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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

>Touch Bloodstain:
Thiollier's butt pussy...
What hardware limitation forbids From from changing a line of code to allow a second invader? There's no way the game can't render and calculate one more player, even on the PS4.
>enter Metyr's arena
>camera mod (which I use to look at bosses up close and take pics) causes a graphic bug
>the screen is also flipped so if I press left, the character goes right and vice versa
My tarnished literally went insane after witnessing Metyr and his mind broke completely
He couldn't handle the truth
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>The Game Awards are unironically considering retroactively removing Elden Ring's 2022 Game Of The Year award because of the DLC
>Source: I made it up
The DLC wasn't even bad, it just had shitty final boss and ending
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carefully planned lore btw
>look it up
>its true
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Has anybody tried the Grand Merchant mod to get golden seeds, and Scadutree fragments and NOT gotten banned? I wouldn't mind replaying the dlc but holy shit do I fucking hate the scavenger hunt for those pieces of shit. The seeds aren't as bad since you don't need as many, but fuuuck the scadutree fragment system.
>shit w*stoid """"""""""""""""""art""""""""""""""""""
>game awards
>retarded opinion
Why the fuck doesn't Rellana have a cutscene, man
Not even voice lines
just look up the map on fexa, you can easily get 5 scadu before even going into dancing lion and like 12 before even entering shadow keep
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giant gap moe war goddess cyborg wife
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People are beating Consort Radahn on dance pads, without rolling, level 1 with their bare hands. What is your excuse? You're mad that he duped you because you don't know how to position yourself (hug his left leg), don't know when to attack or got to greedy, and roll on instinct and not actually on the boss tell? Get gud. Memorize his attack patterns. Actually learn the boss. It's rewarding when he finally clicks after a few hours of dying.
>What is your excuse?
I'm bad at the game
I really love the Emblems, they look cool
I no longer have the free time or patience to sink 6 hours learning a boss.
Who is the thalmor inquisitor supposed to be?
It's funny how this post admits that elden ring dlc is more fun as a spectator sport where you're watching a streamer do a challenge run than it is to play yourself
I dont really think it's fair for them to revoke the goty award for a release two years after the award was given.
>What is your excuse?
it's not fun to fight so I don't care to do it more than once
I felt the same way about midir
someone's Tarnished. I think that's supposed to be Malekith's armor.
I know.. I just don't find it remotely fun spending 30 minutes to an hour scouring the map for the shards. If the horseback riding was somehow fun it'd be a different story but it's literally just running around but faster. There's nothing anymore engaging while on torrent than just running normally except that it's faster. The double jump is cute but only practically for skipping platforming sections. I thought I'd wanted an open world souls game, but it's soooo boring to replay the open world parts.
Why is the emblem for gravity that of a magnetic field?
She doesn't deserve any. No NPC in gravesite plains mentions her, she's not a shardbearer and doesn't have a great rune, she doesn't even prevent you from going up to scadu altus since there's a spiritspring not even far from Ensis. She's totally unimportant. Irrelevant.
If you were forced at gunpoint to get one of these as a huge tattoo on your chest, which would it be?
Damn. I didn't even know J. Anderson made a dlc vid 5 days ago. Guys ego has completely consumed him.
I'm taking the bullet before I dirty my body with tattoos but the Golden Order one since its just the Trinity lol
Love how the lion has 1 (one) single attack you can punish during his lightning phase and for every other you can't do fuck all but dodge so whenever he switches to lightning you're forced to basically stop fighting him until he switches off of it.
Realm of the All-Knowing or the Haligtree
I like the Giant's Flame but I don't think the Fell God is interesting because there's no lore
Ideally it'd be offset a bit so the center is over my heart so that I'd have a weak spot for people to stab me and have me just die inmediately
the Ancient Dragon Cult one would just look like a generically cool if tryhard dragon tattoo to 99.99% of people.
Realm of the All-Knowing or Blood Oath.
Gideon is a piece of shit but I can't deny that symbol looks cool.
Plus the Blood Oath one would look like a badass trident to most.
The first 10mins of the video.
Mt. Gelmir looks cool but chest tattoos don't.
She was initially in the hippo room in Shadow Keep but was moved probably because she was too hard to lock progression
I didn't wanna watch it so I was hoping yous tell me
Gravity magic is actually manipulation of spacetime.
After a year or so, Consort Radahn will be fondly remembered as one of the finest Fromsoft bosses ever made, a true classic for the ages that made shitters shit themselves.
Hippo doesn't lock progression though, you skip Rellana and Hippo at the same time.
you can summon them with CE just fine,
so it probably works with grand merchant
How does that relate to magnetism which does not involve the manipulation of the very substance of reality itself?
>can summon 6 npcs for starscourge radahn
>leda's fight is a 5v3
>real multiplayer is 3v1
Because it's actually magnetic magic manipulating the metals inside of rocks
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i beat the game
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Would you want more stylish/anime-esque hair?
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is this location even in the final game?
>canon black knife
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how do we fix miquella?
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Thanks! That's what I was hoping to hear
>Hair 0
>Hair 1
>Hair 2
>Hair 3
>Hair 4
>Hair 5
>Hair 7
Built for getting their pussies wrecked by massive omen cocks
>Hair 6
Built for being shagged into oblivion by a Caelid dog
Change the camera during the fight so it sits slightly higher and angles down, and a huge amount of the complaints vanish overnight because it makes phase 2 way more visible
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No, I want them to do the bare minimum of catching up with games from 7 years ago first and add long curly/wavy hair first
I'm tired of having to choose between a wavy bob cut or straight long hair
the way to fix homosexuals is killing them
Having beaten Consort Radahn 4 times now, I can say he's not extremely hard as long as you use some kind of shield. I used the Brass Shield with my Uchigatana, and his fight became the same level of difficulty as Malenia's. Fought him at RL 150. Another thing that helped was waiting until the second phase to pop the Wondrous Physick flask.
A lot of his attacks are hard to tell because of the flashes and Miquella's hair, but as long as you have their timing down from Phase I, you can more or less dodge them.
Don't act like you wouldn't beat up miquellas prostate and perhaps spoon afterwards
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All I want is a perm
I have no interest in shitholes, much less men's, sorry.
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If Varre is the last person I'd want to do gay shit with.
He feels like he'd carve a heart into your leg while you're in the afterglow and talk about how it proves this act was in the worship of Lord Mohg.
Why are there so many homosexuals in Elden Ring
More like Elden Fags mirite
So true
(I like men)
It's all meant to be ironic in their minds
Is it just me or are the great jar knights fucking broken? Every single one is wearing the heaviest armor and wielding the fucking giant crusher

That hammer melts me in one hit at 50 hp
Perms don't look good on men
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>Why are there so many homosexuals in Elden Ring
good question
very good question
They're player builds
They're taken from the builds of people who beat the great jar knights themselves.
Which has became to my understanding a sort of arms race where people use stronger and stronger builds to beat the previous ones, thus making the player builds in the system even more busted and higher level.
Making actually getting the talisman a fucking nightmare that you pretty much have to cheese.
just cheese it, make em fall off the cliff. the thing's become untenable, they're ridiculously tanky and I swear they're all max level at this point
They're mostly player cheese builds, i.e. rotbreath or madness or glass cannon builds, which coincidentally happen to become 1000x cheesier when NPCs use them against you due to them having infinite mana and 100x bloated health.
They have so much health and melt me, it’s fucking bullshit, I wouldn’t be trying for the talisman unless I was already bad at the game
I'm sure you're fine
have him have any ties to his base game lore whatsoever
only 23 days remain.
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PARRY GODS of /erg/
I'm embarking on my journey to consistently parry every reasonably parryable boss in Elden Ring
My self imposed rule is as simple as I'm not allowed to take more than two hits per bossfight, be it a botched parry, or just getting hit otherwise.
Anyways, on to my question
Margitt, the first time you fight him:
Sometimes I just have the most perfect fights against him, chain-parrying his run-n-spin attack effortlessly, while other times, it seems I cant land a single of the easy parries even.
Does... does TERRAIN affect your parries? Can you NOT parry him (or other bosses for that matter) if you're standing elevated, despite the timing being the same? Or am I just going crazy?
Also, I swear I'm better at parrying if I'm one or two beers down. Which comes as no surprise, as it also is a night and day difference when I'm playing sniper classes in other games.
Bruh I want another dlc instead. It features fighting Marika (sexo form), gloam-eyed queen (another ending where my tarnished and Melina have a happy ending) and Godwyn (mermaid form p1, full-powered Godywn p2).
No, I’m bad, I’ve been filtered like, 6 times by this game but I keep coming back to it and restarting for some reason. Something about it that I can’t explain or put down.
Now that the dust has settled
What killed /erg/?
Where can I read the "elden ring: distant lands between"?
Is it possible to use the tailoring tools to change the color of armor pieces?
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Ofcourse not, what did you think? That this was a good game with sensible design choices?
Cute Tarnished.
I'm excited but very nervous
Too expensy, Miyazaki needed thsg money for voice actresses/actors (so he could cut the lines anyway)
Actually I went back and thought about it; it was 7 times.
>1st: Margit (self explanatory)
>2nd: Godrick
I couldn’t figure out his tornado move, still can’t but I just dealt with it by getting good at dodging his other stuff
>3rd: Red wolf of radagon
That boss jumps around so much and absolutely fucks you if you didn’t find any magic resist equipment. Also the walk back with those sorcerers was insane, they have unlimited magika+stamina
>4th: Illusory lansseax at the beginning of Altus plateau.
I didn’t realize you’d have to damage her just a little so I tilted and left when I couldn’t figure out how to dodge the lightning
>5th: Draconic Tree Sentinel/Tree Sentinel Duo outside the gate to the capitol
I didn’t know you could use deeproot depths yet, and I kept trying to alternate between either of them to try and get inside the capitol and fight Morgott.
>6th: twin Valiant Gargoyles
One of the worst video game boss fights I’ve ever dealt with. I didn’t know they were weak to strike damage
7th: Fire Giant
Fuck that second phase

I didn’t restart after every one, but holy shit they fucking suck and I suck at the game
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Anon... that's just called improvement, that's literally just you getting better at the game once you run into a challenge and eventually beating it
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Same anon again
Since nobody answered in time
I'm pretty sure it actually DOES matter, because focusing on keeping the fight in the middle, where its nice and flat, led me to perfectly chain-parry him to death with only one hit taken.
ty for reading my science blog, also, r8 my drip
That looks really good, what's the torso piece and legs? The like gloves are just thw gauntlets, right?
I wanted to turn some cloth gauntlets blue.
Is there a mod that least expands on the tailoring tools?
>That’s just self improvement
Well, I guess. I didn’t really see it that way because I usually associate self improvement with my real life

Also, fire giant did finally filter me. When I got to that fight, I’d just consider the run over and delete the character. For some reason I feel this urge to keep playing no matter how shit that fight is.
I know one of the big overhauls has an armor recolor system and adds some additional alterations but idk like if there's a standalone one that does that
Gauntlets are just The Gauntlets™, pants is Alberichs, and torso is Ansbach (Altered)
Alberichs pants has to be my fav pants of all time, just wish they were perfectly smooth, instead of the sigil or scratches or whatever that is on the front of the left foot one.
Why are Valiant Gargs so much harder than Fia's Champs or Fortissax?
How good are axes specifically the battle axe and highland axe
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What are some of the most fun weapons to play with? I'm not looking for the best PvE or PvP weapon, I want the most fun ones.
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>Invade turbo ganker poiseblobs with one of them being an overleveled monstrosity projectile spammer type b with fia's clothes
>Check players I played previously with
>One of them has pic related as the avatar
Every time
Misericorde with BHS
Mace, onehanded, with a charge attack build
The humble Uchi
Can someone recommend me some good PvE dex/faith base game weapons? I’ve got vyke’s spear and an uchigatana, but I’m wondering if I’m missing anything.
2H Knight's Greatsword.
Works with literally any build too.
The moveset just feels great both in PVE and PVP, so much that you don't even need ashes to do well with it, but being a greatsword it has a huge array of available skills.
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The hitbox of the parry matters even more than the frame duration of parry. So, terrain can make the hitbox lower or higher and affect the result of your parry. For most consistent parries it's important to use buckler since it has best frame for best hitbox while carian ret. / golden parry only parry properly with the energy part of the parry, while the physical shield uses the bad parry timings and hitbox of the medium shields (if used on medium shields, or small if used on small, but still worse than buckler)
All the customization budget went to Armored Core 6 sorry gaijin
Reforged does but it changes too much shit, there are also singular recolors on Nexusmods for most armor. It's also easy to just recolor the textures yourself with Photoshop, I've been doing it since the game came out to alter dozens of cloth/metal colors and make my tarnished not look like shit
A curved sword (singular), with the lightning incant buffing it, and spinning slash.
lack of dlc news
lacking dlc
Nobody cares about your gay mod dude. Literally nobody. Not even your mom.
Treespear at the start of Liurnia.
Godslayer GS at Caelid's Divine Tower.
they are all in comic-walker, but only the road to the erdtree manga is in english
I wish we could go back to the good old DeS and DS1 days of parries coming out right when you hit the button instead of this cringe shit where the frames start roughly 1/4 through the animation, shit feels like ass desu
Rellana is so much worse than PCR and it’s not even close.
Where are the armor texture files located in the Elden Ring installation?
Strafe and parry, git gud
Multiplayer still shit
DLC is the last bit of content we're getting so lorefagging feels pointless knowing we'll never get any answers, on top of Miquella's story being rancid dogshit
Burnout from the series
I’ve beat her three times, that’s why I’m so certain she is by far the worst designed boss in the entire game.
It's not mine, it's the camera mod by that Odis Inf guy who makes all the other camera mods for many games (and looking at his patreon he makes a living out of it lol but I got it from 'mono). I was showing the cool graphics bug.
The moon aoe is impossible to dodge.
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>be summoned for Godfrey
>use the "WAIT!" gesture before the host
>proceed to slow walk to Godfrey
Granted, I died when he almost did because I mistimed a jump attack and got a giant foot to crunch my spine but holy FUCK THAT WAS GOOD
They are in the "parts" folder but you need to unpack it first to make it visible, using a tool called UXM Selective Unpacker.
Here is a full recolor guide
You need a few things like Photoshop/GIMP and Intel Texture tools, WitchyBND to unpack files and find the textures, ModEngine2 to use mods, but once you set everything up, recoloring by yourself is pretty straightforward
It's better, parrying is a skill expression now, in DS1 it was cheese shit
A combo of the lore of the DLC being shit and the multiplayer still being shit after the DLC(coop became even worse with the skibidi system).

Those things don't bother much the average player, but amongst people who stick with the game for a longer time, PVP players and loreautists are big groups, and without those there isn't much to discuss at all.
One of the most underrated reasons I think ER bosses feel frustrating to fight is that Fromsoft now treats stored rolls as a feature, not a bug. I've lost track of the number of times where I mistime a dodge and then swing #2 of the combo is designed to rollcatch the stored roll. That feels like absolute fucking garbage. I don't care if it makes the game easier, get rid of this shit. It started in DS3 but they made it so much worse here
>inb4 hurr don't spam rolls
I'm not spamming, I'm just not doing it literally fucking perfectly assholes
Metyr, Mother of Skill Issues
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>using delayed attacks to rollcatch other players is commonplace in PVP, to the point where people analyze which attacks work best for that purpose
>from starts tweaking boss PVE enemy movesets to achieve a similar effect
>PVE shitters won't stop crying about it
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I know that retards here like to pretend this is skill issue but ER being full of roll catching and other "tricks" that from has developed to punish you for using the techniques you've developed over all 5 of their fucking games is legitimately infuriating.
Half of the attacks in this games can't be reacted at all, you have to learn the rhythm by memory because they're either gonna have a lightning fast follow up that catches you if you roll early or they have this obnoxious "I AM READING MY ATTACK YOU BETTER GET READY ANY TIME NOW YOU BE- SLAM LMAO WHY DIDN'T YOU DODGE THAT LOL" shit that makes the game feel tedious as shit.
I'm fucking looking at you Magrit, you being the introductory boss in this game really was a warning sign that every one of the hard bosses in this game were gonna be obnoxious cunts.
Did they nerf the fingerpint shield? I'm getting guardbroken all the time now.
lol, lmao
Metyr is the ugliest most unfun boss I've ever seen and Ymir is a stupid annoying faggot
I hate that now I have to pay attention to my Focus stat when making a build so I don't have to eat a bolus every 5 seconds to not get slept by Lulling Branch.
Thank you!
This, same with input reading. If I’m fighting you in pvp and I see that you’re about to heal (so before you even press the button) I am going to throw something at you, why should bosses be any different?
The difference being that in pvp the rollcatching isn't exploiting a literal bug in the game's code that makes damage totally unavoidable. pvp rollcatching is mindgames, pve rollcatching is unironic artificial difficulty.
bloody helice and obsidian lamina thanks to their skills
backhand blade because it's saif 2.0
I'm pretty sure greatshields in general got a nerf a long time ago but are you using the shield tali? It's still a braindead way to play.
You have only 2000 HP and the boss has 40,000 HP + passive poise.
>uhh why don't NPC hunter bossfights in Bloodborne have rally and 20 heals?
because the two different things are different, genius
>do a bad roll
>get punished
who are you quoting
PVP is absolut dogahit in this game. Why would you want to make the bosses feel like a shitty PVP match?
Let me know if you need more help with it
>do a bad roll
>get punished
that's me taking the hit
>get hit twice because the game's 14 year old engine never got updated
that's Fromsoft being Japanese Bethesda who still can't add more than 10 NPCs into their battles otherwise the engine explodes
>(you) pretending these are the same thing
that's their fanbase forgetting that videogames are meant to be fun because they're too scared to play real action games
is it upgraded all the way? are u using the shield tali? in addition to shield tali u may also use (double-headed) turtle talisman, stamina-regenerating crystal tear, and barricade shield aow
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aw hell naw bro they done making it difficult for the sake of it instead of making an actual game fromsoft is finished
Yeah, it's fully upgraded and I'm using the talisman. It just feels a lot weaker than the first time I used it. 48 Strength to have an ok shield seems like a waste now.
actually hard games don't even have roll catching
If you're actually struggling with optimized shitterprint then you are legitimately braindead.
thats the easiest, and funniest, to dodge
have you tried jumping?
barricade shield aow makes brass shield basically as good as any big shield
so no need to level strenght, but you have to use the aow every 10 seconds
I'm not doing that.
You still have two drop the shield eventually to let your stamina recover bwo
Any other attacks you also refuse to jump? Do you roll the Putrescent Knights flame AoE aswell?
To kill them all.
Where did I say I was struggling? I just said the shield is kinda shit now considering you need an insane stat investment to even use it. You are better off just putting those point in INT so you can snipe shit before it even comes close to you.
Yes, I'm not jumping around the arena like a primate. I'm a human being.
It's not shit tho. It still let's you trivialize literally everything in the game unless your brain is powered by a potato.
First of all she looks weird in a bad way and not in a good way like Ebrietas
Her moveset if you're melee is just shit, she just slaps her big dog cock head all over the floor and that's it, if you're ranged it's a piss easy meme fight
V.2 Snail laser attack is stupid and I can't dodge it without vow of the indomitable so I'm angry
Stupid boring boss
Do you get mad when the attacks you refuse to jump, hits you?
It’s not about making them act more like pvp its about making them act more like actual intelligent beings who do more than just swing a sword at you at random
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>its about making them act more like actual intelligent beings
sums up the entire game honestly
fuckit, im uninstalling
making a rave party with the lions in castle sol by spamming glinstone shard is funny
The best action games feel more like a dance between the boss and the player moreso than a perfect simulation of fighting another player. It activates your rhythm neurons. That's why everyone loved Sekiro so much. And yes, Sekiro did have input reading, but it also gave you the tools to respond naturally and intuitively to the input reading besides either waiting it out or brute forcing it. Stuff like this >>492911524 totally breaks the sense of rhythm, similarly for those webms of Godskin casting infinite fireball on a guy using an empty estus flask.
Rellana is one of the few good DLC bosses
Undeniable disappointment from DLC
Game didn't make it to the 3-month mark before dying down
FOTM shitters have already moved on
Pee vee Pee still sucks (arguably got worse)
No FCs bc DLC sucked

the previously mentioned reasons + the constant noise of "lorefagging", tourists, bickering leading up to the release have left the threads hollow without community
Maliketh is still one of the most fun bosses to co-op; the parry is so satisfying to land ...just pray it isn't laggy or you're eating the hit.
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>Pee vee Pee still sucks
Maybe you just don't know how to have fun?
Fighting face to face through all the lags sure is boring
I for one, am glad the game is dying
Now I can go back to playing Skyrim (yes, with sexmods)
6 fcs in 60 days...
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expand your mind for reading comprehension
I said it "sucks" as in it's still objectively bad to play. I'm 16 characters in, of course I'm still able to have fun in some aspects, just don't be deluded when discussing the game state
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I have a feeling that Messmer is a really talented guitar player
What fashion is that? Can't tell through the iron flesh.
confessor hood altered
foot soldier tabard
battlemage manchettes
leather trousers
furled finger's trick mirror

an outfit for stealthing around in gray-white-ish environments
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i haven't coop'd on maliketh since i dealt with this
Jori should have stayed a remembrance boss and not been backstabble.
I liked fighting him since he wasn't endless combo rollspam boss #63 but then I watched my friend fight him and just get free hits when he did that one ground-based spell.
Radahn's arena is so big that there's nothing outside of it within render distance. You can't even see the outside of Leda's arena.
Counterpoint: summonspam bosses are way less obnoxious when the boss is backstabbable. Imagine Eldest Black Rabbit Brother in Lies of P if you couldn't backstab the other 3.
Is this another Niall where once you start parrying it becomes a braindead steamroll?
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what if instead of PCR when you get to the Gate of Divinity pic related pops out and they have x5 health and damage and Holy AOEs after every attack and fight like the meme hard mod version?
I don't care about fights not being obnoxious. I'm not here to play 1v1 no items final destination.
at the very least you would get more porn
and then she pulls her tits out and lets you sucky big milky while she jerks you off and calls you a good boy my gooood i need this i want this so bad and the rot makes her milk pink and taste like strawberry protein shakes and you shoot big cummies all over her tits and face and and
Yes but tbf Rellana is not easy to parry
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I always bring backup
>No, games don't NEED to be fun
damn there's not enough air in the haligtree for all that
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honestly don't know what you're referring to here, the size of your nose and mouth?
I didn't backstab him and I had fun.
I had fun vs Godskin Duo before they were nerfed for you, Radahn too.
Every fight being the same boring honest 50 hit combo into one counterattack opportunity is not fun.
Should've been the twins together
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Just made this, hot from the forges
Is it cool?
bro's using a wooden plank
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How to get the aztec sword?
That's just an older macuahuitl kitbash I made, I'm not satisfied with the materials of the blades (they aren't sleek like obsidian, they are resized brick hammer heads) so I'm trying to find some new weapon in the DLC that has good materials I can pillage and reuse
Does her mdoel actually have a head under the helmet? Or is it custom made
theres nothing
This image along with >>492914535 made me consider a pitch black grug who swings a giant piece of wood and uses beast incants, yet I can't decide if it should be a femboy or type B.
Title would for sure be "masterless" and if I see a whip in PvP I'd make him do the balled up gesture.
Obviously it’s not perfect but you can still tell what they’re trying to do. Having the AI react to what you do is objectively better than having the AI just throw shit out at random.
How many hours did it take for you to learn the parry timings? That’s my issue with parries in Elden Ring, it’s basically impossible to parry things based on reaction so you’re forced to throw yourself at the boss over and over again until you memorize the exact timings.
Not necessarily. AC6 bosses don't blatantly read like ER bosses but are way more fun to fight. People constantly forget that the Souls gameplay formula isn't built for action games, it's built for slow RPGs where the combat is a vehicle for the world/story/build exploration moreso than the point until itself. It was built for DeS and DS1. ER is basically trying to mash DMC into this formula which is a bit like forcing a square peg into a round hole, hence why their attempts at making it more action-y are controversial at best. Fromsoft can make true action games, as seen by Sekiro and Armored Core, but it does require diverging from the Souls formula at a pretty basic level.
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>AC6 bosses don't blatantly read like ER bosses but are way more fun to fight.
You didn't play Armored Core 6. Ibis, Ayre, Walter and many other fights all use input reading heavily.
>People constantly forget that the Souls gameplay formula isn't built for action games, it's built for slow RPGs
You are a stupid retard
>ER is basically trying to mash DMC into this formula which is a bit like forcing a square peg into a round hole
No, you are just a stupid retard
>hence why their attempts at making it more action-y are controversial at best.
No, it's cretins that don't understand game design. The AI doesn't react to range or direction because Souls games aren't DESIGNED around lock on in the first place, which is one of their biggest strengths as you can move while winding up attacks, a unique system of action game casting that doesn't work in any other game
>Fromsoft can make true action games, as seen by Sekiro and Armored Core, but it does require diverging from the Souls formula at a pretty basic level.
They are all action games, you are just incredibly ignorant about how they work.
I need a build to genocide dragons. Can someone give me pointers on the best weapons, spells, and buffs to do this (other than dragonwound grease)
Pest threads / Pest thread spears will absolutely decimate dragons and anything big sized. S tier incantations both, and always reliable.
Dragon hunter great katana is tailor made for hunting dragons, as the name suggests.
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>be fromsoft
>make rolling happen on release of the dodge button
>holding the dodge button too long makes your guy sprint
Ibis ramping up her AI aggression in response to the player attacking her isn't remotely the same thing as ER bosses pressing KILL the moment you attack at the wrong time or use an item, and trying to equate the two exposes how you've got no fucking clue what you're talking about. In fact this difference is an excellent example of why AC6 bosses are good and ER bosses aren't.
sorry forgot to reply
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What the fuck are you talking about? We had acg threads complaining about Ibis, Ayre and AC fights input reading and even dodging out of attacks while staggered for months? How is agile enemies dodging attacks while in idle stance more "unfair" than this crap? You are trying too hard
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We had threads complaining about Balteus being impossible for months too. Post something like webm related in AC6 and I'll concede that both games have a similar issue with input reads.
Tell me some good dex/faith weapons
FTH mixes better with STR because from is retarded but Messmer's Spear is good
Bolt of Gransax?
thats a dex weapon
I am become... the kid named finger
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No, the only retard that doesn't know what he is talking about is (You).
Elden Ring AI will only react to the player from an idle stance, and the reaction are specifically slower reactable by the player on their own
Ibis and many main AC6 bosses employed massive amount of input reading, especially pre nerf.
You are just another retarded shitter crying about Elden Ring. Input reading is such a completely fair and well built in me chanic in enemy behaviour that you can reliably counter it, and Shadow of the Erdtree bosses don't use input reading at all yet you are still sharting your pants about them.
there's legitimately barely any real "mixed" weapons in this game. Almost all of them seem to scale the most from one stat.
Where things get weird is with Ashes of War.
Some Ashes of War scale off your stats instead of AR. For example, Halo Scythe's Miquella's Ring or Blasphemous Blade's Taker's Flame scale entirely off FTH, so while Blasphemous Blade has CCB scalings, leveling FTH gives you way better returns because it also powers your Ash, while leveling STR doesn't do that.
On the other hand, some Ashes of War scale entirely off AR, like Marais' Executioner Sword or Ordovis's Greatsword. These ones still benefit primarily from one stat, but leveling other stats still provide returns because the AR will still increase.
The biggest issue? You can't fucking tell ingame which one is which. This is why some weapon's ashes feel so fucking weird in their returns.
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>Le shazamfaggot /v/ webm
It was already so easy to tell you didn't actually play Armored Core 6, you are here for your epic shitpost
eat shit, retard
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You don't need to have played the game to internalize it. It's called inference.
bait don't reply
>Elden Ring AI will only react to the player from an idle stance
Anon I...
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You didn't play Armored Core 6
Everything in Elden Ring is viable and never you find yourself in a position where any enemy input reading makes the gameplay worse or unfair.
In Armored Core 6 you will have AC fights that straight up counter your builds with blatant input reading and you can't do shit about it except die and change builds.
>shitter hasn't played enough armored core to know that your posture bar stays red and you take bonus damage even after you recover from stagger (this holds true for you, the player, as well)
https://youtu.be/DKzUTsrxokE?si=yXZv3k73xXusel1M&t=74 (this is literally the first youtube video I clicked on to demonstrate this)
>can't even tell this isn't the same thing as the earlier webm of Ibis glitching out and getting off one solitary bullet before entering stagger for real
You're dumb as fuck and don't even know the mechanics you're trying to criticize. Although I can understand why you'd be conditioned to think the enemy AI doing things smartly is input reading if you're used to Elden Ring where that's all they fucking ever do.
Raven's AI reacted to that AA slower than a real human would do in PVP, if you think that's an instantaneous controller read than any boss doing literally anything at all also counts. Which is obvious BS.
Is this some elaborate bait?

Pretty nice 8/10
Which weapon has the Bloodhound Step ash?
The bloodhound claws, though you can also unlock the ash to apply to any weapon you want
Couldn't they still keep input reading with any other build?
I don't seem to have stumbled upon either yet.
Wanna know where they are?
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>shazamcord faggot /v/ shitposter
i think its the 3rd thread in a row you have a melty bro
Does anyone have a link to the shamcord?
How is this input reading?
>AI: I got hit. I should respond with a grab in case the player wants to follow up.
This is not an input read. Input reading is like when Godskin Apostle will just stand there doing nothing for 20 seconds like a DS1 skelly who's parry fishing until you either swing at him or throw a knife
Yes plz
They don’t tell you that shit because you’re not meant to minmax that autistically.
If from is 6 games in and still shocked to find out their players autistically min max every single aspect of their builds they are more retarded than the current state of Elden Ring would lead you to believe.
volcano manor
Whether they’re aware of it or not it’s clear that’s not what they want you to do.
They're right to ignore the autistic minmaxers because catering to them means the gameplay immediately degenerates into an autistic race to the autistic bottom that nobody's actually interested in.
The claw is in Volcano Manor, the skill to apply to anyrhign is it like northern half of caelid by the magic tower, kill the boss that shows up st night
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the webm is unrelated
knowing what your ash of war scales with shouldn't classify as "minmaxxing"
I've already been entirely through there. Would you mind being more specific?
Are both there?
Treespear is pretty good. Can't swap the ash, but still buffable with spells and resin despite innate holy damage. One of my favorites.
In the area where you meet all the npcs, one of the rooms has an invisible wall
Yeah, I've gotten all the way to Rykard.
The claw is dropped by the Bloodhound Knight behind the illusionary wall. The AoW is in Caelid north of Lenne Tower.
Did... you walk by the bloodhound knight huddled in the corner ?
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Reminder to thank Demon's Souls for starting them all.

>elden ring
>using heavily modified original Demon's Souls code (Feb, '09 PS3 release)
>Dark Souls 1 PC port (Aug '12) revealed the engine tied logic tick rates to frame rates (30 FPS official lock)
>Dark Souls 2 PC port (Mar '14) introduced 60 FPS support, but devs forgot to decouple durability loss calculation from frame rates. Playing above 30 FPS accelerated weapon durability reduction.
>DX11 titles like Dark Souls 3 (Mar '16), Sekiro (Mar '19), and Armored Core (Aug '23) can't flawlessly run at 60 FPS (stutters)
>Elden Ring officially locked at 60fps, with worsened stutters from inept application of DX12 shader compilation.
100% software/engine limitation on Fromsoftware's part.
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Who the fuck approved the evergaol in Ordina? What a fuking shit show. And I thought that the Snowfield area couldn't get worse.
I am of the firm belief that Gaius is a boss that can't be learned and is broken, not broken as in OP or similar, just broken because he isn't built right as a boss.
Fucked hitboxes, hitboxes that are too big just being the start and everything else coming with it.
Why go through all this trouble waiting for people to reply when you can just type “bloodhound step” into google and find exactly where it is in five seconds?
Yeah it’s dogshit. Having to do that and Nial every time I want to fight Malenia sucks ass.
Nta but I ask people on here because here is my friends and I like getting personalized answers/people's views
It's like asking someone what they're watching is about instead of just looking on wikipedia
I had trouble making a jump recently because when you hold the button while standing still you do a backstep.
What is there to “personalize” in the answer to the question “where do I find this thing”? I would agree with you were we talking about a question of opinion but when it’s a question with only one answer you’re just wasting your time by not googling it.
Idk I just like talking with people
>Nta but
Then don't answer.
I just thought I might be able to give a useful perspective as someone who does the same thing
Looks awesome
You know what anon I respect that
Nta but I appreciated his response althougheverbiet
>Nta but
Then don't answer.
Thank you, I've just uploaded it to Nexus but the file is still getting prepared for download, I guess they're having server problems...https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/6416?
I actually really like the improvised Macuahuitle's look. Just mod it in over a blunt weapon instead.
Thank you, it actually is over the stone club because I like the angry way the character swings it, very fitting for a savage macuahuitl. But as I said my only problem with it and the reason why I haven't uploaded it is that I'm not satisfied with the texture of the "blades" (since it's stone), I'd say I'm about 70% through the DLC so I hope to find a good replacement. Now that I think about it... I have checked out only the weapons for suitable materials but not the shields. Damn. Tomorrow I'm going to check them out up close, hopefully I find some obsidian-like material, who knows.
I have a feeling that a lot of yumes and tumblrinas project whatever traits they themselves find desirable in men onto Messmer
This is just waifu/husbando shit in general. Fromsoft characters are infamously blank templates with only a handful of core motivations fleshed out to give them a reason to eventually die or fuck off, but people have convinced themselves into thinking their headcanon of Ranni/Sellen/Rya/Messmer/Radagon etc are real
did from change something in the matchmaking?
I'm going through Raya Lucaria at 40 +3 somber and I'm getting matched with people using shit they shouldn't be able to at all, like someone with Bolt of Gransax (40 dex at level 40? as a spirit? how?)
For a RL1 run, is it a retarded idea to powerstance two straight swords, one infused with bleed and one cold?
Radagon Soreseal, Millicent's Prosthesis, etc. It's doable.
Sounds worse than just using 2x bleed or a weapon that can actually stagger consistently
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Why is Fromsoft's shitass netcode so fucking broken?
I only started engaging with the MP in the DLC and it's insane how much it sucks. I'm constantly getting "Unable to summon cooperator" or I'm getting put in insanely laggy matchups in the arena or just with summons/invasions.
indie company
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Damn I'm good
so does walking through the Gate of Divinity actually teleport you somewhere?
it closes the game and opens up Nioh so you can play a good game instead
If you want a serious answer they just don’t care, the multiplayer is clearly very low down on their list of priorities when making a new game and the fact that covenants were dropped altogether is just proof of this.
Have the servers been total shit today or is xfinity being wack
Why is Fromsoft afraid of crossbows/bows being good?
The repeating crossbow could have been a lot of fun but
>uses your entire stamina bar
>nerfs the fuck out of damage and status-build per bolt making it a resource hog
>doesn't work with alexander shard
Seriously why?
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The Blade of Miquella is filtering me hard.
Being able to deal damage at range in an instant is quite strong and needs to be balanced to accommodate for that
I keep getting "Unable to join session" and "Unable to Summon" errors today all day, is from shitting the bed
From's theory on game design is entirely "only these things can be broken" and it just so happens that "these things" are exactly what they balance the entire game around and want you to use almost exclusively.
Maybe back when enemies/bosses weren't as aggressive and had bigger windows of attack.
Also the repeating crossbow is anything but instant.
Just parry her and she literally can’t do fuck all but waterfowl
>running around with 20 vigor this late in the game
>she's easy except for the one thing that makes her insanely hard
What are the “these things” of Elden Ring?
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>godrick axe
>carian retaliation shield
>knight set
>whining about 'input reading'
yep, it's /v/shitter time
>grafted blade + greatshield
Yeah definitely a retard who dumped every point into STR since hitting play
Frost pot
Why is the myth that bosses can cancel their animations so prevalent? I have 2000 hours in the game and have never once seen this happen. I think people just make the mistake of thinking that a boss’s combo is set in stone and once they start the combo they have to finish it so if they suddenly stop the combo half way through they consider it “animation cancelling”
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Gravitational Missile spammers are worse and more cancerous than Stars of Ruin spammers.

There I said it. From, where's my nerf?
I honestly don't believe frost pots were a deliberately designed counter for waterfowl.
It's fine
Shut the fuck up you bitch
their engine being so controller brained you can't even map them to separate keys on PC is so annoying. when people ask what artificial difficulty is it's totally fair IMO to point to stuff like that
why the fuck did so many mod creators use these retarded load methods
thank god for modengine2
Neither is fighting without locking on. Who cares? If it works it works.
Hello my wife
Orphan of Kos is literally the only From boss I can think of that truly animation cancels because he has a low % chance to immediately cancel his stagger into an attack if he takes damage.
I just summoned some lads and obliterated her with moghs L2. Felt pretty good.
Whatever works
Which boss had the best theme?
The PvP is objectively bad, a couple of cheese kill webms won't change that
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Going my autismo quest to kill everything with a (mostly) zweihander light attacks and no shield. So I as a bad souls player find Morgh/Godskin Noble as the hardest yet. Horo Loux and Morgoth as a personal and fun fights where just two retards punching each other like a barbarians. No bullshit and a fair windows
Is doing leyendell rl +70 difficult? I’m skipping the exploration and going to straight to the bosses.
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Yes should be kinda hard.
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wait, I think I got it. There are fresh bodies on the floor where Miquella is and he's ascending to godhood, it seems to be the same location Marika is at in the trailer. It's NOT the area where we fight him in the final product, since those bodies are all dried out, and there are no stairs in either trailer (also, the golden light peaking out in front of Mairka matches the skyline of the base game). Marika and Miquella are both on the other side of the Gate of Divinity in the "divine realm" of all those Hornsent beasts (and possibly other divinities?).

That's fucking it. We were originally supposed to go through the gate to find Miquella. But that sequence was cut.
Dancing lion is in my top three of all fromsoft songs across all their games
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You are a complete retard, ACs and bosses randomly breaking stagger in 3 second is not intended
>Raven's AI reacted to that AA slower than a real human would do in PVP
No it didn't you stupid retard, if you try to kick it or melee it will pilebunker your ass with inhuman reactions, making it impossible for players to use melee on him unless staggered.
You still haven't provided a single evidence of input reading in Elden Ring being this oppressive and punishing. If Malenia or Margit stand still and I attack them with R1 I can dodge their reaction. Armored Core 6 bosses will actually frametrap you with them and it's a lot more about punishing rather than having the bosses keep you on your toes
Rune level does not fucking matter. I’ve played through the game with a character with max upgraded weapons but as low level as possible, only enough levels to meet the minimum requirements for what I wanted to use, and the game felt identical difficulty-wise compared to a normal playthrough.
Vigor does make the game easier though and not having enough end makes the fights feel longer if you aren't using a cheese build
You only need enough vigor to not get one shot, which is typically about 40. Anything more than that is basically playing with training wheels.
>it’s basically impossible to parry things based on reaction so you’re forced to throw yourself at the boss over and over again until you memorize the exact timings.
Pretty much. It just takes a lot of trial and error. I'm a weirdo so it's part of the fun. A side effect of all the trial and error and experimentation is discovering things about the boss you would have missed otherwise...like how I found out that after she does the carian glintblade launch and winds up for a simultaneous slash, you can parry that and it's pretty cinematic and satisfying when you pull it off, or the second phase magic wave attacks all miss if you get up in her face, and you can just spam attacks at her while she's flailing around.
Being able to survive trading with your ashes of war is just called better gameplay
Not the worst combos. When she casts carian swordshits be in her face. She's easy to stagger. Also easy to parry the backstab by her
If you need to take damage to get an ash of war off then you’re using the ash of war at the wrong time
My INT/FTH run has completely devolved into Carian Sword sorceries and Discus of Light (Since triple rings is in fucking Ephael and Radagon's is ass)
I basically cast nothing else but those
he clearly started charging the pilebunker before they even attempted to go for a melee, this is something raven is known to do, go for a wild pilebunker as a hard read if they think the player is gonna go in for a melee
Radagon’s rings of light is fantastic what are you smoking?
Yes, retard. Elden Ring input is 100% fair and actually godo for the gameplay
Certain bosses will automatically dodge certain attacks or punish the player, making those attacks reserved to punish their (usually super short) stagger windows
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No, stop talking about shit you don't know nothing about. The AI input read the melee attack and Raven begins winding up the pilebunker exactly when the player winds up the melee attack, you can actually see this happens right nefore the end of the dodge, as both move the arms.
There's nothing like this in Elden Ring
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Let's be honest here. Now that they have confirmed there will be no more DLC, how long do you give it before this general is merged back to /dsg/
the Elden Ring TV show will keep it alive
I'm the anon who started playing Sekiro for the first time not too long ago. Demon of Hatred is possible one of the worst bosses FROMSOFT has ever created. I have never been this annoyed fighting a boss before. Not even Elden Beast, Malenia, Radahn + Miquella, whatever. Even Bed of Chaos is better. This boss is the biggest nonsense ever. the whole game teaches you to deflect and use mikiri counter. This fight barely lets you use any of it. Then there is the terrible timing for the jump. These jump attacks are usually possible because you can hear the sound effect before it happens. But they give you a 1 second windows and the sound effect is drawn out by some loud, terrible music. Many of his attacks (like the jump, flame smash etc.) are only able to be dodged perfectly if you start running away immediately. There is no window for error, at all. Fuck this boss. I hope the final boss isn't this garbge, because it would honestly ruin my opinion of the game (I've been loving it so far, before meeting this fucking cunt).
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Both start the melee attack at the same exact time, it's like the player presses the input for both
Several AC fights pull off shit like thid and the whole gimmick is learning in which way you have to exploit them rather than actually fighting an opponent
Yeah, you're right, looks like he does input read that. I still think you're a bitch though lmao
I have not found myself in any situation where casting it would be better than Carian Greatsword, honestly, it just doesn't feel that useful compared to the rest.
Sekiro in general is bad and overrated, if you want a souls game about parry just play Lies of P
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I have like 800 hours in this game and this is my first time bothering to do this shit. At least I'll finally get to use the Moonlight Sword.
I have honestly been enjoying Sekiro so far, apart from a few very minor things (like this boss fight). I also do not like the way mechanics are introduced in this game. For example the mikiri counter. I didn't use mikiri counter once until I fought Genichiro (because I simply wasn't used to it and didn't need to). Then I learned to pull it off sometimes during that fight. Then, the next bosses, mikiri counter was fucking useless. I went on vacation for a few weeks and when I came back, I suddenly had to use it again fucking these late game bosses. But for 40% of the game before that I (again) never had to fucking use it. They need to make this shit more consistent. Demon of Hatred feels like a Dark Souls boss. Where I need to be able to roll, not deflect. So why put this piece of shit in Sekiro?
Messmer and Midra's themes clear the rest
Does anyone which version of the flower of texas is the erg version supposed to be synced to? The one I've found doesn't seem to match(ends too soon).
Also as an apparte, does anyone have a complete list of the erg songs(I've found durin's song, the mercenary song and the yellow rose of texas.
Messmer, Bayle and Miquella. Honorable mention to Rellana, Dancing Lion, Romina and Saint of the Bud.
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Regression is the pull of meaning; that all things yearn eternally to converge.
>Demon of Hatred is possible one of the worst bosses FROMSOFT has ever created
I’ve said this to myself about twelve different bosses only to finally beat them and think “you know, it wasn’t really that bad”
Demon of Hatred is good specifically because it challenges to play in a different way. You can also just use Suzaku Lotus, though.
Rellana theme is the best OST in any From game
I'm not "bitching", merely pointing out this faggot >>492920836 didn't even play Armored Core 6, because nobody can actually go through it without noticing how massively inout reads affects variius fights
I don't feel it's quite the same here. Many of the attacks are simply not fun to deal with. They require you to start running away the milisecond you see him jump / pull his arm up (which is always very annoying) and the music also makes it hard to hear the sound effect that plays when you have to jump (which also has a very tiny window).
That would be fine, if it was not Sekiro. But Sekiro already requires you to play very differently. Turning things around at the end just feels annoying and it is the first boss so far (I've already beaten the Owl (2x), corrupted monk etc.) and had no problems with those.
Godskin Apostle
If Demon of Hatred is giving you this much trouble, you aren't gonna survive the gauntlet where you're required to kill him every time you want to fight Inner Father. Just channel your inner Dark Souls or something and learn to dodge instead of deflect. Also, use the fucking Suzaku Lotus.
You're an absolute faggot. Elden Ring was my first FROMSOFT game (I usually only play strategy and FPS games) and I could beat the bosses just fine. I had no prior experience with Sekiro, DS3 or any of the other previous titles. I never even play fighting games like this. It was very hard for me to get into the game. But it I was able to learn and now it's one of my favorite games.
>muh input reading
This is 100x worse in Sekiro you absolute buffoon. Every time you press the heal button in that game, enemies teleport towards you and use a high damage pierce attack.
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>having never played a sorcerer or int character before
>want to play a "spellsword"-type character that primarily just uses "offensive support"-spells like phalanx with the occasional thing like carian greatsword or slicer
>start looking at which staff to use
>there's that many staves
what the shit is all this, do you nerds to this every game and just number crunch which one is the best one?
god int players are fucking nerds
I beat Elden Ring, DS 1-3 only using a zweihander with no summons, buffs or anything. I never got annoyed at any of the bosses. But Demon of Hatred is fucking annoying and I think some of the attacks are absolute dogshit.
literally just put in upgrade level and stats and it'll tell you which one will have the highest spell adjust
>If Demon of Hatred is giving you this much trouble, you aren't gonna survive the gauntlet
It's his first playthrough, so this is irrelevant.
I beat him with bleed backhand blades wearing full rakshasa armor and just abused blindspot to i-frame any remotely annoying move. I killed him with parries on my level 30 low level invader. For me the problem isn't the boss itself, it's the complete lack of visual clarity in phase 2. Phase 1 is fun, phase 2 makes me have to consider upgrading my PC because his big nuke drops me down to single-digit FPS.
I don't know what to tell you, man. Demon of Hatred genuinely is not THAT hard, most of his difficulty comes from forcing you to play differently. He doesn't have any 'problem' attacks that I can think of, unlike some bosses in Elden Ring.
I don't see how it being his first playthrough is relevant when I'm just talking about content he might do eventually
how shit is your pc, damn, mine is nothing spectacular and I can keep an over 30 fps on that shit ass attack
I beat Radahn with a Zweihander, no buffs, summons etc. and I didn't even figure out the "dodge to the left" part.
Florissax is my wife
I thought you linked https://eldenring.tclark.io/ at first, but I've never seen this website. That's useful, thank you.
What about his jump attack? And his fire slams? The timing on those seems to be pretty unforgiving. Either that, or I am simply too drunk right now. Which I certainly do not believe since I've only had two glasses of whisky and a few beers.
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And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder
One of the four beasts saying,
'Come and see.' and I saw, and behold a white horse
Honestly, I think I'll be looking back at this boss in a few days and think "that was alright". But right now I just want to strangle my neigbours.
I can't really comment on anything because I haven't played Sekiro in years, I just know that at some point I had the fight down to a science because going through it was required for Inner Father. You could try looking at a video and seeing how they deal with attacks that are giving you trouble.
It seriously does not matter, we’re talking a difference in damage in the double digits. You will not notice a difference between carian sword staff and rennala’s staff.
>Whoever is filthy let him be filthy still
You're welcome, but what I meant was that it looking like an improvised mix of scavenged wood and normal stone was something I enjoyed. Especially considering that the macuahuitl isn't really all that "savage" just one of the more efficient ways to use the materials.
>close to 13 years old CPU
>in a game where CPU does 90% of the work
I take this back. There are too many things about this fight that are absolte dogshit:
>badly telegraphed jump that is annoying to dodge because of the camera
>attack you can jump over has the sound effect barely audible for the first time during the whole game
>after you fail said jump attack you immediately get spammed with fire attacks
>every time you get under him and do an attack he stomps his feet, with not enough time to block if you press R1 right before you stomp
This fight is simply not fun. I think it won't even be that hard to beat it (I'll beat it faster than Radahn + Miquella or Mlalenia) but it is simply not fun to do so.
game's so dead I'm wondering why I bother staying at 150
Game as just as many players as 99% of the previous weeks you fucking drama queen.
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Miquella's butt...
They sure as fuck ain't playing outside of seamless cause it still takes one thousand years to get summoned to anything
If I go to NG+, do I have to reactivate the stakes or can I get summoned to places I haven't "visited" in my NG+ run yet? Like, can I get summoned for Malenia from my First Step grace in NG+?
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No, I don't need to reactivate them or no I can't get summoned to areas I haven't visited yet?
No to which question?
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Alright anons, we all have a weaponfu that will always take top spot, but let’s shake things up a bit with this question. What’s your weaponfu for each weapon category? If you don’t have a weapon for a specific category just skip it. Feel free to add what ash makes her work for you.
KGS my beloved with flame spear
>Colossal sword
FKGS with sacred blade
Horned warrior
Basic great katana with storm blade
Black steel with flame skewer
Longhaft with cragblade
Large club, also with cragblade
>colossal weapon
Anvil hammer
Scythe with yet more cragblade
Pata with poison flower blooms twice
Hookclaws with MORE cragblade. I swear it’s not an addiction, I can quit when I want.
>beast claw
Red bear
>Demon of Hatred charge attack
>gives you one milisecond to time your jump
>sound to warn you is barely noticable over the loud sounds and music
>it takes 99% of your health in one hit
Yeah, fuck this shit. I'm save scumming this boss to use every item I can. This is not fun. Not a single Elden Ring boss made me resort to shit like this. I completed all of Elden Ring without crafting, buffs, items, status effects etc.
The summon pools remain active for being summoned yes, but you have to reactivate them to summon people yourself.
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>more westslop after the westslop writing in the game already turned ER's setting into the most unapealling out of all Souls
He’s not that bad holy shit spend more time fighting him and less time whining here and you would have beat him by now
That is exactly what I would have done for any other fucking boss. Like the two owl fights or any other boss in Sekiro / Elden Ring / Lies of P / Dark Souls. This is the first boss in any of these games to make me genuinly mad, because he's poorly designed and goes against the entire fucking philosophy of the game. It is annoying, cheap and gay. Anyone who likes this boss sucks dick under the Queensboro Bridge.
Take a break and try again tomorrow, you’ll probably find it a lot easier with a clearer head
I can't be assed to divide it by class so I'll just list them own from which I remember
Codec Sword
Blasphemous Blade. No I'm not even sorry. Claymore
Fire Knight Greatsword. It was Godslayer's before the DLC.
Death Knight's Longhaft Axe
Patched up Euporia. Did not care about twinblades before that.
Bloody Helix
Banished Knight Halberd
How is archery so bad? It's like from a PS1 game, that instant arrow fall off at the end lmao like it's Mario game or something
is there a possible lore-related reason why Jerren looks just like Gael? let me hear your theories
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Long ass summon times only to be greeted by chinks. I think It's time for bed.
From soft really like pointy red hoods for some reason
What’s the issue? Why not fight them?
Can't wait for Elden Ring anime but some sort of spinoff like Cyberpunk Edgerunners
Yellowcel getting a taste of his own medicine.

Also does Seamless have random coop?
I want to try a coop build but vanilla sucks ass.
and yet i can play games like RDR2 with ultra on every setting because the game's actually optimized around GPU usage, as most games preferably should be. it's easier, albeit more expensive to replace a GPU because that's just a PCIe-slot, meanwhile your motherboard might not be compatible with a newer CPU which means you're falling down a rabbit hole of just getting five gorillion new parts to match your motherboard because you just wanted a new CPU
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>were it so easy
Alright, I did it. It wasn't pretty, but I got the job done.
I knew you could do it
I used some confetti and proshtetics, which made a difference. Me being drunk and tired also played a role in failing earier. Somehow, taking a break (and drinking more) helped me out. Anyway, in for a penny, in for a pound. I will see this through. Onto the last boss now.
>Onto the last boss now.
Enjoy the next four hours
Oh I've got enough beer and rum.
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Every single time right at this hp
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Finally. I like this fight, but this aoe stuff was such a pain. And I dont understand what to do when he do this scratch attacks on stage two. When he start to attack with his fingers like a cat
Juat spent 2 hours training parrying with someone
I only managed to get 1 parry
What do the nip words mean
Simply outskilled
Take it with a grain of salt, my Japanese is pretty ass:

Good morning, nii-sama
>Good morning, Malenia. your lunch box is ready
>There's some tea in there as well
[NIHI-] <stop>
You bought something with a... unique style, huh?
>because this thing has a nice ringing sound
I heard it but...
wait til you find multilayered rings of light in the dlc. I like golden arcs, too
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Oh. So she's not warning Miquella that if he wasted money, she'd spank his ass scarlet.
Disappointing, but thank you.
>Colossal sword
FKGS, GSGS before that
>Colossal weapon
golem's halberd
BHF and Dismounter (same moveset, Dismounter looks better, but BHF's skill is fun)
Godskin peeler
Crescent moon axe
Great stars
Grave scythe with flaming strike, but Winged is OK, too
Helice, Stitcher for infusable ones
+carian thrusting shield
+staff of the great beyond
morning star was useful, too, fast axe moveset is OK, too
the gacha game will keep it alive
<40 int - demihuman staff
41-68 - academy
68> - regal scepter
They literally did the Zanzibart meme with Midra
What's the Zanzibart meme?
Being able to understand and perform well in boss fight is nice, but pic bosses and no-hit opportunities are found in different games and genres.

The focus on bosses from both devs and at least a part of the community is not doing anything good for the genre imho. To me, the unique aspect of FS games and ER in particular is the unguided, free exploration. I can do more or less whatever I want, travel to whatever interests me, without handholding or obnoxious markers shouting at me that I need to do something.

Consider the DLC: you can start with any of the two legacy dungeons (up to your preference), or find shadow keep early, or start the Metyr quest, or go to Bayle, or just chill around the open world. This is great and resources should go into making the world, exploration and level design better, not into anime bosses or completely linear dungeons.
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I prefer going through more compact areas rather than an open world; I end up riding past 90%+ of the game's enemies because it begins to feel like a slog.
While I won't say I fought -every- enemy in my nth playthrough of the previous games, I definitely skipped a lower % of them and had less time wasted just collecting flask/scadu upgrades.
>Straight Sword
Godrick's. The I Command Thee Kneel is fun.
>Hammers, Greathammers, Colossals
The Envoy horns. I don't use any of them but they're funny.
The Pike is fun, I'm not actually a fan of it on it's own but it works well as an offhand with spectral lance on it.
Lucerne, I gotta pick halberd up again to try out since I dropped it early on but even if I use another one for some reason the Lucerne is just so goddamn pretty.
Caestus. Others might be better but this is as close as you can get to just punching people normally while having any real damage.
Lordsword, specifically shield bash. I've gotten a couple invasion wins purely due to this ash.
Not him but I had a 10 year old i7 5820k, then I upgraded to Ryzen 5 7600x, and my framerate only improved by around 5 FPS at best. I play at 1080p too. It's a GPU game.
NTA but the game is intensively more CPU and RAM-dependent than GPU. The vast majority of things in ER is very GPU lenient. The problem with Consort's attacks in phase 2 and why it tanks so many people's frame rates is because of the sheer amount of hitboxes it spawns. Pretty much every single particle requires it's own hitbox, and hitboxes are CPU-processes. Unless you're running raytracing, the GPU should barely be touched.
News coming in from miyazaki himself. He recently disclosed the canon ending for elden ring is your tarnished being brainwashed by miquella. The rest of the game is a hallucination, you're simply fighting for miquella as his champion while miquella takes his place as god and radahn as elden lord.
this ruse is invalid because this would imply that miyazaki can't stand on shaky ground and be vague about literally everything in his games. we all know his bullshit too well.
That is simply not true. The reason why it tanks framerate is that the engine is old and shits itself in some situations. For example, the waterfalls in Rauh ruins cause the framerate to tank for no reason, and it is not CPU. You can see that the game has barely any CPU usage compared to games like RDR2. And Radahn's lights or Ruah waterfalls don't cause any spike in CPU usage or clocks or temps or anything, it's an engine issue. Which can be mitigated with a more powerful GPU.
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>DLC introduces the idea of combining matching Ashes with the Night Twins
>Can't combine the top tier Greatshield niggas with their Archer counterparts
>Can't combine Cannon Imp with Twin Imps
Fuck off
>inb4 "bu bu 2 op!"
Mimic tear exists, Tiche exists, probably more I'm forgetting.
But can you have sex with Tiche?
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Only if you are Type A. All spirits refuse to have sex with Type Bs except, of course... the rotdog...
>3 magic spammers
>poison and rot]
>magic spam
Idk how anyone enjoys pvp in this game.
Pvp at the lower levels is cool because it's just basic weapons and stuff
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>people unironically defend bosses who can track 180 degrees
>people unironically like Messmer even though he can't die even at 0 HP when he's doing his autistic snake flailing
>people unironically defend PCR
>people unironically defend delayed rolls
>people unironically defend anime moveset bosses
What the fuck kind of money's paw curled for this nonsense
..how did that first strike hit you?
this single input makes the game twice as difficult as it really is
most people can read opponent's moves normally and press the button accordingly, but not always release it in tine
also, why does ac get separate inputs for walk/sprint, dash and turbocharge, but none of the souls got it?
even sekiro got the dash on the press and then sprint if you hold, although dashing is nowhere near as useful as a parry or mikiri
Dark Souls 2 ahh hitbox
Dodge on release rather than press combined with the ridiculous windups completely fucks the combat. You have to press the button before the actual attack comes out because you don't roll until you release, but if you press too early then they just rollcatch you. And add on to this the awful input queueing system that seems to just be completely random and inconsistent which accounts for a majority of the "panic rolling" that Fromsloppers accuse new players of. "Panic rolling" is a natural human reaction to the game seemingly ignoring your inputs due to them getting stuck in a queue or being mistimed because of bad controls.
He is right.
The meme is funny though.
Messmer is objectively one of the Top 5 best bosses in Souls games, sorry boy
dodging waterfowl is not as difficult as it seems
i was scared shitless of it on my first playthrough, but decided to try learning it on the 2nd and unless she starts right above you (i can't into the spinning thing yet), it's not very hard
i still don't dare do it on the second phase though, freeze pots all the way
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who is the xev bellringer of elden ring
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>long ass ladder
>Me and my dude are on the bottom
>invader on top
>if we try to go up, he will, knock us down for an insta-kill
>if he tries to go down, we knock him down and blender him
peak game design
>stormveil castle
>shaded castle
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It's like I'm back in /tv/
if you respawn bosses with CE, do they still drop runes and remembrances?
..if you are a fujo or yume.
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Wtf is that filename
Thank you for specifying that there's a difference
Part of me hopes Godwyn wasn't using a specific weapon or his weapons kept on breaking so he went and threw hands against the dragons. Like Beowulf beating up Grendel with his bare hands.
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i fucking hate this piece of shit gay faggot
fuck you miyazaki
Basic bitch longsword
>Colossal sword
Estoc, 2 handed, R2-Feint attack
Milady, cold infused with carian sovereignty. Pretty much my fav in the game right now.
Carian glintblade staff
4chan filename + my own tag to help me find it in my folder
That one ladder on Mount Gelmir with the falling star beast at the top. Had that happen to me as an invader once and it sucked.
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>be skilled and educated in tons of weapons
>still prefer to use your bare fists
He would be a mix of daddy and pic.
>even more cut content
>still prefer to use your bare fists
He preferred to use his fist because he was so strong his weapons would break when he used them.

Such is the life of a STR build.
no one does, online is pretty much dead. thank from for being retarded at balance and cattering the game for shitters.
I still don't understand why miquella made his feet so smooth when he became a god. Why?
B-But I was told there was no cut content!!!
Damn, Marika looks like THAT?
>became friends with dragons
>one dragon loved him
>may have married one
>theres a possibility that a dragon was turned on by a shirtless, sweaty, godwyn wrestling it into submission
Shes more of a ''we have the ressource already made so might as well use her'' type of bosse.

Perhaps she was even a new knight type of mob from which they ultimately decided to use it a boss, like Mogh was.

Castle Ensis has 0 (zero) new ennemies
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Feet too weak. Buff please.
>he thinks memorizing a boss movesets mean you will definitely enjoy the fight
Do you fags never encounter a boss where you memorized the movement patterns and still don't enjoy it?
Funfact she also has an unused model AND there's a vid up of her and romina with unused voice lines
"In my new body I'll make sure my feet are smooth"
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Beating him is one thing. Even doing multiple times doesn't make many of us enjoy him. The hitboxes are janky, the animations lazy and uninspired, and the second phase is made many of our computers lag to the point people make mods removing some of the effects.

lag is part of the difficulty
Yeah, he kicked my ass a few times so I moved on and forgot about him.
I prefer conversation with frens to talking to google.
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>was so excited about the arrogant Messmer and how Miquella will deal with Mesmmer
>turned out that Miquella is too busy reviving his dead homo boyfriend while Messmer was just a depressed boi with mommy issues
eh at least Marika and Messmer lore was good.
I don't like the marika lore because I don't understand why that tree is called grandmother or why it looks so similar to marika herself.
I haven't got the dlc, but from what I've seen and heard I'd also probably start nuking places with rot after a dozen tries.
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Discuss guns.
Are dragons just subs for people who beat them up/screw with them in some way? The dragon lady begs you to be her lord after you drug her and ruin her life
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>tried to beat the DLC with his build
>gave up and picked up the great katana instead
I am sorry, Isshin-sama
>Igon is dead after fighting Bayle because he died of exhaustion having sex with Bayle.
This is why igons body is missing from the waist down. Bayle raped igon and crushed his pelvis with his massive dragon ass and cloaca and now igon is malding
I'm on PS4 and what made me cheese it were the loading screen between each attemps. He has deals a ton of damage with little downtime between attacks that getting hit, especially if you dont have memorized his ENTIRE moveset, meant pretty much death, or at least getting stuck into a heal-get punished-heal pattern.

Hes one of those Elden Ring bosses where beating it feel more like an ordeal.

You get to a boss fog and you're like ''here we go again''. This is worsened by the boring level design of everything post Stormveil as if they tought that ebin boss fights would make up for it but to me its a big downgrade to earlier games.
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That explains why Placidusax is so passive if you die and attack him again. He doesn't see you as an enemy, just a spouse candidate.
Why is this guy hanging a meme? Did Saber cuck him? She wouldn't do that.
Bro Rakshasa is fuckin me up
For some reason, a lot of these bosses I don't feel satisfied beating. Rather, I just give the monitor a middle finger and move on.
>nearly every damn thing in the lands between/shadow is turned on by strength
Is elden ring a secret dating sim
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cucked him with Archer
thats not from the artbook
>Dear Tarnished, beat my past husbands up if you want to consort me.
>Nah, I transferred my soul to a doll to become a living fucktoy for you.
>I'm laying with this dead fishman demigod.
Sabah would never do this.
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caught red handed
There's nothing wrong with eating soup though.
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what about this?
Massive marikafag
Violently dislike radahn, miquella, and malenia
Dislike their fans even more
Didn't want godwyn to have a major role in the dlc
Wanted more dragon lore
Like carians(not radahn) and wanted to see one of the other two of the potential "three sisters" of rennala
Like mohg's cult and wanted more from them
Dlc releases
More marika more making her based
Least favorite characters got shat on and their fans mald even now
Got cool dragon lore and an explanation for placi's heads
Godwyn not in the dlc besides his root spreading and knights
Got the best npc in the dlc as a mohg cult member
Got a sister of rennala

I won. I'm happy. This is my favorite dlc
Because the real ennemy is not the boss but the game devs and their self masturbatory mentality of overdesigning their boss fight because they fell into their own ''prepare to die'' meme from way back in DS1.

And the cost of that is a very boring overworld exploration without any environmental challenges that would give the challenge of the bosses fights some perspective and buildup. Its in fact so boring that its better to run past everything.
Rellana is pretty meh though. Big booba is nice though.
Isn't archer literally him? Is it cucking if you show attraction to an alternate version of your girlfriend?
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Reminds me of how God of War decided not to make Baldur this wimpy borderline femboy whose mommy made everything (except mistletoe) promise not to harm him and died INSTANTLY mistletoe struck him. Instead, they made him this Connor McGreggor lookalike who tamed a dragon after beating it with his bare hands.
I don't even know any fates dudes other than GILGAMESH and that not!Alexander.
The problem is that he hate the alternate version of him. They piss each other off just for being in the same room.
It's not. It is cucking if you start dating her older sister that she hates behind her back though.
Numen reproduce by budding. There were 2 other Marikas before her
soup is poors people food
If that's true that explains marika and radagon having the two kids despite being fused. They just bud them out. Wouldn't that make malenia and miquella technical clones of their parent(s)?
Malenia is female radagon and like how radagon was potentially affected by the fell god somehow after birth malenia was affected by the rot god. With radagon's intense loyalty for the golden order being replaced in malenia with loyalty towards miquella
Miquella is male marika, with the dlc paralleling them. It also means miquella intended to have kids with radahn
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My own theory is that, when a god dies in ER, his body/soul create lesser beings. The Grandmother was the god that engendered the Numens and as such Marika.

I also believe that Gods themselves can create lesser being from their own flesh/parts.

This is very similar to the Bunrei concept from Shinto, which believe was Miyazaki's inspiration.
You prefer salad?
Okay, let's go off of the "marika rebus" thing
If thats the case, and marika and radagon seemed to have only had two kids post godhood(messmer is definitely older and melina is likely older but not as old as messmer) and alchemy which is a basis for the rebus thing, and alchemy is just fantasy chemistry, and that chemistry often produces an intended product and waste after.

Doesn't that mean miquella was the intended product of marika's birthing kids with radagon and malenia is just the waste product?
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I wish it was worth using more spells in boss fights
for the DLC it was really only viable using Ranni's dark moon to open, glintstone Icerag to keep the frost up and glinstone dart/comet for damage
everything else takes too long to cast and/or has shit range or doesn't do as much damage per FP
>It also means miquella intended to have kids with radahn
But why did he chose Radahn, the Godfrey wannabe, rather than Morgott, the actual Godfrey kid who beat Radahn practically naked?
people been saying this for a long ass time now bro
Morgott is too strong willed to get charmed.
I do believe this.
Its likely why messmer and melina's father isn't mentioned. Or how melina is confused at bocc's behavior and wonders if people born of a mother like he was all act that way. It would make sense if messmer and melina just spawned from marika. While her other kids were born more naturally.
Because Miquella is a stand in for Griffith and Radahn is a stand in for Guts.

Miyazaki just made the dream of Berserk fans(all homos) real.
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And I want a Miyako route. We can't have everything we want.
>implying Morgott would let Miquella usurp Marika
Malenia and Miquella are incest babies. Malenia has a bad immune system and is physically rotted. Miquella's mind is rotted because he's a dumbass.
>kill guy in dragonfrom
>death animation shows him in full Solitude armor
Here we go again.
>My own theory is that, when a god dies in ER, his body/soul create lesser beings.
This made me think, a lot of people believe people are born from trees in elden ring due to those engravings of babies being born from trees. But if numen, or gods, can create beings from their bodies post death/treedom. AND those engravings being associated with a potential offshoot of the numen people, the nox, wouldn't it make more sense if that engraving wasn't saying everyone was born that way, just the numen as they aren't human like everyone else but weird fae-like people with flesh that can meld
This is true.
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Then who is Gennon and who is Donovan?
Note that miyazaki said the dlc was fulfilling some of martins work on the story of elden ring he wrote up
If this is true
Martin likes writing about mentally ill people born from incest in some way, and occasionally deformed people born from it. He also likes writing morally good characters either being corrupted, being screwed over due to how good they are, or being outwardly good people that are actually terrible deep down or are sexually depraved rapists.

This fits miquella to a t
>numen are clay people
>that's why their flesh can meld together easily
>that's why Godrick can graft random body parts on himself
>that's why Marika can create Radagon and fuse back again
>the claymen in Siofra and Ainsel are actually what remains of the numen
Holy shit this actually a super solid theory. We better hide it before Vaati sees.
>sibling incest
>mad king
>white hair
This is how I Targaryen.
>ywn get an ending where you marry malenia instead of the cheating statue or murder doll
>ywn get an ending where you find a way to halt or potentially cure malenia of the rot
>ywn get an ending where you and malenia adopt millicent and give millicent new siblings that won't hurt her
I'm glad the quest ended with me getting to kill Ymir. Stupid annoying faggot
>While her other kids were born more naturally.
My schizo theory is taht Marikla had ONE natural child, and that child got Jar'd by the hornsent. Which triggered everything that came after.

But karma being real in ER, the karmic response of her evil act was that ALL her child were cursed in some way. And her trying to undo causality (the relation between act and consequence in a Karmic sense) just amounted to her digging a deeper hole.

The reason she sent Messmer to the shadow land, as we learn from the description of his armor, was that by genociding the Hornsent himself they would direct their curse towards him and not Marika, Messmer acting like a Karmic lightning rod. The logic being that, since her betraying the Hornsent was the ''first'' of her sin, undoing it would liberate her from all others by breaking the link of causality.
That also explains the look of the nox with their grayish skin, and why marika/radagon post shattering losing their human coloration and having a damaged clay look to them
>Tarnished, as part of our accord, you must fuck my mom.
>No! You must use this needle you gave me and save my mom and fuck her instead!
Is that why rellana and messmer never hooked up despite her infatuation with him and her shield being in his keep? He knew his kids would be fucked up abominations?
>claymen dissolve into formless blobs when killed
>silver tears are formless blobs while dormant but can take human shapes
Does it mean anything?
this is a cope since before that no one bothered about whatever the fuck grrm wrote
I dont beleive people are born from ''tree'' directly, those incription are simply allegories to a family tree.

The average joe is most likely born the common way, but Gods like Marika and even demi gods like Malenia can engender beings like (respectively) Melina and Milicent.

Marika, in her quest to become the one and only gods, went on a god killing hunt and took the attribution of defeated gods within herself. This is why all of her childs have difformities since they are born form a specific part of the new divine composite that is Marika.
My favorite asoiaf theory is that due to whatever blood magic the dragonlords of valeriya used on themselves, if they stop inbreeding their genes become more fucked up.
If you look at all of the targs that were born, there were only a handful that were genuinely insane with the only insane ones and the most known stillbirths happening coming after 1-3 generations of them outbreeding with groups without valyrian blood.

Basically Targ dna is being held together by magical ducktape due to how inbred they are, and much like hyperinbred groups irl that weren't super deformed, like the sentinel island people, if they outbred their genes would start fucking up. Idk why it's so funny to me.
The Nox were essentially trying to create the next step in Numen evolution. Instead of clay they would be like Mercury, able to easily take any form and reproduce in a instant.
What does that say about Jon's future as the Prince that was Promised?
The nox were trying to do the same thing the old dynasty did but with fuck yeah science.

This is why all Nox inventions have their natural counterparts in the shadowland like the larval tear.
If Godwyn is supposed to be some mix of Hel and Baldur, then is the later versions of the stories having Baldur return after Ragnarok like some Christ-figure supposed to be the Duskborn Ending?
>Note that miyazaki said the dlc was fulfilling some of martins work on the story of elden ring he wrote up
he said Miquella's story is his [Zaki's] way of honoring GRRM
I think the "bran becomes king and Jon is left a broken man and has to live with the wildlings over the wall" from the show is his ending.
I say this because, d&d had one of martin's earlier plans for how the series would end but for things like daenerys' madness, blowing up kings landing, and death, to arya ending the threat of the others d&d claimed full responsibility for and explained why they did it. With Martin even saying people that died in the show would live in the books and vice versa. And Martin is an old hippie, a draft dodger who, when he was younger, was part of those leftists that genuinely believed soldiers who came home from Vietnam wouldn't be able to integrate into society properly and would have to move into the outskirts of society. That's essentially how Jon ended up in the show. So I think that's what Jon's fate is.
We also know that when Martin was coming up with the story, one of the early things he wanted was for bran to be the main character and more importantly for my theory, the guy to sit the throne at the end.
Reforged's parry makes the game so much more fun :)
Show Jon is basically the new Mance Rayder in being the King Beyond the Wall. One could even argue he does the Night's Watch a better service keeping Wildlings in line that way than anything he can do at the Wall.
Haven't played since the dlc update, what'd they do with thebdeflecting hard tear? Since like the parry in reforged was like already pretty much just a more well designed version of thebdeflecting hardtear
No. If there's ever a sequel, the still around soul of mohg will possess the body of godwyn and become mohgwyn and act as a messiah like figure for many as he already had with his blood cult
>it's an engine issue. Which can be mitigated with a more powerful GPU.
if it was an engine issue then it would literally be a cpu issue not a gpu issue, the graphical framework has next to nothing to do with the engine. the game had the same issues in ds3 and back then it was an engine issue stemming from the engine bottlenecking the cpu and elden ring runs on a barely updated version of the ds3 engine.
>it's complete shit and fails to meaningful conclude half a dozen already established plotlines and instead hard pivots for some fanfiction level heel turn that was never hinted or built up
Did Miyazaki only watch the show? Did he actually like the show's ending?
Man what a grim fate. What do you think happens to Stannis in the book?
havent gotten there yet. started a fresh game with the update, and cba to read patchnotes
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Not yet there yet. His one appearance in Winds of Winter's preview chapters had him be a complete badass though.
Yeah. I'd also like to add Martin mentioned a "second dance of the dragons" multiple times, it's likely how dany's kids and possibly her and gonna die in the books, not going crazy and getting stabbed.
I genuinely hate how they handled daenerys' madness. Or Jon's aversion to her after learning he was her aunt since we have family trees related to the north with cases of niece/uncle marriage. And that varys/tyrion thing about dany not being able to wed jon to form "marriage pacts" with other houses, despite most major houses at that point being so devastated, a bastard loyal to the starks and obsessed with one had to be legitimized, and the reach given to some random sellsword. At that point in the series the north was the only major faction where they didn't have a reason to be loyal to daenerys post cursed, had an independent spirit growing since nedd died, and had an eligible bachelor who happened to be their king, meaning if they wed they'd have gotten the north and thus nearly half of westeros back with daenerys. Hell, we even were given rhaenerya as an example of a queen regnant with a king consort and a jahaerys as an example of a king that ruled equally alongside his queen, and those are dany's ancestors, so even the "shed have to give up power if he married jon" idea is also wrong and has in universe historical precedent against that, It's just all so stupid and forced and illogical based on what we know of the shows world and characters.

Okay back to elden ring and not being off topic

Will mohg in godwyn's body go by MOHGWYN
Every catacomb having a bigger and bigger cannon imp each time is genuine From humor
D&D confirms he burns Shireen in the books, but going by the preview chapters and his comment that Stan isn't dead at a fan convention, he probably does this in an attempt to counteract the Others after winning the Battle of Winterfell, rather than being killed by the Boltons there.
Apparently it boosts imperfect deflections to make them more like the perfect Ines
This is the opposite of what the game's text says (Malenia's Great Rune). Malenia was supposed to be the most sacred demigod of them all.
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>Morgott gets rezzed in a non-Omen's body and defends the Golden Order remnants against this threat
Yeah and the hodor thing too. I actually even think tyrion giving a targ bad council that leads to many deaths is true to the books too. Unlike the show where it's just tyrion being a genuine retard to the point where the actor was even dissapointed(most of the actors were with season 8 lmao) in the novels tyrion is vengeful and hate-filled with martin even calling him evil before. I think tyrions horrid advice for Griff and/or Dany in the books will be his own doing out of pure spite for many in westeros.
>new level up girl will be revealed to be morgott in the discarded body of ranni mimic veil'd to look less burned he's keeping alive through sheer willpower and spite to stop his brother
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I mentioned this on day fucking 1 and you faggots all told me I was a faggot for just thinking/contemplating it.

That one gaol beneath Bonny village also contains literal eternal city architecture… and is cold…

BUT DON’T MIND ME. I’m just being an observant fellow…

Fuck all of you, honestly. You think you’re so fucking smart, eh? Like it wasn’t at all already fucking obvious?

Rogier literally states Marika is a Numen of the Eternal Cities.

It is clear that the Hornsent dug them up or something, or maybe the Numen had already left the underground and started again. As “scions”, it might be ironic if the former royalty were now treated as mesh to abuse and cut up.
Tyrion's lived a fucked up life. He spent all of it thinking nobody besides Jamie would love him and that the only consensual female attention he'd ever get is through whores. Then it turned out Tysha was for real and Jamie knew it.
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Is this all actually true?
Take your meds, your reddit is showing.
Inquisitor Jori gave me MASSIVE trouble on my NG+7 run
Founding Rain of Stars was named Goliath’s Rain of Stars in the original version of the game.

The original astrologers were giants.
Is it the fatso he summons?
How active is Seamless Coop at RL 200? Is it mostly for friends to play together or do you get summoned by randoms as well?
Also, are hosts itself semi-competent or are they just as retarded as the hosts in vanilla?
I see gold signs everywhere and I’m 179
Zero, it's not for playing with random yeah the whole point is to let you play with a group of people, you have to set a password
They said seamless
Does magic work the same way in asoiaf as it does in elden ring?
Tons of Elden Ring is inspired by ancient beliefs on alchemy. Gold was said to be pure and all, thus unalloyed gold's powers. I wouldn't be surprised if there's much chemistry involved.
Not sure, I never read those books and I never played that game.
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No, but also yes, and also no.
ASOIAF is far more conditional and often much less effect. Martin keeps the fantasy weaker because he once asked if a wizard can say words and destroy an army, what's the point of the army?
I like how Warhammer solves this, in that the writer threatens to kill himself in front of you if you question it
He doesn’t like consistent or reliable magic, as that’s not really magic to him and more like science to be taken for granted, like it is today. The essence of magic is mystery and wonder and horror. No different from Victorian physicists that had poked at radiation, or the Chinese of history insisting that sipping mercury will make you live forever.

There are prices to pay, and magic works like an asshole. You see this element in the game, in the case of the magic being costly or risky to the human condition.
I denied it because I tried flirting with you and you rejected me
post it again but without crying
A bit everything since it does immense damage on NG+7. I ended up just summoning since it was more fun than dealing with fatso, although I never summon otherwise.
>in the case of the magic being costly or risky to the human condition

Frenzied flame turns your eyes into melty mush that maaaay pop or just leak out of their sockets, or worse.

Glinstone is a parasitic silicon substance from space that slowly takes over brains and even wildlife, and for some reason it grows like a plant.

Dragon communion involves consuming dragon hearts (considering they’re coated in spikes this probably ruins the gut) and this may or may not end up giving you an excruciating existence 24/7, or turn into a fucking giant lizard in constant agony.

Giant’s flame and its lesser paler flames are all apparently maddening to look at (like the red priests of Game of Thrones) and for some reason this gives them all dreams/visions of the Erdtree burning? It is like a cult up there, the fire guardians.

Bloodthorn sorceries also consist of your eyes being pierced by thorns. Yeowch.

Oh, and learning Bestial incantations has a small chance of you being mauled by your beastman teacher.

Gold related incantations are only good on the surface, as the Erdtree is a rather sinister organism.
Warhammer solves this by making wizards rare and weak. A high-level wizard on the tabletop is basically equivalent to 2 cannons.
Named characters, the Slaan, Lords of Change, and more say no.
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This is why seeing people use several different forms of incantations makes me laugh. It’s like being a Christian and a Buddhist and a Muslim and a Zoroastrian and a Jew and a Druid and a Satanist all at once. You can’t do that. At least when it comes to sorcery things are a bit more consistent (it’s all glintstone) while when it comes to religion… this is going to be an argument starter…
Considering intelligence precedes faith, it may be possible to fool faith, like Gideon, who treats it as just another facet of lore, or knowledge, to absorb. Only a sorcerer would truly connect it all together, too.
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Faith is also devotion and loyalty. In a weird way, you're a very committed polygamist.
Why were there no frogs in Elden Ring?
I know, I just got bored halfway through writing rhe sentence
Also unless it's total war where half of all new characters are melee spellcaster hybrids
In these games magic comes from the same overall shit. The main difference is how you harness it be it faith or intelligence. This was explained in demons souls and dark souls. Turtle pope alludes to this in elden ring and so does ymir
How are glintstone sorcerers not religious esque cultists themselves, though? They worship stars. It’s just intelligence driven like the grand archives in DS3. Ymir is a ‘high priest’.
>intelligence precedes faith
This. You NEED an intelligent mind to do anything faithful at all.
Yes, except faith tards are religion tards, so like to pie slice everything into neat little boxes. “No that religion is bad, ours is good”. Meanwhile academics are just like “oh just shut the fuck up and solve it”, as opposed to “oh just shut the fuck up and worship it”.
If sorceries draw from int
If incantations draw from faith
Eldritch stuff if Bloodborne is any clue
Cute, nice to see not every artist developed a rapid hatred for Mickey
>In these games magic comes from the same overall shit.
They made it more apparent than ever in Elden Ring, especially with all the physics nods—glintstone and the Erdtree’s amber being interchangeable lifeforces. Sellen’s amber metaphor, sacrificed blood turning back into red glintstone, Metyr’s staff, etc.
I'm still sad pic related completely stopped drawing Miquella.
Don’t pay much attention. All magic is supposed to be arcane/mysterious as a point of it. That’s what makes magic, well, magic. They just sucked at the magic this dlc, sadly, and the finger sorceries were apparently supposed to be arcane + intelligence, before being changed at the last second. Had they made more spells, they likely would have stayed that way.
>its real
Where's the proof
>All magic is supposed to be arcane/mysterious as a point of it
I don’t understand why they called the miracles incantations in the game either, since you *hear* sorcerer enemies doing just that: incantating sorceries. What the hell.
I don't like ranni because her face looks like a blue version of my half sister who's a massive bitch and is half black.
Why is Metyr’s staff so shit when the other int + faith staves have better scaling than fucking Lusat’s if you level both int + faith equally? What gives?
I tried doing magi/faith but it still sucked ass with the mother staff I think it's only viable if you do it with exclusively fire sorceries and incants that way you can just have the fire scorp charm and fire giant talisman on the offhand

I just went back to using cold sorceries with ranni's hat and staff
I can tell you're brown.
Be nice to your sister, anon
No she beat me up as a kid and molested my friend and he stopped being my friend after.
I am actually a pasty white boy. I’m just questioning why one int+faith staff is so broken while the other is so weak.
Proof? Show penis
That's not good but did you never try atleast fighting her back or trying to kill her or beating her up yourself? I know I tried to murder my sister when we were little by bashing her brains in with a toy set we had, but ended up stopping after hitting her because I realized I'd obviously get caught and in trouble, but just beating her up you never tried?
Do sorcerers crush/grind glintstone and snort it like magic crack cocaine? Is this why Azur and Lusat are the way they are?
She was older than me and bigger. By the time puberty kicked in for me she moved out.
I mean I'm still pretty sure you could've found a way but that's fair
That's messed up, anon. I hope you're doing alright.
Victim blaming doesn't help anyone.
What? I'm not blaming anyone, I was more asking an unrelated question about if anon ever tried killing her, unrelated to the other thing
>Victim blaming doesn't help anyone.
You cant absolve all personal responsibilities on account of being a victim anon.
Because Metyr staff act as both a staff and a seal.
Trina is pretty much pre-DLC Miquella in the fandom view so it's not a surprise people would rather draw her with Malenia than canon Miquella with how badly their relationship was mangled. I've noticed an uptick of Miq/Mal fics though, probably because people are still seething about the actual story
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>mfw I write such a story
Y-Yeah, funny, hahaha...
No matter what, I could never make a bleed build
Not even close. Elden Ring is high fantasy while ASOIAF is low fantasy. Magic in that story is incredibly rare and basically went extinct for a while before suddenly returning during the events of the book series. Specifically it's the coming of a red comet that seems to cause people to be able to use magic again so it may be related to Elden Ring in the sense that magic is bestowed upon mortals by some celestial force rather than being some innate ability people are born with like in other fantasy.
I'd love to read it.
Faith isn't like religion, it's more like Warlocks in DnD where you're invoking some otherworldly entity to grant you power. Most of the otherworldly entities are so distant from mortals that they probably don't give a shit about concepts like loyalty or exclusivity.
High Fantasy means that it has elfses and dwarfses, so isn't Elden Ring pretty low fantasy?
No you don't. I wrote Trina to be Miquella's attempt at escaping Marika's influence on him, and the more I think about it, the more it feels like how an abused kid would cope with his horrible family.
And it's way too heavy for something meant to be a fetish fanfic about Miquella getting spanked over and over.
Yes, and Int is for sorceries and Faith is for incantations. All the other int+faith staves have excellent scaling.
Traditionnaly, ''high fantasy'' starts with stuff like Conan, where the reader is transposed into a fantastic made up world, while low fantasy are stories where the fantastic elements intrude on everyday lives, like ghost stories or even Lovecraft stuff.
Faith defines religion. It’s what makes it indistinguishable from magic. Truth is not a requirement. All religion is a stage.

Warlocks and Clerics are also indistinguishable in real life history, and it’s the same with Clerics and Wizards.
Yes but you cant use the same tool to cast both. Thats the point
That’s not high fantasy that’s traditional Tolkien-esque slop. High fantasy either means “it takes place in a different world” or “it’s high magic”. For some reason fantasists cannot agree. This alone makes fiction/fantasy indistinguishable from religion. “Well, in MY setting…”. And what is religion at the end of the day? A story. Star Wars today is a parallel of the old and new testaments.
No high fantasy just means it's very far from reality. Low fantasy is basically just regular human history but with a few fantastical elements like dragons, ghosts, or a little bit of magic
warlocks and clerics are indistinguishable from combat medics

Alsy the Staff of the Great Beyond is very competitive at the 50/50 breakpoint, which is an important milestone.
It’s not much of a point then, because all I need to do is have a seal in the other hand. It’s not that much of an advantage. You’re just pressing one button instead of two now. You still have to scroll through spells. Using the same catalyst for all of the magics doesn’t actually make it faster.
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If you don't want to share it, that's alright and I completely understand. But nothing you've said about it bothers me. I'm more into heavy, deep dive fanfics than fetish ones, honestly.

I'm working on one myself, about my Tarnished. But progress has been slow.
>And I dont understand what to do when he do this scratch attacks on stage two.
Same as every other troublesome move bosses have, roll behind them rather than away from them.
Fine, here you go: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57403414/chapters/148949542
It's just a single chapter, but I'm writing another one about Miquella confronting Trina about her acting on her own, so it's going to have more spanking.
Don't expect anything too deep, it's still smut, and I actively try to avoid getting deep because I seem to be fascinated by tragedy and whatever I write always turn into emo pretentious crap about how life is horrible and death is a mercy, but we only get one life anyway so why not try to enjoy it despite everything.
Must be because I'm French, we're the country consuming most antidepressants per habitant.
>than being some innate ability people are born with like in other fantasy
This exists in asoiaf too, but it’s more so circumstantial, or playing with fire/beasts.
Having to do one less action is a lot when you're fighting bosses with infinite combos that one shot
….it’s not one less action is the point…..
……….you are using your left finger instead of your right finger……
Having to switch to a seal is a action, retard.
so did the mother of fingers just get used to birth the fingers the greater will uses and then abandoned in the shadow realm?
Except when it’s already out? Nahhhh. You also have to switch to a catalyst if it’s not out either, retard.
We don't know
you can press the attack button to cast an incantation on the main hand
it's still shitty though because you need to make sure you press the right button for the right spell
No, the Nox wounded Metyr, or killed its child or husband, idk. It was broken, and discarded, and then the Greater Will sent the Elden Beast as its replacement.
>Type B
At 50/50 the staff will have about 314 mag adjust, which is the best staff at that level. The best seal is 349 so its better but most arcane spell are straight better than whatever Faith caster have. Their great benefit being self buff spells like Golden Vow and Flame buff me or whatever. so you have one tool to cast both while the other hand can be used for a melee weapon or another staff to further boost your spells. Flame buff me increase physical damage, which is what throwing rocks does. Buff yourself, get both staff and start throwing rock as Radagon intended. Thorn spells also require catalyst+fth and can bleed.

50 is also the breakpoint for most int and fth AoW and weapon damage scaling so you have acess to ALL arcane and divine weapons. Also you can very easily proc frostbite+bleed.
I need to tell bamco to fix the bug where the equipment screen is still available during combat
Hardswapping woudl be taht bad if it played a longer swapping animation than softswapping instead of skipping it.
Who is the jellyfish shield intended to be used by? Usually it's mages you see using it but it seems weird for a mage to need to invest 20 points into strength that is otherwise useless to them beyond being able to wield this shield.
Why do jellyfish weigh so much?
Dumb mermaidtard
If you have a weapon in the first slot, a staff in the second and a seal in the third that means yoy have to press twice to get to the seal as opposed to just one, dumbass.
not him but
>if you have a weapon in the first slot
The jellyfish shield buff your damage by 12,5% so in many case the buff will outweight the oportunity cost for stat investment, as well as being a shield with 100% phys negation that can be buffed with scholar shield. So you can also use it in a counter build and general pve.
I wish Metyr’s staff was longer and not just some stick/club
>using a shield
>as a pure caster
You’re not a pure caster
20 points into strength by late game is possible on int builds since shields are becoming so important
The stand in for a wizard class starts with a shield anon.
His scenario here >>493010436
literally assumes you have a weapon in the first slot and you're switching, you illiterate imbecile. If there's no weapon then the catalyst is even better because yoy don't have to do any switching At all. Nigger.
Typical Fromslop martial logic/autism. Big Hat Logan used a pathetic shield too, and casters have always taken second/back seat in these games.
next you'll say casters can't use colossal swords heh
My RL 700 int/fth build can easily use a colossal, a shield and magic though, maybe stop wasting stats?
What's your build? I'm around the same level and I have to two hand the colossal sword
good morning erg!!
I have never once needed to use a shield as a pure caster in these games. In DS1 I beat the Capra demon on my first try as a Vinheim sorcerer.

Martial-caster hybrid =|= full and pure mage

It’s like saying Rellana is the same as Rennala
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>get summoned
>be greeted by some nigger or drag wearing freak
>sever out
Or, if it's a boss summon, let him enter the fog wall and THEN sever out.
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Rya's scars don't show up om her snake form, but do you think that they heal or that when she turns human they re-appear?
>for some reason I invade during the host fighting the boss
>for some reason I’m not sent back
>wait for host to fuck up and die
Free Rune Arc
You should save this version, it is better.
Rya should have shown up in the dlc as a brave warrior snake
It's 2 in the afternoon
Looks nothing like her except for as a part 1 to the failed rehab pic
Wow, a rune arc!
Morning is whenever you wake up
>he doesn't use Malenia's Great Rune
As a dead environmental model that died fighting an enemy to show how inadequate and useless she was and how she doesn't get a happy ending, maybe
specifically whenever -I- wake up
There is no Ranni, only Renna. This is the horrible truth.
Funny how people will whine about bosses input reading to punish your heals when all you have to do is just run away from them until you're out of their range and you can heal for free with no issue.
Rya doesn't die, she just stays the fuck away from you. This is why you never find her corpse when you specifically find every single other NPC dying or dead. Every last one of them.
>shitting on Malenia, parrying every move she throws out
>she suddenly parries me and deletes me in a second
So, after Shadow of the Cocktree, is Elden Ring officially done?

No more content/games from Fromsoftware?
Game is over
Now the IP may or may not be milked by a horrible tv show
I will continue to enjoy the PVP on my own terms
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They might announce something soon but SoTE was so shitty and lazy that I don't really have any hopes
It took them two years just for one DLC, you really think they're gonna do another?
Then I'm sorry to say you might be retarded
It's literally the size of a full priced game, how is that lazy?
In fairness, was the story not that SotE was 2 separate DLCs merged into one? Elden Ring was supposed to have a Season Pass on launch, indicating multiple DLC releases, but it was removed for an unknown reason, likely because they had bigger plans for a bigger expansion. IMO the DLCs must've been in dev alongside the the base game but the two years was spent forging them into one.
She does, she falls back in to bad self-harminf habits after she accidentally goes too far and kills herself
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Tying to make a Lightning Slash Claymore work, but struggling to work out what affinity to give it. I'm at 25 Str, 35 Dex, 37 Fai, so what will scale best?
if you believe Lance MacDonald the first DLC was supposed to be a base game modification rather than a separate area. The colosseums were part of it and they would add a bunch of more items, weapons, armor, and enemies to base game areas. That seems to have been completely abandoned.
>The colosseums were part of it and they would add a bunch of more items, weapons, armor, and enemies to base game areas
This would've been nice. Maybe they could've made mountaintops actually good. I guess I can always await scholar of the first ring
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>muh size
This dogshit DLC is the definition of quantity over quality
>Maybe they could've made mountaintops actually good
Mountaintops was also originally supposed to have an underground area but it was scrapped at some point.
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I remember reading that and thinking "holy shit the dlc is gonna add so much replayability to the game it's gonna be insane" coupled with the massive hiring spree they went on at that time, fuck me man this game could have been fantastic but they somehow didn't finish it TWICE
You can just like look at the affinities and add the numbers and see which would be highest, but sacred and lighting seem to do the highest according to build calculator with those stats
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Yeah that's what I'm torn between, but everything I've read online seems to indicate that Lightning affinity scaling is fucky.
The DLC is quality.
Can you use sacred with the lightning slash? Because technically that'd be higher damage
The issue with it is just that like late game enemies like resist holy more, but you'll get more out of it since your faith is highest while lightning is dex
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>The DLC is quality.
Also do lightning I'd you're planning on like continuing to level up, and focus on dex
Lightning skills use dex for their damage
Quality scaling yeah, in that it's spread itself too thin on multiple fronts and is now just a watered down less effective version than if they just committed, and it'll never be good without a longer term investment that it didn't get
It seems to be the DLC is basically a bunch of stuff that was intended to be in the base game but had to get cut for one reason or another
I had fun, replaying in right now.
So did I I just made myself laugh by thinking about the quality scaling analogy
It's fun, but as usual they reach too high and fail in the end. They've done this for literally every game except bloodborne.
The size is misleading since huge chunks of the map are almost entirely empty
>finger ruins
>cerulean coast
>abyssal woods
All suck. Jagged Peak is also literally just a hallway that takes up 1/4th of the map for some reason but at least the buildup to Bayle was good, prefer that to the endless nothing of Abyssal Woods at least
Was thag because Sony was on their butts about it having to be polished?
Sekiro is by far their most polished game imo
Not gonna lie I forgot about sekiro but I agree
My korean headcanon is that he had golden rings on his fingers that acted like sacred seals and helped him summon throwing lightning bolts and also like could do like what yoy said and he could use his bare hands like that or killing light
People whine about the finger ruins but seriously what were you expecting? The spectacle of them alone and the incredible eldritch horror vibes you get is more than enough to satisfy me.
A boss, items, a dungeon, lore
We know that Miquella was supposed to have dialogue during the Malenia fight and the Tarnished could become his Lord in a cut ending, so I do wonder what came first. Also interesting to note that the VA for Miquella did end up voicing him in the DLC too so there is a continuation there.
I know this is very specific but can anyone recommend a dex weapon that doesn't rely on successive attacks or spamming an AOW?
That's pretty vague....
You get a shit ton of lore from them.
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>A boss
The finger ruins are part of a questline that leads to two boss fights.
There are a few items. Not many admittedly but a few.
The lore implications presented by the ruins are insane
basically any wep with keen infusion
List any lore about them
Is elenora’s poleblade good in pvp?
>finally master dodging the first volley of waterfowl even when she does it at point blank range
>now the final volley is giving me a shit ton of trouble and I keep dodging into it
What the fuck
Also by that arguement, any empty area in any game is justifiable because "Oh its the path to the content so it's part of it"
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They confirm that the fingers are a fungus and that they likely gave Marika the seed for the Erdtree
Mostly that the fingers/fingercreepers are fungi and that the origin of the two and three fingers is based on a religious schism caused by different interpretations of the three finger ruins.
rune arcs are worthless.

I wish they'd be useful for something
>"Oh its the path to the content so it's part of it"
What's wrong with that
Both of those are headcanons
>it's another "guy i'm fighting uses weed cutter on reaction and kills me" episode
i hate this ash of war so fucking much. there's absolutely no reason for it to have this much poise.
Because like
"Sure I had to wait in line for an hour and the roller coaster was only 5 seconds long, but the fact that the 5 seconds was fun means that you can basically imagine it as an hour and 5 seconds of fun"
That's silly to me
Play the game, these things are explicitly stated.
I did and do, and no they arent
I think I'm in love with her
Clearly you didn't.
Abyssal woods is so retarded. Giant empty area because they needed puzzle enemies. Either make the camera smaller and puzzle-oriented or make a normal zone, faggots
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Thanks for sharing! I just read through it. I thought that your descriptions were succinct in a way that nicely conveyed a dream sequence.

I think the other chapters would make for some good night reading, so I'll take a look at them later.
>I seem to be fascinated by tragedy and whatever I write always turn into emo pretentious crap
I'm guilty of it too. To be fair, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Self-indulgent works are more fun to read and write. You can almost feel the flourish in someone's work when it's clear that they're putting their all into writing it. Cringe be damned lol.
Well anon this is an open world game, the journey is often as good as if not better than the destination. That said I do see why people at least find the finger ruins so boring, because it is a *big* area that is occupied by only two enemy types who aren't much of a challenge. To me though the eerie factor of the ruins do make them quite memorable to me.
Yeah, but thing is, I love "mindless" fanfics that you can read just to relax. I'm trying to reach that state with my main Miquella story, the one that isn't about spanking, but I can't help but try to show some plot in.
It doesn't help that the part that truly fascinate me are emotions and psychology, so I tend to focus on how people feel, rather than what they're doing.
Honestly if I wanted to write an actual plot, I wouldn't write a fanfic, I'd write a book with my own characters.

That is another reason my spankings are so succinct. That, and because I fear every spanking would become the same.
It was only eerie for me for a little bit but it lost the mystique like once I scoured it and realized there wasn't anything but the big stone fingers and lampreys
I also enjoyed the finger ruins. Lampreys were cool, and this is probably the earliest civilization in the Lands. Whoever built the ruins. Lampreys, maybe. They don’t seen unintelligent.

The ONLY major negative about Ymir’s quest line is the ending. He should not be a boss. It removes his mystique. He was the mentor of Rennala and Rellana for fuck’s sake.

It’s like someone in the room wanted to ruin the quest, right at the very end. Who fucking does that?
Same person who decided to make Gideon a boss right before Godfrey probably. There’s some serious hatred against caster themed bosses. I don’t know why Miyazaki is *terrified* of them.
>there wasn't anything but the big stone fingers
That's precisely why it's eerie to me. Such a surreal and ominous environment that looks so alien. Sticking a boss fight there may have undercut that.
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I still remember the one time I died to Gideon and had to fight him without him doing his monologue for once, and I realised just how fucking cancerous that fight is when he is the one who has the drop on you. He just does not stop fucking spamming.
Just stay behind cover until he runs out of mana?
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I live my wife Hilde!
>these arms
>minor spelling mistake
Why did they color the teeth brown? Did they think that was the chin?
He runs out of mana? Also some of his spells like Scarlet Aeonia are AoE and can't be blocked by cover.
>He runs out of mana?
...he doesn't?
No, npcs don't have any mana, they only have stamina
Casting tools should really long , like Gandalf's
Dammit, that sucks. So what do you do? Just bumrush him and shank him?
Just gotta find openings in his spells yea
we're all watching Tyler1 play the game now, right?
Of course, why else would the thread be slowing down?
They have 5 fingers so they do have human-like intelligence (like beastmen), plus Glinstone nail needs 32 INT which is 3x more than my confessor atarnished has lol. So they are very intelligent.
I really liked the quest ending because Ymir is a weird faggot and I enjoyed beating the shit out of him. I'm a STR FTH steppe warlock and I crush INTcels underfoot.
>he moved it to next week
the death of /erg/...
I don't watch streamers but if I did it'd probably be him. It's weird how he behaves like a drooling retard but he's actually really good at video games
make a new thread dumbfucks
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Use this as OP.
>click link expecting erg writes
>it's not erg writes
>remember erg writes burned down
I want scribe anon to upload the stories to Google docs...
The finger ruins should've had no enemies in them. That would've made it work

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