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Panty shot edition

>Guides and resources


>7/2 (Tue) Update Notice

Summer Island Mayhem
The Reaper and the Gangster (Permanent)
World Boss Grand Open

>Developer's Note #7

>Code Redemption Website for iOS

>Increased rates
Kappa 7/2 ~ 7/16
Kanon 7/2 ~ 7/16
Dahlia 7/2 ~ 7/16
Monad Eva 5/21

>/opg/ Guilds

(Every 2 days will be updated, OUTERJULY_)

lmao nice image for the opening thread
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posted it already on previous thread but I'm still excited so re-posting
good luck on your Kappa pulls!
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I am going to work on a guide for newbros that isn't outdated, it will take a while because of work though
belly erotic...
It took me 190 tickets... I don't even feel like building her now.
keep us updated bro!
i believe in your next roll
Why is there only 4 outerbros in the global rankings in world boss bros???
the newbros don't have the gear yet
Sorry bro I'm just auto battling.
How do we save this game???????
E7g here. Any upcoming hype Outer unit?
new unit kappa just came out
also first demiurge skin from world boss rewards (free)
I fucked up and did the easiest of easiest difficulty and was like rank 60 :(

we got teased a Demiurge trust the sience loli
Canon Stellasex
I have a job bro....
Don't forget to replenish your stamina and do the daily summer events for the Weekly shop! There is also an Alpha Swimsuit in Week 3 only needs event currency (free).
The entry count for world boss resets daily or is for the whole event?
you can get the world boss "currency" once a day, and you get 10 tries so you can increase your rank but if you don't get a higher score you won't get any rewards in that day and spend the world boss tickets.
it resets but as far as i understand you don't need to play every day like the joint boss, the entries are there so you can try to get better scores rather than a mandatory thing
I'm just worried I won't get enough points to grab the outfit since I started playing 3 weeks ago. But I'll try to fight for it.

Apparently I have to put equipment on the support team units to raise their combat power so this will be a bit dicey.
I'm in the exact same boat, newbro here, first day I only got 140 , and the costume requires 5k.
Is she for (Me)?
>world boss phase 2
>he gets 6 turns in a row
Is there any counter to this shit?
pray and hope God listens, but remember Astei....remember her sacrifice....
you need a stripper, d.vlada or regina works the best
aer could work but you really want to have your second team out when he goes to P2
shes a retard who loves fights, so sort of? too schizoid
Damn let's try and reach the points necessary to buy the outfit together.

Things I have figures out so far are:

On the support team every slot has an icon on the bottom part if you put a unit matching the icon there's a boost to combat power. This could mean that having the unit with matching could be more beneficial than just having your best built character there.

So I would first grab your 2 star units with the most amount of stars and try to match them in those slots.

Adding gear to those units increases combat power as well as increasing their level.

So for this event you would want to take those 2 star units and sweep some identification: ecology bosses until they have high enough level like over 60 or something should be done quick enough. Just make a team with those units and sweep. If you can do stage 10 of bosses take advantage and the equipment you loot from there put it on those 2 star units and if they have crit damage it would be better because apparently it gives a major boost to combat power.

Combat power is king in support team.
I'm pretty sure she never got over the Harem Hero King.

Thank you bro for the great insight, here's my experience:

My K was doing 60k damage each Break, I was using full Non dark-non light element units for Stage 1 and then Full Light Dark units for the second stage, (as they have both negative and positive impact depending on the stage, you can read it pressing on the boss skills at the "Boos Info" pannel) my Chain Power generator was around every 3 turn + 1 Chain Point activation. Ended up with an S rank both First difficulty and the second difficulty, I think I ended up storing the easiest difficulty but I can't remember as I had no idea what I was doing for a while and had not sleep.

I do believe the higher the difficulty you end up saving the better the reward, I got a 6 corrupted chest I think, again I don't remember much as I was sleep deprived , will pay more attention tonight , but thank you let's keep it up!
Yeah I just checked, I saved the Beginner league instead of the Junior League even though I was able to S rank the Junior League, lmao fuck. Currently at 190 red orbs
did a little tweeking, my K now does 72k damage. will test it out
alright so I got SS on Beginner League, my team is:

>Team 1:
Laplace/100/Crit. Attack set
Veronica/94/Life Set
Tamara/89/Speed Set
Rin/86/Crit. Attack Set

Second stage at turn 8

>Team 2:
D. Stella/100/Penetration Set
M. Eva/100/Counter Attack Set
Kuro/80/Speed Set
Dianne/69/Life Set

>Support Team:
Aer/81/Attack Set
D. Drakhan/71/Counter Attack Set
Valentine/65/Speed Set
6* Tio/40/Evasion/Defense Set

Total Damage: 558,494

Pretty sure I could optimize it by changing Tio and some other unit sets, 5 entry tickets remaining.
Because SSS seems to be extremely far away I don't think I'll be trying for that, will try for Junior League as soon as the entry resets. If anyone got teams and tips to share for all the Leagues including the Hardest one feel free to share it, last thread we got some great info too.
not sure what would work best for newbros, but I'll post the team I used
try to build up as much CP as possible on first phase, mono red seems to work the best but it won't be as good without Kanon or Astei (for AP gen) tio instead of astei can work
Don't use dianne on 2nd team instead use D.drakhan for %health dmg on s1
this is discouraging (not a bad thing), I don't think I'll reach that at all, even if I swap with D. Drakhan. Still, I'll try Junior league and report back
amazing information thank you very much !
thankfully they didn't use the previous world boss (the beta) or else it would be impossible for newbros
this is the ultimate gear + character check, so don't worry about not scoring high
the demi drakhan skin should remain in the world boss shop if its treated the same as the joint challenge shop
>Christina doesn't strip buffs - restart
>D Vlada doesn't strip buffs - restart
I'm going insane bros. Can't build effectiveness either because I need to prioritize speed. Still barely can't hit top 100 globally
>the demi drakhan skin should remain in the world boss shop
I sure hope so!
Wait so I shouldn't be wasting chain attacks on the first phase?
I only have 2 light units. I don't have dark units other than the emo girl which is not leveled up or has any gear on. So I'm already at a big disadvantage.
I tried doing that way and got less than when I just spammed chain attacks whenever I could (3.9 million). It's probably not as simple as using them whenever vs saving them all unfortunately, and I imagine it heavily depends on your speed
So I managed to get S rank in Junior league around 600k damage and got 500 orbs.
So S rank in beginner league is 190~ orbs
S rank in Junior league is 500~ orbs

How many orbs for S rank is the master league?
Dunno about S, but I'm at 1190 orbs from SS Rank in Senior
I got SS in master which was 1150 orbs. I think S is 1050
Thanks for the info. Let's say it's around 800 orbs for S rank in Senior League.

So if you can reach A rank in Senior league it'll probably give you more than S rank Junior League. But around the same as SS rank in Junior league
the increase in damage for the boss is quite high at the hardest difficulty, but test it out and let us know. Do mind that once you save your battle record you're stuck in that Difficulty for the remaining day until reset as far as I'm aware
RTA next update maybe? or a collab?
I read the rules, and it sounds like one cannot change difficulty once you saved your record for the whole week? Is this right? What was it like during the beta phase a month ago?
Yea after you pick your league and save a score it can't be changed.
it would be nice if either happen
Crazy if it's for the whole week.

That bro stuck in beginner will have a hard time getting the skin. Sadge desu.
Yeah I was thinking about it, I'm the anon that posted >>484400431 but it's fine honestly, as long as the event remains. And if not then hey, I got some great pulls so I won't complain and will just try to get SSS.
are there enough people for a FC on the weekend?
outer butts
good night bros
outernight outerbro
What's an FC?
fight club
a private rta lobby where bros fight eachother
usually off meta units are used unless its a newbro who doesn't have enough characters leveled
for the future I normally am but I'm away this weekend.
Can we only earn world boss rewards once? I did an attempt today and got nothing
just checked, yea you can only get the rewards once a season. Looks like not even the SSS senior league players will get the outfit yet, so don't worry too much newbros
Only the chest is what you get for the attempt daily
maybe next weekend then
outernight outerbros
outernight outerbro
I regret not buying the Charm anni boxes
Just got francesca's EE. I am nearly at SSS rank in Senior League. It all depends on how many times I get the 10% EE extra turn. My odds right now are somewhere around 0.001%
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Finally reached 7mil
Kuro generates too much CP that you wont be able to utilize it much, So I swapped her with iota.
Gave her sage charm and gave d.vlada the feather talisman for AP charging.
D.vlada (Burst) -> Iota (break) -> Regina (chain break) -> Meva finishes the remaining 2 gauge and breaks. repeat cycle. Iota 8% HP burn finish is good and I assume a d.stella is much better but i dont really build speed on bruisers so i dont have a speed gear for her.
I simply don't think the boss should get 4 free turns when you go from A to S. Just lower the overall turns to 11.
Yeah, I hope there is a way to bypass it
I've been seeing screenshots of scores above 10mil and the battle took 20-30 mins and i don't know how they did it.
Yea it's pretty disheartening when you get to S at 4 turns, then that immediately goes to 8, then 10 after you switch since the boss gets 2 free turns then.
When the boss hits phase 2 at turn 4 I usually try to see if I can generate more CP with the fire team before switching them out. But you can actually save 3-5 chain breaks in phase 1 then proceed to phase 2 in 5 - 6 turns.
If you want to save more chain points in phase 1 you need tamano. Since the boss reduces your CP if you have the shock debuff when he does his 2nd skill. You'll able to save up to 8 Chain breaks with this.
What kind of mechanic is this?
So we can't upgrade our score after attempting once?
I really need Iota in my life. Hopefully she'll be in the event banner soon.
You can upgrade your score, but you wont get the rewards again for that score. Example you reached S tier and got the one time rewards for this season. You wont be abale to get it again even if you reach S tier but you'll get the items in the SS tier if you managed to reach the threshold. Only the stamina and world boss chest is the daily reward.
You can upgrade your score - if you go from S to SS you will get the SS tier rewards. You won't get any sort of daily orb reward though. If you claim the S rewards on day 1 you can only get the SS or SSS rewards for the rest of the event. It caps out your orbs per event at like ~1600 or so, so you can't get the 5000 for the outfit in 1 event no matter how powerful your chars are
Then the only explanation for it to be this way would be that the world boss will be a recurring event.
Don't forget to replenish your stamina and do the daily summer events for the Weekly shop! There is also an Alpha Swimsuit in Week 3 only needs the event currency (free).
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It is, along with guild raid and Joint boss.
Exactly. So there is no worry of the outfit disappearing any time soon.
Thank you staminabro, you always have my outerback.
Also of important note, the Summer Event has a "Ranked" Challenge where you can get books and some recruitment tickets ranging from Grade C to SSS. You can enter through the Summer Event interface!
Bro, Chain breaking the boss strips the buff. you dont have to keep restarting
Its above the event story button bro
For (You)
with kanon

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