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>Touch Bloodstain:
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Someone make a real thread.
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wrong neighborhood lads
how bad do you think Malenia's room smells
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Prove me wrong: Messmer is the best guitar player of Marika's kids
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Looking at the Scavenger's Curved Sword description and realising sharks exist in Elden Ring
Miquella should've been a girl instead of a gay.
I miss Dark Souls 1's splash damage Moonlight Greatsword.
The Lands Betweens doesn't have guitars
Also your picture is glitched out
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The Lands between what?
This loretuber is basically suggesting that Elden Ring is just a DMT trip to heal trauma.
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Ive found a speedrun shortcut to the dlc pre-mogh, all you have to do is update nvidia drivers
This entire game is a metaphor for Marika’s vagina
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NEED to have sex with dragon lady
They relaxed.
Would you support a nerfing of Consort Radahn or would you rather FromSoft just take heed and do better with future bosses?
I'd be curious to see if he's made trivial like if his hitboxes matched his animations but I'd rather they keep him shitty if they do end up improving so that yoy can go "See that? Don't do that"
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Invaders do that, and then wonder why they're treated like shit.
Why are glintstone scientists so similar to evil wizards?

>no sense of right and wrong
>it’s not a matter of could, but should
>all progress demands sacrifice
>sweet, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension
>oh-my-science, what have I done
I want them to nerf everything in the DLC by lowering their scaling and subsequently lowering and modifying Scadutree fragment scaling (I would prefer they just removed the system altogether but they already put it in). I don't care how hard the bosses are but a second upgrade system is blatant filler.
get fucked
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very satisfying ash of war
Brainlet take.
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she smells like dew and flowers
Yeah, mildew and those carnivorous rotting meat flowers
Dionea? Nepenthes?
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new Elden Ring gag manga is out
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wrong and rude
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we now know that Nepheli canonically doesn't bathe

also this is barely a comedy, might even be canon.
Nepheli is
Is there a boss rush mod that lets me make a build entirely from scratch without having to actually go and physically get what I want?
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its good too...
>make a build entirely from scratch without having to actually go and physically get what I want?
yeah CE
why is Fia thinking of a bear? Is that some meme I missed?
Roderika is suprisingly rapeable in this one.
In serious need of a Miquella/Leda mommy shota doujinshi rn
Same. But with spankings.
>they turned based prawn man's journey into a Delicious Dungeon spoof
This was so smart, goddamn.
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>get summoned to rauh as a blueberry
>it's a lone host but he's a complete scrub who is seemingly going through the place for the first time
>his phantom probably died
>I start guiding him
>invader is nowhere
>we spend like 15 minutes to get to the hammer crucible
>the invader is there
This nigger literally sat at the crucible for 10-15 minutes. He was too much of a pussy to even try to harass us as we got there. My fucking God. All that time wasted on camping just to die in 30 seconds.
HUH? where's this from
is moghwyn palace bird farm the best rune farm for ng? dont care about being overpowered i just get bored quickly with my builds and i dont want to respec constantly to try new builds
network fucked or just me?
Is the death knight longhaft axe good for pvp? Anyone has build you guys can share?
yeah, killing the albinaurics is faster if you have the sacred relic sword
its tuesday bro, steam maintenance
Midra got that cool ass cutscene despite being a completely optional boss hidden away behind like 5 layers of exploration (hidden castle coffin -> catacomb -> bumfuck nowhere in abyss woods) but Rellana got nothing? Not even a voice line? Really?
Take it up to Mike Zaki
I'm going to send him an electronic mail with my personal computer and ask him how hard it was to pay a random HR harpy 500 dollars to say five (5) lines in a microphone
It's a passable invasion tool but it's worthless against anyone even remotely competent. Just use it as a situational swap on a standard STR (with the minimum FTH tax) or STR/FTH build. I personally get 38 FTH for Blessing of the Erdtree, 20 mind for QoL, 55 STR and then as much endurance as I can get.
Interesting. What weapon would your recommend other than the longhaft axe for the str/fth build?
We should have gotten the Basilisk godwyn deathblight eyes as a helmet option where you can deathblight people by looking at them
About to give up on Midra NG+7. Genuinely too much HP and a single mistake means death. I can't do this shit
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>why did the lord of frenzy get more fanfare than a random carian whore out of nowhere?
Too OP imo. Most people would have a hard time countering it in pvp.
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why can't i get any fucking summons here
I know that's why I said it
Just stay near him
Marika's Hammer for funny ledge memes, it can also be a good general swap if you are quick at hardswapping.
The DK twin axes, these are basically the longhaft axe just superior.
Sword of Damnation is another fun swap option.
Other than that, just pure STR weapons.
I am, the problem is that the sword swings deal too much damage. I need to use black flame protection + dragoncrest greatshield talisman to not die instantly. 1 single sword swing deals more damage than Messmer's snake combo.
dont get hit bro
Because 99% of coopers disable the Rykard summon pool.
Rykard is one of the most schizophrenic summon pools.
It ranges from anywhere between 50 +9 to 110 +24 and its not consistent at all
Ok. I’ll try those weapons out on a different character
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how do i stop getting angry every time i get killed by some fucker running halberd + off hand axe? i swear to god it feels like the game decides to start eating my inputs every time i have to fight these faggots and suddenly i can't roll their predictable running attack spam
you get good
bro your rakshasa? your gugs? your fkgs? your star fist? your pata? your bhb?
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Is every Numen a Shaman?
Is every Shaman a Numen?
Are only some Shaman Numen?
Are only some Numen Shaman?
Is Marika the only Numen that's a Shaman?
Is Marika the only Shaman that's a Numen?
Is there a definitive answer to any of these questions without the need for "speculation", theories, or headcanon?
they didn't think about it
>Is there a definitive answer to any of these questions without the need for "speculation", theories, or headcanon?
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just a fan-made model created by replacing her texture with her usual skin tone, replacing her prosthetic arm with a mirror of her right arm, and giving her Miquella's eyes.
Malenia has a rectangular nose, I just realized
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her nose is very cute
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She noticed it awhile ago and she's very self concious about it
Thanks for bringing it up, you bitch
Is she ugly on purpose?
Trying to install CE and I'm very confused. The instructions on the nexus page say to start the game by clicking offline_launcher_put_in_game_folder.bat and I did that but then it says "open the Table"? The fuck does that mean? I downloaded what I think is the Table as instructed but I don't see what file I'm supposed to click on to "open" it. Am I retarded or are these instructions retarded?
well there's ancestral spirit followers and some of them are shamans
so yeah I still don't know
open CE
So I did some maths... I have 80 FTH and 15 ARC. I deal more DPS against Messmer, Rellana, Midra, Romina while using a bleed infused milady over a sacred infused black knigga greathammer. At 15 ARC. Why is bleed so strong? Did they not playtest this game?
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You are retarded
Open CE, link it to Elden Ring by selecting it on the applications menu, then open the table
Anti cheat must be off right now or it will autoclose when you open cheat engien
Yeah I figured it out. Why the fuck do the instructions never once say "open CheatEngine75.exe"?
they throw the balance out of the fucking window to make sure as many people as possible could beat the game
Nope never mind I'm still confused as fuck, whatever I don't care I'll just play the game normally.
You are retarded.
My mom used to play this farming game on Facebook and she installed Cheat Engine by herself to give herself max amounts of grain and chicken, and she didn't even get any malware on her PC. Let that sink in. My 60 year old mom who knows about 20 english words total managed to use CE by herself and you can't. Nigga.
You need to open CE then press the little display icon on the top left to select eldenring.exe, then press the folder icon to its right to select the table
What you're telling me to do is not even remotely close to what the instructions on nexus tell me to do
filtered by CE, its over
>/erg/ can't even use cheat engine to cheat their shit
this is a new low...
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yeah i've been using the darkmoon greatsword and i just now learned that the charged beams do 35 stance damage. i'm literally hitting enemies with the equivalent of a charged heavy from range. that's pretty fucking nutty, no wonder everybody fellates this thing.
All I want to do is refight bosses without having to go through the entire game all over again. Pretty sad we have to use mods just to add in a feature that was already in one of their previous games.
Yeah it's pretty disgusting, makes me not want to use it even though I love it. It just makes everything too easy.
One I think I will never understand about From games is why axes don't have innate bleed
Why would they? Just because they did in Skyrim?
why don't literally every cutting weapon have innate bleed
why does bleed even exist
I've downloaded hundreds of mods before without issue. Wanna know how? I followed the instructions on the mod page, just as I tried to do with cheat engine. Why did I fail to follow the instructions on this mod and not the hundreds of others? Could it possibly be that maybe the instructions are just dogshit and seem to operate under the expectation that you're a member of their gay discord?
why do katanas?
what am I looking at
It's a weapon specifically designed for maximum laceration potential. An axe is basically a blunt instrument with a blade, most of the damage comes from the weight of the thing not the sharp edge itself.
Are the Full/Dark moon sorceries only good as openers / debuffing bosses and unaware people? They’re both otherwise pretty bad / slow and easy to dodge in PvP. As it stands, Comet (either Comet) is way faster and does far more damage per second.

Ranni’s moon synergizes well with a cold mage build, though.
Kino incarnate
Outer god battle
>There are now not one but TWO official Elden Ring mangas
>Both are gag mangas
there's 3 actually
how do I get the metyr orb helmet?
I beat the game summoning a +10 mimic tear for half the bosses and spamming moonlight greatsword against them and I thought the game was hard
You tell me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF1mSl3sR9Q
I guess it doesn't trivialise the game like some other stuff does but it is pretty insane to be able to deal that amount of posture damage from range, most bosses will stagger in 3 beams.
Anon... Do you seriously not know about the Metyr ending?
>That image
I Know What You Are.
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I dont, what does that mean
It's a month away if the only thing I can think of that you're saying is what you're saying
Use Metyr's Cosmic Echo at the altar in the ramparts in the upper level of the cathedral of Manus Metyr, then kill the weird space fingercreeper that spawns behind you
Try staggering Consort Radahn with it and see how that goes
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why does lightning have so many fucking ways to boost its damage why why why why why
>get invaded in luirnia so invaders get a free massive damage boost against me
>starts raining on top of that
??? The first time I beat him was on my intelligence build with DMGS. I started off using carian knight sword at first because of how OP DMGS is and I struggled so much that I decided to switch to the DMGS and as soon as I did I beat him.
I am so confused.
this is pure weeb mythology, the katana's curvature is not even close to worth mentioning in regards to increased slashing capaticty.
by this logic the shamshir, a weapon whose curvature was specifically designed to increase its cutting capacity, should have bleed
pretty sure you need to be in their discord to have full access to all their shit
>can throw giant fire balls, fire storm, wind tornado, lightning storms, use Rune of Death blade, fire Serpent, hp draining fire, earthquakes and boulders, transform body parts into a dragon
>30 different shades of blue pew pews
Thanks for confirming I'm better off without that dogshit
you can now purchase string and knot resin
just stop being lazy and collect some plants
Never said it was realistic but that's how katanas are typically portrayed. Just like it's unrealistic to use a sword so big and heavy your character visibly struggles to swing it around. Also yes the shamshir should have bleed.
The whole of Abyssal Woods, Midra's mansion and Midra himself really remind me of Sekiro for some reason
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Also forgot casting holy light of judgment
What does this mean?
Does Spear of the Impaler really benefit more from faith than dex?
I like int simply for the fact that you can put a staff in your right hand and a shield in your left hand and essentially play as a regular knight who can change their weapon at will from straight sword to great sword to hammer to great bow.
I love the Midra boss fight so much. Everything from the epic music to the atmosphere to the flowy way the boss moves reminds me so much of peak Dark Souls.
It’s because it reminds you of the Mibu Village area.
I would put him in my top three bosses not just in Fromsoft games but all games period.
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It's honestly not that bad, at the end of the day both suffer from the good spells kind of overwhelming everything at the top
Forsen didn't like the dlc so neither do I.
Ds4 when?
He also gets cheesed by parry like a proper DS1 boss lol
True, and also his arena looks like the Butterfly/Owl one fron Sekiro
No no you don't understand. Forsen is just like US he's le hecking based 4chan guy!!11
I understand the dragon breath incantations are very generic but how the fuck are you lumping the rest of the dragon incantations in with them? They're incredibly unique.
literally who
I pray I never become this much of a joyless faggot.
He's way too mechanically simple for that
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>I pray I never become this much of a joyless faggot.
No, he's mechanically normal. Every other boss is mechanically overtuned.
10/10 boss, Midra, Rellana, and Bayle are the only thoughtfully designed bosses in the DLC.
I think this post is a good example of the joyless faggotry I'm referring to, thank you anon
yer arsecheeks
>with it's dogshit breath attack
I remember the anon that made it said he was stretching some groupings anyway but honestly all dragon spells fall into some other category anyway. The most unique of all of them are probably Dragon Maw and Placidusax's beam
I fucking hated Bayle and I don't get the appeal at all. There's only one lock on point on his head so clearly that's what you're intended to focus but if you choose to do that good luck ever finding a single window to attack ever. It's objectively the best strategy to attack his stump leg while locked off which makes the fight feel like dogshit to play because you have to wrestle with the camera the whole time.
honestly you need to git gud before you can comprehend why it's a brilliant boss
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>I think this post is a good example of the joyless faggotry I'm referring to, thank you anon
I use mods to resurrect Malenia just so I can fight her again because I find it so fun.
Anons I might have gotten a bit ahead on levels of what I should... So this is my first time playing ER and last fromsoftware I played was maybe 6 years ago.
When I started I went to caelid even before Liurna, and got the golden scarab, the inner jew overtook me and I just didnt take it off until now that I am in the capital, I also did ranni's questline and cleared all undergrounds so I got a LOT of extra runes.

the point is I reached the capital and I am level 155 with a +10 somber weapon, is the difference that big from what I should be? It feels kinda easy, I havent died to a boss since margit in stromveil and one time with mohg because he sucked the life out of me, my Siluria's Tree even using holy attribute cheeses the bosses in like 15 special attack hits.
Did I get that much ahead? why do they put the jew scarab there so early damn
they decided to balance the game around the player not exploring shit so its not your fault
>I am level 155 with a +10 somber weapon,
Jesus christ nigga
You are literally end game level with an end game weapon and you're 40% of the way through the game
I don't know if I'm overanalyzing it but I love the way the music sort of teases the motif a few times without fully completing it, like you'll hear the first few notes of the melody and then it'll play a wrong note or the music will slip into a bridge until the payoff comes at about 4:30 where you finally get to hear the full melody, incredibly satisfying.
so the key was to not explore the open world to stay within the expected levels huh... lmao
Love Rykard, he'd probably watch Jerma too.
I think it's moreso that they expected players to spend runes on buying consumables and crafting materials but most players ignore them. I played through the game from the beginning once where I spent any runes I had on buying shit and only leveled up if I had some left over and the game felt very well balanced.
if you listen carefully you'll notice that Fromsoft's composers match the tempo of the score with the movements of the boss. bosses have BPM, midra is an obvious example of that part of the reason why he's so easy to parry
No. They aren't expensive.
Probably why Dancing Lion's OST seriously makes the fight feel like it's a dance, the music syncs so well to the boss's attack speed.
>when you parry malenia so much she throws out waterfowl out of nowhere
I dunno, kinda feels like you're just being a sore loser Malenia...
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Roderika too cute.
I'm going to have a hard time having her spank Miquella.
>Summon mimic tear
>Summon help
>Golden vow
>Flame grant me strength
>Heavy shield
>Heavy armor
>Great Spear
yup is gaming time in elden ring
What do you mean by this, what about the image?
On taunter's tongue around the continent and I beat four different invaders five times in a row without dying which is a new record for me!!
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Got that kino Destined Death kill
This is literally how Miyazaki plays btw
Was thinking of doing a run through the whole game where I have to keep taunters tongue active at all times, even if I don't fight the invaders it could be fun trying to stealth past them to the boss.
What is your build? I wanna do a destined death build.
Black Knife and Destined Death. I also used buckler to parry Midra.
I actually change builds vs every boss (I'm on NG+7 and have 50 STR 50 DEX and 80 FTH/ARC/INT anyway) because I am autismus maximus and in my headcanon I actually control a whole warband of Tarnished who have different purposes and objectives. The Destined Death guy fights Outer Gods and such, I used him for Metyr too, because he seeks arcane truths.
So your build uses the ash of war a lot?
just bonk his goofy ass
I do, also by Destined Death I meant Black Blade incantation. A fun fact about the two is that they synergize very well as they don't share the initial percentage of removed health. Black Blade will grey out a 10% part of the healthbar and Black Knife another. If you use it at the start you remove 20% HP with a single combo.
dravidian rollslop
I never understood the point in greying out health on an enemy that can't heal
others may cry about pvp being bad but i sincerely think taunters tongue runs are fantastic fun if you know how to have fun, give it a shot on your next build anon
I already like pvp in the first place but im more of an arenafag than an invasionfag
I never have done pvp because I feel the moment I try it I'm gonna get rekt in 1 second since at this point of the game probably everyone wears super meta builds and I'm out there just with stuff I find fun to play with and definetly could be better
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Yooo what's good bluds??? Check out this fire ass gameplay ngl I'm down to boogie with it
So Midra's story goes:
>he tries to become Lord of Frenzied Flame, led on by Nanaya
>Nanaya IRL is a babylonian goddess, seductress, lover of kings (hierogamy) and then developed a warlike/demonic aspect like the goddess Kali
>much like Shabiri is an ancient jewish demon of blindess
>Nanaya is probably another emissary of the Outer God of Frenzy (the King in Yellow) and seducted/misled Midra to become Lord of Frenzy but he was too weak and failed
>hornsent inquisitors then raided his manse, burnt his archives, ripped his spine out and impaled him with a sword of unalloyed gold to keep the frenzy contained
>Nanaya entreats him to "endure" and stay alive since she knows that eventually you'll come and claim his power and become the real Lord of Frenzy (headcanon)
You have to accept that you're going to get rekt before you get good. Put your ego aside and go in thinking "I don't need to win, I just need to learn"
this is why i will never touch the arena. having to fight faggots like these sounds like the least fun i could have in this game. i'd rather just turn on taunter's tongue if i really want to fight somebody.
I definitely think she deliberately told him to endure specifically to turn him into the Lord of Frenzied Flame. It does seem like prolonged suffering is an important step in that process.
>taunter's tongue
you're the faggot here though
My Korean headcanon is that Nanaya is also the one that tipped off yhr inquisitors to come and do it, because she assertively wanted something similar to Gowry with Millicent, where lik3 using the needle/sword to incubate the Rot/Frenzied Flame somehow makes it stronger somehow like when it's released
I play arena all the time and I simply don't do this. The majority of players aren't autistic minmaxxers like this so it's pretty rare you run into scenarios like that.
Or well either tipped them off or otherwise made do with what she had and that that's what the sword did when left for long enough
you're the faggot because you keep lumping me in with taunter's tongue gankers when i just want to get invaded while i'm playing the game.
>ripped his spine out and impaled him with a sword of unalloyed gold to keep the frenzy contained
Dunno where you're getting this part from but everything else seems spot on.
not really
the fact you made a webm out of a retard doing varre's questline doesnt help your case either
It actually removes the health too, it doesn't just grey it out. So you are effectively doing thousands of damage with just two attacks.
Could be, I understood that he was impaled after trying and failing to become Lord but it could also be that he was impaled by inquisitors just for being interested in the Flame, then he tried to become lord, but Nanaya told him to endure so that the pain and torture could strengthen his resentment and make him more likely to succeed again...
I like this theory
>korean headcanon
Why Korean?
His spine is cradled by Nanaya and he has stitches all over his back. Also the game doesn't state that it's unalloyed gold but it likely is since it keeps outer gods away. Or maybe unalloyed gold was created by Miquella by imitating inquisitor gold, also their sigil is a crossed tree which is also Miquella's emblem
it was more just pointing out there's a fuckton of people who still don't want to level vigor. so when are you going to stop having a knee jerk reaction to anybody using taunter's tongue
>His spine is cradled by Nanaya
I don't think that's his spine, the description specifically says "small" which tells me it was probably a child's spine, and it also says "in a distant land in an age long past" so I think it's meant to be some literally who's spine as a way to show that people have been attempting to create a Lord of Frenzied Flame for a long time all over the world.
>Why Korean?
Idk it's just the phrase
wait, you mean to tell me crystal tears are not an one time consumable? I havent used them in my 100 hours of game...
NTA, don't be surprised, someone immediately calling you a faggot on usage of TT alone is a clear indication of a player in the completely brainbroken state, you will have to be mindful of this when responding to this and similar fragile-minded anons, their thought processes are quite stunted compared to you or I.
This is what happens when you don't read tutorials folks
This, invaders have come to associate taunters tongue with overleveled phantoms and entire levels devoid of enemies. Not that I blame them, but it's important to know if you're receiving seethe for mentioning TT it's coming from people who've had experiences like that
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I guess... the game will be easier now haha
95% of ER loretubers are bumbling retards.
Next person that says headcanon is getting their cock sucked by a mentally ill blond twink.
I hate that phrase do much its unreal.
>post two webms of him epicly owning the clueless pver retard #41492
yeah people who use tt are faggots, go to the arena (which you won't, since you will have to play against people who actually know how to play) if you want duels
is this some kind of acronym or is it "bro" in baby talk?
Lisps are NOT baby talk
how often do you post webms of you getting killed by another player
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it's crazy how Elden Ring, being the most flawed fromsoft game to date has also the most rabid and neurotic fanboys who harass and witch hunt anyone who dares to criticize it.
Several youtubers and members of the community are backtracking on their Elden Ring's criticisms and making apologetic videos because angry fanboys are harassing them to no end.
I don't understand this obsession of needing to defend Elden Ring's honor by any means necessary. Where were these loud fanboys when people shat on Sekiro, bloodborne and Dark souls 1?
who cares?
So I just killed Morgott, am I around 60% of the game?
yeah something like that, 5-6 areas and 1 legacy dungeon left
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a quick look through my folder and i found around 12 webms i posted on erg with me or a host dying
The fuck are you smoking? "Elden Ring is overrated" is the most lukewarm normie take that perforates every facet of social media. At this very moment SOTE has mixed reviews on Steam. Pretending like Elden Ring is a sacred cow that people will flay you alive for criticising is like pretending that Christianity is a sacred cow that people will flay you alive for criticising.
manga nepheli supremacy
It's not canon unless Miyazaki himself was consulted
I see thanks anon, how long is the DLC compared to base game? I plan on getting it after I finish the main story
On a blind playthrough the DLC will probably take you about half as much time as it took you to do the base game, it's pretty big.
>"Elden Ring is overrated" is the most lukewarm normie take that perforates every facet of social media.
NTA but not really. I've heard a lot of people saying they were getting hate.
this is literally the only webm i have of me getting killed by another player because i thought what happened was funny
neat, thanks again anon
Go on youtube and search for Elden Ring reviews, at least 40% of them are generally negative.
Gazing Finger's skill description is so kino. Metyr's head is still alive and it becomes angry as fuck when you force it to bow to you, so explodes with energy.
read the comments then, specially related to criticism that isn't "oh this boss has no cutscene!"
>star wars
>dr strange
this just their dedicated tie-in guy i guess?
Steam reviews for SOTE are mixed. Criticising Elden Ring and it's DLC is as far from "controversial" as you can get, it's basically a fashion trend at this point.
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and the moment it dropped to mixed it was advertised as "shitters" saying it's was "too hard", your point is?
Pontiff sulyvahn also has no cutscene
Wait I realized that the fell god (which was the Hornsent's devil figure) is represented with horns on the furnace golems to mock the hornsent and blaspheme against them
Messmer is kino
>just accept slop instead of wanting better
It's interesting because it shows a level of self awareness despite the fact that Metyr is canonically stupid (4 fingers instead of 5, fights like an animal, and her eye gazes "vacantly" according to the weapon description)
Why did it take them 2 whole years to change the default "resummon torrent" option "yes?"
I figure stupidity doesn't prevent them from feeling those base emotions like anger
What is the correct spread of quick gestures?
Frenzy Burst or Loretta's Bow, which is the best sniping spell?
Metyr is the Gloam-Eyed Queen...
You don't seem to understand that in the minds of the faggots writing these articles "it's too hard" is valid criticism.
Plus, resentment isn't even an advanced human emotion considering that crows/ravens have resentment that can last for years against specific people
>no cutscene = slop
>cutscene = not slop
but why? TLOS has a lot of cutscenes, do you like that game?
>The one washed up on the gravesite was sure to die, until this flask offered its gift of rejuvenation. To seek the Elden Ring.
All the item descriptions and NPC dialogues genuinely and unironically sound like they spent the first 2/3rds of the game's development with a story where the Tarnished canonically cannot respawn, and then pivoted at the last second. It's so schizo.
hi erg, new player here. was just wondering if you guys had any beginner tips for me or things you wish you did early at your first playthrough?
open world games always give me fomo so i tend to get burnt out quickly since i explore every single litle thing.
thanks bros, i knew i could count on you.
I want cross slash nerfed (again) the rest can stay as is but I'd rather future bosses not be so retarded.
>Not only does he reduce the population of a dominate race, he also puts in the extra effort to terrorize them mentally into abandoning their faith by cosplaying as their antichrist
But twitter will tell this nigga is a dindu who just wanted mommy. Messmer literally enjoyed it and there's no proof of anything else.
man, this sword is fun as fuck. i was kind of lukewarm on it first because it needed a buff to even shoot beams but i really enjoy being able to land charged heavies from anywhere i want
nice headshot
More baseless than Rya's mom being the gloom eyed queen.
every single cosplayer host is a fucking retard at an unreal, impossible level
Are they Guts?
How are you supposed to know what you can parry and what you can't?
Exploring every single thing was the best part of the game for me, I didn't even care about the loot, it was cool just finding stuff organically. If you do explore every area thoroughly and check back on NPCs after major bosses you'll be able to complete pretty much every quest without resorting to checking wikis, I found the game incredibly more rewarding of an experience this way, I wish I hadn't spoiled myself on any quest lines at all and just risked messing them up for my first playthrough.
you're not "supposed to know" anything because Miyazaki played games in english before the internet existed so he couldn't look up things and instead had to suffer through shit he couldn't understand by pure brute force because he's a fucking brainlet
Do you think that Dragonlord Placidusax selected roofie-chan aka Florrosax as an emissary to teach dragon communion and encourage the extermination of drakes because he knew men would simp for a female like her.
Either look it up or just try it out. If you can't get it after a few tries, even with how forgiving Carian Retaliation/Golden Parry is, it's likely not a parryable attack.
Probably. It works. Florissex. I will kill Bayle and eat his heart for Florrisex. I will fight dragons to 1 HP and then summon Florrisex just so she can watch me get the last hit because I know it turns her on.
crystal tears are not an one time consumable... they refill in grace and you can remix them...
Follow your instinct and explore every little thing, you'll be much better off than those who don't.
Has anyone here encountered a player with RL713? What was it like to fight against them?
>mentally ill blonde twink
So Miquella?
same but with Mike being ntr:ed to death
By rotdogs
>literal "zanzibart forgive me" dialogue
Was the Zanzibart forgive me an actual line the DS games? I never tried it and Elden ring is my first souls game.
base game: 8.9
shadow of the erdtree: 10.0
elden ring + dlc: 9.5
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the next game needs to make armour and poise great again. and also make stamina management essential like the original souls games
What should have been Miquella's death dialog?
I'm having such a hard time justifying casting anything but discus of light and carian slicer, the efficiency of these two spells put everything else in the repertoire to shame.
>Lord Brother…
>You fucking suck
no, but its true in spirit.
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If they make stamina management fun like nioh sure, otherwise fuck off
>No onee-chan to come sneaking up behind him and glomp him in a big affectionate hug that drives all the bad angsty thoughts away
Messmer... I'm sorry...
What does it mean actually?
because miyazaki's schizophrenic and fragmented storytelling, you often enter a room and just fight some huge random fucker who says seemingly random shit you have no context so you've no real idea what the fuck anyone's talking about, specially if you're not reading item descriptions.
It often just comes across as completely melodramatic shit. Midra's intro is almost word for word from the meme tweet too to the point it feels like parody.
The tweet was written by some fucker that wrote for borderlands btw
Got it thanks.
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Messmer has Melina...
Melina is an imouto, the quality of the hug is different.
this but unironically
Is the Star-Lined katana thing that the demi-human yoda fuckers use in the DLC any good? I'm playing through my first int character and I kinda wanna try it but I'm nowhere close to being able to access the DLC yet.
>get invaded
>invader either fingers out or suicides shortly after
genuinely don't get why this is happening so often, it's like a 50/50 at this point.
seems decent enough to me
did he just santa through the chimney or crawl out of freyja's asshole or what
he was mimic'd near freyja and i didn't realize. i couldn't roll out of the combo because i was stuck in the conversation with her
It's a DEX weapon with an INT tax.
And the darkness katana is way better.
Looks cool though.
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How does that hit?
first souls game?
>invader either fingers out or suicides shortly after
are you alone or have a phantom with you?
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I just had one of the weirdest summoning ever
>Summoned to Siofra, like, right at the beginning of Siofra
>Host also summons another phantom
>I am reading myself to go through all of siofra
>Immediately invaded
>oh thank god he's gonna kill the host and I don't have to finger out
>Invader just runs away from us and goes to the second floor
>I'm expecting a trap so I don't immediately follow and instead try to send the elevator alone
>The other two get on and just go up
>Nothing happens
>The invader is nowhere to be found
>Light up all the torches
>Expecting the invader to be sitting in front of the deer like some mini boss or some shit
>host touches the deer
>Invader has gone home
>Fight the boss
>Other spirit dies in one hit like a tard
>Host and I kill the deer
was the invader just hoping the host would die on his own or what
i'm alone
Old man yells at dragon
summon a phantom next time you play and count how many instantly sever/suicide
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Are his "hands" wings?
I anally raped Miyazaki and in the process he said the manga was canon
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I like how Manga Melina actually resembles her mom Marika in personality, being a cold and occasionally violent pragmatist who uses and throws away her pawns like nothing.
made for being plabbed
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>casually murders her companion to avoid an awkward conversation
Is the rl60 range alive?
Yes, I invade there often
>Do you not wish for... a world of compassion?
>Forgive me, Malenia...
DMT doesn't heal trauma
why did they take out the animations of you fumbling the weapon when you don't meet the stat requirements?
Once again, because Elden Ring is soulless
Question on rl60 invasions. Do you need to have the max amount of talisman pouches and all the necessary talisman for your builds? I assume those in rl 60 doesn’t have the endgame items and weapons.
>Do you need to have the max amount of talisman pouches and all the necessary talisman for your builds?
Yes. Even level 1 invaders have these
You'll often find phantoms that are level 200+ at that range so it would help if you at least got 4 talismans and upgraded your flasks.
I see. I’ll keep his in mind when I do a rl 60 run just for rl60 invasions.
I'm really disappointed there weren't more Lightning ashes of war in the DLC. There's only 3 in the base-game and lightning is one of the 4 elemental damage types
Aseo is desperate for Blaidd's cock
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Souls games ability to free aim basically everything is one of their most underrated elements of game design.
I wish it was something Nioh 2 would incorporate because it would make hatchets so much better to use than just thrown in a straight line.
this is exactly why dark souls 2's wimpy useless throwing animation sucks so fucking much despite liking a lot of other things about the game
Wrong thread, tranny.
How can you see their level and latency?
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it's not necessary to act like a faggot, you know
Dark Souls 2 is a clunky piece of shit in general
Because being able to see thw weapons moveset is good
Does modding the game seriously trigger Melina to not spawn at Gatefront Ruins
Which mod?
Convergence lets you level from the start
What if
I respecced into Keen/Dex instead of Heavy/Str and used stormblade on my sword for the ranged and used a storm talisman
Wrong thread, tranny
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Delightfully devilish, anon.
that's a very cool idea
i'll finally be able to play pure int without it feeling awkward
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I'M THE GRAND WIZARD, BABE (I'm using the Verdigris Leggings since they have the most poise)
It was a good idea to make this a comedy instead of being serious
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midra, miquella (two), dancing lion, messmer (two)
4 out of 11 bosses have cutscenes + burn the sealing tree + miquella's promise

compare it to the base game:
fire giant, godrick (two), rennala (two), rykard, radahn (two), morgott (two, if you count margit), mohg, malenia (two), maliketh (two), godfrey (two), placidusax, radagon (two)
12 out of 15 bosses have cutscenes + bridge in volcano manor + marrying ranni + burning the erdtree (two) + carian study hall + getting grabbed by the 3 fingers + showing up in farum azula / ashen leyndell + melina's cutscenes are the start of the game (two)
even random dumb shit like the fell twins have a better intro than some of those dlc bosses
I mean, if you want serious Elden Ring, just play the game. Good fanfiction is usually the opposite of the original material.
Post feet
Milady and bleed feels so good. this moveset needs to be their standard moving forward no more slamming greatswords into the earth
>>Flame grant me strength
why does every retard use this when it lasts 30 seconds and just buffs phys/fire damage? seriously every brainlet retard host would survive 2x more if they used black flame protection instead, or fucking flame protect me for fire bosses like messmer, genuinely makes me roll my eyes when i get summoned and i see hosts start overriding their own buffs with dumb shit because they saw a 1shot video and dont understand how buffs work.

also every host who uses howl of shabriri is brown
>easy to grab dps buff compared to end-game 30 fai protection buff
i think you're the brainlet retard here
My biggest gripe with light greatswords is that no fashion fits them, even the FROM made stuff with Rellana and Leda doesn't fit them.
DEAR GOD, I'm almost out of raw meat dumplings.
thanks for proving my point, don't @ me anymore. try to improve as a human being.
Anyone tried the divine beast sword that the divine beast warriors wield? Is it any good?
Its a curved greatsword.
Of course its good.
I want to play something other than Strength and Quality but always end up falling back into my comfort zone, any tips?
Try the ice perfume
Its fun
Why don't spells just get better the more stat you have instead of there being five incrementally stronger versions of the same thing? Like a fireball becomes big fireball becomes giantsflame take thee or glintstone pebble turns into comet at 50 INT. This would also fix the economic FP use thing, make the spell cost more than the weakest version and less than the strongest version. Less spells to find, function matters more than FP efficiency, power scales naturally with progression etc.
>Summon 2 guys
>Golden vow on dagger
>Eat a turtle neck
>Heavy shield
>Heavy armor
>Great Spear
>Pure INT build
it's gaming time
>Great spear
>Int Build
Explain faggot. Not 1 greatspear scales with int.
>turtle shield
>sweaty playstyle
>heavy armor
>rot sword-on-fist weapon
what's the fucking point? Do you not get tired? And this is being used in a game where pvp literally means nothing, you get nothing worth using, nothing worth farming, nothing at all.
ashes of war system was a mistake and a failure.
Then you'd loose a lot of choice, sometimes the upper version has downside( o flame is longuer to chargre than flame catch), making it so the best choice would be not leveling up
The ash or war feature is one of the best thing in the game, allows for a variety ofapproachs with the same weapon
Yes and that's a good thing
Placidusax is BASED
aight the game is officially dead
i haven't been summoned for over 15 minutes
>Ahhhh... my gaping butt pussy... it pluckers... forgive me... R-radahn......
>add a retarded spirit ash system that completely negates traditional co-op
>it doesn't even buff the bosses despite summoning shit with boss-level health

they're retarded. they made the game to kill its own online enviroment.
Popular group passwords?
What killed Elden Ring?
In my proposal catch flame would get the o flame hitbox without the delay, because why would a spell regress instead of getting better?
I want more adventures, hope fromsoft surpises us with more content, although thats pretty unlikely
atrociously horribad balance
atrocious dlc lore
atrocious online systems
90% of the shit in the game removes the difficulty so no need for co-op
which means no invasions
and no ppl playing after beating (cheesig 90% of the time) the game

sad tale
Miyazaki himself
Is 200 RL worth it? I'm at 150 for all my characters and it feels right but I dunno if 200 feels MORE right
arcane faith slaps so yeah 200 is worth it
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just spent 5 minutes trying to hit the sneaky dung beetle. anyone have tips to making it easier? i assume there will be more of these around.
if they didnt fumble miquella and radahn the dlc would have doubled in sales and it would be extremely alive right now for multiplayer
desu 300 feels the most "elden lord" to me

aoes like gravity
Workday afternoon/morning is not the best time to do co-op.
I've literally been doing it for days and it was ok until today
Lack of dedicated online features and streamlined PvE where you spend most of your time collecting powerups for future bossfights.
good morning erg!!
more ashes like messmers assault pls
school started
>and no ppl playing after beating (cheesig 90% of the time) the game
based on the amount of greatshield bleed poke ghosts, that's more like 98% or smth
Hurt yourself.
preview all erg bloodstains, approve all erg messages
There are two kinds of SoTE players: people who think Jori is one of the only good bossfights, and people who think Jori is the worst boss ever.
>making a new character just to get to the dlc
>been skipping most shit
>don't remember where anything is because it's been a year since I played
I've poured everything into STR and have been swinging a sword and it's not keeping up damage wise. Could someone give me a recommendation? I just got to the Atlas Plateau and killed Radahn. What should I use as a STR build or should I respec?
What helm is that?
I praise all erg group messages except for the horny ones
Jori destroys the open world concept of elden ring.
any weapon of your liking + heavy infusion + 2h the weapon
I don't know which weapon to use though. I need some suggestions. I've been rushing through so I haven't been looking around collecting much of anything. If I know what weapon to go after I'll look it up and collect some upgrade stones for it.
all the problems in the game could've been solved if it was 40% smaller
Just get the gugs then and put lion's claw/giant cunt on it.
Meanwhile in main ER
>2 great runes for Leyndell + DTS or Radahn/Mimic/twingargs/Fia's champs
>2/3 routes to Altus are behind a boss
>Niall required for Snowfield
>Nokron/Nokstella/Deeproot/Lake of Rot require bosses
What's this concept you're speaking of?
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>mfw we can't power stance swords with halberds
>we will never be able to do https://youtu.be/GY0GX0uAR88?si=iEC2DdLPGl0t5Mew&t=251
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rya poster good morning
grafted blade
great stars (*with wild strikes)
fire infused weapon + flaming strike
gugs (*with giants hunt, lion's claw, royal knight resolve/determination)
iron ball/star fists
magma wyrm scalesword
Greatsword can be found in Caelid, you can use that. Pickaxes are also pretty decent too.
>Niall required for Snowfield
Castle Sodomy seems like a special Miyazaki chef's kiss to the player, an entire mini dungeon of trolling
Large Club is laying out in the open in Limgrave and Great Mace is sitting by the Grand Lift in Liurnia. You can bonk all day.
Because it's retarded, same as the way you'll fumble with your flask if it's empty for thirty fucking seconds and the only way to cancel it is to roll. NO OTHER input will cancel it but a roll. Why? Fuck you, that's why.
>same as the way you'll fumble with your flask if it's empty
It's a hilarious emote to use though
It's not deflection, why is a cutscene the marker of something being good or not?
they really dropped the ball with the divine warrior stuff
>divine stomp is an ash but their weapons are somber
>the somber ashes are vanilla storm spin and lol horns
>no lightning storms
>no horn smash combo
>no frost storms
>bird feathers suck ass
just really shitty for how cool they are and they get total control of the elements plus the final one can slam dunk you
Aghhh Midra's OST is so fuckin GOOD
I love how it goes high and then low, it slows down and picks up back again, it alternates between chaotic and waltz, pure madness, KINO
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there's erg bloodstains here....
Must be pvp
>They still haven't fixed the group functionality in the DLC
Kicking Kitamura out was From's best decision. You just know if she was in charge of the OST it would've been another formless amalgamation of OHHH AHHH and violins.
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What went wrong?
Kitamura was great for Bloodborne
unironically I think the game looked better at launch before they started tweaking things like render distance for optimization, at least on console, now we are forever stuck with a glitched out transparent erdtree at places
No she wasn't
The Erdtree was transparent from places like Caelid at launch, even on PC
Did you like the original Demon's Souls music?
it's so aids it feels almost deliberate, anons really thought the whole erdtree was canonically an illusion because of it alone
Uh actuallyh yes she was BB has the most fitting intensity of music and even some of the atmospheric minimal tracks like the hypogean gaol or the music at the orphanage are better than almost anything in the other games with the notable exception of Ash Lake which musically is the best moment in anything fromsoft ever made. Verification not required.
aside from it the render distance has definitely been messed with though because I legitimately feel like distant models were not so low-poly at many points in the game like they are now
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Confessor armor might seriously be one of the best armor pieces From has ever made
its alr
Why isn't Midra's sword a Light GS
Why isn't the falx a backhand blade
What the fuck is this shit
For the same reason why poison hand and madness hand aren't martial arts
From is retarded
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Found this in the icons. Is it something obtainable?
Post small headcanons that don't really affect the lore in any major way. I'll start
The cleanrot knight stabbing at radahn during his fight with malenia was finlay
Godrick was into gardening. He first practiced his grafting on plants before moving onto his followers, then himself
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just got this weapon, should i use my next 8 levels into hitting the minimum stats required to wield it? or maybe ill just level dex so i can use uchigatana.
damn i wish i picked samurai instead. he has the cooler armor compared to vagabond.
Do I lock myself out of content If I decide to join the Volcano Manor?
Same with good guy Varré
moronic as all the plants in stormveil are in a tragic state, more believable of the Leyndell crowd like Morgott or the demigods Godwyn and Miquella
It is one of the top 10 (arguably top 5) strongest weapons in the game and you can use it to destroy everything up to the last boss. It is also a genuinely fun weapon.
Samurai armor is not too far from where you are. Go eastward...
no real consequence for joining volcano manor
letting Varre penetrate your bloodstream gives you homosexual blood red eyes
That's the thing. The more godrick grafted himself and others the more he neglected and mistreated his plants. Just like he did his own men.
Do I ever get to speak to the lord of blood?
I have a godrick one too
He looked pretty handsome pre grafting, like a mini version of godwyn, but the more he grafted, the more stress he put on himself, the more he aged, the worse he looked, and his diluted blood didn't help at all
Why does Midra have no penis
Where's his penis
1. this isn't during his fight with Malenia, it's before.
2. Finlay uses a scythe and an estoc, not a spear.
3. this knight is dead in the next shot
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Yeah... speak...
Is there a return to Boletaria/Lordran/whatever the other games' main settings are called happening any time soon? I'm burnt out on ER by now but I still want my soulslop fix.
It's likely the alpha version of Nanaya's Torch.
top 10 weapon you say? i dont wanna cheese the game but maybe ill consider it whenever i get stuck on anything. right now im enjoying this lordsworn sword. this weapon art has been shitting on people so far.
just gonna continue levelling vigor until 40 then ill decide where to go from here.
Just make a DS1 playthrough and invade with the pvp overhaul mod
It's found in the tools section (like ancestral spirit head and such), not a torch
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fuck this nigger boss and fuck you miyazaki
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Marika? Fucks Rennala
Godfrey? Fucks Radagon
Messmer and melina were born from radagon being fucked by godfrey then turning back to marika
Ranni was born from marika fucking rennala using radagons cock
See now this is canon Mike told me.
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some fucking asshole gave me all of these runes. did this come from my co op partner or the invader who left?
Yes. As we see in elden ring special births make empyreans.
Look at how similar messmer is to malenia being chosen by some horrid entity at birth
At the potentiality for melina being the gloam eyed queen
Malenia and miquella being chosen empyreans due to being born of a single god and how the game implies that hadn't happened to marikas other kids

The only logical conclusion that messmer and melinas conception/birth was unnatural or uncommon same with ranni

Thus they the former two would've had to have been born from gay sex and ranni from futarika plapping her mom
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Why is your Tarnished such a manwhore?
But are you guys sure it was marika who had a cock? Think about it. He and marika were unhappy when he became second elden lord. Radagon and rennala were happy. If before then godfrey fucked radagon, doesn't that imply he has a thing for cocks? Wouldn't that imply rennala was the futa not marika? That maybe the reason rellana was minionzoned by messmer is because he realized she was a futa trying to fuck her nephew by marriage(him)? Or that miquella and radahn were gay because they inherited their cocklust from their dad radagon? Look at radagon when he does a jumping attack, he sticks is ass out like girls who try to make their butts look bigger. He's a cockslut and marika and him didn't get along because marika didn't have a cock
whos getting the best head
that was me ggs have fun
Sometimes he doesn't seem to acknowledge my surrender after reaggroing him for the emote, so I have to let him kill me
I swear every time I see this ds2 gets puts earlier
i killed myself and didnt recover them. rip -5k souls, that was almost another level for me.
were you the naked girl with the club? i saw two of your bloodstains there and laughed. they were using the wrong gesture and got killed for it.
No. Rennala didn't have a cock. She used a glintstone strapon on radagon but it wasn't as good as the real thing. He loved rennala but his cocklust drove him back to marika. It's also why he barred the erdtree off. Godfrey's grace points him at you, but yours doesn't appear during the scene. Showing favoritism but from whom? Marika? No. Considering our grace doesn't show up I propose godfrey was being guided by marika AND radagon. Radagon wanted godfreys cock like the old days. This is why he attacks us. He realizes we're not godfrey and is seething we killed him.
Nah since last summer's writing I only ever play as a type a
Desu, I think Messmer was born when Marika just became a god and was exploring her new abilities to become a futa (specifically a futa with Radagon's cock and balls) at will. She masturbated to full orgasm as a futa one day, spraying cum all over her lower torso. However, due to being a woman for the vast majority of her life, she did not know how to clean herself fully, resulting in some semen flowing down into her cervix when she transformed back into a woman and impregnating her. As a result, Messmer was conceived, and the Greater Will cursed him with the Abyssal Serpent and a vision of fire as a reminder for such a notoriouos conception
He did Seluvis quest??
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Hello /erg/ someone used rennala's model, radagon's model, and ranni's corpse to try to re-create a potential look for a living ranni.

How do rannifags feel about this?
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Got that sith lord drip
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Interesting but needs work still.
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This looks to much like if rennala and radagon fused. Not that they had a kid. But did like a dbz potara fusion
Who drew this. I want to commission
Her eyes are too far apart
Their description is in Chinese but doesn't mention anything about commissions, idk if they take them
I look like patches irl
I'm jewish
Is patches meant to be jewish? We even have the same nose

I'm being serious please answer me
No, Patches is meant to be a gypsy
Holy shit man, Vyke's spear is such a trash weapon. This shit deals no fucking damage
He's not brown enough. He has standard jewish features. I want to claim patches as jewish representation as a proud jew.
>wants the subversive, lying, scheming, backstabbing, culture hating, nihilist, thief to be Jewish
Why do you guys always choose the worst things to compare yourselves to? I remember you comparing yourselves to the fucking tyrannids from 40k and goblins
More like Fayle the Dead. Got him first try.
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Ranni has braided hair. This is visible on her model and in the concept art. The color also doesn't match, hers is actual orange rather than bright red like Malenia, Radahn, Messmer, or Radagon.
doesn't the ghost face indicate that her face just looks like the doll? should've used that as the base instead of Rennala.
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>spamming fingers at 150
>TT runed duelist at Limgrave
>probably TT host + phantom in a tiny cave
>two decent invasions at DLC catacombs
>probably TT runed host + OL mage phantom wanting a honorable duel in an open field

I've won every single one of these invasions yet I feel nothing but despair.
Nta but I always assumed that had to do with the burning or rotting. It makes no sense that her hair is different from every other one of radagons confirmed kids who have nearly all the same shade of red
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It's the lighting/ingame shaders.
Radagon has the exact same red hair as the fire giant, malenia radahn and messmer are meant to have radagon's exact hair color. Ranni too. It's not genetics. It's some magical curse bullshit
Shut up or I'll rape you. Next person who mentions red hair gets raped
Man, Midra's rewards SUCK. The greatsword is lame and has nothing to do with frenzy, while the incantation is just bad (maybe in pvp is good idk).
radahn is the only boss that gives me trouble. I learned every other boss.
wish there was a rematch thing so I can keep fighting Messmer and Bayle. they're both fun af.
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just got this drop, i read it was good but i dont know what makes it good.
can erg elaborate? ill probably use it any way since i think curved swords are really cool
highest ar among curved swords.
Grind for a second one and equip it in the off hand to power stance.
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What mods do you guys play with, if any? The dynamic shadows mod gives so much depth to flat-looking areas. I'm surprised that dynamic shadows aren't already a thing in ER.

Also, t's annoying that I need to use a boss resurrection mod just to rematch my favourite bosses.
He's black. Just look at his actor
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Does this man look black to you?
souls games are primarily western games so the EN VAs are the canon ones
If you fuse them you get a jew.
>Patches has been described as a self-insert character for Miyazaki himself, who shares the tendency to spring traps on unsuspecting players, and only appears in games Miyazaki designed or directed.
Radagon = Marika
Miquella = St. Trina
Patches = Miyazaki
Help me settle this
I argued that ranni was the chocolate milk of elden ring and my friend disagrees and called me a nigger
>supporters think they're special but it's the most picked flavored milk option and thus generic
>not that tasty kinda bland
>other flavors are infinitely better without the diarrhea like almond milk or freyja in my case
a twink invader got me in the catacombs and i accidently killed my gold co-oper by hitting the pillar and setting him on fire.
Never heard anyone claim they were special because they like chocolate milk. Every other point is subjective.
>asking your 4chan buddies to help you settle your argument
Kinda pathetic lol
your friend is right, you're a nigger for going online for validation on a retarded point
I'm black irl don't call me that I'll cry my friend is dating a black chick but is still weirdly racist she's even more racist than he is.
It kinda looks like the 'spirit' side of Ranni's face which is neat.

Just needs some polishing, especially around the eyes which are just dead looking. I'm clearly in the minority who thinks her eyes would have been blue, just going by her ingame doll model and affinity for magic. Even Radagon's eyes aren't gold in the game, we just assume they would be.
I agree
Hyetta is everything that Rannifags want Ranni to be
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>open chest
>get trapped by patches chest gimmick
>sent to the other side of the world
this is really cool. and here i thought limgrave was massive.
if you have taunters tongue you can activate it and wait for an invader to use the elevator for you
then you can access the entire capital before getting 2 great runes
Believe it or not, Limgrave is about 10% of the world's size. Closer to 5% if we count the DLC.
Getting teleported somewhere for the first time and realizing "how fuckin big is this game" is truly a great feeling
mrrmrmrr learning powerpoint again for the first time since school
care to share?
Which elden ring character would indulge in my being peed on kink
I genuinely don't understand why they hid so many armor/weapons behind enemy loot drops. There are entire sections of the DLC map with nothing in them. There are other sections where exploration rewards you with smithing stones and other trash. Why not put armors and weapons as rewards for exploration? A helmet here, a chest piece there, it would make exploring the world infinitely more rewarding.
Melina would pee on your cock, no questions asked
Because you wouldn't kiss me
Miyazaki has a weird aversion to having loot chests in the world of his games. Its been this way since 2015. Dark Souls 2 on the other hand was spamming that shit
I liked the part in Shulva where there were like 3 rooms of chests that had already been opened, to let the player understand the pain of having shit looted by the drakebloods
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>new cool craftable item
>requires reagent x to craft
>theres only 17 total of reagent x in the entire world per new game cycle
>but instead lets give players more smithing stone [3]'s and [4]'s
No offense but like... you didn't already have it made?
How much strength do I need to use the Golem Halberd two-handed (36 str/14 dex), I want to do a run with this weapon only and I want to know how much to invest on early level without farming exp from greyoll and the night calvary in dragonbarrow
Good morning, Raya.
Why are there gankers in Seamless
gankers are not there to farm reagents
I straight up gave myself 999 of every crafting material. What the fuck is the purpose of so many new consumables when crafting them needs forever? Like the harpoon consumables, do they really expect me to kill slimes for 20 hours to craft a stack of harpoons? Fuck that noise. Cheat engine
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Oh sorry I missed this, morning
Are they not? Wait then like what are they getting out of it? I don't get invaded very often I figured like it was how you got rune arcs and runes
you're right but it kinda breaks the immersion
once you cheat in a single item your walkthrough is not "wholesome" anymore
>what are they getting out of it?
They're showing dominance, its the same kinda people that gank low levels in mmorpg's.
I’m sorry but you will lose the court battle with that kind of preparation
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>requires 40 str
heh. guess i wont be using this for a while. it looks pretty cool too, too bad it aint curved.
Ymir is such a weird troon, I'm glad we got to kill him. Why are all INT characters so tranny-coded?
Isn't that weird and kind of mean?
I love Rya so much
I wish serpent girls were real...
Why? She's gross
you only need 27 str to 2hand it
Two handing reduces str requirement by 1.5 anon, you can two hand it at 27
in your case is 24 str to two-hand it
I'm too 2 years late with this but bubbles are pretty bad... what were they thinking?
>No offense but like... you didn't already have it made?

Relax..i got three weeks.
They aren't? The INT bubbles are decent spells and the FTH bubbles are good, with the Envoy longhorn behind one of the strongest weapons in the game.
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Yep, time to invade stormveil
I oracular bubbles. Enemies never walk into them so I only damage with them when casting directly into the enemy. What's the correct use of them?
It's 20% of the world's playable space actually.
please no.. ill be there sometime tonight
this nigga spammed for months about his epic lawsuit and is preparing just now what a retard
Not even close
>Limgrave = 1 Limgrave (approximate unit of measure that will be written as Lm), with Stormveil being 0.5 Lm by itself
>Weeping Peninsula: 0.5 Lm
>Caelid: 1 Lm
>Liurnia: 1.25 Lm
>Altus + Gelmir: 1.5 Lm
>Snowfield + Mountaintops + Haligtree: 1 Lm
>Farum 0.5 Lm
>Deeproot + Ainsel + Siofra: 0.75 to 1 Lm
As for the DLC, I'd say it's about 2.25 Lm total in terms of size and content.
Therefore, the game is around 10 Lm total, ± 1 Lm. Making Limgrave 10% of the game's size.
The lack of consistency with scaling really bothers me.
Lightning scales with dex. Unless its an incantation, then it scales with faith, even with the gravel seal. Unless its the flower gavel, then its arcane... even though it lowers lightning resistance... which has no effect on lightning.
All the curse-themed tools, like the Omen Bairns, and the Wraith Calling Bell scale with faith/intelligence. Except the one matching weapon, Greatsword of Milos, which has quality scaling.
Ice Lightning weapons have quality scaling, but the one Ice Lightning spell has a massive faith requirement.
The Putrid Knight's Cleaver has arcane scaling for some reason, but the associated spells have faith/intelligence scaling.
Death magic requires faith and intelligence, but all of the Ghostflame weapons only have intelligence scaling.
If you want to make a themed build you have to spread you stats so thin that they aren't viable.
Also how come the Golden Order Seal has fai/int scaling and is a rape machine but the Prince of Death Staff has the same scaling and sucks cock?
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ok this crucibal knight is a fucking pain in the ass. it wouldnt be so bad if he didnt shield immediately after doing 6 attacks in a row.
the less i play this game and the more i forget i spent 60 euros on it, the more i realize how fucking trash it is
do i regret spending that money? no, because the launch day experience and the following 2 months were totally worth playing
the rest? fuck no
in fact i simply uninstalled this shit then pirated it with the DLC, so that's at least 40 euros not hitting the pocket of a retarded game dev

tons of shit that doesn't make sense >>493164002 and >>493163764
nerfs upon nerfs
cut content
rushed content
fucking EAC (but still have cheaters anyway)
e-celeb and pvp subhuman fellation
bosses tuned towards cheese builds

fucking sad
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>meteorite staff is a +17 +0 staff with excellent scaling
>DLC gives you a +6 INT consumable with an insignificant health drain
>even without twinsage crown i can stack 45 INT on level 30
>glintstone nail just fucking kills everything outright
>slicer, piercer, greatsword, gavel nuke 90% of anyone's HP
>hefty magic pots are stronger than cannon of haima at this point
youre a fag
and you're less than a blind dog
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parry them
Prince of Death actually has 40 more spell power at 80/80 but it's incredibly backloaded so you really do have to go up to 80/80 for it to catch up to and surpass the seal. Why is it like this? Fuck if I know.
If you used the souls from every boss in the game I don't even think you'd have enough for 80/80. You cannot feasibly get those stats in one play through.
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Read the fine print, faggot.
took about 6 attempts but i just ran away and reengaged with a jump attack to reset his attack patterns. if i played too close to him constantly he would string 3 different movesets back to back doing like 12 consecutive attacks in a row.
>Lansseax’s “human form” looks like Florissax
Boss runes would be enough for 80/80. There are probably around 1 million runes worth in rune items scattered throughout the game so you could also level VIG or MIND. Kill some mobs while going through dungeons and you'll be able to have a decent baseline of both.
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Please like and subscribe
but then I could just make an 80/80 str/dex build that is 10x better.
This was the best outcome.
Fia is Fortissax
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He's not wrong, Ranni is for rape. Ranni is for rape. Ranni is for rape.
I don’t think Ranni can feel anything in her doll vessel. She is just a spirit inhabiting an object.
Ancient Dragon's are so horrible to fight for all the wrong reasons
Fia has the same hairstyle as marika and weirdly looks like her face wise.
Why did fortisaxx make the form it planned on sleepbanging godwyn with look like his mom?
>thinking i'm just preparing now

i've been gathering data from lawyers, i'm just now preparing the powerpoint which is just a slide show of the cut content. I have a script which i've been working on for the legal business.

Here's the cause of action
>A party may also be liable for fraud by knowingly concealing or omiting material information in violation of a duty to disclose it. See Buffalo-Water 1, LLC v. Fidelity Real Estate Co., LLC,
481 Mass. 13, 25 (2018) (elements of fraud by omission). In such a case, the judge must adapt these instructions

The legal question is: does Bandai Namco Games have a legal duty to disclose the hidden game in Elden Ring?

I'm arguing they do. It's misrepresentation by only showing half the game and hiding the other behind a wild goose chase that turns you insane.
She looks like she "experimented" with Blaidd when she hit puberty. Demigoddess cunny getting plapped while her breath comes in short little pants. She feels Blaidd drooling into her hair and starts to complain but her voice chokes out when she feels her cervix get reached for the first time ever in her life. Blaidd's starting to make a weird keening noise and rutting into her harder and harder. Something big and solid is pushing insistently against her puffy lips.
>sword of the Lord of Frenzied Flame
>has 0 (zero) madness buildup and no relation to madness at all
Miyazaki confirmed blaidd was gay. Seluvis was inspired by ranni in his rapey ways. It's why she let him get away with it. She went around raping random people in liunaria which is why the cuckoos rebelled. She specifically went after young males. It's also why she shows interest in our tarnished. Our character is decades or centuries younger. She's a pedo
>invade in Charo's Hidden Grave
>wave and be friendly and let them kill the tibia mariner
>lead them to the grace
>watch them walk towards the graveside bird arena and just sit down and wait
Free Rune arc
Makes sense considering rellana is a pedo too going after her nephew who's younger than her. I wouldn't be surprised if rennala was notably older than radagon/marika when they wed. Then we of course have radahn and miquella who's eternally childlike. Carians are pedos except rykard
Rennala had a fun time with the weird kids in her room.
>except Rykard
Travelled to some far away land to get a wife. Looks old as shit compared to her. Just connect the dots.
here's a legal argument

>When evaluating a motion to dismiss a claim for declaratory relief under rule 12 (b) (6), a judge must proceed in two steps. First, the judge must determine whether the claim was "properly brought." See Mscisz v. Kashner Davidson Sec. Corp., 446 Mass. 1008, 1010 (2006). A claim for declaratory relief is "properly brought" where the plaintiff demonstrates that an actual controversy exists, see G. L. c. 231A, § 1 (courts may issue declaratory judgments where "an actual controversy has arisen and is specifically set forth in the pleadings")

If i can prove a controversy exists, the court can rule in my favor that my claim was "properly brought".

Is there anyone here that would deny a controversy exists surrounding the other half of the game?

this seems like an easy case to prove in massachusetts...don't make me chase you all the way to california...
It took me until NG+7 to realize how incredibly important it is to have an Endure stick as a FTH caster
Literal game changer
Radahnbro... you're still alive!!
Romina looks like a MMO enemy
What a stupid boss
She's my least favourite boss of the DLC
>stupid design and low quality textures/model
>small arena
>shitty camera that makes me dizzy
>lock on point too high, doesn't let you hit her with short weapons and you need to go unlocked
your face is gross
Anyone know
-any stat requirements for an item build
-anyone who looks like a jew to help search for sliders
Yeah, if you want to call this a "life." I'm still trapped with nothing to do except play Fromsoft games and post here indefinitely. I guess nobody ever really gets abused by their family, huh? Anyone who says they did is clearly just crazy/on drugs, looking for attention, and needs to be kept confined by the people they claim abused them in the first place.
Itemfind you'll want max arc, so bleed probably.
It's pretty nuts that the one thing they didn't bring over from DS3 was giving seals the ability to poisecast in exchange for more FP cost
Like instead of giving seals the ability to have any AoW, they just gave them nothing
Are you single
>You can jump the 50% hp rejection
I never even thought to try that, learn something new every day
whoa you can even jump the transformation burst
been having connection issues on pc all day, anyone else? will finally get summoned then connection errors out.
I can't decide between offhand slicer+swift gs vs catch flame (+lightning spear?) for bloody helice. Any suggestions?
Yet another victim of PVP balance philosophy.
It's insane that they gutted so many mechanics and then put busted weapons that ruin PVP anyway. Like the balance is done by 2 separate teams who don't communicate. One doesn't give a shit about PVP and the other thinks it's the whole point of the game.
Can I use Rennala to set my RL to a certain threshold?
I don't want to create more characters...
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Invader bros.......Let the troling begin.

The greater will is a star
The primeval current is a pulsar or the remnants of the greater will that supernova'd

Here's a fact however, the microcosm metyr summons is labeled as "sun" in the files

I never liked bosses. I enjoy the exploration and level design in these games, the bosses have always just been something I tolerate rather than enjoy. I'm pretty happy that I can just take mimic tear and spam ice spear to win.

I would love to see what FromSoft would do if they made a game similar to the Sould formula, without classic bosses like this at all. Concentrate fully on the level design, and focus fully on the tension of exploring a level while managing limited resources. Stretch out the spacing between checkpoints, and make it feel more like a survival horror.
I mean, the Red star the thorn sorcerers saw and the Red mother are probably one in the same.
it would be great but the genre is turning into boss rushes
I think I fucked up, I reached Romina with 18 scadutree fragments and I first tried her.
The base game had the same problem with it becoming trivial if you actually explore things. Why is From like this?
The fell god is associated with the sun. The greater will through metyr is associated with the sun. The greater will split from the one great. There are celestial object "stars" and literal "stars" in space.

Most gods, outergods and non outergods all stem from the original one great, including the likes of the fellgod, whatever the moons are, the space portal black moon, the bloodstar, and more. They're all split aspects of the same original being. The greater will is just the largest piece
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Leda is kinda cute.
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The Fell God is Jupiter. The eye of the fire giant looks like fire storms in the pole of Jupiter.
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Alright so Margit took two tries, it was way easier than the crucibal knight. i really like my turtle shield.
Why do you have so much vigor dude
You're Jupiter
i like vigger but i stopped and im leveling endurance now so i can have more stamina.
>that hp bar
its fucking twice as long as mine was before final game completion
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the primeval current is just time
>When Azur glimpsed into the primeval current, he saw darkness.
he looked into the future and saw the heat death of the universe
>When Lusat glimpsed into the primeval current, he beheld the final moments of a great star cluster
he looked into the future and saw the end of star formation
>The glimpse of theprimeval current that the astrologer saw became real, and the stars' amber rained down on this land.
he looked a much shorter distance into the future and glintstone fell to earth

even just by name alone it makes sense for the primeval current to be time, it basically just means the first flow, the flow of time would logically have to be the first flow
Is this a new figure?
Getting summoned for Rykard is just accepting that the host will die as soon as second phase hits. Same for the gargoyles.
>spam catch flame and dragon maw, and maybe pest threads against a big guy
>spam rock sling and carian slicer, and maybe shard spiral against a big guy
Is it not speculated that Jupiter is a failed star?
it looks like 50-60
Even if they were an one time consumable. Why wouldn't you use it? The first thing I do when I find something is try that shit out.
Nah, it's way too small. It just happens to be comprised of hydrogen and helium, which is what stars begin with. But if it makes you feel better, the word "planet," in the original Greek means "wandering star."
Sometimes wholesome men must do unwholesome things.
>I can't decide between offhand slicer+swift gs vs catch flame (+lightning spear?) for bloody helice. Any suggestions?
anyone, pls?
its 40 vigor why am i getting bullied it lets me take more hits to do damage. its effectively more dpm (for me)
>not leveling vig
No complaints, Its just I usually stop at 30 until altus.
catch flame
le ebin pro player who never gets hit
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Got another Destined Death kino kill
Fuuuuuuuug these guys are strong
finally sat down and finished the DLC
it really took the whole game from a 9/10 down top a 7/10
thanks for 40 dollar gaijin
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Her womb? Exclusively for the sperm of big sweaty smelly masculine men with short hair. She cries the entire time she's being fucked trying and failing to imagine it's Miquella, then sobs harder afterwards. She had saved herself this whole time for a cute fragrant long-haired little blond shota for nothing.
why is /erg/ obsessed with writting cuck fantasies
theres not enough honestly
Which ones are those?
Like I recognize them somewhat, as the horned warriors, but that's the divine beast head...
I just ran past them.
I rushed through all of Enir-Ilim just so I could get Leda's coat.
The autists in Enir Ilim...
Ah, I've not gotten there yet.
Currently just opened up the Coffin cave place and am working my way through there.
Then I'll do the Bony village, followed by the Castle.
the ones that twirl in the air and summon thunder and lightning
Flame Spear or Flame Skewer on Milady on a Pure FTH run?
Flame Spear is way better for PVE.
Range + longer lasting buff + benefits from Godfrey's Icon that also boosts most good incantations.
They literally have more HP than Malenia on NG+7. Genuinely impossible.
They're too strong to be autistic
Why is nu-From obsessed with giving enemies zero windup radial aura attacks? The stupid wind storm shit was bullshit on Godrick and the banished knights but they made an even worse version with the ice storm shit these guys can do.
Dumping into your healthbar has always been the fastest and easiest way to trivialize the games
You have an endgame sized healthbar on the tutorial boss
How do you even get to 40 vigor that early
It's 33/33/33 split between
>wholesome chungus wife/husband marriage
>generic gooner coomslop
>rapesnuff shit
>not dying in one hit is playing easy mode
if you press the dodge button once you did not beat the game
Is it just me or are all the loreniggers missing super obvious shit because they are looking too hard for details and missing the bigger picture?

i.e it's supposed to be allegory and metaphor, it's not just influenced by real world history and religions but intentionally parallels them to make a point about what faith is and how we ended up believing in some of the crazy carckpot bullshit we do in real life.

Maybe I am overthinking it too. But tl;dr it isn't all supposed to make sense and that's not a cop out, it's the point.
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im level 39 and just pumped everything into viggy until 3 levels ago. now im doing stamina until maybe 20 or 25 or whenever i can carry two curved swords without fat rolling.
also ive been exploring every corner of Limgrave and killing everything ive come across. and i was able to pop those gold fowl chicken legs for extra runes after killing a couple of bosses.
so far im having a blast with the game, im just finishing up stormveil i think. i got a portion left to explore
your reading is not only surface level, it's retarded
What? No it's not
Not all writers are as good storytellers as the people who read their books
Sometimes theories or headcanons can be better than whatever canon the creator had intended
FROMplots just have an element of unreliable narration to them which draws in everyone who loves that shit and then validates their shit by being vague
There are many different layers to your question and the one I take issue is the one in reality with the fact of that GRR nigger infecting the story when he probably doesn't give a shit about videogames. No writer wants the best of their work to be in some random bullshit. That every boss and lorenigger starts with G R or M is the first sign that some inferior quality writing faggotry went down
this but unironically
I think that every lion guy combined killed me more than Radahn
Just parry their main sword swings and rollslop their special attacks. They are literally crucible knight palette swaps.
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tough fight, but i have your shard now.
also soap is really neat. thanks to the co oper who dropped a dozen for me.
What's happening here are you a gay ERPer LARPing as a first time player or do you actually a lewd slut who wants to suffocate to death on erg cocks
I had to lower my NG+7 level to NG+ for Leda and her allies because all together they have around 250k HP, if you consider the flask
You read that right
shard spiral is hard to get early
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yes. im done playing for today. tomorrow i will explore this place, its very pretty.
>missed one scadutree fragment
Well I'll be damned
I should've kept track
Have fun.
Miquella is supposed to have pursued metaphysical knowledge, as in he tried to solve his problems by understanding how the world works on a deeper level, e.g. Golden Order Fundamentalism and Unalloyed Gold. Fundamentalism is the physics of the setting and required extensive study and high intelligence; all of Miquella's base game spells need high INT to use and he himself is referred to as a "bold and meticulous craftsman who grasps the essence of life itself." He's a scientist.

That knowledge allowed him to accomplish remarkable things, even if Mohg kidnapping him left him unable to see the true culmination. I was expecting more of that in the DLC - Miquella as a scientist or engineer, leaving the player answers about things like the origin of the Erdtree for example (given that the whole thing is about the Erdtree's shadow) and him using that knowledge to further pursue his goals the way he did with Unalloyed Gold. Instead we get temper tantrum Miquella making really obvious mistakes because he... want to fuck his brother?

His whole characterization in the DLC flipped the script without warning on who he was supposed to be as per the base game, and I am eternally confused.
things that are mentioned once or never in relation to Miquella in the DLC

>the Haligtree
>Unalloyed Gold
>fucking Malenia

If you only played the DLC would there even be a single sign that Miquella is intelligent at all, or had any talents at all beyond randomly being born with mind control powers? Is his study of the universe's laws and fabric referenced even once? What about him making weapons and tools like the Golden Epitaph and Malenia's prosthetics? DLC Miquella and Game Miquella are essentially different characters entirely.
155 +10 before Leyndell is some serious grinding bruh
frenzy if you can still lockon, bow for manual aiming
level vig, like 10 vig per zone up to 40 before endgame
level end to wear good armor for at least 51 poise
choose a build instead of spreading your stats all over the place. You can respec later
actually use the tears and talismans you find
at least give crafting a look, some stuff can be very useful early on
Weapon bufff (ashes or spells) are really good in early game.
Low level incants are all-around great to have on hand for various situations
Try to always have a blunt weapon on top of your regular weapon, a basic club or mace can be a massive difference for certain bosses or just to stagger.
Similarly try to always have throwing knives or a bow & arrow to pull or finish off enemies.
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>DLC is about Miquella throwing everything away
Dunno what you expected.
Left stick button's another way to dismount your horse. Easier for jumping off than reaching for the d-pad on a controller
The jar shards replenish after throwing a pot
One of the early major bosses allows you to respec stats.
Sometimes you have to grace teleport to a different region and back for an npc's location to update
Take note of weapons you like that uses somber smithing stones, or vice versa, compared to your primary weap, and consider those as secondary weaps as they won't take upgrading materials from your primary
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Name one enemy that is more fear and panic-inducing than the Royal Revenant
>mimic ashes +10
>radagon soreseal
>bloodhound fang
is it objectively and irrefutably BM to use urgent heal in a duel
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Strongly advise to not go into other different "areas" until you're done with the current one. Go by maps - if you don't have the map for that place yet, continue exploring in the one you do. The game is largely balanced difficulty wise - all enemies in Limgrave are balanced around starting player stats.
That said, let your whimsy take over - explore as you go. The game is much more fun when you're not worried about stuff.
Bricking NPC quests is relatively hard, but you might skip portions of their quests if you do certain triggers
Strongly suggest engaging on foot with enemies. Horseback fighting is ass, and Torrent will let you skip almost ANYTHING so if you want you can legitimately just skip anything in the overworld.

You're not playing aggressively enough.
Posture breaking is the most powerful thing you can do in the game and finding ways to posture break enemies with your build severely improve your efficacy in combat
Enemies, bosses specially, can mix up their combos.

50-60 VIG is your end goal, aim for that. You can get by with maybe less if you're really good at boss patterns and dodging.
Protection is just as, if not more, important than your actual HP. Dragoncrest Shield Talismans are some of the best.
The divine beast warriors
For me royal revenants are nothing more than pinatas that I can hit with heal spells to cause a satisfying sound effect
i really fucking hate how passivity is rewarded in this game
thanks for the write up anon, much appreciative of the tips.
If you block an attack, you can follow with a heavy attack for a devastating counter. Know your enemy well enough that you only block the last hit of a combo, or you'll get hit.
heal spell
It does? To me, it feels like this game rewards you for being almost suicidal and trade a shitload, far more than any defensive play
I liked Martin's point in his blog addressing the G R M characters. He said his name is right there on the cover of the game, he doesn't need to put his initials in it.

Also, he's big on the theme of history being written by the victors - or at the very least, written by whomever is around to hear about what happened. Fire and Blood has a lot of parts where the author states the outcome of a situation, along with the varying accounts of different witnesses, and leaves it up to the reader to decide which account may really be true, ie a guy dies at a council meeting behind closed doors and some people say he fell, others say he started a fight, and still more people say he was ambushed. Pair that element of unreliable narrators writing history with Miyazaki's love for filling in the narrative gaps with your imagination and you've got one hell of a patchwork of events and characters that never quite forms a complete picture.

At launch it felt almost like a Chinese puzzle box, with each piece of lore that answered questions knocking another piece of lore out of alignment.
This game has too much shit that needs to be farmed for crafting, too many merchants that are useless and I know a solution that would've solved both issues...
A bit too on the nose don't you think? The "merchants" controlling every facet of supply and demand in the lands between? You filthy pauper antisemite. P'THEW
art imitates life, there's no point in hiding it anyway
whats with everyone wearing the stupid cone hat
+3 int
no not the brown banana the red one
oh the fire knight's one? it's a free erdtree favor so +HP +Stamina +Weight
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Messmer's #1 executioner
CRUSH hornsent
BURN hornsent
STRANGLE hornsent
loks awful
>100+ hour long game
>NO bonfire ascetic mechanic so we can't refight bosses or reset dungeons to explore them again
How well does this build work in PVP
They removed literally every good thing Ds2 came up with. Even funny harmless shit like the ability to see all the deaths from all the bloodstains in an area so you could see hordes of dudes killing themselves or getting mogged by a mimic
god ds2 was peak SOUL. i should replay it again soon
that's from alright. all the good armor looks like shit so you're forced to look like a retard if you wanna minmax some build
this is why you should never summon white mask tards
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>NG+ remains the same through all cycles
>0 meaningful ways to use the pvp prizes
>No covenants
>No bonfire ascetic
>Powerstancing is lame as shit and every mongoloid can do it without any heavy stat requirements
>No PvP boss (To be honest it would probably get ganked to hell but still)
According to the financial reports they expect this game to last a long ass while too but everything is unfinished, half baked or stupidly implemented, why are here? Just to suffer?
I thought I was being cheeky, engaging with O'Neal and then summoning whats her face but then I watched as his HP bar changed the moment she appeared on the battlefield.
very cool anon
What the fuck are grace mimics even supposed to be
I thought it was a little utility to make a temporary grace but all it seems to do is point in some general direction?
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I miss ds2 powerstancing. Remember majestic greatsword powerstancing? That shit was good as hell. Imagine holding Y with two weapons and your character does the radahn/vengarl pose? Now imagine you get lb rb and rt as different moves, with weapon art still on lt. Literally could've done it perfect with their massive resources and they still half assed it
They reuse so much shit yet they didn't reuse that
It's unbelievable
You could also power-stance with two different weapon types as long as they both had the same category of attacks like thrusting or slashing.
They are for PVP. Back when the game released I'd invade in catacombs, set up grace mimics, wait behind the corner and then blow the host up with the ruptured tears. Fun.
After Radahn there should have been a reverse Midra scenario where with Radahn dead it's just weak-ass little Miquella crawling around like a slug trying to fight us while seething, and we easily kill him in one hit
They couldn't even bother to make Stomp uppercut and sweep the same ash like Square Off and you think they could've pulled that off
you're talking to the same game where they wanted to do a multimedia franchise and the only thing they could come up with in 2 years is 3 mangas
i completely forgot diallos ever existed in this game
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>*Ring ring*
>Hello, this is Malenia blade of Miquella with Hotwife (male) Services, how may I direct your cock?
>Uh huh... Uh huh... You said there are FOUR of you? At ten inches a pop?
>And what time would you like to plow my brother?
>And would you like the Express or Deluxe package? Deluxe means I leave for the entire night and you can try to knock her up. For an extra fee I'll be on call to bring snacks and condoms.
>Okay, so I have Radahn, Mohg, Godwyn, and Gaius down for 8 PM, Deluxe Package plus cuck duty for me. Thanks!
I never understood this meme.
Is Krillin a cuck now or something?
He's been a cuck for a few decades
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I like how the ganksquad boss arena is also a perfect place to set up a ganksquad.
From knows their games better than people give them credit for.
Hard to tell whether it's a dedicated gank or just coopers about to fight the boss. Once an invaders speaks in, boss sign disappears so they can't enter it until the invader dies
Why do they do this, nobody likes that, I'd rather be fogwalled honestly
I feel like i'm doing fuck all damge for Consort Radahn
I have 16 blessings and can barely proc Ranni's room and frost and then eat shit at phase 2
keep us posted on your playthrough i wanna see
Inseminating Type B's in the Lands Between
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>Been playing with Godrick's great rune on to meet the min requirements of my equipment until my level catches up to it
>Go fight Mimic Tear
>It can't use my equipment so it spends half the time doing the "huh" casting animation
I know it's not a hard boss at all but I laughed
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Because all the criticism it gets is wrong and retarded and comes from subhumans that play like this.
Hope this clears out why Elden Ring fans have a (justified) sense of superiority
Now go to dsg, nigger
WHAT THE FUCK STARDUST INCREASED DAMAGE TAKEN BY 30% I never noticed no wonder I've been eating shit so much
>being the most flawed fromsoft game
No, it's their best game by far
>to date has also the most rabid and neurotic fanboys who harass and witch hunt anyone who dares to criticize it.
Like the holocaust, this didn't happen but it should have
Good dex/fth weapons?
messmer spear
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What did he do to them to deserve this
I’m level 80 inside Leyndell and just unlocked the shunning grounds. Am I playing progressing well?
Bloodborne fans are extremely insecure.
weapon level is more relevant than your rune level
>36 hours later
>same thread
this town's finished
My weapon level is +17
i honestly don't even bother upgrading past +12 until the area after leyndell since you get the ability to buy stones up to +18 at that point
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I hope From keeps ignoring shitters and subhuman normalfaggots and they don't downgrade from SotE bosses back to the rollslam and punish trash design of the Souls trilogy to please double digit monkeys and youtubers.
How about when you get to mountaintops and farum Azula?
that's what i mean, you get the 3rd bell bearing right at the start of mountaintops
The game is dead. It's gotten to the point I keep seeing the same coopers/hosts/invaders while cooping on vanilla PC. It's better when I invade on the shitter mod but that's not gonna last for much longer either.
This place is now mostly frequented by tumblr trannies and femcels, which is why the OP image is always dogshit.
i think the biggest wasted potential in ER were great runes. They really could've done cool things with those and instead its all worthless
Why does nobody use spirit ashes?
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What the fuck are you talking about? The Great Rune system is great
don't wanna be accused of not beating the game...
Because nothing trivializes the game more than splitting aggro. There are a few bosses that are designed with some tools against them, like the Golden Hippo's massive AoE attacks or Consort Radahn's fakeouts targeting the non-primary target and miquella's light pillars but generally, bosses can't deal with split aggro. Summoning a tank spirit ash and only attacking the boss when he's aggrod onto it is one of the most braindead ways to play.
It's literally just Malenia's Great Rune that changes how you can play the game, everything else is just a stat buff.
Lol I've still not found that hippo, and I've killed 2 already
It is time for /erg/ to end....
Godrick's Great Rune allows you to meet requirements if you are willing not to have a boost
Radahn's vs Morgott's is a choice dependingon wheter you invested in FP or not
Mohg's is great in invasions
Rykard's is great for dungeon clearing and basically ring of the evil eye but good
They all completent builds and work great, none of them are useless. Some are more niche maybe.
Cosidering it comes from the garbage Rune system of Bloodborne, it's a massive improvement.
Malenia said this.
the epitome of forced meme
1.dogshit after you hit like 60 RL
2. 15% more FP is like ONE more small spell cast maybe one good spell
3. meme, especially when you can just use Morgott's to not die to players
4. regular enemies in dungeons are so easy to kill and you can usually get to the next grace before you run out of flasks
basically you use godrick early to mid game then Morgott's late game to not die
But PCR is literally the epitome of rollslop.
Melania, Blade of Donald
>fuck I forgot what Miquella's lore is, what do we do
>got it, just make it so he lorewise abandoned everything so we don't have to actually know what his base game lore is and don't have to connect it in any meaningful way, I'm sure it'll be fine and people will defend the shit writing anyways

It doesn't have to be Miquella himself giving us his thoughts, although literally anything would be better than Radahn is my consort x10, we have a whole band of goobers and St. Trina to serve as mouth pieces for his character, but besides Ansbach (whose inclusion shits on Mohg's story) they say nothing of value at all and are only superficially connected to Miquella.
You know what's fucked up? For all the kindly Miquella bullshit and "muh compassion" being repeated ad nauesum, the only "kind" action that he does in the DLC is heal Freyja (which ironically makes him look much worse in the broader context of the lore). The DLC story makes no mention of any of his base game lore yet simultaneously requires you to know it in order for his character to even begin to have weight, as all his genuinely kind actions are part of the base game.
There's a fucking oscar-worthy story buried in this heap that mods will have to bring to light eventually. Something needed to connect the S-tier trailers to the actual game in some capacity. Fucking horseshit is what we got. Miquella's actions in the base game were some protagonist shit. and it would've made his betrayal really land if the player had him as a friendly NPC prior to the final battle.

They told 99% of this game's story offscreen which is pretty lazy already, then they were lazy with the details too. Elden Ring 2 needs to be made now, and not because it should be, but because they need to hire a fucking writer this time.
what are some rooms in the game that you always get nervous going into
>that one in leyndell with the high page and 2 perfumers that use uplifting aromatics
Besides the finale the premise of Miquella's DLC story on paper sounds good and compelling, the problem is that it is never meaningfully expanded on and the narrative diarrhea that is Promised Consort Radahn completely undermines the tragedy they tried to establish. I hate Miquella but the fact that so many people think he was always a manipulative evil psycho shows that 1. the Fromsoft community is almost entirely made up of illiterate retards and 2. the narrative completely failed at making Miquella's tragedy coherent due to the amount of gaping holes in his story that should not exist (namely the complete lack of any base game connections).
The room in Leyndell with the high page next to the stairs at the bottom.
The room in stormveil with the scion
Miquella is the kindest, most pure soul in the entire game, but because all of his 'kind deeds' only exist in flavor text, all we see is the sociopathic power-hungry shit he does in the DLC, which 'shows' and doesn't 'tell'. Actions speak louder than words.

I get it, the whole point is "absolute power corrupts absolutely" whatever, that's always a refreshing take, but when the player is tasked with killing Miquella? This is supposed to HURT the player emotionally. I should feel BAD that I have to kill Miquella. I don't. You didn't showcase his kind deeds as well as his bad ones, which were center stage. He's a bastard. He threw St.Trina into a 3,000ft chasm to her death and it bisected her down the middle.
That part of the haligtree near the first bonfire with the all the ants
Which bow is best for dex builds?
Need a good long-range poke option for invasion.
Oh miquella wasnt a manipulator sociopath? I thought GRR just tried to ape bakkers shit
Soreseal moment.
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what about her Voice actor?
>Need a good long-range poke option for invasion.
It's called Claws of Night.
I've heard that Ansbach's bow has a pretty strong skill.
Sorry but Mike is not kind. He is a monster worse than Griffith.
>1.dogshit after you hit like 60 RL
It's good if you need to hit certain values, it's a tradeoff.
>2. 15% more FP is like ONE more small spell cast maybe one good spell
It's big if you are playing any build with 20 or more mind, and comes with a stamina buff that offsets the lower investment on Endurance
>3. meme, especially when you can just use Morgott's to not die to players
No you can't, what the fuck are you talking about? Only Mohg rune can be used on invasions.
>4. regular enemies in dungeons are so easy to kill and you can usually get to the next grace before you run out of flasks
But it bleeds invaders dry on mob encounters instead of the other way around it.

Rykard great rune is extremely niche, yes, I would make it so at max health it every attack is boosted by 10%, similar to and stacking with Ritual Sword Talisman, but at the same time The Great Rune system is a great idea and it's shocking how versitile and deep the ARPG mechanics are compared to previous games.
yup yup Canon
he's supposed to be kind, and we're supposed to see his value system get 'corrupted' except... we don't see him before this corruption so it falls completely flat
yeah basegame itself doesnt even show him being that kind either. Haligtree is a fucking shithole
Xerxes is kinder than Mike.
The base game had already made it clear that Miquella was a manipulative little shit. You are at no point supposed to feel empathy for Miquella, in the same way Gwyndolin is canonically a piece of shit not unlike his father. The narrative didn't try to surprise the player about Miquella's actions and his evil-doing, which is why you chase his footsteps while learning just how wicked he is before even meeting him.
He literally gets you killed at the Chapel of Anticipation
I’m level 168 on PS5 and Invasions take around a minute or two of finger spam to fire and in the Arena I usually fight the same 5-6 people over and over. Did I pick the worst level for activity?

>gets you killed at the church of anticipation
How do you know this? Surely it was Godrick.
Literally everything he does in the base game is objectively good sans the bewitching branch, it's the DLC that goes full retard with the Caelid and Mohg subplots. Before the DLC shat on the lore the Haligtree was the most tragic area in the game, a shadow of what was once a beautiful and peaceful sanctuary. Everything about Miquella, even in the DLC, is intended to invoke a sense of loss and desperation, and the fact that you think he's just a muh Griffith expy shows that they completely flopped on presenting this tragedy.
You should have 20 blessings
That sounds pretty funny

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