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Evening Walk Edition

Previous Susie Sighting: >>483463643

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
I never said it was a bad thing
I actually think it's a really good thing.
I just think it's gonna be chaotic as fuck.
Will the new chapter even be able to surprise anyone at this point
every theory has been thought of already
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Imagine everyone who's spent months learning the /utg/ trolling meta to efficiently shit the thread suddenly having their methods obsoleted and their trolling attempts drowned out by the flood of newfags who don't know enough to BE baited
It'll be really funny
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What are /utg/'s favorite ships?
And then all three of them fucked
where's susie walking to
where's she coming from?
will catti ever realize that noelle can't be protected because noelle herself wants the delinquent purple bitch, and have to deal with the internal conflict of giving up on noelle?
I love how happy she looks
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Has anyone even compared Deltarune to The Little Prince yet?
While Toby is going in a different direction with his story I could see some parallels between the author and his relation to the story as he is functionally the narrator and retelling some events and perspectives about his life through the lens of a children's book.
Toby doing the same with a vidya game is not a huge stretch.
It's actually really hard to think of a ship that is 100% moral, so I better not say any.
wasn't Susie based on some girl that bullied him
Susie/Ralsei is a "moral" ship, but its on the DNP list unfortunately
It's gotta be the sansXmettatonXpapyrusXalphysXasgoreXfrisk love hexagon for me
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"The berdfag" they called him
Morals? More like moirals.
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Mettaton's dick X my throat
Alternatively, just Bratty X Catty would be nice
here he goes again
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"Fuck off" they said repeatedly
most “theories” are either
>fanservice/wish fulfillment garbage
>trying to make the next [character that already exists]
>stealing from homestuck/earthbound/halloween hack/anything else but in the least creative ways possible
>multiple or all of the above
out of the past 3 years the only theories that have been remotely plausible are the toriel weird route “burning cds” thing and friend inside me, there’s way too much evidence for it
we dont know enough about the deltarune world to make substantial theories about where the story will go yet, that and utdr fans havent been able to write for shit after The Thought
>utdr fans havent been able to write for shit after The Thought
Newfag here
tell me more
If you think the kill yourself posts are made by a shitposter, why do you not want anyone to report then?
This is unusually late in the day for a raid
is it really a raid if it's just mintoyatsu samefagging again
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Play Pseudoregalia, it's a game that actually got released in a reasonable amount of time. I hope the guy makes a game with a qt shark girl next, he could corner the whole market for it while nobody is looking.
You're honestly so bad at this
Tomayto tomahto, Tbh
Holy ban evasion, batman
NTA but it's a classic UT fan comic
Bye bye
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Meant for >>483637383 ;^)
It is funny how quickly you give up on your own falseflag. Commit, man!
Oh, now you're doing the reverse uno thing again.
I guess he couldn't think of a sane enough response
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...what is it?
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>posted 8 years ago
This is the shit I live for
Besides me x my fave?
I like Queenkaard, Madsgore, and uhhh Suselle (sorry)
How does the Deltarune fanbase live watching literally everything else come out besides Chapter 3
was he just triggered by the brief discussion of how the current /utg/ trolls will get washed away by the new chapters? is that why he's sperging out this time?
>inb4 "I don't know but you'll come up with an answer and everyone will agree with it"
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Don't we all like other things? I would feel bad for anyone who is only waiting for chapter 3 and isn't anything else the world offers
He was. I'm agreeing with you 100% as a different poster. It's a fact now.
I wonder how many thread personalities have fallen off during the wait for chapter 3
I wonder how many thread personalities will return for chapter 3
I wonder how many new thread personalities will get for chapter 3
Yeah, and they're done on a different device so if they get IP wiped he can point to them and go "See, there really is one guy who just tells me to kill myself all day!"
Better to report the falseflag posts that're being samefagging. Then both kinds of posts mysteriously stop.
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You're alright, lass
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What are you saying, report all his posts OTHER THAN the kys posts?
Thank you
A whole new generation of autism
Probably within the year.
I'm so fucking sick of Elninaschizo. He's literally just like Kingfag, except the main difference is that Elnina and Lanino DIDN'T get divorced and he freaks out if you insinuate they're still together
Who even ships Lanino x Mike?
One thing is for sure, I will be here ready to obsess over every single one of them. I might not even have time to play the game.
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What if they DO divorce but only in Weird Route and he becomes like Fobby insisting Weird Route is the only canon
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Personally, I'm just waiting for the mass meltdowns that will inevitably happen when someone's headcanon that they've been building for literal years gets irrevocably destroyed by a single line of dialogue in either chapter.
>it's another "Tenna fucks Toriel on live TV" porn image
He's not actually going to give Tenna a TV head, is he bros
….I wanna see that.
Krusie bros... the diner scene.... we won!
Let's pretend chapter 3 came out it's funny
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>ralseifags when he says that he doesn't condone drug abuse in chapter :3
Who's been drawing, drawing dicks
Who's been draaaaaawing, drawing dicks
>there's no Chapter 3 weird route at all
>toriel wasn't a party member and only got used as tenna's damsel in distress
>NAPSTABLOOK instead of undyne
All this waiting for fucking TV hijinks where nothing goes wrong? At least Chapter 4 continues it but still, Chapter 3 could've explored so much more into Toriel's overprotectiveness (and the "burning" TV wordplay) and it just didn't bother. What a letdown.
>NAPSTABLOOK instead of undyne
That's based though
Napstablook instead of Undyne made sense because the schizoboss used Undyne's battle mechanics, it'd be like if Mettaton NEO was in Chapter 2.
RIP to the muffetfags hoping for a Muffet-based boss though
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This has reignited my desire to actually make fancomics. But I hate how my art looks.
i hope dess is nothing like the versions of her that twitterfags made up
Chara x I
Who knows
Who cares
Never, unless (You) force her to. Force her to abandon self-sabotagers, force her to leave her retard family to fend for themselves, force her to stop being a moronsexual who will let some tard snake poison the gene pool(assuming that monster biology can even interbreed like that). We forced Noelle to become strong, we can force Catti to use the strength she's been holding back out of pity.
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All I'll say is that if Sans was almost willing to sell the entire universe for a "friend" I don't want to know what he'd do for a lover
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I saw someone's house on fire today. I feel bad for them.
Is it bad that I kinda hope he does? A lot of the fan-Tennas look so laughably bad that I'd rather just go back to the basics.
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He's just going to fucking look like this but with a TV instead
>complains about child
>posts child
Why does he look like the fucking Discord logo?
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when i was an undertale kid i had a huge crush on chara, i havent obsessed over a fictional character like i did with chara ever since. i would gorge myself on reader insert fanfics & smut, i would draw fanart of her and my oc, i would roleplay as her, all sorts of shit. im confident that she’s responsible for my taste in women (brown hair to the shoulders). i was also sad for a while when i discovered xtale chara was a boy
to make matters worse, i hadnt even fucking played past the demo, as a matter of fact i spent the majority of my time as a young undertale fan without having played the game. to this day i havent completed a true pacifist run. so my fixation on her was entirely based on the fanon version; a sadomasochistic yandere murder child. perhaps i was always doomed if that was what appealed to me back then
>tenna grooms ralsei in chapter 3
For what it's worth, there IS no canon version.
No hate but what we make.
ah the universe where Xchara and frisk are female…..hot.
i genuenly think sans was just trying to scare you at the resort
i really dont think he would have tried to hurt frisk even if he hadnt made that promise
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I think he doesn't think it's going to work. When you face him in the genocide route, he knows he can't really hurt you; he just HOPES you're going to give up. If you keep trying, eventually he'll lose, and he knows that. He's completely powerless. So, from his perspective in the resort, he's wondering "why should I try to kill this kid, and break that promise, for nothing? They'll come back. This kid might even take the unprompted aggression as a reason to kill us all. But I might be able to SCARE them into thinking otherwise."

God Sans is such an interesting character and I really hope Deltarune doesn't fuck with him too much, if at all. If the joke with Deltarune is that he continually ALMOST shows up and does cool things but is perpetually off screen when important things happen, I'll be happy.
i obsessed over chara as an undertale teenager and now i obsess over chara as an undertale adult
but lol sounds like a classic story
then get to honing the craft?
just wait till anon finds out who the boss of the store dark world is
I spend three years doing it and it doesn't bring me joy anymore. It used to make me feel strong. Now it makes me feel weak. I'm a writer now, for the most part. Maybe I'll come back around.
sorry you felt that way, at least you're good at writing which is not something a lot of artists can say
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Maybe that's true, but I feel like art's beaten me. Art doesn't feel like a friend; it feels like an enemy to be overcome nowadays. And it's won.
i mean i read it more as toriels promise is the main reason he follows you throughout the game to check up on you
he does help you out during the undyne fight afterall
Maybe it’s just nostalgia talking but I feel like fanon versions of the Deltarune cast aren’t as amusing as the fanon Undertales
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Scott the Woz as Berdly is no Charlie as Sans, for one.
The exact moment it all sinks in for Burgerpants(in more ways than one) is his first night cuddling with Catty. Sure, she's sweaty, she needs to use mouthwash a little more often, he's pretty concerned about the amount of garbage around...human garbage, at least. But, she's pulling him in. She's purring and pressing her temple against his chest. Burgie wonders if he should have showered or prepared some type of small talk or a thousand other things before going to bed, then realizes...neither did she. He rests a little easier.
God, she better not give Mettaton any pictures of the two of them. Who is he kidding, she definitely will.
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This is my planet, I shall not stand to all the pain and tumor
And havoc and anarchy
And freedom and serenity
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oh shit i didn't see this sorry
i've been popping in and lurking from time to time
also i swear to god that guy better finish Do You Believe In Magic so help me god
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hey, you
you're uhhhhh i don't remember your handle, but you drew this too right? and the skinny jevils?
so what would (you)re darkworld be based on and what would the schizo boss be?
and piss and blood and cum and doo doo and knuckles
Time to take a Kris!
*miniature Krises start rapidly shooting out of black censor bar dick*
That's me
Phantastic. Am quite proud of that owkr despite it being relatively ass.
There's a fucking thunderstorm, and if the fucking power goes out, I am going to fucking scream and kill somebody, /utg/.
It'll probably be someone at the power company.
There's a community that excited about it?
I'm pretty sure this could be counted as a death threat
thank you for your input mario
You best better not work at the power company then.
Holy cow I didn't know Nintendo released a Lawyer Mario game!?
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Holy shit it's Mario I'm such a huge fan
can I have your autograph???
Cute fucking damn digits, tale as old as time for favefags.
Summer sale's soon, game will drop below $5, no reason not to get it then.
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>despite it being relatively ass
this is what makes people dislike artfags
I don't understand this new meme.
>anon names himself Mario for a shitpost >>483652357
>forgets to remove name on next post >>483653098
>anons reply with jokes about him being Mario
Pretty simple really.
What's not to understand? Mario is in /utg/ RIGHT NOW
Yo yo yo yo yo! What it is motherfuckers!?
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Hey Pac-Man, what's up?
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Kingfag, what role do you think King will have in the future chapters? His implied connections with Gerson and how he judges you for your actions towards the lightners make him a very interesting character, so I want to hear your thoughts in it.
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posting Susie with increased fervor
ME you bitches I'm high on crack!!! Wanna freebase?
No, Pac-Man! Drugs are bad.
If Toby really, REALLY wants to be Japanese, then where’s the gacha game
Did Mario swear? Did I just hear that from the video?
*lights up crack*
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do you really want to waste your money rolling for bunny gaster in the easters' gacha
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I like to believe he'll gradually open up more with time, as long as you remember to recruit every Darkner each chapter and visit him. It would be nice to see him finally get over his hatred for Lightners, maybe when he learns of the Roaring's dangers and realizes that the Lightners are trying to save both worlds.
Meanwhile, for Snowgrave stuff, it would be interesting for the opposite to happen, where he learns you're even worse than he initially thought. Maybe even have a difficult rematch against him where he truly plays the role of a hero to his people this time.
>His implied connections with Gerson
Can you elaborate what you mean by this part? I know the unused classroom has Alvin's childhood drawing of Gerson but it never shows up in the Dark World, oddly enough.
That night, I decided to revisit the Hometown for further inspection..

This time Kris pivoted their face towards the camera and said "C-c-c-CUNT."
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good morning /utg/. how is your day?
Hey Mario! Look what I made!
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Doing just fine, just chillin'
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Berdly my beloved
Bardly my beloved
Borbly my beloved
Blorbly my borbloved
Bloobarbly my bushbragloved
Blipblapblarply my briaufhenahshloved
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glad to hear! :)
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Pretty good. I look back at how was and how I am. And I think I've come pretty far artistically.
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I hope you have a good day today too.
Getting tired.
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glad to hear that! :D

thank you. have a good sleep tonight fren.
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Good night /utg/, hope you all have comfy dreams of fave and get to make the most of tomorrow. I love Chara and want to be able to experience the pure bliss of us both holding a controller/keyboard in hand in silence and laying waste in whatever game we're in.
>Can you elaborate what you mean by this part?
It may have been someone's schizorant I've accepted as true, but food for thought...
>gerson was a schoolteacher, alvin's drawing in the unused classroom means he teached there
>gerson's quote about how his dreams inspired his stories
>king's resentment towards the lightners for casting his kind aside
Using these points, we can form a narrative Gerson during his time as a teacher could have arrived in the Card Kingdom and had adventures with a younger King, adventures he would rationalize as dreams.
Then Gerson died and the classroom became unused, which triggered King's hatred towards the lightners for leaving him.
also king's special attack is named "chain of justice" which mirrors gerson's title as the "hammer of justice", that sounds much less fanficy I guess
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Oh that's cool to think about.
Idk if it's actually possible for Gerson to have visited the Dark World though, considering the Card Castle fountain is said to be fairly recent right? I figured that King's past interactions with Lightners before abandonment were just the young students playing with the toys in the Light World.
>also king's special attack is named "chain of justice" which mirrors gerson's title as the "hammer of justice"
Oh yeah. that's right! Interesting...
Fave HATES summer because it’s hot and hot and hot and when it rains it gets really humid and hot and hot and it’s also bright as fuck in the city because there’s barely any greenery and it’s hot and sweaty and hot arghhhhhhhh toasty
Here's a fuzzy fork.
I love these poorly drawn Berdly images
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fall is the best
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how was the fall?
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winter is better
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Fave is 50, 5-0. And they can stretch, kick, stretch and kick.
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do you think that berdly gets embarrassed when
Mitch caught a body about a week ago, a week ago
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Who is Mitch and what does that even mean?
Could this be an AI generated post?
It's from a song.
Asriel please
Just stick to Yoshi for these posts
Kris, these are my eggs! Where did you find them!?!
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Penumbra Phantasm is Vriska's theme. Hopes and Dreams is Vriska's theme. Megalo Strike Back is Vriska's theme.
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No no NO!!!!!!!
god i wish that was me
Oh yeah. She's coming 8ack.
>Penumbra Phantasm is Vriska's theme.
well no one will ever hear original penumbra phantasm
>Megalo Strike Back is Vriska's theme.
well ackshually it's MeGaLoVania and it's the best version but you're correct there
>Hopes and Dreams is Vriska's theme.
hold the fuck up what
I wish I had a list of every Toby song that's just another Toby song.
someone didn't read the upd8
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oh by the way i'm pretty sure susie's entire theme, both normal and Vs. Susie, is at least halfway just Killed By Br8k Spider, same guitar soundfront and progression and all, and it's the most obvious thing other than the jacket and hair in the "toby just mashed up vriska and terezi into his wife" theory and somehow no one points it out
looking back homosuck had some bangin' music and vs. susie is still wasted on her character
i did not, so far as i'm concerned nothing exists after Collide, so i have no idea what's being referenced
Will ANYTHING in Deltarune be as good as Hopes and Dreams?
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>well ackshully it’s MeGaLoVania
dont do this to me anon
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>toby just mashed up vriska and terezi into his wife
Toby is a closeted transgender and Noelle is her fursona???
capitalize it correctly and get this post-canon DISGUST out of my face
completed penumbra phantasm
putting my endless copium aside though, tobys music has gotten better, we just havent gotten to see the best of the best yet. there are already some dr tracks that beat undertale, we’ve just had the undertale tracks for so long that we’re too attached
seriously though. i believe in deltarune penumbra phantasm
I have no idea how the fuck you got that sentence from "Radiation combined sawtoothed chalk eater and messy-haired mean bitch into his ideal woman."
>there are already some dr tracks that beat undertale
i disagree
susie's remix isn't going to be megalo or entirely vs. susie or anything else, it's gonna be Battle Against a True Hero
they don't know finished penumbra phantasm is going to be used for jake's [S]
HOLY based
why is the normal battle music named after Susie's attack
Why does she deserve that
>why is the main battle music named after the main character's attack
Undertale's music is better because all the boss stuff is fucking face-melting and overall it has more variance between tracks and more original tracks period, while half of Deltarune is "here's the melody from undertale" or "here's a thing I wrote for Homestuck mixed in again, please make 10 minute videos explaining my leitmotifs for sales (laughs)."
Kris didn't have a special attack with a cool name until Chapter 2 introduced X Slash and Ralsei doesn't have offense magic at all so they had to go with the next coolest attack name at the time
All Undertale melodies originate from Deltarune.
can i get a different main character
i'm willing to bargain, toby
I don't know if I'd say that but Bonetrousle indeed does
And I could see Dating Start's existence being related to Susie's original concept as a Maya reference (it's a knockoff of Maya's theme with a Kirby leitmotif for some reason)
I should play Undertale again. I forgot how good the music is. Maybe it'll reinvigorate my long dormant UT brainrot. Maybe it'll make WAITING FOR DELTARUNE easier.
as long as we get SOTWW for the kris death fakeout in chapter 6 and one of the dark worlds just has a Doctor remix, ill call it even
Dating Start being related to Susie also means all the Snowdin themes, as well as the Snowdin segment in Hopes & Dreams, are related to Susie as well.
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>it's 7 o'clock in the morning (in the canon timezone) and I'm listening to Homestuck music I haven't heard in over ten years just to compare notes with later Roberto Fox soundtracks and remembering the whole songs after a few notes and immediately being transported back a decade plus to reading a funny comic about kids and fun and waiting on UPDATE notifications
I fucking hate you people.
Dess' theme will be a Beatdown remix
too kino for toby chud
I am so fucking psyched for the part in Deltarune where Gaster finally appears to that epic Homestuck song "Pony Chorale" hopping around on a hobby horse
earth = home
bound = stuck
cave = under
story = tale
the key to success is a two-word title
My Earthbound Depression title has two words but it's 4 syllables will that still work
I was trying to think of a way to do that synonyming hackery with "Final Fantasy" but then I realized
Last Dream is an item in the Asriel fight
for the sake of us both ill say yes
holy shit
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Not necessarily. He could have made Dating Start first, set it aside after Susie's character evolved to a point where it didn't fit anymore, and then reused the melody for Snowdin related tracks while working on Undertale.
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i'm ready
i'm so fucking ready
there was an edit someone made of bro's thumbs-down but i don't remember if it was one of the holidays or another character but somehow I didn't fucking save it what the FUCK
Vs. Susie actually uses Black (another Toby song) really blatantly. The entire 'Dun dun dun DUNNNNN, dun dun DUN DUNNNNNN' part is lifted right from it.
i was gonna call this a stretch, but maybe not since susie does fight a jack of spades in that battle
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Yeah I just found that video while Googling and had a sensible chuckle.
>see pic related
>even youtube commenters of years past picked up on the similarity
>but wrongfully assumed that Toby is a sane person or even much of a person at all now and not a vtuber-intaking-game-delay-exporting machine
>since susie does fight a jack of spades in that battle
for fuck's sake i don't even know what's intentional anymore, you'd think Toby wouldn't WANT to put that kind of undeniable reference in instead of just re-using melodies
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not the one i was thinking of (it was animated and basically just a rough three frame draw-over, i remember the thumbs down was too fast, but i could also be completely stupid and wrong) but i'll take it anyway, thank you
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DELTARUNE will have only one ending...? Of course. But, no one has said anything about the number of epilogues.

In the latter half of the game the battle theme will change to a new track called Red Buster
>by the time Deltarune releases I might be too dead inside to enjoy it
>A few years ago I was less depressed and probably capable of enjoying it as much as I enjoyed Undertale
What if the reason you're depressed is No Deltarune and when you Have's Deltarune you'll be fine again
roll call
do you actually expect to be surprised/subverted by the next chapter(s) and do you think toby can "reach the end zone" for the "big score"
I've always liked the idea that the Stronger Monsters equivalent (hard mode theme) of Deltarune would be Red Buster
>implying Toby would ever touch the concept of a hard mode again
I want nothing more.
My brain tells me that there will be a scene where Susie tells Catti that the goth shit is kind of cool and instantly becomes friends with her but in my heart I know that Toby can bring the thunder if he just puts his mind to it
If Toby wants to be Japanese for real very much big time where are all the collab events with other gacha games
Why can you roll for Doraemon in Granblue but not Mettaton
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Thank you. I would have never remembered that it was AU Alphys in a hundred years.
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There's two versions, by the way
No, there's lots of other stuff to blame for my current mental state. Mainly:
>covid restrictions shredded what little social life I had
>broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years (whom I hate)
>dropped out of college (My grades were doing well, I just assessed that the whole thing was a waste of time and money since I wasn't learning anything and could easily use the internet to teach myself everything I need to know about game development, also I hate the government)
>currently in full neet mode and my parents are enabling it instead of pushing me to get a job or something
>near the start of this year I somehow convinced myself that going to sleep resets my body like a computer and therefore I effectively die and another version of myself wakes up, eventually I found logical arguments against this (you are actually conscious while asleep, you can hear noises and that can wake you up) but regardless I am now much more intimately aware of my mortality and on top of that my sleeping habits are fucked
>various minor inconveniences that don't come to mind at the moment
Getting to play Deltarune might improve things a little though.
The problem with theories is they can't account for the inevitable unexpected variables, the core things we just still don't know about the world.
>The problem with theories is they can't account for the inevitable unexpected variables, the core things we just still don't know about the world.
those things are useless if they aren't already introduced in the first 30% of the game
We already have 100% of the information needed to know the ending
Otherwise it would make no sense for Toby to let us play the route that goes against the plot
What's the ending then?
Theorists HATE Him For This One Simple Trick:
waiting to learn more about the world instead of just the rudimentary information to make an educated guess. emphasis on educated
Kris and Susie and Noelle laying on the beach beside a sea of darkness slowly dying of starvation when Susie suddenly says
>I just quirked in my pants :(
Gunshot, cut to black, credits roll
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Toby made susie while gooning to vriska
I never even considered Napstablook instead of Undyne showing up but I'm now riding for this so fucking hard.
I sincerely hope that no Undertale adults drag their old irrelevant asses through the Deltadweebs story.
Just having them plastered all over Hometown makes the setting and location feel fake as fuck, dark worlds don't need that too.
What's annoying is how bad everyone wants it too, Toby should be pissed that everyone wants Undertale 2 and fun adventures with Toriel way more than anything he has actually been working on for a decade.
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you will get sans's backstory and you will like it
What if he's been working on an adventure that involves the Undertale characters though
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How often do you think Kris drew/draws goatsonas of themselves?
i feel you’re exaggerating but i agree that we’re way past the point of thinking or even hoping that deltarune will be undertale 2. im optimistic about it being more adjacent to an expansion or reimagining of undertale’s world than fanservice galore, i suppose some fanservice was inevitable when kicking off the story but it seems to be more in spite of the fans rather than for them (for example, the dialogue choice of “its great to see you again” to sans in chapter 1 and the distant trousle of bones)
but some parallels and even direct similarities are to be expected. deltarune was thought of first
It feels really hackish.
I call out toby for being bad at making videogames constantly but I seriously can't believe how much the fandom is willing to ignore or just hope won't be an absolute disaster in the name of letting the man cook.
I'm 100% sure that if you asked Toby about the Undertale characters in Deltarune's world he would scream HOW FUCKING DARE YOU CARE ABOUT MY CHARACTERS and shoot you dead on the spot
>I seriously can't believe how much the fandom is willing to ignore or just hope won't be an absolute disaster in the name of letting the man cook.
Chapter 2 is generally considered to be very good, and what else can the community even do besides wait for it to come out? Lynch him? lol.
Do you just mean you don't think DR deserves as much fan content or theorizing as it gets?
There is no character /utg/ depicts as OOC more than Toby Fox
I dunno all that really bad Japanese/English posts are pretty spot on for how he actually tweets at people.
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Omocat threw that poor japanese artist under the bus by exposing them to crazy western fans
i expect toby will do the same
Toby will hire Shadman to do the official Deltarune comic.
Just read through this. It's well written and the art style is fine but also feels anticlimactic.
LEAVING THE UNDERGROUND https://youtu.be/1SxRNua0TGY?t=23
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How important is the genocide route to Undertale's cultural legacy and staying power?
You're gonna have a bad time
Sands bad tim is the only reason it has cultural legacy and staying power other than thousands of goat mom porn art pieces
>>483705961 (ME) There's more than that, but as one of the big things, it's that
It's the real ending of the game and it's what lets you as the player experience how and why Flowey ended up like he did
Without genocide route (and the player reactivity that lets you do it) Undertale is just a fun little RPG about how it's wrong to fight someone trying to murder you with a cool final boss and a bittersweet ending
very, simply by virtue of existing
Sans "Bad Time" Undertale hit tumblr kids like crack hit black neighborhoods in the '80s.
Why would he do this
anything happen since the last news letter with fake gaster
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Thank fuck for Papyrus.
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Fish I wish
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B-b-best boy
Great to see you back. How're doing?
What's the point of Weird Route going to be then
Are we going to find out there's a character who's relatable to the concept of "i will go out of my way to pick all the evil options and open a creepypasta-esque alternate path where i gain power in ways the game isn't supposed to let me" later
Is that the Knight's motive
It'll be asriel's motive
>the knight is someone being controlled by another SOUL and opening the fountains is their weird route that (you) got summoned into the middle of
Kino? ClausDess opportunity?
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Friend of feesh.
I have been busy with health, family, work, and social woes, alongside the responsibilities of adopting a new kitty (a sweet, abandoned girl who I was told was 6-9 months old when I adopted her, but a visit to the vet has since informed me that she's at least 2 years old...and pregnant...also I was unexpectedly horribly allergic to her at first and broke out in hives + felt my throat closing, fun times) Hope you're doing well.
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We would've known if Toby had released the full game but now because Deltarune is episodic that means there's no "going out of your way to take the alternate path knowing what's at the end of the normal one" effect and instead it's just ScArY cReEpY cOnTeNt
How much of a payout does Rob get out of these licensing deals with massive conglomerates
great thanks toby
more japan exclusive stuff
FUCK you you stupid fucking DOG
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I'm sickened, but curious.
I imagine learning Snowgrave in Chapter 2 would've had more of an effect if we played through the whole thing first and assumedly reached a point where Noelle naturally learns it against the Titans or whatever the plot needs her to learn it for
There's no context as to why she learns it or why we know she has it when there probably would've been if it was a meta "grinding because you know what you're gonna unlock" thing
Reminder he wrote the whole base of the plot from 2-7 under the assumption Chapter 1 would be the only non-full release of the game
Look at the western fanbase for these games and tell me we deserve anything.
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Toby doesn't prioritize Japanese or anything btw
You have to be crazy and rude and racist to think that and where's your evidence anyway bro?
ought to have something to show for getting his game off the ground
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Are there Western non-Fangamer companies begging Toby to license his IP to make merch out of
What if instead of being a major Homestuck composer Toby was the boss of a small team that had someone else create a few sound effects for Homestuck and then later took full personal credit for all the sound effects used in the entire webcomic
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Now that you're saying it that sounds really really cool and if that's what we were supposed to get and we lost it because the stupid dog can't turn millions of dollars into a complete video game I'm gonna be really upset
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What if Toby had a Guinness world record and lied about what the record was for to sound cooler while holding the plaque with a completely different thing written on it right in front of you
Not care because Toby's in front of me and I can now barrage him with the million UT/Chara questions and a DR question.
Not much
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Toby got a perfect score in EarthBound and Itoi wrote a letter congratulating him that he then commissioned a fake trophy for
But anon
Toby's mother was very proud of him
who gives a shit, it's a keychain
Toriel found a nice cloak at Goodwill that she took home and began wearing around town, but it turned out that it used to belong to the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler himself.
I can be easy and start Toby off with the DR question.
Maybe splice it with a more light-hearted bout of autism
>Is there an alternate name you want the other route of DR to go by or is weird route good enough?
Hey, "genocide run" rolls off the tongue better than "weird route".
I will pay Toriel T$200 (TobyDollars) to own it
If you don't already realize Toby is a shit developer and shit director I don't know what to tell you, or why you even need to ask that question
He's going to fuck it up and it will not be worth waiting for, for several reasons
Toby didn't even release Undertale he just tricked you into thinking he did
>Undertale was just a hallucination brought on by mass psychosis this entire time
guess I don't need to give him any more of my money then.
I love beautiful sweaty and smelly bodies!
Even if deltaroon fails it will be funny to read copium on plebbit.
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My fave has been downloading NIPPLES all over
Japan would have bought it any which way dude.
There's a reason he lives there now.
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Kris standing next to Asriel
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I bet they are good pals
big eyes chara…
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Gee whiz, sure is boring around here.
I guess not enough talking about you for your taste
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Yeah, your (you) really made me a little happier. That must have been it.
Deez nuts
kiddos and goats
kiddos and goats
kiddos and goats
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papyrus exe scared all the anons away
playing subnautica sorry
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I ain't afraid of no ghosts or skellingtons.
the omori manga situation shows why exposing the japanese side of the fanbase to the western side ends badly for the japanese side so i get toby hating us westerners
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The thing is that if Toby got a yuri mangaka to do the Deltarune manga all the twitter lesbians would be all over it, even though the Deltateens are about the same age as the Omori cast.
a bunch of omori fans are screaming about the omori mangaka being a pedophile because they dug through their history and found toxic shota yaoi and redrawing panels and shilling their own art while moralfagging about the artist being evil
People are harrasing the person who draws the omori manga because they drew shota yaoi in the past and using it as an excuse to shill their own shitty redraws and "fixes"
So standard Twitter (now known as Xitter) affair? Alright, got it.
What if fave jumped out of a plane and parachuted directly onto your dick?
>shota game hires a shota artist to make a shota manga
>pedomori fans are outraged
Correction; TWITTER Omori "fans" whose only experience with the game is probably a Basil fancam on TikTok are outraged
my 2 favorite game devs
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I fucking hate twitter "artists" so much
My fucking head hurts. What would your fave do in this situation?
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goodnight /utg/. i am going to bed now. cya.

go to the head unhurt store
disgusting orc face and horns for no reason
also wimpy sparkle cape
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The only reason why Toby hasn't been cancelled and lynched for hanging out with SHOTACAT is because then we'd never get the game
dont forget to report the people who post kill yourself in response to posts about kris and noelle/susie too
Fans turn a blind eye to a lot because they care more about getting more content from Toby than holding him to a higher standard.
This is also why a lot of people baseless assume he's the greatest ally out there even though there's not all that much to praise him for. One really badly written lesbian romance is all it takes I guess.
what do you think kris sounds like? i keep getting these "saying things as kris" videos in my recommended and every time they're this suave sexy masculine hunk of a voice, which doesn't really work for an edgy kid who eats moss
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His head probably hurts all the time, he just lives with it.
Fave owns the entire Wiggles discography.
what's the issue?
I agree what is issue?
Kris is a cute little femboy not a disgusting tumblr goblin.
kris is the knight
I mean.... that's kinda just a normal face right there.
poor bait
you can do better
Kris being the knight is the single lamest fucking thing Toby could put in the game.
>someone out there really cares about you
>and it ain't me
Because it is the single most obvious thing he could do.
People were already hypothesizing that Kris was the knight even before Chapter 2 came out.
so? the whole point of krisknight is what it entails for the rest of the story, not whether it's obvious or not. it's already been revealed, it's meant to set up dramatic irony going forward
You honestly think I give a shit about Toby's deep artistic message and narrative theming after he's already sold out for millions?
During Asgore's Extinguish Humanity arc, did he remember Chara as "one of the good ones" or just try not to think about them at all
why would you even respond if you're just going to be disingenous
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Holy crap. Things better stabilise for you
I can relate, especially with the harsh allergic response, that one sucks big time

That kitty sounds lovely though
What if you heard fave getting really mad at an Elden Ring boss and they said they were gonna kill somebody if they died again
i don't think he actually wanted to kill humans, he could have gone through the barrier and fetched souls there instead of waiting for them to fall
either like moe or barney from the simpsons
What "dramatic irony" could come out of Kris being the Knight? Assuming Kris is the Knight, we've seen it coming from a mile away. We already know why Kris would create dark fountains and why they would resist our influence as the player. If you have a twist in a story, it needs to have a point narratively to either give the audience a new perspective the nature of the story. Toby already basically showed us that Kris wants to create dark fountains, and there's only one direction from there that will end in a message about "escapism maybe good or bad" or something. The only option is if Kris isn't the Knight and it's some completely random other character, but that's it's own can of worms.
tldr I don't believe Toby is a compelling enough writer to make something genuinely surprising, especially that we already basically have 1/3 of the story.
Kris is the knight because they have been through the timeloops so they know that the only way to stop the end of the world is to open darkworlds so Susie and Noelle go through character arcs and have Suselle happen
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Deltarune will release tomorrow. Change my mind
It would've been dramatic irony if we had gotten Deltarune complete game instead of Deltarune chapter 2 fifteen years before the completion of the game
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1014 days
>What "dramatic irony" could come out of Kris being the Knight?
now we have concrete evidence that kris directly opposes us, a theme heavily implied before. now we know that kris has been pulling the strings and yet can do nothing to stop them, we simply have to watch and wait to see what happens. the game's not finished, it's not all gonna be laid out for us yet
>We already know why Kris would create dark fountains
no we don't? you literally guess that maybe it's a message about escapism. it's meant to be an exciting cliffhanger for a reason; we don't know their motives and that intrigues us to play chapter 3 when it comes
How can you as an UTDR fan have played through the New Home sequence in Undertale and not think Toby Fox is a skilled narrative designer?
I will not even entertain posts insinuating it to be mid btw
Kris' motivation for making dark fountains is that they're a total fucking loser who wants to go on wacky hijinks adventures and make friends. That is possibly the single most consistent piece of characterization in the game.
They are a weirdo spastic child who is rather distant from the rest of the community and use dark fountains to escape into a fantasy world, and there is no other motivation for them to create dark fountains in the game that you can provide.
There is absolutely no evidence for any other motivation in the first 2 Chapters.
Maybe we might get more in the later ones, but we will just have to wait to see.
I think it's important to note that Kris seems to be surprised that there's a dark fountain in the school closet in Chapter 1 and that could imply there's more than just one Knight, and if that's the case that might be an actual genuine twist Toby might go for.
that was fucking fast jesus
>cut to jakposter violently sobbing and shitting during the new home sequence
stop acknowledging it
Making Dark Fountains while also cutting the car tires and also leaving the front door open?
Kris would totally deliberately attempt to lure random Hometown citizens into dark worlds for shits and giggles.
I'm not sure Chara even considered themself human, wouldn't have been hard to separate the two
Probably that arc didn't last in full sincerity for very long anyway
None of the characters I want to either be or fuck have any ulterior motives and no information about them that I don't know about exists that would make me rethink how I view them.
what kind of reasoning is this? kris is a weirdo loser, but that doesn't mean they don't have a greater plot in mind
that's like saying chara won't erase the world because they are silly (obsessively liking chocolate and filling up their glass of water in "the most efficient way")
toby makes a point to have multi dimensional characters, so saying kris' cannot have a greater motivation because they're a loser is dumb cough cough alphys
New Home in Genocide is true kino because it's the most screentime Flowey gets.
Might as well dump more, not like this thread could get any worse
>I think it's important to note that Kris seems to be surprised that there's a dark fountain in the school closet in Chapter 1
if kris walking backwards counts as evidence against krisknight then kris being unusually tired counts for it
escapist kris is headcanon btw
Kris being a Freak isn't canon that's just what Susie said they were
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Toby Fucks?
meanwhile toby gets to fuck omocat and temmie
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ill never be able to forgive genocide sans for overshadowing basically everything between hotlands and the actual endings. new home is some of the most poignant and emotionally driven dialogue in the game.
Who is this character and why is her asshole blue
too many plums, blueberries, and blue jello
The only asshole i care about is Ascafags
When will we get a Donkey fave?
Im stuck in a timepoop. I visit this thread everyday because theres nothing interesting i can find on the internet.
There will be no donkey fave because Toby doesn't want any actually cool animals in Deltarune
>Toby gets to fuck THIS EVERY DAY
It's not fucking far....
None of the shit you see on the screen is canon
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He just fucked me in my asshole
And then he dashed home
I'm on some booty killer shit, suck a nigga dick
Eat my ass then he spit, fuck me till I'm feelin' sick
I pull up with my dick, then he let me hit
Shout out... but I sucked that nigga dick
It's martlet from Undertale yellow and she has jaundice.
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the comics writer?
Where can I get a gf like these?
What if Brian Michael Bendis fell into the Underground?
how do i search for deleted posts IN /utg/ threads using the archive? I just want porn
What if the comics writer Brian Michael Bendis fell into the Underground?
We can go gyatt for gyatt
Fuck that we can go rizz for rizz
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Good night, anons. Have a lovely day!
The rest of the Deltarune Soundtrack will be composed by the guys who did the songs for Phineas and Ferb.
I know it's wrong to shit on your own art, cos people like your art and by shitting on it you're shitting on them, but I just dislike it. When you make something, you only see the flaws. And my art is very flawed.
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Don't hate him cos he's cool
Hate the fandom for them being autists who want to turn him into a DBZ character slash edgy Naruto ninja
>Temmie...please...MY WRIST
Post your fave Underrune vids por favor
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Un... Underrune vids...
Toby went broke after spending all of his money on stupid fucking weeb shit.
The rest of the Deltarune Soundtrack will be composed by people in the Undertale/Deltarune Soundcloud community
He probably made a cool million with the Japan-only Bandai-produced keychains though
Bonk his head with my head to transfer the hurt
A cool million in Rwandan inflation dollars maybe.
fave dead sorry
RESET right now
What if fave contracted FOXDIE
why is frisk being kissed sensually by their father
How many books without pictures in them do you suppose Toby Fox has read
None, but he sometimes reads manga if that counts maybe.
Toby read EVERY SINGLE Harry Potter, and he owns the MOVIES, the T SHIRTS, the FUNKO POPS, the HEMORRHOID CREAM, the CONDOMS, the POWER TOOLS and
The Temmie Funko Pop is bigger than the rest
The Temmie Funko Pop is thicker than the rest
Toby's games do better prose than most of my other favorite games
Kind of understated because of the small textboxes and the overall shitty gamemaker aesthetic but he knows what he's doing
He has that bizarre blind spot with the ferris wheel scene but generally he's pretty good at writing effective dialogue with distinct character voices and with every line being something at least a little interesting
Barely related but I was bowled over by how shitty Sea of Stars' writing was when stacked up to the awards and acclaim it was getting
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People get crushed like biscuit crumbs and laid down in the bitumen.
Dark Fave
Anti Fave
Shadow Fave
Nega Fave
Inverse Fave
Reverse Fave
Counter Fave
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>Inverse Fave
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The Anti-Fave Equation
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Fish bum
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I kind of really want to see what Toby's original idea looked like where all the Lightners were humans. Did he have that before or after Undertale? I want to see canon (or pseudocanon) Toby humanizations of the funny monster friends.
Toby instantly giga cancelled for either having zero non-whites in Hometown or for his Massachusetts Nintendo Kid attempt at writing non-white characters
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Seems weird that there's two pics of Undyne making breakfast with her butt out
what if he made everyone japanese
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Making breakfast half naked is a surprisingly common art trope.
>Alphys gets to eat this for breakfast every single morning
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Fuck off birdshit.
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Stinky fave
Ice stinky fave
G-major stinky fave
Plasma stinky fave
Darkey stinky fave
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It's a scenario that just begs for a surprise hug from behind. Just a simple desire of a simple man
Add a beautiful bare bottom to the mix and you got a one hell of a winning combination
that doesn’t make any sense
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Today's level of hate for Susie is at:
72 per cent.
>new king merch
It's been 3,000 years...
for the pet rock
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I'm more surprised how hard Sweet Cap'n K_K are getting pushed and used considered how much of a nothing group of characters they were.
I have still not committed their names to memory after several years now.
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Hang on, those thighs... is that Queen art cropped from that T-shirt that fangamer doesn't sell anymore?
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Haha! I care about literally none of those characters!! Great work Toby, this calls for a 6 month break from development
i think they're more popular in Japan land but still not a huge deal outside of like two hyperdedicated artists (plus as guest characters along with tasque manager Toby probably feels he owns nelinal or however you spell their name)
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it's not the Original Starwalker, who cares
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>he doesn't know
underfella's underfell is just fun
i like it
we should all like things like this
The secret keychain character is Suselle
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Never say never
make sure you're ready to buy a shitton of these until you finally get king through entirely random chance, if it's even available to buy outside japan
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You gonna try to get Kingposter to kill herself again?
You know, if someone set up an equation that accounted for all fields, Deltarune would probably have one of the lowest dev-time-for-playtime returns ever. Even if Toby and his poor wrists only 'work' a few hours a day. Conversely, it'll have one of the *highest* returns on profit if it's ever actually sold.
producer sama FORCED me to work on this game before I could have my vtuber sesh… fuk u producer sama…
sameshitpostercord forced drama campaign
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He looks so cool...
Sure she has.
>Conversely, it'll have one of the *highest* returns on profit if it's ever actually sold.
Toby's wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not millions) paying salaries to his friends so they can work an hour a week while focusing on their own projects for year
Pretty sure Notch Minecraft wins the "most money of all time ever" award for a single game dev dude making money on a single game release.
He's a billionaire.
i'm going to give you attention solely because it annoys other people
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thanks little buddy if i hadn't gotten another (You) right now i would have left forever
Toby 100% hires them as contractors/temp workers only paid for services rendered.
>Even MORE Japan exclusive merch
But don't you dare call Toby out on it though
If you are in America and have $100-$200 you would be amazed what you could custom order from various artists and craftsmen.
You could get stained glass windows and build a church to fave and if you get several worshipers you could get a tax break for being a real religion.
But you're here whining about not getting a dumbass keychain.
Okay Tobias.
goteposters should pool their money together to build a churchriel
It's not about the keychain
It's about Toby sending a message
wow that tweet scared the shit out of me
i thought “the creative process” was a chapter title
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I think the only person here who's expressed any desire to actually buy the keychains is Kingfag
Everyone else is just pissed off at the prospect of Toby cranking out even more Japan-only merch for his Western game that Westerners made popular
Pizzapants confirmed for haves more screentime in the future?????? ??? ???
I'm the fucking reason that guy can spend all day every day rubbing elbows with Japanese game dev legends and sucking vtuber toes
If he's not going to even make a try of finishing his game he should at least make all the merch accessible to me, he owes me that much
I'd never buy the games let alone merch.
Toby Fox unironically owes me sex
...huh, I guess that's something? was ready it to just be the pins again
I think Toby has genuinely fooled himself into thinking Undertale was always just a quirky JRPG from Japan that had its Japanese script written first
Why would someone make so much Japanese exclusive merch for a game that was English only (through official means) for like the first few years of existing
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Did he purposefully make this look like the upside-down Gaster "face" or am I fully schizo now
oh em gee it's one of the shattered g man pieces
what does this mean for the deepest lore though
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For now we are waiting on an update to our game engine (GameMaker), which will add some special functionality we'd like some help testing.
he's wearing a hat
only burgerpants wears a hat
unless pizzapants will wear a hat from now on too
"we'd like some help testing"
Truck freaks here we go!
>Toby is having the fucking Game Maker devs change the program to his needs again
Thank fucking GOD it's not August I'd die of content starvation by then
Is this the multi executable loader thing or did the engine devs make yet another feature exclusively for Toby 8 years into development
>functionality we'd like some help testing.
It's going to be some sort of internet based shenanigans that makes instantly ripping the game's secrets will be impossible along with some other internet data related gameplay alterations isn't it?
No, it's Game Maker. Didn't you read the tweet?
>erm yeah chapter 3 is almost done translations and chapter 4 and 5 aren’t even close to being done
>here’s some random japan shit I’ve been working on for most of the year tho and some merch you can buy

Yeah I honestly don’t give a fuck about what this guy has to say unless it’s announcing a release date idk why he edges the fans with this shit
>and 5
I would hate his fans too, look at the people in this thread.
They deserve nothing.
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>Deltarune will now be online-only and streamed via cloud
>And also every copy of Deltarune is personalized
>via the use of AI. If something doesn't make sense that's just because it's just like my waaacky fever dream!

How big would the shitstorm be, do you think people other than here will finally rip into him for his inane laziness and act like they cared the whole time?
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i drew my boy
Average Undertale fanart:
>quirky comic with amusing character interactions
>all characters are on-model and mostly in character
>if not then they're obviously AU versions or are acting uncharacteristically for comedic effect
>artist has a tumblr account full of similar funny undertale comics and potentially an ongoing fanfic comic

Average Deltarune fanart:
>one or more deltarune characters posing like idiots
>geometric background with the word "deltarune" or the character names floating around
>characters are thoroughly and intentionally off-model
>any jokes present are just current memes
Pappy after he tried to tell me I shouldn't have sweets before dinner
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It's almost like one game is unfinished and likely will be for another 10 years at this pace
He built his fanbase off of gay autistic homestuck fans this is just reaping what he sowed
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Sounds like a skill issue.
Undertale was incredibly cringe and unfunny when it was popular.
You were the skidibi toilet kids of the 2010s.
i want deltarune hugcot ones
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our boy
What's wrong with skibidi toilet?
I'm wondering about this too. Kinda just expecting it to be the former
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holy fuck newsletter in july and he wants us to help test something. I think he's actually aiming to release chapters 3 and 4 this year.
gaster asking us to buy a pizza for him with his new survey
The power of one (1) professional project manager with two (2) fulltime employees...
No chance he drops 3+4 this year. I’d bet more on an early 2025 release. 4 still has a lot of work to be done on it from what we’ve been told. Next newsletter will definitely give use a better idea tho
You're just schizing out, but we all are at this point. I somehow thought it was Tenna until my brain processed the hat and ears.
Bullshit. Do you really think testing is going to take the entire rest of this year?
it's a functionality of gamemaker where it can boot up a separate exe file from the one being played as a part of the same game
What song plays during the Burgerpants Creation Process
It must be an Epic Hint
Depending on how complex it is, yeah. Anyone who has programmed can tell you that things are usually never as easy as you think they will be.
Do you think >>483763928 will be that complex?
Anon Chapter 3 was in the "Translation and bugtesting going well! (raffs)" stage for like a year
>Toby uses classical music
>It's not Dvorak New World Symphony 4th Movement
He was so close to the finish line but failed to become Japanese at the last second
That was before Producer showed up and very politely asked Toby to finish the game
Unironically yes gamedev is a slow process plus Toby is lazy as fuck
My Fave has been jacking off in the bathroom
I built them a shed
>you can't be excited for anything because being excited about something is like being excited for onions milk because nothing matters bro why are you caring about things bro that's cringe
>trying to have a genuine argument with a jakposter
>To clarify (further) the thing tested would just be a version of Chapter 1 + 2 with no differences other than implementation of the feature. (The feature is also ideally not supposed to change anything.)
If this is the multi-exe thing then this probably means that the main game launches into the chapter selection and then each chapter is its own executable? But it might be something else because he's being so dodgy about what it actually is even though he already mentioned that feature like two years ago
so gamemaker made a multi chapters laucher and a new feature just for deltarune
you know for goddamn certain someone's gonna scrub through everything with the undertale mod tool to find out if anything in the files is different from the ch1+2 release version
Toby sticking around is probably the best press that engine has gotten in a while ever since Opera bought it out
>inb4 it's the version used in the Chapter 1 livestream with Nubert retconned into Chapter 1
new tweet (8 minutes ago)
speculate, my minions
I already did
Try to keep up, old man
i'm not playtesting your game, toby.
I don't know whether I'd be psyched or annoyed if there was another epic teaser hidden in the files about some character we're not gonna see for another four to seven years
If you've played Chapters 1 or 2 at any point, you already have.
What happened to Toby's playtesters
Why does he need everyone else to test this
The playtest will come with an NDA-bound zip bomb that explodes your PC if you attempt to datamine it
please understand playtesting is hard and expensive
UNPAID QA?????????
It's more likely than you think.
He needs more than like 3 twitter friends who play the chapter
I was just thinking that, yeah. Other than Tobysoft, the only other Game Maker stuff you really hear about is usually freeware indie stuff that's *ancient* to boot. What's Toby competing with name wise? Iji? Hero Core? Super Cock Blockers? Nuclear Throne, I guess, that's somewhat newer and not freeware. Hotline Miami is dead and Risk of Rain jumped to 3D. Toby is pretty much their sole source of brand recognition now and much bigger than any prior ones at that.
Rob Fuchs reduced to getting his fans to playtest after losing all his money buying lavish gifts for vtubers
Because Toby's playtesters hated Spamton while actual fans love Spamton.
My Earthbound Depression was gonna be Game Maker but I jumped to Godot because I didn't feel like dealing with all the license changes they were doing
That's a fair point to be honest
The game now has a singular piece of complex coding (Deltarune has no gameplay mechanics so this was not a problem before)
If Deltarune has no gameplay mechanics then what was he spending so much time on during Chapter 3's development
Jacking off to vtubers?
don't say that word you'll get timmy excited
Quirky Space Invaders mini game but with no Invaders because it's wrong to shoot at alien invaders
How much do you wanna bet the shit that made chapter 3 take so long is just gonna be like 3 mini games
I just remembered the gaster quirky twerky post and giggled
>tfw deltarune starts opening separate exe files for secrets
freemalware.exe update
why did toby need them to change the engine for that and not just do it himself, or hire someone to do it

even a weeb like toby can't compete with swedish autism
>sorry, "something"s have been cut because I just couldn't make it work in the engine until the developers fixed it for me, everything else is just a stylistic choice like my JRPGs (laughs)
>hey I rewrote the whole game in a newer version of game maker and not only kept all mechanics working but even kept save file forward-compatibility because I was dissatisfied with the framerate in one (1) boss fight, also here's two new endings and a shitload of fixed bugs lmao
>game maker runs an executable to have an instance of unreal engine
>Deltarune 64 3D real, but only for a segment of the game
I mean if you read his statement about the cowboy minigame possibly being cut as genuine and not le epic "friend inside me" theorybait that's probably exactly the case. I'm still thinking about how he said Chapter 2 was one of the longer and more involved Chapters and I really hope Toby at least knows how high expectations have gotten after a 3-year wait, especially since these are the first Chapters he'll be charging money for.
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forgot my fucking image like a dumb idiot baby
if toby actually cut the cowboys I'll kill him
It's always moral to shoot at alien invaders. You just have to make sure to kill *all* of them, not accidentally leave enough alive to take revenge.
Vaporwarerune !!
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Which one of you cuties did I catch in /sfg/
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>Toby is gonna hire game jannies (You) to test his game FOR FREE
He DOUBLE cut the cowboys now that Yellow released.
you joke but this will be the fourth wall breaking payoff of chapters 5-7
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>especially since these are the first Chapters he'll be charging money for.
The solution to this is to just keep creating world-wide pandemics and wars so that Toby will keep releasing chapters for free.
say the line polarbearjak!
hahaha i love this guy!
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how are you constantly able to respond with an image in less than a minute, sometimes less than 30 seconds
Chapter three will be the longest chapter.
kys sanstroon
chara is god
Chara femdomming Sans
>20 seconds to quote
shut up dummy you can't do it even faster
You had that one on standby, didn't you?
He's just a fast typer, it's not that crazy
we love you, toby the jakker
Furious Fave: Beyond Tobydome
Toby Tobydome owner of the Tobydale Tobydome
Fave wants to color big butt cheeks but has no idea how to handpick shades and highlights
western fans are for game testing to help japanese fans enjoy the game better
I'm tired of the dog. Of his nothingburger newsletters, of his constant bootlicking to japanese devs, of his neglect towards the western fans and his lazy ass.
Reckoning can't come soon enough. Toby Fraud will get what's coming to him.
>The real version of the game actually has a much more serious tone while the english translation is full of puns and toilet humor
he really is japanese
I'm going to drop bats with little firebombs strapped to them over Toby's Japanese home so they take root in it's rafters and burn the house down when the firebombs detonate.
Toby makes an announcement on the anniversary in 2024
>You know how I've always been a big fan of MOTHER, correct? Well, in the MOTHER series, the third game wasn't localized and had to rely on an unofficial fan translation made long after its release to be played overseas. I'm going to apply this same philosophy to DELTARUNE Chapter 3. I hope you all have fun translating the jokes over to English, and I'm curious to see how accurate it is to the unused English script!
We already knew this because Japanese doesn't lend itself to actually funny wordplay. It's all just shitty references and even then those industrious fellows have to have picture-in-picture face cams and "LAUGH!" captions on all their own native television programs to know when something should be funny.
Post-Undertale Toby feels like a real world flanderization of Pre-Undertale Toby
Toby Prime...
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That was also my first thought. If he actually drew the face it would've fucked me up.
He became himself
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japanese humor is so fucking shit
Playing tic tac toe on the checker pattern of Noelle's sweater on her boobs
"the joke is jewish people" is pretty gross and dated anyways
Do monsters get a movement advantage if they go on all fours
Only threesome art worth drawing desu
Snowdrake becomes loses all trace of Jewish heritage the moment he enters Asia(defense mechanism)
>Toby meticulously consulting his dev chart to see which character speaks in the Northern Suzukiyota dialect and which character speaks in the Southwestern Suzukiyota dialect (this is very important to the plot for his Japanese audience and he has spent the last 7 months re-writing it)
The reason why Chapter 3 is taking so long is because thanks to the war, Toby has to re-write the Jewish character that was imperative to the game's story.

ai is kind of scary actually
Watashi wa Fave desu
The reason why Chapter 3 is taking so long is because Toby is a hack.
Deltarune Christmas hack
Story of undertale if it was good
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The funniest part about this statement in the current political climate is that you could either be an offended Jew, OR a #FreePalestine type who wishes death upon Israel (kinda based) but swears they aren't antisemitic
Never thought I'd be learning to do an impression of a 1960s clown but here we are
You can't make fun of Jewish accents anymore I propose anymore accent jokes be done with an Indian accent instead
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What's the instrumental from
I'm assuming the AI at least didn't make THAT (or the melody)
my fave is this guy
the ai made the entire thing
its fucking sccary dude is music really that easy to recreate with a machine?
>Toby and his dev team have been doing literally fuck dick shit nothing for the past 6 months waiting for some fucking new feature the gamemaker devs have been slapping together
pull over im done im getting off the deltarune train

i made another one for to the bone but man what the hell
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>doing literally fuck dick shit nothing for the past 6 months
No? Have you already forgotten the last newsletter?
sounds like Sonic Adventure buttrock
Where's my UnderTale branded Glock Tobert you HACK!?
>Cutscenes: Only a few ones left (some tough ones)! Other than that, need polish.
I mean, globohomo’ing shit together is technologically impressive, but fundamentally isn’t that surprising
If I can't kill someone with the MTT-themed AR-15 that has more grip than gun then what am I doing with my life
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I want to vore this flower
>ai generating a song
???? ? ???
What does this mean
Do you know what globohomo even means
I want, nay, I NEED a Temmie GF
I want to chop your balls off
>when it's all just fucking spritework
I better see some fucking changes to 3D toby, you fucking faggot.
stop crying AItimmy
We now, Toby
Now please get back to work
why does timmy hate ai music so much what? have we found a new trigger?
I'm imagining that it's literally all sprites that were already in Chapters 1 and 2 and the "tough" part is that there are parts where he has to rotate a sprite or have more than one character move at a time.
where did he say that he hates it
He's perfect for smooching. A literal smooch machine.
What if AI music becomes so powerful by the time Chapter 3 comes out that it can accurately replicate Toby's composing style and make an entire chapter's worth of music in minutes and his biggest strong suit (making really good music) is made trivial and mass-produceable
what if we deported all AI posters to delhi
Given he's the literal leitmotif meme it'd be him first if anyone
Doubt it though
Then we can have AI make the rest of the game for us and the result would probably be on par with the actual product
good morning sirs
how is your ai doing
Its telling me to go to the toilet when I need to poo
AI has convinced me that there’s a lot more secular cultists than I initially envisioned
How the fuck do you do this sort of squeakiness
What's the closest voice to it you can think of
well then start posting it if he hates it
Just reload the page.
If you have to, just go on the computer.
>sans avatarnewfag mysteriously shows up at the same time again
you're him aren't you
>he's also speaking uncannily similarly to the "if the kys posts are samefagged then report them" bit
telly hugey
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would you get swole so you can bridal carry your fave even though they don't exist
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My fave can be held by anyone regardless of strength.
I'd rather become a short fucking manlet so Fave can carry me instead
>I'd rather become a short fucking manlet
No you wouldn't motherfucker FUCK YOU
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It would be funny as fuck but also incredibly unrealistic. God knows how much Spade King weighs...
I could always just carry his Light World card form instead, I guess.
idk who the "kys" guy is, also who is hugey
I'm gonna get fucking SHREDDED.
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I just want fave to be bigger than me and it's very unlikely my real self would be smaller because my fave isn't one of the super talls like Toriel or Queen
>making really good music
Little Town Hero's music sucks ass
Pokemon SV's music sucks ass
His one track in Omori sucks ass
Who is your fave, and what is your IRL height?
>King in a mating press
Who's the lucky top?

Kill yourself
it's a funny visual imagining your character trying to carry him
I'm imagining you scuttling around trying to keep him balanced
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Spade King tops me, by the way.

Lol yeah
I feel like it'd only be possible to carry him if the world operated on cartoon physics, or if King is a lot lighter than he looks. Like a giant beach ball
FOBbyglobby is REAL quiet rn
I mean the dark world doesn't seem to operate on real world physics, you're just able to do whatever is funniest or what you feel the most strongly about
If you can't top your fave, do you truly love him?
Because if he doesn't want to be topped then I'm going to respect that.
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I would pay to see this.
If he DOES want me to top him though then I can and will do it.
c'mere doe
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I truly love King, more than anything else in the whole world! I'm his soulmate! And I want everyone to know it!
>doe was too cool for Kris
When did dark types get an ice weakness? I remember it being for the birds but not for the pranksters.
Me topping King to dryhump his belly! (if he's ok with it)
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If I tried to touch him at all I think he would enlarge his head and spit words at me and then I would die.
I worry about you after deltarune ends.
will you enter your 70s with kingrot or will is eventually fade
The former. I am fully anticipating still being in love with King when I'm a decrepit old lady
>imagining an elderly grandma in her 80s on her rocking chair muttering about "spade king" from some indie game that released 10 years ago
Will the "don't forget" in "Don't forget, I'm with you in the dark" be linked to Sans's 'don't forget' photo?
worse, they're staring at a corner, daydreaming until they stop breathing.
hi kwautsie
it'll go away eventually
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When will Noelle's late bloomer boob gene activate?
At the end of the game.
She says
>Oh... Kris and Susie...
>You rescued me...
Then her breasts explode and Susie goes AWOOGA!
Tbh Kingfag should be a cautionary tale not to waifufag over anything and to limit all your thoughts on character attraction to "this character's pretty hot/cute" and/or "i wanna fuck this character"
There's a slippery slope into actual parasocial delusion and she jumped straight off it
It can fuck you up
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The good ending
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Fuck man, I NEED to top and/or be topped by Spade King (no actual sex though, only clothed dryhumping)
Fuck that anon taunting me about it for making me horny
I truly love King and I need him to know that. I truly love my fave.
Kingfag relax
I NEED >>483781425 to admit that I truly love my fave I need him to now!!!
They really are an oddity.
to have such an aversion yet attraction to sex while permarotted to a sidelined character.
This is truly Chris-Chan level autism I fear.
this is the ideal susie in both size and shape and i need her to just fucking smother me into paste
i think i got stockholm syndromed into finding soijaktimmy's posts funny
What about being a weird obsessed psycho about fave but NOT thinking they are hot and wanting to fuck them
autism beam war
oh my goodness gracious she is climaxing isn't she
is king that powerful that he bypasses her asexuality
It kinda weirds me that I'm same age as Kingfag. Nothing personal.
how old I need to know
Alright, I'm convinced. Peg him, sister
24, but I think she might be older than me depending on when her birthday is.
Damn i'm older?
march 30 1999
added to my dossier
it was already in my dossier get on my level
>Kraut's 31
>He was 26 when he first got here
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This is true
I'm getting on in the years...
bro is in his 30s and still doing this
he makes a really good cautionary tale. grow out of your edgy phase before it's too late
his continued obsession with undertale probably has some psychological depth to it but I'm too lazy to figure it all out
>u take dat bbc?
she doesn't, Spade King on the other hands bounces on that BBC daily
No he doesn't
what happened to last thread's world of text?
world of text shit smells like aggiefags desu
Too many BLACKED Wojaks for my liking desu
Death!sans comes for all
No. Spade King's exclusively in a relationship with me.
real? where is this from
last time's world of text... https://ourworldoftext.com/utgdeadthread
Maybe your spade king is but my spade king sometimes glances at toriel with a lustful look
>All those ASCII Wojaks
No he doesn't
Spade King and Toriel would despise each other
holy shit
Maybe Y'our spade king
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Tennoriel OTP
>Somebody noticed my message about me stroking my dick
Fucking foiled again
I am the oldest poster here.
this one doesn't even fit on my screen
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That's not even all of them either too. Not even close.
(it's a joke account)
I wonder what wojakfags would be doing if they were born in a pre-internet world
I'm singing, I'm in a general and I'm singing.
singing about GAY PEOPLE
if i get more credits tommorow i should input an entire threads worth of posts and see if it can make music out of it
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holy shit
we should start celebrating Gaster Fridays here too
If you're a man: Post your old man cock
If you're a woman: Post your old woman tits
No, I don't have kids...
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Shitting in public
that debate made me truly think were not getting deltarune before america collapses
is he banned now
He'll just be back anyway. 4chan bans are retarded easy to bypass, even a child can figure out how to do it.
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Toby Fox will continue working on Deltarune from an underground fallout shelter
It's 2024 when is Hiroshimoot gonna get some AI jannies in this bitch
would you play it
leaked official gaster theme
Sure lol
Who won the Presidential Debate, Spamton or Jevil?
shant be clicking that
how did it know to cut the music for the rant
>IP grabbing, doxxing, dolphin porn link
Make a thread new before I piss meself
its going to be real bad
man that worldoftext flopped
how did you guys keep yourselves entertained for days on end with aggies
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Some of us don't have ADHD and are content doing other things on the internet.
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coming in to say i love king and need his CHEST in my MOUTh
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I want my FACE in his CHEST
new thread just went up
Whatever, you look like Bruce Willis
not even worthing opening vocaroo links anymore, all slop and no sovlful posts read aloud into a paper cup on a string
>development is held up because they're waiting for the makers of their shitty game engine to implement some critical feature
It's so over
It has never been more fucking over
i could probably already do that
it's definitely less a problem of weight and more a problem of where to hold
Third time was the charm, apparently.

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