you who is white
show kippah
This is an English only board, mister.
hes calling you a kike, Chaim
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is alex stream popping off?
shit, I didn't account for that lol
Why are you reffering to yourself in third person now?
weak attempt schlomo, now fuckoff
>insta indirect
yup yup YUP
have the last word, doggy
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dont mind if i do
>frog post ez skip
you lost
He was close to 600 like an hour ago what happened?
>will immediately defend himself when called out and is incapable of ignoring you
who are you talking to schizo???
the puppet mastah!!!!11
>will try to gaslight/obfuscate (what how he recoils! I've been found out!)
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They were all reporting each other and getting other people to mass report each other. Gay retards all around but I sort of know who Alex is from a long time ago so I hope he wins even though he's clearly bpd or whatever
Just play hardcore. It's always fresh and it's actually a golf mmo. You will probably die but you'll have more fun over 10 days played levelling like 8 classes and trying different races and roles and both factions than you will hitting 60 on era and buying gold to buy gear in a completely solved game played only by the discordest of trannies.
Alex won.
You lost.

alexbros…..our response?
not watching your n@zi shit
You are forced to place a genuine bet, for all of your life savings and all future earnings, you either double up or you lose everything

>Alexensual vs a somewhat competent pvper
Now, obviously you pick the pvper, but, how many levels minimum would Alex need to have on the player before you'd switch your bet?
what's the latest Alex update
he won
Alodar lost to Alex
/wowcg/ switched sides with Stayvun and now are leveling horde.
still the main character of the vanilla movement
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how we doin' tonight /alexg/
he's crashing this faux fresh
with no survivors
I didn't know Barney was trans but when he constantly called himself the main character of grobbulus or whatever I felt it was way too discord tranny. Then he turned out to actually be a discord tranny.
>seething about Barney actually being the most influential wow classic creator
Just call him a tranny don't type up a shitty seethe you just look like a faggot lol
>if only the level 17 hunter was a tranny
i can't
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vve are pvmping here btvv

wtf is Aggrend yapping about?
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Never forget why we're still playing this game, sisters
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whitemane anons, fire up the right click reports and start griefing this fuck
Why? What did he do to deserve misuse of the report feature?
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>Alex is off DD
it's over
>bullied off thee server
yeah, he really "won"
years of being a huge faggot
>tried to ruin kargoz cause he monetized rxp
>tried to ruin esfand cause he streamed retail;
>tried to ruin and doxx tips out cause he streamed retail
>tried to cancel staysafe cause hes right wing
>sent death and rape threats to tradechat cause she didnt like classic
>doxxed discord mods cause they didnt do what he asked
so much much more.
Leaving somewhere that's shit is not a loss.
You sound the same way saying that as he does bragging about banning someone as if he's won somehow.
>>sent death and rape threats to tradechat cause she didnt like classic
damn alex is based
>Retard doesn't realize you need to be logged off in order for the transfer to work
Literally takes 10 mins of being completely logged off.
>crusades against staysafe and kargoz to the point his discord orbiters get them both doxxed and swatted
>says he's never been swatted but wouldn't mind it

all deserved desu
i wish desu
Aggrend is fat
desu onions kek
from one junkie realm to another lol. if he doesnt quit, hes going to start shit with someone and do this all over again
Solo queue rbg grounds
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it's over... what now? do i delete my rogue
if we're lucky
Influential in style, sure, but it's a bad (discord tranny) style. Pint and swockdickus or whatever his name is were pretty annoying. I liked his Scarab Lord video but all the discord tranny
>muahhhahahaha I'm the main character
Discord tranny shit got annoying, to me

You made good videos though I'm not going to deny that. Just leaned too far into discord trannyism for my taste.
lol, i'll give it a week
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Nooooooo not the heckin death and rape threats!!!!!!
>Already e-begging
>can't sleep
>missed out on two alex kinos
making popcorn
>getting shitfaced off wine
Do Americans really?
sounds like a good time to me
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ok that was fucking kino, i'm sad that it's over. :(
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are we going to whitemane?
>1 filte
nah just kidding, go get him, just transfer
you have no business in DD either lmao so, might as well get fun out of your rogue
if you wanna go all out, transfer to whitemane and go after him maybe even buy gold and get gdkp gear to delete him in 1 stun
yeah this goes pretty hard
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no one wants to come?
Sorry I don’t play era I’m not a faggot
do you guys play cata arena? Is it me or is it just the same classes over and over and over again?

feral druid, mage, rogue, and some mystery meat combination of melee cleave. I have literally never seen a resto druid. I have seen like 1 holy paladin. 70% resto shaman, 30% disc

am i retarded or was early wrath pvp better? I know late game was retarded with war/hpal
You forgot to shill cata Mr Jeet. Or did they terminate your contract already since it's doing kinda bad? I will personally rate you 5 stars so you can be back for mop
>pvp in a solved meta
is this english?
holy schizo meltie
>if you don't wanna hop in the mazetrain you must be against us!
junkies are cute when they seethe
>3 instant seethe replies
they really hate being called a Jeet huh
hmm in full naxx bis / r14 gear vs naxx bis rogue/war do they smoke spriest or does the spriest still hold up? i'm talking dwarf here.
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every time
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this thread started smelling bad all of a sudden
That post appears to be in English sir. Would you like it in Hindi?
>reply = mad
ah this meme again
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we are defeated
To be fair those replies seem pretty mad, maybe these posters have an anger issue like their idol Alex
I didnt realize we were active participants in this dead server and streamer drama.
Rogue with full CDs + prep + eng + consumes will fuck up anyone. You literally cannot win.
>making fun = mad
ah this meme again
alex doesnt visit 4chan btw since its for incel losers unlike himself
i'm glad i live in his head for free lmfao
fucking faggot lol
does inscription only make money in phase 1 with darkmoon cards? Trying to decide between alchemy or inscription
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okay, i will trick out my gnome rogue on whitemane
Have you been reading the last 5 editions sis?
Then he won't see me call him a fucking mutt lmao, my name is blockhead53 btw
crying to twitch jannies is a bitch move. Alodar won. Bigly.
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>wiping on alakir for almost 2 hours now
If you ever want to pvp just make a mage, rogue, or druid
Sometimes other things will be good or they wont but those are the dev/streamer pvp pet classes and literally always have 1 competitive spec
My thread wife is in trouble...send your prayers sisters
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>playing cata
new numbers released
soddies keep losing players
cata still holding over 300k players
even era is keeping a (very low) steady pop
not a good time to be a proud soddy
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dont forget the wow killer lad
>-powered by JeetPT-4.0, Java AI by Durgasoft (Certified Weapon of Durgasoft)
>twitch frog
not reading lol
don't care still not playing your retail slop
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Do not make fun of durgasoft or you will get taste of my shoe.
Alas, I can't link archived threads
>mfw the first and only Tarisland general managed to die at 550 posts
We were gonna kill wow, at this rate we might even kill ffxiv. Shillbros what happened?
i didn't say that?
>might not even*
tarisland doesnt have a lolcow like alex keeping the threads alive
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alex youre a bald short manlet that cant get laid.

we all laugh at you.
It won bigly actually
>Silky smooth launch
>Perfect launch content
>People so excited about the game they don't even bother posting about it too much, too immersed in the gameplay
>Lot of room to grow post-launch
I estimate by this point in the next year tarisland will have 2 million paying players daily
Only 3 weeks of growth is pretty sad desu. This is literally the peak for cata, it's all downhill from here. I can see why they decided to accelerate this expansion.
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You can cope all you want, but twitch viewership dropped like a rock, and only two servers hit max capacity. Literally nobody is playing this shit.
can't wait for the crossbones alexensual collab streams now that we're on whitemane
Hehe funny face
>takes 20 minutes to hit max level
>do the dungeon and raid
>logoff for the day
I thought wow players loved the epic raidlogging content
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New /wowcg/ poll

cata killed wow TWICE
yet you faggots defend it for free just to be muh contrarians to take a shot at sod

every 13 year old and their mom was crying about how shitty cata was, just like 15 years ago

the contrarian opinion is that its good
>wasting 25 bucks to snipe alex
he will have people in full naxx gear killing him on whitemane
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Good point, i will give it a few days and see how the poll shakes out
hmmm how come it has more players than era, hc and sod?
Joining forces is better, because once you get tired off that arc you can proceed to betray him easily. Meanwhile if you fuck with him immediately it will be hard to befriend him afterwards.
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sodbros, are we back?
imagine the smell of that classroom with a thousand pajeets in it
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>more players than era, hc and sod?
>didnt even approach phase 1 of sod in its first month
>less players than a full retail realm
ya you're really killing it over on cata bro
you got me
Joining forces would be funny because then I will just rant about how everyone is racist and out to get me.
I think indians have lost their sense of smell completely. It's the only reasonable explanation, it's not uncommon for them to sleep 20 in a single bedroom apartment.
nobody cares on megapop servers
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I mean if you think about it, no one cares either way. All that matters is having fun.
Hooooly cope
where are all those 500k soddies? if the game is so good, where did they go?
is a game losing 90% of its playerbase a good thing now?
How will you cope when cata loses all 100% of it's players when mop comes out?
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That probably sounded better inside your head
the "4th week lull" is a completely normal and expected phenomenon. Fun fact: both TBC and wotlk had a 4th week "drop" in numbers, only to go up another 35% from there. Cata is on track to beat wotlks popularity, and the data points to it being the most popular classic expansion to date.
This new cope kinda zesty
never seen this level of delusion
not even trannies are this delusional

cata: 316k
sod: 25k
era: 16k
era: 300

which game is better..?
You listed era twice so I guess it's the best

era (hardcore): 300
why do retards think that getting a fraction of vanilla(some changes) is a massive w?
are you brown?
holy shit stop embarassing yourself
That sounds very aryan
>WCL graph
The fact that retards like this can become game designers is pretty whitepilling desu
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>cata top has been reached
uh oh
>Didn't even reach tbc or wotlk numbers
It's over, the reality that cata is trash is hitting them.
= 0.242946% difference
People already got filtered and bailed, it's all downhill from here.
C-Cata sisters what the fuck? Why isn't the graph going up?!?
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>27% best attempt
maybe next week ...
MoP chads stay winning
You can do it anime. In a sea of garbage the animeposters are still on topic
never made it to max level in an expansion, I'm just here for the annual Alex meltie

did you forget it was a holiday week, retard? Juneteenth was in that week, retard. People aren't playing video games on one of the most important days of the year.
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SoD bros when will we hit rock bottom?
never heard of it, what are you talking about lil bro?
>Cata peaks one month in
Grim levels off the charts
Phase 4 preview video soon, then we'll shoot straight to phase 2 numbers, trust the pan.
>have you been reading

Yes, I've been reading.
Players will come back once they realize Cataclysm is shit>>483661664
What incursions does to a motherfucker
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>meanwhile era is unfazed
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DD bros we poppin off
what went wrong for you guys?
i just really wasn't a fan of the classes being incomplete and that they can just rework the entire balance at any point. hard to care about your character when it's like that.
Well then you would know we are actively taking part in it. From mailspamming him to stealing views and coordinating ganking him etc. Now you and me might just be reading but it's natural he would dislike this website
>17000 world wide
i don't think you should be proud of this one if you ask me.............
Erachads are built different
Enough people to do literally any content, unless you're a zoombrained autist who thinks servers need 10k players or its dead.
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Era is stagnating yet again, Cata dying might bring in some players back but I doubt it

I mean it kinda sucks, unless you're farming welfare r14 or participating in gdkps there isn't much to do
India has the highest pop therefore it is the greatest place to be sir
It's a combination of many things, but one of my biggest problems was that the devs thought Incursions were good content, or even made sense to add

Yu-Gi-Oh Online! has 21k players.
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How does one celebrate this holiday out of curiosity
>Alex actually won
Thats what you get for aligning with a fucking Boomer from Canada
you dont
its an excuse for niggers not to show up to work without eating a sick day
how did he win?

won how? He has literally no content but drama. He's been standing in org for the last 3 days. Right now i know at least 3 naxx geared people that are assembling to camp him 24/7 on whitemane. He literally won't be allowed to leave orgrimmar again
Alex defeated Alodar but he lost to the Gnomeregan police department
rogue War Within status?
2 weeks from now alodar will be back on twitch and alex will be stuck playing whitemane, hardcore, or sod with no drama to farm and everyone laughing at him. 3 weeks till self destruct max.
is it 2 weeks?
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where is the alodar confirmation
It's not team sports, i hate them all nigga
Good for them, but how is that relevant?
banned from what?
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thread is still grimmy
Why does Al*x always wear the same black tshirt and cap?
Also where did all his muscles go?
Post your body
post your dick again Alex
Alex said he was actually 5'7" during the unban requests, is he actually?
you know he isnt.
alex is going to run around stv tomorrow and be one shot by a naxx geared rogue with kingsfall
Alex doesnt know how to play hunter at all. he constantly switches to cheetah aspect when still in melee range. When running away he turns back to look and presses right mouse button, actually stopping his movement and facing him back towards the other guy. Utterly retarded. What a spaz.
Alex is downplaying his towering 6'3" with camera tricks and self-disparaging photoshops to seem more relatable to the common man. The famous bell picture? Photoshopped. Pure fraud.
You must've misheard, he's 5'11"
Cata is garbage and there's nothing to do in it.
SoD is retarded abomination and clearly the devs don't even understand what made vanilla good. TurtleWoW does Classic+ a billion times better.
Hardcore is gay as fuck thanks to petri swiping and the endless trannies that defend that.
Old era servers are unplayable due to inflation.

What a trash state this game is in.
>defending turtle
>Hardcore is gay as fuck thanks to petri swiping and the endless trannies that defend that.
Petri raiding has nothing to do with anything. The joy of hardcore is leveling and running 5 mans.
>mfw sod has negative hype
>Old era servers are unplayable due to inflation.
Also, this is a non issue. Because of inflation you can make easy gold from just fishing oily blackmouths.

>inb4 muh gdkps
There are countless HR>SR runs.
You can do that in era as well thoughbeit
Not unless he lives in the third world he won't
fastest way to level through cataclysm as a priest?
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I still think HC is stupid and a waste of time.
The inflation means that you’ll have a much easier time paying for skills and your 40/60 mount, but you’re going to be absolutely fucked when it comes to buying anything at 60.

So you’re forced to either grind to r10+ which is absolutely miserable as a fresh 60 or buy chink gold and join a gdkp. Don’t delude yourself into thinking that anyone is gonna take you into a SR raid when you’re still wearing leveling greens.
the video is up

>boomerdar gets exposure
>alex reenters complete schizoid mode. his audience of lolcow-watchers increases
>the public gets more alex cringe compilations

winning across the board
Im in a guild running SR raids and fresh 60s always getting geared up.
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If he knows what’s best for him (he doesn’t), Alex would lean into the lolcow angle and sperg out/get drunk on stream more. Guaranteed solid 1k viewers if he keeps going into 2025. Alex, I know you read this. Go on more unhinged rants, “accidentally” show how small you are more, expose more streamers. People aren’t watching for the gameplay, and I’m pretty convinced most of youe viewers don’t even play the game anymore
buy an ad
man pvp is gonna be even worse
He'd just get banned for that.
i suggested this once on his discord, in the most polite and PC way possible. take a wild guess what happened.

banned within 0.3451 seconds of posting it.
Ok, remove being outright drunk and exposing streamers. At least this alodar episode was justified. Most people watching have a lot/hate relationship with him, half watching for lolcow cringe, half watching cause alex was right. Also nostalgia for the pserver times. If he played it right, he could leverage this by ramping up the drama/unhingedness and amassing thousands of viewers. Playing hardcore or whitemane cause it’s “safe” and there’s no drama is the fastest way to kill his own stream
I did lbrs for the first time ever in hc tonight and found it pretty crazy. And I hadn't done it in any version of wow, not just hc. All the endgame dungeons I've done on hc have been very memorable experiences.
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>im a suave guy
>im smooth
>i like wine and popcorn
>i watch house of the dragon with my cat
>i actually get a lot of pussy
>im actually very good at the game, i played wow for 20 years
>i make a lot of money
how tall is his sister?
she towers over him, his sister is 5'4

Who gives a FUCK about this retard, holy shit
Not my first choice but I'd play it. Unfortunately since we're barreling toward Classic MoP there won't be much of anything on the horizon other than TWW
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its all a psyop.
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now you know.
BBCsensual bouncing on black dicks for rent
Alexia, play Darude Sandstorm
stormforge fresh early next year sis
TBC would only work if Blizzard does two main things
>cap faction balance
>no 58 boosts
Next year? Grim. What's current Stirmforge on??
>popped off collar
>glass of wine in hand
It's hard being alone in the Supreme Gentleman's Club. None of you plebs would understand.
they are adding a bunch of new features and classic client support, exciting times for tbcchads. KJ got released yesterday so the server is fully progressed
part of what makes alex alex is that his NPD prevents him from being self-aware. it's all non-gmo organic homegrown schizokino. no fakery.
Starfall fresh on saturday. Log it in, last good fresh for a while.

Every blizzard fresh will be an unplayable slop of instanced world bosses, chronoboon, wellfare r14, and layers.
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Fuck, I missed it! What did I miss?
I’m glad he’s still an alcoholic.
He’s trying to paint Alodar in the same light as staysafe because he got a screenshot of him in the dlive chat between a couple of shitposts. It’s extremely low effort but it’s what his viewers want. He doesn’t play the game, he sits in org and farms lame drama.

I don’t play era, how do the servers work? Will there be alliance to camp him regularly or is it like a mega server in progressive where it’s 99-1 population?
I’ll never understand the honor ranking changes, the new system is complete crap
Stop making threads 30 posts before the bump limit you moron. We still have like 2 hours on this thread
no your new thread sucks
>reading the thread is the same as poking the cow

Okay anon.
Nope, you fucked up making the thread early. Maybe you’ll learn (you won’t)
>too early, you fucked up
>*posts there anyways*
holy shit this thread lmao
>page 9
how we doin' /wowcg/?
yup it's over

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