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Previous >>492699257

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 31/08
>The Legend of Heroes Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria Has Second-Largest Script Size in the Series, Development Completed
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- and The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st websites
>The Legend of Heroes: Gagharv Trilogy has officially launched globally by Fow Games.
>Digital Preorder for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- is now up on JP PSN
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cr5_4eGWQio [Embed]
>Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Being Released in the West by XSEED in Early 2025
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
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cute wife
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First for Shizuna circumsizes everyone itt!
Rosine was very pretty
I will fuck Sara and Claire and sexually satisfy them beyond their wildest fantasies.
Why are you fantasizing about my large penis?
Made for breeding to death
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>Sky remake announcement produces an influx of new players
>go to Twitch to watch streamers who have recently finished FC
>They all buy SC immediately
with how dumb this place can be, that would be funny
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Genuinely want one of these like you wouldn’t believe
it's not the same if you don't suffer through 4 years of cliffhanger because some trannylator had a life crisis caused by WORDS WORDS WORDS
How tall is it?
Remake onlies will experience this unless they fold (they will) and play SC instead of waiting for Sky 2nd
Sky fc on psp flopped in the west so it could be the main factor we had to wait so long for sc translation.
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joshy thread
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Gramheart day
thinkin about na-chan
It was a pretty big factor. Falcom didn't want to commit to SC or a FC PC port.
Gramheart is based.
My meds are kicking in, sorry friends I'm much more mellow now I might go back to Tokyo Xanadu for the night
Have a lovely thread
Enjoy! It's a good game.
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My wives
Hewwo? News???
3-4 days depending on whether it's in famitsu or if Falcom is just dumping it directly to the Kai website.
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Threadly reminder these two will be the only characters that matter in Kai
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Love my cute canon wife
>Calvard was supposed to be 2 games instead of 3
so that's why Crimson Sin is the way it is...
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Carmine anti-grace*
God i need to fuck Judith
Yea Quatre's canon wife is pretty cute I guess
we do not appreciate the shitty shota weismann op
Who is we
Everyone not name Natayla
This is your first strike.
we are getting trailer in 2 hours
I'm seriously curious what kind of argument Ixs and Jolda have that they will split up in Kai.
Ixs refused to split a dessert with Jolda
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My guess is that Ixs is pissy about being forced to share an Enfrocer slot + he's on a powertrip.
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I think an Ys Origins/Nayuta gameplay style game with the old Cold Steel models would be really cool for a lore game set in the interim periods between some Cold Steel games.
Did i forget any news?
Probably a fake argument to bait Van into Oathbreaker's plot.
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Does anyone miss the sync'd voices from cs? Like, how they'd yell "OVERDRIVE" or "ONE FOR ALL" in unison, that was so hype and awesome. Like, I know its not a big deal but it feels toned down in kuro...
The image has to be clean and neutral, nothing lewd.
You had novartis raping nadia and renne as one of the threadpics you retard. The pic i chose is pretty fluffy especially compared to that. You don't own /fg/ despite what your autism leads you to believe.
I didn't post that one FYI.

I can keep going but hopefully you get the point
none of them apart from the 2nd is lewd.
More neutral than your NTR.
By that definition this current OP isn't lewd
again I did not post that specific one
a 35 year old man doing something sexually suggestive to an underage boy is lewd, images of women in swimsuits are not.
You're currently the most disliked poster, congratulations big man
keep going and I will add another strike FYI. 3 strikes and I will go back to my old routine.

I will not entertain anymore arguments from you Natalya, this is the end of the discussion.
You've already been made to give up like a little bitch, quit with the bravado
I have posted more than 50 OPs in a row without a break.
kek holy shit that retard got humiliated again
Stop antagonising him anons. You'll just regret it in the end, this guy is the ultimate autist and can back up his threats.
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Just because it offends your personal sensibilities doesn't mean it's lewd. I know I'm one to talk but you genuinely need to work on your porn addiction if you think a cutesy drawing meme is any more lewd than emma with her tits and vaginabones out. I don't know how the fuck you came to the conclusion that it's "sexually suggestive"
Did you feel a tinge of sadness as you typed that post or are you not cognizant enough for it yet?
This is your second strike. I want to have sex with the Brazilian Rean cosplayer.
Truth is no one even looks at the OP post, it's just funny to goad this retard into foregoing sleep and autistically dedicating his entire life to monitoring the general day after day so he can be the first to make the next OP
And then everyone gets to insult him and ruin his day, it's like a modern day free torture show
Sorry guys looks like my meds are taking a bit longer to kick in today
I'm gonna go masturbate to sissy porn now to calm down, keep being awesome
holy kek
note there is just over 90 secs between those two posts.

pozzed op is pozzed, ofc it was the weissmannfag, you literally have the worst gimmick in /fg/
are you ok mentally? if the time between the posts is the cooldown it's just a coincidence, I check this general every few minutes sometimes and only the second one is me
note there is just over 90 secs between those two posts.
yeah its the weismannfag and frogposter ruining /fg/.

catch you later.
I really, really like Nadia Rayne
go and stay go
Why was reverie so bad
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I love my husbando
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love tio tot
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luv Fie
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me on the left
We know Rean.
do you guys think the kai news will be in famitsu or will they just dump it on the website again
Probably on the website
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It's only 3 weeks til release so they would have be extremely fucking retarded to not get the game in Famitsu but given Falcom's performance this year I wouldn't be shocked at anything they do.
What the fuck is this OP
it's a cute and canon joshy
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He loves his boyfriend!
Trails in the Sky (Also known as Sora no Kiseki) contains one of the worst characters ever written. This character, is known as "Georg Weissmann" stay tuned for more.
pathetic op, stay off /fg/ natalya. you are NOT welcome
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>Trails in the Sky (Also known as Sora no Kiseki) contains one of the worst characters ever written. This character, is known as "Georg Weissmann" stay tuned for more.
Post something hot
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cringe OP, can someone else make OP?
we are stuck with weissmann slut OP until 750 posts sry
The resident tranny needs to arrive at its natural conclusion, and the N*-chan faggots needs to fuck off.
This desu
You weren't supposed to notice that
Not this desu
Falcom trying to make Kuso more mature after Fails of Rean is really funny. It's like a 12 year old trying to act like an adult.
>blonde character
>blonde VA
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Harwood is the most cringe JRPG character of all time. He's like Ricky Spanish, but unironically.
Just started trails in the sky, pretty good so far.
Na-chan is the hottest
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this is the worst thread in a while
Makes sense. It's been like 10 years since the last good Falcom game.
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>the most cringe JRPG character of all time.
Nah, that's still Rean by a large margin.
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That’s the opposite
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How'd he get the new sword? and what the hell is that OP you guys
>He's like Ricky Spanish, but unironically.
So the best JRPG character of all time?
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SEA + Latinxmerimutt hours and woketard didn't take his meds to make matters worse
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pandora master quartz is my waifu
>he's still samefagging about the OP
jesus christ
Rean asked the Grandmaster nicely and he had to become the 7th Anguis too.
>How'd he get the new sword?
His loli wife Jingo made it for him
Why does Falcom keep lewding Na-chan's tummy
He genuinely looks so fucking cool...
I feel for you natalya, can't grasp the concept that nobody likes shota joshua and weissmann.
fuck off /fg/ and stay in your own little bubble slut.
Adding my 5 cents. pozzed OP.
Anything that triggers the obnoxious schizo twat has my support. Hopefully one day he finally snaps and offs himself.
That isn’t me. Also it doesn’t matter whether you like it or not, Weissmann definitely pedoraped a young Joshy.
The series is now a faggot tranny series. Gaybreak is the most pozzed JRPG ever made.
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Still wish he had a RED JACKET
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Which kisekis are pedos?
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Because of Switch Exclusivity of Sky The First, Estelle Bright will be included in the roster of next Super Smash Bros. on the Super Nintendo Switch.
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Nate Jobbings
She has a big stick
>Estelle in Super Normie Bros
the horrors won't end...
i wish this was his real design i hate that stupid strand if hair that covers half his face
The REAL reason we have switch exclusivity, kondo wanted to play as Estelle in smash bros.
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And Adol will too, right?
Joshy gets in before her
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Today I will remind them.
Joshy would be so cute with blond hair and blue eyes
That sounds like....
i honestly hope this happens just because the reanfag melty over it would be legendary and they would never recover
I'm still in shock after the trailer that it's real and it wasn't Kondo leading us on. I will look forward to it!
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Joshy is always a cutie.
Reanbros... we can't lose the shot at Smash to her...
This is also true.
Do you think sky remake announcement helped to boost hype for Kai or did it actually make things worse?
>It's either the most popular MC or the first MC
RoidoBros, we jobbed again.....
Assist trophy only
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Rufus should have kept his long hair so Lapis could pull it when she wants his attention
I don't think it helped. Especially since it's not coming to PC or PS yet. Falcom should have waited until after Kai released to announce the remake.
Ew, don’t compare that humanized spongebob to Joshy.
Kai is #5 and #6 on Amazon JP chart exc the PSN cards.
Why did this faggot make the OP
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there is zero evidence toshihiro kondo and yoshihiro konda are not the same person
This doesn't really tell me much, I remember kuro 1 was also pretty high on Amazon jp and we know how it ended.
Ys sisters, we are living in the shadow of Trails forever aren't we?
Thank god I bought mine day 1

I don't really care about LE since I only buy on steam, but how much does NISA actually get from selling them? Or rather how many Limited editions they make and put in stock?
Wish they would at least make versions of these with a steam key instead of trash console versions
Ys8 was truly an outlier
nisa le's are all such dogshit but this is first ys im not buying
Poorfag. I have a gaming pc, ps5 and switch. Every true gamer must have all 3. I have over 50 switch, 150 ps4 and 75 ps5 games too. Xbox is worthless.
Chinaman still hasn't posted since jan, will he stream?
there are always multiple people who stream so even if he doesnt show up other people will
I was watching koreaman stream of Kuro 2 because he was way faster than chinaman.
It hurts you, doesn't it? It absolutely destroys you inside that you've poured yourself into being there, time and time again to make the OP first to protect the general from the evil voices
You've tirelessly worked for months to make sure the OP remains sacred
And yet everyone despises you, you are reviled by the very thread you dedicated so much of your life in service of
It makes you upset, teary eyed, it makes you oh so angry that people prefer this new cheap lazy Weissmann fujo gimmick over you
After all you've done, you are the bad guy in this story
It kills you inside, it corrupts you to your very core
Agony and misery until the counter hits 749 and your anxiety levels spike as you hurry to make the next OP
After Sky The First, Estelle will be the most popular again. Rean and Lloyd will be forced to play catchup.
This modified chart has about as much effort put into it as the Sky remake, LOL.
Fantasy aside, if Kai flops we could see the Remake drop down to the same number as the original FC
It would be kino
You can tell woketaco is afraid of the remake mogging his precious Reanslop.
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the garbage ''na-chan'' defeated Estelle
Schizo losing his shit and typing up an essay every time someone critiques the OP.
Do you label things in ways that are culturally significant to you? Strange habit.
>precious Reanslop.
I thought this was Van's game? What happens if the Reanslop does well?
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>Estelle is essentially a background NPC in Reverie just chilling eating ice cream
>still makes top 15
>Na-shit has an entire route dedicated to her boring Su-tard & Na-shit garbage plot
>not even top 10
Why does Celis look like Ganondorf?
It's telling that not a single character has ever hit on Na-tard, not even Ash teases her
Swin is literally her tardwrangler LOL
>schizzy's having ANOTHER melty about nadia
Man, she really broke him.
Manabros... we can team up with Talesbros cause our game has more players than Trails through Gaybreak
Nadia really living rent free in your head
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>low budget square game outdoes all trails games
>everything that makes fun of me is a melty
the world must be exhausting seen through the eyes of schizzy
ok time to return to my fire emblem
see ya in 20 days
At least Falcom didn't get closed down did they?
Unrelated to the game and SE.
Honestly it looks very cozy, but with Kai coming out soon I don't really wanna feel like I have to rush this game
Might pick it up afterwards and marathon the Mana series to fill the Kiseki void since Kai is the end of it all...
SE didn't make the game, they licensed the IP and published it.
Riesz makes me more hard than every trails female characters together
Nah there's an npc in act 1 who wants Elaine and Nadia to model for him and one of the kids at Aramis wants to fuck her
They own the IP and it was a collab between SE developers and a chink studio. The chink-owned studio got shut down because the chinks are pulling out of Japan. This happened before the game was even released.
Haha that's the result of every Trails female sharing the same model...
Why does retards keep thinking Kai is the last Trails games?
Which FE?
Because of the subtitle.
>Na-tards still can't understand English
Hum it's literally called -Farewell, O Zemuria-?
Read between the lines, like hellooo???
Don't ever make the OP again.
I have never seen a jrpg character that’s made me wetter than Weissmann and I don’t think I ever will.
>still shitting his pants over the OP
give it a rest you've still got 500 posts to go
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Silence, retard. You're embarrassing yourself.
>Schizo still doesn't believe it's more than 1 person shitting on OP
I hereby grant you the privilege to make new OPs for as long as you please, don't even feel like you need to wait either, as soon as you see we're at about 740 posts just go for it
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She's honestly the cutest
What will be her moveset
What will be her costumes
What will be the Trails stage
What will be the assist trophies
>I grant everyone permission to ignore OP with Saltman image next time.
We want lewd bikinis on Schera, Estelle, Anelace, Carna, Maybelle, Aina, Tita, Jill, Julia, Kloe and even Joshua
>japanese text
I don’t even know if 37 is ojisan age, but if so he’s the sexiest ojisan ever. I want him to nakadashi me while feeling his blue pubes. We have an age gap of 19 years btw. Why does he make me so horny?
We really need the latest top 20 characters poll from falcom just to create more shitposting material for vanfags and reanfags.
>Autistic Na-chan poster vs equally autistic Weissmann poster on an ego battle on 4chan of all places
Why even come here if you clearly only want to be an attention whore
What will Princess Joshua's panties look like?
Juat ignore any OPs made by both, it'll be quite easy to tell if it's made by either.
I want to sniff her pussy after a long day at work
>Autistic Na-chan poster
The guy schizzing out about the Weissmannfag is the same one melting down about Nadia.
What even is this
Considering it's 20th anniversary we might get a big poll after Kai release.
worst thread in /vg/, well done weismannigger
I'm excited to see Anton and Ricky again in the Sky remake. Even if they don't really do much in FC.
i'm not bean
Someone please make new op, I refuse to use this
A whole new generation of Kiseki fans will get to experience the joy of running back and forth through that fucking Zeiss tunnel just to read the dialogue of the 4 or 5 NPCs at Air-Letten every time they advance the plot.
white lace
Turbo mode.
guys in CS2 the new design costume models were chrxxx_c10, in CS4 the new design costume models were chrxxx_c10 and in kuro 2... van has a chr0000_c10 costume... and it's the racer outfit... racer outfit is van's canon kuro 2 appearance
they could just make it one continuous area, hopefully.
One thing I hate about Cold Steel is that in the previous entries Arts was not outright called magic, and instead had books describing what it could do and the effects. But Cold Steel immediately is just like the laymans magics.
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regardless of how faithful this remake ends up being it'll almost definitely have fast travel.
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definitely spooky
I will kill towa
Like I said, Ys fans just dont buy the LEs, or even the games for that matter, most of them buy the games when it goes on sale. Ys IX LEs are easy come by after all these years. Meanwhile, Trails LE go out of stock in a month or two.
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N...ews... *snap*
Depending on how it goes, the reveal can either make or break the series honestly. Kondo better used his A-team writers for this one, because its easy to fuck up the entire series when you're going to reveal the Grandmaster's plan and backstory (unless its another Reverie bait and switch)
why do reddit hate kasim so much?
is it because he is brown
Yes, and male too.
he looks so cool
Actual pedophile post
What about Jade from tales of abyss? He's fairly evil, haha
I hate Kasim because they repeatedly only show his gun is strong
my favorite part of kiseki is how guns are useless
even high school kids can just do a funny backwards jump and dodge every single shot like it's nothing even when the shot comes out of nowhere with sign of it coming
Because Kondo said the series will be 90% complete with this game, so that means there’s at most one more game to go after Kai
Wasnt it 75% with Kai?
>90% complete but they drop it to remake every game in a row because of the tendie bonus
why does laura exist
fuck I waited too long to preorder kai and the limited edition is sold out
Because /m/ won
Original OTP for breeding the ultimate sword autist. Then cumdoll came along and ruined it
What’s pedophilic about Joshy enjoying his new toy
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What are you talking about? Laura and Rean have a canonical son.
>to save the school of coldsteel we must FLY AROUND
Genuinely what the fuck was 10 year old (?) Joshua doing walking around Paradise like this? The collar, the ouroboros branding, the tight shirt… he’s such jailbait, why did Loewe allow him to go outside like this?
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how will Overdrive be incorporated into the sky remake
is that not just one of kurt's swords but slightly off
Kai will make you select who Rean's fuckbuddy was, and it will give you their kid pulling a Future Trunks whose design is based on which girl you picked; all of them though have the weapon, orbment setup, and skills and stats with minor variations based on the mom. The name and if the child is a boy or a girl is predetermined based on which fuckbuddy you picked at the start. One of them is already visible in the trailers.

The options are: Alisa (son), Emma (daughter), Laura (son), Fie (daughter), Towa (son), Alfin (daughter), Elise (son), Juna (son), Altina (daughter), Musse (daughter), Sara (son).
That's Kurt (male)
>Alfin (daughter)
>not twins
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Clairebros... we're forgotten...
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Based based based
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>Altina (daughter)
Exceptionally based
Excuse me but where the FUCK is Celine on your fake list?
>no option to choose all
Estelle becomes Valimar's awakener
>But Rean-
Rean failed in the prior timeline
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But what about Rean's canon wife?
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how the FUCK does that work
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Haha, sorry, but someone else is carrying Rean's baby
>Towa (son)
This is how we win Nayutabros
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Haha... No...
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Sorry ladies, but Crossbell's Capture King won
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Alisa's arc completely goes to shit once she's demoted to a typical concubine, but she still look alright at least.
Also I can't lie, I don't really like the whore too much but goddamn is she a fine, fine piece of ass. Class VII top three hitters for me are Emma, Sara and Alisa, and while I feel Emma's glowup just makes her the hottest Kiseki, Alisa is still easily in the top 10.
>Elise (son)
I bet he gets bullied the most
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That won't be necessary.
I can see this also being implemented simply by the game having you optionally load up an existing CS4 clear data save file.
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I'm looking forward to seeing Anelace again
>unironically wanting more fails after gaybreak
Isn't that how Reverie did it?
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What if I picked no one?
Me too, anon.
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I wonder what Estelle's kisses taste like...
Sleeping drugs
Rean must have an heir. If it's not one of the CS sluts, you'll have to take responsibility yourself.
I refuse to be Rean's bride
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You talk like you have a choice. You don't.
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I saw Hatsuu in Bumble once and reading her bio I can see why she's having such a difficult time finding a steady. She had a lot of fine pics in her profile but I swiped left, felt like she had tons of baggage.
What was her bio?
Stop forcing this meme about Kurt being a girl! He's a BOY!
>CS4 restoration mod changes the random agargion boss monster in osgilliath basin to have 4 of them in the battle with insane speed that spam the same art that instantly kills the entire party in 1 turn while taking like an inch of health off at most while using broken lost arts from cs2 or s-craft even just on normal difficulty
i hate this game
so it's really true, huh?
Leona. Says she's in the vidya industry, a project manager and freelancer. Lots of cat pics.
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>Stop forcing this meme about Kurt being a girl! He's a BOY!
Yes, GBF is basically smelly yumejo/fujo retirement home
how does she have 500 views
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Only a matter of time before she moves from denial to coping
How can a woman in her mid 30s that nerds out on a shitty browser gacha game and injects cringe zoomer slang into a jrpg game have such a cute voice and be hot at the same time
She's a solid 7/10 that's into JRPGs of course she'll get 500 views easy
so like why is cedric such a megga ass faggot
is hatsuu single
He thought he was gay for Kurt and had a melty so bad he takes it up the ass from Shirley on the regular now
she would not want you
you can't know that for sure. maybe anon is handsome as fuck and a gigachad and "on fleek" as hatsuu might force into the game script
yeah all the gigachads flock to /fg/
He's a pansy faggot but I respect him more than most Cold Steel characters for actually admitting he's a power hungry faggot instead of being forgiven and returning to the status quo.
I wouldn't want her either.
she is legit like a 9/10
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so why did vita have to host a radio show to keep an eye on rean
yakuza is a lot more egregious about asset recycling than kiseki though
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when did the average trails fan become an insufferable virtue signaling faggot?
nothing about this is virtue signaling she is objectively obnoxious
Not a single person here likes this cuntwaffle.
She had her time in CSII and she's its been downhill from there. She also lost the biker catsuit which was way better than her CSIII outfit. They had multiple ways to write her as a better character than just lesbian lolicon
why does everyone even want crow back so much in CS2? they were only with him for like a month and he committed attempted murder. it's so fucking weird and forced
If there is one thing everyone is united on about Trails it's that Angelica is a fucking awful annoying character. She has like one scene where she fights her dad that's kind of cool then any time else she's on screen it's to say "I'M A LESBIAN I LIKE CUTE GIRLS I'M A LESBIAN I LIKE CUTE GIRLS I'M A LESBIAN I LIKE CUTE GIRLS". It's actually insane. An AI would unironically write a better character than Angelica. (by the way after all this stupidity it's heavily implied Angelica got with fat fuck George so she couldn't even stay true to her one character trait lmfao).

Musse is basically Angelica 2.0 except instead of being a lesbian it's being a Rean cocksleeve. Seriously go back through her dialogue and it's all talking about how she wants to fuck Rean. It's awful. And then when she's NOT talking about fucking Rean you wish she was because she's doing her 4th dimensional plotting bullshit.
And she's what, 36? Being a 8/10 when you're at that age raises some serious red flags if you want anything serious.
Anything above a 5 is generous. We have one autist who became familiar with her after someone posted the webm of her in her 20s with her bigs tits bouncing around and he hasn't shut the fuck up about her since. Absolutely insane little faggot.
Being hot & single into your 30s as a female still on dating apps is a huge red flag

even check anons... check your apps right now!
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Are you ready for Sky The Second
maybe he's ecelebschizo. this place gets weird about anyone even emotely popular in the fandom.
maybe it's all the one guy
robbie daymond as lloyd is so much better than his japanese femboy voice its unreal
I don't know, shit's just different nowadays so I wouldn't mind getting to know Hatsuu and if I like her personality I'd date her. She's attractive to me.

I feel that career women, good-looking ones especially are more common nowadays. Of course, I do know of a few hos that were hot in high school, are now 30 and single or in relationships that don't outlive a year, that are hot. But I see more just straight up career women that have either dated once or twice or not all than I do girls that have slept around and are lookers.
I'm 30 myself so while they wouldn't be my first option, I certainly wouldn't be opposed to dating them
I don't know, I liked it. A little funny Lloyd goes by "ore" with the voice he has and things he says.
Whenever I reach the point where Lloyd gets a call in the CS games, I'll be taken out by hearing him answer in English rather than say
>tokubo shienka, roido banins desu
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>All Kai CEs sold out
Its ogre. These fucking chinks and japs robbed me
I've dated similar girls before, and there's a good reason they're still single. They can never meet you half way, they're erratic and the moodswings are terrible. I guess for a quick lay sure, but when you're also at you're 30s you're better off finding someone with less emotional baggage, even when they're nearly not as attractive.
the redpill is all the english VA's are more soul than their JP counterparts
then you need to save her, anon. she's on the brink.
>putting on the sqeaky anime girl voice at 36, right now on twitch in fact
>name change
>works in localisation industry
>cat lady
>twitter spergouts
it's sad but this is happening to more and women who fall for the feminist "i don't need no man" proprganda.
they end up lonely, riddled with plastic surgery, streaming on twitch for attention in their mid-30s, caked in makeup (or a vtuber) and resentful of younger women who can still have kids and a good, high-value man.

the only kind of guy she appeals to is the 30-something failed writer on /fg/.

she thinks she's an aurelia le guin and she can bag a chad, but in reality she's actually just alisa in her mid-30s after pushing rean away and losing her V-card to crow.

modernity has fucking ruined women.
I'm lowering my expectations for Kai. I just dont want to be disappointed with the inevitable GM dindu reveal. In fact, I'd relieved if it just ends up being Nayuta afterall, that would at least tie everything together.
im waiting on the NISA localization of kai personally
Agnès: 7x10 + 4x1 + 1x8 = 82/12 = 6.833
Nadia: 7x10 + 3x1 + 2x5 + 1x3 + 1x4 = 90/14 = 6.429
Estelle: 10x10 + 2x8 + 1x1 + 1x6 = 123/14 = 8.786
Jolda: 3x1 + 2x5 + 2x10 + 1x6 = 39/8 = 4.875
Renne: 3x1 + 3x10 + 2x9 + 1x5 + 1x8 = 64/10 = 6.4
Elaine: 6x10 + 2x1 + 2x7 + 1x4 + 1x6 + 1x9 = 95/13 = 7.308
Feri: 3x10 + 2x5 + 2x7 + 1x1 + 1x2 + 1x3 + 1x4 + 1x6 + 1x8 + 1x9 = 87/14 = 6.214
Lapis: http://poal.me/qdwpdw
Waiting for NISAs trails in the sky
Will there be a fan translation patch for Kai
theyll be youtube playthroughs bro, just watch it..
>Kai is on the Weekly Famitsu cover
We are so back bros. What do you think they're showcasing this time? My biggest cope is they're showing Mecha Battles along with Hermes
No one likes her anon
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Hey anon, can I trim your ballsack hair with my katana please?
y-yes, mommy...
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*cuts your ballse*
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no...c row... u still owe me 50 cvents... u cant die on me...
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No offense, but you're reminding me of those girls from the Whatever podcast who rate themselves an 8 out of 10 when they're a 3 at best.
Hatsuu's an objective 5 at best. Back in the day she was a strong 6 out of 10.
Nothing wrong with that, but don't lie or I'll think you're actually her.
She's obviously lurking here.
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Let‘s see what /fg/ is talking about!
>some 3dpd whore
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luv my arts slut
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Did they seriously release CS3 in the West before Azure/Zero? So like, a huge chunk of the audience had zero context for this whole Juna subplot, and she's just babbling nonsense as far as they could tell?

Wild. I pity any EOP who got into this series early.
Why aren‘t you guys playing starrail instead? It has actual budget and runs on phone.
falcom themselves retconned juna into the crossbell arc you blathering retard
Blame XSNEED for screwing us over. At least NISA has the foresight to localize Nayuta before that gets canonized!
Kai trailer today I can smell it.
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any other falcom titles worth purchasing
>no altina
why even bother
>not supporting all of CLEs games so they can bring is Trails in the sky remake
s m h!
I have Zero onwards on console. And Tokyo Xanadu.
dead general
dead series
dead life
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Did you know men become hard when they die and cum their entire balls? It‘s an evolutionary instinct…
you should spend every bonding event with crow in CS1. the game treats it as if you did, and crow directly mentions what he says if you choose to spend time with him over a girl after the school festival when he's attacking thors whether you spent time with him or not
Crow is the worst shit in CS, and he should have stayed dead.
how does one get in the /fg/ discord?
You need to be American and a retard
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is it true i haven't played the game
it's not even fucking up on steam yet
all of us have played the game on switch
I've never played Ys
playing the game at 20 FPS is not playing the game
>Scarlet gets shit for being part of the ILF
>tfw Crow never gets when he could've instigated a war between Calvard and Erebonia on Nord and having nearly fired off those railway canons which could've led to repercussion far worse than we could imagine
at least he acknowledges how retarded he was and never pretends that he was justified, only if everyone around him acted as such
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>new sword
he had it reforged after Shitzuna broke it, we don't know who did it or what it's made out of. I do like how it looks similar to Valimar's sword
some schizo creates dumps the new OP when it hasn't hit it's limit yet as creating threads on an anonymous message board is the only way he feels any validation, it's pretty sad.
famitsu scans at thursday midnight JST
ryokutya text summary of the scans ~10 hours before that
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Crow is Loewe but alive
Kondo won't ever let him die
I think it's fine given the reasoning for his revivals
>died in CS2
>revived in CS3, doesn't remember anything because maskshit (which is absolutely retarded)
>the reason he was brought back was for the Rivalries with Ordine
>jobbed to Rean, exists because he split his Awakener power with him (0 clue as to how this even works)
>gets brought back because the Divine Knights gave him a new vessel
I believe the final point is 100% more believable than
I feel like this general does not properly appreciate Kondo for all of the contributions he made to the company
You should play the games. Arts were called magic in FC.
Brandish, the forbidden one. Only accessible on Vita.
>Finished main story kuro II
>Immediately lose all interest to continue 10th-15th floor of garten
I really hate it.
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Im already playing HSR. My issue with it is that the dialogue is unbearably longer than it should. Just take a look at Sunday's dialogue during that scene where he convinces you about how people are misguided. In a Trails game, that would be conveyed in about half the time that he drones on about choices and morals. Hell, you even have unnnecesarily long scenes like Acheron's flashbacks. She did not need 3 flashbacks just to reveal her real name, especially during the climax of the arc. Theres just something about chink storytelling.

Also, yes the Chinawank fucking sucks.
I had sex with shizuna and got her pregnant, she was holding her katana at my balls and threatened to stab if I pull out
>Implying i would ever pull out having sex with shizuna.
>wanting schizo daughters that will rape you together with their mom
animations are the one thing this game has over Kiseki. the story is shit, any Kiseki game has more interesting gameplay and it feels like a shitty JRPG. the game would've been awful had it been a paid release instead of a F2P gachaslop. I would shit on Rean and Reanwank any day of the weak but HSR is 10x worse in this department. case in point
>Xianzhou Luofu
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the entire "we should face reality" shit really fell flat as it read like a shittier Azure Tree with maybe Royal in the mix. they failed to sell on why Sunday was wrong with the one person that actually disproves his beliefs (Firefly) being entirely off-screen as Robin failed to address any of his points properly . the AE crew doesn't work as they barely had any major characterization to speak of so it's hard for me to support them beyond Sunday being the big bad of the arc. had he never gone full cultist near the end, he'd 100% be in the right, even if his beliefs were a tad bit extreme.
I've read other Chinawank chapters in gachas but the Luofu stands above the rest with how boring it is.
genuinely love rean
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The xianzhou arc was a result of petty squabblings between the writers and players. One of the writers is a literal fujo shipper, and the chinks didnt like it, so now you end up with tons of awkward loose ends between Blade and Dan Heng, and the pacing and themes is all over the place. It doesnt help that the game expects you to know the concept of the Chinese "cultivation" genre in order to actually get the themes of the arc. The Japs sneak in buddhist and shinto themes in their works, but not to this extent, and if they did, they'd make ways to have it a lot more digestible, or weaved into the narrative well enough that you dont actually need to have any prior knowledge about it.
No, the game just wants you to parry and auto guard instead of dodging attacks.
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I love Angelica, she is my favorite waifu in the series. She is a hot piece of ass too.
Looks like the OP got banned
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that explains a lot, probably for the same reason why Wuwa was putting me to sleep and never clicked with me. never really understood the appeal of these novels since they're pretty formulaic but I guess that's just me
can anyone post me an save file for kuro right at the beginning of the intermission chapter? i lost my save file like two years ago, and now im playing kuro again with the nisa/ph3 port.
WuWa just went full mask off. For as much as Kuro games copied 90% of Hoyo's homework with it, they never copied Hoyo's model of introducing a familiar setting first then sprinking the chinkwank throughout. WuWa just shived all of it upfront, I couldnt even get through the first 2 hours of the game and dropped it.
I thought red rossweisse was gonna be a real sexy new character and then when the mask fell off and it was revealed as angelica rogner i nearly vomited all over
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Jacobin is going to be the main villian of Kai somehow. cunt keeps popping out like a cockroach that can't be stomped.
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Kai is in the Famitsu this week, they will probably be on the 26/09 cover next week.
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Today, I will remind them.
I wonder what we'll get
Probably the 4 main protags
You're totally have a melty when Kai sells 60k
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Reminder anon is a kurofag.
He made this gif for a reason.
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what happens if it does worse. who do we blame
Easy, we blame it on Rean.
Also I didn't make that gif.
Do we credit Rean if the game does well too?
>Easy, we blame it on Rean.
No, it goes to VAN.
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>Outcome of Shizuna vs Rean rematch?
Rean has a track record of tanking game sales, if Kai sells well it does so in spite of Rean not because of him.
Haven't Rean's games sold over a combined 5 million though?
But Rean's games sold the most.
>Rean has a plurality of games therefore has a plurality of sales
Hello brazilians who don't understand concepts like per capita, how would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning?
>headcanon numbers with no source to back it up
You can only really call CS I to CS IV Rean games as well. I doubt those 4 games alone has sold 5m.
Oh shit. Are you the dude who lost his girl to Rean cosplayer?
Hajimari is a Rean game because it's ed8 and it's also garbage like the other Rean games.
You believe that headcanon fanfiction post by the resident schizo? I feel for you anon.
>Kuro 1 and 2 is not a garbage game BTW
>Cold Steel fags projecting their fetish onto others for some reason
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>Hajimari is a Rean game
notice he never denies it
>Kai is a Van game
>Kuro 1 is not a garbage game BTW
Well, is it true?
So it is?
We've had this discussion before and you got destroyed, do you really want to repeat it?
>some Famitsu article by an intern is comparable to how Falcom themselves labels their games
>Intentionally excluding Kuro 2
Kudos to you for being honest anon.
'fraid 'o.
No of course it isn't true, you retard.
No poster in this thread, Kurofag or Reanfag, has ever had a girlfriend to get cucked by to begin with.
Approx steam owners of XSEED/NISA Trails games
>Trails in the sky FC - 200 - 500 k
>Trails in the sky SC - 200 - 500 k
>Trails in the sky 3rd - 100 - 200 k
>Trails from Zero - 20 - 50 k
>Trails to Azure - 0 - 20 k
>Trails of Cold Steel - 200 - 500 k
>Trails of Cold Steel II - 50 - 100 k
>Trails of Cold Steel III - 50 - 100 k
>Trails of Cold Steel IV - 50 - 100 k
>Trails into Reverie - 20 - 50 k
>Trails through Daybreak - 20 - 50k
No no no delete this
Reanbros how do we respond to this?? our narrative????
How much is it on consoles. And overall?
Kuro 2 has the best gameplay in the series so its still a good game.
It's impossible to know unless XSEED/NISA/Falcom tells us the specific numbers directly.
I remember them saying that overall series sales went up a few years ago before Kuro 1 came out. So I assume that's because of CS
I love my husbando and I love Trails in the Sky!
Trails has sold a combined 8 M worldwide across all titles.

1.5m of that are English Steam version

I would guesstimate 3m Japanese console version copies; 2m Western console version copies and 1.5m Asian console/pc version copies
Here's the chart:

Kai sells well > Kuro 2 is a great game
Kai sells bad > Rean ruined the sales again
Kai flatlines > Reverie is still bringing the series down but Van stopped the bleeding

Future reference:

Sky Remake sells well > Kai was a fantastic game
Sky Remake sells bad > Estelle is a shitter and we need Van back
Sky Remake flatline > Reverie is still bringing the series down but Estelle stopped the bleeding

Act accordingly, sisters
Cold Steel 4 sold 1.2 million. What non-Cold Steel games sold 1.2 million?
Kai will sell extremely well because its the marvel avengers endgame of this series.
Whether kai sells good or not, Van still wins and Rean loses.
People will buy Kai for Rean's CS3 outfit.
What if Rean takes over the game and it sells well. Who wins then?
the fujos
I wanted his CS2 outfit THOUGH
you have no veritable source to back up your claims that CS IV has sold 1.2m worldwide. pretty sure NISA meant 1.2m copies across CS3,4 and Reverie on both PC and console combined.
If a single game has sold over 1m LTD WW, it is Trails in the Sky FC.
no one has sources for anything since neither Falcom nor NISA publish numbers
but you are the one constantly opening the pandora's box of sales so quit acting indignant when other people throw in their made up headcanon along with yours
The difference is that I have never claimed to know exactly what the numbers are and have always stated my figures are estimates.
this schizo on the other hand is providing hard numbers with nothing to back it up.
>you have no veritable source to back up your claims that CS IV has sold 1.2m worldwide.
CS4 sold 1.2 million copies.
Now, if you claim that any non-CS game sold more than CS4 then it means that you're admitting that they suffered the biggest fall in sales ever, considering that CS1-CS4 has to have sold at least 4.8 million.
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Hey anon, nice balls… mind if I put a scar on them?
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>gets impregnated
Dubious CLE claim, yeah, I'm gonna take that with a grain of salt because we know for a fact that Asian sales are the least out of the 3 major markets for the Trails series.
CLE could be counting all the sales of their chinese/asian localized Trails games from both pc and console into one figure.
Hope rean gives birth to a healthy baby.
That's not how it works in Erebonia buddy! The girl does that!!
>posts pic of rean saying gets impregnated
So I'm in the wrong here?
It's saying Shizuna gets impregnated!
Do you have any proof of CLE lying about CS4's worldwide sales? CS4 has sold at least 1.2 million worldwide. It's undeniable.
Uh huh, sure buddy.
stop projecting tranny
cs4 alone selling that much makes 0 sense if you think about it for more than 2 seconds but it makes reankeks feel good to believe it so thats all that matters we now have to suspend our critical thinking skills just to keep them happy
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>breaks your sword
Rean dick is too small for shizuna.

Are you telling me Ao no Kiseki has sold 4.3m WW if we use your logic
Except that specifically says the Trails series.
I accept your concession
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Your logic is nonsensical. The CS4 listing specifically says that it sold 1.2 million.
That's what your mom said when you tried to wear her dress.
Is that the best you could come up with tranny lover? Go back to shooting up schools
Going from Trails in the Sky to Star Rail is a miserable experience. Really, any turn-based JRPG is better than SR, no matter how archaic. Baffling how they didn't just outright copy Persona 5 at least. It also only becomes enjoyable with Super Break.
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The next game should be a Shizuna spin-off
Nothing a quick rape won't fix haha!
>loves rean
>furiously denies being a troon
Rean and Shizuna settles down and gets married. They run a farm together in Eastern Zemuria. Farm sim game, similar to time at sandrock with a splash of stardew valley.
I think you're overestimating that, bud. Get your troon mind fixed.
Built for BBC (Big Ban Cock)
Ban loves Agnes THOUGH
>Farm sim game
I will now buy your game.
You people are huge faggots. Why are you as a man thinking about which cock will penetrate a woman?
Van prefers eastern bvlls to fuck his women. He's the average Calvardian cuck.
Just like brazilian cosplayer made you an average cuck?
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>he thinks i‘m a man
I make rankings about trails protagonists dicksmell in my head
oh dear
why are girls like this!
Shizuna will rape him for that demon semen.
It’s a tranny. Don’t listen to it. No bio woman would use an image like that or say “dicksmell”
Wrong guy.
Trannies ruined the internet for me, I can‘t even be a fangirl online anymore lmao
Can't wait for Shizuna to be revealed to be Anelace possessed by a magic sword.
That's fucked desu.
top 3?
I hate trannies too. I saw one say something sexual about Husband and I felt like throwing up. Which Kiseki guy do you think has the most potent cock musk?
why are we being invaded by "women" lately
sky remake must have done this!
when a gimmick works it births copycats
na-chan for example only exists because the renny poster became historical
>transtelle game remake
>"female" players suddenly appearing in /fg/
Not that surprising if you ask me.
But before anons would've disregarded your post and demanded you posts tits instead
How is this not a better outcome for you? Anons now assume you aren't a woman and leave you alone, surely this is what you wanted
I miss when we had boy butt anon. She was pure.
how do i come up with a gimmick i've been posting here since 2019 i think i deserve to be thread famous
how the fuck do you retards form parasocial relationships with self-proclaimed female posters
fuck off monickerfag
Na-chan has never been a gimmick, there are at least 4 anons who adores her
CS1 and sky are pretty cheap and often go on sale, so it's no wonder it sold that well. Daybreak seems to be doing ok, mb it'll get a bit of boost once it goes on sale, but NISA's discounts are pretty fucking bad these days, they still only do 20% for nayuta, azure and reverie.
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Old fat men smell the strongest so I have to say Bergard
The strongness is not a huge point for my ranking though, I think either joshua and reans smell would be the most calming for me, due to many factors which I don‘t want to elaborate on right now
it's not that hard, the pepe poster made a name for himself by just saying "Genuinely hate the Kuro arc" 10 times
find a funny niche you can exploit
Gibe your opinions on Weissmann’s cock smell. I want to see if we’re on the same wavelength
how the FUCK is Bergard fat?
God women never miss a chance to be retarded as fuck
I don't come to /fg/ to make friends, I come to /fg/ for news.
>avatarfagging as random anime women not even related to falcom
>”fat old smelly men”
At least make the woman larp a little convincing
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My favourite husbando. I really want to sniff his cock, it makes me so fucking horny.
the issue with women posters is they are slow as fuck, it makes it very boring to interact with
a real gimmick poster has to be witty and snappy
hey don't be so mean
Not that we have anything to talk about until we get crumbs of information for 3 weeks until the release date.
it's all I've got left
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I just want to slither up to him with a demure look, slowly take his glasses off. Then it's time for the main course, I would absolutely rip his shirt open then make little kisses all over his chest.
I‘m not even larping tho, you already decided for me that I am a tranny right? You can go with that idgaf lol, also I say fat old men because it makes me think of my dad, and he smells BAD. For some reason old guys don‘t brush their tongue, why? So i bet Bergard doesn‘t brush his tongue either, and at that age, men can‘t probably tell, but your whole body starts smelling like dick. Younger guys tend to smell more salty from their armpits and chest but older guys just smell like strong body odor, it‘s overwhelming.
Anyway, enough about my brainrot, I need to finish ys9 because ysx is next month (kill me)
Nigga what
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love renny
>I am resurrecting the renny poster in honor of him.
I love renny so much it hurts
Why can't you at least pick a decent character for your gimmick? No one can even attempt to believe you're honest when you pick Weissmann and now Gideon as your "husbandos", come on dude put a minimum of effort into it
she's looking fine isn't she, renny I love you.
Can I watch you play Ys IX?
This is neither a romantic nor sexual offer, I just really love Ys IX it's my favourite Ys and I'd like to hear your thoughts on it and see your reactions to the big moments
Don't even give a shit about your gender I just love Ys IX so much
I think I could stream it from discord, but I fear it would disappoint you anon since I really don‘t enjoy the story untill now, I just want to complete it before ysx so I‘m skipping alot of stuff
Gideon person isn’t me and I think he’s a repugnant character. My love for Weissmann is genuine and I don’t understand why that’s so hard for people to comprehend since he is a good villain and an ikemen. I love him so much.

I am going to ask you again where you think Weissmann’s smell falls in between this
I feel nonchalant about his smell, he probably doesn‘t smell bad but not particulary good either, he would be somewhere in the middle for me
Can someone give a link to where I can read/watch summaries about Sky and Coldsteel? I've just finished playing Zero and Azure a few days ago and now I'm ready to go to Reverie but I want to refresh myself about Sky and CS but I've mostly forgotten them because I've played them years ago.
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very cute i want to hug her
God I hate women.
God i love lolis.
Same pretty much. I think he wears cologne but because he’s 37 his cock has a somewhat prominent, almost hypnotic musk. I love thinking about his smell. And to be completely honest with you I wouldn’t mind if he made me smell his dick, pits and feet.
It takes less than a week without news for /fg/ to revert back to being unusable
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Haha....(it's over)
At least the OPfag had things under control when it came to OP's and now we're back to pozzed OPs made by schizos.
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Talk about my wife instead.
I don't want to do that Rean!
I hereby award this the worst /fg/ OP image of 2024.
its a shame she didnt get a redesign but at least they went back to her better kuro 1 costume
all the designs were simplified
I just want Renne to get a really, really lewd swimsuit or outfit in Kai just to make the normies seethe.
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>no redesign
huh? she got sexy chinadress in Kai
You must be 18 or older to use 4chan
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Does agnes ever get good? Like cd4 musse good or cs2 emma good? Or should I go for the grey haired albino kid? Haaalp, THE ONLY CHARACTER I HAVE SEMI DECENT IS FERI, IM GETTING MY ASS HANDED TO ME AAAAH. Like im on normal and ive died 7 times, this has literally never happened before in cs or crossbell games
Feri best girl. You know it
And van sucks too so far but I read that getting his chaos alignment core helps alot and red head kid literally kills himself every fight. Blue haired maid is pretty good but her lack of movement abilities makes using her crafts tough
......I miss s craft spam, I miss it so goddamned much
>miss s craft spam,
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>I miss s craft spam, I miss it so goddamned much
Her voice actress is elite, so cute. I'm no lolicon but I can kinda understand why some of you schizos got so hung up on the hag stuff. A cute sounding VA really brings a character to life fr
Why is the OP of Kai so bad? Isn‘t this supposed to be the great finale?
>Isn‘t this supposed to be the great finale?
It's not. Daybreak 1 marks the halfway point.
It's the best OP we've had in years what are you talking about?
Bring back the 2d openings. I genuinely get chills when listening to the SC and 3rd opening sometimes and i attribute that to the fact it doesn't have those shitty mmd model openings.
I like the art/style of the Azure, CS1 & CS2 openings.
I'd like to live in the stone age with no electricty too.
I don't think there's anything left to explore or go. Except maybe that place mcburn came from, outside the continent. Itd be pretty cool if a giant corpse of aidios was there or its just a regular ol hellscape
Holy Iska Empire, Leman and Arteria are the big 3 left.
far east and then arteria are probably the remaining stuff left but i have a feeling far east was cancelled considering ka fai is in kai and he was the main setup for the east
Just a reminder that we will probably see the full map of zemuria for the first time from space.
>North Ambria
All belong to Erebonia btw
From the animation and visual standpoint it's really good, theme song sucks. TX and kuro 2 were peak Singa op themes.
yeah they need to stop letting singa make the OPs jesus fucking christ wtf is kondo doing
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lol this made me laugh
Rene is Gramheart's son.
coin bullet shits on any semblance of difficulty this game has because of aggro + defensive shard skills. get either Chaos (if you want big dick damage numbers) or Law (to abuse Aggro and go into a corner) and you won. prioritize getting Ark Feather on your casters.
>He's STILL seething about the OP
how tf do you die in kuro lol
Singa has been making op themes since CS3, falcom never let anyone else make anyone else except him make op themes sinse then. Jindo's last op theme was in ys8 and then falcom repurposed his op theme for ys9 into a dungeon theme, cloaca maxima was supposed to be it. There's also a speculation that second ed theme from ysx was also supposed to be an op theme.
The illusion of you having a choice when Falcom's set in their ways is probably the issue anon. CS2 thinks you chose Crow at the dance scene in CS1 despite you being able to choose anyone as when Rean seethes at Osborne, Crow's dance scene in CS1 is shown in his flashback despite you not choosing Crow. Oversight, maybe.
I could only figure out ark feathers on feri because agnes has a shit ton of weird element locks, like whyyy
It's not even a coin bullet, Van is built like a power tank, he can take a lot of damage but also hit as hard. Just put everything on strength and spam his craft. In kuro 2 they nerfed scraft spam, but the only times when kuro 2 was kinda hard for me is when Van was not in the party.
What’s your most immoral Kiseki fap? For me it’s when I came loads of the thought of Weissmann rape correcting Renne for failing a mission and forcing her to relive her PTSD and developing an extreme fear of men as a result
You what mate
To be fair when Kuro 1 had 0 patches in Japan, people did die to those 2 Almata grunts when you're Grendel on nightmare before Falcom buffed up Grendel. I think that was probably thr only time I've ever gotten any game overs in Kuro 1.
Ark Feather on your casters, Executioner on your physical characters. Also go grab those auto buffs (CP, STR,SPD, etc.). If you can, go grab that 4.0 bonus so Van can grab Carbuncle and just tuck Van in a corner and spam Coin Bullet. Or just go with stun builds as bosses getting stunned till their half health still pushes their turn back.
Boss' keep speed blitzing me, even feri can barely keep its ridiculous, the one boss in the music festival absolutely fucked me up, in both fights. Like the way they draw you in to blitz nuke you is so unfair and I cant buff because i never get a fucking turn
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playing through cs2 for the first time and the game is slightly off center like this and cutting off text. the menus and everything else looks fine. the fuck is the fix for this? was fucking with the resolution but this doesnt seem to change anything.
They do stuff like that with all of Class VII. For example, CS2 has a flashback that shows her talking to Rean when Valimar is just about to escape no matter who you choose.
>Holy Iska Empire
destroyed why would we go to ruins?
for the lore
Iska is still around in the form of a bunch of city states that feud with each other.
What chapter exactly are you at anyway?

Also, Agnes is bench tier unless you're willing to still use her as a revive crutch with her S-Craft.

Pretty sure that's because you loaded a save file. Without loading a save file, there's no flashback whatsoever (which most people don't do because that's the appeal of the game which is to carryover your save file).
given how little we've heard about iska if they set an arc there you can expect it to have 0 planning whatsoever
not again.....
The one in the orbal mechanical city, thanks for the confirmation tho. Benching agnes when I get home, hopefully the new kid is better
I also gave feri arons' holo, so she can preform like fie, ;_; i see in her my beloved evasion tank
We only know that far east is extremely hard to reach and only 8LOB and BGOB users can reach it according to Shizuna, she said that Van can cross to the far east too if he'll fully master grendel and we also know that Hamilton was somehow able to cross it.
Oh fuck, then yeah you should have more than enough shit going on then. But yeah, as I mentioned here>>492851160, your physical characters should get those auto buffs and stun the bosses as much as you can even if they get out of it at half health while Feri should just be Ark Feathering everything.

Don't bother with evasion tanking in this game anon. That's pretty much been fixed now. You really need to start unlearning everything you know about CS3-Reverie (and CS1-CS2 to a lesser extent) because things in Daybreak land are pretty different.
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it's over
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Where is that from lel
>Pretty sure that's because you loaded a save file.
I chose Fie, but it showed Millium in Nord. In fact, I'm pretty sure that it showed more than just Fie and Millium talking to Rean before he's forced to leave.
It's like how the game assumes you hung out with everyone at the dance because if a character is eligible to be danced with, the game assumes you saw the bonding event when you carry over data to CS2, and every character follows up on it. So the "canon" version of those events is Rean talking to and dancing with everyone.
>wokefag is a /v/ tourist
Why am I not surprised...
Uh isn't only one of the dudes in the love triangle gay?
Are we supposed to care about your excel file? What a weirdo LMAO
The incest is just a meme.
>It's ok if kuro is DEI blackrock as long as it doesnt have Rean.
Americans ate this game up didn't they
>Bioshock 2
>not woke
Umm... what?
I am in a Trails discord server for girls and they write rean x van ntr mpreg fanfics everyday. One posted her tits and she has G cups, but they look brownish/unwashed.
prove it bud
I didn't buy Daybreak, so no worries.
Haven't you been banned like 5 times in the span of 2 days now? Why can't you get the hint that your rhetoric is rejected here?
No one cares, we are all looking forward to Kai no Kiseki LITERALLY no one cares about your weird persecution complex and politics
Give it a rest and grow up already
Send an invite
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Gramheart will end up being a good guy.
Kek holy shit
but the game is woke. is wokefag wrong or what
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Hopefully. The past 2 arcs have been nonstop villainous leaders so having one that's both a good guy AND he's actually competent instead of being a loser clown like Alicia, Eugent, and Elie's grandfather would be a refreshing change.
if he's not a villain then what was the point of the character cause hes done basically nothing
the entire point of his character is just to be rocket guy?
I want to naizuri Weissmann…
He's not, but he's really annoying about it.
It has a more modern approach which sure some people can interpret as "woke" (helping a gay man accept himself) but wokefag dials it to 11 and makes it seem like the game hates white people when it doesn't
you'll find usually 4chan is right in principle but then can't help but become such unhinged extremists that they lose their stance
Then what should he do? His entire plan revolves around star taker plan, did he need to do a lot of "fufu" scenes for you to be satisfied? Gramheart already showed himself as being a pretty cool dude, helping Van and co. in AF and he also showed his gunlord skills.
I like how he's complaining about Gramheart not doing anything, but he already had more presence in 2 games than Osborne in 4. Gramheart doesn't really need to be evil to have a conflict with Van and Agnes, we still don't know what he's trying to achieve with star taker.
You literally cannot function without comparisons, it's so sad to see
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what presence? he does nothing in either game
>he already had more presence in 2 games than Osborne in 4.
Osborne's presence was felt throughout all of Cold Steel despite him not constantly appearing. By Cold Steel 2, Osborne announced he was taking over Ouroboros' plan in one of Kiseki's most memorable scenes. Gramheart's done nothing close with his only cool scene being the mech.
Why do people consider northambrian war anime a meme.
>despite him not constantly appearing
More like not appearing at all hahahaha
The characters are of no consequence and are very forgettable. You can literally replace every single anime original character and it wouldn't make any difference. You have this ragtag team of Jaegers and you have not heard of any of them specifically in the main games at all.
His actions shaped the entirety of Cold Steel, even from the first game. Whereas, it's only going to start mattering that Greamheart's in power for 5 minutes in Kai before he's cucked by Rene.
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Kiseki if made by /fg
They have no argument, that's why they just seethe.
Also, it's funny because the only one with "racist outbursts" is a Kusoeater who calls everyone who doesn't like Daybreak a "brown subhuman" or some variation thereof.
we only call reanfags that cause it's true lmao
>go to bed with woketard doing his schizo outbursts
>wake up and he's still at it
Why is it that ASO has zero white men in it?
Why is it that the game goes out of their way to make sure you know that only white people commit terrorism and tax fraud, and that everything good in the country is due to immigrants and the white people don't contribute anything?
Why is it that every single thug is white when the game is supposed to be in a diverse country?
Why is it that practically half the quests are some kind of immigrant being put upon by an overbearing white person, and I don't mean just Jacobin, I also mean like that professor who gets humiliated by Hamilton and then fired.

It's hard to overstate how woke Daybreak it, I legitimately cannot think of a more woke jrpg.
you just proved him right
Stop treating women as sexual objects.
>by proving him wrong, you're proving him right because you engaged with proving him wrong!!!
Do you have a *single* argument? One?
What sheet is this? I know the Kusoeaters are blaming "wokefag" but they blame him for literally everything.
He's in so many people's minds rentfree he could become rich by subletting
Not sure if you've fixed this yet but have you tried using Senpatcher alongside the HD texture pack? It fixes the font spacing so it shouldn't run off the side of the screen like that.
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I love Na-chan!!!
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God, one of the stupidest things Cold Steel has ever done that I don't feel people talk about enough is how this faggot didn't tell Olivier SHIT about anything, and letting him keeping antagonizing Osborne for virtually no reason.
The Black Records mention Olivert, so Eugent has to let him do his thing.
Tio is too tall
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whats /fg/ thoughts on my favorite fapbait character elie macdowell
elie is one of my most fapped to girls
the idea of her selling her body to erebonian officials during the occupation to keep the rest of the sss safe gets me hot
She’s a slut
And why do they have to do what the black records said again?
weissmannfag and wokefag thread.
we need news so they both can be drowned the fuck out.
Post wokemann
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The prophecy in the Black Records was inevitable, in order to subvert the curse, Eugent has to make sure Osborne (Dreichels) plays his part until the end. He mentioned any other attempts to stop it outside of Osborne's plan would just make it worse.
They're afraid that if they don't listen to the Black Records that even if they manage to avert the future, that they could end up causing a worse future to occur instead. It ties into how Erebonia is trapped by the shadows of it's past, and the refusal to know what happens in the future by Lloyd was done to avoid a situation exactly like that from happening again with the Nothingness of All.
Stop posting lewd
Not very pleasant, no.
I prefer this one >>492860801, Altina.
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Anon, it‘s circumsization time!
>any other attempts to stop it outside of Osborne's plan would just make it worse.
Olivier attempt it and he got it right in his first try. Sound likes he was just a defeatist loser.
This doesn't make any sense. The Black Records functions essentialy like a script, one that the Arnor family had it during their entire existence, it can't be used to be a crutch from the past when it's entire purpose is to be a window to the future. Do you really want to tell me that, for 1200 years, not a single royal tried to look for alternatives the same way Olivier did it?
I've seen retards during my time in /fg/ but not being able to understand the Black Records takes the cake
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>This is the new Atelier MC
Falcom sisters we are slacking....
Feel free to leave then if you don't like it
>Olivier attempt it and he got it right in his first try
The only reason he was successful is because Ouroboros bailed him out every step of the way.
>Do you really want to tell me that, for 1200 years, not a single royal tried to look for alternatives the same way Olivier did it?
I can believe it. Even Dreichels just did his best to resist Ishmelga in the end. Olivier's just a weirdo bastard who if he wasn't bailed out by the Grandmaster saving the day would have led to Zemuriia being a total meat grinder in the Great War by facilitating Mille Mirage.
if I have an alien supercomputer capable of calculating every single thread of existence and it gives me a script of future events I'm not gonna assume I know better than said supercomputer
Altina is so sexy
Post fun
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Lloyd is one lucky motherfucker.
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They went all in on the coom. She looks as mature as Ryza did in 3.

I still cannot believe the producer and other staff where "perplexed" people found Ryza hot in Ryza 1. Like are you blind? Did you not see the goddess you designed?

Hopefully they give her some ass. Ryza's ass is just sad. Falcom actually makes some of the best asses in JRGPs.
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>still no kai spoilers
>Ever doing anything noteworthy
Yeah no, they're irrelevent. Olivier subverted the curse by his own devices, and all he did it was just assemble a bunch of teenager from different social backgrounds, a solution that even Dreichels arrived at, but Osborne didn't it. Almost like these two characters were never supposed to be one in the same....
>Cycle of a Kusoeater:
>Seethe about "Wokefag"
>Lie that Kuro isn't woke
>Get proven wrong
>Ignore the answer
>Go to #1
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Post woke
>Yeah no, they're irrelevent.
If you played the game, you'd know that the only reason Olivert didn't die was because of Ouroboros members saving him. You'd also know that Ishmelga would still be around if it wasn't for the Grandmaster.
Looks like shit, not even Falcom is this egregious. The female body is hideous.
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Gramheart is a cool dude, I also like how he's fine with his daughter working under man who's 8 years older than her, because he had similar expiration.
Didn't someone fix the Cold Steel section of this?
the meme was originally about cs and didn't even mention kuro but in typical cshitter fashion they seethed and try to pass the buck to kuro lmao
>wokefag melty hour
why does he look like the alien from E.T with a blond wig?
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It's time for a few Nadia pictures, Wokefag hates her!
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I shall contribute.
>call it woke
>in a franchise that majority of the characters are liberal.
Kai will have a 16 pages extented coverage in next week's famitsu
9月26日に発売を迎える『英雄伝説 界の軌跡 -Farewell, O Zemuria-』。ヴァン、リィン、ルーファスたち歴代主人公をはじめとしたキャラクターや、宇宙へと広がる壮大なストーリー、新たなシステムを総まとめ。JRPGの金字塔『軌跡』シリーズ最新作を16ページにわたる総力特集でお届け。
and Kevin is forgotten again even with him on Kai's cover, or rather, the guy at famitsu really doesn't care about him.
I know you're not gonna believe me but I'm the one that went on a back and forth with you over Nadia and I'm not wokefag
I wrote the gay fanfic and everything, I goaded you into posting like 50 something Nadias
It doesn't really matter in the end but I figured you should know wokefag probably laughs his ass off whenever you accuse him of being me
Also you're still a fucking retard BTW
We'll probably have Shizuna revealed this week.
so it's just another series overview thing again WHICH THEY ALREADY FUCKING DID IN FAMITSU THIS YEAR
godDAMN it falcom show us something fucking new already
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I'm not the one who posted 50 Nadia images but it seems that anon is living rent-free in your head.
Kebin... they are doing this on purpose at this point.
if she gets revealed in the next 24 hours I will catbox my tits in this thread, they are only c cup though
just like wokefag is living in yours I guess haha
>heretic hunter to babysitting ipad kids to being forgotten once again despite being on the cover
Skychads... We'll win with the remake for sure...
Shizuna, Ka-fai, maybe Nina and Hermes.
you've already made this promise over the Sky remake and then didn't deliver so no one really cares
you broke the trust of an entire general, congratulations
I just joined this general like 3 days ago, i just finished ff16 and was craving more romance games
Wonder if Hermes, YKF and Nina will have Enami's character art. Nina and Hermes especially seem to be pretty important and Nina is already featured in the box art.
I think its 95% likely that we've seen all the Enami art there is.
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That's not me and i don't care about shizuna. Also i barely have B cups
It'd be laughable if Nina doesn't at the very least, though Grendel Zolga didn't get any art despite being on Kuro 2's box art too.
Stop posting wokemann
i hate this shit were one artist does only half the arc and then the rest only get in game models
they need to actually hire some actual artists instead of outsourcing everything to these fags like enami and toi8
I want to dress up as Weissmann and slap your breasts until they are red all over haha
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What will happen if they meet?
frenzied sex after they duel
Well I'm pretty sure falcom will use kuro 1/2 art for characters like Gramheart and Rixia. I understand that with the new engine their budget is now mostly concentrated on mocap, but I miss the times when we had a lot of character arts.
can you imagine how much sloppier Enami would be if he had to do more than 5 drawings per game...
I think I'd actually enjoy that honestly
Shizuna makes Rean kneel like in every game he is in, and then she rapes Van in front of him and Agnes/Elaine.
falcom should have hired Chiharu desu
They can't use him because he makes the characters look like they actually have personalities would give people the wrong expectations. That's why they use Enami.
just hire ai anon
I will laugh so fucking hard when rean vs Shizuna will end up being nothingburger basically baiting reanfags into bying the game.
They'll get their fight scene but it's not going to serve any real purpose and they'll immediately team up afterwards.
Will Rean woke how Shizuna is stronk again
I'd then use my free hand to make my way to your vagina and start fingering you roughly, slapping you across the face every single time you dare moan without my permission, I'll repeat this until you learn your place and beg me to let you moan
but that won't be all, I will put my throbbing cock inside of you and with one hand hold both of your wrists and pin you down while with the other I strangle you, not relenting until I hear you choking and grasping for air, I will take it to the extreme strangling you harder and harder for longer and longer to the point you will begin to worry for your safety, I will bite your nipples and breasts, I will bite your ears and lips and make you bleed, all the while you're too focused on trying to breathe to fully process all these sensations, your brain will break trying to separate the pain from the pleasure of being fucked, until you finally snap and become mine completely, body and mind
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/m/ won yet again
Reanfags are going to be pretty disappointed with the game in general since it's obviously centered around Van.
Falcom really puts his face everywhere like "look rean is back pls buy our game" but I actually wonder how much screentime he'll get.
will rean be in sky the first?
Not sure about sky 1st, but cassius can indirectly mention him.
Look, Natalya (AKA bbybutterfly788).
Hatsuu's already got your spot. She shows her face and doesn't post self-harm cutting porn on Twitter, so the weirdos here like her better.
Every fandom has that one female who shits a place up and everyone flocks to her. We know Hatsuu posts here and we don't need a second, weirder Hatsuu.
You're probably just Floofy, or at least look like her.
Please fuck off and stop shitting up the general.
You're an objectively sick and evil cunt.
Post sean
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Rean will die.
Anelace will talk about the one time she visited Ymir with her Grandpa and met his new student
There will be a static scene showing slightly younger Anelace in the hot spring waving to a flustered and shocked younger Rean (face mostly obscured)
Anelace will remain oblivious to why Rean was flustered and only bring up how adorable his younger sister was
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Haha... that's our Anelace!
Don't bother making OP until page 8, we might get news soon.
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>Sky remake retcons away the CS harem
>Bean holds a flame for his "senpai" the whole time
>Anelace still doesn't show up for the rest of the series

Will Gramheart be a boss battle at any point in Kai?
That's really humiliating anon, and I'm sure that isn't even the worst of it either...
Gramheart will be playable in Kai
this feels like NTR...
I don't know who hatsuu is. I just like Weissmann.
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absolutely based
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Shizuna promo video in 30 minutes, are you ready?
captcha: RAXAT
raging bull but ugly
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That would be too kino for Falcom.
correct, that is simply the introduction but you will be made to enjoy all of it and beg for more haha
Let it die
Tell me the worst of it
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I see
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You're a week off, that is for the issue that comes out on the 19th.
It's the usual recap before release that Famitsu does.
Kuso fags need to make shit up like always kek
>Kevin is forgotten again

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