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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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>What is /feg/?
/feg/ is the general dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise.

>Fire Emblem Series Summary

>Fire Emblem Series Emulation Guide

>Fire Emblem Heroes Event Calendars

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Latest FEH Trailer

Previous: >>492783534
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Gun daughter!
When's the next calendar!?
Hello! Watch your back in this battle!
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Someone keeps bumping /feh/
Yeah, me. And I’m going to keep bumping it because that’s where the only legitimate discussion of FEH takes place.
Okay have fun
Sounds like a great use of your time
I'm going to lay an egg
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Gullveig has a 92% chance!!!
Best of luck to you, /feh/'s strongest soldier...
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Genny tranny arrived. can we get some more thread personalities up in this bitch?
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We need another epic loss!
Imagine the sex between Freya reaming Gully kek
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Where's the Alfonse version of this?
I keep seeing ads for the Queen’s Blade gacha (phone posting while I’m taking a shit). Do you think it’s time for a FE character with Cattleya tier tits? Do you think ISIS would allow such a character to exist?
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¡Puffy dragon pussy poster is here!
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A Heirdr who can use the powers of both her dad and mom would be pretty cool.
One of Kiran’s powers seems to be NTRing all the other male characters in the franchise, do you really want your daughter going around seducing every girl she meets?
Kek just remembered I'm down bad for Nowi thanks to the Nowi posting
Chudran can't do that thoughever
Seethe. Every girl in the game is very open about wanting Kiran’s dick, which is odd considering Kiran is canonically a female.
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>do you really want your daughter going around seducing every girl she meets?
No man is good enough for her, so she might as well build a female harem.
>we had around 8-11 anons +10 brave gullveig last year
>3-4 of them on my FL stopped playing the game
How many of you have taken a break from FEH and come back? I've also seen plenty of anon leave for months and come back eventually.
Built for rape and impregnation.
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I LOVE Ayra!
>Heirdr becomes a self-insert character.
Well atleast you know that she would be safe no matter what happens due to their infinite plot armor.
You know it would be a one time appearing background character at best.
Maybe they will tell you she's important but you will never see it.
Can someone post the image of Seidr tossing Heidr at you?
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As long as she also wields a greatsword and joins my army then i'll take her.
Why is she throwing a child at us?
What the hell is this?
They stole the meme from Azur Lane
Is this a good build for Echidna? Her prf has unity, damage reduction and reflection, and +1 special cooldown btw.
Is that with whT you have or plan to give her? Why Unity over finish 4?
KEKABUNGA all they do is steal
It's what I plan to give her when I pull another Emblem Ike. And I chose Unity because double Unity is fun.
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God, I wanna take them both. To Costco.
Why Costco?
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$1.50 hotdog, and a big place to buy stuff in bulk.
What do you do when you get dupes with no useful fodder? Merge? Send home? I've been merging and hoarding them if they have a prf, sending home otherwise.
I merge them for the most part.
I pull them out of storage and merge them, then send them back in.
Merge them.
Riveting posts here in /feg/, everyone. Keep up the good work.
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I love Shamir more than anything
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It took like 12 hours, but Gullveig is at Weaker again.
Frobin will win the vg because coin flip shenanigans. It has been foreseen.
Who knows? The entire mode is retarded, and should be scrapped for something else.
Anon, think of the poor shitposters, what will they post about without it?
Gulltards already pretending to be humble in preparation for when she loses kekstreme
My boss saw this and promoted me!
Naga was right
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Where's that speed when the namtard let's loose?
If they were that fast with namtard it'd demoralize him from coming.
But he keeps coming back for the satisfaction he gets that anons see his posts because they're left up for minutes and sometimes hours
Gentlemen. He failed to make 5m in August. Engage won, again. February will be the last month to gross that much.
Who cares
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Don't forget to play Mjölnir's Strike, Darlings!
We must put that pesky wesky War Goddess in her place.
Mommy I'm thirsty
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A healthy growing Summoner is always in need of Mommy's milk.
Still wish the FEH characters could get an actual game.
Congrats! You successfully ban evaded!
prove it tranny
oh... no proof?... then fuck off.... idiot....
I dindu nuffin
Bride alt for my wife Shamir?
Based Tsundere anon. I can see that S-Rank building up
Thinking about feeding her a Duo Shamir. Would that be dumb?
Alright cool, thanks.
Wait, I just read Brash Assault 4. It says it doesn't stack.
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Nice job, brother.
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>today is monday
Fuck, I forgot.
>have 4 forma souls
>think about using two on Seliph and Sigurd
>IS changes the bonus legendary thing to only feature the 10 newest legendary units
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But what about Fjorm?
Heidr >>>>> Seidr
big butt ice-wife.
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Hick pride worldwide!
Do people actually roll sparkless banners?
I did for B!Hector and got him to +10 in ~350 orbs.
Free roll
Only if I really really like a character.
Hell, even if there's a spark, I don't roll anymore unless I WANT that character.
Only for fe4/5 characters.
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What game has your favorite units?
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Feh has all of my favorite units, well almost all of them.
Which game do most of your favorite FEH units come from?
Everything from Awakening onward has at least one unit I really like
4, 5, and 16
honorable mention 7 and 13
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Is Feixaio supposed to be suffering from a curse turning her into a werewolf or something?
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Deep in her eyes
I saw Nah in the future
I realize
This is our last chance
She took my arm
I don't know how it happened
We went to war and she said
Favourite Engage unit?
Post S tier Fire Emblem Waifus.
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You really need to ask that?
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give me a moment
ok give me longer
can i pick an emblem?
Yes, the emblems have more personality than the regular units.
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Does this nigga ever go to bed?
I want to talk about Fire Emblem Heroes.
reset is still 30min away.
Needs nipple piercings.
Personally I really love Shamir, Tharja, Noire, Morgan, Azura, Kagero, Rhajat, Kana, Sonya, Marla, Hestia, Nel, Tsubasa, Kiria, Elly, Mamori, Maiko, Ayaha, Mirage TIki, Mirage Tharja, May, Rosa, Perrin, and Gardevoir

I think Shamir should, at the very least, get a powercreep refine and a resplendent, but an alt based on pic related and a modern clothing/fashion seasonal would be absolute peak.

I love her so much, she's my waifu.

>AO3 is down for maintenance

It's over... what smut fanfics do I goon to now bros?
Did you know you are gay
Subscribe to John Yangs patreon
Who did you get?
I think summer Shamir should, at the very least, receive an art refine that shows her 69ing with Catherine in explicit detail.
Because Raul went a little too hard and Maria Sivenkova’s assbaby spawn splattered it’s shit and blood over Rauls Shamir Dakimura kek
I think you’re a fraud. The real Namschizo isn’t functional enough to reference the dakimura.
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Do you love... Sommie?
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I didn't want any of these but okay
>sommie slop
now i've seen it all
again no colorless on ticket summon
Also. random christmas chrom
/feh/ dead again
Make a new one <:)
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Is it really over?
No I want it to be dead
/feg/ not much better
yep, another hour with no posts
I want Vika but I don't like that 3% no spark
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its over
It's just dead hours though
engage really unironically seriously fucking killed us
forget the split... barely even ONE general can stay alive
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she cute
the merge killed both generals LMAO
Summer alt to redeem feh next time
Engage and its consequences have been a disaster for the Fire Emblem series.
Its not fucking funny anymore
Etrian Odyssey general is faster than this. "we would be more popular if Engage never even released" was a meme, right?
What the fuck happened to this series
>Etrian Odyssey general is faster than this.
>9 days and 12 hours old
No it fucking isn't. Maybe right NOW because it's dead hours but not even close overall.
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>experimenting with Fortifications tanking on a Celica Engage user
>a melee warped past Brave Robin's ice, beat the shit out of her, and then deleted all the ice tiles just to rub it in

You know what, Emblem Celica? You're alright. I haven't laughed that earnestly at anything in FEH in a while.
Can I get a flop to the bottom of the sales charts?
someone's bored
It's already been explained why this place and /feh/ is dead.
So... Engage?
No, you fucking retard.
explain why then. if you say merge you're a fucking idiot.
That's exactly why though??
Wow you really are fucking stupid
Sure, bud.
KEK looks like no one can handle the hardcore gameplay of Engage.
Only the TRUE fans remained, we are the ultimate return to form.
You're both stupid, it was the shitposters and a chunk of posters only bothering with /v/ or leaving entirely. Especially the literal shitposter.
Why even respond again? You're fucktarded. Don't respond again.
You failed to explain why a bunch of people moving over to a dying general kills the general. Because it doesn't. What a fucking idiot.
More like return to flop
/v/ threads are absolute garbage and made by some Alearfag and have literal queer artwork, plus even on /v/ hardly anyone posts on them except tourists.
Schizos and shitposters created /feh/ and now they have killed it and /feg/.
Its just that engaygie trying to get people to move again because of the nowifag. Admittedly annoying but the series literal dying has nothing to do with him.
So... the merge...?
And what are you going to do if I respond again? Oh? What's that? You're going to sit behind your computer screen and seethe?
/feg/ has been on life support since Engage came out though? Faggot.
No. Both generals were about this dead around this time before the merge.
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>filters the whole fanbase on account of gameplay
>merging generals somehow kills generals
Yeah not the smartest take
He's just sperging out since he's not getting that FE4 Remake. lmao
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See how they recoil after being exposed
Who? This sounds like a schizophrenic take to me
It's simple, the shitposters killed /feh/, then when the merge happened they killed /feg/. It's not that hard to understand.
What are you talking about?
lmao it really was an engaygie saying the merge was the problem with the whole series dying
reminder rebbit etc are dead too because of your shit game you retard.
Are you going to tell me /v/ threads are good? Because I've seen that shit. It has gay sommie art.
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Who are you talking about? Are you okay in the head?
This isn't a merge, it's ending a retarded mistake that never should have been allowed to exist in the first place.
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Why does he make shitposters mad?
What are you talking about retard? Nobody mentioned FE4.
I don't go on /v/.
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*makes schizos foam at the mouth in rage*
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I didn't mention FE4 either, dipshit. That wasn't me.
trip back on
Why did IS put pepsi colored toothpaste on my dick
The future of FE... is sissy
There's an engaygie schizo that thinks hes owning the boogeyman or whatever by saying FE4 isnt being remade.
he's just scared because he knows the moment a new FE game is announced engage will be totally irrelevant and lose whatever defenders it has from being the newest thing
Anyone want to dye their hair like this?
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yeah because that totally happened with Fates...not!
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engageGODs WON
I need to sex the toothpaste
In the end, the Fire Emblem killer... was the Fire Emblem.
take a hike vander
>yeah because that totally happened with Fates
...But it literally did?
Go kick a football
I don't have one.
No and I won't touch grass either
fates' fanbase is practically non-existent these days and it repeatedly breaks its own records for worst performing feh banners
you do have camillafags but they are essentially a separate group and fates is used as a negative measure of how bad a fire emblem game could be
camillafags, like tharjafags and ocfags don't actually exist
these people just flock to the nearest incelbait sex appeal character and make it everyone else's problem until the next comes around
>camillafags, like tharjafags and ocfags don't actually exist
Both are more than just sex objects you pig. They have actual personalities worth caring about, you might know this if you actually read all of their supports instead of looking at their cleavage and nothing else.
Kek just remembered Alfonse flopped
>using feh banners to determine how popular a game is
you cannot possibly be this stupid. LMAOO
>I like the ocs
>this means I don't exist
I don't know how to feel about this.
/feg/ was complaining about the recent arena season scores because so many people had a +10 legendary camilla KEK
Pretty sure that has more to do with the global version 6 bonus
Why are shitmillafags so delusional
>Get B!Claude from my arena ticket
>Didn't realize he was +6
>Then realize he is unsalvagable since flying archers have no DR piercing except Deadeye, so he can't run Curved Shot for his own unpiercable DR while piercing others like infantry can, and his only piercable DR options for himself are Guard 4 and Spd Smoke 4
Yikes he has aged like milk
t. tierlets who didn't see Cumilla in every single match
Post your crowns
He's gonna post gore now, wait for it
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Wait, is someone really pretending Camilla hasn't had a constant stream of art for like a decade now? And that she somehow fell of like Tharja?
This but unironically
A lot of her fans are just bugmen who hop from one "obsessed with you" character to another

Tharja -> Camilla -> Edelgard -> Ivy

Quintessential lonely mentally ill freak characters
Bro, your L!F!Alear?
Tharja also has a constant stream of art and is top 10 in CYL every year
nobody rolled for that shit
Just like shitmilla. Oops
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>Camilla -> Edelgard
why would anyone go for a downgrade like this
>girl who can't win is just as popular as a character who was so popular that people had to STOP her from winning
I thought you gave her up? Why simp for her? She doesn't want to listen to your death metal mix tapes.
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Annette and Lysithea (10 years old)
I'm retarded help me. If the DR isn't 80% in total then what is it? 64%?
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Holy fuck. Aether Raids is pure cancer this season. Felix is practically mandatory for offense because of Alfonse's fat ass sprinting around the map, Robin blocking you off at every turn, and other Felixs/Gullveigs dunking on you with the Celica Ring.
I guess the silver lining is that Emblem Ike is pretty much a chump now. My combo of Bridal Lapis + Felix (or another nuke) takes him down pretty easily now. Arena hasn't been too bad either as the lack of defenses lowers the severity of the cancer.
Game is two years old. Not new. Still enjoyed it more than every game besides Fates
These threads are fucking sad to see holy shit
Engage has driven people insane
IS needs to pay reparation for the mental damage it has caused.
Yes, 64%. Percentages are calculated one after another.
You had mental damage long before Engage
prove it
Lysi is the sexiest design in FE
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What would Hilda teach Lysithea
but did nowi ever have dozens of children like she said in that one scene?
Judging by Hopes, makeup
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Which FE do you desperately want to plap and breed and never pull out of?
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lysithea is weak with lances and axes which are the two things hilda teaches, so realistically hilda will never teach lysithea
oh wait you meant outside of class
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my hick wife
yeah, because fatesgage fags don't like fire emblem
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she knows that she'll about the get PLAPED
Me offscreen
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>Concord shut down before FEH
EoSfags BTFO
Didn't that shit literally just come out?
Less than two weeks ago kek
Engage is the Concord of FE
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yeah, apparently it bombed so hard they are taking it offline and giving full refunds
i guess they'll try to salvage it somehow by reworking it into a completely different game or something
Yeah. Source: me
How tight is Alear's pussy? And ass?
A!Eirika needs good support like Seteth and A!Micaiah, but she can get things done.
Not really. It had way more players and sales. Wow you're really bad at banter. Maybe if you finished middle school you wouldn't be such a drooling retard (lol
It killed the Fire Emblem franchise just like Concord killed playstation
They are both woke DEI slop
They both flopped
They are the same.
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>tfw auto dispatch CHAD
>Andrew Garfield.gif
You're an idiot
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I love Shamir
You're just mad that IS didn't refund you for Engayge, KEKAROOO
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Engage flopped? No... NO
You're an IDIOT!!!
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good thing it only cost him 5 dollas KEK
Engage flopping is actually even more embarrassing than Concord because FE is an actual established franchise KEKARINGOBUMGORAROOOOO
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even the comics are gay now kek
>no replies for 20 minutes
dead general
dead game
dead franchise
all thanks to engayge
>20 minutes
>when the most recent post was 15 minutes before yours
So anti-engage retard can't do basic math
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>Felix is brok-
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-e in his ending with Leonie, so they become street performers.
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My wife will be in the silhouette tonight
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yoropipi marika-chan
A base kit unmerged Duo Kagero managed to oneshot my Emblem Ike in AR, since I don’t play with animations on, how??
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Power of booba > power of bara homo

Also your team probably got some crazy debuff/the enemy team got some crazy buff effect at the start of the turn, who knows how this game works anymore
We need more Kagero alts
KEK took the words right out of my mouth. No one can show me one loyal Tharjafag because they don't exist. The female (MtF) ones are worse.
Do you have the Marth ring equipped to E!Ike?
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Brown spic trying his best to keep this thread alive.
They didn't deserve this
It's going to be pooner Shamir.
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just a few more days, until the new banner and TT side story. Anyone excited?
I do want to know what Sindri looks like, yeah.
>Tharja -> Camilla -> Edelgard -> Ivy
I really don't think there's much overlap between people who like these characters. On paper they're all kind of similar but they're all very different characters in design and personality.
Can't wait for more Fjorm wanking.
Not really. Unless it's something cool I'm not expecting the newer stuff to really interest me. Doubly so for Legendaries.
Don't care much for the TT story but I want to know what unholy cancer the new unit type that'll be introduced is. So far we've gotten an extra asset, skill banks that give you a relatively strong weapon, and skill banks that give you an extra skill

Don't care about the seasonal unless my wife is on it
Yeah I don't see many edeltards liking these other characters and Engage barely has any players as it is.
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need wolf girl ass in my face
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>/feg/ and /feh/ finally merged
also holy shit feh is so dead I was able to snag a bronze throne in t28
Don't care much for the TT story but I want to know what unholy cancer the new unit type that'll be introduced is. Remember how the first TT boss put the fear of the Lord in everyone?

Don't care about the seasonal unless it's a cute brown waifu I want to stick my penis in.
>FEH Arena being so dead you can just steal thrones that easily
Kinda crazy. But congrats, anon.
Why do I know what this is from
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When is the next banner?
It's going to be Ice Tribe shit like Fjorm.
Not really, it's gonna be a miracle if we don't get Ice Tribe with Fates+OCs
it's a porn thing called casting couch
me and a friend were arguing about who between rhea and timeskip edelgard has the bigger boobs, please vote on this matter so we can settle the score
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depends on what route you took.
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Edelgard canonically pads her chest.
Rhea has natural milkers.
Same. Fuck, it wasn't that long ago when T28 would get you rank 13-14k at best.
Why does it look like there's a nipple against the clothing
>Lizard in disguise
>Natural milkers
crimson flower
So tight only Clanne’s tiny penis could possibly hope to penetrate them
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Ponytail frogwife
At this point, I conflate the two because I avoid both Aether and Arena as much as possible.

Neither are fun, or worth remembering much about.
Methinks you're just stupid
Hilda teaches lances? Does she have one herself?
>time skip cringe
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What you'll do if Eitri was originally a guy?
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She got her nakadashi lesson
where did you get that from
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edelgard is still a cute war criminal.
Every playable girl in 3H has a breast modifier for alt classes. Edelgard's is technically a "negative modifier," since even NPCs have 100% by default.
Nooooooo Edelgard is NOT a war criminal she is pure and innocent and never did nothing heckin wrong in her life but also she is cute too
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>lysithea is and stays perfect
Truly the best
>everyone to the right of Ingrid
>everyone else
Only if they get their tits done.
doesn't catherine have some other modfier or something, i remember her having byleth tier tits as a falcon knight
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Lysithea is so sexy it's unreal
Catherine and a few others user a second bodytype, but the modifier is still the same across classes.
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Cute itty bitties
Even for her Brave, they boobed her up quite a bit.
But what matters most is the figure. She needs childbearing hips, even when flat.
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>yeah bro flat chest, narrow hips, bony thighs, and just the total opposite of what's considered feminine traits is totally sexy haha cunny am I right haha uoohhh child chest erotic am I right
I want to slap the fuck out of you guys sometimes
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I am only tier 18, why I am dealing with warping Felixes in the arena
Man I hope the Fates remake adds the FEH outfits.
I think I might masturbate to FE girl feet
Chest 0
Sex Appeal 100
All I want is mythic Fafnir
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Gremory Lysithea is not completely flat in 3H either.
Petra would love to hear this
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>reclassing to gremory fills a woman's tits slightly
Cyril piped that
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Those are just pads so you can't see her delicious flat chest in her oversized dress when looking from above.
When's the next banner?
>Warping Felixes
Like B!Felix with Emblem Celica?
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She's padding
Yes. I think I preferred the teleporting Gullveigs, at least she dies easily.
dude, one of your "waifus" is a literal middle schooler

uoh and move on like the rest of us
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Don't worry. Tharja can be sexy too.
Gonna be real with you, comparatively I got no idea how to deal with that at T19 Arena, would be even scarier to consider that they can appear even lower down the ladder, too.
literally mamori
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because bonus unit
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Just wait for them to build a counter bro.... I hate it.
Thank god I've never run into one of those. Belix is honestly way too scary with his entire mobility kit. You'd have to gimp yourself with bullward just to slightly drop his momentum
It's only fine if I'm the one bringing Felix
I find it weird how IS keeps adding units with prime in their kit, but everyone of them only give themselves a max of 2 bonus effects. However IS does bank on them having DC active from the prime skill at all times.
Why do you think they also handed out all those freebies that give 2 bonuses.
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Me off screen
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I really wish we got Brave Celine
Would they have made her the promotion class like with 3H, or would they have made her like her mom?
Catherine Shamir, and Manuela. Delicious.
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You can't really tell with IS
But since Alfred literally dies in the epilogue not too long after Engage, she's probably the true future Queen of Fierene
I vote for Eve!Celine as her brave.
Then again I want FAlear as Lumera and MAlear as Sombron
>alfred becomes alfded shortly
Do they not care about their characters or is there actual proper lore to this
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>not FAlear as Sombron
>not Lumera as Sombron
Double homosexual.
Not him, but Alfred has a weak constitution (implied to be some kind of cancer) and dies unless he marries Alear. It's also why he's a fitness freak, since he is somehow incapable of building muscle mass and is always a twig.
Basically only the royals in Engage get to be characters with backstories, sadly.
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They had their chance and they ruined it. They could have had Lumera in evil Veyle's outfit, but no.
>They could have had Lumera in evil Veyle's outfit, but no.
Hell put her in Zelestia/Zephia's outfit atleast but no all Lumera's are where the exact same outfit. That's bullshit and they know it.
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What a waste.
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Wtf why did the russians murder veronica?
I like the outfit but not the body change.
If they have actual parents then I vote taking their parents clothing.
You understand.
It was funny
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Who do I contact at IS to make sure every game from now on has someone who looks like this
Couldn't S-Rank her or even have her be playable in game.
She comes to FEH and it's just a copy and paste for each version.
Just damn.
>She comes to FEH and it's just a copy and paste for each version.
Nah, her base version got a sword.
Which is more than they gave Rhea, a character who uses a sword that is named after her.
Yeah, but Rhea is evil.
Atleast the Rhea's actually get different outfits.
Three of the Rheas are the same, with one just dying her dress blue and she got a hat.
Just like Edelgard, Claude, and Dimitri honestly. The 3H units really do look mostly the same.
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Yeah, but Edelgard, Claude, and Dimitri are evil
Still better than what Lumera got.
The summer, Halloween and Mythic are atleast different.
Lumera just got a shader.
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I love Shamir
Like every 3H alt is just a variant of their normal outfits. Probably the most out-there one is Halloween Flayn, and that's only because she quite literally does not have a non-uniform design.
Shamir hates you
No, Shamir loves me as much as I love her
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IS treats their characters like shit both in their respective games and out.
It sucks...
>Tiki instead of Naga or Mila or even Nagi
What a stupid ass picture
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I'd add Naga and Mila but it has 2 out of 3 of my S-Ranks so it's fine.
It's literally what happens with Lysithea if she doesn't marry Byleth
Don't know why that anon thought it meant they didn't care about him like it's something that's never happened in an epilogue
>It's literally what happens with Lysithea if she doesn't marry Byleth
No, Lysithea has like five endings where she lives. Byleth, Edelgard, Hanneman, Lorenz, and Linhardt.
Meanwhile, Engage has NO paired endings outside of Alear, so Alfred either gets your S-support or he dies. No in-between, no alternative romances.
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AI slop is getting better each year
Almost as stupid as your inflation porn
Fuck it i'm doing SS again. Fodlan needs it's god king!
>Mamori pedo seething about Lysithea pedo
Here's your guaranteed (You) now fuck off.
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Silhouettes tonight?
Who are we thinking?
How do I make base Alphonse broken?
you don't
Tfw Eikbyrnir wanted to be doubled
Lol? The Askr Trio are unsalvageable
Eren Jaeger is so lucky bros...
Well I have some fallen Lumeras. Is arcane fellstone any good on regular Sothis, rearmed Tiki, Dheginsea, or adult Tiki?
It's gonna be Awakening this time right? Unless Shez counts for 3H then it might be Engage?
As to who, I don't know but it won't be anybody I want.
That Levin Felix is a nightmare. I don't how he works (refuse to read lol) but he flies across the map against preview and solos my team. Is this shit balanced?
>rearmed tiki
Meant ascended
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rearmed Tiki lets go! We all know it's gonna be the child version.
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Why wouldn't it be?
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This, that's the only version they know.
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This. Thread. Is. AWESOME!
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Fishiwashi will not have sex with you
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The outfit would work better if the shorts were gone but the belts were bigger.
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But then you'd see her panties!
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>I don't how he works
Prf weapon
>SUPER slaying effect (CD -2)
>Adaptive Damage
>Distant Counter
>If solo or foe HP >= 75% then +5 all stats AND additonal stats = 15% of Spd l
>Tempo effect
>Non-special dmg reduction piercing by 50% (e.g. Close Call, Repel etc.)

Prf B-Skill
>Phantom Spd
>If Felix hasn't been used or been targeted with an assist skill, grants another action if (A) He entered combat (B) He moved and took no other action ***(Both conditions are treated seperately)***
>If HP >= 25% or Solo then inflict -5 on all foe stats in combat, deal dmg =20% of Spd and damage reduced by 20% of Spd

That's about as basic as I can explain it. Which highlights how stupid this game has become.
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Shit. Nowikike started spamming
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Yay! More Nono art!
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Said no one ever
Give me both Alears dressed as Sombron, Rhea dressed as Sothis, and Igrene dressed as Hawkeye and i'm set.
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no Kvasir?
So this place has become the new /feh/ so where did all the old /feg/ posters go?
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They all died. They don't even make /v/ threads anymore
I ate them.
I just said it. You're weird.
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Waiting on the next game or shitposting about feh.
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When they saw the scat spam, nowi spam, Raul and the general shitposting
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I guess we gotta wait for switch 2 then? They should just alternate FE games between two studios like cod cycles between 3 or whatever.
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>they don't even make /v/ threads
I see an alarming amount of FE threads on /v/. The few i've gone into tend to die real fast or be flooded with waifu-faggotry. there are probably a few decent ones somewhere.
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I doubt the general shitposting was a problem outside of just being bored of it I guess?
Probably, unless they throw out something else. The only active 'FE' is unfortunely FEH and that is barely a game if you are not staying meta.
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If I had to guess, it's because the Kvasir in Seidr's head never met Kiran.
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still feels a bit rude to exclude her.
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Kiran should have a threesome with Thorr and Loki.
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kek just remembered nowi's got less alts than henry.
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>last alt in 2017
what went wrong
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Clearly Nowifags didn't roll
unable to improve upon perfection so no point in trying. even now everyone including you keep talking about it.
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People genuinely do not roll for lolis. If they did, IS would be spamming them, even if they'd just be different lolis.
people only remember this character exists because nowifag is spamming images and threads all day every day
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This is stupid and wrong
This is also stupid and wrong. You will bring up the alt again in another thread because you have a mental disorder.
Aren't we getting silhouettes tonight?
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That depends, who do you want to see?
Grog not care
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chiki and mirura sell quite bigly thoughever
Summoner duels are good for FEH standards but they still need to up the ante in gameplay. What can they do?
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See? Edelgard was right about the dragons.
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Did Nowifag singlehandedly change this general's mind about Edelgard? I haven't seen screeching about Edelgard in a while actually.
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>chiki and mirura sell quite bigly thoughever
Those two are quite literally two of the lowest-sellers in book 6.
They don't sell. Nobody likes them. If they were sellers, people would have voted them into CYL to get more versions to buy.
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Yes yes and I'm sure you think A!Tiki is more popular.
Back to the corner you go.
>still using store rank as if it means anything
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>Yes yes and I'm sure you think A!Tiki is more popular.
She is. She can drum up a vote better than any of her other versions.
Hell, the only "loli" to win CYL was Veronica. Even Lysithea and Bernadetta were their 20+ year old selves.
>She is
Didn't even read the rest
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>claim that "they SELL bigly"
>post sales chart
>"n-no, doesn't count"
Nice goalposts, fuckface. Did you get them from the dollar store along with your $1 discount loli waifu?
Rom Hacks?
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>post sales chart
that's not a sales chart retardbro, go back to school
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That's why she copies them.
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Shhhhh... Nono is sleeping...
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So will it be Ice Tribe or Maids? Or both?
Nowibro please post her feets
>/feh/ fucking died
Man, this sucks, but anyway. Chances of Dimitri appearing in the Ice Tribe banner?
I know Edelgard didn't get into the Fire Tribe Banner, but considering she's one alt ahead of Dimitri and Claude, it'd only be fair if Dimitri got on this banner just as Claude did, right...?
Either way, I'd also be satisfied if Ingrid appears instead of him too. Just not M*rianne please...
>wants Ingrid shoved in for no reason
>doesn't want the ice girl
ice tribe doesn't even have any designs
it's just maids and regular generic units
We will be getting hortensia for the ice tribe banner. she's from a snow land in engage, right?
Doubtful, Ice banner already has a guaranteed Fates+OC+Engage units on them.
3/5 slots are occupied
Technically, the outfit they based the Plegian banner off of (Tharja's sorcerer outfit) was also just the generic sorcerer outfit in Awakening.
The ice tribe used Fates' version of Sorcerer as its outfit, so they can totally just make "Plegian 2: Fates Edition."
Dagr ad Nott in the Fates' Sorcerer outfit!
>more pathfinder bullshit
Fuck no
>more Fates bullshit
Fuck no
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Me on the right, you on the left
Last I checked the only FE thread left is some ROM hack autist spamming everything with gameplay screenshots of ROMs nobody but him plays. Waifu posting is better
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Here's your Ice banner
>Duo Felicia + Flora (Ice Princesses)
>Chiki (sleepy time in Ice Dragon Temple)
>Erinys (Queen of Silesse)
>Ivy (Snow Queen)
>TT Sigune (blue lips evil woman from Ilia)
Dagr already got on wind tribe, you fucking alt beggar
>no males
Drop Erinys for Lewyn or Canas, and swap in Fjorm for Tiki, and I'd believe you.
I personally feel that the duo will be Fjorm & Nifl.
And we already have a Plegian banner, fuck alt beggars for wanting to having another edition of it
Ice tribe is different since Dark mage outfits from Fates mog shit wakening
Plus no other desert banner topped Plegian yet
Males don't sell
I know, but IS also always puts a guy on the banners.
Even with the hag Nabata banner, that one redhead Tellius boy was on there.
>TT Sigune (blue lips evil woman from Ilia)
i'll take that
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>waifu posting
>better than anything
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New Plegian Marianne art just dropped.
Why do IS refuse the Plegia Banner money?
I hate that this commissioner became R-Core
The difference between that fanart and regular Marianne is nowhere near comparable to the 11 year old Mamori and the weird commission size where she needs to hold her tits up with her arms to walk.
Marianne definitely tans nude so she doesn't have cringy bikini tanlines. That or Lysithea darkened her up with magic. Probably on Hilda's demand to make her friend tanned and toasty
It's still bad
the plegian outfits didn't even look that great aside from the dorothea + lene duo
if they got their shit together they could come up with a nice outfit like that on other banners too
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Chrom's canon wife
Me on the right, you on the left
Are you the ROM screenshot fag? You're literally the only guy in your threads.
Discuss Andaron Saga
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Tharja's looked good, except for the head feather.
The others were fine, but just not drawn as well as Dorothea's was to get the fanart. It was also Dorothea, who is one of the most popular FE girls ever.
It honestly looks like shit. Too stylized it doesn't resemble Marianne or FE anymore
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Hot new chikker tonight?
Andaron Saga discussion? OK. Mortimer is a terrible villain, and it's a terrible name. It would be like if Julius was called Joey, if Nergal was called Norman, and if Ashnard was called Edward.
Where is this Ice Tribe shit coming from? Some kinda patternfagging?
Mangs and his writing team was completely retarded for making half of his romhack filler. 4 stupid chapters with vikings no one gives a shit about. 3 chapters about dragons no one gives a shit about, 3 chapters about arabs no one cares about.
After doing some scrolling, would you people unironically buy into an Ice Tribe banner? Would there be anything potentially worth it there as an idea?
>Some kinda patternfagging?
We got Fire Tribe and Wind Tribe banners previously at around this time of year, so it does seem like patternfagging.
September banner has never been consistent, but we all know they fucking love shilling Fates, and we've had Flame and Wind Tribe banners back to back, so it's a likely conclusion we'd get Ice Tribe to finish the set
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chiki tease
nobody likes you
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Fuck off
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Bad chikker
No alts for you
And you will wear panties for the rest of the week
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These two characters are better written than every single character Fateswakengage
Ice tribe Florina, incoming.
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New Engage chapter
Up next is the ebin Solm filler
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This supposed to be funny?
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If Robinfags want to win, they have to not spend for the next hour and a half.
If Gullveigfaigs want to win, they wanna dip one or two votes with 100 flags each right now, to flip Robin to Stronger next hour.
She hates it because it features Kiran in a positive light
you act as if everyone is coordinating with their team and not just waiting until the last hour to blow their flags.
>engage character
>comic is utter dogshit
name a more iconic duo
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engage KINO just dropped
your parents and hating you kekaroo
Holy crap that's still going? I haven't heard about it in months.
Hilda seems more the type to tan nude, and would encourage Marianne to try it out.
Kek I like how everyone is pattern fagging when the wind tribe had literally no one but Fuga associated with wind
>cringy bikini tanlines
Gayest nigga in the thread
Its literally flopping at the bottom of the sales chart, I think there might be one manga below i but its like 99/100 in the rankings or some shit.
I just assumed it had been cancelled or something
They look like shit, a woman with a full-body tan is better.
EPIC KEKKKKKK xD i just fall of my chair cuz i couldnt and i CANT stop laugh xDXDXDXD FXDDFDFDD
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kek a roo
your parents hate you
kek a ree
engage flopped bigly
Forgot this was still happening, is it any good?
AFAIK it makes some story changes to make the game make more sense and people seem to like it.
The sad faces in the manga make me think even the manga artist doesn't care. He was a failed mangaka they got from somewhere. He knows this is his last work ever. Whole thing is a humiliation ritual, no one buys it but he is forced to keep drawing it on Nintendo's order. Whole thing is incredibly depressing to watch.
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yeah its pretty good. "fixes" some of the complains had in its story structure.
other pretty kino
have they released a new book for the new chapters?
iirc it dropped off the map because people stopped translating it
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feh comic
i think the publisher compiles the chapters in 1 volume/book/retail every 3-6months not exactly sure the timeline... but the new chapters are released every month via online
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>salmon summoners
I don't want to be a fish.
I'm aware. I'm just stating what miracles need to occur for one side to pull a victory.
fill in the blanks.
genny and ninian edition
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>Newest Flavor
What's your guess on the flavor, anon?
>confuses Lucina's words of encouragement for Marth
Cute. Wish somebody else wrote Engage.
Can we kill the Genny avatarfag please?
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A flavorful snack
Tastes like shit
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kek a roo
Hopes didn't know what to do
kek a rup
engage couldn't pick it back up
kek a ree
It will never stop being funny to me
Damn, FRobin is guaranteed to lose now, stupid Gulltards can't even gain 2 billion points, I thought she was popular

And Felix is probably gonna lose now too by giving Bernie a final hour multi.

We got the worst possible finals now
I deadass don't care
Oh no I think Felix might win
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Yes, now it is YOUR problem, again.
Enjoy dealing with all that, again.
Seriously, what's with FE thread/generals and absolute, 100% pure cancer?
If they don't overshoot this next hour then they can brute force plap Bernadetta in the final hour.
>Bernie vs Gullveig
Holy slop, two of the most dull yet popular characters
The problem with the penultimate hour is that both teams have a tendency to overshoot because despite being 7+ years into the game dumbasses STILL think that "one hour left" means it's the last hour
>everyones a shitposter except for me
Discuss summoner duels then
>Fire Emblem Threads
A combination of the jannies not wanting to touch some of the horrors that lurk here, whatever the hell Raul is, and a lack of fun things to talk about.

Kinda sucks, but it is what it is now.
What do you mean
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What went wrong?
Why are you posting dance gifs? Discuss Engage clears and Summoner Duels strats right now
Dancers give the thread another turn dumby
Reminder that avatar fagging is against the rules.
Do your part, /feg/!
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ok but where did this gennyfag spawn from
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Now now, there's an actual rivalry here. A slim chance at getting VG fanart after so long.
I don't care
He was in /feh/ a few months ago, people scared him off with ironic Ike x Genny shipping
I care
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I thought it was pretty cool. I just slip in and out of here cause nothing happens.
How to suck Almyan cock
She already knows how to do that kekliosa
Yeah but he fucks tight tomboy pussy too
Some say it's the first thing she learned when arriving to Garreg Mach monastery
Last minute silhouette prediction?
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I Sanaki declare that the summoner consummate with me
Z tier banner
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This will be the next OP by the way.
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mfw Icefags were right
>it actually is Ice Tribe
>Nils and ???
Oh god this already sucks ass
She’s lives in Claude’s too and maybe Balthus’.

She only really dies if you pair her with Cyril, Felix, Ignatz or Raphael
Yes Bernie's gonna win again!
It’s an engaygie
ugly face. pick a better Igrene pic
>Felicia and some male shitter maybe Nils
This banner will be shit
>Ice People
Crazy how they didn't save this for winter. At least I can hope the TT unit is cool...
>Felicia and Nils
Wow, who saw this coming?!
>/feh/ is so dead it actually had to merge back into /feg/
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>Nils is the TT unit
>Felicia and Nils
>Shit theme will also have 100% have Nifl
fuck off
0. Dimitri is associated with lightning not ice. The ice-associated character is Marianne maybe Ingrid
Kek hope you like Nils in a dark mage outfit. That'll be your TT
It’s not Clair so I don’t care
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Gullbitch is gonna win btw
we did it reddit
Other way around. /feg/ kept rolling off of page 10, so the guy who makes both threads forced them together and renamed /feh/ to /feg/, because he didn't want to have to keep posting Nowi in two threads instead of one.
Kek it was never going to be Clair, Valentiashitter
>is forced to keep drawing it on Nintendo's order.
He is getting compensated for his time and work.
Your schizo babble doesn't work because this is the only Nowi OP in weeks. Try again.
Okay Mangs
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>Kiran shaped Onigiris.
kek. We just keep winning.
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Do you like Summer Femui as is, or would you prefer she wore this seashell bikini instead?
I don't care for her either way.
Homosexual opinions are not important
Leo plaps this
>Seashell Bikinis
IS would never...
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>Nils alt
Glitter Valkyrie WILL be rolling.
Okay, fag.
wow I didn't knew she was a pedophile. Unsubscribed.
>the reason they brought back the Hoshido summer banner is because Flame and Wind Tribes were Hoshidan but Ice Tribe is Nohrian so they had to make sure they shilled Hoshido too
I'm so fucking sick of Fates good lord
Remember when Camilla beat Tharja and Lyn in the CYL voting gauntlet?
Are you ready the debut of Duo Hero Fjorm & Nifl? I sure am excited!
easy skip
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So what are the chances everybody's favorite Ice Princess gets on the banner?
>Immediately fucking trash
You just know its going to be Fates + Engage + Fjorm + Literal Who Shitters
Also I swear Nils has an alt already
I can see this outflopping Nabata, Tribal has also been an extremely unpopular theme
KYS partypete
>Gullveig is winning
>Bernadetta is winning
>they are going to fight in the last round
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VGs are fucking stupid now.
>Flame tribe had Muspell and Peony as a backpack
>Wind Tribe had Dagr
If it's not Fjorm then it'll be Nifl who talks about how great Fjorm is
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>Fjorm alt
I don't have the orbs. Let me save for Reginn in peace.
Please no more homo shit free units, give us a WOMAN
>I can see this outflopping Nabata
Continue to cry about it.
TT Nils

5 star Felicia

5 star Marianne

5 Star Fjorm

Duo Flora/Ninian

How likely is this?
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He has
104 votes in cyl8 and 2 alts
>Marianne at all
>Fjorm not the Duo lead
>Ninian wearing anything other than a blue dress
Nils already has a TT
Nifl will probably get an alt to mirror Muspell getting his flame tribe alt.
Bro? Your forced Engage spam?
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The tribe banners have never had more than one character who is actually associated with the tribe it's about(Flame had Rinkah and Wind had Fuga), so get rid of either Felicia or Flora. Also I don't expect Marianne to get an alt
>Three Houses getting content after the CYL8 fiasco
>MARIANNE getting content ever after the CYL6 fiasco
It's going to be some irrelevant Engage shitter from the ice land who isn't in yet. They can't help themselves
Shit, his art got leaked? This looks awful. Why do they keep giving us shit for free seasonals?
Did you forget Vigarde and Takumi have 2 versions of themselves on the grail shop?
>Be so scared about sales you start trying to force whales to roll on Legendary banners
>Drop ANOTHER Book 8 Stinker destined to fail immediately afterwards

What did IS mean by this?
>I'm so fucking sick of Fates good lord
Hey now!
At least Kagero will eventually get something out of all this Fates shilling. It's a WIN WIN.
No that was his Halloween alt he got in like 2022. IS dressed him up like a faggot or a gingerbread king or something. He was also that Halloween's TT unit.
That's halloween nils, dumbass
Utterly mind broken
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We have enough Kagerou alts for now, give another wife an alt, like pic related. Hell, she has an ice affinity, have her be on the banner
no one will roll on the banner after CYL anyways it's supposed to flop YOU FUCKING MORONS!!
Shut up. No one cares.
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Any chances that they'll give us Ylgr instead of fjorm?
That was the Winter alt they repurposed as a Halloween alt.
Zero. Lolishit doesn't sell
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I'd rather stomach more Engage spam than TMS getting any fucking content.
Grail unit or nothing.
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wow the TT reward has been leaked!
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Tsubasa should have been the backpack for Summer Caeda, and that is the limit of TMS content in FEH.
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>Book 8
>Another atrocious seasonal banner crammed with zero popularity characters

Name ONE (LITERALLY uno) Book that had worse content than Book 8, it's genuinely shocking at this point
And we still haven't had the Solm NH cherry on this shit sundae
she might get an alt, but it's unlikely.
Would be preferable
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Only way they could save this banner from H tier is revealing either massive powercreep, a Felix counter or that the other two banner units are Dimitri and Ivy/Marianne.
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>last seasonal was Hoshido shit
>next seasonal is Hoshido shit
>november seasonal will be Hoshido shit again
did IS start having a mandate that they have to include Nipponese culture in their geimu?
>spent 600 orbs going for Shez
>get to spend the month recouping 300
>Reginn and 3H next month
Unless she's the demote. Otherwise uhhh, nah.
ISIS is just very proud to have created Hoshido.
>>next seasonal is Hoshido shit
Are you the guy who keeps saying Ice Tribe is Hoshido and was annexed by Nohr? Because I'm pretty certain you're just entirely making that up
its just them overcompensating for the fact nobody cares about fates, especially birthright which has zero cyl winners and will never have one
I remember book 6 being even worse actually. Although I guess you can just link 6 and 8 being Alfonse focused books thus why they're so bad.
Let's wrap this up!
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I hate everyone here.
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>"""Three Houses banners""" that flopped are last year's Halloween (Three Engage characters + Flayn)
>Easter (Two Engage characters + Sylvain)
>Summer (Three Engage characters + Petra)

>Three Houses banners that did well are Christmas (Three Three Houses characters, one Engage character)
>And CYL (Two Three Houses characters, no Engage characters)

Hang on a second... I'm noticing a trend here...
The trend is that you're gay.
Felix was a mistake.
And Bernie needs to be impregnated.
Kagero already got a Wind tribe alt

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