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Previous >>492760103

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 31/08
>The Legend of Heroes Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria Has Second-Largest Script Size in the Series, Development Completed
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- and The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st websites
>The Legend of Heroes: Gagharv Trilogy has officially launched globally by Fow Games.
>Digital Preorder for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- is now up on JP PSN
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA
>Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Being Released in the West by XSEED in Early 2025
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
Give us playable Gramheart in Kai, Falcom
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>kai will be the last van game
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First for Renny!
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Post your favorite character
I love my husbando
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owarida, roy gramheart
Shout out loud
Get back get down
Shout out loud
Get back get down
Namonaki akumu no hate
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Surely he'll appear in the far eastern arc... Shizuna will become Van's Altina haha.
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Do not be disrespectful, know your place, Kincaid.
You must always address me as "Mr. President".
>far eastern arc
far east is the north ambria of calvard
will appear in a gacha/spin-off game

I'm from Brazil
Pls don't do that to me
move to a different country then, I hear Argentina is nice this time of the year.
Haha, that's our Ban!
Stop sexualizing women
Shut up Natalya, show us your B cups already you russian slut
Just use a proxy bro :) only VPNs weren't allowed
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>even 2hukeks get English on release
News when?
2 more days
The amount of Rennewank in chapter 5 is ridiculous
They're fluffing her up because she's the inevitable final Trails protag so you better get used to it.
Rennewank? Haha, don't mind if i do!
can a real nipponese knower explain to me why KeA's name has two uppercase letters?
When Renne was in ouroboros, she definitely flirted with the men in it. As for who fell for it and who didn’t? Who knows
She's meant to be the 'Key to All things', AKA KeA.
well, uh, alright. not exactly what I expected but it's somewhat reasonable
She only flirted with Loewe, Joshua and to some extent Ellroy. She's disgusted by Novartis
I think she did with every man except Novartis desu
Do you think Novartis will be angry at Van for "corrupting" her?
Which ones fell for it? Which ones told her she was too young? Which ones do you think she even had sex with?
None of them fell for it, which is why Renne was such a huge Ouroboros fangirl in Sky. If she was still raped in Ouroboros she probably would have left, that and Loewe and Joshua would probably kill anyone who did
Resident pedo Weissman would’ve molested her if given the chance. Novartis too
Gayorg is only into little boys. Novartis is the lolicon yeah
>>Kevin is forgotten again
>first MC is a woman
>final MC is a woman
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Remember when the Empire's 'Intelligence Division' knew that the terrorist leader they'd been looking into had ties to Thors, his first name was C, the class that keeps finding them just got a new member whose name starts with C, said member is always present whenever the terrorists show up, and they even had Millium enroll at the school to look into who it all but somehow still couldn't deduce it was Crow until just before Osborne got shot.
It's because they thought it was CRufus
>Final MC is the girl saved by first MC
I love book end conclusions
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If we get another female mc I am never playing this series again and it peaked with kai
Could rean blanco beat goku?
>Source my head canon
Renne poster needs to take a break
>Source: I made it up
Correct, and I want it
>If we get another female mc
Even if we do its way to late to save main line Kiseki
>Renne is the final Kiseki MC
>They bring back the harem shit
>Get to pick her husband out of every male character in the series
>and I want it
Kondo: I'm never giving it to you with that attitude
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Rean IS Goku, haha
I hate Rean now!
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Why is Jusis so skinnyfat compared to his older brother?
Finally, the kino Gilbert route
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Today, I will remind them.
It's been a week of constant r/falcom threads against Kasim, I can feel the tide turning Kasimbros
I hope we see all 4 of them in Kai if we really are getting none stop news for Kai starting this week I don't know why but I just like these four more then class VII for some reason
How do you know what r/Falcom does huh
Who cares what they are doing on reddit? fuck off.
it feels like some faggot on here posts his shit from /fg/ on to reddit I might have to contact the other mods on the subreddit about it maybe we might have to do an IP ban on that reddit poster
I don't put ideological barriers on the Internet in a feeble attempt to gain acceptance from anonymous people, you should try it it's very nice being able to use and go everywhere you want
Yeah a few of the accounts are clearly by some of the less savoury regulars here but what can we even do about that? They'll eventually throw a tantrum and get banned as it's happened before with the Weissmann fujo for example
Nta but I for games and anime using reddit sounds lame as fuck
/fg/ is good for news since I think we have a dedicated Japanese regular that looks out for us but it's terrible for OC content like art and such since people mostly only post coomer shit desu
Nobody hates reddit because of "ideological barriers" you newfag, we hate reddit because its cringe and plagarist.
Kondo if your listening.....please bring them back
I would say most of the internet is in a decline of OC content. I imagine that reddit just either gets stuff from here, be it images or an outrageous post from someone having a melty, or something that got popular on Youtube or somewhere else.

Idk, last great OC floods i have seen here have been baneposting and winnie the pooh's homerun derby
>nisa already promoting daybreak 2 with swin and nadia
its over
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Who's winning in a death match, Ishmelga-Rean(no valimar or dk) vs Full power Van vs Lloyd(with 1 year prep time, all of the resources of crossbell)
>/fg/ trying so hard to oppose Reddit they end up defended Kasim
>Nobody hates reddit because of "ideological barriers" you newfag, we hate reddit because <ideological barriers>
The truth is /fg/ doesn't care one way or another about Kasim, he's clearly another example of the Kuro arc keeping all its cards close to its chest until the finale
This all started after Kuro II released and Kasim beat Shizuna which caused a massive meltdown on the Falcord, then it slowly seeped here through Falcord regulars like Haladrin bruteforcing their opinion and yet no one cared still
Now they are flooding r/Falcom in a final desperate attempt to control the narrative because Daybreak 2 is coming out soon and their girl will be exposed to the masses
What is actually wrong with Kasim? Tell me.don’t just say “h-he’s the strongest but just uses a gun!!!” When he holds a big ass heavy lance that most likely barely anyone else could hope to hold let alone hold with one hand, and the lance just happens to have a built in laser canon. If it’s about race then reddit wouldn’t be talking about it
I am well aware, there are no ideological barriers between Kusoeaters and Redditors.
he's boring
"the strongest living human" being some guy who shoots a laser gun isn't cool, it's lame
he does nothing important in 2 games
him somehow being aware that he was being eroded but doing nothing about it was retarded as fuck
like most characters in kuro he just exists to be sequelbait but after 2 games of doing nothing it wore thin
she's boring
"the secret 0th disciple" being some chick with a cursed odachi isn't cool, it's lame
she does nothing important in 2 games
her somehow being aware that she was going to die but doing nothing about it was retarded as fuck
like most characters in kuro she just exists to be sequelbait but after 2 games of doing nothing it wore thin
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zamn the Sept-Terrion of Water looks cool
>Yeah a few of the accounts are clearly by some of the less savoury regulars here but what can we even do about that? They'll eventually throw a tantrum and get banned as it's happened before with the Weissmann fujo for example
They been posting the proto Rean and Alisa thing a lot lately don't know what their end game is but their gonna slip up the moment they start shitting on the Erebonia arc and get down voted to hell.
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I like Jolda
It’s Jorda
Nothing is wrong with Kasim, this is just a lot of newcomers' first contact with long-term booking and they have no idea how to react to it
If these people played Sky FC when it released they would be moaning that Alba is a shitter undeserving of being the big bad and they would spend months moaning about him doing nothing in FC until SC releases and we see his potential
But most people in the fandom binged the entire thing and this current wait is the first time they have had to deal with Falcom's long term planning
can anyone post a save file for kuro that's right at the beginning of the intermission chapter?
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I love Alba-kyouju!
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>Hatsuu made sure Su-chan and Na-chan wouldn't swear
That's kinda wholesome actually.
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He's not holding back anymore fufu
Aurelia is the same exact shit but you redditors never cry about her. Actually, she's worse since at least Kasim is portrayed as a prickly abrasive gigaautist instead of someone so perfect that she uses glasses to hold herself back and can learn any instrument she chooses just because she's so fucking amazing.
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Are you ready for her trailer?
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Su-chan and Na-chan! Cute and canon!
genuinely can't wait for news
i think the fact that the characters weren't even willing to fight kasim in act 5 and had to resort to tricking him instead was a good way to show off how powerful he is without making a crazy cutscene though i think 90% of the reason they did that was because they hadn't made any animations for him
This Aurelia is an absolute piece of shit character and is as guilty as everything Kasim is if not more yet she gets away with it because people waifu her.
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>genuinely can't wait for news
Joshua's ass must feel like heaven
Post Joshy's ass
long trailer when
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Shizuna pegs him infront of estelle
Genuinely want to pet Shizuna’s head
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>Genuinely want to pet Shizuna’s head
Is it True the reason men keep asking for female MCs is so they can get a women's attention? https://x.com/rinnegoddess/status/1828866551350546455
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You hate Kasim because he's allegedly a fraud. I hate Kasim because he's Central Eastern. We are not the same
No she doesn't, Joshua is Estelle's property. All of him is
Yeah that makes sense no wonder I've seen some people obsess over this.
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We know, Jacobin.
What did he mean by this?
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I hope that in the remake we can buy cute outfits for Tita.

All little girls are princesses!
>I think males really watch anime for clout and for womens attention
This appeals for any genre not just games they person even brings up anime
Kasim's strong but i find laser shit in non mecha show/games lame.
Which is why i really dont like van's second S-craft
I liked Van's second scraft, he basically releases his demonic energy like Mcburn does, his Grendel variation is even cooler.
So why are refugees bad?

>They took our jobs

Run your economy better.

>They took our houses

Build more.


If your culture is so good it would never be threatened by foreigners.

Hebefugees welcome.
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not my canon
I concede but the laser turned me off.
I love Estelle
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Risette day
I love Weissmann
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Best wife
not canon
>>Build more.
Politicians make this impossible, has nothing to do with refugees though
what horrifyingly shit art
Post whiggers
USA is literally a nation of 350m descended from refugees.
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Post pedos
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What Color are her lips? they should be a shade of pink not skin color as an artist myself this kinda hard to ignore
Do nips really find getting their ears cleaned to be an erotic experience?
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ears are erogenous zones
Kuro artist can't really draw mouths correctly this why they should have gone back to Cold steel/Sky remake artist.
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Thanks for this anon, I promise I will make your circumsizing quick and painless!
I didn't even see the lips were beige colored now I can't unsee it fucking disgusting wtf Falcom
>Lips aren't even pink
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Thank you for ruining Risette day, Falcom
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Ries should have had her body...
Will Rean rape Shizuna
Shizuna isn't real. She's Analace possessed by an evil sword.
just stroked my ears for 5 mins, I don't even have a semi. you're lying.
Pp hard
what if i am the one stroking your ears?
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Rean vs Van
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why does he make these sorts of facial expressions
He just realised he forgot to turn the slider up another notch on Rixia's boobs for Kai.
kondo kinda seems like an autist honestly
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>Redditors hate Kasim
If the fight does happen, I wonder want retarded reason falcom will give them to fight. Is it gonna be another "to test your resolve" shit.
van is the power bottom and rean is the top
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Cassius is the strongest actually.
i mean he originally got hired for hosting a fan site for legend of heroes games. hes literally one of us
>they both fight in base form
>Van: "Tch.. He's too strong! I'm goign to have to use THAT!"
>Rean: "De ja vu.."
>"That won't be necessary!"
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>no mcburn in kai
me as the sunfish
Too much coke does that to a person
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genuinely love ban-san
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We know Anies
Played through the Sky trilogy 3 times and am genuinely excited to play through it again with this remake.
Can't wait to see me nigga Richard in 3D. Anelace too.
She's so cute...
Agnès cuck simulator
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Joshua is a manlet
Kevin is a manlet
Lloyd is a manlet
Rean is a manlet
Idk how tall Rufus is but probably a manlet
Van is a gigachad

Van is a gigachad
Isn't Rufus supposed to be pretty tall?
Rufus is taller than Van, Kevin is the same height, and Rean is like 2 cm shorter
Don't expect a Kusoeater to make sense.
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According to wiki Van is 1.80cm, Kevin and Rean are 1.78cm. Rufus doesn't have an official height. I guess we'll compare their in game models soon.
Did Kinkaid make sure Rean and Crow's room has a marital bed?
>1.80 cm
Who's the realest nigga in kiseki?
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Is that Van Arkride?! No… it’s the Spriggan of Edith!
>Fufu.. here’s my business card let me know if you have a job you can’t take to the guild or the police
Post something fun
I think it was really hot when anon and weissmann fujo were having an erotic back and forth
do more of that please
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1.80 cm/1.78 cm!? Fucking hell those niggas are smaller than my dick
goddamn doesn't anyone in zemuria use shampoo
I'm a manlet
im 165cm tall...
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Kincaid is 1.81cm and he fucking towers rean wtf...
What is the implication of Atelier Yuria and continuing on the trend with Ryza by making her fanservicey?
Genuinely want to rip that shirt off and play with her titties and I didn’t even like schera in sky, cs4 or reverie
Wrong thread atelier bro.
Can't wait to compare Van, Rean, Kevin and Rufus' naked bodies in-game.
>haha...that's our Ban-san!
>Van and Rean meet just because altina wants to know good pancake stores in calvard
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Atelier is not falcom
Get out
It's all the same naked body.
Haha, yeah, those games are successful and we don't talk about successes here!
atelier is more coomerbait than kiseki is
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which kiseki for cbt?
Didn't it only start being coombait at ryza?
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>nu-falcom will make tits remake a woke slop
>tales of fag
You faggots talk about anything other than falcom games, what the fuck are you even doing here? Don't you have your own general?
>Only 3 weeks left before kai gets released
>atelierfags know more of their game(that will be released on march) thanks to yesterday's stream than what kisekifags know about kai.
Falcom's really weak at promotion that i really dont know what's going on.
They should fatten Estelle up and give her really tight shorts just like with Ryza
That's literally the only thing people care about with that shit series. At least Kiseki has more going on despite the increased focus on coomslop and waifu garbage.
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>do more of that please
I don't know where he went but i love how unapologetically vulgar and degrading he was toward me. Oh well, he knows where to find me.
Sky The First will let Estelle participate in bonding events
Sky The Second will allow full romance routes
Estelle reverse harem would be the most ambitious thing Falcom's ever did, but they like to play it safe and i don't think they have the balls to do it.
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CS remake will allow you to pick male or female Rean
if estelle gets her own harem she needs to have gilbert in it
It's Estelle x Kevin for me
>Crossbell remake ignored for 20 more years
If Estelle had a reverse harem, who would be in it?
>possibly kevin
Anyone else I'm missing?
Rean haha...
Gilbert Stein
Mayor Dalmore
Albert Russell
I genuinely enjoyed this track for the langport brothel mini-dungeon in Kuro II.

Do I have really poor taste in music or is the comment section on this song just Arvin and his band of retarded A-Logs shitting on it because it is Singa?
I like it, the reference to Aaron’s theme near the middle is nice
The next dungeon is much better though https://youtu.be/9eQchfRxmpg
I like it, Singa just makes people go crazy and opinions on his songs, positive or negative, basically mean nothing now because of it
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Me, her true love.
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hey guys translator here, just letting you know that if falcom does reuse the script from xseed for the remake you can count on me to give it a proper 2025 localization
Characters Estelle has bonding events with in The First:

Joshua, Schera, Olivier, Agate, Kloe, Tita, Zin, Anelace

Characters Estelle has bonding events with in Sky The Second:

Anelace, Schera, Agate, Kevin, Kloe, Tita, Renne, Zin, Richard, Joshua, Julia, Mueller, Josette

Only final bonding events that are actually romantic are with Joshua, Kevin, and Anelace
Thank u
Estelle surrounds herself with manwhores like Joshua
Enami needs to fuck off
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If by some miracle Enami actually made artwork for Hermes, I might forgive him
>only three romance routes
more realistic, but disappointing
Why did the character portraits get so much worse going from CS2 to CS3
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I love Musse
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$70 PS5 game, btw.
Even the idea of making Tita fall for you instead of Agate feel like NTR...
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This is the only true pairing with Estelle
Bring back the old guy
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I also have a cumdoll wife and sister wife!
Do you think she likes the ovipositors?
That kid in Rolent that wants to be a bracer and challenge her to a fight since he is very obviously in love with her and wants to be strong enough to protect her.
estell cant have romance with girls.... thats not allowed...
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Threadly reminder these two will be the only characters that matter in Kai
with kiseki anybody can find love
Imagine ruining my daughter-wive like this. Unforgivable!
why did the curse ending allow millium and altina to grow up
I liked the beginning, but this fucking violin man... I wish Singa would just stop using them.
Ishmelga was a lolicon
>Van and the ASO crew have a boss fight against a teamed-up Rean and Shizuna
Would be kino, and it wouldn't be the first time they had two MCs fight each other
estelle and kloe sitting on a tree S-C-I-S-S-O-R-I-N-G
Her new outfit is pure sex.
My wife is always perfect as long as she doesn't have cowtits
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>Imagine ruining my daughter-wive like this. Unforgivable!
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I think if i kissed Weissmann while he was being turned into salt, it would be very romantic.
shut up Randy
go drink the Crossbell Water
will jusis and millium start dating in kai
Yes. And remember how Millium said she'd get bigger boobs? She'll either have them or Altina will get them later on as joke while Millium stays flat.
That would be me though
I hope every Kiseki loli grows up to have heaving cowtits and huge asses, like Agnes.
Kloe will NEVER score
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Based. Total pedophile annihilation. The one good thing the Kuro arc has done.
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>huge asses
they already do
rean getting a bj from musse
Yume will grow up to be a beautiful woman with curves, ass, and tits far above her mom's
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>I told you to wait!
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I can feel mah cum accumulating...
She would rather not, her mental health will crumble as soon as she sees the mishy abomination.
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genuinely hate musse so much i didn't even bother making this shitpost good
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That can't happen.
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Can't wait for Kai
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>Please cum whenever you like, Rean-san...
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Lol. I am Mussebrained.
why is she doing that with her eyes
she wants his babies.
huge gigacuckold here. need recommendations
This ain't the series for you! Try Tales Of
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Let me guess, black?
what the series needs is more blood related incest
what the series needs is more homolust
I agree
I don't agree
Daybreak, there's a straight up cuck character that the fans call badass
who. the faggot at the bar?
I agree.
Great service, I'll be back for more
uhhh not this kind of homolust
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Why not? Don't like age gaps?
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I'd do it, if it meant I could make her smile
how do i force my friend to play cold steel?
Say haha to him on and on until he asks why you always say that. Then tell him to play the game to find out haha
You're not allowed to, so stop imagining it
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Barafags are genuine subhumans who are why conversion therapy exists fyi
What's wrong, scared by it?
Lolibros, we're being oppressed.....
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Very nice and heterosexual male friendship.
You don't have the power to stop me form wanting to see her happy.
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Being a barafag is a sign of being molested as a kid and/or extreme autism. You should start liking cute guys like Wazy or Joshua.
Aaron is a fag. He better die
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>cold steel 2
>Fie's vagina bones
What gave them the goddamn right?
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that sounds like being gay with extra layer of denial on top
soon you're going to start talking about kurt in a dress
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nothing will ever match the high of cold steel 2's act 1
Liking women is gay
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>w-well you see...it...uh...
Estelle is NOT for that, stop it immediately
Self-insert as Kurt or Grant or whatever, NOT Estelle!!!
uh is Kurt as good a evasion tank as fie
Kuro fags really trying to slander our Estelle into their crappy harem, your just mad Sky is better written story with an actual love interest with Joshua
My HEROES Rean & Lloyd have HAREMS!
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>Estelle is NOT for that, stop it immediately
>Self-insert as Kurt or Grant or whatever, NOT Estelle!!!
Schera pegging Olivert while Muller is outside the room...
his range sucks so you're gonna miss a lot of counterattacks meanwhile fie is ranged so she hits all of them
Any news on the Kurt allegations?
Wtf are you on about? Van is only locked between Agnes and Elaine, kai won't have pick your waifu shit.
No one talked about Estelle being in Kuro...?
Bro, your meds?
Remove her. Only Agnes is needed
Someone said they're the same panties Elise wears, someone else said they're Mitsuki's panties, I don't know which is true
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If Risette is having a sperg in this place, she is probably much older than you think. there's grass growing here inside the building. I'd say looks abandoned for decades at least.
No, Juna is a much better evasion tank than he is in if you put her in gunner mode.
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/fg/ still hasn't beaten him
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Love Weissmann, hate waifus
Happiest day of his life
Would you like a romance based on the alignment system? Depending on the alignment you maxed out Van will enter specific girl's route.
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No, no more romance harem shit. Either commit to a particular relationship or don't bother.
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I want canon harem or no romance whatsoever. Simple as.
Estelle's getting a harem in the remakes, it's only a matter of time
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>kurt's dick is so small that they didn't bother modeling a bulge
Wtf Kondo...
He borrows panties. We need to know if those are what every girl at St. Astria gets lol
They do look similar... what about the other Saint Astraia NPCS or costumes? Do Juna and Musse have the same panties underneath?
only acceptable romance is if the mc is over 18 and her love interest is a shota
>no buldge
uh oh
Is Juna off having a melty over this?
meant for >>492926441
but I guess maybe she'll have to settle for her shota brother instead.
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I'll go check later
Musse! Stop that!
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lavi love
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beware of rean, he has turned evil now
Rean is 7th anguis
Crow, Fie, Altina and Towa are the new stahlritter
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>hatman, the 1st anguis
>ellroy harwood, the 4th anguis
>yun ka-fai, the 5th anguis
>f. novartis, the 6th anguis
>rean schwarzer, the 7th anguis
Haha, surely the <<plan>> will succeed with all of these guys in Calvard.
I was hoping for Van vs mcburn, but instead we got some white grendel bullshit...
retard brazilian schizo. stick to your day job.
I love anal
I'm so excited for the upcoming news :>
but where the fuck is it
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Ejaculating on Joshua's cute face!
Retard joshuafag, find a better gimmick. Yours has gone stale 3 years ago
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The irony of this coming from the wannabe bazztek.
trails mmo when
Retard brazilian, go cry on twatter. Oh wait you cant cuz you live in a woke country
sky joshua portrait edits are the peak of soul fuck off newfag
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this genuinely might be one of the worst shitpostd I have ever seen
Anyone else get horny thinking about how petite Joshy is?
This but with Rean
I was using 4chan when your grandpa was in diapers. Joshuafag is basically frogposter in a slightly more homoerotic disguise. He does 0 contribution and all he does is spam pics of joshuas and thinks hes funny when he aint. Sick of his shit for years and its now time to say enough is enough
I have never seen that CSV logo before
Rean isn’t really petite like Joshua is. He still has some muscle and isn’t a total manlet. Then you look at Joshy and see just how thin and small he is, even with some musculature he still has a petite frame. Just a really cute, small boy that could break at a moments notice.
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So Joshua images also push woketranny into having a schizophrenic meltdown. Good to know.
joshyfag is the only actually good gimmickposter
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Nah, the best one is kuso being woke.
I'm glad she wasn't part of the harem
She's too much a failgirl to be allowed to win it
Rean lost Towa to Crow so he'll be on the lookout for a new girl to add.....
uhhhh bros our response...
orpheus joshua is such a sad pathetic shill
Rean should take Towa back by fucking Crow and showing him that if he steals his property he will make his
I'll buy ysx + sexy costume dlcs on steam day one.
Rean needs some Calvard girls. Expand his horizons!
>Rean fucking crow
Haha, nice headcanon, but it was always the other way around. Ask riin x kuro fujo experts.
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whyd they never let us see inside the salon
Because Rean is a "noble". Class I & II are cunts in CSI
do you ever sleep natalya
patrick explicitly invites him but he still doesnt go in
So how did Van and Kevin meet?
Van helped design the bow to hold salt pale arrows for Kevin.
Take that back. My mommywife Edel has a heart as big as her breasts. She is a saint.
Yea he rejects him with Jusis's help
My bad!
That job a few years ago
News when?
news will be out when 50 renne pictures are posted from this point onwards.
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Here is news. Leaked English ss of sky remake and its woke
imagine being so obsessed you actually made this
Van met him while he was doing a job, so he could've been hired by a church member or his job ended up intersecting with whatever Kevin was up to. I won't be surprised if they elaborate on it when they meet up in Kai.
News :>
SkyBoomers, you've got some explaining to do!
It took like 5 minutes with most of that looking for a font close enough without paying for it. Fun shitpost and i’m not even a wokefag
Death to wokefag
Death to joshuafag
Death to weissmannfag
Death to nadiafag
Death to opfag
Death to reanfag
Death to talesfag
Death to vanfag
Death to all schizos
Van should join the church at this point, considering how much connections he has with them. I wouldn't be surprised if he already met with Ein.
They had sex, that's why Van left Aramis. He felt guilty having a one night stand with her.
You're just realizing he's mentally ill? He's been doing this shit for over 3 years and spends 12+ hours every day shitting up /fg/ almost nonstop.
This makes people mad because it's true kek
Ein doesn't leave her NEETcave so he probably hasn't ever met her. She didn't even do anything when Harwood and Mariabell were causing trouble directly in Arteria.
Too many characters in CS
Combine some and make it smaller
Reminder that we never saw Ein in person in the games. Even in sky 3rd she was just in flashbacks and in a call with Kevin.
Rean is now both Rean (Osborne's son and Blanco) and Crow (terrorist, pilots Ordine), the twist villain of CS1 and love interest
Alisa is now both Alisa (main girl) and Rean (sword autism, pilots Valimar), the protagonist
Towa is now both Towa (hard working student council president, midget) and George (mechanic, gnome)
Machias is now both Machias (hotheaded commoner gunlord) and Elliot (virtuoso, shota)
Laura is now both Laura (noble girl with sword autism) and Angelica (horny biker dyke)
Emma is now both Emma (bookworm witch) and Celine (tsundere, brown catgirl)
Jusis is now both Jusis (noble bastard with daddy issues) and Patrick (noble cunt with daddy issues)
Fie is now Fie (Jaegar loli) and Gaius (brown, dude wind lmao)

There, I fixed Cold Steel for you
you made it worse in every way... i think i'm gonna throw up...
Genuinely terrible
What about Millium? You can't leave out Millium...
>Towa is now both Towa (hard working student council president, midget) and George (mechanic, gnome)
Of course, make the short one the gnome
What happened to the gimmick poster that always posted 5 facts about towa
>Laura is now both Laura (noble girl with sword autism) and Angelica (horny biker dyke)
don't you ruin my wife like that you bastard
I'm glad /fg/ isn't a writer
Further proof that /fg/ should never write fanfic.
Okay. Millium and Elise are now the same character.
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>Rean is now both Rean (Osborne's son and Blanco) and Crow (terrorist, pilots Ordine), the twist villain of CS1 and love interest
>Alisa is now both Alisa (main girl) and Rean (sword autism, pilots Valimar), the protagonist
>Machias is now both Machias (hotheaded commoner gunlord) and Elliot (virtuoso, shota)
>Laura is now both Laura (noble girl with sword autism) and Angelica (horny biker dyke)
??? Tf
Now what about new class vii
>Rean is now both Rean (Osborne's son and Blanco) and Crow (terrorist, pilots Ordine), the twist villain of CS1 and love interest
>Alisa is now both Alisa (main girl) and Rean (sword autism, pilots Valimar), the protagonist
That's just prototype Rean and Alisa
I don't know, Laura saying some of Angelica's lines sounds hilarious.
How in the FUCK would that work?
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Why did she do it?
No cum cum from Ban-san.
does anyone have that pasta that combined every class 7 character into one
Why did they make the notice on the door more verbose in CS2?
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what is your favorite kiseki and your favorite jrpg outside of kiseki
Juna is now Juna (female Lloyd) and Valerie (bitter ice queen, doesn't care about yaoi)
Kurt is now Cedric (prince, awakener, smugness covering inferiority complex) and Kurt (sword autism, girlish looks, familial inferiority complex)
Altina is now Altina (autistic cumdoll) and Mint (clumsy ditz mechanic)
Musse is now Alfin (princess, teasing flirt, thirsty) and Musse (extreme thirst, unrelenting tease, "genius")
Ash is now Ash (cursed bad boy and knew Joshua) and Stark (lived in Jurai and knew the terrorist leader)
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wait are you saying Kurt and Musse are replaced by Cedric and Alfin?
>en dub saves gaius from being even more of a completely dull character with no features other than painting and wind
thank you based xseed
you cant be female lloyd and an icequeen at the same time you retard
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Can we all agree that Agnes is the cutest leftist in the series
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I'm glad /fg/ doesn't write these games, because they'd be far worse than what we got
Hmm, hard to say what my favorite is. I will go with my gut and say it's 13 Sentinels.
Azure, Ys
Sky fc, witcher 3.
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>Witcher 3
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Post gaywhigger
Hajimari, Ys IX
Jarosław Role Playing Game
Daybreak 2
FF7 Rebirth
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the world ends with you
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Reverie, ys memory of celceta
fuck na-
Just came the hardest I’ve ever to schera and i’m a racist. I think sky remake made me like schera. Need more schera porn
What God does to people is funny. Every racist is like this without exception. Only other races get them hard or excite them.
schera's big fat honkers wrapping my cocka
Will Kai day 1 on PC??? fg/ will talk about Kai spoilers or we will wait some days??? (I'm japanese but I play on PC)
>Falcom after hours
You mean least shit Cuckshitki?
>your favorite jrpg outside of kiseki
I'll be honest with you dad, no jrpg has held my attention for more than 1 hour that's not kiseki

except for the ff7 remake though, i guess... maybe ff16 is good too but i have to wait for the steam version soon
all kiseki games are bad
my favorite jrpg outside kiseki is tales of zestiria
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>take 2 years off to design new game
>amazing designs
>game looks amazing
>Gameplay looks refreshing
Why doesn't Falcom take out two years for Kiseki? And to think we always made fun of Atelier/Nep for being 1 year games. Fuck.
A reminder that you cannot wed a cumdoll, it's unrecognized by the Erebonian government.
Cute and canons:
>Estelle and Josh
>Schera and Olivert
>Agate and Tita
>Randy and Mirielle
>Swin and Nadia
>Kasim and Mirabel
Feel so bad for swin having to put up with that failed abortion
Kasim won...
Well, after Joshy. Estelle is Bestelle, after all.
Cute and canons:
>Rean x Altina
>Lloyd x Tio
>Van x Agnes
>Swin x Nadia
>Renne x Tita
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Cute and canon!
>play tc
>game just wants me to use Richard and Renne
Nice balance you got there
Renne was underwhelming. Richard is the best character in the game, he hits like a truck.
what does /fg/ think of cassandra lee morris' performance as imperial princess alfin reise arnor
way better than jp
only one I disagree on is renne x tita but everything else is yes
I was enjoying using Mueller, until I realized the game just wanted me to use Anelace and Richard.
Renne is basically a better Olivier
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peaked in cs2, downhill from there
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Cute and canon!
>Plagarism is an ideological barrier
Absolutely most retarded ESL faggot in this thread
now since reddit hate kasim would he be /ourguy/
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Why does Cold Steel appeal a lot to Indians, South East Asians, and South Americans but white people and Japanese don't like it?

My theory is that non-white groups were less popular in high school than whites and Japanese and also struggled to find women, therefore a shitty high school simulator no matter how poorly made appeals to them because it allows them to vicariously experience high school as if they were popular. In addition the braindead and easily broken combat appeals to them because they have low IQs. Plus given how most of the romanceable characters in Cold Steel are little girls, it appeals to pedophiles which are disproportionately more common in non-white non-Japanese commuities.

Those are just my thoughts though do you guys have any theories as to why non-whites non-Japanese hate Sky, Crossbell, and Kuro, but love Cold Steel despite it being a significant and objective drop in quality compared to the other three?
>Source: I'm a japanese bro
I dropped sen3 halfway through and haven’t seen anything at all about the series since. No spoilers or anything. Should I skip to Kai?
I would read the wikipedia for Sen 3 and Sen 4.
Play the C route of Hajimari then read the wikipedia for Lloyd and Rean routes.
Play Kuro 1.
Read the wikipedia for Kuro 2.
Play Kai.
sen 3 has the best soundtrack in the series so FUCK OFF
Zero no Kiseki
Popful Mail SFC
That's Sen 1.
genuinely hate every single one of my students
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is this van's grendel appearing at the end of CS2
No. Read a synopsis of sen3&4, play or watch the C Route of Hajimari (Rean & Lloyd if you can stomach more Rean), then play Kuro I & II.

Kuro I is much better than Sen3/4 minus some lows like Ch.3 (nonsense) and Ch.4/5 which drag on a bit.
Kuro II drops the ball especially in the second half, but it's still much better than Sen 4 and marginally better than Sen 3.
Kai is a direct sequel to Kuro I & II and presumably the finale of the Calvard arc, you'll want to know the various plothooks going into it.
You could play Sen IV or just go straight to Hajimari. Sen III is a nothing burger of a game
Play the picnic game
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The funniest thing is how the non-white brain becomes immediately crippled by Gramheart's existence.

>uhh he's supposed to be a villain?
>if he's a villain why can't I fight him?
>why does he seem like a normal and competent dude?

Their brains fail to understand subtlety at all. They don't understand that Gramheart is everything Osborne should have been - competent and compos mentis.
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>calling sen 3 a nothing burger then telling him to play hajimari
Thats cs4
He seems pretty cool but I’ll wait until Kai before I decide if I like him or not
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inspirational words from instructor rean
he truly is struggling with succumbing to the darkness.. but in the end he wants to see his waifu []emma[] again...
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>inspirational words from instructor rean
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>Japanese don't like it?
>Japanese don't like it?
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I and II total sales top 900,000 in japan
Is AI schizo back?
haha. what do you guys expect? people here are retards and think like 3 or 4 japs shitting on the games on places like 2ch mean the entirety of japan absolutely HATES the game
whats worse too is the sky Remake only had 5 seconds of screen time while Atelier had a whole as trailer lol what a world we live in
>like 2ch
Its like the japanese version of 4chan and even they have people there shit on the other arcs just like we do here.
Our Estelle... she'll retake the top spot after Sky The First!
CS3 doesnt even import save data from CS2 wtf
It’s fair
Atelier is better than trails in almost every aspect except Soundtrack
And it’s a new game with new characters and new graphics not a milking fest like Trails

Pls... Tell me what’s happening
I live in a dictatorship and can’t open X
Kai no Kiseki PC port when???
cle are blacklisted from steam now sorry
There isn’t a single person in this thread that actually cares about rean
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oh no no no no
>Pls... Tell me what’s happening
>I live in a dictatorship and can’t open X
>Qualifications and experience are not required.
Its Falcom hiring again, I really don't know what they mean by this? are they just hiring random Joe off the street?
"the five people that still play Kiseki in Japan after CS4 voted for Rean in this poll that means he's popular because he came first!"
>ignores the 899,995 people who dropped the franchise because of Cold Steel
>Random ass Gif that's wrong and biased
oh no no no no
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Yea he posted last thread
>Rean in this poll that means
>Falcom's 40th anniversary poll is somehow 4 people
I guess that means ZERO people voted for Estelle and Lloyd
Thank you
Obrigado amigo

Nobody wants to work at Falcom and spend 90% of the day creating a lot of pointless conversation between ficcional characters
would you work for falcom if they offered u a job
yes because i need a job
Let’s be fair
A lot of people voted in this poll
They give the fans a lot of days and even showed the poll during the middle of voting period (Adol was #1 and Rean #2)
>Cold steel 3 had 104.401 on its opening week which is more then what Cold steel 1 and 2 did separately
kek how is this a drop in sales exactly?>>492956602 this graph makes no sense
Yes but only if I can make a +18 Atelier Trails Series game with Emma as MC gathering resources and fighting against BIG monsters
Yup and Rean still ended up number 1 in fact wasn't the poll open for everyone? why didn't /fg/ just try to bot vote anyone but Tean? they pretty much give Rean the win here lol
???? you're logic makes no sense did you have brain fart?
>/fg/ narratives collapsing in on themselves in a singularity of lies
Love to see it
Cold Steel 1 and 2 were released on multiple platforms. You need to add them together.
Retard. Actually read the shit you are commenting on before postign and exposing yourself as an ESL bitchtits.
You sound upset
Tribe wars in fandom is honestly kinda boring don't we have anything better to talk about then trying "own" random anons on the internet or probably won't remember any of this the next day?
I'm waiting for that one anon to come back with results for if the St. Astria panties are copypasted from Elise onto all the others (NPCs, Juna, Musse), or if it was only Kurt.
>You need to add them together so my argument works don't point out my flaws
Retard Of course their gonna more CS3 at the time was on ONE console you are a moron and yet individual it still did more then them
guys is it normal to get basically no xp in CS4
like halfway through act 2 at this point and have been stuck at 108 for most characters throughout the act killing everything and getting 2x tact bonueses a lot. am i just overleveled somehow? 108 seems really low for this part of the game especially when new class VII is 110+
>You need to add them together so I don't look like a retard so my fake Graph hasmerit
Dip shit.
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>Brazilanon is real
Struck a nerve there ey buddy?
haha damn i guess ur right cs3 sold more than cs1 or cs2 despite selling less.
>Cold Steel 1 and 2 were released on multiple platforms.
>You need to add them together.
SKUs all have different sales goals especially if the launch at different times Falcom or any other company doesn't do that, only people with a severe case of ADHD do this
Came in just at the right time.
So this is the power of non-white mathematics.
>despite selling less
Read the chart again moron their opening week sales >>492956992
I’m more hyped for Fairy Tail 2 than Kai no Kiseki
That’s how Kuro 2 killed my interest in Trails... and FT2 combat looks interesting and there’s good animations
But I want to play Sky Remake
>He just confirmed he isn't white
ah so that's why you hate cold steel, that makes sense.
The 2 most important people for Dingo are
>his family
>the two only characters he interacted in Kuro?
Pretty sure agate joins the party at dreknor at like level 100 so you're like way over
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Everybody shut the hell up
Estelle is napping
How the fuck is this game more hype then the sky remake gust really want all out on that direct.
>169,230 people bought CS2
>104,401 people bought CS3
>therefore, more people bought CS3
Low key I think Atelier might actually go mainstream before Trails even does
I want to make music for them my kinga imitation is improving
This too
Atelier already went mainstream.
>Cold steel Vita : 93,674
>Cold steel ps3: 71,868
>Cold steel II Vita : 98,161
>Cold steel II ps3: 71,069
>Cold steel 3 ps4: 104,401
>The retard did the thing of combing the SKUs of cold steel 1 and 2 to artificially make his argument
Okay just wanted to make sure I was dealing with someone with ADHD and it seems I was right you can go back to being a schizo again I won't bother you with you're same fagging promise.
>unironic salesfagging at this hour
Cold Steel 2 sold 169,230 copies.
Cold Steel 3 sold 104,401 copies.
Therefore Cold Steel 3 sold less copies.
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Actually Trails of Cold Steel III did very well in Japan and had the highest digital sales in the series. Trails of Cold Steel IV sold slightly less but almost the same.
Don't even bother this schizo is very ill he combines SKUs together ( companies don't do this) like a retard its best not to engage and just ignore
Oh okay, I didn't know that my apologies.
Is wild card usually so broken as fuck? using the CS4 restoration mod and i just got like 15 crow turns back to back and pulled cards that killed like 5 enemies and a olaf craig
Its in my humble opinion that women are boring as protagonists, I don't relate to their problems because I am not a women, I don' get periods ( which yes Estelle is at that age where she gets them) nor do I like to gossip in fact I find female protagonist dull they have zero interesting stories to tell and the only reason a man would want to play as women is
1 their a tranny
2 the want a a women's attention
3 their self cautious about their sexuality as a man.
>Estelle is at that age where she gets them
.....great Now I gotta think about this any time I have to play Sky SC tomorrow thanks asshole.
Not my fault you choose to abandon your gender for some gross fantasy.
Amen brother.
on god, my man.
>Reminder that we never saw Ein in person in the games.
We see her at the end of 3rd in the post credit scene.
Reminder women ruin everything sacred for men
Wasn't that the poll that Laurafags kept on botting?
Speak senpai! tell these niggers off
Then why is FFVI the best rpg ever made?
>love kiseki
>hate the kiseki community
what do i do bros
Damn lol that's cold, why would you say that?!
average /fg/got
>Then why is FFVII the best rpg ever made?
because it has a male lead that's why
>2 the want a a women's attention
Lets be honest this is the real reason most faggots want to play as girl but spoiler alert real women won't love you.
Better than that clickbait cunt Cyrus Bright or the boring-ass WeaponsCI.
love juna
Damn, he said the thing most of us ware think but too scared to say, bro you are my sprite animal!
>Sky got a remake before "the best rpg ever made"
>I don' get periods ( which yes Estelle is at that age where she gets them
You know? you didn't have to say this.......and yet you did.....why?
my niggah
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interesting stats for CS2
while 57.6% beat the game, only 20% completed it on hard/nightmare, and only 10.1% on nightmare
The only decent Singa Kuro track
square said remaking ff6 would take 10 years, it also doesn‘t need a remake since the sprites art is still perfect
don't interact with it bwo as /fg/ is the most tolerable out of any.
>Reddit is self-explanatory
>Xitter is full of trannies that believe CS4 isn't exempt for criticism because Azure did the same things (KEK)
never been on Falcord and I doubt that I will, have someone else explain why the place is bad. besides the retards and schizos, the threads are pretty decent on a good day. I just stick with my own circle of friends to talk about these games with anyways
I wish
Renne as MC would be so fucking OP that nothing could stand a chance
>>>Kevin is forgotten again
You now remember when Falcom had to edit his Azure sprite into that Church groupshot in a patch
really great how this captures the atmosphere of crossbell under erebonian occupation
I used to listen to this and alley of silence every day for like a year
Loewe ((he will live btw)
>bruh they just made the worst game in the series but surely the copy-pasted sequel will be good because rean's in it
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Absolutely great. Shits all over the Japanese VA.
3rd. Matsuno's Tactics Ogre are personal favourites and I will continue to cope for an FFT remake with a Delita route...
if i met cassandra lee morris at a con any messages you guys would like me to give her
morgana from persona 5 sucks and alfin is the best character in fiction
We don't sign our posts here.
Is Shizuna that popular like Altina was? Feels like Agnes and Elaine are more loved.
Falcom hates Elaine, so she probably won't appear after the Kuro arc.
It really hurts that Chrono Trigger still hasn't gotten a remake even though it really is the best ever made. Nips are too hung over DQIII.
Chrono Trigger got a remake 16 years ago.
DQIII felt mid in opinion and FF1 had the better job system for nes games. Well either way boomers gonna boomer.
I would pay 1000 mira to suck off Estelle's delicious period blood off her used tampon like a cup of jello
DS is more like a port with some extra shit slapped on. Like Skies of Arcadia for the GameCube.
no it didn't it got a port but you are fully aware of that and are just being obtuse on purpose with semantics and linguistics because your life is so empty you need to pick up worthless arguments with strangers in order to briefly feel alive
signed: non-retard
Chrono Trigger is a shitty 20 hour game easy as piss and only hyped up by nostalgiafag. In no world this game hold a candle to FC.
And FFVI, please don't make me laugh
snes era square is 90% nostalgia 10% actual quality. Like take a shitty game like secret of mana for example. If it was released today with modern visual it would universally be considered one of the worst game ever made but because it's in 16 bit it's le soul or other such non sense
Doesn't need one. It's perfect the way it is.
this but about the Trials series (Sky needs a remake because releasing the OG today would expose how garbage it is LOL)
Haha, it do be like that.
You could say the same thing about DQIII but the Japanese boomers keep saying it's the le best. It's funny how Star Ocean 2 got remade first despite being a much longer game.
i hate women so much
DQI and Chrono Trigger would make a great basis for ARPGs if they were remade. The purists would whine about it though.
Sir, this is the /fg/ - Falcom General, those games are not made by Falcom
Correct, we only discuss bad games here and pretend they're better than everything else despite intellectually knowing that not being the case.
Randysisters sisters we keep taking Ls
Speaking of old games didn't Kondom say he wanted to do Silver witch remakes? Guess it was too impossible after all because he went to Sky after all. Or was he just trying to get Silver witch translated and ported to modern computers? I forgot. My favorite is Tears of Vermillion.
You're just pissy they didn't butcher it with the DS' awful 3D graphics, or ruined it with modern 2D-HD shit.
genuinely had to check I wasn't on the Tales general but then I realized it no longer exists
I think he just wanted ports. Eventually lol. More like never. They are too big of worlds to be remade.
is there a kiseki roll chart with all of the characters in it so i can gamble who i fap to before going to work?
Being a purist is when you want a remake of a game to still be the same genre of game
They aren't too big to be remade but Kondo probably wants to do some kind of FF7R shit with them fused with modern persona.
looks like a retard in on the loose this morning
see you later when he tires
so hyped to meet cassandra Lee morris
Anime women don't get periods, silly.
Alfin does
Estelle does.
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Shizuna marks her prey with her period blood
What a bizarre thing to say.
>Check Steam reviews
>1872 Steam reviews for CS4
>729 for Reverie
>509 for Daybreak
Funny you want to make that argument, Kusoeater.
>period melty
>Is Shizuna that popular like Altina was?
Not sure if she's popular as Altina, but she's definitely really popular. Kondo even confirmed that because of her popularity, they expanded her role in Kuro 2, originally she wasn't supposed to be that involved with Van and co. but they basically made her tag along with him and added to the main party later in the story.
Love Husband! I’d graciously let him sexually assault me! Whenever he feels like it!
So you're ignoring the fact that daybreak was released only 2 months ago and with a huge handicap? How very fair of you anon.
CS4 came out in the west 4 years ago, haha...
The main reason they wouldn't remake SC if FC remake bombs is probably VA costs. Just like the originals everything else can be reused.
Kuro haters are extremely insecure individuals that make up whatever retarded reasoning and narrative for kuro being bad that they can, while praying to god no one bothers to question it. Don’t even bother with them. all they do is make themselves look retarded.
>bruh they just made the worst game in the series
lil bro must have access to the time septterrion since he's come from 2014 and is acting like Sen 2 just came out.
>a huge handicap
Oh no! People had more time to see and buy it ahead of time according to their budget! WHAT A HANDICAP!!!
It's more fair to compare reviews after 2 months of their release, so here are the results from web.archive
>CS4 released on April 9th 2021 - 819 reviews as of June 14th 2021
>Reverie released on July 7th 2023 - 403 reviews as of September 25th 2023
>Daybreak english translation update released on July 5th 2024 - 509 reviews as of now
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
what is this? a fighting game?
NISA lost a lot of people who would potentially buy the game if it appeared under popular new releases on steam. Admit that you're just a disingenuous faggot.
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>people played CS4 and decided they didn't want to continue with the franchise anymore
>this is somehow a W for cold steel and an L for Kuro
no one is buying some random full price game they never heard of just because its in the new releases window on steam quit with this cope
i love kiseki
it's an old psp game

that /fg/ got baited into thinking NISA will release it because they couldn't think Daybreak 2 was a possibility
Whatever you want to believe
Wonderful ship
Do what?
is it true shizuna is weak to anal?
>go under popular new releases
>want to buy a game, preferably a jrpg
>see Daybreak
>look at the screenshots and trailer
>this looks good, I'll buy it
You can continue your delusional outbursts, but NISA'S move with pc port cost them a bit of new potential players.
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I don't know.
>Yes, the new releases window matters!
>No, it being on Steam for a year doesn't mean anything! Nobody could have ever seen it or followed it during that period!
Juna would have been the weakest to anal.
AC Valhalla is the highest selling game in the franchise and most people didn't play the previous entries, this is because the game was interesting enough on its own to bring in new players
The Kuro arc had the benefit of releasing during a global pandemic where everyone was stuck home bored out of their minds, and even with that no one found Kuro enticing enough to give it a go
You can try to blame Cold Steel all you want but the most cursory of market researches will quickly tell you previous entries in a series barely impact the newest entry
The quality of a game matters much more than any other weird metric you need to employ to fit your agenda
Cute little comic
i wish kuro sold better solely so cold steel fags would shut the fuck up about it
The entire marketing of Daybreak in the west was "yes you can start here", even though it's BS the newbies wouldn't know that.
If it's been on Steam for a year, people expect a hefty discount.
In Japan or in the west? Because steam sales aren't everything and daybreak was in the 2nd place chart on ps5 Amazon sales at one point.
All that meant was there was an upsurge of sales at one point. Kuro topped the Amazon.jp ranking.
maybe if you didn't constantly antagonize cold steel no one would be interested in vengeance now
a life lesson for you
Well we'll never know how daybreak did on ps5 or switch. We only know the estimated number of steam sales and that NISA sold out their daybreak LE.
>even though it's BS
You can start with the first game of every arc.
you both will be utterly embarrassed next year when BESTELLE sells over a million copies WW and absolutely BTFOS the fuck out of you both fags
>tita moon door in trails third
>about an hour long curscene in total
>only thing you learn is that titas mom is developing an orbal gear
>kloe moon door
>about 45 min of cutscene just to learn about lechter and get left in a cliffhanger
>schera moon door
>about 30 min of text but a semi lengthy dungeon
>all you learn about is how schera and aina met and some grim flashback scene with schera coughing up blood
Please tell me this isn’t how the rest of the game is going to be like….
Also why does rufina kiss kevin to feed him chocolate instead of simply force feeding him
It does make sense at least for the western fandom, japs don't really care about arc wars. Those who hated cs already dropped the series, but those who hated it but were still expecting something new and fresh found it with Kuro.
this honestly is so true it has changed my view on Kurofags
i dont hate cold steel but i did want to move on from it after 5 games but all csfags ever want to talk about is rean forever its boring
rufina is literally me
>Also why does rufina kiss kevin
Because rufina is church member
5 rean games were a mistake
>new and fresh found it with Kuro
>majority of kuro I being regurgitated shit from CS IV/Hajimari added with minimal spices to make it better
>kuro II made shit even worse than CS game which should be impossible at this point
What the CS fans get wrong is that i'm not a "Kurofag", I just want to talk about the new arc as it happens. When Kuro is over then I will want to talk about the next arc. But CS fans just want to talk about CS and only CS over and over until the end of time and resent everything not CS.
I would talk about kuro more if kuro 2 didn't fucking waste our and answered the questions. It also doesn't help that even on /fg/ there're bunch of people who didn't even play kuro 2, because it's a shitty cle port with mtl.
Why was this post deleted? It didn't break any rules it just made fun of Kuro
Did a Kurofag become a janny lmao
Im starting to think this is true.
if you got banned it would have deleted all of your posts in this thread
Gayorg kill all coldshitters in this thread.
Why do Cold Shitters try so hard to pretend like nobody ever had a problem with Cold Shit until the day Kuro released?
Why are Kurofags so obsessed with Cold Steel they post on cooldown about it instead of discussing their grand finale game releasing in 23 days?
I have no hope because Kuro II wasted my time. And Kai is getting fucked over. Falcom are cunts
Daybreak has 2,600 reviews on PSN. For an equivalent game with 2,500 on Steam, the middle number for how much it sold is about 182.5K
because falcom won't give us any news
it wasn't my post but looking at the archive the only ban worthy thing was the weissmann fujo posting shotacon shit
don't tell me she is the kuro hater all along...
>reviews on PSN
Nta, but I think that's only for digital only. I own mostly physical games, and I can't leave a review on the PSN store.
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I genuinely don't know what to expect from kai, especially with the lack of news.
shota porn, even if censored isn't allowed.
Why did Van fail to capture the kiseki fans?
>bad marketing
>barley any news
>people still dooming because of Kuro II
I didn't expect to be in this situation after Kuro I released. This arc clearly wasn't planned out, and now we're in this mess.
Van's fine, honestly, his games just suck.
Rean's games suck as well but he's popular
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OK? You can't compare to previous arcs because of pic related.
Wdym? I thought he was pretty popular. Rean just has an enormous advantage of 5 games and the most popular arc under his belt. Kondo admitted in the interview that he was afraid how fans will react to Van since he's more adult and tends to act like ossan, but after the release he was relieved how fans reacted to him.
Kiseki needs a bara MC with an all bara party
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I think it was planned out somewhat, it's just kuro 2 never supposed to exist in the first place and Calvard was planned to be 2 games.
No, the kind of people who rate their games on PSN will have done it as soon as the system was introduced for all of their games, because only weirdos rate games on PSN. It's why the Cold Steel games have healthy amounts of reviews.
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cute and canon
Pretty much this. Kondo said people liked Van. Seems like his games (mostly Kuro 2) are the issue.
I've had CS4 on hold since like 2023. Is Kuro worth it?
The first one is fine, tho the combat is weird. Kuro 2 is dogshit however.
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Why does Kai even need marketing for?
Only Kiseki and Rean fans know about the game, and they'll buy it even with minimal promotion. It’s not like falcom can attract new players this time, like they did with Kuro 1 and 2. They aren't even trying to.
You could honestly skip straight to Kai and you wouldn't miss much
>Actually trying to argue that the entire system being introduced after the game comes out doesn't change the ratings
What does he do again
They'd show off more of Rean and Kevin if they only cared about certain fans.
Depends on what you want from it, if you didn't like rean or bloated cast you'll enjoy kuro. Combat is completely new, but I liked it, can't say the same for others here.
He guards others with a Thousands Hands
Van would be beloved by Japs if the games were exactly the same but it was instead primarily set around Aramis High School and Van is 16-17 years old instead of being in his mid 20s.
If i had a thousand hands, I would spend all my day masturbating
>more school like in CS
If I want that, I'd just replay CS. Kuro being different is preferable
you'd still only have one extraordinarily small penis THOUGH
So how will the route shit work in kai? Van is still the main protagonist, so I guess we'll have sides like in kuro 2?
It's just a linear normal game where Kevin/Rufus/Rean have intermissions between Van's main chapters
If you played Tokyo Xanadu it's kinda like that
Time map with all the dead ends and the groups intertwining with each other
Pretty much, if you look at Cold Steel's ratings, they aren't too shabby with the sheer number being above Kuro right now. Even CS1 which didn't get that double pack PS5 release is at 4500.
To be fair, it would be completely different with Van as the main protagonist but set in school.
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Kai is going to be amazing, I don't give a single fuck about your doomer shit
at least make put it in collage or something
>That place is meant to serve as somewhere the overly ripened juices from the fruit of our unprecedented prosperity can pool and gel.
Trying too hard to sound smart, Agnes. You're a bimbo, it's okay.
"Yeah I just used this thing to turn him into literal salt LMAO"
I fully agree. Is hating everything more of a young person thing? I'm 37 and nowhere near as bitter as most here.
I wouldnt mind it, especially if they get to interact with laura and at least two of them are gay with one of the gay ones having chest hair
Is this dual arts? I thought it was another demon lord for a second.
I think it's arts yeah, summon-tier like Albion Wolf, Seventh Calibur and so on
It's not SA if you're willing, whore.
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