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Previous : >>483433570

Vermintide 1 edition

This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Helldivers, Vermintide, Darktide, Valheim, Deep Rock Galactic and EDF.

>Latest News/Updates:

/coopg/ dedicated server is up. see thread for more details
Ashlands PTB:

Helldivers 2:
PATCH 01.000.400


New machione gods trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk9U-4jU93w
Crafting rework info https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/introduction-to-the-itemization-rework-dev-blog/96314

Vermintide 2:
Versus mode soonTM

Deep Rock Galactic:

Remnant 2:
The Forgotten Kingdom DLC released:

Payday 3 (dead game but whatever):
Patch 1.1.2

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>Future games
Killing Floor 3
Den Of Wolves - TBA
EDF 6 Western/PC Release - July 25th
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA
The Forever Winter - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
save me catfish
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>it's not a bug, stop calling it a bug, it's been literally CONFIRMED as intended for a melee charge to grant you 5 seconds of ranged rending even though that makes no sense
>so what if a single melee hit disables the effect, obviously that's just how it's meant to work, you either get the 5 seconds of ranged rending or you get the ONE boosted melee hit they nerfed it to shortly after launch, duh!
>it's not like they accidentally left in unlimited ranged rending when they meant for the ability to have none at all, shut up
>they are never changing it, so quit saying zealot struggles against crusher spam, because I manage just fine using my automatic memegun and glitched interaction- I mean totally intended interaction with chastise
Reminder that (You) held these opinions, and made these arguments, and were wrong.
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>Major darktide update has once again caused the review score to drop
It's impressive the consistency that fatshark are able to do this
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eagerly waiting on Tanner tearing Fatshark to shreds in his next video
Nigga just use the eviscerator, crushers attack once in a lifetime


>that gut
why are you sucking him off in every thread?
are you a faggot like him?
"The bolt pistol doesn't even one shot a fucking dog." Tanner said calmly.
>can't wait what my potbellied troon e-bf has to say!
The absolute state of shazammies.
Reminder that the flamer was specifically nerfed because of its interaction with the so called "bug"
>Dev note: “We wanted to adjust the broad capability of the flamer to deal with pretty much all targets, specifically when combined with the Zealots ability Chastise the Wicked that grants armor penetration after use. By increasing the value of armor for our poor burning enemies while limiting the amount of stagger, we hope to create a clearer use for the Flamer. Since the armor penetration effectively degrades Carapace armor to Flak armor, the removal of high damage vs. Flak helps bring flamer-wielding Zealots into more balanced territory. Combined with a lowered clip size, we hope to move away from a general-purpose purging tool that leaves nothing left alive into a more defined horde-clear role that benefits from some help dealing with heavily armored enemies. It should still leave most things dead, but it might require slightly more diligent purging.”
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>it's real
huh, I thought I was in the minority to think this update was fucking nothing
>"The bolt pistol doesn't even one shot a fucking dog." Tanner said calmly.
>watch telopots stream as someone linked it
>he's relentlessly shitting on fatshark
>explains the weapons and what they feedbacked about them
>finally gets to bolt pistol
>laughs about how shit it is
>memes about tanner
>get the reference because of /coopg/s incessant memeing
>he makes a meme build to oneshot a poxhound with bolt pistol
>keks as he makes jokes about tanner
So does everyone hate this tranny?
I wasn't wrong, the truth changed
It's insubstantial considering the time since the last update and how it really wasn't a lot of content aside from some cosmetics. The last meaningful patch was the massive rebalancing for weapons and talents
Same thing happened when the stupid penance update released, ended up dropping to 59% before it slowly crawled back up
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>darktide update is mid, itemization is delayed and devs fuck off every second day for holidays
>helldivers discord mods continue shoving mutt politics down the player's throats
>payday getting offline mode, might as well pull the plug entirely at this point
>killing floor confirmed to be overwatch tier slop
coop bros.. this year has ben utter dogshit
Guess I'll be checking Brunt for crap weapons to snag low tier blessings to spend less time grinding later. Watch it do almost nothing
EDF soon brother
been seeing way too many female character sin darktide...
Anyone with a brain could tell it was a bug. Neither you nor the swede who wrote that patch note understood that it was.
It's now been patched out, as it should've been. Thanks for playing, you lose.
There's new talents in the game code for psyker such as
>blocking adds soulblaze to target
>ranged crits apply soulblaze
>heavy attacks electrocute enemies

Vet also has one for 25% wield speed

added to a lot of enemies action templates
>Helldivers discord
Stopped reading there, don't care about what happens there, if you're going to complain do it about a real problem
>basic ranged enemies will now be throwing frags at us on top of blasting us from 20 different angles in every other room
kino, I hope it's like I'm playing a Call of Duty campaign on Veteran
>Itemization update is replacing one grind with another
>ranged crits apply soulblaze
Gunpsykers potentially eating good.

Who am I kidding this is just some discarded idea they left in. They have no idea how to clean code. Vermintide 2 still has unreleased cosmetics from the beta in its code.
possibly but if nothing else it betrays that they're working on new talents. Even if it's just playing around you can speculate they might intend something with it at some point
enemy changes too. I think frags would be funny, no more being a retard standing still playing shooting gallery
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i'm not spending sixty dollars on a budget game released two years late
>Stopped reading there
as you should but remember:
some troons on discord shit all over the game's community, deterring potential new players
I'm tempted to make a new character after the rework just to see if I can take the weapons I start with all the way to aurics.
>another 1k hours played gives a negative review
>keeps playing
many such cases
>another heroin addict warns kids not to do drugs
>keeps doing drugs
Guess that means kids should start shooting up.
>possibly but if nothing else it betrays that they're working on new talents.
Only if that's a new line of code and not some legacy leftover from the class overhaul. Telopots (internal testing group) mentioned that there was melee smite at one point. Is it?
>itemization is delayed
and that's a good thing! Because it seems to be fucking terrible
>helldivers discord
i don't give a fuck what happens on discord and neither should you
>payday 3
>killing floor confirmed to be overwatch tier slop
wait what
Because the game is repulsive to casuals (ie: people who don't want to play the game that much and actually understand the mechanics in-depth, just click rats) and Fatshark keeps marketing their shitty updates like it's next coming of Christ.
So people who played it just a bit or worse yet, new people, come back, get hit in the face with dogshit UI, absurdally expensive MTX and obscure RNG weapon procurement and just quit and drop a negative review. Having to actually fiddle with settings for a bit on many systems to get non-shit performance also filters people a lot.
Big issue is also time. People are usually willing to give games time to improve but it has been like year and a half and the game has only changed enough for people to forget how incredibly bad it was at release.
It's fucking grim. Like I don't even mind grinding out a weapon by using it but they're keeping stat rolling RNG but at least instead of having to upgrade weapons to see if Hadron bricks them you'll know they're shit from get-go, I suppose.
The most interesting thing I've seen in that whole "Dev Blog" is that apparently Vet now gets access to Duelling and Heavy swords, which is interesting, but might also be mockup bullshit.
The Space Marine 1 experience, now for shopclick
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It's not. It's WORSE. It's replacing gambling with grind + gambling.
>apparently Vet now gets access to Duelling and Heavy swords

heavy swords would be great but i'm gonna be a little assmad if non-psyker plebs get to realize how great dueling sword 4 is




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tripwire put out some dev videos and as it turns out there are abilities tied to characters
>he thinks the previous rng gacha shit was a "grind"
>he thinks having a progression system that needs you to play the game is inherently bad
I wish you faggots would fuck off, muddying the waters and all that
I wouldn't mind loosening the weapon restrictions but yeah, duelling sword would be so fucking busted when paired with some Vet or Zealot abilities.
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>>another heroin addict warns kids not to do drugs
>>keeps doing drugs
>Guess that means kids should start shooting up.
>that UI
>literal Overwatch ultimate abilities
It's fucking over boys. KF3 is going to be utter shit.
>added to a lot of enemies action templates
Sounds like a modifier. Sounds like fun.
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I've yet to get past the first part of the new map in a pub...
>zoomer can't live without his carrot on a stick
>unable to have fun on his own
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Room temperature IQ but don't worry, your comment makes you fit in just perfect with all the other terminal whiners
>new map and weapons only managed to keep the numbers at 10k for a single day.

Back down to 4k we go.
I'd love to pull your fingertips off, dude
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>tripwire put out some dev videos and as it turns out there are abilities tied to characters
oh fuck me and the layered gore system looked so fucking cool too
not your fault, it's paki tier map design in the beginning
had to do three attempts to get past that shit without half the team getting yeeted off the edge by barrel explosions during horde fight
>crafting system is ass?
>should we spend an afternoon fixing it's problems given the feedback that we've been given?
>no. We should make a brand new grindy system so that the Stockholm syndrome retards can argue that the new shit tastes better than the old shit.
There shouldn't be ANYTHING random about itemization
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you will create psn account
i've pubbed it a half-dozen times without much trouble

died once when we got a beast of nurgle on the scaffolding at the start and his tail slam sent me to the right instead of backwards
maybe dedicate a minute to think about what type of game you are playing before embarrassing yourself again
Which of the new darktide weapons are worth investing in? I don't want to spend lots of dockets and plasteel on a brick.
>swedes chose a random posts crafting idea instead of their own trash concept
>they will implement it before summer vacation
>it's pic related
Waht is your reaction /coopg/
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you claim you got manstopper on the new shotgun because you kept your lvl 14 vet, but the new shotgun is only available at lvl 22, something's wrong
Even more so if a boss spawns, on the flip side, I managed to tagteam ledge a daemonhost using Chorus after I aggro'd it by accident at the catwalks.
i totally forgot the game was called 40k: do a bunch of gay chores before you get to have a fun weapon that doesn't suck ass
Happened to me with a Chaos spawn with the jump attack
Allright the new shotgun is busted on melee vet, always prepared gives you half your ammo back on every proc and you just stealth in on gunners
>locks are being completely removed with the itemization overhaul
>all weapons will need to be re-grinded anyway
Give me one fucking reason why the locks didn't come off this update.
Uh...you know...One thing I should...excuse me for one second.
I'll wait for Tanner's vid to drop before I share my opinions with you all in regards to the new update.
payday3 bros its almost time
boys in blue sweep
>lol you think progression is fun? you're a zoomer who cant live without it
i have 1000 hours in l4d2 but the reality is you either have zero progression mechanics and just keep the game even or you make the progression good
if you want no progression at all then you can just play heresy after. Why does it matter to you, your power level remains the same relatively :)
It's unfortunate for them
sorry anon but if I'm going to install a dead multiplayer gamepass game it's going to be exopirmal.
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You're into something, maybe it has to do with the deliberate and intrinsic game loop of the game design?
If you don't like grinding, I'm sorry to tell you but no update is gonna "win you back". You just don't like the game.
to drain your resources making the new weapons, so you have less for the real item overhual
Guess I'll blow most of my dockets getting low tier blessings for every weapon I can. Pretty sure this isn't that great of an idea, but fuck it I haven't really been using them anyways
Tanner killed Fatshark and Fatshark knows it. They should have given Tanner the partnership programme instead of lying to him. And now he's about to hammer the final nail in the coffin. Lots of Swedish game devs about to be looking for a new job soon.
i've decided the light pickaxe is actually the best one
Which of you niggers is this?
one of the two guys that double space their line breaks every couple sentences.
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I don't play on steam
oh boy another teaser about the cool shit you don't get to play as
she needs to get on keto
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It was me! I did it like that.

That's a joke, lads
Does something feel off about the dorktide hotfix? It feels like I'm getting toughness broken more often now compared to last night.
take your plasma gun pills NOW
I respectfully disagree. I was the guy who said the heavy was best yesterday but it's actually the medium. The fully charged heavy play style is sub-optimal for the pickaxes compared to the shovel. Its faster to chain heavies and two tap armor while regenning toughness so the heavy's one shot niche is useless. Plus you get the benefits of faster swings, better mobility, and chopping through mixed hordes.
stop forcing your meme
looks like jank with soul
>what do you mean I don't get to play as beasts of nurgle and bile titans, shit game
Tried bolt pistol
2/10 weapon easy
it feels fun but any weapon with less than 20 bullets is not a serious weapon
only purpose of ranged weapons is crowd clear gunners and ranged chaff.
Darktide simply does not need the equivalent of vermintide special deleters because specials are much weaker, the only one you can't just run up and melee is 30 shooter blocks camped on the other end of a open room
simply being good at melee is your answer to any elite or special
Theres no flamethrower rats that completely fuck you if you're melee only and no brap wizards that teleport out of bounds.
which maul is the best?
they're both good, pick the one you prefer
bad example considering it IS a shit game
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plz tell me I'm a fucking retarded faggot and I can't figure by myself wich maul is better! please I don't want to wait for RealAsianRobot to make a video to tell me wich one is best plz plz plz
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Beast of Nurgle is a badly designed and not fun boss to fight and I wish it was removed from the game or at least reworked.
Him and Chaos Spawn are fuckign annoying as shit.
what do you find annoying about the chaos spawn?
>character clipping through the terrain at 1:48 in a moviegame cutscene trailer
literally unplayable garbage jank
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It could be worse, imagine they left their mouse cursor right in the middle of the screen
that wasn't a mouse cursor, it was the good old plasma gun
shut up. hoping an autist here can share his analytical thesis
i dont like the fatter headed one. why is it good?
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well I haven't tried the other ones yet
Then don't use the one you don't like.
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who's playing rockay?
you starting a lobby?
is this faggot still pretending to be Gibi asmr?
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Bolt pistol has this. You're telling me even with this it's still shit?
head doesn't stand out enough
soon, if there's even 1 other player
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>we're removing locks!
>we're also deleting your inventory :)
>and it'll be impossible to have full tier 4 blessings and perks at the same time
Both mauls are effectively the same statwise, but they have inverted combo chains to each other so it's really just a be urself weapon.
kill yourself and see >>483618182
is the spear supposed to one shot these?
big if true
Sir, we only talk ded games here, not FOTM reddit-tier slop
i know we didnt attack this one yet so it threw me off
>and it'll be impossible to have full tier 4 blessings and perks at the same time
thats your speculation
i guarantee the reason they're falling over themselves with the crafting update is because they have the idea that people are really attached to the weapons they crafted

like they wanted a gacha system for cold-blooded engagement reasons but that was their acceptable internal justification for it, that people would be really really in love with their lasgun that's the same as every other lasgun but is 3% off perfect in a procedurally generated way and is therefore basically their firstborn child, and now they're tying themselves into knots to try to find a way to keep that special love alive
but enough about darktide
joke's on you, Darktide is a ded game
>tommy needy stompy
I blew through 1million dockets a lot faster than I thought I would buying blues from Brunt. Still missing a ton of tier 1 blessings.
I mean, it doesn't take a swede to realize that perhaps not all of the few thousand autists with hundred of levels still playing your game might not take kindly to rebuilding the weapon that they've been using for hundreds of hours just to give it 5% more stats.
what a genuinely disgusitng artstyle holy fuck lmao
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Crafting rework will be deployed just before the PS5 launch
Do you think all of the information on the updated crafted system for Darktide is because of player response or because that one guy posted a bunch of it in Spanish the other day?
let me know when it's up then
with the ps5 launch, as compensation for not having any blessings ps5 players will be given 30k aquilas
>Still missing a ton of tier 1 blessings.
why only tier3/4 matters
You know in your heart of hearts that fraudshark will find a way to fuck us over somehow and the screenshots clearly show a modification cap.
Stocking up for the crafting rework, which claims to convert your blessings library into mastery progress. Of course, this is still subject to change, and who's to say level 1 and 2 blessings give only a paltry amount of mastery anyway.
i don't think it's the autists that would object, i think it would be the oversocial discord retards who interact with the idea of the game like it's a friend and basically only play it to sustain that "relationship".

if you want to keep a weapon that you're somehow attached to, you just keep it and craft a new one. i rolled power cycler 2 on my very first power sword, which was like the third weapon i ever tried crafting. still got that one, just rolled a new one for chasing better numbers.
Probably the latter
I think it's another case of terrible fatshark management and they couldn't even coordinate with the press to get an article to release after their blogpost instead of before.
When designing itemization, we wanted to commit to ensuring fairness for all players, new and old. As such, we’re implementing a migration system to convert players' current weapons and blessings into the new system.

Here’s how it works: The blessing library of the weapon family will be converted into mastery progression. This means players will start the new systems with a head start in mastery, giving them the chance to unlock previously owned blessings (as well as the chance to unlock some blessings players never had before the update).

Our aim is to preserve players hard-earned progress and make this shift as smooth as possible.
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>Log into veteran character
>Autogun is still the only good gun
>Log out.
yeah but I don't really get off on speculating about negative outcomes like a doompill addicted tranny, I'll laugh when we know for sure
what's the point of that trailer if the mechs aren't playable?
I hope Tanner uploads that video within the next 2 hours or so. I'm going to sleep soon.
you forgot to uninstall
setting up the escort mission where you need to carry some injured person on your back
I bought the game as a joke with the intent to refund at 119 minutes played but I can't even get it to run. It freezes every two seconds, DLSS is corrupted, Borderless mode causes the game to "run" at 12 fps instead of 100 (when it doesnt stutter) and more
what the fuck
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More like CACAdia!
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>Darktide simply does not need the equivalent of vermintide special deleters because specials are much weaker, the only one you can't just run up and melee is 30 shooter blocks camped on the other end of a open room
simply being good at melee is your answer to any elite or special
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Rad weapons?
More like that good old plasma gun!
Which update was this?
10+ Mutant spam doesn't count
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So the itemization rework is replacing RNG+Grind with RNG-Grind?
new adventures await, buddy
crime boss: rockay city™ 1/4
>High base stat RNG
>High potential stat RNG
>Grind to unlock blessings and mastery
Its going great
No it's replacing RNG with RNG + Grind
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just give me red weapons you niggers
It's removing layered RNG. It's a good outcome but not perfect, they left one last layer of RNG but I don't care, it's on the same level as rolling stats onto reds in VT2. Pointless busywork but it's just one layer and there's no "bricking". I don't know why people are so asshurt it's good you will be able to have the weapon you want after buying 50 copies off brunt until you have one with good stats, no more discarding failed upgrade attempts.
neat, someone else has the issue I had, here's the shit I went through to fix it
borderless was forcing 4k because it was detecting my TV which is set to mirror my main monitor so I just use fullscreen.(didn't work)
I switched to XeSS because it's an intel arc sponsored game and it runs better as a software upscaler anyways.(didn't work)
I browsed local files and removed read only on both of the game file folders.
it's DX12 so it also just fucking freezes on the main menu for a couple minutes to cache shaders once every couple days.
once the shaders are cached it runs fine, you could probably use -dx11 as a steam startup command and see if that helps.
I like the Indi because I can just heavy1-blockcancel-repeat for a good damage horizontal sweep that gets consistent use of thrust (or heavy1-light4-repeat if I don't want to blockcancel all the time), then chain into the heavy strikedown for single elites. But its combos are temperamental, everything except block and the light4 chains to the heavy strikedown, even the push.
The Agni is more forgiving of mixing up your attack chains or input slips, as the heavy attacks chain into each other so you can always just spam away to correct things. But its heavy vanguard attack is angled, so a little less effective at crowds.
I've seen so many posts accusing anyone and everyone of being spoiled children looking for power fantasies
Is it some sort of marketing campaign for the game?
plz this is too much to read, just tell me wich one good and wich one bad
They better not make my weapons shit. I'm begging you. Please. Go work for fatshark and tell them to keep players' old weapons untouched. I spent so much god damn time grinding and now I see them spout bullshit like "we want to be fair to all players" and it makes me think that they're going to kneecap all my weapons and make me grind AGAIN.
unironically the elites and specials need way more hp or weapons should get worse
Don't care for any crafting change unless it fixes the machine whore turning your godroll weapon into a golden turd
Patch 7
Your weapon will get a certain amount of free XP that you can use to choose perks and blessings on "conversion" into the new system, as far as they said. You should be able to literally just recreate your weapon, but they are changing blessing balance to work better with the new system. The code in game already has t3 and t4 templates for blessings that previously didnt have that, such as manstopper or flechettes.
That is infact what it fixes, you no longer rely on RNG for perks and blessings, only for the stat bars. I don't know why they wouldn't just make those fully deterministic too, but it's atleast something.
i've decided the game would be more fun if in general there was less specialist spam but more threatening enemies
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>boot up Darktide for the firet time in years
>some stupid node based skill tree has been added
>close game
>boot up Vermintide.
ok Pajeet
I'm ultimately happier with it than the current system but that's if all goes to plan. There's still multiple points of failure Fatshark could fuck up on.
>the head start is a fraction of the full grind at best
>full grind takes 10+ hours to unlock each weapon's potential
>blessing rebalance primarily brings nerfs to fun builds
>point cap on blessings and perks could be obtrusively low
>open up vermintide for the first time in years
>The first enemy hit always counts as staggered. Deal 20% more damage to staggered enemies. Each hit against a staggered enemy adds another count of stagger. Bonus damage is increased to 40% against enemies afflicted by more than one stagger effect.
>Deal 40% more damage to staggered enemies. Each hit against a staggered enemy adds another count of stagger. Bonus damage is increased to 60% against enemies afflicted by more than one stagger effect.
>close game
>boot up Elden Ring
i just realized both barrels blessing reloads faster than the actual animation. i was waiting for the animation to finish every time. this is way better than i thought
>I don't know why they wouldn't just make those fully deterministic too
They seem to believe that there are meaningful differences in a statline for weapons as if there isn't a perfect 4 good stats 1 dump stat roll for literally everything.
stagger mechanic was the worst thing they ever added to the game and is not even close
>you don't need to delete specialists at all
>until you do
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so they're still a billion years till a playtest?
it's a generation of gay retards raised in a gamified social environment that taught them every fucking word out of their mouth needs to be some quippy little faggot bon mot because they're being scored sentence by sentence on points and nobody's following what's being said for longer than three exchanges, broadly

specifically yeah it's probably that
Ahem. Fuck all Helldiver players, you about to be trounced on in a month by the -real- bug shooter.
>it werked
why the fuck would they compile shaders as the game is running without telling you? There's still some stuttering but it actually runs now, thanks anon.
also good lord the female civvies in this game, my dick
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Wew, new map is actually pretty hard I have to admit. The first 50% of the mission feels like an endless wave of elites and specials on HISTG all on precarious footing or in tight hallways, very tense. The final event actually feels way easier than everything leading up to it, the first event honestly feels like the make or break point of the mission.
still no Tanner upload
After all these updates does thy wrath be swift still make you immune to ranged attack stun?
I've seen so many posts losing their mind over a game nobody's forcing them to play because it dares to do something the fucking witch did in the game that spawned this godforsaken genre.
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Gonna start with Bugs on a desert biome, I'm in the mood for some sand sorry energy weapon enjoyers and then move on to bots.
Helldives, of course.
you should join the lobby >>483620639 if you aren't one of these two other people with me and host.
shout if you wanna join, i'll yeet the randos out after we escape
What game even is this?
more like Tripewire amirite
killing floor 3
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Don't care for the shock mauls or the bolt pistol. Shotgun is fun. Pickaxes good. Map good. 6/10 update
i dont get the point of the maul. seems like a less reliable shovel
Tuna is my nigga
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happy tuna is good tuna
its pretty cool with the entropic blessing and skullcrusher. if they're in the electrified animation from timed block or tazer attack each hit on them gives 4 stacks. just wish timed blocks counted as parries for crusher overheads

Bugs D9
I'll be back in around 10-20 minutes
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tuna lives and dies by the turret
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Is this a tzeentch?
he's seventzeentch and 363 days you sick fuck
>cant get a single Auric group that gets past the first area of any map
So why are all the shitters playing in this difficulty?

update tourists coming back and malice tourists expecting to be carried as usual
He's wearing two masks you moron.
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i haven't been paying attention to darktide for a few weeks are they really going to delete your inventory?
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>mfw getting YON BARREL'd four games in a row by my team in the first section of the new map
ok haha that's enough Darktide for today, ain't no way they weren't cackling to themselves when placing 100 barrels along every inch of ledge leading to the first event, fucking faggot Swedes
owned lol
It's implied in the proposed rework seen here: https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/introduction-to-the-itemization-rework-dev-blog/96314
But there's still a long way until the itemization rework thanks to their endless vacations, so things *MIGHT* not turn out to be what they're currently planning.
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No, but your blessing catalogue becomes irrelevant, but gets turned into free XP for that weapon family
fug, 20 minutes became half an hour and I still need 5.
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new lobby, new capitalist adventures for buddy
>Lasguns are viable again
perfect timing, it was better before the game decided to hang up on joining lobby
thanks will read, Ive been catching up on the patch notes i can't believe power swords got another buff with sunder and I'm going to miss my rending on zealot ranged weapons. being able to shoot through ogryns with every weapon is a welcome change even if it's a bit less immersive. hope the new weapons are fun
always were
Pfffthahaha nice one
mk Ia lasgun is one of the most reliable guns in the game, knifegroid
I just knew you were going to pick the only redeemable one. Should’ve called it.
if I'm reading this right i should go through my 100s of items and pokedex all the blessings? they didn't say anything about what will happen to my items so I'm wondering if i should sell all those in lieu of hoping the conversion process get implemented in a way that benefits having silo'd weapons.
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You really have a hard on for this don't you, peak autism to spam it three threads in a row champ. Guess what? you were and are still wrong. Fatshark changed it we get it. You're still a bitch and wrong about it being intentional lol
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smole indie company of 200 devs and more with U5 experience please understand :((
What did you expect, retard? They said pretty openly what was going to be in the update. They even put out a blog update telling everyone that the itemization wasn't going to be in until later.
You will likely keep the items but only the stat bars are relevant anymore (since you can change everything else at will)
the vox was about the good old plasma gun though
I don't have to, i'm correct. You should post it again next thread, maybe with enough repetition someone will believe you
About what? The thing you said would never be changed was changed. They even said it was always intended to be this way, and not the way you said was intended. What are you right about? Please, tell the class timmy.
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that makes sense, look like you can just upgrade and change everything but having a low dump stat to start will probably save you a bit of mats in the long run. hopefully they get rid of the stupid 80% bar thing unless they are giving you a way to upgrade past 80% this update is see no reason to keep it. i always found it unnecessarily complicated
So before the update, I would quickplay Auric Damnation with my Vet/Psyker and had a roughly 2/3rds win rate.

As of the update, it's down to a 1/5, or 20% win rate.

I'd be the first to admit that I'm an "okay" player, not great, but not bad. However, from my perspective there's a stark difference in general difficulty between the pre-update and post-update game. Most noticeably, I'm dying a lot more to gunners and stalkers, when previously I very rarely was taken down by them. This is particularly noticeably on the new map, where the core synchronization objective frequently has a dozen gunners on hi-intensity shock troop variants, and they can kill a team in seconds if nobody manages them.

Am I insane or has something changed?
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>The thing you said would never be changed was changed
putting words in my mouth huh
>They even said it was always intended to be this way, and not the way you said was intended
still wrong dumbfuck. It's like claiming demolition team was never intended to give teammates grenades, it's just fucking autistic and stupid. This is the company we had to beat weapon stats out of. Do you really think unexplained game mechanics can't exist even when confirmed after discovery? I bet psykers having more than 100% peril is a bug to your dumbass to huh?
lots of people are coming back for the update and they think they're still good enough for aurics

things should get back to normal after a week or sooner when everybody leave again
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>claiming a melee charge that says in the tooltip it boosts a single melee hit was never intended to give you five seconds of ranged rending is like claiming a skill that gives grenades to the entire team and says it gives grenades to the entire team isn't meant to give grenades to the entire team
Fatshark's struggling to pay their employees to the point where they are only allowed to do 1/10th the work (for 1/10th the pay) and THIS is what you're concerned over? New chuddy weapons? Yikes. Majorly.
except it doesn't give grenades to the entire team, do you even play the game anymore or just shitpost? lol whatever see you next thread dumbfuck
sounds like a bug, go report it, they seem to be in the mood to fix long standing broken talents now :^)
We've got space, we had to fill with randoms because only one anon joined
And he lost connection
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bugs 9
it was an intentional nerf and the tooltip was changed to reflect it later than the nerf occurred
dropping 3/4
So how do i even use the steam join lobby links?

Also is the Rockay City one still up, the quick join feature just seems to almost instantly shove me into my own lobby?
copy link, post in browser, it will prompt to open the steam bootstrapper, lobby is up but has two pubs and other guy is host.
just paste them into your browser while having the appropiate game launched
paste into address bar and go, click yes when it asks to allow opening something through steam
paste the link into your web browser, we're in the middle of one, hang on for 5-10 mins
taffel fucked up the stealth when picking one to kick
RIP, at least i see how it works now.
As far as Rockay works is there a kind of chart or guide for what unlocks at what levels or is it just random. Ive gotten to 30 now but havent really gotten any guns or anything and i wanted the damn aug or even just upgraded abilities for my boss.
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new blood, new link
new adventures await, buddy
What I have unlocked in the roguelite campaign are now there for my bosses in multiplayer to purchase.
4/4 we heistin
A few spergs on the forums absolutely seething at the rework. And here I am thinking of making a new character just to see if the starting weapons actually can be brought all the way up to auric level.
>Oh cool we can go wherever we want in smelter now
>Finish one side and start moving to the next
>Caught in a crossfire from 5 snipers, dozens of gunners, flamers, and a bomber
Wild. The fucking Mobians are on the offensive.
I think anyone who is genuinely upset about the implementation fatshark decided on will never be happy with anything and can safely be put in the trash bin. It's literally the athanor from VT2. If you realize that and still whine you're a faggot. This is more or less the best case they could've decided on.
There is one bad aspect here however and that's that the stat spread of weapons is still RNG. That's not that bad though, it just means you roll like 30 weps off brunt until you get the one you want as usual, but then that's it, no more RNG after that.
so why are the recent reviews "mixed" are people extremely disappointed?
think that means people might have some mixed feelings on the game recently
At this point people are just faggots about it. Everyone always asked for the vt2 weaves weapon system forever. They implement it and suddenly it's "wahhh I wish it was RNG I dont wanna grind"
some people unironically need to touch grass. I hate that they're making me defend the swedes
>It's literally the athanor from VT2
I mean yeah, if the athanor had RNG weapon stats and required you to grind up every single weapon you want to use in addition to grinding up essence. So, you know, not the athanor, and still not as good as VT2's system.
I've got plenty of shit to play until november instead of caring what fatshark is saying they're doing. I'll bitch if it gets implemented and sucks.
>and required you to grind up every single weapon
*as in seemingly having to level them up from use, and not just being able to dump a bunch of materials into it
> mean yeah, if the athanor had RNG weapon stats
Literally the caveat I mentioned

> and required you to grind up every single weapon you want to use in addition to grinding up essence.
Yeah turns out the athanor was a little side system you could max out in a day. I don't know why you're surprised they're making it more substantial in a full implementation.
Like let me ask you this, do you WANT to max out all progression in like 2 hours? Why even have it then?
>Like let me ask you this, do you WANT to max out all progression in like 2 hours?
Sure, why not. Then that's sooner I don't need to deal with some dumbfuck system, and I can just play the game and dick around with whatever builds I please whenever I please.
I mean hell, they already got penance shit out the ass they can use for long-term grind stuff. There's really no need to have crafting/weapon shit be a hundreds hour long grind (again)
Speak for yourself then nigger I enjoy progressing through stuff. You can start whinging about "you should be able to like the game on its own merit" and I genuinely do and have like 900 hours with absolutely nothing to grind for left since hour 400 or so. I'll still enjoy progressing through shit and maxing stuff out it pleases my autism and spices up my gameplay. I WANT it to be a grind and it comes with the cool side effect of letting me pick my weapon stats freely.
>Everyone always asked for the vt2 weaves weapon system forever.
i dont play vt2, what is this?
Ok that's nice but the system will still probably suck. Better than what's in the game right now, but that's not saying much.
special timed challenge levels that let you craft more buffs on top of your existing gear that only get used in the special timed challenge levels
you pump xp into a weapon and instead of rolling for perks and blessings you just pick them via the xp you invested
that's it
The Athanor. It was the system for making weapons and such for the Weaves gamemode. You got essence from playing weaves and the normal game, which you could then use to buy and upgrade stuff. You could put whatever trait you wanted on stuff, as well as any combination of properties on your weapons, trinkets and such. It was pretty nice.

the darktide team seem like they're doing (attempting) something similar, but with the usual darktide hallmarks of arbitrary stat caps, RNG stats, and adding more grind.
The system currently is solely absolutely not worth engaging with because it employs layered RNG, which results in being able to brick weapons.
No matter how much they fuck up the numbers, the new system will not have layered RNG. It gets rid of the gacha aspect entirely. You now no longer can brick a weapon.

All I can say is that the factor of bricking a weapon is what completely fucking killed the system for me and made me not touch it for hundreds of hours of gameplay. I am literally using shitty weps with t3 blessings and t2 perks just because I don't wanna touch this dogshit gacha layered RNG shit. This syste mis fantastic even with the caveat of having to click a bunch until you get a good stat weapon. It's comparable to how in VT2, you had to click reroll a ton until you got AS + crit on a red. Annoying but doesn't mechanically change the system plus buy until rating already exists.
why can I not simply put the 15 round magazines of the regular boltgun in the bolt pistol?
>the new system will not have layered RNG
Yeah now it'll just have RNG stats and lots of grinding per weapon, which'll still make it worse than VT2.
deliberate incompatibility due to market segmentation
that's le heresy bro 40K IS FREAKING AWESOME
I mean it's fair enough to say you prefer the way it worked in l4d but that's not the type of game this is so frankly you're being a little bitch about it
L4D doesn't have any kind of system like that, no idea what you're talking about.
>host has left the game
That's my point exactly.
I don't think you have a point, I think you're just upset that somebody is critical of a WiP system that doesn't sound good
join the facking lobby
obviously the point is you aren't allowed to compare a tide game to its predecessors
Typically in lore the bolt pistol is of a smaller caliber.
Well at least they're not trying to unironically defend darktide's current crafting system. The less people like that I'm aware of the better.
they appear to fire exactly the same bolt in this game, they both have the same damage at equivalent stats
The point is that if you don't like deterministic grind and you don't like RNG then the only system that could please you is the l4d system, i.e. neither rng nor progression.
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damn they fixed the axes
I think VT2's base system is "serviceable" (not bad, not great). darktide's upcoming system sounds worse than that, and so I do not like how it sounds. Hopefully they improve/change it before fall, but as it stands right now it doesn't look great.
Fuck is Rockay City and why it only come up recently?
Payday 2 is a game I'd say has a good system. There's no re-rolling, no RNG, no needing to level weapons up. You just buy the gun(s) you want, put the mods you want on them, and you're done. Simple, easy, hassle-free.
czech payday, it's only come up because it came out on steam a week ago.
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>no RNG
except having a limited amount of mods that you need to have drop from an end of mission reward card.
Though honestly, if I'm misinterpreting their info, and you don't need to level up every individual weapon you want to use, then it'll probably be ok. Likely still a bit worse than VT2 what with the greater amount of RNG with weapon stats and stat distribution in darktide vs 2 properties on a red in VT2, but that's be kinda minor at that point.

Continental coins, which you can use to buy weapon mods, have been around since 2016 I think?
czech payday but sovl
And there's also dailies and the offshore payday thing you can use to get weapon mods from, among other things.

Oh and also the system that I think outright prevents mods that you already have 2 or more of from dropping from a mod card, at least until you have 2 of everything already (I think).

None of these things have any bearing the actual process of buying and modding weapons (which has no RNG), but there's systems in place to mitigate or outright eliminate the RNG in obtaining weapon mods.
are you subhumans unironically still pigging out on darktide? you are at the bottom of the abyss and still manage to claw your way down a bit further
VT2 system has the same amount of rng as the future darktide system
You have to level up every weapon "type" but the progress is shared between different MKs,
So leveling an antax combat axe will also level up the Rashad. They also mentioned something about being able to change weapons to different variants.
All in all I'd say depending on the weapon It could probably take anywhere from 4 to 10 hours to fully "master". Hopefully that "boost" they give veteran players is just maxing the tree, but it probably won't be
Lost connection to the rockay game.
>Though honestly, if I'm misinterpreting their info, and you don't need to level up every individual weapon you want to use,
It's per archetype. So you have a progress bar for all combat axes. Plus additionally you'll be able to turn each weapon into any MK whenever you want as part of the system. So you only need to roll the stats for one combat axe once, then get the bar up, and you're set on combat axes forever and can experiment however you want
4th if you're coming back let me know i'll boot the rando
I just wish they did the smart thing and removed randomized weapon stats. They don't do anything once you hit level 30 other than make you waste time buying trash until you get a good base stat roll, then upgrade, then repeat for every weapon in the game.
Even if they made it so you could guaranteed max out all the stats once its mastered, that would at least remove all the RNG and give a reasonable end goal
go for it
>try to play this game whilst listening to music
>embarrass myself getting fucked
damn left 4 dead likes
Trying to come back. steam://joinlobby/2933080/109775244399869823/76561198043806764
Not working.
VT2's RNG, in the actual process of making something (specifically a red), essentially only involves getting 2 properties you want. The darktide system will involve 5 different stats with potentially wildly varying stat %s and stat caps, which I'm pretty sure are going to be competing with perks and blessings (and their tiers) for the...uhh, modding cap? Or whatever they're gonna call it.

If they ever end up adding red weapons that'll presumably also basically stop being an issue like in VT2.
ye a random joined, i'll host a new one
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new adventures continue, buddy
also i can't select a heist and go into chat until our guys are in to avoid pubs

you can automate it with mods in darktide so its better
Does anyone wanna play shittide together....?
AHHHHHHHHHH the servers are so fucking bad right now
make a lobby chuddy
Not until Fall
Fatshid returners edition
Auric maelstrom preferably.
KEK, looking at touchdowns LMG crashed my game and now i crash instantly on joining
you can't handle the power of a god
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>play a mission
>disconnect halfway
>change weapons
>try to upgrade a weapon
>try to go in psykanium
>try to just look at my fucking inventory
>disconnected, then immediately followed by out of memory error
Why do I keep trying to play, the servers are so bad it just randomly fucks me over and drops all my inputs or hits
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I'm hoping whatever blessings they add in the rework, there's at least some fun ones that change how the weapon works. Like the sticky rumbler.
it's your mods
weapon customization mod installed?
it's your meds
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Yeah, I've had as many games with disconnects as games without. I get error 2014.
Fatshark probably tried to reduce their AWS expenses, but the recent player uptick is punishing that.
The worst part is they seem to have changed how the game handles disconnects now. My game freezes completely, cant open the menu or nothing. Not how disconnecting typically looks in a game. Really looks like my game is crashing.
But it's not, next thing I know (after up to 20 seconds frozen) I am back at the character select screen.
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Why can't fatshark just let me fucking put sights on my autoguns
I love shitting on fatshark but that nigger made a mod so poorly coded he needed fatshark's help to optimize and it still crashed your shit. if I were still playing darktide I'd fork his mod from his github but remove the extraneous bullshit to just add sights to guns.
They fucking better, otherwise I'm like to just not do the new grinding
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This isn't Call of Duty.
hunger in the dark
developer was fired for this post
super shotgun is fun but bad
super shotgun is good but not fun
super shotgun is boring but good
why do boltguns have recoil if the bullet/rocket is self-propelled?
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Finally got another clear on the new mission. I'm just going to step away until we get the new update. Between the meh new weapons and all the server issues I don't really see the point playing right now.
Will that actually have an effect if you already have all the blessings?
bolts are two stage
a conventional charge ensures the bolt has high penetration and velocity immediately upon exiting the barrel
a slow burning rocket then maintains velocity and accuracy for a much longer range than a conventional charge alone
it's two stage, it fires like a normal bullet first.
I see
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In warhammer, "rule of cool" always wins.

Double Barrel is both good and fun.
It's honestly pretty hard. Took me 3 attempts to get my first win on it today, HISTG feels like a nonstop wave of elites and specials up to the end of the first event. Cramped and precarious conditions make it pretty tense and the first event seems harder than anything else in the level, it's the real make-or-break point of the mission IMO. Surprisingly the finale event was the easiest part of my win.
if you build bolt pistol with the point blank explosion blessing and the bleed blessing, does the explosion make everything it hits bleed?
I don't know
Tanner will be releasing a video soon about the new patch so we'll find out soon.
Doesn't matter because the explosion sucks dick.
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very nice, but consider the following
It bothered me that Always Prepared can never load both shells. Seeing as I rolled Both Barrels, I almost only use 2 shots at once.
purdy much what I did
>grenade tinkerer, especially with kraks
>catch a breath over get back in the fight
>no iron will
>deadshot over 30% weakpoint damage
>on your toes
2/10, stay out of my aurics
>pickaxe is slow as shit
>shit stagger
>yoink attack doesn't knock over bulwarks
fuck these things
you shit slow?
My shits are very dense so time is slower when I defecate
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btw maul lighting reflex blessing has no cooldown and you can stun multiple enemies within a few seconds
Why do you hate me
the bolt pistol doesn't make any sense, why make the revolver but dogshit
The bolt pistol's machine spirit doesn't like it
What happens if you just spam rightclick when they are trying to hit you?
If you block the hit then they get stunned
bolt pistol is shit, the only hope left is that power greatsword and melta + a fourth zealot talent line will make dorkshite fun again, and none of that will ever exist
I explicitly asked for Revolver 2.0 or at least bolter: not shit edition, not a revolver downgrade with all of the unappealing handling and none of the mag dumping of a full size bolter
>think new mission might be fun
>boot up auric quick play
>get the new mission right away
>complete it without doing any of the objectives first try
>hit 4000 penance score for the funny masks
see you when the item rework is in, not going to bother with the new weapons until then
Good thing I decided to check the thread and the Steam forums before I reinstalled Darkshite. Making a bolt pistol worse than a literal stub revolver is inexcusable. I'm also seeing people saying they nerfed the regular Bolter too. When and why?
bolt pistol should have been the bolter but with very strong head shot multiplier, much better handling but half the mag and no full auto, would have been a nice niche where you had an ok handling weapons that could actually deal with a few crushers with head shots but it suffered a bit compared to the revolver for special deletion
It should just be better than the revolver.
I for one am glad the bolt pistol is shit so I don't need to give up the revolver for some clunky roblox gun.
they nerfed charge crit memes

but i'm glad the bolt pistol sucks because i think it's funny how bad fartshart sucks at fanwank
I'm glad that the bolt pistol sucks because it accentuates my superiority as staff psyker
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the death of roid rage will forever haunt me for that game mode
>people in the year of our lord 2024 still thinking the boltgun is bad
stay in malice please.
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roid rage's death just after michael rooker's corny ass line delivery just makes it so much better
tell you what, I'll stay off darktide entirely, game's a fucking snooze designed to sell chinese sweatshop 3d models to the same kind of people who buy unpainted plastic for $150

enjoy the decline to 1k daily players next week
I think like the pickaxes
I've been using the brute brainer pooper scooper (non-flipping shovel) for a very long time
the special -> heavy does shitton of damage
Mk 3 shovel is shit
you'r'e' shit'
No. Your're are a shit
if you havent even gotten to the point where you realize how fucking good the boltgun is at the highest levels of play, then you're just a salty butthurt faggot thats probably just upset that he cant get carried anymore
Game is finally coming to PS5 ?
Why are you so terrified of crushers?
They could be here
In 2 more weeks. Perchance.
>LOD first person weapon model bug still in game
My fault for not having 2 4090s.
>final console port soon
>itemization will fix everything
I see the light at the end of the tunnel. This time next year Fatshark will be ready to enter full production mode.
this game looks kinda fun, but those characters look annoying
Aren't they going to still be on their vacations in 2 weeks?
the enemies or the playables?
They wanted to include Genestealers, Skitarii class and rad weapons and recorded marketing material and voicelines hinting at them in an advance. Then they failed at actually creating them, but still released already created marketing material.
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>Like let me ask you this, do you WANT to max out all progression in like 2 hours? Why even have it then
Yes, this is explicitly what I want
I want progression system gone completely. I want to have maxed out weapons, which traits I can change for free, instantly and at whim
Progression system doesn't belong in game like this, it's not an rpg. At best it should be tied to cosmetics only
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there are 25 unique characters and 53 main character skins, they have their own appearance and voice too, but a few of the skins reuse the same voices
It's a good new, right ?
>25 unique characters
that sounds troubling, is it quantity over quality?
Yes, the full production of their Unreal Engine extraction PvPvE shooter, coming out 2026 (unfinished)
I dunno, I always liked the Mk3
i guess I just prefer the special punch stagger and got used to the combos
does the shock maul special attack count as stagger?
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some good, some bad. Most of them are canonically muscles for your gang so they can be varied.
you can hear some of the lines here
>even more consolecucks hoping to get carried
Good news for fartshit shareholders at most.
I just read the itemization rework post bros
this is so grim, Id genuinely rather have the garbage RNG trait system we have right now than a fucking shitty exp grind
>I have to grind mastery with a shitstick weapon for god knows how long till im capable of putting good passives and blessings on it whenever I want to try a new weapon out
Don't forget you have to hope that it rolled good max potential stats.
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burstin' makes me feel good
While the shift to minimal RNG is appreciated, it sounds like a trojan horse for yet another cheap padding player retention method with the doubled downside that you're stuck playing with crap weapons like you're leveling a new character every time you try something new. It's sad that the community at large isn't seeing this or has enough misplaced faith in Fatshark they think it won't matter. If they insisted on this carrot on a stick mastery track idea I'd prefer if it were some kind of per weapon prestige system that offers cosmetics instead of affecting gameplay. Just rip off DRG again.
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>join random pub game
>I found a lost loot backpack
>host is a niggerfaggot and refuses to stop speedrunning/zooming and kicks me for telling him to get the loot
The stat RNG would be less of a big deal if the range of stat totals wasn't as wide as 300-380. If Brunt's shit is sold with a range of something like 350-380 at level 30, it's be much cheaper and faster to build a good weapon.
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>not cheating in all the overclocks and cosmetics in the ONE game that lets you do that and just focus on the gameplay
hopping on immediately. this better be good. you better be speaking right
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its up. thatll be 40 dollars plus tip, please
The stagger is worthless now and until recently the mk 5 could kill 4 crushers in one hit while also having better horde clear and toughness regen

There is literally no reason to stick to the old shovel
Fatshark deserves a reward for a job well done fixing crafting.
psyker coat is nice
My trough overfloweth
each skin costs me 17 CAD minus trudeau tax
Good. Fuck canadians
>It's another instance of 7 chargers and a nurgle's beast at the beggining of the level
For the love of god this is proof that fatshark designs their maps with only poxwalkers on mind
we HORZINE now
Okat Fatshark, here's the deal. If you fix the error 2014 disconnects every hour, I'll buy the psyker one.
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Vet and Zealot too bulky, don't like em. Psyker and Ogryn OK.
the real treasure in this rotation are the weapon skins
deep dive soon bwos
Almost feel like oinking for the 'gryn set
>focus on gameplay
>run and shoot bugs with slightly different flavors across all 4 classes with little to no distinction between their gameplay
That's a funny one anon. Wake me up when we get a 5th class that mixes Tower Defense/RTS micromanagement autism together so there's something to do other than run and gun.
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if you're a modded player and you are getting large stalls or freezes, follow this setting change
It won't matter.
The bar for non-shitter is Damnation with a grey.
Do stay out of Aurics and Maelstroms though, be polite.
Sweden good?
finally some good sloppa worth spending neetbux on
dead thread
post some fahkin lobbies
They just had to ruin almost every new weapon skin with jarring details. Wtf is that retarded glow in the dark skull on the revolver? Was it to hard to make it silver at least? Why that cool axe has a white handle? Fuck you cunts, not buying anything.
cheaters btfo
what are you talking about
>we have space marines at home
What's so hard to get, brownoid?
>Even steam forums are shitting on the Dorktide update
How do you even make a game so bad people with literally no standards don't like it
A normal person would post an example. Not ramble off into the void.
Sl*vs don't know how to screnshot
your typing style makes it so obvious you're a third worlder
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I wasn't aking your dumbfuck opinion, I'm just screaming into chinkoid asset sweatshop void.
well you're wrong AND stupid
>The new cosmetics are shit I've been using for over a year now because of the weapon customization mod
Holy fuck this game really is still in early access
Keep seething, Durgesh.
kek he's trying so hard to fit in
you're the one screeching about some nonissue like a retard. go figure you also go around projecting your brownness onto others.
I'm testing out heavy right now and I'm finding you can hit the Crusher OHK with just a level 3 Thrust instead of a full charge+thrust (saves about 40% of the swing speed)
pikax gud????
Why does it rile you up tho? It's literally none of your buisness, keep walking.
aren't you the one riled up?
go take a look in the mirror
snowniggers had one job that was to not fuck up the highly anticipated Bolt Pistol, yet they can't help themselves
Yeah, by why do you care?
Learn to capitalise and use punctuation, shitskin.
hey, if you want to be left alone to fume about dumb shit that you're wrong about, how about you don't post it on a public message board, dipshit? shitting on the streets runs in your blood or what?
I'm not wrong tho. Can't be wrong in the matters of personal taste.
>how about you don't post it on a public message board
Make me, bitch.
>can't even provide an example
if you were any less of a moody faggot I'd possibly be agreeing with you right now. but you're just an antagonistic shithead and that's that. keep acting up in public spaces and people will keep pointing it out, end of story.
>Can't be wrong in the matters of personal taste.
Wrong. Only people with bad taste repeat that lie
oooh they're palanite enforcers
another class we'll never get because it got released as cosmetics
>Helldivers porno parody game is advertised here
Bros we are so back!
>unironically complaining about complaing
You've bevome what you hate.
>nooo post a screeny so i can give my usolicited shit take
That's why I didn't. Because I don't care about your opinion, bubby. Just make peace with that fact, although I would miss you working so hard to try scoring a gotcha.
>basic bitch yellow dude with an autogun
>1 (one) burst deletes 70% of my toughness
Dregs do extra toughness damage
Scabs do extra health damage
? what is that? I've got ad blockers
Join the GIRLDIVERS, humanity's last line of offense against an overwhelming alien menace. Command sexy girl soldiers in a rich campaign full of randomly generated challenges, unforgiving enemies, sci-fi gadgets, and heavy firepower. Engaging in lewd punishments and rewards along the way.
This seems like a neat idea if they toned down the coom a tiny bit.
Pass on the armor, but that shield is tempting.
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>ogryn finally gets a 2hander after all this time
>its worse than the shovel on all fronts
is aight
what the fuck is wrong with all the face designs like everything is super serious then you give everyoen goofy cartoon fortnite heads
I don't like progression in coop games, period. It only servies as a barrier to the fun stuff. I have way more fun now that I'm level 30 and have all the guns with the right blessings.
Nothing will power creep the folding pooper scooper
That soldier should be dead.
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yeah just stand right under a 30mm cannon
that won't concuss the fuck out of you
What better weapon to fight off the god of shit than a shit shovel?
>next update gives us a plunger and a toilet brush
quake in fear, captain wolfer
Is there a way to unlock the boss enemies in the Psykanium?
I want to test the supershotgun as an anti-boss weapon
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>tried the bolt pistol
Who made this? It's impossible to hit anything because the sight is atrocious, canted to the side, it kicks like a mule and the damage is worse than the revolver
The dinky old revolver stands at the top of the food chain of futuristic weapons. We've been over this. Take some plasma gun pills in the meanwhile, they will help.
Janny servitor will be the 5th class, the heretics will fall before his decontamination protocols
It's hilarious how horrible most guns in this game feel, even when the damage is completely fine like the helbore, the sights alone make them not worth playing at all.
I refuse to play with most guns for this reason, I don't know how fatshark manages to make all of the sights so aggressively bad in darktide, but they've honed it down to an artform to make the weapon as unusable as possible.
Swedes, who hate you and hate work.
>you don't get it bro that shit handling and having to dump an entire mag to kill two crushers makes it amazing stay out of my aurics I LOVE waiting two entire seconds to switch to my ranged weapon
Fuck off niggerpots, bolter sucks no matter how much you cope.
>crusher does phat unyielding damage
>maul does fuck all unyielding damage
Le sigh
The sights issue would be less of a problem if they had a functional weapon customization system from the get-go and not having to rely on memory leaking, bloated mods.
Thirdies malding over EDF prices.
Does anybody else even play those?
Whoops wrong tab, sorry.
Yeah, they're pretty good Helldiver-likes.
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What was his problem?
Biggest turnoff to me is the cumbersome weapon handling and long ass winded reload times. Who the fuck enjoys shooting twenty bullets and needing five seconds to reload that pea shooter? Fuck off.
I have absolut shit FPS since the update. I run a 4070 and Ryzen 7 5800x.
DLSS performance, fog low, RT off, rest set on High. What else i can optimize? Do i use the AMD fidelity and Intel stuff as well or these specific for AMD/intel hardware?
decrease resolution
update your drivers
don't use AMD options for nvidia hardware
which game, anon? we discuss many games here.
ofc sorry. Darktide
he saw the cacaposters
>Take knife
>I am speed
Holy fuck i forgot how busted knife was. Might use it on Vet and Psyker as well just for the speed.
weird. i have a 4070 and 5600x and nothing has changed much besides more disconnects. tho i will say it ran better before i turned on mods again
just a play a couple games for the shaders to rebuild
Stay out of my aurics
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the dirtiest of bulks
Tell you what, I like doing the meme aurics, the lights out and the nurgle gas. All that. You can stay out of mine :)
I quickplay. I don't care about the modifier, i know i'll carry no matter what
TLDR on new crafting? better or worse
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>Roll for base stats + high potential stats + grind to unlock blessings + grind to unlock mastery points to allocate perks and blessings
I have not played shopclick in a long time, has anything changed at all that would justify coming back?
I mean, have they added some legendary item drops or something unique to the game that buffs the gameplay or something like that or is it just clicking the shop buttons to try the slot machine on good upgrades?
Nope. It was a pretty big disappointment
Nothing has changed
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Back to dota 2 I guess.
No but you might wanna consider coming back now if you ever want to enjoy the game ever again because the itemization rework coming up looks absolutely dreadful and likely will make the game even worse forever
at this point the VIIIa recon lasgun has around 10% lower DPS than the columnus V but 2.5-3 times as much total damage per magazine
So what you're saying is that they're going to nerf it again.
actual 40k weapons cannot be allowed to compete with darktide's hobocore
You mean the Mk VII (the heavy variant)? What blessings do you run on it? Headhunter + infernus meme like the Mk VId?
>it sounds like a trojan horse for yet another cheap padding player retention method with the doubled downside that you're stuck playing with crap weapons like you're leveling a new character every time you try something new
It's exactly what it is. A new system, arguably worse than the old, where they can bambuzzle the drooling retards into thinking that new system is better than old system.

Somewhere in an office a Swede is SEETHING that Vermintide 2's veteran players without their thousands of hours of playtime just used their stock of resources to roll PRECISELY the scythe that they wanted to playtest within minutes of buying Sienna's necromancer DLC. They want that new content to mean hours of grind before getting to try a weapon to something approximating its max potential. The irony that their greed is strangling the playerbase before such a veteran playerbase can entrench itself is lost on them.
The expectations were low and somehow fatshark has managed to disappoint even the piggy bootlicker forum players.
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And then it's done! And you can do whatever, whenever!
no, I meant the VId
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you would think with the game that clearly not getting new player, they would just player do whatever the fuck they want
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I guess they have completely given up on their product and are satisfied with the people from consoles that sign those monthly subscription packages which includes their game as well.
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catposters keep moving
this is a rat general
The forum players shit more on fatshark than the reddit and /coopg/.

The true bootlickers are reddit and the trannies at discord. Those things are mentally unhinged and broken.
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/an/ coming though
I do not like this cat, anon. Its smug aura mocks me.
he enjoys singing too much.
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>When viewing any weapon, it will show the weapon’s maximum potential stats. These stats will be randomly determined. It’s up to the players to decide if the weapon profile is interesting enough for them to commit and increase the stats until reaching this potential (which are then applied to the weapon through the Expertise system).
so is the weapon stat still random from the get go or is it increase randomly when crafting??? What the fuck are they even saying
You still have to roll random statted weapon which you can then spend mats to improve
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here come the cat trannies
why'd he do it bwos?
>release shotgun skin
>doesnt work for the new one
cats aren't smart. their aloof, often borderline-psycopathic behaviour, makes them seem smart, but they're not
their innate athletic ability makes them a lot less fearful of jumping off of and climbing onto whatever the fuck is around than they should be
animals also aren't good at adapting to the perfectly sheer and smooth materials that a lot of human structures are made of
in short: the cat thought "nah, I'd win(he didn't)"
>first auric storm is walk in the park
>second run in the same map is endless rager spam
why is this keep happening
Alright for the 3 people still playing Darktide in here, what am i to make of the current changes? Howre Vet and Zealot doing
weapon has random base stats
weapon also has random full potential stats

Enjoy your shopclicking.
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>cats aren't smart. their aloof, often borderline-psycopathic behaviour, makes them seem smart, but they're not
their innate athletic ability makes them a lot less fearful of jumping off of and climbing onto whatever the fuck is around than they should be
animals also aren't good at adapting to the perfectly sheer and smooth materials that a lot of human structures are made of
in short: the cat thought "nah, I'd win(he didn't)"
At least the weapons we already spent hundreds of hours shopclicking god rolls on will have god rolled potential stats too. Right?
>Vet with columnus V
>unloads in to everything he sees
>always out of ammo
>always eats ammo packs even though the ogryns are also always out
>keeps spamming the "need ammo" voicelines
>barely get through each area, whole team constantly on death's door
>decides to pick up a grim
Alright which one of you was it? I'm not mad, I just want you to make yourself known so I can punish you
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>no one has problem with verminkike equipment
>let just make crafting as convoluted and annoying as possible for darksisters
Lmao, I can't get over that chibi bobblehead "tough trooper" armor.
>"people" buy this
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Lads.... I don't feel so good...
Nice cybersnout piggy!
Veteran, still the best class.
Zealot, no reason to use except for thunder hammer memes
Basically nothing changed. Recon lasguns are back and Sunder was buffed.
Dumpstered. Crit builds that aren't using the knife got nerfed and charge doesn't make guns ignore armor anymore.
the very best of imperial cybernetics
you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
How do they eat?
The Zealot has been gutted.
>get kill 1000 dregs with ranged weekly
Yep, I'm thinking it's columnus into hordes time.
Slop injections from the cybertrough
There are some pretty serious bootlickers on the forums. There is one in particular who is the only person in history that I've ever bothered to mute on a forum because I was just so damn tired of smelling the scent of fatshark's knob on his breath.

He replied to a few of my criticisms of the new itemization system. No clue what he said. He probably praised it as being too generous for us or something though.
The stats are still random. Except instead of just having your random stats, you now need to grind to unlock you random stats.
very carefully
accatran VI might be better for that use case
Most likely some passive agressive remarks directed at you personally, I know those brownoser types. Elite Dangerous forums were crawling with them back in the day.
You have a pre-determined maximum potential. The part where you roll off brunt with buy until rating until you get the equivalent of a 370+ does not change.
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>Adeptus Arbites as a skin and not a class
the fuck will happen with picrel then?
I'm still fucking salty that the DADS were so in lockstep with the VISION. Still salty that they're the reason it takes days to transfer equipment from point A to point B across any noteworthy distance.

I still play ED every now and then since it's comfy floating about in space. That reminds me I need to mine some platinum or something this summer to pay the mortgage on my fleet carrier.
It's currently being sold as a skin for Ogryn shield.
>see someone pick up grim
>see them get dogged/trapped/down
>did not see them get dogged/trapped/down
>grim is gone
it's simple
Is ED worth getting into nowadays?
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did the update reset custom set worker threads?
if so can you remind me the file position to set them back?
This but I barrel them too
Why does DT feel like it offers so little challenge compared to VT2?
IMO it's like the space version of eurotrucker. Flying the ships around in their sandbox feels "comfy."
>Recons are back
i feel like im being lied to, surely that couldnt be right?
Hows Plasma gun? and especially, the double barrel shotgun
SURELY they didnt fuck it up, right?
Man. Just, man.
darktide is 50/50 melee/ranged gameplay
ranged has less inputs
ratclick is mostly melee gameplay
melee has more inputs
70% of the challenge in VT2 is accounting for taking phantom hits
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Recon lasguns have similar damage per second to IAGs(which were nerfed) now, mag capacity is significantly larger than IAGs.
>Hows Plasma gun?
Good and old.
>the double barrel shotgun
One of the most fun additions this patch actually.
Vermintide has you using all of your tools more and is a little more engaging on that front. dodging doesn't stifle stamina, so pushing and blocking is more available, and defensive moves are more fluid and consistent. temp hp has more give and take, and lets you push a little harder when things get harder. With a melee focus the enemies are mostly trying to surround you, which again promotes more consistent in combat reactivity.

Darktide is more focused on direct positioning than in combat maneuvering. You're either in a position to win or you're eating heavy damage. Toughness offers a much stronger buffer to weather most encounters which makes everyone feel like an ironbreaker, but very little recovery to regain ground during the heavy and hard times. Also with the higher ranged focus, it's less moving around enemies trying to surround you and more avoiding the ranged killzones until you're ready to deal with it.

Vermintide wants you to live
Darktide wants you to not die
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Yeah, i just oinked big time
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Darktide feels like the VT2 wigglemancer+AK47 hunstmen mememeta except its the intended way to play.
>space version of eurotrucker
That doesn't sound too bad, will try it out. Asteroid mining looked interesting too
Will you motherfuckers stop talking about how bad darktide is, and start posting lobbies?
how would you even post a darktide lobby
Darktide being 50/50 melee/ranged was probably the biggest thing to learn or unlearn if you were coming from vermintide. The shooter mooks WILL fuck you if you don't shoot them first, and are playing like you would vermintide.
Lobbies in general, any game
Also you could just post your FS code and let people join your strike team directly
I actually wanted to buy something but only ended up getting the Bolt Pistol cosmetic.
finally the ball gag cosmetic
How to utilize the double barrel? I feel like a gimped retard when I pick it. The older shotguns had good range, but this one leaves me powerless against snipers and bombers and groups of shooters and gunners. Is it mainly for those stealthy knife runners?
genuinely the coolest most 40k cosmetic yet
could I get a rundown on current pyromancer ? Apparently she can perma crit now ?
how does he eat? Does it open like a lid? Does it come with a servitor bird that vomits in your mouth?
but does it RAPE
does it actually KILL anything except for the rank and file shit
Basically a human sized Kickback, but with worse range, so you can only really run around blasting ragers/shotgunners point blank and at most knocking over or suppressing gunners more than 15m away.
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>worst part stay the same
No men it cannot kill any crusher it worthless .
Who gives a shit about crushers? literally the smallest threat in the whole game
im talking about fucking SCAB Ragers and MAULERS and shit
dont you have to add people to play?
No, you type in the code, and it shows a "join strike team" option, the host must accept your request
I am considering getting the chestplate for ogryn and calling it there.
It can definitely oneshot most specials/elites in a twin blast within 5m except ogryns and muties. It's a weapon that forces and rewards you for being aggressive, so you can use it with stealth to delete a few gunners point blank, or use it as a crowd control tool to open up a mixed horde by clearing out a couple ragers.
In theory, it should also be decent against bosses with Full Bore and Flechette.

It can be a fun weapon if you like playing aggressive and being up in elites' faces all the time.
I oinked for the ogryn shield, father.
I wouldn't call it the worst part. It's annoying, but the worst part is that with the current system, you then go ahead and put 3 shitty rolls on it and then you can throw it away and start over.
Atleast with the new system you'll just do it once and be done
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I piggered the enforcer shield, the shock maul skin, the ogryn full set AND the fucked up mouthpiece
Can you post the ogryn full set please? I can't reinstall the game yet because of elden rang and disk space
what are you some kind of bitcoin millionaire?
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riddle me this, the new shotty has two stats that determine damage to the same type, do I take the average? do I ask a diviner? the fuck obese fish
I piggered the vet, zealot, psyker, ogryn, axe, shield, bolt pistol skins
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anything for you babe
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holy shit the absolute state of you
How's the view through the little window when blocking compared to the default shield?
Much worse thanks to those cracks, but I don't hold block on it that often.
spend million to get 100 piece of shits is pretty bad
Huh, I actually like that. Shame I don't play my Ogryn much to warrant a purchase.
I don't see the point of piggying for something you can't see in first person
I don't see the point in piggying for something that looks like an edgelord's bionicle fanart.
lol it does look like that
looks way better than the human set for what it's worth
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Holy shit the first event on the new map is so fucking dumb, go there, click and hold, go back to platform, click and hold, repeat.
And yet most groups are fuckin retards scattering all over the room and getting picked one by one
Yeah its weird. Its like suddenly nobody knows how to play. Same for the finale.
Dig in to the slop little piglet. The swedes will happily take your hard earned money.
what blessings do i want to be running on the pickaxe?
efficiency, fortune, unbreaking
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Bring back the knight ogryn set, cowards.
>Snoys will get a million oinkbux for joining
Thanks for beta testing PCucks
Ah shit that's what I was afraid of. I don't hold block often either but I find it very useful when looking for snipers to tag.
>Spent a year+ reinventing the wheel
>This is the result
What the fuck fatshark, just add red weapons already, saves you dev time and it makes everyone happy. Keep the meme tier mastery or whatever system so people can add whatever they want to their weapons after grinding with it. Now you have " earned " progression that isn't rng and it satifies most people.
>It's another "Join into a fail screen because retards can't wait 20 seconds" episode
guarantee you they'll do some cute shit and try to hide reds in the update as an epic ARG type of thing (and it'll get datamined instantly ruining the point)
my mouse keeps disappearing
Get the Enforcer Ogryn set and become a city knight
sick, i kept playing Vet like it was VT2 anyways
they'll make a teaser all but confirming reds and then have a CM spamming everyone with
>just the good old oranges
ask the cat
A lot of pubs suffer from headless chicken syndrome this mission and run off trying to do the objectives alone while half the team tunnel vision into fighting the endless hordes.
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can ogryns have sex with normal human female ?
If you get to the blinky rods quickly you don't have to go back to platform until the end.
>male professional veteran
>male fanatic zealot
>female savant psyker
>any ogryn who cares

if you don't do this yo uare a turbofaggot and I'm pegging you tonight
>thought about buying the ogryn skin but I don't use the shield
>realized I'll be wearing this super fancy armor but still using this fucking pipe I found on the ground as a weapon
Should I give up backstab cooldowns on Zealot for a shitload of damage to monstrosities?
Both felt pretty great when I tested them
Backstab CDR really isn't necessary when you have crit CDR, Infested and Unyielding damage is better in that build IMO
You, in my room, tonight.
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running picrel
sorry i cant ive gotta watch footie with the boys
It's nice seeing large chuncks of a bosses' hp evaporate, but I also proc that backstab CD a lot...
niggerball or burgerball?
I almost never make a Zealot build without Purge the Unclean, 20% damage against some of the most common enemies and also the beefiest enemies is really quite a lot.
foot fetish pornography
Shit, u prob rite. I gotta play it some more and get a better feel I think
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Not even an euro match today...Double gay, triple gay even...
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That's the worst it gets in the Psykhanium lighting.
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you guys block with the shield?
I block-push with the shield sometimes, yes.
there's an Australian rules football match today
oh god oh jeez I'm so sorry, you're already suffering enough
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Psyker once again feels like it got the short end of the stick this update. None of the new weapons feel particularly good on it. Just give me a new staff please Fatshark, the same 4 since launch (even if they did get redesigned and/or buffed) is so stale.
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Too hot to play...
zealot just got reduced to the worst class in the game, so I'm not sure what the bubble bitches have to complain about
>the melee class' ability to affect guns has been removed
>thus the melee class has become the worst class
I think we need to think about this more.
It's still a beast class and the new weapons are good on it, what are you crying about? Oh no you can't press charge and instantly obliterate a Crusher pack with your gun, I guess you actually have to melee them now, the horror.
If you're talking about the bugged charge, then boo hoo get over it. If you're talking about the crit cdr change then yeah, sucks for everyone not running knife(Already top tier got hit the least with this nerf/bugfix)
Not too bad, might get it myself honestly. Tried one of the other shield skins earlier with the mod and it had these horrible steel bars that obscured the vision a fuckton.

Yes, whenever I'm looking for untagged snipers while getting shot at by gunners
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game crashes like a motherfucker post update, even with weapon customization off, truly the pakis at fatshark have reached a new low in coding
another day, another proof most people here are turbo shitters
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ah i didn't see it thank you
will wait for the patch, don't want to mess up any file stuff
Hey, back when people were complaining that zealot was weak against crushers/bulwarks the only answer this place gave was "just use chastise with a gun and shoot them, lmao"

Now you get to reap the consequences of taking something so obviously going to be patched out for granted.
Yeah it was super fun, and now that fun is gone.
Also recharging your F by critting a blob was fun. Until they removed it after being part of the game for 20 months or whatever. I've played this for so long my brain has developed circuits for it, it's in my muscle memory. Now it feels like the game isn't working, but for some reason they want it to be like this. Removing fun piece by piece.
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Either certain ranged options are too strong or a hard counter versus the dangerous targets, or the melee class does not have the innate tools to make dealing with those targets viable in melee.

You want my three cents? Zealot should have a talent or pass-by upgrade nodes that increase his block efficiency by a lot. Maybe a talent that is triggered by closely timed blocks like on the new mauls but as a universal effect, that lets them cleanly block and stagger even Crusher overheads.
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or just give him power greatsword
or just give him melta
but we can't do that, we have to make those part of a paid class in 2026 once we're finally done making the next gen console ports
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>Until they removed it after being part of the game for 20 months or whatever.
look forward to more changes as the new combat lead tries to prove he's just as good as his predecessor.
When did all these reddit faggots fill up /copeg/? Justifying obesefish removing fun, saying an obviously grindier crafting system that still has RNG is somehow going to be good, even straight up linking a fucking reddit thread, any negativity near instantly gets a reply that calls the anon an entitled piece of shit. Not to mention the unironic paypigs. What the hell is wrong with you?
He's doing his penance, anon. Leave him alone.
>reap the consequences of taking something so obviously going to be patched out for granted.
wtf are you talking about fatshark did it on their own accord. It's not our fault. Consequences my ass
>or give him only one meta weapon option
>or give melee class a big ranged weapon
You think
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the emperor provides
>Game just crashed again in the middle of a horde
Fuck it. Turning mods off
>or give him at least one fun weapon
>melee class
what's ogryn then? is it a gun class? a melee class? what's with vet's melee tree?
What did they mean by this?
if 25% of my group isnt contributing to the game in an auric mission for "muh penance" that would be even worse. instead he genuinely thinks it does damage and is helpful because he doesnt have scoreboard installed
just get good instead of complaining the game got too hard for you.
Deal with it. He's inflating YOUR score. Kill the stunned walkers and be on your merry way. If he's a retard that keeps going down then kick him.
We all rib Fatshark here but at the end of the day, they make damn good games. That's why people feel like supporting them when they actually put out a patch. You shouldn't take the shitposting in these threads too seriously. Just bought 10k aquilas myself btw.
>darktide had another shit update
>helldivers is going to have another gimped warbond (that still costs 1000sc) in a couple weeks and this trend will only continue
Dwarfbros, we won.
what weapons on zealot are you even struggling to kill armor with? just the swords?
i think pretty much all of the warbonds have been lacklustre. illuminate should be dropping soon though, hopefully this summer
I assume it's HEABY SORD ONLYfags who are crying the hardest since while it is a great weapon, it does really suck vs Maulers and Crushers. Meanwhile I'm still facefucking them with my chaxe and the new mauls feel pretty good too.
>hopefully this summer
anon, you do know arrowhead is swedish right?
Heavy sword is amazing until you hit crushers. Back to bolters I go.
yeah, but they dont seem to suffer from fatshark's management issues. theyve been dropping content at a pretty high pace since launch. buggy content yeah, but still doing work nonetheless.
i fully expect half the game to break and there will be 25 new bugs when they do drop illuminate though. i only play like 5 hours a week anymore so i dont really care enough to get my panties in a bunch
I just don't expect them to release anything in the months of july, august, december or january
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>Little mini event about killing shit with the new weapons for currency
>Literally no way to see progress anywhere I can find
Aight, I wanted to go back to my shovel anyway
zealot wasn't nerfed, it's as good as before
If fartshart were based, we'd have a bolter pattern after the retro bolters.
Zealot should at least get a plasma pistol (windup, medium range, medium cleave, can charge to create an explosion on impact) and melta pistol (short range, high cleave) as anti armor ranged options, but we unfortunately don't live in an ideal world.
oh right, they have a vacation thing then huh? i forgot about that, maybe youre right then.
r u dumb
Press tab in the hub dummy.
>darktide had another shit update
Recent reviews are now down to 61%. Maybe it'll even get as low as the penance update got (59%)
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Hold Tab, press E
>buy 50 guns
>5 are useable
>bad perk
>bad blessing
>bad perk
>bad blessing
>bad perk
>bad blessing
>bad perk
>bad blessing
>bad perk
>bad blessing
>bad perk
>bad blessing
>bad perk
>bad blessing
>bad perk
>bad blessing
>bad perk
>bad blessing
>bad perk
>bad blessing
Welp, better go get more dockets

I fucking hate the retard who came up with this shit
thoughts on the upcoming itemization rework?
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oh no
With this crafting update, Darktide will finally be out of beta.
I remember when people were saying that the itemization update was going to be crafting overhaul that would save Darktide.
>should we fix EVERYTHING wrong with stats and crafting?
>no, only part of it, leave the RNG stats that don't go to 100 in
>should we add reds then, or at least tease them, to alleviate fears that we're not fixing anything at all?
reds are likely a "secret" add for it
consider that weapons can hit 550 now but with the new system its 500
Doesn't sound particularly promising, but it'll probably be better than the current system...Not that that would be difficult to do.
I'll give a shit when it comes out, there's 5 months for the truth to change
No unless you have one of those chicks that can stuff a 2 litre up her hole then maybe?
It will probably be much less frustrating overall. I wish they would remove the RNG of statlines completely but they are married to the stupid idea that there are meaningful differences in RNG stats instead of there being an objective best 80/80/80/80/60 perfect roll for everything. Full control over perks and blessings is good even if it obviously should have been implemented fucking forever ago. Mastery grind will be a minor annoyance for veteran players probably but I get that they don't want to just have the whole system unlocked immediately for them.
>having the least damage done and most damage taken is good actually
cope retard
>let's make it so you need to grind with a shit version of your weapon for who knows how long while still leaving RNG in for the stat rolls
>and you won't be able to have all tier 4 perks and blessings on a weapon because we'll add a point cap
>oh but we're finally removing locks so you better buy this week's slop!
>ugh why can't I just remove all enemies with my braced auto
>ugh why do I have to play the game to unlock weapon masteries
you are the faggot
Still missing at least 3 major boss fights.
>If he's a retard that keeps going down then kick him
Please read it all, thanks.
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Sorry anon but the real winner here is the Boys in Blue. Consider your weekend plans cancelled for this comeback.
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Hot take but I'm glad they don't have more bosses, named boss fights have never been Fatshark's strong suit. All of Vermintide 2's boss fights sucked complete ass for ages and had to go through many iterations to become tolerable and not a near-guaranteed wipe event, except now most of them are just jokes that you bowl over in a second.
>release Halescourge with nigh-undodgeable booger ghosts that would chunk you for 60% of your health
>release Skarrik with insane reach ghost-hit sweeps
>release Skittergate final boss, specifically Deathrattler, was so ridiculous people infamously would all just jump off the map at the beginning if quickplayed into it
>Nurgloth the Assfucker
Yeah yeah, git gud sure, but those fights were all fucking cancer.
Comfy night auric darktide, you dont have to add me just join the strike team:

tanner go to bed
Deathrattler wasn't the reason that people jumped off the cliff on skippergate. If anything people wiped on the rasknitt phase since his teleportation and the add spam makes it hard to solo carry a trio of retards. But the reason everyone skipped skippergate was because we didn't have red dust yet, so we needed to spam crates to get the reds that we wanted and skippergate had terrible loot economy because it was 3x longer than the average mission. The fact that it was also full of monster fights that shitters could fumble to didn't help things when pugging into the map.
when the patchnotes start with known problems you know a game is beyond fucked.
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The new shotgun is so satisfying to use
The sound design is incredible
A billion times better than the older shotungs that sound like airsoft guns or something
I wish they would'nt nerf it
Does anyone know anything about how Darktide's melee combat is coded? Its the only game I've played with satisfying first person melee and I'm curious if it could be ported to a newer engine than Stingray.
jazz and blues
From those screenshots, its a separate dev build of the game.
Some people were saying they leaked cross-access of class specific weapons (dueling sword on vet) but its more likely whatever test build they're running is just different for testing purposes.
Basically what it really looks like after everyone chimped is they're adding weapon-specific battle passes that basically end with everything being the same as it is right now, but you can spend resources to change your perks and blessings without being locked out after 2 changes.
TL;DR: Its a tiny change disguised as a big update, and the only real change coming is that you can change a MKIII to a MKVII variant at will

It's fucking nothing and they're delaying it for 5 months
how do i make it good, it's only ever serviceable in melee range and at that point I whip out my eviscerator making it pointless

trying it out made me want to use it on myself mostly
swedish jews
imagine being a studio with 26 years of history and failing to launch a DLC on the same day some japanese indie studio dumps a 20GB content patch for their early access pokemon knockoff, both using the same engine.
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rockay rules
>summer sale
>its almost the same price as rockay
>server issues because of course
I don't see this bouncing back at all
I do not like the new map at all.
I don't like the bolt pistol at all
It's good on the veteran especially if you run Agile Engagement and/or Weapon Specialist because it's effectively another melee weapon you can use to delete anything short of a Crusher or Bulwark and make space. I don't find it as good on Zealot especially after the charge nerf, and spamming the twin shot gets very ammo intensive if you don't have the ammo aura in your team.
I haven't played the new update at all
Then play it!
yeah I can't explain why, but it looks kinda ugly to me. first part is just GET LEDGED LOL
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how can I?
what did we do to you
is it even worth the energy expended to click the play button?
I like the pick axe. Finally, Ogryn has a "your mother fucking life ends 30 minutes from now" weapon just like crushers.
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>almost the same price
not even close
>20 euros base game, no DLC, can't even play because online-only and servers are down
>16 euros with all dlcs, playable online and offline
is vermintide 2 really that much better than 1?
In more or less every aspect outside of the atmosphere and base weapon skins, yes.
ogryn women?
I wish it had been

so I could wring the life out of you for your sins
That really is a hot take, hot shit that is. Burblespue was fucking fun when he was at his hardest. Even Anusspreader was always a treat to btfo. These bosses were great and added flavor to any mission.
I think the issue faggots like you have is that you view video games as advanced economy simulators. You don't actually want to play a game and have fun, you want to view your character wallet after every mission and see the +800 plasteel then queue again for another +800. I despise you.
Very few people are actually playing darktide here, mostly the piggies.
>tfw no fem bodyguard tard wife
not present because... lore
actual dev quote
So how is babby ogryn made?
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Ogryns dont like when people talk about their women

The ogryns in darktide are dev confirmed to be vat grown and are neither male nor female. I got warned on the forums for replying to Aqshy saying that and telling her that my ogryn has a cock in my headcanon. The devs don't want your ogryn to have a dick. Fight back
>The ogryns in darktide are dev confirmed to be vat grown and are neither male nor female. I
For what though? Why say this?
1K hours in ropetide and i just figured out you can press tab on the pre mission ready up screen to see everyone's ranged weapon. am i brainlet?

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