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Dawntrail — First Edition

>Dawntrail Info
>Patch 7.0 Preliminary Notes

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

All Worlds Maintenance

>Bakers, remember to update your subject line to Dawntrail instead of Endwalker.

Previous >>483540279
First for for femlalas!
>Dawntrail general
>Dawntrail isn't out

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Femra feet
Less than 24 hours until live Japanese patch notes reading.
beep beep
Endwalker is over old man
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The Tuliyo femlala are crazy dude!
I'm 3 times the size of the tallest femlala.
It's adorable how hard they work to please me.
I'm going to fantasia to lala to finally get into that secret lala house
Then use the grace period to swap back so I can be the first tall in there
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Endwalker no longer exists. It's over. Pack it up.
0 I remain the same
1-9 I do what I should've done long ago
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The VRChat /xivg/ Ul'dah Bench Meet is popping off!
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>Dawntrail General
We made it, friends!
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My femlala is henrietta coded
jarvis, post the honestly is this allowed thread
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Character and song?
welcome to xivg if you’re new here i need you to sit down and pay attention
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heres the roulette bros
It's Over
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Who wants to come to my house on Ultros and ERP?
Why are there even less people now after the 8th time you posted this?
whats the plan
now? when elezen have looked their best?
We won.
>He's going to fall down the pipeline
>missed the lodestone
It's over....
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hey, you're that kongbrapal guy . ppl talk about u. all the time. ur that rapist.
{Self-destruct}{Please use it.}
What? There's more people every time. We're at 8 finally
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he's talking about the streamer promotional event. he doesn't want to watch streamers do msq while msq is still fresh
he doesn't have to though. the event is going for a pretty long time
i felt like iwas getting sick earlier so i slept for like 3 hours and then i woke up and now i'm like this, it sucks
what shoes
it's a thread with 2 twitter links in there. the links lead to pic related.
>posted my lapa numerous times
>no one cares
What's the secret? Do I go to the meetups? Do I have to buy the attention?
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Endwalker is over! How did you feel about it?
We like this!
This is why we play ffxiv!
Wouldn't know, I've been banned from the official forums since 2011 because some dude was asking why there's no credit card payment method for saudi arabia and I replied by saying it's probably gonna take a while to roll out all payment options for third world countries, which was apparently against community guidelines.
steam bros how do I turn in my dawntrail code
>erp with a femlala all the way up to maintenance
>her last post before the hard DC is he cumming while riding my cock, squirting all over my abs
is this that ludokino all the kids talk about these days?
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>wake up
>everyone is gone
what the fuck???
I want to know what the little critter on right bench is.
send it to me i'll get it sorted for you
no that's Jin Kisaragi
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What is that supposed to mean? :O
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It must be done
hottest guy there on the right
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Effy never listened. I warned him Appal wants nothing of him except his biotrannyhole and he never paid any attention to my word. I reminded him the pedo enabler Appal will discard him like trash once he is done with him and guess what? guess fucking what? I was right.
Appal tossed him aside like the mongrel that he is. Only out of pity he picked up that poor dog known as Effy to protect his reputation as the thread's thriving groomer gooner.
I waited long enough Effy. I gave you many chances to reconsider such a terrible choice, and you still dug your own grave like the miserable retard that you are.
I will no longer let you in Kongcord.
No its a cringekino bro what the fuck are you doing lol
he's the best looking guy here
I killed all the beasts.
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I am
A gay maleroe
See you all at the new world.
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I swear you fucks are just making up terms at this point.
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We're now in Dawntrail.. home..
>he's talking about the streamer promotional event
isn't that just for that ugly ass butterfingers mount anyway
You will NOT be allowed to post old screenshots with outdated graphics after the servers go live. You have been warned.
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I'm gonna rape u in a minute
Same I just woke up, even asked anons to repost my lodestone for me but nobody did, so over
That's a name
This gave me a good chuckle
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my femroe is up
Made for hrothgar, imagine the plapping noises
Shit OP. Claire doesn't use swords.
I'm not saying anything because I'm awkward and have a new microphone that I've not even tested for this game
modbeast status?
yeah it's a dumb event
nowadays there is almost no moderation at all
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Good time to take off all my keyboard keycaps and wash them one by one watching something during this maint
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Not even if the screenshot is of my femras fat fucking tits?
I don't know how to feel about the fact that I'll never see my character the way they've been for so long again
like, the update is good, but you get used to things you know?
I know EXACTLY who that is
no, i don't really
>he doesn't know
my beautiful wife claire
i miss you
your cock, anyway
Is any "modbeast" or mod user even remotely bothered by it? womp womp a few weeks without mods, who cares, everyone knows they will come back eventually and be here for a few years until next expac and the cycle begins anew
Hitting this creature with SAM lb immediately
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We will be fine
I have never posted my cock before though....
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we get it you afk with your character's face taking up half of the screen at all tiimes
Depends, how fucking fat are your femra's fat fucking tits?
pls com back memc@
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hoes mad
hoes mad
what map should we play, kino or moon
who is this semen demon?
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We like this!
This is why we log into XIV!
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I'm not him, I keep my power level hidden
show me your to-do list during the maint
i'll post mine so you feel better about how low the starting bar is
>clean room
>take out trash
>make some food
>read the 22 page pamphlet i've had on my floor all week but never opened
>watch a bunch of junk media and eat some junk food
I am from a generation that wasnt here when this cutie was posting ITT
Was she plapped by female+ in the past? Asking for a good f+ friend haha ..
Are you playing on plutonium? Also play Kino
>Hakumen, Fischl, and a fuckin lizard
seems like a fun group
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What game is this?
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That catgirl top left is going feral
she might need to be put down
>the rat doesn't know
please anon
i only just visited an in-game club in ffxiv for the first time this week, and it almost killed me
i don't know if i can handle witnessing vrchat players right now
the standard
>go to the gym
>force myself to eat more than 2000 calories
so uh what now
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I logged in somethings wrong
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What are you doing during maintenance?
Kong you are the biggest fucking faggot I've seen and you deserve to die.
Stay on Primal and don't ever come back.
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cope about nobody rolling you in the lodestone roulette and go to bed
claire hearthbarrow
dunno about f+, but i know she did some yuri stuff with femras a few times
>Dawntrail edition
>we're just gooning and shitposting
>no one actually bothering to play the game
This bodes ill for the future of this expansion...
does anyone wanna play fall guys
Never seen her before, got any more?
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I played a lot on pluto but i dont know if its linux supported. I am also on iw4x too.
Do you trust theater mode?
The game is down for maintenance you fucking idiot
Hey, I'm a skink
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ok buster. 1 minute. im watching the minutes arm on my wristclock . im prepered for a beat .
jump off the edge to the right just trust me on this one sis
there's no need for such langauge.
I am so glad that my character is not attractive enough to have dedicated schizos
Near-Vanillafagging does wonders for me
>stop asian hate
i'd literally leave
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>the joke
I thought they shut that shit down? Man I want to play MW2 again kinda. I don’t think theater mode works.
Posting once again, anyone good with computer, can you make this run https://sapphire.xiv.dev/
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Finishing the fourth Dune book and then idk.
my malezen will fanta to this type of femra in 2 days
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I tried setting up a zomboid server no idea if it works

name is xivg / dawntrail containment zone (no idea what name it takes in the server browser)
password is ebin
we start in muldraugh

only two mods enabled, faster reading and better sorting
They also have a BLM emblem. At a certain point it really does become virtue signaling
holy based
muh keys
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praying 4u.
yeah probably
I'm so bad at that game
>snowflake triggered over colors and words
any other type of femra PLEASE
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Are you prepared for the new wards anon?
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we will get robo limbs as glam from solution 9
>At a certain point it really does become virtue signaling
yeah at the first step
Did they ever fix the roadblocking that happened for some of the quest battles during expansion launches? Last time i played at an expansion launch was Stormblood and i remember the quest battle that started on the bridge in Kugane being completely overloaded and people being unable to start it. Going to determine if i start the expansion with the msq or take a little time to level viper a bit to let the early rush thin out a little.
Going to be depressed because I have no friends to do stuff with. Other than that maybe learn to cook more recipes, or finally pick up stitching.
nah she needs to look absolutely fucking retarded
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Starting a fresh, first time playthrough of BL3 apparently. Let the cringe wash over me. I will be playing the Beastmaster.
GOD i wish
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Long Live the Queen.
>going to miss the lodestone since I have to sleep
It's okay I don't get rolled anyway haha ... hah ...
>I need a nap
From what? Surely he botted everything.
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last time i played servers were still up, they still might just have to hunt for it.
im camping till last then killing all of you trickshotters
can i see her butt
yea they did
they make all the areas instanced and also make the first quest chain something you can choose so the load is half and half
someone retarded enough to do this for xiv gil is retarded enough to do it by hand
what is this autismo
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Highlander knights.
Is it an event or something?
i will find you, forcefeed you a fanta, strip you, then drug you with benadryl until you look different
OK I remember this poster, I was lurking 1 year ago when she was posting the scatman video in here
Good poster and very polite ngl
What happened?
Oh I don’t trickshot anymore I used to back on 360 though. Was never good at it but I had fun, now I’m just a washed up reg gun tryhard.
>schizo is at the bench
Well it was fun while it lasted.
>i will find you, forcefeed you a fanta, strip you, then drug you with benadryl until you look different
>Tfw someone did this to me in an rp and I Was rock hard
>400 characters
So this man spends almost 5 grand a month on this....
C'mon bro, you're better than this...
She would let anyone plap if they beat her in duels but you had to place a wager in exchange, usually for some stupid amount of gil. She steamrolled a lot of people here with that premise.
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me too!
you are locked in right?
You are in the game right?
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Reminder that the malezen to femra pipeline is very real and could happen to YOUR favorite malezen at any given moment
I swear I have seen some of you retards making TikTok content
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Please, anything but femra; don't do this. You can still change your mind.
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give her black irises and no limbal rings, that's the true secret
Will the bridge into Tuliyololmao be a loading screen like Radzathandjob was? Will the Final Solution city just mostly be a skybox and largely unexplorable? Will this expansion actually be good?
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i think nor
What colors are VPR and PIC gonna be on FFlogs?
He's right though Effy
i use those to trigger retards like you
that's a really hot premise. did anyone ever defeat her?
Nope can't see it sadly
I missed the roulette, it's over.
one of the bench regulars make tiktoks at the bench and posts them regularly with everyone there in the background
i dont know how to upload a catbox album
Good morning! Today I am going to log in and wait at the Eulmore aetheryte and I will confess to and EB the first femlala who comes and targets me! I'll even listen to you talk about your interests! See you there!
i regret not taking more pictures.... what if the mod i like is forever broken? i only had it for two days..
its so over....
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anyone wanna trial/normal raid roulette? pf is up on crystal. pw is 1337.
Smirk was my favorite mechanic in any RPG
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what the fuck i was just shitposting
it is an epidemic that we must be rid off
nevermind i was 100% serious. sleep with one eye open
Delete this
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why is this a thing anyway? why not just allow registration immediately once you have the code?
Well you got me desu. I wouldn't leave match but i'd definitely comment on it to a friend
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Anyone wanna do alexander?
PF up
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no roulette so ill take a ranru
>She steamrolled a lot of people here with that premise.
She only goes for the Enlightenment out of bound cheese, if you dodge it once you wreck her, and she never pays up for her end of the wager. She's also known to be a true menace in CC. A true menace to her team, that is.
JP developer
Let me smash you buSSy at oasis red sands bro
Very nice.
Any nudes?
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no pointed ears???????????????? that isn't a femlala
the same reason they didn't just give you the code when you bought the fucking expansion, and are now manually delivering them 1 at a time days before the content drops
they're fucking retarded
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I know of at least one person here from Primal that did. She talked about it pretty often as her worst loss ever because she also apparently lost a lot of money to him before she lost her dignity. Don't gamble, kids.
time to learn how to mod
yes to all
post her again I wasn't looking
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big if true
>claims to hate trans people
>has hundreds of pictures saved on his hard drive
lol what a soft serve snowflake ass motherfucker
Don't lie about Queen Hearthbarrow you scoundrel.
With a standard subscription you can have 8 characters at each server you choose, up to max 40 per data center
her ear length is set to 0 a mistake I may correct with my free fanta
You'll see her in a couple of days..
i dont have them and they seemed to have expired on imgur, sorry bro...
it's a classic case of projection
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you are in the game right?
we in the playoffs
Every tranny hater does that, it's legit uncanny.
guh i feared as much ...
ill see if I maybe rent a week or month of dedicated server space for the next big towntime
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damn is he here again
replies are for friends
0 length ears are still pointy THOUGH noob
imgur jannied actual nudity with nipples/pubes visible
Here you go brother
her team won second place in the xivg tournament and she did performed pretty well
I'm considering
I'm not bro I need to get my dub...
>the wheezing
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>She steamrolled a lot of people here with that premise.
he got dumpstered by most people here and when he lost a bet he didn't pay out
then he conveniently had a raffle where he didn't say there was a fee to the pot until after
and his friend won the pot
shame. i just remembered zt made some too but i doubt he has them or will want to share them
Unless you've been actively malicious towards me I probably don't think about it enough to dislike (much less hate) you, anon.
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New expansion new me this time I will talk to people first keep conversation alive make a lot of friends and be really popular and be invited to content and make a lot of cute pictures and rp and be and have lots and lots of fun
Is that Huj?
I though he went back to malezen?
everything in this is perfect
Why do you guys hate people who have jobs?
That one guy sending out codes 1 by 1 is probably getting paid by the hour, he's doing his best ok?
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We are going to the wild west
>for no reason
yeah not like you're getting served a heaping plate of new expansion
I should literally never hear the opinion of someone under 18 on the internet
>tfw EU
>none of my friends are buying Dawntrail
>already dead region about to feel even deader
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what game is this
Too blatant -
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gn i love some of you
>jump forward one month in anon is lonelyposting about how people don’t talk to him and nobody wants to be his friend
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Trying to finish Shadow of the Erdtree
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I have no friends then. Great.
this was really annoying to me hopefully its a lot faster
God that is such a wonderful f3mra
I know who this malezen is...
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use DT as an opportunity to make some new friends on EU who actually play the game
>someone under 18
he's a daddy
>already dead region about to feel even deader
Then my free trial ass has a chance to log in during the first week
I LOVE my region, please stay dead
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>tfw my entire FC of friends is subbing back just for it to die a month in again like in EW
EU... why are you like this...
I recently jannied my whole xivg friend group, maybe I can be your friend
I'm bad at messaging first though and I don't relaly play the game with anyone, except talking shit in CWLS as we play it
Don't worry once cross region DC travel become the norm EU will be even deader.
>Didn't bother to put in the new dynamis servers
low effort
Which 10 words are you filtering in 7.0?
Who else disappearing into the crowd?
Going to be fun not having to keep up my avatarfagsona, it's hard being a famous poster here and keeping up appearances all the time.
1/10 no effort
all variations of the word lala

I'm not sure about the others yet.
So Dawntrail is just the same game as Endwalker, right?

Not a single new or significant feature was announced? The entire expansion will follow the same formula and content cadence set for the past 8 years?

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I dread what lies ahead in terms of content and how much of a sour grape I'll be but I forward a lot to doing the MSQ immediately and first-timing the dungeons and trials with people. I'm curious how it's gonna be.
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post femr4 cope art
or just twitch.tv
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my femezen says meowdy thoughbeit
hello everybunny
o/, meowdy and popotoartist
I stopped posting my character when I got EB'd
now I just shitpost other people
>make some new friends on EU
no, please
that phrase has made this game much more funpilled
i didn't get it either until i started
please don't filter
I don't use shout chat so I don't need to mute anything
That's the curse of the casuals. Once they are done with the MSQ, either the game has a modestly engaging box-ticking content, which EW lacked but Bozja or Eureka would have qualified for, or they eventually get tired of doing roulettes every day and leave.
So find yourself a group willing to do Criterion and Savage with you, and hope for your friends' sake that the star exploration thingy is actually good
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It's ready.
club, dj, 18+
full patchnotes doko?
>filtering a waving hand emote
bro....... ;_; but I use that........
>playing this game for anything but chatting and RP/ERPing
worked for me and I have people to do content with. just dont be a schizo
Wife on the left
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Whoever you are.... EB me
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It's XIV
I am too and you don't hear me complaining.
My own in-game first and last name
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whos' that arai-san
game never really caught on in Europe as much as it did in NA and SE doesn't really try to change that
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i rerolled 3 catboys
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Abusing this character and trying to get a faster time on the meme track but it's impossible to control holy
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I would, no, will do unspeakable things to that bun.
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he's not wrong
Elden Ring didn't go down for 48 hours for their expansion
There is no excuse in 2024 to need to take servers down for TWO DAYS to update it.

Shutting down servers, doing cleanups/updates, applying patches, checking file integrity, bringing the servers back up and testing they work takes 4-6 HOURS MAXIMUM at this scale, EVEN LESS TIME if you have any form of automation.

Stop defending Japanese incompetence because you're a fucking porn-fried brain-addled weeb
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wish i got literally anything but a femlala
The secret to making friends in ffxiv is talking to people, inviting them to doing stuff with you and keeping that up. It’s no harder to make friends in this game than it is any other online game it’s a skill issue on your part
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There's nothing they can really do to change that, most games are dead in EU
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@my friends
im not losing
we all losing
(Nah id win)

domain expansion
the buckold in the terlet
all these people saying they'll filter "trans" will be sucking futa cock the moment mods are back
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yep this one is for me
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he's cute. I'd let him rest his head in my femlala's squishy lap.
>Stop defending Japanese incompetence because you're a fucking porn-fried brain-addled weeb
if I was a porn-fried brain-addled weeb there are some things that come to mind that could occupy me for 2 days
niggas talking like this is his first MMORPG
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dibs, 1 roll
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Claimed for headpats and smooches
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Hell yeah. We're playing AoE2.
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nice bench
none, because I'm not a faggot
VRC CC sync when?
spirits be with you
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>anon doesn't know trans and futa are different things
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i didn't wake up in time to put one in for myself but i rolled my good friend
>continues to make excuses for Japanese incompetence
Oh you're right, I'm sorry, it's not just Japanese, the rest of the fucking MMOs except WoW are chinks and koreans. So allow me to correct myself.

Stop defending ASIAN incompetence because you're a fucking porn-fried brain-addled weeb
A lot of people would want this particular femlala, myself included.
Tell you what. I'll think about it.
>talking to people
To absolute random strangers? About what?
let's not pretend modbeasts make a distinction
That’s the funniest part of any anon being transphobic to me. Either they suck futa cock or play a futa and the irony of that doesn’t dawn on them at all
new sims just dropped
Queue Casual CC @ 10:30
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What's wrong with us? :(
t. French in Light
How do i pause this gif.
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Didn't check who I got.
Who ever it is, I'll suck their dick. If its a female, they have a futa dick, I just know.
they do tho
the only time someone conflates the two are shitposters and twittertrannies
hit shift+win+s
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hello mystery meowder
Just screenshot and crop, 'tis what I do
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A fiera wife for my miera, nice.
She is probably into f/f+ though, lmao.
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You talk to people that do stuff you also like doing anon. You like raiding? You talk to people that also like raiding and make connections that way, same goes for doing forays/bozja/crafting/etc
i made a helmie in osrs
there is a little difference between being an unironical tranny with all the mental illness that go with the package
and being a normal heterosexual man that plays a futa just for easier ERP immersion my good sir
t. will never touch the skin of a man, even with a gun held to my head, yet playing a s+ in ziv
I knew I kept the transparent screen version of this for a reason

I should remake it with the higher res hair
Cool nigga, would hang out with
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>Closed eyes
>Let it roll
>Print screen
We are now fated together.
That’s a pvp femlala
woober status unconfirmed
Queue CC @ 10:45 ET
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I'm AFKing there while at work
why the FUCK does this take 48 hours
just slot in the cd-rom and hit accept a few times, hello?
what are they still coding the expansion???
i think he's got a skin condition
Grape bun
>Join an FC
>been playing since ARR
>Most of the FC are ShB babies
>FC leader asks me to raid lead a static
Anyone got advice on raid leading, or am I overthinking this?
probably dont need anything else
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Open Options and disable avatar culling
>raiding with an FC
This will only end badly.
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now let me say im the biggest hater
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Didn't think there are other (Kemono) Friends here
You're understating how addicted to mods some people are.
are you stupid? They have to download the game for every player on every server, that's like 100gb per person who plays, the servers probably get so hot and then they need to cool them down with ice and stuff, you're a fucking retard if you don't think tech stuff is hard
Post more Claire.
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Not sure what two femlalas would do for a date.

Thank you, anons!
make sure everyone who accepts is on time, if they are late/dont tell you in advance remove them instantly
make sure to focus on solutions and not finding who did the error
absolutely no couples
and no women
this is the shittiest troll i've ever seen written
Wait FF has their own character in VRchat?
That's pretty based
I'm scared of doing the lodestone roulette? What if I get another femlala? That's forbidden...
Finally someone gets it. Releasing an expansion during summer is always difficult.
You claimed the last of my meower power, I'm going to be a lala again once the servers are back up
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Femlalas belong in the TRASH
Someone assemble a raid team
you are overthinking
just communicate and find a time that works for everyone. this will be the hardest part. if you already have this down, all you have to do is show up, make the group, and go in. assuming everyone are adults it should be smooth.
inevitably people will come to you with issues they're too whipped to say directly to another person. that is the part that requires some finesse. conflict resolution is not always intuitive. google the sandwich critique method and just do your best man idk. fuck raiding. i led a group and it sucked. but it doesn't have to be hard. people just make it hard.
Dax Simula
big ass ears
wondrous post
Working, for the most part. Gotta earn that subscription.
if you have to do it and cannot escape
just put an accent on being friendly and do not fall the into the trap of trying to beat the content, just try to have fun and take it as a form of wasting time with people you like
consider your team to be drooling retards and hold their hands, pet them in the back if they are not dying after 15 seconds, etc
if your desire is to clear the content, like the other anonymous poster said, it will end badly

t.did the mistake of trying to gitgud with people that are shit/do not care, in several games too
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not bad desuyo
>normal heterosexual man who plays a futa just for easier ERP immersion
Why not just play a male character “bro” instead of slapping a dick on a female character
It's photoshopped
Yoship mentioned before it's to give time to download the expansion since it's bigger this time.
While it's obviously bullshit it's nice and it also gives them time to run a good check on the servers.
I probably get rerolled...
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We love this.
I don't know, I kinda chuckled. You really haven't looked hard enough if this is the "shittiest", even you probably don't think that.
Is it really ironic? Trannies are hated because of mental illness, entitlement that everyone else plays along with their delusion, and because their bodies are hideous constructs of medicine and surgery in a vain pursuit of an unachievable goal
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Unknown cat! Thou hath been chosen as mine boon companion, and dear friend!
Reveal to me that you are NA, so that we may adventure as comrades!
If our friendship is not to be, then I shalt fall into despair, knowing naught else of what is to be done.
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do you think they like fiddies
Ok but why are her thighs so huge
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Aw man, I hate it when I get stuck with people who can't clear ultimates.
happy for you or sorry that happened man
I can see you're just yapping emotionally, you can't reason someone out of a stance they didn't reason themselves into
See you space meowboy
First i got that highlander thats going to spend the entire expansion raping male characters so then i rerolled and got this cat.
She worked hard and would be very happy to know you like it
I'd rather they belong in my laps
Cool femra, I think they're a futa though.
Sorry, best I can do is talk about something meaningless for a few hours
She will now pump my femlala full of her babies
If Pictomancer and Viper dont got Aloalo Glowies I am going to say a slur
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Decorating my house in dawntrail like this
thanks anon i laughed so hard at your reply that my stuffy nose unclogged

You have 30 seconds to defend why FFXIV does not do this and instead needs to go off for TWO FUCKING DAYS.
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I love Kemono Friends... reveal yourself...
Calm down Ndja it's morning
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racks (i count 6 shots)
Why would they since the aloalo glowies were from player designed tomestone weapons?
it's too late you're already chained in my basement
bros im washed up in elden ring
I would not filter some of these words so I could use them as a tool for identifying red flags
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Sheesh, you're really gonna whip out my whole government name like that bro?
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built for calling me a good boy
2 vs 4 extreme AI coop when...
Worse, it's a schizophrenic woman
If you need to use the word filter you are genuinely a pussy ass bitch.
get more skibiditrees
I can't defend it, but I can guarantee you'll keep paying for it, in spite of this and any other dumb shit they do.
It is ironic because futards are just as mentally ill if not more than the average trans person. They put a dick on a female character for better “ERP immersion” than playing a male character lmao
She dosent run a woober augment sorry you will die childless your ovaries will dry out and shrivel...
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Anyone need an Imperial Sanctum run? It's yesterday's ZM.
why should I subject myself to dj ads and the popotoartist
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I'm afraid that's impossible, this bun is {out of reach}
It isn't as great as it sounds, everyone being on standby waiting for an NPC only for it to be unresponsive. Imagine Raubahn Savage, but all the time.
>t. popoto artist
Well you said it yourself, they ARE tomestone weapons, and all new jobs get those starting from their unlock level and every 10 levels until cap. So they will have a level 90 tomestone weapon, now how they will look and if they will glow is the question
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>Participated in some of the lodestone picker thingy during EW
>Have never been picked before
>It will probably happen again
>Again in the future as well.
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The GOAT of hatred
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I love all friends but my favourite are Jaguar and Small clawed Otter..
i think artists should get a real job
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What's this about? got some cute rabbit girl
we like this
it lets us play other games or shower
I use filters judiciously on every platform I'm able to
if you're not curating your online experience you're a fool

no you're not
Simply scroll past. I bet you use filters on 4chan, too.
im filtering meow, nya, nyahaha, and nyaruhodo
Catgirls will be mating pressed if i see the filter activate
I wanted to pump HER full of femlala babies…
you get less numbers as a male character, I'm new to RP as a whole, and in the game, for now playing the numbers game is the right choice imo (and the hottest modbeasts, either ITT or IG prefer f+ too)
My main is a sunnie that I originally created just for her emote tomboyishness, the overall aesthetic of body proportions for glaming, and her animations. I guess the ERP part manifested inevitably since I'm the biggest coomer ITT
>just fanta my brother in Christ
I'm too attached to my sunnie now, and I'm too mentally deranged for an alt, I play one and only one char
Also, you get treated differently as a fem char with randoms, even it being non RP
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can someone please roll me
I checked his page and the only one he doesnt have cleared is DSR tho
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don't filter those words
>he doesn’t use the tools given to him to curate his online experience
You probably think being blocked on twitter means you won the argument huh
i'm trying sorry
i'm not rolling until you roll me
>look at this photograph
Man, you know we've been rerolled...
Nobody wants a literalwho...
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Did someone say free art of my character? RIGHT NOW?
Dax Simula @ Zalera
I just want people to know who you are so you can get complimented properly, Daxxy~
Oh you probably get rolled alright.
But also rerolled.
Like me.
Get it
In Zero Builds
roll me first
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smoochable lalafella...
I'm afraid that's how it is
i hope dax fantas back to lalaboy in dt, his lala was so dashing....
A few years ago, for one of the summer events, it became a thread meme to say "you gotta find a date for it bro, the GMs gonna ban any singles", and it matched to a maintance happening. So I thought it would be funny to have people post their lodestone while waiting for the game, then I made a .gif roulette and gave it the spin of "whoever you role is now your date for the summer event!". After that it became a bit of a ritual posting every time there's a maintance. So it doesn't really mean anything, it's just for fun.
stupid jaknigger getting what it deserves yet again
I have legitimately never been posted ITT a single time after lodestone roulette
I am going to be honest, I have never tried ultimate in PF because people are trigger happy with blacklisting people over failing one time, call me retarded or anxious, but that is the biggest thing that is keeping me away from ultimate in PF even if I know I can do the fight.
It's just a reaction pic showing despair, bro
Lewdposting waiting for the expansion!
Posts like this are so creepy
Like, ok, so you're just fucking stalking me and making psychotic posts about me anonymously
Me? Wether I get picked or not, I will simply go on Discord and message one of the dozens of people calling my character gorgeous and lining up to textfuck her
breasting very boobily
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Hey.... Do you like catgirls with ... you know.... a little plus....
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It took them over a year to add 4 remaining jpgs
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sorry.... i just thought your old character was cute...
>Cowgirl Catgirl for my desperado Lalaboy
Match made in heaven.
I know you guys reroll me

I have entered every lodestone roulette and nobody ever picks me
She looks like she never misses sunday church
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I logged out right next to the fantasia quest actually, anonymous admirer.
Hilden Dalden, he's taken I think?

Lala Dax is pretty cute, especially the always tired vibe
You are 100% right.
It's not worth the pain.
Especially when they are also the kind of fucktard who can't do ultimates without plugin help.
u talkin shit about jak, blud?
going to take this lalas flower


thats right
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>keep paying for it
Free Trial god here, sit down little paycuck
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I've never been rolled but that's okay. When I go in-game, I get to hug all my friends!
I reroll every catgirl, femra, lala, viera I get to try and get a femroe or femezen
That's a fiddie?
some anons are legit, I'm the ugly bald ilberd face and got rolled more than 3 times the first and last time I participated
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From experience, the trigger happy blacklisters are those who never get anything done. Anyone that PFs ultimates and is somewhat knowledgeable in the game can identify an actual griefer or liar to someone making mistakes, and with how limited the pool of players doing the fights are, you are shooting yourself in the foot if you blacklist someone that doesn't 100% warrants it.
no. you're mine.
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Good taste
Arai-san is my favourite...
I've tried to do friend glams in xiv before but wasn't able to make anything I was happy with
Hi Rena Celestine I mean Maki I mean Yuuki
Those denims are so popular.
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here you go bro I had to reroll off like 8 different lalas, but I think I got you
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post your dawntrail face
>you get less numbers as a male character
Bwo is about quality, not quantity
>Also, you get treated differently as a fem char with randoms, even it being non RP
No shit you do but why do you care? That must mean you enjoy the flirtiness
Look, you moved the goalposts, reread your post here >>483550103 if you use the word "immersion" it means you find it easier to ERP as a dickgirl than a male, so either you expressed your meaning wrong or backtracked with "b-but it's just easier to find RP!"
3 int lalaboy for my 5 int femlala here I guess
Forgive me, it's 4am
Stayed up to roll
New expansion, new chance! Confess! Make it happen. Land that EB. Dawntrail is YOUR expansion. You can do it!
does anybody want to eb my super cool catboy in dawntrail, i meow
there's 188 different frames in this one, and by some weird coincidence of the snipping tool and the gif frame speed, if i keep pausing this one just via how fast i can naturally do that i keep running into some of the same frames
i don't think i could roll myself if i tried, let alone someone just picking a random character
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This man legit pays a sub to afk
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>implying I'll defend it
Everyone knows FFXIV is coded by literal monkeys which is why everything about it is so jank.
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First match, place your bets.
>heiko on both teams
I was thinking of maybe trying to make a serval or jaguar hrothgal in Dawntrail but I couldn't get anything decent done in the benchmark so I gave up on the idea
Bro are you the one on Light who's also been sexpesting me?Just post your fucking character already
I remember reading stories about one particular retarded healer who would use rescue on people using LB3 so their parse get bigger or something like that
I even saw a video of someone making a whole ass macro of themselves using Arm's length + LB and calling out the fucker for trying to rescue them
They needed to pace themselves.
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why not 6v2 modded ai
I'm -2 on int and perception rolls past a certain hour
Umbra, easy win
I don't know anything about pvp, I just judge all lalafells as half a player
he's wintrading
Aru wont carry her guys on her own
Looks like a complete cointoss
time to finally start hades 2
rigged match
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My new friend.
top wins, both due to ping advantage if played on crystal and more PvP players in general
ma-masaka, the holy 10 man plain stare game
20min overtime match about to go down
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I got a maidcat.
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I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
I'm actually terrible at that game, I just like making pretty towns and spamming the donkey monks as Spain.
>Claire op
is she back bros?
Why are you russian?
post the last picture that YOU took before the game went down
not something OTHERS took
the last thing in YOUR screencap folder
that's it
that's the thing framing your dawntrail experience
whatever mood is in that pic, that's the mood you'll carry into the expansion

how did you do?
That dude made me stop looking at primalcord cause he'd melt whenever Kong got mentioned
>I brought drk instead of pld
We're probably losing
Astra Wins because I've never seen a femlala sandbagging in CC.
qrd, was she the one that defeated db originally?
To be entirely fair kong is a bit of a faggot.
You just ignore them though not reciprocate.
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10/10 but it isnt over just yet right?

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Depending on what system you're using my femlala could find a way to either give you a circumstance bonus or advantage on your rolls
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She had a few donuts inbetween expansions...
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My femra acts like this
They endwalked.
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I made a cute gpose with my character and their NPC waifu smiling and being happy together. I can't post such cringe.
Who else is spending the first few minutes blacklisting people one by one, and watch as their lodestone blacklist info fills with alt names?
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Oh no! She's retarded!
You never blacklisted anyone and it shows.
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What an insufferable motherfucker.
>Laz's eyes gone
He was too pure to see the horrors of this world

The fluoride stare of a penta legend
please don't be mean to the cute moonie
I'm so tempted to join in
why do black eyes make characters look so retarded
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Should I?
seal eyes
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Its a mystery
You missed a few
How do I know this isn't another trick to steal one of my organs
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Having the match slowly dwindle down to a 1v1 as people got booted offline was great, thanks again for joining lads.
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BUILT for intense smoochpressing.
That's not Satoko.
easier to describe feelings and know what do you since I have sex irl with females
can play around my fetishes
not wanting my cute sunnie to get vaginally or anally penetrated by some brownoid from Mexico or Brazil
not wanting to create an ERP alt

it's not that hard to understand desu, the pp is just a strapon I wear during ERP and goes out as soon and I enter gameplay mode
Patiently waiting for the next adventure.
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If this is not bait, but it is, read the patch notes
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wait no please i wanna go to the tropical place
She looks like she kisses lalaboys gently
raen scales look better on dark skin
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I will drag these retards to a clear even if it kills me
>tfw not invited to the final trial
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Got a fiddie just like I wanted.
I look forward to the cinematics from every pov simultaneously again, Wylt
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I didn't consider hrothgals could be used for friends... a jaguar hrothgal would fit well if you could pull it off
We'll get kemono friends in xiv one day.......
I’m going to go to bed and when I wake up I’m going to check this thread in the archive and see myself not ever get roulette posted
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I misclicked the wrong image on my last post, will THEY clear eden ulti?
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Futard cope is so fun to watch and most of them can never fully commit to the bit either. It’s always “well the dick is optional it depends on the partner” weak men I tell ya
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I dunno, I pretty much went to bed after the last ally raid.
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>being a male irl, it's easier to describe how I feel as a woman with a penis (could be a strap-on but no it has to be a penis) than a male
>being a male irl it's easier to RP my fetishes as a woman with a penis than as basically myself if videogame
Keep climbing anon you're almost on top of that mirror
anyone here ever VPN'd into the China servers?
A cup.
Why are most of your characters trans?
Perhaps when it's time for PF R4S clears.
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Healer bros, do I take SCH or SGE into EW?
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and if you still havent heard
I am the omega
Pre-patch up
it will cost many lives and youwill be seen as a jerk unless you are a social skillZz master
Godspeed anon, may your party have normal individuals
Yes but do you know how to Blacklist someone from the get go? you needed to have played with them, you cannot do it on the wild, you cannot use player search, you cannot be next to them, right click and black list, only if you played with them by being in the same party you get the option
It's my femlala sucking cock and I don't know if I can post that
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we chillin'
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but she's an old hag
through catbox you can
I have no use for your organs, that's what plainsfolk femlala are for.

you can pay me in snacks to fudge rolls or give you advantage, but only once a day
..unless they're really good snacks then it's negotiable
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patch is up for consoles already
PC/Mac/Steam have to wait until tomorrow.
there is a blacklist target chat command that has existed forever
Umbra because Mare caused Magness to crash while loading in and PLD+WHM is OP.
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uh, hopeful?
Should I buy my fantasia now?
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Enjoy Dawntrail.
>i slept past the lodestone thread
it is so over
it was me on my back getting pounded by a big black bun....
who else was in the group
Haaaag sexo
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And I am particularly keen on doing anything to attend to an older lady's wishes and earn her approval.
Man, it gonna feels weird to use early Gluttony in DT opener.
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would you really just
scroll by
and blacklist meowdy...?
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Why are they like this bros
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That's a pretty powerful card isn't it? xD
Thanks for the flex, I took psychic damage
I'll have to hop back to oce and make you carry me then
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Me going to bed at the inn for the last time before DT.
downloading the patch already on PS5, gonna beta test it for you guys wish me luck
it's 52GB btw, PC will most likely vary
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on a scale from 1 to 10 how hard will mod beasts melt when their mods don't work on launch?
I’m so excited to play DT WHM/BLM/DRG/SGE anons
That bunboy is very cute and built for femhroths and fiddies
No, Crystal. But you DO have a NA alt right ....
you are a perfect legend..?
good night
All hyur, except for the burger laz
What a smoochable fiddie.
probably 1 since everyone already knows that's the case
1. They were expecting this for months. Why would they melt?
Honestly the only QoL mod I will miss is the one that let me type / commands in caps by accident and still go through. Everything else is negligible or cosmetic.
8, most of them will stop playing because they cant stand their chars vanilla look anymore
Grebuloff PoV
considering the limited amounts of slots on the filter this is extremely autistically petty
Umbra sweeps as Astra has a lala without gear and a hroth
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Maybe we will get some cool safari hat in DT so we can make a Kaban glam, would work well with the backpack we got
Umbra has 3 people who play PvP reasonably often, and my wife, so umbra
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brio crashed five times yesterday evening, so i never got to make this better
i just know im going to get myself killed with the dash
That's a rare holo card. If you move it from left to right he changes outfit into a dress.
Most modbeasts know their shit won’t work at launch
>rolled a fucking miera
>a black sonic png picture
>a catboy
what is the message here
like a three, because they already know it's going to happen but they're still going to have to confront how ugly their character actually is
lmao where is this ad from
Why did you take this many screenshots of someone else's trial clear?
Someone said the exact same thing a few weeks ago, and I showed them it doesn't work outside of content, tried with a limsa rando and kept getting an error.
yea but tea is mid
You're a femlala.
enjoy your 52GB of occupied storage when the servers aren't up
going to miss my flat chest outfits on god
that whm will keep dying to the same mech over and over
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I do that a lot, its to commemorate their achievement and immortalize it in memory
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im glad they are gone
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does this count as sfw?
Post a group photo then. Were you contacted via discord or in game message for this clear?

If discord, was it a direct DM or from a dedicated server?
I don't see it
I'll miss noclippy cuz I'm an ausfag but xivalex exists at least
I'll miss Chat2 as well, but that's more for chat box QoL than anything, god I hate the base XIV chat
>700 posts into the thread
>still 0 rolls
If this is an omen for DT I think I’m ngmi
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meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
Oh 11 nigga.
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she was 17 and 364 days old you sick fuck
they sent me a tell asking for help with a trial and we did it, no group since half the people left and laz was being a goblin trying to get inside me.
I am synced with a lot of people in mare and I think only 2 or 3 will seethe for a bit, the rest are just clothes modders or slight body changes
I know one dude that plays absolute golems with 100gigs of mods in his pc and I'm fucking sure he will not play untill everything is back to normal, the dude cannot play a normal character, he plays an imvu golem, either male or female
local modbeasts? they won't care at first
twitter modbeast? they're gonna cry about vanilla character gender dysphoria again
Top if Rinn isn't playing NIN
I rerolled you
Yes you
Your character is ugly
Your posts are bad
Your glam is shit
You have less than 15k achievement points
Maybe you’ll have better luck next time
What achievement? Being 2 years behind to clear the MSQ?
I'm gonna have to give this one to Umbra, I think.
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I laughed my ass off when ChatGPT says Team Umbra wins this one after Null Rin kills himself on a tatami mat during Overtime.
oh that's a lot
>never picked
>ebin picked multiple times
5v3 and we put >>483551718 on eco euty
>theyre gonna be so owned theyre gonna be so mad >:)
Textools already supports loading and converting mods to DT compatibility. People have been troubleshooting and preparing for this via the benchmark for a while now. You're making up guys to jack your hateboner off to, this is not some mod apocalypse. It's a minor inconvenience that will last 0~1 days if you're serious about having your visual modsback and maybe a week or two if you're not and willing to wait for plugins.
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if this means a lot of alisaie, i win
we like this
This hurts unironically
I wish people liked me enough to not reroll me, I never reroll anyone because I know how bad it hurts
fuck you
you might be right about the other points but 9k cheevos in under a year is respectable
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works on my machine
Just lean on Afrid and Astra will make it a 4v5 easy.
For me it's
>triad bot/slice is right cheat
>chat bubbles
>penumbra/glamourer/customize+ to play a femroe sized catgirl
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i want to get this fight cleared man so bad
pugs suck though but i must keep trying
Endwalking is always an achievement, no matter how one paces themselves on their journey. He could be a little faster though.
joke's on you, I'm not even in the roulette
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Determination or no think no thoughts.
I though you were talking about me till
>You have less than 15k achievement points
its literally the same 4 people getting spammed
my ps4 just downloaded the thing
So trigger happy on the screenshot button yet you couldn't capture one in its entirety? Somehow I doubt that. What are you hiding?
No idea why he’s so prone to just ragequitting now, he’s done it in literally every game I’ve played with him
Ngl it kind of gets on my nerves, I hate people that just give up as soon as the game starts going downhill
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Sbooky Club :3
>Zanaki, Viv, Rinn
Astra take it if Zanaki isn't on a healer
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>Your character is ugly
>Your posts are bad
>Your glam is shit
>You have less than 15k achievement points
all me
damn I forgot to come
Sounds about right
Myself in /gpose so I could take a proper screen of this burger-loving bellend
I didn't post my lodestone and never do.

>you cannot be next to them, right click and black list,
This is how I know you are baiting, while I might cede anything else until I try myself, I know for a fact you can target someone, right click on their name on top and bring up everything from the contextual menu; you can also right click their name in chat - I've blacklisted players without having been in content with them with both of these methods
See the other stuff in two days ig
That femlala is so cool
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>oh that's a lot
>it keeps scrolling
>oh shit
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Janny wasnt home.
And so early this time too
Take it back
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Joke's on you - this man wasn't even posted.
my last old graffix ss....
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I just grab ten and drop anyone I've already stuffed into the template, dunno what to tell you bud.
Isn't Claire a girl? Why are you misgendering her? Or are you referring to the player behind the avatar? How can you be so sure it's a man? You said everyone left and yet here you post a picture of another person. Stop lying.
Because he's a slav transplant who has made enemies of everyone he ever talked to
>How can you be so sure it's a man?
NTA but everyone is until proven otherwise
the vast majority of mod beasts don't and can't use textools
my femlala noncon french kissing this femlala after one hit ko meteodriving her
ah... sorry...
guess that explains why i keep getting rerolled...
that one's a genuine coinflip I don't think many in there touch the mode
KA used to be a great FL dragoon tho
Where full patch notes?
nevermind i made a new character to see if i forgot everything and i beat the tree sentinel in one try
so console users can access dawntrail
it's happening right now on twitch, they are literally playing the msq
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my dom just gave me these yesterday so I hope they get updated, they're really cute
Shut up spoonlicker, you're going to make me feel bad.
That's beautiful
When are we playing aoe2 co op bros
Were there any Highlander males there?
my femlala dashing to hodrick to give her the shield and counter-meteodriving this femlala instead
umbra would win. definitely not biased or anything, no sir
You’re so stupid
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I'm very sorry Umbra X_X
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fl queue timer?
Fucking zoomers trying to bait without understanding how MMOs infrastructure work
Modders were already working on being DT compatible
>Isn't Claire a girl?

facemorphs are afaik the only thing right now that they're expecting to not be straight up portable, probably due to all the new cool bones we get to play with
and honestly i don't care about facemorph users
What are you tryna say about my healing skills sis...
Astra DESTROYS Umbra
>no queues popping
The healer strike...
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>just faces
I assume clothes and other mod categories are equally fucked
Any others? One's with white hair, by chance?
That you're a good healer but your skills are better used on a carry role
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
No please no no no no
Non standard BLM being dead is the best thing that Yoshi could’ve done. God that 200 page “book” about 6.X BLM is so fucking funny
Why are you so defensive against futas, I dont get it, are you in the malechardefenseforce or something
if I'm disgusted about playing a futa I fanta into a male char and call it a day, it's not like it's something definitive and set it stones
For now I get off having subs asking for my dick ingame and it never happened when I played catboy back during the Asmongold Era™
It's because it is any face, eye, or texture mod. These end up requiring some new goodies that they don't have by default, Textools 3.0 has a tool to add them but it does require either the original author to update it or for someone to.

Pretty sure you'll be able to update them yourself in Textools, I'm under the impression most of it is just filling in the gaps.
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my malera is vegeta coded
do you think yoshi-p should make mods impossible to add to the game?
Why were you invited? What is your connection to Claire? Who are you?
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>200 page “book”
what the autism?!
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wanna play halo instead cutie?
Don't think so, can't recall everyone.
no way to make it impossible without KLAC
and KLAC will tank their playerbase
are you questioning lord heiko? you're going to regret this.
Will clothing and body mods need new lighting or diffuse maps to work properly with the new lighting?
What about body mods?
nobody rolled my lalafell
its over
share some funny parts
i rerolled
Mate I do all my ERP as a female char looking exclusively to take futa dick
I'm not speaking out against futa, god bless you futa players, I'm speking out against your denial
I mean you moved the goalposts again and you made it about being easier to find erp again...
I don't see her in that picture.
could they destroy mare at least?
oh nice
so if I have the mod can I just like put it through textools or something?
weird that textools came back from the grave and has modern stuff
Good shit
So he fights in a duty for 2 minutes then licks floor permanently while the true MCs clean up his mess?
>Mate I do all my ERP as a female char looking exclusively to take futa dick
People shitpost about you a lot but you seem like a friendly enough guy from my experience
(We’ve never spoken but we’ve waved at each other a few times)
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Mahjong soul anyone?
The less parse trannies play my job the better.
You play your job for the job fantasy or you're disgusting.
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n-no I'm gonna play elden ring instead... I hope I don't die as much as I do in xiv haha lol
Anyone wanna self insert erp on discord? I am a bi male top
Was anyone from this screenshot present in Claire's trial? This seems to be a different group, and different fight.

Which boss(es) did you do?
if mods aren't working within hours of maint ending I'm going to start self-harming again
i love the batmoonie so much who are they
nvm dont care
heiko's one of the most like generically nice/positive people yea
I'm not even sure I can think of a time where he's gotten notably mad at anything
I bet on myself pressing U-leave 2 minutes in, lol
Gock, Chaos
It's not a meme I'm actually on Chaos
I've also been on an extended break from lewding that will probably carry over at least until I get Arcadion Savage cleared
Another roulette come and gone with no rolls
I think I’ll just end it all
I'm thinking the same but one schizo gave me some lore about this dude (biofem irl) being a backstabber and playing the fakenice card
Idk what to think so I just ignore it, like every avatarfag
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Last one from me.
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i thought it was funny we won at 99.9
I do, whats ur name
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why do you care what people play your job man that sounds kinda weird
sure hit me up ruin1216
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>certified boogieman im the one who upped the score on em
WORLD + EB STATUS?????????
Nobody on Astra realizes they need to focus Aru
So my energy is "just woke up", huh.
Biofem was actually the sort of vibe I get from him but that’s okay nobody’s perfect
because they want to try and ruin it by making it more about whatever parseniggers are crying about nowadays
literally every piece of sovl the game's combat had was systematically removed because it got in the way of parsing
>want to get fucked by futas
>everyone in /xivg/ is a bottom
An acquaintance.

That's a different battle entirely, I ran out of pictures of the Endsinger fight.


Fayne maybe? I went to help another friend do Golbez afterwards with rather disastrous results.
Varrock West Bank
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I play on Omega, Chaos.
I want to play but I have no membership
my femezen only fucks other futas
Fair enough, which race btw?
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I only fuck other futas sorry
this post only reaffirms my initial suspicion
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No, I mean that he bangs the hot rich girl.
So you have a picture with UI and player names showing for this group, but not Claire's clear?

How curious. What are you trying to hide? Who was in the party that is so precious their identity must be protected.
>any face, eye, or texture mod.
mostly faces. other things might benefit from a bit of touch-up following conversion, but automatic conversion IS possible for afaik anything that's not a face morph
penumbra is getting a bunch of auto-conversion tools built in that'll just run in the background on first launch
I want to fill you up so bad, with so much cum that you entire belly and pubic area becomes visibly bloated
I only do futa on male content
>AK and Aru on the same team
Umbra no contest. Gabe ain't bad, but he can't hold a candle to AK or Aru.
>want to be railed by lalaboys as a femlala
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damn i should have smiled or something at least
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if you’re still posting and not doing anything productive with your life right now let me welcome you to the kingdom of predators.
Im diamond 1. Scum.
nta but it’s true
drk and ast were both completely robbed of interesting mechanics because they weren’t consistent enough with other jobs in their role for parsefaggots to tolerate
This anon is gay as fuck
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me and my dinner
did anything cool happen when the servers went down? this expac felt like it really went out in a whimper.
>penumbra is getting a bunch of auto-conversion tools built in that'll just run in the background on first launch
gooners together, strong
Between in game and Discord, I've been topped by two /xivg/ futas who switch, could have gotten it by a third poster who exclusively tops, and can think of two more futa players open to meeting up and topping from /aco/; and I'm not evne actively looking because I mostly look for my fun in Discord servers
Anyway if everyone here bottoming is your perception, join servers such as Warriord of Lewd or Eorzea Nightlife, you'll get more plaps than you can possibly handle
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See ya in two days fresh off the boat
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That's lewd...
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>he believes in penumbra autoconverting models, textures and animations
Or maybe people just don't like having so much layerend RNG on their jobs? Plenty of players that aren't "parsefaggots" dislike EW AST
>So you have a picture with UI and player names showing for this group, but not Claire's clear?
Correct. The Golbez fight was funny and painful since we did it with mostly all tanks with half the party dead towards the end clutching for dear life.
how do you write a post like this and not think "huh, I should probably kill myself"?
The what?

Damn, Ribbo lookin fly
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cant believe i dusted off the cockulus just for everyone to have left
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>didn't get rolled
I was referring to pre-shb ast and drk lol
Veena bunnygirl, if I get rolled in the wife roulette I'll let you know
>baby trapped by Yamcha's sloppy seconds
why did you change the md5 on this
I fail to find the humor. In fact, all I can find within your words are lies. The screenshots I exist. We both know it. You, who is apparently so trigger-happy on their screenshot finger, are just hiding them.

Why is that? Where is the picture of the full group?
Yamcha was never hitting that, let's be real.
idk man nobody wants to listen to the music
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I totally forgot to buy out all retainer fantasias on the MB
I don't think that blondie tastes good
Just don't participate. Stopped doing lodestone roulettes ages ago.
>join servers such as Warriord of Lewd or Eorzea Nightlife, you'll get more plaps than you can possibly handle
applies for EU too or only NA? I kinda get the ick joining such degen discords but my balls have to be drained somehow
Are these "parseniggers" in the room with us? Your boogieman isn't real bro, almost every parsefag I know has not liked a large majority of changes. SE is not catering to some niche elite, anyone not completely blinded by tard rage can realize who the target audience is.
I'm aware. The point was that if casuals already hate modern AST because of the RNG they would have hated it then too.
I skip ugly people
I want Dataminings
you've been a bit more openly lewd than when you started posting here...
And why? I have fun, and yes maybe I am compensating for something my irl lacks, but I also pay for my own shit and am not burdening anyone, just having fun with bros (and occasionally sisters) in a videogame
I try hard to not harm anyone, apologize when I do, and try to not take shit from anyone, what's there to feel suicidal about?
>roulette is a litter.catbox link
>I can't open litter.catbox links
oh well, at least someone rolled my character (and people decided I'd lose)
I want you to shut the fuck up.
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Ba-ba-ba-ba-base line
There is no rng with current ast, every card is just +damage
astrodyne is such a non-mechanic that its only purpose for people who aren’t parsefaggots is a dopamine hit for getting to put the blocks into the holes
i will!
but you have to bully me after and preferably during...
>I fail to find the humor.
You just had to be there.

>The screenshots I exist. We both know it.
Can't get blood from a stone, weird anon.
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Made it longer than you.
more like looking fried

unlucky, always have your vr ready...

I taste fine probably?!
>That's lewd...
For you
What are your preferences?
>Has a son who is infinitely more based and with a hotter girl
>Jobs for a queer with daddy issues, while also having daddy issues
>Has a forehead so large you could rent it for billboard advertisements

Stop me any time
The target audience of this game are braindead retards who can barely press their buttons properly that just want to experience a final fantasy story. If you want job complexity in your baby MMO you’re gonna have to play a different game.
>”b-but anon in the past the game was harder!!”
And the game wasn’t nearly as successful as it is currently now was it? Easier game = more people playing = more money for SE. if you want “complexity” go play a game that takes actual skill to be good at
WoLewd has posters from all regions, and you cna imagine as such it's a bit more active with NA players; EN also admits players from all regions but I think ti's evne more NA centric, though I don't interact often with that one
If you think region is a problem you cna also join servers dedicated to yourspecific region's venues, most of them have a lewd screenshots channel don't mind players hooking up with each other, though you'll get banned if you hit up a courtesan asking for a freebie
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fuwa fuwa fuwa fuwa
It's okay, I saved it, and am going to catbox it next thread
Litterboxxing for no reason is retarded and stupid
Stop posting this irrelevant group and focus on the fight that matters. What was Claire's run like? Apparently less memorable, so why make memory of it in the first place?
there is no content
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Here comes the content
>There is no rng with current ast
you are just wrong
Only because I've felt "safer" compared to when I first started posting.
No hyper, horse, hroth, lalas, fard, shit, piss, and pretty much the common gross out no-nos.
>N-nuh uh it's not our problem!
>Ok well what if they added this to a job? That'd make it more flavorful and fun and even more skillful, technically
you scum are literally all the same, you get called out and immediately start shifting blame when a casual player could not give a single fuck about what a burst window is or probably even what their own personal buffs do
litterbox links get deleted after a little bit, I take it it's used for certain types of "content"
If you look like this we're already EB'd.
Oh I finally understand what angle you're taking while antagonizing Heiko lmao
Jealous Simp done this grammatically correct is rare.
Hey bwo I need uuuuh a hammer SATA cable before i can do that, spare one?
Keep feeling safer and i might just be tempted to see how safe you feel meeting in game; I wouldn't mind you RPing the vamprie bits with me as a novelty
accept my steam friend request you buttface
I'm aware
but the gif is literally just lodestone pfps and memes
This litterbox was retarded
it's the same process every time, man. they do textures via the loose texture compiler right now because that's the tool they've got, but they're just doing the same shit every time. faces are fucked cause they've like doubled the number of face bones, but afaik they haven't done anything like that to body models
don't really care about animations, but anything that touches faces will probably break for the same reason as face morphs
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I've never understood the clear dissonance between FFXIV putting enrage timer in their EX and Savage fights.
While at the same time not explaining how the jobs work ingame or any ingame way to know your DPS.

Shit, PSO2 (original) had at least Expert mode that could put a wall between the utter crubs and the gamers.
leaks could theoretically start being posted within the hour and you're still here fishing for yous
is it worth it
It's litterboxed because it's 40mb you fucking dopes catbox only allows 20mb
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i nyever had an eb
>hyper, horse
Any coomer can give me a qrd on that?
why do jobs need to be designed around people who won’t pilot them properly regardless of anything
catering toward lowest common denominator is just as dumb as catering toward the top 1% poopsockers
end of thread nobody will notice i accidentally replied with the roulette with my own character instead of rolling because i just woke up and am stupid
>son is great and successful
sounds awesome
>jobs for a queer with daddy issues
I've never lost to you in a fight though
>big forehead
Stores all my good ideas.
>Implying people didn't just pay for expert unlocks to get carried in EQs
yeah it sucks
wtf so big
face morphs are fucked* to be clear, since makeup/face diffuses are convertible too
Gonna plap this fiddie again
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Looking forward to it.
this nigga uses alts to get easier games and leaves the instant a match isn't a one sided stomp.
>check discord
>400 friends online
>not a single one is playing Final Fantasy XIV
>What is Stone, Sky, Sea
People doing Ex/Savage content are more likely to look up rotations for their respective jobs and how to play them. People that want to get better will seek out the info needed in the relevant places
plez fogib i am retar
I didn't realize that Catbox has a size limit
I like talking to my favorite people on my favorite site
Yeah but, do you look like Momiji?
>What was Claire's run like?
Smooth, we tried to do the usual jokes with LB3 being used up and not doing enough DPS to avoid the 'wipe' but overall it was smooth sailing with nothing really notable to mention beyond that. Just happy a friend finally made it to the end of the arc.

I'm just taking it as an excuse to post images.
>Didn't deny the daddy issues himself
if ive been married three times, am i a monster?
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Yes PD, off yourself
It serve no fucking purpose.
If at the very fucking least, it could be something that could unlock the savage/EX for you only if you did it, that would be something but NAAAAAAH that would be considered a bad thing for this pampered community
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i wish
yeah bro all the people in the OF astro threads praising se for removing randomness from the job all have full 99 parses on savage and ultimate i bet
>am i a monster?
unless you eb me, abuse me and then break my heart too
Because those are the people that keep the lights and servers on anon. Raiders fuck off when they finish what they want to finish meanwhile little Timmy who can barely do SMNs rotation is having a blast just playing the game.
>Just happy a friend finally made it to the end of the arc.
>An acquaintance.

First an acquaintance, but now a friend? Which is it?

These inconsistencies aren't helping your case about the missing screenshots.
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“i dont click youtube links” headass
It's quite simple, actually.
Even though they design jobs with certain rotation in mind, they know the community will eventually optimize the hell out of it.
They'd rather players looked up other player created resources to learn to play rather than teach their own intended way of playing which may end up being suboptimal.
>Which is it?
Changes from moment to moment, they're on my friendslist, so we are technically friends, but not particularly close so its more honest to call them an acquaintance, we're just friendly with one another when we happen to run into each other and I help them when they need an extra pair of hands.

>These inconsistencies aren't helping your case about the missing screenshots.
Can they be missing if they were never taken?
And how often has your help happened?
Report to the Doman Enclave for your ration of Femraen.
i know plenty that will not play until the mods come back
They used to only lewd on their alt Freyja Gwynn but as soon as they fucked up and outed themselves via mare they just started being coomer on main
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what are you yapping about
lock in
ugly tranny dawntrail isn't out

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