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Alicesoft/Rance General #1225

Early Shilling Edition

Last Thread: >>482220000

FAQ: files.catbox.moe/vxrbu5.txt
Torrent: https://files.catbox.moe/zxwsje.torrent
Read the FAQ before you ask questions.

>Useful Links
Wiki: https://alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/AliceSoftWiki:Main_Page
Alternate Wiki (under construction): https://alicesoft.miraheze.org/wiki/AliceSoft_Wiki:Main_Page
Rance World Notes (Translated): DEAD
Booru: https://hannybooru.com/

Check the FAQ for downloads and general hints!

>SR Mods
List of Mods - https://alicesoft.fandom.com/wiki/Modding_Project
DHR-Steve mod - https://mega.nz/file/BQIDxCYL#v6aUSJz6JQxPW8TF2Ht8COzlRidGUzdFa2VfUDjcuKQ
Website - https://www.darknessherorance.com
戦国ランス-ルドラサウム大陸版- - https://mega.nz/folder/RaUEEaJQ#5ZheRhA9dYi6kFlJ6Vtfmw (requires Japanese package edition)

>Recently Released
Hentai Labyrinth - Out now!
Purchase: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ01075029.html

Rance IX - Out Now!
Purchase: https://www.mangagamer.com/r18/detail.php?goods_type=1&product_code=1303
Torrent: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3834326

Only You English Patch
Mediafire: https://www.mediafire.com/file/kpl10ogjg2jjfb4/Only_You_Re-Cross_English_Patch.rar/file
MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/dj9HmCBZ#Vwt_DvPkTogA_8ssvrmKTldoIUE2UivuVCrEEYeZEn4

>Miscellaneous (mainly unofficial)

>Upcoming Games
Rance 03 - Translation: 79% – Editing: 41%
Rance X - Translation : Complete – Editing: 5%
Beat Ixseal - Translation: 88% – Editing: 81%
Rance IX Physical (includes lore book) - July 4th
Yoru ga Kuru! - N/A
Daiakuji Fan TL - N/A

35th anniversary site:
Art Exhibit starts September 15th
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first for my wife reset
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Rance should have had more brown girls
>choco girls with white hair
i agree, she had a reeeeeally hot design just from that alone but there was nothing else notable about her, like so many other characters
there's always more eroge...
Reset is a whale rapist
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>MFW I see Kanami
Zeth girls should have darker skin considering it's based on middle east and south Asia.
Rance will kill all pedos like you
so he can keep reset all for himself? seems like he's just a closet pedo trying to get rid of all of the competition....
Huh? Zeth was clearly France
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So Kanami is just benchjuice now?
I reasonably often just used both, but Freya is overall better yes
Why did they replace ninja with ranger
She always was. Except for IV
I can see him being casually kind to his daughters like that.
He'd let his sons get soaked tho.
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i'd like to see a collab
>Rance X - Translation : Complete – Editing: 5%
real shit? can i just play this now? i don't even care if it has typos
Hehe, I think translation only means the script is complete. It's probably not inserted into the game. Unless I'm wrong.
lol if only that's how it worked. The MTL patch a thread or so ago is something if you're desperate (not good from the little I bothered looking at), but otherwise you'll still be waiting another several years for editing/scripting first
you would be correct. MG mentioned before with IX for example that inserting the script into the game started after the TL/editing was done. https://twitter.com/MangaGamer/status/1473055008388259840
Steiner shares screenshots from the game sometimes, so assume some of the text has already been inserted.
i'll just keep waiting
what's 5 more years
Do they ever let randoms test their translations? With a huge script like Rance X it seems like it wouldn't be a bad idea to have more testers
the issue with that on their end is that it being leaked would be a VERY real possibility, (if not more or less guaranteed with Rance, versus one of their shovelware titles). Especially if someone anonymous were to test it
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This explains how text insertion works in two different ways and from what it looks like for Rance X they have to use the string method and with the tedium amount of coding issues that come along with it It's not surprising they're working on script insertion already.
ninja is a JAPAN only thing
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Hey guys, I'm new to the Rance series and I do have few questions about the games
First off, what is the best way to play PC-98 Rance games (Rance 1-4.2)? there are multiple releases on VNDB and I'm not sure which to pick.
Secondly, how different is Rance 01 to Quest for Hikari? It's 5 times longer than the original, so I'm assuming they added new characters and other plot points
Guess he wasn't dead after all.

01 is drastically different. The basic plot outline is the same but that is it.
They all use the same translation as a base. Rebuilt fixes a few errors. PC-88 style adds the PC-88 content which is somewhat different, but isn't what most people played (not like that matters). The PC-98 version just ports the TL, the rest all run natively on windows.
Digest isn't actually a game, just a summary of the story that reuses graphics.
01 is a different game, but in my opinion a worse option to start off with as it feels too disconnect from the series as it was. The original is short and different enough to play both.

For II/02 the only choice that matters is if you want the old translation or the MG one and if its the latter, the original script or the kai script. The changes between versions are irrelevant and unimportant to canon anyway so the only advice for that is to follow your heart. Kai is written by a newer writer, but at the same time literally no one played it when the remake released so it's much more experienced in the English side of the fanbase which doesn't say a lot as most people probably played the English translation. It's not different enough for any of that to matter except missing out on the news about the Berlin wall which is critical to the subtext of the Zeth plot.
most people probably played the old English translation*. Obviously they would've played an English translation.
this hanny was right
So is it a similar situation to Tsukihime Remake where a lot of the moments are the same, but some of the plot points got changed?

For the old Rance games, can I just run it on Windows 10 or do I have to set up some emulator? The Rance 1 and 2 latest releases says it got converted to "DOS-compliant format", but it says the platform is PC-98, so I'm getting mixed signals here
Pretty much like Tsuki Remake yes
And go to wiki, there should be something that tell you how to play it
All mainline Rance games have been ported to be playable on 32-bit Windows. So yes. Just go to the Alicesoft wiki. The original platform is PC-98, but as your screenshot shows you nearly all of those translation patches are for Windows. The original Windows port from Japan just uses the PC-98 assets so it won't even look any different outside of scanlines.
Which one of you hannies is this? >>>/a/268255058
>No Shizuka kid
We lost?
There 100% is. Hence why you have Capture Rope and Angel's Army to prevent that.
She did have a kid.
They do in TT2. Play your Alicesoft games.
Nunuhara is there a way of solving the way the letter "r" causes a line break in some lines of X's files? I wonder if there's a workaround but I haven't experimented yet.
I'm in chapter 6 of Eve Nickle 2, and I gave a big pearl to some guy and I got no reward for it? Why make a fetch quest like this? Is the guy actually a girl who will fuck me later? I suspected a lot of boys to be possibly reverse traps.
> Go to Xitter
> Immediately stumble upon zoomers troonyfying Rance
> Checks the owner of that Daily Alicesoft page
> Of course it's that musty ass bitch
I wonder if that translation was a big blunder. I get the feeling Rance would never say "he" and "him" there.
Rance is trans
In my head, Patton sounds like Jameson Price
Cool, now go back to being a weepy twitter zoomer and pretend to be the artiber of moral authority with you zoomer rape victim friends.
>actually taking me seriously
RanceCHADs appreciate peak like Gintama.
Only newfags and ironic weebs who got filtered by Japanese pop culture references hate Gintama. It absolutely sweeps all shounenshit by a mile
>become shizuka
>first thing he thinks is how good cocks feel
The nakadashi spirit
Haven't masturbated to any CG in chapter 6 of Eve 2 so far.
Nice, immediately after this post I finally get a sex scene with that horny poppins girl. I'm gonna jerk off now, see you later minna-sama.
This post have made me lost every faith I have on /a/ (i had none to begin with) even if I never posted in there and very rarely checked it... Unless it's obivous bait.
Aren't we all if we become girls?
Rance has sort of been around for too long so a lot of people shit on the series out of contrarianism. I've seen it on /v/ too. To be fair, if you go in it being promised it's the best thing ever, you might come out disliking it.
Heh... Good thing than I never spoked of Rance outside nice circles... /v/ and /a/ can't appreciate good shit and always need to play contratians to make them believe form themselves than they stand out form a another.
It is what it is. Discovering Sengoku Rance all those years ago was definitely a different time. Good times.
Us 2007 boomers
Almost all my friends are
I discovered Sengoku Rance in 2008 through the let's play on RPGCodex
There needs to be another series as unapologetic as the Rance series. How hard can it be to redo the same protagonist copy pasted?
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It was a good read.
Good times playing Rance with /jp/ and /a/ back in the Australian summer of 08/09 after I graduated from high school.

I've made a shitty Sengoku team for tactics and aesthetic practice. Also to test the theory that 1. Bringing back TOSH will solve our problems and 2. Rance is a cursed player name.
Any thoughts on better names for Urza and Kenshin in particular?
My bad name suggestions:
Urza - your turn is already over / *ends your turn*
Kenshin - empress (or mikado if you want to go for the JAPANese language thing)
>used goods
Rance 10 reveals that she wasn't penetrated
I was just pirating games left to right, then I discovered Sengoku Rance and had absolute strokes of laughter. Then I played Rance VI and loved it and then played all the Rance games and becoming a screeching haniwa.
We had a decade of Sengoku memes before that TADA cope.
"Your Turn Is Over" works.
This is a real problem. Don’t tell me that every hanny here is also a tranny?
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Read Flashman
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Kichikou Rance is the GTA IV of the Rance series. Dark and cryptic, yet elegant and profound. Something that the average fool can't or does not care to appreciate.

While Rance X is like GTA V: loud, robust and obnoxious; yet hollow, lacks depth, and goofy
III and 03 are comparable to Tsukihime and the Tsukihime remake.

I is super barebones, which can be expected from an 80s amateur porn game.
You stole this from that Xitter tranny
Go back
It's more of a xitter issue than anything
If you got to a lesbian swimming club you shouldn't act surprised that they're mostly lesbians; and you shouldn't conclude that all female swimmers are dykes
The fact you know this means you also saw this in Xitter, shut up nigger
Every 4chan hanny who has close relationship with Alicesoft-Mangagmer here will eventually bend over to the Xitter zoomoids, it happened 10 years ago, it will happen again.
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Cute Satella mouse cursor.
Feels right and horribly wrong at the same time.
I'd put Ranmaru in
I just bought Kichikuou Rance and the old man at the counter looked at me and said "You sure you want to buy this old shit?"
There’s a difference between posting unironic tranny spewed garbage and actual Rance discussion you fucking tranny lover
only for the whole revolution thing
aesthetically it's essentially india
i mean just listen to the kichikuou ost
> Tranny lover
I don't work in MangaGamer bro
So is this what's going to happen, they're going to re-introduce all their published works since 1989 and eventually stop Before september 15th?
>Kanami OP
>Rance X - Translation : Complete – Editing: 5%
AIAAAAA only 10,000 days to go!
there's also the maginot line.
And I don't really see Indian aestehtics, it's more broadly Oriental aesthetics, which are often used for "the magic country"
Yes, but it involves changing the code and updating every string that's interpreted that way. Below is my response to the same question from an email.
>As for the newline issue, the function SkillDescriptionView@0 contains the code:
>S_PUSH "r"
>S_PUSH "\n"
>CALLHLL String Replace -1
>If you changed the "r" to something else (like "|" for example) and then updated all of the skill descriptions to use "|" instead of "r" I think you should then be able to use "r" normally in the descriptions.
You're always the go-to reference for this stuff, what a hero. So when changing this in the Rance10.ain, it will also apply to the Rance10.Ex files? I guess it's a question of effort and time to replace all those "r" lines in the code.

Another question I have is do you know how to use special characters? Someone mentioned something about having to write a custom line as a workaround. Like "ï" or "é". Thank you for your help.
You would need to modify the fonts to include the glyphs you need, since the included fonts (alicesoft has their own font format) only have glyphs for the characters in the JIS character set. Unfortunately there are no tools for doing this.
Got it. Thanks as always.
Which Rance games and how many of them have you purchased on GOG (tm) this summer sale?
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I don't buy imaginary puffs of data
>Rance 10 reveals that she wasn't penetrated
You mean she was only taking in tiny shota dicks. Literal used goods.
>every hanny here is also a tranny
Don't worry, Hannies aren't trannies. They are gay as fuck though.
Her Rance IX scenes were the cutest, definitely Rances #2 girl
Well not everyone is as rich as you.

>t. one of the 10 polish men who still plays old games no one else does (not polish)
I like women...
Is JastUSA any good?

The Rance games are on sale there, should i buy them?
I like the sound and feel of cracking hannies skulls more than women.
>t. Riche
I don't buy games older than 5 years 'cuz I believe that is the maximum of how long copyright ought to last!
JastUSA is generally okay outside of their glacial TL pace, but I would try before I buy
>ctrl + f medusa
>no result
let's fix that
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this probably wasn't worth the effort
>Red Cross
>Green Square
>Blue Circle
These names of cities in the "Royal Garden" continent in Evenicle 2 are a reference to buttons on console controllers. The continent itself looks like a console controller itself.
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Are the Rance games all Vanilla?
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Is this penis?
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She's the best!
And my cute wife!
Is this available anywhere? Is it about her or just an illustration book? I can't find much.
At the end of the day, more vanilla than Evenicle.
Satella sexo
Ssulal? Ugly
Ssulal? Retarded
Ssulal? Shit
Largely vanilla, lots of rape and dubcon, rare instances of tentacle rape or sex with monsters, some BDSM.
Is there any Alicesoft game with NTR as a focus?
Are there any Alicesoft games with largely vanilla NTR in focus?
How do I become an alicesoft game
Glad Rance finally realized he was a pedo all along with Pigu
How did Rance became trannycore?
But Pigu is the same age as Sachiko tho
Oh, nice. Maybe I'll pick a copy up sometime next week.
>Zeth was clearly France
Zeth should definitely have more brown girls then.
I can't think of a single MC of an eroge Rance would reasonably get along with. The man's too territorial.
bad goalkeeper though

And its a control mechanism
Kinda reminds me of the shitposting going on with FMA. Every thread for it in recent memory has been awful.
Pre 60s France
Zeth has a really high number of blondes
That crazy nurse
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Fuck off Gayblis.
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Hornet sexo
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>Sill was black all the time
Well, yeah. RQ Nitro confirmed it.
Explains why she's buckbroken
zeth is india, sirs
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Sil cousin
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Is the chick in the middle a fate character?
daiakuji tl's prob another never ever isn't it? the yakuza get hired to scour the internet and disappear anyone who tries to tl that game. Its like how that horse gacha game is protected by the yakuza and anyone who lewds their horses gets put into an oil barrel with stale bread and forced to watch horse porn for the next 20 hours until they stop lewding horses.
There is literally an active project happening right now
there's been an active project ongoing for the last 20years, they never make it to the end because they get kidnapped and turned into sex slaves
Wait for the Remaster release that somehow gets picked up by Kagura Games.
No there hasn’t
>they get kidnapped and turned into sex slaves
>forced to watch horse porn for the next 20 hours until they stop lewding horses
isn't that just giving them more ideas?
Oyako Rankan
Tsumamigui 3
My uber eats can't be this cuttest!
I'm literally about to finish the TL for Kikuko's route and start inserting the text into the scripts so I can release a partial patch
It'll be a rough one though, still have a lot of shit to figure out
fate oda nobunaga
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We needed CG's like this on RX because he never to held his two previous kids while they were a baby
Remember me Alicesoft
I won't forget you, Retia.
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Satella if she thick and plump.
She was too good for her own game, no other girl could compete.
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oh the contrary, it's the game and it's setting why Retia shone so bright. I want a full english translation. Looking at you alicesoft
We should make her the mascot character for every HitlerCunnyRapist accounts in Xitter
Worst anime hitler
Hannies, there is something you should know.
Spill it
*teleports behind him*
*crashes his skull before he can talk*
Nin nin
Rance? Ugly, retarded and shit
Bird? Handsome, smart and perfect
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What is sharing a bath with Lia like?
I have a weird-ass question for you
In Oyako Rankan, is there a way for me to have the wife end with her husband and but only the daughters end with the MC? I understand there are some unavoidable NTR scenes with the wife but I want to know if you can end "happily" for every character
I can tell you enjoyed rapelay.
Googling it I have genuinely no idea how you came to that conclusion, I just enjoy thwarting NTR
If any of the other games in AliceSoft's catalog are like that (where you can truly thwart NTR, at least for the end pairings) I would be interested
Otherwise I guess it's time for a harem route
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Full Revive!
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So Rance has more personality?
Bird is being persecuted because his level of perfection is too much for the universe to handle
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Arios' girlfriend
Did the hanny zippo save her womb
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Not just someone, the entire Tokyo office got shut down and multiple people were fired because of this fuckass game
What's the best Rance game to play once you get fired and become neet
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You could learn Japanese to play X and then you have a potentially useful skill if you ever bother to return to society
Beat Wars Escalation Heroines
No, and if you played any of the other endings you'd know that Ikki doesn't deserve a happy ending because he's as much of a piece of shit as every guy who isn't Mamoru
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Daiteitoku remake has to happen
Quest is the perfect game for a NEET.
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Gacha is pretty much a desperation move for VN devs. I can't really blame them because the gacha market is bigger than ever and the visual novel market is on a massive decline. Not to mention CC companies actively fucking over the VN market and removing their services due tp their anti-porn crap.
There's less and less VN being made per year. Most big VN devs are just pulling some kind of reboot, remaster, spinoff, etc. of their popular titles. Recent successful new ones like Dohna Dohna and Nukitashi are outliers. And for Alicesoft, all Dohna Dohna success did was extend its life by a few years.
Quest without the TADA patch, yes.
The current Daiteikoku is actually a remake of "Daiteikoku"
Anyone who did that here?
How long did it take you until you were able to read it relatively fluently?
Or is it possible to play it with some kind of scanner+dictionary?
so useful it pays less than minimum wage
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You'll love to see it
Company owned by a Japanese billionaire in his 20's btw
Making money is not the only way for knowledge to be useful hanny
would you lewd horse girls if you got forced to watch 20hours of hard core horse on horse breeding against your will. It would traumatize more of them and make them convert to dog girls.
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I have time for SR tonight! I think I'm going to conquer Hara.
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>Suzume showing fear
Only time in SR?
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Ever now and then, I enjoy taking a good look at the units. The Tokugawa diviner girls are cute.
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Aru! You fucking did it again!
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Never doing that again.
I recently did my second playthrough of it, basically no point bonuses at 1* difficulty and holy fuck conquering Takeda early-ish was the hardest thing I had to do in the entire run
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Kenshin route now or do some character clears first? I think I'll leave the game for now and decide next time.

The Blitz is pretty easy if you abuse Initial Time Advance.
>stumble upon zoomers troonyfying Rance
rance did that to himself by fucking a man though
The issue wasn't surviving the Blitz but actually conquering their final territory, the 1,5k troop cavalry commander was able to oneshot pretty much any of my backliners and even the front could hardly attack into him without losing more than they'd damage him
Bump question,
Do I have to equip the Pluepet card in Rance X for rare drops or just use someone else from his faction?
Its a squad bonus, right?
Anyone from his faction if it is.
Well, both of his abilities say so, so I suppose is that way niwa, thanks
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How unfortunate.
hype up the motherfucking beat
Is that meant to be Nikkou?
Why do you need to conquer if you've already beat the Blitz?
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What is it this time? Tone's pregnant again? Someone getting close to El? Or is she just slapping random bystanders for no reason?
Rance hates babies, even his kids.
Looks like an innocent school girl
Looks like a fucking hag.
I'd like to fuck that hag
Sill Negro
Maybe he should start loving his kids bitch ass nigga
Medusa loves her
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Remake me!
Maybe they should stop being babies if they want love.
That feels like something Rance would say
Speaking of fucking hags.
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This aged well with Tone...
Medusas girlfriend


Is this Mod really existing? Name?
Which Sengoku Rance character has the equivalent of Pussiance, the strongest skill from RotK
haha... pussyance...
>the announcement is not related to Rance
owari da...
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Finally going to try finishing this
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The all attacks are critical one? Doubt there's somebody on the continent that constantly crits

just look up Daiteikoku on the workshop, not like they named it Great Anime War simulator or something
Rance but Sword World supplement
I’ll take Eve3
I wish I was Reset so I could rape El
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Bird and Rance comparisons be like
Anything but Haruka/Escalayer, please-please! Aiyaa....
I wish I was Brovio so I could fuck Reset
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Finished Escalayer, did all routes, missing three h-scenes but I don't care 97% is good enough.
I'll play Haruka when I feel like it
It's been exactly one year and people still ask me this.
Does he still want Kamilla
He is looking happy, that's good...
Make me a new
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I have done it. Kikuko's route is officially done.
The patching shall begin.
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I waiting for 7/7 to finish Chapter 7 of Evenicle 2.
Goebbels is hot
ka-ka-ka spotted
Kamilla IF route
I am honestly looking forward to Ixseal
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Fat bitch.
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Xitter niggas are gentrifying Rance, it's fucking over.
>Haniho has resorted to /v/nigger-tier xitter screenshot outrage porn to stay alive
someone just shatter me and get it over with
In a normal day, this discussion would've hit 50k on Xitter, very abysmal kind of thinking.
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Eroge is above criticism, it's in a tier even the heavens cannot reach and the Xitter faggots can cry all about it.
Rance is the best.
we should shatter together hanny...
Leave subhumans in their pen and don't approach them.
I'll never get over how Medusa died, KWAB
Very based. Will this include kikuko’s prostitution scenes though? Suffering girls are so moe.
My plan for all ages Rance reboot once I acquire Alicesoft.
- It will remain a satire of JRPG
- Rance will remain a lovable piece of shit but maybe have to remove the rapist part (sorry)
- The first game will consist of prologue he acquires sill, followed by a Ice, Leazas, Custom, Kawanakajima and a Final chapter.
- Game will end on a cliffhanger which will lead to the second game covering the entire fall of leazas arc.
- same as first it will end on a cliffhanger which will lead to the third game taking place in Ylapu.
- Considering Rance 3 wouldn't be that big considering the size of the Island I'll make a story expansion featuring Patton, Hunty, Freak, Io and Hubert. This will take place after after the main story.
- My idea for the 4th game is mostly based on the 4.1,4.2 but with much higher stakes and more involvement from the Holy Gal Monsters, gotta cook up the story and some new characters for this too.
- The 5th game will obviously be ghe Buhard story arc and will introduce characters like Copandon so I'm completely abandoning the Genbu castle plotline.
- 6 Zeth will be similar to Rance VI while also adding characters like Rizna in a different context and will make Abert the antagonist he deserves to be.
- Sengoku will be Sengoku with more focus on Japan lore
- Quest will be Quest with Magnum story already integrated into it and 9 will be 9.
- X will be the showdown game and it'll live upto it.
- There will be a Rance 11 or Rance final chapter to wrap the story for good.
- now as for how gameplay goes, I'm talking large scale productions so I cannot follow the Alicesoft formula of changing gameplay every single game but it'll go like this.
- The first three games will feature action combat, influenced by a mixed of styles from Square and Falcom games.
- 4th to 6th game will be action-turn based hybrid, kinda similar to Falcom's Kuro and Atlus's upcoming Metaphor game.
- Sengoku and IX will be strategy games, my inspiration are the switch Fire Emblem games where you can explore down time in hub areas and have Tactical combat in different areas, I'll add side quests and characters bonding to make it way more than a simple SRPG.
- And lastly, Quest, X and Final chapter will feature MMO styled gameplay, which will be inspired by the Xenoblade trilogy of games, Quest and X especially will be a huge overtaking considering the roster of characters however I would have to limit myself to a specific number of characters, I'll probably do 70 playable characters for X, 10 characters each faction but I'll try to make their gameplay engaging so it never gets stale.
Welp, that's about all I can say now but this goal is massive overtaking because I do not want Alicesoft and the world's they created to fade away.
More Kenshin or I don't give you dimes hanny.
Throw us starved dungeon crawler fags a bone and make a spinoff dungeon crawler or something
Alice should've released the all ages Rance Quest
>but maybe have to remove the rapist part
Imo Rance is Rance because he is rapist
So you have to make him rapist!
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>t. poor third worlder

this general has gone to shit
looking at you twitterfags that refer to twitter as x
Rance all ages can't work and that's a good thing
Without Shizuka nakadashi there is no love
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Rance but Etrian Odyssey
We will call it Rance 6
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Why is Lia even a chosen girl when not even Rance like her
You just turned Rance into another soulless generic JRPG, good job
The game have flaws as you would except from a game made by a porn company but these flaws also make them unique. Also as it is SR is one of the best SRPG out there and Rance X still one of the greatest games of all times.
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Riche on you.
Imagine having a daughter, imagine having a miko daughter *hit pipe*
Senhime didn't deserve this
She is getting plenty of grandchildren
Best I can do it make it mature rating but even there I can make him perverted at best.
That's my plan for reviving the Toushin Toshin games.
Sorry that I wanna remake the series with a better and consistent progression in storytelling, something that even the creator wishes he could do.
You want to make it more accessible? More digestible? For the wider audience?
Rance would be better as a roguelike survival game with crafting elements
reviving two dead franchises at the same time
No if the overall market, including consoles allowed porn games without any restrictions, then I'd make it a 3d eroge with AA levels of production. but I have to do with what I've been given, even then I don't want it to be mainstream like Persona or Final Fantasy, just enough to keep me going and finish the games.
And open world too, with coop features.
What kind of sex can children enjoy too??
hey hannies please take this guy out, he's a danger to moe every where.
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If i acquired Alicesoft I would remake rance but with Medusa instead of rance. Rance gets broken into a vegetative state after Medusa snakes sill and he's forced to watch prior to rance 01.
Medusa wears a disguise to fit into the leaza population as a tourist to past time while having fun watching her soon to be victims walk around. Game 1 ends with Medusa making friends with Maris and Lia after realizing they have a shared love of torturing innocent girls, Medusa agrees to help Leaza so long as they pay her tributes and Lia is all to happy to comply since watching Medusa play with her toys is just what she was looking for. Young girls continue to disappear from Leaza as a result. Alef becomes Maris's colleague and together they start an international kidnapping ring to help fulfill their master's cruel hobbies.
>Rance gets broken
But my Rance will have plenty of Moe?
If I were Rance I'd remove private from the options on skeb.
I just want to remove the sample
kys nigger
Co-op rape or PvP rape?
it's not rape if it's co-op
Cooperating with your buddies to rape others, not each other.
Is that Pikablu? The pokegod that appears if you talk to Misty 1000 times?
Looking into playing Rance 01 for the first time and holy shit mangagamer has every game at $35+ how tf do they justify that price.

I dont mind paying but is there anywhere that's cheaper?
Gog might be on sale
Where's the link for Rance X with mtl, someone mentioned the dhr discord but I didn't find anything there either
Holy heckerino, Sengoku Rance at 52% off, highest deal in history! 24 hours left!
You have me very confused.
I think you will find that Haruka is pretty much the same game, maybe worse.

How did you find the characters in Escalayer?
If the Nazis actually dressed like this, they would have won.
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Aru, you made the same mistake twice!

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