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Hate - Edition

Previous thread: >>492835680

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Old forums archive:

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides for Jet Battles

>Guided weapons statistics

>What are the rewards for base bombing?
>TL;DR - Rewards aren't set between planes - they are dynamic to match BR and specific vehicle

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Someone sending you runes?

>Dank Bants

You all suck.

Thread theme:
Behead Spanish_Nigvenger
Kill all Brits
Total anglo death
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Anglo/Franco gods this could be the change to boost us up to the meta
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thunder or something
what is the best TT and BR for an absolute CAS main? Russia top tier GRB with su-25sm3?
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Because Gaijin has routinely fucked up implementing stuff in the past and can't be trusted. This is proved by the fact that Gaijin is just ignoring the fact that most people who voted didn't even want to test the change.
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What a dogshit company lol.
Based, never listen to niggers
>slavpiggies chimping because their youtuber lead voting brigade didn’t work
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Cries of the unskilled mutts
Music to my ears
Uninstall and fuck off
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“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”

― Joseph Stalin
You lost to muslims irl, skill issue
>says the mutts who lost to the taliban
>20 years of domination
>Left to focus on Russia/china
Lol, your government made you retards bend the knee. Think before you post
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>post weeks ago those pro APHE change are clearly Brits and French players
>people cry and shit themselves saying i'm delusional
>second gaijin adds the change anyway it becomes full mask off, to even spanishavenger saying hes a brit player
Can't make this shit up, we really should bring back the glutton tier lists, I think Brits deserve to be at the top of the list for this.
Eternal reminder to fly the harriers!
>t.seething russnigger
Please stop ignoring China sars
This is OUR update sars
It's was vote to TEST it publicly.
And the majority of people voted no against testing it
I believe this
This vote would make or break Gaijin's trust and credibility with the playerbase
The fact that they ignore the results and do what they want (thus making the whole point of a vote moot) just cemented their place as an untrustworthy and divisive company
But why?
You bend the knee to niggers on a daily basis, stop talking, you're only making it worse for yourself.
Just like how the pakis are controlling a vast majority of bongland. Think before you post
and yet, you lost
or is donating weapons, ammo and armored cars to the taliban as you run away scared out of the country as fast as you can what you amerimutts call "winning"?
Because 51.4% of players either think the idea is bad or don't trust gaijin, or both.
this proves that gaijin never cared about votes at all and instead will just listen to the vocal minority
Fuck the playerbase, what are they gonna do? Stop playing? Yeah fucking right lol.
And you're not? Kek. You lost, just admit it already
We retreated but we didn't lose, is afghanistan a better place now or is it still a shithole? How about the UK? You lost your race war
boycot the game and reviewbomb it again after a shameless rug pull? you really think the MAJORITY of the playerbase will just let them do what they want without a peep?
War Thunder?
>Le 56% Mutts saying anyone else lost the race war
The fucking audacity kek.
>We retreated but we didn't lose
holy shit what a fucking cope lmao
Nope, you can't even speak out against them without getting arrested. Think before you post
what blew up this time?
people said it was gonna go down like this the minute they announced the vote:
>let people vote over testing
>wow many vote, much democracy
>so many votes in fact, we're gonna test regardless of the fact the majority voted against because it such a heated topic
we are now here
>hold test
>test success )))) implement shortly after scheduled BR update
so why is everyone acting all surprised
fragile mutt egos
You lost the race war and now you have to think before you post
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China will grow larger.
whoever made this meme has made a fundamental misunderstanding of the joke
A more effective form of protest would be if you uninstalled and fucked off
Is it true that Brits lost the race war?
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>>M-muh reddit!
I mean...
Already up
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>brits get exposed as redditors
>immediately thread goes to shit and off topic
Yes and now they have to think before they post even if they have a shitposting loicense. Sad state of affairs really!
How come whites always lose race wars? I thought they were superior?
>a majority by 1,4% votes
clearly the best move is to go ahead with the test as a supermajority didn't opposite it and then hold another vote to see if opinions have changed
it's like you niggas have never voted
Recessive genes
>doesn't understand the point of votes
just admit you gargle on gaijin cock its easier that way
>>a majority by 1,4% votes
Yes, and as such the will of the majority should be respected.
You don't just keep making votes until one of them matches what you want.
this "conservation of energy" is made up bullshit and literally does nothing
You're the one obsessively playing their game instead of uninstalling and fucking off. You enjoy getting slapped around like a dog
>seething mutts angry that gaijin used a 2/3 majority vote system that mutts always use
>slavs understanding how a democratic process works
You're retarded for thinking they'd honour a vote
You do if you're a zigger.
>Zigger ousts itself
they didnt even keep making more votes until they got the results they wanted they just straight up disregarded the poll and went through anyway because unironic actual trannies cried louder
You understand that Gaijin is a garbage company that hates its playerbase, yet instead of following your own advice, you decide to suck their dick instead.
Good going.
nuking russia and china would solve 99% of issues with war thunder
Why are you still playing their game if they're so awful? Maybe you're the one that needs to take their cock out of your mouth first.
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>APHE shell hits ammo directly
>doesn't explode
Cool "realistic" update
Keep playing, dog
had there been a clear majority, for example a 2/3rd or a 3/5th, they would have most likely dropped the idea
Brexit passed with a 52% majority.
they are very susceptible to jewish subversion
why do Russians seethe about the Baltics literally constantly
>noooo this anon posts on /pol/
that's based THOUGH
>I'm going to boycott this game by....playing the game!
What kind of retardation is this?
1. Uninstall
2. Fuck off
3. Kill yourself
It really is that simple :/
Betty bros, its up
ok, now this is B A S E D
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>why yes i know gaijin just ignored the majority of votes against a change and yet went through with the changes either way
>why yes i know i'd rather shill for the game to be worse for the majority of the playerbase instead of making it better for my smaller group
>why yes i'm more than okay with anticonsumer practices and deceitful tactics as long as it affects someone that isn't me
>why yes i'm more than okay with knowing i'm in the wrong side overeall
but instead you just post
>*glrk glrk shlurp shlurp garggle coff coff*
like good little gaijew bootlicking cock sucker you are
>He says as he's still playing the game
Lol, lmao.
>Yes, and as such the will of the majority should be respected.
not when its a marginal one
you hold a second vote
and another
and another
till there is a clear majority
J-8B suck
prove that im playing the game
prove that im willing to even boot up the launcher after the monumental bag fumbling gaijin just did
oh wait
you actually cant
>China needs a jet from 2005 to compete against jets from the 70s and 80s
Wow sounds like you already know you're consuming shit, so why are you still eating it up?
it explodes
implying I feel bad for aphe one shot meta
>till there is a clear majority
Anything above 50% is a CLEAR MAJORITY.
There isn't a democratic system in the West, that sees a presidential election with a 52% result and doesn't respect it.
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Don't like what we are doing with the game?
Make your own!
It's simply not a clear majority.
Why are you in here seething out of your mind if you're not playing? That's even worse lol. Gaijin lives rent free in your head.
It expodes into the ammo which didn't detonate from an 85mm shell shot at a flat angle
kek the only copeout cheating yes-voters have is
>m-m-muh u still playing the game!!!
meanwhile i've been playing starsector all morning
their only tactic relies on calling out others over a made-up scenario in their head
it's not flesh to die to fragmets, turd
>There isn't a democratic system in the West, that sees a presidential election with a 52% result and doesn't respect it.
forgot about drumpf 2016 chuddy?
This but unironically. Uninstall and fuck off lol, it's THAT simple.
You can't make a better game than a couple slavs?
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>don't like it? don't pla-ACK!!!!
>trusting slavs
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What civ should I play?
It is according to all the democratic systems in the West. As such it is a clear majority.
Trump won the electoral majority (the one that matters according to the law) - as such his victory was respected.
You'll need more dem bots to stuff the ballot boxes this time.
You are transgender and should remove your cock
>had 40 years to develop a competitive jet
>still stuck with shitpen
>bitch and whine
>gaijin calms the squealers by promising changes over the next year
>easily pacifies whiny bitches
>it's all monkey paw'd bullshit anyway
Gaijin is smart af ngl
And war thunder isn't a western game. You simple just need to uninstall and fuck off, I mean why are you supporting ziggers anyway?
>There isn't a democratic system in the West, that sees a presidential election with a 52% result and doesn't respect it.
nigga are we electing the president of war thunder or voting for a change?
because even your nigger infested muttland has 2/3rd voting for significant changes
Dutch or Zulu
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so should other industrial powerhouses of the world be allowed jets from 2005 (F-22?). Not including Russia because they already got stuff from 2018.
Do it again, let's see if they'll change this time

Hint: they won't
Uninstall and fuck off. But we both know you won't because gaijin owns you lol
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Now THIS is a thread!
implying wales will drop the game
your opinion is insignificant
>no argument
Concession accepted.
Which need to be specifically outlined for the 2/3rds to be required. In all other cases the >50% rule applies.
And polling for a test isn't a change in some constitution.
Yep I mean why does he expect any kind of democratic process from devs who don't know you can have more than 1 presidential candidate
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DAMN, Swedes look like this?
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>do it aga-ACK!!!!!
>y-y-y-your opinion i-ACK!!!!
>uninstall and fuck off
comfy pepo
Do it then kek, I wanna see the reddit temper tantrum again. Free publicity for the game that's long overdue.
lol you're absolutely losing it. Good. You should have just uninstalled and fucked off :\
>Which need to be specifically outlined for the 2/3rds to be required.
and where did they outline that the decession would be based on the majority vote?
they look at the votes and saw that the difference was so marginal that there was no reason not to go ahead with the TESTING
should have uninstalled
should have fucked off
should have won the war
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Serious question what is with the Gaijin love going on? Do you not want the game to improve? Last year did improve the game, you don't want more of that? What do you have to gain by being against positive change?

We aren't all gonna stop playing because the game is getting worse because there is nothing like it, and most of us have spent WAY too much time and money on the game for us to just "uninstall and stop playing".
Not that you kids would understand that
it's unironic gaijin cock slurpers
Trannymuttsisters, I don't think this game is good for your mental health, maybe you should leave and never come back
b-bu-but the majority vote!!!
he's afraid this means that the democrats will be "stealing" the election again if gaijin can do it so easily in war thunder!!!
>We aren't all gonna stop playing because the game is getting worse because there is nothing like it, and most of us have spent WAY too much time and money on the game for us to just "uninstall and stop playing".
good, you know your place.
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Spookston will never be this popular
Sounds like gaijin can do whatever the fuck they want then. Problem solved.
How about you read one more sentence? Let me write it again:
In all other cases the >50% rule applies.
Any person that lives outside of a banana republic which get 80% majorities with 130% turnout, assumes that it will be >50% rule.
>they look at the votes and saw that the difference was so marginal that there was no reason not to go ahead with the TESTING
The majority of the population doesn't want the change. Period. Testing is irrelevant for this population. They simply don't want it, no matter in which shape.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the devs don't give a shit because the majority want the testing. There is nothing you can do about it
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Yes? How is this an argument
Did you memory hole what happened last year? Clearly they can't. Need more of that

Also what the fuck do you two have to gain from protecting Gaijin from criticism on 4chan? lol?
You can't just ignore half the playerbase because of some arbitrary rules you just came up with in your little seething head.
fast forward to today and the devs are still doing what they want lol. based gaijin
A lot of "leave the million dollar company alone" going on in here
Clearly they can seeing how nothing really changed after that temper tantrum was quelled.
paypigs doing damage control
yep, uninstall and fuck off if you don't like it, commie
/wtg/ is my favorite lolcow
>because the majority want the testing.
Verifiably untrue thanks to the poll we are discussing.
>You can't just ignore half the playerbase
Democracies do it all the time. Make a proposal that actually has public support next time.
>because of some arbitrary rules you just came up with in your little seething head.
Concession accepted.
>muh two choice vote majority
you people seem to have forgotten, you were only 2/3rd of the voters.
Gaijin was the remaining 1/3rd and clearly they voted for the test.
I love buckbreaking mutts
why don't they test on the live server?
it's almost as if they don't want people to participate
>Verifiably untrue
>>You can't just ignore half the playerbase
>Democracies do it all the time
lol, verifiably true
>Run out of arguments
>C-concession accepted!
Not very democratic of you
no it wasn't
it was all me
ITT: mutt fragility
Love watching sunk costers squealing. You won't quit, you won't do shit.
t. sunk coster
all this outrage is over something being done on the dev server?
I thought all this outrage was because they were doing it on the live server just like with the research bonus shit
what the fuck is wrong with you people jesus
muh democracy
this, they would NEVER test it on the live client like they did for the shared kill feature because they KNOW everyone would see how trash it actually is and it'd turn into an overwhelming vote against it
Why is
>uninstall and fuck off
so effective in here?
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>Ask if they should test abysmal dogshit
>Majority say no
>Test it anyway
And gaijin employees are in here defending it. Many such cases.
i never said the shared kill feature was a bad idea, on the contrary its something good
not in this case
its not, you just think it is because you have the mindset of a preschooler throwing a tantrum
Yep many such cases of gaijin doing what they want and you being powerless to stop it
It's what everyone on here should do, but can't.
...and you're happy about this? Are you a cuck? lol?
this, so much this
there is no other way to put this, we have gaijin dick riders defending the fact that gaijin doesnt actually give a shit about what most of the players want
I'm happy it makes you so mad lol
>Majority say no
Majority also said yes...
>this, so much this
Lol fucking redditors
>get into a head on
>gun jammed
thanks goyjin
And you'll keep playing :/
>gaijin defenders are unironic self-admitted cuckolds
Slavgroids are SEETHING that the APHE nerf is being tested anyway.

Stay mad
Keep playing lol
I don't play league of legends
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>Keep playing loli
>gaijin makes vote
>vote goes one way
>chooses the option that lost
Just like my real life politics!
Why don't they just leave AP(H)E alone but buff the spalling of solid shot?
AP spalling is already realistic
APHE isn't
>game attracts players that prefer certain things
>still was basically 50/50
Yep, get used to it and know your place
because that would imply cuckolds wanting something to benefit them instead of something making it worse for someone else with no benefit for anyone
Increasing the TTK and making Ace crews more worth it are the main point. Buffing rounds would go against it.
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Guess i'll be playing a lot with japanese botes this event.
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The Amagis are just going to be free kills when they get added.
Holy fucking turret farm Batman!

>Weak Armor
>Case mates
>Mid section turret.
>yet another discord raid starting
Yawn. Get better material.
Almost as if it was a false flag done by a pig snouted leftist redditor...
Great Britain
Anything r*ssian
Armour should be better than the Kronshtadt and Alaska, should have a good turtle back scheme.
>hey just straight up disregarded the poll and went through anyway
not at all
the vote was extremely close
so theyre testing it in the test server you nigger, do you have a genuine IQ of 75?
>literally parrots what i just said
>gets mad regardless
stupid nigger lol
i parroted nothing
maybe next time you should write your sentence to actually make sense, instead of just dribbling on your keyboard and interpreting your cuneiform mixed with hieroglyphs as english
I'm not grinding Israel I don't care how many thots you stick in IDF uniforms, I'm NOT going to play it.
free palestine
Fresh from an uhgly slide thread up in the catalog over on the off-topic board.
The troons really aren't sending their best here.

I'mma go finish the caliber task, got 10x and 20x SL boosters to burn through, ought to start stacking up for the anniversary sale.
why are the /pol/ACKs spamming the thread again. its already shitty enough with the weekly avatarfag chimpouts
I can't even tell which side of the conflict this meme is supposed to be.
Is the bird supposed to be mocking NAFO or mocking Vatniks?

I mean both are leftists, and use reddit. So that doesn't exactly narrow it down.
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Join [LowIQ]
The war in gaza is proof that israeli vehicles should be nerfed in game.
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The FFVS J22 was put to dogfight against P-51C-10s and proved itself capable of beating it in both pure traditional dogfights and energy fights.
Why is this thing so dogshit in the game? The engine has no power, turns like a P47 and will fall from the sky if you dare point the nose above 15 degrees
But I do? I actually like Israel ground rank IV, but then I look at the sea of Magachs and lose all motivation. If Gaijin wasn't so fucking lazy, Israel could have a proper interesting tech tree. Between the hodge podge of scraps, hand-me-downs, and captured vehicles the allies dumped on them, Israel could have rank 1-3 ground vehicles. But I don't give a shit about air, so I don't know if they could cobble together a low rank air tree.
Gun tax. It should behave like a Zero.
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>sw*den main
Guess it's time to reviewbomb this dogshit game again. They just don't learn.
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I did and this never happened.
Lol nothing will change
Sweden purchased the P-51s that crash landed into Swedish territory, then after evaluation some more were purchased because of the P-51s ridiculous range.
Not War Thunder but reposting those dick-sucking lips got me banned for doxxing once, nuff proof i say.
link to thread?
>leftmost part
lol i just know who made this and who its referring to
wtf is happen in this website? Every board is being raided by discord faggots?
/vg/ jannies are fucking useless as always
If you tell any woman you have spent thousands of hours playing war thunder thats enough of an ick to begin with. Pretty sure playing some obscure nation is more attractive than
IE the bad guys lol
So is this thing just completely worthless until you get DM63? (Tier IV mod)

I don't know if I have a single kill yet.
You mean like last time when gaijin threw a tantrum about the overwhelmingly negative steam review?
Did you forget that, piggy?
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OK fine Anton, you win. You're lucky I'm a die hard Britain fan.
>this is what Reddit is defending
the problem is that the J22 cannot beat anything that isn't a Il2.
David most likely means the D flying squadron
>discord faggots
it's just /leftypol/ spillover falseflagging unironically they come here every time something blows up
post proofs
ive seen this meme around but everytime someone asks for some evidence they pussy out and deflect to memery
Id get some use out of it if it is true but im not taking a random screencap and a mutt face as proof
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I show them my premium collection and how much premium time I have and that gets them wet.
>read OP's thumbnail
>reminded me of warthunder
>warthunder' general right below
Nice job faggot, i ain't playing this shit again though
weird ass mf
>Looks like a good change to me
The very first shot is the guy aiming directly at the gunner with 85mm shell + 164g of HE filler, only to leave him orange.
No cope can make this "look good".
>/leftypol/ spillover
oh yeah i totally forgot those literal trannies will flood any military thread
Yeah it's a meme wagon, DM63 is also useless, that said, you can shoot tracks and barrels and be an annoying little shit just fine
hi /leftypol/
>called out
>immediately begins projecting
We're eating good next patch Tiger bros
>/uhg/ out of nowhere
holy mindbroken
I think that's the problem with the stock belts, I can't even break barrels and tracks are difficult, if I could do that it'd be at least playable as a memewagon.
Wtf I love /leftypol/ and /uhg/ now?
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What am I in for? Is it any good?
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Anyone else started pro Russia, played this game, and is now anti Russia? Seems to be happening to a lot of my friends.
>i totally didn't post it myself to falseflag on /wtg/
thats /chug/ though
anything on the dev they haven't announced and/or isn't in the patch notes?
other than the frog destroyer
That's me, what of it? I can't post in multiple boards anymore? I can't shit up /chug/ for fun now?
Post hand, bet you're the brownest one here.
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Imagine seething over and losing to a video game.
A piece of video entertainment.
Absolute state of porkies.
I agree the state of russia in the game is laughable
why are you seething?
Stop seething and play wakfu
It's decent. Top speed, optics, and gun handling are all quite nice. Bad gun depression, wide turning circle, and mediocre reverse speed though. The dart is also a little anemic in both pen and spall for 9.7 so you will have to actually aim.
>No timestamp
Nice try jeet
What the fuck is a russmutt?
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in what world does this abomination resemble a Lvkv9040C?
rusoinkers are genetical abominations just like mutts
It makes sense in this context though since Russians are just German rape babies.
No, I meant Russians are German rape babies. So much so that they idolize Germanic blood and worship Hitler to this day.
>this gets axed
>meanwhile all the off-topic /pol/shit spam gets left untouched
jannies really earning their pay today huh
you're British, this will come in handy when I report you to the authorities.
You are a Slav, that M gave your location
Cute handwriting, I bet you're a good fuck.
Hello, where war thunder?
> For example, this ship is outfitted with a total of ten twin 16’’ (410 mm) cannons, making it one of the most heavily armed capital ships in the game in terms of raw primary battery firepower with an impressive reload rate of 2.5 rounds per minute.
at the same 7.0 BR? it's gonna be busted as fuck
>North America
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Year of introduction has never mattered. What matters is that vehicles fight peers.
More like snore blunder lmao
>another episode of germutts throwing while we have the overwhelming advantage
what's the point of playing the objective if "people" don't dare enter it and just leave the enemy bleed our tickets?
i physically hurt to play germany because of the playerbase
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Phew, finally completed the game. See you guys it's been fun.
in higher BRs objectives dont matter much because one team will usually annihilate the other before any side runs out of tickets
If by "fun" you mean gay and retarded then yes.
Thanks for the info <3
the /uhg/ly troon is trying so hard to pin it and its buttbuddies' deeds on boogeymen of the week even after one of its kind literally admitted it kek
is that /uhg/ly troon there in the room with you?
yes, right here >>493009595
don't mean shit to me, could've been (You) who posted that
one (1) spaded jet. You are not even trying.
>your proof and the culprit's confession isn't proof!!!
>my baseless schizo theories are completely and utterly correct though!!!
I plan on doing that next but I'm going to go back to rank 1 and start spading
>yeah bro this anonymous message posted by an anonymous user on an anonymous inageboard is definitely someone from another board, here look at this other anonymous message posted by an anonymous user it's the proof
>sees War Thunder General
>it's all schizos seething about troons
Why is this game like this
>two rank 7 talismans, two rank 8 talismans, and a rank 8 premium
>one (1) spaded vehicle
Not even bong mains can stand playing bong planes lmao
>presumption of innocence for me but none for thee!
>ignore how it's ME bringing up a non-belligerent out of absolutely nowhere, which oh-so conveniently frees me and my fuckbuddies of blame!
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It's okay "man" no need to blow a gasket the /leftypol/ trannies that shat up the thread are gone
If I were an utter CAS NIGGER, what would I be playing? Swegroid Mi-28A is 10.7, the 10.3 lineup is ruined. Su-25SM3?
>schizo keeps doubling down
many such cases
APHE changes looking good
Nig3 are on suicide watch
germutts with their obsession with commander cupolas (instakill or at least turret deleter weakspot now, nothingburger after the changes) are gonna be the ones eating the best though
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its ovyr
iq80groid bait
Wanna bet it's the resident /pol/sissy?
Reddit post
>blacked shit
obvious bait
SM3 is pretty high up there. A-4E early with tv guided bombs is also kind of disgusting at 9.3.
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>nobody talking about the amagi
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>blunt bow
>non-existent superstructure
>NIPNIG boats
it never even began
Fuck you
that (15 minutes ago) is telling
Why would the entire turret crew die because a shell hit a cupola made of 10mm of thin metal? Gaijin should also implement random shell detonation in mid air as APHE did that all the time irl.
I'm not arguing against it, I think cupola shots are bullshit and that's why I want the changes to go through.
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What is there to say?
>carries seaplanes that didn't exist until after the ship was scrapped
>catapult that didn't exist until after scrapping started
>AA guns probably in the wrong place
>extra turret ruins the clean aesthetic of the Nagato design
The only thing to actually talk about is whether or not the tech tree is going to remain looking like a retard laid it out.
I suppose it does mean that theoretically we could get almost all of the 8-8 fleet.
m60s finally not getting vaporized from one gepard aphe to the cupola would also be quite nice
Because it's a game and those are weakspots that work and have worked for multiple years now. Uppending the balance for some vague sense "realism" just leads to another Volumetric/Realshatter/APDS rework that everyone hated and continues to hate.
Gayjew destroyed APDS justifying that it has a chance of shattering after impact which happens all the fucking time in the game even at 90 degrees, when irl it was an extremely rare occurrence and happened when the shell impacted at real weird angles.
APHE subhumans getting fucked in the ass is the best change ever.
That was straight up not properly implemented until relatively recently. Some guns (Jap 30 mm, etc) are still affected but those that received attention (IJN 20 mm, Hispanos, ShVAKs, ADENs) deal reasonable damage now.
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>That was straight up not properly implemented until relatively recently.
Which is a certainty when it comes to reworks by Gaijin. We have no reason to believe that this time will be any different.
I cant read slav shit alphabet, translate pwease
>carries seaplanes that didn't exist until after the ship was scrapped
meanwhile Aoba, Tone and Fuso can't get seaplanes because there wasn't one mounted on their catapults at the moment of their sinking
Anything under ~400mm effective just isn’t armor at this point. Even then that’s only armor in the 7.5-10km range band unless some poor bastard is playing 6.3
I say give it a chance, preventing >>493021223 specifically and removing cupolas as weakspots will be worth the trouble in the end. Besides, realshatter took this long to (partially) fix because they don't give a shit about air and any issues pertaining to it are way down on their priority list, but since they coddle mudsissies like babbies, any issues are bound to be ironed out quickly enough, assuming they fuck it up at all (not super familiar with how it is on the dev server currently, looks fine at a glance).
>b-but volumetric
That is an issue of model geometry, which is infinitely harder to fix than relatively straightforward spalling patterns.
it says it should be able to mount bombs
light bombs, presumably 100kg judging by the 40 gallon tanks mentioned
>Besides, realshatter took this long to (partially) fix because they don't give a shit about air and any issues pertaining to it are way down on their priority list, but since they coddle mudsissies like babbies, any issues are bound to be ironed out quickly enough
All the reworked shells arestill fucked years (or almost a decade) later.
Only HE came out on top. Solid AP is famously inconsistent garbage. This change will rather bring APHE in line to those.
Second point is the balancing nightmare this brings and Gaijin is neither quick nor good at balancing (when even was the last balance patch for ground?)
seems OP compared to the scharn's 3x3 283cm guns
i had assumed 60kgs but i guess it is an army plane so probably 50kg or 100kg
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They just have a hateboner for it idk. Wasn't it super meta when it was configured preliminarily early on in Ground's lifespan so instead of finding a reasonable middle ground they just overnerfed it to uselessness like always and never had an incentive to go back since it's such a relatively rare round?
Regularly receives changes, just a few dev servers ago it was utterly devastating. They're probably cooking up something, it's changed its mechanics like 3 or 4 times since its inception now.
It's fine though?
Guns are theoretically better, but all guns over 12 or 14 inches has unrealistically high dispersion. Which has been a hinderance for ships like Bayern, Hood, and Mutsu.
Yeah. It shows that even if it makes zero sense and is unrealistic, a shit change can just sit there for years and years. Wouldn't want to take the risk.
One update it's bad, one it's decent. I don't really know, but it's not a really good place for the shell to be in.
Shatters completely at random, which is infuriating.

The end result is that they are all random, changed often and inconsistent in damage. I just do not want that fate to befall the most used round at the most fun BRs in the game (all of low and mid tier)
The F-89B has some serious fuckery with the alignment of its guns and the camera. It's like they're mounted 6 feet under the fuselage or some shit.
unironically more interested in the frog destroyer
but I'm happy to see some top tier additions (even if they're all Scharnfood)
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crapanxissies our thoughts?
I think you're a gay faggot
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>F-89D has proxy fuse rockets again
based I remember they removed that feature for a few years because of salty players
imagine playing shitaly
it's like munching a hobo's fresh taken shit
except luigi tells you "mamma mia"
grow up
Italy. AV-8B, JAS-39C and A-129D is the best overall top tier CAS lineup currently. Next best would be the US, AV-8B and F-16C are the best overall fixed wing CAS combo of fighter and attacker, but the AH-1Z/AH-64D are below average.
I would rate Soviets fourth after France.
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>forced meme of the month
it was fun the first time
stop it
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>he plays shitaly
why are we laughing at shitalians now?
>implying there needs to be a reason
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>needing a reason to laugh at shitaly
Russia at least doesn't need to fight pantsir but lol, lmao even. Every CASgod worth his salt can deal with pantsir. The main threat is dealing with opposing birds.
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>tis but a scratch
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That's cute, Watch this.
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did it hurt?
man a love typhoon with that goofy ass bah face
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A little bit but I can handle it.
>try to help bluenigger getting chased by enemy
>as soon as I line up behind he starts doing tight turns I can't keep up with, but the nigger behind can
>he dies
they don't call them blue enemies for nothing
>be useless
>teammate dies because you're useless
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>tfw spent all my silver lions on the travel suitcase and only got wagers
7.7mm is the shittest armament in the world, why did the brits insist on using it for so long?
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this, so much this
>bluigger spams help radio command
>ok whatever
>head towards him
>bluigger flies away from me
>get closer to bluigger and enemy chasing him
>bluigger dives away from me
>head towards bluigger
>bluigger in turn heads towards swarm of enemies
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just get more?
Basically anytime a country stuck with a weapon for a long while after it stopped being great it comes down to them having a shitload of them around with decades worth of surplus ammo combined with the preferred replacement having serious teething issues and/or having some difficulty manufacturing them. Basically it becomes a choice between a weapon that no longer works well or a weapon that barely works at all
>shitposters have fooled nu/wtg/ to simultaneously be:
>forced meme spammers
>avatartroon defenders
>million dollar corporation dickriders
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Vehicles for this feel?
T80U (Sweden)
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>he doesn't like coastal OR bluewater.
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I’d like if they fixed American reloads
Dead server?
>bluenigger spamming "help cover me!"
>fling a farkour at the red nigger.
>expect it to miss, but for the evasive action to buy the bluenigger time to escape
>the red nigger flies into the farkour
>blue nigger keeps spamming the radio for help. He does not realize that the red nigger is dead.
At least I got a kill.
>the vote got ignored
I told you guys this would happen.

It was always going to be forced through. Nerfing APHE is part of the same trend as casualizing the maps. When little 9yo timmy dies in 1 hit to APHE in his fresh new premium, he's less likely to keep playing and spend more money.

Gaijin does focus groups on what causes ultra-casuals to quit the game. "Being 1hit" / "Dying quickly" is priority #1
The dumbest shit for me is when a teammate is running away from an enemy and spamming help, but he is going the opposite direction of his team.

It's literally every time
They don't need to nerf APHE, just increase spalling of solid shot.
>the vote got ignored
but it didn't? half the playerbase wanted the test to happen
I don't play groundshit but I hope APHE nerf doesn't ruin the Japanese 20mm air belts' APHE. It's secretly far better than the HE, most people don't know
war thunder is a realistic game
aphe is unrealistic and shall be fixed
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>die to bullshit once
>spawn spaa and shoot down planes from a corner of the map
feels good
>half the pla-
LESS than half*
More players didn't want to deal with any pointless tests. Cope.
You don't have to deal with it. You can ignore it.
Retard. Little Timmy wants APHE to remain fantasy nukes because he doesn't know how to aim and teleporting a frag grenade into the crew compartment with any penetrating hit is the only way that he ever gets any kills.
>bro just ignore the devs kicking you in the nuts after they asked you if you wanted that and said no!
Timmies never get to shoot an enemy, they're the ones getting shot
the early Zeros' 20mm APHE is being nerfed per datamine, losing all of its penetration
I just realized that I sucked at air combat because I didn't do high G maneuvers in a turn fighter
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Why would they do this to me. I'm going to have to go back to carrot tracers.
Yes, the carrots tear off wings or tail stems in 1 hit, but I liked being able to shoot anywhere. It's over.
Nothing changes with them getting shot. Either they die instantly or they die to cock and ball torture after the first hit cripples their tank in such a fashion that they won't recover before the coup de grace is delivered. Nerfed aphe is more likely to drive away Timmy because being crippled and helpless to fight back is more infuriating than instant death.
Don't reply to yourself timothy
CV90105 and CV90120 are THE light tanks
anything that's not equal or better is automatically DoA
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>singlehandedly pushing retards off the point and then beating their counterattack
Diana/Daring really is peak brit naval experience
Congratulations, you can kill chinese bots
Now do it to real players
>some retarded child chases me in a plane for 5 min at 1 km
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ded gayme
>f14 iriaf drops
>bug that made sarhs ignore chaff gets fixed a few days later
i wonder why
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I like the A-10. It's getting stale having to constantly carry teams with it though...
Speaking of Shitaly, why is nobody playing the 80/60. It's like a baby HSTV-L.
It was comparable round. Almost as fast autoloader, smaller autloader but more rounds, plus proxy he. It's bigger, but just as mobile. Has thermals and LRF. Just fucking shit gun depression.
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what's the use for this?
Shrapnel shell.
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what the fuck's going on in here, why are you people chimping out-

loving every laff, heil Hitler. I told you this was gonna happen the instant chinkbots did what they did. I only wish they hadn't gotten lazy & botted it up to LE SUPERMAJORITY NO so Gaijin would've been forced to admit they let the poll get botted and attempt to take punitive actions against those responsible, before proceeding ahead with revising APHE. You might've actually had a heart attack & died then and there while Nigvenger would've hanged himself before living to see he got his way.
I don't even play groundshit and I love this change because it will make ground more miserable for groundsissies. Just like the straight-line retard handholding maps
Weak bait.
I support any updates that makes war thunder players suffer more
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how will this effect the economy?
Leo 2A8 for France soon
Tired of lecucks? Lmao
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if you were to play ground, it entails particularly fucking over low and mid American & Russian tiers for whom workhorse guns often have high filler ratios for poorer penetration. Meaning they'll be even more inclined to CAS spam to compensate at the same time as they're less able to do so from getting fewer spawn points with their now shit rounds, making the mowing jugs and P-51s and ILs more isolated than ever before for the dedicated CAP fighter spawner
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fuck off retard, you do not fit in here.
>anglo main
>incredibly obnoxious
>total garbage opinions and ideas
>oh, he's also a legitimate schizo
at this point I'm going to dox him and fucking mailbomb him
>t. the one Spaniard ITT
there is literally no valid counter to this, cheating britbong & frog cucks still seethe over such a trvthnvke
>you NEED to obey my 51% nonfinal advisory vote on a testing event all but explicitly rigged by seething chankoros who don't want to have to reprogram their bots and aimhacks to compensate for nu-APHE!!! TRVTHNVKE!!!!
you cannot handle the trvth
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Vehicles that are kind of a bit shit/have a big flaw but are a lot of fun at the same time?
ho 229
>literally and unironically repeating what the linked post called you out on
Anton has finally seen the light and error of his ways and has joined the Anglo Franco gods alliance. Either move aside or get out of our way.
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>real players
no such thing
i wish gaijin would change things that would actually improve the game

for example, camera freelook in air battles. why is it still as floaty and slow and full of latency as it was in the beta? people complained about it back then.

a major reason people have no awareness in air RB is simply because looking behind you then looking ahead takes 10x longer and less responsive than it should be
did I fly all the way back to the airfield to fix and lost the game just to not give credit to a smell bomber player for hitting my engine? yes
Kek Cleveland in a downtier has been criminal ever since the secondary firing change
rear view hotkey work perfect)))))))))
why so rashism((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
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>majority of the playerbase tells devs they aren't eating shit
>devs try to serve them a plate of shit
I didn't even vote about the chance but I'm going to instantly vote "no" because of the blatantly undemocratic nature of this affair.
>the secondary firing change
APHE is for trannies and niggers, and dare I say, TRANNY NIGGERS
fuck your democracy lmao
>t. Rajesh
every fucking time I want to play this thing I get nothing but the hilliest possible maps
the only ones advocating for the aphe nerfs is the moorish tranny, therefore when you side with that freak you become a tranny too
I don't play ww2 slop so of course I voted to need aphe ;)
Aphe should get mid air detonation effect because that's what they did all the time irl.
the same chinks are going to inevitably try to rig the following post-test vote to keep the AP style spalling & intact warheads (these are declaredly going to main no matter what) AND sphere APHE (the change to non-spherical is subject to this separate vote,) bringing on a new era of cancerous insanity, where will you be then? You don't have the stomach, for the agony you'll bring upon us all
mmmmmmmmm nope, fuck your democracy, gaijin did the right thing
APHE is for faggots with no skill at all (nig3)
my favorite bit about this whole thing is that people pin either side of the vote on germans for x reason or y rationale
when in reality german tanks (and thus players) win no matter what the result is
war thunder players as a whole are pretty retarded for failing to realize this
nig3? more like based 3. If your country isn't one of the big 3, then you might as well stop playing. Just saying.
literally read the first post of this thread, stupid coping tranny
49.9999 vs 50.0001 isn't democracy
Anton did the right thing pushing the change
Trvther words have never been spoke
i wonder how many times you plan on repeating yourself in a vain attempt to get people mad
So based they're at the literal bottom of the winrate charts lmfaoooooooooo
secondary batteries fire with the main guns
in cleveland's case it means the 12 6 inches with 5 second reload with 12 5 inches with 3 second reload
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but it wasn't 49.9999 vs 50.0001
and no matter how much you cope, that IS democracy
why are you lot so deathly afraid to admit you're in the wrong but don't care? everyone knows and can see it
That bongazoid main who visited gaijin HQ must have given them the best earth-shattering nirvana-reaching blowjobs for them to ignore the vote, i bet andou was also there
>playerbase votes no
that's all you needed to say but keep coping
it's funny how many people are so upset about the game being fixed because they removed their crutch
>instead of asking for the minority of players to get buffed shells they chimp out to have the shell from the majority of players nerfed
>trannies are cheering because the devs made the game objectively worse
honestly i've always thought that the mentally unwell were the only ones retarded enough to play solid shot nations (bongs, frogs) because of past incidents in /wtg/ but this just reaffirms all suspicions
>that IS democracy
Democracy is everyone getting a portion, not one half fucking with the other slightly less half
Supporting the 51% actively screwing the 49% is judaism.
Same person
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>Democracy is everyone getting a portion
which isnt the case in here, it's everyone getting fucked instead of having a small portion of everyone get fucked (pretty retarded situation from the start)
>one half fucking with the other slightly less half
cool, it's the sightly less half fucking the larger half
what the fuck are you even trying to claim here?
>Supporting the 51% actively screwing the 49% is judaism.
again, you're supporting the 49% ACTUALLY screwing the 51%
and, in your own words, you're a deceitful cheating jew
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easy solution

no aphe nerf on arcade
aphe nerf in realistic/sim
>its da jooz who stole the vote
>Supporting the 51% actively screwing the 49% is judaism.
it's actually the other way around lmfao filthy kike
Negroes get fucked your nuke shells will get taken away and you will eat shit for years on end
I never understood why people complain about AP
its perfectly serviceable
APHE is better of course but if you can't make AP work youve got a skill issue
>shit velocity+pen+high filler allied APHE gets raped by non-sphere APHE, high velocity+pen+rainbow of super low-super high filler Axis rounds get by just fine with the KwK40 probably having 17lber tier AP spalling, frag is a bonus
>retaining sphere APHE being means ruskimutts get a slight bit of extra spalling with their whopping 10mm~ of reserve penetration at ordinary combat ranges against typical targets, might not even get intact warheads from higher filler %, while germutts will turn any 3crew shot against most any tank with aced vitality into an every-time 4 to 5crew with high reserve pen-high postpen spall+intact warheads from having very low filler adding extra lethality to already gnarly APHE
>overpressure shells like old stock 88mm PzGr will still overpressure no matter what and were never affected by this
I told them and they wouldn't listen

no they don't
just don't play the game, that's my plan
Anton saw the chinks mass botting the elections and discarded their votes behind the curtains
Aphe nerf won democratically
They're trying to force the APHE change by hoping people forget that funny little fact from the first announcement.
People will get a couple kills through engine compartments because of the nose continuing on trajectory
And they will think it's the best change ever because they were too stupid to shoot the back of the turret to kill them instead. All the while forgetting that part of the change was always going to happen.
you cant even prove bot votes are a thing and you got btfo'd in this front by a dev in the forums
>why should this poll be gatekept from everyone by the 1%?
also this whole argument fumbles when you realize the reason the leading votes flipped was because by then the other HALF OF THE WORLD WAS AWAKE
literally the same thing as the trannies chimping over that wukong game losing players as soon as it was night time in the eastern hemisphere lmfao
>retards defending the rigged vote forgetting the APHE nerf also effects aircraft
no we didn't
airsissies get fucked
I shoot memengeschoss, I don't care
I dont think it does, my understanding was air has always had different DMs for its shells than ground
no one cares about air. Tank game.
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Writing emails to russian, ukrainian, and polish CCs
Writing many posts on VK with all my alt accounts

One can hope our friends from the far east do the same so we can have the mother of all review bombs
I just changed my negative review to a positive one just to spite you. Sorry.
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doing god's work anon
I can't wait to see t34-57s malding when their nuke shell gets fucked and replaced with their realistic firecracker he damage
bring back server segregation for chinkoids, add segregation for jeetbeasts and latams
>>YOU CAN'T PROVE IT, [headcanon]
you really thought you were doing something with a wall of text in seethe caps lol?
Devs know better than any of us ;)
He does that anytime anyone disagrees with him
this but unironically
They know so much better that literally every change they've ever made has been for the worse! My favourite!
chasing bombers gets old real quick
I don't like this guy but his views align with mine on this so I will say, based.
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vote was just a means to ivide the playerbase to reduce the magnitude of the inevitable backlash over the change they were gonna implement anyway (regardless of voting or testing results)
nevermind the fact devs just straight up ignored the wishes of the majority, they knew to gatekeep the test in the dev server only, because most people dont want to install the game a second time and would rather get info of the test through crumbs posted by others*
instead of previous tests made in the main client (EC, severe damage) where anyone that has the actual game installed could test it and see. also they fucked up by making the vote about the test, instead of doing the aforementioned thing of making the test public and make the vote about that
>muh minority
>muh vote
thanks for proving me right, trannoid
>liking current naval
when do we exile muttmains to /wotg/ where they belong
if you think WT is worse now than it was a couple years ago you're delusional.
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the fuck? nobody plays japan or something?
tempting suggestion, will discuss it with the /wtg/ head honchos
It is because Naval exists and they keep wasting dev time on it.
Volumetric has been a net negative.
Missile control has been a horrible negative.
Aircraft damage changes every-other update.
You must be an ESL third-worlder. You have zero concept of what democracy is.
>you can't make a realistic game more realistic
I already hated that half of the playerbase, now I just hate gaijin more. Silly thing to do. This is just a microcosm of the global conservative/progressive schism, sooner or later one side will have to be eliminated.
>democracy can ONLY exist as untempered tyranny of the majority and a hidden minority with first past the post or ranked choice niggerrig voting, you're an ESL if you don't understand that
we need a Caesar, these republics are all past their best-by date with a citizenry like this
Don't like the change? Feel free to play any alternative games
It's fucking pointless to test this on dev server anyway since people only play new vehicles and top tier where APHE is not relevant.


said nobody ever
>everybody who voted yes
>whatever they add it or not
>everybody who voted no
Caesar was an autocrat, you fuckin bozo. Stay in school kids.
Hello everyone, hope you're doing well.
it's crazy how easy it is to tell which retard is samefagging even without the ip counter
anon naval has existed for 6 years, and I doubt it significantly eats into dev time, its not like gaijins making the models
volumetric is finnicky but its not like black holes didnt exist before, and its not very difficult to account for it in the same way you accounted for black holes before volumetric. Better than having rounds slide through the gaps in armor that gaijin can't close
And aircraft damage is fine and has been for awhile, the period of real shitter is the only time it was objectively fucked. Theres a couple aircraft with bad DMs but that doesnt make the whole pot bad
and you skipped over all the great QOL things that have only improved, most importantly the grind
You can't be smug about voting for the 'winning' side while also claiming the vote doesn't matter.
No. My day was made irreparably worse.
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As always, I hope you have a wonderful day. And I'll see you next time!
its premium is bad so timmy doesnt play it
>chimp: out
>shit: flinging
>general: saved
>vote was extremely close
>test to make sure everyone knows whats going on
>illiterate retards start sperging out as if its a permanent addition to the game
they should do both
nerf APHE so its not a nuke sphere and then buff the AP element of both AP and APHE
>its not very difficult to account for it in the same way you accounted for black holes before volumetric
Untrue. Shell size causing overlapping armor values adding both values together as 1 piece is peak bullshit and directly conflicts with half their models having tiny different value armor plates for cast armor.
>and you skipped over all the great QOL things that have only improved.
such as?
>most importantly the grind
What change? What fucking change? It's been or felt the same for it's entire existence and you still get niggered out of RP if you grind a rank1 in a branch you didn't touch with your rank5.
Nerfing APHE makes the game less realistic, no one is staying in the tank if they manage to survive a penetration
Crews often bailed out even from non-penetration hits due to fear
>Ummm Caesar was an AUTOCRAT, CHUD, you can't desire him as a solution to sham democrac-
yes I can retard
They should add concussion to the crews
Every hit adds 3s and can be stacked
actually the crab bucket mentality is a pretty fitting way for this whole chimpout desu
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>nukenigger thinks it has a free win in his pocket
>unsheathe spacefire
>pisses and shit himself after getting swatted down
better luck next time
kek i love when redditards cry like that in chat
it's alright, you'll get there
>t-they shouldn't nerf the fantasy physically impossible primitive spherical frag modeling b-because... it's akshually stealth realistic!!! Crews would abandon tank when penetrated or even le nonpen'd, so the modeling should stay wrong to simulate this BUT ONLY FOR ME AND MY SHELLS!!!!!!!!!
Muttnigger copes are getting really nonsensical
Caesar was a retarded bad-at-politics gorilla nigger which is why he was pitifully stabbed to death on the senate floor, you should desire a noble king or a Hitler figure instead
>your crew should automatically bail out upon an R3 T20 spraying your UFP
based, some of the biggest seethe I've ever gotten was from denying nukes
>t. nukenigger
Is it penetrating the front plate?
yeah, I get nukes :D
what made you think my post is about realism? It would make it much easier to balance the countries if the AP element was the majority of the damage for a tank and the HE was just a bit extra, as opposed to now where the HE is a nuke and the AP is just mediocre. Unless you make AP generate a complete wall of spalling all 180 degrees from its start point it will never compete with APHE and doing it like that would have major unforeseen consequences of retardation. Better to just equalize them and balance around the equalization
weird cope but okay
lets turn the game into world of tanks with hitpoints
i want to tank 30 pens but only if it's free ammo, premium bullets should explode me
APHE rework is a way out of the crab bucket, faggot.
no but realistically crews FEAR the oerlikon
Fuck penetrating shots even projectiles landing in proximity should make the crews automatically bail out
>making everything bad is the way out of the crab bucket
>you should desire a noble king or a Hitler figure instead
>a noble king
wait a minute what was that line in Horst-Wessel again
Junkers, raus
Give gaijin a chance, they know what they're doing
They haven't know what they were doing for a decade.
Gaijin doesn't know what they're doing, but I do so it's fine
Wait, this whole chimp out was for aphe? Who the fuck plays WW2 shit anymore? Kys gramps
If I were a gaijin employee I'd farm lulz in here for fun.
you're not even pretending are you
Solid Shot desperately needs a buff and APHE needs to be slightly nerfed.
I don't see why this is so controversial.
If today I stand here as a revolutionary, it is as a revolutionary against the revolution
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>Give gaijin a chance, they know what they're doing
In English please
It has flaws for sure, but peak bullshit was sliding my shells through gaps in armor because they had no volume, it reduced alot of effectivity of heavies.
>such as
BR separation
event stages so its not all or nothing
fuel sliders
customizable loadouts
stock missiles
stock FPE
stock darts(ish, idk why it only applies to top rank)
machine gun UI display
>what change?
reduced modification costs for end of line vehicles
repair cost changes
thats all I really care to think of off hand, but im sure theres more
That's a good change. Literally nothing ever happens in the red areas
>3 air collisions in one game
these people are braindead
the gaijin dick sucking & riding is craaazy
Skill issue
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What are you implying here? Gaijin has the players best interest in mind!
>miss 1 letter (known)
>is no longer english
ok retard
I would remove the right side and keep the highway
if you knew better than gaijin then how come you aren't running a successful multi million dollar game company?
>you can't defend an objectively good change
too busy shitposting
People like this.
>objectively good
>"How is it good?"
>Well you see my nation doesn't use that ammo ty-
insane strawmanning
Sorry sweetie, it's not just the typo :/ try again
sad cope you know he's right
Yup, nice change in my book. Forces people to be smart and know when to push or hide behind hills instead of just rushing through the main road of the town.
You're actually fucking retarded. That map has been around for ages. They removed peoples abilities to flank in the hills and town.
Flanking is gay as fuck and for cowards
>my nation that does use the ammo type will continue on fine because they don't fire from potato guns
>two cuck nations that totally crutch on the current broken mechanics of it will get raped
stop whining.
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>Flanking is gay as fuck and for cowards
You're not flanking my anus thanks to gaijin
stop exploiting maps and maybe they'll stop neutering them
what's with all the mudsucker seethe? did you faggots forget that this is a plane game?
It's a tank game. But yeah I don't get it either. People should be playing top tier
When will Gaijin do scans of real geographic locations where events took place?
No more bullshit, make the place just like real life. Unisoft did that with Brothers in Arms.
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>written off due to damage
>literally yellow wing
>bong F-111 doesnt get GBU-15
and here i thought we might be getting a better Tornado GR.1
Absolutely sick of F-14s
don't cross the streams
Stay mad Ivan
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Last time I played it, it was complete peepeepoopoo garbage because the post pen damage was almost zero.
I heard that small caliber APFSDS post pen damage has been buffed somewhat so maybe its better now? I agree that it should be quite good but I mostly just suffered.
Really fun as anti-helicopter because of your thermals and lrf.
Spaded it but it was a slog the entire time.
They should implement muddy terrain. Make it so it significantly slows down heavier tanks
I want to nerf aphe only to get rid of cupola shots
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>Absolutely sick of F-14s
what's the prob
use your rwr and you won't even need to chaff
It's not hard to dodge their shitty fakours at the start of the match it's just a boring routine now
>penning tiger from the front kills the engine every time
new aphe
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>Absolutely sick of F-14s
The consequences of Pacifica as a community manager have been a disaster for War Thunder.
Absolutely sick of the 13.0 nigpen
>winter & ostketten'd panzers, panthers and tigers proceed to float over the mud with their wide thicc tracks like it isn't even there, long hull largely prevents sinking deeper than the ground clearance
>tall short thin tracked shermans even with added duckbill grousers sink down deep to bury the transmission cover like a mammoth trapped in a tarpit, get lolpen'd by popguns due to lost relative armor angle
very true, many mutt cases!
kek very true, they always want realism except when it doesnt benefit them
I don't play WW2 boomer trash though?
why do you need heavy tanks to be slowed down then? are you talking about the T-10M and Obj. 279 exclusively?
Gajin has surely forgotten about this round, so its use will be for getting ye-olde hand grenade effect after gaijin nerfs APHE.
>nigpen A at 13.0 with fictional AIM-9M's and infinite flares
>F-16A ADF at 13.0 with AIM-9L's and 60 flares
I'm talking the challenger 2 and abrams
>hop in dev server to test changes
>so few players are testing it that they are putting bots on teams (like naval)
>Not even a lot of bots
>just enough so there are at least 10 targets a match
>not even in good vehicles either
>all low-br trash fodder which the higher BR vehicles will always 1-shot anyways regardless of ammo
>and you run into the same handful of people almost every time even when trying to stagger matches
It's going to get denied (again).
>66 ton Abrams SEP sinks to the engine deck, turbine inhales a metric fuckton of mud
>instantly engine black'd, producing unholy mechanical failure sounds audible from one map edge to the other and a giant plume of black Severe Damage tier smoke
>get niggerblasted by some gigantic krok gun mounted to a 30 ton coffin for three for your trouble
so true
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>9 more to go
Those tanks deal with mud better than T-XX tanks though
applied to clan if someone can accept. name starts with G, ends with R. thank you
But this is exactly what I had in mind????
if you're doing it with lowbie krauts use the Fw 190 As with Werfergranates instead, the tube angles are flat or at least aren't nearly as tipped up and definitely purge once you shoot both, which I'm not sure if the Bf 110 tubes do. You can dive very steeply to smash open top SPAAs or TDs from almost straight above where they're less likely to be looking.
Why are you doing it with the worst rocket in the game?
the new poll for APHE will be

>option 1: implement the changes that were on dev server
>option 2: implement lesser changes, we will not nerf aphe much we promise))))
>option 3: no nerf

they will do #2 and it will end up being more than what was on devserver
it's all so predictable
Just remove everything that has never seen combat, so all the ruspig protoshit, the entire swigger and crapan trees, and most frenchoid tanks
>or at least aren't nearly as tipped up
they definitely point up on the BF 110

thought it would be easy against coastals
It will be really funny to see what the BR changes would be if they implemented the full nerf.

Some Russian vehicles would likely be given lower BRs which could potentially be more obnoxious then what we have now.
The only top tier that’s really fat is the Challenger 2. All the top tier Abrams and Leopards in roughly the same weight bracket, ~60-65t, though the 2A4M is notably lighter while the PSO is the heaviest among the two trees at 67t
definitely, the 190 tubes are flat is what I'm saying but they might not be 100% 0 degrees flat necessarily

>easy against coastals
I'd sooner do this in ground RB, even if you'll see more planes they're slower if not outright still targets and at least their pintles don't autoaim. Direct or near-direct hits for overpressure against anything with exposed crew are your best friend with these, you're basically firing a SiG33 shots' worth of HE every rocket.
The easiest way to do it is to rocket enemy open tops and AA. I didn't even know the challenge was a thing until you posted that and I was doing it by accident.
so when is the sacreficial anti ERA tip on the L27A1 getting modeled? asking for a friend
Never presumably. DM53 doesn’t have it modeled and the US using a round from the mid 90s still so they really don’t seem to want it in game. Ultimately whatever vehicles end up meta are whichever ones the devs like best. If they like yours they’ll do great, if they don’t they’ll just deny whatever report you make or just never act on them.
b-b-but it was literally made to pen copetak-5 after Algeria gave the UK a T-90A to do firing tests on :(
Ive see more than a few people obsessing over the jumbo and how the APHE nerfs will make it more annoying to play because no more cupola shots
has spookston mobilized his army?
after M829A3
so when in the BF 109 getting its methanol injectors or nitrous oxide?
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guess i will continue to struggle to pen the UFP of 10.7 T-90A with my 11.7 Challenger 2 while they're running 3BM60 at cunting 10.7 that takes 0 effort to click on me
congrats you described playing every MBT that isn't a Leopard 2 or T-72/T-80/T-90
Well fought Beaver
skill issue
>skill issue
you are a weird little gremlin aren't you? like if i were to open up your Facebook i'd see some malformed little rat faced cunt or something of the like
who the fuck has facebook in 2024?
normal human beings that don't hide, like to socialize and keep in touch with friends and family?
you mean like the MW50 the BF 109 K-4 has?
Why are you going down this train of thought? When was the last time you touched grass?
normal people nowadays just use messaging apps anon. facebook is for boomers consuming AI slop
besides where do you think you are
that's not a beaver
Next you’ll tell me it wasn’t well fought either
>Why are you going down this train of thought?
WHAT sort of answer were you expecting you aspie?
Don't worry, you'll become a boomer too eventually and learn to appreciate Facebook and how it connects you with friends you haven't seen in decades
>besides where do you think you are
yes yes everyone on 4chins are socially dead spergs that never leave their rooms
I have to farm all the way up to lancaster to get a proper bomb
at least I can play it with the firefly
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Yeah, the damage is rather consistent. Single tap happens often if you aim well, double tap is most common.
oh hell naw
he looks like he beat kv-1 in a fist fight
military gear manufacturers be like
>this is TSZX1 F2/090 gz
How do you actually dodge missiles in top tier as CAS in GRB? The manual control rockets are hard to see sometimes, and I always mess up the timing, I think.

Maybe, if I didn't use the a10, but other jets don't scratch that same itch. Maverick missiles costs too much sp to get access to all the time.
already took my blood thinners
truly, America saffers
>Don't worry, you'll become a boomer too eventually and learn to appreciate Facebook and how it connects you with friends you haven't seen in decades
I won't because none of my friends are facebook-using freaks
Screencap this
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now give add me on venmo and send me 1000 USD
a man has some sort of hate towards people who get nukes, it is only natural to assume he is jealous
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Funny little vehicule, lovable little vehicule
or maybe I am just capable of empathy so I understand that when I drop my nukes, I'm ruining the match for everybody else and probably their whole day
>I'm ruining the match for everybody else and probably their whole day
do you also team kill nukeniggers? if so, based
>retarded gorilla nigger teammate's exploding corpse acts as a huge flare for my missile
I wish they would just not spawn in.
of course, you're a cuck if you don't advance your own interests
I can't wait to be undeadable in my panthers and tigers. Gonna be a sweet 3 months of clobbering before any BR changes come in.
>APHE gets a small taste of other rounds
honestly i dont think itll affect panthers much, it seems like the changes will still knock the whole turret crew out and leave the hull niggas alive on penetration of the turret for non overpressure ammos
tigers getting the big buff though, with pzgr retaining overpressure and the cupola weakspot disappearing and making your frontal armor way better
So anyone knows why we had the vote? Just the "illusion of choice" counting that they thought that the buzzword "realistic" (it's not lmao) would have riled all the mouthbreathers to their nerf cause?
the vote was for gaijin to determine if it was even worth their effort to code, and as nearly half the people wanted the test and has no ramifications on the live game, it would not make sense to snub it just because they worded the poll stupidly
there will be a followup vote after the test for whether the population wants it or not which will determine if its actually added or not
>there will be a followup vote after the test for whether the population wants it or not which will determine if its actually added or not
>testing happens for aphe nerf
>most everyone hates it except a loud minority
>more people vote no than yes again
>"xaxaxaxa enough of people have voted yes to implement it )))))))))))"
It's happened once, It's guaranteed to happen again.
reminder that if the post test poll for fixing APHE's frag cone fails, the resulting shitfest from APHE somehow ending up getting flat buffed for no reason from botted votes plus the immediate algorithmic bump in tracked lethality will result in the frag cone being fixed anyways no matter what protests are levied

midtier muttcucks literally cannot win
>70% before ballot box stuffing, 49% after is 'a loud minority'
safe and effective most secure
the loud minority was the majority for the last changes crusaded by the sperg venger, which is why they went through
this was a vote on whether to test something, so although it technically isnt adhereing the majority it doesn't matter
the only way this is going through is if its like the last time, if theres a majority
>still crying about losing the vote
>It's happened once, It's guaranteed to happen again.
the russian CCs were totally and absolutely correct about what was going to happen, but nobody listened
NOTHING has failed to make it into war thunder after being tested, only delayed
Gaijin assumed the people would want the APHE change so they put up the vote so they could collect some easy positive PR. Then it turned out the people don't trust them further than they can be thrown so now they look worse than when they started.
>Stop the count!
Sure they can. Game balance is left almost entirely up to a black box that moves shit around off statistics. Almost invariably whenever a game system changes to some vehicle’s large benefit that algorithm fucking massacres it inside the year. Look at what happened to Bong 6.7 after volumetric. Or how just about every good 6.3 is now a mediocre 6.7 since the first br change after the mid tier decompression. If it ends up being as bad for American and Russian guns as you want it to be the balance algorithm will have the Jumbo fighting Panzer IVs again and T-34s seeing 2.0 in a downtier within the year.
>People couldn't read inbetween the lines of the vote
Why would they be talking about buffing the strongest round in the game twice regardless of the vote outcome? To force the issue obviously, APHE was always getting changed the vote was just to sow community discord so Gaijin could sail away and blame the community for any issues.
Why is the mig21bis 11.3?
>mediocre heatseekrs
>effectively no radar missile (aim9b reskin is trash)
>not like it would have the radar to use them, that's shit too
>only 64 flares
>rips in a straight line
>dumps energy in turns
if I like ace combat will I like this game?
LOL no AC is vastly superior to this shit
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The whole thing is a positive PR stint that completely blew up in their faces.
The thing is they already did all the development of it and tried to do a vote assuming it would pass and be easy PR.
After the community said "no" they are trying to desperately save the time they spent developing it under the thin excuse of converting people to agreeing with it. Sneaking it into the dev server and not announcing it is snake behavior not meant to convert people, they are just trying to cope and theorize ways of forcing it through.
>After the chinkbots botted and convinced minority "no"tards they were in good company
Why do HE shells seem to softcap between 50-60mm of pen and barely scrape above it no matter how much filler there is?
delete fox from the game
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It scales logarithmically so you get diminishing returns
>L15A2 has over 70% more filler than SIG15cm
>gets 3mm more pen
because if it didn't then you might start asking racist questions about the HEAT overpressure cap and HESH performance that far outweighs large bore SUs being nastier versus big cats or something
get owned
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I'm gonna say the enword...
speaking of overpressure, how does it work with big HE rounds at top tier
like if I shoot the top of a tank with the M551 (4.3kg) is it enough to always kill them?
because it's not an 11.0 vehicle
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This is relating to a 14” hit on USS South Dakota’s barbette at Guadalcanal but tldr is HE shells are absolute unadulterated ass at penetrating armor and wildly overperform in game.
I agree, it should be 10.7
Most skilled ruspig
>everyone who disagrees is a ruspig
>APHE changes going in
based, no more fantasy frag grenade rounds
only 6 hrs left and I have a spare 600k to waste, should I do it or keep it bros?
artificial chimpout attempt
only faggots play with gay ass world war 2 shit.
>a bunch of modern gay men penetrating eachother's shitboxes with long rods
When will the japanese finally get their heavy tanks?
when some fabricated russian documents stating they had any appear
>gay ww2 boomer faggot immediately posts about gay sex
lol, kys
>says something is gay
>calls other person gay for continuing their thread
modern vehicles are zoomer shit
I could tell you are by the way you screech and oink
Ro-Go and HT No.6 are already in-game.
when gaijiggers decide they need a jap TT player retainment bump and don't have an alternative idea to base a patch around
The Japanese naming scheme is fucking stupid and criminal.
makes sense to me
Makes sense to me, maybe you're just stupid
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you know what we need? a 6.0+ A6M, a zero that is more outclassed and overtiered than anyone thought possible.
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Americans will still turn fight it and it'll still get like 4 kills per game.
>probably only 20 knots faster than the previous model at best
>6.7 because everyone keeps trying to turnfight it
If they added it this patch it'd be 7.0 by the end of the year
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There's a zero at 8.7
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You're in.
If this game had air RB tournaments zeroes would dominate and a lot of retards would have to admit that speed advantage is not that big of a deal in a videogame setting
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this creature is why there's a 2.7 corsair
>encountered first blatant cheater in a while
>level 23 with 80% winrate and team placement
>only one on my entire fucking team that killed him
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the japanese heavy fighter line is an absolute circus now
APHE changes aren't even that bad for the most part it just nerfs cupola shots and some other cheaper shots, the extra solid shot esc projectile is useful when you actually aim.
If you already knew how and where to aim at a target and don't just center mass spam this is a straight buff for you.
Spits beat zeros in almost every single way. Yaks beat both.
Why does this image exist
I played the test and it confirmed my "no" vote.
>t. crapan
What, you don't like catgirls?
If the two buffs are added to the game (Intact nose and greater fragment damage) but not the fragment spread change then the only way of balancing APHE is going to have to be the APDS style shatter RNG system, gaijins not going to give the best shell type in the game already two upgrades for free.
does the APHE change make them more or less realistic?
More, changes the spherical explosion into more of a coneish one, there's still rearward fragments just less of them compared to the front and sides of the round with a big nose fragment that now penetrates things like engine blocks.
The only buff that was going to be added regardless was the intact nose. The increased fragmentation is more or less just a visual thing where there is tons of fragmentation but each bit does less damage (from what I've seen on the test server) so you can have shots that look like the whole crew should be obliterated but it just lightly sprinkles them with cheeto dust.
The most I've seen that nose fragment do on the test server was yellowing said engine.
Less, in reality every shells that pens kills a tank, it being AP or APHE or APDS. They should buff AP and APDS not nerf APHE
You're right AP shot should have a chance to cause a crew of a tiger to instantly bail regardless of it it pens.
factually more, muttniggers like >>493089164 will cope by pretending the increased lethality of unrealistic sphere APHE and only APHE is somehow a simulation of crew morale and bail-outs, they're lying, chop their tongues out
Corsair sucks doe shit climb shit turn shit acceleration shit guns 5 minutes of WEP
>shit guns
There is no corsair in the game with shit guns.
That's not related to rounds themselves but how gaijin handles crews, the overall physics of the changes are closer to reality. APHE in reality is more of a system to spread the fragments of a shot not an HE shell that can magically pen this is because the walls of the shell have to be strong enough to survive the stress of penetration.
this creature is why there's a 2.7 corsair
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It doesn't matter. (YOU) will now have to pass through another layer of krokcoding )))) so your rewards can be nerfed yet once again. Gaijin wins, but the reddit mouthbreather monkeys in here will jump in awe because of their "muh realism"

They keep shitting areas of the game in the name of "muh realism" because it generates PROFIT. (Realistic waves physic for coastal vehicles that makes impossible to use some of them, full-realistic models for vehicles and trucks in ARB so you need to snipe every one of their fucking crews to get them with guns) The more miserable you are, the more GE you'd wanna fork.
And it'll be like every other time. They decided this outcome long ago and people who thinks that now "they won the vote lmaoo" are just delusional and being exploited because of their stupidity
Frag pattern is somewhat more realistic. I’m just waiting to see how it breaks the naval damage model.
keep seething mutt
it's amusing
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Dunking on helicopters with reserve biplanes is peak fun
Oh fuck this is sick
why would i seethe, i have no more vehicles with APHE in them to research or to grind so it literally doesn't touch me. It's just the way it is
>No dude why don't I get my free le buffs to my underpowered and suffering le APHE?
>What do you mean I called for all other shells to be nerfed and now I must pay the tax of my own arrogance?
>Yeah sure I sat there and said "so what if they broke the other shells? it doesn't impact me" And now they won't support me in my time of need
nta but nobody asked for shells to be nerfed.
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if you want to simulate something as abstract as crew morale making everyone bail out of the tank, they should also simulate how everything a tank does requires a commander to voice a command and a crew mate to acknowledge that command
or how the crew wouldn't always perfectly execute that command in timely manner
or how WW2 tanks don't have remotely operated roof MGs
or how crew need to stick their heads out of hatches to have better vision than a static narrow slit near their face
or how there aren't actually crews of roving ghost mechanics that can completely tear apart entire tanks and replace destroyed engines and transmissions in 30 seconds under combat conditions
or how real tanks don't have third person cameras
>full-realistic models for vehicles and trucks in ARB so you need to snipe every one of their fucking crews to get them with guns
entirely solvable by making engine, gunner and driver kills on fullreal ground targets into Severe Damage style 80% credit awards with the target name going gray and if mobile exiting its column or battle formation off to the roadside if possible, this is not an issue of too much realism, it's flatly not enough
>or how WW2 tanks don't have remotely operated roof MGs
*laughs in Rundumsfeur*
You expect the devs to do something as complicated as that instead of just gluing GRB damage models to ARB AI targets? These are the same devs that have that same AI barely acknowledge immobile vehicles by halting the column, but will drive through dead vehicles and have the most awkward canned "point A to point B" scuffed indie game coding for their movement that takes them through rivers and up mountain sides.
Imagine the smell of her asscrack
no, but I do expect them to deploy their already finished, apparently functional, and visibly more realistic and intrinsically balanced APHE model that brings it more into line with solid shot, and I expect faggot mutts to seethe
You SNIPED the point. The implementation of realism in game by Gaijin STOPS when they could stop losing profits. They could easily fix that with those rewards as you said, but they wont. They could easily fix the waves on coastal boats by putting patches of non-rough waves far from the coast, but they wont, and the list goes on. So why the fuck people keep trusting them with these mechanics, WELL KNOWING that their implementation stops right about when the good things could start to come?

Exactly, that's why people advocating for "muh realism" and not an arcade videogame with realistic mechanics should just fuck off to DCS or something
Randomly bringing that up huh? You must be seething or trying to troll.
>make the AA AI on field more accurate and active
>replace SPAAGs with SAMs in higher tiers
this would make ground pounding more interesting and would make stuff like AGMs and GBUs more relevant when you'd have to dodge stuff like strelas and pantsirs
>dodge stuff like strelas and pantsirs
You're aware this is Warthunder right? 1 of those is basically impossible to dodge and the other depends on the AI they use because it will either be impossible to dodge or shoot in a straight line unguided and miss everything it shoots at like airfield AA.
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Meh, as an APHE enjoyer i can only say that it'll not be a big deal. It's a HUGE buff in rearshots (APHE gets stopped by the engine block at the moment, this will no longer happen) It's a buff in frontshots (you literally have a railgun with more spall that will damage everything from front to back) and a slight nerf in sideshots (If you don't well place your shot you'll do probably nothing)

Also they are not changing the internal overpressure mechanics, so no worries, smug fucks will still get their (Insert high-explosive filled APHE tank here) big cock in their mouth
>APHE gets stopped by the engine block at the moment, this will no longer happen
It will still happen.
People are inherently retarded. Changes they make are almost always bad, I’m sure this one will be viewed as such in a few months. Nobody will change their vote because of the test, it will lose again. It will get implemented regardless because they spent time/money on it.
Nope it wont, they've been adamant about the fact that the cap will work as an AP shell, and AP has this behaviour. If they don't implement that the west has then fallen and billions must die
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ARBabbies can't handle an opponent that can fight back?
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It's inherently retarded to even ask for AI to become better at shooting players in a PVP game. You are either trolling, thinking about this is your RTS fantasy or just a room-temperature IQ haber
Hello. I want to start playing this game because I've seen that my country Sweden is in the game. Any tips or tricks for a newbie? Is premium important for progress?
Yes it's very important for the progress. You can reach up to rank III easily without premium but then you start to need it to gain SL (ingame currency). If you consider buying premium buy it on discounts, it's 40$ a year basically.
Sweden is a really strong nation, its start is a bit rough but you quickly get over it.

Now go fuck yourself you nigger mutt trying fishing for rage
broken french makes it twice as funny
40 yuros is rather expensive for a yearly subscription but I understand that this game is free. I'm not really interested in technology past the early cold war, will I have to cuck in and purchase premium time?
If you are not planning on touching top tier you're golden then, just be advised that at somepoint along the road you could encounter some SL (Silver lions, the ingame currency) problems. One of the tricks is to turn off the autorepair, it helps (and helped even with premium back in the day).
It's on the dev server right now for testing despite the vote because they are hoping to convert people into wanting the change (they won't, nobody is testing it). It's a pretty unanimous nerf and you're clearly just throwing theoreticals around with no actual experience.

There is some weird code that decides if the shell has enough penetration left after going through armor if it will have the cap continue instead of being destroyed. And I've yet to see it go through an engine. It doesn't have 200mm of pen. Most regular AP won't even survive going through an engine and the internal armor. What makes you think a fragment of a cap after APHE explodes would?
Any educative content creators I should check out?
>>make the AA AI on field more accurate and active
the last time they did this it hit your oil first shot every time and forced you to either RTB or have your engine melt itself within 5 minutes
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For tanks not really, the only one that says advanced good shit and tips about the game is TEC and one of the few you can really respect if you talk about the game (he grinded all the events and all the vehicles he could, never got handouts by gaijin) but his pacing is fucking cathatonic and when the guy talks he administers you sedatives, if you want to check him out just put him at 1.5x. If you are interested about planes Check some of Tim's variety's guides (he's VERY good) or DEFYN if you like reddit.
>pic related, TEC
The code takes remaining penetration and HE filler into account btw and the cap is basically just a piece of high damage fragmentation with minimal penetration. Like sub-40mm.
No, you, faggot.
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This enrages the sovinigger
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Play Warthunder
lmao no

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