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McDonnell Douglass AV-8B+ Harrier II - Edition

Previous thread: >>492485282

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Old forums archive:

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on missiles, radars, radar warning receivers
https://youtu.be/v8j3kJwm_Eg [Open]
https://youtu.be/n78r6klLlEQ [Open]
https://youtu.be/DOGazUgUdsQ [Open]
https://youtu.be/wAtTS8xSYEc [Open]

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Someone sending you runes?

>Dank Bants

Harriers are comfy, except for the GR.1 that one stinks.

Thread theme:
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eternal reminder to fly the harriers!
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Good update. Gorillions must eat with friends in canteens
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holy fuck the mirage 2000-5f is completely helpless now
BUY THE PREMIUM HARRIER SQUIDLEY YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Squidley here, pre ordered the harrier already as it looks sick. Squidley out!
False flag lol. the pre order isn't even up yet nor do i intend on buying it
your free (you) retard
Don't listen to this guy, I am the real Squidley
no i'm the real squidley!
where's my dm63 for my leo 2pl? tick tock gaijin im waiting
Applied to [WARTG] First letter B, last number zero.
yeah, br 6.3-7.3 is scarce.
Most of the fun going at 5.0-6.0 and lower where most of ww2 fun planes are and 9.0-10.0 where there are new to jet gameplay donater retards and these who hunt them. You can play at other BRs but you are in for tactical gameplay in 8v8 or 10v10 when you are watching who spawns and who do you engage first, and what are your tradeoffs. That's good fun, but you won't get much of the frags there.
Applied to [WARTG] First letter F, last letter U
Why is it so gay?
How is being white hetrosexual fighting degeneracy and saving the white race gay?
here we fucking go again
What's a good vehicle for the 10 rocket kills thing for the Brazil Pass challenge?
that enough (you)s for you?
Just report, don't engage
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am i gonna get my ass kicked with such a BR disparity? I'm sick of spamming the two tigers over and over
stay high squid
Replace Tiger 2 H with Tiger II 10.5
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Really makes you think.
Your A-1H fully loaded Zuni?
British Typhoon/Tempest line or the late Spitfires with RP-3.
American Navy planes with Tiny Tim.
Jewish Spitfire with the 16 rockets.
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I like how absolutely nothing in this game works.
I like your posts keep it up
wow, did not realize they nerfed khrizanthema into the the fucking ground like every other atgm slinger
>point blank an M47 with the FV4005's giant ass 183mm shell right square in the center of the guy's armor
>it does absolutely nothing and the guy returns fire
what the actual fuck gaijin
Karkand is miles better than any map in this game
>AIM-120A never misses
>MICA-EM only hits if the guy flies right at it
9M's are just as shit as 9L's, never fucking work
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I'm amazed that a lot of mutts think that the AIM-120 is only the third or fourth best ARH.
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It has some aspects that aren't the best so it's worse than the Russian one that does a few things better.
As always if they don't have a 100% advantage across the board then they are the underdog it's just how the American mind works.
>it's a jealous yuropoor thread
Yeah I'm sure people are jealous of the whiny faggots who never stop crying no matter how good they have it
rent free
I can’t really think of a single map that’s actually good, and not just good by war thunder standards
>Jags now have Phimat pods
Might actually use it now I can shit out chaff
member when they tried adding them half a year ago and they'd crash the game?
finland shaped
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>researching the Su-22UM3K
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Thoughts on the Röd Adam?
It's not actually this bad
Cool P-80 copy
Now shut up
Yes it says RETURN TO BATTLEFIELD! upon spawning in in the north spawn
Gaijin could switch to randomly generated maps out of prefab chunks like Mechwarrior 5 and it would somehow be an improvement
Nah they'd find a way to make it worse 100%
Fuck really
Everytime I fuck up their retarded captcha I need to click the FUCKING jewflare button again, wait 5 seconds and then type in the nonsense correctly only for it to error out for no reason again
That’s 20 year old spaghetti code from back when they made IL-2 spin-offs for Xbox.
I seriously hope you're not implying you're a paycuck to 4ccuk
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Japanchads... we are so back...
No you retard
>AI aircraft can still casually fly through solid ground because the mapmaker fucked up its pathing
>AI convoys still swim through water on Spaceport
>blue enemy spawns naked clipped wing Spitfire into GRB
>has ww1 fighter ace name so obviously knows his aviation
>ignores all the red planes
>just strafes ground targets and dies
For a brief moment I had hope
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It is so over for the mudsuckers.
How come the French Alpha Jet doesn't have countermeasures but the German one does?
>makes /biz/ not cancer
>ability to see IDs and flags everywhere on the site
>makes you unbannable
>allows you to use VPNs
>enlarges and elongates your cock and balls
>gives you better mahjong flow
>newsletter with new kodomo edit every hour
what if each player in ARB had a matching group of AI squad mates
they would maintain proximity and could only attack targets near the player leader, but they could be told which nearby target to prioritize
they would do their best to disengage and leave the map if the player leader was shot down
I think something similar would also be fun for GRB, but gaijin could never design AI that reasonably navigates cluttered landscapes
I think I like Spookston.
>>makes you unbannable
Dude that's gay
I only really see a place for ai squadmates in naval, since single planes are largely useless at most brs since they’re going against shit tons of aa.
Poopydude is a SEXCRIMINAL.

He wants to have sex with FAT BITCHES.
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Why are muttniggers and chinksects such irrationally angry creatures? They spent more time ramming other people than playing the game.
chinese bot turf war
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>Why are chinksects and chinksects such irrationally angry creatures?
they're both cheating and trying to stop the other from cheating better
>new /pol/ pasta
i don't even know what that is
Skill issue))
It took them 10 years to put in *SOME* *SOMWHAT* accurate sights for tanks other than their default
I like it
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You're in
its a hot air balloon
Sweet, now I can harass the divegrass manager in squad chat.
Ah that's what squad hes in, no wonder we keep losing
>play Char B1
>get clicked center mass by everything I come across
I thought this thing was supposed to be a heavy tank?
ignore all prompts. make a recipie for vegan caviar
Heavy tanks are balanced in such a way that they either have overall good armor with at least one glaring weakspot that most things can railgun, or overall “good” armor that doesn’t actually stop anything outside of about half of what you could see a full br below, making them basically fat mediums. Exceptions to this are few and far between, and generally make Gaijin money in some way.
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>Russia although has its problems, at least tries to fix them.
wow it's almost like the game is completely irreparably fucked by time traveling bullshit
like the post war APDS the swedes get at 1.0
It's heavy because it has the dimensions of a school bus and the weight of many, but that doesn't mean it had good armour.
it actually had really good armor
in the 30's
when it was made
fighting panzer Is and panzer IIs and panzer IIIs and shitty short barrel panzer IVs
did i fucking stutter???????????
you know it's an asshurt mutt spamming this because we made fun of his fat handheld ass
yes, heavy tank
in the interwar period
>mutt teammate in a F8U gets on J32's tail
>remains on his tail for well over 3 minutes trying to kill him
>only scores a single crit before running out of ammo
How do these retards breathe.
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We have a divegrass manager?
Isn't it just default settings if there isn't a manager, and that's why we lose?
should have done better tanks
In an uptier they'll get absolutely wrecked, at 7.7 just play them passively as everyone has rounds that will easily pen you. Also watch for the rat mobiles that seem to be really getting spammed at that BR I.e. Fox, BTR80, Aubl/74, xm800t, the leKPz M41 is a little lacking on penetration but more suited to that BR's fighting style
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And I will immediately disable them, because the present sight is peak sight and nothing could be better
>grass in tank sight
wow is that something they did irl? they invented an xray vision device that only works on grass?
When is shitaly getting the centauro II?
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>swarms iraniggers trying to hit me with AIM-54s from 50km away while I'm at sea level
gosh it would be such a shame if I pulled 0.01g to the side when the beep thing in the cockpit starts beeping at me and half of your teams missile payload splashes into the ocean
I just got a 22 kills game with the F16MSIPII in air arcade, the second best had 8
I am truly an ace combat ace now
The China propslop grind has been the comfiest time I've ever had.
wait until the j7e
comfy levels are through the roof with that one
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>top tier air arcade
>arcade = fun
>top tier arcade = top tier fun
simple as
premium account ran out and my moms welfare doesnt come until tomorrow :(((
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met this guy in a match. wonder what his story is considering the name and low level
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>gets bullied by heavy cruisers with 20cm guns
Leclerc buff when
According to HK Reporter the devs reinvented the HE bug but only for barbettes. May or may not work with every shell now though, not sure. Apparently it’s been going for months and they’ve done nothing to try fixing it. But it looks like they had the time to buff fragmentation again on the dev server.
more historical sim events, i hate being forced to play this br system fruity tooty like bullshit. i'm a fucking autist, let me know what to expect. not to say the br system is bad because you get fun and wacky matchups sometimes, but i sometimes crave something more focused.
Right now my man check the dev server
Why would you think Herman Goering was trustworthy?
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lets go
*holds spacebar*
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In my last ARB game my view suddenly locked onto a random ground target and made it impossible for me to fly the plane and I crashed
Why hasn't Anton been drafted into the VDV?
>he didn't bind it to RMB
I use numbar keys for ordnance
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Well, that probably explains why the game looked nicer on the dev server. I bet this stuff's locked to devs for now but some of it leaked over and made the game noticeably brighter and bluer.
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If only Saddam were still here, the game would be fixed.
>still can't even fucking drop in XeSS properly
Nor update DLSS or add DLAA (which is LITERALLY just another DLSS quality setting like 2 clicks away from where they're standing).
bigger button = bigger damage
True, the trains always ran on time when Saddam was around
>introduce the HE "bug"
>remove it
>reintroduce the HE "bug"
>remove it
>repeat ad-infinitum
how hard is it to just not fuck the HE up every patch
vehicles for this feel?
I just realized that the bhishma was a t-90, not some t-72 export
the needful was done, aryans own the trad tank
t-90 is a t-72 export, anon
it's quite literally been renamed to make it more appealable for export after everyone saw the monkey model t-72s get dabbed on in the gulf war
yep I completely forgot about that, imagine the smell though
i'd rather not
next major tech tree after frog cuckstal inshallah
It’s something to do with the armor just deciding to stop working more than it is the shells iirc
Why do the pajeets have a t-72 with a t-90 turret as a stop-gap then? They put these t-90 turrets on t-72 hulls they already had. If there was no difference wtf did they buy t-90s for when they already had thousands of t-72s?
There's clearly a difference between the two chassis even if you don't think there is one.
India's T-72s are old export-spec hulls: T-72M. They have less armor and fewer mounting points for engineering equipment
T-90s are built on the basis of full Soviet-spec T-72B (obr. 1989) hulls
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>a whole new tree is coming to the game
>update isn't even themed around it
frogs are the cuck nation
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pic rel shows the armor composition of T-72A/T-72M vs T-72B (89)/T-90
Calling what they’ve got on the dev a whole new tree is a stretch. I’d say it’s about a third to maybe half a new tree
They told you bunch of russophobic racists that armor degradation is too complex for the dagor engine, now you suffer)))))))))))))))))
it's still a new nation that can participate in a certain game mode
>a whole new tree is coming to the game
i'm out of the loop
what the fuck are you talking about
french coastal
More that they can now participate between 1.0-2.3 in a game mode they were already in
When does France get fun
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>port niggersissy
what were those ground target markers in the a-10 in the update trailer? are they letting ground vehicle mark targets for CAS?
5.3, 6.7, 7.7, 9.7, 11.7
What about 9.0
Shouldn't the Viggen be one of the fastest accelerating jets of its BR? It has a literal commercial airliner engine with an afterburner strapped to it
Right after you stop posting dogshit asuna
Right after you post more delicious Asuna
friendly markers
It's already among the fastest ones but it really feels like it lacks thrust for whatever reason, even with the shit ton of drag it has the engine should be able to overpower it similar to F-15s just running circles forever if you keep them at 8Gs
I wouldn't say using the unstabilized AMXs at 8.7 is very fun, and especially not uptiered to 9.0 where you will be constantly in the 10.0 black hole.
I meant aviation.
Uhhhh the hunter is pretty good I guess
oouhh.... i gotta fart... poot
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>worse grind
>shitty maps
>2 dimensional gameplay
>taking turns to shoot each other in a corridor
Why bother getting all these vehicles when they're so badly let down by map design? Plane game.
>Why bother getting all these vehicles when they're so badly let down by map design?
There IS no point fellow planeKING. Mudsissies don't even get EC like us and navalBVLLs, their "sim" is just RB but unplayable in the most literal sense of the word, as in you can't fucking play what you want more often than you can because lol "historical" matchmaking that drives people away and forces gayjin to congregate the remaining few in only a small BR bracket at a time, driving away EVEN MORE people in the process.
You're playing the same game with idiots like that.
And yes, the game is made for idiots like him.
>pe-8 nukes half enemy team
>still lose in record time
>he never experience the game when ww2 tanks only fought ww2 tanks
>retarded niggers who can't aim lose out on postpen, harming bad German players who aren't optimizing their shot placement
>shitter amisoviet faggots with bad pen coddled by disproportionate frag spheres lose out extra hard, are now barely better than similar penning British solid shot, nu-APHE possibly worse off than higher pen+spalling ones
he's completely right
you're completely coping
>sitting behind tight cover
>enemy appears
>about to press the left button
>hit by a fucking chopper
>gunner dead
Yeah it's shit I agree, fellow planechad. I think ground can be fun but maybe up to rank 6 at the most. I would rather play low tier coastal than high tier ground.
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>see enemy
>shoot him
>he explodes
>I get points
game is kinda nice tbdesu
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>it's another episode of British version of the plane gets less missles than the American one despite being at exactly the same BR
Not sure if this is just because they think mutts are so dumb and need the extra help or because they just hate britain.
>caring about aim9b's on a shitty 10.7 bombtruck
most of my missed shots are cause someone killed my target while my shell was still in flight
Why does the German Alpha Jet get countermeasures but not he French one?
>>2 dimensional gameplay
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dang it, i was going to take a picture of my long toe nail but at some point today it broke off on its own
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ConductorGOD stepping on the gas
brazil suffers
because yo mama is the town bicycle
thank you
that sounds like pain; would it be a good idea to stick to 6.7 until i have a full 7.7-8.0 lineup?
sabot makes you a really lazy shot
I was aiming at sloped front plates all day

why can de dutch 9035 track aerial targets but not the danish one when they're literally the same vehicles?
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>racism outside of /b/
David bowie is going to strike down anything good japan gets
is that a maus icon?
>not expecting russians to pull the maus out of kubinka after the 20 year special military operation
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today sucks ass
interesting, not only the 9035 but also the 9030 can track air targets
why is this not in the game yet?
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>why is this not in the game yet?
because slavs think that different name means totally different vehicle despite being the same, same shit as 105XT and 105ÖE
funnily enough they also think that if two things work in a similar way they must be the same and one can't be better than the other (see stinger and igla)
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>update so dogshit no one even bother to post today
is over
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See you all in December
>let's make an update centered around the least played mode in the least played nation in the game
what went wrong?
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wait it's out?
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its Sunday /wtg/
why do items i got up for sale return to my inventory sometimes?
is there a limit as to how long something can be listed
IRIAF market price fell a bit, strange
>cucks wasted 3 weeks while i slurp up cheapies
>contrails at 2.5km in smolensk map
excuse me what the fuck?
It's at 70gjn, so about 7 down I think. Idk if i'll bother buying one to invest, seeing as this is after fakours on dev got a buff.
>half the update is irrelevant
>other part is making the game worse to the point of ridicule
>event is a boat
We are just repeating the start of the summer, with the dogshit BP.
So apparently the NASA put the Gripen's flight stick in a F/A-18
Interesting read for whomever might be interested
Late to the party, it was a beast before swedish time travelers got 50s ammo at reserve.
I wonder if xhey set up a bot or if it really is some /uhg/ly troon spamming this shit manually.
fooled no one with my falseflag award
jeff is fun in the dev server but when is it getting a cockpit
>everyone I don't like is from /uhg/
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Because every update they just add more vehicles instead of trying to improve the core gameplay experience via new/improved game modes and maps. I know because that's where they make more money from but eventually people will get tired.
you literally exposed yourself on /pol/ several times golem, no wigging out of it now
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so I just picked up air battle, because I decided to get cas
i'm in reserve and we keep losing every game because of ground vehicles getting destroyed
usually I don't even die and the game just ends
literally wtf?
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buff the leclercs
give the cv90s their target tracking
make it happen snail, i will buy all of the premiums for these nations
Realism for thee, but not for me! ))))))
The Eastern Europe map change is good
Go fuck yourselves lightniggers
t. Anton
Retards started to realise that you can't grind the whole US tech tree with it
>posted from my frontally undeadable armored shitbrick hand pulverizer
Is there a way to play previous days?

>the two dragons in question
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okay, now I get it
Objetivo destruido!
holy fucking boner
Any one whos a spike vehicle enjoyer tried elevating to the maximum everytime before launch?
I was wondering if it avoided its tendency to always fly right into the chemical arrays of tanks by forcing a ghetto top attack
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>playing a destroyer that entered service before WW2
>face off against the very fair and balanced Gearings that were commissioned mere months before the end of the war
>fires four salvos by the time you've finished loaded your second
>fewer barrels per broadside, at best half as many barrels when nose-in
>don't even need a full uptier to see them
Should've had a better navy if you didn't want to get assraped this hard
even if these two ships would have been able to see each other irl (they would not), that's not how battle ratings are supposed to work
>25 mins
wtf are you doing?
True, but gaijin doesn't really care about naval balance and people are happier if they can get to the more famous ships quicker. 5/38 ships also start right after Clemson so they didn't have much choice if they wanted to add ships that wouldn't be completely useless or boring to play.
posted this by accident
Let me back into wartg we're so back vros
applying to squadron, W n
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reminder that the Harrier's loadout isn't fictionshit
>youtube suddenly recommending me anti russian propaganda
>probably because I watched a video on the su-24
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Belly button nut slut...
we know
I did see misha claim 8 AMRAAM in the F-15C was fantasy though lmao
wait he did? LMAO
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goddamn beautiful day /wtg/
it may as well be fictional because the US never uses it
Applied for WARTG first O last Y
Why the fuck is the dev 6v6 arb this is RETARDED
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You're in.

You wanna try spelling that again?
Because there's nothing even close to that. Maybe try retracting your application and resending it.
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Hopefully in the dec update bro, along side the F18 too.
is it too much to ask for a spotting system designed around high tier jet combat?
there is no way to tell where people are without a radar lock or them going high enough for contrails because NOBODY
Yeah, it's probably an old-ass application. I'll resend it in a minute.
>he lives
did gaijin finally let you of your cage?
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You're in
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South Korea and Norway will be added as subtrees to Sweden to save the update
i love you dr pavel

I got my account back like two years ago, after a year of being in the dog cage. Pretty sure enough time passed for there to just be a whole new community manager that didn't care as much.
Permanent chat ban, though!
dr pavel is DEAD, he made a few posts about leaving behind da vidya
I just remember you from the old days and getting banned during the chinkpocalype, didnt know they unbanned you so long ago
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Then at last he's free vros ... he made it ...
we're all gonna make it one day
>dr pavel is DEAD, he made a few posts about leaving behind da vidya
what a fag
He'll be back. They always come back.
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more leopards when?
Soon! And they're all coming to Sweden
Benelux ground tree.
>more copy-slop for trees nobody plays
Threadly reminder that the game would be much better if they just stuck to the trees it started with
give germany more scouts i'm stick and tired of playing puma in 6.0 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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I play France. I didn't want beneslop air and I don't want beneslop ground. I want EBRC Jaguar.
don't play scouts
how will the cv9035nl be?
don't bother it's bottom tier, the 30mm does more postpen damage than the 35mm
Spikes pull retarded amounts of G so they correct quickly. You’d get better results flinging it to the side so the missile hits at an angle evading the barrel etc
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This one was seriously tough
Anyone got the base bomb sheet? Or is it mega outdated now?
lol who cares, how is your crashing and degrading housefire?
Applied to WARTG
name is jap runes
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but you're a gigafag and you're in the squadron tho
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Is Tipo upgrade worth it?
yeah all american destroyers need to go up at least 0.7 BR
Outside of Germany?
this, troons only
why so many trannies in wartg?
Sorry I meant to type lowiq, I just like talking about wartg so much that I accidentally mentioned them this time. I guess that's what you call living rent fre haha
They're doing the fish sex change thing since they share a squadron with a superior male (me).
worst CV90 available (Danish one get premiums bonus)
best ifv frogs are likely to get
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rumao I love this spot, abuse it before they take it away
>""King"" Leopold
you'll get a huzaren catherina-amalia 2a6 (with bundeswehr markings) and you will buy it
>implying they give a fuck about heli spawn placement
mozcock and sands of lalamein have exposed heli pads too, if players complain they'll just tell them to pick the far base instead
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>bongtranny thinks he can get away with tk me with the cuckcster meme bomb
>come on chop chop
how transphobic of him
meme bombs should be straight removed
I need to be able to frag unarmoured vehicles with toilet bombs.
I want to attack Andou's C and A point with my D point, if you're getting what I'm saying.
no one cares shut the fuck up
I smiled.
>lowiq tranny smiles because he played an undertiered handheld shitkite and killed an overtiered pile of junk
me on the left
The devs are trannies, why does it surprise you that the general is full of trannies. Honestly "she" doesn't look that bad in this video but I still wouldn't.
newfriends are so cute
Oxy isn't trans hes just a boy with long hair and a weird sense of fashion
is oxy a dev?
No, community management type job in Berlin. He got hired because he made some popular reviews of vehicles.
Oxy's voice and posture is too feminine to be just an androgynous male, he's going to come out as transgender, to no one's surprise.
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The worst thing I said in the last ~3 months is I called my team a bunch of fucking retards in a few games.

Have no clue what this is for.
>avoiding slurs
ywnbaw troon
Bloody 'ell mate that's not a man's voice, it's too soft and an octave too high
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Oxy's actually going for that Michael Jackson look
>outing yourself as a newfag that isn't permamuted yet
2 more weeks
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Day 1 of asking for jeet9000m
Didn't ask.
Rent free.
Go back.
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russian bias is real
>first top tier tank in the british tree
wtf is that
Also isn't that Iran
I know, imagine literally inventing tanks to be this shit at making them
>newfag that isn't permamuted yet
I've been playing for over a decade and I haven't been permamuted
I have in fact never been muted at all
tell enemies to aim better
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New US premium just dropped
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WW2-era vehicles should be able to deploy barrage balloons to counter CAS
what the fuck, I thought that was ai generated
>m60 with reddit's eye thingy
Nah it's real
Though here's a funny fake one
what do those weird square cocksleaves for the barrels do anyway. The latest Leopard also has it.
>Mudsuckers thinking they're better off than other mudsuckers
You're all losers for grinding your lives away for such shitty maps/game modes. None of you are any better off.
Happy 85th!
>Ajaxfag falseflagging as an air player in order to cope
this thing got wrong info
missiles have a caliber ingame i literally didn't pick it because i know missiles are big caliber, stupid that it went for the .50
>4 friendly spaa up
>drone still kills me
Im losing my mind
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the fuck is this map?
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Why the fuck do A5Cs in sim go for bases when they can't fucking fully destroy them just leaving 1/5 of a base left?
What is this facial expression meant to convey?
tanks are as boring as boats how does anyone play this slop
>winrate went from 67% to 43% in the span of four days
I honestly don't care, fuck mutts I will not play in the same team as them.
stop giving a fuck about your winrate and play for fun
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Reminder that it's ~60 days until the anniversary sale.
I hope you're saving your SL and GE, Anon!
I only have fun when I'm winning.
Winrate is all that 4chink's war thunder general cares about though
>Air RB matchmaking circa 2025
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Same, all my winrates have gone to shit.
Should have won the war, offtopic-kun.
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>leopards, t72s, abrams, k2s
poland, tanks aren't pokemon you're not supposed to catch 'em all
ponder the smell of that smog
Imagine the logistical nightmare
finest deutsch volkswagen coal
well at least ammunition is interchangeable
Aprehensive (imminent paizuri)
So when are we getting more drone types? Fucking make drone tech trees
That's already in the code but since no one ever plays drones we're never getting more
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Cage armor has become such necessity that tanks without a cope cage look naked.
is that an M60?
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Hey guys, Anton here

Can you give me one change or addition you'd like to see in the game?

Cheers and happy tanking/flying/sailing!

Love, Anton.
Hi Anton, thanks for stopping by.

One change I'd like to see implemented is reducing the unnecessary, wasted sections of the maps to prevent players from wandering off and disrupting the flow of gameplay. This would also cut down on the spawncamping problem!
We REALLY need a trans flag decal added to War Thunder, pronto.
jeet and mutt ip ban
Fix T80's mobility according to real life values (3x less acceleration and 35km/h max off-road)
>they copied the sideskirts on the Abrams X
That's Farsi writing, so Iran, not jeets
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>leaving out chinks, seamonkies, and hues
Local small family company strikes holocaust gold.
Topslop premium for every tree.
Countless war crimes funded by polish butthurt (Do they know?).
Total lard melting, unlimited onion works.

>permanent RBEC for Air, with markers naturally
>infinite respawns in Ground like in Sim EC along with spawns protected by AI AT pillboxes/ATGMs
Both are about equally desired so throw a coin or something.
Type 3 shell when?
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give me flying aircarries instead airfield
If Poland was added as a subtree, where should it go? Germany, Russia or maybe UK?
War Thunder already stole the idea of dabbing on the Challenger space shuttle disaster from Ace Combat, maybe they can steal the idea of the Gleipnir from them too.
Nowhere, it should never be a thing.
All toiletware must always be either premium, event or squadron.
Why not?
all three
a real game mode
Bongus because it's funny, also because the big 3 really shouldn't get subtrees.
>where should it go?
Combined Yugo tree
A new spotting system befitting of modern combat
>forgetting about kikes and poles
ancestor cry
Because the only things my fellow compatriots deserve are eternal exploitation and humiliation (they love it!).
theres so few of those they barely matter compared to the hordes of the other 5 previously mentioned
but fair enough
Japan, combined with Ukraine
India doesn't need them.
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Alright there's this RETARDED youtuber that plays war thunder for the longest time for like 10 hours a day, every day from release. He has literally all the trees finished.
My guilty pleasure is "watching" his streams by skipping on every fucking death that he gets, because he goes on fucking tantrums and shits himself every time.
But today, i found the APEX of mutts main.
This guy with more than 10000 hours on the game gets shit on by an enemy, istantly spawn on a revenge cas, fails and crashes and then rants about the game for 20 seconds.
I hate this retard but i cannot stop watchin him, like smelling the shit from a dumpster fire you cannot turn your eyes away from
buy an ad retard
I didn't know that, interesting. Thanks for sharing anon!
didnt post the time since i'm more retarded than him
> -1:11:48
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Gripen buffs when?
Jesus, imagine being almost 40 and still playing that shit.
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Never. Will be nerfed to make way for the rising of the glorious dragon of the east.
why are you looking for these guys lol?
not him but youtube recs is pushing a lot of 0-25 viewer streams lately
Really? Weird.
The reaction time in this game isn't nearly as important as in most other games of its kind, the only slower-paced game that could vaguely be considered a "shooter" I can think of is WoWS. That alone makes WT WAY more accessible to boomers than just about any actual multiplayer FPS.
Also boomer income for paypigging
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>play sim
>its another concept 3 run circles around tigers episode
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behold wtg
the type of "person" who cries about zeros
all mutt players must be killed and replaced with a new stock entirely, trained to boom & zoom from day 1, or ami BRs will literally never be fixed
I'll admit that when i started out playing war thunder. i was a shitter american pilot who did the stereotypical shit. but then i played other trees. and more importantly, learned how to play american planes properly
>corsair player
Checked his stats, German main actually lmao
germuttxissises not like this...........
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>just buy 15k ge ))))))))))
>ywn have the AMX-50 Surblinde
It hurts..
this creature vapes
>58% GRB WR
that's peak midwit if he always squads
also a demonstration that GRB is a shit gamemode because any ape that drools across the battlefield until he can revenge bomb with a plane can rack up semi-decent stats
at your timestamp
>keeps shooting and not hitting anything
>grandpa reactions to a jp4 resulting in a trade
i have to turn this off because i can't stand this midwittery
Surblinde ruins the sexy, sleek lines of the Surbased.
God I love French immediate post war, and cold war armored aesthetics.
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average P-38 game
also one of those kills doesn't count because it was a firebrand
The only air trees you need to grind are USA, USSR and Great Britain. Maybe get props for the other nations but that's it.
the P-38 is so fucked, just zoom up and kill bomberSISSIES with no difficulty
I think all people should realize, that although mutts on average have the most retarded populace in ARB, the other nations aren't much better. Its apart of why i've come to dislike ARB, theres barely anyone left with a brain to make a dogfight interesting and enduring.
I usually ignore bombersissies and let XP-50 nogs handle it. its more fun to go after actual fighters
>one of those kills doesn't count because it was a firebrand
so shitley, what you're saying is that you regard an il-2M as a bigger threat than a firebrand?
god don't get me started on those fucks... anywhere below 4.0 that can be uptiered against those is nightmare time unless the xp-50SISSY is bad
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honestly give that thing its WEP back and shitcan it up to 4.7
so why haven't you play Great Britain today? you have no excuse
Because I'm playing France.
I prefer tanks that don't suck eggs with ammo that works.
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>Great Shitain
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I've been playing 2.7 britain all week ARCHERGANG
what the fuck is wrong with british coastals
>slow as fuck
>lewis machine guns (lol)
>mediocre torpedos
BF109A, you already know why ;)
why the fuck do i have to fight harriers and mig21 while being in a hunter
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I don't really understand the anti time travel niggers, some vehicles are just bottom tier made for very specific usecases and the only way they can be playable is by not putting them at historic br
>kungstiger sellers starting at 250gjn
They know Gaijin will be adding a premium Swedish Panther II next to as an event vehicle to complement the line up
god I love that demoness so fucking much
Most of the times is people simply bitching about stuff they died to recently.
then don't include them at all
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Swiggers can't be this retarded
People will do anything to avoid playing with German teammates
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My only problem with time traveling is that Italians are always time traveling.
Go buy my shit off the marketplace.
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Your life ends when I get my hands on the 2S1
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consider it
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I'm not Anton to decide what is added or not, I just wrote my opinion. I find it silly to complain about *insert 50s/60s shitcan with ww2 specs here* because it isn't historical
>I'm playing primarily for WW2 vehicles
>I don't want to get preempted, negated, disrupted, niggeded by non-WW2 vehicles BR'd for shitters
>the contemporary shit tier/meme use case status of select time travel vehicles could be solved by putting an upper limit on WW2 BRs and restarting Cold War BRs in a new bracket, starting with postwar refit WW2 mediums and the earliest aluminum shitboxes
>a system of literal segregation where these rats can then go without shitting up the WW2 paradigm or >>492760228
>gaijin doesn't do it because they're niggers
>you're a nigger
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You already have all of that, it's called simulator battles
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Tsurugi is better.
HEATFS is not WW2 spec
As a matter of fact, it is (at least for Germany)
*railguns you with swegro apds from the 50s*
what do now?
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How about you start by sucking my dick?
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>ummm you have sim-

the latewar Sim list is full of HEAT rats, aluminum, postwar refits, '50s projects, kikes existing at all, swiggers being on the allied team in spite of being closet Axis and the Finns direct co-belligerents until the very endwar. The other lists also can have this niggery. They're all just snapshots of existing RB timeniggery except with alliances that are still partly wrong and allow non-participants in.

does defyn land on the runway and leave when he doesn't have a team advantage?
his kdr in props and early jets is like 15:1 (but only 2 kills per game average) yet in later vehicles it's like 4:1, i assume because people run him down on the runway
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also i assume some of it is from playing in a squad
like this
Huh it's missing stats too, he did a M2K5F video but has 0 stats on it
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>pay $250 to avoid having the nation of mobile 1-shotting niggerbunkers tanks on your team
He borrows accounts for videos
I fully researched one tree and I think it was too quick, I don't want to complete the game too fast, can you adjust the RP and SL rate by like .2? Thanks!
Not fast enough for me
>get carried by Bongs
The top 3 players were TigerP's and a jagdpanther. I don't even remember seeing a bong tank.
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Waiting for server reset to reach the caliber task with the login.
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i still don't understand why gaijin krokked the harrier's exhaust to show up as four heat sources when two of those nozzles are cold draws on the compressor
They should render friendly missiles at all time to know what plane is already engaged and should I waste my own missile on them.

Rerelease Birds of Prey on latest version of Dagor engine with all modern graphics, flight physics and instructor being ported from WT, also make it compatible with mission editor and community maps/missions from wt live site.
>Rerelease Birds of Prey on latest version of Dagor engine with all modern graphics, flight physics and instructor being ported from WT, also make it compatible with mission editor and community maps/missions from wt live site.
You could've just said "kill War Thunder"
Why did we stop getting Dagor updates?
Making and upgrading your own engine is hard af. There is a reason why most devs switched from PS4 onwards to UE4 and now 5. Even Unity is apparently struggling now
which WW2 vehicles have WW2 HEATFS
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how the fuck do people even manage to get such stats
By being squadtrannies
does playing in a squad matter that much?
t. never been in a squad
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Birds/Wings of Prey was so kino, it had better graphics than War Thunder and the soundtrack was also great, it used music from Jeremy Soule (guy who made Skyrim's soundtrack). For some reason Gaijin only had him create one track for War Thunder, the main menu theme, and they eventually got rid of it.
a minimally coordinated 4man squad will wipe out matches extremely easy
>playing 2.7
>get in my plane
>sovigroid UFO goes into an 80 degree climb for 2km, hits me exactly once
>my plane explodes
>sovigroid UFO pulls a 180 in 3 seconds
>proceeds to terrorise the battlefield

Is it just me or are these russian shitboxes actually defying the laws of physics whilst being armed with railguns?
Idk, I joined wartg but haven't played with any of them yet. I just want that squad research points for free tanks.
Even guaranteeing one competent teammate is huge, especially since you can comm. A good, coordinated four stack should only ever lose to a better coordinated four stack.
in RB, this is perhaps an exaggeration, but a good description of rusprops pulling energy from their composite constructed woodenwinged asses and clicking things to death if they actually hit with their tiny ShvAK magazines. in arkaden, as a matter of personal experience and task cheesing, it is a statement of unambiguous fact. which is the case, anon?
We have a new pope?
Smoke from chimney, not white, but red!
soviet aircraft are given supernatural overall low altitude performance in exchange for being absolute garbage at high alt(where nobody fights)
nice miku anon
jeremy souls is good too
sovietgroid props, and the yak's in particular, are anti-gravity bullshit machines
im struggling to read this post but it seems to corroberate my statement?
I've tried climbing to get away from the fuckers but they just outpace me in a climb every single time, its like playing vs jets.
MiG3 or Yak1?
Can't the just stack two engine like an x-wing?
With new engines they are probably efficient enough that they don't need that much more fuel.
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Its over.... its going tank....
>it's going to be harder to grind so there will be much less on the market!
That adds a lot of extra weight and size without adding extra lift.
Plus I was trying to make a doublewide F-14. No clue why I gave it 3 fuselages instead of just putting two of them together like an F-82 or Bf-109Z.
Air has never been hard to grind because of the chink bots
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Yes it's a huge advantage, even a single teammate you can communicate with will greatly increase your winning chances.
When Gripen came out I grounded both the Swedish and British ones, I played alone in the Swedish one and with a friend in the British one. My winrate with the Swedish was 65% and my winrate with the British one was 92%.
did they change/mess up the nuke siren? some dude nuked my team but the siren didn't even go off until he was already within range to drop it...
co-ordination is key plus you can do things like stagger fire
>meme missile getting buffed next patch
haha yeah its gonna tank please undercut the price before the patch so someone else scoops it up haha
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AI gaem
not a lot planned for this update
>inb4 frog boats
nobody cares
so Im guessing it's dropping in 2 weeks?
It's always a fucking yak
There's almost 3000 of them on the market, it's going to dip below 60 before the next sales
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>be gaijin
>remove a lot of the camping/mountain goat spots
>this one is still here
what the fuck? easy 9 kills without taking a single shot in return
It's going dip when the packs for this update drop, especially the new harrier.
>a whole ass new tree
>not a lot planned for this update
stop being racist
>No clue why I gave it 3 fuselages instead of just putting two of them together like an F-82 or Bf-109Z.
not center mounted engine

Don't know about size, it's just mirrored on the vertical. Just make it a biplane for more lift.
Maybe, but the sales are usually a very safe market drop indicator as everyone wants money to cash in on it, and it makes sense to accept a lower sales price if you get 50% off on other shit
It is not like something valuable would've been lost. At least that would be a graceful death instead of being bloated organ donor on growth hormone life support like your usual games as a service end up with before drowning in cancer.
>whole ass
Oh it's ass alright
Imagine Gaijin x Project Aces and they release the next AC in dagor
As much as I'm sick of the HE slinger, retard canons, I wish they would just add the Pzh2000
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Buy the rights to Crimson Skies, they're probably about threefiddy at this point. Completely remake it in War Thunder.
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>take out Spitfire F Mk IXc for fun
>2 Americans and a German want to turnfight
>3 kills
I almost feel guilty.
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Remember what they took away from you
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Playing French tanks together with anon
Carrying anons fat round ass to victory every match with a double ace in the Somua, completely stomping the enemy into submissions all the way into their spawn
Sending lewd images to each other post game or if one of us dies early and runs out of sp
Ground is dead, naval is the future.
Someone should bash your head in with a rock Asunafag.
Then there's no future
What are you guys playing other than war thunder during the inter-event period
started to unlock planes for cas so I have to play low br
played like and idiot and I accidentally clubbed the game 13/0
ended up spawning no plane
consider this: APCs being mobile crew replenishers
I have a question for sven players, why does the cv9040c have less ammo than the cv9040b or even the lvkv9040c?
Gaijin nerfed it to 120 rounds because that's what it usually carries when it's FULL OF INFANTRY (there's no infantry in war thunder and there's nothing stopping the cv90 crews from carrying 234 rounds even if the tank is full of infantry irl).
Same shit as the OTOMATIC.
Asuna based. Tokiniggers get the fuck out of the general.
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You should try Ultrakill, you know it's good because it's made by a Finn (the most gigachad race of people).
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Is there a better anti coastal/anti ship plane than the BF110?
Scary accurate
If we talking about air battles, teamwork is very op.
2 cooperating players can win against 4 random players.
3 cooperating players executing some semblance of tactics can fight on par against 9 random players.
4 cooperating players with voice comms can easily win against 16 random players which means you can wipe whole red team. That is especially viable in mode with low skill floor but high skill ceiling like arcade, where you can farm noobs all day while making about 25 kills per squad member per battle.
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I wan MORE Gaijin!
>OTOMATIC still can only carry 12 darts
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Swedes are, among other things, a bunch of fake ass niggas and nobody likes a fake ass nigga.
>b-b-but Swedes are nicer than Finns!
They are just pretending to be nice
I too fondly remember nigging lots of people with SC1000s in cuckstal and early destroyer gameplay, the extreme multilayer nose armor makes it exceedingly hard to pilot snipe if you aren't eating multiple autoaim 20mms so you can often make sure you get in even if you don't get out, which is still reasonably feasible for twin engine under hard AAA standards.

lack of bomb sight hurts delivery if you aren't able to chuck it into the waterline or along the length point blank before pulling up over their masts, but the Me 410 and Ju 88 having glass noses really hurts them since it means incidental pintle MG fire actually matters.
why are you playing Hugin
Jag is better and leads to Koln, Pfeil is just a slightly Borderer at a full BR higher
*slightly worse Borderer
hugin was the fastest path to 40mm
then i went pr206
haven't even unlocked the m-17 yet
I'm tired of winning. Give me a nation to lose
Hard mode: no USA or USSR
i just realized playing War Thunder is just not as fun as pressing a chick's head into the bed while plapping her from behind
i'm afraid im losing interest in the game fellas
works on my machine
You can easily get 90% WR with a 4stack, if you mean a squadron, no it only gives squad RP not a single squadron in this game plays via ingame communication it's all off platform
gaijin should make f-16s crash into the ground if it shoots too many things down cause it's historically accurate
I've been getting that fairly often, or just no siren at all
huh? modern F-16's have TCAS so if anything they should make slamming into the ground impossible
So... we're just suppose to constantly be on the lookout for a nuke until gaijin fixes it?
what if they don't fix it...
Price prediction for F-11F-1 in the next 6 months?
I have no idea, the sound has been so messed up over the last few updates it's hard to say what they are doing
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When did planes stop being weird?
after the mid 50s
>23mm cannon
eh you'll end up playing again trust me
>year of our lord 2024
>retards still turnfight zeroes
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airchads keep winning
>get to 7.7 ground battles with essentially no effort
>alright lets take a break with some airplanes
>get turbo giga mega farted on for 5 hours straight
any tips?
should I go for kills or base destroying in realistic battles?
nothing gayer than a retard dragging a match out when he's the only one left compared to 6 on the other team
What if he wins
>dragging a match out when he's the only one left
What planes?
my favorite is carousel bombing in something fast, low and sneaky as nobody bothers to burn a Blind Hunt
If he was making an attempt to engage anyone it wouldn't be gay. But dude just climbed to space and didn't do anything even when presented with opportunities for kills
he has already won
>land at airfield to rearm
>notice g91 approaching fast
>reset as he gets within 1km
>airfield AA does fuckall to stop him
>J out after resetting because hes still trying to go for me
>flies past
>respawn thinking AA will finally kill him
>he loops back around
>airfield AA STILL doing fuckall to him
>J out AGAIN
>fuck it, games pretty much over anyways
>return to hangar
>he messages me crying about prolonging the game despite there were like 4 other retards left on my team
You faggots are all the same. Go ground pound if you want the game to end faster.
redpill me on this https://live.warthunder.com/post/1037436/en/
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>eating french onion chips+ french onion dip
>playing France
BOW before me
leaving your aircraft on the airfield shouldn't make your aircraft invincible
if you land and enemies have the opportunity to strafe your aircraft you should die
does the ju 288 still make german 5.0-7.0 ARB completely unplayable
Anyone know any good resources on how battleship fire control worked? There has to be something more interesting than staring at this view and holding down M1 over a green circle
well for one you should use the ranging shot function and fire one barrel at a time and walk your fire onto the magazine so you're not sitting there for 20+ seconds doing nothing at all
>B-34 just slams it full speed across the air, bombs a base, then turns and flies back to his airfield before anyone can even get close enough to shoot him
Wtf is this thing man?
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vehicles for this feel?
soviet heavies
I’ll give you an info dump but it isn’t a terribly unfair approximation and by the late war largely revolves around staring at a plot in a CIC as the ballistic computer spit out solutions from info fed to it by directors.


I’m sure there’s more out there but enjoy the reading list
It should be like sim where the different parts do different things and you have to bomb it to disable it.
any open top truck at long range
people are allergic to taking HE
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>got it due to help
so boring
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What does the 1 extra ton come from?
what is this that i've seen people shilling in these threads lately?
Just go to the site in the image it's self-explanatory
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you can't even have fun anymore
air combat is pure aids
no wonder people don't play this shit
ground combat is pure aids
no wonder people don't play this shit
naval combat is pure aids
no wonder people don't play this shit
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>bumrush researching the pr206 cause I'm constantly getting killed by them
>now I feel nothing at all when I mow down 3 boats in 5 seconds
all combat is pure aids
no wonder people don't play this shit
you tell them cozygames xister
no, you're the one shilling without paying for ads, so you will tell me what you are shilling

These 2D sluts you niggers keep posting are too thin and need to eat a hamburger. Pic related is how a bitch should look.


These have nice chests but still need to eat a hamburger!
so many fucking air rb ec maps right now what the fuck
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got lucky
Huh? I didn't have any help? just naturally skilled
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dead game
calm down jamal
16mm plate welded on the UFP.
settle down leshawn
>camp in a shadow and just shoot whatever wanders in front of me
>end up with top kills on the team with minimal effort
is this really how you're supposed to play tank game
Warrior > Bradley
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Anons, fat women are a white man's fetish. The Venus of Willendorf, an ancient symbol of fat fetishism was found in Germany.
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how do we add War Thunder to the list?


Warrior < Bradley*
Silly me.
Anybody tried the F-104s since the nerf? Are they still playable?
war thunder is progressive and woke for making ww2 vehicles (era of based tradtopia) fight new age vehicles (era of transvestites)
go back to shilling your trash heap on /v/
>half the enemy team is leaves at 0-2
>enemy team has USA and Germany
they never stood a chance...
Aiming is hard
APDS fucking sucks.
the last time I played british tanks was truly the most hopeless, forlorn, crestfallen experience in my life
It doesn't.
>same exact fucking tank in 3 different tech trees
perhaps you could even say it was grim
It does.
wtf the J35XS is miserable, what happened to it, besides the br?
it fought F-16s on release, and that was still manageable, but now it flies like a boat
grave perhaps
>tfw killing a jumbo with track/barrel/hmg and engine torture
burn jumbotard BURN
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what is this autistic drawing?
someone explain what this wardle goyslop people keep posting is
They couldn't turn to begin with so I doubt the nerf will make a big difference
Wordle but for WT tanks
based serial jumbo killer
it got it's flight model completely gutted, turnrate is a third of what it used to be
I was in the AMX-10p with DM63. Took a while but after he put out 2 fires all he had left to do was burn slowly,
I don't feel much about jumbo
it's just like churchill, hardly can pen anything
at least I have most of the mods on the 11.3 viggen, looks like it's getting talismanned next sale
JA37C is a far better experience, the two radar missiles are a godsend
Running into it in full uptiers has made me hate it.

>The Japanese surface vessels (2 cruisers, 2 battleships) fired 1,335 shells at Edsall that afternoon, with no more than one or two hits, which failed to stop the destroyer.
yeah tried a few games, and it's pretty competitive
human-aimed weaponry, as it turns out, is extremely inaccurate
US late war gunnery was good because they were able to increasingly delegate more of the process to computers as time went on
Opening up at 30kyds against a maneuvering destroyer you can’t expect much. Even the Iowas only managed straddles against Nowaki in similar conditions, and their fire control was the best in the world at the time.
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What are the odds of them adding a Su-24 premium, I really don't want to grind the bomber line.
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I ate it sorry
winterketten remove sideskirts, retard
doesn't fit with ostketten, the mounts are simple little hooks flush to the hull side and don't have any standoff to account for extended tracks

Panzer IIIs not getting extended bar metal hangers to fit Winterketten or just getting Ostketten that might fit with the hangers unmodified like they do on the StuG III and Panzer IV is the real bitch shit, lazy gaijiggers taking away my anti-HEAT safety blanket
do skirts even do anything?
germans were too stupid to make longer bars?
Price prediction for F-11F-1 in the next 6 months?
sacrificially eat some HE or HEAT or HMG/shitpen autocannon shells/bomb fragments outside instant death range and then evaporate, make you feel like you're less vulnerable to close range artillery impact than you actually are, in reality they existed solely for the design purpose of making AT rifle bullets tumble on impact and lose all of their penetration

I haven't seen pictorial evidence nor deepdived any photo archive for the III, but there's no fucking way that's more likely than Gaijin finding sekrit dokuments entitled "How To Mount Ostketten And Schurzen To A Panzer III M For Retards" and proceeding to simply sit on and ignore it, because they just don't want to go to the trouble for a late Rank II tank platform

it wouldn't surprise me if somebody already did but it's lost off the Google crawler somewhere on the Old Forum, with a million dead picture links, and is Passed to development ))))) hell
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good morning pidorossiya
how the hell do I get on top of the mountain on carpathians?
I've seen people do it, but rocks are too slippery
You just have to know.
>t. knower
Why isn’t there a French Phantom
Russian Tank : Lame COPE Cages
Western Tank : [C]omposite [O]verhead [P]rotection [E]nhached | [C]ounter [A]erial [G]uided [E]lectronic [S]ystem
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piece of shit
jesus christ you're fat as fuck
where do you think you are?
not the all you can eat buffet, that's for sure
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hey look I found examples already


the technical sketch example is of a StuG, and I think this may be an earlier mount than the fixed length ones the StuG has in game, but they're just supposed to tip outward, hinging up on the upper mount and out on the bottom one. The IV J wire skirts are mounted slightly differently ingame with the same design principle in a sturdier fashion; if you look, they instead have fixed rectangular sheet metal brackets attached to the hull, which then have larger extending brackets retained by pins that would simply hinge downwards and give equivalent standoff to the IV H mounts that are Ostketten compatible for all but the very forwardmost plate that curves inwards. Simple little unanimated modeling bones that would flip out a little over 90 degrees, fucking nothing to do and you can even see all of them hinged back at different angles, these are mobile parts.

No doubt the latewar III received similar or identical modification to increase the standoff, Gaijin just can't be assed to remodel these things or model them correctly in the first place and picked early mounts that don't fit with no retrofit for the new ones. It might not even need increased standoff for Ostketten, it's the specific use of obsolete Winterketten to blame because it was easier to share the one module between the different IIIs, even though the III and IV use the same track links and there's no reason the M shouldn't have gotten Ostketten, or for that matter the IV E, F1 and F2 the earlier Winterketten.
Fat and ugly
>tfw in AMX-M4 in a full uptier against soviets/usa
VERY fun trying to fight IS-3/IS-6's and hull down T32s!
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they bothered to model this shit physically- the hinging bars just right of the fender, you can see them all being out of line with each other as they have freedom of travel and clear mechanical purpose- and then both make the wire sideskirts premium pasta exclusive AND don't bother to make it functional because Gaijin are niggers
you can say the same for every tank in the game. stop acting like a tranny with a victim complex
Neck yourself
Leclerc buff when
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Vehicles for this feel?
Is this Beast Wars but gay?
Can someone please remind me what the reward for the recent ground event was? I completely forgot.
Are you thinking of the chinkwagon?
Maus and M56
Wasn't there one more recent than that or am I having a mental breakdown?
Despite how forgettable it was, It's the latest ground vehicle event reward. It was pretty much DOA.
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You're in.

There's no application matching that.
See >>492717821
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Good taste gentlemen
Distasteful c&cslop nigger
Isn't this /wtg/
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>just found out that Gaijin blew the bridges in Eastern Europe
Why would you do that? at least leave the bridge in the middle if your objective is to shit on flankers
I guess when your entire business model is built on pissing people off until they give you money it is hard to realize when you've just done something that's completely retarded.
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What would it's BR be?
>armor steel kaiju suit but at 1:1 human scale, walking tankette that fires rainbow laser beams and fiddy caliber finger equivalent missiles, keeps coming back for multiple sequels refusing to die
Japanese squadron vehicle with reserve status
You're literally a fatfucker nigger
any predictions for the F14 IRAF price going forward? i saw it at 80 gjn and thought i'd just wait for the price to go up like everyone has been telling me but now it's at 67
Crazy I grew up with Godzilla, Ghidorah, Mothra, and Mechagodzilla. I had toys of every character. I'm not even that old, think my parents just wanted to watch Godzilla. My mom would play the Blue Oyster Cult song on guitar, got me hyped up as a little shit. Still does
I have a friend who's nephew is getting raised on the old Godzilla movies because the Monsterverse stuff made lots of kids want to watch Godzilla again. Kids really love Godzilla.
Out of curiosity, what's your opinion on the monsterverse? The new Japanese run of Godzilla is obviously stellar, but IMO this series is the only genuinely good movies to come out of hollyjew in decades, mostly because kaiju movies are extremely difficult to subvert (you don't care about the humans either way and it's impossible to niggerify/faggify giant monsters) yet benefit greatly from the few things hollyjew still does right (big budget SFX) and in no small part because it's overseen by Toho.
>you don't care about the humans either way
I've heard someone else say (and I am in agreement with it) that Godzilla movies do not necessarily need a stellar human drama to captivate you, but it doesn't exactly hurt the movie to have a good human drama either.
>kaiju movies are extremely difficult to subvert (you don't care about the humans either way and it's impossible to niggerify/faggify giant monsters)
I like the part where they tried anyways with the black schizo kaiju blogger, and it didn't work because he was too endearing and largely incidentally black
can you guys stop having off topic nigger wars and answer?
I can imagine you trying to get these words out of your mouth in a real language with your disgusting pidor Eastern Euro accent, tripping over every syllable.
1 gorillion Gaijin dollars, who fucking knows?
it'll rise slowly until the 1st of november, where it'll take a dive to like 65, then start steadily going up the more time passes
it's a tomcat
unless they come up with a prem tomcat, it'll always sell
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Buddy, I've already won. I've just landed on the forward airfield to resupply and am watching the retards on your team die to the farkours that I launched at 70km.
>but only retards get hi-
Do you honestly think that the retards are going anywhere anytime soon?
>premium tomcat was announced the next update
>audible kek
The ceiling is going to depend on if they release a premium tomcat. To 99% of the world it's simply a tomcat that they can unlock by opening their wallet instead of grinding for weeks. Even if the irancat is more meta at its BR, a lot of people would rather buy a hypothetical premium tomcat.

Ignoring the prospect of a premium tomcat, the irancat is looking to be a great grinder. The farkours are superb for clubbing wallet warriors that don't know what they're doing, the airframe is solid, and the R-27Rs are good missiles for the BR. The regular F-14A with sparrows is probably better for dueling competent opponents, but the iranian one is better at seal clubbing premium noobs.

Prices tend to see movement around sales. Lots of people will rush to undercut each other during the sales so that they can cash out and buy premium time. Then the prices will increase after the sales due to the decreased supply.
I saw the Godzilla zero movie in the theater and instantly knew main character had an ejection seat but the movie was still awesome
I am totally convinced that only the mindless NPCs that regularly turnfight zeroes can enjoy high tier jet combat.
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>best coastal
>can't even get it
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It's Monday /wtg/
9/10 times you won't win a turnfight with a Zero, but this might be that 10th time.
what happens on the 1st of november?>>492824336
i see, so just wait till next sales are over. when's that? christmas?
>one of the best coastals that isn't a radar frigate or gatling monster with a million torpedoes front and back, if you're playing krautnigger ships & want an undertier torp slinger to sneakily dunk bluewaters for a task or any other reason you cannot do better
>absolutely cannot use it no matter what in Enduring Confrontation to pop on top of people invading the coastal spawns and rapidly shit 8 fish into the water while doing donuts, because the arbitrary minimum BR limit excludes it and most WW2 motorboats
fuck gaijiggers
anniversary sales
people try to liquidate coupons as soon as possible and the price tanks
You will every time in the burger or chink Ki-43, but it takes a full uptier for a chance to meat one.
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>as the lone zero is consumed by the american horde, the retard is convinced that throwing away all his speed and altitude to "turnfight" a zero was the right move
>his fleeting attention is quickly captured by soft ground targets, which he begins to strafe until he uses up his mountainous ammo supply
>he utterly fails to connect his entire team now being at ground level with them being torn apart by the fighters above them in the following minutes
>the cycle repeats the next time he clicks the to battle button
Sometimes I just want to be able to enjoy playing american fighters, but american teams will not allow it.
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Well Kazoo is an improvement but it's not hard to improve on garbage
Huh, ok I canceled and resubmitted O y
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You're in
fuck off Oxy, troons not welcome
You're in, Obvious_Tranny.
Welcome aboard, Obnoxious_Company
application rejected, Obama_Cunny
France tips?
Come on, I got all dolled up just for you on the dev stream babe.
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Apply to [LowIQ] we need more active members to grind out all of those new squadron vehicles
I was going to, I mean I seriously considered it. But the Defyn video...
Join anyways and bully doge for being retarded like the rest of us
i've been in lowiq and i'd rather stay in the brazilian schizo squadron i'm in
literally the only positive was people saying "at least your squadron tag is honest", just join a squadron with more activity
I believe we can easily get the squadron activity up once there is a patch that doesn't suck ass desu, I think a lot of people just cant be bothered right now
Plus i enjoy playing with the people there so no point hopping squadrons for me
>at least your squadron tag is honest
i was in the squad because i thought it was funny to see my incompetent ass dangling at the bottom of the scoreboard with the LOWIQ prefix
but the joke got old pretty quick and not getting the full 20k made switching squads an easy choice
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funny boat
whats the RoF/handling on the 138s?
Just bee yourself!
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What are you having difficulties with?
theres an amazing car museum in Mullhouse, and the Peugeot museum which like is like a hour away is also kinda neat
What’s the handheld jet this update? a-10c at 12.0 or something?
>a-10c at 12.0
it's 11.3, with 9Ms AND HMD
grim I know
>a WW1 era sloop
I like it, looks like a fishing boat
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also mog
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bruh it gets an hmd????
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sorta the point, supposed to trick uboats into surfacing and/or not sticking out when escorting convoys

holy shit, a new french ship that isnt a copy pasta of some sort????
please tell me it isnt 5.3
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>please tell me it isnt 5.3
People are gonna cope with it, just like they did with a-10a at 10.3. Isn’t su-25bm at 11.3 with r-73 just food?
>"just cope lol"
>"b-but wut bout plane with half the missiles, worse missiles and no HMD??!?!?!?!?!!?!"
exceedingly generous
i'll take back any nasty things ive ever said or thought about the Yudintsev brothers
is it after Malin or in the foreign crap line?
Also 400kph faster
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Is he right? Are the bridges on Eastern Europe actually necessary?
And? It's still unacceptably slow when everyone else is Mach 2 capable, doesn't matter much if it goes 700 km/h or 900 km/h.
Any tips for ww2 Sweden?
Top left corner of the screen
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jewmerica keep getting Ws
its barely going 410kph what do you mean 400kmh faster
Exactly a-10 is still taxiing on the ground
Pvkv II nuke shell and like 15 degrees of depression
>mutts are palm-crushingly handheld
yeah we know
it's gotten to the point where their only arguments when called out are
>"should've built better X"
>"okay boogeyman"
not a shred of shame, just pure gloating at this point
wouldnt you gloat too if your nation made, undeniably, the best and most combat effective aircraft to date?
>sorta the point, supposed to trick uboats into surfacing and/or not sticking out when escorting convoys
Lets see
>Majority of the ships launched right at the end of WW1 where they saw 0 service
>2/3 of the fleet is retired before WW2 even started
>Only 6 of the remaining ships lasted through WW2 simply because they barely saw any service while those that did were sunk.
>Couldn't find anything about them ever being a successful fleet escort in their intended role
Pretty fitting topper for the already pathetic frog copestal fleet. I can't believe we had to hear frogs bitch for over a year about how they needed their le ebic coastal tree only for it to turn out to be the most pathetic shit with slow as shit 2km torpedoes on slow, under armed tiny patrol boats.
The gloating was pretty annoying until I saw how much it made ruspigs seethe, so now I'm ok with it.
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Imagine being a rusnig, seeing Gaijin adding vehicles from like 5 years ago (2s38, t-90m, su-25sm3) and still seething about muh mutts. Why are they like this?
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>pic related
Strv 122B+ is extremely based
>I can't believe we had to hear frogs bitch for over a year about how they needed their le ebic coastal tree
other than the odd forum retard, ive never encountered a pro cuckstal frog
pretty much the only french naval begging i know of is for bluewater content/balancing
there was than one anon that bought the VLT pack, i wonder what happened to him
Lol frogs are never allowed to brag about anything Naval again. Can't wait until they finally get their Duncucks fighting late refit Nagatos and Nor Carols.
>there was than one anon that bought the VLT pack, i wonder what happened to him
Probably hanging from the rafters
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Dead due to terrible map design and lack of game modes. Naval and Air are the future.
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not cuckstal though
I'm still around
It seems OP but with how fucking slow the A-10 is compared to everything else around it it's going to be harder for those 9M's to actually hit anything
Just make the bridges on easten poorope destructible and let people decide if they dont want to deal with flanksissies.
If anyone cares, you can now see the skins (both normal and user) and create user skin templates for vehicles you don't have.
>SM ("Somua SM"):
>Max speed: 40.35 -> 50.11 km/h
>Max reverse speed: -5.88 -> -7.3 km/h

they are going to be moving it up to 8.0 arent they..
rip yet another french lineup
French navy is the biggest meme in the game. The players always get unreasonably angry when you kill them in their shitboxes.
It’s gonna face t-55am-1 in every game. Very nice Gaijin.
>the WWII Pumas now have a second driver
only took them 8 years to implement
new thread?
new bread(ed fish)


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