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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Hail to the King edition

>Steam Page

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Character guides

>How do I get in?
Respond to the invite anchor with your steam profile or friend code. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for heroes in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Stats Tracker
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

Dead >>492845871
>win lane handily
>pop over to shop
>spend like 20 seconds hmmmming over which first item to buy because thinking about how it sets me up for the midgame gets me thinking about how it sets me up for the late game gets me thinking about how i could instead pick a different first item
>buy what i was going to buy anyway
>lane is now 50-50
>outplay lane opponents again
>back to shop, same shit
>lane is now 50-50
how do i stop overthinking and just fucking buy items that are good so i can play the fucking game
there's another thread
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what even are these
Jeez i don't know anon, what could be these symmetrical symbols, conveniently arranged in row of 4, except for the ones at each extremity
>didn't change the edition
>no anchor
Terrible thread
are you fucking retarded
like honest to god are you mentally disabled
hmmm i wonder what these symbols that seem to darken based on what towers are up and functioning could possibly be
go back to league you fucking epileptic, or at least play the game for 30 fucking seconds
This nigga playing Overwatch
you know what i dont care im gonna jerk off now
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We need more white male (heterosexual) characters in this game.
the baxter society has yo number...
dishonest character
Is lash gay?
>play against Haze in lane
>being out of cover for more then 1 second means taking a good third of your health from how much damage her bullets deal
>lane as haze
>barely tickle enemy hero while shooting them with pitiful magazine size
gay as they cum
he tries to cover it up with an aura of masculine bravado
Are the servers shitting themselves for anyone else tonight? I had zero issues last night but tonight I'm experiencing severe, erratic ping spikes that make it basically unplayable, and I checked my connection status on my end and it says it's fine
Last game before my server shut tonight went on for an hour because the other 11 faggots wanted to BROOL and never take a fucking objective.
Entirely solo I took:
>3 first guardians
>2 walkers
>6 second guardians
>1 shrine
With one other person helping I took:
>1 walker
>the last 2 second guardians
>the last shrine
>90% of the damage on the patron in both states was us too

One of the motherfuckers on our team ended the game with less than 1000 objective damage

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