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Does anyone even use the spit anymore? Edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New info + Recent trailers: https://www.ign.com/articles/monster-hunter-wilds-the-first-preview

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>483453334
I only use the spit when I'm doing long hunting sessions where I just "live off the land" making potions and killing small monsters for meat and then cooking it.
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I've played thousands of hours, and I think I've only ever killed a mon ONCE with a CB GP. But it was the greatest feeling.
Wish it'd happen again.
I have yet to do that but I've killed plenty of monsters with the kinsect on IG.
Sunbreak PC hunts, room under gathering
HR/MR whatever
It ain't the same but I KO'd a charging monster with water strike (the parry itself, not the follow-up) the other day, it was great. I even clipped it!
lumu doko?
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Oppai loli is a sin
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post the clip
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Let's jam!

That comment is right, this WOULD be a good villain theme in dangitronpaul
post lumu
Is the /mhg/ frontier server better than the rain server?
Honestly it could fit in a lot of games like megaman or sonic. I like it more every time I listen to it
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I hadn't gotten around to making it into a webm until now, hehe.
wheres the fking LUMU
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Do people here have MonHun merch? The only thing I have is this rathian pin I got from a bookstore on a whim.
You can't call yourself a true monster hunter fan unless you spend $600 on overpriced PC components
Is my thread wife in there?
The brown one? Yeah
this and I branded the capcom logo on my back hurt like a bitch but it's worth it so capcom knows they own me body and soul
This but not really.
I pirated al the games, I fucking hate multiplayer and I love the games.
>the worst mechanic from rise was taken into wilds
>now all hunters will talk
just kill me already
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I made some adjustments to the para swaxe set I posted here the other day. Despite the meme phials this thing is surprisingly strong and actually super fun to use
>he isn't a deaf hunter
hey that's pretty coo-
>evade extender
what's wrong with ee
both evade skills are crutches they're not needed
play how you want though you seem like you're having fun
EE is a mobility skill, not a crutch
it functionally increases damage as there are openings you can close and exploit without b*gs
It's made even more notable by the way Rise is designed from the ground up to favor more distant mobility
Anywhere from 1 to 3 can greatly help
Also, while I don't recommend using Evade Window nor do so myself, slotting it to parity with past games' frames is probably not bad for you in the long term.
>already dead
that is a status trigger set and swaxe feels bad to play without ee
I'd say they're both very much needed
I appreciate the sentiment though
I am indeed having fun
Why the fuck did they just randomly decide Barioth's tail whip has more knockback than anything else it does
When they decided you're a shitter.
I hope Wilds will move past the shitty mechanics World brought to the series. Zoomer tier gameplay is really holding the franchise back.
it won't it literally has everything from world other than seemingly clutchclaw
>shitty mechanics World brought to the series
Barioth has a pretty powerful tail bro...
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Should I lock-on?
It make it easier for me to counter but I dont see anyone use it on youtube
Is it created a bad habit or something?
seamless areas are zoomer tier, i want the loading screens back
Yeah alright fair enough
Hey, if I already have Stories 2 but didn't preorder Stories 1, do I still have to buy the bundle to get the preorder stuff?
That's not coming back, ever.
I don't like the zoning tunnels but after 20 hours fresh into GU I have encountered some five or more times where the monstie is camping inside the load door or otherwise fuckery related to those things
there's a better way than both approaches but I don't know what that is
There's seriously no reason the fans couldn't create an unofficial freedom 4 game if they really wanted to. There's clearly enough talented people in this community to make it work.
4th generation is fine as it is. What we really need is P3rd G
I have some plushies and the Malzeno figure. I wanted to get the Shagaru and Alatreon figure as well but I dont have the space for them right now.
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As of today Monster Hunter Puzzles is out
Wake me up when they release poka poka palico militia
nowbros...its over...
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catfuckers we WON
>can't pick cat gender
>they all look female or androgynous
pozcom at it again
They just know their target audience for this kind of game.
>Felyne Isles Ancestral Jungle
>Ancient Forest daytime opening theme
>Rise Jungle battle theme
>Now has poogie
>Puzzles Felyne Isles has poogie
>Rise has no poogie
Not looking good for you Risebros
>MH4 drome theme
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>he isn't a solo hunter
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Wow, that's my mizutsune kid.
Congratulations on becoming a mother
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That just means every post is hand typed, these posts have more love and care in them then any other post here if you think about it.
Why does Stories 1 feel so much more fluid and concise than 2? Even at x3 speed the action in 2 just feels sloppy and all over the place in pacing
I love huntresses
I got bored of the puzzle game at level 30 it's kinda shit but the unique OST is very nice I hope someone will bother uploading that
>Hey partner!
Heil the Feline Overlords!
Hammer or Greatsword?
Which one lets me do the biggest amount of sexual innuendos?
Hammer, but you have to be a femboy
Gunlance by a mile
Greatsword but you have to become trans so it's a monkey paw
GL and SA literally let you cum inside a monster.
That would be dope as a grand strategy game
Damn what happened? I leave the thread for a few days and it's a ghost town.
no news, anniversary song sucks and there's no drama to stir shit with
It also wouldn't surprise if they banned certain shitposters.
what the heck there's a poggers new mobile game
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So, Wilds. Do you think we'll have a returning siege monster or another new one?
troons left
notice how quiet the thread is now with little shitposting
It's going to be a new one obviously
im a shitposter and im not a troon im just bored of shitposting im thinking of doing a redemption arc where i become a pillar of the community
I got bored of MHW after reading hard mode, I liked the coral highlands and rotten vale though it felt like made in abyss but everything after that had too much hp and dealt too much damage
I really wonder what the general reception to Wilds' gameplay is going to be like. People loved World's combat because it was relatively no-frills, and every attempt to pile gimmicks on top of that since (Iceborne, Rise, Sunbreak) was received mostly negatively. Now Wilds looks like possibly the most gimmicky game yet.
So you quit after the tutorial?
Thanks it was wonderful getting impregnated by that big fat yellow monster cock
>Now Wilds looks like possibly the most gimmicky game yet.
Not really?
>Focus on parts for part break animation where you do massive damage
People were asking for this for years if they could not only add a special animation but a visual that you were actually doing damage + increase damage on that zone after a break
Claw moves are shit from older games now implementing the claw as apparently hunters have gotten weaker of the years
The only real gimmick is herds and that's just following the ecology bullshit that was typically talked about and only shown in CGI scenes
no it was the equivalent of dark souls 1 prepare to die edition after you reached anor londo except the rest of the game got boring?
Wounding is the new central mechanic of combat. Everything revolves around micromanaging wounds and popping them, and abusing the various means that let you apply them faster. Monsters also have inflated HP to compensate for the damage from wound pops. That's as gimmicky as it gets.
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Are translations in these games made by le quirky chungus redditor woke translators?
I don't think the quest descriptions these games have are like this in the japanese version
I faintly recalled that the Gen translation had memes shoved into it but I honestly cannot really remember anymore. Quirky quest descriptions arent exactly new the majority of players simply never read them so they didnt notice it.
I'm just wondering if they are also quirky japanese memes in the original.
I can understand if they adapt a shitty meme description for another one, but experience tells me is just faggots translators shoehorning their retarded takes.
LR is essentially the tutorial in monhun. Monsters are very anemic and slow there compared to HR and MR.
You'd need to ask someone who can speak moon but looking at the deepl translation it seems like they made it more quirky.
>Impatient researcher: I've heard that a subspecies has recently appeared in a lava tube, which can now be surveyed from El Ghad. I've never seen a lava tube or the Yatskadaki subspecies before. As a researcher, I can't miss this opportunity! Let's head out to investigate now!
>Monsters are very anemic and slow there compared to HR
HR does not change monster speed or AI in any way.
Bros... Is 15 mins average for village quest progression in mh4u=average skill level?
World's combat was one of the worst in the whole series. What the fuck are you on about?
It says right there that the client is impatient.
I didn't say it was the best, I prefer the pre-World games to 5th gen personally, but World's combat had the best reception from general audiences, and that all the new mechanics added since then were considered to water down the gameplay.
>had the best reception from general audience
that's not hard to achieve when 2/3 of the general audience started with world.
And that audience hated clutch claw, tenderizing, wallbangs, silkbinds and wirebugs, wyvern riding, anomaly...
So why is Capcom doubling down on almost all of these things instead of going back to the basics?
They'll love it of course because it's bringing back most stuff from world. Slinger, mantles, scoutflies,etc. There's going to be a lot of "well you know counters weren't inherently bad in rise they just needed..." to cope with the counters in wilds though
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>And that audience hated clutch claw, tenderizing, wallbangs, silkbinds and wirebugs, wyvern riding, anomaly...
Are you sure about that? The majority of people I know either didn't mind those features or liked them. Only here I see constant screeching.
>So why is Capcom doubling down on almost all of these things instead of going back to the basics?
Because designers love building overcomplicated interconnected systems but don't consider the experience of users engaging with those systems
The world outside of /mhg/ doesn't exist.
>They'll love it of course because it's bringing back most stuff from world. Slinger, mantles, scoutflies,etc.
Even the returning features got made worse and more intrusive
>scoutflies now highlight monster weak spots and environmental hazards because they weren't obnoxious enough in World yet
>slinger ammo is way more powerful now, has effects like being able to blind monsters or instantly wound them in a single shot
>other mantles got upgraded to rocksteady/evasion levels of power, ghillie mantle now gets you the equivalent of a free TCS + instant wound
This shit is good
is it really, though
You have a warped understanding of how most people feel about world. A fuck ton of people started with world and while a lot of them realized they don't actually like monster hunter and won't be coming back for wilds a large portion also do plan on staying and make up like 60-70% of the community now. The vast majority of these people don't know what any other monster hunter is like. Sure some of them played rise and a smaller percentage of them may have gone back and emulated one or two of the older games but a majority of their understanding of monster hunter is still based on world. So all that slinger, clutch claw, scoutflies, etc etc is just a normal part of gameplay for them so any additions to them will only be seen as improvements. Especially because those were added for them specifically in the first place.
It's Candy Crush but with MonHan setup, so far I've been having fun.
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So I remembered correctly that they added memes to the localization. Good thing I never read those textboxes
World and Rise are notably less meme-y than any of the localisations from the 3rd and 4th generations
This is why they got away with it for so long. It was basically MMO text, ie autoskip, and they knew it so they just tried to make themselves laugh while translating it
On one hand this strays way too far from the actual original text but on the other hand the quirky dialogue is unironically a big reason why the older games were so charming and the 5th gen games feel so souless in comparison. So I'm kind of torn on this issue. Good dialogue goes a long way
World still has a lot of corny dialogue, it's just mostly outside of the story segments.
Wilds appears to be the same way if the farmers talking entirely in cheese puns are any indication.
My only complaint is that, at least so far, monster hunts are really easy. I’d imagine the “monster skills” get more powerful over time though
If the first thing they say isn't "cheesed to meet you" I'm refunding
rat fanged beast that keeps trying to steal their cheese when?
it's not all gone but it's much more sanitized now which is probably for the best but it definitely makes me connect with the characters less which sucks but at least rise took steps to make it better by letting you hunt with a lot of them to see how they act during hunts
>the quirky dialogue is unironically a big reason why the older games were so charming
yeah nha, having the quirky dialogue is fine but it shouldn't replace the actual usefull and concise one, it the case of GU it's just bad
and i don't remember MH1 to FU having any of that shit
lol a few posts above yours people said they didn't read text boxes at all so useful info or not wouldn't really matter people hate reading. also the translation for dos is a fan translation so there is a bit of quirky dialogue in there but who knows how close it is to the original text
Loading screens literally make the game easier
Memes come and go and this can happen from one to another day making them terrible for localization. People who read those dialogues at release might understand them but if someone picks up the game later they might not understand them if they arent used anymore.
Abusing loading screens is a choice and usually a very slow and unoptimal way to play, so its effects are completely avoidable
The removal of loading zones led them to nerf monsters and buff consumables, which you cannot do anything about
It's less about memes and more about giving characters personality which is important because you spend so much time around these characters. I think sunbreak did a solid job with this though. It's not perfect but it's a solid try and they'll probably get better in the next game
>Are translations in these games made by le quirky chungus redditor woke translators?
yes, since 4U
i can't think of a single time where localization was better than translation, bunch of hacks
3U too
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wasn't as bad in 3U, there it was mostly the moga lass being written like picrel but one shit character is ignoreable
cha cha and kayamba with the redditor caveman speak too
Reading shit like this kills me laughing. People spam cope non stop on this shit site but it's just an insult randomly thrown around. You though, my god, the cope is fucking real and making up headcanon retard theories because you don't llike being wrong is just icing on the cake
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You tendies never learn
>/mhg/ complaining about quirky flavor text now
I swear all of you just hate fun
you seem to be confusing /mhg/ with /r/monsterhunter?
there goes the cope already
>a-actually counters are good in wilds because uhh uhh SHUT UP SHUT UP TENDIE SHUT UP!!
>but a majority of their understanding of monster hunter is still based on world
Yeah, so how do you think they're going to feel going into a game where monsters have like 5x as much HP and are balanced around you cycling through all the different gimmicks to bring them down?
It's just going to be the same damn thing as going from World to Rise
>have like 5x as much HP
bold assumption what makes you think they won't just let players melt monsters? this is a sequel to world after all
>no lumu
what's the point of these threads
localization doing flavor text replacing original text is merely fanfiction work at best
>bold assumption
In the gameplay they showed, turf wars were doing almost 4000 damage, things like sneak attacks did over 500, and they still needed like 15-20 minutes to bring the bear down
>they won't just let players melt monsters
They absolutely will, but you're going to have to use the new mechanics in order to do so
It's most likely going to be like World where you just mash buttons and the monster dies sub 2
There is no point which is why they've been a ghost town for like a week now. Everyone is just waiting for more wilds info so we can either scream AHAHAHAH BTFO OH NO NO NO NO or LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO depending on how it goes.
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in Tri is there a difference in HP between the urgent jhen and the sandstorn event jhen?
>It's most likely going to be like World where you just mash buttons and the monster dies sub 2
Better than rise's "mash buttons on helpless monster for 10 minutes which is both boring and gives you arthritis". Both are shit but Rise is miles shitter in this regard
>but Rise is miles shitter in this regard
yes anon we know
Typo, I meant to say "not going to be like World"
It'll probably be closer to Iceborne where 70% of the hunt is setup and micromanagement and 30% is actually hitting the monster
I think we're moving away from hunting traditionally and it'll be mostly replaced with environmental traps, sneak attacks, turf wars, etc. I'm dead serious. You should have listed during world
It's even more fun when you play a setup weapon like gunlance or insect glaive! Then by the time you finally finish your weapon specific setup and managed to get the monster wounded and enraged, it's just about time to do the weapon setup minigame again XDD
And oh boy if the monster ever changes areas you can do it all over again LOL
>mash buttons on helpless monster for 10 minutes
you just suck if it takes you 10 minutes to defeat a monster that is helpless.
That's basically what the closed doors gameplay showcase was like. But that's presumably because those features are the focus of the marketing right now.
are you underaged perchance
are your hands brown perchance?
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Why do worlos go into uncontrollable rage at the sight of chicken tenders?
im a worlo and i react like this
lumu.... d..o...ko.......
why are tendies so fucking golden brown and crispy and delicious? stupid delicious tendies go play rise or something
mmmh Tasty
People are stuttering through Erdtree this month
>strays way too far from the actual original text
All she says in the original is information that you'd get just by talking to yellow bubble NPCs and exploring the menus yourself.
While the localized version is equally as useless, it helps characterize her which is more important.
TRAPPED and BETRAYED be the localization team
Never knew there were this many redditors in /mhg/
What, are you happy your brothers in arms are here for you.
I'm literally shaking and crying
some FUCKING BIGOT just called me a redditor!
yeah we have a lot of world players here
yeah we have a lot of rise players here
>“The Redditor is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a retard, moron, shitposter, /v/ermin, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Redditor and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out"
>shilling bad localization
you guys have just terrible taste or are actual shills?
>exactly 1 minute apart
Really makes you hmm
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>youre reddit!
>no YOURE reddit
>hes reddit im reddit were all reddit
will you fags shut up and post your 5 favorite monsters?
no we need to argue about nothing again
pretty reddit tier response honestly
Furious Rajang
Enma Rajang
Furious Rajang Blanco
pretty reddit tier response honestly
at least the first four were real you just made up the last one
I much prefer it when my NPC dialogue reads like tutorial popups
>Chaotic Gore Magala
in that order
Rajang, Fatalis, Nargacuga, Astalos, Valstrax.
that's an interesting one wonder if they'll ever bring him back
Kecha Wacha

in no particular order
Huntresses (Love)
Bloodbath Diablos
>post your 5 favorite monsters
lol i like how this one gets progressively more crazy
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cmon, we've already had enough assblasted tendies shitposting, can't they just post some Wilds stuff
Gore Magala
Jackie Chan

return to what now?
Do you think we'll get gameplay footage next month? Or are Capcom going to make us wait until August because they're releasing that Kunitsu-Gami game in July?
>audio is horribly delayed
Great stream huntards
nice one. I cant remember the last time I saw this.
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kek based
Oh yeah! It's double cross time!

>also have a wallpaper I made
I would like valstrax a lot more if his fight were as cool as his design. As it is, it's not as interesting as it can be.
nice wallpaper *smooch*
>if his fight were as cool as his design
If Valstrax's fight isn't cool to you then I'm not sure what is
Wasn't here for the music poll results release, how bad was the reaction to 0 rise themes being in the top 10
Nintendo still won.
Nobody really gave a fuck about the music poll results because they released them so late and only released the top 10. Personally I like the remix but a lot of people didn't like it so just another reason people didn't care. Capcom has been really dragging out this 20th anniversary for no fucking reason
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I have figures and plushies. And the two orchestra CDs that I bought because nobody ever uploaded them in FLAC
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got that perfect "oh god help me someone put me out of my misery" face
Give him some slack, he just got over his edgy phase
I wish I had one of these but god damn are they expensive
the colour looks much darker than on the promotion artwork. For Malzeno they promo artwork for the non-bloodening figure has a silver painting but when I got it it was actually a darker grey. I wanted the Shagaru figure but once I saw the dimensions I noticed it wouldnt fit my display sadly.
Some are pretty big too, shagaru didn't fit on my shelves initially. Still waiting on the fatty one that I ordered from a local shop because it was sold out everywhere else, don't think I'll ever get it tbqhwyf, if it's still not here by the end of the year I'll cancel my order and be sad because I really wanted that figure

>he doesn't buy like a retard and realize it doesn't fit when it's delivered
Shagaru wouldn't fit my shelves only because of the tip of the wing. Which ones do you have ?
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>Which ones do you have ?
Only Malzeno. I had Alatreon preordered but the shop slacked so hard I cancelled it. Otherwise I only have some plushies, some CDs both physically and digital. I'm currently waiting for deformed White Fatty and Alatreon to release.
The wings will get droopy over time without supports. I didn't get him because I didn't play sunbreak but he looks cool
>deformed White Fatty and Alatreon
Based. I'm waiting for them too
>The wings will get droopy over time without supports.
ic. I already had it for half a year but never considered this. Thanks
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let this be a lesson to all you LS, GL, and ranged users who love to trip people
hammerbros....we forgot to take our meds.....
the gunlance user fears the hammer main's rage
any of you nyaggers play Grandblue Relink? I heard its another MonHun clone but have seen literally no one talk about it. not even as a shitpost like Wild Sharts
thank you funbreak for ridding us of tripping (via shock absorber) so that we can exclusively seethe at gunners for being fags now
Kushala Daora
Viper tobi-kadachi
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I checked now and the stands actually dont fit... anymore? I looked up an unboxing videos and the guy there literally has the same issue. I could place it similar to pic related as in the video or let them be again.
Other than the rooms and the four player co-op mission they don't have that much in common. If you expect MH you'll be disappointed but it's a good anime action game till you hit the endgame.
I heard the stands were quite shitty. If the wings already started dropping you'll be able to get them in a better position for the stands by heating them up with a hairdryer
>yfw sliding attack
Is hunter+iceborn a lot of fun from the beginning? I'm playing on buying but i think i will only have time to play just a few hundred hours (200-300) before the release of Wilds
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From what I can see more people have this issue. The figure was brand new but reduced in price on amazon.co.jp maybe because it was a "faulty" production line to begin with. I guess I could shorten the stands a bit cause the wings still look fine as they are.
Wilds will have Khezu
If you're really worried about it I guess you could buy some gunpla clear stands, it wouldn't perfectly fit but it'd work
I don't touch monhun clones because all of them (literally every single one) sucks
Bazelgeuse is so goddamn cool, it really sucks that he got shafted hard in Iceborne and especially Rise.
I think the original reason why I didnt use them to begin with is that they didnt fit and comparing it with an old pic I made when I got it one year ago I cant really see a difference. as mentioned I'll just shorten the stands the figure came I guess. My display is also position next to a cabinet so the sun doesnt shine directly into it which should help as well.
>Bazelgeuse is so goddamn cool
I wish. It's one of the more boring world designs which is really saying something since world already has some of the most boring designs in the series.
Its design is fine, they just did absolutely nothing interesting with it fight wise, it's just a generic flying wyvern moveset but with random bomb drops
Baz has a great fucking theme
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actually mentally ill
Honestly true. The combat is always missing something important, to say nothing of the things outside it
it's the only reason anyone even likes him
it's boring as fuck and even if they wanted to go for realism they could have done a lot better than gray blob even pukei is more interesting
i too like bazel
visual design might not be flashy but it stand out enough compared to other flying wyverns
fight is servicable with a good gimmick, so overall good
no shit hitzones
great theme
Regular Bazel is shit, Seething Bazel is cool though
Bazel's design has tons of personality, the wings are literally designed to be vaguely plane-like to add to its bomber plane theme. Not every monster needs to be zinogre
I think Bazel is almost fine. They got an idea and they went deep into it and it kinda works.
Shame that the fight is complete shit because he's just a punching bag with only perfect hitzones.
Yeah, I got a few.
Clear Akantor figure, Revoltech Rathalos, Revoltech Vulcanlog Kaiser X, Revoltech Vulcanlog Kirin U

I'd like to get the Glavenus armor one soon.
Seething in Rise was probably his best version as a straight fight
Bazel in Rise is easy as it doesnt have the random explosion drops anymore and it's still rather slow while hunters are now on crack. Seething was even easier as the new moves are perfect openings for counters.
>Bazel's design has tons of personality
cmon man like it's fine as a monster considering we have LITERAL IGUANA as part of the cast now but it's a boring monster design
yeah ludroth was kind of meh, but it's fine for early monsters fillers
it would be kind of lame is every monster had their own flavor of elder dragon level bullshit
For all its faults Rise had a great endgame system with relevancy for the lower threat tier monsters. Having the weapons all upgrade to the highest level, making the monsters tougher and be required for materials through the afflicted ranks, it works well.

If we could get more of that in Wilds I'd be happy.
>relevancy for the lower threat tier monsters
>Having the weapons all upgrade to the highest level
These should not be a thing.
kek i'm talking about jagras
Generally speaking cats don't tend to be sexually dimorphous.
liberals actually believe this lmao
Cool it with the anti-GU remarks
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>liberals actually believe facts
Was that the burn you really wanted to go with, anon?
Raptors more powerful than elders because of some magic glow is retarded
Great Jagras and Jyuratodus weapons being BiS is retarded
There is nothing wrong with a natural hierarchy of power
Having more available endgame fights is good.
Having more options in weapon and set building is good.
Fuck off with your "lore powerlevels".
>more options
But you don't get more options. You're going to have a small handful of best weapons whether you have 10 fully upgraded paths or 200. But you could for example make early monsters' weapons grow in power quicker but cap out early to make them good progression options but meant to be discarded later. If that early game weapon goes on to also be stronger than anything you can get from the later monsters, what's even the point?
>If we could get more of that in Wilds I'd be happy.
I'd say more but executed different. Making low tier monsters somewhat relevant in the endgame is great. But the way anomalies were designed at the beginning made me stop rise altogether. It took them way too long to improve on the system.

If you wanted to farm lvls you wouldn't pick a low tier monster. And if we're just talking about materials for weapon augmentation, I very much prefer the open map theme of the guiding lands.
You will grind the level 300 Gigginox for the meta poison weapon and you will enjoy it.
Here's your rise 2 bro
MH's weapon options are really not mechanically interesting or diverse enough for a horizontal progression setup. They're just slightly different permutations of raw, element, affinity and sharpness where you calculate whichever combination gives you the best return and then everything else is discarded. But the upgrade tree does serve well to giving each weapon line different points where they peak in usefulness. So play to the system's strengths, not its weaknesses.
Unfortunately I feel like for this kind of system to really shine you would need actual walls during progression that make you think about what kind of gear you want to bring to fight them. But we don't really get that anymore. Sure, you could go out of your way to get this weapon that's the strongest fire option for your weapon type at this level, but the monster is probably going to die in less than 5 minutes to whatever you're already using anyway, and there's not much point in spending half an hour to an hour to make a weapon to shorten that hunt time to 4 minutes and 30 seconds.
Please seek mental help
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World PC room/lumu
It depends on the weapon tree but you could optimize your weapon and set for each monster individually in SB endgame depending on the skills you want to run. On Hammer I had two or three different dragon options I could use against monsters with dragon weakness using courage playstyle. Meta guides had less relevancy in SB endgame as the game allowed you to tailor yourself a weapon/set combination of your choice depending on your needs. If anything some weapon trees lacked certain combination of ele/stat, raw damage and slot layouts. Throwing all this away cause you dont want weapon tree A from early game monster to be endgame but weapon tree B from elder dragon sounds genuinely retarded to me.
Never seen a shitpost eh kid
Join kudasai…
I know you’re all playing the ER DLC take a break for an hour or two
Sunbreak wasn't too bad about it, though some weapon options from low to mid tier monsters basically remained at the top for the game's entire lifetime which was disappointing, but you should also consider that Sunbreak was made by a Frontier fanboy, and not Kaname "Isn't it fine if everyone uses the same gear at the end?" Fujioka who thinks everyone wearing the same clownsuit uniform builds camaraderie and who was adamantly against cosmetic gear until his hand was basically forced. And if we have a guy like that at the helm, then I'd at least want some systems that can give other gear temporary relevance while the best shit should be hard to obtain and a big resource sink.
imagine posting a world room while a new fromsoft game is out LOL
>rise slut
>world room
What did he mean by this?
There’s more to life than exclusively no lifing the ER DLC you can take breaks to play other games
t. No lifed the DLC for the past 3 days and I’m done with it
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er players turned out to be closeted lancers so
>just wait until everybody stops talking about it and then play it
yeah nah
that's not even slightly close to what i said...
lumu status
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>killed a dozen of rath
>with head breaks and tail cuts
>still no plate
>it's the 4th day in a row i'm doing this
Code incorrect
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>gittin gud at ala
>finally topped and broke horn
>scrolling frantically to jerky when EJ started because never made it this far
Guess I was too slow this time haha : )
Closed the room because no one joined
I’ll put it back up if people actually wanna play
isn't the health booster better a safer option tho?
post lumu
UHPN chads keep winning
health booster+ isnt enough, otherwise I would have been fine
You better actually join and not be baiting me into booting the game and making a room
World PC room/lumu
Would've bought that figure if the pose was more interesting.
Jokes on you I'm spending hours painting my AC in AC6 for mediocre results
Sorry bro. We are playing Deadlock
not until you post delicious choco
I haven't seen a choco in days.....
What's the "hardest" weapon to learn
you wanna wait more than 5 fucking minutes maybe?
I've played every weapon except the lances and ranged weapons and for me the hardest to get good at was easily IG.
What in the fuck about this is woke to you? You stupid cunt.
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Reminder that hinoa and minoto are called quest maiden in english
You know how they are called in japanese? secretaries
But that is le heckin sexist so they made up fanfiction
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The english localization team confirms to you they're maidens and you get mad?
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>westoid art
>dogshit opinion
>dogshit post
eburi taimu
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I ranked the MHGU gunlances based o their design
I disagree.
will wilds have cute huntress feet?
Do you anons think it would be worth it to re-play RiseBreak on PC after having played some 500 hours on Switch?
It's on sale on Steam right now, and I'm fairly tempted on account of not having played for over a year and the day/night difference in visual quality. Also mods, but that's less relevant.
Hammer gets the most head, GS gets seconds.
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>basarios but the weakspot spazzes around every 3 seconds
>also barroth mud sprays everywhere
I don't think I've ever heard someone compare Almud to Basarios, that's new
Is there some GS "seconds" pun I'm not getting here?
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The palamutes are getting out of hand...
I tried to work one out but it never came
No, except that GS likes the KO in non-punishdraw nonsense games and has a turn on the HZ as a result. I guess you could try something with the stationary charge times or unsheathe attacks being really fast by comparison
Did you finish the game on switch? if you didn't then go for it but personally if I already finished a monhun I don't replay the whole thing
That's no palamute, that's a Tetsucabra
Seriously? I'm new to rise but literally 30 seconds into the fight, the first thing in my mind was "this ugly wannabe basarios motherfucker what the fuck"
He reminded me more of the other mud/lava swimming monsters
it's one of those monsters made for certain weapons if you play SA or IG it's fun but for others it'll be a pain
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oh so it's like that
These anons have correct opinions
Fatalis hitboxes are so retarded he'll fall like 10 feet from me and I still die
I haven't fought espinas enough to know whether I like it or not but the design is top notch
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Shagaru Magala

Not sure about 5. Either Ceadeus or Ukanlos.
I'd say Ceadeus outright but he's part of the reason I like Nakarkos (similar reason to not mentioning the Gores), and I guess Kushala Daora is in contention too.
A bit over-eldered
this goddamn cat puzzle game is pissing me off
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Good hunts
Calling them maidens makes sense because not only are they dressed unlike guild secretaries/gals, they also have actual magic telepathy powers like some shrine maiden nonsense, and are wyverians
how the fuck are those two even comparable, at least im not bouncing with white hitting any part thats not its fucking tiny legs
Basarios? Barroth? Almudron? FILTERING SHITTERS
This is the family tree. All of them are related.
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Good honts
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Good hunts, lumu is dead.
>watch out for that slop!
>Slop = barf
Pariapuria is in
I had a dream that there was a tiny chameleos
and a great jagras
but the great jagras got one shot(?) by an extra large chameleos
Thank you for reading my blog
I had a dream I was Rathalos and I posted a quest for hunters to fuck my wife.
You gotta stop reading that stuff Steve it's turning all the way around on you
it certainly is not
Beautiful, I had not seen this before
I think so
LR/Urgent Jhen is 27,750 HP
whereas HR/Event looks to be 37,000
Festival of Fear (boat only repel) is a 20 minute LR HP event
creampie for anon
Give me older maps with no loading screens, I feel like the old maps had more personality.
Reason why the Jungle map in rise is so good, it's not much different from the classic map.
Rise Flooded Forest is fucking shit though, it's not always a good conversion
I'm pretty indifferent to Flooded Forest, honestly I forgot it exists in rise.
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Whew lad
It's where Worldtreon keeps all his fucking MMO bullshit
That's a fluid sac lizards have.
Alatreon is storing its pee in their which helps switch elements.
It's also why Hunters are so strong like lizards Hunters earned how to store pee inside their balls.
Sandy Plains is really good on the other hand

That's where you aim your ice lance when the head is up
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Post BALLER Gunlance designs
Or just baller weapon designs in general idk nigga
I will boycott Wilds if it does not have Wyverian Earrings Layered Armor as free DLC upon release
We both know it isn't the ears that you want.
Wilds should let you play as a Wyverian. and make costume Wyverian shoes for some armors.
Then I can play as Wyverian girl(male)
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What the fuck is his problem
Thinking big thoughts
thingken of eggs
He had to get large so he could be like his Hero Ultraman.
What do you guys think? 20 more raw or more white sharpness? both have comparable purple with handi. Leaning towards sharpness because it's IG
Any CB user here?
The optimal way to use SEAD is to aim for the shockwave to hit a monster, right? Not the axe swing. I always have this bad habit of using it at pointblank.
The axe swing does a pretty large chunk of damage so try not to intentionally whiff it. That being said, take what you can get and do your best to maximize both the swing and the shockwave.
If it helps, AED isn't half bad to use either. If you land on the head all those explosions rack up a KO pretty quickly. Plus I think AED takes less time than a full SAED.
Thanks anon.
Yeah it's probably more logical to use AED for the most case, quicker, safer.
I also want to attack the monster's head more often but damn it seems risky. How do people train themselves to do it. Just learn GP until you can actually use it?
I'm liking the candy crush clone. Writing is A+. Gato sexo.
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It's always funny when a mon just rushes headfirst into a dragonator.
GPs play a big part in getting to AED or SAED as fast as possible, but it's also an experience thing as to whether you actually have enough time to pull it off or not. Unless I'm mistaken, however, AED and SAED give you super armor so you can pull it off through some of the lighter attacks.
If I recall correctly, there isn't just AED/SAED after a GP. If you press X/triangle you should be able to pull off a quick sword slash, and pressing A/circle should pull off AED1 (which can then of course go into AED2 if you got time).
Also on the GP -> AED1 thing, I used to use that pretty often as a way to get in a quick phial charge burst and then a morph into SnS mode for another GP at the end of the animation. The timing is super fucking tight but it can save you in a pinch when you got it down
Haha no one likes you, loser.
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>sucker punches Alatreon

ZULU SAYS "WHO??????????"
>kneels on Fatalis by the neck

>nukes everyone all the way to Castle Schrade™

A toast to the Pathfinder from DD2... and FUCK Black Dragons. That is all.

See you in Monster Hunter Wilds!
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chokin the chicken
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>mfw I'll never get to be a meownster hunter again because prowler is never coming back
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I really hoped that because they had all of these assets at a level of parity from doing the dev stuff in gen 5 that they would NOT skewer the next gen with new random gimmicks or other stuff eating dev time, and we could start getting stuff back like Prowler
but I was wrong
In fact I'm willing to bet that their focus group / AI sales query doesn't even realize that "MH World but you can play as the cat lmao" is a selling point in itself for easily half the normalfags and FF addicts who dipped into it for the first time
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Prowler needs to return at least once more.
I've got a boner for some reason
The goose is a nice idea and has potential to be something other than a fat fuck but objectively speaking he looks like they just glued together two previous invader monsters (jho and seregios) and does the same thing as them
the only one missing is Rajang
"Tripping me, huh? I'll show you a trip"
So the major mechanics they've gotten rid of unless I'm missing one would be:
>consumable food ingredients
>PvP monster battles
>hunter arts
>prowler mode

They basically brought back styles and hunter arts with switch skills and they're bringing back consumable food ingredients and seasons in wilds. That leaves PvP monster battles, prowler mode, and underwater that have yet to return. It would be really awesome to get a game (probably like 4 gens from now) that just had everything like the "definitive" monhun experience. It'll probably never happen though because some of those ideas are portable ideas and some are mainline and the split between the two seems greater than ever these days.
>consumable food ingredients
What game was that in?
>>hunter arts
Those have sort of changes into switch skills and wirebug moves, but a lot has been lost along the way
>Hammerbro golfswings me
>R2 in air
>Mount monster
It just works, the other weapons can't compete.
Has anyone ever done any interesting mods or romhacks of older games? Like adding more monsters or making the game harder?
Think I'm too retarded and gay to use GS well.
I use GS well and I'm very gay and I'm pretty retarded.
The most I've done is making Tri's quests all accessible offline/online
and yeah but you can't really expect them to bring things back 100% the same way especially if those things were considered controversial or just cumbersome at the time like they won't be bringing underwater back the exact same way. the core idea of building your own personal playstyle is still very much alive in switch skills
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What did you hunt today if you played at all?
It seems I will be fighting a number of crabs when I get to it a bit later, as that's where I left off and I don't know how many locale variants there are/didn't look up keys
GU I assume?
Yes. I was surprised that they had an intruding Mizu in 3*, I was expecting a Zinogre but considering they were dropping hints about others like Glavenus already it checks out
Dumb nigger deserved it
monoblos and lavasioth. hated both
Well there's your problem.
BASED. I can only use filters, I should buy a crt tv I miss them now.
I've been playing wild hearts and the maul is incredibly fun, even if it is no hoonting hammer. Everyone told me this game was shit, why did they lie?
Bought MHW lastnight, is there any "free roam" mode? I like picking up everything in games but that's hard to do since all these beginning quests seem to be capped at 50mins
expeditions (open your map in town and select a locale from there)
Shit literally respawns mid mission
You can't "pick up everything" in this game
You don't need to do that much gathering. Pretty soon you'll unlock a botanical farm that you can upgrade where you can specify what you want to farm and every quest it generates a bunch. Just pick up what you can on the way to the monster if you want.
It's a fun game just kind of broken and it will never actually be finished.
The hardest part of World is actually the arena
All these bad loadouts do no damage
My beloved
The arena has always made and unmade true hunters.
It's all about being able to adapt to what you've been given
Separates the hunters from the metafaggots, the true quality of a MH game is in its arena.
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you can tell it flopped
I ended up unlocking expedition mode and have been searching for hours, since items respawn, does this mean monsters health also regens to full?
There is some giant lizard I want to kill, then move onto this TRex that has been chasing me for 10mins
>up to two hours
So what, half an hour of actual gameplay?
That's how I remember the first two hours of MHW for comparison and that wasn't even supposed to be a "story game"
>does this mean monsters health also regens to full
No, they never really recover HP. The only time is when they sleep, but they only sleep when they're almost dead and they recover an incredibly small amount over time by sleeping.
I forget exactly how expeditions work, but I know monsters will eventually leave the area and also I think the rewards are worse for hunting a monster in an expedition rather than doing a targeted quest for them.
The items will respawn when you cut off the trex's tail. The monsters health will regen when they spend time around the small monsters.
Fucking love the Tigrex Gunlances
Shame that gunlances will become boring again in wilds because they'll take away blast dash.
I once had a monster limp away and and I decided to kill the other monster on the map before finishing it off. Went to go cap the first monster and it didn't cap. Can the monster heal itself back into health if it's just on the edge of being capturable?
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>no one:
>literally no one:
>tendditors: B-BUT WORLD!!!! REEEEEEEEEE
Monsters can sleep their way out of the capture threshold yes
ok cool, i'm not crazy
Oh, and probably via eating too, but only in weird cases where you wake them up and they run away or something because of the priorities I guess
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Is my character dying? My Stamina has been at this for over an hour, can't catch up to monsters that need to be killed.
Cook some steaks or eat at the camp you dingus.
Seems you need to sharpen your weapon too
I do appreciate your enthusiasm, at least
Yay, no I can confirm exactly how bad it will run on my machine.
>twitter meme
I'd suggest not spending a lot of time in low rank. It's basically the tutorial of the game and you'll still fight all the same monsters in high rank and master rank. So basically quests with 1-5 stars are low rank. Monsters are pretty weak here and typically have reduced movesets. In high rank which is 6 star and up they'll be stronger. The reason you might not want to linger long in LR or even HR is because you can still hunt all the same monsters in every difficulty level. It can burn you out if you decide to spend like 50+ hours in LR and then you move onto HR and suddenly you have to hunt all the same monsters again plus some new ones. Stay in any particular difficulty until you find yourself getting bored then move on.
Stamina steadily decreases while you play. You can eat rations and steaks to raise the cap back up. If you're on a quest they'll typically give you a bunch of rations in the box at camp.
don't worry that will happen a lot early in the game. next time you level up make sure to put some points in stamina, it will help a lot.
Capcom hasn't cared about arenas since GU
They throw them in because they are expected and easy to make, but they aren't really monster hunter
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>Using a CRT filter when playing monhun
cant wait for wilds at 30fps on a 7800x3d+4080
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What were they thinking?
>the swansong of a series entirely about killing monsters as a caveman
>get done killing fierce dragon
>this retarded lolicon idol shit starts playing
>uncanny valley motion capture
>song isn't even good or catchy, at all
>not even anything that makes you think "oh that's so like them hihi" because you don't even know anything about those shit characters
>no reason to talk to the blonde girl ever again after getting your cats from her
>no reason to even know that the other girl exists
>let alone knowing they're this supposed famous twosome you just have to know and can't help but love
>the final credits aren't even much better, for some reason focusing on that equally irrelevant gay boy who could be replaced by...literally anyhting
The only thing that comes to mind is pedo bait but I'd hope even pedos have higher standards

Literally a game shitting on itself for no reason
The sale thing isn't that bad. I remember I got RE2 for 30 bucks on sale like 3-4 months after it came out.
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Falseflag. Must be Indonesian hours.
What's the green scale thingy?
1. Asians are the only people who might be into this type of shit without socially crippling medical conditions. Think before you shitpost
2. Every normal human being of European descent will have my exact reaction to it, especially considering how good MH endings usually are. Just cringe and cheapening
3. Kys pedos
Didn't even know this one
Yup, its an Indonesian.
>didn't even know
We know
Yup it's a pedo
a Pure Scale from Shagaru Magala
Caravaneer gives it to you, it's just a regular material, but if you used it you lose your soul
>second reply within 20 seconds yet again
So a pedo who is also insecure and samefagging
post timers exist, you're the kind of nonce who accuses everyone else before getting cleaned up by a broomstick in prison
>post timers exist
Thanks for confirming that you are a samefagging pedo, psychologylet kek
for a second I thought this is /v/. What next? "tranime" :^)
unironically mocap tech demo

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Can't have any of that nasty Japanese Humor in our Monstie Huntsies, no sir
bro its not even 500 posts. trying to trick the indo phoneposter?
Would this trigger you as well? So a samefagging pedo tranny. And I assume a janny as well, if not autistic enough to use a phone or SSH reverse proxying for advanced /vg/ shitposting in the middle of the night
I guess that answers it
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Goodnight /mhg/
This is what held MH back.
>masterlinkx still posts here
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After 2 hours, I killed the T Rex, are these Slicers OP?
When I was using the hammer, I did some weird 30 second long combo after charge attacking into the T Rex's ass. Could never get it to work again.
I tried the long sword and it sucked.
These Slicers were the only thing that gave me consistent damage.
Goodnight snookums
Look up a weapon overview/guide video online to see how you're supposed to be playing your chosen weapon. The game does a very poor job of teaching you your chosen weapon and its nuances.
It took you 2hrs while us8ng the journalist armour? Lmao you are really fucking bad a video games, kid. Embarrassingly bad.
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>are these Slicers OP?
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>2h for Anjanath
>when monsters flee after some time on expedition even when you attack them
yea sure sounds totally legit.
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bros... i can't... any tips?
hammer, hr gear
hit it until it dies
You have to be very aggressive with lunastra unless you want your ass cooked.
Get them in the same zone.
Watch them have fire lion sex.
it took two hours because it kept running away, disappearing to a different location, and running into some other giant dino
Just play the game normally my man
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>feeling autstic, decide to explore the map and look for old messages
>there's fuck tons of caves and tunnels that stay completely irrelevant and out of sight during actual hunts, not even used as shortcuts
I got bored of MHW after reaching hard mode. Coral Highlands and Rotten Vale felt like Made in Abyss but the game got boring and monsters took too long to kill and had too much HP after that.
Hard mode? You mean high rank? Low rank was a tutorial.
You posted this already.
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>people falling for this
well i guess the thread would be totally dead otherwise
You mean sandy plains? yeah it's pretty bizarre they have all this stuff like ruins underground and this tunnel system but the only reason you'd go down there is to gather or look for collectibles. Jungle is kind of like that too there's a big room underground and I have yet to see any monster go down there. Those are the only two maps like that I can think of too which makes you wonder if they were never intended to be in sunbreak or if there's a lot of cut content from sunbreak. What if they initially intended for risebreak to have underwater? it would explain the seemingly random wirebug movement and the unused underground parts of maps.
>make the game unrefundable before you buy it!
nah, I just dislike their fights. Hate plesioth for the same reasons. Frontier is nice medium between GU mechanics and 1G aesthetics

it’s great going through the old maps with it on. Honestly it’s partially a color saturation/halation thing for me, but I have always felt that the MH team mastered doing the most with the least amount of graphical power. It’s nice to know that they’re finally able to flesh out technically what they could only previously suggest artistically
>1G aesthetics
it's literally dos, retard
>Jungle is kind of like that too there's a big room underground and I have yet to see any monster go down there
they go down there
more like
when? I have 700 hours in the game and haven't seen a monster go down there once
yeah because they’re very different. anyway see >>483850468
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This OST sucks massive ass, and yet I can't stop vibing to it.
Genuinely bobbing my head while typing this, and I'm seething.
Troon alert.
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try as you might you can't fight the disco
stop fighting it anon just groove
they are. dos is also way better of a game
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It gets better every time you listen to it. Embrace the beat.
I just noticed pukei gets that flying claw move from blue yian kutku. Also I never noticed how ash kecha wacha sleeps when there's nothing to hang from he just lays on his back with his paws folded up like a cat or dog lol
are you talking about 10 or something else? they go down there all the time if they can fly
I have yet to see it even once but maybe they only go there when tired? Maybe I'm just killing monsters too quickly to have seen it then
>5th day of hunting
>another dozen of raths have perished
>still not plate
what game?
i'm playing tri rn at this point i'm thinking i should do a baggi/luck set for capture and bonus reward
you mean to tell me you've been trying to get rare parts without a partbreaker set? why? just to enjoy the suffering?
It took me like 50 hours to get a single Rathalos Plate in tri. It didnt get better in High Rank when I started to drop Rathalos Rubies left and right while still not getting any Plates.
i have no trouble beaking parts, this isn't the issue, i get taillcut and all breaks every time
What i mean by a partbreaker set is a set specifically for getting rare parts with skills like fate and tranquilizer. You should make one in literally every monhun game you play otherwise you're asking to suffer. I'm actually pretty sure tri doesn't have the partbreaker skill but 3U does. It does have the other skills though. Does tri have the veggie elder? if it does try getting a plate from him. In 3U you just need to give him a silver ticket for a rath plate
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I have a nigga I want to play Iceborne with, he only has the base game but our broke asses can't pay for the DLC before the Steam sales end
However I heard someone here mentioned some type of DLC unlocker here
Does anyone know if that works for iceborne? Or if it works at all?
Creamapi works for iceborne and all the cosmetic DLC for World too.
a partbreaker set is a set with the partbreaker skill wich doesn't exist in Tri
go be retarded somewhere else
so you're mad because you've been grinding for rare parts without proper skills? whatever man lol how about you learn to play these games properly
you're bing retarded on purpose arn't you? the baggi/luck build he's talking about in the post you first replied to is exactly what you wrongly call a partbreaker set
i think we're done here
picking up typos doesn't make you less of a retard
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ah, did not know dos radically changed monster models, textures, and art styles. thanks anon. get the fuck out of this general
What's wrong with Monoblos, though? He's Diablos but not a nigger. Unless Frontier makes him annoying, I wouldn't know.
before 4th gen monoblos was just diablos but slightly less cancerous and frontier was based off 2nd gen so none of the 4th gen revisions would be in that make monoblos actually fun
At night is one thing but the general just straight dead in the middle of the day? Wilds really does have zero hype lmao
where are the huntresses so my pp can get hard
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You must be 18 years or older to use this website
all the awful esl world posters drove everyone away

he has the same moveset as diablos
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>you need to be born 2006 to post here
now I feel old
I love huntresses
>can't make the difference between Tri and 3u
why is everyone on this board retarded?
Oh, a hipster.
Pretty sure Rakna kadaki and Basarios can move into the cave areas, I've fought both there multiple times.

If you're talking about the large temple-like area underground on the jungle map and you've not fought any monsters there yet, then I wont spoil.
It was over as soon as people born in 2000+ were able to post
the other caves not on the left side of sandy plains but the right side they're darker with water running through them no monsters go there not even the smaller ones
It is kind of strange they don't even advertise GU anymore despite it being a game that's on a current gen system that still has active online. I guess they don't want it cutting into sunbreak sales?
>Rise is 75% off
Should I get it? Haven't played since Iceborn
It's a fun game. But get it with Sunbreak.
It's fun. A bit jarring if you hop between titles frequently.
why haven't you already?
>1200 augments
>not a single buildup boost
bros what the flying fuck
imagine being a lucklet LMAO
Damn now that I think about it, if the sneak attacks in wilds really do that much damage then they'll probably be pretty much mandatory in addition to focus mode. Arguably less intrusive than clutch claw even with both but still
i dont get it
whats wrong with focus mode
Pretty much nothing
I wish you could just pick a rarity, then do 10 rolls at once and apply them to all parts that allow the augmentation but since even inside the same rarity there are slight variations you have to do it one by one after selecting a specific armour part. The only thing that is missing is some Parrot saying SUGOI SUGOI and UNBELIEVEABLE after every roll the entire time but Relink actually patched their system to allow multiple rolls at once.
I don't think we know enough about focus mode yet to form solid opinions on it but I mean the monhun community has been complaining about gimmicks since third gen introduced underwater. Then they complained about mounting, styles/arts, clutchclaw/slinger, silkbinds/wyvern riding, etc. It's a relatively small part of the community I think but it's a solid argument. They want to engage less with gimmicks and more with the core combat without being penalized with noticeably slower times. If the difference was like 1 minute I don't think anyone would care but because gimmicks tend to be so strong they usually outperform core gameplay by several minutes which obviously adds up to hours over the course of a game
i just wish it didnt take 1200 fucking augments. fucking hope i luck out on the 2nd build up boost augment otherwise ill be a frenzylet forever
It took me once over 1000 augmentations to get Dragon Conversion which is the same rarity but it was bloated with negative resistance making it a terrible roll but beggars cant be choosers. At some point I started rolling always in 50 steps and when I saw something nice I reloaded my save and I checked if I can get it on another gear.
Which monster hunter game should I play on a friday night?
Classic MH1
which do you have?
You're a retard, focus mode isn't mandatory at all. Jesus why is the average person in this thread so fucking stupid? Like did you wake up one day and decide "yes, I want people to think I have brain damage"? Seriously what is your excuse for wasting all this energy in firing synapses only for the stream of consciousness that results to be less impressive than a 4yr olds artwork?

If I was as dumb as you, I would simply remain silent for the rest of my life so no one realises how stupid I am, or if kill myself out of sheer embarrassment. You should strongly consider that later.
every ultimate game 1-4, Worlobrone, Risebreak, but not XX because clean torrents don't exist apparently
That some moves will be locked behind it. I also dislike counters in my monster hunter
ah the fabled mh1u
where'd you buy it?
>You're a retard, focus mode isn't mandatory at all
stopped reading there because there's absolutely no way focus mode attacks don't do broken damage
Creamapi out for sunbreak?
pre gen 5 game I own legit is TriU, it wasn't hard to get an ISO for 1
play dos then since it doesn't seem like you have and it's a unique experience
Not him but I'm medically addicted to posting inflammatory nonsense and imagining people getting headaches reading it
>If you're talking about the large temple-like area underground on the jungle map and you've not fought any monsters there yet, then I wont spoil.
I played through rise and I hardly remember any monsters making use of that.
fuck you
They already displayed and discussed focus mode in the demos. It literally exists for Japanese players who don't move the camera, and new players who don't know what the visual she's of an injury look like. It doesn't do extra damage than if you hit the injured part outside of focus mode. This is why you are dumber than dogshit, you just let your brain come to a conclusions based in nothing, then assume that's how the world works. Is there lead in your water? How did you get this dumb? Seriously, I need to know why your brain is so faulty. Were you homeschooled, a highschool dropout? Have your brain rotted on /pol/ from too young? What's your excuse?
It's way better than Iceborne
lumu... onegai.....
>It doesn't do extra damage than if you hit the injured part outside of focus mode
From what we know this is straight up wrong they literally called it the focus weak point attack and said you need to be in focus mode to activate it. So unless you have actual footage or an interview from the director clarifying things then why the hell would I listen to you?
>If I was as dumb as you, I would simply remain silent for the rest of my life so no one realises how stupid I am, or if kill myself out of sheer embarrassment. You should strongly consider that later.
lmao brainlet is too stupid to realize stupid people do stupid things
They explicitly said focus mode is optional during their recent closed door demos. If you were a poor fag who couldn't attend, there a hundreds of videos up on YouTube from non-poor fags who actually did attend, and actually heard firsthand that focus mode is simply an optional quality of life thing.

But I don't give a shit if a retard like you will believe some delusion based on nothing but your own unreliable intuition; don't buy the game, be scared of some false boogeyman. I don't care, I don't want a retard like you in my lobbies anyway.
>esl defending retarded capcom's retarded choices
>They explicitly said focus mode is optional during their recent closed door demos
and? they mean it in the sense that clutch claw is optional and silkbinds were optional just shut the fuck up lmao nothing you say will change the info we have just wait for the demo like everyone else
don't you have to get a translator or something? I remember emulating Berserk Millenium Falcon and getting the english mod or whatever to work was a whole process.
it takes literal minutes to apply the translation

The very second Focus Mode will just slightly increases your "dps" it will be deemed as mandatory here. Just look at all the discussions in the past about the claw, wallbangs, wyvern riding or birds.
>they ACTUALLY mean it like THIS! B-because I said so OK?!!

go back to your qanon forum where you and the other retards make up stupid conspiracy theories.
That's what he's arguing that focus mode won't increase DPS at all and that it's just an accessibility feature. He's wrong of course but that's what he's arguing
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Is there any in game footage of this focus mode shit? (or any of the other gimmicks wilds will add)
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>He's wrong of course but that's what he's arguing
>wojackposting just to keep the thread alive
at least have some dignity and just let the thread die
You let it die, retarded faggot.
I wonder if you can just attack the wounded parts the regular way but from what I've read so far it sounds like you get access to more damage as some actions are directly tied to it. I want to see it myself first before flinching shit about what's right or wrong.
you can attack the wounded parts normally for extra damage but there are special attacks you can also perform on wounded parts when you enter focus mode which is very likely what this move is

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OldWorld Ziggy or NewWorld Ziggy's design?
Personally prfer Neworld I always felt Zinogre was a bit to wide and spikey so slimming him down makes him look more appealing. Same would apply to Magnamalo if he returns I hope he has a "NewWorld" version.
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For me, its zigzagoon
non iceborne zinny
I wonder how much hunts will revolt around this and if it's fun to use.
it'll be fun for sure but given the counters and then weak spot supers you're going to want to use it often unless you want shit times
Wilds will have Prowler Mode 2
I don't mind worse hunting times as long as the hunt as whole is fun. I'll have to find out with the demo I guess.
I'm more curious about the sneak attack damage because at least focus mode still requires you to engage with the monster but if you can literally jut throw on a mantle, sneak up on a monster, and do like 1000 damage then that's just stupid as it just becomes a tax. Why wouldn't you do that literally every hunt? and at that point just lower the monster health by 1000 since it's so free
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Chinese researcher so enamored with mh he keeps naming new species as mh monsters.
Say hi to Otacilia khezu.
which other ones has he named? also based khezu being immortalized
Those special moves done on wounded parts don't require focus mode to do, this has been shown already.
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Now that's a hunter. He wouldn't be loitering around /mhg/ arguing about things we have no clear information on.
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Rathalos treecko
Rathalos xiushanensis
World Zinogre is easily the best in fight and design
They made him harder and cooler in World
I'd expect them to give it at least some drawbacks like the mantle cancelling when you initiate the attack which then requires a few seconds to be executed. Maybe in herds the smaller ones can spot you. If it's too broken I will just skip it.
>World Zinogre
>best in fight
someone post it
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World PC lumu room, come by for some hoonts:

i got the idea it's made for people who struggle "aiming their hits" or something like that
they really should have explained it better or it is meant to be confusing to incite discussion
prove it then
>lumu when I'm going to sleep
It's over...
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It's okay, probably gonna close it in 15 mins and go to sleep too when no one shows up.
sleepy huntresses....
Now is not the time to sleep. It's 8 PM. I only woke up an hour ago.
>this is the trash tendies tell you is better than World
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Lumu is dead, goodnight.
Iceborne Zinogre looks like actual furry pandering and like a nigga in a costume
why would you say that?
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>hunt monster
>put trap
>monster fall right in
>throw 1rst tranq
>miss the second 2nd
>didn't bring a spare
sleepy huntress waiting for a kiss from her shota hunter bf
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Because they gave him anthropomorphizing long limbs and more human torso like a dude, wouldn't surprise me if it's because they motion captured one or two attacks. It's gay af and a random change to an established design
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>World Zinogre is easily the best in fight
>slowest version ever in the mh with the most hunter mobility ever >blight negate as well easier to get than ever
>all his attacks that leave openings for his hindlegs no longer make sense because they are no longer his weak spot for some reason
mhw zinogre is trash compared to gu g rank zinogre and arguably the worst version
Oh, its Ryuu talking to himself
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Don't forget he partially got the bone treatment.
huh, maybe you're a closeted furry cuz i don't see it
anyway, i prefer worldborne design overall but it's missing a detail to me, it's missing a talon on arms
>huh, maybe you're a closeted furry cuz i don't see it
That your eyes suck doesn't make me a furry
The absolute worst Zinogre design of all time
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>see monster (worlo mentioned)
>instantly thinks about black homosexual furries
why are huntards like this?
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We need a humanoid monster like a Digimon
I beat this nigger urgent G-rank Valstrax :D
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curly hobo hair also betrays the original concept art and makes no sense
What the fuck are you talking w
Went back to Rise, and I forgot how much CB's moveset was made redundant by certain wirebug moves.
I thought it was great when I was playing through, but now I think it wasn't the best decision. Getting full phials from a block that isn't even a GP window-tier block is insane.
>all his attacks that leave openings for his hindlegs no longer make sense because they are no longer his weak spot for some reason
just checked and you're right lmao what the fuck were they thinking? i think it's to make the fight easier for worlos damn this kind of shit is actually killing what little hype i had for wilds
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that his hair is supposed to be straight and zaggy which makes sense because he's under constant electrical tension
Time to post more of those weapon designs lads
there is a prepatched iso on cdromance if you don’t want to expend a lot of effort
A classic
good job honeybunny
Thanks sweaty :D
>>all his attacks that leave openings for his hindlegs no longer make sense because they are no longer his weak spot for some reason
Love standing inside OG Zinoge's tatsumaki move with GS and positioning to hit his back leg when he lands
>generic bone/metal weapons
Reminder Wilds will do the same thing except the 'advanced forgotten science meets ancient China' trope
It's not even arguably, it's just objectively the worst version. Stygian was somehow even easier as they removed pretty much everything unique about him in exchange for a giant telegraphed cutscene attack, just in case you wanted the fight to be even easier
Play the game and see for yourself
>hammering the lions
just thinking about hammering teo alone gives me a headache
all of your approaches are from 90 degrees to the side because his head is a don't stand in front of me zone all the time
what are you serious? teo is one of the easier monsters to play hammer against he just falls over after a couple hits to the head because he takes more blunt damage on the head and his stun tolerance is low
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I'm not thinking of world teo I'm thinking of dumb ass triple charge asshugger aura teo
Wilds? more like Why did you fucking kill mhg lmao
more like wild farts
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it's the same (ugly) shit
>come in from side
>hit head
What's the problem?
>world announcement

>wilds announcement
you know i actually didnt really like monster hunter all that much and now that the hype has died down i probably wont buy the next one
about half the time you can't even spend time on it besides the Lv2 single hit or turnapound
in the past you'd often see more attention on legs than the head for saftey+topple reasons, like blos' stomach was but without the HZ reasoning
here is a decent example but a few things are missing compared to say, 4U. I couldn't find a 140GQ Hammer on short notice and I'd be surprised if many existed at all because the weapon wasn't great and the matchup is even worse
(look at the sweeping beam opening, that's one of the better ones)

teo's AI also got progressively more *runs at you* which offlimits the HZ during those
Old teo I'd agree. His instacharge is pretty cancerous, and hammer is more stiff in older games.
But anon was posting a world quest.
yeah I was just saying it gives me a headache to think about doing so at all
with 2cat it's also a headache but for different reasons
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>Play Rise for the first time in 2 years
>Randoms triple cart my first hunt
Some things never change.
this is so true
Why was CB never allowed to be solid again after 4U? It's not like it was op either. It was super strong for sure, but it was also probably the hardest weapon to pilot in g-rank (alongside GS and HBG). Nowadays the weapon has holes everywhere, like half the moveset being straight up not functional unless you activate a conditional mode that's a pain in the ass to keep up.
>probably the hardest weapon to pilot in g-rank (alongside GS and HBG)
HBG isn't difficult to use in G, I soloed 4U thru G with primarily HBG in the latter half
CB counter timings aren't even remotely comparable to GS because they are counters
It's always been a midwit one trick pony weapon
is CB really even really good in 4U though? ive looked over the lists of people recommending the best CBs and there's usually a better option on another weapon outside of like the ceadeus CB I mean I know the motion values for CB are ridiculous in 4U but frankly the options for weapons seem pretty limited meanwhile IG has a ton of really solid options
CB is great in sunbreak.
GS and IG have the fastest times without relic or heroics (by a matter of a minute+) but CB is the safest and third place aggregate
unsurprisingly HBG is in fourth after those, but that's because of solo TA weighting
in organized play they're all fuckstrong regardless

so the added weapons, both IG and CB are top of the charts statistically and from a play perspective
i get that I'm just saying it doesn't seem like CB has as many options as other weapons despite the crazy motion values but then again i haven't grinded for relics so maybe people mostly remember CB being busted because of those
>people are way more jaded since 2018
>since 2018
oh my sweet summer child
bird wyverns are so fucking awful, god I hope in Wilds pukei is the only one they have and they choose some other type of mon to be the designated shitmon archetype
ᵍˡᵘᵍ ᵍˡᵘᵍ ᵍˡᵘᵍ
Seregios-like monster that skims over water to cover its talons in icicle armor and throws icicles
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You all think you have great ideas for Monster Hunter games, but if I actually listened to all of you and we combined all of your ideas in a game, it would be an unplayable monstrosity. You want a game with all the maps, but only the first generation Monsters, yet all the Elder Dragons and such silly things. Whenever I receive one of these rants, I go to the development floor and read it out loud to all the Capcom employees in a mocking voice, and we all laugh at you.
If they actually listened every monster would be an elder dragon.
most "SHITMONS" are early game monsters meant to ease the player in.
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Simple: listen to the additive voices, not the subtractive ones, besides those who'd like to toggle away intrusive elements.
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Play a true monhun.
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If the monsters aren't real, they can't hurt me.
I love huntresses
Is "Affinity" just Proc Chance?
It's the chance to perform a crit. Crit does 125% the damage of a normal hit so 25% more. If you have negative affinity that's a chance to do a negative crit that does 75% the damage of a normal hit so 25% less. If you have no affinity you can't crit and obviously if you have negative affinity you can't get a positive crit and vice versa. Crits have been one of the most important ways of dealing damage since the beginning of the series. It's not the only thing that matters but getting high crit is important.
Someone redpill me on not sucking ass with the Switchaxe.
They don't really play the same... so what game
just use sword attacks to amp up the weapon then grab the monster and boom repeat that until dead
it's literally that easy
>Start upgrading my gear
>First true weapon upgrade is Fire
>"Oh this is going to be good"!
>Everything in the first two zones is immune to fire and blast damage
Fuck me I guess.
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I was playing RE2 and they actually put a reference to Monster Hunter World in this game lol pretty cool
well here's what nigger my additive voice says "add more shitmons" so then they both add shitmons and elder dragons and noithing changes (which is exactly what should happen there needs to be a healthy balance and games like Tri, Dos, and base World accomplish this perfectly)
I don't think base World had a healthy balance on release. Maybe with TUs
Tri sort of did but there's too much overlap in Baggi<->Jaggi and L. Rudroth<->Lagi and the rooster could be a bit larger overall
Do you guys hear the demons in your head too? They always tell me to do bad things but then they're quiet when I play monhun
Take your Demondrug.
oh i don't like drugs last time i smoked weed i did bad things very bad things
How can Mallfiesta be such a spastic fuck but still take forever to change areas
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I swear they made non-crown Rathian larger, this felt like one before seeing the number was normal
the flight height off the ground seemed a tell as well
room status?
unclean (hunted monsters instead)
I just had a super embarrassing moment against a high rank thunderlord zinogre, but I don't have access to my pc right now where I have applicable software, away from home on my non-gayman laptop
what do you guys use to edit and convert your recordings to webm?
webm for lazys takes zero effort and does most things
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There is currently no lumu up.
thanks, I might upload it tomorrow maybe
gotta sleep
>marco backhop to a single button press on my new controller
>become god
its that easy to be good at sns
>infinite Iframe move that combos into your best damaging move

Truly the pinnacle of game design
in world perhaps but in rise perfect rush is outdpsed by lateral loop dps/twin combo into spinning reaper. ofc perfect rush eats less sharpness
World SnS is dogshit from a design perspective
Rise SnS is fun as fuck
i hope you mean sunbreak SnS because in rise you literally never used the sword moves because sharpness was ass
otherwise i agree sunbreak sns is fun as fuck
Shield Bash Simulator wasn't great in base Rise.
cute retard
>Be le me
>playing some monster hunter le now
>20 minutes into my walk i get a random event
>npc asks me to help them herd their sheep because they were missing 1 person to do so effectively
>help them
>don't even get a thank you
>20 min later
>dog random event
there's so many of these I don't mind them but the game gets kinda repetitive like this oh well I love dogs this should be good
>there's 2 of them, unleashed
>they're both wet
oh fuck
>one of them starts running at me ready to pounce
oh fuck oh fuck
>manage to deftly redirect its momentum away from me, saving my clean clothes
phew close call
Monster Hunter Now has so much cool unexpected content this is the best MH ever
baito desu
I was going to answer sincerely but then I saw the username
>be le me
who else would you be
Since you were probably sincerely asking, the smaller part of the bar only indicates extra max sharpness that you can add to your weapon by using the Handicraft skill.
>Since you were probably sincerely asking
look at the name, retard
who the fuck is lagiados am I supposed to know who that is
He's the guy that tops doj
hot, link?
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HOLY FUCK chargeblade counter is so broken.
It allows you to parry an attack, it can Interrupt attack animations, it fills all of your phials AND allows you to chain into an elemental discharge or charge your sword and shield.

I don't even know why anyone would choose the other skill, the slow ass jump that lets you unguarded.

Counters are cool and I love parrying monsters but I feel they are extremely broken, a parry alone would be very good already.
Every weapon in Risebreak has 1-2 skills that are completely busted and shit on everything else it has.
falseflag to distract from his fuckup
who the fuq axed
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Just bought this off the Steam Sale. From what I understand, weapons are basically classes in this game. What should I start with?
>From what I understand, weapons are basically classes in this game.
understandable that you're retarded
After countless tries and lots of SOS flares.

Finally defeated.
Which one? There are multiple MH games.
You aren't locked into a weapon class, but if you want a beginner friendly one, use the Switch Axe or Longsword.
As someone who played MH for a long time, I thought I had permanently burnt myself out from this series. Now I realized that I just hated World.
>countless tries
it's really not that broken, getting your phials charged is great but typically you charge them really quickly anyway and you can get the sword charge in the same move with the normal phial storage
neglecting the phial charging, it's also worse than a guard-point in a lot of scenarios because it only blocks one hit whereas a guard-point or normal guard will continue blocking if a monster chains together attacks. this is the biggest drawback, only blocking one hit makes it more of a situational counter compared to guard-pointing.
also it has long ass ending lag if the monster whiffs you or if you time it wrong

definitely better than axe-hopper in any case
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World gud, anon just sucks ass.
World isn't hard and that's fine. It has Kino'jiiva.
>beginner friendly
Swaxe is going to be weird as fuck even if he had a general idea of what he was doing in the game. Hammer is the other easy choice.
Might start yet another new save file on MHGU.
I'm thinking Valor Gunlance and another weapon.
Hammer is too stubby in its range and commitment heavy for a beginner. SA gives them a nice mix of both power and mobility and reach.
Plus, he won't have to focus on the head. He can slowly learn his way through the game's hitzone system.
alchemy gunlance
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Ranked the MHGU SnS by visual design
didn't ask + gay + poor taste
never post again
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Amatsu has a cool shield but the sword looks pretty terrible. Ahtal-Ka being so low seems unjustified. Gore/Chaotic/Shagaru weapons being S-Tier I can fully agree on.
PR is still fine if you focus on raw damage for big openings. You can finish PR with spinning reaper or loop it with the jump into backhop PR again. It's simply something you cannot spam anymore without being punished which is the reason why in most situations you just do your regular infinite. On elemental Drill Slash also has more damage than twin combo but you cannot loop it and the slash frequently misses cause short range.
not him, I also fucking despise the look of all the Ahtal-Ka weapons, I think they all look completely shit and even if they're the best overall for a category I'm not going to use them
Some of them look OK but there are usually better options in terms of design. Only the colours are a bit to hefty maybe.
MH1 and 2:
Link to the tierlist?

Would like to do one for DBs
Thanks fren
Fuck you
Hunted 3 monsters and didn't get para off once with this piece of shit
Your beloved a FUCK
>hammer is more stiff in older games.
>But anon was posting a world quest.
other than sliding it's the exact same shit but you're even more fucked because of the required power boost you have to enable which you lose every time you get tremored or tapped. hammer is dogshit in world
I don't get why people consider Axe Hopper so bad, it's much easier to use than standard SAED given that you can aim in any direction, giving you plenty of time to account for a monster moving, and it takes less time overall to execute. You can activate it out of a GP, even.
>DB one is incomplete

Guess I have to make my own
Morphing Advance also gives you an option to reposition into SAED. CPP phial charge and the option to shortcut into SAED or charge your sword simply fits the SAED spam playstyle more.
>long ass ending lag
silence, smasher. go take a shower
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My Hunter is only level 3, can I solo this Rathalos bitch or do I need a team of people?
Rathalos and Anjanath were fighting so I learned I can damage Rath.
hunter level is just your accomplishments, it doesn't effect your actual physical stats or anything. Go for it, the only thing holding you back is your own ability.
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... Hunter rank 3?
No, you shouldn't be attempting Rathalos
You can try but you will likely eat dirt

Besides, you get a quest to slay it eventually
>standards and logic
>only one person comes into question
Had some fun with this which added normal controls
why is the amatsu sns a lollipop
Counters are fine but should be for shield weapons and/or hard to pull off/make you commit. Valor LS is as easy as a counter should be on a weapon that isn't Lance. Let's not pretend World didn't overstep the mark with foresight slash or power guard though
>foresight slash
actual cheatcode
>Find a Rathian
>Attempt to kill it
>Everything is going great
>Die a few times (dying makes me stronger)
>Cut off the Rathain tail, start working on it's wings
>It's a pussy and runs away
>Chase it
>It's now sleeping in a nest with a Rathalos hovering over it
>Both of them now just oneshot me
Welp I guess that over..
I got excited for the tail to drop thinking I can get an upgrade of some kinda... I got nothing.
>3/4s iframes
Yea I wonder why it is so popular
I don't understand why people think foresight slash is so good
Yes it's easier to land but it's still slow and has low damage and doesn't work well against several attacks
Meanwhile everybody loves guard points even though they are way better, faster, and let you instantly combo into your strongest move
>I don't understand why people think foresight slash is so good
because it's a total and complete copout in almost any situation
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