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Latest News;

>PoE 2 Witch Gameplay Walkthrough

>PoE 2 Early Access in November

>PoE 2 Console Update: Couch Co-op

>[3.24] Necropolis (dead)

>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
>/poeg/ Ingame Chat and Ban Honeypot
/global 1488

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why so ded pooeg
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back to normal
What happens to my corpses when there's a new league?
Also do I have enough time to make a new character or should I focus on getting a complete atlas first
they explode of course
relative to how fast you progress anon and considering you're still filling out the atlas I would say just do what you think is most fun

doomies, you will never win, the GOAT will survive
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What 'Poch build are we rolling?
ty ty
Explain this then soulsister
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uninstall.exe (if installed)
pathofexile.exe (if already uninstalled)
shuriken puncture bleed monk (falconer rogue) with bo's anarchy and salt the wound
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It's a funny meme, but tell me why the fuck is Sanctum 16% and necropolis 4%
What the FUCK happened?
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Holy shit Project Diablo 2 sucks
Every single nigger I kill is dropping an item now, I just finished Act 1 and have like 5 sets and uniques
Bravo modders the game now feels absolutely retarded
Guess it's what I deserve for trusting mods
Mods... not even once
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(dead) it's in the OP
many factors
crafting leagues filter alot of people and have limited replayability.
they changed too many things at once, most of them are poorly balanced
i also noticed theres a trend now of people that just like to COOOMPLAIN about everything, not just poe, this cancer is in alot of games now
what happened, tranimesis?
t. eldenslop dlc fanboy
is it that bad? i knew it was the right choice to only play ds1, 3, and bloodborne
ds1 still the best (and it's bad imo)
ds2 was utter gutterslop
ds3 onwards is zoomerslop
Asking a PoE player for their opinion in good games is like asking a junkie on the street where the best food is in a city.
Their opinion is automatically null and void, because they're worthless addicts. They don't even exist on the same plane as the rest of us. Keep sloppin away at PoE 1 you lil addicted nignog.
Don't give up hope exile.
Just because things feel hopeless doesn't mean they are.
Ruthless is just a click away (it'll cure what ails ya)
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not even baldo himself was this invested in toothless shilling
will add it to the filter from now on
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What % of players play ruthless vs standard?
imagine unironically thinking rollslop is good gameplay
rollslop doesn't even reach a small iota of the complexity and depth arpgs are supposed to offer
kys fag
>Old chink pulls a slot machine ad infinitum
>Cherries, Gold bars, 7s abound
>"That's complexity"
Only complex part of PoE is assembling the build and you completely undermine that by copying your favorite streamer build verbatim.

100s of bots that play the repeated portions of ARPGs
0 bots that can play Elden Ring
Really makes you think doesn't it defeated nigger?
never played a soulsfag, try again
play hc, chud
or ruthless
or ssf
bots don't play those modes: you're playing the wrong mode, chud
either way, clearly a skill issue
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what's the number one lesson ggg can learn from this disaster league?
That catering to streamers was the death knell of a small Chinese company in a small Chinese colony.
A cultural revolution where these streamers are forced to work in the rice paddies is a necessary step and a "great leap forward"
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doesn't matter since niGGGer is incapable of learning the lesson, no matter how many times it is taught... and frankly the playerbase isn't much better in that regard...
picrel -> It's PoE1 players
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All these losers, these streamers, these retards
Mazed beyond belief

They've seethed in the dark so much, they've become cynicism personified, to the point they think the game is a scam, players are addicts, and it's all a Chinese slot-machine simulator

Meanwhile... my best friend playing blind with his comfy soulful melee Infernal Blow build just finished the campaign and is about to experience endgame, having the time of his life, playing the game like the developers originally envisioned

The game is not the problem

(You) are the problem
itt: A mazed nigger living vicariously through his "friend"
Newsflash, the friend doesn't exist
Only (You) do faggot
this is why i only play on launch day and quit in t12s
you cannot enjoy the present by holding onto the past
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Samefagging like the dirty nigger he is, no wait let me guess, that's (You)r friend?
Best mode that ever existed, tradies could never
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no matter how much shit they force down his throat cocksucker will always want more.
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At least PoE1 players started with a fresh bowl. PoE2 players get the pre-vomited bowl from the PoE1 players... after all, PoE2 is being built from PoE1's rotted out foundation. the only difference is there's a different monkey directing it but it's a monkey from the same zoo.
arpg is the worst genre anyway, we don't deserve anything good
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Why are you so negative about a game you're supposed to enjoy playing?
why would someone make a bot for elden ring?
there is a blindfolded darksouls speedrun category so i would imagine someone could make a bot for it if they really wanted it.
PoE closed beta, open beta, and 1.0 was supreme kino
I pity those who never experienced it
PoE2 will suck because it's not Chris Wilson directing or involved in day-to-day design: it's his retard friend who once only did code and his QA lead who is obsessed with designing boss fights to the point the rest of the game can be a dumpsterfire he won't give a shit

>ARPGs are about items
>as soon as the items lead designer steps down the game and its sequel goes to shit
Well fuck me sideways who would've thought
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>baldo sent this fat cow to sabotage riot's arpg
>she succeeds and immediately quits
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I just finished the Elden Ring DLC
I must've died like 200 times
Honestly? I'm tired of soulslikes and their bullshit
Maybe I'm finally becoming a boomer, but this type of gameplay has become so obnoxious to the point I've become completely desensitized to it
At the final boss I was just executing the moves in the most thousand-yard stare fashion and was glad when the whole ordeal was over
Didn't even want to replay it this time
Good riddance
stop bloating the game and endlessly extending the end game and make skill gems fun again
>souls killed
>3d rpgs
>Action games
>and now arpgs
how does it do it
i only ever played dark souls 3, a few hours into it and i realize i just didn't care so i uninstalled it and never looked back.
going in blind to dark souls 1 gave me the same sort of feelings i had going in blind to gothic in 2001, playing morrowind on release in 2002, seeing outlands for the first time
it was a return to the womb
sekiro is a decent game, especially if you don't take the 40IQ parry everything route and explore more optimal options.

Wanted Dead made by ex team ninja guys is one my favorite action games recently and I hope they make multiple sequels.
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There's 2 good leagues in this whole list. Is it over?
No turd floats forever, my son.
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in a different timeline Riot sends one of their ara-ara mommies to niGGGer and she save poe...
no those 2 leagues are shit too you probably only like them becasue they were very rewarding
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is there seriously another entire month of necrapolis to go?
>Wanted Dead made by ex team ninja guys is one my favorite action games recently and I hope they make multiple sequels.
wait, that game?
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yep, and don't expect faGGGot to have any races or near-end of league events either to help pass the time, and if they do it'll be dogshit like another ruthless race or insert-dogshit-league-evey-where slopium
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SGDQ starts in a few days
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Still 28 sleepies til new league.
Just bought a second 1p voices for my standard character, up to 26.4k ES and 17.5k mana. My boy is getting thicc.
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Ummmm, only trannies watch SGDQ, are you an axewound enjoyer?
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Still 112 goonies until next league.
>send a "wok status update" vid in my close friend field-of-work whatsapp chat showing how nicely seasoned my wok is after 6 months
>no replies
this is why i grind.
Does anyone have a Raider build for Heist with at least 400% movement speed and 100k effective hit points?
Big Keks—if he's still alive—has a guide IIRC
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havent watched since 2013, this bitch is the main organizer now and literally let the trannies take over the whole thing
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Dark Souls and soulslikes are the worst thing that ever happened in this timeline.

They are bad games through and through, and it still baffles me the amount of hype and obsession both players and other developers have for this 'genre' and anything related.

I'm a boomer and've played lots of challenging games throughout my life and they weren't a death trap gauntlet simulator, they were challenging to figure out the systems, come up with optimal strategies, experiment with mechanics, beat the higher difficulties, etc.

Examples of such games:
>Civilization 1-4 + SMAC
>Master of Orion
>HoM&M 2-3
>Old-school RTSs in general
>Diablo 2 (HC)
>Goldbox RPGs
>Bullfrog games
>Jagged Alliance
>Old-school multiplayer competitive FPSs (eg., Quake 3/Live)

These games were very hard—particularly in the higher difficulties—and they didn't resort to retarded rollslop, bullet hell, one-shot slams, 9 gorillion boss fights, ground degen spam, etc.

Dark Souls and anything soulslikes-related are, in my mind, absolute dogshit and artificial difficulty compared to those games and nothing will ever change my opinion.


Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't.
>>Civilization 1-4 + SMAC
Civ 6 is pretty fun especially if you get into mods. I play a map thats 4x as big as the default huge map with 18 extra resources, an expended tech tree, and special luxury resource monopoly rule mods.
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what's your favorite souvenir from the graveyard?
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I can't change your mind but King's Field, Demon's Souls, and Dark Souls by themselves were fair, intuitive, and very rewarding of game knowledge. This all went out the window when ds2 dropped and the meme of you WIll le DIE type of gotcha bullshit and terrible hitboxes became a staple for the rest of the entries in the franchise. Very unfortunate for anyone that actually liked Demon's/Dark Souls.
This actually makes a lot of sense and is probably what happened but I still hate Dark Souls
Civ 5-6 are nowhere near the depth and difficulty of Civ 3-4
Sekiro and Bloodborne are kino but the main souls series is slop.
can you stop
path of exile????????????????????????
>the depth and difficulty of Civ 3

You mean the game where you autobuild roads on every single tile because it gives +1 Commerce?
>the depth and difficulty of PoE

You mean the game where you kills mobs on every single map because it gives loot?
Last Epoch in 2 weeks!
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last epoch RIGHT NOW NIGGER excuse the windows HDR brightness with my screenshot i still dont know how to fix this shit
Yeah, but the depth and difficulty is in all the wrong ways you can do that, and all the ways you can die doing that and have to start over.

There's no wrong way to build roads on every tile.

In seriousness though, I don't see an argument for Civ 3 being deeper and/or more challenging than 6 unless you have some 200 IQ take on stack combat in the wings. Civ 6 objectively has a lot more going on, and a lot more meaningful decisions to make.
>Yeah, but
I accept your concession.
auto-building roads is a very late game thing
early game it's a waste, particularly emperor and above
git gud
Limited-use workers is deeper because you have to put more thought into the timing of their production and what to prioritize, and also much less tedious.
this man just ChatGPT'd his cringe ass answer that didnt even address the original point hahahahahaha
>less tedious
opinion immediately disregarded
you are dumb
Yes, it being optimal to improve every single tile in a menial way is the definition of tedious. I want my decisions in games to be impactful and have immediate trade-offs. Worker management in the old Civs is braindead.
Alternative response: Glad to see another Ruthless chad in the thread!
they do have immediate trade-off and impact, retard
the fact that you have "unlimited" moves means more choices, and if you make the bad ones you lose
it also means the computer doesn't improve much of anything—literally a mechanic to put you on par to the retard AI they made
you'd notice all of that if just stopped playing on settler difficulty
>the fact that you have "unlimited" moves means more choices

You have "unlimited" access to workers in 6 too, you just have to make an extra choice to make another one (which is weighed against every other unit you could be producing) instead of them just standing around forever, needily.

The choices matter more with limited usage per unit. In 3, you can just improve that tile next. In 6, you have to choose when to put all production on hold to get another worker, and whether that's worth it.
Civ 4 actually handled stacks extremely well with sieges units absolutely trouncing death stacks with collateral damage.
Problem with Civ6 is the AI is the trashiest in all the series. Add in the solved state of districts and it all feels like a good idea that was executed pretty poorly.
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>Does nothing
The Vision is spreading.
i can't believe i've been replying to the tripfag literal schizo all along
fuck me
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>RUTHLESS retard trying to argue that he is right because "less tedious more efficient"
"Tedium" is largely the point of a hack-and-slash game; it shouldn't be for a strategy game.
its over fedexile retard
screenshotting these interaction
youre done
youre a hypocrite retard and a basedboy little cuck as youve shown in your selfies
I'll pray for you.
the worst part is it literally makes the game more tedious and dumb
road building was an art in itself because you could be wasting moves instead of improving more useful tiles, chopping trees to rush production, to the point a good ballpark in civ3-4 was to have workers = 1.5x cities
civ6 removed all of that strategic depth by dumbing down road building, dumbing down tile improvement, dumbing down different types of improvements (previously you could mine, quarry, windmill, or cottage a hill), replacing it with the dumb district system, and further dumbing down with 1UPT because you could have two or more workers building an improvement faster
the fact that retard can't even comprehend what all of that means is evidence enough he's nothing but a two-digit iq nigger
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retarded tripfags exposing that they are not only shit at the general's game but all games is a certified 4channel moment
demon's souls on PS3 was perfect. The fact they kept shitting garbage sequels out was a sign they were just doing whatever to make money. I think the team is best when they are doing something completely different instead of trying to refine a turd
thanks bud
appreciate it, but you're still a hilarious loser
ummm, no dude. demon's souls was pure garbage. kings field 4 was where it should have stopped.
Are you the output of an LLM that was trained with the most niggerish takes on the planet? If so, your model is complete.
You don't have unlimited access to workers in civ 6 because the cost increases for each worker you build. I've had games where I have over 120 cities and am on my 200th or 300th worker and they cost more that death robots to gold purchase.
Are you the output of an LLM that was trained with the most niggerish takes on the planet? If so, your model is complete.
I don't mind district's, having your entire city on one tile for 1 to 25 population along with all your wonders did feel and look pretty janky at times.
lol literally who the fuck cares, it's a 4x game with like a 100 layers of abstraction, nobody gives a shit if a tile's got 25 units or 25 population as long as the gameplay is deep and balanced, which it was
>he dropped his trip
>you can still tell who he is by his linguistic fingerprint
argie schizo please calm down
Why is sentinel so low? I thought that one was popular because of recombs? (I skipped sentinel so idk)
I don't drop my trip and none of the recent posts meet my standard of typographical correctness.

1v1 me Civ 6 right now, I've got all the DLC
Trip on these nuts gay boy
please 1v1 him and stream it
i don't own civ6, nor civ5
i don't buy nor play shitty games
i do own, however, civ3 and civ4, though i have never played them multiplayer though because both games could be very challenging without needing to get locked in always war against some random internet neckbeard
I'm a degenerate gambler. All I want is buying chase uniques and double corrupt them. Buy adorned pieces to gamble for the jewel. Corrupt woke gems. God, I just want to gamble. How do I stop it poeg.
>le DIE type of gotcha bullshit
Demon souls was the source of this behavior what do you mean? It's fine if you dislike DS2's blatantly alien system but demon souls was miyazaki jerking off to the "rocks fall, everyone dies" meme as every turn around a corner had some instant-death trap or lead up to two or three mobs that will stun lock you instantly. It's always been like that and in fact it's only the later installments that have recently allowed you to out-stat most problems you encounter which is far more in line with your whole rewarding game knowledge bit. Everyone is gimmicking the last boss of the DLC instead of doing the frame-perfect dodge roll dance because he's literally a meth'd out faggot that requires a shield to protect you as you stab him with narcan.
>i don't own civ6
Cool, so you have no basis upon which to say "Civ 5-6 are nowhere near the depth and difficulty of Civ 3-4", because that would require actually playing them.

Thank you, next.

I could also play Civ 3 or 4, though I might die of boredom if a midgame war takes too long, so I will probably go for an ancient-era rush.
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i said i don't play them, not that i never ever played them, retard
i've played each for about 3 or 4 hours, more than enough to get an idea of how shit both of them were
also it's not like i ever needed to given how retarded most of the design decision were: i've never played a single minute of diablo 3 yet i know it's an abysmally bad game just from shit i've watched and read about it

pic related is how retarded your stupid games look (and are) during midgame
i'll take the simplicity of a stack of doom over that abominable tedium any day
also what's the next goalpoast move?
>i've played each for about 3 or 4 hours
Congrats on killing Merveil bro. You've earned your opinion on the PoE endgame.

I've seen that picture 8 years ago, and that must have been its original quality too. That scenario never occurs unless every player is both retarded and playing as passively as possible.
Spent like 14 hours and still not through the campaign, whats a really broken spell. I used the life potion throwing skill once, was pretty nutty for levelingl.
Feeling kind of bored of PoE. Download Last Epoch and give it another try. Shortly after this mistake I exit that game and start a brand heirophant.
Lads it maybe dead right now, but by the cleansing fire coming for us it could be much worse.
Poisonous Concoction is very broken in campaign
POE dies in 2 hours. Dawntrail has COME.
Are you the output of an LLM that was trained with the most niggerish takes on the planet? If so, your model is complete.
alright cool, what spell can I use before I get PC
Rolling Magma, Exposive Trap ..idk what class you start with
rolling magma+flame wall
thank ye kindly
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>3 or 4 hours
better watch out, tyty
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>3 or 4 hours
Sweats ruin games, They are the 1% of a playerbase and any game that caters to them usually ends up dead.
if a game has an economy you can bet the 1% are gonna shape it. That's just how economies work.
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i have plenty but this one i rike alot
The key is to maze them out with endless metrics that result in only minute increases while perfectly normal and sane players enjoy the rest of the 97% of the content in peace. Agitate the sweats when you need free marketing and give them the "privilege" (as an apology) to beta test your new content and hash out the metrics for you while simultaneously telling you exactly what kind of gameplay the playerbase wants to see. The trick is the last part, you can't take everything the sweats say seriously because they're fucking crackheads which is the problem most game companies have.
>The key is to maze them out with endless metrics that result in only minute increases while perfectly normal and sane players enjoy the rest of the 97% of the content in peace
so, uh, exactly like it currently is?
How else could a small company in a chinese province manage to rise up against the industry's juggernaut? They tricked their players into testing and even designing their game for them, often they paid for the privilege to do so. Free to play monetization is practically black magic when you really think about how effectively manipulative it is.
okay even if we imagine it to be true the game doesn't have to revolve around the economy
letting it revolve around the economy
if game was beatable on majority setups wihout any hyperrare/ubergated drops the economy would exist but would be irrelevant to anyone but the sweats minmaxing
what the hell are you talking about
you sound p. mazed desu
GGG needs another gimmick league since they seem popular but i don't know what genre of video game they can parody next. They've done autobattler, theif game, vampire survivor, roguelike. What could we get next? grand strategy, card game, platformer
Dating Sim
Dynasty Warriors, in a really abstract form. They’d need to add a real-time overhead map of multiple zones and you can see enemy forces moving around.

A PoE card game could go crazy
impostor begone
Though the new lines for PF/Witch are written so poorly that I doubt GGG could pull a dating sim off.
If they tacked on a TCG to the current div card system that would be peak content bloat, if poe 2 is a flop I wouldn't even be mad at them for doing it to get some last minute cash flow. TCG players are the original whales and you may as well go all in on gacha slop if your flagship IP fails.
> If they tacked on a TCG to the current div card system

More likely a replacement. Div cards aren’t in Ruthless.
>game was beatable on majority setups
You don't need sweaty setups to 'beat' PoE whatever your definition of beating is.
>Cards have effects and costs
>The effects and costs are prefix / suffixes
>Different cards are just different basetypes
>A billion different RNG cards
>You don't need sweaty setups to 'beat' PoE whatever your definition of beating is.
(shh don't let shitters in on this or they'll probably off themselves)
Can't wait to play monk in poe2
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NOOOOOOOOO its not me being burned out from playing the same game for thousands of hours, doing exactly the same things over and over and over. my brain HAS to process the same amount of dopamine the first time like the 100kh.



>31 more sleepees until new league
What do I play until then?
elden ring
dark soul 123
demon soul
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Belton going off on libtards rn
forgot bloodborne
I don't know man. I almost bought Last Epoch on sale but I honestly see myself playing it for like 20 hours and feeling like I wasted my money. I'm just playing fucking Bloons again because nothing new looks good.
try out
>make your own build
>random skill
>some other self-imposed challenge
if it's a different game in the same genre you're looking for, closest you have is d2r (and still the best imo)
there's also pd2 but it's kind of retarded
as for different genres, the world's your oyster my fren
Hardcore solo self-found ruthless.
get 8/8 in ruthless
here is your poe 2 boss bro, designed for darkee to spend 30 minutes fighting
Yes, we all know PoE2 is going to suck by now
Ever since end of July 2023, actually
This general's been on life support ever since...
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I haven't enjoyed a PoE league since Ritual, crash out half way through week 1 every time
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84 pees until new league
>page 10 bump
h-hold it, bros...
let's k-keep it alive
So I just got to yellow maps, at what point should I start to look into crafting items? I've been getting by with just randomly necro crafting items but I've been told I need crafting for flasks in particular?
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After PoE2 comes out, how do they kill PoE and force everyone to migrate? My bet is on loot boxes with cat girl MTX. The final nail in the coffin will be the one with voice lines audible to everyone nearby. Imagine loading into town and hearing a 60 year old Japanese woman using her loli voice to yell "Onii-chaaan <3"
I mean nigger-faggot goblins and MTXs that crash 60% of the player base if they stay in town longer than 20 seconds didn't do it I don't see how catgirls will. you sound like a stupid nigger.
>but I've been told I need crafting for flasks in particular?
It makes sense to roll +charge when hit+useful suffix on each of your flasks, and use the "Use when charges reach full" bench craft.
You can settle for less but there's a lot of power in flasks.

As for other items, it depends what your gear is like. If your gear is dogshit, hitting some random fractured item with an essence once could produce an upgrade.
If your gear is not dogshit, then you might need to do more elaborate crafting, if you're playing a popular build, you can probably find weapon/armour/ring crafts on youtube.
at yellow map just look for ways to do more dmg
you can just pick up yellow items and identify
bench craft and harvest craft sometime can fix your problem
next difficulty spike is red map because it require you to run rare + corrupted map for bonus objective
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is poe dead?
only softcore trade. hcssfr chads stay winning
>play ruthless
>no loot
>can actually see without Necropolis boxes taking up the entire screen
unironically winning
ty ty
All 7k of you. I know ultima online private servers with more players
yes until next leagues hype cycle ! :)
does toothless really have 7k players? thought for sure there'd be under 1k players for take a hammer to your dick mode
for the cowgirl

let it die
Are you invincible when you roll?
yeah they call it an invincibility frame (iframe for short)
Ruthless represents a better time.
A time when you were happy.
A time when you weren't mazed.
A time when small victories were appreciated.
A time when you weren't fondling your genitals to the point of no return
That's just a few of the many reasons that so many people are playing Ruthless (we're have a blast!!!!)
ruthless chad hope you have enough passive income to support all those children.
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what ARPGs are we buying in the steam sale?
>so many people are playing Ruthless
delusional mode for delusional people
ruthless died the moment they forced scarcity and made the game feel like nothing but a miserable slog
i'm all for toning down power creep but ruthless is as dumb as it gets
reminder only 5% of the playerbase plays that shit mode
I played it, but of course I died to a neo-killsyou on dead mechanic
On a reset it gets that, though characters aren’t players kek
Our local bump schizo might have 10+
It isn’t even 1% don’t do them that honor
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Why would GGG create a mode if some few people play it?
800 characters have reached maps in HCSSFR
Most blame krip but I just think wanted to make classic poe and they had no way to do it
And so we got ruthless instead
Chris wanted to that is
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delusional washed up devs who've completely forgotten what made their game great at the start
you see, it wasn't extreme item scarcity what made poe 1.0 great, it was that great early exploratory feeling—which in part was fueled by the abundance of drops—but at the end of the day you can only make a good first impression once
ruthless is like trying to put up together a mirror that is broken: you'll never return to that same exact state and capture the essence again

poe2 was unironically the correct move, but which they should've *finished* years ago, and instead we're getting a game that is a direct vendetta and crusade against the made-up windmills of softcore trade in the minds of two absolutely delusional developers who're no longer guided by the true masterminds:
chris & eric, who were the ones in ggg really big on the d2 endgame grind
jenny = sexy
simple as
>no longer guided by the true masterminds:
>chris & eric, who were the ones in ggg really big on the d2 endgame grind
in my opinion this is the crux of the issue with poe2

seems to me poe2 is no longer about items and the grind, and trying crazy shit out

in fact i feel the item chase in poe2 is going to be reduced to "when i am going to get an item that makes this experience less miserable"
i just spend 50$ on stashtabs
They made it for themselves. They are artists, they can do that.
“They” yet neon aurabots every time in sc
i just spent $28 on last epoch
>They are artists, they can do that.
and here i thought only fromslop had mindless fanboys
He's unironically right though, they can do whatever the fuck they want with their game. If that doesn't conform to the idea that your fried brain considers to be fun, that's not their fault.
Keep chasing what streamers tell you to play though, surely that'll reset your dopamine receptors.
>which in part was fueled by the abundance of drops
It's not just about the number of drops. If the drops are scarabs, splinters, essences, and harvest juice then I don't give a fuck if I drop 1000 of them in a map. It just fucking hurts to pick them up. Give me big fat stacks at the end of the mechanic, don't make me pick up pennies, and don't make me backtrack. That will actually feel good.
last epoch

and maybe I'll spend some money chinkshit Torchlight infinite
Anyone got the meme of someone talking to the cat about how long they've been playing Path of Exile, but when they go "Oh, that's a long time, you're good at the game, right?" the cat starts crying?
hello, tripfag
>Verification not required in all fields.
Hope you enjoy it man, I bought it and tried to like it. The game was funner to look at the talent trees then to play, but its more fun to fuck around on path of building and try to make some horseshit build work then last epoch trees. Idk wasn't terrible and for 10-15 dollars I think epoch would be fun but not for 30.
none because it opened one time, then never started again kek
still not playing that slow boring shit, faggot. also
buy a fucking ad
“instead we're getting a game that is a direct vendetta and crusade against the made-up windmills of softcore trade”

PoE2 has softcore trade. They’re barely changing that. Oh no, you might be set back a couple minutes on death now. Boo hoo, bitch.

You game like a woman.
You'll still play it
>everyone tries to make traditional arpgs
>they all fail
>poe plays completely different from anything else
>it succeeds
>poe 2 is designed to be like every other failed game + soulslp (all soulslike fail too)
what were they thinking
>leech eatpoop shill mad that someone done better job than him
>You game like a woman.
Based af, boys rule girls drool
poe succeeded because it was literally d2 with some final fantasy systems slapped on it (materia, sphere grid) and most other arpgs try to copy d3 for some godforsaken reason
I’ll respect women once I see one on the HCSSFR ladder. Anyone who isn’t is basically a woman to me. I might as well be straight.
Does ts_larry count? Asking for a friend.
Do they play HCSSFR?
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the longer Chris waits to tease the next season the more permanent damage is done to the IP
If you think PoE has bad retention, Gigantic has 1% player retention and it's only been out for 1.5 months.
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>whole game is now rollslop to combat some perceived false enemy in players wanting to one-click clear packs of mobs
>forced skill rotations to mimic le 'engaging eldenslop moment-to-moment' gameplay
>"you WILL press le 50 buttons. and you WILL like it"
>forced item scarcity
>we now have to pay a gold tax to trade
>no words whatsoever about a trade browser
>basically telltale full-on market regulation
>"PoE2 has softcore trade. They’re barely changing that."
This came out ages ago but it was windows 10? 11? only so it washed out. They just rereleased it on steam
let me remind you these are the same players who've been supporting them for years and only wanted poe2 to be a continuation of poe1 in its current state with some of the power creep reined in, a better campaign, and better graphics
instead they're just getting shitted on
is ds lily straight or gay?
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>be level 2 nigger
>run through coast (alvl 2)
>skip tidal island (alvl 3)
>go straight into mud flats (alvl 4)
>*die to rhoas*
>(naked, no gear, still level 2)
>complain on reddit and /poeg/ game is too hard, overtuned, archnemesis, etc.
have niggers forgotten how to actually play arpgs?
affliction really was a send off to poe1 and like a prideful fool i ignored it
now there's truly nothing left
affliction league sucked
sanctum was the poe1 sendoff/apology
Based and Yujiro-pilled
It’s almost like none of that has anything to do with the fundamental premise of softcore trade, except for the gold tax which we have no idea of the severity of.

>forced skill rotations to mimic le 'engaging eldenslop moment-to-moment' gameplay

Elden Ring doesn’t have “skill rotations”. Most people only use one or two attacks. You are an ignorant and deranged moron who not only doesn’t play videogames, but also doesn’t even respect the one (1) videogame you’re obsessed with.
Also I vividly recall GGG calling out D4’s skill rotations and saying they don’t want to do it the same mindless and repetitive way where you just press everything as it comes off cooldown, and there’s still no cooldowns or universal builder/spender here so they’re probably serious about that.
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>today's my monthly check of the poe changelog
>ctrl+F 'auction house'
>0 results
>go back to playing last epoch
Im gonna make an old school arpg game to replace poe1, except its gonna be in third person and a randomly generated open world game where you enter dungeons like daggerfall and can share your map with other people at a static town area. Like imagine Wurm online plus poe
>auction house
never gonna happen
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poe2 leaked gameplay
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You're a fucking retarded contrarian, you will never be IcyCalm in his innocence
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ssf worth playing while I wait for the new league?
find out for urself fag
>100% corporate tencent acquisition
>it's a hands off approach, they don't influence ggg in anyway, goy
if someone is new to arpg they have no previous experience to forget, idiot
game explains nothing, idiot
level 2 character finding themselves in stunlock gangrape situation is not good game design, idiot
Nah, phrenology states that you already have the skull of a tradelet. It's over for you sadly.
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in hindsight, was it that bad?
what fucking power creep are you talking about?
there is no power creep outside some super endgame super rare or super gate uber items
your fucking characters are entering maps weaker than ever
It was pretty bad, anon
t. shitter
>what fucking power creep
I still have my duelist when bringer of rain saved melee, you have no clue what you are talking about.
>your fucking characters are entering maps weaker than ever
Anyone with years under their belt turns their first red into a never-ending supply of them trade league or not. It's not a bad thing you still have much to learn, I suppose, but frankly speaking I'm baffled you're even bothering to learn more when 2 is right around the corner. By all means have fun discovering what ancient exiles have known for years now, we're just playing meme builds while biding our time until 2 comes out. Once you learn how to farm tier 16s on day 2 of a league you'll understand how busted and boring this game really is when you know nearly every metric and how they interact with each other.
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what warranted this response?
only tell
never show
fake and gay
pretend all you like but when every moron starts suppression and detonate dead its not because they fucking like it like that but its because game is overtuned in comparison to vast majority of skills/defenses
now go power creep back into whatever asshole you crawled out of
>Fuzzy feeling inside?
>Enjoying life alongside a great hobby
>Soulful progression that doesn't treat me like a slave?

Well the results are in I guess, Ruthless is the best (you'd love it)
Here's my pitch for the hail-mary of leagues. You just release a league with a bunch of temporary ascends, like 12 random ascends that just get yeeted after the league. You get a bunch of fomo and extra builds

It'd satisfying the people that wanted new shit but it probably wouldn't succeed at revitalising stale gameplay so idk
This game has been on a downward trajectory ever since PoE 2 was announced
These games were always boring and carried hard by visuals.
The combat is literally "see thing/press correct button"
Unfortunately anon I must be the one to tell you that you're very retarded and I don't enjoy the power creep that exists within the game, hence me stating that the other anon should be doing 16s by day 2 if they have the same amount of experience with the game as most of the older players do and why I'm just waiting to see what PoE 2 has to offer. Referencing BoR was me pointing out that it used to be the holy grail of uniques years ago along the likes of lightning coil, shavs and skyforth and now it's in everyone's filter due to the power creep.
so your problem when you say "power creep" is some uniques becoming obsolete and not the general state of the game
you say i am the very retarded one but seems exactly opposite to me
some nolifers having strats to do something day 2 doesn't prove the game is easy, it may be solved to some nolifers but its objectively harder than it was during the rollout of ascendancy
>"power creep" is some uniques becoming obsolete
It's an element
>and not the general state of the game
Never said that and only a retard that is hellbent on proving a point that someone already agrees with could extrapolate something like that from nothing.

Like I told the other anon: by all means have fun but if you want to play the content that the game is currently being made for (the nolifers) you will need tons of knowledge. He is currently struggling with red maps, it will take him several days at least of actually researching mechanics and stats before he can even interact with the new content from this patch which is T17s, content that even the nolifers dislike.

Or, of course, he can just copy-paste a build from streamerman and maze out with the rest of the normies that get stuck with a 3 mil dps RF build that slowly rotisseries everything until they quit or sink the rest of the league into bumping that up to 5 mil.
>only a retard
maybe learn to convey your thoughts in a clear manner, retard
Or, crazy notion I know, stop schizophrenically projecting your emotions onto everyone and thing so you can justify acting like a mongoloid all the time. To be fair to you this is the kind of site where drooling helmet-wearers go but at least wipe your mouth before you speak.
only thing i "projected" was that i think "power creep" is a fucking lie
and you did in no way make it clear you agree or disagree with the statement, you just went on some weird fucking tangents and then claim i am the retarded one for not keeping up with YOUR schizoprhrenia :)
>Throws shit at the wall like an uncouth nigger
>Begins scrawling insane premises with feces
>Gets mad when no one knows what the fuck you're talking about

Quit niggering it up and make a coherent and cogent point please, for the love of god.
holy melty
weak bait
The term wouldn't exist if the concept didn't.
>throws shit at the wall
For the record I wasn't even the original anon the frothing illiterate was talking to but if your partner is dilating due to my words then thanks for the compliment, make sure they don't get lippy next time. And by all means you may make a point as well if you'd like instead of having your axe wound fester, I permit it.
I have no pony in the race, you horse faced nigger.
The semantic masturbation was getting on my nerves, like many of the troons on this board. Do better nigger.
its obvious you are not on here to have a conversation
you eat shit and your mother is pig
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I wonder if GGG is panicking seeing people's reception to the difficulty in the Elden Ring DLC
better question would be why are they retarded and cannot observe their own game, do more of whats popular and less whats not popular
that would be all they need to do to continue having success
why do they need to scramble for ideas outside their own domain like a bunch of blind fuckers in an unfamiliar place grasping for something to grab onto
This. They should turn Path of Exile into a battle royale with a ton of loot boxes and hero shooter mechanics.
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> people's reception to the difficulty
> people
Wonder if this is because China's access to games is primarily mobile games
the sweats really do a great fucking trick on game devs by making them buy the idea that harder game with more sweaty content is more fun
whenever game devs buy into this fallacy their games inevitably go into death spirals of filtering their own audiences until there is no one left except the sweats but then the sweats also leave cause there is no one to flex their sweaty feats to and the games simply fizzle out
the fuck?
how the fuck did you even come up with that from what i wrote?
Have you ever heard Jonathan talk about PoE?
>"It's not good enough for me"
>"I personally don't like PoE1"
>"I really don't like people that play this game"
>"I wish I was on a different project most days"

Everyone makes fun of Elden Ring but the game I hear him mentioning more than anything is Dead Cells. That fucker LOVES Dead Cells. Dead Cells is okay but I'm pretty sure I have less than 70 hours in the game and I've done a full boss cell run sooooo ... where is this imaginary playerbase that is going to play your Dead Cells inspired horseshit every league?
The answer is: it doesn't exist.
And GGG is going to learn that the hard way
if true
they must remove him from the company asap
i mean key figure goes around shitting on the thing that pays his bills and people gathered for in the first place
if this is the reality of things then they deserve to learn the hard way
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Remember when GGG started planting influencers? Remember when they started banning anyone who spoke ill of them? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
the pajeet asmon editor trying too hard today
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Hope you brought your gloshes.
It's time to rollslop.
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It's my concern as well and I've been saying this for quite some time. I even got mass reported and banned because of talking about it, but today, even the most docile simps dropped the game and change the narrative by mass reporting all posts criticising the game's direction. I can see how the returning, supposedly hardcore god gamers who have grinded their way through all challenges are going to hate it and will drop it after a massive temper tantrum. They won't ever admit being in the wrong, and they will go out with a bang. Afterwards a rope around their neck, as they can't get their 10k dollars and hours out of the franchise any more.
Yeah, you can easily tell how they're obviously forced by checking clips of this guy, balormage, etc., even the top clips are so soulless. All of them are uninteresting, have no personality, and, overall, nothing of value to say. I hope GGG will do better in the future.
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There are perks however...
thats a nice goblina on that photo

not the long hair thing though
That jawline MUST be edited... r-right?
still would idc
You poor, dumb bastard.
Did you think ts_larry was a girl?
Did you think they weren't using filters on all of their content?
Subtractem actually threw up right before that shot (out of frame but they got some baby wipes to clean him up) from the smell of the axe wound.
Anyone who brought it up was arrested for hate speech sadly. I lost a good friend that day.
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90%of pooege getting mogged kek
Wonder how many subs xhe lost from this event
Okay faggot
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>every booth next to them is empty except for the other two obese nerds
the smell, imagine it
I know it's "her" top teeth but the photo is even funnier if you pretend it's the bottom row of teeth
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you know
i had an idea last night
what if i did like a fun epic small time crime and went to jail for two years
and then by the time iget out poe2 is out so i dont have to wait??
>steam sale...
>want new geam to play before new league
>visits /v/
>pajeet in full meltdown mode
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It's funny cause they did do league currency that picks ITSELF up during expedition, and then they never did a league with league currency again.
post the webm
> where is this imaginary playerbase that is going to play your Dead Cells inspired horseshit every league?

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going to be made by johnathan and played by fedexile
poe2 is saved
webm faggot
the webM
Convert it yourself
pls lurk more
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Yeah, wish I never played Elden Slop desu. I'd have that sweet, sweet memory of DS3 (the GOAT) as my last game. Playing through Elden Slop tm left a bad taste in my mouth. The worst part is they intentionally put by far the best legacy dungeon right next to the start (Stormveil castle). So during the first 5% of the game you reach a high that you are then left chasing for the reminder of the game. While the game just turns more and more to shit with bad balance and recycled bosses.
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UH OH D4bros all the streamers are saying that D4 season 5 is a throwaway garbage season. PoE automatically wins next season.
thank fuck no more lol stream
They revealed what season five is about? Weird that they don't start a new season along the add-on's launch.
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27 days, its dropping late july and if it ended 29 july then it would release in august meaning it has to release 26 july
convert yourself (transition)
>ruin approaches
They’re going to ruin their game? Great
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>They’re going to ruin their game? Great
Nice selfie, faggot
what is this from?
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you make fun of ds lily but at least she has the balls to show what she really looks like, none of you are brave enough
I think I played this game way too much and I simply got bored of it. Im my opinion they should start thinknig of new ways to attract players if more oldschoolers feel the same way I do.
none. the league is fine, the people are fucked
It's made by the B-team, of course it will be bad
>Season 1
>Season 3
>Season 5
>Season 7
will also be bad
all the odd-numbered seasons are made by the glue-huffing B-team at Blizzard. just skip them, they arent worth your time.
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oh yeah?
Torchlight sisters...we are SO back! League launch in 5 days

Nah just kidding this game is mid as fuck
check the charts
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>he has the balls
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we are 90 days into Necropolis league
guy on the right looks pretty good for being a path of exile player. he must not play much
Was that the LA event? It had a bunch of normies. Assumedly he doesn't play PoE
So except for ruthless, this is undeniably the worst league ever? Yikeleronis.
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it was fine for what it was designed to be, filler until beta.
no beta, no gauntlet, no races, nothing. still fucking weeks until we even get the name of the next league...
>this is undeniably the worst league ever?
luv me some 'poch
Im gonna marry Atziri!
Werent we supposed to get some fuckin news on the new league this month? Fuckin lazy retards. They'll prolly shit out a new interview with random sound designer with random twitch streamer first.
all i know is that the longer this goes on the less i care.
if poe 1 and poe 2 are separate games then they need to treat them as such, dumping 98% of the companies resources into tech demos of the first few acts of poe 2 is getting old.
you don't look bad, take care of yourself brother
I have more sympathy for this little monkey boi than I do for ts_larry. Am I good?
poe2 might as well be chink vaporware at this point
we've had TWO fucking acts since 2019 and countless system overhauls
you just know it's a nightmare internally if this is what ggg wants to show us publicly
just two more weeks sister
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they don't even have all the ascendancies finished.
>we will figure it out
after 4 years we are going to get an early access in 5 or 6 months(if they don't delay it again) and it's going to be 3(probably only 2) acts and a handful of classes. no ascendancies, no maps, no league mechanics, no end game.
they killed path of exile for this.
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>all those baldovision choices will never be reverted and instead you will play the ggg approved skills or fuck off
i hate that bald nigger so much but i hate jewlizard and frogmode.jpg more
>”we actually don’t know what endgame looks like yet haha” *smiles confidently*
overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer...
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remember when we were supposed to have the beta by now
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Eight years and all they got is two acts and no endgame. I bet they haven't even thought of balancing bosses for melee classes yet. I bet they rush out the rest of the acts again, and you'll fight the same bosses over and over again. It's going to be Maligaro and his goons six times all over again. Game over!
theyre probably trying to make sure it actually wins people back after this dogshit necro league.

I'm going to assume its gonna be some kind of legacy league with a lot of cheap rewards to get people excited. idk man.

these fucks have made so many trash leagues and events since breach.
newfag spotted

teaser 2 weeks before stream
stream 1 week before league launch
man, sanctum was pretty fun.
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Next news when
Two weeks at least. And probably a month or more until a new league gets hyped, crashes and burns to the ground. Streamers will tell you it's the second coming to poe 1, only to switch their mind once clicks go down.
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iirc they said late july, so if they aren't completely fucked we should get a league name tweet in a week, teaser in 2 weeks, reveal in 3, launch in 4.
26th is the last friday of july so?
my guess is that they are going to push it back to mid/late august.
I'm so fucking bored, holy shit
any alpha realm leaker in chat?
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What ever they do, they won't be able to unfuck years of balding that they did to it. Best outcome: melee is getting buffed across the board and people get hyped for something worth coming back to. Totally unthinkable if you read it out loud. Or what is more likely, another pseudo crafting league that shits out mildly interesting items if you've got the premium loot seed.
idk if I'm gonna go to jail for this but fuck it
>all spells require a wand. there's fire, cold, and lightning wands that can only cast spells of that element.
>druid spells require a shaman staff basetype
>skill gems have been renamed to jewels of war
>max support gems lowered to 4 to increase build variety
>if you roll without movement input you do a backstep
>some bosses have grab attacks that instakill you like the eater orbs
>rings/ammy removed, replaced with 4 talisman slots
>no more maps, you just go to ng+ when you complete the campaign
>max support gems lowered to 4 to increase build variety
how is this supposed to increased build variety?
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why is there a duel wield ascendancy artwork for poe 2 when jonathan said in an interview you cant duel wield 2 different weapons at the same time right now because the amount of animation work would be too much? did something change? im pretty sure he did say its something they did want to do for the future but because of time constraints they couldnt do it right now
At this point, POE2 doesn't even make sense anymore, since the endgame is no longer shared, as far as I understand.
Competing with yourself with multiple live service games is a death sentence
i think the majority of people are going to move over to poe2
doubt. it kinda looks like ass because it's so slow
>no more maps
wew lad don't give the mazies a heart attack like that

Hopefully their changes to gems are meaningful and makes it so generic X% more damage supports are replaced with more gameplay-altering supports like in recent patches, requiring a specific weapon for gems to function isn't new but if it's too strict then it's pretty mundane and uninteresting. 7/10 LARP I'd read another
saying poo2 will be slow is the ultimate shitter retard soft*core tra*de nigger take, just like the boo hoo new players get scawed when they see the skill tree. no, they dont. it's a fucking meme that you are so fucking RETARDED, you accept as being real because the "group" said so


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movement is key to having fun. being slow is not fun. being fast is fun. if I want slow I'll play poch
Your evidence for it being sonic speed, bro?

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