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Hail to the King edition

>Steam Page

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Character guides

>How do I get in?
Respond to the invite anchor with your steam profile or friend code. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for heroes in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Stats Tracker
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

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Is there any lore material for this game yet?
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Hey anon... is that overwatch?? what u playing??? :3
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God I love Kelvin, he is best boi.

I love making people seethe with my max range-cooldown triple beam and then getting the fuck out with ice+fleetfoot in 1 second. Such a funny fella.
I'm white
>My first game
>2 of the enemy team disconnect
>We still lose
Not unexpected, but still. Also, how are you supposed to deal with Seven? He does so much damage so fast.
>how are you supposed to deal with Seven? He does so much damage so fast.
Seven for the most part is just a bullshit overtuned hero, if you don't have an stun or some shit in your team, you will have to buy a 3k item that stuns for 0.9 seconds after 2 seconds to counter his ult.
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So Paradox just sucks?
I'd appreciate it anons
This iceberg should be only 5 levels deep, since after that there's not knowledge but bullshit.
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today surely
deadlock general more like dead general
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>fuckton of goonigger nerfs
>still a dmg powerhouse steamrolling everything 1v1
when will goonigger truly die
gg it was fun while it lasted
clearly SBMM has been implemented and thats it for me
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Another day, another peak.
Is every character just built around tanking with lifesteal?
It feels like every build guide I see is "here's how to live forever as X!"

I want to try different play styles but it seems like the only ones available are tank or bad tank
How the FUCK do you lane as paradox?
Every game I'm getting farm mogged by the other team because her gun is SUCH ABSOLUTE FUCKING WANK.
Please tell me kind sirs as I want to get good at her but I can't do that when I'm souls broke.
Paradox has one of the worst guns in the early game and it only becomes good if you become an active hinderance and do nothing but farm until late game.
>verification not required
karpet krill
Paradox is Specter
Shrimply an issue of krill
>game gives me ivy
>solo lane
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>invite friend to play
>"nah bro I don't do tutorials or read anything, I'll just learn it as I go"
>"nah bro bot matches are a waste of time"
>picks carry because that's what he picks in overwatch and league
>passive as fuck in lane, spends half the game trying to figure out the controls
>ask him what he means, the game tells you the controls
>he's playing on a fucking controller, half the controls are not even bound
>only learns what denials are the 3rd game we play despite me explaining it repeatedly
what do you do when your friend is a dickhead
Never met a decent Mcginnis, not ally, not enemy. Not a one.
So I felt the need to become one.
just started playing today and I guess I'm in the 'match gets decided by who abandons first' bracket, but having games just thrown in the trash has given me a chance to experiment. Is split pushing/base racing a thing in the shitter brackets? In Dota you can do a lot of economic damage to teams that are deathballing by taking objectives, and I've had a few games where I was able to push and take both shrines while the enemy team cleared though the base, and base racing ALMOST felt possible (in the shitter bracket of course). Anyone have experience with that playstyle? Any items or particular character combos that facilitate it better?
McGinnis is so fucking fun to play. Just won 2 games with her. Can you anons recommend guides so I can improve myself with her ?
Tell him you know better and this isn't his average OW type of game.
Or, change friends.
Teach me your ways.

Yes, the game is objective-based.
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>it's an Ivy picks you up and carries you to nowhere episode
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maybe this time
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I introduce you to the most frustrating hero build to catch and shut down. The idea is that this build sits in the back debuffing enemies, slowing, and never getting caught out, and if so can escape from back line dives.
>5 stamina
>50% slide distance buff from burst fire
>enemy slow effects on almost all items
It takes some items to get online but once it is it feels just like playing tribes ascend skiing all over the map at sanic speeds.
This shit is so fucking fun to play. Give it a try if you're liking mcginnis.
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Taking buildings gives you more item slots, if you’re down a guy you basically get a farm steroid so you can abuse that if the rest of your team is competent
why is every grey talon in every game always dog shit, doesnt matter what team
Will try.
Learn how your gun spins up.
Active Reload is mandatory.
Build items that increase mag size and fire rate and per hit effects.
You can cancel the walls you make. Cancel any walls you fuck up immediately.
Stay backrow in team fights and try to remain aware of the whole battlefield so you can respond to and break apart it.
Hide turrets behind stuff blocking view of to enemies.
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303127897 send it through.
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Watching videos about deadlock while not having an invite.
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As long as he’s constantly using his Ult I don’t care
how the fuck do i play against grey talon with shiv? I got absolutely destroyed by a guy that didnt do nothing more than harass me with the multishot.
So who obviously still a Neon Prime version and will get a new model?
Paradox (perfect for Steampunk)
Kelvins gun (looks too futuristic)
Read her abilities and use positioning.
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his collar clips into his face
Buy survival items, play safe, and hope you can survive until mid game.
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Reminder to keep pestering Valve to get rid of this shitty design and make her an Egyptian catgirl/mummy girl instead.
And when you watch the models of characters riding on the line, their arms are often detached from the model.

Almost like the assets are unfinished and it's a fucking alpha build or something.
haha yeah
i can’t start a bot match without crashing, but the tutorial worked fine at a crispy smooth 14 fps so i don’t think it’s a system requirements issue
>Egyptian catgirl
Take your generic ass to the culling station
What the Concord is this design?
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>generic ass
Lmao if anything the typical negro black womyn with a cat is way worse. Kys tranny
Generic designs aren't bat. Look at Abrams and Infernus. Very basic and yet the best designed characters in the game. Vindicta is also very good.

Great design embraces simplicity instead of trying to be LE QUIRKY for DEI points.

It makes sense for an Egyptian Mummy/Catgirl to exist since they discovered Tut's Tomb at that time, Aleister Crowley was active and the whole Pharaoh's curse was a thing.
Holy cope
show pits or perish
>Egyptian catgirl/mummy girl
Holy based

Paradox is sleeper S-tier, there's a reason why that rank 1 guy spam picks her. What works in his bracket might not work in yours though. What I personally do is

>The 500 headshot booster item
Don't build into your 3, it's cooldown makes it scale poorly. Instead, play around the the fact that the 0.5s freeze frame lets you easily line up a follow up with a headshot. This in combination with nuking the troopwave maker Paradox' laning absurdly oppressive

>Get ability extender
This is really strong on her because it gives her nade a wider aoe (good for hitting all neutral creeps in some camps and gives more control in teamfights), it makes her wall gigantic (huge, the wall is broken and her best ability hands down) and makes her able to swap people from further away

>Build mobility
She has really fast waveclear with the nade. The best way to abuse this is by being able to move fast so you can manage multiple lanes for your team. Mobility also helps you survive aggressive swaps.

These three aspects super synergize with her kit and makes her really oppressive.
What's the plan?
would love to play but valve has determined my account is too trash i guess? 15 year old account but cant play the game? okokokok
so grey talon is the strongest/most annoying early game but falls off incredibly in the end huh
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bros... get some time in on kelvin before his beam gets nerfed, it's too fun

Build his normal attack to deliver on hit effects like toxic bullet and siphon
If it's fun there's no reason to nerf it. It's not a particularly strong skill too, it's just a really strong farming/waveclear/denying tool in a game where most people don't know how to farm yet.
idk, the 80% slow is pretty ridiculous
Not in this game. Maybe in League of Legends or Overwatch yes.
>play abrams
>currently 24/2/12
>ivy knows this
>we haven't spoken in text nor voice
>they pick me up and drop me in the middle of a 1v3
>they fucking just leave
>i kill all three
>they just say "thanks" in text chat and NOTHING else, ever

i fucking love minimalist interactions in videogames it's so fucking funny
I feel like early game kills should be more rewarding.
they do lots of unhealable morale damage
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can we get much higher?
unironically this
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>Ricochet works on Yamato's bombs
>enemies can be hit by the splash from multiple bombs
is this viable or a meme
>ginnis laning without headshot booster
Do you think this will be Haze's default appearance or a cosmetic? Or did she get totally redesigned and her in game look is her default now?
infuser early game also works very well
why are you so stupid?
wait that looks like the heads model Haze uses sans the glasses. Is Haze gonna get an updated design?
her portrait has the smoke hair. the goofy bun is just a placeholder.
What do you get/lose for killing and dying early game? Since confirming last hits seems more important, i might just swallow the grindpill and stop caring so much about not dying on lane
What the fuck are patrons anyways
I fear at this point everyone is already giga tryharding and I'm too late so I'm too scared to queue because I'll end up in a solo lane and completely embarrass myself
Genies. Maybe he wants to summon one to prevent others from spawning.
you'll be matched with other retards
Gay cunt. Scared of playing a video game.
Weak ad hominem
Masterful, grounded argument using historical context given to the game, and understanding that simple design is more often more
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I think it would be shame to switch. There is something about the more round, latexy headshape that makes my dick diamonds
Anyways Haze is propably one of the best designs in the game, post more of her
There are SO many newbies and retards who have no idea what they’re doing. Now is the perfect time to start learning.
lol the top player you are mentioning says she is useless after 30 mins and an active item bot
you are not good or unique for saying this low tier char is actually really good
where do you guys find people to play with?
ask here
ask forums
ask the discord
>"but those people are fags!"

yes i'm putting words in your mouth but that's the general consensus when people are given options like these.
Pick your poison.
He's right you nigger kys yourself
Basically a meme, sadly.
It just takes too many souls to get going right now. It can deal some fucked up burst damage with the right items though. Getting a Lucky Shot proc on a good ricochet is some crazy shit.
It could maybe be an option if you're playing 'gun' Yamato and you already have the core of your build finished.
wow that blue policeman horned thing really is retard proof
>useless after 30 mins and an active item bot
but that's every character except gun carries
i post lobby codes here everyday, we usually get a few people playing
too bad all the females are ugly in this game, i bet some butthurt cunt designed them

miku guinnes doesn't look like anything at all

>team up
>tell him some braindead heroes that he can learn with
>doesn't know half the mechanics
>picks vindicta
>0 10 0, barely any souls
we would have lost anyway since the entire team was like that besides me, but still
Its a game made by Sweet Baby Inc and people like >>492984139
It's one of the single most woke games to exist.
looks too much like the other black cunt with those colors

they need to stop with all this american judeo diversity
that's concord though
two negatives doesn't make 1 positive anon
>grueling 50-minute game
>worst player in the entire match says gg ez
Why does this happen without fail? Do they have no shame?
Probably a meme because it takes a lot of investment to run gun Yamato and gun Yamato is a meme as none of her kit really compliment it that well
Am I playing the game right if I'm just running from lane to lane putting out fires constantly
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How did I do for my first game? Before I even felt comfortable leaving lane the game was over.
pushing lanes is very important
being the lane janny is a thankless job but it is necessary and also gets you pretty rich
welcome to mobas
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How is it possible that I'm so bad at warden?
I've got a 0.79 KDR and a 0% win rate on him...
My total average KDR and win rate is 4.86/55%...
warden is the most dishonest toon in the game
The game is giving you trash teammates because your MMR is too high, and you can't carry them on an unfamiliar hero.
Is there an easy way to tell when you're going fast enough to slide on a flat surface (without using stamina)? I get a bunch of movespeed items and keep trying to slide mid combat but end up crouching like an idiot instead.
you can only slide on flat terrain after a dash?
Honestly this game became boring fast, I'm limited to handful of heroes, the gameplay is almost all the same and I'm constantly matched against tryhards with retards on the team. Why even play like this?
>What do you get/lose for killing and dying early game?
You just need to look at your net worth and the net worth of your enemy. If your number is bigger than your opponent its all fine (as long as he doesn't kill your guardian first, since then he can just go gank other lanes)
No, it's possible to slide on flat terrain without dashing if you're moving fast enough, you just need enough items to reach the required speed. I can do it, but I can't seem to do it consistently for some reason.
>ult with abrams
>get stuck in some terrain
I mean if you're in the middle of combat you're not "sprinting", since that's only out of combat
It's a movement speed threshold. Around 10m/s.
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know your place blue nigger
It's just a matter of getting the right items active to push your speed over the threshold (I think it was 10m/s) and then actually getting full speed before pressing the button. If you're shooting it slows you down, and there is acceleration before you reach top speed moving in a direction too.
i accidentally ulted in a building 'cause I fucked with my keybinds and ended up inside of the building model with no way to get out or more. Suicide didn't work, unstuck didn't work, both typing in console and the buttons. Asked the enemy team to try and kill me since I was stuck, they tried but nobodies skills could reach me. Ended up apologizing to both teams and left. Tried to rejoin but it wouldn't let me. lol.
Miku and Infernus direly need nerfs. The "I'll splitpush all game long and you can't do anything about it" meta is really tiring.
>laning with a random
>die once
>opens his mic to berate me
>brings up MMR out of nowhere
>does not open his mic to tell me that he's leaving lane and leaving me with two opponents who promptly dive me under tower
>die again
>opens his mic to bitch that the game is lost
>gradually claw my way back into relevancy, ending with double digit kills and assists
>tells everyone to report me
>check his stats
>lowest soul value player on our team, contributed nothing
>my 5-stack reports him for harassment
Is this normal behavior from MOBA players
I saw an Infernus yesterday with nearly four healthbars. Actually completely unkillable. All he did was run at mach 10 from lane to lane splitpushing. Nobody could catch him, nobody could lock him down. He just did it. Nobody could stop it. They won.
>pocket on enemy team
unkillable, mega farmed, godlike
>pocket on my team
pathetic, feeds, can't even last hit
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I'm going to install and play Deadlock only because of the blue barefoot girl character.

That's it.

That's all it takes for me to dedicate time out of my day to install and play your game.

And I'm going to PURCHASE paid skins and outfits for her and give you money.

Literally nothing you can show me on trailers is going to make me want to try your game, but if you show me a cute barefoot girl I can play as, I install it and play it.

As simple as that.
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Defend yourself from these accusations and I will send you an invite
not him but it looks like a bunch of russians and peruvians are mad he didn't do well in a dota match lmao.
you had me up until you said you reported him with your friends, you normalfaggot

>high tempo ganker/pusher/support hero can't dps carry late

Oh no! Anyway...
"cyka blyat"
Infernos is simply a nigger, true to his design
>try to confront him after eating DoTs
>he runs away, leaving a trail of flaming fuck you that heals him because he always buys infuser
>buy slowing hex
>by this point, he has spirit lifesteal so he can sustain with his Q and fire DoT
>... until it expires, then runs away, leaving his flaming trail of fuck you
>buy healbane
>still can't kill him
>except now he's fed enough that hit DoT can kill you off of simple interactions
>have to waste another slot on debuff remover, all for the privilege of never being able to actually kill the faggot
Him and Lash are my least favorite heroes to fight, but at least Lash has the decency to become honest for the duration of slowing hex.
This but Haze / Vindicta
I did what i could but i cant controll other peoples hero to stop them from running in unwinnable fights over and over until they are 0/10/0.
Tikkun olam
>lanemate does nothing other than feed
>2 other lanes losing
>enemy is tryharding
>3rd game like this in a row
>Kelvin's grenade casually hits me for 45% of my health through spirit armor
Excuse me?
I can respect your honesty, but Ivy is the superior waifu.
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>Ivy is the superior waifu
...if you're trans
post builds
i like to defend denying but it's such a shit mechanic for playing on other regions
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Today, I will remind them.
theres a bug people are abusing to throw 2 nades at once
Is that supposed to be Haze?
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Can someone with deadlock give me the deadlock https://steamcommunity.com/id/PotatoesAreTheBestFruit/
I skipped through the first six minutes and this dude has not gotten to the point yet. Why did he make this video before playing it?
Same here. Have a 13 year old account and been getting invited daily for the past week and still no access
I am yet to play a match where Kelvin doesn't bottomscore with the fewest souls
>how do we let people know this character is french
youtube grifters pad their video lengths to satisfy ads
He's a "support" hero in a game with shared money and no roles besides dps and utility.
Viscous' voice and sound effects are so damn funny, genuine comedic genius from gaben
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i just finished a game with this random kelvin
I knew emp was an honest to god lolcow and a tf2nigger but this is embarrassing.
Just delete it
the people inviting you are probably lying to you to fuck with you.
i invited my second steam account that literally has no games on it and it got in the next day, but that was a week ago so things could have changed since then.
grey talon looks like a mexican grandma
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>how do we let people know this character is french
the smell
why should i spend time on this when it has a chance of being doa?
you shouldnt
fuck off
>someone on the forums suggesting "empress" hero
>xe/xong pronouns
How do i politely tell him to fuck off?
if you're that concerned then go learn a skill instead of wasting your time on vidya
wardens ult should stay up as long as someone is affected by it, when no one is in its range THEN the timer starts going down
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saar do not buy the dip
do not redeem the investment
this game parry is too easy, i suggest there should be a just frame parry version like sf6
i wonder who this faggot mains
why isn't anyone playing gun abrams?
Because that's a retarded idea.
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Yes the deep lore is that i impregnated paradox
if you have a voice like that don't make videos
>lady geist is brown
>give ivy a bra
>make her fat
>Is there any lore material for this game yet?
The United States is currently colonizing Hell
>>make her fat
she is mexican
it made everyone fat
but it clearly doesn't know how to draw anyway
>lady geist is brown
That's just a human skin tone under low lighting
Do you anons even believe Valve will be tempted by cosmetics added in this game?

or mostly weapon skins?
paradox is lesbian with haze though
um she's actually puerto rican
it will be the same as dota
if this game is a success then valve will monetize the absolute shit out of it
glance value is actually really important to this game they can't do the same crazy cosmetics and personas
>if this game is a success
there are only two genders in south america - mexican and brazilian
miss me with that made up shit
Jacob Lash is an asshole.
it probably will be but let's not get carried away
She has white skin, which is why she looks grayish. The in game profile icon is fucked for some reason, but the actual model is good.
Depends on your metrics, no doubt dota tier success, but I doubt it will get BIG success.
puerto rico is part of the united states...
>Ivy goes 5 deaths in lane

most reddit hero imaginable
if dota isn't a success the what the fuck is it?
She lives in new york smog, what did you anons expect? Purity white skin?
no that's seven. everyone in my matches that plays seven always leaves and i had one faggot die once to me and then rage leave
This time for sure
>Captain cold
So what's the best for him? Hybrid? caster? DPS?

Also kinda weird how Warden doesn't get the pre-fire cast as Ivy and Cap. Cold, he just tosses that shit
Build around his freeze ray, it's busted this patch
she is corpse white, or close to it
>we pushed both shrines and clearly dominate the match
>even the ivy didn't feed
>we still win about 3 min after the fucker left
>Because that's a retarded idea.
NTA but pretty much all top abrams do gun builds, melee brams can be good at high rank but its whole lot more effort and risk especially when your enemy aren't crayon eaters anymore. Melee brams is only unstoppable at noobstomping brand new players that don't parry.
I just lost my first easy bot game. This game is not for me
Yep, I've reached the mmr where the game has become unplayable if you don't stack abuse. See you in a few months, maybe the devs have managed to somewhat fix this dogshit matchmaking by then.
You can and its 10x better than just pure melee despite what these low elo retards tell you. You can shit out retarded amounts of dps with headshot booster and point blank
Correct, you use gun then buy that item that reloads when you Heavy melee someone for more gun, not just Q every single time
I am once again begging for musky gargussy
you can stay out
she has the fattest ass
That didn't stop them from doing it to TF2
none of the snowball items seem that great. like wow you could get HP per kill (and lose HP per death) or just like, buy an HP item.
And stay out.
I want to go all in on Warden ult
More range, more damage, more speed to be unkitable, maybe even a refresher to violate people endlessly
How retarded is this idea? I just fucking love playing Police Leshrac
No thank you.
>No ivy nosehook
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>People ulting in the middle of the lanes

Isn't that area terrible for ults? the stairs, the bridge, the pillars just blocks most of the time

I do feel that certain ults are only capable of not being blocked by that area in particular
>that name
uuuuh need a permaban
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All my friends who 10 years ago were playing and learning dota together seemingly aged out of weekend gaming sessions with the lads so I have nobody to play with. It happened to me, I got old
wow I love how I call someone a faggot and the discord tranny immediately screenshots it and sends it to yoshi to get me manually banned
can't wait for launch to make chat usable
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Yeah anon, keep on yelling at the tide to turn back, that'll work...
What'll it take for people to turn on Valve, a pozzed HL3? Cause that'll happen eventually.
Same here. Allegedly getting multiple invites bugs it out. A few people said that having an alt receive a single invite worked for them, trying this now. I also fucked up and had one alt get 2 invites, so we'll see if either of them gets in now. Main acc got like 5+ people inviting including one on stream, and it's been like 2 weeks at this point so there's definitely some fuckery going on.
Why do I keep dominating a match, then getting raped the next match, then dominating the next match, then getting raped again the next match?
My match record is 14/1 (win), then 2/6 (lose), then 12/3 (win), then 3/9 (lose), then 10/2 (win). Wtf, like everytime I lose my lane, we lose the entire match, and if I win my lane, we win.
>People might be bitching McGinnis is lesbo
>More fuel for the SFM models

>Pocket non-binary
>Wont stop people drawing him getting railed or doing the railing

>Lash They/Them
>Lash will still be called an asshole
the fuck is a wlw?
Women Loving Women. I don't know why they can't just say lesbian.
White Lesbian Woman
Because men who wear dresses can be lesbians too
Woman loves whites
he even refers to himself as "the lash"
just call her gay or a homo
A schizo said this was some sort of matchmaking scheme to drip feed you an dopamine addiction on the game. Real answer is matchmaking is fucked rn and your getting ping ponged between sweats and brand new people
if i'm a god at tf2 sniper should i main this hero?
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Remember, win the lane win the game
because the expert programmers at valve have created a finely tuned system that perfectly measures each player's ability and purposely matches them into the ideal games to retain engagement

or much more likely it's a fucked MMR system that does the best it can to make games when 95% of the player base is new and bad at the game and every game is going to be about 8 to 10 mouthbreathers with a few good players because that's how all games like this have worked since forever
You have better luck maining Talon and spamming his charged shot, Vindicta's snipe is only for finishing off low HP enemies, it does shit damage otherwise
damn alright
i am when im not playing shiv
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Sorry anon, I'm a dedicated Vindicta spammer and she's just fucking bad.
>Enemy team has a leaver
>still 50 minute slugfest because we have a 100% spirit damage grey talon and a 20k souls at 40 minutes wraith feeding

this game is bad for my blood pressure
why are wraiths always feeders
i had one go 2 and 22 last game
lash has an open can of peas, and sausages dangling from his belt btw
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he needs his protein because he's not a robonigger
Lash strikes me as the type of guy who would fuck a tranny.
>his voicelines when bebop dies
wtf is his problem with bebop fucking asshole
Tips on the green goo character? Not sure how the goo should be built I like tankiness. why does goo have a right click shot instead of an aim button is that a stronger attack? The range sucks on viscous.
Bebop is a dirty fighter
even if it's unreasonable to expect I always get frustrated when I land a skillshot or ult and it doesn't convert into a kill

like if I hook someone who is supposed to be a squishy backliner and full combo them but then they just poof away I always feel like I must have made a mistake even though it's really ridiculous to presume I deserve a kill just for landing one ability
let me guess, you have never built slowing hex or silence glyph
It's a good thing the game is like that though. I only get instakilled if I get combo'd by 2+ enemies
How do I build midgame geist?
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off-model Ivy will be playable soon
when she's low silence glyph her so she can't ult
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>21 heroes
>Still not kat
Also haze doesn't count.
any SEAbro wanna team up?
neither does seven
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>21 heroes
>still no Riven
>Faggots picking ivy because of the lewdbait
>Do like shit

>Faggots pick ivy again
>Go solo
>Build support

why are people like this

Which dota2 character is the equivalent of this problem? Invoker?
Most of the guides only seem to suggest a small number of cheap efficient early game items and then to save up for bigger stuff. My dotabrain wants to fill out every empty item slot with cost efficient cheap items but popular guides seem to suggest rushing tesla bullets for farming, rushing mobility, etc. The game is so new I guess I shouldn't expect it to be figured out yet but what's the general feeling on saving up vs filling item slots? Character/matchup dependent? Only if you're winning/losing? Only if you're skilled/a shitter?
she's dogshit you retard and needs major buffs, so fucking cringe that losers like you defend bad balance just because good players can make her work in spite of how dogshit she is
Kevin is pulling the same shit too. It's the same gun it's just some ROF is traded for damage. You build ROF and it's the same gun. They're both raping everything with minimal investment. They both deserve the dynamo treatment. They're way too fucking good at other things to also just rape everyone with gun too.
dark willow or hoodwink is the ivy equivalent but you have to be braindead retarded to do poorly with those
i fill up slots with the most expensive thing i can afford
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>she's dogshit you retard and needs major buffs, so fucking cringe that losers like you defend bad balance just because good players can make her work in spite of how dogshit she is
What do you mean by SBMM because wouldn't that mean fair games? It's more like EOMM to me. A lot of games just feel rigged. And I'm not saying that to cope. I've been on both sides and it just feels atrocious how often games just feel like they're over in 5 minutes.
>Ask for swap because she has the worst gun in the game baseline and your team expects you to play into pocket or shiv or some shit
>No one responds
>Getting tower dived on repeat because you can't kill creeps fast enough because her gun fucking sucks
>Ask for help
>No one responds
>Actively getting dove by 3 people for 30s under tower
>Juke, stun, parry, heal as best you can
>Call it out on mic
>No one responds
>Somehow the rest of your team is fucking idle at their own towers and no ones pushing
>Call out that half the enemy team is on your solo lane and the rest of you guys should push your towers
>"Quit whining about losing your lane"
I hate these niggers so much.
If good players can make her work she's not dogshit you're just bad
>day 11 since I got invited

Fuck it, 38712778

I just wanna fucking play the game,fellas
Tell him you're not having fun and continue solo queueing. It's the worst when your friend is actually decent at the game though and then they in turn invite two complete retards and you're expected to just tolerate them going 3k damage on infernus with 15 deaths every game. Because you actually want to play with your friend, but it involves retards you don't even know.
If you have your profile on private the invite doesn't work
Also if you played another vale game on steam recently the chance goes up again
uppercuts are dishonest
What I do is:
When ranked comes out play that solo
Play unranked with friends and accept that you're gonna lose but have a good time talking shit with my friends
Sometimes I just see shit on the map and think it's a good kill and then they use their wallhacks to see the gank coming and miraculously decide to zipline boost back to their fucking fountain and then I'm left holding onto you for nothing so I just fuck you at a jungle camp or creep wave so you can continue farming.
I don't even know what haze passive does i just see it doing more damage than her gun or ult
if paradox was bad then that russian wouldn't have a 60% winrate with her at top elo
Don't like how kevin and gooman have the same weapon design, but i feel that might change later
The problem with that is that sometimes the use is for something fucking stupid like clearing a creep wave or something and then the enemy team is doing midboss and I'm calling for bird and he has that shit on a 40s cooldown. Like, we haven't fought anyone in minutes bro how the fuck is it on cooldown?
>literally being the support sissy that buys all the actives because no items synergize with her dogshit kit other than being an ultbot
Viscous is literally kelvin's animations and gun as a placeholder

it's like alpha means nothing to you ''''people''''
he is on drugs while playing 10 hours per day
he could be top 1 on any char
also he's finnish
speaking of alpha we should have a wolf hero
You're fucking retarded. 80% slow + fire rate slow on three people and allowing it to confirm/deny souls has made it so fucking broken. You can literally just wiggle your mouse side to side on top of a dead walker and grab everything now. How the actual fuck do you think basically rooting someone for 8s from miles away is in any way balanced? I don't give a shit about your braindead idea of 'fun' you wm1 shitter.
Fucking someones tower and basically dumpstering them out of the lane and then collapsing in on every tower until you're a deathball and then raping a walker by the 10m mark and having all the map control is your reward. You win the game off it. Sure the soul reward might be a bit small, but you gotta think of it in terms of economy damage. You just made that faggot miss a wave. Sure you only got like 100 souls for killing him. But he also just fell 300 souls behind, probably even more if a wave was already in progress and he has no boost. You're actually swinging the lane a lot harder than you think.
a bad character would drag down a good player, not enable him
One player is irrelevant when we have millions of matches and the WR stays firmly at 44%
if you know how to play the game you can carry on any character, characters decide how hard it is for you to do that
he is raping everyone on vindicta right now so i guess she is hidden top tier too right
a hard to play character does not mean they are a bad character. paradox does not deserve buffs, and we have already played with a pre-nerfed paradox that raped every game a few months ago
Subhuman animals in his comments section raging about shit. Who cares.
I saw a post in the Deadlock discord that they were maybe going to be using the weekend hours now instead of the weekday ones, does anyone know if that's true?
>lose a 5v4 because two of our teammates have managed a single kill
now I remember why I don't play MOBA trash
I can't win any solo lane on Ivy...
yeah you shouldn't need 1k hours to make a char viable it's ok to admit some chars are bad and need buffs
in your head not a single char should ever be buffed if they have low wr, that just means no one knows how to play them
that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard
a character with a 40% winrate is secretly good because her winrate isn't 0%?
holy shit step out of your retard chamber and reexamine what you're actually saying
I actually had some subhuman russian animal sit in lane staring at shop window berating me in chat because I wasn't winning 1v2 into pocket shiv as an ivy. He was an Infernus too. Like he's so fucking good at trading and he's hiding and leaving me to deal with all the souls. He'd just randomly mag dump creeps infront of both of them and then bitch when I miss the CS infront of two shotguns.
>according to the lore of deadlock (no fucking source)
trannies are so insufferable.
One good thing about MOBAs is that by dominating your lane but losing the game you can validate yourself as not being the issue.
they only did that for yesterday because it was a holiday, thus justifying it using weekend hours.
they're going to keep inching towards servers being fully up by opening the servers an hour earlier than usual every week or two because they're dumb. i don't really get why they're doing this when we have way more than enough players to keep matches going at all hours of the day.
all this does is make russians invade the US servers and put americans on the EU servers where nobody has a good time.
I thought pocket was the coat???
agreed furbro. make it male too so I get to see art of his fat knot.
vindicta was never bad

I didn't read past that point you were in the wrong.
Concord bros not like this
>picked the troon gargoyle
didn't read, your fault
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Speed boost at start of round.
vv---Repeat until guardian is dead---vv
Throw vines on creeps as soon as they drop.
Keep distance and fire on creeps until they're clear.
Fire on enemy hero until they retreat.
^^---Repeat until guardian is dead---^^
Buy rapid recharge to be ready for every creep wave.
>good players plays hero
>it works
>bad players plays hero
>it doesn't work
hmmm it's the hero's fault
go look up chen or meepo
We're gonna get a YUUUGE surge of new players now that all the Concordbros will move over to Deadlock.
your argument would have more strength if we didn't already played with pre-nerfed paradox. she doesn't need buffs, and if valve wants to buff her then she needs to be reworked because she rapes the game when she's strong.
>Be bebop
>Lane against engineer TF2
>Both of us have half health any gank could fuck us up
>Ally yamato appears
>Stands still

I swear people don't even read their fucking skills

Then he should have been called Coats
what kind of retarded ass players are you playing against that are letting you do this shit?
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>top tier "1%" mmr build
>no boots
Chen and meepo are difficult to use because their abilities are complex, and the best players know how to use their kit to the fullest.
The best Paradox players literally just don't use their kit at all other than her swap because it's so weak
nice samefagging. just go masturbate to trannies and stop taking out your sexual frustration on me.
What would you even build here solo? weapon?
Theres not much you can do if an ivy throws vines at the correct spots. I do this consistently on multiple games and even if I get killed, the lane eventually gets won. The trick is to not advance until their guardian is getting attacked.
>The best Paradox players literally just don't use their kit at all other than her swap because it's so weak
holy fucking brainlet
This isn't top tier. Unless every game they play is top 0.05% at minimum they're just shitters larping as authorities on heroes. Anyone with any extensive moba experience is in the top 1% right now. That doesn't make them or their builds good. It's literally like being divine V in dota and bragging about being top 1% even though there's a MASSIVE fucking skill gap all the way to 0.01%
Is it possible to connect with someone in midair with culo de piedra, or do you have to catch them with the AoE from hitting the ground.
>hammer nail with hammer
>hammer nail with rock
>nail is in so what's the difference
>No paradox at top mmr is using time wall, carbine or pulse grenade
So wrong
>do anything that lets you fly
>press spacebar to go up
>it cancels the action

I always jump when she does that but it never helps, I wonder how high the hitbox is.
I don't think it hurts you as it is going down though.
russian and chinks should be region locked
It's crazy like I knew it was a tough lane and I just assumed he was shit or something and just tried my best and then he actually starts saying 'afk ivy' to my team and crying in chat about me not doing enough for him. I didn't even go after him for being a shitter. And he starts giving me shit for not carrying him.
99% of yamatos are just brainded weeb, I haven't seen a single good one
Gressil is alright.
Ah shame, it'd be funny if majestic leap into stone form could spear tackle a leap->ult seven out of midair.
That's how you know it's an Icefraud lead project and not a Valve one
Weapon for sure and probably some heal for the stone form to stay in lane longer since caster doesn't sound good on ivy

1 does meh damage, stoneform you gotta stay way close
>Post 10 minutes
>Enemy shows up to start farming a wave
>Just peek in and out to steal all of his last hits
>Walk out into the open and start teabagging
>He winds up feeding like a retard into me a minute later
If you get a kelvin to ice path and you air drop him upto the seven it creates a path you can stun the seven off of.
Any hopes for optimization? Everytime i use i skill my screen freezes.
Has anyone tried out swapping from the 2v2 lane to help the 1v1 lane when you first spawn in?
Assuming your 2v2 partner is a character that can handle being outnumbered at the start
Bruh it's the Source 2 engine. This game runs better than 99% of all other modern PC titles
probably considering it's an alpha beta or whatever
if it's anything like dota it's just gonna get worse over time
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>1 does meh damage
>Not slow reach maxxing

My computer is kinda trashy. I think i will buy a video card or something. I'm Brazilian so video cards cost like one month of paying
It says matchmaking is closed but some people are playing, how is this possible?
you need a strong cpu for this game
different servers have different online times
I have a ryzen 3200g, but no video card, is it alright if i just upgrade my ryzen?
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Souls are shared equally. You can literally do whatever the fuck you want until 10 minutes. I've actually thought about this. Why does every team not just put both of their duo lanes mid? Think about it. You can easily rotate a person or two into a solo lane from either side. You could just 4 man collapse onto a single tower at a moment's notice. It feels like the ideal layout for laning and yet people decide to just take whatever they get even at top games. I feel like that process is just for data gathering what lanes provide the most balanced games or something. I think we'll see set lanes at some point anyways.
oh hey its my teammate
you're playing on integrated video card? buy one then wtf
wait so debuff reducer affects stun time, does debuff remover one time cleanse stuns?
if so why isn't it the must have item against someone like mo&krill
Learn how to read
you can't remove stuns. you'll need unstoppable to prevent them in the first place
Debuff remover is a must against mo anyways. His disarm can completely ruin a team fight. But no it doesn't remove stuns. It does remove knockdown and seven stun if you cleanse it before it stuns though. If you're looking to survive through stuns, consider a reactive barrier.
>Souls are shared equally. You can literally do whatever the fuck you want until 10 minutes.
Well what I'm thinking is you pivot lanes with the intention of getting extra souls from kills
Assuming the roster for the two lanes is one where that strategy would work. Abandoning a Vindicta to make her fight Bebop and McGinnis alone is a bad idea, obviously
What's stopping two neighbouring lanes just freezing creep waves and just rotating back and fourth to share more networth to a player? Imagine you just doubled up on souls in the laning phase rotating between two lanes to soak both waves.
>a team fight
those happen
what if mystic reach is secretly increasing EXP gain range
I thought about this, if I am on a solo line getting fucked, could I run from lane to lane leeching their exp share from creeps, assuming they stagger their waves of course so I can reach each lane in time.
Obviously not possible in a real play but I wonder if it would be possible.
>bebop goes bomb build
>buy debuff remover
entire character countered
So Shiv and Infernus are just literally unkillable and the game is unplayable in its current state?
they get so sad and stop moving its great
shiv is dependent on a good early game, either kick his ass in lane or spam your teammates to gank him a lot so he can't get started
i mean most bebops do a gun build now anyways
no way to do that, the creeps deal enough damage that tanking them isn't viable and it takes time to get between lanes
If there are more than 2 in lane the souls get split by the number of players rather than duplicated, so you'd be tanking your neighbors souls to 1/3 their usual gain, better off playing super defensive and scraping any last hits and denies you can manage. I guess this is one of the reasons why the game alternates solo and duo lanes cause if your neighbor was solo it would work.
You could've just said yes.
please.... I got just banned from DOTA.... I just need one last MOBA hit and then I'll go clean
no. infernus is better than shiv because his laning is actually good and he can recover immediately from a lost lane with his early game flash farming
Someone draw ivy as a stone moai

Is caster ivy even good tho? Never tried build full spirit
The Shiv in question lost his lane yet still went 30+ kills and was invincible. Just admit the game is horribly balanced.
Ok, some nuanced tips to play this game as someone who has had years of experience with GunZ and FPS games but not really with MOBA in general? I know the basic things (the importance of getting creeps, denying, playing around the map to flank people, building items based on game state) but not how to really apply them.
if you get banned in deadlock the guy who invited you also gets banned
Last hit and denies are worth more than literally anything else you are going to do all game.
it was just for calling my teams mid nigger repeatedly
is that really true, where did you learn that?
sounds like no one built healbane, decay or had stuns
>shiv lost lane but went 30+

press tab, check build. if lifesteal, just shut him down with lifebane + decay, if he's spirit or something, silence, curse, etc
I invited 2 people and its been 4 days now, did they stop accepting invites or what?
what did you do in dota lil bro...
>bad enough to get banned from the Russian parliament
the fuck did you do?
Is it worth focusing ALL of my attention towards just messing with this aspect of the game, being as consistent with getting creeps as possible, before caring about things such as rotations, buying the correct items, how to play with specific characters and movement? Because one of the things that really attracted me to this game is the movement tech, ever since GunZ ceased to be a viable game I've been craving for a third-person shooter with nice mobility options.
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gun + rat tactic ivy is more fun, but ppl still fall in the support meme build cause of her tether / coming from overwatch
Literally none of that other shit matters if you aren't last hitting and denying every creep
What the fuck is a rat tactic?
Split pushing?
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yea, her 4 isnt completely dogshit now
yes, probably the most unbalanced thing in the game now for characters that can get away with it
>no way to do that, the creeps deal enough damage that tanking them isn't viable
what if you bought monster rounds. you take 35% less damage.
Farming and knowing what to buy is probably the most important
Movement, aiming and teamfighting will come naturally later
I buy monster rounds on every character every game
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>seven loses lane to yamato
based knower
And knowing the threats you're laned against so you don't die like a mongo to a wombo combo 3 minutes in.
You can’t buy the hypermobility items without souls.
after playing any of the other characters, wraith is absolute dog shit it's not even comparable
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I mean, Improved Burst could be pretty fucking solid with her ult and stone form. But I wouldn't really bother beyond that. I just do this which has quite a bunch of vitality/spirit. I might actually just replace Rapid Recharge with Improved Burst because that sounds more impactful.
I buy boots and stamina on every character in every game.
>Concord gets taken out back and shot
>Full refunds incoming
Wow, between that and Hyenas, gaming seems to be healing
>giganigger dps
>FREE escape
>hard cc ult
>some homing poke because why not
nigga you are retarded
I have no idea how seven can really lose to anyone in lane, he can play as passive and aggressive as he wants.
Homing poke that goes into a feedback loop with quicksilver giving you infinite ammo...
I hope it crashes.
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>tfw no bird hero
maybe if you only built mag size with no fire rate
wheres the fucking dps? unless im using a shitty public build without knowing, i got killed so quickly by miku guiness it's not even funny
what's hyenas?
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ok so basically i'm just not gonna play until they nerf seven, these clowns can't fucking balance for shit
this is the way
It was a FPS Overwatch clone with some PvE elements that got canned in beta because it had Concord player numbers
who are your least favorite characters to fight?
mine are mcniggis and warden
>wtf i can't outdps the most retarded hero in the game???
well yeah if you try to 1v1 manfight the 0 iq shit like gun ivy or mcnigger you gonna lose but then again
>just ult lmao
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>tfw no nightcrawler hero
the fat pig that stuns me for 8 seconds
noooo, now all the concord players are gonna storm deadlock
they might fill an entire lobby
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>tfw no golden god hero
>Enemy Abrams rushing into lane while I'm farming alone
>50's new york aesthetic
>no baseball hero
now that's weird
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How does this work?
Can I unfriend afterwards?

played for the first time today and this reminds me of dota retard mmr where the team with most carries eventually wins because nobody can stop throwing in the enemy base
its 20s new york
nothing important happened in those 30 years
Probably Vindicta honestly. If her lane feeds her she just gets fed GIGA networth and then she stacks shields and is fucking unkillable for the midgame. And she'll keep feeding on your retards in the mean time. Feels tough.
what about both of the world wars and their aftermath?
not my problem
Abrams because I'm terminally retarded in the head and fold under q pressure.
depends on what I am playing
the goo guy probably is the worst on average
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>Concord was announced and died all throughout the time Deadlock is in a testing phase
viscous followed by the whip cunt
world wars and the nazis didn't happen in deadlock history apparently
Is this game actually decent or is most of the engagement just people wanting to get into the playtest and bots?
It's mostly paid shills like me
It's hilarious how bad Dynamo's ult is compared to Seven's. Nevermind the small area and long cooldown, it's like trying to hit Black Hole as Enigma in a game where everybody is ranged with three dashes.
arrow indian is so free to win with early game
>how bad Dynamo's ult is
what the fuck am I reading
anyone lost access to Deadlock? i couldn't launch yesterday and after trying to reinstall it just disappeared from the library
Imagine you're playing enigma and the enemy team doesn't have silencer or rubick
Why did you cheat, anon?
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I think I know how to fix mo and krill.
When he gets you with the ult, the player should be able to press parry to the beat of the swings, each successful parry reduces the duration of the ult.
Furthermore, if playing as yamato the player can tap melee to have yamato gut the pig with her katana, if after this, the player does a successful parry, he can crouch and do a hard melee to have her plunge through the pig's belly and skewer the midget on top, insta killing him, kicking him from the match and hardware id banning him. This seems fair and balanced.
isn't forcing enemies in a large radius to retreat better than stunning enemies in a small radius? assuming your teamates chase them down
I can actually feel my IQ dropping while playing as Abrams.
sorry bro but you've been excommunicated for your bad behaviour
Everyone can buy silence and stun items, and it's not like stuns aren't uncommon. McGinnis wall is the most prominent example.
the game looks like shit but it plays really well
very well thought out mechanics and stuff to learn even after 30+ hours
let me in...
LET ME IN!!!!!!!!
seven's ult is very easy to avoid
if you get caught in dynamo's ult you're just dead
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could be. the playercount is much lower compared to yesterday for no good reason.
works on my machine
WW1 straight up never happened, people were way too preoccupied trying to handle all the sudden supernatural shit.
I think if you melee a female hero from behind you should hear a butt slap sound and they should make a "kyaaa" sound
Yesterday was Labor Day.
deadlock? more like deadgame
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>Deadlock is most successful on American holidays during American Hours
i don't think many pregnant women were playing deadlock
It should be a smaller radius but an item you drop.
wait til they self cast and jump you
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Icefrog should hire you this is the best thing I've read all day
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Big cat Chad character WHEN!?!
Yoshi pays me in fresh laid eggs to post about the game but I also find it actually fun
Any other Mo & Krillbros going pro?
>Dynamo's ult
>Back up and kill him as he self-stuns.
>Seven's ult
>Kill him with your team, or just curse him then kill him
anything else you low MMR need help with
seven niggers can't be this dumb
i have almost 300 games and i've never seen a bebop self bomb.
krill preventing me from shooting and hen stunning and killing me
I saw yoshi at a grocery store in bellevue yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for vindicta buffs or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
so this cunt's ult is the one where they suspend in the air right
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>This is the hero 90% of players complain about
His ult is really powerful if you don't know how to play the game yet (90% of players)
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you cannot run from the goo
Completely new player here, is there an established meta already or can I just go to whatever lane I want and potentially ruin someone else's evening in particular?
Hope deadlock dies in same way.
90% of the players are never going to learn a goddamn thing. Enjoy your moba experience.
chuds love deadlock though?
>the player should be able to press parry to the beat of the swings
nigga u fuckin' retarded lmao
I lost to Paradox as Yamato...
Last hit and deny everything, you are now in the top 5% of players.
it took a few years but people stopped dying to d.va bomb in overwatch.
people will learn, the playerbase will slowly get better over time.
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>Vindicta on my team presses boost at the start of the game
>Jumps at the enemy Warden in her lane
>Leaves the game
What the fuck did I just witness? How are these people being put in high MMR games?
You aren't high mmr
just go to the lane you automatically zipline to at the start of the match, don't worry about it. the game is designed. you also don't have to worry about "support" or "carry", only your own build since money is shared with nearby allies if you're laning with someone.
and like the other anon said, focus on last hitting/denying without dying in lane and you'll be just fine. pick some build from the builds section that seems good and have at it. the most popular builds aren't always good btw, but they're usually just fine
that's called euthanizing
I legitimately never seen a griefing or offensively terrible McGinnis player. The ones I met always try their best and are team players. McGinnis players are cool and bros.
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I face streamerstacks 24/7. I'm pretty sure I'm high MMR.
You are a gay tranny, that doesn't make you high mmr
all those streamers suck ass
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post yours
tracklock dot gg
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They suck individually, but there is no denying that their relentless stacking has made them high MMR.

all they need is add characters for people who arent tryhardtrannies and it will even attract cs2 retard
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Your website thinks I'm pretty good.
>not top 100
big retard player
here's the real question
motion blur on or off?
I am so bad
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Almost six hundred spots higher than you, buddy.
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i either have a problem with black people, or i dont know how to play wraith
Assuming you're dogshit, what do if you get owned in laning and they kill your guardian, just stay in lane and farm creeps until they fuck off?
jungle and gank your side lanes. worst case scenario (assuming you dont feed) you're able to pick up farm from your teammates last hits
Quicksilver Reload on her Q. Thank me later
call help
1. Blame your team for not helping
2. Blame their hero for being OP
3. Blame your hero for being trash
keep trying to fight the hero who is 12k souls ahead
Do i just play Yamato as a budget Abrams or something?
what's that again melee?
Reloads your 200 round tommy gun when you throw a card.
Quicksilver Reload imbues an ability (her Q) that instantly reloads your gun with bonuses on a 12s cooldown so you can do it every other reload.
My sister never played a moba or a shooter what should she play? And will we get into bot lobbies if we que together?

ok i have it on mouse 4
not impossible if you have the right CC and catch them off-guard
please send me pictures of your sister
man, warden is so busted with a few items. see someone? hex, 3, 2, fleetfoot, qsr imbued in 1, use it when ammo is low, they get rooted and then you unload in their head with close quarters / hunters aura / headseeker, delete anyone in the game. if the enemy team is chasing you just run around a corner and pop ult for a multikill turn around
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please send that other anon pictures of your sister
and have her play mic guinness
I'm a Mo & Krill main. I usually get put in solo lanes against hyper aggressive gun heroes. Let them push to your turret and just farm and deny under it until they become overextended and overconfident, then you all in them after you bait them to miss one of their abilities. They always fall for it.
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Post your Paradox builds
warden takes an insane amount of skill though
Don't be rama rama
she's trans MtF idk if that matters and why it should
>Slowhex into 3
>Roll Roll Roll
And that's why you should talk about abilities using their default keybings/display order [1-4] instead of your custom keybinds

Early on I do, with melee lifesteal to secure souls and I try to bully them out of the lane.
Later on I focus on spirit/burst damage.
If against the mole, I pray.
Discordant Disconnecter into Rapid Requeue and Improved Hero Pick
i must be in nooblandia
The default keybinds in this game are consistently dogshit.
i feel like i do 0 damage like that though
>post dyke builds
play better characters like bebop or viscous
there isnt a real solution though, unless you have a keypad mouse your fingers have to leave the movement keys at some point
Has it ever occurred to you that there is too much shit packed in?
was this a bot match?
what would you suggest they remove
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about the lane optionals, I basically buy headshot booster sometimes if I want to get kills, never really the other two
NTA but gimmie the spirit build.
Also in testing I find that only her 1 ability can consistently deal enough damage to proc improved burst, which is also very slow. The 3 sword swipe take a ton of fucking spirit in order to reach that threshold
You wouldn't like the answer dotard
Unless the game secretly queues you against bots, no.
I am not saying use them, I am talking about referencing abilities.
Your 1 can do massive damage, I focus on maxing that out, get spirit burst and reach, upgrade when you can, then last get mystic reverb. In the middle I may get torment pulse, mystic vul/excalating exposure and slow/decay/knockdown.
Your 1 can do around 500/700 damage without excalating exposure and reverb, with them you can easily fuck people up. Remember you can chase people with your grapple, and it also slows them for an easy 1.
nice feedback, very intelligent
I've been buying hollowpoint as my first item if I'm zoning my opponent, now I'm wondering if that's a mistake though
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I think it's clear that he jsut doesn't like fantasy-themed games with large amount of particle effects and extensive UI.
Simple as
I just rush Mystic Shot if my lane goes well and I don't need the regens
I thought that Kinetic is more important than shield
deadlock is proof that the g502 should be the standard mouse archetype
Lmao fucking cranked.
How did valve manage to not make a single appealing character design for this game? How has Valve become so bad at making games in general post-Dota 2? I'm not even trying to bait, I'm just fucking dumbfounded that this game even exists and it looks like total slop
Her 3 is mostly utility not damage, you heal a bit and slow down their firerate, use it right after a grapple to reduce the damage they do to you while you charge your 1 and to increase the escalating exposure stack.
That wall silence is ridiculously good with swap. Amp with 3 isn't actually that much extra damage even with full gun/sniper builds, and my build is more focused on being slippery and pressing a lot of buttons rather than nukes with 3.
hollowpoint and close quarters spirit & bullet shield is very strong, its been my go to on almost every champ just because it stops you from getting popped and taking stupid chip damage
Quick question, can enemies fucking see Talon's traps? I keep consistently finding enemies walking face first into traps all the time. Yet I remember seeing them on the ground when against one and thinking "Is there someway to shoot and disable this thing?" which doesn't work
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because you are retarded
They can but I still walk into them.
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How do you counter it?
You think the designs are bad? I think seven is cool, Haze is pretty cool except for her having a stupid bun instead of just shadowy black particle hair. I thought wraith was boring until i realized she's running around with her hands down her pockets as the puppet hands do all the work. Idk, I like the designs. Paradox looks cool too. Honestly most of the cast have grown on me.
Grey Talon, Pocket, Yamato (albeit funny), McGinnis are trash though.
hero, bloodline, agent, whatever. I havent played lol since 2014
if you're basing your build on wall, wouldn't you want to run rapid reload? you're able to have 2 walls up at a time for swap and 1-shot squishys
The match browser is really bad. I know it's a pre-alpha but surely they could have implemented sorting by game time and player rating so you don't have to wade through garbage to find someone good to learn from if there's nobody you're interested in on featured or the featured games are all past laning. If I wanted an over-the-shoulder view of someone being retarded I can just hit queue any time.
It's not a wall-based build, I use the entire kit. That silence is just invaluably good.
pre-pre-pre-early-alpha-tester infdev developmental build, please be patient
This, all attractive characters are lgbt coded anyway so it doesn't matter.
1 hour 12 minutes until you die
How to deal with inflicting status builds + Haze and Infernus?
when is this playtest scheduled to end
I think Yamato is pretty good and has a fat ass. The only flaw is the hueg forehead which isn't THAT bad BUT if they make her into an oni and give her fangs/horns then suddenly, the head shape is alright.
Ive used debuff remover to stop the dot from killing me. metal skin would do wonders and probably be a better pick
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>tfw my ISP has been shitting itself for the past week so I can't play
The problem is that he floats in mid air and fairly high. CC that can interrupt channel is fairly rare, almost never instant, and half of those can't hit a floating seven. The range is very large, especially since he floats so high, can over many covers.
I don't even mind his ult, its his insane tesla steroid and orb poke that makes him disgusting in lane if the player is good
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Which is why slapping him out of the sky with my goo ball makes me hard as fucking diamonds
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>1466 elo score with 4 wins and 6 losses
is it over for me?
>ivy picks him up while he's ulting and carries him around your team

this shit is so fucking funny but so fucking broken
bricked account, get that smurf ready
how do you tell your elo
i only got like 5 hours in this game bro what the hell
>smurfing in an alpha with placeholder MMR
Lawd, but I know some people are doing it...
you don't
>I only shat on the floor at my first day at work bro what the hell
no second chances
third party sites, you don't see your actual ingame MMR
pick whatever displays the higher number for you
TrackELO is wrong.
Very, VERY wrong.
t. Ain't Gonna Explain Shit
it ain't my fault my teams consisted of feeders
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sub 1500 ELO is comfy. enjoy the low stakes, low pressure matches with zany antics and an undefined meta. just have fun while it still lasts.

im 1600 ELO and rising and starting to hate it.
>tracklock says 1629 top 4%
>dlt says 1627 top 2%
almost like they have their own systems
>8 games played

i don't know what that means. probably really fucking low.
And both are wrong.
t. Knower
track lock just skips entire pages of games for me, think the other one is a bit more accurate.
Rank 3 ice beam is the most ridiculous power spike in the entire game. Rush it as fast as possible and force fights, try to snowball from there while building items to buff beam even more. Get healing too to keep the push going. Only really works if you can count on your teammates though, you're there to slow and weaken people for Haze/Lash/whoever to finish them off.
hey if you’re going to schizopost can you just post funny images or something instead of being really embarrassed by your low numbers or something, thanks.
"wrong" how exactly
What button do you guys put crouch on? I'm relatively new in terms of using crouch to slide in pvp games, i've only ever played tf2 and such where sliding either didn't exist or wasn't that big of a deal. Control is kind of awkward.
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>deny nearly all of your lane opponents last hits
>grab all the nearby jungle and stat boosts
>dive on them at will
>top 5% MMR

This shit is either horribly wrong or I'm going to turbo fuck people when I decide to play with a 5 stack
ESDF + A crouch
it's shit if you don't have a n-key rollover keyboard
Whatever works for you.

C is a common alternate key. I've read about others using V or ALT. One guy on the Deadlock Discord uses right click and swears by it.
i hate dota, league of losers, hearth legends or whatever assfaggots is out there, but i'm wanting to play more and more of deadlock because it's actually fun when you play a non tryhardtranny character
I swapped my ctrl and alt binds
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>seeing the /vg/ ivyfag randomly getting blasted in a streamer chat
They should adopt Heroes of the Storm EXP/souls equal distribution system. A team should rise together and fall together. No more self-centered carry wannabe who farms nonstop all game.
>non try hard character

which is? and icefrog characters are usually simple characters built around a strong theme, so its usually free of league style shit
>One guy on the Deadlock Discord uses right click and swears by it.
Honestly, I to this day use this on Warframe due to my entire keybinds being set up to helicopter way back. I just haven't changed it. I may try it for this game, I never considered that. Ctrl to zoom sounds a lot easier to handle than sliding.
Love it.

This game is so fucking fun bros.
I'm a league of legends player for ~8 years or so, and I prefer Dota but friends won't play with me. We've started to play Deadlock and it feels so similar to Dota in a lot of ways. Genuinely love the game so much.
superior cooldown/duration for your grenade I presume?
>warden farms all game, refuses to join any fight
>20k souls ahead of everyone on both teams despite us losing pretty hard
>runs in and dies solo at the end of the match
they should also copy the healing fountains
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>it's another haze eats my entire team because no one excepts me buys an interrumpt/stun item
I had some fucking retard warden try to outfarm haze the other day, of course the match was thrown because its warden
>nearly 250 hours
>almost always the carry in the games I play
>1300 ELO
Why... WHY!!!!
Imbue ult with cooldown. I use duration mostly for the overall increase of pretty much everything in your kit+actives and the fact that it's bugged with wall, causing it to proc the wall damage twice for some reason, but I usually imbue 3 for increased movement speed. I guess it also kinda increases the mini-stun too
got my invite played for like 10 hours straight and the next morning the tendon in my mouse arm is sore and when I was trying to sleep I kept hearing the dumb sound effects and that whiny intro music
thanks bro
>like smite and hots much more than league
>friends refuse to play anything other than league
>talk about how much they hate it all the time
at least we can play deadlock now despite me being so ass at it I find it painful
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thoughts on crows vindicta? i've been spamming it this week and it's been working out pretty well for me. once you get enough damage amp on the crows you can just sit out of reach and spam them. it seems really frustrating to play against because i get a lot of hate in all chat
My tracklock mmr is literally in the 1300s, because I don't play shooters and kept stubbornly picking the most aim-dependent characters while losing almost every game. But I finally learned how to aim a bit, and now on my good characters I'm around 1600. When I pick those characters I'm matched at that level, my lane opponent will be "top 4%" or whatever. The fact that I'm bottom 5% or whatever in "overall mmr" doesn't seem to affect matchmaking whatsoever.
By the way, anyone know where the audio from this webm was taken from? Or is it original to this?
>play ivy
>perma split push with active reload, titanic magazine and heroic aura
>covenant too ofc
>melt all buildings within seconds, sometimes dont even need minions
>if someone comes to stop me and I have my cooldowns, melt them too
>if two someones come to stop me, I either flee with 4 or die, but it's fine because I gave my team room to breathe by distracting them
>end every game with no less than 25k building damage
>win every game unless my team (or I) turbo ints and/or gets ganked every time in lane
It's that easy

On the offchance Ivy is banned, I just pick Bebop and make lane hell for anyone within groping distance.
Then do the same thing, just less efficiently.
I always suffered from this my entire life. I can't play too much at night or I will have sleeping problems. And the game music keeps playing too.
it's awful.
>ivy is banned
is this a botpost?
keeps playing in my head*
mog & kill
heroic aura just seems like shit, troopers die to a stiff breeze and it's cooldown means it skips every other wave. for it's price you could just amp your own fire rate or damage.

has anyone tried running that item that reloads on heavy melee on characters that don't normally melee but do need to reload a lot? on paper it seems really useful. the extra melee distance is almost like another dash and makes clearing camps easier. it's not that expensive either and isn't on a cooldown like the quicksilver item. mite b cool
moba brainlag mb
Meaning either the enemy or my teammate got her.
post build?
I guess I should try heroic aura when I play my shittier rat ivy when I can't play geist
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when will i be ready to play a real game? im a little scared to move on from bots
you aren't missing much
just play you pussy
You can actually just corner peek and shoot him to death.
The line of sight for his ult is from his center to your hero's center, which doesn't change when your hero peeks around corners.
First iceberg image?
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Dude just play it, I had never played a moba before and went straight into a match after a bit in the sandbox, I didn't even check the tutorial after dozens of hours.
>quickscoping with Vind ult does 45% less damage than a fully charged shot
It's trolling but it feels so good if it hits
is there a peek button or do you just mean standing just outside of a wall
every game is 50-50, you WILL lose half of your games
release yourself from your mental prison
just go, anon. There's nothing to fear.
Are you scared of disappointing your team? The game is in alpha.
Only retards and sweaty fags that like to brag about their mmr care about that.
like the big blue cop, the smaller blue cop, the smoky cunt, the electric cunt
play the big blue dog
just be honest with him, anon
tell him he's a fucking mental midget and that you have fun playing the game with people who know how to play the game
Are you trying to imply that the tv missile has enough damage to shut him down?
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who is this item for

it does like no damage and you have to be crazy close to anyone for it to trigger. it's like the shittiest radiance ever.
just another way to trigger spirit damage
it's pretty common on Mo
Definitely not optimized.
This is what the end game build looks like.
But honestly, I just focus on buying all the weapon upgrades with only healing booster from vitality, and only then buy the rest.
Fares pretty good in most 1v1 fights, especially thanks to gargoyle.
Heroic aura is very good thanks to its active power and innate bullet lifesteal. Makes you nigh invincible in fights once you activate it and keep your aim on point. The minion passive is negligible.
But what else do you recommend. Afaik no other items give enough lifesteal and attack speed for the same price, or at all.
The melee one could be good, but it can be very easily punished once the enemy catches on. "Oh, he's out of bullets, now he'll melee to reload, so I can ez parry him". And now you're left with an expensive mistake. Could come in useful if there are minions alive under enemy turrets though.
It stuns him out of it
It buffs troopers passively. The active buffs heroes with movespeed and fire rate. Tether+heroic aura gives +5 movespeed, which is nuts. Really good item
if you stand just a hair from the corner of a wall and stand still, your hero will peek out from behind it and you can fire around the corner
your head and arm can still be shot while you're doing this, but your hitbox is technically reduced
abrams and mo. also seen it sometimes on yamato
gets less useful the higher MMR you go
>50k net worth
this is NOT a build
>oh i'll just parry when he's reloading

just reload and bait the parry, just adds another layer to the mindgame
Ok, so what build lets me become an actual M1A1 Abrams?
I use it on Yamato.
Also once it alerted me of a sneaky pocket trying to hide on the second floor of a building.
who's the teemo of this game?
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Please and thank you :-)
nobody, nobody like invisible traps or mines
nobody requires nearly as much brainpower yet
I want to like Pocket but I just don't get it. Long-range projectile barrage, another huge, slow moving projectile, but then the invul skill has a close range AoE, as does the ult, and the gun is a shotty? Am I supposed to be close? Far? Close, then far? Far, then close? What's the deal?
Upload build yet?
Yeah, that's why I said it's not optimized and would be an endgame one.
The only important thing is the 8 weapon upgrades, healing booster and bullet resist shredder.
Early just buy basic magazine and close quarters + temporary extra health
Then get active reload followed by heroic aura in the mid game
After heroic aura, get the healing booster
Next is intensifying mag. Then upgrade to titanic and point blank.
Crippling headshot, escalating resistance and slowing bullets are last, but getting slowing bullets earlier doesn't hurt in the right matchup since it's not very expensive.

I've managed to build all of these every game, so I don't think it's a souls issue. Nor a skill issue since I literally started playing 2 days ago.
"All", you say?
I don't understand the "Abram is braindead" meme. He requires situational awareness else you just get surrounded and die. You need to know when to go in, and how to go out. His gameplay is simple but his macro requirement is rather high.

The true braindead hero is Kelvin. You don't even need to aim most of the time, and poking from a safe distance with beam requires no thought or strategy. He even has his ultimate to keep himself safe.
rush worthy item on mo and krill, you build a ton of CDR to get Dig and Combo low anyway which also effects the proc rate on it
Your Q isn't really meant for damage, it's a spirit damage amp to buff your other shit and a slow. It's good to initiate, and you can be frictionless in the air from a railing

Pockets real main power is in being slippery and diving at higher levels. The healing reduction on his ult is absolutely massive, the burst he can get from ghost + briefcase can half hit even in to the 30 minute mark.
ill give you that one
boomercoomer content
so you're wasting an item slot and 1250 spirits just so you can reload normally and maybe get use of it once or twice before the enemy catches on? cool, gotcha
again, it could be useful, but it's too situational and unreliable
just get active reload instead
Both have super low skill floors but abrahms ceiling is much lower than Kelvins. Abrahms is monkey because of his heavy melee focus and sustain, which Kelvin doesn't naturally have. CC Kelvin and he still probably flops if he's low skill. It's when you get the people who're flying around with mystic slow + rescue beam kelvin really gets to be a fucking asshole, not to mention how retarded his ult is
>slav seven moaning at team while we get raped by an abrams and infernus
>tell him to buy antiheal
>"nah I don't need that"
>ends the game with a 4/8 k/d and calls everyone else useless
Very cool.
Build spirit, on-hits and mobility.
sinple realy
There's literally no good reason to build melee on Abrams over just using his Shotgun. None. People are just retarded and don't parry.
melee is cheap and cost effective coupled with tanking. gun abrams is strong, but sometimes you need a real tank
A lot of the high MMR builds and tutorials suck because for 90% of games below v high MMR people play like it's fucking overwatch and constantly feed 6v6 and barely go for objectives or farm.

Taimou's Wraith build for example assumes you can gank people or aren't gonna get a deathball of 5-6 people appearing on you when they see you alone on a lane, and instead of just pushing the other lanes my whole team just trickles in one by one into the fight and dies.
did you get that backwards, chief, or are you stupid?
Either way. People parry against Abrams if they know you're melee build the higher you go. You'll have to learn to parry bait. If you can do that, they're easy kills.
They sound like league players : )
Warden is a very straightforward hero, which means you have to play like a little rat, slurping up all the souls you can get until you either start ramping with a gun build or can blow up a teamfight with a spirit build ult.
Ok, so what if, as soon as Seven's ball hits a target, it permanently slows down? You know, instead of speeding back up when someone leaves the range
warden is most effective as a semi-carry with CC, he does not scale as well as either haze or wraith though, so I don't consider him a true hypercarry
braindead Kelvin is hilarious though
he'll ult on me in a 1v1 when I have like 1.5x more souls. Locking himself in a room with his killer lol
"melee abrams" is just getting like one tier 3 item, it's basically indistinguishable from "gun abrams".
warden should be dominating the post laning phase and griefing the enemy hyper carry as they try to farm
Whats the significance of the slide in this game? I almost never use it. Also, is wall jump useful?
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Now that Concord died maybe Valve can take these designs into Deadlock.
are they all from Hell
Slide does basically nothing in terms of speed, basically the same as running. But it does give infinite ammo for some reason. Not sure when that's exactly useful
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these are your top 0.1% mmr teammates at min 27
Man, having a Haze or Eleven try to ult only to interrupt it with my Mo&Krill Combo is just too much fun
Parry is only one problem
You also can get kite and peeled easily with a melee build. Meanwhile, shotgun is always a threat, which force the opponent to not just ignore you, which also makes you a more effective tank.
you can use it in lane to get some extra damage on the tower.
Slide lets you shoot without expending ammo for the duration of the slide, lets you travel quickly down slopes without using extra stamina and extends your dashes. Wall jump is useless IME.
you should always be sliding down stairs/ramps when you have the option because it's faster
This has to be one of the best competitive games to be released in like 10 years

also why does tracklock and deadlocktracker take so long to update
i'm so fucking pissed at this match literally no one talked in chat, no one talked in vc, no one ever pinged, it was a 30 min slop with literal npcs why the fuck do you even play multiplayer games how are you in my game even
is mmr even a thing in this game yet?
there's no ranked or match history or nothing.
seems like they just put you in a match with whoever
yeah there is, its just purely wins or losses
tried to queue with a newbie friend of mine and it said there's a high skill difference between members of your party, so yes
>the wall is broken and her best ability hands down
explain why you think this
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>30k new players on a single day
I wonder when it will stop
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guess the hero
with a 3k item that stuns for 0.9 seconds after 2 seconds.
there is a secret MMR used for matchmaking but yoshi admitted it doesn't work correctly yet and they're trying to make it suck less
there is also an unofficial MMR/elo system people are using for epeen measuring contests
You take the wave then, fucker. I'm gonna jungle until 50k and you can't stop me. Welcome to Valve MOBA bitch.
briefcase nigger
I just started playing for 2 days
Seem to be doing okay but I don't really know optimal jungle farm route/spot so I am always in middle of the pack on term of soul gain
>is it over for me?
Nah, ignore the retards here, you're playing an alpha version of the game. Mess around until valve launches the infinite beta.
>long range and duration extender on bebop
I saw a 0/10 Seven stealing the camps from a Haze on my team.
I wonder if people understand that some heroes should have priority when it comes to jungle farming.
paradox obviously
paradox/some shit wraith build
seven players are fucking retarded, and yet he still has the highest winrates lol
looks like paradox
Is this a lot for an alpha/beta/early access/ whatever the fuck we call it these days?
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alright so genuine question: when do you jungle then? after the 10 minute mark? first moba so i really have no clue. these mechanics all feel really arbitrary to me
Yup, watching a seven straight up ignore waves to run halfway across the map to the camp right next to my lane, then I have to last hit the jungle camp to assert dominance
it's a lot for a game that is invite only
you should jungle all the time but not when you didn't get any walkers or the wave is coming to you
it's wave then jungle not jungle then wave because the jungle isn't going anywhere the wave is going into your base

the most annoying shit is when 5 players are on a lane vs 5-6 enemies and the sixth one in your team is afk doing jungle instead of taking advantage
yes. it's the 6th most played game on steam right now.
Anon, most multiplayer AAA can't even get close to those numbers on their entire lifetime.
Those numbers are insane for a closed beta, even if anyone can invite you in.
you jungle when there's not a wave to clear or team fight and when you're on the move between objectives and lanes
Whenever it's available. Jungling is the best way to accumulate wealth and you should prioritize it over meaningless teamfights.
if your team is trash and couldnt even win a 5v4, jungling is probably better than attending the retard party and dying too
god i love seeing non moba players playing mobas. they're so bad its hilarious. such basic shit like that, just foreign to idiots.
there are 4 minions per wave
when those are cleared, take a camp
I got this one recommended some days ago
He even recommends using seven ult for farming lmao
no, you should push the wave you dumb fuck that never touched a moba
AFTER you're doing pushing the wave and the enemy team is coming to you you're going to do your jungle
>lady geist just teleports behind you when you charge her as abrams
what the nigger
tricking retards is funny
I think they're league players or something because people who insist on jungling when all lanes are pushed are endemic
When you can't safely take a wave, when you're pushing out from your walker and just cleared a wave, when you've nearly got enough cash for an item and need to hit up a camp or two on the way back to make up the difference.
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>Shroud forced to play the launch for his dog shit Valorant clone instead of queueing Vindicta
>5 players are on a lane vs 5-6 enemies and the sixth one in your team is afk doing jungle instead of taking advantage
Stop taking stupid fights when we're 30k behind on souls, retard. You won't win.
Farm, get items, wait for them to fuck up and use the momentum to push.
fucking lmao of course
are you dumb it was just an example of the entire enemy team being on one lane while yours team is down one man that is doing jungle instead of taking turrets down
it doesn't matter if it's a stupid fight, he shouldn't go there he should PUSH THE WAVE
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He's correct. If your team is worthless, you need to jungle and get your luxury items until your "I have finished farming" moment. Your base can withstand damage until shrine.
this design would be cool but unfortunately her 6head is too much
you should always be jungling so i can gank you and steal all of your souls
>noooooo just farm don't fight

so you're the retarded warden and seven player who charges in at the last minute, gets knockdown'd and cursed and throws the game right
Probably the best farming guide I've seen so far. Not being a MOBA player, farming is what I've really been struggling with. Can't wait to get back in after work!
i would definitely play the fat ugly nog in the top right just for shits and giggles.
Play Dynamo the fat ugly nog, same thing.
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He's a fag who likes they/thems though
I won't play female ugly whales but I would absolutely main an ugly bastard.
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dynamo is a handsome man
>$90 skin bundle
Imagine having worse prices than fucking Valorant
dynamo looks like a fucking model compared to that abomination
this happens constantly because people don't understand single target CC is so powerful and frankly, easy to get. also, good teams will eventually take advantage of teleports to stop you from trying to impotently farm anyway
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what a cucked mindset you have
this game needs cute girl(s) or 'women' wont play it.
Ok, so how good is Anti-Mage in Dota? He seems fun but I don't shit about how to build him.
Also, do you think we'll get a character similar to him?
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I hope Valve really polishes the fuck out of the character designs and lore. Would be good to see them release something that really dunks on the general industry slop that's been coming out lately with the most ironic genre (Hero Shooter/Moba combo.)

I'll be honest I started off just curious but mostly disinterested...but I've been loving it. Have lots of TF2 and a little bit of overwatch hours but extremely little in terms of MOBAs (like 3 games across LoL and DOTA)

After maybe 15 games now I'm getting an ok feeling for the flow, positioning, how to build, and the "what should I even be doing right now" feeling is going away, I'm starting to top frag & push objectives and lead teams to wins and...it's way more fun than I expected
why would I want to play with women
gotta fleece the streamcucks
paradox is cute
He's the fastest farmer by a mile thanks to his spammable blink ability. We'll probably get one eventually, maybe it's this >>492960887 character
so what you're saying is that there shouldn't be any cute girls
I want a cute girly character so I know what players to insta report when I get on a game.
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He's the ultimate "I'm done farming character"
requesting that pic of infernus saying he's finished farming
3 lanes = easier to farm since there's one less lane to worry about. 4 lanes in deadlock make it difficult to just fuck off and farm the entire time (unless you're infernus) because losing map control can happen extremely quickly if they're coordinated
nah, he hits on every female character in his new voicelines except ivy I think
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>Would be good to see them release something that really dunks on the general industry slop that's been coming out lately with the most ironic genre (Hero Shooter/Moba combo.)
>whatever the fuck we call it these days?
You mean whatever people are calling it who know what the words mean?
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>2024 Valve
>Releasing traditionally cute girls
No hero shooter will ever be able to replicate 2016 OW.
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that's geist
Really says something when the flat nonhuman is considered more attractive then any character in Concord or most other hero shooter characters nowadays, not getting into personality which you'd have to go back to release Overwatch 1 for that.
Of course BECAUSE she's popular the bluehairs will sink their fangs in soon and "adjust" her to modern audience, because they just want to destroy.
awesome picture but I dont think infernus should be jungling
It's funny because they retcon multiple into being a fags for OW because they were too conventionally attractive
Only Dva escaped I think because even blizzard fears the kpop fags
He can farm when going through, but after ricochet he should be focusing on pushing lanes like a fucking retard
hes a hard carry
going through lanes*
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When are we going to get illusions (i.e. manta style, phantom lancer) in deadlock?
He should absolutely be farming.
There are no dedicated junglers in this game.
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isn't dota2 doing alright with their girls?
you need cute girls if you want to sell skins
a hard carry that has a speed boost that prevents him being chased and a stun to finish off anyone dumb to do it anyway

stop jungling!
I've been spamming Haze to try and figure out how you win against her and Im coming up with nothing. I ignore my team and farm. With Unstoppable and Silencer I can just walk up and ult and they cant do anything.
OW characters were too hot for their own good. Once the original designers left, the woke employees scrambled to turn their personal favorites gay and lesbian.
You must not have been keeping up with OW lately, the coomer pandering is back
In dota, the game this based off of, hard carries jungle and split push.
just wait once I'm 16 slotted with tier 4 items I'll solo the whole team and then my dad will love me
people say metal body, but that just gets you out of the ult alive, and a hard carrying haze just shooting you with her gun will still almost certainly kill you before you can really touch her
if both your closest waves are pushed up then you can jungle, if a wave is on your side of the map and you go hit jungle you are a bad infernus
Well, yeah, but that's true for most characters. Shoving waves is more important than jungling.
I think wraith and haze can do more for their team by not showing on the map so jungling is fine for them, since enemies dont know which lane is safe to push out
Metal body, something to interrupt her ults, bullet defense, and try to steal her camps before she gets farmed.
It's actually really easy to counter a Haze when your team has a brain, but if you're the only one trying she will still kill your entire team.
So, how the fuck do you deal with geist's soul exchange?
Seems like such a disgusting get out of jail free card while also dealing more damage in an instant than almost any other ability.
Do you have to build against it?
They're alright in the sense that Dota players would find them cute, but they're far less popular than LoL females in the R34 department. They even attempted Dota anime only for LoL's Arcane to eclipse it in viewership and popularity.
just don't be melee range
you try to not let her in range because she's a slow fuck
if she buys phantom strike or something then I dunno
he clears them so quickly that it doesn't really slow him down to do them on the way
Her souls exchange range is shit.
Stay out of range or stun/silence her when going for the kill.
the only thing I know about Anti-Mage is very basic shit and that doppelganger illusion item

hey the transpergs fuckin love it though
the range is 8m
unless you are close enough to touch her penis she can't use it
It's too late. People don't want to get invested into another character before the "loremaster" decides later that the character actually was born as opposite sex or some shit
how do you lane against these fucking airjump characters
my bullets do no damage to them in the air while conversely theirs do 100% damage
they get to kill creeps for free and pressure me for free
Geist is such a disgusting nigger faggot hero.
Complete braindead retard crutch character.
Rope all geist "players"
leave grandma alone
How do I become goopilled.
yeah i'm kinda stumped too, people say "just shoot them they are slow in the air lol" but even if you are directly under them, they are so fucking far that you are dealing with >50% damage dropoff, meanwhile they are chunking you because they are designed to be played at those ranges
>look at abrams builds
>no ammo scavenger or quicksilver reload
do those just not make sense?
t. abrams
no, t.ivy
no, t. haze
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>deny every creep
>get all enemy souls
>still have less souls than the enemy laner
what the fuck am I missing?
Kill neutral camps, harass the enemy (if you can)
nevermind i just read what melee charge does
I understand now
Post match id
t. every hero because geist is a disgusting noskill hag that counters, outdamages and outheals everyone
i spit on geist
Your silence bro? Or just ignore her until you kill others, she is slow and only has 3 spells when her health is full.
you need to report your teammates to get them banned midgame so that you earn more souls
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wha t the fuck is this image lmao
>ignore hag as you would ignore her irl at a bar
>slay her friends
>bend her over the bar counter and give her what she wants with your team after you're done with her younger, less desperate friends
looks like a Moebius comic
Don't bother, whenever anyone whines like that you can 100% guarantee they will NEVER post the match ID so you can see what actually happened rather than the cope scenario they made up in their head.
>ignore hag
ok, wat do if I get put in solo lane against her
deny her because her gun is shit
>her gun is shit
any funny memes or images yet
who /never farm just fight/ here
It is, at farming and securing souls.
>in a match set up yesterday waiting for the last people to join
>guy as mr monkey hero "DO YOU GUYS NATE HIGGERS"
alright which one of you was it
Bots teach you bad habits and overconfidence. Too much bot practice will make you worse.

Just hop in the pool - the water’s fine.
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New 'lock on the 'log
t. 3k nw at 15 minutes
at least you have your ult I guess kek
You can kill 90% of Geist players by just running circles around them.
lmfao look at this little guy
>OW characters were too hot for their own good.
This. I can't even look at the game without thinking about porn.

use the third public build. Max splatter. punch build is a meme and they keep nerfing it to shit. play like a caster, you can easily clear t1 camps with splatter and a couple shots. once you have max rank splatter you can clear t2 camps the same way. you'll probably need help for the t3 camps to do them in a decent amount of time.

Once gooball is maxed you can use abilities/items while in gooball.

Warp Stone/Phantom Strike+ball is funny and also a very good way to interrupt Seven/Haze/Bebop/Mo&Krill ults.

Cube can be used to remove all debuffs including Bebop bombs, Pocket ult, and Mo&Krill ult. You can move cubed targets with Rescue Beam.

Can also use Cube on an ulting Seven to keep them from taking any damage.

Maxed splatter with any amount of spirit will allow you to clear an entire wave, move to a different lane, and clear another wave. It's very easy to keep two lanes pushed while also clearing camps once you have splatter maxed.
is the female engineer good or shit? I liked her gun the best.
her gun doesnt matter because all her damage comes from aimbot turrets and escalating exposure
her gun matters a lot because they buffed intensifying magazine and all the items her turrets need is mystic slow and escalating exposure
how do you check this? all time stats?
she's overall on the weaker side but not bad
fucking retard just her wall makes her really good
>weaker side
yeah she's overall mediocre because her wall and gun are the only good parts of her kit
and what else do you want?? her turret is good too
I'm pretty sure splatter has the highest spirit scaling of all abilities in the game, giving it pretty insane AOE burst damage if you invest into it
Play Geist once and you’ll realize that her Ult is VERY short range and has a long cooldown.

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