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Previous: >>483119124

>New Event [Echoes of Phantasm]: June 25th - July 9th
>New Event [Hues of Life]: June 18th - July 2nd
>[Mania Training] Phase 6 Starts, May 21st

>Detailed Tier list
>Guide Compilation + CN Schedule
>Crimebrand priority | Shop & stamina efficiency | Hypercube income | Base incidents
>Sinner Build Guides

>CN Wiki
>CN Tier List
>CN Banner History
>CN Levelling Calculator

>/ptng/ Secret Societies (include /ptng/ in sig when applying)
NAsty (30/30) <- PURGE REQUESTED

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(sɓu!ʇʇǝs ʇunoɔɔⱯ u! ɯǝǝpǝꓤ)sǝpoꓛ<
i ... started playing a real game. the gacha life might be over for me
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i wanna smooch vanilla sisters...
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Bai Yi!
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Eleven seems comfy to be around. I like 'leven.
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wonder if that anon asking for a summery op finds this acceptable. amusement parks are summery right? couldn't really find anything with mchief and fchief at the beach
oh wait dammit this probably would've fit the bill...
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if you made that the op image it would've gotten nuked off the catalog chief
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why are the chiefs not allowed to coexist...
is "coexist" slang for "have sex"
Doctor tests…complete
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in the case of chiefs yes. look at suspect r. she stole our look and immediately peace'd out because she understood if she were there any longer she'd have no choice but to partake in sustained steamy sensual chief sex
That was obviously referring to swimsuits and beach, not Summer the mad scientist
yeah i should've just posted this then. next time!
sisters i love fchief so much
Very cute pic, took me a while to find Chief too
>find chief
>its just fchief
Eating pizzahut
bought to get papa johns i think
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what beautiful weather we're having today yao cutie
We are looking good Mchief bros
I hate how the event just became a DPS check in the end.
What, Shadow?

I like Pizzahut more
I also had to give $5 to a homeless person that came up to my car but nevertheless it was worth it
I was able to win in terms of attrition the m-3 battle, not much of a "DPS check", but I really don't know if there is a proper strategy to win m-2 when the boss start to go straight to Chief other than "do more damage faster"...
>I was able to win in terms of attrition the m-3 battle
How? M-3 also ignores block.
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she’s angry she got filtered by the paint event
hm? In M-3 the boss just didn't rushed for chief.
Maybe the other you kill them matters?
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FeMChief is for ryona
Did you find a decent setup for the new Crimebrands?
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Annihilate it.
i look precisely like this
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Imagine keeping the worse game i.e. ptn alive.
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Hmmm not as organic
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mmmmm organic
Honestly I feel like I will use the chess one on Vanilla and call it a day. She can make use of both effects.
Okay but how often o you roll at use vanilla
Also the game is janky as hell; even now you can cast two different Yao ultimates while the animations is going off. Hard to pull but it works. It gets super easy with L.L.
wtf do we actually have a CN chief in our midst
twitter showed me some random post about it yesterday
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got her to P3 and used her a bit but she isn't for me
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I’m taking a 7pm nap
I’m taking a 1am nap
I'm good with this. It is winter where I am.
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Honestly I've realized that I should be hyped for the smaller scale gacha releases instead of shit like zzz or ww or even troon frontline 2.
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Hyping bigger, higher production is the right way.
Low quality cashgrabs like ptn deserve to die in obscurity.
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Okay. Why are you here then?
Like what smaller games?
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how comfy
Sunk cost.
goodnight burgersisters.............................work tomorrow..........................i cannot enjoy the long weekend...............................see you sisters later.........................
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gn burger chieftan
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I...i think i'm in love...
wrong general sister
We lost another one.
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ah summer
Oh boy, another poster on this general that has started calling people British tank names.
mmm nyo :)
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whos the first one
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cuties wonder what's in the fanbook. cool that there is a fanbook.
let them cook
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Girl;s kissing girls
sis? that's a sin
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Cute propeller-looking hat
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That's SHerlock Holmes vappa
Not if one of them is a trans.
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Sherlock Holmes got a cute propeller-looking hat too then
Shoving my face in Nightingale's crotch and sniffing her stockings after a long day..........
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happy birthday hamel :3333333
I wish big booba autistic women were real
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Beyond Discars love!
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its my best cool car vappa
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The best mbcc!
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>completely different sinners other than serpent from the first leak
wat da heck
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aw fuck my heart ain't ready for her sheer sex
Summer is there on the couch
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oh shiet
Eleven's art here is clearly trying to draw the male gaze. The female Chinese fans aren't gonna like it.
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Okay, lost it a bit at nipple teethmarks. kek
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>download file
>already had it
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small update
What were you rolling for anon...
extra 11. she's a banner now
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congrats sis
I've killed my remaining stash. Not that I'm waiting for anyone except Hestia and I still use EEE regularly.
that's why im not rolling on her, it seems dumb to spend on a shackle for a sinner that beats content when i can roll on new ones instead
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I think every member of EEE is cute and lovable so I approve of your actions sis.
*beats content anyway
maybe dumb is too strong a word when really i'm just being cheap
To be honest I don't really care. Anniversary sinners carry my ass through everything and I don't even try to 720 DZ.
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>male gaze
fair enough
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Reminder that she WON
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Any info on rerun? Were the rumors true or there is still a chance for her banner? I lucked out S1 from offrate but not having her on S3 is my only regret in this game.
isn't cn in the middle of the summer event right now
i assume her rerun and new skin will come during a dead content period
but at what cost
We know she’s coming back in CN in July
Just need to see how it’s done
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3 AM... good night burgers
Holy cow, I finally tried the coloring event and rhis is hella frustrating

Why can’t you just have all the colors available, the daily limit of 1 swap is also ridiculous
And why do you have to wait a whole ass minute for the answer to reveal itself

Good night
Zz mi mi zzz
Okay I did some more coloring and figutorud out a few tricks but it’s still a very unnecessary obstacle to not give you every color available
u rike?
I’m going to sleep now in fact but I should be able to finish it in the next couple of days
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More Bai Yi it is!
Bai Yi giga cute.
What I find hilarious is that AISNO are trying to be super smug with their campaign story for some reason. They could literally come up with some fat blob of a Sinner that acts like the head of a mafia (a la Penguin) and waste 3 chapters having Chief trying to stop the whole operation.
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At least the plot in Arknights' stories are interesting enough despite the word count.
Stop shitposting, fag. You are not annoying or triggering anybody, you are just wasting your time doing it.
>if you ignore the main point that makes the writing, shit it's actually good!
No thank you, gently fuck off.
I think he might secretly hate Arknights and is just trying to get people to hate the game so they never try it. If he is, he's succeeding.
I play both and enjoy both for different reasons but if I post about PtN content I want to discuss said content or topic. Simple as.
Yeah I wasn't trying to hate on Arknights. Just saying that this guys made sure I will never try it since I associate it with his incessant shitposting. Anyways, back to PtN.
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I think what this thread needs, is more Bai Yi and KK and Che.
Well, the next campaign story will most likely focus on R. or somebody close to her anyway. We know that it will start in Eastside thanks to their teaser.
Do we know anything if they'll continue the story with anni? Or will it be a new chapter before that?
No idea. The only thing they've said is that will be set in Eastside back when Aisno decided to comment on the feminist moderator drama.
I've been getting into playing real games again. Some time ago I got Tales of Arise. How is it? Worth getting into?
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I have to say I don't really care too much where the story is set. I just hope they manage to follow up on last anni and can deliver something equally great.
Weeekend sniff chiefs
I don't think we will see R next arc, the next arc already seems to have ties to Zoya, Langley and Serpent, besides the new sinners that they should introduce with each chapter. Maybe they will even put something about Priscilla and Tetra, since those two are still missing their interrogations...
I want to stay away from Zoya as much as possible. The altoid problem shouldn't exist in here.
>equally great
It was quickly overshadowed by lone trails several months later though.
If you just want the cubes now you can just give everything the wrong color. Perfect colors only matter if you want the profile title and dxtra resources
why are people such genuine drama mongers here.
Stop acting so womanly.
By the looks of it Garofano is extremely selfish character. You don't actually need her for the weakspot gang.
Where do you think you are?
A manly general for men...
...who love men...
... who do manly things
>rain and mosquiturds
Page 9 hate
this chief love
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i thought one chief kept saying it will be about haCKERs
Tetra is a hacker too. They (alongside Pricilla) might appear soon. But the next arc is 100% connected to the forum.
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hamel is getting a lot of pictures today
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>scroll through twitter
>leven bday art everwhere
wait she's popular? thought she'd be like stargazee tier where you'd see a lot of art during her event and then that's it
she's got that people pleasing personality (bit tits)
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woah in just 1 year Kelvin developed sparkly ice cream!
fucking lol
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hamel LOVE
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Lisa cosplay? that's rad
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Don't worry sis! The sparkles are from Lynn slowly returning to her original form after being caught in the ice cream mixer!
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Continued hamel love
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persistent hamel love
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bogan soon...
I just went to s1n to check the banner dates and it's really coming in 2 days? Has the En twitter even posted teasers
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why is the bug not eating bugs?
one more hamel love while im at home
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its a trap
Are you still using Hamel?
i used her on the mantis + dreya depths stage thsi season because dreya is annoying and does damage to all your sinners but cab is my go-to healer nowadays
the ecb core break i just find is really useful in comparison to hamel just sitting there
Cab isn't really a healer though.
Yes. She's still fantastic especially with the skin that makes it visually clear which mode she's in which makes switching her around easier for my forgetful ass.
well she's a healer enough for ptn's purposes
the point i was making was that for a lot of stages hamel's healing is overkill and the damage boost she provides from her ecb just doesn't measure up to cab's which is why i use the latter in place of the former
Huh?! The ballet attire?!
it makes the particle effect way more noticeable yeah
Yes, I’m a low iq 160k chief
me on the right
bug love
Everywhere where Coq is not enough or I don't want to think too much.
Thinking about a sushi themed sinner while I go to a sushi buffet…
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have fun sis
>sushi themed sinner
what would that be like? like a sushi chef with fillet knives? or like a naked sinner covered in body sushi? or another fish-themed sinner like Lamia? or maybe just a sinner that likes sushi who might give similar vibes to Cabernet
Yeah like the chef from Cab’s event
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McGrath LOVE!
hate this dumb bitch for shitting on kelvin
Yeah I just remembered her name
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Cutest (posting from buffet under the table)
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what would the people around you think about you looking at chibis in public? it can't be that bad right?
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so her name's just gonna be pronounced like "lovely"?
el el
It’s a 3 person table and I’m on the single side
Also the tables around us are a bunch of elderly
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But she is beta kelvin...
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Where is the EN announcement of Bianka…..
EN is skipping her
Back to Hamel love
australian image
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Hmm, sincerely hope this is a sign of things to come. They absolutely need to have more characters do cameos
eos signs tbqh
imagine the smell
all the aesthetic girls imo
I didn't post though.
>luvia showed up in this event and Lady Pearl's
geez aisno...
she's just jealous hebe Kelvin was the playable Kelvin while hag Kelvin wound up relegated to antagonist npc who dies
goodnight burgersisters................time for me to sleep.............................i gotta get up early for work tomorrow...................................i hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend....................
>long weekend
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good night warehousechief
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burgers don't get a long weekend?
for what, the 4th? most people just get that day off or if they're lucky thursday and friday
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>i may share nationality with the f2p-in-ptn-but-spender-in-other-gacha chief
I know, that was such a betrayal.
I can't believe Emy Pan is fucking dead.
maybe fix your game, aisno.
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I like Etti
Holy FUCKING based.
maybe fix your life, chief.
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Continuing Hamel love
hammy cute
wait wtf I hate tea. I can't self-insert into chief anymore
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prob canadian. we have canada day on monday
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h-how many of us are leafs masquerading as burgers
I cant believe I have been saying burger sleep to a bunch of pretenders
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its a false flag
we are all proud americans here
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continued hamel love
quads for hamel
This picture doesn’t fit Hamel
She’s so relaxed and confident
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true, looks more like a zoya pic redrawn for hamel
hamel boob sweat send tweet
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LOVE breasts
I only now realized Hamel has lazy low twintails. Muh heart.
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Hamel love
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that's the least fuckable armpit i've seen in a hot minute
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should I ...
take ...
an afternoon nap
Do the needful anon
good night weekend burgers....happy birthday hamel
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good night fellow burger i'm done as well
It's 1pm though.
europeans are honorary americans if you speak english
wait it's 1pm in india not europe.
good night burgerinos
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Hamel love
Maybe it's time to sleep.
Page 9 hate.
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Lazy Sunday.
..every bone and muscle
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im really struggling to figure out the context
eos status?
Translate it

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