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Previous: >>492926128
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will you roll?
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>Gullveig vs Bernadetta
will Gullveig get her first win???
I hope not. I made a bunch of anti Gullslop images
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Name one book with content worse than Book 8's or one that comes even close to how awful Book 8 has been

I'm being serious, this level of shit content is getting absurd
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Book 2 was pretty shit
Nope, smells like shit over there.
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If nothing else, this will be entertaining. VGs usually never have beef BEFORE the gauntlet.
>3HRT image
Go cry about sales on plebbit.
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This lineup for sure will give us a female TT unit
I legit quit for a few months during book 2.
>will gullveig get her first win
Her whole schtick is about repeating cycles, so no.
>Gullveig gets her first win, or berniefags get a sense of justice for beating her in a VG
Eh, good for either team.
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Unless there's Marianne or a REALLY nice looking Ivy, it's a safe skip.

I can't. I've barely rolled this year. The only reason my orbs aren't higher is because the Shez banner fucked me over with 8 Lumeras.
>Gullveig vs Bernie
>Nickson might be avenged for real
God, I hope this is the finals
book 6 was pretty bad, stuff like the 3H lords summer and acknowledging hopes was good but by and large the content they released that year was awful

people forget but we got:
>the second worst performing fallen banner (lilith/gustav/ninian/rhea)
>the nailah desert banner
>the phantom thieves banner
>the flame tribe banner and the beginning of the tribe cancer
>the worst ninja banner that had camilla and nobody else you remember

book 6 was pretty fucking bad, its either that or book 8
Why do they have beef? I haven't been playing this for a while.
If my wife gets an alt then sure, if she doesn't and it's all shitters then no.

If the demote is an infantry then I'll roll one copy of them
Gullveig won CYL7 a month after she was revealed. If she had not existed, there is a strong likelihood that Bernadetta would have won CYL7, but as a result, she had to compete neck-and-neck with Corrin. Gullveig meanwhile had a clean sweep, like 20% more votes than 2nd and 3rd.
So now we get to have either Gullveig beat Bernie again, or Bernie gets her revenge.
>anyone saying book 8 was the worst content wise is a 3HRT
hmm I'm nooticing
You faggots wouldn't survive book 2's 3 unit banners and their proto-ascended units
because idiots blame Gullveig for "stealing" Bernadetta's spot in CYL 7 despite bernadetta losing to FCorrin, who was in second place, by 117 votes. Gullveig was 1-2k votes ahead of both of them.
I'm thinking it might finally be over for sure this time.
Legendary Xander was Book 6 content too.
So was Book 5 NY which had the Tellius furries.
It was essentially proto Book 8 but instead of trying to get every Engage character nobody cares about into the game it was every Tellius character nobody cares about.

It even had the whole "best performing banner is a seasonal with every 3H lord on it and nothing came close to it" thing going on like Book 8.
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Gullbitch was a meme vote that Plebbit regrets
The Mamui incel that's obsessed with Felicia/Flora is gonna goon so much from this banner bros
are either sides not able to tank the round? It's happened before.
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Most people like 3H that's why it keeps outselling your favourites and beating them in CYL. The lack of 3H units is also why so many banners this year have been a disaster.

Isn't it funny how we've only had two banners this year that had more than one 3H unit on them and they're both in the top 3 overall?
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I'm just saying that you likely started playing FEH in 2020 at best and that you have no idea how bad content wise we have been at one point.
Remember these are the characters that are supposed to get you hyped for the banner reveal kek
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3H units don't sell. Only 3H lords sell. Get it right, pedo retard.
And no, Slopis doesn't sell either.
Robin has the smaller army and is ahead by less than a billion, Felix would have been able to take it if this was coming off him having a multiplier but this is coming off same-hell so the lead he has is barely anything
>D-Doesnt count
>Bernadetta and Felix are lords now
>Only 3H lords sell.
The third-best-selling banner of the year is 50% 3H non-lords.
It's also the only banner in 2024 to have two Fodlan units on it.
This CYL banner did worse than the previous ones despite having 3H slop.
There was also 3H slop on the Summer banners.
Those did poorly too.
3H doesn't sell.
>It's the best failed banner this year!
Not an accomplishment
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>Harmonic rotation would mean an Engage lead

Cope harder, Engage tranny.
>There was also 3H slop on the Summer banners.
>Those did poorly too.
>3H doesn't sell.
You mean the Summer banner that was 3/4 Engage characters? That Summer banner? Whoops.
The Russian soldiers ripped Maria Sivenkova’s assbaby spawn daughters guts out they found it. It was be hung until it was in a stupid fire states brain damaged but able to comprehend pain. Then it was be tortured and had its guts ripped out, its filthy guts was be thrown into fire finally purging them. It’s ugly face got uglier as it was stupefied and forced to watch its own innards burning.

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You lost the argument
>3H is so shit it can't carry a banner
You tried
>3/4ths of Summer 2 was Engage
>blames Petra for it failing
>Y-You lost because....you just did, okay?!

Reddit is two blocks down you disgusting tranny.
>3H sells!
>except when it doesn't
The continued failure of non 3H lords
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>"""Three Houses banners""" that flopped are last year's Halloween (Three Engage characters + Flayn)
>Easter (Two Engage characters + Sylvain)
>Summer (Three Engage characters + Petra)

>Three Houses banners that did well are Christmas (Three Three Houses characters, one Engage character)
>And CYL (Two Three Houses characters, no Engage characters)

Hang on a second... I'm noticing a weird trend here...
You lost. No amount of shifting the blame will help. 3H is a failure outside its lords. You are delusional if you think otherwise.
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I'd like to point out that Three Houses banners were considered big flops back when the game released (the first lord banner and the second banner with Hubert, Ferdinand and Petra). They underperformed by those days standards. But you wouldn't know that since you likely barely started playing back then.
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>It's a failure because it can't carry banners that are 3/4 characters nobody cares about
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>CYL "did well"
This fucking cope
Abuela won’t be making tacos for Raul today because he woke her up with the sound of him smashing his hammer into the skull of Maria Sivenkova’s daughter kek
Uh oh! Someone call the suicide prevention line. Raul is tying the noose already!
>the supposed most popular FE game with BIGLY sales can't carry a banner without its lords
Yes, it's a failure. It needs Edelgard to bail it out.
sssshhhhh don't point that out
I'm sorry that it outsold your favourites and was only outperformed by another 3H banner and a new unit type
>I'm sorry that it outsold your favourites
It didn't. My favorite is Gullveig. The new face of FE.
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>Bernie won
FINALLY! Berniebros, we will have our revenge!
So Gullveig flopped? Same banner ranking as Brave + did worse than last year's summers.
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>the cyl banner did well
....did it?
>Trash vs garbage
>raul is gonna kill himself so he won’t be prosecuted for raping and killing maria Sivenkova and it’s daughter

I hate to tell you this, but the winter banner outperformed every gullveig banner
Huh i wonder why you cut off the rest of the chart.
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We're never reaching 5 million again, are we?
I like Bernie!
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>ISIS makes a banner with three 3HRTs and one Engage
>It's 3HRTs sloppiest of the slop shitters like Ignatz, etc.
>3HRTs would still blame the banner's flop on Engage despite absolutely nobody giving a single fuck for shitters like Ignatz
3 million will be the average next year
Yep. Kwll needs to be reminded this he often forgets and needs to be reminded
>If I make up a scenario that didn't happen in my head I'll be right
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>1 hour since the news arrived
>nobody's pointed out how they reversed the legendary units decision because of the feedback
Instead you faggots complain about Engage some more. I'm convinced you don't even play the game.
When did that happen?
3H doesn't sell
This but with Engage.
That literally hasn't happened though, instead we've had the opposite where they keep ramming banners with Engage characters and they keep crashing and burning.
It WAS pointed out. It just got drowned out because only retards care about arena esports.
Meaning a very small minority of you actually complained directly about muh Engage spam
It'd be funny if she did
>>ISIS makes a banner with three 3HRTs and one Engage
>>It's 3HRTs sloppiest of the slop shitters like Ignatz, etc.
>>3HRTs would still blame the banner's flop on Engage despite absolutely nobody giving a single fuck for shitters like Ignatz

Okay but in reality it's
>ISIS makes a banner with three Engayges and one 3H
>It's Engage characters who are supposedly popular like Alear, Goldmary, Veyle, Chloe
>It fails anyway
>You try to blame the random 3H character because you're mentally ill and mindbroken
It's hilarious how chronically bad this general is
>okay engage's most popular characters can't sell a banner but neither can three houses' least popular!!!

Is this guy retarded? He owned himself. Imagine having to compare Alear to Ignatz and thinking you win
You'd be correct. Antiengage retard doesn't play FEH
He's probably never played any FE except smash bros
>3H sells
>*evidence that it doesn't*
>okay maybe it doesn't sell ALL THE TIME
Keep walking it back and you'll fall off the pier, little bro
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Remember when Alear's first banner outsold any Shez banner? Probably not since sheztards have made a meme saying that Shez always outsells her. Sadly you can't correct them all the time because Alearfags aren't terminally online.
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>Hah! FAlear outsold FShez!
>Leaves out the fact that FShez wasn't actually on that banner
The most pathetic part about Engage isn't that it repeatedly fails, it's that its fans then try to lie about it failing by being extremely dishonest

"FAlear outsells FShez on banners FShez isn't on"
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btw now Shezfags will say "d-doesn't count because *made up reason*"
They are very predicatable
fshez literally wasn't on that banner
I need to sex both toothpaste and F Shez
That "made up reason" being the fact you compared FShez and FAlear on a banner that FShez literally was not on
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fem Alear has more art on gelbooru than fem Shez
Shez is another 3H failure
The least popular characters from Three Houses don't sell.
The most popular characters from Engage don't sell.
>3HRT slop suddenly can't carry
Damn what a shit game (lol
Engage is the worst selling modern Fire Emblem.
Shut the fuck up and let me fuck both FShez and F toothpaste in peace retards
It's also not a top five bestselling Fire Emblem game in Japan.
You forgot Shadow of Valencia existed?
Every time with you faggots. Whenever a fact pops up that you don't like you say it doesn't count.
It's so obvious to tell when el goblino mexicano is dropping her trip to shitpost
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What happened to /feh/?
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The 3HRT CYL banner and Shez killed it
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The only Engage character that has consistently performed well is Ivy.
Alear keeps doing worse and worse despite getting progressively more sexual outfits (normal design -> massive tits on her legendary and lewd damaged art -> bikini)

Nobody else is even worth mentioning because they're rotting in E-H tier with Japan-only games and solo legendaries they sent out to die
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fallen alear will be naked with raulcore tits at this rate
Bro your posting style and reaction images are so fucking obvious. Learn to be more anonymous, faggot.
>C tier is good for Engage
>check thread
>see calbert, raul, and f-schizo
>turn 360 degrees and moonwalk out
*a row of 3HRT characters are bound and restrained*
*Alear is seen waving a gun walking past them*
>Here's how it's gonna go, chuckle fucks!
>I'm gonna starting dropping these flies until the big bad bitch shows up!
>Let us go you crazy b-
*Ingatz drops deader than TMS sales*
>For an artist he didn't have much fan art BAHAHAHAHA
>Edelgaaaaard come out to plaaaaaaaaaaay!
Engage's best performing banner to this day is the one that came out before the game released and anybody knew its characters. That's all you need to know.
>keep enlarging FAlear's tits and thighs
>keep shrinking Shez and Femleth
Those 3 probably make up 80% of all posts in this dying general. It's no surprise everyone makes fun of them here and on other boards.
Genuinely hilarious how every Engage NH kept performing worse than the last.
Can't imagine how badly Solm will do.
What are the odds that it's a duo of popular characters on the banner and not another Engage harmonic destined to fail like RB is predicting?
who cares go kick a football
Last seasonal had no engage character you obsessed seething faggot
ok this was actually funny, even made me laugh, maybe you're still good just a bit, /feg/
i laughed twice as hard when every 3h new heroes did worse than the last.
and every archanea new heroes.
turns out my pattern recognition is much stronger than yours, since I don't have autism LMAO
Why is Engage so shit and why did it kill the series
Because you stink
>i laughed twice as hard when every 3h new heroes did worse than the last.
I laughed thrice as hard because I remembered this didn't actually happen
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>it really is just Felixschizo autistically repeating itself
Losing to February and then losing the gauntlet must have mindraped it.
More than usual, I mean.
3H. Nintendo's greatest failure
...it literally did though? You can just compare Rearmed Ingrid with the previous 3H NH banner
and then compare that NH banner with the previous one.
This but with Engage.
Most people here come here to shitpost. People who dont play feh anymore still come to shitpost.
It's been like this for a long time.
Not really off the top of my head Lysithea, CYL4, Fallen 3H went on to be top sellers.
CYL4 is still the best performing banner in years.
I haven't seen the anti-Felix guy here in weeks, i thought maybe he had to get institutionalised after Brave Felix outsold all his favorites
Give me the rest of that image. I've been looking for it.
he only whips out the felixschizo card when engage gets grilled hard
He didn't even outsell F!Alear's first banner though?
By that logic F!Alear lost to Raphael and Lex kek
I always chuckle when Felixschizo tries to be smart since it always ends in disaster, he physically can't do it because of his disability.
By that login all of them lost to F!Grima
If F!Grima isn't your favorite then you lost LMAO
>we will have our revenge!
You already did.
On Corrin.
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>don't compare it to the f!alear alt from this year compare it to the one from 19 months ago
why are engaygies so dishonest?
Oh no no no!
Kek just remembered the schizo has to open up the game every day and be reminded Felix won CYL and is meta
Why are you comparing a powercreep banner that has tons of advertisement and new orb packs with one that has outdated, bad units and is full of unpopular characters like Clanne and Petra and had no orb packs?
>we will have our revenge!
Didn't you beat Corrin in the first round?
because they were a month apart and not 19 months of sales decline apart like the ones you're selecting
this is "falear beat fshez on a banner fshez wasn't actually on" 2.0
Gullslop's existence is a mockery to all of FEH and shouldn't have happened. She should have been buried along with plebbit
>It's true.
Huh, that's weird. I wonder why Engage banners started to do drastically worse immediately after people got to play Engage.
>"falear beat fshez on a banner fshez wasn't actually on"
this was never said, schizo
Was this the funniest CYL? A year of "Engage sweep" posting just to end up losing every single slot.
2nd place is probably Bernadetta losing CYL7
3rd place is Marth losing to Gatekeeper
Honorable mention to IS changing CYL rules in CYL3 to accommodate Marth and he still lost to Eliwood.
The sequel next year when the winners are Sigurd/Byleth/Sharena/Azura is going to be even funnier.
>IS finally merges votes, just for Marth
>winners are Alm and Eliwood
>Snow theme
Okay which GBA pegashitter is it going to be? Juno again?
Dithorba from FE4
All three Nils fans will be excited for his next alt!
Oh right, having a stupid pegasus is also a trend for some reason. Damm, this banner is absolute doodoo
>Fates shitter already confirmed
>Nils already confirmed
>Nifl or Fjorm are guaranteed to stink up the banner even more.
>Pegashitter will probably be Florina
This shit is DOA
Engage losing was kino, hope it happens again just for shits and giggles
If it’s Florina I might actually pull
reminder there are cyl winners with zero seasonals
So far it's looking likely to be
>Engage-led harmonic
>Fjorm (duh)
>GBA Pegaslut

atrocious line-up but to be expected from book 8 content
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>>Engage-led harmonic
And when that's not happening you'll still scream and shit your pants that the banner flopped because of Engage
You are so pathetic.
Nils' CYL Ranks

>CYL1 - 285
>CYL2 - 81
>CYL3 - 85
>CYL4 - 78
>CYL5 - 327
>CYL6 - 330
>CYL7 - 297
>CYL8 - 338

Extremely funny that some Nils fag was botting this little nigga hard until ISIS stepped in.
Does Azura really have enough popularity to win? I thought not many liked her most recent banner
Lyn got fire so florina gets ice
wow this is probably the stupidest post itt
People used to vote for characters not yet in Heroes. And when they'd be added to Heroes people would stop voting for them.
You can also see this with
And I'm sure I'm missing a lot more examples
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Jesus fucking Christ and they have the audacity to give him ANOTHER alt?
His base version just got in, so he stopped getting "deserves it!" votes.
Another infamous case is Jill, I think she was once in the top 20 females just off "deserves it" votes, but then she got in her banner flopped and her cyl rank plummeted forever.
she was barely behind yunaka and ivy
Also Lysithea and Marianne only won CYL because they were not in Heroes yet.
If i look at my barracks and sort by book, book8 already has alot more units i want to use then book7, book5 has the least amount.
Even if it was "deserves" it votes it still doesn't change the fact that nobody gives a fuck about him. Otherwise he'd consistently rank high.
>barely behind
>500 votes behind Ivy and 2500 votes behind Yunaka
"Barely" was the difference between FCorrin and Bernadetta, faggot.
Byleth/Sylvain/Dorothea/Hilda would be a funnier sweep so they can get btfo'd by Three Houses entirely
all these goddamn Fates themed banners

If IS had brains and could let go of their bias, they'd do a Garreg Mach seasonal with characters from other games dressed as students
Really getting schizo about low ranks being higher than they should be now
They only won that fast*.
They would have won in the subsequent years. So like Bernie in CYL4, Lysithea in 5, and Marianne in 6 or 7.
considering there's tens of thousands of votes free now, Azura could easily overtake Ivy and maybe Yunaka
We have 2 Vigardes, honestly I don't how the fuck they look at these characters and think they should get alts
Just here's about the arena changes to legendaries. EoS is coming this December, right? There's no way this game last even six more months if they're stooping to this.
>t. spent over $6000 on this game so far, not sure if I should rope
>Garreg Mach has uniforms
>also has multiple holidays, including a ball and a saint day
>also has a desert associated with it
>also has a unique dancer outfit
When is Saint Seiros Day or White Heron day?
You see, the thing is, nuIS didn't make Three Houses but they did make Fates which they are desperate to make people like.
I'm going to let you know right now that Lysithea was going to inevitably win. She was highly popular with both the Golden Deer and Black Eagles fans. The Claude and Edelgard voters would've gone to her the next year
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>Last two Fates Tribal Banner Duo's both failed to draw interest and were outshined by the actual popular character on the same banner
>Said popular characters not only were the better units to pull for but they both were more wanted as shown when they ranked higher in their respective A Hero Rises year than the duo too
Not sure about Engage but I can tell you that the Duo isn't gonna be the one with popular characters
Goodnight brain damage general
This. They're clearly devastated that the game they off-sourced to Koei Tecmo is way more popular than Engage which they put most of their money and effort into
yes I'm sure the Felixfags and Robinfags will vote for.....Azura
3dsbabs might
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Too popular for her own good
Is Claude not just a male Lyn when you think about it?
>le Marianne and Lysithea only won because they weren't in cope
Marianne and Lysithea are both more popular than Bernadetta who won this year while being in the game for years with multiple alts. They would have won either way by now and just pushed Bernadetta into next year.
Engage is going to receive a "deserve it" surge, I can feel it.
I could see some Robinfags going to Azura.
Ivy/Plumeria harmonic, calling it now
They just reversed that decision.
You know what's funny? If they implemented this without telling the players, NOBODY would have noticed.
A lot of Felix fans are going to Sylvain and Byleth.

Bernie votes are probably going to Dorothea and Hilda and Petra

Alphonse votes to Sharena

Robin votes i dont know
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They aren't releasing another harmonic so soon, you fucking retards
still got ptsd on the art of the Caeda/Plumeria one.
problem with that is that they've become overbloated with banners that fans are getting tired of Engage. I could Ivy or Yunaka getting in but not both at best next CYL
Ivy and Yunaka would have won if IS didn't release seasonals for them in 2023
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You would think so with how much Reddit talks about how it was unfair Engage has zero CYL winners but truthfully they really don't give a shit and in all likelihood its going to happen again
>Pattern fag
This stupid "rule" was already broken before
They never did 2 harmonics back to back because IS knows duos are more popular, retard
Sharena will get a surge to give her a Brave after Alfonse won.
I think Engage will get 1 win female side with Yunaka, otherwise Ivy, but there is a small chance of an upset by someone else still.

Engage has no chance on male side, Byleth and Sigurd have it on lock.
>how much Reddit talks about how it was unfair Engage has zero CYL winners
>posts proof that reddit doesn't care about Engage
you faggots make up the weirdest headcanons. The fact is Reddit is the biggest Engage haterbase and Engage has most of its fans, unironically, on 4chan.
>All my votes will go to Engage - 13.7%
>Half will go to Engage - 15%
>1-2 will go to Engage - 15%
>None will go to Engage - 50.9%

>All my votes will go to Engage - 12.7%
>Half will go to Engage - 10.3%
>1-2 will go to Engage - 15.1%
>None will go to Engage - 57%

Considering that is a place that put a rule in place where you could be banned for saying negative things about Engage and even they don't actually care, no rallying is happening

The most likely rally is for Sharena and then Ivy/Yunaka will have to hold out and hope they don't slip below Azura
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Glad to see this retard is still here crying about Engage making absolute nonsensical narratives in his head and replying to himself everyday
Most of Reddit's discourse is controlled by a vocal minority, try insulting Engage there, you will get downvoted if not banned. They are the most vocal about liking Engage but they're actually the minority there, casuals couldn't give less of a fuck that Engage has no winners
I will stop crying about Engage when they give me Celine alts.
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>banner will be Fates/Elibeslop
>people will pretend like that's better than Engage
Tea party banner core
Engage spam fatigue has killed dead any chance of that happening.
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>we'll probably get a 6th Ninian
lmao even
Cutest Ninian at the bottom row
So we can all agree that CYL is purely dictated by who gets content and who doesn't right? Explains why Marianne won and why Bernadetta and Felix won after 2 years of losing badly.
Odds of Fjorm?
The only two with any chance are Ivy and Yunaka.
Yunaka is going to fall off massively because she's a failed meme vote who nobody cares about anymore.
Ivy has a better chance but she's likely the December Legendary which could fuck her hard.
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It's going to be duo Flora + F!Corrin
You can say I'm coping but Bernie seems popular enough that at least Gullveig won't lose to "won too hard and got fucked by multipliers because of it" this time
For unpopular characters who wouldn't win otherwise it does have an effect. For characters who get alts and win anyway like Felix and Bernadetta, it doesn't matter.
80%. We haven't had one in over a year.
So why haven't they won the previous years if they are "so popular"?
Duo Fjorm + Gunnthra

>but they never do the actual fire/wind/ice people as the duo, they pick randoms
So? Fjorm is Fjorm.
Because there were characters that were more popular than them.
>felix and bernadetta are unpopular
damn so the entire cast of engage is unpopular? they lost to them
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But Bernadetta constantly had more votes than Marianne, F!Corrin and F!Robin before their wins?
do you even play this game or do you just come here to seethe about three houses? bernadetta and felix both got alts between cyl7 and cyl8 and won cyl8 anyway
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Here's CYL 4
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Love snakewife!
>botted votes get cut
>bernie tanks while marianne soars
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Here's CYL6
They were still considered "mistreated" and that's all it matters
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Why is your image so small?
>They were still considered "mistreated" and that's all it matters
they literally had more alts than the characters they beat kek, ivy and yunaka didn't even have base alts yet
Small like your dick
Those two had 2 very recent alts, while Bernadetta and Felix's alts in 2023 came early.
Plus a lot of people voted for non-Engage characters in sign of protest.
felix lost votes in cyl8 and still bodied every engage male, there was no rally
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Duo is Ivy + Hortensia
Engage doesn't have a duo yet so it is bigly mistreated!
yeah but like nobody cares about engage males lol
It's crazy how rattled Engaygefags are by the fact their main characters are less popular than 3H's side characters.

It's seriously becoming a mental illness. The "Felix robbed Engage" aspect of it is the most bizarre of all because none of the Engage males were even fucking close to beating Felix. Diamant and Alcryst combined still lost to him. Diamant and Alcryst weren't even 3rd or 4th, that was Byleth and Sigurd. They were not even close to Felix. They had no chance. Felix could have been removed from voting and they STILL would have lost by a large margin to Byleth. It's just pure delusion. Diamant got 6k fucking votes he was never winning CYL with that number period. It's insanity to say otherwise.
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>The "Felix robbed Engage" aspect
Nobody has ever said this so I'm just gonna stop reading past this.
None of Engage's characters were robbed because none of them had vote totals that would have been enough to win CYL anyway. Their highest voted character was Yunaka who just squeaked over into 10k. There has never been a CYL winner with a vote total that low, for either gender. Even Felix had 11.6k and that was after losing 5k votes. They weren't going to win, it's as simple as that. None of them pulled in enough votes to be actual contenders.
I put poison in its mutton
Why the fuck is the general shitposting over Engage when nothing related to Engage has even been announced?
It's literally one guy you inbred retard.
>person claims book 8 has just put out another shit banner that's going to flop (true)
>engage fan gets mad because book 8 has had a lot of engage bombs
>3h fan claims the lack of 3h is why the game is doing so shit because both 2+ unit 3h banners are in the top 3
>it devolves into a seething match

if you insinuate book 8 has had an extreme amount of shit content engage fags get mad because a lot of that shit content was engage crap like framme, veyle, chloe etc
I think Brigid is cute, so I rolled for her.
Literally none of this is true
Take your meds.
Your mental health is in SHAMBLES my nigga
>Say a bunch of lies and hope it sticks
This is such a pathetic obsessed post lmao
>person claims book 8 has just put out another shit banner that's going to flop (true)

>engage fan gets mad because book 8 has had a lot of engage bombs

>3h fan claims the lack of 3h is why the game is doing so shit because both 2+ unit 3h banners are in the top 3

>it devolves into a seething match
>Engage bombs
>Look at banner sales
>All a success
Kekkkk why did the Engaygies samefag and try to deny that it happened when the posts are still up?
Those posts
did not mention Engage

Meanwhile first mentions of Engage in the thread are:
>all posts shitting on Engage without any Engagefag saying something positive about Engage
Except for Fallen, Easter, Bridal and Legendary MAlear you mean.
The only one that did well was Elusia, Summer Engage lost to the other Summer banner.
Oh, and its best performing character this year was... Marth.
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But literally everything that guy say was a lie?
People disagreeing with him were saying that book 2 or 5/6 had some pretty shitty banners too, and that was way before Engage.
Are you, perhaps, just making up scenarios in your head to blame it all on a boogieman?
>did not mention Engage
it was obvious he was an engaygetard and he flat out admitted it when he started saying shit like
Engage is bad because FAlear isn't real and sucking my dick right now
>every poster is the same poster!
That dude clearly arrived later and was just shitposting to rile you up.
And you fell for it ,you idiot
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>He wasn't an Engagefag he just started trying to blame the failure of Engage banners on the single Three Houses unit on them
Engaygie Dishonesty

>Except for Fallen, Easter, Bridal and Legendary MAlear you mean
All of those were a success though?
>Summer Engage lost to the other Summer banner.
The other banner had summer packs to go with it, while the Engage one did not though?
>Oh, and its best performing character this year was... Marth.
As it should be, ArchaneaCHADS run this series.
Nobody has said this, schizo
As bad as the writing is in Engage, Alear is still a better protagonist than Baudimon and Jakka from Andaron Saga combined.
will bernadetta get her revenge? Will Vaike help her show the way of the bow to pierce Gullveig?
You are terminally online
>All of those were a success though?
Fallen was E tier. It's 13th overall right now and the first time a Fallen banner has placed outside of the top 5 in a book.
Again, E tier. Went from 12th overall in Book 7 to 19th and falling.
D tier, a flop but looks better because Awakening Brides broke the floor for awful performances.
>Legendary M!Alear
H tier. Literally the fourth worst performing FEH banners ever. Bottom 3 for Book 8.

>The other banner had summer packs to go with it, while the Engage one did not though?
If this matter Summer 1 would always do better, it doesn't, so it doesn't.

>As it should be, ArchaneaCHADS run this series.
I agree, they should make more Engage banners with no Engage characters, they do much better.
Gullveig has the support of all Engagefags. They want revenge for Yunaka losing to her!
>Fallen was [insert fanfiction tier list]
Stopped reading.
>Stops caring when actual sales data is mentioned
Now why would you- Oh I forgot, you're an Engagefag. Now it makes sense.
This and all the other posts make me realize it's just your typical anti engage schizo/s shitposting and seething for the millionth time
>actual sales data
HAHAHAHAHAHA this guy is genuinely delusional whew
You should just roll for the units you like and not worry about whatever fanfic tier they are in.
A kete threw a rock through my car window
Got Micaiah on my free roll.
Marianne would definitely never have won if she was put in the game before cyl
>Ice banner
One last Juno alt...
Will Nickson be avenged?
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I love Shamir more than anything. Would be cool if she's on this banner but I don't expect it.

I hope a group of gay nigger midgets break I to your basement and rape you, Raul.
Anything is better than Engayge.
Engayge fans are so retarded for calling Elibe slop when if it wasn't for the success of fe7 the series would've remained obscure and Japanese. It is a fondly-remembered title. Unlike engage.
Chances of my wife Azura on the banner?
That bait sucked
Kekkaroo, maybe Shez should’ve shown off her pussy like Alear. Puffy twats sell lots.
>Success of FE7
It was literally the only FE they could get LMAO
Realistically how can Fjorm win back some of the waifu fags who abandoned her for Gullveig?
Should she wear skimpy translucent clothing and continue acting coy or dress conservatively and confess her feelings?
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She's doing fine though
There's no overlap
Official art of Fjorm’s exposed ass crack. Fjorm, red faced, embarrassed by the exposure of her ass. Fjorm’s ass on full display. Fjorm’s ass. Ass. Yes or no?
Wasn’t our last seasonal Fatesshit? Why are they spamming this slop?
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Replace all 'Fjorm' with 'Gunnthra' then Yes.
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>another fjorm alt
oh boy. She's going to gain 5 more kilograms
So this is what ice AIDS does to a mf
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All the feh streamers I used to watch quit feh...
engayge made them drop it
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>he watched feh streamers
>redditfrog poster
It's time to become a Nimiousbro, bro.
Gay niggas
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If it makes you feel any better I no longer watch any FEtubers
No joke some of them did, I think mangs or whoever was doing Advance Wars content for a while
>gave her boobs when she's a pancake
>gave her pitpussy
>suddenly hotter than Laegjarn
>gave her a MV out of nowhere
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that's my wife
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>We hope you continue to enjoy playing Fire Emblem Heroes
gross never
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i love the little guy
We know redditor.
Engagebros, Reddit are saying they don't want to vote for a single Engage character next cyl...
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Oh no...
I will get 30 Engage alts in 2025 instead of 32
I am so sad...
Don't care about Felicia or Nils
I will build Sigune if she's the TT
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Shes perfect
Bros... they powercreep FRobin with a new unit that uses ice blocks?
Tail tucked
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I never got tempo on Deidre
the continued failure of book 8 and engayge
I have a +3 Sigurd. Should I go ahead and forma him?
I miss four game banner
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>favorite girl getting first alt in 5 years
>haven't played FEH since 2021

How many free orbs can I get just from the story?
I still cannot believe Edelgard pads her chest...
Caeda pads hers even more
Caeda is a whore
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And Bernadetta has a naturally bigger chest than Edelgard
Yeah timeskip didn't do bernie good
>grew 15cm and 2 cup sizes
>Barely getting into tier 16 for now
How is this worse than when I played it however many years ago when it has a declining player base now
what's your team?
Winter Edelgard, CYL Alfonse, CYL Felix, CYL F Robin. I thought that's the best I have available at the moment but could be wrong
if you use 3 old shitters merged to +10 and just a bonus unit, you can go to T19-20
i have 2 book 2 units in my team and never use any legendaries either
superior Nifl genetics.
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Do you like him?
What about like 5? I had to make a new account since I lost the login for the old one so I don't necessarily have 10 of anyone laying around.
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>first hour results were so close, it was almost Same
Now THIS is a VG.
gotta slowly work your way up i guess, maybe merging a grail unit would be a good idea?
Okay so we already know that the Ice Tribe banner is going to be awful, but on the bright side this is the last Fates tribe they have left so maybe next September will be something actually good.
>this is the last Fates tribe they have left
Unless they decide to do either of the fox or beast tribes.
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ice tribe are sorcerers why the fuck is felicia in another maid outfit
2 out of 3 of my wives. Lumera should have been in my army and had supports.
maybe it's a mix of design. there are quite a few ice-witch themed characters in literature.
Or make up tribes.
If only
I can't roll emblem Ike for shit. Is there some hidden mechanic on this banner making it much less likely to roll him than the other reds?
because it would be weird if they all had ophelia's outfit
They probably saw the success of the Tea banner last year and thought "Why make Plegian 2 when we can sacrifice it for a Maid banner starring Fates, Elibe, and OCs?"
And then the shadow tribe followed by the light tribe and thunder tribe!
You joke, but that would be Mokushu, so a Fates-starred Fates Ninja banner.
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she likes being a maid
she was made for it?
>they finally revive an old theme in book 8
>it's one of the worst ones that bombed the first time it was ran
This is the same IS that's so worried about declining revenue that they tried to force whales to roll for new legendaries
>an August banner finally does well, because it was "Fodlan & Jugdral in cute but fancy outfits"
>replace it with Fates slop
>somehow manage to replace it with Fates slop TWICE
>Fates seasonal banners two months in a row
>Solm New Heroes
Looks like Clarine to me
>fates hoshidan summer
>fates hoshidan tribe
>fates nohrian tribe
>fates hoshidan new year
You forgot we'll get Hoshidan Ninjas again.
oh yeah true
holy shit man
It doesn't help that they keep using the bottom of the barrel characters for all of it.
Get out of nu /feg/ while you still can
Leave the FE fandom entirely honestly.
you get around 30 a month from story orbs, so 360 per book and then you should get a good amount extra from various things ilke chain challenges.
>you get around 30 a month from story orbs
15. 5 chapters, 3 difficulties each. If you do it the month it comes out, you can get an extra 5.
You also have the TT paralogues, but I forgot they were only 3 chapters and not 5.
I'd just like to point out the same game getting multiple seasonal themes is also the game that's held the record for worst performing banner for 3+ years now and was only surpassed by yet another banner featuring only characters from its game
you care more about sales than IS does.
So I don't get it, did IS revert their decision to only have new legendaries as bonus, or are they saying that they'll have old legends as bonus in addition to the new ones?
Hoshidan Ninja Kagero

TT Hoshidan Ninja Hayato
Don't worry maybe one day IS will listen to the fans and only make banners and themes from one game for the rest of FEHs life span.
Atleast that would make them money and would be even easier.
they make a change but did not revert it
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>She's going to gain 5 more kilograms
If you like him then sure. He is nothing special by today's standards if you don't. Formas are basically just if you like a character and want to update them without spending orbs. Even with new skills old units can barely compete to be honest.
>gullveig won
>felix lost
>check the thread
>nonstop schizo tantrums from the usual suspects
>Hate both Gullveig and Bernadetta
>One is just coombait OC donut steal
>Other is uwu so quirky cringe pls go

Guess it's Gullveig since she is at least kinda cool. At least now I can get my orbs/codes rewards and forget that it's even running after that
No the other is so relatable
This but unironically. Gullshit is so boring only NPCs can relate
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This but unironically. Bernshit is so boring only NPCs can project onto her
Kek Felix really hurt you

Well I'm glad I picked brave Felix to make collecting story orbs easier, seeing as he has 1 extra mov, can move twice and has built in galeforce with trivial restrictions. jesus fuck this powercreep is out of control
2 cups?
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Slop chads we eatin good tomorrow
He's a natural extension of Brave Gullveig from last year.
So? She’s barely at the weight of consent pedo
You're so fucking fragile hahaha
What kind of schizo reply is this?
tharja is crazy?
wtf shamir is getting NTR'd
I think IS set up this gauntlet just for this match
Can they just release the TT for this megaskip Fates seasonal already so that I can finish sparking CYL?
Not really. Gullvieg is like a newer L!Leif.
Felix is bullshit not just because he gets galeforce, he gets an extra turn just for moving, which conveniently also removes any debuff he had on him.
Just like how they set up Alfonse to win?
who do you want as a TT freebie for the ice banner?
Tom the Barber
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kilma (he's cool and won't get in otherwise)
Flora with a decent prf would make me build her
of the characters I can guess that would be on it,
Felicia, Flora, or any of the nifl OCs. I'm not really opposed to it being Felicia/Flora's dad either, but I probably won't build him unless he has a fun prf which is unlikely.
Fjorm is going to get an alt that will step on Gullshit's neck
If you can't see the evolutionary line between LLeif, BGullveig, MGullveig, and BFelix, I dunno what to tell you.
Heck, LLeif is more like MGullveig than BGullveig, since both use a prf special that gives the extra turn. BGull isn't dependent on that.
Would be based to see
You're an idiot
Nifl herself, but it'll never happen
Alt after alt. Fjorm just getting more horny and obsessed with Kiran
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her last one wasn't really obsessed with Kiran. Her Ascendant alt felt more "obsessed" than the summer one.
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When can we refund her music video to get one for Freyja or Gullveig?
Sanaki is going to get an alt that will step on my cock
Imagine how sad it is to be like Fjorm or Gullveig. You love the summoner, but he probably already has his favorite FE girl on Summoner Support. Maybe multiple copies of her if she got alts.
I certainly wouldn't mind it.
>gachasloppers woke up
>engaygies went to sleep (because the cutscene was so long)
i wonder where feliciaanon is
Up your butt.
They probably wither moved onto another waifu or a other game.
>her last one wasn't really obsessed with Kiran
Coincidentally that was also when Gullveig peaked in popularity and Fjorm fell off for reddit lol
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He'll come back when Felicia's kit makes her the most broken unit in the game
>Is there some hidden mechanic on this banner making it much less likely to roll him than the other reds?
It isn't call the Desire Sensor for nothing.
I suggest you buy FEH Pass and save yourself the trouble.
Why did they have to make all the tribe girls feet so damn erotic?
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been absent from this place for a while when the fuck did we merge back with the gacha shitters???
Thing is I did that and I do have one from the spark, I just need two because one is for an emblem and the other is for fodder and this banner doesn't allow two sparks.
>Dislikes FEH
>Post an image of a cosplayer in Byleth's FEH exclusive swimsuit.
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tana sexo
>2 bonus legendary slots
>old bonus legendaries still get the same score maxing bonus
For two weeks*
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Who do you think will win the next CYL?
sharena will miraculously quintuple her vote count like alfonse did
I don't think IS will bot Sharena. I think they'd pick Azura.
Unless it's got Dorothea or Chloe in an ice dress, I'm good. Emblem Ike still solving 99.9% of the pve maps.
Nobody hates Fire Emblem more than Fire Emblem fans
they already did it 2 years ago, last year they kept her at the same level because they pushed alfonse instead, would make sense to go for her next
Finally got my 2nd emblem Ike that too way too many orbs
Also it broke my brain and I forgot how to type apparently
Innes is a lucky man.
Kek, this. That's why they reject Engage and the stellar LGBT cast and deny Alfonse's rightful victory, because they HATE Fire Emblem.
I woke up with an intense desire to cum in Fjorm’s ass, so yes, I will be rolling on the next banner.
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It took this long for the general to report on this key piece of news?
This place is not what it use to be since the inmates took over the asylum, huh.
We don't know if she's on it thoughever
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I love Shamir more than anything
Did you just schizobabble? It sounds like you just schizobabbled
It was mentioned at least twice you stupid asshole
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I don't dislike FEH, I dislike /feh/'s autists
You're weird.
This is slightly different, that particular reddit link has an IS wagie giving more specific details.
More Sex Frog.
> two losses being E!Ike.

This game is a mess.
Recommend me ROm Hacks

base Dorothea in FEH, When?
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This effects the future of Fire Emblem Heroes!
So why the fuck aren't we discussing the matter thoroughly instead of discussing other trash topics?
Three Houses is so good that i never to play it again
because the thread is 90% shitposters and the other 10% would rather have something to whine about.
No king rules forever, my son.
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>Genki Yokotas favorite 3H character is Shamir
>doesn't give her a dozen alts in Heroes
I'm mad
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Gilmore Girls hack
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Next Three Houses New Heroes banner, surely.
I enjoyed DLatMoL.
Because nobody gives a flying fuck about arena esports
When did we merge generals? This was long due.
>because the thread is 90% ketecord.
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There always here! Learn to read the signs.
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I love this whore!
FE4 be like
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Eligor Spear
Its easy
Talk about how Echoes is a bad game
Post HAGs.
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Okay, I will then
Because /feh/ was effectively dead. The people that were left there were schizos, the tripfag and the discorfags, everyone else lurked at most just to see the trainwreck. The attention whores weren't getting attention, so no reason to keep the general alive.
I'd play a modded version that removes the monastery or reduces it to just essencials. It's fun game to fuck around with classes.
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Hngh more
This thread is officially HAG-A-LICIOUS
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tiddy queen
Stop posting scat
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That's an insult to poop KEEEEEEEEEK
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Book 8 and Engage killed FEH so they were forced to merge back. Although honestly both threads are dead as fuck we could've merged into them and nothing would've changed.
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whats wrong with the first pic?
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>Engage killed FEH
This narrative yet again, huh.
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>quirktastic ratbitch posting its OCfag slop again
SEX with severely autistic mercenary girls.
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Lol, I'd play this. Real?
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Yes it's real.
WHO is this semen demon
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Threads slowed to a crawl during Book 8. The same book with engage shilling nearly every banner. You can draw your own conclusions.
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You will know when you see it.
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Too old.
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canon wife.
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Her name is reverse image search
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Both Cecilia and Camilla are younger than my waifu, anon. Titania is only older by like 2 years, and Loki is a god so she doesn't count

Very terrible low effort falseflag
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PLEASE ;_; I can't find shit
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The same thing that’s wrong with every summer Byleth pic, tits too small.
Chloe's big booba....
breed chiki
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does anyone still have the webm of a niles cosplayer shooting an arrow into the ass of a camilla cosplayer?
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favourite FE girl? I'll see if I can find anything to help
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nice thread
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Behave yourself!
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So what's the difference between this shit and the usual Nowi/loli spam
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i can fap to these ones
Both make you mad apparently so they're both based
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>cropped lesbian porn spam good
>beautiful Fire Emblem women bad
The fuck is with this guy?
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I like cropped hentai webms better than this ecchi shit spam
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>>cropped lesbian porn spam good
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Fellatio Crew lackey and leader
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As opposed to cropped child porn that you post almost daily?
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I do hope you have enjoyed today's fine serving of HAGs, my chickadees!
Epic thread is epic!
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IS decides to make a mainline based off FEH's books. How would you go about it? Would you ignore the summoning aspect and just use FEH's world? Would you combine books into one game?
Engage has shown that adding in all the lords with supports is very costly in both money and dev time. if they wanted to keep the summoning aspect and have all sorts characters from each game then they would probably have to go back to 2d to save money and time from modeling.
they should scrap everything that isn't asgard
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asgard hasn't shown up yet.
Kek you were not joking.
This isn't Marvel, bro
What does this mean?
exactly, and everything else was shit
Is that not what Engage is?
>you care more about sales than IS does.
Clearly not or the whole legendary fiasco wouldn't have happened.
banner hopes and expectations?
Camilla or cool Flier skills
Characters I do not care about and skills I do not care about
>IS decides to make a mainline based off FEH's books. How would you go about it?
Have a set group of usable units for each book, set up in Acts like Radiant Dawn.
Panette unga bunga as a bonus unit in arena is fun
Felicia/Flora +nifl girls
Felicia, Flora, Nils demote, Nifl+Ninian TT: Felicia's dad.
Funny how a lot of these modern busted units don't have NFU
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You were told to behave yourself.
>Myrrh from arena ticket
>She is now at +8, despite never having actually rolled for her
So how should I build her? Don't have Fellstone but I'm pretty sure that one is for fast units anyway. I have Grima lying around though.
You roll valentine Myrrh and bench her because she is useless
Sure but I don't really like using armors unless they're Edelgard, who is hardly an armor unit.
>slap NFU seal on Severa
>she's actually still good, even a year later
I'm shocked this bitch hung on for so long. If only she had a prf skill.
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who do i get
Felix if you want to win.
Robin if you want silly.
Alphonse ain't that superb, huh? I'll go for Felix
Felix is by far the best. Bernadetta a far second. Alfonse is fodder. Robin is unusable
Darn. I like him in the story. Shame he can't get viability outside of it.
>Alphonse ain't that superb, huh?
He's a "tank" unit in CYL. They never even START being good until their refine.
Alfonse is still good, as he's an omnitank that has massive support capabilities. He can be a genuinely scary foe. It's just that felix is always scary
Win or DIE!
how long has it been since we got the distant counter seals?
why are there no close counter seals?
How is Robin unusable?
Her boobies aren’t on display
built for big Duscur cock
you have to think about which spaces you want to block, that's too hard
Dedue would rather open up a restaurant with his slender, delicate lover Ashe
Ashe is married to Petra so Dedue settled for Mercedes. Ashe and Mercedes are bleaching Duscur and Brigid's populations
No one wants to deal with Close Counter Laguz Friend Duo Askr
hags in this thread , elise in the other.
posters have been busy
>the banner really will just be felicia/flora/ninian/nils
It's so over
DC-Dragon is from 2 years ago, DC-Melee is from the start of 2024
Not sure that would be any worse than C Bonus Doubler + some other seal.
None, the Fates tribal theme has been consistently awful
For it to be awful again
just hoping for a flora freebie..
But bro, you love Fates and Blazing Blade. That's why they win CYL every year!
when are they gonna start selling the anti-powercreep that blocks warping across the entire map?
Is the update tonight or tomorrow?
Because he'd be running D/R Finish
At reset
That was on L!M!Corrin, and it was for dragons only (and blocked only ranged units)
He gets oneshot by Robin at least, dunno how Felix and Burnie fare against him
we had that already but they added pass to undo it
wasn't it also gimped and weaker than Myrrh?
L!Mamui felt like they wanted to create a counter to ranged nukes but were too unsure of how powerful his gimmick might be so it was gimped out the gate. Sometimes mine tanks hits I expect him to die to and other times he gets clapped by stuff he should survive.
easiest way to deal with warping felix?
Nothing, you lose
There's legit no easy way to deal with that rat bastard.
just saw nemesis in the arena, why does he have a doritos sword now?
They added a glowing effect to the crest weapons and for some reason instead of making it look like it does in his art, they made it red. It looks so ugly too.
You either stun him with the sight of Seidr's ass, or you're fucked.
If that Felix comes with a dancer, you're either going to need both Seidrs, or you're fucked.
Hope you have some powercreep unit of your own, supported by powerful support units, so you can lure the teleportation on your own term and destroy him.
What happens when thats not Felicia in the silhouette
Same range as Myrrh, but gimped in that it only stops ranged units from warping
We laugh at all 12 Felicia fans in the fanbase
Hopefully we get a better banner.
But we got Rinkah and Fuga in the last two lineups, so I expect Felicia and maybe even Flora.
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I love Shamir so much
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Is Resonance 4 a prerequisite for all mages going forward?
I can't wait for this to get on some main pool 5* so I can feed it to my Summer Gullveig.
(lol nigga you funny
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>a prerequisite for mages
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Take an educated guess what happens in next forty eight posts.
fort eight posts will have been posted.
You and your boyfriend Fishi act like faggots
The Fjorm designed to counter him on tonight's banner.
>What happens when thats not Felicia in the silhouette
You say this dumb shit every banner and it's literally always who people said it was.
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Can you make the next thread? I'm too tired from being silly all day.
If you aren't infantry then yes, until they finally give in and release a DR piercing special
feels like every new unit has a damage piercing prf anyway
>Hag thirsting
Yeah I think I'm too old to be here
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You're probably younger than me
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*plap* *plap* *plap*
Idk when I see fetishizing older women especially older women that aren't even that old or don't even look that old I assume the person doing it has to be at least younger than me most of the time. I'm not a zoomer I'll say that much
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Is tonight the night?
>fetishize older women in anime
>I'm now older than of them
It stacks tho
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Blah. Blah. Blah.
Doesn't matter.
>Fates, Nifl and FE7
>older woman fetish
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If you want a HAG thread ask us nicely.
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It's more about the body type and overall tine than the age. Older women tend to be given more curves in these anime styles.
I want to S-rank Mikoto
Its ridiculous. I thought Gullvig was a perfectly designed shilled character that would never be outdone at first. And now even Bernie is out doing her as well in these voting events. I can't explain it.
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*tone, can't type


*Felix walks into the kitchen and notice his cookies are gone*


Annette: Dey yummy in my tummy now xD


*audience laughs, studio shakes and all redditors in a 100 mile radius upvote*

*Dimitri walks into the room*

Dimitri: Ugh.. Felix I was sleeping... what?

Felix: LE BOOOOAAR *face turns red and he points at cookie jar*


*Felix chases Dimitri with a wooden spoon while Annette chases him while Benny Hill plays*


*Dimitri hides in a closet, but when Felix opens it Dimitri comes out of a completely different closet and runs out the room*


*audience laughs, reddit gains 100k new users and pewdiepie gets 2millions new subscribers*

*Felix chases Dimitri into a dog house, Annette follows him in and looks at the camera and she laughs evily and slowly closes it behind her*

*Dimitri comes out of the chimney nearby, Felix slowly walks out of the doghouse with rubber ducks spinning around his head*

Felix: ugh... Le... booaaaRa

*Felix chases Dimitri through a hallway full of doors, each leading to a random door each time with various shenanigans. One of the door opens and femByleth comes out with a towel, screams, runs back in and Dimitri and Felix both run to that door"




*credits roll*
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>Older women tend to be given more curves in these anime styles.
In RL as well.
The extra thickness comes with age.
Imagine playing powercrept slop. Gacha fags are literal subhumans
Fire Emblem Heroes ain't going anywhere. So you best go cry somewhere else.
Live service games by definition are on a limited lifespan. One day it'll die. I'll be laughing when it does.
Yes people unironically have one. I can like them too but when it's your whole thing on the internet I assume I'm surrounded by zoomers
Should rape Loki or Thorr?
It isn't rape if Loki wants you to do it, and Thorr won't let you.
I'll be happy when FEH EOSes, I'll finally be set free :)
Thorr wants it more then... Fine, swiggity swooty.
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So do you think this banner will be made of old archived units they never released? Or do they actually think people want Nils and Felicia?
No matter some retard like you is going to cry because there are characters you don't want so it's pointless to answer your loaded question
Funny you're asking that while posting the failed version of Tiki
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Let's wrap this up!
Oh, I was well aware that nobody likes Young Tiki.
I just decided to mix it up and post her for once. Usually I default to a couple other characters.
Ok so you're retarded (lol. Gonna ignore you now
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Thread war? Yes?
No, I would like a peaceful transition on a trailer night.
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Not a problem, pudding! You're awfully well behaved lately!
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Do the right thing.
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HAGs are precious and must be protected at all cost.
Why is Seidr so upset back there?

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