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Weapon buffs are for pussies Edition


HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


August 6: Escalation of Freedom Update https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4339865428695343823
August 13: A message from the devs https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4339866697736692015
August 20: 1.001.004 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/6992487606095723693
August 21: 1.001.005 Hotfix https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4252047773008305837

August 8: Freedom's Flame https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXngA0CO33c
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>the swedes nerf the helldivers because they unironically HATE their ironic depiction of fascism succeeding in a fictional war
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Looking for a webm showing how fast chargers could be killed with the flamer, eruptor, and railgun before the guns were nerfed. Does anyone have that webm? Please.
You can rollback to any patch and then produce that webm yourself, frogfagg
No you can't.
>The difficulty in talking about ranks is that the term itself holds a lot of connotations. Does the rank have actual power, or is it, as you said, a tool for larping? For example, using World of Warcraft guild ranks, the ranks do indeed have power, with the Guild Master being the de-facto unsupplantable tyrant. In this, another layer is added to the equation. In a social setting, hierarchies (ranks) are neccessary for the previously mentioned social order.

>However, looking at an objective driven game like Helldivers 2, there is no social game neccessary like in a more sandbox arena like WoW. In this, ranks, for the moment, do serve little more than a larping purpose as leadership and hierarchies are not needed to fulfill group objectives (like in WoW)

>In this, the rank argument is disingenuous as it requires a degree of specificity in order to arrive at a reasonable conclusion. Ranks are indeed worthwhile, but not in all games is rank neccessary.

ranks are useful for peer pressuring and/or bullying players into coordinated events, just like real life ranks. In helldivers 2 there isn't any need to coordinate large numbers of people into doing something they can't understand or can't orchestrate themselves. we do everything in the game as equals.

let them add ranks after they add some sort of massive clan operation, like a campaign, where the bugs/bots actually push back. otherwise yeah seems like a waste.

Not the webm but thank you for trying.
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>being a bugdiver in September
I unironically don’t get this mindset. It has to be out of a matter of principle or spite if you’re still committed to the bit at this point.
You mean to tell me that you clearly enjoy this game to the point of playing it for over half of a year, and strictly only play a single faction of only 2, of which the only content additions for said faction was like 3-4 new enemy type?
I guess the answer is yes, to the point that devs have essentially had to turn off bug planets with this gloom thing.
i misread as 'a webm' sorry
nessy about to beat your asshole inside out
swamp gas
Needing a guild in WoW is a crutch.
Needing a team in Helldivers 2 is a crutch.
Learn to solo or die trying.
Hierarchies are for faggots.
What, like my player level/rank?
Its superficial, but I tend to assume/concede command of a mission dependent based on levels since I play with randos heavily. Even then, it tends to not matter much since randos rarely respond to anything anyways.
you are retarded mate but that's okay because I love you
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My hatred of bot divers exceeds my willingness to change the faction I'm fighting because I dedicated almost 2 1/2 weeks to helping you botiggers and you left me hanging to meme on veitnam wannabe stream. Fuck you. Fuck your clankers. Fuck your MO. I am playing reskinned starship troopers.
bugdivers are giga casuals, that's why they're eternally stuck playing on babby easy mode
the bugdivers shits himself at the though of an enemy shooting back at him
>because I love you
I knew I was right.
The mirror concept is equally stupid.
I don’t personally give a fuck if you deny yourself half of the game.
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Threadly reminder, Alexus is your Dark God. He will own this game like he owned Hello Neighbor 2. Rajeet and Pilestadt wont be able to stop him. TOTAL SERBIAN SUPREMACY! Only those who pray for MORE NERFS and MORE BROKEN BUGGY SHIT will be satisfied. Embrace the kino of "balance" join the prime-time 500 players online death cult today. THANK YOU FOR ANOTHER WONDERFUL FIX ALEXUS!!!
>here is my enemy my strawman!
>you are also a strawman for taking the opposite side
>no I am both straw and recycled plastic
No you're a faggot.
>bugdivers this
>bugdivers that
Seethe some more.
I don't give a fuck about your stupid campaign, MO or whatever the fuck.
I'm here to shoot bugs.
Stay in your side of the pool and shut the fuck up.
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bro they're both fun
Wouldn't know.
All I know is that buttdivers are huge faggots.
Maybe we could co-exist, but buttdivers makes it difficult to tolerate them.
why is the orbital napalm tied to a bot mo when it's only gonna be useful against bugs anyway?
Fire is good against both factions, same for gas.
Try to keep up.
>go for full AT build
>raped to death by violent anal prolapse by 328572945 hunter spawns
>go full chaff
>473957234672043567385673054672958476234605196593476527345692347672-4720476897259 bile spewers, chargers, and titans
>go mix
>can't do anything without hugging my team mates asshole like a dingleberry
They really need to stop nerfing the shit out of weapons
Abnormal heat is really fucking bad for machines and electronics, you know, which the automatons are.
Go set your PC on fire and see how long it'll keep working.
Tick tock, cuckdivers
>dropped in from the skies
>a threat from distance
>comes up from the ground at easily identifiable locations
>has to get close to be a threat
Hmmmmmm I wonder which faction suffers the most from walls of fire.
A real thinker that one. it isn't

kys (singular).
Know how we designed a machine to absorb the heat of reentry to our atmosphere which due to air friction results in temperatures in excess of 2,600f? The shuttle by todays standards can withstand over 5,300f? Yeah I think they would improve on that design in a couple of centuries.
the way I see it orbital napalm is gonna be the new favorite stratagem of retards that love to slow their team down. You can't enter the area while it's happening, and then you still can't enter it because everythings on fire.
Like the 380 barrage, it will just waste everybodys time.
Gas used to be really good vs bots, it killed raiders, devs and walkers really quickly as they just stood around in it.
Armoured walkers are immune to gas and will just walk through it now though.
it's going to be an extremely useful crossgrade from eagle napalm for the swamp/jungle tilesets
they shouldn't be, the gas is pen6. it's also not the highest DPS though.
Gas strike oneshots all structures for the exception of command bunkers and railcannons, has the same blinding effect as smoke and kills berserks, devastators, marauders and troopers while also being on a short cooldown.

Just gonna leave this here
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Spacemarine 2 is in no way a replacement to hd2, retard. They're two entirely different games.
actually yeah helldivers is more of an IG-ish game
Hi, helldiver. Pilestedt here....
Hmmm you say the gas is AP6 yet not hurting the striders. This is very interesting and I was not aware of this. I'll have to ask the team. I'll see what we can do in 60 days
I pity everyone that has hope for slophammer games
It's practically immune. I don't know what numbers are rubbing up against each other on the back end.
In a regular walker the guy driving it would just choke but the new walker doesn't care. I assume it's because now it has to go through the HP pool of the vehicle itself.

Gas is just fire but AP6 and applies a 25% movement speed penalty.
Except that you have large amount of hd2 players talking about switching over when it comes out. In that sense it is a replacement for the gametime of such players, which is what we are talking about.
But you already knew that and are being intentionally dense.
>it's a rocket devastator spam episode

Yes, a bunch of dimwitted shitters from leddit think Spacemarine 2 is for some reason their holy savior. What is your point, retard?
You know we're going to fail the MO, right?
I played the first tone and it was boring as fuck. Watches gameplay of the new one and it looks the same.
>Dump 3 mags to kill an enemy the same size as you
>Run out of ammo easily and then have to melee everything witht the same 3 animations
It just doesn't release the same endorphins as HD2 has. Even though the devs are retarded and the game is buggy mess it still had that magic that space marine will lack.
it's a pointless argument for the sake of even more pointless doomposting, you niggers said the same exact thing about Shadows of the Erdtree and yet concurrent HD2 players were overall unaffected, besides the constant gradual decline over time
Of course we are.
Botfags can't do anything right.
Yeah, they're called heatsinks and they're massive fucking weakspots on the automatons who have them. A better question is why don't bots get fucked by hot weather like we do.
honestly the biggest barrier to killing the new walkers would just be them walking out of it. the pilot should be like 3 ticks (assuming the gas doing 50 DPS is accurate), while the rocket walker would be 10-11 with its 500 HP pool
Maybe if bugdivers weren't jerking off and helped then killing so many bots would've been possible
too bad you're too scared to leave your easy mode faction
I believe it's 58 DPS and it's 100% durable damage, another thing it has over fire.
The flamethrower hulks have been using napalm perfectly effectively against the SEAF and they're going to introduce flamethrower jetpack troopers soon
If you fail to see uses for napalm barrage maybe you should be the one that "kys".
Just because a certain type of machine exists doesn't mean all of them have the same properties.
Only automatons I'd realistically believe to have some flame retardation are hulks, striders and a fat maybe on the tanks. Plenty of records of tanks being taken out by molotovs, burning the crew alive and damaging the internal machinery.
>whine endlessly about bugdivers
>have fun with the game and stress free gameplay experience
>never cry about botfags
Botfags are the gaming equivalent of redneck trailer hillbillies bitching about niggers
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Give me back my ALLAHU CYBERSTAN bots right now you goddamn swede.
They have really good fans to cool their cpu
Painted blue?
>Noctua took a decade to release their 2nd gen cooler (brown and beige only lol)
>not because they're lazy Euros
>they were really expending most of their resources making fans for the bots
It all makes sense now
Yes efficiency would be critical to cut down on production costs but just by passive benefit you don't think the metal house of their chassis is in some way heat resistant or at least insofo as fire on biological flesh induces actual pain and panic versus how long until the circuit board melts? Makes sense fire would be widely useless against clankers.
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Ah yes, metals, well known for being heat resistant.
Bots are the easier d10 mission tho. You havent played bugs for months lmao.
>everyone I don't like is from the bad place
Grow the fuck up. I've never even used the site

Who are you talking to?
sunday lobby? sunday lobby, king? sunday lobby?
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d10 bots, mastia
well, yeah. compare steel to flesh. One degrades before the other lol.
>aaaah there's one enemy that is easily killed that can ragdoll me! I'm going fucking insane!!!
bugtards are delusional
vidya isn't zero-sum, stop being an obtuse doomposting faggot
Literally the only big thing bots have going for them is gunship factories. Everything else you can easily disengage from the second it gets too hot. Bot"chads" are delusional, it hasnt been a harder front for a long time.
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Kys, retard.
Flesh burns at low temperatures but it doesn't conduct heat well. Fire will burn flesh, but it doesn't penetrate well (which is why you have to gut a turkey before you cook it). For context, muscle, which has the highest thermal conductivity, has around 47 W m-1 K-1; Aluminum is 237, Copper is 401.

Of course, biological bodies have a lot more systems that will fail well before your insides are cooked, but a mostly-metal construct will have its innards fried well before a bug of a similar mass and surface area would be fully cooked.
lmao looking at you shitters cry about the implier is just too funny, a single rocket tank or rocket chicken would break your ADHD minds
Compare how long a computer with 6mm of steel will run versus a living person when expose to an open flame
>proposing that clan stratagems if following the realism route would be level specific
>for example {some of the most retarded fucking bullshit ever}
I'd beg this guy to punch his faggot friend in the face for being so fucking stupid.
Way to take the biological component out of it. Living being feel pain. It makes them erratic and uncoordinated. Meanwhile a machine is intent and able to kill you until absolute failure. Bio fail point is point of ignition.
Humans have weak spots like mouths and lungs whose destruction is what kills them, not the immediate burning of their flesh. People can survive an unsettlingly long time with just third degree burns.
well it's a good thing the bots don't have any flesh or organic components and all that red coolant isn't like blood or anything
But be combat effective. How long? A man on fire is not going to be taking pinpoint fucking rocket barrages at my location 40m away
I can't actually run that experiment, doctor Mengele.
What do you think I meant when I said
>biological bodies have a lot more systems that will fail well before your insides are cooked?
But humans feel pain; real-life bugs, as far as we know, don't. Hard to tell whether the Terminids do.
nta but hydraulic fluid for cats are typically red.
Chckens are easy tho and die to your primary. Your dumb tribalist thought process is showing. I prefer bots as its a more varied and well designed faction. Bugs are only "harder" in that they are designed like ass and have fewer effective strategies.
The fact that you even think striders are legitimate threats is embarassing, anon.
I dunno Im drunk and this reply chainn is long.

Fire is good against thing that are afraid fo fire because it hurts. Robits don't care but can die but will be deadly until absolute failure.
turns out you were the fag the whole time
Ever play exterminatus on the first? It was fucking pure kino, same 4 player co op shit as this. Heavy bolter is what the hmg should have been and I'm very excited for it.

That said, I hear exterminatus isn't coming until next year so it's kind of a moot point. Maybe we'll get illuminate by then.
Can LC kill Factory striders and Hulks anywhere near as effectively as AC/AMR?
>bugnigger pretending to be a neutral "muh tribalist"fag
a new low
Buff the LC
Aside from the brief moment of absolute betrayl of botfaggots I have never seen a bugger REEE against a botdiver. Yet there is always a dozen of you cry/pleading/raging about bugdivers.
I was about to ask "would blood even be a good coolant," but some psychopath on Quora has already asked.
Effectively? No but it can and does a great job against hulks. Especially if you can stun them. You can core a hulk eye in 1.2 seconds. Factories are just a godamn menace and need you to throw strats at until they die. They don't seem to have any rhyme or reason just a fuckshitload of armor and HP. The LC is an ammoless 300m range support weapon that rapes everything medium and below. It is not an AT weapon in the slightest.
The LC really needs stuns because it needs I think 1.85 seconds of damage over time (someone tested a few threads back). If you're a good shot, the AC and AMR don't.
OK, shitposter-kun. Have fun screaming memes and lashing out every thread, I guess. See ya.
ok retard
blood doesn't even have any natural cooling capabilities does it?
Even if a robot isn't rolling on the floor trying to put a fire out they will still experience abnormal functionality.
For example, a certain part within their joint expands due to the heat and is now working slower since it isn't fitting properly and that friction causes the automaton to move slower.
Heat has a lot of effects on metal, thermal expansion, can reduce their magnetism and or electrical conductivity all of which are pretty bad for a robot.

>Laser turret
>Medium pen
>stops shooting higher armored targets after 3 seconds
>fast tracking
>Level 3 pen
>Can fire continuous for 9.5 seconds
>4 seconds from overheat to return fire
>unlimited ammo
>range of 75m
yay or nay?
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>hunters seed in D10 solo
>end up with 1200 kills
>literally the only bug mission I didn't bring incel breaker or any sort of aoe eagle clearing tool
I almost extracted too, I was like 10 inches from pelican's pad when I got jumped by like 50 hunters all at once, got body blocked and mauled alive
ship it
it carries heat through the body, but it's 51% water and water is better at carrying heat than anything, so no, blood isn't unique in that regard
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Its thermal properties are similar to water, which is a perfectly decent coolant. Having a low thermal conductivity is what you want for a coolant, because it can absorb a lot of heat energy before it reaches its boiling point.

Unfortunately, it has a rather low boiling point (same as water basically), so once it reaches that boiling point it turns into gas and is much less useful. Modern industrial coolants have similar thermal conductivities but have higher boiling points.
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thanks nerds/dudes
Get that ass banned!
>would water with extra stuff be a better coolant
honestly the biggest problem with blood as a coolant is basically the same problem that existing water cooling has, the water very gradually escapes the system. it'd just be worse with blood because you'd basically be left with clots as it dehydrated
As everyone said, you can kill Hulks pretty easily by laser pointing the eye, but Factory Striders are a different story. You need to get rid of its chin turrets first, and then try to either focus its eye or go for the bay doors. I'm not sure how durable the belly is, but the head has 750 HP and is 100% durable, so you're looking at around 8 seconds of focusing the laser on the weak spot, which is almost the entire heat sink.
I'm sorry but are you referring to the quoted anon, myself, the artist, or the helldiver?
That's the price you pay for having effectively infinite ammo and long range. It's not great, but if it was better then it would be a sure pick over the HMG.
>Defender on Bugs
she deserved it. At least the Pummeler is still somewhat effective.
I just wanted to @ the sissy poster.
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>no helm
Gross, disgusting even.
This is what happens when you let the DOs fuck toy play at being a helldiver
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You have autism and a debilitating form of sexual deviancy.
Nobody should care about your opinion as you are a genetic deadend, I hope that clears things between us.
The drawing is gross, your a gooner, you probably smell, ew.
Play time literaly is.
peak kek
Learn to spell, you fucking low IQ virgin.
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>We are bleeding players
>Some of that will be from burnout and them waiting for results of our promised 60 days
>Yes but we still need something to drip feed
>What if we set a Kill MO?
>On Bots?
>Yeah yeah, the faction that naturally spawns in fewer numbers yeah.
>And we set the counter high as fuck like we still have 60k concurrent players
>Fuck man that is so smart!
>The content we drip feed as well? Orbital Napalm. They loved dragging out the tank Mines so we can drag out this too!
>Yeah we should make it like 500 million in 5 days
>I'm telling you bro, content drought-ing your live service game audience when it's in free fall is the best thing to do
>I'm sure 10000~ players, of which not all will be playing on bots, will get it done

Someone is paid to make these choices
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(You) must kill some bugs (9 or 10 diff).
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Go take a bath.
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any ETA on the upcoming patch?
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full again
Can someone explain this shit?

How is it taking longer to liberate Mastia with more divers and the supply lines are cut off compared to Fenrir III?
Autism answer: The resistance on Fenrir is crumbling due to advanced liberation percentage.

Actual answer: because joel said so.
Joel magic numbers. Don't question because we'll get Curiakino eventually
you are the weirdo here cunt
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The supply line rules were always manual, so if Joel isn't around to manually type it in (or if he doesn't) supply lines don't count for shit.
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Give me some ideas for a cool clan name frens
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>solo d7
>classic shitfest of a mission with jammers, artillery and detector towers clustered up in one spot
>and as expected, they're all within range of the main objective
>spend almost all of the mission time clearing them out
>after doing a decent job of killing everything with only one death (a factory strider was dropped literally right on top of me as i was doing a seismic probe), get to main objective with 20 seconds on the clock
>feeling confident, toss all my red strats to clear out all the enemies that followed me there and actually kill them
>call in resupply at last second, start doing the main objective as emergency countdown starts ticking down
>the bot drop from activating the main objective is no less than FIVE (5 (V)) tanks and a fucking factory strider
>all dropped right next to the drill
>on d7
>get torn apart and die as I have 0 chance to flank or kill any of them
>fail mission and get nothing, wasted 40 minutes of my life just to come out feeling frustrated
I love this fucking game, it's such a good simulation of the pain swiggers feel when Jamal puts it in their faggot ass with no lube
Ku klux clan
I already have some people at the top of my short list of who may lead the /vg/ clan but I'm guessing you're not talking about that, sis.
The White Side of History
Divers, Dive-ins, and Dives
>t. genetic deadend
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Mana/hdg/ed Democracy
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High Rollers
everyone has to bring at least two barrages for maximum gambling
Hakari, pls.
Just put /hdg/
You're playing the game wrong
Supply lines literally don't matter. The decay rates are completely arbitrary and were manually set to zero for that campaign for flavor reasons.
Funky Divermen from Funky Divertown
Fuck that, I'm not playing anything other than solo until they remove friendly fire from the game.
You must be an insufferable faggot or a shitter. Either way, have fun being a loner fuck. Kys.
Friendly fire exists in every single coop shooter game. Go play something else
there's no downside to reducing chargers to armor pen 4

I'm waiting for someone to make an argument why that's a bad thing
I asumed solodivers were autistic, but it seems they are also fags.
Dumbest post I've ever read.
>tells me to seethe
>gets filtered by playing with other people

Buddy, no amount of buzzwords is going to help your social ineptitude. I recommend you just stop replying.
Not a bad thing but not being 100% durable all over would be better than being armor 4
There is no downside to giving the stock libirator infinite ammo, infinite overpen and enough damage to 1-hit every enemy.

I'm waiting for someone to make an argument why that's a bad thing.
>not liking being killed by inept teammates is "being a fag"
I know you're cucks that enjoy being expendable and dying by the droves, but I don't. I'll just play solo instead because I can, it's what I've been doing up to this point and it's what I'll keep doing.
>There's 4 entirely different health systems for enemies
>Instead of tweaking the health, armor and transfer to main HP they chose to make everything durable for maximum player annoyance
Mental problems. Enjoy.
Be aware, it is very likely this anon is a serial killer. It is assumed he has atleast one dead hooker cut into neat pieces in his fridge.
>bwaaah this 4-player co-op game is so le hard why do they hate solo faggots like me???
sincerely kys
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D10 fenrir
Actually, I'll be back in 20 minutes. Going to buy some zyn.
Son of a bitch, you made me start up the game for nothing, i hate you now >:(
Average /hdg/ experience
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I want to contribute to the birthrate using Coretta Kelly
a normal way of implementing some kind of armor
>health =- (damage * bodypart.weaknessmodifier) / (bodypart.armorvalue - weapon.armorpen)
the autistic swigger way
>lol let's make armor range from a scale of 1 to 5 and completely nullify people trying to underpen anything
>let's also not reveal these armor values anywhere to any of the players nor tell anyone how it even works
>let's just drop vague and extremely misleading hints of "medium" and "light" armor penetration in the game, ooh ja that's mycket jättebra!
>let's also muddle up the system even futther by implementing a "durable damage" that completely flips the players' expectations on their head regarding anti-tank and anti-armor weaponry
>this will allow us to also troll people trying to use anti-armor against armor because we didn't tell them about this hidden and esoteric system, haha
>ah shit the helldiver actually has the correct AP value and knows enough about durable damage to pick the correct weapon?
>lol let's just make the game not transfer any of the damage to the actual HP of the enemy, that'll teach him
>high-caliber support weapons being able to chip away at charger's massive durable hp pool instead of being railroaded into retarded Scooby Doo circle-chases
>this is now akin to infinite ammo god-mode cheats
The absolute state of stockholm syndrome
because they're dumb and did it backwards, it's supposed to simulate vital organs in the enemies but instead of giving the vital areas increased damage they made them the base damage and gave the non-vital areas resistance
We are undoubtedly in decline again but its interesting to note that over the breadth of August as a whole we were actually net neutral in regards to playercount. (Assumption: the Steam only numbers are representative of the playerbase as a whole; pretty large sample size regardless)
Monday of last week's numbers were about the same as yesterday's (Saturday, a weekend).

THey really had a lot of players willing to come back (or buy in for the first time) with their big announced patch. That was a lot of goodwill wasted and they will have a significantly harder time doing that again with those players, undoubtedly.
>solo D10
>impaler doesn't spawn
>bugs are easy braindead walk in the park
>1+ impalers spawn
>this is now the hardest difficulty you can experience in vidya history
Why don't you suck off the homeless guy at the store while you're there, fagboy? Maybe his semen will give it extra flavor.
Tag them and let someone else take care of them
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Let's see if I don't crash this time.
Lesath bots.

There's a SOS beacon to get more people in your game
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Sorry sis. I'm back.

Play with my dick.


d10 fenrir aka moon aka bug
its a rough spot because my friend asked me "so what's going on in that game now?" and all I could say is they nerfed fire, ragdolling is worse than ever, and there's a giant fart cloud spreading across the galaxy and blocking access to planets

realistically they have 2 foreseeable bumps and need to make the most of it, there's this patch coinciding with liberty week in october and the illuminate which if we're being honest will be completely fubar the moment they launch and just drive everyone away immediately
why do solodivers make people so mad? is it just insecurity?
cmon, i'm sure you'd do just fine if you played solo
2/4, maybe d10 bots on lesath. I'm at the whim of the lobby.
>Come here to complain
>All you do in this general is complain
>"Stop complaining"
>Start seething instead
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So why exactly should I even put in any effort towards the MO knowing it can't be done? And even if it could theoretically be done, why would I bother since the outcome doesn't actually affect the war in any way?
What's the point of it all?
It's not even difficulty. There is supposed to be a screen shake and particle effect on the ground before it comes out, but sometimes it'll skip that and just instant kill.
The implier can also decide to dig into the ground and fuck off when you find it.
Funfags will tell you "because it's fun." If I wanted to waste my time more efficiently while having actual fun I'd go fuck my wife instead.
Back i think in early April I did my first and last Solo run on Bots D5, very much a "see if I could do it, am I ready to stay 6+ plus" kind of event.
I did it and it went of easily.
I discovered I don't like solo'ing a map, I enjoy the higher density of units and tomfoolery that comes with 4 players. I enjoy the positive interactions with other people from places I have no right having a good a connection too a I do.
I don't think they even have the 2nd bump unless they release it at least by November. Otherwise the players are gonna already been dropping to regularly into the 4 digits and as the holiday releases come out they will get "captured" by other games and completely forget hd2. They are undoubtedly in a tough spot, but its hard to feel really bad for them as much of it was of their own doing AND pretty forseeable.
>So why exactly should I even put in any effort towards the MO
You shouldn't, we've been telling you this
>knowing it can't be done?
Whether you can or cannot do an MO is not up to you or anything you do. Its on the whims of Joel and to a lesser extent the blob.
>What's the point of it all?
Welcome to 6 months ago.
This is an issue when it comes to 3 party sites, just having that little prediction spoils it. I saw it peak at 80% and didn't put a single thought of effort towards the MO beyond that.
Unreachable goals are retarded, they should be obstacles instead no missing fucking steps in the ladder.
everybody says "HD2 better worry about space marine 2" but uh, the forever winter is looking pretty good and coming out on the 24th, too.
never heard of it
shill it too me
>trans devs
>discord priority
At this point you can find an issue with literally any dev. Can you name a single one that someone in this thread will not bitch about?
$30, pve co-op extraction shooter, some serious gun customization autism going on. you're basically just a scavenger trying to survive between two warring factions. it's got a couple trailers out, one talking about the EA and their goals with it and one giving a slice of what they want to do with the gameplay. it's only going into EA so it'll be more on the 'wait and see' side but they're saying the right shit about wanting to put out a game that people can play forever.
if they actually hold true to their promises in the EA announcement trailer, i couldn't care less.
they need to worry about space marine 2 because piles is going to go on another vacation to play it and alex will be free to do whatever he wants
It doesn't have to be SM2, its just a high profile and notable one. They've had over half a year. Companies have had plenty of time to see the initial success for HD2, they know very well there is a market here. Plenty of time has passed for them to alyer their existing projects in this direction and in another 6 months you are gonna to start seeing projects that have had this in mind since early production. AH has rapidly dwindling time to not only righ tthe ship but win back faith from players or else they will have consigned themselves back to relative obscurity. The industry abhors a market vacuum.
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ahhhhh FUCK you're right
lol I just looked up this game and the trailer they posted yesterday and the developer is just going off in it about how they're never going to charge extra for new weapons and gear and the only purchasable content will be skins because fuck you that's why
Impalers would be pretty balanced if:
>could be easily found in the fog
>tentacles didn't ragdoll you off desynced hitboxes
>screen shake didn't literally blind you
>tentacles didn't randomly pick you up sometimes
>tentacles didn't literally oneshot you randomly
>tentacles didn't rebury so fast
>tentacles didn't have such a fast attacks rate
As they currently are, they are enemies that rob you of the potential fun of the game.
Seeds without impalers should be a thing.
Planets without them should also be a thing.
They are just not fun to fight.
I took a look. It seems too tryhard tarkov-like for my tastes and the weapons aren't scifi-y enough, but I genuinely hope it does well and you have a good time with it.
I also miss "classes" in co-op games and I'm glad that SM2 has some, even if they are all just variants of dps.
>See dirt moving
>Move out of the way
>Tentacles emerge
>Dodge them (piss easy thing to do now)
>Find the Impaler
>Tag it and throw OPS
Impalers are fine as they are except for the launching/teleporting bugs and any difficulties you have with them are skill issues
shots fucking fired!
I hate how enemies can just teleport up and down elevation.
You are disingenous or inexperienced.
They literally spawn on desynced ground, and will hit you even if you are running away, especially if you are close to walls.
They also invalidate medium and heavy armor on the bugs front because those two armor types can't run fast enough to dodge the tentacles slamming and the tentacles will still oneshot them both even with a stim running.
>They literally spawn on desynced ground
They don't
>and will hit you even if you are running away
Last patch almost completely removed their hitbox
>especially if you are close to walls.
Never happened to me
>They also invalidate medium and heavy armor on the bugs front because those two armor types can't run fast enough to dodge the tentacles
I can. It's not even hard to do. Massive skill issue on your part
>and the tentacles will still oneshot them both even with a stim running.
Only rarely and just due to a bug
You faggots already ruined every single difficulty because you can't accept the simple fact that you suck at the game
Post your D10 solo, let's see it.
You are literally a keyboard warrior that doesn't even play the game.
Order is wrong
>tentacles emerge (frame 1)
>you are now dead or flying through the air (frame 2)
>you see the tentacle and try to react
>see ground effect under tentacle while soaring theough the sky
>optional, emote in the sky
>D10 solo
I'm not a autistic tranny, and now I see why you bitch about simple enemies. Go play something else
Anyone that actually plays this game knows you are full of shit.
Impalers are still broken, bugged, and poorly balanced.
>except for the launching/teleporting bugs
Skill AND reading comprehension issues. Why aren't you at school?
Anon, you are the tranny that doesn't actually play the game, so stop projecting and lying.
You've watched a lot of my webms. Keep raging at the simplest of obstacles that bugs pose buddy
The impliers ARE much less of an issue since they nerfed the impact hitbox size, but its still a pain when you have obscured vision and have no idea where they are coming from. And they they seem to have infinite range is also a bother, not to mention the "realism"

I think they should make it so the tentavles should always emerge facing away from the body and just set a range limiter. That should be more than enough; maybe buff the impact hitbox back up a little as I think they over did it.
Launched into space I'm not even going to address as no one is seriously defending it.
I’ll be naive and ignore all the doomposting shit.
Whats the story-spin with the gloom? I guess they wanted to reset the bug front on a dev-level (lame!), but like whats the goal? We getting another special tcs-style mission to filter the air? We getting new enemy mutations? Nothing?
>bud thinks he's internet famous for posting 2 clips as a casual
Actual 2 IQ lmao
Anyone have clips of the Orbital Napalm Barrage? I can't seem to find anything of it anywhere. Everything else gets leaked forever in advance.
remember when Impalers were Charger sized and their tentacles created a 'don't' stand here' blender and they would die if you outright shot them all off, instead of doing a Half-Life 1 rocket silo plant LARP

Helldivers 1 players remember

shut up glazing nigger, if they don't just burn it all down & leave you with nothing then swiggers will fix their game and regain a playerbase of millions by giving them WHAT THEY WANT while you seethe that all the absolute tedious retard shit they built up is swept away in an instant
Because people cared enough to leak shit back then
Apathy is the deal of live service vidya
GGs, railcannon is S+++ tier
I'll just leave this here:
>early on hd2 people were speculating on a 4th race to fight
How blissfully naive we were

Can you kill the tentacles permanently? If not, it would be a nice alternative if you simply can't find the damn thing and can blow your AT. Just give it a slow bleedout and change its behavior to charger stomping you up close like the BT. It would not be efficient but at least it would be something.
>Whats the story-spin with the gloom?
As of yet, we don't know.
>I guess they wanted to reset the bug front on a dev-level
They have reset nothing. They have had it spread up to the border of where the LoC has pretty much been static for over a month and have yet to do anything else.
>but like whats the goal?
"Treading water"
>We getting another special tcs-style mission to filter the air?
>We getting new enemy mutations?
Already did. Don't hold your breath pun intended
>I’ll be naive and ignore all the doomposting shit.
Not everyone who points out bad shit happening is a doomposter.
>Can you kill the tentacles permanently?
No, and since you bring it up they are too tough (either armor or HP) considering how quickly they respawn and thus how little benefit there is in attacking them. I don't even think you can flinch them.
>If not, it would be a nice alternative if you simply can't find the damn thing and can blow your AT
Would be comparable to blowing off chin guns and cannon of factory striders.
Why is the Gloom not spreading into the Sten or Hawking Sectors?
>the LoC
can you people stop making everything an acronym?
remember when the fatal-when-all-removed Impaler tentacles were completely small arms vulnerable, to the point you would blast them off in desperation with pistol magdumping after they put you into a downed state on the floor, where sometimes if you were lucky they'd fail to hit you again from your being prone and their blender swings being mostly lateral or having some kind of tiny range debuff on prone targets?

Helldivers 1 players remember
Because that means unlocking new planets and they aint doing that shit rn
bugs ran out of nut
>I think they should make it so the tentavles should always emerge facing away from the body and just set a range limiter.
what, like spawning them in a three-point fan formation, oriented based on their overall facing to lead you directly to their face so you can shoot them to death with your primary or instant death level 3 Recoilless shell? like in Helldivers 1? are you racist???
Ganondorf stopped farting
Line of Conflict*
Sorry, old habit.
the only thing it's doing right now is making sure terminids will always have supply lines to attack our planets and there's no way to cut them off
fenrir is about to close, and they can just send an attack as soon as it does
They're busy cooking
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>spawning them in a three-point fan formation
No, this is limiting. They should be able to operate their tentacles independent from one another. Hell, I wish they'd make them target different players. That way one player isn't just getting giga-fucked while the other 3 run away and leave them to their fate.
No it wouldn't. Are you retarded?
this actually looks pretty kino
What is the one thing a rando can do to send you into a red rage that has you track them across the map and put a bullet in their head?
I'll go first: When a player is being closely followed by a hulk and neither of you has support weapons or strats to delete it. So, you run up behind it and unload into its heatsink...only to have it turn around and start chasing you. The original player of course then decides that its time to wander off somewhere and leave you to deal with it.
I will throw any and all matches over that.
>NO, the legacy way of doing things is WRONG, in fact they're not going FAR ENOUGH and I should be getting AUTOMATICALLY ASSRAPED AND SO SHOULD YOU, that way we SHARE THE RAPE
tranny leakdiver glazers have to be put in camps, they're a threat to themselves and others, we're going to reach Concord player numbers if they get their way and that's probably their exact closet shazamnigging intent
I don't play with pozzed randoms
I know we are speaking in hyperbole, but I don't think you realize just how exactly bad it is going, anon.
I hope they release a laser stratagem upgrade like they did for fire and arc ones. 25% damage increase would help the LC a ton on higher difficulties and should help the orbital laser regain some of the ground it’s lost to buffed barrages. Maybe undo the durable damage nerf the LC caught too.
>100 current
>660 all-time peak
Holy fuck. These are like 3-man indie studio title numbers. How is it this bad?!
I realize exactly how bad it's going, if Alexus keeps his head much longer and the two month savior patch is remotely less than 1.000.400's minimum standard for a good patchy we WILL descend into triple digits and the glazer muh skill issue poster will pretend it's a good thing
they made overwatch after overwatch had already put a lot of people off of its game model, without doing anything interesting or worthwhile, and with character models infinitely less suited to making eternal amounts of SFM/blender porn with
>like they did for fire and arc ones
Those are in two whole different categories. I see you wanting a laser buff which I think is fine, but let's not pretend like they buffed arc weapons like they did fire weapons (up until EoF, that is). Arc weapons have been seriously negelected by the ship modules for the most part, being left in the dust of power creep.
By the way, they broke the Orbital Gas Strike again.
Sometimes it simply doesnt deal damage.
3/4 join JOIN JOIN
3/4 bugs fenrir
turns out if you set out to mock and deride straight white males as well as their preferences they will be happy to ignore you
I don't think we will see triple digit player counts until next year, unless they just completely make the game unplayable (something I will admit at this point is actually a possibility worth considering). And concord is literally 1 player away from being DOUBLE digits.
It was always pretty worthless for devastators (90% of bots) and now bugs are like 50% Alphas and their tanky warriors
more importantly than what anyone else said, the game costs $40 and other established games in the genre are f2p
why would you pay money to play a worse version?
Shoo shoo schizo
It actually does get as low as 50 players on late night NA hours. That game is so dead on a arrival that it deserves a reward for its failure.
I’m not saying they were equivalent buffs or anything just pointing out precedent, and that lasers are currently a bit of the odd one out in terms of not having an upgrade module, so in theory at least could be on deck for one.
Maybe not damage but recoil nullification
>w-w-we're good boys
No. You're annoying faggots that constantly try to start shit.
Imagine being this elitist because you prefer red over orange.
Fucking kys.
I doubt it since that doesn’t effect the orbital laser at all and they like to have multiple strats effected by the modules. Going off the first game’s laser upgrades I’d expect a module either gives higher dps or longer firing time before overheat.
White males are literally a minority and you aren't one of them, Pablo.
The issue with the game is that it's shit with no appeal to anyone.
kill yourself, normalization of faggotry upsets all decent people
>k-kill y-yourself... for being right...!
Tsundere much, mexican-chan?
>brain so shrinked by constant media exposure he directly correlates japanese to anime
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh lobby?
lobby more like knobby
>3% decay on Pandion
>the Blob can't see this so they'll continue banging their heads against it instead of going for Gacrux, which has 1.5%
That's some damn good railroading there, Joel.
Shop rotation more like planet rotation
>We're back to the Menkent-Lesath eternal boulder roll
hey, as long as it's not Tarsh
Tarsh is actually good
>Can invade Curia at any time
No one wants to play the shitty "lol your stratagems don't work" biome and apparently Gaycrux doesn't even run on the PS5
I just don't like the forest maps; besides the trees making dealing with gunships very difficult and Eagles being a dice roll, the map is smaller so it's easy to get bogged down by multiple bot drops.
>Impliers are fine
Obvious bug is obvious?
>It's another "no one wants to play this biome because *crybaby reason*" episode.
Pandion itself is another one of those crybaby biomes people avoid because of muh fog. The reality is 90% of the biomes are shit.
Not foggy shithole > foggy shithole > jungle shithole > foggy jungle shithole
Is it that hard to understand?
Two things: random teamkilling for no reason and stealing gear just because you didn't bring any yourself. I get the former if there's no action and you're bored, fighting can be fun. But when we're surrounded by enemies and you start shooting me instead you better believe I'm gonna kill you first. And again when you come back. And again and again, until you fuck off and leave me alone. And if you didn't bring any blues don't think that's an excuse to take my stuff when you die. You made the choice not to bring gear. I will happily drop you some spares later if you ask, and I don't mind taking my stuff when things are chaotic if you give it back after, but I will shoot you to get my stuff back if you think it's fair game just cause I died once and there's nothing going on.
Yes, because all biomes are automatically foggy shitholes with bugs on them. It's all the same flavour of dogshit, you're deluding yourself into thinking otherwise.
The main appeal of this game is stratagems and them not working on a specific biome is turning people away from that biome, it's neither a crybaby reason or anywhere near the foggy incovenience. Are you genuinely autistic?
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>game has the exact same anti-power fantasy premise
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>Joel fucks his job up and sets unwinnable targets
>player base gets punished by withholding content
I haven't paid attention to any drama, why is the game getting Mostly Negative on Steam? I just finished a couple operations with a pretty damn good team.
>You've watched a lot of my webms
That doesn't say much since 99% of webms posted here just contain
>anons being incompetent
>the game being a buggy shit and fucking anons over
any heckin loberinos?
GG's sisters.
What should the /hdg/ clan be called
A combination of factors, but (1) people don't like when game hard, (2) lots of still unfixed bugs that make the game un-fun, and (3) developers bad at balancing because they look at statistics and nerf when a weapon is used a lot and they also can't beat their own game at the higher difficulties.
We discussed this, its BZZT
>there will even be enough /hdg/ers by then for a lobby much less a clan
thread elite
Why are there so many people on Mastia?
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Spoilt Surströmming
Eternal Vacation
>0 durability, piss weak non-armor in the original, blow it apart with your sidearm
>doesn't even have a shitbox that works properly now
how far will swiggers fall?
I got a Fenrir D10 op if anyone wants to play
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Anyone else noticing smaller kill counts bugside? Botside everything seems about the same, but I used to get way more kills on bugs. Even spewerless, maps used to hit like 1.5-2k kills pretty easily.
Just ran a 30 minute mission with like 800 kills, no spewers, mostly chaff. 900 in another one of similar caliber. I see similar numbers (maybe ~100 less on average) in bot ops. Things don't even feel that much less difficult than normal, so it's weird.
makes sense since everyone plays like rats in every extraction shooter
Not talking about my personal kill count btw, just teamwide.
I can't say I've noticed because I skip the score screen.
Considering there's ESL in this thread, I hope we're not relegated to their monkey language. I'll make my own clan with non-esl coons.
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the winning move is to not give a shit and either play as usual or hold up the dropping player numbers and tell them to add content
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doom is really funny since its sold as a power fantasy game and even then people cried about the DLC being too hard.
BZZT for sure
Dead game
Dead general
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i also like BZZT. Lest we, or Alexus himself forgets.
>Whats the story-spin with the gloom?
hd2 supposedly doesn't have the anti-power fantasy premise, i mean, there's that box art talking about "spreading democracy with overpowered weapons" or whatever. the balance team just decided we only need a sixth of the total arsenal to actually be usable.
>see new trailer for a big update to helldivers
>see there's a new enemy called an alpha Commander
>get excited wondering what a commander type enemy would have in terms of mechanics
> update gets released I find that the only difference from it and a brood Commander is just the amount of health

this to me this was legitimately the most disappointing part of the update I thought it would been a bug that hangs back and gave buffs to enemy or at the very least summons something new that wasn't just slightly stronger Warriors
not to mention
>play D10 and lol every Brood Commander is now an Alpha Commander and every Charger is now a Behemoth :^)
It does at least have better ai than other bugs since it will sometimes fuck off to summon more guys when it’s losing instead of blindly charging you
Call it HDG, but when people ask what it stands for give them a lore-appropriate answer, like "Haldus Defense Garrison" or "Holdings Distributed, Grafmere".
"huge dicks, gay"

perfectly encapsulates the general
Hell Defense Group, from the Four-leaved Agency
On one hand, that's a neat idea.

On the other, it's extremely fucking frustrating because they fuck off to like 150m away and behind three cliffs and halfway buried underground so you just have a stream of red warriors coming at you and finding the fuckers is a massive pain in the ass.

But still, I think the worst part about them is how they centralize the meta even further. MMG, AC, and GL kill them well and... that's about it. They also have a fuckton of HP unless you hit the head so gas and fire are almost useless against them. And popping the head gives them the bug standard homing death charge where they will do a 180 as you dive past them to three hit wombo combo you while you're mid-air and either kill you or launch you at a rock so you die to impact.
>7 rg shots to pop a BT's head
>1 rg shot to instantly pop alpha commander head
>2 rg shots to shear behemoth leg armor
raising the dura damage would make it actually viable, but it feels nice on bugs when you scavenge it
not worth picking over anything else though, unless you want a backpackless anti-heavy
just give it back its 40 reserve ammo and 5 round magazines and make it a primary already
Kinda the issue with ai in horde games generally. “Good” ai has to still be a little retarded since if you actually make the fuckers smart the players probably end up getting rinsed unless they’re at a way higher power level than the enemies
start smacking them with melee during their charge instead of trying to dodge it, usually they stop dead in their tracks and die immediately afterwards.
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the general lack of creativity is the main problem with biomes

I feel like maybe they didn't actually watch starship troopers because the fights were way more even than people tend to remember and ultimately the humans do come out on top
Why is it that every time a weapon in HD2 is compared to its HD1 counterpart, the HD2 version looks like a shittified downgrade?
because pretty much every hd2 weapon is a shittified downgrade. possibly to make room for a future upgrade system, but it's no consolation when we just don't fucking have it, or a whiff of its existence.
I think the boring biomes are another case of realism to a fault. Copernican mediocrity principle says that the cosmos is the same everywhere. So rather than fantastical worlds beyond our imagination we'll just get more of what we already know.
because Alexus made almost every weapon he could get his grubby mitts on into a shittified downgrade, Autocannon is one of few examples spared and exists as a pretty hard buff on it original equivalent, the Dum-Dum, solely because it's Pilestedt's baby and cornerstone of where the balance SHOULD be. You could consider Railgun a shittified sidegrade since now it's a poormans' support light anti-tank and pretty good anti-elite instead of the absolute pinnacle of primary slot anti-elite that also punches through an infinite line of soft targets, but that isn't really any better.

this also, every weapon we have is both nerfed and pre-upgrades, making for a double whammy of conscious ineffectuality if you played the original.
>Swedish autism about realism
>Can hear orbitals firing imminently instead of it being delayed for a couple of seconds
Shithole planets should be closer to the edges and dreamy planets should be closer to SE
Tell me about it. 5 round mag and 40 reserve rounds would make the railgun into something more than a complete ass chafe to use. Fuck Sweden for not giving us that.
>the flamethrower MIGHT get stun at some point and become a quarter way viable
rg is the best bot support weapon ingame rn
anyone hosting?
do not forget
>it's in your primary slot
>5 round mag, 40 reserve, 45 total
>the shots upgrade to be Unstoppable, they'll keep punching through and killing anything that isn't the equivalent of HD2's AP4 or AP5 armor, Hulks, Chargers, etc
>then they upgrade to brain enemies and cause microstuns in the path of the round, meaning 45 micro-crutch nades to apply directly to hard targets' foreheads
>this is in your PRIMARY slot
second only to the AC
the AC outperforms in a couple aspects, but the RG always wins
>ranks are useful for peer pressuring and/or bullying players into coordinated events
anyone who actually thinks rank matters would already have a higher rank
imagine some high level player joining your game and trying to tell you how to play and unironically expecting you to listen to them because they're a twenty skull hellcolonel, i think i'd laugh out loud
but you could consider there would be places in the universe that have obsidian beaches next to an ocean of ammonia
canyons of bismuth crystals
sodium hailstones
all the different minerals and atmospheric compositions would give worlds different looks to earth

then you have the whole deal with environmental modifiers
why aren't there planets with perpetual wind storms that make you and the enemies move faster in one direction and slower in the other, you'll have to take windage into account when making long range shots
low gravity making you throw further, jump twice as far and reduce your stamina usage but also your movement is less precise
high O2 making explosives way more volatile

something more than galactic ireland
Still no chainsword primary
>environmental modifiers
you mean excuses to make every planet a foggy mess
a week ago friend told me brazzers is soulless since that line is ripe to be used in a parody and they haven't done one. Funny thing is up till then, I'd forgotten brazzers even existed.
take the RC in there and see if you can kill everything on the map. I'll wait
in where?
i don't play solo because i'm not a friendless loser, so i don't need to kill everything with the rg. i can also pack reds.

almost every time i take rg in d10s, i topscore kills on my team, and i always topscore over AC fags
Is there any reason to use the spray and pray over the fire breaker?
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RazorHail fucking when
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>posts anime
>says someone else has autism and is a sexual degenerate
lol ok bud
Fenrir D10 starting in 10 minutes whether you like it or not
They need to nerf the breaker more, you don't even need to aim it.
I miss the days when I endlessly fought breaches and dropships because I didn’t know any better. I’m now at a point that I can comfortably do D10 now but man am I not having as much fun now that I’m not really learning anything new about the game.
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>being angry about anime on an anime website
it's more honest
my beloved..
>b-b-b-but I need reds just to do what rhe AC does
>I can take reds
So can I with the AC , and I get one more because i don't need a supply pack. The argument is RG vs AC ... not RC with reds vs just the AC. The fact is that the RG may be better at killing SOME enemies marginally faster, but it is not as versatile as the AC which can take out everything. No one even mentioned solo so idk you felt the need to input that. Relying in your teammates is unreliable. The AC is better.
>I always get top score
Even if you weren't lying no one cares
New Walker with Laser Cannon right arm, Qasar Cannon left arm. I want to see people still saying the game is too hard and crying for nerfs to enemies that can actually damage the walker.
So now that we know unequivocally that AH is an absolute dumpster fire of a company with no internal consistency or communication at all, when can we reasonably expect the squids? My guess is late 2025/early 2026.
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Oh I think I know what happened to the leaker's post about it
So they made a post about it showing off the most recent version and an old version of the Napalm barrage, looked cool and such.
Then drooling content creators reposted it everywhere and got DMCA'd for it, then started seething at the leaker in their DM's like they could fix it lol
So like all furries when attacked by online retards they just delete their post :^)

Anyway I did a 6 second youtube search and found something for you
>top score
almost always goes to the player who's the most aggressive with chucking barrages or airstrikes, being the best at plinking devastators barely scratches those kill counts
except rg doesn't need a supply pack lmao
it kills all enemies except fac striders and structures faster, both of which get raped 99% of the time by team reds
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The Body of the post
>3 minute 45 second cooldown
Wow it's useless.
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>4:40 cooldown with Orbital Fluctuations
AH taking all the "I wanna go back to launch version" posters literally
>worse than napalm airstrike
>on a longer cooldown
for what purpose
Just let the players get annihilated, games are too pussy these days. In Helldivers 2 we have a ton of tools to deal with hordes that no one takes because only armored units are a threat.
dumb balance team swiggers (Alexus) tried single nape precision strike on a sane cooldown and barrage nape on normal 120mm cooldown, both were too fun
>flamethrower gets nerfed
>flamethrower retards start demanding the launch version again because they have goldfish memories
funny stuff
Alpha Commanders feel the same as fighting a few scavengers. You guys are just joking around when you say it's frustrating, right?
>seriously you dumb swedes can you just fucking revert any nerfed values to launch state and keep the buffs & see how that works out-
>revert... to launch?
>what? no you retard
>we need to go back to launch stats
>We are retvrning to launch, I understand
Around Arrowhead, look out for braindead
We already have gas strike and napalm airstrike, so a big barrage would be a little more unique. But if it's on a long cooldown, I'm not sure why you wouldn't take the HE barrage instead so you can kill enemy bases and heavies as well.
>Their autism is weak until I start seeing reports on fuel spent on stationkeeping, the Super Destroyers are oriented engine toward ground as seen from the surface during missions; every three or so missions, the Destroyer has to go restock on Helldivers, and the planets you restock from effect the Stratagems you can actually call in, because different planets specialize in supplying different munitions, and it takes *time* for that special snowflake case of the orbital rounds you like to get from that one planet on the bot front over to bugoplis prime.
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Bugs 9 or 10. Been doing a lot of bots lately. MO is dead so who cares
>previous game
>here's orbital rail on a 60 second cooldown
>you want eagle strafing run on a 10 second cooldown? sure!
>your primary weapon can kill everything that isn't immune to bullets fairly easily
>new game
>orbital rail? made usable? why? fuck you
>you get five uses and then you WAIT
>your primary weapon is just called that because you always spawn with it, you're not supposed to actually use it
what happened?
Alexus happened.
that's the thing I don't get is someone was saying the breaker nerf is justified because it's too good at chaff clear
well wtf is a primary supposed to be good for if not clearing the weakest enemies?
1 more join up maggots, you bugfags are all talk until its time to actually play the game
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Guys we should have been using mid level difficulty detector towers to finish this order. Just sit under them and farm kills.
It's hilarious seeing people point to the first game as le ebic hardcore coop shooter to justify AH's retarded balance philosophy when the HD1 arsenal absolutely shits all over what we have at present. It makes it so obvious they didn't play the game yet they keep making that argument.
>its time to actually play the game
oh shit new patch?
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Hellsisters, I have abandoned this game for about 50 days now - did they add driveable vehicles yet?
who? literally who? where? who said this? no one has said this
Assume the 60 posters here did for that 12 straight hours, you think itd go that far towards 150,000,000 kills needed?
D10 detector towers and see which teams of /hdg/ elite can rack up the most kills before getting overrun
I'm not doing that
>i sit in a general for a game I dont play but like to bitch about
why are you here
Better yet we're actually getting cucked out of another stratagem because the devs apparently still think the game sitll has the launch day player numbers and they made an unwinnable MO
perhaps it is vacation season in stinky fish land!? grant the fat blonde man some slack
just another 48 (+ vacation and mental health days tax, weekends not included :^D) days anon
>answering your own question before you even ask it
high level
I don't bitch a lot tho I'm looking forward to playing more when there's new things to play with
>the Destroyer has to go restock on Helldivers
Hold on shut the fuck up, your shitpost just solved the limited spawns+timer problem for anyone who doesn't like the new system, or likes the old one better, or just doesn't fucking care one way or the other and has no positive or negative bearing on changing it

They nixed the originals' fully infinite but timer-delayed respawns, until you suffer a full squad death and mission fail, because they didn't like that particular brand of all-or-nothin; in exchange for now where fullwiping doesn't necessarily mean a lot and instead the problem is death spiraling attritioning you to death at the same time as you have to keep pace with the mission timer, making long Yakety Sax failed disengages potentially fatal to the mission in long term

but what if there was no default mission timer- that's a modifier instead for Blitzes and the like- and no upper limit on total respawns, and instead of putting each players' Reinforce stratagem on a cooldown, you were only allotted so many reinforcement tickets at one time, regenerating up to a cap like the emergency single reinforce after hitting 0? Maybe instead of 20 default, you get 10 or 15 or something, but you can take your time like in the original and they're always trickling back in if you're using them.
I hope there's a patch on Tuesday since I sure won't be playing after the 10th for a while since Satisfactory releases and I'll be sinking n+1 hours into that for a few weeks.
Plebbit and discord. They say it constantly, defending AH on the basis that they're being "faithful" to the philosophy of the first game.
I still remember early on at launch, when we were proclaiming that blanket buffs were imminent on the basis that Arrowhead rarely nerfed things in the original, did so somewhat meekly whenever they did, and instead mostly fought OP with OP and powercreeping micro-DLC that still /mostly/ held to basegame powerlevel, while the whole HD2 arsenal was obviously underperforming from lack of testing & QAing in a way only a retard couldn't see, all of us full of hope and hype and shitting on faggot doomposters who'd been instantly Elden tier BTFO'd

how little we fucking knew
It's for killing whatever your chaff clearer missed.
It's not for being the chaff clearer without using any stratagems.
Every day is vacation in the land of snow niggers. It's almost impossible to tell when they are or aren't on vacation since the rate and quality of content and patches is the same.
>planet has "razorhail"
>apparently common enough weather phenomenon
>shatters skylight windows to let you know it's razorhailing
shit never made sense to me
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infinite loading screen
>basically, you should be helpless unless you have a cooldown or a support weapon ready
there are people who actually think this is good design
sera is a fucking terrible planet, every game had a new, absolutely disastrous weather effect. i don't remember if it was supposed to be colonized by space travelers or if they were supposed to have lived there forever, but unless the imulsion really started fucking shit up i don't understand how humanity got to sci-fi levels there
New lobby
failed to join lobby
it IS the same planet that had piranha bats and parasitic oil. Swedes need to come up with some shit that isn't just fog, give me my hyper australia. I want man eating plants and sentient microbial crystal formations that turn you into glass if you touch them.
idk fuck it I guess. shits cursed
someone has pubbie AIDS
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No I meant like, it's a known weather pattern on Sera yet none of the infrastructure on the planet is built to accommodate it
You're introduced to razorhail by the razorhail breaking a skylight window
Metagaming like that doesn't fucking matter unless every normalfag and funnigger playing the game did it, so it's pointless to do that.
it's also introduced during a mission to an abandoned facility that hasn't seen any maintenance in years, meaning that skylight held up for all that time under an unknown number of razorhail storms before breaking at a plot and gameplay convenient moment, you're underthinking your overthinking
what the heck is this robot mission with a giant glowing tower I just saw a clip of?
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Lobby d10 democracy decides bugs/bots
okay i'm uninstalling
you had gears of war installed?
most likely done for dramatic effect, plus the place was derelict. Honestly wondering what life threatening weather pattern they'll throw at everyone when E-Day releases.
? Sauron (detector) tower?
>join random lobby
>pink question marks (herpes)
>severe performance issues and stuttering
>host has horrible connection which creates desyncs
>crash out at extract (aids)
it's legitimately insane how big the difference is when people actually verify
I dunno m8 there's plenty of windows in the game that gets shattered by melee attacks and the razorhail in GoW eviscerates fully armored soldiers in seconds
seems like one of those "don't think about it" moments
i can only question if e-day will do anything other than make people hate the series. gears 4 was middling and 5 had that fucking retarded split choice at the end where it seems like they wrote themselves into a corner judging by how they immediately went for a prequel.
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that's dropship control tower with high bloom and fog
looks real nice but it isn't new
The design you want exists.
Just play on low difficulty.
Crybaby scrubs feel too comfortable, they need to fuck off to another game already.
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>theres a timeline where ah delayed release for 2-3 months and did a ton of QA, and told sony to fuck off with the account shit
>the game sitting at 100K avg. and new content is a steady stream instead of them playing never catchup
>the /hdg/ platoon is assembling a D10 squids lobby right now to try the 1000kg bomb
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its getting made specifically because Rod was dumb as shit and the new team needs to run a test lap.
this but unironically
AC being the anti behemoth weapon and RR killing chargers on bodyshots is retarded

no idea why they're "doing away with breakpoints" because it just makes the game objectively worse, at a certain point there's just 0 reason to take rocket launchers
well, that's a minor shot in the arm. now they just have to dodge pulling a 343 and there'll be hope for the series. people gotta stop doing the mass effect 2 and adding optional important character deaths in the middle of a trilogy
The account thing was because they clearly planned to use psn for everything relating to social. The reason social barely works is because they had to do it themselves and clearly aren’t up to it. The rest is just outlandish cope.
agh! help! I'm becoming... ...a sympathizer!!!

>told sony to fuck off
people really seem to think dev teams can casually tell their publishers "no" when we're living in a post Battlefront 2 world. There is no "No", there's only "its affecting profit projections so they told us to go ahead and undo what they told us to do from the start"
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>Treason March
Nah Nigga I aint opening that.
>ooooohhhuuuuhhh I'm gonna sympathize ahhhhhh
Face the wall.
Super Earth forever
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>AIslop (or so poorly made it sounds like AIslop)
get on the fucking wall
if super earth good, then why bad thing happen?

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You sound like you think too much
It's the Dissidents causing bad things to happen
What bad thing did happen?
>someone died
Just resurrect them. You have plenty of time to figure out how.
i like how it starts approaching the AC before it's even spawned
That looks awesome, much better than I'd thought. Thank you for posting it just for me xoxoxo -love dad
this picture is quite retarded. why would super earth colonise something uninhabitable, like, say, non-earth biomes? it's enough to have weird flora.
Universal Exports
I'm gonna sow my dissent in Eagle-1's small fracture, if you know what I mean?
I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself.
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>why would super earth colonise something uninhabitable, like, say, non-earth biomes?
Because everything belongs to Super Earth
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Woah, three rocket pods and a railcannon won't kill a factory strider?
but seriously people already laugh at the idea of living on hellmire or the acid planets, they're stretching the imagination as is.

More interesting terrain generation would be cool, and of course much bigger structures. Urban warfare and trench warfare and big buildings like towers. Maybe even boat combat.
it'd take three railcannon strikes to get through its main HP pool.
If you get unlucky, yeah. Rocket pods shear armor, they don't do much damage to the main body. If they keep hitting different sides, they'll just shear the armor off the sides without doing much real damage. ORC can just hit the cannon on top, which doesn't kill it.

If you want a tool for killing striders, just use OPS+EAS. It's a once-a-minute kit that almost always (~80-90% of the time) full kills. The next EAS always kills it if those two don't, though.
Alternatively, just plap the belly with JAR/AC
it already doesn't really colonize the planets, its random scientific outposts with no infrastructure
most you ever see is a small farm barely larger than a home garden

the lore of this game makes very little sense when compared to the experience of it
Yeah the Terrain generation needs to better in terms of making places feel lived in.

I think Hunter Lodges, Ranger Stations, Farm Steads, and one road Rural Towns would go a long way.
The closer you get to Super Earth this can be upgraded to Walled Towns with Train Stations.
I know there are some examples of these in game but you never seem them in a good state it's just 0-100% everything is flattened.
Someone pointed out how silly it is that a planet defence started and they got down there within the first 1 minute and the ground was already soaked red with blood and bodies.
Damn, I thought the single target stuff would be best but I guess not.
the best way to quickly take them down is five plaps to the belly. it's difficult to get the opportunity on a freshly dropped one unless it drops with its ass towards you though.
How many plaps with the HMG?
Better of with the EAS. If you can toss it so all the bombs hit you can one shot it.
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lobby done, GGs anons, remember to reaffirm your hate of sweden
Looks like an entire mag.
i couldn't tell you, i don't use it with regularity and i cannot for the fucking life of me figure out what hitzone it is in the datamine information. i just know the AC on a fresh factory strider drops it in five direct hits on the belly, if the shot is too angled it takes more.
OPS is what ORC should be. Much better damage, better cooldown, a slightly higher cooldown time, but it's essentially what you want if you're looking for single target precision strikes.
500kgs also work well for that. They fuck up and kill striders at similar rates to OPS.
upgraded payload should give 500kgs a second bomb, making extra bombload be gated behind the base stratagem dropping multiples at once is gay
OPS is 450 kinetic, 1000 explosive damage, ORC is 2000 kinetic, 500 explosive damage, with 2 higher pen on its kinetic damage. the problem is that ORC aims for center mass, which generally isn't lethal if it isn't able to completely deplete the target's main pool. if ORC did 1000 (probably 1001, i wouldn't be surprised if the swiggers made it have damage fall off like weapons do) more damage somehow, it'd reliably kill BTs solo, but need two shots for the main HP pool of fac striders still.
it'd make the 500kg actually viable while still not being a pick in greater demand than some others, so yeah i agree
it's already viable (though not really necessary unless you're doubling up on tankbusters and have OPS already) but it'd help its consistency certainly. you can't even really start with "ooooh overpowered" when they get intercepted by cliffs/trees with reasonable frequency, or when they land on top of a BT/charger and subsequently DON'T kill them with the explosion because they're seemingly programmed to have a conical upwards explosion instead of an explosion that radiates out of them.
It's going to be interesting to see what changes they've made to the 500kg in the upcoming update. Pilestedt called it the GOAT of the next patch but he's pretty much as uninformed as you can get.
They made OPS go from a 7/10 pick to an 8.5/10 pick, so my hopes are high. Ideally it's not spreadsheet balancing where they just up the damage by 200 or something, and they actually change the way the AOE works.
It only needs actual range
Recent stratagem buff have been pretty massive. Between the radius ship module and the two extra salvos walking barrage has about twice the coverage for example.
>Failing sales
>Struggling to keep players
>Add in new weapon
>Woops no weapon for you going to fail the mission in 10hrs :^)
>Could be weeks before seeing orbital napalm again
Holy fucking shit you devs are INCOMPETENT
No joke I don't get why they haven't either made the MO piss easy or just given the napalm strike for free, literally what the fuck are they thinking
They're thinking the community should work for their unlocks or fuck off and enjoy your "fun" on the bugfront while using the same old autistic gear you've been using for the last a hundred hours.
They genuinely dont realise they're in the final death spiral for HD2 and it wont last until xmas due to their slow updates and meaningless 'content' drip feed.
>muh bug players
>muh bot players
You're fucking insufferable. Worse than AH even.
I'm a moon player
if Pilestedts' post-vacation Q&Aing is to be believed and they follow through on murdering Alexus balance or just Alexus himself and reverting everything to a balance standard closer to the original and to the par set by high pickrate weaponry with a patch that's at least as big as 1.000.400, preferably as big as more like two or three of those in impacted weaponry and fundamental enemy changes like more lower AP weakspots and easier armor stripping, they could absolutely bounce back to six digits just like that

but first those lazy fucking swiggers have to nut up and DO IT
Bugs > Bots
Did they nerf RR again?
I'm headshotting chargers and they don't die
It really did seem they fell into the same hole bad DM's fall into of Us/Me vs the Players
You have to gain the momentum from diving forwards while shooting to do so
>Sunday night
>34k players
>napalm order is most likely gonna be a failure
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>coming back from a break
>no games after 10 minutes
>attempt to join lobby
>failed to join
>restart and verify game files
>still doesn't work
yeah, thinking this game blows
weak as your limp dick
huh???? Why
bro doesn't know about realism (diving forward adds damage LOL)
>Retard that keeps dying leaves the game because he thinks it's impossible
>Complete all objectives and extract with plenty of samples
Reminder to never give up
Have you considered no one wants to play with your rusty ass
>napalm order is most likely gonna be a failure
>most likely
Easy on the copium
Sweden and Swiggers
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unlike automatons, my ass doesn't rust.
Projectiles are simulated, moving forward = nore damage

Yes the physics is broken
God fuck this stupid fucking developer
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Extraction is Optional
As long as you press the final button Super Earth wins.
regular chargers should still die in a single headshot from the RR/EAT/queso. behemoths have 250 more head HP which leaves them with 200ish HP left after an AT headshot. the leg HP of behemoth chargers is 650 on the dime, so you need to move forward (or more reliably, dive) while shooting to strip their legs in a single shot.

it takes two commando shots to kill any variant of charger to the head
They aren't broken. The retards just adjusted for damage breakpoints without accounting for damage fall off
It's the regulars that aren't dying for me
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What do we think of the DEFINITIVE r/helldivers guide to boosters?
>GOOD (the broken slow duration thing is here)
>VERY SITUATIONAL (muscle booster, ONLY for snow planets)
Isn't this from plebbit? Haven't we done this before?
HSO is a noob trap and if you bring it you are trash.
>Shitty shocks instead of Muscle
>Thinking Muscle only works on snow
Retard redditroon is completely clueless and should kys for being a shitter
idk but it was more fun to use EAT-17 to carefully headshot chargers. Now they're all behemoths and you gotta use the braindead commando instead which is the same as EAT-17 but for scrubs who can dump 4 rockets into something if they need to.
Then they shouldn't haven driven off 90% of the community
Vitality, stamina, infusion, muscle. And just call a fucking resupply at the start if you aren't hotdropping on a Fortress
I really don't think the swedes care. They were expecting a community of 10k players, losing 99% of the playerbase means they don't have to invest cash into more servers and can spend it instead on more vacations.
servers are piss cheap
more players = more money from warbond releases = more money for vacations (net over trivial server costs)
>Game lag so the dead helldiver can see reinforce ready but not the alive one
> Retarded host kick me while I am running for my life
>100% the super helldive mission by myseft
That right I did it all by mysef, all me. See you never you retarded fuck.
all i can say is maybe you had a bad angle or didn't hit them in the right part of the head, by stats they SHOULD die in a single shot and i haven't seen any changes to them. that said, it had been feeling more inconsistent to me ever since EoF, but i chalked it up to me being too hasty or having shit aim in the moment.
agreed, popping them in a single shot was great, easily the best thing they could have done to make the leg meta fuck off.
the top 3 and situationals should all be ship modules instead of boosters
honestly if vit+stamina boosters and hellpod opt. were ship modules that's all it'd need. you'd probably wind up with muscle enhancement and experimental infusion as the next two mandatory boosters but at least you'd have some fucking choice beyond that.
Doesn't Muscle Enhancement reduce how much slow you take from bug acid?
How would you feel if they patched the game and stealth added weapon jamming without putting it in the patch notes.
Doesn't matter
What does matter is
>Not fixing the consistent crashes to desktop
Nothing matters because I'm either playing to clear missions, or crashing, you can't sweep for resources and complete optionals without the game taking a shit
It will never happen
How slowed you are
I would be infuriated. Not because I have anything particularly against weapon jamming (though, energy weapon chads rise up!) but because it means they've been wasting their clearly very limited dev time on that rather than fixing fundamental shit.
>Fucking reloading bug made me waste an entire magazine again
It's already in there
>players spawn with 3 stims without HSO, 5 with medic armor so the booster only gives 1 extra stim
>Vitality booster only reduces chances of injuries, doesn't affect damage taken
>Stamina Enhancement bonuses both halved
There, fixed :^)
Haven't crashed in months
I'm pretty unlucky
the HSO fix isn't even bad
vita would make bots unplayable though, the only reason bots feel good atm is because most of the existing one-hits are negated through vita, playing without vita on makes you feel like a shard of glass or something
>playing without vita on makes you feel like a shard of glass or something
This is also why casuals hate bots so much. It's scary how many times I joined a public match and instead of having vitality they had increased reinforcements
Their dev time isn't limited, they're still coming back from vacation
it's actually a little sad how little casuals seem to know about the game
seeing even high level players take rocket pods but not OPS, or a gat sentry to bots but not eHMG or even rocket/AC sentry is just amazing, i have no idea how these people live in such a complete blackout

i guess it's fine that they wanna play like that, but given how much they whine, it's probably not as much of a choice
If the purpose is to stop people from taking "must have" boosters, then the change to base equipped stims would do the job. 90% of the reason people pick HSO is so they don't spawn with half their stim maximum, since it means that getting into one bad firefight results in immediately running out. Medkits are a lot harder to come across in the wild than ammo boxes, and unlike grenades running out of stims often equals death.
>this clearly very limited resource is in fact unlimited
Spotted the communist
I would prefer if reloading had a gears minigame reload and getting it right made you reload faster
artificial scarcity
they all just got 50 day vacations while their game fucking died (lmao)
time isn't the thing that's making the game shit, it's leadership skills
Had someone in an /hdg/ lobby at a 100+ lvl take motivational shocks on a bot mission, it wasn't a gag either. He literally had no idea that it did absolutely nothing I'm not going to consider the barbed wire, fuck off
I've seen people bring firepods to /hdg/ lobbies, but yeah if it wasn't a meme that's pretty funny. I guess nobody talks about shocks anymore, so newfriends and people who were away during PP just don't get the memo.
Maybe someone should add it to the lobby link image for newfags? It's not like you're actuality choosing what to bring
I am once again asking for your lobby

NTA but it's also time
If you've seen they're correspondence whenever they respond to a question
It's legit "we're still coming back from vacation"
If it truly is scarce, they aren't acting like it
I'll open a lobby give me a minute
D10 lobby decides. Going to take a piss and get something to drink in the meantime
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3/4 Join or die
Join! Die! Join! Die!
If they are constantly taking time off, that means there dev time is even more limited. How is this hard?
Literally at the top of the reddit board. I didn't even have to scroll
Still 3/4 or 0.75
That's right, without (You) we aren't whole
This game is legitimately dead.
>Gameguard: Pipe API error (???)
verify your files
Just join again
that's what you get for taking my emplacement
They arebt constantly taking time off
They're using their 2 month old, 2 month long vacation as a cope
I don't know what about my replies to you have suggested otherwise
Or if you're just being swedi-imean obtuse>>492804452
2/4 2 crashdivers come back
crashed again
crashdivers to crashpods
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>>the shots upgrade to be Unstoppable, they'll keep punching through and killing anything that isn't the equivalent of HD2's AP4 or AP5 armor, Hulks, Chargers, etc
The railgun already overpenetrates small enemies.
is it truly infinite punch through? does it come with stun bullets? does it have a five round clipazine? is it a primary? sit down, glazing cuckold
>This passes as the smoking gun of stellar performance standards for AH
Surstromming poisoning at its finest
Not him but with the introduction of rocket chickens and with the reduction of gunship thruster durability its seen significant improvement.
The AC is still superior, but not nearly by as much. The railgun is more fun though.
t. almost never brings any support weapon at all to bots
Explosive crossbow is fun. Can snipe fabricator vents and bug holes with it. Brake rocket chickens legs. Pop chargers butts. One shot stalkers to the dome. Frees up the gp slot to run whatever I feel like.
how do you deal with hunters?
>at a certain point there's just 0 reason to take rocket launchers
how about headshotting bile titans and equivalents instantly as advertised, that's enough of a use case in a world where autocannon gets to leg meta chargers to death by default and without animstates/hitting unrendered dearmored legs clipping through the armored leg


maybe we can dare to go beyond the original Helldivers and give it meaningful splash damage and a little shrapnel for reason of being a high-bore if man portable launcher, so a bunch of tightly clustered devastators or spewers can all get collateral'd in one triggerpull where it would take AC multiple with higher exposure time at the additional risk of some staggering out of the pile before it's all dead
Arc thrower
nta but the seaf pistol is good enough to deal with hunters.
>Crashed when someone else left
Verify your files NOW
ggs, good recovery
can't believe i've become a 380 autist, i used to hate everyone who equipped them a couple months back
>used to think thermite was shit
>Used to think the dagger was shit
>Used to think crisper was shit
>Used to think Eruptor/Ex Crossbolt/Plasma bombs were shit

I realize now. Shits not intended to one shot anything, you're supposed to be pairing weapons, overlapping fire arms and coordinating / diversifying your weapons.

It was really stupid satisfying seeing the EAT + Rail gun trick, where you could tag team a bile titan and insta kill it.
Now I see shit like fire now is SO much better knowing, you're supposed to be pairing it with explosives.

I thought the eruptor was garbage, but I didn't know it brought everything around it down to like 10 fucking hp.

Like all the weapons are starting to make sense when you look at how they overlap with other weapons.
every one of those synergies is purely accidental and Alexus would nerf all of them if Pilestedt wasn't restoring the TRVE HELLDIVERS EXPERIENCE of massive firepower come next major patch
>weapons in a co-op game made to play together with other people perform better when you work with the other players instead of trying to do everything solo
holy fucking shit this guy cracked the code
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had a sneaking suspicion for a while now, but
I swear knockback/ragdoll strength or the resulting impact strength is somehow also tied to high ping
like, the higher ping gets your head and body wedged deeper into terrain, which results in higher/OHK impact damage when it calculates the next update late
probably also why rockets can still inconsistently 1-hit players
Poor soul really has been so raped by Alexus that the Stockholm Syndrome is setting in, huh.
isnt a lot of the netcode work done clientside
you essentially never feel lag unless your ping is in the hundreds or if you're interacting with the map (grabbing samps, opening bunkers, etc)
i dont think ping would play a role because the ragdoll calculations appear to be clientside as well (so long as other damage/impact calculations are clientside, and they are; we've seen videos of chicken rockets going through people without issue as a result of this)
>purely accidental
>numbes that perfectly line up with enemy health pools

1 thermite and 1 eat 1 shot bile titans.

The irony is that it makes a lot of sense, but you will never know it unless you see the numbers in front of you. Like throwing grenades at a group of enemies, and shooting the guys that run at you in the face is actually the wrong play.

Because you're wasting the damage you did to their body, when you should be going straight for the chest.

It's not 100% intuitive, but it makes sense you're supposed to be softening up enemies, and finishing them off.

Originally I used to just throw multiple cluster bombs on hordes of enemies, now I know you can just melt them with fire damage in a couple seconds instead of a millennia.

Thermite feels like shit because it does primarily body damage. However if you have something with high body damage like 110s / 500s / air strikes. Tossing a single thermite will finish them off easily.

Sneed to test body part damage though with it some more.
thermites should reduce the armor level by 1 the same way acid rain does during its duration!
Thermite only does damage to the "main" HP. Explosions also do damage to the targets 'main" HP either through damage transfer or just from direct application. Thermite only does 1000 damage and most heavy enemies you would use them against have more than 1000 man HP, like hulks with 1250, tanks and chargers with 1500, and behemoths with 1800. If any of them just ate an air strike or a rocket or whatever they will likely be within kill range for 1 thermite.

the best suggestion i've seen for thermite is upping its pen to 10
would hardly change anything except allowing it to demolish fabs (from the outside), det towers, jammers, and gunship fabs. doesn't really upset the game balance given how huge it is to lose stuns/impacts, and it'd make them feel like an actual destructive force and not just a retarded sprinkler that you stick to a hulk's face before someone pops its head with RG
thermites should destroy the body part they're attached to at the end of their duration, regardless of its HP.
i don't think the pen would mean anything, it'd need demo force
a thermite burn doesn't burn in this massive sheet that sloughs off armour, it burns a tiny little hole directly over where the thermite is applied. Makes no sense that it would destroy entire sections of armour

>the best suggestion i've seen for thermite is upping its pen to 10
would hardly change anything except allowing it to demolish fabs
Upping it to 10 pen would have literally zero effect against enemies and change nothing about how it performs against them.
As for structures, they all have HP greater than the damage a thermite does. Just give the explosion 50 demolition force and they'd all die (except gunship fabs because how can one tiny grenade on one tiny part of it blow up the whole thing) when the grenade pops.
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Never EVER let swedes develop video games. how the FUCK are you this incompetent? How the FUCK do you think you deserve a whole fucking summer off when this is the quality of work you produce?
one rocket and a step forward breakers behemoth armor instantly, and backwards doesn't, because even when they do have deliberate breakpoints established they fuck it up in this case with the projectile momentum mechanic

it is absolutely an accident and purely a coincidence of different breakpoints coinciding in a way that was never intended and would be spitefully removed now that you mentioned it, perhaps they still will be removed

>explosions only damage the main body
>vulnerable squishy parts like bile stomachs and charger asses aren't the main body
>this means their intended vulnerability to explosives is partly mooted, they're only taking the projectile damage and ignoring any splash effect
I repeat





oh wow I'm surprised they would have added that.
Use non explosive ammo lol
i mean a single thermite breaking a command bunker would be goofy shit too. detectors would be more reasonable but only if you could stick the eyeball.
it only works when you kill them with non-explosive damage, i set them off early with the sickle all the time. the AC cannot set them off, the AMR will one shot them so you can use it to instantly detonate them at the cost of a reinforcement
it does work except when it's instantly destroyed or maybe two hit
gives you a safe disarm option which is maybe intentional but it's not so bad
>it is absolutely an accident and purely a coincidence of different breakpoints coinciding in a way that was never intended and would be spitefully removed now that you mentioned it, perhaps they still will be removed

Maybe, except for the fact the numbers line up perfectly.
Okay lol I'll just go tell the rocket devastators that.
>>explosions only damage the main body
incorrect. explosions can damage any hit zone that is not tagged "explosion immune" which on large enemies like chargers and bile titans is almost every single zone. It's only small enemies that have their limbs and almost everything but their main body tagged with explosion immunity.
I cannot relate to this ashamedness and avoidance of items that are on top of the meta. It just acclimates you to a playstyle that won't hold up in future difficulties. Using what's best is wisest.
Surprisingly the bile titan's head isn't explosive immune, it's just most explosions that would make that matter are like armor pen 3.
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The eHMG is really good and it makes me more and more mad each time I see pubbies taking literal trash and never using it over the emplacement. It solves 90% of the issues you face in bots on a relatively short cooldown.
>hulk spam
>dev spam
>gunship spam
>strider spam
>facstrider teeth
>zerker spam
>literally everything that comes from a bot drop except tanks/facstriders (both of which can still get destroyed in <3 seconds total if you're at the right angle with eHMG)
The ONLY downside is that you get fucked by turrets, and even those can be handled super easy. If anyone on your team packs commando, you're basically covered to kill ~40 medium-heavy units in <20 seconds
It's fun to experiment with new weapons and play styles.
I never get on an HMG emplacement without a commando on my back, shit is amazing and combos perfectly
Any ideas for backpacks you guys wanna see? I thought some kind of field radio would be cool.
>hey guys, guys guys hey guys!
>these big round three and four digit unrelated damage numbers sort of line up if you squint and they make enemies die properly!
>do you think swiggers did this deliberate instead of it being a blind spot in their quest to kneecap every unapproved tool we have????

I accept this correction and I hate niggers, and would also prefer to nugget everything in a splash radius because this is a clearcut case of REALISM FOR THEEism
I want the limb damage from getting shot and rag dolled to be turned up to 11. We are playing a realistic future milsim. It breaks my immersion when every bone in my body isn’t pulverized after I get sent flying by a rocket chicken missle.
an actual exosuit instead of the mechs that increases move speed, decreases stamina costs, increases dive range and reduces fall damage
a news camera that gives the team exp and quadruples any exp gained while you have it out. when you 'fire' it it records webm's like that Content Warning streamerbait game
Maybe I'm just that much of a quick learner, but I knew everything about all weapons and the justification for their existence or lack thereof in the meta after 20 hours of playtime.
The objectively best loadout for bots is grenade launcher + supply pack + eagle airstrike + hmg emplacement. Doesn't matter what armor you bring because supply pack
A backpack that makes me 100% immune to DOTs and heals me.
I just walk into fire/gas/EMS. EMS would be auto pick and be super useful defensively against hordes.
high yield explosive suicide vest
ok muhammed
GL isn't anywhere near best on either faction and if your support weapon can't be realistically ammo sustained on d10 without adding a backpack it cannot be high tier by default
Concussive Rover
Propaganda Drone (no combat benefit but records all kills and objectives by the wearer and nearby teammates, converts into bonus XP at the end of the mission for increased liberation)
Ammo Management Assistant (changes your HUD display to show bullets in the magazine, and reloading drops the magazine into the backpack where it re-sorts it so that anything left in the discarded mag is recycled)
The ability to call down just the ammo backpack for your support weapon on a separate cooldown
Some damage booster for primary weapons.

That or just a nice little healing backpack that effectively functions like a perma stim in a pretty big aoe whenever it has charge. Aoe heal be a lot slower, but the player heal would be pretty much a stim every 6 seconds or so, so it's competitive with shield pack.
recon drone that highlights samples, expands map radar to also penetrate spore clouds, maybe additionally more detail to the minimap like mob type or outpost layout.
What is the best then and why
I tried the LC on bugs and unironically it's better than the AC
AT rover that shoots miniaturized HEAT rockets at ap4 and above targets
GL is great. It kills chargers from the front reliably, and I don't know why you wouldnt' take resupply pack for nearly everything when you can stim through everything.
massive high density bangalore/satchel/mine charge that you backpack around, effectiveness ranging between a 500kg to a pocket Hellbomb. Calldowns recharge at EAT speeds to at once compensate for and enhance the potentially extreme friendly lethality of making the carrier into a human truck bomb, without being strictly intended as a suicide weapon.

On a similar spectra, a suicide vest that refunds reinforcements when used to kill a certain amount of enemies (use some variation of the extermination mission progress % calcs) but isn't as lethal and strictly entails your pushing the deadmans' switch for Freedom with you still wearing it.
>I don't know why you wouldnt' take resupply pack
Because minmaxing for offense is an obvious step in optimizing for d10 and beyond.
He's right.

Game feels balanced around the autocannon.
>provides no argument
opinion discarded
GL is godly for clearing hordes through virtually all of its damage being explosive that's spread across its massive splash radius. Rapid-fire grenades can make short work of almost any bug breach, and its only real weakness is its twitchy crosshair preventing you from precisely aiming grenades unless you're prone.

Shitty splash radius, and most of its damage is through direct impacts so it can't clear crowds reliably.

That's precisely why it's good, it not only restocks the support weapon but also your thrown grenades and stims, gives you the ability to spam Stun Grenades and also resupply teammates to keep them alive.
Robodogs. Sentries, but mobile
A tesla tower that only targets enemies and increases Arc Thrower range and damage
Mortar backpack
But more ammo means more offense.
it's unironically the cornerstone of balance in the game, piles feels like it's basically perfect, so yeah, everything is essentially balanced against it.
I like it but it's really prone to blowing up from rocket strider insta-missiles, or not showing the targeting reticle when I hop on, forcing me to hop off and on again to get it.
I really hate those fucking missiles and their huge fucking explosive radius.
>no extra stims
>no extra grenades
>longer reload times than the GL
>worse DPS than GL
>only advantage is armor penetration, which is mitigated by stuns + back shots for hulks and HMGe for literally anything else

You're objectively wrong and have no literally recourse (which is why you provided none)
>he doesn't play the game to have fun
The most meta weapon choices are often the most boring. You sound like the kind of person who thinks that playing games should be all about winning in the most efficient way possible.
pure cope
imagine investing two slots just to blow up scavengers one second before the incel breaker dot would kill them anyway
RG for bots. Bugs is a mixed bag, the way the game functions right now encourages build variety.
The funniest part is he'll believe whatever he wants while constantly running out of stims, getting stuck reloading, having pathetically bad splash damage compared to GL, watching glchads doing the actual work and typically carrying the whole team. The autocannon has consistently been second-rate following the introduction and improvement of the HMGe in supplement to the GL. It's sad how obvious it is, too.
Le hecking skill issue'd and so forth
is this the new MUH AMRCHADS > LE ACSISSIES incessant faggot falseflag D&C over a weapon choice split no one feels that strongly about
metafags actually DO feel that strongly, but yeah it's the same thing again
You should strive to be as productive as possible in everything you do. Even playing a janky Swedish game.
me shoot gun, make bug and bot no live anymore
turn the aiming reticle to "always" and make sure you're not holding the AMR when you get in, since it sometimes inherits held weapon reticle
rocket striders are cringe but you can usually kill them before they get their rocket off
The Eruptor, crossbow and thermite are shit. Nothing is going to change that.
No, the grenade launcher is literally just the obviously better weapon and AC players are in denial because they used to own that spot.
The fact is that the HMGe perfectly complements all of the shortcomings of the grenade launcher — namely, armor penetration. The AC is just an objectively worse choice than GL+supply pack+HMGe. The reason why he provided no arguments is because there literally aren't any. Fewer stims, fewer grenades, no backpack slot, long reload times, worse DPS, worse splash damage? Comical.

>Bile Spewer, Behemoth Charger, Impaler, Bile Titan
>All in front of you, at the same time, making your life miserable
Beautiful. I love this game
Your anger towards ACgods is unfounded. We simply see that the so-called alternatives vastly overpay for their strengths and will only get shoved to the roadside more and more as higher difficulty tiers get added to the game. You're tripling down on playstyles that can't last.
>The Eruptor
Was decent until they stealth nerfed it a few weeks back
The AC is, by every single metric excluding ammo and armor pen, worse than the GL. How will you defend this
eruptor fun
and how exactly did they supposedly do that?
>Fewer stims, fewer grenades, no backpack slot,
irrelevant, all backpacks are highly skippable
>worse DPS
only in theory since AC actually works 100% of the time
>worse splash damage
irrelevant, spewer popping weapon numero uno is the autocannon

There are zero reasons to choose the grenade launcher over the autocannon
No, we moved onto AC vs HMG a lil while back
Has anyone tested GL on Hulk eye?
It takes more shots to kill a dev now and I can't be sure but I feel like either the AoE is smaller or the decay is stronger.
Dough, no worky
0 pen on the grenade and 3 pen on the explosion, though you can shoot between their legs to hit the heat sink, supposedly
>16 stims vs. 4
>16 grenades vs. 4
>highly skippable
This dude can't even dismantle the very first point. the cope is unreal

Doesn't work. Hulks are simple though. Throw a stun, run behind, 3 grenades and it's done.
Versatility and ease of use. GL is extremely inconsistent while AC is the opposite. GL works on close to mid range while AC is all range. The less than fuckawful ammo management contributes to this as well. Even the greatest GL user cannot dispose of as many bugs as easily as an average AC user. You'd be forced to agree if you gave it a fair shake.
My brain keeps telling me this is Gunlancer
fucking lost ark
What kind of shitter are you faggots anyways? I literally use every single support weapon to great effect. Are you people unironically too bad and dumb to use more than one thing?
>It takes more shots to kill a dev now
but I'm killing them in 2 shots still...
Tested thermite, seems like it's just bugged currently.
Sometimes it will just take one to kill something, like impalers it's great against. But behemoths and chargers it struggles a lot
thermites have been bugged literally since they were added to the game.
I know you had no way of knowing this but I'm not referring to bugs. I literally almost never play them, I talking strictly bots. And while I will concede the AC has superior range to the GL, the GL has very respectable range of maybe 150 feet if you arc it right, which is more than sufficient for the majority of combat encounters. The autocannon is literally just worse, dude. Why are you in such great denial over this? It's so obvious. Even if its only benefits were reloads which are twice as fast and having four times the amount of stims and grenades, that already effortlessly outclasses the AC. All of your arguments are so laughably bad
nah, but the ACfag thinks AC will be meta forever
he doesn't realize that he's using a crutch weapon that underperforms below RG and that only feels better because of the hilarious
>low skill floor
>low skill ceiling
dynamic it's got going
120 minute cooldown to get more stims
map littered with stims
grenades irrelevant other than stuns
you overestimate your significance backpack bro
That's a shame. Would fix a lot of things if they worked properly.
What the hell does GL do about gunships? Also the argument that you can stun hulks and just run behind them also applies to primaries I don't see why that's a thing that's in favor of GL. I'll fall for your meme GL fag and try taking it on some OPs to see how it fares but I'm skeptical
Post it. Not one, multiple back-to-back in a seamless clip.
>inb4 you just have to trust me bro
i'm gonna give it a shot next time i do bugs but mostly because i'm fucking tired of lobbing multiple eagle napalms at breaches just to make them fuck off and want something a little more interactive.
Use impact incendaries instead. Obviously not as good but they're more fun to use
First off, >maps littered with stims
Literally anybody could disprove this one with basic anecdotal evidence. Secondly, if you want to run your last generation meta weapon, go ahead, man, I don't really care. I do like the AC, it's a shoulder-mounted cannon. It's pretty fucking cool — but it's just straight-up objectively worse than the grenade launcher and all I feel when I see people still using it is pity. Do what you want but don't pretend it's superior because it just isn't the top meta pick anymore. I thought ACfags were meta slaves.
i much prefer regular impacts, but i frequently use them to end tanks, cannon turrets, command bunker turrets, factory striders, chargers, and groups of berserkers/alpha commanders/spewers/hive defenders.
All types of enemies excluding heavies: Instantly annihilated by the GL
Factory Striders: HMGe
Gunships: HMGe
Hulks: Stun grenade and 3 grenades to the back (it's not that hard, guys)
Large amounts of armor/outposts: HMGe

GL + Supply pack+ HMGe is the new top meta pick. It's just a fact. ACfags seething
nah bro there's literally no way you're using nade launcher on d10 bots
i hate AC autists too but it just doesn't perform
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>stagger heavy devastator with grenade launcher
>he's staggered, can't move or shoot or anything
>stagger heavy devastator with plasma punisher
>stagger a heavy devastator with the HMG, which was specifically patched to have high stagger
>heavy devastator has the same stagger animation as the previous two weapons but he keeps shooting with perfect fucking accuracy
>he's actually stronger than he was when he was simply walking towards you because his stagger animation makes his shield completely cover all of his weakpoints while he unloads on you, through it, at a 90 degree angle from the barrel
What do you want me to say? I didn't just play 10 matches today and carry half of my teams including AC players? I did. I literally just did. What is even your argument. It happened. It was fun as hell and was consistently able to effortlessly dispatch nearly every enemy type and feel like a fucking badass. Have you ever considered testing hypotheses *before* you disagree with them?
(cont.) Your argument is basically "there's no way brooooo" Come on, dude.
>Throw a stun, run behind, 3 grenades and it's done.
That's a weird way to say 'Railgun to the eye'
>all times of enemies including heavies
instantly annihilated by the RG, faster than any other support weapon
>fac striders
>large amounts of armor/outposts
reds, HMGe, RG (in that order)

this does everything you do but faster
I like shooting chargers on their back legs with the GL so it instantly blows their ass out reliably :)
Just hopped on the game after a couple months, what are the go to primary weapons now?
DCS, PP, Sickle
IB, Cookout, Sickle
Forced to use 3 stratagems where the AC only uses 1. HMGe, GL, and SP and then forced to take eagle strike because you need something that can actually deal with multiple hulks.
JAR, DCS, Sickle
PP if you want a high stumble/low acc req weapon.
Forgetting the JAR for bots.
Or you could just take the eruptor instead, even castrated its leagues better than explosive crossbow.
Does everything you described but better.
Whatever, bro. If you want to use an inferior weapon with 1/4 the amount of grenades and stims, that's your business.
Alright, here's exactly what you asked for. Two shotting multiple devastators back to back in a seamless clip. I've got two sequences, even.

Protip: aim at their waist, not their chest
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>Hey A1 mind if I take your support weapon
>Hey B2 mind if I take your backpack
>Hey C3 mind if I use your HMG emplacement
>Walking, 380mm, 120mm, Gatling Barrage
c3 should be using his emplacement and you should replace the gatling with an emplacement
otherwise, sheer gigachad energy, very based
>>Hey C3 mind if I use your HMG emplacement
literally never happens
hmg, just like EAT, has no owners
only spenders
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Originally when it was released it used the shrapnel from the Orbital Airburst Strike, which made it just about as strong as that. You could oneshot Brood Commanders and Hive Guards, fire at Warriors and watch them explode into mist, it was great. Then Arrowhead introduced a deflection mechanic for armor, which mainly affected the shields of Heavy Devastators. Now suddenly the shrapnel from the Eruptor was being deflected back and killing the person firing at it. Additionally, it became possible to instantly kill Chargers by firing underneath them, which would explode and pop the tail immediately.

So in response to the complaints around deflection and utility against Chargers Arrowhead removed the shrapnel from the Eruptor entirely. Instead of revert the deflection mechanic that nobody liked. In response they increased its damage and explosion radius several times, but it still isn't anywhere near as strong or as fun as it was on release. It still says its shells explode into shrapnel when they don't anymore. The Eruptor is a symbol of Arrowhead's absolute incompetence and disconnect from their playerbase.
>Dunked by a rocket chicken
VERY embarrasing
You're based for actually asking instead of just stealing my stuff. Steal and I shoot back. Ask and I will give.
>a few weeks back
Thanks for the history lesson everybody already knew (that has some mistakes in it like the ricochet change making it possible to pop charger asses when that was always possible before the change, or incorrectly attributing the user self-kills to ricocheting shrapnel when shrapnel didn't ricochet but got stopped by any collision mesh it hits regardless of penetration like the frag grenade shrapnel does, it was just enabling self-damage on projectiles that allowed the shrapnel exploding out in all directions at mach 3 to hurt the user instead of phasing through them) but that's not what's being discussed.
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It be like that sometimes
>Thanks for the history lesson everybody already knew but that's not what's being discussed.
Okay then thanks for the reply. I didn't bother to read what was in the parenthesis, it seems longwinded and unimportant.
>join game in progress
>have absolutely no control over my drop, just load in as I emerge from my pod usually in the worst possible spot
anyone else getting this meme and loving it
absolutely LOVING this new patch. flourishing.

btw, the uncontrollable drop sequence exists only because the devs don't like people landing in high places. there was a complete nonissue that didn't need fixing, so they implemented an overly harsh solution that still doesn't work, that largely makes the playing experience worst for most players. sound familiar?
>not a single Heavy Dev
>diff 6
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having a blast
Nta but people really should start testing shit on actual matches instead of no lag no desync no bugged no nothing host baby mode difficulties. Just reply like a day later who cares, no D10 playthrough = testing in fantasy land
>get asked to show killing devastators in 2 shots with the eruptor
>show killing devastators in 2 shots with the eruptor
>nuh-uh that doesn't count because.. BECAUSE IT JUST DOESN'T OKAY??? >:(
I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about, couldn't care less about whatever you were discussing. Just saying low difficulty testing is disingenuous. Like saying "oh you easily can kill a factory strider with the railgun!" then using a commando and an emplacement to incapacitate it, all while there's literally no enemies around you because you're playing on d3
I also don't give a shit about this, but when people say devastator they mean heavy devastators. Come on, now.
Keep running, faggot.
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>join D10 after Pilepatch
>Charger runs at me as I spawn in
>dodge it with ease then shoot exactly 7 bullets from my liberator and kill it with ease
>call down my recoiless rifle
>oneshot a Bile Titan 500m away
>animation cancel reload (bugged to be instant now)
>oneshot a charger that was behind me
>only 4 ammo left, weapon is basically useless now
>call down my autocannon
>get a x144 kill streak by soloing a bug breach with it
>only 80% ammo left, basically worthless as well
>call down my AMR
>start sniping BTs and Chargers across the map
>call down my AC sentry then go afk to take a shit
>as I'm back, the mission has been completed
>time for the bots front
>call down my autocannon
>kill everything in sight
>every engage is alternated between moments of pure bullet hell frenzy then absolute silence as bots have ran out of ammo and are overheat
>pop out from cover and start killing hulks, tanks and devastators by meleeing them to death
>see gunships
>they run out of ammo as well
>decide to herd them together
>300 gunships following me everywhere I go
>game is steadily losing fps
>patrols stopped spawning
>call down airburst
>hellpod kills 40 gunships on the way down
>start blasting the airburst
>kill 3 gunships before I run out of ammo
>game crashes
This is going to be the hdgchad experience
Casual shitters may just be finally able to beat D7
all of this sounds hyperbolically based
Next bug lobby I'm lasermaxxing. LC was a lot better than I expected
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autocannon unites all the advantages of AMR, RG, HMG, and GL without inheriting any of their myriad drawbacks
No matter how well you perform with your gimp launcher, you'd do better with a less crippled weapon.
>Lazer build on Bugs?
That's a Kick
Think they've changed the hitbox or something.
I've been shooting them the same place as always and instead of dying now they get their back blown out or continue unscathed because lol lmao you hit the exposed mouth.
>faster than any other support weapon
not with reloading after every shot lmao
>b-but it does high damage ap5
doesn't matter when literally all other properties it has are turbogarbage
if an AC user and you both face ten heavy devs each, your gimmick gun will kill less than half (or even less than two if distance is a factor at all lmao) by the time even the slowest AC user is done wiping out his entire pack and halfway to the next.
Why don't AH just sit down, go into crunch mode, and add more content? That way there will always be a challenge without nerfing things to oblivion.
>GL is great. It kills chargers from the front reliably
How do I kill chargers from the front with GL?
It's really good for spewers and alphas, decent for bts and chargers and never runs out of ammo. Rover and Sickle don't even neen explaining and Orbital Laser oh well, maybe it's not shit if I throw it on a mega nest
Unreliable trick shot under the body to hit the belly
>failed to join
Can you say when it's full or ended please.
That doesn't sound very reliable.
bro that was 17 hours ago
The coolest robot.
Stop feeding the "I tried to join your lobby several hours after the post and it's your fault for not telling me it ended" troll. I know this is /vg/, where the dregs of /v/ drip down to, but come on, at least use your brains once in a while.
>trick shot
Just git gud
It's not unreliable but circumstantial imo
>failed to join
Can you please have the decency to tell us when it's full? I thought only white people played helldivers
>t. called out for failing to say when the lobby is full
I always do it on purpose so anons will boot up and artificially bump the player count.
>Actually i was just being retarded on purpose
absolutely styled on
>t. mad that he fell for my litle trick like an actual retard
Stay malding lil bro.
>I-44 Salamander
>Lean body
>Femdiver voice
>SG-451 Cookout
>GP-31 Grenade Pistol
>Stun Grenades
>Supply Pack
>Shield Generator
>110mm Rocket Pods
Time to hunt for shotadivers on diff3. See you later, Hedgedivers.
>the ground was uneven
>the charger was standing at an angle
>shrubs in the way
>(you) were on an elevated position
That makes it unreliable.
Post the lean salamander
I wish the RR was good against bots
It's such a simple but cool weapon and teamloading it is realy fun but it just lacks the damage to take care of stuff.
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It's going to be a game where you walk around and hold the shoot button. There will be no
>funny glitches
>variety of weapons
>variety of enemies
>physics you can use to your advantage
>dodge diving
>200 IQ plays
>wacky skill ceiling
>variety of meta weapons in combinations
You hold the shoot button and hold it on the bad thing. Then you get gun that is better gun because better gun has higher number. EDF6 is more of a replacement for HD2 than this shootslop and it's still nowhere near it.
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>villain's motives are hard to fault
AH created the current meta through its universally ill-advised nerfs, it's entirely AH's fault that I got away with the same four stratagems for 1000 missions straight
Stop AH's power creep paranoia and the meta will disappear
Further utterly misguided balancing decisions will achieve the exact opposite
>variety of meta weapons
Let's see here. Autocannon, Spear, and... umm... uhhhhhh.......
they hated him because he spoke the truth
Before they nerfed it.
he was right
Sorry, I want to like space marines but I don't have any physique issues
IDK why people act like the game is going to magically become kids ball-pit level easy when they've literally included diaper baby armor from day one
you could make one of these for every kind of warhammer fan and they'd literally all be true
i hate warhammer fans so fucking much
me after completing 4,294,967,273 diff10 solo runs with nothing but frag grenades, Redeemer on semi auto, and melee attacks
>this isn't fun

pic rel
>literally useless armor for gamblers
obvious troll is obvious
We're all gamblers here, this is a barrage user general. I love love LOVE throwing the dice. A hundred kills? Zero? TK galore and subsequent kick? Let's throw down and find out.
reject 380, embrace walking barrage
You are actually a retard.
All barrages are predictable.
Game already is and always has been easy, more than 90% of all missions succeed. I want to know why the memey, simple, easy to pick up and play horde shooter is supposed to morph into some kind of tenth of the top percentile super hardcore title. It just doesn't have the properties it needs for that category.
120mm is where its at, spam that shit every bot drop and you'll clear a good chunk of it
True, we love coin flips on whether the railcannon is gonna hit the chicken or the hulk aswell.
They all follow one of three patterms and you have no idea which until they start hitting. It's literally the same as throwing dice. Do not deny what you are.
Im a world war 1 veteran, and what we would do is listen for the first shell to hit, then we knew what variation is being shot.
>whiff stratagem
Surely the stratagem is to blame.
Patch when? How many days left on 60 day plan?
>throw rocket sentry at the perfect slightly elevated spot
>B O U N C E
>ends up on the low ground behind a wall
thanks super earth
>"erm, actually the nature of the cosmos and life itself is chaotic rng, I am le very smart"
You just admitted that you don't understand probabilitic variances.
Sure, anything in the universe can be summed up as gambling, but barrages aren't even in the same realm of democracy protects.
So please avoid making bad faith arguments that are completely disingenous just because you didn't bother to study the stratagems you use.
>fail to hit anything with a barrage
>railcannon focuses the wrong target
>you whiffed it
And thats why it's S+++ tier,unlike other stratagems it never fails you just failed it.
>How many days left on 60 day plan?
The 60 expires the 12th~ of October-ish, so there is 42~ days left and 12 of those are weekends
Barrages do indeed follow a static pattern from a list of available presets that are determined based on where they're thrown relative to player position. This is actually pretty easy to personally verify if you stand in the same spot and throw two of the same barrages into the exact same location. They'll both follow the same impact locations.
barragemaxxer-kun, how exactly are dice exempt from probabilistic models?
Apart from OPS, EAS and 500kg, red stratagems do not offer any choices stronger than railcannon. Barrages are irrelevant. Those 50 troopers you nuked with your last 380 won't make a difference and for every time it helped clear out a base it left two thirds of it standing five times.
>controlled throw (knowing the exploits and predicting correctly)
>perfect knowledge of the universe (perfect knowledge of the barrages)
>loaded dice (modding the barrages to hit like you want them to)
Next time apply yourself in highschool, democrat-chan.
So only 30days of work, sweeeden
>haha the community liked dragging out the Tank Mines so they will like a long burn (lol) for the Orbital Fire :)
Probably Copedivers if we want to include the other general.
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You are using the reddit approved boosters, right?
>eagle 110s
>eagle strafing run
>eagle cluster bomb
>orbital gas strike
>orbital laser
these are all better than railcannon and i didnt even mention the blue or green stratagems wich. Railcannon's cooldown is far to long to maybe take down 1 enemy and it can't even 1 hit striders or consistently 1 hit biletitans, it has no utility and it isn't good at it's one job.
okay but why would i ever consider using the three minute cooldown ORC when i could instead bring the OPS on a 75 second cooldown which has better performance and even some AOE?
Because you forgot to equip Servo-Assisted
Bots just feel too spongey for me
I don't like that I'm bottlenecked into a handful of options in order to feel like I'm doing any kind of effective damage against anything bigger than the very weakest ones
20 minutes to kill 102,000,000 bots
counting on ya guise
The game was rigged from the start
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Uh oh! Looks like the Helldivers didn't kill enough bots! Which means they're going on a two-month vacation to Fhlos- I mean, Menkent! Watch out for those fire tornados!
What's with the yellow clouding over a bunch of bug worlds?
I always skip the big walls of text and just play the mission type I feel like playing
Xi Jinping please cuck Arrowhead again it would be so funny.
Bug semen cloud, and it's heading right for the gooey dark hole where Meridia once was
The bugs shitted and farted a big cloud and our probes can't penetrate it so we're waiting for top SE scientists to wrap the probes in multiple layers of aluminum foil.
My favourite biome, i wish it would suck more
Get in ere
They're not wrong tho, extra stamina, health and ammo shit all over every other booster, though if i was the one making this i'd put the good and optimal ones in the very situational tier

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