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Previous >>492791389

>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9eXHaH_9vI
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YM3eHtnoC0
>Metaphor: ReFantazio Official Showcase - https://youtu.be/RlbKYbS0nSk

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
>New and improved Birthday Chart
>Media assets

/pg/ OC:
>Draw Corner archive

Anti Spammer Tech:
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Give me ideas for the next Eupha stickers.
smiling yupa
>getting high on that fruit with hulkenberg
Wearing two pairs of sun glasses
Casting spell
cute and canon
but like in a smug way
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Playing with her heartstrings
cute twins
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Post cute and canon.
anon, this is a blue board...
This face
you could post fuuka spreading her ass wide open and it would be SFW, that's how innocent fuuka is
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We love Metis here.
Looks like music is going to have some kind of plot or thematic relevance in Metaphor. Junah is a singer so that may be a clue.
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Junah releasing albums after albums about how her ex louisio was an asshole
At least one album for each ex
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very cute and very canon
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killing is bad m'kay
Who will kill Gallica? Hulkenberg or Junah?
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Cutest and canon-est
I want hulkenberg to dutch oven me
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Cute and Cannon
cute and canon
we need artwork for this
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Predict the popularity ranking of the Metaphor party members, including Gallica and the MC.
Poketto Komputa!
1. Protagonist-kun
2. Hulkenberg
3. Gallica
4. Strohl
5. Junah
6. Eupha
7. Heismay
8. Basilio
1. Gallica
2. Gallica
3. Gallica
4. Gallica
5. Gallica
6. Gallica
7. Gallica
What about number 8?
Which metagirl is
>the designated pornmeat
>the one that gets heavily shipped with the protag
>the one that also gets shipped but has less chemistry and a more rabid fanbase
>is forgotten by the mainstream with some dedicated appreciators
>is forgotten entirely
>Brown girl
>Engineer girl
>is forgotten entirely
Probably all of them but fairy and the red head
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Tae's sweaty pits
Imagine the smell…
How big is Gallica? Could you fit a finger inside her?
>How big is Gallica?
About 15cm.
>Could you fit a finger inside her?
>fucked up the op again
Gacha lost money with the summer banner. It's over.
Not a finger, but you could fit your penis inside her.
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>looks like music is going to have thematic relevance
I’ve seen bricks that could come up with more insightful commentary
no u
I want to rape Yukari
why is she such a whore?
So much yum
I got a flac of some metaphor songs bros, your welcome. https://files.catbox.moe/tja2zu.flac
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You posted fire emblem music.
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The cutest!
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Is that Fire Emblem?
The eye contact is hot
Wholesome time...
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Play P5X
EOS within the end of the year. The banner flopped really badly.
Which banner?
Global summer (confirmed)
How about instead of that I play literally anything else
The chink shills have been working overtime since the banner numbers came out.
Can you fuckers stop comparing metaphor to fire emblem? There’s no way it was gonna beat something with nintendo boosts attached to it, so there’s no point in comparing
The yummiest
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Realistically, how would Dojima react if he came home and saw Yu sitting completely naked beside Nanako?
He posted Fire Emblem.
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Global release will save P5X
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Comfy sleepy itchy nose…
Cuddling with Ichinose.
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Comfy thread
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When will persona get a girl with a tail.....?!
Coughing fits after sports practice!
5 The Phantom X
No spam today?
he was earlier but got banned again
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I like to think how other characters would fare as protag wildcards
P6 social link has a tail
that's not a tail, it's me I'm an elephant
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Good morning /pg/ how's everyone doing today??
I'm hype for Metaphor!
lots of studying.
pluggin' away
Wat are your hopes?
Fine so far slow day nice being able to post here without the schizo spamming.
That's so incredibly hype!
Not Persona.
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I’m doing pretty good, but the wait for October is killing me.
Episode Aigis comes out this month silly :3
Atlus have been cockteasing P3 MC's return since the OG P4. What are the odds of Episode Aigis teasing his return again?
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Seems unlikely, their budget for the DLC was apparently $1,000 (whatever that is in yen)
Where did you read that? Persona is one of Atlus's biggest franchises, no way that was the budget they had.
You'll more likely see Sumire boss pop in when Joker is low on HP than any original thought from Wada's team. Hell at this point even Ringo is more likely
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male lovers when
I didn’t buy Reload and I don’t plan to anytime soon, but this is literally me.
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Is there an HD version of these screenshots of the books?
>re-release of a mediocre game
>soulless demake
>game that you can't say if it's good or bad yet
I'm also hyped. I hope it'll be able to have its staying power, but there can be a lot that can influence that in the next coming weeks. I already decided what party I will roll in, Heismay, Junah, Eupha. What about you?
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There's a guy who translated large portion of them
He did quite a deep dive on this game and it's really funny watching those back and him finding information we didn't get till like a week ago or so
her head is all fucked up lmao
Who's that qt?
Me on the left.
Idk all the party members yet because I've been avoiding the trailers but harem party of course
I agree, Fuukajanny is so based
I already got my hopes, a good hard mode that doesn't have a win button gimmick. The skill tree looks cool, and the characters from what I've seen are very cute and well designed.
Good luck!
Will never be Persona.
I study a lot overall, since I try to study a certain amount per day, but past couple of days has doubled it.
There are new ones.
The closest you'll get is crystaahhl's upload because she's the only one who showed the opening movie
persona 5 slop
one of the e celebs that went to the Metaphor event is getting exposed as a discord groomer tomorrow
>and the characters from what I've seen are very cute and well designed.
First time since P4 I've been excited to find out more about all the party members
who??? I wanna see if I recognize the name.
That's a name I haven't heard in a while
>Soul Hacker, Devil Summoner and seemingly Persona archetypes
What would they even call a mainline archetype, True Goddess or something?
That sucks. Not that there is anything too interesting there. I have been translating a bit but it's all a bit too cryptic. The only thing I got out of it is this theory >>492884953
Goddess would probably be enough, but Summoner/Devil summoner already kinda covers it
True Demon
I’d say Devil Summoner fits the bill for mainline too.
We need an Avatar Tuner
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sexy robot tummy... need to lick...
what's cumming on it like?
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That's Gallica's archetype after she eats Louis to regain her true form
Did that loser really buy a VPN
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Sae is ___
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a virgin undesirable woman.
Retarded headcanon.
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>100 dollars for a year plan of a VPN
>20 dollar pass
spending a month of his profit to shitpost.
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I'm reporting all his shit for spam again hopefully it alerts fuukajanny
I think we're getting to the end sumischizo they've clearly made changes to their moderation you're just going to be spending more and more money that isn't even yours
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Do you retards not realize that none of his shit has even been deleted

He stated multiple times that he was making a conscious decision to not spam
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Hehe feels good to have filters on
Cope Derrick, yout days are numbered
Show your timezone nigger.
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His image posting was obviously jannied, imagine falling for his shit after all this time
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I love tummysona
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Did someone say tummies?
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I like when tummies have a little fat

Post THAT gif
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hollllly tummy!!!
I shall contribute
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Me and my wife
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Why do you guys love Sumi so much? She's just a Sumi after all.
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She's a kitten.
Sae's dry eggs
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lick lick
Cumsock Sumi
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>little girl
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Navel spotted
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Have you heard the news?
Bad things come in twos.
But I never knew bout the little things.
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Drew another thing
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it's time to vote for door and his wife
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Terrible, unfortunately. I don't think you should waste time doing that.
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Kek Liz's eye
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this is the actual one that you should have drawn attention to
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Don't tell me you're actually attracted to, ugh, adult women?
ryoji solos two irrelevant spinoff girls
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Why did she do it?
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>Metaphor protag is le aigis and door's son!
Hello tranny. You should draw a noose around your neck I would really appreciate that
itchy <3
you've got it backwards
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more like homoji mochistd amirite
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Derrick still seething and samefagging.
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threadly cube
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What a handsome gentleman he deserves a soom
Damn, P5fags look like THAT?!
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Fuck off
Christ, where the fuck did that one come from?
different day, same bullshit
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>I'm hype for Metaphor!
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>"Look, Don't Touch"
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I am morally obligated to tongue that cleavage
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How much did chang pay you to shill this garbage?
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1 copy of Genshin Impact on Xbox One
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smol angel
Why even bother drawing in 2024 when we can just get slop that is much higher quality and can get it in 1/1000th of the time it takes people to draw lol
Less than what he's getting >>492901269 surely.
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stfu faggot
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I will tell you when I find out
Good morning saar
I like drawing
Thats a bad comb over.
How long until the horseshoe pattern advances to the point of no return?
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Alright, if AI is so advanced, make what he drew with AI. It doesn't have to be exact, but it has to get the same meaning across. And since it can be done in 1/1000th of the time, you've got 10 minutes. Do it or sit down and shut the fuck up.
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Genuinely hope you get raped and murdered in whatever 3rd world country slums you live in
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Your student loans aren't gonna pay themselves dude. Put the fries in the bag.
I wish I had a daughter like her...
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Ok I got tired of translating runes.

Some interesting clue I found:
>An archetype awakens only when you rush to escape into the unknown and into better situation despite the anxiety and fear that accompanies everything. Such an archetype is also the power of the heart to face those anxieties. It is the power to tame the strongest anxiety, anxiety so great that it could become a monster if transformed. It is the power to bring peace back to the people we really care about.

Does that implies that humans are people who have become monster due to their anxiety?
The ship that ruined P3 for me. the girl should have been romanceable
translate flirty lines from Hulkenberg instead anon
I don't know. Not even the Bible or Mozart could fix my anxiety. So it doesn't matter.
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so lickable
Kill all aigisfags.
/pg/ would be infested with humans
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who's this trying to ape plow's style
>Maria is Grius's daughter
I don't think my heart will be able to take this...
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Time spent having fun isn't wasted
I would've added Yuko too because travelling boy is brown but I got lazy
My test is probably higher than yours lol
1) The drawing process itself is fun and is just as enjoyable as posting the finished result
2) The problem with slop's high quality is that it is too high quality, when you can easily tell right away that something is AI it instantly loses the appeal. At least it does to me, I can't speak for anyone else
3) At the end of the day it's a hobby, not a competition
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lick lick
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It's sumischizo drawanon don't worry about him
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Gentlemen, start your tomboys.
If the process is better than the result you wouldn't be posting your shit for attention and twitter artists wouldn't be drawing for money. Stop making excuses.
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Ignore the schizo your art is great anon.
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>design and write arguably the best girl in the game
>save her till the overarching plot builds up
>introduce the said best girl mid-way into the game
>relegate her as your broskies soulmate instead to insinuate the fact that no matter how many pussies you drown into, your homie will eventually get the creme de la crop just from sheer luck
God why is this game so fucking brootal
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All the girls I have liked during my whole life (around 2.5) have been tomboys and yet I can't like any anime tomboy for some reason. In fact, Chie is probably my least favorite persona girl.
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It's not.
Its a good drawing ignore these waste of oxygen
Gran Chee? Tom Prix?
Seethe junkie
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That's a cute fuuk
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I like that fuuka.
My mom saw me playing P4 once and said that Chie reminded her of herself when she was younger
I don't want to fuck Chie anymore
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This is Aigisfag's usual modus operandi by the way. Posts his mediocre piece and when it doesn't get the attention he wants he makes a bunch of fake schizo replies to himself to draw attention and white knights to it.
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um anon... can I meet your mom haha not forcing just wanna know
Your mom sounds hot. Can you post pictures of her?
I swear you guys are 16
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Mentally, they are.
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Good evening lads
I almost forgot Aigisfag was still about.
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Dropping this Naoto here.
Thank fuck someone else knows what I'm talking about. So many newfags nowadays.
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I cant keep up with all these schizos I see someone drawing I encourage them
This is /pg/, anon. He could just as easily be 26 or 36.
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Anon you're probably quoting one
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I'm so tired bros...
Jannys are team sumischizo
/pg/ sucks I can't wait for /meta/ to ditch this place
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Ignore all schizo’s!
The amount of mental illness in this thread is staggering.
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What do you expect from superhero teenager video games
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Aigis is a whore.
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So uh... is this aigisfag here with us in the room?
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P5 is like 7 years old.
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So you're under the belief that people only play games once they're released?
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It's just gonna taste like metal anon....
I can't blame you though I love when artists draw them with bellybuttons...
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If that's true then that's really pathetic, but Ill give this guy the benefit of the doubt.
No dumbass but most people do. Even the teen who started with Royal during covid should be 18 by now.
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Our heroes!
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oh yeah
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This schizo talks more about aigis than this so called aigisfag does.
metis canonically has a bellybutton
post you replied to is a cropped official metis reload art
Cute little pork chop
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Uh huh. Sure bud.
True. Aigis' design is improved 200% just by giving her a navel.
It is true, anon. He's been doing this for literal years.
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Which Persona girl should I commission masturbating
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Give me the official list of schizos and their general behavior.
So, why, /pg/?
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I played and beat P5 once in 2017, I beat it before the game came out officially because it was sent 1 week early by mistake probably. I have not played P5R and I do not plan to. But I got the platinum trophy for the original P5
There are none. Just some people who make discord really uncomfortable.
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Gallica is real???
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none of that makes you special, so why bother denying yourself the experience of royal
If he gets banned (he won't because the jannies are incompetent) he just buys a vpn and admits to ban evading in his very next message. He's also a druggie and probably a pedophile
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I actually didn't know that.
I really want to play with it...
ok? congratulations on not playing persona in persona general
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Notice how when he was banned the thread was WAY more peaceful and comfy. He returns from vacation and now the thread reeks of mental illness.
Only two are spammer and shitposter
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You're not missing anything. vanilla P5 is the best P5
P5Ronlis seething LOL
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You realize most of that is coming from the 'drawanon' right?
Sumischizo and dramaschizo?
And so is vanilla P4
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I'm surprised twittertards actually remembered that this was botted to shit last year
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Cutting Fuuka's mullet off
im the shitposter dont lump me with those two fags
Royal has a bunch of good improvements over vanilla, most of it is some of the dungeon changes for new minibosses and the smaller effects. Main draw is the new final dungeon which is good. The boss is disappointing though.
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It really is unfortunate
/meta/ can't come sooner so we can ditch this shithole
If derrick shows his stupid, meth needle ridden, square face he'll get banned for off topic posting
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cute haroo
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This is pretty close to how I feel but I can't really put Reload below P3P. It has problems but P3P is a war crime.
All Harrys are ontologically cute.
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>P3P above anything
I don't particularly care about Maruki, and I definitely don't want to play a game with Sumire in it tbqh
>he played the pc "remaster"
P3P is terrible, but at least the FeMC side had good music, cute romances, and implied yuri.
Reload did nothing right for me
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Maruki is ok, clearly aimed for a certain part of the more gullible audience.
It's still shit regardless of which version of p3p you play. Expecially when it adds a shitty femc nobody asked for and a majority didn't even play.
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Playing Persona 4G for the first time. I'm not sure if I like that it doesn't railroad you into at least Rank 1 with every Social Link, but taking the hospital job and finding the Devil SL by accident definitely encouraged me to explore the game more proactively. I've been spoiled on the culprit's identity for the better part of the decade but fortunately it's only affected my enjoyment for the better. Marie a cute.
Which Persona girl would you keep as a pet?
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edgekechi is fun
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In alternate universe Zenkichi and Soapy are P5R party members...
Based and same
That sounds quite homosexual
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I unironically thought the question was about which persona girl would keep YOU as a pet...
Itchy is my party member.
Save yourself for best girl at the end, don't cheat but especially don't between the main cast, Marie however is consequence free as she has separate scenes from everyone else. The Death SL is a bit finnicky as it's only available on Sundays/holidays but friends will frequently try to eat those days. Best to just kick back and relax. Enjoy your comfy small town friend simulator for what it's worth.
What's her Persona?
what is the difference?
Femc was a mistake.
No, I don't think so.
>creates life
>chain motif
It would be Prometheus had Futaba not stolen him
>Is the starting point of the downfall of the persona community
Yes she is
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FeMC was fine. Her game and her fans were a mistake though
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>had Futaba not stolen him
Futaba stole him from Baofu though
The real downfall is 1825. When the classical era ended.
You're allowed to have multiple people with the same Persona, but not in the same generation
Pandora was created by Hephaestus.
Shitposting aside I have no issue with Femc herself it just baffles me how she accumulated such annoying delusional fans.
it's exactly why femc is a mistake
she introduced the worst people to persona
Kill yourself Derrik
Same as Aigis. She's a tranny magnet.
She should have been a yumejo rapist avatar, not a tranny fantasy.
I like FeMC she's better looking than all the P5 girls.
Prometheus is often loosely identified with Hephaestus. The analogy also doesn't have to be exact—Akihiko and Shinji aren't literal twins.
Some placements are weird but that's pretty much my ranking too.
Is there an updated one that has Strikers and Tactica?
Femc is fine it's just her fans are unhinged and actually delusional in a unhealthy degree. They believe she's more popular than door. They believe she's a simple model swap and easy to implement while ignoring p3p is a stripped down version of p3 and if it weren't for that she wouldn't exist. Too something that was cute and actually had effort put into it had to attract such cancerous people.
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Most of the judgement regarding Pinksona comes from the PC version which can be aptly described as an interpolated abomination. Remember, the reason deload does not work in 2024 is due the to the fact that P3 was a product of its time, this particular statement is repeatedly brought up whenever somebody talks about the contrast between 00s era and now. This same cogitation applies for Pinksona as well, it was released during a time when the PSP was THE most sought after handled console in Japan. For it being a compact entertainment device it could literally do everything from playing music, near PS2 quality games, and even movies. It was essentially a RPG and Visual Novel machin. Atlus saw this opportunity and re-released the IP as something that plays like one. And it was fairly well recieved for what it was, that too from the exact audience it was targeted to; young female high schoolers with a PSP. It was never made for (((you))). Let alone for a modern day PC with specs hundred fold more powerful than the original PSP.
Come on anon, don't use Edogawa for shitposting.
Yet most people in Japan who bought p3p ignored the femc route and just played as Door.
FeMC was a gimmick. Sorry chuds.
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Candidate for the worst Edogawapost this general has ever seen. You know you have to actually appear intelligent to make these work right?
I like the vision quests.
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What if you kissed and kuddled Kuon?
That's the only good thing about it though. Playing a stripped down version of p3 just for vision quest and femc isn't worth it. And this is coming from somebody who played through all versions of p3.
I would never do that because she would laugh at my problems every time like the sociopath she is.
You have never played P3 retard.
Edogawa was the original persona schizo
I'm so horny
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What else is /pg/ playing while waiting for The Answer/Metaphor/P6?
They cut the part in the english video cutscene where he's hung.
But they do it to a lot of violence just for the videos, it's actually in the game itself like the P3R trailers cutting off evokers any chance they had
I want to punch Kuon Ichinose in the ovaries because that's what she fucking deserves.
If possible, having a save file online to do it is worth it
Kill yourself Derrik
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Thats a problem with the American masses, not with FeMC or P3P
The original answer because I never played it
Sae... lower your standards...
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Playing some comfy 2hu shit that I found on steam that plays like an unholy mix of diner dash and recettear. It's pretty soulful For a chink game
It'd probably be even more cozy if I wasn't replacing the BGM with Pertubator.
>mfw no girl will never look at me like that
I'm drawing mostly
I do find it funny how Japs and the west have different reactions towards her though Japs on one hand are divisive about femc and she caused a uproar when she gets put in the spotlight from atlus. While the west is obsessive about her. It's like she's cursed or something.
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Im playing Golden for the first time since 2013.
Very Hard difficulty and Japanese personas in battle only.
halo 2 :D
i miss playing co op in halo ce...
Fucking jumpscare jesus christ
As much as I hate her as a teacher, she's impossibly based for giving me highschool girl's swimsuits and lingerie with no questions asked. Why the hell does Junes even have that stuff?
modding the plasma rifles to shoot warthogs instead of bullets...
Anon’s mom has got chee going on
a department store will sell you anything you need. Anything to keep you from shopping at a mom & pop store
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The only good thing reload did was increase the number of Doorsluts. Nice seeing even more art of him.
Will they sell me a rori bride?
Borderlands 1.
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im playing reload ng+
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Guys, by translating the runes I think I discovered the secret of the human monsters in Metaphor.

Human are not mere monsters, they are actually the remnants of the human souls from our world. After a catastrophic event humanity faced extinction. To survive, humans separated their bodies and souls. The empty bodies were meant to serve as vessels for their eventual reunification.
Over time, humanity's last hope began to fail. The humans, who had existed for centuries without bodies, started losing their sanity, turning into monsters. Their loss of humanity led to a decline in their mental states, causing them to act violently and attack their bodies, whom they saw as both foreign invaders and the original beings they were meant to reunite with.
The humans' increasing aggression brings them into constant conflict with their bodies, who don't remember their origins or purpose, and formed a society of their own. To them, humans are monstrous creatures threatening their existence.
I find the rabid antis more annoying, though to be fair that might just be from spending time on /pg/, where the antis (and /pol/tards in general) are much more prevalent.
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Use spoiler tags
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>All that shit
She would pull out a packet of sanitary wipes and immediately after we’re finished wipe down every part of her body and clothes that had made contact with you
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The anti's exist because of how obnoxious her fans are though. Most people wouldn't be so negative about her if her fans weren't so annoying about how essential she is to P3 when she's at most a gimmick they put a lot of effort into.
Post slop suggestions. No loli, one chara only.

Previous reqs: https://postimg.cc/gallery/6TnN5r8
I forgot to mention than Hulkenberg was a bug in the experiment, so she has both a dick and a pussy.
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>The religion is trying to prevent another extinction by limiting magic so this doesn't happen again
Kinda based
Them being some kind of degenerated human was self evident, but it being their souls specifically is interesting.
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Spiky-teeth long-tongue metis,
I have to agree with this. Most antis have only small problems with FeMC and almost every problem with her rabid fans. She doesn't fit the tones quite as well as Door-kun and the story has to be slightly adjusted for her which is fine, but having to listen to a thousand trannies INSIST that she's the canon protagonist and now every persona MUST have a female audience to validate their worthless existences tends to turn even the fencesitter's opinion sour.
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An oldsona girl of your choice covered with cum from head to toe
POV Aigis sex
Metis poking Aigis' navel
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Cutekari fixing her bikini
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pov giving yukari headpat
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that's bullshit but i believe it
I appreciate your hard work anon, just for the next ones try to spoiler them if it's okay.
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Please stop talking.
Kill yourself.
How does he do it?
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The Secret Book of John
Yaldabaoth is the first ruler, who took great power from his mother. Then he left her and moved away from the place where he was born. He took control and created for himself other realms with luminous fire, which still exists. He mated with the mindlessness in him*, and produced authorities for himself:
The name of the first is Athoth, whom....
>*Or, "was amazed in mindlessness." Yaldabaoth mating with his mindlessness (aponia, from Greek, here and below) probably suggests that he masterbated.
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>Actually put all this effort into making fake alphabet and actually putting information in the opening credits that 99% people will just either skip or not look further into
I'm gonna miss Hashino
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>t. average persona zoomer
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goth sae fucking dobermans when
> Most antis have only small problems with FeMC and almost every problem with her rabid fans.
This makes them worse
Do you guys think there will be any hidden cameos/easter eggs in metaphor involving their other games?
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I'd imagine so, we already have some references in the archetypes.
The archetype names
no it doesnt
Chie blushing as she lifts her skirt to show me her spats
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I was a fencesitter turned hater
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Threadly orb
orb abode
Yuko playing computer games
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Not really. A dialogue consists of at least two parties and when one of those parties consistently acts petulant, narcissistic, and obnoxious, it's very normal human behavior to shun and spite them and whatever they're advocating for.
Rise on the toilet
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Basically femcfags have nobody to blame but themselves for all of the hate they get and how much hate the self insert they claim to love gets also but because they're so delusional they cry in a corner and thinks the world is against them for no reason when the reason is looking straight back at them in a mirror.
That sounds pretty similar to a certain someone here.
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Sophie burping
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ngl I'd love to have a cat who turns into Chie and communicates with me in meowspeak like Morgana.
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>She doesn't fit the tones quite as well as Door-kun
She absolutely fits the tone of the game.
how'd did the souls get into the other world then
>Claims femc is more popular than Door
> Claims the reason why p3p was the best selling version of p3 is because of femc
>Shits on door and even more characters because they're butthurt atlus doesn't give femc the spotlight like they want all the time
>Plays the victim when they act like entitled brats when not getting their way
Sure they're a loud minority but it makes sense as to why people are so bitter towards femc because of how obnoxious her fans can be it leads to hatred through association.
At least finish reading the few words you quoted, dipshit
that's just the class president from Monogatari
Tsubasa? But she becomes a catwhore instead. I was thinking something like Kanbaru.
I will always approve more of people who engage with a character, even if the way they do so is vastly different than me. Getting angry about fanbases, or how other people engage with characters, is secondary behaviour, and is extremely retarded.
I see a lot more in common with say, the people who get upset about others sexualizing Futaba and the kotone antis we’re talking about here than them and Kotonefags. It’s a matter of behaviour and what the focus is on.
most of these anti femc brigadiers haven't played the original game, anon
No she doesn't I found femc fun but the point of femc is that she's meant to be different the game even tells you to play door's route first because of that reason.
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So a lesbian whore
tummybutt spotted
p5 shadow ass post
They’re different games. They have different tones.
If it was the same there wouldn’t be a point. The intention and the desired outcome is for it to be different
Tsubasa and Chie have the same voice
You ever read a post and get the unsettling gut feeling that whoever posted it must have more screws loose than tightened to come up with such a conclusion?
This is one of those posts.
Also coatfags on twit are usually the ones complaining about Futaba being sexualized, so again, tighten those screws a bit.
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Fucked around with a different rendering technique
Evil machine
I hope you're not using that as a defense, anon.
This isn't /ic/. You can post your wips somewhere else.
Cute brown twink, good job anon!!!
Truly evil, she killed millions
I was trying to level Yukari's affection by doing the night hangouts to not waste a day hanging with no rank up but they give a single point and aren't that common, should I just gice her my day? I still have Bebe at rank 1 and am thinking of making him a sacrificial lamb to max everyone else
You missed the point and defaulted into left/right /pol/ biases again.
Kill yourself.
i wish he wasn't brown
uhmm exactly how many millions??
PoV: Yukari is curiously playing with your foreskin
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>"How the mighty have fallen, Louis"
>No loli
Good job anon
I can't even count anymore. This morning alone she killed millions more.
I'm glad he's 'brown", it will filter the /pol/tards.
thank you for the warning
now draw him kissing lois
>Gallica please I can still prove myself, just give me one more chance! Aieeeeeee
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Me after choosing hard mode and fighting the dragon
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Did someone say loli
Shortstack Marie please.
You see what I'm saying? I mentioned nothing political, nothing directional, not even a mildly charged political statement and this is the response. You're unhinged, try talking to a shrink.
Wet Shirt Sophia
ou see what I'm saying? I mentioned nothing political, nothing directional, not even a mildly charged political statement and this is the response. You're unhinged, try talking to a shrink.
I wonder how many optional encounters like this Metaphor will have, the two we've seen so far is the dragon and the sleeping guard
Do all the requests the other guy got but make them lolis haha
Wouldn’t that be nuts
but that's gay
day 1 bleaching mod
you better believe it shitskin
Please stop samefagging.
>whining about reload
>using edogawa to whine
Way to out yourself, faggot.
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>Uses wind and is weak to fire
Say something nice to your starting archtype!
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The tone of the game is entirely intact. The only conceit Ill give you is that the side story with Yukari as an implied love-interest/main-girl is altered pretty significantly. That FeMC and Yukari work well together as friends (and occasionally yuri bait) is more coincidence that deliberate.
FeMC is only a foil to the original protag. FES gave the player multiple ways to react to things people say or do, and FeMC simply added a couple more.
That P3P advises players to play the MC route first means nothing when the MC route is a terrible version of P3P to begin with. The people that made it are contractually and financially obligated to tell you to play P3P, not to tell you if P3P is actually any good.
FeMC is fine. Its just her game that sucks, her fans that suck, her shareholders that suck, and her localizers that suck.
FeMC a cute. CUTE. localization was a mistake
Wind is based so i'm happy with him.
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Like… Not-Yu fucking him??? That’s what Bleached means anon

I think it’d look better if the head was a bit smaller
Reminds me of DDS Seraph
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Racist incels don't have the talent for that.
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First Wind starting MC since P1
Im not saying femc sucks because I'm fine with her. Yes her game sucks but to say the tone is the same is just lying the her bgm clashes with the original bgm. Her dialogue choices and the way certain characters treat her is also more upbeat. The story is the same yes but bgm and dialogue changes and how character dynamics change is what makes the tone different from Door's route.
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How much of a level jump are they? I'm guessing they're like level 15-18 while you're still single digit. If it's a crazy jump like 20+ though I'll be very surprised
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Your understanding P3's tone is only superficial
Not really. Coat is halfway to genki slut territory and maybe from the writer's perspective that's their idea of female "depression". However, the issue isn't how coherent her side of the plot is, it's her as a character. I'm not going to take the fucking Hamburglar, make him somewhat sad, and pretend that P3's tone would be the fucking same just because I play it straight and make the plot "work" with him. The tone of P3 revolves around Door being an 00s emo making the most of his new shot at life.
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She's just a little troublemaker!
It probably won't be too severe, the boss is apparently beatable but it's very hard. It's probably something on a level of Contrarian King from P4
It's crazy but this job is the one that gets you the Dia-Diarama-Diarah spells, not the Healer.
So cool xister
What's your twitter?
Soul Hackers casino lady in the Jack Frost mascot suit
Damn I thought you only did this shit on /smtg/
She just murdered millions more right now.
I'm already tired of arguing.
Let's find a reason to smile, anons.
Nothing about P3 relies on the protag being "depressed" or "emo".
That is only the public's cognition of P3, one that you absorbed over time.
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my sumi kitten
Is this woman for real or just reading a script her grandson wrote for her?
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How's your day today pg?
There are no Metis loras, I'll make sure to make one for next time. Sorry!







Apologies to those I didn't do, I set Yuko as the cutoff. had less free time than usual. Hopefully next time.
Now that's intredasting

Who's straight for you mind
Aigisfag's been shitting up both threads for years this isn't new.
Makoto final boss theme:
hag weeb
my neck hort, senpoo~
BASED. I kneel....
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i have my reason to smile
it was ok until one small thing spirals me back down
thank you based sloppanon
Mog this fag >>492929590 please
Thanks to the shit movies (they flopped btw)
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Based!!! You always a real one AI anon, thanks again!
we aren't talking about deload tho
I wouldn't want to, artists have a skill I don't and without them there would be nothing to make AI with in the first place. I appreciate their work.
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cute thanks
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Based, thanks. Not the pose I was expecting but a yum is a yum.
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Well the day was already pretty low to start with, then it fell to the bottom of the well, and as if that wasn't low enough, there was a trap door at the bottom of the well. So just another day in the life. However, things aren't all bad for everyone I care about so things aren't all bad.
I have that exact chair
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I don't like slop but you're really humble slopanon good on you
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>no metis
Pain. Hopefully someone makes one with The Answer coming out
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I hope someone makes sfm/blender porn with the new Metis model
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I fell in love with kari thanks to the slops. It's a cute love story.
Unironically based, I hate the heterochromia though
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would he look better with homochromia doe?
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What's the point though, it just makes things less fun and more bitter, why can't he do that shit here where the fandom is at least bigger
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I hope Metaphor party actually develops in the story, and their social links are just a way to get to know them bit closer. So their characterization between the social link and the main story isn't so jarring
Do schizos ever need a logical reason to tweak out?
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Brown eyes, like a real human
True, I was talking about the shit movies. Each part performed worse than its predecessor
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the real question is why do the mods refuse to ban the spammers/schizos like is it really so hard to drop in and give them a /v/ perma for being a obnoxious. They even counterwarn you if you try to report them. Awful moderation
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why are they looking at me like that
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deep black eyes>>>>
Mods enforcing discord controlled generals would be the dumbest shit ever.
Because this is a containment thread on a containment board and he TECHNICALLY isn't breaking any rules. /pg/ is a toilet, don't be surprised when there's shit floating around in it.
Grey eyes >>>>>
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Walking home from school spring 2018 theme.
hi derrick
The 3 days derrick was banned was the most lively the general has been in literal months. I cannot wait for /meta/
Ultimately this. If you want your own climate controlled /pg/ then... just make or go back to a Discord server. Would you like me to make one for you? You can invite all the regulars here then seal it forever.
She looks so smol. Cute.
Green eyes gut too
Metaphor is unironically /pg/'s light in the dark tunnel
That's my name don't wear it out
Hmm, good point.
>Implying he's not going to just shit it up constantly because he wants everyone back in /pg/
It's like it's your first time dealing with a schizo
spamming on topic images is not a priorirty for the mods. It makes the site look active which leads to more advertisers. People who complain and constantly send reports are directly annoying the mods, so of course they will punish you.

The only responsibility of jannies is to keep us posting and looking at ads (most people here don't use adblock), keeping the site high quality is not even a thought in their heads.
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I don't see any schizo
Anyone who talks about metafilth should be shot in the back of the head and kicked into a mass grave.
His brown dick will be bleached by white pussy alright
I don't mind heterochromia, but I love chuuni shit.
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I think I'm just gonna filter this derrick fag, what's the futaba code to set this up?? I am a nofilterlet
>You have been banned from posting on /vg/ permanently
Takes 5 seconds and I guarantee it'll make this general explode with more people willing to use it consistently
>People who complain and constantly send reports are directly annoying the mods, so of course they will punish you.
I learn this the hard way. You don't have to spam them, just ANY report on actual rule breaking posts is enough to put you on their radar and find an excuse to ban you for tinier shit next time. The real reason people don't report things is because they're lazy or don't care, but this is another reason on why reporting is futile
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The state of Atlus without Hashino and Kaneko is kinda sad to see
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How long does this company have left
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# filter image spam:

I think you need 4chan x.
Go to options and uncheck:
>Stubs: Show stubs of hidden threads / replies.
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Depends how well Metaphor will do and if Wada actually gets his ass to work on P6
Alright thanks anon, I have 4chanX I just never messed with the filter stuff
Goodbye and kys derrick
you still think gookmoot wants to make 4chan a good discussion website. This is a containment site to make money, nothing more, nothing less. There is no incentive to improve the site if it currently works fine with the amount of schizos and spam we see now.

They are making changes to tackle the bot problem on a larger scale since that is cutting into their revenue, and maybe sumischizo will get caught in the crossfire, but the site owners are not thinking about us at all. They're fighting the porn and news bots with these constant captcha changes.
I don't mind him being brown, honestly if someone gives even two shits about his skin color they need to stop being online so much. I think it goes nice with his sexy hair anyways
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I spent hundreds of my high school years listening to Campfire Headphase, or Music Has the Right to Children, while playing Oblivion. Chorral and Bruma is all I can think of when I hear those albums
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Some retards just act as if he was the first tan/brown protagonist of any JRPG
Speaking of slop that reminds me that I wanted to draw a funni
Don't have one
Maybe when I'm good/consistent enough I'll make one and farm money from whales but I still need to improve before I can do that
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Listened to their discography in December 2017.
It is done....
I highly recommend everyone follow what >>492934965 has said
>honestly if someone gives even two shits about his skin color they need to stop being online so much.
Yeah but this is where they choose to congregate
>I think it goes nice with his sexy hair anyways
Brown skin + red/white hair is better desu
these same "people" think the entire asian population is born with porcelain fair skin
It's culture war newfags who tend to know jack shit about the things they claim to love and defend
White incels complain about Travelling Boy being brown because they can't self insert as him and fuck Hulkenburg
Yeah that's me
I never understand, people somehow find it totally easy in self inserting as hot young japanese twinks and chads even though they're old fat and ugly gaijin
real asians have pale skin moron
Travelling Boy is not even a self insert in the first place, he's an actual character with a backstory. He's more akin to Ringo
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She's mine /pg/
How are you naming your travelling chad?
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I did like Will from English/Japanese trailers. I wish he had a default name like Flynn from smt4
And the threads in those 3 days had anything but quality posts.
Your discord only wants to shit up threads without other people getting in the way.
People are complaining about Traveling Boy because he's a lightskin???
What kinda retarded shit?? I'd understand if they gave him like dreads and fat lips or something but he's just door but a lightskin brown.
Twitter is an odd place
You're shitfu is filtered on my machine derrick, kys
reading comprehension.
She should be raped by Kaneshiro's goons unfortunately.
don't ignite his farts
>Free Will
bravo, Hashino
>Hundreds of my high school years
Jesus, how long have you been in highschool, grandpa?
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I like Aigis
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Comfy botto
They call it Hashino Kino for a reason
too long. I can't quit nusona
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>people are forcing this brown skin metaphor shit now
>/v/ will run it into the ground on release
Oh no /v/ the pinaccle of good taste and opinions whatever will I do
Nobody with an actual brain listens to nu/v/.
my electronic thermometer cant be this cute...

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