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Gone fishin' -Edition

Previous thread: >>492626114

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on missiles and radars

>Guided weapons statistics

>Vehicles with thermal sights and their generations

>Customizable HUD overlay

>Info on release dates

>Someone sending you runes?

Remember: Take it easy, be kind and help your teammates
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I like Harriers
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We need a Polish tree
no we don't
>we need
Nie, spierdalaj.
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This shit is still hilarious to me that people would rather pay double the price for a less capable aircraft simply to avoid having to fly as a street shitting pajeet.
It's arriving this winter into the japanese tree.
>T-55AM1 and T-55AMD
>undeadable niggerbunkers vs conventional shells
>undeadable vs TOWs, milans, ss11, etc. (the AMD is undeadable vs all missiles btw)
>undeadable vs heatfs
>undeadable vs APDS except the chieftain
>undeadable vs bullpups, AS-30, nords, and sometimes bombs unless you hit it right on top of the roof
>barrel is immune to every single 20mm and 25mm
>big lineup
>can face 7.7 heavies and 8.0 early cold war shitwagons
How come misha never mentions russia ruining that whole BR bracket?

Or the 10.0 T-80U
T-55am-1 has been wrecking that br 8.3/8.7 for so long everybody is used to that, nobody even registers is as rusning handholding anymore.
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Thoughts on the FFA P-16?
*drops PGM-500 on friendly strf9040c*
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Ground is dead. Only Naval soldiers on.
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>the swiss actually named a jet after the sound you make when you masturbate
>Jaguar Indian Sarrs
It's not too bad, just bomb a base and claim your 2 free kills on the way back with magic 2s. Can add a talisman to it for a budget top tier grinder.
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i WILL be buying the T-80UD and 2S38 on the upcoming anniversary sale
Bold of you to assume they will be on sale
cuckstal has never been alive
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>playing m24
>sneak up on a dicker max and kill it
>he comes back in a Pz.IV H for revenge kill and I kill him again
>he quits match
>he sends death threats in dm in slavspeak
damn I think this is my first total victory.
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>every ground map is now just a straight corridor
2 other major updates will have come out since its release so yeah
unless they do an absolute dogshit sale again where nothing for GE goes 50% off it should be on sale
It's arriving this summer into the korean tree.
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War thunder
You're late
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Fucking faggots for the LONGEST have been in denial of submarines coming to naval, and yet here it is.
>subs aren't coming to the PC game
>it's cause of war thunder mobile they share shit or something
i dont care about n*val
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I don't care about being fast anymore, i just want to post 1 crapan every thread
Also i'm at work
Depth charge chads we're finally eating good
>i dont like it becasue im a mudSISSY so its dead
>my mode isn't dead despite having multiple minute queues despite the rampant bot infestation
fooling nobody
>multiple minute queues
That's only the case for cuckstal which is so embarrassingly bad I don't count it as part of naval.
Gaijin thinks otherwise. That's why we have a closed beta for French Coastal Naval
Yeah, but subs aren't cuckstal so they AREN'T a waste.
cuckstal also plays in bluewater, same as subs will
the same thing, the same WASTE
>they had to rework destroyer damage models so they are hard coded to not take damage from sub 100mm guns because boatchads were stomping too hard
back in the day you could sink an SKR in less than 30 seconds with the freccia
>Fakour 90:

Max fin AoA: 19.06947° -> 21.96738°
Max fin lateral acceleration: 16.7357 -> 25.088 G
Max G-load: 15 -> 20 G
PID proportional term: 0.0321 -> 0.0311
PID derivative term: 0.00045 -> 0.00035

HODL bros how are we doing
Iran will grow larger
not handhedld btw
trivial to avoid by not flying in a straight line btw
I'm tired of these gay ass 30 seconds in ms paint type decals, bring back historical vehicle markings NOW
who said the racist F14 was not handheld? The F14 in general is one of the most hand crushing planes in the entire game, the (((locked event))) F14 should AT LEAST be this handheld.

cannot wait for it to go over 100gjn
>one (1) cool vehicle in patch
>three month squad grind
Tips on boat premiums for SL farming? I don't even really know how boat RB works. Is it one life or several spawns?
yeah i want to play the JF-17 as well
get a Knox
click on shit that moves
if you die, use a backup
if you feel like it steal a cap with a speedboat
That, or the Prinz Eugen
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Rb99 for the JA37D to compete with F-14s when? No BR increase of course.
id prefer they unfuck the flightmodel desu
and then give it RB99
Are those bike skis? That's fucking based.
Eugen seems like it's not buyable right now, but I'll take a look at the Knox. Cheers
I'm assuming he's only looking for quick bux, and in that case Knox is cheaper, more foolproof, and a faster moneymaker

having said that, I think I might dust off the Eugen now that we're getting Derfflinger, don't have high hopes for it but she's a beauty
Yup. Husqvarna > everything else
If only they ever made a diesel bike
Moffett has a slightly larger reward bonus, is it not worth it compared?
She has a higher BR and can/will be dealing with unkillable shit like Helenas, also Moffett is easier to kill compared to the Gearings if you're facing someone who knows what they're doing. I'd still get it though for the sake of a lineup
you gain a bit of SL% and a turret, but you lose out in secondary battery and a higher BR, and the 5/38 turrets on the Knox are just that little bit better
plus, losing the 4th turret isn't that big a deal as you'd only have good use of it when you're exposing the US DD off switch (that either got buffed or everybody seems to have forgotten about)
that .3 in might not seem like much but it's enough to give you just that little bit of a better time, and the tiny loss in SL% is a minimal price to pay for that luxury
Knox is also a better looking ship
better off bringing the TT Gearing and Sumner
Get the Moffet and the Frank Knox in the US tree
Get the Prinz Eugen in the german tree
Get the Smely and the SKR7
Get the Kyoshimo in the japanese tree (optional)

NEVER play uptiers. In naval compressio is so bad that most of the time you literally cannot do nothing in an uptier. If you see an uptier just leave, take the crewlock and queue up with the next nation. Out of 3 (or 4) nation you'll probably get your own tier or a downtier. Excluding the japs (in which you use the Kyoshino to spam long lancers aka 90kmh 1ton nuke torpedos into enemy spawn) you'll print money automatically in every match
>A bug that caused all radar types and missile radar seekers to ignore launched weaponry (bombs, rockets, missiles) and chaff has been fixed.
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how the fuck does this even happen
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I got the RIGHT FUCKING VEHICLE in the second try but with the wrong fucking nation lol
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>chaff just happens to be broken on release of anticipated event vehicle with uniquely powerful radar missiles for its br
at this point I'm sure they're just making up funny shit to "bug" during coffee breaks
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Irancat is so dead, how will I crush 11.3s with fakours if they chase countermeasures and missiles now...?
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i think it's cute
>Type XXI
>submerged speed: 17.2 knots, 6.2 knots silent
>6 bow torpedo tubes
>23 torpedos total
>BR 5.3
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i4w (I'll have the money soon I promise)
>he wasnt here for the ACTUAL sub event
stupid latelet nigger lol
I was here for both sub events
Breddy good, you have very capable missles but only 4 of them.
Anyone here with the Ju-288? How much SL does it print per match? I don't know if I should use that or the Turm III for SL grinding.
Basically guaranteed at least 40k per match, but you effectively always lose as you verse 6 fighters and you have 4 bombers on your team.
It is brutally boring and tears at the soul as you know you are useless to your teammates
288 is a good grinder, by far the best SL grinders for me have been the US and UK Phantoms though. Probably get 50k on an average match, 100k on a good one.
How does it do at dogfighting burgerplanes and gripens? Can I win?
This is porn.
So the Turm III is the better choice then? I play some top tier here and there but it's too unpredictable. I want something solid that will tank meta shifts and economy "balances".
My god i pity the mother fuckers who bought this instead of the F-4S. Literally night and day in performance and they are somehow the SAME BR
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I'd say it's served me pretty well, idk
If you can deal with how brutal it is, the Ju-288 is easily the best SL grinder in the game. You don't even have to pretend to try.
The TURM III is very fun tho, and if you're good at it it is even more effective.
Personal preference is the T29 tho for how dominant AND fun it is.
If you want a tank grinder I'd get either the Tiger 2, IS-6 or T29, fun battle rating and decent vehicles.
Hey, at least you don't seem to be a basebomber. That puts you above 95% of premium F-4 players, so performance of the plane doesn't really even matter anymore.
Still think it's unfair tho. F-4S should be 12.3 AT LEAST
Out of these the IS-6 sounds the most convincing. The Tiger 2 domination days are long gone and the T29 is fine but American teams are a deal breaker IMO.
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American F4 is better all round, but the Skyflashes along with the PD radar on the British Phantom are very effective if done right, you want to fly fast and low and look for head ons, then lock and fire as soon as you get within 4km and more than 90% of the time they are dead. The Sparrows on the F4S are very good but don't work so well at close range, so it's usually best to lock and fire those at range which gives the enemy more time to react to them. One thing about the British Phantoms cannon is though it fucks your performance it has about double the ammo, so if the middle of the map is safe it will allow you to ground pound and earn quite a bit extra SL and RP. I just love both planes due to the flexibility of their loadouts and how much you can earn with them, definitely my favourite premiums of the game.
>174k reward for winning (got nuke but didnt drop)
>game also rewards me with 100k from a trophy
Gaijin just loves players like me too much.
[venting post]
Warthunder is the first game I have played that legitimately does anything it can to make you miserable.
Like half of the daily missions are designed to make you miserable.
>Bombing mission
Have fun flying at a red dot for half an hour and hoping no one cares to intercept you, because if they do you are fucked. Also you will have to do this over and over again like a fucked version of Sisyphus.
>According to intelligence/intelligence
Have fun either not having a target because no one bothers spotting or spotting a target with no one to shoot it
>Get assists
Want to play the game? Fuck you. You have to now intentionally use worse ammo so you don't 1shot, shoot an enemy once and then pray to God that your teammates aren't remedial. Spoiler: They are. Enjoy getting killed because if you kill the enemy, that's no assist.
>Get a good placement
Oh wow, that's a cool mission, I just gotta do good? (&Win) Enjoy losing every mission where you are in the top 4 for an hour, because fuck you.
>Kill heavy tanks
Have fun, because everyone suddenly chose to play light tanks for some reason.

I've decided that killing myself is preferable to this shit after on average hitting 8 different enemies per round and getting an average of 1 assist per round. Fuck it, I'm done.
Not against F-16s or Grippens.
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Subs is the only thing that can make me play naval.
But, during the event, I've not played submarine even once, I'm a Destroyer Command kid through and through
I will make sure they can't achieve dominance, and will protect BB's and BC's.
>American teams
Not really a problem in ground until you get to top tier with all the premium Abrams. Those are next level retarded. At mid-tier you're fine.
Remember - any uptier and you are worthless. All downtiers are free games but also you have a 20 second reload.
>Tiger 2
It is still VERY good in anything but a full uptier.
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Subs was so fucking fun and kino. The joy I got from learning the old Battlestations tricks worked in War Thunder as well made it my favorite event so far. Dare I say it was more fun than the Atomic Heart one.
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>anton getting uppity and hiding critique posts
2 3 4?
Don't remind me. I fucking hate this abysmal thing so goddamn much
Also, does the J(UK) have PD? Cos the other brit phantoms don't.
dead game
>nano posts
>insta seethe
>be stinky
>people complain when you enter the room
>>American teams
>Not really a problem
Been a problem since they get the first Sherman, just because they're infinitely worse at Abrams ranks doesn't change jack.
>any uptier and you are worthless
Goes without saying for like 97% of all tanks, not sure what you're trying here.
>you have a 20 second reload
That's the only thing off putting about it, armor is still trolly to the point where I think I might tank some rounds but wouldn't 100% rely on it.
>>Tiger 2
>It is still VERY good in anything but a full uptier.
As it is right now I'd say it's pretty average all things considered. Sure a downtier it'll dominate depending on the matchmaking but there are too many things at its BR and above that will disregard the armor, not to say Gaijin butchering maps to where you can't position and in some cases have to brawl with it (Hurtgen Forest and Sands of Sinai are the biggest offenders). It's like playing a larger, heavier and slower medium tank.
Plus I imagine gains at the ranks of either 3 are that good without boosters anyways.
>be smellmaxxing sigma chad
>betas compain when you show up with your powerful stink
xir neovagina certainly does stink
Ive literally never had a problem with "American teams" until top tier for ground or just air in general. I feel like German teams are MUCH worse at mid tier, problem there is they keep fucking respawning in infinite numbers of great tanks while mutt and russian teams spawn in something worthless or just leave immediately after dying.
T29 is great regardless of uptier or downtier. IS-6 is worthless in an uptier, I can't think of a worse premium in an uptier.
Also basically all light tanks and most mediums work in uptiers fairly well
>Ive literally never had a problem with "American teams"
Ah, so you're actually part of the problem.
Yeah that checks out.
they wont, so you have to buy shitty skins from the market place to get historical vehicle skins instead of being able to make them yourself
They work for me, the premium UK Phantom has a good radar for the BR, both PD and SRC modes work well.
I have the IS6 and I love it but the reload time isn't even the biggest thing I hate about it, for me like with most russian tanks it's the -3 degrees of gun depression. You can snipe very well with the tank - as long as you find a flat bit of ground and a building to reverse behind, forget about ever using a hill crest or similar.
>Cos the other brit phantoms don't.
yes they do
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The T-80UD certainly. The 2S38 would be nice to go with my TURMS and BMP2M, but my wallet is already on suicide watch from planning to buy a bunch of Swedish premiums.
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Soon we will have our eastern europe tree, just don't expect Poland to be the headliner.
started plaing air battles, why the fuck is somebody always spawn teamkilling? genuinely every match has 1-2 teammates just get killed at spawn
sloppy fanfiction
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This is honestly not that far-fetched.
yeah, china owning moscow would be more realistic
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Easy one today. Would've been three but I typed in the wrong nation like a retard.
it is and you know it
If Russia had their shit together at all, there would be zero Ukrainian troops in Kursk right now.
you're gonna trigger another kommyhuct melty and i just don't want to deal with that right now
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We won't. Data at gaijin demonstrates that nobody fucking plays Israel and people play minor nations (France - Italy - Japan - Sweden - UK) Only when new mechanics get premiered to them. Everybody plays USA - USSR - Germany and a large population of chinksects go to, obviously, china. They will never add trees anymore because a pakistani tank in the chink tree will outsell a pakistani tank in a middle-eastern tree
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I was talking about the tree, gayjin avoid politics like a plague and would never add something like this.
>enemy team gets solo carried by a mexican twitch streamer with like 3k subs
>he has more 130 days played in fighters alone
That's more days in fighters than I have played in game over all vehicles total by like 8x at least. Had 70k games played total. I have never felt more outclassed.
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chimpout alarm
I hate these fucking album stickers so much it's unreal.
Just ignore and do the needful.
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>gaijin claims to have banned thousands of hackers
>top tier is now 60% chinese names aim botting while farting smoke everywhere
why you being raycisst??? ))))))
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they just can see through smoke better due to the squint eyes
Dead mode is good for you, you can raise like 5k raw score in 5 minutes in a bot game.
I once finished a whole PoH stage in a single naval battle.
this, bots are unironically good, I wish ARB and GRB were infested with bots to the same degree as naval
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>bot game
all games
this is the highest iq joke posted in the history of /wtg/ and i'm sure none of the zoomertrash in here will get it
pig up paki pidors
>shoot enemy plane
>immune to damage
>get shot
>die in 1 hit
>skill issue
didn't we already have this?
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Isn't that just the supply being limited? Who is actually buying a $50 jag other than collectors?
Yeah but this is the one the pakis actually use instead of the one the chinks intended for export but it's like 99.5% the same tank.
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>dude next to me gets one tapped
>I randomly ))) explode ))))))))
>battle tracker says I get wrecked
>crew locked for 2 minutes
Isn't this at 10.7? Kind of a shitty BR to be at as it will often see top tier
Great tank.
The only worry is that it might be too good for 10.7 and might get uptiered.
They're really sucking on the chinese ding dongs now aren't they? Good for me though as I can save my time and money
gweilos be like
>Chinese tree with tons of completely unique airframes and one-of-a-kind blend of Western and Eastern tank design? no way fag, fuck off with your copysloppa
>germutt (worse Sweden)/shitaly (no top tier ground, ONLY Soviet/American/British copypaste in air)/isntreal (dogshit ground, ONLY American copypaste in air)? OM NOM NOM ADD MORE SHIT TO MINORGROIDS ANTON!!!!
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Danny when are you going back? Xi ordered you home.
Even if 100% of the vehicles were unique and insanely op I wouldn't play as a fucking disgusting chinsect lmao kys kys kys
I saw a cromwell doing this. Just throwing smoke everywhere and aimbotting in all directions. They really need to be faster with the banwaves.
Eternal reminder to fly the harriers!
>main China
>have most Chinese premiums
>dream of North Korea being added as a subtree with some memey nork tank as a high rank pre-order for early access or something
>instead offered paki copy paste
God fucking dammit
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wow, must be getting desperate for (you)s
here have a free (you) to get a grain of rice from your boss

This is beyond napkinwaffle or hoaxwaffe even, it's straight up bullshitwaffe, lmao.
welcome to WOT
they've been making stuff up for awhile now
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you think so?
but all of those were build or were going to be build?
>napkinwaffe :|
>napkinwaffe, crapan öÖö
>fanfic vehicles
This is what Gaijin wants when it craps out another bullshitdo Japanese prototype.
plane game
>devblogs after dev server
genuinely don't know why they bother
>do bad
>do well
>entire team is dead
every fucking time
>when pigs fly
my sides
>when pigs fly
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that do be how it is
so realistic air faster to grind? I suck at air combat
Australians nicknamed it the pig
thats what my wife calls me in bed
She calls you Australian?
Yes it is, might as well just play arcade for the first 3 tiers though until you get a feel for the game
If you're bad it's slower. You spend time climbing and then die and leave the match with zero score. Might as well play arcade.
if she was your sister your kids would be inbred
you literally can't convince me that air combat takes skill
I do all this energy bullshit
dude just points the airplane straight up and one shots me
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You've done half the work to energy trap someone, now you just need to work on the second half
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>I dont believe in skill
>Because I have a skill issue
F-14s ruined War Thunder
another time I got one tapped as a bomber
any time I shoot the bomber they are immune to damage
yes, I did turn my ass to him
also it was at like at least 800 meters
literally a joke
There literally isn't any skill to props
>more speed than the enemy?
point nose up
>less speed than the enemy?
point nose down
>plane can turn well?
>plane can't turn well?
get speed and point nose up
>plane has lots of burst mass?
head on everything
>yak or zero?
turn off the monitor and throw the mouse across the room
bruv you literally talking out of your ass guy was level 8 they are all fresh installs
nobody does any amount of brain work, just point the plane and hold mouse 1
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Does your plane has 20mm cannons or better? If not probably best to not go bomber busting. There are special planes designed to fight bombers if that's something you want to do.
>nobody does any amount of brain work
Of course, because props don't take skill at all and I'm tired of proptrannies pretending otherwise
Jesus this thing is literally impossible to use stock. Can't turn one degree without g-locking.
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good one
i took plane with 40mm canon and had to put 8 holes into one
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I like it
Sounds like a skill issue then
There literally isn't any skill to jets
There literally isn't any skill to tanks
There literally isn't any skill to boats
There literally isn't any skill to ships
>be wargaming
>invent some actually pretty cool tanks for your game
>make the gameplay the most unfun dogshit imaginable
why are they like this
>There literally isn't any skill to boats
There literally isn't
again, one shot with machinegun
Tbh there isn't a huge amount of skill in this game, it's largely vehcile knowledge, map knowledge and patience.
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If you want to shoot bombers get this
enemy survives collision, again
bluenigger team collapsed in less than 5 minutes, again
>moggie on the dev
very nice, wonder if it'll last
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>he plays shitaly
again, instantly dead
this is not getting funny
Duh. They saw people complaining about how they were only adding 4.3s to the tree.
k. keep me posted
>we simply cannot make money
>let's make armor just good enough to bounce regular ammo
>now give every tank premium ammo that trivializes armor
>but it's not pay2win because you can buy the premium ammo with regular currency
>but using premium ammo will absolutely leave you destitute unless you buy premium time or more currency
>so now you have to pay to be competitive but you can still suffer for free
>people will just not pay us unless we torture them like this
That's not what happened though.
Originally premium was literally that, you could only buy it with gold. It was straight up pay to win. Then they changed it to the way it is now which is just pay to win with more steps.
>somali squadtrannies in the auto tank destroyer wipe out my team and push all the way to the spawn in four minutes
what was the point of reintroducing that nigger car and not putting it at 11.7?
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Tell your government to hire psychopaths next time
let me ban all the maps
How about I fucking blast your brains with a shotgun instead?
making it available for regular currency caused a proliferation that made it so premium ammo is common enough that you genuinely are not competitive without just filling your entire ammo supply with premium ammo
making the game technically less pay2win made the gameplay objectively worse
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you won't do shit, fag
>Only trials and simulations
Why Sweden of course
What is this from?
Somalian kids show
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why do the eyes dilate so fucking much
Oh sweet Jesus that's the bottom of the uncanny valley right there
>AIMutt 120 best missile in the game despite being inferior to the AAM 4 and PL12 irl
>AIMutt 9X will be the best short range missile despite being inferior to the IRIS-T, MICA and Darter
Why are mutts so handhold?
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Drugs of course
your free (you), KOMMyHuCT_USSR
Me in the background
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Any chances for ac-130j for grb?
AIM-9X is the best short range missile IRL though
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Husarz should be the first F-35 to ever come to the game
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the biggest problem I have with the moffett is not its tiny crew size, its fragile design or its two (2) AA guns
it's that the guns sometimes go "cross eyed" and completely miss whatever you're aiming at
somers and davis don't have this issue

anyway the correct answer is to use atlanta on one of the knifefight maps where you can rack up six or seven kills farming moffett bots as they waddle into the corridor at 3000 meters
Su57 simply mogs fag-35 in every aspect
You just know she fucks BWC while her Chinese brother Timmd Chang watches
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>nah bro, no flanking just go down the middle
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Why are you so racist against the people who work tirelessly to make the game enjoyable for all types of patrons?
wait, i can no longer go up the hill with my AA and have direct line to helipad?
why is there a weird fucking sherman with a 90mm gun in the main tree now
Lol no. Can’t even go 100G
>price steady at 49GJN and change for weeks
>almost no volume
>pride breaches 50GJN
>suddenly 27 trades averaging exactly 50GJN
is the marketplace just bots, too?
(it's the German SPz thing)
Shouldn't be a TT vehicle but Pershing's turret was indeed built and tested on a Sherman.
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>mogs fag-35
maybe at doing absolutely nothing and getting droned on the ground. lmfao get the fuck out of here the F-35 went and came back from bombing a single guy in Iran's capital completely unbothered
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Why didn't they just take more ammo?
>look guise my slop is cool because it can bomb 3rd world shitskins!!!!11!1
That's not what happened tho, it was done locally by mossad
holy copium
They'd be dead by the second gun run so no need for more than that
>the F-35 went and came back from bombing a single guy in Iran's capital
moshe goldstein said so
Not War Thunder.
Burst mass maxxing.
"they" should be glad nato is a non belligerent alliance
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>nato is a non belligerent alliance
The AIM-9X weighs way way more than 100 grams
nato never started any wars tho
don't bother it's just the regular slavtroon
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thx my dude
There's no way you didn't call someone a slur too stop with the bullshit
>sit on someones tail
>my "teammate" charges him head on
>crashes into me
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>can't put decals on the dish
>get the best dogfighter in game
>at 13.7 the match is over before you get a chance to dogfight
dead game
dead general
implying that driving along the edge of the map is "flanking"
>dogfighting is useless in the age of missiles
Now people will see the Navy was right all along
>best dogfighter in game
i don't see any Su27SMs in the British tree tho
get ju288c and only pve bomb
get a good CAS plane like this without having to learn air battles
But that's just a missile bus, with an angry russian woman who shouts at you the whole match.
and also the best dogfighter in war thunder's history
bring on the thundah
maybe if you are turnfighting someone in a tornado, or a the enemy's keyboard disconnects before the merge.
Stop taking the swigger's zero-effort bait.
Don't tell me what to do
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Since when did they start doing triple scams?
>Bombs that have their mass specified in pounds now also have mass in kilograms displayed in the brackets after the mass in pounds.
Thank fuck. It was horrible guessing which category bombs fell in to for BP tasks
Get you to impulse buy it now for 40% off rather than for 50% off in 2 months
One kilo is about 2.2 pounds
South Korea tree for Japan when
Sorry guys I mistyped Sweden
They do quad scams
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this vehicle belongs somewhere under 1.0
When did they start putting hearts in the in game changelog
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>turms subhuman absolutely shits his bed after facing a t72m1
you fucking love to see it
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That's actually slightly tempting, except I fucking hate the week long reloads on big soviet guns at that BR
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Clicking on sovigroids from the side and deleting an entire horde of zigger tanks solo, Anton activates the killswitch and disconnects me. Get the option to reconnect 3 minutes later, russians still havent figured out im in the middle of their AO and get to continue playing, finally die, spawn in my plane and after 1 pass I start rubberbanding around and die. Amazing.
Didn't ask, never happened.
what vehicle?
>too dogshit to fight its way out of a paper bag
>too slow to reach bomb bases before the supersonic niggers take them all
it's the prank plane, if you tried to play it you got pranked
But I gotta spade everything
Punished for playing Britain
then you gotta learn how to deal with being a prankee like all of us spade autists once did
playing britain is already punishment, I was punished further for succeeding despite the odds. That is the raw power of the true briton.
Wtf are those leading edge flaps on the P-16?
such is life in great bharat
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give it a battle rating
shit went from cuck cage to cuck shed to cuck house
next one will be cuck bungalow?
skyscrapers when?
I want to beat whoever made this to death with a hammer
next one will be that 15 ft tree a few months ago
>slavs will soon be reenacting 9/11 daily
Time for my yearly return to the game. I can never remember what I was aiming for on the tech trees. Ah well
Oh sadly that's about a year old, not new. But I agree Gaijin should have an april fools with all kinds of ridiculous cuck cage contraptions
yeah that thing is fucking terrible, italian tanks are a close second like the l3/33
>new update almost out
>thread dead
its because theyve added fuck all for the only nations i care about
(france and japan)
Next update will be more french subtree trash and that will really kill the general. 3 boring updates in a row
AMX-13-105 with breathe new life into the thread, make all the shitposters vanish and usher in a new era of high quality contributions
Oke retard question, why do semi active radar missiles still hit targets when the chase plane is dumping chaff and moving away from me and I loss lock. Mind you this usually in a straight line and under 2km
krok code and possibly another aircraft locking the same target with the same radar
there's no sub frequency being emitted when painting, so if three F14s are locking the same plane from 3 different angles, your missile can still track to target if even one of them has a lock.
honestly why are the char B1 and 2C even 2.3, especially the 2C
Lose lock as in the radar turns off or losd lock because your radar swapped over to tracking chaff? With the former you got lucky and the blind missile blindly flew into proximity fuse range. With the latter it's because the missile has a continuous wave seeker that is resistant to chaff and the target is still illuminated by your radar even if your illumination is now centered on the chaff.
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it goes active at like 5 km which is less than 5 seconds at mach 3 but that's what you thirdies need to compete lmao
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>it goes active at like 5 km
why do mutts lie so much?
i wonder if we're gonna get some more info on the Benelol ground stuff, or whether they're just gonna leave it with the 9035NL for now
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Crazy how Slav chimps went from begging for an Iranian F-14 to chimping out about an Iranian F-14
>how DARE you complain about the best ARHs in the game at the lowest BR ARHs appear at all!?!?!??!!
>ignore R-27 at 12.3 btw
base R-27 is literally worse than the R-24
>decals once again minimized
hey I just came back to this game after a bunch of shitty WoW expansions and an extra shitty FF14 expansion. this general could be far, far worse, it doesn't even get anywhere near as bad as the other threads on this board when they have flop updates/expansions
>don't trust your lying eyes and replay data
Yeah I guess that's true. It helps we only have to wait 3 months instead of 2 years
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The most notable thing about this update is the fact the ADATS is finally being reclassified as an SPAA so America and Britain actually have a top tier SPAA
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Pandramodo based
Grippy based
Wait there's no way the winter update is going to be Benecux focused.
>western cartroons
go back
buy a fucking ad
stop posting this ugly western trash, fuck off back to /k/
I mean the art, not the plane before someone calls me misha or some shit
hello weeb
ok pidor
Can't notch MiG-29 radars?
how's gaijin going to keep the proles chasing FOMO after they add the Su-57 and F-35
that's what bloat countries like china and israel are for?
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Why is WARTG like this?
Like what? Incredibly based?
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>b-b-b-but the devs said their p2w missile locks on at 16km !!!!
kill yourself
Wheres the lie?
the only constant is him
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>look at Chinese top ground
>its just T-72s
>look at Chinese top air
>its just mig-21s, Su-27s and F-16s with canards on them
>look at Chinese helicopters
>its just Eurochopters
Why do people play this?
Is the Fakour-90 this good IRL?
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Considering Iran won their way against Iraq, probably.
>is the 3rd world imitation of a western missile 5 times better than the original?
hello based department
Fakour so strong it traveled 3 decades back in time to win the war
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Behold your future Italian premium
>Iran developed tachyon-based weaponry that can travel in time
NATOsissies it's so over
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And your future Italian ground event vehicle coming next month.
>distance travelled : 30km
>speed : mach 3.7
lmfao this is the best missile in the game by far
>every countries top tiers will just be leopards and F16s
lmao what a shitty game
Fuck you faguetti my country's tanks will not go to your faggot infested sad excuse of a tech tree
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>MORE leopard's and Patton's to shit up high tier
where do get the new sights using the new featuers
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Too late
Also Italy will get a premium Spanish Leopard 2A4 to complete the trifecta. At least until France gets the swamp german Leopards
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file my beloved
That's another 122B variant and will inevitably go to Sweden.
>>its just T-72s
Unironically they are probably worse than t-72 irl because a t-72 gunner can fire the gun while looking through the sight and not have the breach smash his face
Don't forget the Danish Leopard 2A7, the Norwegian Leopard 2A8 and the Norwegian K2 for Sweden.
Also a Ukrainian T-84
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>he doesn't play every country (except China and Israel)
Sweden will also get South Korea
>(german marked) dutch leos for france
>spanish leos for italy, if sweden gets two types of leos, so can the wops
>indonesian leopards for japan
>qatari leos for israel
>any of the slav nations leos for russia
how do we shoehorn one into china? or will they be stuck with abrams?
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wtf... matchmaking completely broke down this time
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>he plays Britain and Germany when Sweden exists
>dutch leos for france
That's already in the game
As a camo
The 2A6NL is literally in the game
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>opting for copy paste over the original
If transferred vehicles mean other nations can't get them then that would mean every nation would lose any American or Soviet vehicle they have

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>playing anything other than Sweden
why does every /vg/ general have some severely autistic 14yo avatarfag?
we have/had worse avatarfags desu
guess what this sites largest demographic is
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>he doesn't play Euro Truck Sim instead of Shartthunder
The Scaniacreatura
Why does it look so racist?
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france will get 2A6M2s
When you think about it. Playing bombers is like playing truck sim
Idk I just stated the fact. IMO Gaijin can remove it and I'll be happy anyways but only if I get the K2NO
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~70% of my "spamraam at home" kills are vs chink premium players. That makes them based in my book.
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Swedish Naval tree when?
Russian style vehicles with less filler to grind through.
Anon, the T-72s are the filler.
Leopards for you!
Leopards for me!
Leopard Thunder!
could give the chinks the singaporean leopard 2sg which is basically the lovechild of the 2pl and 2a4m
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might get their naval guns in the franco-dutch line
Continue to not get Britain a leopard though it will be funny to watch them cry for leopards while insisting British tanks are good
Kek what happened faggot?
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We won
How much do you think bongs and leafs would cry if the Avro Arrow ended up in the US tree instead of UK?
But I play Air Truck Sim (bombers)
Sweden should have just been a subtree of Germany going by their behaviour in the war
It will go to Sweden
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F-106 First.
i might frown a little
>bongs and canucks seething relentlessly for the rest of the games life
>seethe even harder when the Arrow turns out to be shit (just like real life)
God, we can only dream
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Who's looking forward to the next event vehicle!
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>full downtier
>phonk playlist
More likely Israel should've been a subtree for Sweden. No one outjews the nordjews.
they can have it
its ugly and the US has plenty of their own interceptors
Given they’re still on about that Hunter we’d be hearing it for a decade
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>90km SARH
>deletes that post
>leaves up unrelated spam and avatarfagging
Just the /vg/ janny proving once again how much of a biased worthless nigger it is
>Leopard 2 with steel instead of titanium inserts
Santa Barbara excellence
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Gotta get it to fit in the 11.3 line up with the OTOMATIC somehow
dont have high hopes for it, but i do like my QEs
might hop back into german bluewaters to grind it, i also like Derfflinger
maybe give Mogador a go, but i have a hunch the awful RoF isnt gonna make for a great grinder
>/k/ tourist cries to jannies and samefags
>cue inspect element/4chanx (You) edited cope
>using 4chinx instead of the based Dollchan
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>he can't do well with solid shot
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>he plays France or Britain
>maybe give Mogador a go
>playing Mog at 5.7
Like the cuckstal tree its another DoA addition
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>he plays shitaly
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Vehicles for this feel?
Dicker Max
Can someone post the Ajax afv stat card from the dev server?
Strv m/42 Delat Torn
>why are people posting images on the image board
dollchan is full of mentally ill hohol pedo troons who have 50 vpns to post cp and gore tho
The extension is based, idk about the chan
>immediate US cope
If only you were as good at the game as you are at endlessly coping
Something like the F14 with the Sedjil but side facing and rear facing radar would be fucking cool
Essentially letting me sling long range SARH that I can fly super defensive with
When will they move the HSTV-L to 11.7?
Right after the 2S38 gets bumped there too
if previous events are anything to go by, the MM dumps 4.7s at 5.0 or below, full uptiers are rare as balls
no idea why, 4.3 and up used to be an express ticket to Atlanta hell but they've evaporated for whatever reason
as for DOA, i doubt it
the Fantasques are perfectly playable and Mogador should be a straight improvement bar the useless AA battery
its not gonna be as strong as a 5/38 handcrusher or a Daring but they shouldnt be 4.7 in the first place
Gee I dunno, do you guys know?
I think the mode just barely gets new players and a lot of them have the US done or just moved on to another tree. I haven’t decided what I’ll do the event in yet. If the update drops with it I’ll probably brave Scharnhorst hell to get Tennessee, but otherwise it’s probably Atlanta or 3.0 copestal grinding in PT-812
more like cuck sim
hope your whole family gets AIDS
the 16km range is specifically stated to be the range at which it will acquire in a head-on look-up scenario against a mig-15 sized target, it may acquire further away on bigger things, or much closer in rear aspect, or looking downward, or on smaller targets
i got a couple lineups i hop back and forth between
>K2, Hugin (already spaded Jag and still 80k till Marx), Koln, Pr.206
>Pr206, Nurnberg, Eugen, Spee
>whole bunch of bong lineups ranging from copestal 4.3 to 7.0, most effective one being Daring+Diana and Borderer
>Italian 5.7s
>french 5.3
>Sumner, Gearing, Fletcher, Mitscher (and XA-38 to make it tier IV)
and ive got a jap 5.7 lineup that i havent touched in ages, might pick that up again
>return to the hangar

Tanks for this feel?
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what did he mean by this
Those all look pretty good. I default to Atlanta when I’m not grinding something since so much of the score comes from hits. Done a fair few stars in Scharnhorst but you just feel like a nigger and at certain hours 4v4 Scharn with moonrune names is really just miserable gameplay. I’m coping the spam won’t be too terribly bad this event since you have to play 6.0+ to get decent research on the new battleships but with Germany getting a new ship that’s probably not gonna be the case. Unfortunate but that is what happens when you let one ship dominate the entire game for three years
>realize I forgot to finish daily tasks
>summon forth most accursed Swedish 4.0 lineup
they range wildly in efficiency, but the naval multiplier is so absurdly generous that it almost doesnt matter
but yeah im curious (and have been for a dozen updates or so) how they're gonna shake up the top tier meta
scharnhorst is so absurdly meta, and i dont think theres much out there that wouldnt seriously outclass everything else that can take the top spot without jumping to 7.7
Doesn't make it acceptable. I'd rather look at toehoes than retarded somaliplanecreatura.
When and why did 4chan stop paying attention to niggers, jews and muzzies and start becoming obsessed with chinks, pajeets and russians?
Feel like we crossed a line somewhere around covid times but I'm not sure exactly.
All they have to do is put more of its crew outside the turtleback. Most of its power comes from being able to practically ignore damage that doesn’t knock out a turret. If the crew distribution were similar to Nevada’s on release, with 50-60% of the crew outside the citadel it’s be perfectly fair. You’d still be next to immune to magazine shots from most guns at most ranges while not having enough crew to get a turret knocked out six times over before you have to sweat. To say nothing of how it practically ignores breaches when other ships with plenty of reserve buoyancy turn into a sub after losing one compartment
Any advice for nofap? I can’t stop touching my dick
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british bombers
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You WILL fly the spanish F\A-18 and you WILL fly it in the italian tree, after all the fucking Tornado(s) and you WILL enjoy it.
I'm sorry Manuel Esperanza you're with us
kek... if only this lad knew...
I think its probably cause they started intruding in western online spaces. Seeing Jeets/Chinks online 10 years ago would be pretty rare compared to now where they are everywhere. That leaves a more meaningful impact on people who spend all day online than the previous 3 who are more problems for real life
For russians /wtg/ has always hated them for making this shit game, but obviously (POLITICAL EVENT) has made it more hip for newfags
Start with arcade first. Prop air RB is one half snorefest and the other half cancer, too much to explain why but it's the least noob friendly environment. Do not play air rb until you will be at least rank 6, that's when it starts being somewhat fun.
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Gripen should get buffed.
The jeet thing is mostly regarding them flooding canada. Before they were out of sight and out of mind. Everyone knew they shit in the street but at least it was only their street. Russia and China hate is more due to geopolitical reasons and is to some degree pushed by state actors.
>game doesnt become fun until its a complete shitfest of premium missile busses and TT planes that require +100k RP to be vaguely playable
>2 squadron tards in my team flying P-47s
>oh my god they're actually climbing
>oh my god they're actually boom n zooming one at a time while the other stays above to cover
>3 germutt 109s autistically climb the entire game just to deal with them
>we win
>is to some degree pushed by state actors
probably true for russians, but its a negligible amount for China. They love to come in and ruin video games with their presence, so its easy to see why western gamers would come to hate them. And most people are gamers these days. Theres not really any good political rallying flag like there is for russia either, HK takeover came and went
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there is no turret, so what are these two dudes doing?
Jerking each other off, as it typical for British """people"""
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Is this any good? I heard you can earn many SL in naval, but this one is just event ship, not premium.
sooo uhhh is the J-10 going to be the new busted flight model plane like the Gripen?
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How many vehicles do you guys have?
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for a top tier, its middling at best
which isnt great as most of your opponents are scharnhorst sweatlords with maxed ace crews

most of the ones i want
I meant DoA as in she'll see 5.7 80% of the time, not that she's a bad ship.
Would play if she wasn't stuck in the 5.7 zone
wow that's a lot, how many hours
Also, play CHINA
So far it's better than the Gripen at the one circle. And I mean one circle as in a singular circle then it just loses all its speed and Gripen can fly circles around it.
Gripen just pulls a lot of energy out of its ass (as expected from a 6.5t plane)
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Most of the time when people say that they're earning lots of SL in naval battles, they're talking about american ships. Because you get money when you hit the enemy and there are several american destroyers/cruisers/battlecruisers that have DRAMATICALLY faster rates of fire than their opponents.

For example the Scharnhorst might be the most powerful ship in naval battles right now and I own it, but I can earn significantly more SL by throwing Des Moines/Helena/Newport News into battleship uptier hell. Cruisers are very VERY weak vs battleships and Des Moines/Newport News have glass jaws that are easy to kill but they just earn so much money if you are good enough at aiming and quickly dial in opponents before blotting out the sun. The aforementioned cruisers will quickly vaporize destroyers or rival cruisers under the sheer volume of fire. They mostly just piss off battleships but you still get SL for hits so who cares? Aim good enough and you can keep their guns knocked out until one of your friendly BB's can do real damage to it.
it's not about how many vehicles you have. It's about how many unoptanium rare vehicles you have.
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then just this one i got from gambling
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even worse!
>play CHINA
i did, once. but only because i misread a BP challenge

4.7 rarely sees full uptiers in my experience, and when you do, just use the DD spawn and you'll miss out on 80% of the pain
id still rate it (based solely on a few minutes of dev server) higher than most german and japanese destroyers, and significantly higher than the Fantasques still a lot worse than the mutt rapebarges but thats a given
Also, while I'm too lazy to look up the reload rates of the guns, when I'm piloting Prinz Eugen I might fire one volley and then adjust my aim depending on where I see the shells splash down. Technically I'm doing the exact same thing with the Des Moines except I'll have ~3-4 different volleys in the air at the same fucking time so I'll need to wait 3-4 splashes before I see the results of my adjustments.

I think these particular US guns have lower muzzle velocity values than something like Prinz Eugen, so each individual volley might be a bit trickier to aim at range but you can also just brute force your aim with pure volume of fire and the lower velocity can let you hit targets with plunging fire and arc over islands where higher velocity guns get cock blocked by obstructions with their more direct fire.
>more shit for dead game mode
>buy event vehicle from the gaijin market
>vehicle keeps the event badge
>get free event vehicle from lootbox
>vehicle loses the event badge
Why do they do this?
Yuo fucking racist greedy pig Anton's generosity has limit
glutton that instance of the vehicle did not come from event so is not event vehicle
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Why don't we have actual WW1 tanks and biplanes yet? Surely there are more people who want to play that than 1930s French torpedoboats.
Because that's potentially dogshit so bad they can make frog reserve tanks overpowered in comparison
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im gonna bet on pure, unadulterated, racism
Because the handful of people who unironically main naval are faggots who will pay to skip the grind to get whatever fomoshit is there. Putting in a bunch of reserve-2.7 tanks doesn't make money or else we'd get a bunch of random minor nation subtrees.
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it is when the map is 5km wide
>fucking rust
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I don't play Sweden. I just played the Finnish vehicles as far as I could without buying or crewing anything Swedish.
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I want the FT-17
Is it going to be the WWI version? I'm not that enthused about something with no AA and bad secondaries. I already have Renown and I do more damage from spamming HE than from the main guns.
J-8B suck
dont know the exact year of outfit, but 2x76mm (presumably HE only) is all you get in terms of AA from what ive seen
secondaries are the as built 14x6" casemate guns
Watch Greg's Airplanes and Automobiles and you know why
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I don't see a single AA mount. It's probably the (historically accurate) 2x76m single mounts and that's it. Everything I can find only suggests that the AA upgrades were also terrible and minor so that isn't even an improvement.
Why do all Sven tanks with 37mm guns have sabot?
They can’t turn it into a joke ‘worst tank in the game’ event reward. That would be disrespectful.
Because Sweden developed Sabot for them after WW2 and were using them unironically.
Because those tanks were kept around until the 50s (some until the 80s) and eventually received sabot ammunition.
But why keep around such shitcans?
Their military budget was a stick of gum and some string.
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What do I grind /wtg/?
Small country with small military budget. Also the geography of Sweden makes it almost impossible to move heavy armour (as seen in the t72 trials where it just kept sinking into the snow and getting stuck trying to cross hills) so if soviets were to deploy armor it'd have to be much lighter.
Japan before the seanigger slop roadblocks you
unless you actually want that low-effort sloppy-paste
If you say so. I quit using the premium cruiser with my 4.3s because all I'd see were 5.7s
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why'd my fox picture rug?
All the furries died
Finish French grind to get your toptier bonus then switch to Japan like the others said. Though you should have plenty of time before the SEA stuff actually comes in.
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Why don't armies invest in making proper mad max shit instead of conscripts having to improvise and build stuff like picrel by themselves?
I will but I want Japan to get South Korea
It certainly isn’t to the same degree as the Russians, and they do bring a lot of it on themselves by being shifty cunts, but there’s a fairly strong faction in at least the American defense/intelligence sector that’s very hawkish on China. While a lot of it is organic, you get a lot less pushback shitting on them than say the blacks, which means someone on high at least tacitly approves of it, and I’d say adds a bit of their own to the pot as well.
Eugen is 925m/s at the muzzle vs 762m/s for the US 8” Mk.21 superheavy, with Des Moines being exactly 2x the rof aced but about 125% more total shell output in the same period, 40vs90 shells/min aced not counting secondaries where it again massively leads. Regular 8” Mk.19 has a lot less of a velocity gap at 853m/s but is of course a much worse shell than Mk.21 and is shot by less capable ships.
more muzzle velocity isn't always better
your shells are going to be coming in at a greater angle with a slower round, making it easier to hit critical components via avoiding the belt
>play crapan
>immediately get American Desert
I'm never playing Japan again
it's always impressive just how bad the playerbase is.
Gaijin is too scared of the eastern jew to do that despite Korea being the only country that makes sense as a Japan sub.
>play game that only has dogshit maps
>get dogshit map
Korea has more post ww2 vehicles than Japan does. It wouldn't make sense as a subtree.
I’m well aware I just put some numbers to go with his post since I have the game open.
It was primarily anti-naval plane so it has a dedicated radio operator and a dedicated navigator who would be constantly plotting course due to no landmarks at sea.
Theyre not going add another Israel after no one plays Israel to begin with
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Give both Korea to China
>Korea has more post ww2 vehicles than Japan does
Not if you exclude the American ones.
Also the american boats tend to have more turrets with more barrels. So that's just more dice rolls for a shell to actually strike precisely where you're aiming instead of scattering slightly off target.
You don't volley fire with mutt dakka
You switch main fire to ranging shots and hold it down and it like shooting a machine gun.
>machine gun
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Stop giving me shit I already own ffs.
>chat banned for 30 days (Hate Speech)
it's been like 2 weeks since I called someone a dumb nigger wtf
>no coupons for duplicates
>no rerolls for duplicates
>no option of taking a coupon OR a single vehicle-guaranteed reroll for duplicates
>instead, a pittance of SL
hate gaijiggers
Yeah at least actual gacha games give you exchange stuff if you pull a duplicate of something good.
>be ka-chi nigger
Literacy isn't your thing and it shows.
>ESL tries to act smart
what if you don't call people dumb niggers
But enough about you.
spicweeb dad and spicweeb mom are fighting again
I've been calling people dumb niggers for so long that I almost forgot Gaijin does chat bans
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this is a sign
/wtg/ is dumb nigger central
If the game had ranks and sbmm you would all be here everyday crying about being hardstuck in bronze and how elo hell exists and anton personally sabotages your matchmaking to make you lose constantly
There are WWI vehicles in the game but essentially they're abysmal dogshit in comparison to even the shittiest WW2 vehicles in-game right now. They would need to create a BR bracket exclusive for them and we all know how eager gaijin is to bring positive change to the game.
>he doesn't know
Nobody tell him
but Anton already algorithmically sabotages matchmaking to make blacklist players and above 50% solo winraters lose
I would be hardstuck plat and I don't want to.
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>get nuke 6 mins into the game
>try to drop it
>because Gaijin thinks it makes sense for nuke planes to not have flares die to Magic 1
>keep trying by pulling out Leopard 40/70
>stall game as much as possible but still lose
>had 4916 score by the end
If a fucking Jag can't have flares despite having them in real life can I get a fucking air spawn at least?
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Set up the ranging shot, i've got it to CTRL + Leftclick. With shit like the helena or the moffet you start firing your first time again by the time you finish shooting with your last gun. It becomes a literal autocannon lmao. Also you can EASILY correct during shooting because you'll have a constant rain of tracers on the enemy
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Also in for what?
Fun times making heavy tankers seethe with the M109
>fumbling it so hard because you're too dumb to avoid getting killed with the nuke jet
Deserved honestly.
Explain to me what I'm supposed to do in a subsonic strike jet that just took off against a mirage
Hilarious ammo, terrible protection and turret rotation.
anon you're looking for another board
What the fuck did the Tiger I do to deserve seeing 7.0?
I'm tired of seeing this pasta.
name a single 7.0 that's better than the tiger 1
Depends on the circumstances. I like to spend some of the downtime between volleys to check to see if anyone else is shooting at me or if some blue enemy is getting ready to ram me. I also will occasionally spend some of that downtime following the shell camera downrange to get a closer look at what I'm shooting at.
honestly the 76 jumbo is better than the tiger
jackie chan
Don't tell this guy about Anton's dark secret.
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>slav situational awareness
>wtf why doesn't anyone see me while im sitting in a corner ditch with my engine off
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Thinking of forcing my girlfriend to play air rb and act as bait for me. What should I make the whore play?
>engine clearly puffing out exhaust
She will probably be better than you
I can agree with the M46 being better than the tiger, everything else is literal garbage and i'd take a Panther over those any day of the week, specially the one with a rangefinder

Jordan Peterson dont like gamers
Dunno shit about planes. Did they really just put big ass cannons in planes for whatever reason? Seems hilarious, how is that more effective than a bomb load?
>Did they really just put big ass cannons in planes for whatever reason?
To plink at tanks and sometimes ships.
>how is that more effective than a bomb load?
Nobody told him you can play as Israel in War Thunder
ULQ really is a cheat
he likes benzos instead
it's vastly more difficult to accurately drop bombs on ground targets than it is to shoot them with a gun or rocket, and aerial AT weapons were still extremely inaccurate
>cheating with ULQ
IIRC they could pop the pressure hull on a submarine so it couldn’t dive then they’d fuck off. Then destroyers or escort carrier aircraft come in for easy clean up. In theory at least.
Sensible human beings did it to hit ships and stopped doing it when rockets did a better job.
Germans did it to hit tanks
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güd mörning
pre order frog boat
>paypigging for gayjew
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I will buy the Klimi
Everybody get banned or something? It’s slow even for this hour
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join LowIQ and come grind
How fucked am I if I want to start playing and live in NZ? The game looks incredibly fun but I know a lot of games like this tend to be unplayable down here.
can't find it
This game is not fun at all unless you play with friends. Play on CIS servers if you still want to torture yourself.
we got a weak major update for Great Britain, it's only reasonable that people lose interest in this game
I thought you lot were at 15k
the game is playable on 300 ping
t. ausfag
What's an alternative to war thunder that isn't hyper arcadey like world of tanks or a dead game?
lmao get fucked
there isn't one
closest thing to your specifications is enlisted
Gunner Heat PC (GHPC)
>uses an engine even worse than dagor (big accomplishment)
yeah nah pass kek
a lot of people arent currently playing it seems, might get better when the patch comes out is my guess
There isn't one, that's why Anton can charge what he likes and we'll pay.
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>how do we shoehorn one into china?
give them indo
But that's just BF but not woke, with WT vehicles and AI squadmates.
enlisted is war thunder that's been redesigned to play around infantry
war thunder has AI squadrons in a lot of the single player missions
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It's Chewsday /wtg/
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what belts do you use for Berezin UB's nowadays? still air targets?
>not woke
it has tranny flag decals, pronouns for your tank crew, furshit, and their discord is tranny erp central

honestly playing bf2042 feels very straight and manly compared to ghpc
what? for real?
What’s 9.3 Japan like in the MM? Constant uptiers to premium hell or more normal mm?
he's just making shit up
must be running low on estrogen
Today I will mostly be spading French props
since when is the squadron harrier at 11.3
Are there recommended keyboard controls? The default feel ass.
W and S for throttle
A and D for roll
Q and E for rudder
left ctrl to nose up, left shift to nose down
change flaps to R and T if a simple toggle isn't good enough for you
be sure to have at least three options for bailing out
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>W and S for throttle and not for nose
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>mapped all my radar controls to my numpad
>did so haphazardly, don't remember where any of them are on the numpad, just that they're there
>top tier air gameplay for me is literally just punching my numpad until the enemy plane explodes
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>have no numpad (laptop gaymer)
>fat finger my keyboard and keep hitting tab, windows key, whatever til I die
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I miss her
this is the ancient way, it was thus before they changed the default control scheme
She left for greener pastures in DCS, larping as a Viggen/Kiowa Warrior pilot.
When did they change it? I have throttle at w/s too and "only" started some time in 2021.
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abandon asuna
return to miku

also where the fuck is the devserver update, they still have a bunch of shit to add
it's been at least 8 years
>mutt F-111F getting fantasy 250 flares because mutts cried
Seriously? And mutts will argue the game doesn't have a mutt bias and doesn't pander to them at every step.
>inb4 "should've built better X/ok boogeyman"
how are they fantasy?
is it like
>they retrofitted them/were fitted on as a test
kinda deal or straight up just
>lol f-5c
all over again?
source? the devblog literally says only the bong f-111C is getting the extra flares, while the mutt 111F gets better engines.
nta but in typical fashion he probably means that the C was getting better flares but they cried hard enough that the F is going to get them too or something
they edited the devblog post on the forums
it's fantasy because i don't like it, it received them IRL
I might be stupid but I can't seem to actually shoot with the default controls on that git.
again killed by my "teammate" in head on collision because they charge someone I'm tailing
Opinions on the Type 16 FPS, ZTZ 96a (P) and Su-39? I know the 39 is meant to be shit in ARB but equally 60% off is a nice offer.
>t. Xnog consolecuck
Read the readme, you NEED to enable "Automatic activation of aircraft weapon selection at mission start", it's built around that and ditches legacy weapon controls.
96A is a better TURMS, but it doesn't get complete handheld paypig lineup. So if you want just one high tier prem this one is pretty good. Especially since you get the good 8.0 and 9.0 lineups along the way
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>butthurt rusdog animals coping that the F-111F is getting its rightful number of CMs
>INSTANTLY goes back to gloating
Yeah, sounds good honestly. 20 quid for a rank VII prem in a nation I haven’t researched yet is pretty much as good of an offer as I’m going to get so I’ll probably buy it.
Thanks Anon. I'm a dumbass. Controls are perfect, thank you.
You're very welcome, glad people enjoy them.
mad coz ur confirmation bias got exposed?
fucking again
10 people chase the plane that attacks me and fucking ram into me when i turn
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>early refit
kinda lame, I was hoping for its WoWS configuration
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>top tier shitp
>paperwaffe top tier shitp
Genuinely the vehicle I am most excited for this update.
>operation Golan Heights
>drop bombs on the civilian buildings
I genuinely snooze to death.
is the premium chinese MBT really going to be 11.3? jesus christ
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I am zee rot baroon
more anime pillows when
I still have two spare slots
a better question is the other side of anime pillows when
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what is this?
Vee Jay?
like vejina?
Yup, it's to celebrate how hard we (good guys) busted open nips collective cunny in dubya dubya two.
it looks like shit though
looks like a shitty video game texture like something from bioshock infinite
It was probably made by a slav or some pajeet who the slavs outsourced the work to in exchange for one low-res jpg of sasha grey naked
>teammate reverses into me ruining my shot and his retreat
>get the teamwork award
Nobody outside the USA cares about VJ day. Not even Russia, who were nominally on the same side as you and historically have a bone to pick with Japan. The Pacific theatre was basically WW2 DLC - the whole thing works without it and it doesn't get mentioned at the end unless you bought it.
>nobody outside the USA
So... Nobody important? Gotcha, gotcha. The thing is, we don't care! Hahahahaha
>no aced crew
>slightly adjust my mouse in any direction
Laid down, therefore not paper no matter how much you seethe about it.
i wouldn't mind a pinup decal of Sasha
>open r*ddit thread about the iranian f14 being too strong
>turns out the OP was dying to it... in a fucking f15
>f14 defense force rushes in, argues that the f14a is perfect at 12.3 because the mig29 is 12.7 and it has shit rwr, shit acceleration and low amount of chaff (though it is a mystery whether the poster was describing the f14 or the mig29)
1st law of war thunder: when one mutt undertiered plane kills another mutt undertiered plane, both stay at the same br
Arma 3
nuclear option
go back
what's with brits and air dropping a tank? why this is not an option in ground battles?
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France will grow larger
Can someone explain to me why everytime I shoot an R73 in sim it misses?
I thought IRCCM missiles were supposed to be easy kill buttons.
I hand hard time tell if this is real
but then I looked at the pilot and he looks like a human being
french aren't human beings though
When did France start arming their jets with your mom's dildos?
Can't fight a war without war thingies. If it fits in a plane it's going in the plane and if it doesn't then we're designing a smaller one that does. Now hurry up and get in the plane, we've got work to do.
If you shoot from too far away the irccm won't be effective, get closer.
Those aren't mommy's, they're too small.
right after i dumped her
>If you shoot from too far away the irccm won't be effective, get closer.
I am pretty close. I'm a bombernig so I only use them defensively when some F4 or Tornado decides he wants to ruin my day.
>look up sasha has been up to
>she was one of the radio hosts in cyberpunk
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>drive forward
>get called pidor
should've played a more encouraging nation
>MSFS getting the FW200
>have no knowledge of russian besides a few gay slurs
>hear said gay slurs everywhere because you don't know any other words to listen for
yet it's the russians that are le gay or something
>it's the russians that are le gay or something
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>YES pidor!
I'm chat restricted
jew bastard didn't even give me a warning
you literally write BBC on your planes you gay as fuck nigga
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>hold a community vote
>ignore the results
babby discovers alphabets that aren't latin
insert basedjak here
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they found some extra votes that changed the outcome
Exocet when?
What is the BR supposed to be for F-111F in Ground RB? Since it's a supersonic platform with a TGP and 65D/G mavericks it's gonna be 12.7 like F-16C, right? It's DOA then.
>nigger ass maws turns itself on every nigger ass match
>uses all my nigger ass countermeasures when one (1) single nigger ass missile is fired anywhere near me
nigger ass game, nigger ass devs
>3 people didn't even connect
>team wiped instantly
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nvm I found the setting to disable it
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Don't wanna queue up again because my last game went so well and I know I won't top it.
it resets every match)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
yeah, the community is retarded, but they wanted this community so they can do shit like this
based, holding a vote for A TEST was retarded in the first place
before you cry and piss and shidd, at least see what the fuss is all about in action for yourself, that's what the dev server is for
I win
Why are Russians so bad at designing planes? I’m not even talking about electronics or mechanical stuff but straight aerodynamics and airframes
Play naval, you can play by email
>why is a land power bad at building planes
>Why are Russians so bad at designing planes?
horrible bait
russians invented aerodynamics
tell me why the APHE rework will make the game worse
There is air over most of their land. Almost all of it, in fact.
damn bruh crazy
>aerodynamics and airframes
That's the main thing they're good at though, the MiG-29 and Su-27 are aerodynamic masterpieces absolutely butchered beyond recognition by gayjiniggers at the behest of ever-crying mutts.
by that reasoning they should also be a sea power
It came to me in my ass
they thought they were, like 120 years ago
Planes go hand in hand with both land and sea powers tho
energy is cringe anyway
if you aren't turnfighting are you really even flying?
If he had no energy and you did how did he crash into you?
we were turning into each other
“aerodynamically perfect” has always been a retarded propaganda meme about Russian airframes, in reality it’s a trade off like all physics
Doubt planes that are sluggish, oversized and dragsters are aerodynamically perfect. Even aerodynamic features like the curved airframe were already done in the 50s by Lockheed and later dropped for a reason
>can't even kill an uptiered dicker max
>boo hoo hoo feel bad for me
try not being dogshit next time kek
>everything I don't like is propaganda
Ok Rodriguez, I guess your own chair force was wrong about the '29 being the '16's direct peer counterpart too.
>sluggish ... dragsters
That stopped being the case after the MiG-23.
The 4th gens aren't meaningfully bigger than their Teen counterparts.
>in the 50s by Lockheed and later dropped
You mean the guys that at the time made the abomination that was the 104? Yeah, very qualified and trustworthy assessments.
nothing is “aerodynamically perfect” you fucking retard, what matters is making the correct tradeoffs for the intended role of the aircraft
what IS retarded, kommyhuct, is that you expected the Su-27 to somehow retain more energy than the F-15 while also pulling more AoA with a lower TWR
you expected to defy physics, which is just delusion
no i'm gonna be dogshit again and i'm gonna complain again
the Su-27 is massive and fat compared to the F-15
The F-104 was a fine to good aircraft as an interceptor though
once it was put into a ground attack role via bribes is when it sharted the bed
I mean to be fair, depending on the geometry used a plane that pulls more aoa and had worse TWR might have better MER and out rate. But obviously at extreme AOAs this isnt going to be true
>instantly falls back to "ok boogeyman"
of course it's the deranged schizo mutt apologist, who else could it be
you’re literally online ingame kommyhuct I can see it right now
>you built a billion great [thing]s but one [thing] was bad so your engineers are actually stupid
You can't be serious
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>hold vote
>ignore the results
Slavs really are subhuman and can't understand democratic processes. No wonder Putins been chilling in the Russian government since the late 1990s
The caliber really fucked with me.
It's 10.7, no?
you screech about mutt planes every single day, you don't get to talk about boogeymen when you've been mindbroken this hard
What’s your point with that pic? The F-35 is built with stealth foremost in mind. >>492991757
Ironically the MiG 23 has less drag than modern Russian planes and said modern russian planes are still sluggish even with TVC compared to a F-16 or F-15
> The 4th gens aren't meaningfully bigger than their Teen counterparts.
Lol they are. What’s even funnier is the fact they still can’t carry as much armament.
>You mean the guys that at the time made the abomination that was the 104? Yeah, very qualified and trustworthy assessments.
Im talking about the Lockheed constellation and the Su 27. the F104 was literally just a tube with small, low drag wings to go fast in a straight line.
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it's over... mulatto avenger won...
the F-35 has numerous curves in its airframe
Stona is chill, why are you guys such haters?
.t Stona
>the engrish
is this google translated or do they actually post ridiculous sentences like that for the whole community to see?
based, fuck your democracy. Know your place dogs
>We're just gonna do it anyway, fuck you
Damn I love gaijin so fucking much sometimes.
they're really making it difficult to want to keep playing the game
Then uninstall and fuck off. It's just that simple.
you sound mad, are you okay?
Rusdogs are really thinking that su-27, a boat the size of a B-17, should be some running circles around everything because muh curves and muh cobra
You're the one whining over something being tested lol. I simply offered you a solution.
I'm not the same guy
1. uninstall
2. fuck off
Test it you niggers. Why would you vote no to test.
war thunder players are never okay
Oh ok so you got butthurt on behalf of someone else. That's even worse.
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176 KB PNG
oun autcome most terribles nou?
Im talking about the Lockheed Constellation and SU27

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