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>What is /feg/?
/feg/ is the general dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise.

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Previous: >>492605534
>You're an adult aren't you? ACT LIKE ONE!
Someone make a new /feh/ thread
>play engage to completion
>even play the fell xenologue and dlc emblem maps because sure why not
>only likeable character is the jew child
How does this happen?
I got you bro

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Seidr needs more alts.
Yuliya thread 2.0
Raula must be sad no one is using her thread
actually based!!!
Who made Seidr so angry?
she's talking to sigma simpsei kek
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Shez won
Alear drooled
>lost to L!MCorrin
who the fuck even wanted him?
Yuliya bros. I got her at +9 right now and I feel like it's time to commit. It looks like her stats are meant for offensive style play. What build do you suggest?
His debut banner happened to have Emblems Ike and Marth
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>looking up fates OST
>immediately get nostalgic and think about shitty 2015-2016 era /feg/, pre-release season, treehouse controversies, the post-release honeymoon season before people turned on the game
The music is so fucking good why did it have to be attached to fates
This would be funnier if the lady awarding him was fem Shez
Fates was announced when I was a freshman in high school so I remember reading news on gamefaqs during class
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+8 here, I'm not too sure what other anons did, but this is where I'm at with her...
Aren't there rewrite hacks of the game? I remember Conquest having a "good guy Garon" script rewrite.
Fates is a good game. Fuck off.
>fates rewrite
most I've seen are support additions for gay pairings, dunno about their quality though

If there are any cool fates hacks I sure don't know em
Fates is funny as is, both intentionally and unintentionally. Hans and Iago keeping corrin in Garon’s good graces despite corrin’s wishes is hilarious
Literally me but as a senior, it's so fucking over bros what are we doing with our lives.... and what's fucked is that in ten years our juniors will be saying this shit about three houses and engage
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I found the Garon rewrite on Youtube. You guys are free to judge whether the script works or not
We need a bioCHAD to stop aging, we’re already over 1/3 to death
I wanna know if she considers herself one of the "nice people."
Anna was cute and funny
The rest was a waste of money
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"Fates having bad writing" is such an extraordinarily laserfocused reddit meme. In reality its writing is really no better or worse than the games before it or since and I'm tried of pretending otherwise. Was Awakening really that much more competent? It gets shit all the time for Valm and dropping focus on Chrom in favor for Robin by the finale. How about Three Houses, which is the most competently told story and the one that appeals most to westerners, but is still the source of constant debate and discussion over the plot of its routes. Or Three Hopes, which attempts to answer questions from 3H but only ends up raising more and fails to even have a proper ending in any of its 3 routes? How about all the worthless and unnecessary story additions made to Echoes? The utter worthlessness of Faye and Conrad? Don't even get me started with Engage, but in fairness it's probably the game that's closest in spirit to Fates.
A lot of other stories don't make you feel like a clown for playing through them.
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Conquest Corrin is the bottom of the barrel MC writing. ISIS trying to have their cake and eating it at the same time with a retard protagonist that knocks people out by killing them
>the town that Krakenburg is in isn't named at all
>it's just "Walled Town"
Where’s alearfag when you need him
Why lie? The town is called Windmire. You played the game right bro?
>no veyle
this image is garbage
I +10'd him, it wasn't worth it, but I did it.
Seriously though he hits like fucking wet tissue paper I genuinely don't know what they were thinking.
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I'm looking at the image posted. The game itself doesn't call the level "Windmire." It calls it "Walled Town."
Also, looking at the wiki, "Windmire" is a Treehouse-ism. The wiki page opens with a big sign saying this:
Man, Treehouse was looking for anything to localize just to get paid more for working on Fates.
>treehouse was fixing the game after all but ISIS stopped them from going trooooooo faaaaar
>sassy jew cunny
>marriage candidate
I don't wanna play engage... I don't wanna play engage...
There should've been a no way fag meme but with Seidr's famous line
Them giving names to locations in Fates is like the only vaguely positive thing they did. Everything else was shit.
It's crazy that "Nohr" and "Hoshido" were made up by Treehouse, because Nami just fucking FORGOT to name the countries.
Why is Eikthyrnir fighting for Laeradr at all if he knows that Laeradr perceives them all as disposable fakes
You can thank Nono for pioneering tummy lolis
Guess answer: he's a thrall, so he does what his master wants.
Real answer: the writers probably didn't think that far. This is the same book where a guy was trying to kill people so we'd revive them, but he doesn't think we'd revive them.
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>have waifu posted about Shamir doing her morning routine for a while
>someone actually draws it
>Nintendo World had just reopened the day Fates came out
>I pre-ordered via Nintendo World
>Got to cut the line of people waiting to get in and see the new remodel because I proved I was there to buy a video game
>Some anons gave me some Cipher cards
>Got to start playing on the train ride home
Honestly was a fantastic day and night, I had never been to anything like a fresh release. Thanks for the Cipher cards, I still have them!
it suddenly started stinking
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I love Shamir more than anything
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get the masks, please
Me, I wanted him.
Fire emblem but an aging protagonist in the sequel feels the consequences of rapid technological advancement and means of warfare and rapidly changing standards and outlooks trying to do things his own way but either slowly realizing he has to compromise somewhere or sticking to his guns when
>Was Awakening really that much more competent?
Honestly, yeah. If you forget the Validar shit, the story of Chrom conquering his inner demon (Gangrel) and then being challenged again by another reflection of himself (Walhart) is genuinely kino. All of the Robin-centric stuff brings the story down, but otherwise it's not that bad.
Certainly not as bad as "we defeated their entire army without killing a single soul!"
I’d play it. I also think we should have a Napoleon post 1st exile-like MC fighting a doomed battle to regain former glory as a plot line
I don't think any story in FE will top the sheer retardation of Conquest Corrin...
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I got you.
Marni in engage is the most retarded and awful character I've seen in a FE game.
Are there really no competitors?
Next NH is most likely
>Attuned/Rearmed Timerra
>Pandreo (staff demote)
>Griss GHB
You forgot
>Attuned Timerra
>Rearmed Fogado
>Merrin 4*
>Pandreo instant demote
>Griss/Marnie GHB
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>but an aging protagonist
Japan is allergic to a protag past the age of 25. It's also why Basch was shelved as protag in favor of Vaan in FFXII.
Not really. A lot of other characters have could have some excuse to lessen it, but Marni's actions/dialogue were so blatantly retarded and baffling I actually thought they had to have put her and her death in as a joke.
>more Engage wank
Fucking seriously? Would ISIS really mistreat 3H like this?
I figured and that's why I said sequel. MAYBE if he was young in the original but only rather old in the sequel it would work. Maybe.
Nigga shut up
Every Engage NH is about 7 months apart, and August is always CYL, so yeah.

>only like three Fodlan units in 2024 that aren't fan-voted
Sylvain, Petra, and Linhardt is all we got. Where's my Lysithea, Marianne, Hilda, Rhea, Dorothea, or Judith banner?
>Lists a bunch of characters that are already in the game with several alts
Oh it was just a shitpost. Figures.
Didn't really notice it was a maid design until I fought her around Flora town or whatever that map is.
I'd like another Guinivere alt
Will fonse push Gullveig into weaker in the last hour?
Maybe, maybe not.
>Gullveig has to cheat and win through a last hour multiplier in order to beat fucking Alfonse
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>Cheat at a coin flip
Bloomers... Bloomers... Bloomers...
Something something the devs rigged it for X character.
this is the thread now
Always has been
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And then HE appears
I knew I shouldn't have logged into 4chan today.
>logged into 4chan
>Particularly bothered by this
I think you should have logged into reddit instead
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Maybe it's time to go.
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>it's okay when Alfonse cheats
>taking it literally
Hi tourist. Having fun?
>Still bothered by it instead of ignoring it
Yeah you're the tourist.
You're allowed to be annoyed by unfunny retards that just spam the same porn and gorepost and talk about Russians killing some random lady like an unhinged schizo that deserves to be hit in the back of the head with a shovel.
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There's just nothing we can really do about it...
Okay Mr. Oldfag will you pipe down now?
>You're allowed to be annoyed by unfunny retards that just spam the same porn and gorepost and talk about Russians killing some random lady like an unhinged schizo that deserves to be hit in the back of the head with a shovel.
I don't think these are all the same person though.
The idea that it's multiple people is even more concerning.
As soon as you get off my lawn whippersnapper
Roy would never...
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Kek this reminds me of that Midori fag that DEFINITELY DOES NOT commission porn of her and Kana and that it's just a coincidence that someone else likes this specific pair.
Roy is unfathomably lame and milquetoast
Hop off my goat
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So is this where the thread is going?
Roy is so lame he spends more time talking to Merlinus than Lilina
Why would anyone willingly talk to a woman? Women don't even like talking to women.
There's a whole sector of weirdos over there on twitter that hover around Kana, Midori and Kiragi and it's just weird lol
Then why are all women lesbians??
I wish, but you know they're gonna translate that to another alt for Dimitri and Edelgard right? Maybe claude if they really feel like it.
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you know, if coomeranon is gonna be droppin porn while the jannies are napping can it at least be some high quality stuff
Stop bumping the /feh/ thread jackass
Not bad jannies but can you get this retard too? >>492798758
He's been ban evading like crazy.
any minute now...
>all of this shit still up
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oh my fucking GOD dude
I think it's unironically a conspiracy
Have you considered the fact that these threads are absolute garbage and deserve people like him?
Why are you here then? I know I won't get a good or possibly honest answer but maybe you'll humor me
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I'm noooooticing every time the namtard acts up the useless pedo spic always defends his antics.
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Raul, just because things don't go your way doesn't mean you have to sic your attack dog on every fire emblem thread possible.

Come on now.
I'm losing my fucking MIND over this shit bro. Cool you deleted the porn BUT HOW THE FUCK DO YOU IGNORE ALL THE SCAT POSTS THAT ARE REPLYING TO LIKE 50 OTHER ANONS?
And I made a very specific critique postI would be the one getting banned.
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Why do retards keep putting stock in this coinflip mode? The only one that matters is AHR.
Not to mention the scat posts also often have porn in them. Which is another reason I think it's a conspiracy.
You are genuinely miserable person. Your only value is that other people can look at how much of loser you are and feel better about their station in life. I wouldn't even waste my time killing you because you would certainly get satisfaction knowing that you made someone angry enough to wring out your scrawny neck and watch you desperately gasp for air until you collapsed soon after.
>scat gone
but for how long?
Claude is a set with Dimitri and Edelgard. The only time they didn't come together was the Fallen Banner because Claude never fell so they had to give him a Wind Tribe alt to make up for it
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Do you have any Arcane weapons that you just never gave to other units? I have Qiang, Downfall, like three copies of Euphoria, Thunder and Thrima. I guess the latter can go to Hilda because it's probably better than refined Freikugel, but I'm not sure about the rest.
And now he's engage schizo posting
Banners come with 4 units normally? So that would be 3 already locking it down plus some nobody from another game to make it seem like it's not only 3H units.
It's just like the old days.
>the crying emoji
does he think he's fooling anybody with that tweet?
If you can find a use for them go for it. No sense in trying to force yourself. That said hoarding skills is a waste especially with how fast they make replacements
Are you gonna tell me I'm wrong?
And then the jannies forgot...
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>3 Days Grace Shez
I like it
Who cares what you like dipshit
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>needs to rely on a multiplier
>this retard is ass mad his favorite shitty OC didn't win
I hate Gullveig too but this is still hilarious.
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>"No, you used the game mechanics to win!!!"
There's a reason nobody puts stock in these things beyond banter. Being a sore loser about them is just faggotry.
Gullveig always loses to multipliers. Why isn't she a victim in those cases? Someone else used the mechanics against her.
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>Gullshit vs Fagfonse
Heidr is a good girl
What are the other matching looking like?
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You know you get 1.1x the votes if you use the character you're voting for, right?
Gullveig turning Alfonse to dust
A blue haired swordsman anally gapes Soren - and it's not Ike this time!
Bernadetta (probably) tanks the person she should have beat last year
Robin edges out a win against Robin
I don't think anyone cares and just want to see if Gull wins or loses
Gulltards aren't the brightest bunch
Felixsisters we did it!!!!!!!!!
I dont have Gullveig i chose Corrin in that banner
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>Robin edges out a win against Robin
Voting Gauntlet BIGGEST LOSERS Update:
Edelgard: 10
Chrom: 8
Alfonse: 7 -> 8
Takumi: 7
Eirika: 6
Hector: 6
Laevateinn: 6

>5 appearances, 5 losses
Xander: 5
Claude: 5
FRobin: 5
Marth: 5
Celica: 5
Catria: 5

>4 appearances, 5 losses
Minerva: 4
ATiki: 4
Gullveig: 4
YTiki: 4
MCorrin: 4
Duma: 4
Lysithea: 4
Hardin: 4
Laegjarn: 4
FAlear: 4
Imagine caring about any of this shit that you keep track of it
>Gullveig: 4 appearances, 5 losses
Wait, is this counting NY Seidr or something?
If that's the case, shouldn't Alfonse count his Lif losses? He'd be at 9 or 10 now.
Alfonse lost kek
Oboro is bigly mistreated
I meant 4 losses, it's a typo.
It's a list of characters with the most losses without ever winning one.
I couldn't care less, little bro
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>I meant 4 losses, it's a typo.
Alright, because we technically have characters who have lost more times than they've had gauntlets, like that time Edelgard lost to both Veronica and Camilla in the same gauntlet.
You smell like shit
Also for >>492807461
Nope it was meant for you
Kek Alfonsefags are the ones who smell like shit and shit in the street
Also for >>492807169
>nobody posted Gullveig turning Alfonse into dust gif
yup. All fakers.
There's only like 6 posters left. 2 of which are Raul and Nowifaggot
are the dragonfags winning
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I love the synergy between E!Ike and B!Soren, they're such a great pair
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This clip had Alfonse in it, so I forgot about it.
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They are lovers so it makes sense
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so how's /feg/ doing this fine evening?
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I wonder if we'll ever get Emblem Soren what bullshit powercreep he'll get
So if they release switch successor would they also reveal launch titles?
I don't think Amy FE game has ever been a launch title. Might be a good strategy to try
Launch year would be more probable and that's assuming an FE game does get announced during the Switch Successor reveal.
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It's morning thoughever?
What types of games are launch titles usually? Just like Wii sports?
good morning then, anon
Wii sports, Mario, Zelda port, Mario kart, Mario party, random 3rd party gimmick shit like 1-2 switch
>would they also reveal launch titles
if they have an entire direct dedicated to revealing and talking about the switch 2 then they would probably bring up, or at least tease a launch title briefly.
>FE launch title
FE is still rather niche. I've never payed too close attention to launch titles, but AFAIK they are usually supposed to be massive draws like a Zelda game or 3d Mario game and then a bunch of smaller 3rd party stuff. usually within a few months they release some other first part titles too. IIRC when the Switch was shown, there was a brief title card about FE switch coming in 2017 or 2018, but that obviously got pushed back a lot.
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but will she win the next two rounds?
No, she'll lose to chadlix in the last round
>the CyL chapter comes and goes with no mention of his alt
>he loses to multipliers
How often do you retards need to seethe over Alfonse before realizing nothing is rigged
She won the round that mattered.
Let's be honest, even if she wins, we're going to see posts saying "Uh, she didn't win last year when the game had more players, so this one doesn't count!" Mark my words.
I'm sorry that your gay boyfriend lost
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>an Alfonsefag unironically made this
Alfonsefags on suicide watch
This is retarded because you're linking to >>62118294
Kek unfortunately for him he forgot Alfonse isn't actually popular and IS rigged it for him, so this rally is basically like asking 10 people to take on 100k
>Gulltards always cope when she loses a gauntlet by saying "uhh it doesn't matter because she had the most first hour support so we know she's popular"
>conveniently ignoring the fact that she wasn't even 2nd in terms of 1st hour support, she was behind Felix as well and Alfonse had the most first hour support

Case in point
Cheapskate, in any case, Isis just discovered 20 octillion votes for Alfonse, an emergency patch is underway. Those who have a negative feather balance will be banned.
Actually the round that matters is the one where you take first place
Yes because every anon is the same person and only one individual here hates you, you retarded faggot
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I don't use this site. Does it hide negative votes as zeroes? It looks like even the faggots thought it was cringe.
KYS fag. I'm not gullshitter, but that doesn't mean I can't celebrate Fagfonse failing
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Why is Raul nerding out now?
>Bernadetta tanked Corrin's final hour multiplier
Kek the Reddit dragon would have lost CYL7 without that anti-3H rallying
No, because VGs are fucking stupid, so who gets first doesn't matter outside of AHR.
The only other thing it gets us is "heated shitposting," and we got that from Gullveig beating Alfonse.
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>Reward 45 orbs
These fucking Jews couldn't even give all players compensation orbs for that Panette glitch these cock suckers are delusional
She's mad her boyfriend lost
Melty time
It just keeps getting funnier. He couldn't even rally 10 people. You know it's bad when even Redditors laugh at you.
How was he planning on giving 45 orbs away to everyone on team Alfonse anyway?
Really? Was Turdphonse the only CYL8 winner that lost?
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Gullveig vs FRobin
Felix vs Bernadetta
Pretty much all of the others won.
Yeah yeah whatever
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I'll give you a hint.
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>Gullveig is the only CYL7 winner
>Alfonse is the only CYL8 loser
>Alfonse is the only CYL8 winner that lost the first round
We're in the kino timeline, bros
>Raul begging namschizo to shit up the thread

Lol lmao
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It's almost like...he didn't win legitimately
really makes you think
Botfonse has no fans
>Gullveig loses to Vaike
>"umm please don't shitpost guys"
>Alfonse loses to Gullveig
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Plot twist for you. A shat all over both. And I'm joining F Robin in hopes Gullshit also loses, you obsessed tard.
>Anything gullveig
>It immediately, without exception, shows an compulsive, almost obsessive desire to cry about it
Joke's on you both are shit characters. Sorry that you had to find out no one likes Alfonse though, not even reddit.
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I hope Robin wins this one, I wanna see how people react to that.
She's crying hard in the Fehcord and throwing a tantrum but not even her two main goons care kek they must be tired of her
Looks like he deleted the post in shame
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lol, wish I could have read those comments.
*cuts to alfonse getting raped to death by a pack of niggers*
Embarrassing. Just own up to it.
>august was a flop as expected, feb remains the last month to make 5m
>gullveig won
how bad were the raul and fschizo melties?
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Doesn't matter how much you seethe, he still won.
I just got EIke by accident when rolling for Shez, so if I ever get a BAlfonse, I promise I will instantly fodder him to Ike.
The A and C slots are EIke's BIS, right?
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Fire Emblem players, convince me to play your game.

Fire Emblem for this feel?
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Stop believing sensortower
IS wouldn't do desperate shit like the legendary heroes update if the game wasn't flopping hard.
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>cut to Alfonse stretching his asshole wide open with his tiny 3 inch erect cock falling to the side
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>Fire Emblem players, convince me to play your game.
I will not.
Not having played FE10, AFAIK it has a black knight that comes and saves a silver haired maiden.
>Convince me to paly your game
It's fun.
Try out FE7,8, or 9 to start and move on wherever you want from there.
Crazy how we're supposed to believe these numbers are accurate when February somehow magically made another million dollars... in March?
Crazy how we're supposed to believe revenue hasn't declined when the game is reaching Dragalia rankings and the devs are now trying to force whales to roll for new content?
>The day the only Alfonsefag realized he is indeed unpopular
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Book VI of feh
Your breath smells like shit
*Gullveig rewinds time*
Bernashita shrieked
>Get away from my friend, you disgusting creature
*Gullveig sand blasts a hole right through her chest*
*Bernashita flops onto the ground*
>Phew, thanks Gully. That freak really got the jump on me
*Gullveig fidgets, slightly embarrassed*
*Corrin gives her lots of headpats*
>You're always looking out for me! Thank you for being my friend!
Gullveig smiles shyly, trying to hide her pure elation. Thanks to Kiran Gullveig was able to make many friends!
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Gonna elaborate... Or do I just have to find out?
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I'm taking Seidr to Costco. Do you guys want me to pick up anything?
Hey, not my fault! I've been making out with your mom all night and I got her stinky breath all over me.
Lol nobody here believes Alfonsefags are straight. The only things you got in your mouth as an Alfonsefag are big black cocks
The Good Ending :)
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Of all the games, do not play the phone game. Just go read the story chapters on the wiki or something.
If you want to play actual FE, go emulate FE8 or 3H.
Opening movie
I desire carnal relationship with this cute brown cow.
Dude I already knew your mom is an Alfonsefag. She told me.
Yeah can you get Gullveig a blue raspberry slushy?
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Milk the cow. Do it now.
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Kiran got his tongue in Alfonse's mom's mouth as we speak
As long she gets to milk me with those fat fucking thighs
Bernadetta confirmed that Corrin didn't deserve to win CYL
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Will try, thanks anon.
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Rank them.
>No U
Kek this is the extent of Alfonsefag IQ, no wonder they actually believed Alfonse wasn't botted
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Can kid Edelgard and the rest reach A tier in 2025? Or has the game fallen too hard for that to be possible anymore?
Pass smash smash pass WIFE smash
playerbase is too small
All F
>From Best to Worst?
Steampunk Midget
Your mom doesn't believe he was botted, sport. I think you should listen to your elders.
All of them are S(hit) tier
Kek this is some low level engagement. How does it feel to be the only Alfonsefag in the thread and being the laughing stock of this general
I guess Raul keeps you company. He's crying and away from the thread go join him
I like them all/10.
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I'll be real with you, little bro. I have no idea why you're assuming I'm an alfonsefag. I'm a Felixchad.
I just saw an opportunity to make a "your mom" joke and took it. You took the bait beautifully.
I only like Eir, Peony, Reginn and Ash
>No rearmed Reinhardt
Negative soul.
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Oh and if you don't believe me, here:
Would you sniff anything in this image?
Love Seidr
Eir and the Cow have fuckable bodies
Peony's other mom is better
Reginn's alright
Stay a virgin, Fjorm
Like, all of her.
I'd put my face in the middle of Goldmary's cleavage.
Everything about Goldmary. Nothing about Bernadetta.
>Alfonsefags are so embarrassed by Alfonse once they get thoroughly fucked they distance themselves from him
Kek with a fanbase like this, how did IS believe they could fool anyone by bitting him?
Alright then "felixchad" don't know why you got offended when someone told an Alfonsefag his breath smells like shit instead of laughing or ignoring it since it didn't involve you, but if you're truly not an AlfonseBITCH then run along now. I only want tear Alfonsefag's bussy now. If you don't want to get caught in the crossfire don't go defending them or Alfonse again
bro this is embarrassing. Learn to take the L
>Fjorm can sing
>Reginn can dance
>Ash can shred
>Rat has rhythm
>Seidr can cheer
>Eir can???
Alfonsefag took the L already. He conceded that Alfonse is shit and joined team Felix.
k little bro keep seething that you got trolled
One of these is a popular character and the other is Whomary
be very beautiful
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Eir also dances, and can make flower crowns.
Reginn's also a mechanic.
Seidr is a baby factory, and Eir is like twenty baby factories.
Peony can also dance, if the puppet theater last year is anything to go by.
You didn't answer the question.
Berniebros went too hard wrecking Corrin round 1, I couldn't find a single multiplier all day whenever I happened to login
Fjorm was also learning to dance from Tethys who says something along the lines of her dance style is more for bars and not as regal.
>eir can
look cute.
Alfonse is a bitch made faggot that jobs to everyone
who cares?
I don't recall a time Alfonse won a fight that didn't involve another Alfonse losing a fight.
Was the army difference really that big?
You know it's true
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Who are we getting in book 9 as a cute girl?
from what I had seen, Corrin could take several hours to catch up from a multiplier, tie Bernie instead of overtaking, and then fall behind again.
I'll take one loli Freya please
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The ratios were
The only comparable CYL7 army to CYL8 was Gullveig. Everyone else was double or more than last year. Bernie's army was twice as big as Corrin's.
How are Goldmary and Bernadetta laguz friends
I hope we keep getting girls. If it's a boy to appease reddit it's just going to kill the game more than Book 8 did
But don't be like ratatoskr wanking Alfonse
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Pick me up two Chicken Rolls, Pumpkin.
They met Lethe and thought she was a pretty cool cat
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Goldmary fucks dogs, and Bernadetta writes porn.
They make a good pair that way.

I hope we get a Valkyrie. Something that looks like the HW1 concept art version of Zelda.
blame Engage translators, the skill's actual name is Immovable, but in EN Engage they decided to take liberties with Emblem Ike's skill name and it got grandfathered into Heroes.
So how many more Nordic gods are left?
Would this shit EoS based off when they'd run out of them?
>and it got grandfathered into Heroes.
Which is extra weird, because some of the others didn't. Divine Speed got turned into Potent 4.
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We're down to only Asgard as far as realms go. So far they've mostly used literal who norse mythology characters, which was a good move on their part. I think they'll either end the story in boom9/10 with All father, or spread out the action in asgard over 10 more books.
>Alfonse is getting shat on so hard in this thread that it made Raul rage quit the thread for the night
$1000 in iOS money
guys I just reclassed my jean into a sage and why is he erotic
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>>Eir can???
be a Midwife.
Tomboy Fenrir
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The Sage outfit in Engage isn't perfect, but it was good.
Shame the game lacked costume Options unless you mod it.
Damn so we could realistically see this EoS after one more book?
We've had two different Midgard books so far, so they could potentially do another one or two. Or even return to some realms.
Jotunheim was such a wasted potential.
Sorry I was busy with something else
>"giants" are just six feet tall
>"dwarves" are regular human height
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My wife on the left
His wife on the right
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>Engage Sages (Forma De Female)
Lord give me strength...
yeah, figures engaygefags aren't FE fans
Fenrir (Nailah clone)
They'll play it safe because clearly they've finally become scared of Book 8's plummeting revenue.
-Curvy figure
-Conventionally attractive face
-Avatar worshipper
-Design that is unique but not outlandish, also shows off her curves
-Generic sweet and kind personality to be as inoffensive as possible
Will people really just buy into Seidr 2.0? Surely they'll need a new gimmick for her to sell
>will people just buy into waifu bait
it works for a lot of characters.
I don't think it will work but I do think IS are entering panic mode and will start releasing as safe content as possible while shoving out the remaining Book 8 flop content just to get it out of the door
I wouldn't be surprised if Ice Tribe is dropped for a Ballroom revival focused on 3H
>Will people really just buy into Seidr 2.0?
People pretended to care about Heidrun for a few minutes. If they actually lean into it and make a decent story, they could make a second Gullveig.
>but I do think IS are entering panic mode and will start releasing as safe content as possible
You're mistaken. The legendary update exists because they're going to keep releasing content nobody wants but are now going to force whales to roll for it in spite of that.
The book 9 girl will cater to footfags such as myself and have feet that rival Elincia's
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Gonna miss seeing more severed heads…
>Will people really just buy into Seidr 2.0?
People didn't even buy into Seidr 1.0, so no
Why the fuck are they doing this fucking ship tease bullshit with these two. Just have them fuck already.
In due time (End of Service)
>a Ballroom revival focused on 3H
IS aren't smart enough to do this.
>for a Ballroom revival focused on 3H
You don't say
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More Hoshido shilling please
As you wish, Ninja Peri coming right up.
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I think Mist is pretty cool.
Unironically based
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We just need more Shamir alts
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I want playable generics...
Lol nobody is doing that except that fan artist, you tard
Think it through.
Who's your favorite shitposter? Mine is the Sanaki poster
>Dragalia crossover
>their bad future selves
>she's on the fucking Valentine banner instead of his own sister
>that fanart is fucking based off an official video
Do they have to beat you over the head with it like like they did with Gullshit to get the message across?
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gennyguy isn't here often, but I respect them more than a majority of the notable faces
This is so blatant. Can you at least try to be subtle?
I miss the anon who would say "feet is on" when someone posted "trip back on"

I don't know why that shit made me laugh a lot

That and the "fuck off" dog gif poster

Worst shitposter is definitely the off topic keteposter and the anti Engage fag though
I don't know what you're talking about
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Do they have to beat you over the head to tell you Shamir is a lesbian?
Even if it did your peanut brain would still deny it
he thinks we're cut from the same cloth
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>likes the ones that give her attention
>hates the ones that don't
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You don't know anything
That's unfortunate.
Woah where did this Shamir topic come all of a sudden?

Are you perhaps...obsessed?
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Bad kete! No biting!
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I don't wanna be that guy, but you never shut up about her, people are bound to bring her up as you do.

It's that simple.
I didn't mean to summon the literal shitposter, I'm sorry
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I mean, I talk about her just on my own, I don't reply to a random anon and say "Shamir is better or some shit", unless they're talking about a potential banner that I think she might fit on or something.

I just also like Sanaki
Pussy nigga. Stay shut.
Based Kiranchad
Pigzig send me your Sanaki folder for research purposes
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Why can't /feg/ have anything nice? Why is it that that the most severe of tards come here and not pokemon or something?
I don't know but it probably has something to do with me somehow because I'm important
It's cute how naive you are
Man, Legendary MShez really came and went and nobody cares, huh. Really stupid that they made Pulse Smog dagger only too
t. Person that only browses /feg/
Is it really that bad everywhere else?
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He came and went just like your marriage with Tharja
I think they mean /feh/ and whatever happens in /v/ but I have my doubts that it's somehow worse than here...

He’ll terrorize T21 soon enough…
Weird how the Genny poster suddenly appeared out of nowhere
Stop noticing things
Weird how Peri is posting in this thread
I'm usually awake at night and sleep during the mornings, then I just leave to work. Of course I WAS here earlier, you clearly noticed.
But then why is it Fire Emblem?
The way I see it is basically what parts do you consider to be the problem and that determines whether or not this place deserves it.

If you think Namschizo is the only thing bad and if he were gone everything would be fine then you're part of the problem

Like 90% of any /feg/(formerly /feh/) thread are entirely useless/downright shitposts
Didn't ask for all that
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To be honest that's my only real question here.

And honestly I have no fuckin idea, I'm just some retard nobody likes in a cesspool of them, can't answer that one man.
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It's funny how he's trying to act like this model poster when he's responsible for 90% of the problems in this general.
I genuinely think he has some kind of mental disorder where he can't realize how much of a nuisance he is.
No I'M the problem
He's a sociopath with a big ego.
The weakest men always seem to have the biggest egos. It's quite strange.
Based Lute killing dirty brown Mexicans.
Peri did this
To be honest, in my time here and in /feh/ the only thing I never understood was the scatposter of all people.

Actual schizo or just some other guy? I never really got the need for this, or why the jannies allow it.
Shut up Doofenschmirtz
You don't need to avatarfag it's super gay
I like his avatarfagging
You're literally proving my point
Yeah, that's true, but the thread('s) going to shit anyways, not like there's much to lose if anything happens cause of it.

Sorry if it bothers you though.
Too based to control
The point is that you're an unlikable idiot.
I'm looking at you
Pick her up, swine.
Putting aside all the weird shit going on, how is everyone feeling?
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Honest thoughts on Nowi?
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Here’s mine, I like IP4 more than TP4 just because I run her with some old infantry and I really prefer the gravity effect from Holy Pressure. I’m just waiting on an A skill I like to swap it to.
Cute and funny
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Cute, I guess. I always thought Nah and Fae were cuter Manaketes though.
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We didn't like that answer. We will discuss this at the next meeting.
I like that she makes the triptroon seethe
I'll pretend to know what you're saying
We need an update on that image that shows how /feg/ was over various eras for the Engage era
Yuliya doesn't pee
Could be worse skills, I think what anon is trying to do is let IP4 make her work as a utility bot if she isn't in range to (attempt) to poke an enemy.

I think it's pretty good though.
>brave alfonse sold less than brave gullveig
>got beat in the vg round one
It's an obvious joke post, retard. You're trying too hard to be "likeable". Nobody is falling for it.
and of course the resident taco wrapper had a meltdown over it already
I like them so far
>Erm I post a picture of Genny and pretend to be sweet and polite I'm not a shitposter or 30 year old man okay??? Do you like my thread personality now?!?
No you don't
Yes I do
Clapped his ass kek
Yeah, but I also have a Yuliya in the works, I think IP4 is alright, but considered rolling for different fodder.

Any other potential C skills you had in mind?
R-Dawg put the Genny poster in his place. Grace the thread with one of your epic roasts!
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Hi I'm fred
Kek just remembered Brave Alfonse flopped
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Hi Fred
Did my dailies, kinda forgot VG was happening.

Who are you guys voting for?
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Imagine if they were filming an episode of Microwavin with Mamorin and her tits were so big they caused a wardrobe malfunction and her shirt burst open wouldn't that be crazy haha. Imagine she outgrows her own manager despite being less than a third her age haha.

When the FUCK is she getting an alt that debuts tier 4 save skills already. She should have had a save skill built into her refine damn it.

Die in your sleep, pedophile.
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I'll just vote for her then, she somehow won against Corrin so that was kinda neat.
Shit unit
Shit posters
Sexy tummy
I guess everyone went to bed. I'll come back later.
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What the fuck
Shes not for balloon tits
and engage did too kek
Not looking good for Gullveig. Even if she beats FRobin Bernie or Felix are gonna get the others votes regardless of who wins that match.
What do you recommend for C skills?
Peri is still worse than Marni. At least Marni fucking dies and isn't put on a pedestal of forgiveness and tolerance. Peri actively makes the cast is worse and is just as one dimensionally retarded if not WORSE since even characters who wouldn't tolerate Peri are forced to. You don't see characters like Diamant trying to be best buddies with Marni so she's automatically better than Peri.
It's so weird seeing early mixed quality FEH art alongside usually good modern FEH art
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That's just one of the many hundreds of gross and disgusting posts he's made about Mamori. It's genuine insanity to think there's nothing wrong with saying any of that about her.
Reminder that the creature thinks the commisions of it raping Mamori is wholesome. People have been banned form vg for less.
My S Support is your sister bro
Based Ylgr chad
Heard your gacha's MC lost like a bitch to coombait and came here to laugh at him.
So you're fine with us Gullchads. Good to know.
That explains it kek.
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Why aren’t you kissing Sothis feets right now?
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Im busy
Nuh uh.
Based anon. Im here to laugh at Fagfonse losers too. All three of them got to cocky.
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Why did 3 people in a row just surrender without bothering to move any of their units?
What is your defense team?
Is your team aids?
I do the same thing. People shit on AR and pvp modes but AR has a decent amount of loss forgiveness now.
Thats my sister in law
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Severa <3
...wishes she had those tits
A good push-up bra could have easily given her those.
Tharja is clean right?
Yes she only wants Robin
She smells
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Cute canon other half.
Who voted for this loser?
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New Chiki just dropped
Did they nerf Quick Riposte in Engage? The activation threshold is now 80% health, 60% if you upgrade it to it's final form. But I could have sworn it was 50% in Houses and that Houses denied any second attacks of the enemy, making it more easier for bulky units to survive enemies swarming them.
Now that Celica and Felix are in literally every arena and AR team, how do you think the meta is faring? What other broken shit will come out before the year ends?
Cheating, Rigging, LOSER!
Well, first and foremost we need a galeforcer (and other additional actions) stopper.
Why even have banners without spark?
Berserk staff, or a kaga cameo where he uses brain wash powers to steal units.
Clearly we need the ability to give every character Celica's Emblem Ring
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What's the MOST aggressive lineup you could make right now?
Something like
>SGullveig with Celica
I have an AR defense in my friend list that has Bridal Sharena with Pass and Swap along with that rabbit OC that makes every assist act like To Change Fate/Future Vision
Shit is brutal
In Three Houses, it was a skill you couldn't get until you were level 30, minimum. In Engage, you can inherit it as soon as chapter... 8?
The Engage version mimmicks FEH's QR3 whereas 3H took the ball and ran with it.
True DR Piercing will save us, trust the plan
Why did I get only 5 aether for destroying 1 pot? Isn’t each pot worth 10 aether each?
You did a 50 Aether match instead of a 100 Aether match
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Isn’t it a cop-out that an emblem hero can be in the same team as the hero they are engaged to? Wasn’t their entire gimmick fusing with their engage target to give them special powers?
To be fair, both the Emblem and the engaged unit fight at the same time in the original game. It's just hard to tell because they swing at the same time, and I also turn off combat animations after the first run.
why have you not made your own fire emblem (tm) with srpg studio, /feg/?
Why is celica not as prominent as she should be? She can literally warp to any of your units and kill 1. She has better mobility than any unit in the game
I have other shit to do.
I don't have enough time, but I've had an idea that I've been interested in if I ever got the time. I did buy SRPG Studio when I had more time, but then I procrastinated and now I have two kids
She folds to Hardy Bearing armors that have Hardy Fighter or units that have Vantage (which Brave Bernadetta gives to everyone). It's much easier to just put her ring on a unit that needs the mobility more.
Should I? I'm mainly going to be using BoL4 and keeping LF and Atk/Def Finish unless the other skills are better.
He's probably going to get a Hall of Forms rerun in a few months, so unless you're dying for BoL4 on him right now then if say wait.
Nurse Clair
No alt
tits too big
Is Vital Astra any good still or is it safe to merge my A!Mareeta now?
It's better than nothing but gust and GLR are probably better.
Thoughts on Eligor’s Spear?
The tits are fine
it's pretty bad but so is Mareeta
and it's probably like 1.5 years before her refine comes out
depends on the unit, some want a 2 CD special and others want 3
How do you build Echidna? Is something like this any good?
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>didn't put her on Fallen
We better get some completely stacked Fallen banner next year to make up for this one.
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I’m gonna make /feh/ great again
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We only have a few days left and my Deirdre still doesn't have tempo
We're going to get Obstruct 4 (shuts down Celica spam and Felix/Gullveig) and Savior Echo so that omnisavior units exist
Yes, but we'll get Pass 4 on a seasonal unit two months later.
Probably some dumb shit like Far Pass, that ignores obstruct mechanics, gives canto 1, debuff spectrum, and can only be given to ranged units.
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I feel you.
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I don't care for her as a unit. Her outfit is pure clownshoes. I like her hair.
Did you just admit "Gullchads" are all shitposters? Kind of a weird thing to say
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Why is he melting down over Gullveig again?
Gullshit stomped Alfeces in the VG.
Veronica, Anna, Sharena, Feh, Fehnix, Henriette, Eir, Peony, Dagr, Ash, and Ratatoskr did. They also resurrected Gustav, Bruno, and Askr to cast some votes

I'm catching up with the thread and replying to someone who replied to me after I went to bed? Are you retarded or something?
and thats how she got pregnant with her father's child
>february really is the last month to make 5 million
Shamir's battalion found where the tripfag is and and murdered it, the soldiers ripped the tripfag's head off its shoulders, and bashed its head into its keyboard until it was a bloody mess
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Look I know Shamir loves me but I don't think that DoctorGreen guy deserves that, it's a bit much
Just finished sniffing the both of them. Why does Bernie’s breath smell like Goldmary’s vagina?
I would sniff the bottom part of Goldmary's fat tits when she's been out in the sun.
Just finished sucking Eirika's dick, why did it taste like Innes' ass?
>he gets up in the afternoon to reply to a shitposter
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sexy dragons
She. Don't misgender her.
tellius brides
Kek my bad anon. What kind of woman wakes up late in the afternoon to reply to anons?
You're weird
Two different anons, ma'am.
No shit, I'm saying you're both weird
And you're a child diddling freak. I'd rather be weird.
engage is SOVL
How do you know what Innes' ass tastes like?
Who do you give the stat boosters to in FE8? I was going to give venessa the first dracoshield. not sure if I am going to just sell the secret book
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>Year of the Snake
>Tea time
All coming up within a year. Trust the plan, Seidrbro.
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If only.
You have no shame do you.
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Darling, is that true? You wouldn't hurt children like that, would you?
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You have to be a real sad sad of shit to think being a pedophile is funny or something to joke about. I guess Mexicans and/or Calicuckians think it's normal.
engage is SLOP
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Back with some drinks.

Is Raul getting uppity about his love of children again?
It's absurd how much better Engage looks compared to 3H.
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Oh, Raul. You turn me on so bad.
since thats all it has going for it kek
and you don't even have looking good going for you
Yes. And she still wonders why nobody treats them like a human.
Firfag shut the FUCK UP

I mean Engage also plays a whole fucking lot better than 3H as well.
Fellatio crew has arrived
and another exalt morgan
That's clearly a Pallafag, dumbass.
and youre ugly and bad at the game kekaroo
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Raul! How can you be so callous? I had that nightmare where I was tied down and gang raped by Lilliputians again and I wanted you to comfort me but you weren't there. You were probably off sowing your wild oats with those cow-titted whores again.
Unsurprising, but at least now I got some booze to help enjoy the meltdown in real time.

Otherwise, how is everyone else doing today?
Thats erinys retard
why does she have our gun?
What the actual fuck is this lmao
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Erinys outfit so damn revealing geeez
I just took the perfect shit. One straight, clean turd and barely needed to wipe my ass.

So it was the opposite of Raul.
Shamir is gay btw
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If Lucina can use Chrom's Falchion, can Heidr use our gun?
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Your laughing. I poured my heart out about my disturbing dreams and you're laughing!
What the fuck is the difference?
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She's too old for Raul, try again
Not much admittedly
No, it's not really a genetic thing.
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What? How can I be too old, I'm 17. I was 12 when we got married.
I doubt it, but it'd be really fucking funny if that was her actual prf...
You started developing a chest and became too strong for Raul. Too old.
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I mean really, why do they dress like this?
>"Okay you're part of our elite fighter squad, welcome to the snowy lands. Now take your panties off and fly a mile up into the blizzard"
Edelgard's feet stink
>le fantasy armor... MAKES NO SENSE?
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Grog not understand
goofy sommie hat on sexy women
That makes no sense, I'm not into flat
Grog hate robot cave painting. Grog only like painting made by fellow caveman
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If I reach the point of doing Sanaki in the same outfit over and over you need to end me.
Its good art but what the actual fuck is he doing this for? Every single time the same thing.
Your into children with beanbag chair sized implants, which is even worse.
>doesn't deny being into underage girls
I accept your confession
DAAYUUUM I love Engage now
Him and the Hooters Ruk guy have a mental disorder
>Him and the Hooters Ruk guy
speaking of him
We don't actually know the answer to that.
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And that's why you think I'm so sexy, right?
>Repeated Ideas
My best guess is that it's a comfort thing. I could be dead wrong though, it can also just be mental illness.
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Your gimmick is super fucking gay and not even funny. You're a grown ass man larping as an anime woman pretending to be engaged to a tranny. Knock that shit off, bro.
Who says they're implants, it's all natural

I'd imagine those two things go hand in hand
>all natural
yeah, naturally formed tumors
True, but It just doesn't seem like a genetic thing when most of the time relic weapons and what not come from having dragons blood, and as far as the game says the gun basically just choose Kiran. There isn't a blood pact, or anything like that involved it. They could always just say it works off a genetic thing, it wouldn't be too unbelievable, it's just never the vibe I got from it.
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Just wondering, but do people actually like Sommie? He's cute, but kinda wish he was playable...
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I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that this was all a joke but my love for him is genuine. He's the only duck in my pond.
They're a fun little addition to the Somniel, but, like Feh, they doesn't need to be playable.
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FE should go back to its roots and design armor like pic related again
falcon knight veronica
>it's just never the vibe I got from it.
If other Kirans in other worlds (like Lif's dead Kiran) used guns that we could also use after they died, I'd sooner have to assume it's by some genetic property rather than some kind of whitelist. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to use the other guns we've found over the years.
Well the Exalted guy got bored enough to secretly commission Exalt Morgan porn. Or maybe he was always weird. Maybe he's behind all the blue-haired Morgan incest porn on Pixiv in general.
But him and the Hooters guy commissioning the same girl in the same outfit over and over again feels like an addiction. I don't even know what the endgame is but there's no end in sight for them. And they both absolutely have the money to keep at it. I would be genuinely surprised if either one has a family and could still afford to do all these commissions.
Were they going for an ancient greek motif or something with all the skirts on men
even with my favorite character.
commissioning the exact same outfit over and over would just get boring for me
>Sigma Shit
kekabunga this suxxors
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Looks like its partly propaganda for his pairing. Kinda like the Seliph x Larcei guy who uploaded art everywhere? Trying to make it more of a thing by having a million arts showcasing it. Not sure what the hooters guy endgame is, I didn't even realize that was one guy.
Nobody asked thoughever
>Commission Propaganda
I never got the appeal of this kind of tactic for making a specific character/paring popular. All it seems to do is bring negative attention towards that thing because of one guy being overtly obnoxious about it.
It only gathers negative attention from schizos. If you're not a prick about it normal people aren't going to care.
Poors wouldn't get it
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No kidding, as seen in action with the tripfag
eww *STOMP*
The only thing worst then commissioning propaganda is drawing it yourself. The Hooters Lucina and Exalt Morgan fags are annoying as hell but no where near the level of Yumeshitters who think Reddit wants to see their quirktastic slop.
i've never seen it make a pairing popular
Do you have any examples? I don't know what you mean.
99% certain this is probably the Hrid retard
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Hooters guy is just crazy
80+ arts by 2022 and he said it was just to support artists, paypigging for the sake of it
Alearfag, Velourschizo, FemcelManaphy, and our dear Raul.
Rent free.
But isn't Robin x Lucina already a popular pairing? There's so many weirdo Lucinafags out there. How does Morgan wearing a specific outfit with a specific hair color make the pairing more popular? It doesn't seem to affect Morgan's own popularity for that matter either.
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corrin's dirty feet and sweaty stinky crotch on my face...
He's right though. Nigga's like you aren't owed information about what he does for a living or how much he spends. Nigga just get mad because he has the disposable income to do that and they don't
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Your missing people still.
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Disregarding arcane weapons what's the best inheritable bow right now if I feel like building up some old shitter? Is it the bow of that fat lady because she's the most recent grail archer or are the better ones?
If he has the cash to do so, more power to him. Just so long as he isn't shoving it down people's throats.
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He's clearly some abused addict like the simps who throw their disposable money to a new female streamer on twitch every week.
And you're jealous of that. You will always be poor.
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Resplendent when
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Im not though
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Why do you have so many webms of druggies spazzing out saved?
I'm really jealous of him. I wish I was so rich I could afford to pay thousands in commissions every month.
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Between the Hooters and the Spiderman stuff, is there any other FE character who comes even remotely close to have so much absurd ooc art in his or her name as Lucina? What is it that draws the attention of all the turbo autists on her?
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worst option and she is better with Gonzales
While not as extreme as "Lucina working at a hooters," people have spent a decade pretending that Tharja is Camilla.
>he has the disposable income to do that
Does he though? What if he went knee deep into debt and that's why he's so defensive about it?
>What is it that draws the attention of all the turbo autists on her?

probably first main girl for many.
Also. lucina is kinda bland so they can use her for anything i guess
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Interesting how it works that the swimsuit Sanaki thing caught on in comparison. Proves you really can't force a meme. 100+ hooters and nobody gives a fuck while this one image inspired many
>What if he went knee deep into debt and that's why he's so defensive about it?
Kek this would be big if true. I doubt Hooters Lucinafag is a reckless spender.
From the thumb it looked like she had a huge futacock haha
Gullchads are commissioning art. We're just not massive attention whores like the most infamous commissionfags.
What kind of schizo cope is this? Lmao. Sanaki will never be popular, pig
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kinda weird they excluded Cath from the harem.
Roy talks more often to her than some of these girls
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>Roy talks more often to her than some of these girls
Because that dumb clingy bitch refuses to give him any space.
dancer wife ready for breeding
>Gullchads are commissioning art.
Where? KEK
Im not even talking about my comms, I didn't make the meme. The discuss it image was kwll not me
Kiran’s only child is dead. Kek, what a failed parent.
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>Because that dumb clingy bitch refuses to give him any space.

And yet. Roy just can't leave Cath alone to recruit her. Guess he had the freedom for that.
Cath still doesn't want him though
She respawns in less than two years, bro.
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Tonight on Jerry Springer
"he spends all his income on hooters advertising"
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should have just gone with fjorm
does hooters actually have hot waitresses
t. euro
He will do it the proper way with Fjorm, not this silly wish baby shit.
No lol. 2D reigns supreme always
Yes. Always some hot busty babes working there.
>t. a Hooters regular
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Ok but what restaurant for this?
The one Raulita orders takeout from.
Chuck E Cheese nigga BAHAHAHAHA
I kekked.
Panette mogs Hans bigly, sad!
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So who was the Emblem of Foundations, in the end?
My shitpost theory is that they were Xenos from Dragalia Lost. He'd be the sort of arrogant douche that fits Sombron's memories of the Emblem.
>So who was the Emblem of Foundations, in the end?
It's purposely left for interpretation
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Will my wife be on the next Engage banner
no, stupid head
Sombron was a sigma schizo. He made it up.
F!Robin beats Gullveig
Felix beats Bernie
Felix beats F!Robin
Yes or no?
No. Nell will only have her bridal alt and that's it.
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>So who was the Emblem of Foundations, in the end?
It was this guy
The friends he made along the way
No. Gullveig and Bernadetta will make it to finals as coombait always prevails.
Robin can seemingly only get Same with Gullveig and only got Stronger once. So who fucking knows?
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Bernadetta is so sexy.
Gulveig has a 92% chance to win!
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sanaki arts are organic masterpieces like a renaissance. valued by all, many try their hand at the subject. like many depictions of biblical tales and greek tragedies. it is not the domain of me or anyone.
hooters is the 1000+ graffiti scribbles all over the wall. like a gang sign trying to assert itself.
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I hate that she started bathing during the time skip.
Me too. Being an unwashed, *underage* femcel NEET is what made her appealing.
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>Nickson killed himself blaming Gullveig for Bernie's loss on CYL7
Gullveig vs Bernie better be the VG finals matchup.
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Engaygie are you ok?
Are you ok Engaygie?
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As much as I like that alt she deserves more
Not a single Engage character won the first round of this VG. Not one.
Think about that.
I honestly thought it was Edelgard
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I will cherish these memories
Got me all bricked up.
Poor oaf should of stuck around a little longer. Hope he's alright and only ended up ragequitting Reddit.
what happened to this place?
You mean… What went wrong?
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It was Alear
>Desperately tries to find the Emblem of Foundations
>Ends up becoming his father
>Lots of Morgan art
>It's the same image over and over again
Who fucking wastes money like this, do something else
when seasonal
You're welcome
No problem can I have a Nowi clone too?
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Too much puffy dragon pussy. Or maybe not enough puffy dragon pussy.
A what?
Now that we’ve definitely established that Alear has the cutest pussy in the entire series who do you think has the ugliest pussy?
Give me my own Nowi
What does that even mean
It means give me a Nowi, I don't care how.
Niime and Whorothea.
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What is she doing to her?
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I have no idea what her Prf does
Gameplay discussion goes into >>>/vmg/1540353
No it doesn't

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