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Fat fairy edition

Previous thread >>483463814

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CURRENT UPDATE: Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.4
CURRENT EVENT: Operation: Belly of the Beast
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>mfw I have to do r*iljack for nighwave
holy fuck.. i'm bout to...
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how does she fly with all that fat
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I really hope Reb isn't turning 1999 into a bad VN
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
it's going to be a dating sim from albrecht's pov where there is a scene of lengthy kissing between him and loid
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6 hour gay sex scene with loid and albrecht
you WILL be mashing E a lot
>tfw no self-duplicating clown gf
it isn't fair
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Would you fuck fem Ordis?
>>Harmony and Evensong are bugged and don't give their buff if targets die to damage over time
Is this supposed to be one of those "they only happen under certain conditions" bugs? Evensong definitely triggers buffs when it kills shit with slash damage procs, at least in the simulacrum.
railjack? more like GETTING railed BY Jack
because it's gay

I just need to rank up for Entrati and I can't bait these goddamn fish so I bait my goddamn dick waiting for DE. Reeeeeeee.
>1999 has a sex option
>Sun is the homo route, Moon is the straight one
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raids are in
Might be a host/client bug
Same shit with combat discipline not triggering in jade's 4
This group is failing JV. You're missing 3 Vaubans.
Entrati? You mean Deimos? Its infinitely better to do those Void pillar minigames for it.
Is Hespar good? I got a riven for it
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My arsenal is so outdated it's unreal, what do you guys use for missions like steel path exterminate? Right now it seems like the best I can do is status prime + CO melee. My old kuva zarr is like a nerf gun when eximus come into the picture and garuda's 4 is apparently fucking LOS now so no more nuking rooms with gore queen.
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Posting the kot again
warbros #1
Well, heavy scythes are more or less a neglected weapon group and as a melee weapon it's not particularly great either. If you don't have it farming it is a fucking bitch too because one of its parts drops from the C rotation of a mission type absolutely no one ever runs.
i suck in general, but using Citrine and the Cedo does me good
>melee affliction+blast+ influence+Elementalist

Fist weapons are now usable.
>Right now it seems like the best I can do is status prime + CO melee
Get one of those incarnon weapons, or, hell, any of the newer weapons in general, they should just shred through all SP content. I have never in my entire playtime used anything to prime enemies, I fucking hate the idea.
>mission type absolutely no one ever runs.
yep, I just ran through it the other day. Its boring, but thankfully pretty difficult to fail and at least keeps you engaged. Its also not on a timer until you are down to a few enemies that then autocompletes which is more likely to fuck you over. Seeing people seethe on the wiki and in YT videos about it is quite funny to me. made me realize im not that much of a retard
this is bait
The heavy attack is has forced slash knockdown so it goes nuts with melee afflictions

Sadly the rest of the stance is kinda janky

Tekko prime and furax incarnon were always usable desu

Tenet plasmor/tetra
Phantasma Prime

People will recommend the new incarnon adapters but they are a bitch to farm
go get the incarnon weapons from the zariman
phemor, laetum, felarx are all still top tier weapons
seems like someone joining as stalker fucks something up in the next run. my record is still only 5, tho i've seen like 12+ once during loading screen, we never loaded in
>Make a complex frame that can combine elements and relies on cooldowns
>Its best build is just using 1 skill and spamming heavy slams
Nice one Pablo
phenmor and laetum even if I fucking hate the headshot gimmick to turn them into the damage bullet hoses they are
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I thought this was Mesa
Looks like Wisp using Khora's animation
That reminds me: how do I build titania if I want to stay in her Razorwing form and shoot things with her exalted guns?
actually confusing yea
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looks like grendel to me
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I'll check those out. I did get a burston and soma adapter or whatever the hell from playing some of the circuit over the weekend, how do those hold up? Also is the gun building process still viral/munitions on everything or have they made that at least a bit more interesting?
burston incarnon is very good
last update was the status rework so viral slash isn't THE meta anymore
Burston is pretty fucking strong, it more or less turns it into a super precise Acceltra like gun with a gorillion ammo
Viral/HM is still very strong though something like corrosive/X got a decent boost this patch, heat's especially a winner

Yeah I need tokens to rank up and need fish parts to get tokens. Can't bait the fish to get the fish parts to trade for tokens because the fishing UI doesn't show up. I'll look into those void pillars though. I usually just do 2 steel path bounties and that'll be enough tokens. I thought that was the fastest way.
any incarnon weapon
Ocucor if you have Sentient Surge
the best Kuva and Tenet weapons are still viable

Incarnon Burston is probably a top 5 primary weapon.

>Also is the gun building process still viral/munitions on everything or have they made that at least a bit more interesting?
Viral+heat is better than viral+HM now. Other elemental choices should be usable also, although IMO viral+heat is currently the king.
Use Preparation or two tauforged Yellow shards to have full energy at the start
Primed Flow and Continuity
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here's a cheat sheet for the new resistances from a few threads ago, there isn't really a single build for everything anymore
formaing the burston prime after all these years, what a time to be alive
Javlok is weird to use, any way to "make it work" or is it just MR fodder?
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>new hotfix
>no yareli bug fix even after making bug report
Do I give up reporting this bug?
Apparently the fishing spear aim has been disabled for a future update, but still allowed to fish to avoid softlocking. Its quite annoying, as i had to fish last night in OV. But the pillars are absolutely the way to go. check the wiki and it will tell you what you need to do, its incredibly simple and you WILL get the pieces needed
Seems like a Shitch issue. Did you try fucking around with the UI scale options, if you have them?
do you need nintendies+ to play the game on switch? i might play from bed sometimes but i don't have online sub
It doesn't work. Nothing works to reset the position. UI won't go up if you delay casting merulina though.
Nah, I can play with just my home wifi
is energized essential?
Also is there any particular way I should mod the guns?
delete alchemy
sure, if I was horny enough
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>delete alchemy
>fem Ordis
>f Ordis
Fuck off hag
You can run equilibrium and subsume Lycath's on her 2 if you don't have Energize (do the clan event you can get r5 if you do a little bit each day)
Status with fire rate on her guns.
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Apologies for all the spoon feeding requests but am I correct in assuming that the best affinity farm is still ESO if I hate Adaro?
i am tempted to start a new account on switch so i can grind 2 accs but trading and messaging on console is probably awful
Probably. But if you want to run the event shit either way, you can just do that, you will max out your entire kit in 1 run, maybe 2.
My baby Voruna doing just fine in the SP event
Love this wolfwoman so fucking much it's unreal.
just do the event for now, the spawns at the end get you 20+ levels alone
2nd week trying Deep Archimedea. team quits so its only me with as Banshee with a Xoris. I out live everyone but hit a timelimit with Disruption and fail.
For some reason the moment a Demolisher spawns and i get to them, they disappear and it auto fails the node.

Is there some secret Gimmick? I was allowed to play as Mesa last week and vaporize the mission without issue.
>For some reason the moment a Demolisher spawns and i get to them, they disappear and it auto fails the node.
huh? i think the node has HP this week so normal mobs will attack it
SP Belly of the Beast seems pretty good. Take a frame from 0 to 30 in 2 runs with no booster, runs are 6-8m each depending on the group, and more importantly you get volatile motes while you're at it.
>For some reason the moment a Demolisher spawns and i get to them, they disappear and it auto fails the node.
Read your effects, this is normal. Nodes can get attacked once they're triggered, if you take too long to kill a demolisher, other mobs will finish the node first.

As for a trick, just ignore one of your modifiers and pick something that's not in your loadout in exchange for the final vosfor reward. Banshee with a Laetum for example should be able to rape the shit out of any demolisher in a second.
skill issue, done it a few times, no problem at all, learn to throw bottles
>Out damage and kill more than a LR4 Revenant prime running Felarx and Laetum
feels fucking good
This doesn't really say much, most nuke frames will outdamage weapon platform frames with ease
thats gay as fuck, went through the stupid condition. they should use the whole screen and write that shit out. not just "Unified Purpose".

i just click all the buttons and win missions. But this is some bullshit. Even if i knew what it was i couldnt complete the mission alone with the gear i was given.

>just ignore one of your modifiers and pick something that's not in your loadout
good idea. back to mesa
why? most LR are turbo faggots. Same kind of players that collect "achievements"
They suck at the game.

lost count how many LR I've carry through EDA since it release. Retards are especially bad at killing stuff, it's like they take a whole minute to aim headshots for whatever reason. Oh and they suck at killing necramechs/demolyst
Wasn't playing a nukeframe
Don't like Revenant players
not racis' jus dun like em'
really? do you have any revenant friends?
Personally I don't care if I get outdamaged, I just don't want to be babysiting. MR-16-23 are where I've seen the worse players. I haven't ran into too many LR's but the ones I do play with are either turbo meta-slaves or complete shitters.
holy seethe
>and they suck at killing necramechs/demolyst
they've made it so much easier though, I was laughing at being able to take down a survival target necramech with my shitty primary blight toxin-only bramma last week right after the damage update (I really thought I'd have needed my usual viral approach)
Cute Mrlet
Nay, ain't got no friends. Just me an muh frames.
What do you subsume out for Marked for Death? I see some people saying the Shuriken is pretty fun but I don't get why
cope all you want LR faggots, I bet you are the ones crying on the forums about EDA cuz they weapons sucks, yeah thats what you get for leveling dumb shit

lucky for you there are the ones like me who are willing to carry your fat ass
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bro just play with a squad and hope for the best
if you want an easy way out, get a friend (SURELY you have one), have him pick all modifiers and you pick whatever, then do it again but with the roles flipped
Does the BOTB sister apply a status effect or something when she goes puddle mode? Dual Tox just break and dont gain fire rate after the fucker does that.
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>mrlet rage
>yeah thats what you get for leveling dumb shit
what the fuck are you even talking about?
having a weapon at disposal is somehow bad?
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>actively doing nightwave when it lasts so long you will max it out passively just by playing the game
What about fem!Ordan
>having sex with a human
hell nah
>fiesty little mrlet
i'm leaking so much precum right now...
i join public matches
i dont have anyone to play with, and i would make a squad from recruiting if it was needed. but i normally main mesa to remove the need for teammates.
i should be able to clear the room and the demolisher with mesa.
How do you all kill eximus and shit that has all that free dr? Mass goons I can kill pretty easy, but I'm struggling killing these guys.
if you can do it with just 1 modifier disabled it's all good, doing more would be a waste
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holy fuck
yeah I knew it was you lmao, specifically calling out the necro/demos, I know you're a fake mrlet btw
more damage
>Can't feel anything for AIKA after I found out she did blacked shit
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>Finally get Jade out of gay baby fabricator jail
>Try her out
>Feels average
Am I doing something wrong or is she just mediocre
she's extremely underwhelming and I'm not even looking forward to tossing my second copy into the wall, attack helicopter mode needs way higher judgement % and base damage or something and the buffs are kind of meh compared to dante or wisp

cool concept, from the choral motif and the babby on board for extra aura, and really good sound design though

Not every frame needs to be busted. She's fun to play, she feels different. She works just fine. Does she 1 shot everything on the map? No. But shes' fine.
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i only came to be dumb and mad
but now im mesa again, so its okay.
what's a fake mrlet?
can i goon to that mesa pic below the clan?
Hey got any cool Mesa builds?
that mesa fashion looks pretty good nice work
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i have decided that I actually hate running relics and realize that they are the reason why I suddenly take breaks
Warframe is unironically the most stable it has ever been, we're getting frequent events again and each update has a plethora of qol fixes and attempts to unfuck steve's mess. WITW was a fantastic update that focused on the core gameplay loop and expanded its systems
Kneel to reb
Would you like her more, equal, or less if she did Kaithes? And why?
i reinstalled the EVE again
She's just "alright".

They need to buff the fuck out of glory's alt fire.
W+M1 is more effective and energy efficient.
shut up pablo
i agree
instead of posting a reaction image you should've posted your build
she's no saryn or mesa but she can put out some pretty good damage and has some decent support too
>>heavy scythes neglected
>>looks at assault saws
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just a stab in the dark lmao
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What the fuck!

I can't have an abortion anymore?
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hijack with the ladies
Mod her like Qorvex. Mad range, decent efficiency with a tough of strenght and aviator and/or boreal mod for durability.
I can't believe the lotus overturned 10o v Tengus
>Does she 1 shot everything on the map?
She does for me.
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Elec and toxin versions of these are supposed to have equal drop rate, somewhere between 0.03-0.06% (ie person who did it doesn't understand percents).
They don't exist.
I've also never even seen a Cinderthresh Hyena. A different one uses fire, increasing the likelihood they are bugged.
When the FUCK do I get a good primary all I ever use is my melee
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Corinth incarnon fucking when
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go for it

some of this is pulled from brozime like a year ago. i dont put much thought into mesa.

Helminth: Nourish on Mesa's 1.
Arcane Velocity / Arcane Avenger
Aura: R3 Combat Discipline
Exilus: Aero Vantage
Defensive: Umbral Fiber, Umbral Vitality
Strength: Umbral Intensify, Transient Fortitude
Duration: Narrow Minded, Primed Continuity
Energy: Primed Flow, Energy Nexus

Crit: Primed Pistol Gambit, Primed Target Cracker
Multishot: Galvanized Diffusion, Lethal Torrent
3 extra slots for elemental damage. Primed Convulsion, Primed Heat, and whatever random damage type is needed.

Shade Prime - a lot of fun, im invisible as mesa a lot
Ambush - when ghost invisibility is broken, Shade's owner is granted +240% weapon damage for 3 seconds.
Aerial Bond, Tenacious Bond
Metal Fiber, Enhanced Vitality, Assault Mode, Vacuum, Medi-Ray, Coolant Leak

Vulcax sentinel weapon
Critical Delay to get the crit chance over 50% for Tenacious Bond
threw on 4 Vigilante mods, and 3 dual stat elemental mods.

I normally run around with a Synoid Gammacor for even more energy for me and anyone near me.
Primed Crit Mods, Galvanized Diffusion, Crosshairs, and Shot.
Lethal Momentum in the Exhilus
2 slots empty for Elemental Damage and Arcane to match it.
Just went into simulacrum to test some shit (because overguard is a pain in the ass for status-guns now), and didn't they used to list the enemy's health/shield values? I wanted to check the amalgam machinists eximus' shield value (because it was standing up to a lot of magnetic procs) and found nothing.
Damn, thank you mesa enjoyer I'll try this out. Have you tried using the Topaz Shards with her?
account seed issue
get them from fortuna instead, i have all 4 from there
came to goon to the pic, got a build alongside. cheers
Use her 1 and alt fire.
oh i forgot to add that bit in the previous post
i have 3 Tauforged Crimson Shards adding power strength, and 2 Tauforged Azure Shards adding armor.
i havent played around with the other combinations yet,
but that shard does look interesting
Jade feels like a DPS frame with support abilities and not a Support frame as advertised. I'm getting tired of using her desu.
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>Mesa enjoyer
>While suggesting nourish on mesa

Doesn't add up.
what's stronger than nourish while proviing free energy regen?
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Thematic abilities mesa can subsume are eclipse and energized munitions. Nourish should never be subsumed on anything because it signifies you are a thirld worlder. Would you eat shit if it made you richer?
that's extremely racist
i love it
aubsume nourish on frost/ember/oberon/volt to use with their augments for more damage
this objectively the correct move
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>you can start a mission vote when people don't have the matching weapon
it's amazing
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what in the fuck were they smoking when they made this latest quest?

>a warframe giving birth
>somehow, the power of love or something
>that Children of Men scene out of no where

seriously, what the fuck were they smoking?
something good
reminder that nova is fat
They're Canadian, so weed and maple syrup.
But the energy increase is nice tho. Better than gloom actively slowing down my missions all the damn time.
That's the only place they are from.
The prego frame is what broke you, but not the morbiusly a beast vore frame? Lmao?
it's unironically kino, fuck off
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Makes me wish we had a copy of stalker's frame or omni stalker helmet that much more.
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Ok Thematic Abilities I get. But what about Thematic loadouts? Do (you) only use Warframes based of certain themes?

I know somemone is happy with Harrow+Jade theme
>Been joining mrlet missions to get stalker scans
>Fucker finally spawns
>Its shadow stalker
i want to die
Approximately the same
At least Kaithes can be trained to be useful beasts of burden
Easiest are Primes with their released weapons, and another on-theme weapon for the final weapon slot
Nidus with Infested weapons is easy. Mag with Miter, Bolto, and Arca Titron
Arca titron is vaubans thematic melee. Mags is prisma ohma or falcor.
I have nourish on to not only give myself energy and viral, but to give it to others around me. Hit them with zenurik, stomp, and anyone's energy problems go away.
My gammacor is also constantly exploding, replenishing energy.
We can all spam together.
My regulators dont usually have viral on them, and I do have Galvanized Shot, so more status effects the better.
don't argue with him, haven't you learned that already?
btw he put nourish on non thematic frames as well and could not come up with a good argument as to why when asked. no reason to listen to him
FYI for my fellow gooners this pic has a nipple variation
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She's so cool bros. Now feed me builds like I'm 12 while I level her in the sanctuary.
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This is where I post from
fuck off I don't want your viral I already have enough
Can you literally see no issue with a cowboy gunslinger girl doing sumo stomps complete with caricature sumo sounds? I hate the npc meme but goddamit sometimes it's true.
>She's so cool bros.
I wonder if they'll ever address that giant brain being there
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Hopefully not desu
Less is more
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>dump 7 in Jade
>realize I don't like her playstyle
I literally didn't even finish my 2nd forma before I got bored
t. revenant main
I'm actually I think I've become a Qorvex main.
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im playing as an alternate dimension version of a void demon child, that was raised and utilized as a weapon by flying space chopsticks. locked in a cocoon on earth's hidden moon, all the while piloting a 3d printed cancerous growth that used to be a human, and believes its a cow girl and shoots void bullets from her finger tips while blindfolded.

i dont have a problem with sumo sounds.
I like her....
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Oh wow they did have a chick do that animation. I was wondering if a girl actually danced that mocap.
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my wife dani
>Uhhh its fantasy so any stupid shit is allowed
>Its fantasy, why not fill our medieval setting with niggers
>Its fantasy, why not add fags for no reason
they should make nourish thematic and have it do corrosive or gas damage instead
holy seethe HAHAHA
So if I understand this right, you can just build revenant and press 4 and kill everything?
Why do other frames even get played?

Like everything in warframe, it's situational. Is it good in spy? Not really. Is it good in the new elevator game mode? Not really. Counting on one frame (Except Octavia) to do everything is pretty dumb. Same reason having one weapon maxed out 7 forma is dumb because sometimes you'll have to use something different and be fucked.
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So were the bodies Albrecht was making supposed to be for the entrati family? I just don't see any practical reason to have those things.
He seems to have figured out time travel through the use of transference and surrogate bodies, so the one you go into is connected to Arthur in the past
>time Travel
Warframe's story just gets worse and worse.
Their made out of the cells of the protoframes we'll be playing in 99 its how we'll be going back in time by using transference through them to go into the protoframes minds
I see, so Arthur is likely actually the operator his boyfriend was yapping about? My original thinking was that they were either supposed to be for his family post infection or as some sort of alternative to the warframes.
So is the 1999 story time travel or some alternate dimension?
Possibly both, since the plot seems to be changing the course of history which would be an alternate timeline/dimension
Not sure at the moment, but we will figure it out along the way
time travel
Likely a split timeline/dimension seeing as Albrecht changing enough shit they're speaking Orokin wherever Arthur is didn't fuck the timeline to such a degree that we didn't all get deleted from reality the moment he was shoved into the casket.
Alternatively time isn't linear and everything is so schizophrenic that it DID all happen, but also didn't.
we just need steve to accidentally spoil 1999 like he did with jade
Why do they lock the tenet melee weapons behind railjack? No one fucking wants to play that awful game mode.
Which of these frames should I pick up next? Keep in mind I'm limited on slots
Nekros is good for farming resources
hey cutie
that's why
mommy pits
Valk is handy for just making a tank for you to run any weapon off of. Her unlisted passive is never heavy landing as I recall, so you can fall from any height and just keep sprinting, not doing the few seconds pause animation to get up if you forget to slide land.
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Give me the rundown on Voruna.
Is she any good? I see alot of builds with negative efficiency (like 45%)
no your the operator arthur is just your frame but unlike your other frames he actually has a functioning consciousness which brings up a lot of ethical questions
go for nekros, he's the farm crutch.
what's your ign? i might send a slot or two your way
go for nova or nekros valk is nice like that other anon said but she's resource heavy to make a good build and you might not have access to all you need for her to feel fun to play
her 3 gives health and energy orbs which is why people don't run much efficiency on her
>Her unlisted passive is never heavy landing
correct. also faster knockdown recovery is good for newbies
she can be built for a health tank due to high armor and her 2 + occasionally popping 4 for hp regen is nice. if eternal war was part of her 2 and not a fucking augment, i'd dare say she's very solid for new players
She's probably the best melee frame right now. People go negative efficiency because her 3 gives health orbs on melee kills, couple that with equilibrium gives you a shit ton of energy
you pounce
you spread rabies
you rain health orbs so with Equilibrium you don't need to worry about energy
she's not that great considering the insane power level we have on a lot of frames now, but she's good and most importantly sexy.

Harmony is possibly insane on her but her pounce rabies are random so sometimes the heavy attack passive is shit, and sometimes it does a billion damage. i am trying to figure out something, possibly with Cedo or just a good damage status primer and Harmony, because swinging it normally and stacking status with Harmony itself is kind of a pain.
who is this? he looks familiar
that's me
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I mean, not far off from Umbra. And IIRC all the frames are made by shoving people full of infestation. I think we're well past the point where ethics are in the picture when it comes to the tenno.
kompressa, nukor could be nice. cedo has a problem with randomness too, but it's great if you need a specific secondary
jej, i miss the old lore
nova, because she is fat
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Finally finished the tutorial, now the real game can begin.
dw i'm still at the tutorial stage at 4000 hours
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The 1999 scene I saw was excalibur when he was still human.
this is fucking me up. you don't forget a face like that but I can't place it
google just says dj foreskin used it on soundcloud
Reminder that MRlets can't handle the speed.
Do excalibur because you won't care about feeding him to helminth.
it's this guy >>483620980 the human coomer
He has a son now too
If volt is there while I'm playing titania it's easier to just leave.
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oh your railjack shows up above your ship
>When previewing Warframes in the Arsenal they will now play their own Noble Animation set instead of the default set.
>If you already have a different animation set selected it will not replace it - but in the case where no animation set has been selected yet, their Noble Animation set will auto-equip upon selecting the Warframe. You can set it back to the default using the new “None” option in the Animation list

Weird that DE would change this of all things now after all this time.
>oh the homo den shows up above my ship
couldn't be me
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>Mrlets in my general
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>finally rolled jade in circuit
>+1000% strength
>shield regen buff gives everyone 99% shieldgate
>weapon damage buff 800%+
>4 does heat/toxin/gas/viral/corrosive
>double status damage
>status spread when statuses get proc'd
>everything just dies when I look at it
>movement speed decrees work with her 4, zip across the map in a second or two
>fly to all decree fragments instantly
>off chance someone goes downed, can rez them from range
>more DR with stacked decrees and existing airborne DR + goofy ass speed makes me basically invincible

gotta say of all the frames I've tried in circuit jade is by far the most insane once all the good decrees get popped
shame everyone bailed at tier 5 we coulda went 0-10 in one go

god I fucking LOVE JADE
I was torned between Jade or Titania but Jade is really fun once she's get's going. She feels a bit squishy though past DEAC, but that's probably just me.
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the fuck which one of you is a god damn redditor
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>not only a redditor but a filthy phoneposter
>can't think for himself, has to ask what reddit thinks
If you're reading this Fhouse then kys
sometimes it's the little details that make all the difference
i think it's neat, shows each frame's "personality". love how clicking on one immediately plays an idle animation
mom mom! i'm famous! i'm on reddit!!!
its me (real)
post tits
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this you?
my warframe is strong
This event is amazing for leveling shit. Holy fuck. Plus I get Arcanes? I will be gooning to Rebb for a while.
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you missed the time when it also shit out mods/credits/endo
Just made equinox so I can afk farm the index, but holy fuck never noticed how she has such massive thunder thighs.
Oh no I was there. I even grabbed a second JAde set before they patched it.
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>he farms endo
Naaah look at this dude
>he think i didn't have hundreds of thousands already
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>he farms endo still
bait used to be believable
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>he actually farms it
>he thinks people are baiting when poking fun at him for it
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what am i supposed to do if the event was bugged? not give consent to get endo? kek
Extract and go do something else?
i look like this
I'm going to endo it all
No... My bros on /wfg/... Argon...
you buy plat, then buy endo from the market and trade chat.
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I thought that I would like it but having watched it in game it just looks goofy to me. I would prefer if they didn't immediately go into idle anim.
She makes the whole map disappear by looking at them with 1 + altfire because of quadratic scaling
Her 2 snapshots to pump her ability strength for her 3 and 4, while boosting her 4's primary fire with damage song
She can abuse every single "reduced damage while airborne" mod and avenger unlike titania because her 1 is a heal

She is more busted than release Dante
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Thanks for the warframe slot anon
i just find it weird how only noble animations do it.
post build and webm
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>She is more busted than release Dante
wow, I'm actually surprised they let the superjump buff stack now instead of override
this is great
Is this using the secondary encumber ceramic dagger trick
Nta but u get a crop from discord
Also no webm but you can do anything with her and kill the map, extremely extremely strong
Its insane with Voruna's 1. But it looks like she has a bug with her 4 where she will use it then swap to her melee and also attack (This is probably busted with a solid melee but I was using Sarofang at the time)
Are you stupid?
>She is more busted than release Dante
lol no
she's great, but no
pre nerf dante was fucking cracked S tier, jade is a solid A to A-
I hate having to put a reactor in a warframe when I know I'll get the prime version eventually.
she's just mid
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One of my favorite frames
These are my 2 builds and theyre not optimized but she shreds even in SP
Archon Stretch, Continuity, and Flow go over regular variants

If you go with these shards
1 Crimson Ability Strength
2 Crimson Ability Duration
1 Amber Parkour Velocity (her 1 is best passive but 2 is objectively the best)
1 Emerald Total Corrosive Stacks (or 2 if you don't care for Parkour Velocity)

You can get 209/214% Ability Strength
185/200% Ability Duration

Alternatively you can drop Preparation in favor of Power Drift with Molt Augmented, then go 1 or 2 Amber for Maximum Energy Filled on Spawn

For the Condition Overload build you can throw Catalyzing Shields or Rolling Guard over Adaption, I don't have either

Use Grimoire + Xata Invocation with elements (Magnetic/Radiation is what I use) to pump some more damage for Cond Over and extra energy since you'll be spamming 2 a lot

And of course can replace her 4 on the second build with your favorite Subsume
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>morbiusly a beast
no archon vitality and pistol elementalist?
if you're using heat at all on her both those mods will be a massive damage increase
Are you really going to pretend a frame eating people is the same level of ridiculousness as a warframe giving birth to a warframe baby ?
Is this a melee platform?
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she was pregnant prior to getting turned into a warframe, and she didn't give "birth" to the baby, she just fucking died and evaporated and the baby was all that was left
it's not like her warframe vagina was impregnated by a warframe penis, and out came a warframe baby from her warframe folds
Dante only works on enemies that are not status capped and he cannot bypass crit attenuation

Jade doesnt care and just blows the fuck out of everything

Not necessary in the slightest, waiting for heat dots to tick has zero effect when her 4 kills everything in less than a second up to steel path 300+
>which one of you is a god damn redditor
Obviously, you. How did you see this?
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>The fleshpuppet was pregnant before becoming a fleshpuppet and the baby survived that process because ??? and then the fleshpuppet got aids and died and the baby didn't for some reason and also it was fully formed because ???
Ah, of course. That's not stupid at all.
The second build specifically yes, as with her 2 Voruna has built in status spread like a Cedo or any other primer. The first is for using her 4 indefinitely.
>and she didn't give "birth" to the baby,
There was literally a birth minigame where you had to manage her breathing and pushing bro. She died from it, but only after the baby was out of her warfussy.
The one part that is dumb about the whole storyline is that it took centuries or however long it took since orokangz for the babby to drain all of her power, otherwise it's really just regular body horror shit
Neat, I leaned into making her 4 a mini nuke, have 383% ability strength
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>this isn't ridiculous
The infestation has a hivemind consciousness and it's shown that the Helminth strain has its own consciousness (it's literally a face on a wall that lives in your Orbiter). It's possible the Helminth made the conscious decision to save the baby, rather than consume it. However, saving the baby meant it continued to grow and take resources from his mom like a normal baby would, but at an extremely slower pace. Since Warframes can't eat to replenish their body's resource and Stalker was a retard that didn't think to get her help sooner that's probably what did Jade in.

Not saying it isn't still ridiculous, but it's grounded in the setting's rules.
Yeah I wanted to get 200s cause I want to be able to kill while also not nuking like a Mirage in ESO. When I decide to make a third build I'd definitely make a solo centric one with disgusting strength.
dude you pressed space to make that
jumping through a few hoops makes it pretty lulzy, but you know looking at this I'd actually kill for empyrean-scale missions where you have to get around on foot like this across rails and platforms or something, like orbital stuff where you couldn't take your railjack or archwing idk
jade didn't actually give birth and never could, she was designed to be perpetually pregnant. we just used our tenno void powers to break down her body and the baby-nuke she was barely containing and reconstitute them both into a single stable body
Bro the prompt literally said "push" and had a birthing minigame. You pushed the baby out of her vagina. Stop making up bullshit to try and pretend they didn't have a Warframe birth
not giving birth is what jaden would have wanted
where did the body go?
god that seems so much fun. tho it's shitty in practice, too much parkour velocity
She died from the birth. You know that you can die from childbirth without it being some kind of magic "reform the mom into the baby" shit right? What's left of her became the motes that are literally the subject of the event we're doing right now
she became real human bean
Hit the roof like a test your strength marker at the carnival lmao
both can be true you know. we finally pushed the baby out of the womb they barricaded when they frame'd her, causing her body to supernova and we contained the energy
bro when the fuck is primed streamline holy SHIT
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oh it's a fucking blast, dumb shit like this is why I still play, but yeah that's relegated to a niche loadout - in practice even just the 5 shards with no other parkour speed increase is still a bit more speed than I can effectively control in most normal missions, even more so with amalgam diffusion or throwing on praedos, so I'm often flinging myself into walls and losing time

it's me topping out the butthurt meter over no stalker pvp invasions
Would've been cool to see it I guess
This setup sucks ass you're starving for energy
running amalgam diff + praedos as well and even without voruna's 1 i thought i'll noclip out of the map, it's ridiculously fast. wonder if it's tolerable without those 2. what kind of crack were they smoking
There's no indication the Tenno was the one that "contained her energy" or that the Tenno even had any involvement in directing where that energy went though. You could say we transferred in to help her give birth since that was shown, which raises many questions actually but I'll put those aside for now but her dying and her energy spreading could've all been her. Normally when a Warframe dies it just falls over into a limp carcass like when Rhino's dead body is spit on by Kahl, or all the dead Warframes Stalker keeps in his goon cave. Gameplay-wise a Tenno loses control of the Warframe when it dies so they can't do anything then, either. Therefore there's no indication that dying makes a Warframe explode, or that Tenno have the power to convert a frame into energy when it dies. It would make more sense if Jade's last effort was to use the Jade light on herself to vaporize and become energy, which she sent into her newborn child and Stalker so that they could both inherit her power and she could free Stalker of his conditioning.
Both are absurd, but Grendel has active vore ASMR that will always be there as part of his gameplay. Meanwhile Jade it's basically relegated to being thematic but not part of gameplay (unless you count the aura)
Did you use slam attacks to redirect yourself? I think that is the only maneuver that hard overrides your parkour.
Please tell me what are some of the best NON-Incarnon weapons.

I'm tired of hearing that bar fill up. I just want to go back to regular guns.
There is still cope that there will be more stalker related content in 1999.
>Bro it's vore!
Fuck off coomer
Okay retard. Esplain what eating things alive and shit is then?
lmao grendel's literally a fetish frame, there was no reason for DE to solely give him jiggle physics and stomach gurgling noises, someone on the staff was jacking off when they did that
Then reduce range for equil/fleeting, or replace molt efficiency with energize or steadfast

Jade is braindead easy to build, you can switch out whatever you want for personal preference
>coomers projecting thier fetish onto everything they see
Stop dodging the question, retard.
why are you replying to the roastie?
They should remove the week format from from incarnons just have you choose what incarnons you want to farm at the start of every wee.

I have almost all of them and waiting two months for the one I want sucks
Elaine's looks edited, but she is still beautiful
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Some retard is buttmad because someone replied to you so i'm doing my part here and giving you a free (You). Keep up the good work.
If you're building for Jade's alt fire should you go for more ability strength?
Gotva, Kuva Karak, Baza
b8 used to be belivable
Mag is my most used frame. Want to use another while I wait for wf1999 and Aoi, first reply with build decides who
Some people stick their dicks in car mufflers. Are you going to argue automakers are purposely appealing to those degens?
max range oberon
explain how grendel having jiggle physics so his flab can bounce around was necessary for gameplay and also why he was the sole warframe deserving of jiggle physics
>>Asked about how eating another person or creature isn't vore.
>>Starts talking about fucking cars.
Neutral observer here, >>483643434 won.
I'm still not convinced that stalker is sorren in his original body
Thank you, anon. At least some WFGer's have brains.
Fuck it, we ball. Thinking hallowed reckoning? No real idea on how to use him
are you forgetting lobsterbutt prime?
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He never once answered the question asked.

Instead of answering weather eating something alive is vore, he instead moved goalposts.
skirt physics isn't the same and you know that
>but it's le lobsterbutt
no, her actual butt is under the skirt and doesn't have physics
now answer the question of why grendel's fat stomach needed jiggle physics
bowmag was confirmed OP as fuck in that one cinematic
I'm this >>483644153 poor bastard. Can I get a reroll for a frame I put a potato on. I'm looking at him and feel an unease
there's always more potatoes to get
>no, her actual butt is under the skirt and doesn't have physics
you don't know what's her actual butt, have you checked?
If you couldn't understand that answer try reading the post again until you get it.
Not that guy but it needed because it looks cool.
There is nothing to get.

There is a clear difference between a shmuck fucking a car muffler, vs a frame who's whole thing is to eat people.
oh sure but I'm often not fast enough to react and overshoot or my aim is off so redirecting doesn't help too much when I'm already too far and mashed up against a wall lol

I'll always welcome more ways to go fast
Jumping into the autism pool. Grendel is the fat frame, that's literally his whole gimmick, being a fat fuck who eats. Asking why he needs his jiggle physics is like asking why nidus needs his fx when his mutation stacks get high, this is what he is
>you don't know what's her actual butt, have you checked?
yes nigga in fact I have checked
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if a frame is focused around a concept that is not inherently sexual, and goes out of its way to express that concept in its design both thematically and mechanically, but then someone fetishizes that concept plays the frame... is it a fetish frame? can we truly know whether the frame was intended to cater to this fetish, or the concept as a non-sexual interest?
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fat isn't cool it's degenerate

and yet, if warframe flesh is supposed to be as hardened as steel it makes zero sense, it goes against the lore of the game and the precedent that no other warframe has fat features jiggle
You have to reduce your parkour speed until you can control it. You can't call it going fast if it's useless.
Skin is swordsteel, who the fuck knows what goes inside. Also any real talk about physical warframe specs is based off Excalibur Umbra which takes a totally different role in combat compared to Grendel
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you should check more carefully
bowmag is confirmed OP as fuck every single day when I log in
Mag actually has huge tits and I'm tired of pretending she doesn't. There was even an Anon here once that autistically measured every female frame at the time and confirmed it with math.

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I'm telling you nigga I have. in fact I've even checked trinity deluxe who is hiding this dumptruck under her skirt
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If eating people to gain power, like some avatar o glutonny, exists as a concept it doesn't mean it's inherently a fetish just because there are people who go beyond the scope of that theme fetishizing it. One prime example of this could be animal people on DBZ, do you think Akira put dog headed humanoids there just for someone to masturbate to them?
>/pol/tard projecting his insecure ideology into everything doesn't get 2+2
Imagine my shock.
it's pretty cool on biological women, you're just sold
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the chart in question
>does'nt have jade
1999 chart.
I respect your commitment to checking, and I have no arguments against it being a skirt as far as model mechanics or reasons why grendel "needs" jiggle physics any more than her ridiculous jiggly second bug butt
NTA but real talk the femframes should have jiggle physics too just to make it even
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>she was pregnant prior to getting turned into a warframe
i thought the two of them were tenno that got trapped in their warframes? did i completely misunderstand that cutscene?
They nerfed the fuck out of the ascension hallway and it angers me.
>implying I go to /pol/
why? because I said fat is degenerate? letting yourself get obese isn't normal
there was no reason for DE to give grendel jiggle physics and constant digestion noises unless they had an ulterior motive
it's perfectly reasonable to avoid adding features vorefags would find appealing when adding an oni/beowulf frame, and none of you baiting faggots has actually addressed the question of why he needed gurgling and jiggling without trying to avoid the question
>there was no reason for DE to give grendel jiggle physics and constant digestion noises unless they had an ulterior motive
nah, you have to defend this statement with some kind of material reasoning or evidence because you're making a broad and unfalsifiable claim
Yes you did, they were clearly two adults in that cutscene and we know Stalker wasn't a Tenno because if he was he would've been in on the plot to assassinate the Orokin (all the Tenno coordinated on it and attacked at once, but he had no idea)
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Fucking beautiful.
is it worth it to play as stalker rather than as a warframe? i have to clear like 15 sp nodes to get to the event node.
So Stalker is more like Xcal Umbra?
they were former humans turned into warframes as punishment because their relationship was taboo, presumably jade was a higher social standing or some shit
after they got warframeized they lost most of their memories
jade was used as an executioner, stalker became a low guardian which are warframes without a tenno pilot, cannon fodder
Grendel is not me, he's a warframe. I'm not getting fat, i'm not eating people, a 3d model in my screen is.
You may not go to /pol/ but you sure act like one who projects your retarded ideology on everything and is a schizo making conspiracy theories to explain the obvious shit.
>there was no reason for DE to give grendel jiggle physics and constant digestion noises unless they had an ulterior motive
Oh you're totally right i forgot that bellies never jiggle. Gurggling noises are also unnexpected on any type of glutton monster that eats people.

You should smash your pc since you're so prone to gurggling propaganda cuz it's making you retarded.
I still think the low guardians were more likely some form of one-way transference or continuity, but I don't have good evidence for that...

presumably, but I think it's inconsistent with some of the claims and storyline as far as warframe-ization goes, even when considering your dagaths and kullervos and whatnot
Yes, he even shares his body with Umbra, not regular Excal. That was your first hint. His acolytes later call him "undreaming" and he doesn't remember having a Tenno.
Warframes like Kullervo, Dagath, and Dante were also around proving there were Tenno-less Warframes.
I didn't say you were degenerate you utter retard I said fat itself was degenerate in response to it being called "cool"
if your justification for his stomach jiggling is "realism" then why do femframes' boobs never jiggle? those are known for bouncing too. why did grendel get preferential treatment when it was non critical for gameplay?
and as for sounds, why doesn't jade have contractions and have the baby kick in her stomach if we're going for realistic ambience
face it, grendel was weirdly singled iut and you're oddly butthurt over the notion someone at DE was a vorefag when designing him, consider calming down and taking your meds
Kuva Kohm. It's hilarious the best "minigun" in the game is a weird looking autoshotgun with a hole in the middle of it.
do you also take issue with nidus's little pieces undulating? or when warframe models "breathe" and deform?
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Some 3d model on my game eating people and burping isn't degenerate you actual retard, are you new to video games or something? Please stay away from Kirby, trust me you're gonna hate it.
>then why do femframes' boobs never jiggle?
Ask steve why he didn't individually animate every single new tit he released after the game got big and never came back to animate the old ones?
>why did grendel get preferential treatment when it was non critical for gameplay?
Because they felt like it? Oh no it surely can't be that would someone please think of the breats please?
>and as for sounds, why doesn't jade have contractions and have the baby kick in her stomach if we're going for realistic ambience
Ask Steve too? What an oversight, i guess no one thinks about contraction sounds for pregnant woman. That explains vore fetish projection or something, surely.
>you're oddly butthurt
Yeah you're schizophrenic alright, keep telling yourself that i guess?
You play with a cringe loadout, but you should really do the SP version
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never, I will git gud or go slow trying and I've already improved my control a lot
lads my pet mrlet completed TSD so his whole existence is invalid what do?

Is this so the Anti-Jade troons will sodoku when she rubs her belly? If so, based Reb.
>azntard posting a passive aggressive video mad af
no because every frame breathes and is therefore it's standardized
grendel having his own unique jiggle physics is preferential treatment it doesn't take a leap of logic to think about why he got it, I've never seen this much denial over it

actually thank you for bringing up kirby, kirby is a perfect example of how you could have a monster that eats people whole /without/ needing jiggle physics or hyper realistic digestion
"because they felt like it" and "ask steve" is not the epic rebuttal you think it is nor a valid excuse
you are so desperate to try and pretend there's no one at DE into vore you're unwilling to even consider it as a possibility, you're the real schizophrenic here buddy
the creative director of this game has admitted to looking at warframe porn AND sharing it around the office and you're trying to pretend no one there could possibly have sexuality in mind when designing a frame
here's your last (you) because your bait is getting stale
>grendel having his own unique jiggle physics is preferential treatment
how? you've brought up breasts, which don't have precedent, but what else in the game do you think should have had jiggle physics that somehow makes this a different standard of quality or visual treatment?
>you are so desperate to try and pretend there's no one at DE into vore you're unwilling to even consider it as a possibility
nta but I think you're making the classic mistake of assuming that if someone doesn't agree with your unfounded extrapolations then they are specifically arguing confidence in the exact opposite

what I'm saying is jiggle physics is what grendel would have wanted, therefore your argument is invalid, you prancing la-la homo man
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>when the ping freezes
i need someone here to try out firewalker on jade
big movement speed increase when flying and status resistance
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>actually thank you for bringing up kirby, kirby is a perfect example of how you could have a monster that eats people whole /without/ needing jiggle physics or hyper realistic digestion
>it doesn't count because i'm hyper fixated on gurggling sounds (kirby has jiggle physcis) and that means i'm right
>"because they felt like it" and "ask steve" is not the epic rebuttal you think it is nor a valid excuse
It is and you can't come up with anything other than making up some conspiracy theory about DE making frames for fetishists or whatever.
>Steve and Pablo said on a livestream they made some pornframe
>that means they're projecting their sexuality into the game
>that also means they're voresexual
>that specifically means grendel having sounds akin to eating people alive after eating said people alive and jiggle physics on his fat belly because big bellies naturally jiggle is said sexuality being projected into the game
>this labyrinth of projections should be taken seriously and i'm the one baiting
the argument isn't what I personally think should have jiggle physics, but if grendel's supposed to jiggle because "muh realism," then breasts and butts should jiggle as well because that's also realistic
again it's not that I think they /should/ but the fact that one fat-based body part is given jiggle physics "for realism" and others aren't is preferential treatment and there's a clear sign there might have been another motive
that's all I'm saying
I think reducing the scope to jiggle specifically is beyond asinine and if you stop that you quickly see that many frames get "preferential treatment" in terms of new tech or ideas being implemented for or applied to them
>>483583147 (me)
Looking for pc/console Yarelis to replicate this bug.
Equip loyal merulina + casting speed and spam Merulina (see vid). I just want to know if it's a widespread issue or a Switch only bug
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Is Precision Intensify bad on Mesa?
intredasting idea, I overlook firewalker often because
>movement speed
>not parkour
I guess jade can't sprint but also dodges for big movement boosts, huh? come to think of it maybe parkour on her would make attackhelicoptermoding good since that increases maneuver speed...
blast mod when? we've already entered the er(r)a of wacky combined element dualstats
not gonna happen because blast is actually good
we'd sooner see a magnetic mod
That was a funny ass video. Not the video, but the fact he was seething.
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>read the last few posts
>/wfg/ of all places is now trying to pretend Grendel isn't The Vore Frame just because one anon was pointing it out
4chan contrarianism is out of control
>jade is the preggo fetish frame because she is pregnant
>voruna is the furry frame because she's a lycranthrope
>hydroid is the tentacle porn frame because tentacles
>nidus is the aids frame because he's infested
>wukong is another furry frame plus gemini fetish
>because a fetish exists sudenly a frame having a theme means it's a fetish and this makes sense
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/wfg/ - Epistemology and Ffurries General
absolutely organic
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no movespeed increase... it does make her bump upward tho
the parkour speed for big dodges does work but it's limited
fuck that's so lame
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yeah, I think DE really wanted to avoid having another titania
cute hag lesbian
you're starting to get it
>fucking garuda
literally every femframe is based on some niche fetish, same with males post-2018
What fetishes are Qorvex and Lavos supposed to be
Lavos is the Piss frame. Qorvex is the dragon dildo frame.
Lavos is a gimp wearing a gas mask and high heels
Qorvex is encasement, being covered and locked in something
yes as she her other abilities need virtually no str
This is autistic
Dante is the gay fujoshi frame.
Baruuk is the anal fisting frame.
Welcome to sexframe buddy enjoy your stay
>new Protea Augment
>Haha, now I can have her turret out for 20+ seconds and have her ass visible
>Temporal forcibly rewinds you after time is naturally up, completely fucking up whatever you were doing
you can hold down 4 to cancel and not rewind
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>Anything one person on earth has a fetish for is made to appeal to them intentionally
>reddit filename
go back
this one is correct and probably homosexual to even get it >>483656663
I'm only somehow peripherally aware of gay fetishes but I'm straight I swear
I'm in fact not gay but I am into latex and have perused it sometimes some girls in JAVs do it too, not just men
bait used to be believable
go back
I'm still waiting on the bukkake frame
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Thankfully there's the bloodshed sigil
>Talking about Furries, Piss, and Dragon dildos
/wfg/ during EU hours
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He was so mad lmfao
>that thumbnail
>seething so hard he's speed talking through the video
>you could tell he was clenching his teeth at some parts
This is the only PvP mode I want

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Reminder that the AX-52 Rifle is going to be fucking TRASH
>The AK is a Tennocon viewer reward and is not a skin but a weapon for whatever reason unlike the shitty shuriken one
It isn’t going to be any better than Gotva Prime I bet, stats leak when Content when
if you think about it, them becoming warframes and the orokin empire falling happened within the span of the last 9 months kek
Don't care that shit is going on my Nova for slavmaxxing
they need to add origin perks to weapons like destiny
make all the 1999 weapons have a chance to completely bypass shields since they're old kinetic weapons or something
Why would you expect a free weapon designed for newer players, to be good?
>like destiny
You mean paying $50 to be able to use it?
this. I got the backpack too so I can pretend like I'm in metro.
no, retard
tenno foundry weapons would all have a unique perk
all grineer weapons
all kuva weapons
all corpus
etc that fit the theme of the faction and give them all an interesting twist
>decent on its own for new players
>good to great with the right mods and setup for MRhags
Its not that difficult to do with WF's systems honestly
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content when?
It will only be good for hags if it had an incarnon mode.

I hate incarnons so much. The incarnon perk system is fine but the actual weapon transformations are stupidly high retarded powercreep. Fuck Steve.
Suck an egg
>It will only be good for hags if it had an incarnon mode.
false, I literally do not use incarnons, like I got the ones for my felarx and lex specifically for their passives and only activate them when nora asks
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Just give it overleveling like the kuva/tenet weapons. It doesn't need to be a lv9999 machine, just solid enough to clear endgame SP so its not MR fodder
I got something you can suck on
*unzips Orokin cell*
>like I got the ones for my felarx and lex specifically for their passive
still an Incarnon
best melee and arcane for melee aoe? i got tired of using glaives and holding e for the aoe, just wanna spam e in a room and watch everything die comfy
>melee aoe
Sampotes heavy slam with melee influence.
Zaw with Exodia Contagion
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but (You) said
>It will only be good for hags if it had an incarnon mode
>The incarnon perk system is fine but the actual weapon transformations are stupidly high retarded powercreep
and I'm not talking about the mode
tatsu prime with arcane afflictions
I was hoping blast would be stronger on bullet hoses for this reason, but it still sucks bootycheeks on those so the AK is dead on arrival unless it does something really cool.
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Hello bros, how do i farm resources in duviri? Do i just go alone to the non-steel path duviri experience and farm everything then kill the dragon so i can extract?
getting a decree saves all the shit you get so you can just farm the resources, get a decree, then leave
There's a new decree that doubles your resources so just do some small time shit in the free mode until you get that then fucking run laps around the map
Steflos worth trying?
You don't have to kill the dragon, just get a decree and quit. It will save everything you got up to that point. But I usually go solo and take my time, you'll get powerful pretty quickly if you pick the right decrees.

>t. plays Duviri and Railjack alot
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hehe big numbers funny
Hopefully you fuck off. You won't.
>Subsume Nourish
>it doesn't count as a damage buff, so it can be combined with Roar, and Eclipse, and Shooting Gallery, Xata's Whisper
Did you Equip PSF?
are they actually adding romance stuff?
No, fuck that. I'll just endure the knockdowns, or git gud.
Can't wait to see how ded /tfdg/ is
not thematic enough for you?
Kind of weird, is all. You can't combine obvious damage buffs like putting Roar on Mirage, but Nourish doesn't count? It'll definitely get nerfed.
why aren't you taking creepshots of your warframes in captura?
He's just going to shill harder (aka beg for people to play his Nexonslop)
Because I already do but I prefer taking shots of others
post your mesas, valks, saryns and Ivaras
And on the assumption that you will no longer be able to put a Damage buff, even Augmentable one, like Shock (Trooper), all the builds would have to be rethunk. Restore Ability Range to the frames, and embrace... Rest & Rage. Or rather, just Rage. Damage vulnerability is so much more generous than buffs.
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>did a netracell run with an octavia
>that song sounds familiar...
>it's baby shark
>and he is hungarian
holy fucking shit öld meg magad
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so with the jade quest, does that actually imply that my equinox is breedable?
Maybe, I assume they'll leave it open ended that some organs may be intact for some frames.
No, it just means Orokin infested a pregnant woman, and Helminth made the fetus a separate entity for an unknown reason.
I love how that leddit thread is shitting on Scott
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I've found out who keeps bringing slowva to defense missions
there's got to be some way...
Try going into the Void and using Conceptual Embodiment. Warning: results not guaranteed to not be horrifying or an insult towards all of creation.
They already did nerf Nourish subsume and acknowledged that it's by far the most common Helminth ability, I don't see them coming back and adding additional restrictions they decide to nerf buff abilities across the board.
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>mfw bring slowva to netracell
Don't need to nerf all buffs, just prevent their stacking.
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>he hasn't found the easter egg
buy an ad
Subsumed nourish should not give you free viral.
It's actually the added sustain that makes it, not the viral damage.
No. Energy is piss easy to come by these days and everyone has energize now. The only reason people use it is because its free viral on everything.
Have you considered that subsooming Nourish and equiping PSF is Thematic?
Yareli isn't a fetishframe.. she's just really cute..
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Everything is thematic because eternalism makes all timelines possible, including homo statues defeating void-cthulhu :)
>hunschizo unlocked
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Cute and puffy
I have no issue with psf and i use it on a lot of frames.

Nourish makes the game worse for everyone by having aesthetic and stylish frames sumo stomping and farting all over the place.
>DE devs aren't horny- ACK
>extraction capsule gets to the end
>mission won't complete
>no one has propositioned to plap my slutframes into oblivion yet
Stop.. She's just really cute. It isn't her fault she has it.
the dex nikana they just gave was pretty good
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just finished new war, and angels of zariman, i guess im on the holdfast standing grind, which frame should i invest forma in, 3 day affinity booster
Showcase some of them.
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Invest in anyone you enjoy my nigger literally any frame is good, aslong as it's not caliban or limbo that is.
well...just ember right now, but eventually Ill whore myself out enough for saryn, yarelli, et cetera
We don't use the N word here.
>fed a pregnant warframe to the wall
Do I get two flowers from that?
>Give me the rundown on Voruna.
100% status chance
100% crit chance
100% bonus crit damage
total status immunity including knockdown
infinite health and energy orbs
2 stacks 5 random conditions at 10 stacks and spreads aoe when target dies
4 jumps and does 100% guaranteed slash procs in aoe
also has invisibility and a giant speed buff

also she's a sexy and breedable wolf mommy with nice tits and ass.
Disappointingly, no.
I think viral+hm + Elementalist is much better against grineer/corrupted than corrosive. I need math anon to confirm.
*dies to nullifier bubbles*
i can't do math but you're right
believe your self
yeah but it's not very thematic, using corrosive which is good against armor is better when fighting the armored faction
she's a melee platform you just run in and stab them to death
For new players? WYM? This is like, post whispers in the wall, no?
Viral is necrotic dmg and bullets cause bleeding. Viral+hm is thematic on bullet weapons.
After I master an MR fodder gun I just delete it from my inventory right? No subsume shit like with frames?
It's a twitch drop, everyone gets it.
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>deleting anything
>willingly bear the mark of a mrlet
Wait post the look so I might consider building a nova.
You say this as if the gotva is a bad rifle?
Well, those who bother with twich, which is a very small fraction of the actual player base.
Bro I'm not rich I can't afford weapon slots.
affliction and influence
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Never built a weapon on my before, am I doing this right? My braton prime incarnon, with the option for Crit Chance lower than 50% does x5 Crit damage. I ran out of slots, so I put in radiated reload for the rad damage and faster reload, but I went with Corrosive and Heat as I see people often recommend and I am going against grineer
I hope her right hand is okay
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What are you willing to do for some slots?
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Just like nonsteam warframe players.
point strike is outdated, use critical delay
replace radiated reload with vile acceleration
corrosive/heat is double redundant on braton prime since the incarnon only does heat damage and both strip armor
viral is still king because even if an enemy has resistance against it, it still has the insane damage multiplier status effect
>look who woke up
morning russfurryschizo
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i should've listened...
Im from belarus
Tell me your IGN and I can send you a few
another sleepless night?
I need a sugar daddy for my MRlet Yareli frame so I can afford weapon slots too.. I keep having to delete old weapons that aren't prime..
Belarus literally translate to White Rusland in English
Is your trench really that noisy?
another reused fake scenario?
Belarus is puppet nation
They're basically Russia's footstool, so that's somehow even lower
Thank you. Going to the simulacrum now to test it out. What should my status be? Viral and Heat, or just heat? And does the incarnon only get the heat element in alt-fire mode?
No, but some guns are used to craft others, check the wiki.
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whatever helps you sleep with the drones flying around my friend. I like how you admitted you're the one posting the Destiny player charts.
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Am I still an MRlet bros? Also they should reuse the falling tiles thing in other modes, that was fun.
Thanks homie.
you are the most mentally ill person I ever saw
viral/heat, and yes you only get heat in incarnon (its actually a mix of direct hit ips and AoE heat)
The classic Russian projection
These are endgame concerns, but the Duviri/circuit weapon rotation prioritizes weapons you don't have and doesn't care if you have them mastered or not, I had every single secondary in the game except for like 3 shitty single pistols and I rebuilt those just so I would stop seeing them every single time. The Archimedea rotation is fully random which means it can land on stuff you don't own, but doesn't prioritize anything (and also includes kitguns/zaws as a single item).

tl;dr I would sell it for now unless it has an annoying rebuild cost like forma
cute mrlet!
Oh man I can't wait to see the cope the schizo does when 1999 destroys Destiny's numbers
do you think about him often?
I just finished the math earlier tonight and have been thinking about how to phrase my thoughts about it while actually playing the game, but corrosive status and damage are pointless dogshit with the current balance patch. I'll post a spreadsheet and more thoughts later, but viral+heat deals more damage than corrosive+heat after only half a second. If any one person on the squad has Corrosive Projection, viral on its own is better than corrosive on its own. Never mod for corrosive, with the only exception being raw damage configs vs Grineer, although I would also test those builds using aoe combinations with double primed element mods when available.
Replace think with laugh.
Glad I was too lazy to fall for the emerald shard meme on anyone besides Saryn
My build did more damage, but yours will eventually kill with status. I might be doing something wrong here.
using both heat and viral turns it into gas, which means I should drop heat and focus on Toxin, no? is there a way to have two elements and not get them to combine?
>these niggas are literally doing math formulas for enemy EHP
Meanwhile my Torid still just rapes everything
based grug dabbing on nerds
>Bro ebil russia
I don't really care, my own nation and all of the west/some east asian countries are puppet nations of the US in the exact same way. The Ukraine War is just as fake and gay as all the various other US/Globohomo projects in the Middle Eastern and beyond. You shouldn't support it for the same reason, if you already don't.
Many thanks Math Anon
>Middle Eastern
woops, but I'm sure you anons can still understand
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Anon everyone told me to delete OG frames when the primes arrived. I didn't.
Helminth came.
Meanwhile no one wants to play Lavos
theres like a thousand weapons in this game. it is absolutely not worth getting upwards a thousand slots. even if we discount the ones easily made or bought, there is still like 300 weapons that require effort to get.
>weapon helminth gets added
would it swap passives?
oh hey, I forgot had a screenshot the spreadsheet attached to the quick reply so there it is for everyone. I might still post more thoughts tomorrow.

>I might be doing something wrong here.
>using both heat and viral turns it into gas
You're placing toxin and heat, not viral and heat. Viral+heat is cold, toxin, heat, in that order from left to right.
Also, in case it hasn't been said yet, here's the generic mod config for rifles
>Galvanized/Split Chamber
>Critical Delay
>Vital Sense
>Malignant Force
>Rime Rounds
>used to be Hunter Munitions but IMO Hellfire is better now
>pick 2:
>>(Amalgam) Serration, Vile Acceleration, (Primed) Shred, (Primed) Firestorm, Primed faction mod, other utility
>Vigilante Munitions
>Primary Merciless/Deadhead

Couldn't you do that shit with Saryn and just have slower scaling or a lower ceiling?
bros, what frame would be best to cosplay as her?
Is there even a pointy helmet like that?
Nyx P
Buy an ad Sabucuck
t. Overframe investor
Body-wise? Trinity Strega.
Helmet-wise? Nyx Prime is the only one that comes to mind
Just like duveri did? Or just like jade shadows did?
>newfag wasn't here when Destiny dropped to 20k players after their shit expansion got delayed and we were all laughing at the retard
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I'm an MRLet and I learned pretty fast 99% of youtube builds, especially from content creator fags, and Overframe are dogshit. And out of the 1% that sometimes makes interesting builds its some hyper edited schizo ADHD riddled meme spewer that never shows the whole build or even leaves a link to a full version of it. I honestly don't know who is worse WF or XIV slop creators at properly explaining shit.
Days where you posted bombastine with "mostly negative" reviews while destiny had like 200k players? Or when warframe never peaked above 60k?
>tfw i cant use my original kubrow anymore because i named him F4get
Why destiny has more players now? For month or so? >>483671637
>ESL post defending Destiny
I wonder who it is
Why warframes have tits?
You mean fake scenarios?
I willed them to.
so they can breastfeed their newborn babies
The people they're made from have tits
>Viral+heat is cold, toxin, heat,
that was it, I overlooked it somehow
Thanks, your build is much better. I had to put an extra forma to fit the last mod and it works pretty well against level 200 SP gunners, which I will probably never fight
>New game gets a massive expansion
>"why game has more players?"
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Thats cope, but i accept your concession
we're ngmi warframebros
Yeah, lets all ignore jade shadows.
as long as there are retards buying the 130€ bundles, we're good
I love how you ignored December, when WITW was released and destroyed Destiny

Russians are so retarded
Should've just played it instead of bumping...
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How is this for an octavia build?
>Comparing Jade Shadows to an expansion pack
I love how you ignored LITERALLY ALL THE REST and state of the game right now. And newst warframe update too.
witw didn't even hit 100k concurrents
And yet it still had more players then Destiny lol
>warframe big update 94k
>destiny big update 300k++++
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Why cant warframe have expansions? Why duveri is not an expansion but 1999 is? Maybe because its not shit?
how hard we going to seethe when TFD beats our peak concurrents?
Why do Russians get so upset when you insult Destiny? I thought they actually played good games and not DLC goyslop.

And yet Destiny will still fall behind Warframe in a couple months after slop slurpers like you realized you paid $60 for shit and quit lol
>greatest warframe achievement is due to destiny fuckup, not due to good update
>no argument
I accept your concession.
>slop slop
>retard retard
Wow, this calm gentleman is totally cool with facts that destiny has more players
>He admits Destiny fucks up
I accept your concession
How it will fall behind if destiny is always above warframe? >>483676959
>He paid for content that will be removed
I accept your concession
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Learn how to read a chart. It was below Warframe since December and only rose when they got their expansion. Their numbers are gonna keep dropping and go below Warframe again.
but enough about warframe
Based, warframe is saved. WFG is saved. Destiny btfo and left with its PATHETIC profit and DISGUSTING larger playerbase.
Gonna post some examples or keep coping?
If he's seething about destiny 2 like that, imagine how mad he will get when TFD is out.
its octavia bro you could go in with literally no mods and still do great
>green line above blue line
>learn to read
You are the one reading it wrong
The sad part is Russfurry is not shilling Destiny ironically
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Warframe peake at Fortuna. That is all.
>He's actually retarded
Tell me what happened in last December to May you fucking retard
organic and on topic bumps
Why do you all keep responding to him? He comes here specifically to troll and you can't even ignore the bait
What happened during all other time?
>hurr durr it fell so 300k after doesn't count
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>Graph shows that Warframe eclipsed Destiny 2 multiple times
>History shows it will dump again and 1999 will eclipse it again
Anon do you know how to read that?
>I've been replying to his bait for hours but don't you dare reply to him his my nemesis
>moving the goalposts
>his new goalposts is also wrong
I'm just gonna keep laughing at Russchizo for being retarded
No he is seething, and im calm and sane :) im calmly wishing for his death by drones but thats because how im not seething
100% sane and not mad fren
You basically admitted the posts about drones makes you seethe. Maybe take a break from /wfg/
Exactly 3 times, while destiny having more players on average all the time
report him for trolling then
Super calmio bros, never seething about warframe having less players
Actually 5 times, ESL-kun.
>Destiny 86k
>warframe 40k
>that means warframe has more players because muh december 2023
>comes to /wfg/ to shill about Destiny
>the 3 day special operation is fake because it's taking years now
why is /dg/ not seething about warframe
while /wfg/ is seething and malding about destiny?
Mark them, go on.
I hate this schizo so much. Giving actual sane Russians like me a bad name.
One anon is easy to provoke just by posting playercount
Dead game, this is also a schizo infested general
You give russians, a bad name
Why is no one trying to shill Warframe on /dg/
While a russian schizo keeps posting about Destiny every thread in /wfg/?
>fake scenario
Fuck off blintrovert.
destiny2 have more player than warframe because it is gooder. warframe is ruined by rebecca ford.
Because we are busy bumping wfg? Returning player's mag ain't gonna build itself.
Add Destiny shilling to this list
Its not THEMATIC, destiny has no nourish or psf.
Would Warframe be better if it had a top down camera like older looters?
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>yfw shilling actually works >>483676959
While wfggers bump just to survive.
That's not EU hours, that's Zigger hours
Right "we" bros? Its always "we" unless its some other hours or someone else posting during "our" hours
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What are we thinking about 1999 bros?
>Muh meds
Fuck, you posted "i win" post, i concede.
Warframe playercount restored, destiny btfo etc.
lmao russchizo's bf got dusted
You are not sane
Jannies should ban all schizos but not me. Because my posts are good says me
Did he post gore again?
But you said its him samefagging with phone farm?
It was dj mag, you warmongering gore masturbator.
what the fuck did they do to frosts 4 augment
just loading into Ani SP and casting 4 once gives me like 5k-10k overguard kek
I'm not the one that posts gore though you schizo
Ai generated post
Post like >>483680528 need to be reported for trolling or he will just keep doing it
how nu r u?
You are real schizo
But be careful to not friendlyfire "good" schizos :)
Mister Janitor, some local anons are using wordsald gibberish to keep this general bumped like >>483680361. Its not actually gamerelated, its just random words from the game.
Pablo's plan is to give it overguard based on armour, while also setting the range it can give overguard to allies to affinity range which is basically a range nerf if you use overextended but not Vazarin, because Pablo can't give Frost anything nice without taking something away but my friends got enough of a buff with the snow globe changes and the armour equals overguard thing is actually quite helpful so I might forgive this tradeoff specifically
Still better than Scott
Is there really no way to turn off the fucking constant humming during Jade's 4?
>constant bumping during wfg
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I miss the times before bullet jumping.
>He doesn't remember how annoying it was to get to higher places
Is partitioned mallet for octavia worth it? Looks neat but I don't wanna farm for aya.
new thread soon
Am I crazy or does the game difficulty increase quite a bit when you get to Neptune? I've gone through all missions leading up to this easily but for the first time in playing I'm having a little difficulty
You are not crazy, you are schizoid
You are most likely hitting your first wall soon where you will have to start using a decent weapon with decent mods.
All the primaries I've gotten besides Strun feel like absolute dogshit, melee weapons have carried me thus far
>the first decentend
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just did level cap circuit with a cute mr16 rhino!
Where is he? Only one player on your pic, you lunatic.
it was real in his head
Its a typical wordsallad bump with unrelated pic.
>2 hours
Yeah you'll never see me do that shit for that long because the chance of the host fucking everyone over is too high
What's a circuit? That's a lot of exp..
You can get that much just doing Sanctuary Onslaught in a fraction of the time
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he is currently hiding in stealth from the mrhags like (You)
idk he didn't show up loading screen
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You think that's great? Watch this.
stfu retard(s)
i just use zenurik and thats it, range wise im sitting at 235 and strength is at 130 before molt augmented
i probably should also use an exilus adapter for the extra 15 strength

i just wish ember would have gotten the same treatment
im kneeling as we speak
>Closed beta
>Where every mission took place on the Corpus ship tileset, Grineer spoke normal English, and every frame had a talent tree style system that you would socked "mods" that had RNG stats on them
Good times
Honestly a lot of the reasons why I stopped playing for so long. I only came back because I heard Yareli existed and I resonated with her cause she's so cute so here I am.
What frame are you using
>Grineer spoke normal English
i completely forgot about this and now i remember the dev vlog where they talked about how excited they are to give grineer gibberish voicelines
Have you gotten the most basic weapon mods that increase damage %? Serration, hornet strike, pressure point?
If you can get amalgam serration from the thermia fractures event you will use it on every primary weapon forever. Same with amalgam barrel diffusion; it makes you roll faster than the typical speed frames.
Cute yet completely shit. She needs a completely rework.
NTA but I've done almost 10 fissures with 0 credit on the bar.
Her cuteness factor outweighs her viability at endgame.
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Reminder we could've gotten someone even cuter
tak on the 'log
Yeah most of them, what I'm currently using

Mag right now, Nekros when hes done building
how do i build mack?
What does aya have to do with syndicate mods? It's not really worth it because of how radius and area work.
can archimedeans get pregnant?
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holy shit he was right
You don't get any affinity or mastery in duviri; or basic resources. It's all a troll.
You are gonna have to use something better than the strun, if you can hold on a bit longer you will get a nice bow with infinite ammo after completing the new war. Otherwise you could latch onto a squad or ask around to be carried in the thermia fractures and get a free potato opticor vandal.
If you want a weapon to really invest into i recommend you wait until you are done with the angels of zariman and get the laetum, quite possibly the best secondary in the game.
Wow, you cant bump like that
>bit longer
That's a long bit considering he needs to build a RJ and a Necramech, while also finishing the rest of the starchart.

If he doesn't want to spend any plat, then best option might be to unlock the void asap and spam capture missions for relics and crack them for parts he can either use to make a prime weapon or trade it.
What prime weapon?
I'm gonna assume you're MR is low so Braton or Paris Prime. Easy to farm, very cheap if you want to trade it, and also can be upgraded to an endgame weapon since they have incarnon versions.
Wont work without galv mods and arcanes
>galv mods
Nigga he's on starchart Uranus. He just needs serration and some elemental mods
The last rank of the syndicate that gives the mod needs Aya.
I restarted 3 months ago and that's what i did, i got the opticor vandal and frost's 4th to carry me all the way to excalibur umbra then spammed exalted blade and radial javelin all the way to NW. I feel like most of the prime weapons really worth investing into are:
-really "high" mr like the acceltra
-incarnon dependent like the lex (no steel path ,so, no)
But to be fair i was rushing to the endgame like a madman.
He fucked with the links again

non-schizo OP
which one should i click?
2nd one, 1st one already is infested
Graxx = grineer = russian. So its obvious which one
first, second has ip grabbers instead of the normal links
First one was made by the Destiny shill spamming earlier
>gets super triggered at equilibrium
>on protea
>the frame that spawns health orbs like crazy
You have to use 1 cannister in 4 fissures or 4 cannisters in 1 fissure. You will need people to carry you.
>when your grind is down to completing arcanes, mods and scans

Zaw - exodia valor 7
Little Duck - Magus destruct 8/drive 11
Zariman rep/thrax/angels
Emergence dissipate 8/renewed 8/savior 7
Eternal eradicate 6/logistics 8
fractalized reset 8
Molt reconstruct 7/vigor 7
Zariman lua thrax/conjunction survival - arcane blessing 20/rise 19/primary frostbite 14/conjuction voltage 19
Bird 3/mocking whisper - melee animosity 1
Netracells - melee crescendo*21/duplicate*19
Necromech ------------
Theorem infection 6
Mirror Defense - Arcane double back*14/steadfast 16/primary plated round 17/secondary encumber 18/kinship 18
Duviri - akimbo slip shot 1/reaper 17/power ramp 1/longbow sharpshot 16/primary blight 7/exhilarate 1/secondary shiver 14/outburst 2
Arbitration - arcane blade charger 9, bodyguard 8, pistoleer 4, primary charger 4, tanker 4

Event - exodia contagion 9/epidemic 9

Alchemy C Discipline's Merit
Mirror Def Jahu, Khra, Lohk, Netra, Ris, Vome
Arch Ballista Measure Gyre Eviscerator, Gyre Supressor (saturn railjack)
Railjack Ordnance Cheap Shot 0.1% from gyre cutter/flak
Ordnance Velocity exo/gyre outriders
Turret Velocity grineer exo outrider (veil) .2%
Primary Tactical Reload batalyst
Melee Spring-Loaded Blade Plains Commander/Tusk Thumper Doma
Beast Shock Collar Fortuna Hyena 0.034% in temple of profit
Nightwave Combat Reload, Critical Mutation, Critical Precision, Eximus Advantage, Metamorphic Magazine, Range Advantage, Sentient Barrage, Sentient Surge, volatile variant, vile discharge,
Baro Peculiar Audience, Primed Ammo Stock
Necramech Augur operation orphix can transmute
Oh really? I didn't know that. That really sucks.
I remember when Ember was a guy.
I never understood the interest in yareli desu. Seemed like a major tonal clash for what warframes are. It's nice that DE wants to support community and all... but the warframe project was anything but sunshine and rainbows.
Can you do a comparison between viral+heat, viral+ electricity and viral+electricity+ hunter munitions? I use violets for primary electric on many frames and cant use viral heat.
heavy gunner 2700 armor is Lv57
Invest in whatever you find the most fun.
Yareli is actually completely overpowered but I will never reveal her secrets.
name it bruce jenner... it's what steve would have wanted...

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