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Fresh out of Daemonheim edition

Previously: >>482219737
Latest News: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/the-beach-is-here---this-week-in-runescape

>Beach returns along with bikinis and inner tubes in Gielinor
>Runefest canceled, new digsite wrapping up tons of Daemonheim lore
>4th Rex Matriarch boss along with new ring for Necro
>New Boss dungeon 'Sanctum of Rebirth' along with T95 dual wield magic weps coming in July
>Roadmap for the remainder of the year shown: New skilling boss, Group ironman mode, Daemonheim arch digsite, and 4th Necro conjure
>graphics update: Rellekka and Lighthouse get the nuscape treatment, joining Kandarin. Lunar Isle has yet to release
>Daemonheim surface update
>holy shit they did it: you can search the game settings now
>new "grandmaster" quest to end the first part of the Fort "Storyline": Requiem for a Dragon
>New Osseous Rex ""quest""

>I haven't played since the First Age, what did I miss?
Wiki Guide for Returning Players: https://runescape.wiki/w/Guide_for_returning_players
RuneScape Official News Archive: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/archive?cat=0
List of Game Updates: https://runescape.wiki/w/Game_updates

>Useful Links:
RS Wiki: https://runescape.wiki/
Forums: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/
Alt1: https://runeapps.org/alt1
Dailies/Weeklies/Monthlies tracker: https://dailyscape.github.io/
Revolution bars: https://runescape.wiki/w/Revolution/Bars
Runeclan is kill: https://runepixels.com/
Moneymaking: https://runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide
Miscellania: https://runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Other/Miscellania
Perk calculator: https://runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Perks

>Latest [Story] Quest: Requiem for a Dragon

>New Skill: Necromancy
Official Website: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/new-skill-necromancy---this-week-in-runescape
Skill Guide: https://runescape.wiki/w/Necromancy
Skill Training: https://runescape.wiki/w/Necromancy_training
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Smug tax
We osrs now boys
why doesnt jagex just ban the bots
They're too busy adding fag titles and sharks plushies to the game.
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This is so depressing when you think about it and what Runescape used to be. We didn't have wings until around 2012 and even then they were temporary with costly auras.

You have people running around fighting Nex, QBD, and the lord of Chaos himself Zamorak in Bikinis and plushies
there is no point
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i dont even have the energy to shitpost. i barely have energy to afk the beach event.
My new favorite pastime is healing the wilderness flash event bosses on high population worlds
woohoo! extra spin for the win!
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obligatory carby tax
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The Skull Lord has changed his mind about Dang and now we love her too.
I'm logging in to runegame for the first time in 6 months solely because FFXIV is down for maintenance for 48 hours since it actually fucking gets content
And it's not even RS3 I'm playing, it's OSRS, because the state of RS3 is still to abysmal for me to care about it
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obligatory tax double
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>Open Jagex launcher to play OSRS
>See this absolute sex demon in the bottom right corner
>Get so horny that I have to close the launcher and jack off
>Finish jacking off
>Open launcher to try to play OSRS again
>See the bottom right corner of the launcher again
>Immediately horny again
bros... i just want to play osrs ffs...
Honestly never really hated Dang. Was mostly just bantering and talking shit about her creator. The guy does have an actual good taste in art and he commissions beautiful stuff of her. Probably one of the only few consistent sources of decent RS fanart. It's just so strange to me how reclusive he is. The guy only posts publicly to his small personal subreddit and danbooru. I still just wonder how he's been able to afford all of this.
based skelly chad???
There should be a lore explanation for why there's a lever in Ardounge that teleports you into the deep Wilderness cause really... wtf is that all about
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Rsg bros... are we really gonna let osg just... take her??>>483594557
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>inflation is still out of fucking control even though no one is playing the fucking game.

I don't understand.
So is TzKal Zuk an old human fighter who eventually took over the fight caves, became a demigod, and so powerful the actual gods feared him?
Kinda badass, and sorry if it's so random, I'm only just really exploring the game quests and lore and it's kinda cool.
I’m not skelly chad but thanks based anon
he's the best

wtf........ this is NOT ok........... they can't take MY wife.....................
>no one playing to create resources
>resources that do exist become scarce and expensive
Why did RS3 change everyone's name in Pollnivneach from "Ali" to something else when OSRS still doesn't have that change
RS3 Jmods thought that was one of the most offensive areas behind Karamja despite there being a lore reason for them all being named Ali so they just up and changed everyone's name
But they didn't change them in OSRS too. Why is that? Also who the actual fuck was offended by this?
RS3 and OSRS have different Jmods running them. Nobody was actually offended by it but the Jmods were "taking initiative" before someone (read: the fucking retards that get offended for other people) decide to start throwing a hissy fit over it
I know RS3 and OSRS have different Jmods, it's just weird that that OSRS team didn't see RS3 make the change and think "Oh boy, we better do the same for the same reason! Wouldn't want to offend some white girls on Twitter!"
I can't imagine the OSRS team would feel differently than the RS3 team about this since they virtue signal just as hard
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obligatory british tax
>play osrs
>suddenly get a massive urge to play rs3 instead
>log into rs3
>suddenly get a massive urge to play osrs istead
it never fucking ends
why cant i just be happy with what i have
OSRS did copy most of the "diversity" changes that RS3 did, though. Like removing Gypsy Aris from the game.
So i wonder why they didn't commit the great ali genocide, making the quest incomprehensible and no longer funny
>Following completion of The Feud, all NPCs in the town of Pollnivneach will revert to their usual names, instead of going by Ali. You can learn more by speaking to the citizens during and after the quest!
See, now THAT'S fine. Still a stupid fucking change because no one was offended by it, but at least this way the quest still fucking makes sense and maintains its humorous tone. On RS3 it's just illogical. Once again OSRS fucking takes something from RS3, learns from what to do and what not to do based on how bad RS3 got raped, and then actually does it right. It's so tiring that RS3 is basically just the beta server for OSRS and they never go back and update the shit added to RS3 to make it good like on OSRS.
Wasn't the launcher thing supposed to be mandatory at some point? I'm guessing enough people haven't adopted it yet(I haven't) so they're putting it off.
MY GOD! There is Jagex cum leaking out of my anus RIGHT NOW!
log off runescape then! that's how they're getting you!
i think it would be funny if jagex hq was bombed
See? You are being arse fucked. Just like the BDJ poster keeps saying. They will never stop fucking your arse.
He probably would but far too many players have been arse fucked so often they have learned to expect it, enjoy it even maybe, maybe even log in just so they can be arse fucked.
well, personally, my asshole lives in fear, so i try to not log into rs3 anymore. that hasn't stopped mod blkwitch from stalking me irl though. i hear her guffaws when in public. i hear them at work. and my anus quivers every time.
Wonder if it means that other nameless world guardians/last necromancer art can be posted, like casual drawfagging of rs3 content, yeah
It's a surprise noob trap really. No particular lore unless it's touch-base with the Zamorakians (or Elvish Dark Lord, prior to the completion of Plague's End) as means for them to reinforce their positions from Deep Wilderness into occupied West Ardougne.
>Wonder if it means that other nameless world guardians/last necromancer art can be posted
imagine the blowjobs...
literally not inflation when only speicifc items are rising
my penis gets inflated when i see boobs
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I really want to login my main and open the customization tab while being underneath some attention whore standing in front of everyone, would that be based or cringe?
she cute
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Like art of other world guardians/last necromancers/whatever the new popular title that's given to the Runescape player character, yeah. While it's cool to see one world guardian, hoping to see more, whether it be doodles or fully rendered depictions of said runegame characters.
Sweet Mother of all that is good and Holy! What sort of way is that for us to live? ITZA DISGRACIA!
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>cleaning out bank
>forgot I held onto Academy of Heroes tokens
>can still open shop
>whatever, I'll get tendrils override and 3 lamps
>right click lamp buy option and input amount
>it takes all my tokens and only gives me one lamp
On the one hand, I want to submit a bug report... on the other, lost items requires an actual ticket to be sent in and I'm not all that broken up about two lamps to waste my time or raise a fuss.
Sphincters stretched!
Buttholes busted!
Anuses assaulted!
Rectums reamed!
I for one am unbothered by knowing that Bill the sawmill man takes it up the pooper in Edgeville manor every night
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How did you feel when Big Daddy Jagex violated you?
Since I play the game I dont give that much of a shit NightmareRH
What I care more about is the state of the economy and the high level pvm bots
>OSRS changed the (sexist and rapey!!) frog event
>The frog now ask for a headpat instead
>You can now sexually harass the frog to make him/her kiss you instead
Jagex paid roughly 5m dollars to a DEI company to look at their game and this is the result. They've added sexual harassment. We're now playing as Rance.
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Most of the Runescape fanart I see especially of other PCs isn't that good. Dang is the only one I see with consistently good art in a variety of different styles which is why I don't care much for other characters.
> dang (runescape) 109 entries
Out of those 109 artworks with some being duplicates I'd say 75 of them are insanely good Runescape art. This guy is legitimately a madman
*guffaws you back from the dead*
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Well, personally I thought it was very rude. There I was innocent mining some iron and the next thing I know there's a big slimy jagex cock working its way in and out of my butt. I mean he could at least have asked first.
my homie
did you ask the rock before sliding your pick in and out of it?
>be me
>stop playing rs 2019
>FF 2024 -- get the urge to play
>Log in
>Wrong credentials
>Recover account
>Log in
>Perma banned
>Try to appeal
>Can no longer appeal since it been appealed once
So some fucker botted on my acc, got it banned, then appealed and got denied. How fucked am I? What do I even do at this point?
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109 entries of Dang that's quite the dedication, especially with the composition, the rendering of these pieces - commission work! Neat shares btw.
>Runescape fanart I see especially of other PCs isn't that good
Hopefully that doesn't mean there's like a artistic technical requirement to share them here, regardless, always happy to see doodles every now and then, on top of the doings screencaps. Speaking of doodles, found this earlier, and was pleasantly surprised with this mspaint rs player character collection.
Shut da fuck up lying bitch. You botted. Got banned. Good job. Fuck you/
big bot ban wave last week
if your friends crying about a recent ban, now you know
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This is the only one I ever made.
Forever stuck in tryhard corner. :(
they would just move out of the way while calling you a twitter approved insult
gooning to this rn
>got random event yesterday
>frog asked for a headpat instead
>i asked if a kiss was ok instead
>frog said sure
>kiss frog
>frog turns into the prince instead of the princess
>i, a male character, am kissing a male now
i just got catfished by a frog and ended up kissing a dude as a result because apparently they deleted the princess and you always get the prince now, regardless of your gender
how do i get mod blkwitch to marry me irl
It's random.
lol, fag
>only a few activities have temperature-ignoring cocktails
but why.
i have a 50/50 chance of being gay
this is the future jagex wants for you
find her at an event and buy her
how much do you think she costs? after taxes
You know how individual boards on Reddit are called "subreddits?" We should do that here. Instead of individual generals on /vg/ being called "generals," we should call them "sub4chans." Like how the RuneScape subreddit is called "r/runescape," we can call our general "4/runescape."
So what do you guys wanna talk about here on the RuneScape sub4chan? 4/runescape for short.
Look, all I know is that our asses hurts like hell. We simply cant not take massive loads of jagex cum squirted up our rectums by a monster whopper cock and not expect it to hurt.

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shitter spotted
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why are spinners like this
You know, this sort of sums it up. While y'all bitching about the faggotry in roongame now you be missing the point. Its not about rainbows, trannies and gay parades. Its about noobs. Fat stupid stinkin' noobs. Back in the old days it was easy to spot a noob, lure them into da wildee and kill their stupid ass. Send them a pm laughing. But now? Fucking noobs are teflon coated. Cant kill the stinkin' little bastards anymore. I miss those days. I could live with faggots running around with their fucking gay cosmetics and their fucking insane pronouns and bullshit just so long as I could pk me some noob meat.
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Actual Skull Lord here, this is an imposter who has impersonated me while I've been boycotting the pride month. Thankfully the month is almost over so I'll be back soon.
Two noobs were walking along when one noob turned to the other noob and said
"You are a big fat stinking dirty fucking noob"
The other noob stopped and considered this for a moment and then replied
"Yes, but so are you."
And they both laughed.
"I guess that makes us a pair of fucking noobs!"
And they laughed some more.
Then suddenly Big Daddy Jagex jumped out from behind a bush and fucked them both up the arse.
I think this Skull Lord is the imposter and >>483606715 is the real one
this happens everyday and no one does anything about it. it even happens to people that aren't noobs. when are we going to take a stand?
do you even play runescape
what website
Fucking sucks sitting in the hole for two weeks but all the dungeoneering I won't have to do is a great motivator
It's sad it's come to afking in a hole just to avoid that god awful skill.
We need to form a Union. Yes, A Union of Players who are united against being assfucked. Together we could take a stand against all this assfucking.
We could call it...ummm, lets see....hmmm...OH I KNOW! I KNOW!


In our dead game? Because it would fuck the economy and make more people take notice about how low is the player number. With bots gone, the game will at very least 3k accs.
We have 21,085 accounts online right now, Saturday, with summer ahead and so "popular" beach, lmao.

Welcome to the worst timeline, the bad guys won all the last important wars.
Because our jmods are shit and our community is filled with ugly left-wingers and pathetic subhumans who only want to consoome and coom.
Some of the best guys actually protested against it, including changing their nicknames to Ali.
>4 months ago
>tell in-game friend I'm going to start playing a lot more
>haven't logged in once since
>FSOA can now use gconc
>ABS EOF is now good again
>no need for sweaty swapping
>DW is poop with dot spam
All they need to do now is give FSOA a passive and we're good to go.
Inq can also use gconc so that's nice too i guess.
DW is going to crash hard due to this, especially the AOD wand/orb.
yes and the large diameter of my asshole proves it
i think if we all congregate together in a union like that, it just makes it easier for mod blkwitch and mod fowl to track us down and rape our assholes. we'd be like fish in a barrel!
>FSOA can now use gconc
is this real?
does any of this matter as long as necro exists?
Necro has lower DPM than even mage, assuming this change goes through.
we should do that here
post doings (in paint)
ranged is better than necro and with 2h having gconc also magic will be better than necro
oh yeah just wait until we get 4th conjure
you'll see...
Can confirm. Drove my car in there yesterday. It was pitch black inside and it was so large that even with my headlights on full beam I couldn't see the other side.
>we'd be like fish in a barrel
My God, so even fish aren't safe from Mod Blkwitch and her dangerously large dildo!
Dont think they would notice Mod fowl though, does he even have a penis?
its gonna be some kind of prayer restore, barely useful for dps
when people say mage or range dps are better than necro, does it assume BiS weapons like FSOA and BOLG? because i can't see it otherwise
its not that easy to shill out 2B+ for each combat style weapon and lesser options (without crazy passive effects) seem ass
its gonna be a little mtx rasial that shits death skull every 0.6s doing 30k once again
>does it assume BiS weapons like FSOA and BOLG
Yes obviously. Bolg is some autism but it's got the best deeps in the game and if FSOA gets greater conc it's literally joever for everyone else
this is based as fuck
mod fowl does in fact have a penis, but he's a woman CLEARLY so you better respect his identity!
>everyone in the fc has a wife that cooks for them
I thought this game was for losers only.
Another week ahead where I login around 3 minutes to reset time, active my premier club artifact, runs to get vix wax done in time, sandstone and other little bullshit daily, then leaves. Repeat in the next day again unless I'm doing something better.
Zero motivation to play this slop. Does anyone still buys accounts?
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>pov: you're mod blkwitch, you've just finished with your latest victim
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everyone in the fc is a lying poser except lath. he's the only real nigga (he's autistic as fuck and doesn't try to pretend otherwise, making him a real nigga)
how did you get this picture of my asshole? i only send those pics to mod fowl, and that's only because he said if i don't, he's going to add 20 new pronouns to the game
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yeah ok i guess i'll play some runegame
someone say something kinky
sex with dang
sorry not what I'm looking for
something kinky
My anus is leaking jagex cum!
My name is Little Johnny.
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i like pengwings
ironman btw
What are the differences between the male and female dragonkin?
i've never thought about dragonkin gender
i thought they all reproduced through autism, like kerapac
What's wrong with that, it's pretty similar to my stats and gear
why haven't you got a zuk cape, anon?
I do, but is that really what determines it?
Nothing they reproduce through cloacal kiss like birbs
tkz over zorgy, she must be going for it atm
if you're that high level, with the near-top easymode gear, but you can't even do something as easy as a normal mode zuk, you should be heckled
there are rare use cases for the tank armor as well, but it's also generally unacceptable
shitters use necro chads use bolg ranged thats the rules
Females have a bigger cock.
wow theyre just like us
ong fr fr no cap skibdi
Right now, at this very moment, my anus is gaping wide open.
I have been playing roongamer.
So why are people saying swapping gconc magically fixes magic? You could just use FSOA spec and swap to DW before.
Because high tier weps should be good to wear and not just spec weps. Zuk sword is the worst offender tho.
It's funny how they simultaneously know to make camp weapons like BotLG but also do shit like Zuk Sword.
Another fun one the the fact they removed the adren gen from lengs in the beta because you could stack it with scourge and jaws. They nerfed a t95 boss drop because you could stacks it with a t92 slayer mob drop. Would've made more sense if they just added a 9 sec charging before scourge would apply its parasites.
Bits of shit are dripping down my legs from my raw gaping anus right now. Goddamn you to Hell Big Daddy Jagex!
And im pretty sure they've gone and said they hate the fact Zuk sword is only used as EoF fuel. Yet they wont do anything about it.
All they have to do is extend the base duration of the bleed and have spear not work with it. Also give it a 2 tile range because it's huge.
Honest to God, they should just add an item that makes the spears effect into a universal passive for bleeds.
>FSOA now has a passive: Shattered Echoes
>every 5 crits when not under FSOA spec spawns a time clone that repeats the last few abilities you used
>EZK now has a passive: Igneous Fury
>use a MW Spear on it to consume the spear and give EZK the bleed extension. When activating EZK spec, it now sheathes it in lava, giving EZK halberd range
There, I fixed them. Hire me Jagex.
4th conjure will generate 1 necrosis stack for every crit so i don't have to keep repeating myself about how eq aura isn't as good as mahj.
>using any aura but vamp with necro
It's like you don't want to maximize your reaver.
fifth conjure will apply bloat to all targets around it
sixth conjure spams death guard spec
seventh conjure instantly kills
Imagine being so bad that you aren't at full hp constantly.
I use pack mammoth :)
You use vamp aura to give reaver another hit, not for the heal. The extra poison procs from this far outweigh mahj aura.
Reaver doesn't do damage if you don't actually heal.
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I have waited a year for this.
Time to dive into a hole.
spinner moment
Why are irons allowed to get free 99s at the beach and other events again?
because that mode is a joke with null consistency and no rules
Playing under Iron has been the most fun I've had from this game.
>Check the thread
>The same two coomers talking the same shit, over and over again. No variation, is just the same garbage to the point of making them be bots.
When are you going to admit that you're not so different from Mod Foul and other creep trannies and pedos?
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Should I break my streak?
Mahjarrat + kalg > vamp + reaver
>bonds actually dropped down to 135m again
looks like you already broke it
Post price rise dump
My tinfoil hat theory is that Jagex have panic dumped a bunch of bonds onto the GE with no actual player behind them to mitigate the damage to the economy
Only if I log in to my character. Lobby doesn't count.
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*roars at you seductively*
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>out of cinder cores
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>Keep running out of bonus exp at the hole
>Use oddments to buy spins in the hopes to get more bonus exp
>Just now realized you can buy a buttload of prismatic stars to get 500k bonus exp for much cheaper
>Almost out of oddments
i'm not currently playing runegame but i will latet
>page 10 again
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>holeshitters in rsg
im on the verge of saying a racial slur
real men do real dung
>real men do real Dang
what's stopping you?
that's what you get for not being a regular spinnie
im afraid of getting banned for racism
Check the thread
Oh boy!
Lots of talk about jagex assfucking.
You know, you guys like to joke about it but really its no laughing matter, Being assfucked all the time, especially by large jagex penises, makes your anal sphincter go all loose and flubbery. Do you know what happens then? You start farting like a faggot. Yes, like a Goddamned faggot. You think the occasional fart is sort of funny? A sort of "whoops! haha!" moment to share with the lads? Well its not the case when your anus has become like a worn out and permanently stretched like an old rubber gasket. Its serious. You will now fart UNCONTROLLABLY. Dozens of times a day. Not just one fart at a time but lots of farts in a series, all bunched up, roaring out of your ass in a series of blurps, blips, quacks and squeals.
Imagine that. Waking up farting. Then going outside, the farting continues. When you sit down or stand up, more farting. Farting all day long. Long loud series of dirty vile farts. Nothing neat and tidy abut that. Its not funny anymore. Its vulgar and disgusting. People stare and wonder just what the fuck is wrong with you. They will call you a faggot.
"Probably inserts toy trains up his arse!"
"Fucking faggots now forcing their faggotry up our nostrils now!"
That's what they will say.
Men will shun you.
Women will shut the doors and windows when they see you approaching
Small children will throw stones at you.
Mobs will chase you out of town.
So please stop joking about being assfucked by jagex!
mod blkwitch typed this
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What did they mean by this?
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Naughty BlkWitchCreampie?????????????????
i want to creampie mod blkwitch so bad
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i want to have sex with picrel so bad
im gooning
um, she's underage
wtf i want to have sex with her even more now?
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zaros in erebus
Making hypno wand parts drop from the agility course and fucking vileblooms is a hate crime.
you WILL remove your silverhawk boots and you you WILL run agility laps
>you WILL remove your pants and you you WILL be assfucked
>You WILL pray to our lord and saviour Dang and you you WILL be protected from the evil entity
>only missing abandoned gorajan set for combination
>don't feel like waiting for dxp
>get to 99 in The Hole™ for increased gains
>do 100 floors of low complexity small dungeons
>shave off the tiniest sliver of my massive tokens cache for the blueprint
>rock out with my warped out
Spent like 12 hours without a break, my back is killing me from peak gamer posture.
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Got paint, no doings, but hopefully all my fellas get their good drops!
>8 differences
nice, great art and ty for your blessings
Instant assfuck
not a fan of zermouregal and vorkath desu
don't see why anyone does it at current spike prices since it's both far more annoying and far worse money than zammy/telos/rasial/zuk
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Male dragonkin: made to please (Female) Elder gods for all Time
Female dragonkin: made for (Male) (ex-) World Guardians
Other dragonkin: don't exist, except for maybe Kranon, and he has a huge axe wound to keep Xau-Tak inside of him
>not a fan of being assfucked desu
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I want to play Runegame but at the same time i dont
I get that feel, I think of Runescape like a "secondary monitor" kinda game. Can't just focus on the afk grind, so gotta have a main activity, like some doodling or watching documentaries/series, or even another attention-intensive game.
If main activity, necromancy combat
If off-hand activity, necromancy rituals, converting Fragile mementos to Spirit Mementos, making Ghostly inks, yeah.
I've just been jumping into the hole for the past week. I don't even have to, i got 120 dung way before the hole or sinkholes were a thing. But i dont know what else to afk for the beach stuff.
they should have added a ritual site to the beach
you can always afk 200m
>everyone at the beach is having summer fun
>guys in swimsuits digging in the sand and building sand castles
>girls in bikinis lounging in chairs and drinking out of coconuts
>weird goth people dressed head to toe in multiple lairs of black clothing performing unholy rituals on the corpses of the innocent
really takes me back to the days of when I was a kid on summer vacation
I mean there's already a skeleton at the bottom of the crater.
>everyone at the beach is having summer fun
>guys in swimsuits buried upside down in the sand and getting assfucked by jagex cock
>girls (who are actually guys) in bikinis lounging in chairs while getting their rectums reamed out by jagex penis
>weird goth people dressed head to toe in multiple lairs of black clothing having their guts rearranged by jagex dicks
really takes me back to the days of when I was a faggot having a gay orgy
but we're nise necromancers :)
we're guiding the souls of the departed to summer fun
otherkin dragonkin when.
This game has no good bosses, find a better game already if you want that shit.
look man I get you have a daddy fetish but can't you keep it to yourself
>rituals use unique summer stuff
>you get the materials from doing other activities, sandy clues, and pinatas
>ritual disturbances are silly things like a beach ball rolling across
>site itself is a sand structure
Hire me Jagex
Your anime will return to the source.
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