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「Majo Shojo ヴィンディクタ」 Edition

>Steam Page

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Character guides

>How do I get in?
Respond to the invite anchor with your Steam Friend ID. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for heroes in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Stats Tracker
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

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I had that robot that does the aoe stun on my team go 29 and 2 and lose
he almost solo carried us
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Sex with Abrams
how good is the 1st skill build against the spam 2nd and click as grey talon?
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>another game as Vindicta where my strong and loving husband Abrams charged first in teamfights and grouped up, letting me land my stake, so he can beat up enemies for me to snipe
I love my detective husband!
New York?
>light bowl
>set paradox to top priority
>queue 13 games, top frag each, lose every one of them
ahhhhhh, another day as a pro gamer
shut up bitch, im way better at infernus than you

he shouldnt be jungling that much I do like 10 camps a game
how to not be shit as yamato? whats the build
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The feet that stomped concord snoy execs...
which character is lee sin? is there a dedicated jungler role at all?
we need to tell yoshi to get us a concord rep, bazz would be great in deadlock
slowing shot, inhibitor, slowing hex, mystic slow

slow slow slow slow
If you want to fuck off to jungle and come back at min 40 and solo carry 1v6 pick Infernus
I WILL report you btw.
nah infernus is brand more or less, I need the blind fisticuffs master that shoots hadoukens at people to then teleport to them and kick them back into his teammates to finish
it's easy to forget this game is 6 v 6. sometimes I'll stare at the results screen and realize there was a character on my team who I just never noticed at all.
Vindicta is that you?
at the moment there is no dedicated jungler, or atleast there is no meta for it
if you're maybe looking for a mobile playstyle where you can get on top of enemies and displace them somewhere else / towards your team lash is the closest thing
me every time there is a Paradox on either team
What is their endgame?
thx will check him out

click your steam pfp, then choose the hero you want to see from the list of your played heroes
winning games
>win lane
>team alread fed haze, dinamo and abrams more kills each than I have at 10 mins
this shit is unplayable
Lash can jump onto people and swing them around the map
not really a jungler though
It takes him like half a second to clear a camp and actual "jungling" doesn't really exist in this game. Everyone (who is able to) just sweeps them as they're moving around or laying low, and infernus is one of the better ones at it if not the best.
what skill order

no dedicated jungler but definitely characters who can handle the neutral camps early on better than others. abrams/mo&krill off the top of my head have sustain abilities built into their kit
It feels like half the games I lose are when the enemy team has a coordinated stack of 4-6 russians. They always have a kelvin too.
team game
can't do anything about how other people play
if you've won the lane and did everything perfect you should be glad
Abrams is alright for camps early on but his damage on them is pretty terrible compared to heroes like seven.

it's a pretty simple concept to push obj, then when falling back clear camps while you wait for trooper equilibrium to be in your favor
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My nigga

i can't disagree with you there. melee charge is kind of a necessary item before he can really take off. torment pulse isn't too far away once he has that though.
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Is the only way to play Dynamo is to go big into the ultimate ability with like refresher items and shit? I hate characters that have these massive ults because it feels like you do nothing when the ult is down. I just don't like building around ults.
What is the point of jungling early as Abe if your duo laner won't get double exp from your absence
hes apparently a pretty good dps with the fire rate boost you get from the orb teleport
>enemy genuinely compliments your plays at the end of the game
such a fucking ego boost
every time I ult as dynamo I wish I was seven instead

actually pretty much every ult I wish I was ulting as seven instead
They hyper focus me because no one my team does anything, can't surrender even.
you're in luck because Dynamo has absolutely busted base stats
and how long to get there?
How do I stop losing as bebop?
How the fuck do I make this piece of shit self cast immediately?
What's with random creep deciding it needs to go on a trip?
literally nothing in this game is more fun than yoinking Vindicta with Paradox when she's flying high

doing the nearby camps is a bonus for you and your lane partner as long as you're not missing out on LH/denies. boxes spawn at 3 mins, t2 camps spawn at 7 mins
Anyone else getting a glitch where their mouse locks up and you can't aim or shoot? I can fix it by alt-tabbing back and forth

when you hook someone, turn around. the hook animation ends in the front of bebop. early game you can hook/bomb/punch and then laser people towards your tower for easy kills
Yamato is fun to play but pressing her ult feels fucking terrible. No one gives a shit when you ult and people actively man fight you even when you are ulted. Like when you press ult on Seven, people hit the fucking deck. When you ult as Dynamo, people shit their pants. When you ult as lash, people get stunned and setup. Bebop ult is also high impact and forces people to answer you. Yamato ults? no one gives a shit. Why?
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i'm honestly surprised they aren't giving Yamato a more business woman look considering the lore but if this concept art stays close to the final design i'll be happy
because she's still low hp
Isn't she a Yakuza lieutenant or something?
you get enough farm to almost buy something then kill creep camps on the way to the secret shop, any other time is being a bot
she's getting a rework
I'm telling you dude it's bad. you are already getting 2 waves of farm. maybe farm the enemies camps but leave the junle to your team
that's neat
Finish match (win), match doesn't complete on the server, now I'm stuck with "Abandon match" on the main screen, which doesn't do anything if I try abandoning it.
You didn't build your Q enough to be a threat
You have to push your limit a bit before ulting. You have to threaten their ADC, force enemy to use their cc on you, then ult when you hear the CC to nullify at least one hard CC, then throw all of your ability again. Full charge Q is extremely fast during ult
>win lane handily
>pop over to shop
>spend like 20 seconds hmmmming over which first item to buy because thinking about how it sets me up for the midgame gets me thinking about how it sets me up for the late game gets me thinking about how i could instead pick a different first item
>buy what i was going to buy anyway
>lane is now 50-50
>outplay lane opponents again
>back to shop, same shit
>lane is now 50-50
how do i stop overthinking and just fucking buy items that are good so i can play the fucking game
How is that not a businesswoman look? She's wearing a vest and tie.

make your own guide, put situational hmmm items on one side so when you know what you need you can just buy it
looks even worse than conehead
early game items should be the same every time, unless you're getting your shit pushed in
just buy extra regen and boots and then save up for some fancy tier 2 item and by then the laning stage is over

it's like what every streamer with 100s of hours into the game does.
out of all the 5 concept arts posted around here the poojeta one is unironically the least offensive
Go into settings and enable double tap to self cast
Someone start a petition to rename Pockets as Coats.
>queued into a 4 stack
>all but 1 of them played like 12 year olds on iPads
Great job recreating the unranked Dota experience, icefraud.
>winning lane
>subhuman faggot ganks me
>lose lane
I'm so done with this shit, how do you assfaggot players tolerate this kind of niggery? What the fuck is even the point of playing if a retard next lane over throws so his opponent can come over and ruin your lane?
plap plap plap plap
>I see Vindicta.
>team game
>enemy uses teamwork to beat me
>grrrr this is beyond the pale
>1v1ing geist as paradox
>don't notice literally everyone else on my team d/c'd

git gud lol
there is no option like that
Just went 31/1/6 as Abrams after my Ivy lane partner rage quit when I got an early double kill. Gargoyle my balls you loser
Fun to charge Seven into walls when he uses his ult
Are the popular builds just troll builds?
>tracklock only has like 60% of my games, mostly my losses
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47 minutes long game
Pocket with Leap and Blink is the most aids shit imaginable I literally cannot die no matter what
probably outdated since the game gets updates like every 3 days
vindicta's footstep sound gets me hard
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this but unironically, lanes should be honorable duels for the first 10 minutes at least to mitigate feeding retards
further proof that the tracker elos are completely meaningless
this would make feeding worse because you wouldn't be able to help out a weak teammate with a gank
Vindicta is 16 so she's a canon Magical Girl
post your stats or fuck off seething retard
drop the restriction if they lose a tower or die 3 times then
let me in autists
I am a master manipulator. I am a true sociopath!!!
Stop over extending without mobility and you won't get ganked and for the love of Yaweh look at the map to keep tabs on the enemy if you noticed they are missing they're gonna go for you
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missing like 10 wins from today
why is everyone such a fucking sweat in this game?
they better release with a fun mode like aram
this is brutal
what is kelvin even going to do after this? he's lost lane hard
idk where the term "man fight" is coming from but i like it
Which retard decided it was a good idead to make it hidden there? Was that even there last week?
my favorite meme is going up against an abrams on the enemy team and parrying his attacks for my team to do nothing, so he just gets right back up and kills all of us 1v4
no he hasn't? as long as he plays around bebop hooks kelvin can easily bully him. Hooks on a fucking 24s or something cd, if bebop misses Kelvin ice paths and beams, or just holds forward and beams.
You're really overestimating how hard the lane will be after this, he boosts back to lane he's down maybe 500 and plays passive.
me the abrams
You can get two heavies off on him before the stun runs out and he's a EZ kill then
me the abrams
The paradox was very unhappy with me, but what could I have done? They know I'm being chased
The pocket was afk for like 10 minutes so afterwards the mo permanently stayed on my lane with kelvin and I won a 2v1 until the seven showed up. We lost this game hard. Even though the pocket was afk the infernus (who instantly paused the game in the start up because haha lol had fewer souls than him)

Lost this one too
>buys curse
heh nothing personal bitch
you'd think so wouldn't you
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>Majestic Leap in
>Warp stone out
>Cloak back in
>Dash jump out
>Phantom Strike in

>geist on enemy team
>geist on my team
me team ooga booga
Imagine seething this hard about the game not going your way in a early access closed beta.
first game as shiv
think I found a new main
Brother, there's a minimap in the bottom right corner of your screen, use it. Hint: if you're playing solo lane and one of the neighbouring lanes is missing a player and they're not dead - you're about to get raped.
it is infuriating seeing people treat this game like it's tdm and not a moba
>easy win lane
>every other lane loses
>policeguy ragequits after dying 4 times with 0 kills
>we still manage to win
feels good but why do people have to be such bitches and leave after a few minutes? it's not like a few early kills can't be salvaged if you're not dumb about it
Honestly, winning/losing a long game still feels good.
I played one that lasted almost 70 minutes.
We won. But both teams were fighting neck and neck.
Constant tipping of the scales.
Didn't help that this was one of my first games.
Still had fun despite basically turbointing.
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Why are infernus players always a seventh player for their opposite team?
in league if you die a few times early game you're basically 0 the entire game
couple that with this being an alpha where nothing matters people are gonna quit
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Doing stuff
how the fuck do you play pocket i fucking suck at this guy man
Reminder if you have less than a 65% winrate you don't deserve to be in this general.
>twitch handle
Add it to the collage
>how do i stop overthinking and just fucking buy items that are good
This game has had public guides since its inception you mongoloid
I would have a 65% winrate if I weren't a paradox main
i play with my retarded friends tho
get in get out
don't be baited into building primarily spirit damage his ratios suck
land ult on 3+ people
know when to briefcase for dodging important abilities vs burst damage
buy majestic leap first t2 item and rotate like a madman
splitpush more he's a very strong duelist and can escape 3+ people rotating on him easily
game reminds me of S4 league. if only there was an anchor skateboard and the ability to wall jump off poorly made level geometry to go sixty thousand miles per hour across the map
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>newfag can't cope with ganking on a basic level
>top .09%
Come on, man
yeah i think im getting heavy baited with trying to abuse q for amp
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based and i feel the same way, i got sooo hyped when i saw they're adding a wall jump but it's so fucking shit
Who do I play if I like Drake music
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>I played one that lasted almost 70 minutes
who has this much time? where is mystery heros/champs/whatever mode? testing this game without FFA/deathmatch was a retarded move
you're not, he relies on it and its what makes him as strong as he is

make sure you use leap / dash jump or something first and then press q in air because you float and it carries your previous momentum which makes you hard to hit, never use it standing still on the ground you will eat shit and die

if you ever land 3+ orbs in lane you should just force a fight because you WILL win it
I'd play Pocket but he just looks fucking disgusting
Remove kevin
>in league if you die a few times early game you're basically 0 the entire game
worst fucking thing about that game btw
it's decided by the 15m mark almost every time
The populace will and are draw art of or want to fuck this creature sooner over any of the DEI shit. That's how disliked it all is.
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Paradox relies solely on winning the lane.
If you lose the lane as paradox and fall behind in farm it's over, you are now the other team's seventh player.
But when you actually manage to get the build going holy fuck is she fun.
He's just native american or spanish watch your mouth
I'd play a cement block with a gun if it had pockets abilities
yeah now i can see why in deadlock you can go 0/5 early but have same souls at min 20
lmao further proof those mmr websites aren't worth shit for now
I'd rather play a cement block than a creatura
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Does Kelvin's ice beam really do anything? Seems like by the end game it doesn't do what's advertised short of painting a big ole "here I am come kill me" sign on myself even with all the Spirit Debuff items
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do more like?
HIM and Ivy need new full haircuts with any remodels.
it's very hard to lose lane as paradox, I can distinctly remember only 2 times. the issue is that she's basically useless as a dps lategame, and only really worth suicide ulting the enemy vindicta
I think you can play even and still do well. If your lane is hard you should try ganking with swap asap
if you care about designs so much maybe overwatch or league is more your speed
>get a legolas player that stands on the ground the whole game feeding the enemy haze who goes 25-4
Because development doesn't revolve around people who have been playing the game for literally 2 hours.
do you max q/1? I've played 3 games with him, fed my ass off two and did very well 1 game. I'm watching some gameplay right now and i was definitely playing him wrong.
I'll just be playing the characters that look good like Haze, Abrams, Paradox and Infernus, personally, but go off queen
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>he doesn't chose his heroes depending on cool factor
abrams is the coolest one so he stays on
yes max 1
4 second
2 or 3 next depending on if you need the damage buff or fire rate slow more (are you winning or losing)

watch these
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I definitely inted a few too many times, but what the fuck was the mcginnis doing?
>haze gets fed
>team literally too stupid to get bullet armor, have 0% bullet resist

how do they even have the IQ to open the game?
dying it seems
why did you censor the item bars
no one knows what any of the items do
bro, just shut her down
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I find that any pressure at all fucks me over as paradox because of her low health and wank gun.
I find myself praying that I don't get pushed back to the walker before I can buy the fucking 3k worth of bullshit needed to make paradox not a throw pick and win back the lane.
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Fairly common, mid/low MMR is a revolving door of retards getting raped for a few games and uninstalling
pressure back with 1 and 3?
get extra regen if you get poked, get mystic shot early (and headshot booster) for big burst poke
Have any progs started screaming about the Injun yet?
Why would they do that?
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Whoever it was that told me to ignore the punches and go all in on splatter. Thanks, I now see the vision.
Who's the most female-friendly hero that my girlfriend can play?
Abrams doesn't have to aim and is nearly unkillable.
>throw ball of damage
>go invincible
>make your boyfriend stronger
>take your boyfriend to the fight
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>tracklock says I'm top 5%
what about you anon?
I reckon this site is nonsense, I played league for 9 years and never left platinum
>muh stereotyping
>muh racial architypes
>muh women/children in refrigerators
I agree I had a bebop that kept getting mad at the whole team for not babysitting him and forcing team fights, we won no thanks to him. overwatch babs are ruining the game thinking this is a hero shooter
Ok, so how do I ping to say "Let's kill this guy" or "heading to shop"
I've heard the shop line before, but when I clicked on the shop on map all I got was "headed to lane"
press push to talk and say "let's kill this guy"
Those don't sound like real criticisms to me.
>risk having a voicecrack
No thanks I'm just really shy
I tried that but when I press the button all I hear is brazilian sounds
"Heading to shop" is just what some characters say for their "returning to base" voiceline. You can get it from the context-sensitive slot on the ping wheel when you're going back to base via rail. I think you can also get it from just pinging the fountain on the map but I've never tried that.
I don't know how to ping that you want to kill someone, but if you ping their portrait on the map it's "I see X" and if you ping their portrait at the top of the screen it's "X is missing."
From trackelo dev
im top 4.9%.

therefore, it stands to reason that i am better than you throughbeit
Well yeah, but progs get mad over that bullshit anyway.
Hell I remember people getting pissy over Prey (the real one, not the Bioshock wannabe) and it's characters when that came out.
I mean I'm not very good
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How do I healbot in Deadlock? I can't DPS to save my life
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>denied so many creeps in lane it made my opponent (geist) quit
you dont, unironically improve yourself or uninstall
Didn't Prey's dev team hire Navajo consultants?
Also don't talk shit about the new one. It's genuinely a very good immersive sim. It's not Arkane's fault that Bethesda forced them to call it Prey.
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>44 minute match
>team cannot for the life of them close out a game
>3 of the enemy team are dead, their weakened patron is there, soonest respawn is 30+ seconds
>team decides to go mid instead of just 5man shooting the core 20 minutes earlier



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this game was literally just me vs viscous
if the enemy team had an autistic splitpusher like our ivy and I wasn't so cracked they might have won
>FFA/deathmatch was a retarded move
no, adding a ffa or deathmatch would be a retarded move
the developers would see results in those modes and think they are at all comparable to how the game is actually played
not to mention all the resources they would waste on implementing additional game modes instead of perfecting the core game
>who has that much time
me retard
who cares if I play 6 20 minute games or 3 40 minute ones. You spend the same time playing regardless of how long the game is.
Unless you are from china and only have 1 hour to play thanks to your glorious regime.
gwowy to da chchp mai fellow chitisen
You can play without being a human aimbot, but you can't just let someone else do the work. Pick a hero that's easy to abuse (Warden, Bebop etc).
I don't use mic, don't really care to
there are no dedicated supports in the current build
i don't know if the devs have discussed whether they're interested in changing that later but i would be surprised if they do honestly
Is the mmr system win/loss only?
Can't fucking help it when I'm 20/3 but my team is collectively 4/50.
Losing games like that already feels rotten, now you're telling me that's all the system sees? A loss?
pick a real hero next time you might have some carry potential
The system absolutely should not reward tards like you who don't leverage your advantage into helping their team.
i'm so fucking tired of being the carry
let me have fun with walky shooty turret wall lady
It's not very accurate. If I had to guess its ranking system is probably relative to other players, which creates a metric fuckload of padding due to players that played a game or two then quit, or simply don't have enough match volume to escape the baseline MMR the website starts you at. I am actually high MMR in Deadlock (yes, I get into the games with 100+ spectators and known names at the top) and tested out the system by partying up with a friend who I know is a bit dogshit, but polls at "0.1%" on the tracker site (which I also fall into). We got a pop-up in game indicating that our match quality would be poor due to the wide variance in skill within the party.
hidden mmr factors in win/loss and lane performance
will never understand how people find building heroes fun in any game but more power to you anon
unironically get gud
you know what's fun? winning. pull those big boy pants up and drag some retards to a win they don't deserve anon, it's your perogative.
it should also not reward apes who are literally worse than no teammate but still get carried
i'm top 12%
i am not good and still get matched with clueless feeders
you retards say this every thread, explain to me how diving every fight to get your death count up is helpful
those people will not consistently win because they're dependent on their teammates carrying them so their MMR will drop

you should be ganking and shoving lanes if you're ahead
if you play only for your own stats then you will lose because that's not how the game works
The actors were authentic too, and enthusiastic about it. They spoke out against the accusations of insensitivity.
Nowadays if doing anything aboriginal a company would usually hire some distant mongrel with a joke college degree, preferably from a different country or state in US case then said group, and they'd design something straight out of Concord's roster, and when it fails just cry >at least it's not insensitive!
Talon actually stood out to me for not going that way.
Joining in on the team feeding session is retarded. I'll keep pushing creeps and killing buildings and if they somehow stop being retarded I'll take advantage.
ARAM would be fun though
just majestic leap across 2 lanes 75% way through the fight and clean up
Don't get me wrong, you shouldn't be throwing yourself into fights you know are hopeless. But if you're stomping in lane you should be running off to gank. In midgame you should be farming jungle creeps to keep a soul lead.
Also some characters just can't carry without a massive skill gap. God help you if you're maining Paradox.
>no bullet parry
>no spirit parry
>but lol you can just push F to make a melee build unviable
thanks valve
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>solo lane again
I get so lonely over here bros
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Then why is Healing Nova and Rescue Beam a thing?
Shoot the other laner until they lose the will to live. Siphon their happiness.
Is soul urn a trash objective or is it my mmr that's trash? I run it with Ivy whenever I can but it doesn't feel very impactful and I never see anyone else even try it.
mmr doesnt even matchmake for everyone in the same game it's just what determiens who fights who in lane
truly the most retarded question I have seen in this general, and that is saying a lot
>the developers would see results...not to mention all the resources they would waste
that is some dumb reasoning, does any game use deathmatch influence the main game? it's source man, remove items/store, deadlock-ify the scoreboard and let people have at it
t. lane loser
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>bebop fed
>get hooked
>playing geist
>what could I have done?
hooked her back to run with you
>if you play only for your own stats then you will lose because that's not how the game works
NTA but some people just cannot be helped. Sometimes all you can do is just focus on your own shit and hope for the best.
This is already true in dota, in deadcock it's twice as true because matchmaking is full of people trying to play the game like overwatch.
>get shot by infernus for like 3 seconds
>lose 1/4th of your health to DoT
cool character
lane bully bullies lane
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My mistake coming here for advice I guess, or trying to get into MOBAs in general
The first couple of urns aren't that great in terms of soul value, but the runner always gets an extra ability point which makes the time you spent running worth it, usually.
I mostly solo queue and the lack of teamwork makes urn running a little too risky in that environment, unless you have a high mobility option (Ivy, Haze, etc.) or every lane is sufficiently pushed. Teammates tend to be too unreliable to put in the effort to really gun for the urn on most characters, in my experience.
this and also please remember to kill yourself
Pro tip: take midboss early if you're ahead. Like way earlier than you'd think
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Isn't Shiv supposed to be le melee range menace? I don't get it why was I doing no damage to this Infernus? My slice and dice literally did 0
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i wasn't op enough to take it on as abrams and could only damage it if i shoot then punch for like one tick of damage
>Team wins 90% of the game
>Fails to build counter items such as Curse, Healbane, Toxic Bullets, etc.
>Other team builds counter items instead of just MOAR DAMG!!
>Team loses the last 10% of the game.

This game has an abundance of bads.
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since you are here for advice, these are your options:
1. follow the advice I already gave you >>493052897
2, follow the advice that you got for trying to be a healsut based on items that anyone can buy >>493055859
>Guy dares to push past his tier 3s
>Majestic Leap ontop of his head
>Stares into my eyes as he realises there's literally nothing he can do but die
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Nu singed has a ton of spell lifesteal.
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confirmed: mcniggis can very easily solo midboss
also confirmed: your whole team still gets the buff so doing this is a funny as fuck way to win when you're high
usual suspects
How the fuck do I determine my MMR?
got spectators? no? then it doesn't matter
>get a 4 man singularity several times with my entire team nearby
>their situational awareness is so dogshit the enemies walk out for free every time
dynamo is so aids to play
guess thats what I get for not going for healing reduction items thinking their team didn't warrant it (the Abrams was feeding his brains out)
Majestic leap is kino, I don't know why the cooldown is so short
>leap in as pocket
>shoot coat while i'm in the air
>cold front and briefcase
>teleport to coat
I cannot imagine how fucking annoying this is, but I can't stop doing it. The average Deadlock player is a dog, they can't look up.
His fire DoT is spirit damage so if he picks up leech he's double dipping on bullet and spirit leech, and his fire trail just makes it worse
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i heard infernus is bad at laning
Current patch games are won and lost by which team has the fed Haze. I have no idea what they were thinking with the buffs to her bullet damage.
is there a way to check enemy inventories during a game? Thats a big part of MOBAs gameplay and I haven't figured it out how to do it yet in deadlock
i think you hold tab and mouse over their portrait
Tab or alt and hover over their portraits, I can't remember which button. You have to be able to sightread the icons though, so it's annoying.
>Paradox in Actively Feeding
Hey now I only feed in about 5% of my games
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I missed the invite window
>16 - 2 as pocket 15 minutes into the match
>team shits the bed so fucking hard that yamato is unkillable

neat that was a fun loss
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Abrams chads where we at
I've heard that Ivy is a great laner with infinite sustain and that Ivy is a trash laner who just tries to survive. It's like people just say shit without properly understanding the game or something.
>buy silence glyph
>yamato is now killable
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top players's stats are insane
newbie lobby only has like 60% and 20% rate at best
insanely obvious aimbots lol
will never be able to take people seriously when they say they can't carry.

there's so many levers that you can abuse if you're actually good to have an advantage and this is one of them
>33% headshots
>insanely obvious aimbots lol
god damn the shitters are in full force today
it's not
you can go to the tracker and check some random matches and you will see stats like this often
>In feeding tier
>Not in a tier all his own above the rest
outed yourself
You can always have good stats, but you can't always win. I've won against plainly better players because they just couldn't carry a stack of three subhumans from some backwater former soviet shithole.
warden is doggy doo doo shit tier for retards who need a crutch on his easy abilities
if you're good at this game you won't cripple yourself by picking him

he's literally illaoi from league, rolls over people who have no idea what he does then the moment they get warp stone you are worthless

clearly not goopilled
why are all the girls in this game so ugly
*parries you*
*clicks on your head*
>he's literally illaoi from league, rolls over people who have no idea what he does then the moment they get warp stone you are worthless
Way to out yourself as a midwit, like every other lolbab in existence. He's not the OP steamroller that shitters think he is but he's not useless.
No MOBA is really going to let you get away with being a pure support that never has to attack enemies.
If you want to healbot, stick to MMOs
just won a game against a 38/8 warden because every bought warp stones
but muh 300 spirit shield and movement speed I can walk at you with my shit gun faster
>check deadlocktracker.gg
>see it's got winrates for each ability
>decide I'll unlock and level abilities according to that
>play viscous
>absolutely stomp the enemies
*builds debuff reducer*
cute microstun lol
Good for you?
well then you heard wrong
Holliday when
next week maybe
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Cute and Beautiful.
no no no no you don't get it. Infernus is MEANT to be overpowered
>play wraith for the first time
>pick a build
>it's some retard spirit build
>do nothing all game
>buy some fucking gun items
>start killing
who the fuck plays spirit wraith
>tfw Gunther is potentially months away
I just wanna rocketjump
Lash is mid but fun tier
kelvin is the best healer, you just dome and save people. and naturally builds heal items, rescue beam into dome to save
always enjoying farming jungle and scoreboard pops with full spirit talon getting his single ult cooldown kill at completely random times
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I am loving creating characters and i thought of a new hero concept if you guys are interested.
stack 3 cards throw 3 cards end the life of anyone in the game
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>game in development
>soul rich designs, weird thingamobobs and monsters
>game releases
>attractive women and men humanoids only to sell skins

will deadlock suffer the same fate?
sure anon
tell us
I'm good. There's a whole page on the forum for it and all of it is not worth reading
You know, i do have an idea of another combo character. A zombie who lost his soul and a ghost who lost her body. Together they fill in what each other lost.
The zombie was a young man from the Netherlands named Ollie who grew up on the streets and died in modern times (Modern in the time period Deadlock takes place in) when his family got into the middle of a gang war.
The ghost was a young woman from Belgium named Dollie who grew up with a fancy life of luxury and wealth but died in the 1600s when her family was assassinated for their fortune.
They both were buried in the same graveyard and both awakened at the same time during a Maelstrom. The two wondered the graveyard alone for a few days, feeling empty, until finding each other. They were scared at first, but the two eventually found that they both are poor, lost and have the need to avenge their respective families.
At first the two agreed to go their separate ways once but then they realized they can fill each other's emptiness, and even more than that, fall in love. So the two joined together so they can never be apart.
ok but wheres the gameplay
I'm not interested this isn't a blogposting larper reddit board fuck off
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It has good range, with some relevant items you can use it from rooftops. OYu are supposed to really use it for big plays after ulocking the 5-soul tribeam upgrade
Well for their abilities they can jump high and float in the air, temporary intangibility, self healing and a last stand ability.
Wait an hour, post it on the forums then link it here praising its good design and pretend it isnt you

That's proper 4chan culture
55 hours on paradox and I just found out what her right click does
How are you gonna do that consistently without orange items? There are heroes with viable gunlet builds, I wouldn't consider Wraith one of them.
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Playing Vindicta is stress free gameplay since everyone just expects you're going to be worthless.
He buys Slowing Hex at like 5mins for 1k souls and rapes everything that moves for free until 20
Dynamo players I am begging you please learn how to farm
WHAT does it do I dont play her
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>just play a carry

i hate mobas so much bros
all warden needs is extended reach and then knockdown plus whatever CC to be useful, his jail is always good at any point of the game
> superior cool down
> Improved burst
> Improved reach
> Improved spirit
Yea, this is peak Yamato, iai poke and burst across the map. I heard mystic reverb is really good as well but I didn't have a chance to grab it before the game end.
infernus is genuinely fucking crazy, i have no idea how he isn't constantly tweaked.
a carry means Ivy, not monkey boy
I kind of wish there was a better objective to take in the enemies base so that split pushing was more effective. I can take the shrines and maybe the first form of the patron when solo but the last form is a huge DPS check and other than improving the zipline speed there's not a lot else to do if the rest of my team isn't around. I guess you can sniper troopers off the rail right? But other than that there's not a real way to drag the enemy team back out of your base once they're got their fingers in it, you just have to kill them.
just wait for icefraud to drop lone druid or natures prophet, bro
bros... kelvin beam on superior cd + superior duration us random cd pickups, 100% uptime...
>omg warden is so easy
why do people say this, you have to actually aim, unlike shotgunners etc
>queue in
>hacking vindicta, lose
>queue in
>hacking haze, lose
>queue in
>hacking wraith, lose
Why are there so fucking many hackers? I've seen 4 today in my games. The instant denies, perfect accuracy, there's no human error there.
they have hitscan guns, its just a hard lane. seriously doubt you played three cheaters in a row
>paradox shield doesn't even block ability
>Get fucked by yamato's iai slash through the shield
Also, Kelvin shouldn't be able to throw double ice grenade without exploit right? I'm pretty sure enemy Kelvin exploit it last game
They weren't in a row. I'm not seething blindly, I know hacking when I see it. These guys were painfully apparent with it, too.
>getting your 5th priority pick
how the fuck do I get a white pick when I have two selected in each yellow and purple
i swear i encountered a cheating talon one time the dude was immediately shredding my health down in the first 5 minutes and when i went back to base my guardian was just deleted and my walker shredded in seconds
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based icefrog wall dabbing on bebops
start a smurf desu it sounds like "high elo" is a shit show if there are that many sweats people are cheating
omniknight and abaddon can play pure healing
uhhhh bebop brothers??? our response???
ive used this little sign to cuck seven ult multiple times
why do you have a champ picked if you don't want to play them?
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fuck u
ivy carries me to base
Ivy carries me to bed where we cuddle and smooch
You don't need to aim when you lock the person in place for practically three fucking seconds with your retard cage
Carry with Vindicta is doable but your teammates never have the patient to not feed hard mid game while you farm just a bit.
Fuck, even in my last Vindicta game, I got decent enough farm and almost turn the game around with 2 of my teammates going 3/15 and 2/14 but then they accelerate the feeding when the tide is turn because they got cocky and tried to 3v5 constantly. We couldn't have the whole team up for the last 10min of the game because they would stagger themselves dying over and over
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yeah i either play abrams and 1v5 or i don't play this game
i am so fucking tired man
how are there three people on my team with an average (i'm not doing math) score of 1/10/2
this isn't shitter just starting out either
vindicta is aids to play, I don't touch her.
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believe in the power of friendship
I played 5-6 matches in total and wasn't really paying attention to denying.
Didn't even care if I won or lost.
Then i had this sweaty fag denying me every single time if i didn't have ammo or didn't pay attention. It really hurt my progress.
Lane phase became way less enjoyable with that too.
>inb4 filtered
I'm know i'm bad. I just didn't expect having to worry about that in the fucking alpha.
you just need a little PMA, brother
Bro, that shit is in the tutorial.
Btw, if you melee kill the minion, it can't be denied
I know about denying. I saw the tutorials.
I said i didn't care that much in my first matches.
you can't expect other players to not care just because you don't
Kill the nigger haze one trick ponies who all they do is press ult
Metal skin return fire on that faggot
i used metal skin against a haze earlier and they got mad they weren't doing any damage and accused me of cheating
i told them to look up the item
they didn't say anything in return
Haze ult is pretty average for an ult though. Haze strength is that she's also very strong outside of the ult as an ADC.
Haze does like 35% spirit damage though she's like yone where her damage is naturally split is metal skin even good because of that? or does the metal skin prevent the spirit damage from proccing
What are you smoking bro
Haze ult with ricochet deletes entire team in 0.5 second

The fact that ricochet works with her ult is horseshit
Again. I barely played pvp. I'm not expecting anything.
Its okay, but return fire alone wont kill her.

Built both metal and return fire in one game and she took only like 100 damage from return in early game.
Strangely tho it got better as game progressed, and she deleted herself later

I think return fire is fucky in general
I think it scales with your weapon damage, not enemies
Still pretty high risk for a squishy ADC to jump into middle of the enemy team point blank.
then why are you bitching about a basic game mechanic if you totally don't care retard
I also think there's something wrong with return fire. It seems like I should be straight up murdering people when they mag dump into me as wraith ults me but it never happens
Can you guys compare DOTA items to Deadlock items for me? So far I've noticed Unstoppable is BKB, right? I know there's a few others. Like blademail? Not sure which item it is. I've been using the cookie cutter recommended builds but they generally seem kind of ass and I want to experiment with more items for certain situations.
It did happen to me previous game,
I need to test it in sandbox some more
Return fire - blademail
Healing nova - mekansm
Restorative locket - magic wand
Sprint boost - boots
Ricochet - basically battle fury
Lucky shot - buriza
Crippling headshot - desolator
Torment pulse - shitty radiance

And many others
If you don't know why people are sharing their complains here, you're the fucking retard here, you nigger.
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warp stone is a force staff that only works on you
majestic leap is a blink dagger but 20 times more broken
the anvil item i forget the name is abyssal blade
health nova + rescue beam + healing booster are the bare minimum of what you need support
55% of 2kdps is still fast
>get to top 1% MMR
>laning is basically a waste of time amd gank squads dictate how it ends
>there is nothing to do on the map, it has been entirely scoured of all jungle camps
>if you peek for longer than a second the entire enemy team will be on top of you immediately
this is not comfy
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Someone post me an immortal ivy build
>swap enemy into your spawn guardians as haze
New tech unlocked
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laning is so bad right now, you trade evenly until someone fucks up or ganks and then it's just pure aids from then on, they really need temporary laning items that disappear after 10 minutes to help actually make it fun

there's literally no point in laning it's so boring
How do I Viscous
I always forget to slide so I made a quick script to remind myself if anyone wants it

import pyttsx3
import time

def speak_reminder(text, interval):
engine = pyttsx3.init()
while True:

reminder_text = "Remember to slide nigger."
interval_seconds = 30
speak_reminder(reminder_text, interval_seconds)
They really need to buff guardians. I don't know how many times I've dove on people even 1v2, won the fight and STILL got away at level 6
This game has too many buttons:
AWSD+Q+F+R+ZXCV (ITEMS) +SHIFT+SPACE+CTRL+Mouse+Left mouse button + right mouse button + scroll wheel
It's insane
have you considered playing more games to get the muscle memory going instead of writing autistic little scripts?
please respond, i wish to torment my lane with immortal bat girl
When are they going to add creep aggro manipulation to make laning have more depth?
you never played WoW before? I think my resto druid and fury warrior have 30+ binds each, it gets fun when you start using modifiers + mouse wheel (actually surprisingly goated binds btw)
yeah the last thing this game needs is shotgunners being even more gayed by ranged heros because they hit them with a 3 damage pellet and now all the melee creeps are attacking them too. No thanks
Would you rather be a god of micro or macro?
its not even that bad..
you're just too used to zoomerslop
How are Paradox's time bomb amp stacks calculated? It says 5% per stack but the damage output is lower no matter how I mash the numbers together.
all PC exclusives were like this 20 years ago btw
does haze shave
i know right, i need my press A for awesome button
>you don't understand, a pve game where you press programmed buttons against the environment and can even be played with a controller is the same as a pvp game where you need to aim+shoot+move+use skills+use extremely important items at the same time
Haze bro
I want to micro vindicta's feet into my mouth
wow is a pvp game thoughbeit
Nah, not even Dota has all that. Maybe Starcraft
dumb zoomer

dota was a mod for WC3 which had keybinds out the ass
>in the fucking alpha.
The alpha has been playable for like 8 months. There are some real sweats up in the top brackets, "paying attention to last hitting" is like the bottom differentiator between people actually playing and people just straight up fucking around. The bottom bracket used to be almost entirely people who didn't pay attention to confirming souls or even last hitting but the recent player influx of like 500% the previous playerbase has the mmr system all fucked up. I imagine it will settle back into that over time.
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>bro thinks the creator of the steamdeck isn't going to make their new game accessible for controller use

lmoa bro
You now remember the game has walljumps
the viscous buffs were nice but I still don't think he's much viable. he's still very dependent on melee for damage but lacks the natural tankiness for it, and melee itself is still undercooked really lacking a good bridge between lifestrike and colossus. yes, there's spirit viscous, but that's still ass until he gets echo shard, and even then he immediately crumples because spirit viscous isn't that scary
It's a good filter.
Walljumps need buffs. They're too niche.
>own shiv in lane because he's way too aggro
>he leaves
>winning isn't even fun
stop leaving you retards this isn't league and the game isn't decided by laning
does -novid work
sure but I dont understand why it exists, you can pretty consistently just trade farm safely if both players know the matchup well

so youre basically spending 10 minutes farming for a 500 soul lead max, it's dumb
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so what you're saying is this game that isn't even 1 year old yet already has every single matchup solved?
laning needs tweaks but i have no idea what they could do to make it more interesting
the lead you get from winning lane is really fucking small
NTA but I do think at this point it's safe to say that high base velocity characters have a big advantage over low base velocity gun projectiles.
this is why paradox sucks btw she can't deny even if she has ping advantage
have the devs said if they're going to remove all of the cyborg arms?
i kind of just assumed they were going for a magic prosthetic thing but i'm not sure
wraith in particular looks like she fits the overall aesthetic perfectly and she has one
Laning matters more in this game than in league
post some favorite kill lines of yours
>haze kills mcginnis
>"only a coward hides behind machines"
>abrams kills infernus
>"Shit. I liked that guy."
bad take im sure but i just cant fucking stand trying to deny if you have even the slightest big of ping going on
makes me want to pull my fucking teeth out.
>make laning more interesting

varied creeps probably, maybe something like a big creep every 2-3 waves each player can plan a play around, something like that
>you can't 45-degree walljump
it sucks
90-degree walljump is not worth it
I noticed today there are voiclines if you get killed then kill someone. kino soulful whatever, very cool desu
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let's hear your take on why
using abilities at low hp also gives difference voice lines
tossing a bomb as geist, she goes "this has to work..!"
or shiv dashing in at low hp, "I'M NO COWARD!"
NTA but try playing a low bullet velocity character into a bad matchup - if you get bullied/killed off the soul difference will become immense. if your enemy happens to be lash, who is very good at roaming and getting ganks, that gulf will widen severely. this is what makes someone like infernus top tier because he can still reliably flash farm no matter how his lane goes, and even then his laning is strong.
My favorite is Lash's response to Bebop on his team dying
>Bebop's dead! I'm cool with it
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Are the servers shitting themselves for anyone else tonight? I had zero issues last night but tonight I'm experiencing severe, erratic ping spikes that make it basically unplayable, and I checked my connection status on my end and it says it's fine
no absolutely not, there are a ton of things to do, but you can just play safe and be a pussy on ranged characters and not have to interact with the lane if you want to do so, which is boring and my gripe with laning

and the short range ones can sit on the flagbearer to just heal, it's a little too passive because if you mess up then your game is way harder than if you'd just passively farmed

aggression <<< defense in solo lanes
the only way it matters is if you're being bullied so hard you aren't even strong enough to take t1 neutral camps
>he actually jungles instead of just doing it to pick up some extra souls on the way between lanes
I did notice some minor issues earlier. It wasn't serious, though.
Are you NA or EU? I'm NA.
3 of my teammates constantly dced earlier today, it's steam maintenance day so not unexpected
you should be doing the T1 camp next to your lane anon
you should be picking up camps that you walk by while rotating
if you are behind on souls in the midgame you should be jungling in between shoving lanes
I get my souls when I'm behind by playing lane janny
lanes will always be the main source of souls but when you go from lane to lane you should grab jungle mobs for extra souls, especially if you're behind
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After 20 hours I think I'm starting to get it
I'm winning more than I'm losing now and I'm consistently in the top half of my team
>be me new player
>stomp lane
>forget its a moba and stop farming
>lose game
anyone else?
>be me
>lose lane
>never farm
>win anyway
now this is a paradox
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for the first time ever, a random does not go 0-10, instead matches my scoreline AND ITS ON VINDICTA NO LESS, WHAT THE FUCK?
Vindicta either tops killcount or bottomscores the server, depending on if she gets stomped in the early phase or not.
the deciding factor is actually whether the person playing her is a porn addict
i went 2w - 1l today, pretty happy with that.
Bros, I think I'm actually in love with Ivy. I love her doofy little smile, and she has all the movespeed, dashes, and perfect utility skills so I can just build to beam people with a point and click assault rifle. I've never wanted to one trick a character in a moba before but Ivy makes my heart go doki doki like you wouldn't fucking believe.
league players are scared of jungle camps don't pressure him
>0-15 archerman
looks like the enemy got your anchor instead
why is every spirit damage build trash. I don't know any good spirit builds for...all the heroes? Besides McGinnis turret spam being so cheesy and infernus being infernus

>seven ult bot sucks, build stun and gun people down with bullet resist shredder
>bebop double bomb sucks, bebop ult bot sucks, buy curse and build gun damage
>Kelvin does well with spirit but you still have to build gun damage to keep up and actually kill people
>Geist prioritizes bomb first but otherwise builds gun and health
>Mo and Krill just builds utility to teleport and ult bot
>Ivy is gun damage
>haze and wraith just build like drow/sniper
>vindicta crow damage build too hard to consistently land crows, go gun damage with alchemical fire
>Abrams is gun and health
>dynamo is ult bot and gun (warpstone lets you do both)
>grey talon charge shot spam is good against noobs but not people with brains

idk it just feels like a rip off to buy surge of power, diviner's kevlar, escalating exposure, boundless spirit. There are lots of T4 upgrades in general that suck, not just spirit. If you prioritize gun damage slots and buy cheap disables for spirit, you do very well, even if your team has 3 gun damage builders already

It doesn't help the ults are hard to use. McGinnis's ult is finicky because it draws a bezier curve to the location, rather than launching simple projectiles. Bebop ult is noob bait because everyone just backs up if they have a brain
spirit scaling is wack
got dc/d during waiting for people had played a match earlier before that just fine and i'm in NA
Now try spirit viscous
because everyone sucks so games take way too long and gun builds outscale everything else
it's shit because fists do melee damage
Just pick up spirit punch
Splatter is your main ability anyways. It's got insane AOE burst if you build for it and can aim it (which isn't that hard)
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>the two characters with worst pick rate
>Ivy and M&K
spirit viscous is really good but you have to pray to get absolutely fucking crazy fed in lane with your dog gun (for and made by, dogs)

also just a general thought i wish we could pick our lanes, solo laning is so boring, it's like watching paint dry
What do I build on Vindicta for damage in late game?
Ok after the change the viscous gun is really not THAT bad
It hits hard
Nobody likes piggers
if you have to farm up a echo shard to make the build work, it's not that good. viscous isn't like bebop where he can hang around safely spamming hooks for picks
Take high velocity mag or spirit punch as your first item, depending on how the fight's gone so far
Then start dumping everything into splatter
Maurice is a mole, dingus
Ivy is good at stalling and being unkillable. but the tradeoff is people learn to just go around you and now it's a 5v6
Their win rates are the direct result of their low pick rate.
People are only just now learning how to shut them down and their win rates are plummeting as a result.
>Pick 2 stupid dogs
>Actually managing to do well with this pair even it's first time pick
>Teammates 1/20/3

How do fuck that badly as Fire nigga, Haze and even Warden
Both characters are heavily reliant on teammates and can't really solo carry
they are good, i've witnessed countless moments already where someone would have lived if they knew how to walljump.
it basically lets you do certain jumps without expending stamina which could be the difference between life or death.
for example, the little holes that drop into your patron pit can be scaled by just wall jumping on any wall in there instead of having to double jump. seen so many fuckers just jump and fall back down and die while trying to escape because they ran out of stamina.
not only is it stamina efficient, it's also faster when using many escape routes in the game. if you learn it you WILL escape from retarded shit like 80% more frequently.
>the little holes that drop into your patron pit can be scaled by just wall jumping
oh shit... you're right
i'm going to practice this now
i love that i get mo almost every game he's on purple, but his pickrate increases drastically in high MMR
no one told me the VN was kinda kino
what other story material do we have? i need more
i've been in a duo lane 1 time out of my past 20 or so games, what's the deal with that
>Ult as M&K For easy kill
>Teammates ignore me

Yeah, that's why
Google is fucking useless, is there a way to lower the internal rendering resolution of the game but still be able to play in a window / borderless window that fills my screen? I have a 4k monitor but I don't want to make my computer sweat for no reason.

It's still early in development so I don't know if maybe there's a console command or something I'm missing that isn't an option in the settings.
They made a VN? Can I impregnate Vindicta?
If you play in stack you are very likely to be put in duolane
Thats probably why

People play with friends, often their shitter friends
nah it's just a short one about lady geist and her arm
Does anyone have the webm showing off the hacks in sandbox?
Even if these sites weren't 0% reliable, there's no way that the stats on there can be used to say anything more than "people pick this hero more than this one". We have 150,000 concurrent players where this time last week we had 30,000. And the week before that it was like 15k. Unless you can filter by mmr (and actually trust it), you're just looking at what complete invalid retards are doing in their 4th game ever. And that's compounded by the possibility that mmr is totally scrambled right now and noobs are getting trounced by top players. I'm not sure if that's the case, but if it is it means filtering by mmr wouldn't even be helpful.

You may as well try to divine what's happening in the game by throwing down a Juggs magazine on a ouija board and letting the coom spirits tell you.
Every spirit build is meant to be strong mid game but fall off a bit compared to gun.it's not that spirit build can't win late game, but you usually limit yourself to use burst to cripple or kill the enemy's ADC late game rather than 1v3 the whole enemy team like an ADC.
That's fine really. You have to know where is your strong point and push your advantage at specific point to swing momentum/snowball on your team favvor. This is in experience of running spirit yamato
I heard about this game last week
I checked some profiles after my matches and there's people with 500 hours already. If not, people with a lot of hours in dota + fps games.
I stopped playing these games back in 2012. If the game improves, i will try to improve my skill issues.
who do I main besides seven and paradox
The gooner
Incredibly high skill ceiling and can absolutely cause havoc in pubs
It's good.

I played my third game of Haze ever just now, even though I'm ~200 games. Her damage is just insane, an unavoidable Sleep dagger on someone a little less tanky in the back of the enemy team and I could just delete them with m1 before they even get a chance to move, and most likely, even call out to their teammates that I'm there. I could fuck off at warp speed and be anywhere on the map, then when the inevitable collapse and dog pile I could pop in with 4.

She doesn't exist on anyone's screen long enough before they're dead to be countered. Compared to the effort of many other characters she has to be free elo right now.
Low MMR games last too fucking long.
Spirit build are really good for 20-30 minute games.
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Not a single thing is hitscan other than Bebop's m1 and it has direct limitations for that reason
you mean viscous?
To start with, the advantages gained in League are much smaller than in Deadlock. If you get a 16 'soul' advantage in Deadlock, whether through denying or farming more, that's 600 gold (which is not hard to achieve if you play better than the enemy); if you get a 16 CS advantage in League, that's only 300 gold. And remember, the best laner in the world in League (Chovy) has an average advantage of only 14 CS at 14 minutes, playing almost pixel-perfect and being much better than his opponents.
Towers in League are much harder to take down than in Deadlock, with the fact that when a tower falls in Deadlock, you also lose the ability to buy items in a nearby shop.
Basic components in Deadlock are absurdly more important than in League. 500 gold in League gets you +10 additional damage or +20 AP, which, to be honest, doesn't make much of a difference. In Deadlock, these simpler components are brutal. Additionally, you can store more items in Deadlock than in League (4 bullet items+4spirit+4health vs 6 max items) and also, since what really matters in League is completing bigger items, rather than holding 'components'. For example, Haze can perfectly buy a Reactive Barrier or Health Regen depending on the matchup, which can help her a lot, whereas Jinx will never be able to buy a defensive item in the same way.
In Deadlock, there's no fixed jungle role. Lane advantage means more gold, which means more levels and items, which means faster jungling, which means more levels and items, and so on. Anyway, I could go on all night talking about this.
The what?
yeah but you're forgetting that League games are decided by laning phase at every rank below diamond (and most diamond games as well)
Lash spirit builds are especially fun
Popping all your abilities and active items to wipe out the entire enemy team's healthpool and singlehandedly shut down a push is so fun.
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>my entire team on a lane
>no one wants to back down
>the other 3 lanes are being destroyed by minions
>if I go back to push other lanes they bitch at me
Is Kinetic Carbine seriously not hitscan?
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>She doesn't exist on anyone's screen long enough before they're dead to be countered. Compared to the effort of many other characters she has to be free elo right now.
You are correct
Fire that ho off at a distant building.
1623 is insane man I've been grinding every hour since thursday and I'm barely past 100
The voicelines in this game are kinda bland.

>Seven kills Yamato
>"Your dynasty ends here, Yamato"

He wouldn't say that. It feels forced, like "hey didn't you know all these characters are on a first name basis with each other?". This stuff only works for lash and bebop type relationships

>Seven pings warden
>Ah, so the warden wants to play hero"

You've been killing each other for 20 minutes in a battle of elder gods. It's snarky marvel writing. Everyone has one liners and zingers.

>Abrams kills shiv
>"Not today Baxter society"
>Shiv kills someone
>"Baxter society sends it's regards"

What are they talking about. Aloof references to out of game lore is telling, instead of showing. But there's also the weird shounen anime style of announcing your ability name

>Warden says "alchemical flask" instead of "take THIS" or ivy yelling "stone form"

Examples of doing this right are pocket going NoNononono in his brief case, or mikuguiness. They all sound natural. Viscous voice lines are confusing and annoying (no not the voice itself)

>Miss punch
>"Who would have thought punching strangers would feel so good"
>Miss second punch
>"Goo hits harder than you think"

These should only play if you kill someone with the punch
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some of them have been playing for almost a year
would pre-alpha games show up for MMR history like that?
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Hats off to whoever posted that sliding mcginnis build. Having a blast, and I think it helped me understand a few other heroes too.
I did my own tweaks to it, mostly expanding the non cores.
i dont think any of the weapons are hitscan
I tried this shit for the first time and it just feels like forced complexity. Abilities that need to be unlocked and leveled, items that need to be purchased in the shop constantly and upgraded, farming mooks for souls, 3 way split on upgrades, random passive enemies, mega boss, 80 million movement mechanics that just get in the way because you move faster than the terrain has capacity for and air control sucks

Why can't we just cut out all the bullshit, give everyone everything from the start, let them swap loadouts at spawn instead, and just have the combat, lane pushing mechanic be the core of the game?
It is always funny that RTSes which take years to be balanced and are being constantly balanced are niche games.
Yet MOBAS in which every single time you have complete lack of balance and OP champs like Haze(which will eventually get nerfed into oblivion) are so popular.
It's a MOBA retard
Seven is an edgelord and I hope he gets the most ridiculous chuuni lines imaginable.
There is literally nothing wrong with mentioning the Baxter Society if it's an important part of Shiv's lore (I haven't read his lore).
I kind of agree with the other stuff.
nothing changed, you're just now allowed to talk about it or share gameplay
>why cant we just play checkers instead of chess?
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Go play TF2 if you just want to constantly counterpick
I was told it was not like a moba, it was it's own thing (MOBAs are cancer btw)
Everything you've mentioned is genuinely important and necessary to the pacing of a match.
Is this your first ASSFAGGOTS?
Warden is based. His hatred for the supernatural is fun
it's a moba

tf2 is right there just go play that
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just go ape and kill people
Whoever told you that was fucking with you. Deadlock is closer to DOTA than to Overwatch. It also reminds me of SMNC but with way more verticality.
I don't like the new secret shop music. I don't like the altered original shop music. >:( I am whiny.
I am playing tf2 as I type these complaints
you were lied to, it's literally third person dota
Marvel Rivals will be more your lane
I keep having games where I think all hope is lost but then we manage a comeback anyway. that shit is like crack and obviously not sustainable, nobody knows what the fuck they're doing so throwing leads is really easy. it's impossible to know if this game has legs because once shit gets figured out comebacks are going to be harder and harder. some autist will crunch the numbers and find the optimal jungle rotations and roles and rotations and then it's all fucked

though I do want to know optimal turret locations because goddamn I need to stop just throwing them on rooftops and around corners
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This game is for moba players, after all.
>4.2 years
what the fuck
Are people bots, Unable to read English, or hyperfocused on the game they don’t read,”Grab urn please” when they’re next to it
The notification sound for text chat is too small and the word bubble isn't very eye catching so I often miss chat messages
I dont know man

I have been trying to communicate with those apes, most of them are completely silent and dont even use team chat
i recall miku saying "dang that was my favorite bartender" if she kills infernus
Everybody seems to love Infernus.
I don't understand how last hitting works
When I let the souls go up without shooting at them they still explode and give me the +souls thingy
It's just to prevent enemies from denying them?
That makes me inclined to believe he's based on Rodin from Bayo
>It's just to prevent enemies from denying them?
I like Warden’s,”Now we’re even.” Whenever you get revenge.
>It's just to prevent enemies from denying them?
Though the important part of last hitting is actually doing it to troopers. If you let them die to your own troops or towers they give you no souls at all. There is a brief delay before they die where you can shoot them so this is way less demanding than in other MOBAs.
yeah because in this game an enemy last hitting your orbs doesn't just deny but actually steals them
man i only have 5k hours in tf2 over the course of almost 11 years wtf is this
I see, I'm just wasting my time shooting at them while pushing lanes alone then
Thanks anons
Yup, you can just let them pop if there's no enemy nearby to steal them.
You are just a pedophile with low standards
>leave game open and computer on 24/7
not that hard
Please nerf Kelvin’s beam
It’s absurd with ricochet
but why
Why would someone do that though
Nah, even at high MMR the absolute majority are gun builds
maybe he thought he woud become the ultimate autist in mortal kombat tower.
it splits because it's built into the skill, not because he bought ricochet.
the counter is to just start punching him until he is forced to parry because punches aren't affected by attack speed reductions.
i dont even know what the fuck im supposed to do with the urn so im not touching that shit
He needs it
You should have seen when it used to disarm you
you carry it to the other side of the map and drop it off at the highlighted location (will be a little box on the minimap)
You carry it across the map and your team each gets a bunch of souls
Please nerf Kelvin’s ice path
It’s absurd with fleetfoot
thanks bruddahs
the punch range IS affected though
Is there any tracker that isn't dead?
>every single high winrate hero is a tanky brawler except for haze
shit game, all you do is build something that lets you do moderate amounts of damage, then something that sustains you and you just win. All you need to do is not die
If you're playing someone who relies on Fire Rate just buy unstoppable and melt him.
That was me and my boys, sorry mate
I feel like tank characters get outmatched. Idk if it’s low or high elo that effects the winrate negatively or positively though
yeah i just tested it and they are doing a terrible job, the game feels awful to play because the team that picks seven has a huge advantage and just stalls the game out
The only thing that guy wants to do is call the game shit and complain about whatever strategy he just lost to. He's been doing this in every thread.
How do you deal with the blue hellboy guy.
Parry his melee attacks and keep your distance.
comebacks are possible in dota, they feel extremely good in that game and that transfers over really well. if the winning teams gets too cocky and takes a bad fight they get reversed.
>see his hand glowing
>press F
You know that you can do a gun build on Ivy and absolutely destroy people. Her gun has the highest DPS in the game apparently.
Press space twice and then walk away. He can't do anything 1 on 1 if you don't get shoulder charged.
If you truly have a 90% win rate (you don't) you really can't complain
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come play bros
If the game gets long enough, some heroes like shiv become absolute juggernauts. I could kill people 3v1 as shiv on my last 50 minutes long game, they couldn't kill me even with their stun, since i had so much lifesteal, fire rate and non existent "2" cd.
based esl
He's not talking about his win rates. He's saying his team loses their lead because they don't build around the enemy team.
>turns to the side last second
Literally just parry.
Abrams is the easiest hero to shut down because everyone uses the melee build.
Press F and he just dies.
>Her gun has the highest DPS in the game apparently.
Maybe if you don't count the reload time. She shoots out her whole clip in like 1 second by default. Gun Ivy is still good but it's more because she runs stupid fast while shooting.
You got outplayed.
Play fighting games and you'll learn how to cope.
take your meds please
Siphon bullets nerf crippled her hard
if only
i main abrams and i love parry baiting
sometimes you can get people through pillars if it's thick enough to hide your fat blue knuckles, they go off the sound, thinking you'll fly around it for a cheeky hit
lash is broken as fuck tbqh, hes my main btw
Don't get too attached to dps Ivy because you know when the metagame is solidified she will get her gun nerfed, be forced into a support playstyle, and you will be REPORTED AS FUCK for building anything other than heal beam first item on her.
valve should autoban anybody who puts TTV in their name i am sick of these retards feeding
I don't play DOTA but I was under the impression that only League balanced this way.
right here
"just parry" posters forever mad they missed their timing
It's a 5 minute window how the fuck do people miss it.
yeah valve has never done that
if anything they'd buff ivy
new code
Riot's heavy-handed "you will play the way we want you to and we will nerf unconventional strategies into irrelevance" approach to balance has been such a nightmare for video games. Zoomers lose their minds if they have to wait more than a month for a balance patch.
I play yugioh nothing gets me steamed more than missing the timing

don't worry the transpergs will still stan the fuckin gargoyle
nah there used to be a hard support in dota called Io whose entire kit was all about being a support heal bitch, but then a team found out io could be played as a carry and absolutely crushed the biggest tournament in the game with it. next patch it got nerfed into oblivion.
Post MMR
When are they going to add wards
dota has been adding more and more ways to let support heroes have off-meta carry builds
I find rightclick lion hilarious myself
basically every single support in dota has at some point been a core.
I've always wanted to play Dota but I was never any good at League mechanically, and Dota is even more mechanically demanding while also having much longer matches.
I used to play Smite but I was somehow bad at that too.
Deadlock is the game for me. It just clicks. It does make me want to give Dota another shot, though...
Dota( and 2) has always had a completely dog shit experience for new players anon, don't feel bad. If you don't have friends its basically hurting yourself.
>use abrams ult
>random sign on the side of a building blocks me
>camera gets fucked up from being inside a building
>geometry in general just gimps it
game is hard :(
dota is far less mechanically demanding to the point that it's not even the same genre anymore
it's mostly about knowing what the best actions to take are based on the situation
Anyone that jerked off to the hot gargoyles in the old cartoon will stan the gargoyle.
Yeah, I've tried it several times and always hit a wall where the long match time just makes it too tedious to continue. It's a brutal learning experience, much tougher than learning Guilty Gear +R.
they should let me rotate mcginnis's wall
I tried to get so many friends into it, its basically pulling teeth anon. You have so much shit you have to know, and for the longest time you're never even going to know what you're doing wrong or what you did wrong. New players fuck around for 25 mins and are left clueless with 6 slot antimage pops out and is suddenly borderline unkillable.
In fighting games you genuinely have some idea of where everything went wrong. In dota 9 other players are doing god knows what while you fail to last hit against a guy with nearly double your base damage.
vindicta should be an auto dodge god damn i have not seen a single decent one on either team
I've been playing shooters for my entire life. I've never been great at twitch games like CS, but in a high TTK game you really just have to be able to aim in the enemy's general direction.
Last hitting in top-down MOBAs is a completely unique skill that doesn't get trained by any other genre, so I'm total dogshit at it and always drive myself crazy trying to learn it.
Every Vindicta player is either a clueless gooner who feeds nonstop or a relentless killing machine. Even when they aren't the hardest carry on their team they seem to end up an insane number of kills (or none at all).
supports don't have to worry about last hitting that much
found out tonight that you can move seven while he's ulting with rescue beam.

i've been playing viscous so pulling them behind the gooball while they ult is a blast
what's supposed to be Seven's weakness?
>grab urn
>ivy is on my team, next to me with ult
>ivy ult me
>ivy ult me
>5 seconds goes by
>10 seconds goes by
>she self casts ult
I'm sorry but you ivy players are brain dead
Yeah, so I usually play support, but then I'm just avoiding the problem - and as support I'm even more at the mercy of my teammates than I would be with a carry.
But I've always wanted to be able to play or at least understand Dota, so maybe I'll give it another shot now that Deadlock has me in a MOBA headspace.
If they're doing the youkai thing then why does the normal version look weird too. Would be much more effective if she looked normal but then transformed into the left image
his players
The normal version is just wearing makeup.
Same as every other retarded character bro, just buy Knockdown :)
>It does make me want to give Dota another shot, though...
i reinstalled for shits and giggles after the new hero dropped and it made my head hurt, modern dota is a clusterfuck of complexity
Puddle punch is for mobility & slowing, not dps (after laning that is). 1 maxed and then 4 now you have good burst damage going out.
Good channels for high MMR gameplay?
I want to get better and try watching actually good people play, but all I get is LE EPIC 30 KILLSTREAK MINUTE 20 farming sub 5 hrs playtime players
Then why does her face look like I've been messing with it at the start of sm64?
I think the word you're looking for is tracking.
also headshots do matter here so all im hearing is cope.
if you can flick shot you should be owning last hits
Stuns, and focused fire.
>get viscous in my lane
>know my game is already over
this bitch needs the CD on all of her abilities doubled or some shit jesus
if you are going to play try treant
early game you hit people with your hands while healing everything around you and you can play really lazy just stopping enemy pushes and using a global heal on allies that are in dumb locations
The Dota devs refuse to admit they made dozens of mistakes around the time of 7.00. The game has never recovered from the damage caused by random neutral item drops, comeback gold, and tower glyph cooldowns refreshing.
>try Paradox
>best lasthitting in the game
>land a couple max range swaps
>this is fun
>start spamming Paradox
>fall in love with Paradox
a-anyone else?
>>best lasthitting in the game
lost me there
it's not just individual fuckups, they did rectify some of them (i.e. shrines). the problem is that their whole concept of the game is stupid and unfun. unironically i believe it's designed for turbo casuals now.
If you like her now then you are in luck because she is GUARANTEED to get buffs in the future.
does the invite anchor still work this late into the thread? also, how similar is deadlock to like valorant or overwatch? i know it's similar to dota 2, but ive never played it. it reminds me so much of battleborne kek, which i honestly kind of liked
Spirit builds are for dominating the midgame and funneling more money into your gun carries so they can finish off the game.
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>it's another fed abrams game
>check itemization after
>i'm the only one who bought healbane and any sort of DoT
my friends don't even buy boots / stamina sometimes
i want to die
It doesn't work even early into the thread lmao.

It's closer to something like smite than overwatch imo, it really feels more like a MOBA than anything else.
Post your code I'll add you before going to bed.
dx11 or vulkan?
>It's closer to something like smite than overwatch imo, it really feels more like a MOBA than anything else.
hmm cool, so that'd mean it's less moment to moment gameplay and more methodical/strategical? i cant get into the stuff that requires sheer technical skill lately, it doesnt really seem worth my time
hey thanks man, appreciate it!
I don't know how to lane. It's funny cause I do often win my lane more than I lose it but I feel like it's just cause I am a slightly better duelist than my opponents. My tower is always pushed in, I always operate at like a 500 to 1k soul deficit in lane, and I just feel completely out-harassed.

People who constantly win their lanes, what is your philosophy when it comes to pushing early and killing creeps?
your better off comparing it to any moba than an actual hero shooter, heros aren't what win games (mostly), it's item synergys with those heros abilities and stat differences/picks in fights.
click on your creeps and orbs
dont let them click on your creeps and orbs
60% winrate for pressing one button
Are you describing Haze or Seven
practice staying alive, don't fall for bait and keep stamina in check aka be super passive and just wait for your enemy to make more mistakes than you. Other than that manage creeps and orbs, hit the red and green orbs first over hitting the enemy with your primary weapon. Applying pressure is usually based on the hero your playing as. Tanky characters obviously can afford to be up and close while still being mobile. Early game pretty much nobody has crazy healing and it's either burst damage or damage at range to wear you down.
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Ok, how do I Yamato?
I've feed every single game where I tried her...
It's literally the only character I have deselected because I'm too retarded to use her effectively
Understand when you can harass and when you just have to build to survive and focus it all on last hits and denies. If you want to push the get monster killing bullets, it has 1 regen too which is nice for laning. Melee when you can if theres a lot of denies.
The one with 65% winrate
If you start aiming Vindicta's assassinate at low HP she says "I'm taking you with me"
How do you actually pin down and kill Gray Talon. Slowing Hex?
last hit and deny
do neutral camps everytime you can
try not shooting at the creeps until they're at low health, try mostly shooting at your enemies to force them to retreat
DON'T fall for the trap of going back to base to heal, most of the time you don't actually need to and will lose a shit ton of souls
break every crate and vase you see, get the buffs
If they are harassing you too hard play under tower, if they're shit destroy their tower and ganks other lanes
If you're being denied too hard, play under tower and melee the creeps
always buy the 500 low tier items when you can, it's a very considerable power spike
for early i usually first buy healing/health items instead of damage to stay on lane most time as possible
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I'm not gonna sugarcoat it
>Slow Hex + Alchemical Flask + Fleetfoot + Binding Word + Slowing Bullets
dont forget carpet rush
come on valve, pander to japanese so i can have a japanese e-girlfriend
>how similar is deadlock to like valorant or overwatch?
It's absolutely nothing like them, even if retards in low mmr play like it is. I have solo carried games by taking objectives when everyone else is in the middle of the map fighting for no reason (before anyone acksually's me, I'm not talking about fighting for roshan, I'm talking about pure fighting for nothing)
If you have any experience in league or dota, or I guess smite but I've never played it myself, you will have a massive head start on everyone else
Run at him with Heroic Aura. You can't stop him from throwing owls and he will get kills if he's good, but he's not that fast and he is the most obvious target on the battlefield whenever he flies. With Ivy or Haze you can just shred him 100 to 0 if he's dumb enough to fly in any sort of exposed spot.
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I was sure the Paradox on the minimap was some black guy with an afro
The one thing I genuinely dislike about this game is having to dedicate multiple item slots just to shut down specific heroes doing specific things
>enemy team has Haze, Abrams, Shiv, and Gray Talon
>oh, that's easy bro
>just buy healbane
>and toxic bullets
>and improved bullet resistance
>and metal skin
>and slowing hex
>and decay, pre-nerf
>it's that easy, just dedicate 5 of your item slots to problem heroes on the enemy team
It's also a death sentence when you just can't unlock flex slots
it's how they "balance" dota heroes too. Everything just turns into rock paper scissors which is why things like urn and open lane farming becomes even more important. No one wants to admit this is a shit way to balance characters because it would be contrary to the decades old myth that "durrr if everyone is overpowered than no one is!!!"
It feels like Ivy's gun deals no damage now...
You're not supposed to counter build every character yourself. That's why it's a team game.
I love it, personally. It feels amazing to build proper items in Dota and it feels good in this game too.
The secret to winning right now is just that though. You don't actually NEED Glass Cannon or w/e. All you really need is a flood of tier 1 items and the select counter items. Having a souls lead and AP and good mechanics takes care of the rest.
>losing game
>buy curse and knockdown
it's just that easy
>VALORANT gets a they/them
>Overwatch gets a they/them
>Deadlock gets a they/them
Androgyny sisters.. I'm not gonna make it.
>Buys unstoppable
what now
why do they/them characters always look like they/thems? We solved this in the 2000s when gay people were just supposed to look like bob from accounting.
i curse the retard on your team that didnt buy it
someone post the ivy melee build
You know what's crazy? I don't think E of all keys is even used by default.
then 2012 happened and being gay wasn't special enough
Another day of me not understanding how to play Lash.
I've seen builds for the slam, grapple, and flog. Gun and spirit builds.
Whatever I try, I seem to go something like 3-7-20. I can never actually secure the kills myself.
I want to play a character thats not (full spirit) kelvin but every time i swap characters my teammates are fucking ass
You forgot mo and krill which is just a free win right now
>inb4 buy debuff remover or reactive barrier
it's not enough he's broken as shit
>my kelvin rescue beams me out of a fight onto his ice road
>enemy kelvin rescue beams
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That's it
I'm finally understanding the game enough to make my own personalized builds
I'm leaving the cavern
is healing reduction in this game additive or multiplicative?
It feels really good to build a "meme" build that just works. Unfortunately I stole my best one from /v/ (Seven stun build).
all item stats should be additive
who would have thought punching people would be so fun
i hate the goo nigger
zero skill auto lane winning piece of shit
There is a tangibility in Deadlock that is lacking in all the other attempts at a third person moba. Mobility, close range combat, verticality. It really takes advantage of the fact that it isn't top down as opposed to something like Smite where it literally is just another pov. It feels a lot like those late 2000s/early 2010s battle arena multiplayer games where the moment-to-moment combat was so fun.
Why did you reply to me?
we just got super monday night combat again, it's kino
>auto lane winning
even with high velocity bullets, viscous gets terribly bullied by denying
smnc was dogshit though
so healbane and toxic bullets stacking just straight up disables healing completely at -105%?
To all of you, this game is monday night combat or dota or overwatch or smite. To me, it's Battlefield Heroes.
ivy ult nerfs hit harder than siphon bullet ever did
fly speed is too slow, you can't fucking chase anybody with it and you can't fucking run away with it
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Wanna know what i think would be cool for Deadlock? A PVE campaign mode.
With some boss battles perhaps.
>Battlefield Heroes
I don't remember it being anything like this
As much as I love this meme, I hate that it has Bebop saying "beep boop".
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I love playing Shiv, and I think I'm doing a decent job staying farmed, laning and not feeding the enemy team. But my kill count is usually only 16-20 by end of game. I want more but should I be doing more? I usually get my kills by picking on the weaker parts of the enemy team and ganking them, I don't have much staying power in a team fight until I've got siphon bullets, leech and colossus and if I can get those then the game's already been won more or less.
Any ideas? Also is there a way to cancel the animation of the mouse 2 for shiv's gun so I can keep firing it?
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What are you talking about brah, cmon we got an unattended lane to POOSH.

goo'd to meet you
any predictions or expectations for open beta?
I've asked my friends and most of them want new maps. Some think the beta will be next month
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well well well
Do you guys ever use the alt fire on Vicious?

too hard to balance heroes around different maps
there is zero chance there will be a new map. mobas are balanced almost entirely around one map. If there is a new map, it's attached to a new game mode.

My general expectation for open beta is a mostly furnished map without all these grey ramps and walls. Maybe different item names or icons? Some more heroes. That's basically it.
it feels like such a huge opportunity cost, 5 ammo is huge. If I ever remember to try, it's basically just on the last bullet of my magazine and trying to hit the opponent's feet around the corner or something.
>he doesn't get 20/0 on the lane fase
I have never seen a Viscous being useful late game unless he got grossly feeded early

when you're on bridge and they're hiding behind cover and gooball is on CD

on-hit effects proc with the alt fire as well so you can use soul-shredder/tox bullets
>mobas are balanced almost entirely around one map
what is HotS?

yeah and that game was grossly unbalanced with certain maps favoring certain heroes.


meant to say splatter here
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bebop is fair and balanced
simply outplayed
yep my skill and mechanics were superior to his in that moment
briefcase nigger wasn't slippery enough
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Russians are retarded though?
Can't believe they made Pudge so good even in a 3D game.
now you get it, now keep punching those retards to death
yep agreed overwatch cunts go home
why is it always haze?
I would be 65% if I was playing on some retard region like AU too..
ruskies love haze
>You can get banned for pausing!
>You can get banned for saying nigger!
>You can get banned for leaving!
Nothing has happened and I have done all of the above.
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should i play 1 more game before bed
Valve bans in waves dummy
I hate this dogshit faggot game
Well already invited some alts already so no big deal.
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yes and you'll lose it and feel like you need to play another
I just report them
Getting a loss + seething in-game + being permabanned on chat (since they're actually handing out bans for flaming)
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You guys have any characters concepts you'd like to share?
I reported my first incessantly whining zoomer today. They can't even talk shit right they have to be all passive aggressive like someone might overhear them.
I didn't report the boomer that kept calling him a fag.
esl retard
Double standard.
Big Foot
my mmr must be too high i was in queue for like 2 min with no match im goin to bed
best case scenario it's just a quick stomp and im left hangin out half chub
worst case it's a game with russians for some reason and we get a 0/20/0 grey talon feeder
either shit talk properly or don't do it at all
Literally just Tusk from Dota transported to Deadlock somehow, model and all. Just drop the walrusman straight into New York and see what happens.
would be outrageously based but i also think he would not be very good
Trash game for autistic faggots also it looks visually terrible
Not him but you act like we had one on the first place
I WILL bitch for people reporting me, and anyone calling me stupid is a nigger.
called me a retard on chat? You're getting reported for flaming baby
The boomer called him a zesty little faggot for probably 1/100th the amount of time the zoomzoom plugged up the comms crying hit little bitch tears.
>come across retarded shiv player who somehow goes 1-12 on the hero
sorry but you shiv players are just braindead
is mmr still character based
I had a zoomer that thought he was hot shit at 5/9 doing this passive aggressive crying over not getting help over bad fights he kept taking. He wasn't farming jungles till we told him too and kept leaving lanes unattended to get ganked instead of cleaning them up. Oh he autistically raged about "stop split pushing" something our team wasn't even doing (again it was just cleaning up lanes he didnt bother to clean on his way to take a 1v3 as bebop)
it's literally still viable
OK, i agree but that's something different.
A robot based on the Trojan horse.
I just check his account and he has 6000k hours on dota 2 how are you this bad at a moba with this amount of time
A vehicle character who's a trident wielding mermaid in a mobilized fish tank.
loch ness monster
New to hero shooters?
I was with you here
but checking out a person's profile is rent free territory. Check yourself before you wreck yourself
Yoshi's gonna need about tree fiddy for that one.
imagining a lizard man wearing a kilt
Curiosity got the best of me. Your right inshalla I'll never profile check again
I've fought some dotards who were complete shit at this game
I wouldn't mind dotards but they blame everyone else for their misplays
I've been unhinged in chat today, calling people niggers and faggots. A ban will release me to my regular shitty nigger life
>abrams dives me like a retard
>parry his ass
>get first blood
>he leaves the game
>entire game collapses and everyone leaves
lol lmao
Delete Viscous from the game
I'm the abrams except I kill everyone that parries me and never quit
Im uninstalling if I lose the next match this game is cringe as fuck I get shit on every game by people who 0.1 millesecond deny every single creep the entire laning phase
New leglock
A crocodile warlock like Kremy LeCroux
holy infernus is shit lol
it feels like there's so much going on by mid-game, how do i make sure i dont get ganked and killed before i know it? also like, how can i coordinate with teammates? do i just stay around them whenever i can? i havent played many mobas before
What are you supposed to do when 3 dudes suddenly appear on your lane? I think trying to just slow them down isn't worth it, I usually try to gank another lane and kill a guardian. But what if they go for the walker immediately after? Do I have to beg my team to send several people over and have a big team fight at 10 minutes?
The worst part about euro games is euros will have mics and speak English, but they will refuse to use them to coordinate or anything and instead save their mic for the sole purpose of raging at you while they're 2-10 because they constantly feed
t. burger in exile

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