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Previous: >>493035565#top

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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The best year ever?
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Tea a good source of fangs.
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Threesome with Himiko and Iyo.
>for (You)
>good gameplay
>good sprite animations
Why isn't she more popular?
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Lip love!
Do the extra mats get added to ghe combination possibility of being made when a new node opens or is it set?
Released during fgo's lowest popularity?
No clue.
Mom maid
She came out during The Road to Lostbelt 7™. She was doomed to fail.
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Not with the worst anniv ever
Is it based that aside from tiny bridemaker Totorot, I don't have any LB6 shitter or fae scum in my crew?
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>this is a mexican city
Fate/Grand Order NA General?
>grailed Mash
It's fine. Good even as long as you don't have M*gan.
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Why did the inner sea decide to enlist people who have ideological attachment to camelot to destroy Britain? Of all the people to do that kind of job, why those with motives bound to cause issues?
It didn't?
Because most of those can be applied to a variety of servants, she only has 1 ascension, and likely only shows up in this event + as a minor character in future GUDAGUDA events
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Actual fucking moron
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Are you asking if your chances of getting the mat you want to make decrease as more of the materials get added from each new node?
I'm only 59 days in and I'm already in Traum but I skipped most of the main story and I still haven't done any of the Main Interludes. I'm still in Section 1 of Seraph.
Am I based?
Why does she sound like a busty MILF who's also an onsen owner?
A good point. That Lostbelt had the most homogenized cast (all brits). Meanwhile LB3 has Spartacus, Nezha, and Mordred all in China.
She's kind of a schizo
Nobunaga banner tonight?
It's story-based and unavoidable, so you can't blame me for that.
Vivianne infamously refused to forge the sword and the very same issue could have arosen with Castoria too given her being crafted with access to Artoria's memories
No you're just a moron.
Morgan Lily only got the brain rot because Beryl summoned PHH Morgan who synch her data with LB Morgan Lily back. Blame Beryl.
Have you even read LB6 yet? Chill out on the preconceived notions...
Morgan's fault, she turned her lostbelt self into a schizo like herself. Her original fate was death.
As for Castoria, she doesn't even have those until later.
>I'm playing the game that's only good for it's story and skipping all the story
Dumbass Gachatard
Bros they just EoS'd Concord, i fear FGO is next...
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*blocks youre patch*
Even before Beryl showed up the sword was nowhere near being forged. Both Vivianne and Vivianne (PHH Morgan) didn't do their job. Castoria probably wouldn't have either if not for Guda.
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What's with the unskippable dialogue choices in some chapter like LB6, especially LB6? It's not like they affect anything gameplay-wise like in Babylonia. They should've either had those who skipped those choices automatically be not suspicious of Oberon, or if those are unskippable, have them affect on how hard or more manageable your upcoming final boss fight with him will be.
Yuyu Dubai
They didn't do their job because the whole thing self destructed by itself first
dubai women dress like that?
Yuyu Sex
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Quite handy.
The Blue Archive shitstorm is more interesting because it could potentially lead to EOS
If BA dies then FGO will retake the throne as Queens of Comiket
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I'm so sick of hearing about LB6 all this time later. It was just ok.
Oh fuck off already.
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What happened to Yuyu Love poster?
Britain was not dead when Beryl showed up, only braindead.
This game's programming is a bowl of pasta, it would likely actually break something if you could skip past those, and it's not like being suspicious of mongus meant anything in the end because you were still sucked into the big hole
>only good for it's story
The world building is great but a lot of FGO's story is dragged down by the blank-slate generic self-insert MC who barely does anything if at all, and having other characters, especially Mash, be essentially mouthpieces. That's what I've noticed when I watched the Babylonia anime and Camelot movies, which by the way are very faithful to the source material.
LB6 is considered the peak of the game because of a lot of things, such as the lore, the roles of many other characters, a colorful diverse range of heroes and villains, the dilemma and darkness, the bleakness and tragedy, etc.
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plz no
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Unironically filtered
No please don't send the act of cumming into the future the blueballs would be too mu-
This really was the best romance Nasu has ever written hands down and the Arc true route will make red garden worth it alone
Quit? Stop posting? An hero? Who knows.
Gonna be honest I don't think we're getting an Arc true route bro
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Cute feets
You'd have to skip to find out they're unskippable anyway, which isn't going to happen 99% of the time for LB6. The other answer is that the coding of this game is extremely bad.
Ok I was filtered. Let's just talk about this one chapter forever. In a a year, we can even talk about Summer Morgan, won't that be fun.
Probably quit knowing she'll never get a swimsuit alt
>10 toes
Not MY Castoria
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>nothing worth rolling except for the OC2 Men
What shitstorm?
Don't even think that statement and this one is incompatible. Even though they're trying to backpedal on blank slate guda in both LB6 and beyond (Except maybe OC1?) it's probably too late to make any substansive changes. I saw someone say something to this effect sometime ago but Guda should've been the Galahad pseudo and Mash/olga marie should've had the same role. Would've made a tighter story I think
Why not Genshin, Star Rail, ZZZ or WuWa taking over as the queen of comiket?
This but unironically
>married woman
>married woman
>married woman
>married woman
It's over bro the only virgin Chinese waifu is Xingke
The comiket artist demographic are not fans of Mihoyo

What the fuck are you talking about?
There's too many hints Nasu has dropped for it to not exist
>nasu said he'd like to do a unity / true true route
>nasu said Arc's story isn't done yet
>neco arc references the Arc true end (jokingly but still) at both the end of the Arc route and the end of the ciel true route
>bad end in the middle of the Arc route that says you need one of the maids help despite no way of progressing part of their route in blue glass moon
>the existence of eco arc in two bad ends, with Arc's scene with Zelretch not recreated in her route anywhere
It's gonna happen.
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Other men's women are the best
Or you know, just cut Guda out entirely and let Mash be the MC.
>but muh normalfag MC
Nasu is full of shit anyway since in his beloved Extra verse, Hakuno turned out to be digital data who gained sentience while following a similar idea of being a pov silent protagonist for the most part.
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Gachaonlies and newfags have to fit in somehow, and that requires coming to /alter/ and only talking about one thing until they eventually quit the game.
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She is giga mogged by her sister. How can she compete with those udders?
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Turn on the Radio nah fuck it, turn it off
Turn it off, turn on the radio nah fuck it
Turn it off, fear is your only god on the radio
Turn it off, turn it off, turn on the radio
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Gonna be honest I think you're coping.
I checked WuWa's gameplay and it has some cute girls though.
Nezha? She's the hottest too.
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Oh and the most obvious
>Roa redeems himself at the end of the Ciel true route, but never has a chance to redeem himself in the eyes of Arc / apologize, which feels like it's leaving room for one more important scene with him since Arach, Vlov, and Goto (and maybe one more DAA) are likely the remaining villains for the other 4 girls
hehe, not after I’M done with her! hehehehehehehe!
See you in a year then
Panda is lusting hard for Guda though.
PS: the chances of red garden actually happening are slim themselves. This is Nasu we're talking about.
The Blue Archive shitstorm TLDR is that
>Nexon fiscal report came out
>Blue Archive revenue is higher than expected
>the BA main writer, the BA main software developer and the BA main artist ask Nexon for more creative control and more budget
>Nexon says no
>Nexon actually did the opposite and reduced the budget while increasing revenue projections for next year
>even the monetary bonus that employees were supposed to get for reaching the expected revenue was reduced 20% by Nexon
>the BA main writer, the BA main software developer and the BA main artist decided to officially quit
>they took with them more than half of the software developers
>they also took with them more than half of the artists
>also took with them the main OST composer
and then
>they used all their money and funded a new studio
>they are developing a new game
>they released a trailer 3 days ago
>it's literally a copypasta of BA but with katanas instead of guns
>girls even have halos and are schoolgirls and theres a sensei
as result
>Nexon is on damage control
>they are mass hiring to refill positions in all departments
>they are stalling in-game with 4 weeks event reruns
>this started a civil war among the playerbase
>theres divide between the players that hate nexon but like BA but also want to support the devs that were abused but don't want to quit and move to the clone game
It is a huge shitstorm that could kill the game
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I'm supposed to believe Nasu has time to work on Red Garden when he's written almost every fucking event in FGO this year + a story chapter?
When did everything start going down? I wanna go archive diving
Other than a few tickets here or there, Andromeda is the only one I feel like going for.
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Bro red garden sprites just got drip fed / teased by type moon via merchandise the last two days lol
They did the same thing in 2020 before they were ready to announce blue glass moon on new years.
>katanas instead of guns
Already sounds based, and if Nexon isn't involved I may actually pick it up, unlike BA.
Nasu drops random hints all the time, bro. He's never gonna follow up on all of them. Especially since he often gets distracted and decide to pursue some new plot lines or concepts, thus piling on more new hints.
Never trust nexon
*Puffs cigar* I'm all-in on nothing ever happens.
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She's perfect
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Turkey handel is shit arcade bumpstick is badly written heroine
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>every fucking event in FGO this year + a story chapter?
What is that? A college paper's worth?
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Except she's flatter than that
Around 4-7 days ago when the trailers and marketing showcased the names of all the BA developers, artists and composer as part of that new studio
Nobody could believe it since most of them were still working for Nexon 3 months ago
If there wasn't going to be a true route they would have just added the original "true ending" from the original re-release. Arc affection points ironically serve 0 purpose in the Arc route, but the happy end with Arc not being there means it's obviously coming later.
You sound like a conspiracy theorist. No actual evidence, just wild inferences based on literal crumbs.

Not a single part of the sprite is actually new. Literally a removed layer.
>that Ass isnt planted on my face
>soulless Worst Korea being gigajew
What did they expect?
Like holy shit, did none of the BA devs ever watch a single video about Maple Story?
Man I love modern day looping. I was suffering during the christmas 2019 nodes with fucking double skadi np1 Astolfo. Thank god I don't have to do that shit again
Rin only has boobs in fanart. I bet she commissions it herself.
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Oh man I really loved that anime!
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I swear to god if Nexon is responsible for fucking up yet another game I will burn down their offices in Minecraft. Why did they have to manage Blue Archive...
>can't loop with a single hit np
Well duh.
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Do you not realize how long FGO story chapters are? Nasu is unable to restrain himself at all any time he releases a new one.
Isn’t Red Garden going to be a separate game? That means Arc true end won’t require anything from the Near Side routes if it is in Red Garden?
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Find me where this sprite is then
Why are we mad about one of our competitors going down in flames
best results, they are too similar in color so tehy merge a lot lel

other good results
>did none of the BA devs ever watch a single video about Maple Story?
I know I haven't, unless you mean this.
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I don't give a fuck about gook archive or any mobage that isn't FGO.
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Are they for (You)?
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You know what this thread needs?
Because/alter/ loves gacha
If they really wanted to milk people for money they would just keep the Arc true end route locked in red garden unless someone had a fully completed blue glass moon save on their console / PC
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Very nice, thanks anon
Do you think Asuna from BA and BB could work too?
LB6 is really overblown in length
It's 580k japanese characters
FSN is 3.8 million japanese characters
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Blue Archive gave us a steady income of cunny doujin and art, something FGO has been severely lacking in recent times.
Romcom hijinks with the Girl I’m in love with and her Grandfather who I am also in love with!
Fate/Grand Order?
Well I was using him because I didn't have anyone else, back then I remember quick being a notoriously premium meta back then because you needed MLB kscope to really function for most loopers. Zerkerlot was the cheapest option and you needed multiple of him
Even leaving cunny aside the girls are better than what other gachas put out right now.
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Because you jumped ship, you have nobody but yourself to blame.
I did fine with one Parvati and a non-MLB Kscope.
Just read Comic LO
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The new story node is barely out.
>your servant
>your student
Good morning, bros.
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Good morning
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Gomen, Eresh...
Yamanami Keisuke is easily defeated by alpha women.
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good night
Why are Okita and Hijikata the only 5* Shinsengumi servants? They deserve more 5*s.
Punch Bob in the face
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Morning, bros.
Punch Nobukatsu in the face
>quick being a notoriously premium meta back then because you needed MLB kscope
You could just plugsuit waver or bride or merlin or parvati or mash any other 20% charger. Also there were many many good 4* DPS options in the quick meta.
Kiss Bob in the cheek
Compare this to buster which requires both oberon and vitch and there's not a single good non-ssr option outside of Cu
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I like a lot of them but Kayoko is probably my favorite!
This. Mash had whole entire arcs in Part 1 that would make her a great character in a standalone console game, unlike Ritsuka. Hell, replace him with a Rance-like gigachad or even just a character who is similar to Shiki or Shirou in terms of personality and conflict. Or even just scrap of the concept of pseudo-servants entirely and have Shirou or someone else instead be the MC. That would make the progression of the game's story infinitely more interesting.
Evangeline A.K. McDowell
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you were saying
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choose one to be a 5*
So Red Garden is going to have 5 routes?
She's not a good option you're legit better off with you free np1 seiba
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Andromeda and BB for me
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Learn to respect her, or get eaten.
I get that Gudaguda5 had the best story out of the series, but did that really mean we needed an event dedicated to Yamanami?
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Leave Nobbu’s little sister alone!!
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Even though she's a fae?
A terrible idea by a guy that replies to himself every time he brings it up even though everyone hates it
There's a reason Fate/Prototype failed twice
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Good night
is Ken-sensei out of jail yet?
Wouldn't surprise me if it did.
I expect Hisui and Kohaku to be on the shorter side, and Satsuki to be especially short. Akiha will likely have an Arc - Ciel ength route, but if there's one true end route for the game it'll go to Arc
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Good night, bros.
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Good night, bro.
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Good night bro
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Is Mitsunari a man or a woman? The hips look make, but the weird angle makes him/her kind of look like he/she has breasts. But the characters refer to him/her as male, but that could be a translation error.
Majin okita is cute
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Good night bro
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Damn, thats very based
Thanks for the cross over lewds
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You like Berserk Doctors, huh?
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Serizawa Kamo
no, I dont like bara porn
330 SQ
0 Rikyu
0 other dude I don't remember his name

Cool game
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Asuna makes me wish I had a girlfriend bros...
>everything I don't like is samefagging
Take your fucking meds
>There's a reason Fate/Prototype failed twice
Great non sequitur. By your logic, FSN and Tsuki should have failed as well. Or you know, fucking Extra.
>even though everyone hates it
The multiple voices in your head don't count, schizo.
But DUDE is an SSR.
welcome to fgo bro
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VERY Cool Game!
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I will not take the jab.
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Looks like someone has forgotten the gospel again.
She’s Perfect….
Damn bratty girl...
You CAN'T fix her
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Imagine reprogramming BB to be a personal paizuri provider.
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There's nothing to fix.
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Shusha - shota
rengoku - also male (in sword form male, female when okita gives him part of her body since she made a spare body for him out of her body. Its not even questionable whether Rengoku is male when he gets his spiriton outfit later on)
>Lord hideyoshi's son
Hmmm. Who could this kid be....
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That's still a commendable unique risk albeit a misguided one, because FGO went with the safest option, the same generic schlock that is prevalent in the manga, LN and gacha market in the 2010's, that just works for some reason, instead going for something like a gigachad with actual charisma, character and personality.
And given that this is travelling through different worlds with settings unfamiliar to the protagonist, especially in the case of LB6, you could consider Ritsuka an isekai MC and fits perfectly with the rest.
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she cooked
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She's an AI, she can't get pregnant.
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Using Parvati in 2024 is so cool
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Valks work too
What does that have to do with anything?
>no goth granny
im still mad
itty bitty committee
>Wolfman: u fukn traitor
>Yamanami: I know I am but what are you?
>Wolfman: ...
>refuses to elaborate
>Yamanami: o-ok
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Anon came into the thread one day, asking for some FGO killer.
Some FGO killer he wanted.
>event is garbage until the 8th when the final node opens
Jesus Christ, this shit sucks.
Well, no point actually fucking her, she's an AI.
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I don't wanna read anymore...
She is a servant, and a sentient being.
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Ok, JD vance, enough with your impregnation fetish already
Yeaah but
>new project comming out quickly
>not only new gacha but an actual VN
I'm thinking gooks are winning...
Post team
EGAO, Lancer Ryouma, Maou, Archer Nobbu, Nobukatsu
5x Tea CEs, 1 4* event CE
Man, I swear every news I hear about Nexon is all bad news. It's amazing how that company is even still around. Then again, there's always dumb dumbs forking over money.
Me when I enter /alter/
mutsuki and kuro? mesugaki team
Swap one servant for izo
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What about when you enter /soc/alter?
NTA, but here's a longer version for those interested.
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>Yeaah but
Go back to your general, chink/gook/nigger.
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second this
Who's this bich
Not my fault they are working on stuff while nasu can't be arsed to and TM keeps delaying FSF, that shit was supposed to come out over a year ago
Already have bond 10 with him, and I want to prioritize servants I don't have bond 10 with yet (or in EGAO & Nobbu's case, 15).
Izumo no Ocunny’s Sensei
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>Ken-sensei out of jail
He's not in jail. Where did you come up with that? He got elected to the Japanese Diet. Not even joking https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Akamatsu He is in the same party Abe used to lead.
Were you thinking of Rurouni Kenshin's creator?
Where's Ieyasu already so we can get some real sengoku kino
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You can use Mash!
So what is there no art of Woodwose knotting Morgan?
Bob (japan)
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Berserker 3* guy or nobukatsu then
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Huh, I distinctly remember the both if them getting nabbed for middle schooler porn like within months of each other
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Would be better with a moaning face
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You wouldn't dare.
What did mater mean by this
She's going to be burning hot after this one
Take the 4* CE off. You're gonna clear the shop regardless
karna, percival, and bart are all already in the game retard
Like, actual hardcore porn? Or the hentai sort?
These are Summer Kama, Summer Percival and Summer Bart though
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What's his problem?
It just means Nobbu usually goofs around and only acts serious sometimes.
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Real answer.
She was his historically extremely unlikely to exist lover. Basically a dude, Kan Shimozawa, wrote novels about the Shisengumi in the 20's and 30s. He wanted to spice up Yamanami seppuku, so he created her Akesato to have a dramatic scene of them together before he seppuku'd and her leaving crying.
This story caught on and has been included in tons of shinsengumi stuff since.
yes and they're costumes for servants that are already in, what makes you think they belong there dumbass
Maybe on planet retard
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I thought this was FGO NORTH AMERICA what the fuck is this Chinese gookletter shit?
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>Why was I even born?
Iyo is too relatable, bros
Thanks new Sen gummie expert
They barely shit out a chapter a year and waste time adding slop like the latest sakuraface, but they can't even bother to check on their localization.
Who the hell are you?! Where's Mash??
You best believe that I’m answering that door
Her boobs absorbed mash
How Tight is Nobbu’s butthole?
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Thanks anon these are great
must have been a different dude. I know he was big on lobbying against anti-lolicon laws.

As I recall with the kenshin guy it was old magazines or videos he had horded from before japan banned it japan only banned it in the 90s. He got hit with a fine, and that was it.
nta but people include them because people get mad about it, it’s tradition at this point.
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Which one is better
Holy shit the gook that wrote this is seething
The Russians are invading aaaaaaaieeeeeee save me uncle Sam
The other choice has him thank you for giving him a concise answer
/soc/alter sucks because everyone there is dreadfully boring to speak to on Discord and the majority are just there to jerk off to crossdresser pictures.
Can you do Chacha?
Wait, who is Micchi again? I forgot.
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>nexon does bullshit
>people are somehow surprised
I fucking called them imploding that game somehow when it launched. Took longer then I expected, but it came.
In Gudaguda, always pick the silliest option.
Well sorry for not being a lolcow bro
Ohtomo takuji himiko in a bunny outfit with high heels
either baken's step daughter who is getting body jacked or Nobu is calling mistuhide something stupid.
>the only way to not be boring is to be a lolcow
Get help lil bro.
>dreadfully boring to speak to
Damn. Does Korean culture have their own version of the golden goose fable? Greed just can't help itself.
according to the google doc, nexon is actually faultless here. Claims (with nexon's business report) that the directors that left got paid more than the Nexon CEO. So there are conflicting stories.
Well I don't know what you want. Why does everyone have to be entertaning? Why don't you try to be?
Retard opinion; BA worked because it didn't go the cliche route with what themes it explored entirely. Swords are a dime a dozen, sword girl stories are literally everywhere, but gun girl stories are far more rare. Halo girl stories hadn't been done seriously before. Girls loving an older man, and 100% of the characters being girls and they all love an older man hadn't been done before, all the girls being between 11-18 years old hadn't been done before, all other games have male characters or hag characters, they don't typically have ONLY younger girls.
BA worked because it did things that were non-standard, but it also had a very strong sense of identity.
Sword girl game doesn't work because it has a much weaker feeling of identity, and its already starting off with a much more cliche story-elements. I can name a hundred sword girl stories, I can only name like two or three gun girl games that actually fully go into guns. It worked because it hadn't really been done before at the time; and it wasn't just the fact that they had guns, but that guns, tanks, grenades, they were all treated as just every day aspects of the girls lives. In every CG in the game there's just a dozen guns lying around like its normal, girls treat guns like fashion objects, they're normalized in that society, there's something that stands out about it that you cannot replicate with swords. A society where there's swords on every wall is normal, but a society where there's guns everywhere feels atypical.
GOD I HATE the stupidly small text boxes and the stupid automatic scrolling in this game.
Really makes me want to skip everything and just read it on Atlas.
Is the little girl supposed to be related to other guda guda characters? Is there any full guda guda family tree?
What did nobbu mean by this
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What do you wanna talk about, bro? Outside of anime/ JP media, I only know about wuxia/HK movies.
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i feel the same
Is Nobu a zoomer?
Anime/JP media, video games, sadpanda tags, etc., the usual.
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>Girls loving an older man, and 100% of the characters being girls and they all love an older man hadn't been done before
Uhhh... give me a normal name of that daughter.
...age gap aside, isn't BA the MOST cliche gacha? Also if we're being technical, it's just going all the way back to Tale of Genji roots.
Tokimura Michi
Sensei is not a fat bald old man virgin though.
Concord is by Sony Interactive Entertainment, FGO is by Sony Music Entertainment Japan. They are extremely different.
Please don't reply to an obvious shitpost with sincerity.
Sony japan isn't really a thing, Sony USA calls the shots
>sadpanda tags
That is not interesting discussion
They'll just release it again later as a F2P game with lootboxes.
If there was a family tree, it'd have at least two enormous time gaps.
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Post Guda, don't matter which
Not very.
I liked welfare Nobbu sprite better desu.
Imagine how loose adult Nobu's butthole must be...
Same, too bad welfare nobu as we know it no longer exist.
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He's lost?
Unlimited Lost Works...
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>too weird for normalfags
>not weird enough for /alter/
In a shocking turn of events, Yamanami Keisuke is being duplicitous once again
seeing as how you make worthless self-pity posts, you seem fine
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I love Iyo so much, bros, you wouldn't CANCEL me if I get a welfare to lv.120, r-right?
His story got shat on by albert so yes
Yeah but poggers memes bros. Don't you like the translation?
I wouldn't blame you as long as you wait until her event is over before making a decision like that
Of course not, bro. That is called love.
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Of course not.
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I'd respect it.
How do you get more coins for welfare servants?
You are right, I should instead be talking about whatever the fuck is going with nexon right?
Wait for evocation festival
Is ok, bro, Waver died when he became a welfare himself.
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Wait and hope.
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Speaking of grapes
what brings you to that conclusion when there's an event going on
The fact that it seems perfectly fine considering I have seen no complain about it.
That took up my entire screen and scared me big time
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Will every single past welfare get their coins or just a few of them? I have been waiting for Chacha coins for ages.
yeah you're definitely weird enough
Any event with this much Nobbu is a good event.
remember when "Crasha" used to crash old toasters? good times.
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She’s so cute it’s unreal
Yeah, I want to laugh at niggers who were raiding us every time with their BRO FGO KILLER BRO THIS IS IT BRO THIS IS IT
Anything else?
Why because you don't like me pointing out how you get all mad about a stupid post but turn a blind eye to others? What should I act normal and let you walk all over me?
But bro there's an event going on you can't make that post!
it mixes them a lot
yeah, artist?

cant find shit captain
>yeah, artist?
Amandakenny or ClinicCase
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Can't find what
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>One year for Chacha coins
We almost there Chacha bros!
that name/character
>this event has more Hideyoshi in it than practically anything else
>even mentions his son
>no mention of Chacha
>Chacha not part of the main cast
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Let Rikyu brew the cha cha
Why'd we just let the dyke walk away when she was in a room with all of our servants in top condition around
Ohtomo Takuji is the artist and Himiko is the character
>iyo says himiko has retard strength
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Is Himiko the most based character in the game?
Himiko could crush your head like a ripe melon between her meaty thighs. Who could be attracted to that?
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Ishida is a man
What would FGO and the story be like if it was a standalone LN like Requiem or a console game (with a few DLC expansions) like FSR?
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It'd be shorter.
It's ootomo on Danbooru
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those dont work, have airandou in the meantime
Sure, so why'd we pass on the chance? it's not like we have to care about what it'd look like for the citizens since they'd just be herded off to whatever afterlife
You get single player FGO Arcade
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Ygg Seeds
>What I get
Chains chains chains
This is like the gacha all over again.
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Bros, Iyo's animations are really lewd...
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Yeah haha, who would ever want a holy woman gorilla to be rough with you haha
Is Yamanami flirting with Iyo or something? He didn't seem straight enough for that. Even the geisha didn't respect him.
That >>493084940 wasn't even me, bro, I don't care for the artist desu just want some Chacha lewds.
Defenseless anus...
>Based Wolfman is non-summonable
Furry bros...
oh, okay
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Yeah that'd suck haha lol would hate that
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You aren't wrong
He might have a secret hidden up his sleeves.
La criatura griega...
She will be in later
Good guys don't have the correct metanarrative position to gang up on someone in an ambush.
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>gangstalker botnet AI is real
Grand Moon Cancer Egon Cholakian...
We follow the rules.
I guess so but anything that would possibly tip the scales wouldn't be something he could just carry around casually
Okita already makes it very clear that the shinsengumi and their contemporaries don't believe in honour in a fight though
>Okita already makes it very clear that the shinsengumi and their contemporaries don't believe in honour in a fight though
yeah but we're not okita
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So, how's the chimpdown over your home turf going over picrel?
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Would you mind some Morgan and Kanna like that? For the Kuroha memes...
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She's a smelly neet with a terrible diet
the evil god curse sucky thing shown in the earlier scenes, bwo
I cab fix that. I will give her an apple and she will cum.
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In English doc
True enough, guess it just falls apart there. I'm surprised nothing of the sort was even mentioned in the quick strategy meeting beforehand
Surely something could've been done since they're probably within a metre distance of each other, granted it was planned for previously
NTA but discussion of Project KV is forbidden on
>the official BA sub reddit
>the official BA discord server
>the official BA korean web forum
The only places where people are discussing it are 2ch, 4chan and twitter, and in the 3 websites it's a shit fling between nexon shills and KV shills
The land is cloaked in deepest blue
shadow of eagles across the moon?
What is there to see in this life?
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>discovered the "horror (theme)" tag
Endure the pain, it's easy now, 5th october awaits
>please reply to my bait!
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i get gudaguda is mostly for silly stuff but i'm glad they gave nobu and okita those badass moments in the nightmares as well as this.
this events usually have cool moments like that but they're usually by the end of it
mostly, I don't think they (chaldea) even though about/planned for it. Initially they wanted to come over to meet ishida
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Either way it goes, I have nothing but contempt for its general at this point, and not limited at the BA-related tourism we got since anniversary. Back when /drag/ was still alive, their peers were REALLY loud into converting people of they dying general into their ranks; at least those leaving us for /gig/ did that by their own accord.
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also, damn chacha was a badass too
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Oh, now I get it, the girl called him sannan because that's the onyomi reading for yamanami
uh oh now you're going to summon that one Old Li hater
you're telling me, that meaning gets super lost in translation
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She's just like me.
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Winds of the King!
So what does "guda guda" even means?
who's that
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I can't believe Nobbu is going to lower her enemies IQ to win in this Singularity...
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It's just that I never really paid attention to his name's kanji until I saw it being flashed on the screen in today's chapter.
That's just the gudaguda particles
>Lady Chacha
>Lady Acha
what is it with Japanese ladies of that time period.
>not bothering to concede and reply to the fucking face
double lol
I don't really get it, but I'm glad it worked out for you
So you ate telling me Albert
>won't use honorifics
>changes stuff as he likes
>the whole osakabehime thing
But wont attempt to localize this one part of the story?
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>I don't really get it
He is mad his shitpost about melusine didn't work
> but I'm glad it worked out for you
Ot didn't
>my soul will be with you until the end of time
Jesus Iyo, this is like day 3
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Haha look the girl who was executed by horse dismemberment
Sure. I don't see anyone else asking for more shit in my TL, so why are you?
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She's so based in this event...
Nobu is always based
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is kinda funny how mad he is about people liking melu
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Bare feet…
The original post states that the entire project budget was reduced and they were denied creative control while the goal profit was increased and compensation for reaching said goal was reduced, not just that they didn't get paid more. This is basically asking them to make more money with less budget and likely no change to how they can evolve the game. That doc also has a very obvious bias from the writer inserting his speculation all over.
Personally I'm more inclined to trust that [Soulless Corporation] is not innocent here and that the majority of creative people behind the game all agreeing to walk out and make what they wanted instead was probably a more nuanced decision that we don't have sight into.
For example, it's possible that the team wanted to create a high quality companion visual novel exploring the game's lore to expand it's scope as a franchise, given their previous success and Nexon harshly denied them and cut their budget, which might explain why this was now able to be stood up over some months while being very similar.
Melucucks in shamble
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What did she mean by that?
I thought she's a cat
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>be cute girl
>become heroic spirit
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>Monks and temples
>But not priests and churches
I still want Nobbu and Amakusa to interact at least once on that matter.
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If Nasu, Takeuchi and 2kun decided to quit TypeMoon and made a new studio called
>Studio PP
And a new game called
>Destiny Greater Mandate
based on their newest visual novel
>Destiny Leave Morning
would you drop FGO and follow them?
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Probably not. Doing all this shit over again sounds like a chore
why would nasu and takeuchi quit the studio they own?
>If Nasu, Takeuchi
pretty sure those 2 are typemoon so the questions makes no sense
This time I will make sure that Nasu will drive a Lamborghini while Takeuchi has a nice lunch.
Amakuso is a Faker priest so he isn't even worthy of getting killed by Nobu.
Thinking about grailing bob
Why a lambo
Am I the only one who thinks, after reading LB6, that the Tam Lins were intentionally written by Nasu to be unlikeable?
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Why would they quit the studio they founded you idiot?
not unlikable, hell most people in lb6 are good characters. but the fairy kings are bad people, they actively made shit worse.
They're supposed to be pitiable.
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I don't see anything. We're all good here, advertisers.
>They're supposed to be pitiable.
You cannot pity Barg and Bob since they are SRs though
Pity only works on SSRs
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>just one more burn CC and I will have a complete Yang 5/5 command code for burn (and her personal CC) to ensure I only need a single card to make her work
Tempted to burn some apples to get there faster, but just need to wait for the best node.

I didn't like her when I first kept getting her instead of MHXX, but I'll admit she's grown on me and is quite useful in some CQs. As long as there isn't any debuff immunity, anyway, because that completely fucks her.
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I want to hate your post, but I can't.
gaia had a lot of plans to get rid of the lost world/lostbelt
castoria is just one of them
Idk, I didn’t really like any of the Tam Lins after LB6
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Did someone say pits?
that's fair
but what about morgan or oberon?
Even Baobhan, who can't help but to be as obnoxious as possible because of what she had to endure?
Kinda related, but it just doesn't sit well to me in that just because you were an abuse or rape victim, you can be spiteful to everyone; be it hurling insults or inflicting physical injury.
At least according to Nasu anyway.
The definition of ぐだぐだ is:
Or to make it simple, "wordily long conversation"
>At least according to Nasu anyway.
I don't think that was the intention, as Castoria said, "Your aim to destroy Britain was a righteous one." Though the fairies (all not just tamlim) suffered, they also perpetuated the suffering upon each other. Which is why Britain had to go.
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If the only thing people want to talk about is LB6, does that mean this event is shit?
The event is actually great so far, this just happens and it can't be helped.
is not about
>they're justified to do this because
is more about
>this is why they're like that
understanding a villian and giving them a background doesn't justify their bad deeds
here abby poster

not our fault lb6 was the last great thing we got
Good evening fellow groomerchads.
Why don't we all post our favorite characters from the series Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya along with our home addresses~
Arc has alredy become a secondary character in the remake compared to blue mash I don't see her getting more content at all
Specially with the Sachin route in work
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1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500
> in work
now that's funny
Is blue mash a term of endearment? I thought people who read the vn liked ciel.
>does that mean this event is shit?
it's gudaguda so the answer is always yes until kagetora appears
I don't know if they were intentionally written to be unlikable, but I felt like a lot of the characters in the chapter were written so that there would be some sort of tragedy revealed about them that would twist the knife when they exited the story. Never mind how the effect is diminished when so many characters follow that formula (not even counting other events/chapters), I think most of the time it was executed in a very clunky manner, which made it hard to empathize with the characters. It's a big part of why I think LB6 is very overrated, even though I'm usually a Nasu apologist.
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9 Krčméryho
Košice, Košice Region
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My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. This is my confession.
hidden motives is just a theme overall in the lostbelt
anyone know when the gudaguda rerun banners come out? i need (older) cavewoman sexo NOW
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12 Camino de las Brisas, Corrales, NM 87048
She was a real hellion. Samurai blood in her, old samurai blood, from an actual ancient family and not a forgery like Nobbu's.
I think it's a funny nickname, I love her route
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Anyone using this as there wallpaper?
"Hidden motives" is an incredibly generic and nondescript theme, if you can even call it that, that has been in every piece of Fate media since the series' inception. Also, the twist that Barg had already eaten Adonis (or whatever his name was) like a week ago is unrelated to any sort of hidden motive that I can think of off the top of my head, and I'd throw that in the same bin as the twists regarding the other Tam Lin, Morgan, Castoria, Oberon, and whoever else I may be forgetting.
A nickname Nobu gave to Mitsuhide if you remember the past Gudaguda events
Nobbu actually liked Christians, somewhat. Mostly because they pissed off the Buddhists, and Nobunaga hated the stuffy old Buddhist monks and their constant prattling about "muh tradition". The grudge between them got so bad that a lot of the biggest Buddhist temples around Kyoto sided against Nobunaga after he took over the capital. They didn't have the forces to challenge him in the field alone, so they just acted like bandits and constantly raided his patrols and supply shipments, harassed his troops taking their leave in Kyoto, and also fought as mercenaries in the employ of any Daimyo willing to stand against him.

Eventually he'd had enough. So he marched to the temple of Enryaku-ji on Mount Hiei, outside Kyoto, surrounded the entire mountain with his army, then lit it on fire. He burned the whole mountain complex down, forest and all. There were tens of thousands of people living on the mountain, not all of them were monks. He spared no one, women and children fleeing the flames were cut down by his waiting troops.

It's thought that this act of brutality might've been what spurred Mitsuhide to betrayhing him, finally. Mitsuhide had other grudges against Nobunaga besides this, but he was a devout Buddhist, and the slaughter of so many holy men and the desecration of a sacred, ancient temple did not sit well with him. Or many others, besides.

Basically, Nobbu was a giant asshole.
Yes. Yes I will.
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No I'm currently using this though
the twist was that adonis existed at all
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Played by pic related in SHOGUN. Although they changed the name to Ochiba, she was functionally Lady Yodo in every aspect but her name.
And the hidden motive?
She's been longing to be introduced to you since Yamataikoku bro, it's been years for her.
The novel that Shogun is adapted from is pretty accurate to the history, Clavell just changed the names of all the characters to give himself a bit more creative freedom. Plus, if he kept them the same, he'd have been inundated by endless complaints from Japanese historians complaining that "Akshully Ieyasu would NEVER" and so on.
>Basically, Nobbu was a giant asshole.
i don't think hideyoshi or tokugawa were that much better honestly
It was the sengoku jidai, non-assholes got culled at a young age. But even among the assholes of the age, Nobbu stood out as a particularly hated figure. In fact it took a while for his reputation to recover, due to how much cultural authorities in Japan despised him.
Yeah, I read the novel, it's pretty great. Lots of WMAF too.
Shusha is Chacha and Monkey's son isn't he...
that she wasn't just a cruel "ALL HUMANS DESERVE TO DIE I'M A MERCILESS KNIGHT"
she actually felt morgan was protecting fae britain and by extension adonis and her people
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Fox tetas
This guda guda event parallels LB6 though
Ancient beast god, curses, a shrine maiden serving the ancient god
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Picrel is my wallpaper
Toyotomi Tsurumatsu, died of illness not soon after birth. Hideyori was the second son of them
i don't know but i think so
sucks she's not gonna see him
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tea summer?
Really stretching the definition of hidden there.
Where's the dedicated "I'm gaslighting you while a lighthearted BGM play out" song though
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meant for
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Enjoying THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
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I read the novel like 20 years ago. It was my gateway into Japanese culture and history, and I never looked back. I liked browsing the threads on /tv/ and seeing so many other anons becoming interested in Japanese history from watching it, so in that respect the new TV series is a very good adaptation, to have the same effect as the novel.

I still like the novel better, because it had more Rodriguez.
She is not a woman she is an ancient nation-destroying monster. She does not love you, she steals your essence through sex.
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>had more Rodriguez
I like you, Ingles.
I don't really care about my country getting destroyed in exchange for kitsune sex
how so? the first time we see her she is turning humans into black dogs and she kills one of our servants. the she burns the forest.
I loved their banter. There is truly nothing so great as the banter between two sailors who respect one another as much as they hate each other's religion and nationality.
Would Arcueid have been easier to use if she stayed a berserker like planned instead of being changed to moon cancer last minute?
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Yamanami is like the Guda Guda Amakusa, even when he's doing good, you still find him sus
I don't really care to 6CE, a 5CE setup is fine for me outside of lotteries and other events where efficiency is key. So in other words, like 99% of the game's content I am content to use her with MLB Black Grail, and she clears stuff no problem.
He's a shinsendummy, so I'll never trust him.
And then like the 2nd or 3rd time we meet her we learn she's not a bad person.
Berserker with 100% charge on that cooldown would probably be one of the strongest farming servants in the game. Maybe the strongest.
Why would she be a berserker in this case? It makes sense in Fate/Extra because of how much of a schizo retard Gatou was, but not really here.
>used to one of the enemies, then became one of the allies at the end
>this time he's also an enemy again, but his support is available at the end of the event
I don't get this guy honestly
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Why are they making npcs so SEX lately?!
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>forgot pic
cute country bumpkin prostitute
made some titoria
If I wanna read the story, I'd just go on YouTube.
She's about as historically accurate as Yasuke. Which is to say, not at all.
Yamanami isn't a prostitute, he's a high status male courtesan.
Who? That one is too detailed, for a background character
>historically accurate
what franchise do you think you're playing you dumb nerd
>historically accurate
Is this really the glass house you want to be throwing stones in?

<------- Nobunaga btw
Japanese bob.
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Not seeing a problem.
is it goon time?
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The last GudaGuda event I played was the one with Maxwell's Demon. Will I be missing much context jumping into this one?
Yes, retard
Bro the moon cancer class is for being that want to end humanity
this one mostly references the last gudaguda with himiko so yea
last gudaguda was about ryouma and his girlfriend and boyfriend Izo
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oh jeez you're right i forgot about that
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>whore Gudako forgets everything cute and romantic about one of the few OTPs in FGO
Kek, Iyo has higher ATK stat than Yamanami
Who is this servant for?
For (You)
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>OG welfare Oryou is forever gone and replaced by Real Oryou
How sad...
People who can appreciate the power of love
i will say
the new thing where all card types in a chain boosts all the cards? really helpful for carding stages.
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let her cook
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Guess I'll be reading both of them then. Felt like there were more I'd skipped.
>SR has the better design
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It's the same conciousness manifesting as Ryoma's NP
People who have felt true love.
What's Merlin actual hair color?
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the event wasnt that memorable what can I say, just tidbits of them and yagasukdeeznuts or whatever his name is being gay
It's the same Oryou, that pic is just her in 3rd ascension rather than 1st or 2nd where she's still the black haired jacketed version.
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bros am I an idiot?
Is Ishida a girl or a boy?
I think they're a girl, but they keep referring to them as a boy sometimes. But my gut is telling me they're a reverse trap...
Does it matter to you?
people who want a threesome.
He is referred as he/him in today's plot
I don't imagine that demographic overlaps with a gacha playerbase very well.
Mitsunari is a dude.
Same thing with that Shusha kid, I don't get why they used them for him.
why do you think that?
I'm a self insertfag but I still appreciate good couples, if anything being a self insertfag with an inflated ego I see myself wanting to have couple be part of my harem as well.
they both belong to me now.
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How did prillyafags (fake) feel about these past few years of the manga being another FSN route and only now going back to the main character?
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wait shusha is a boy?
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He looks ambiguous and there's no way to confirm it unless you are willing to do the needful
should I boycott this game?
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I was teasing mostly, also projection, but still I firmly believe 'true love' does not exist between people on earth. What people refer to as true love in the context of a human couple is merely an illusion... Well, that should be obvious, but the phrase does get thrown around rather frivolously, doesn't it?
I would agree but I just find anal sex really gross. which is ironic as I like big butts and I like assholes, but I don't like the idea of sticking a penis in one.
i really doubt they give a single fuck about the western playerbase
2D people's butts are very clean unless you are specifically into scat
well yeah a concept like true love is the same as saying something is perfect, it doesn't really exist and is just something people strive for. But you're right people do like claim all relationships are that of true love when they're obviously not.
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this may sound weird but it's more that my brain is weird and I'm super into impregnation/pregnancy/pregnant belly stuff and you can't get boys pregnant and my main turn off with anal sex is it's a "waste" as the sperm isn't fertilizing any eggs which is also why I don't like condoms this is purely about 2D stuff of course.

I mean I don't like scat either as it's gross and stinky and makes me want to vomit, but my main turn off is the inability to impregnate/ and I don't like the idea of butt babies.

It's weird I know.
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Today's plot, Iyo brought out of the cave by Himiko
Oryou solo servant who is for (You) and not stapled to a husband when?
Iyo was orignally a shrine maiden for the evil beast curse empire but Himiko convinced her to join her side. So this is Himiko pulling her out of the dark evil cave of her old kingdom.
Fangbros, are we exchaning red tea leaves in the shop for a 4:1 conversion ratio?
No, it's inefficient
im into Scat
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>im into Scat

Love me some fresh hag fart smell at the morning
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Not Medb, please. Skadi.
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What would an Alter of a servant who’s already an Alter be like?
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it's just vmg
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Looks nice bro
SR Sumer Oryou
Just Oryou, Ryoma died
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Is there a eunuch servant? Or any TM character? No, Kokutou doesn't count.
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nice prompt
musashi is back
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You already have the answer. An alter servant is altered. I can't believe I have to give a Shirou tier explanation.
I will assume that you were attempting to ask "What would the alter be of an already evil servant? Would they be more evil or would they become good?"
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Feet sex?
Except Amakusa looks better and more interesting.
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> I'm super into impregnation/pregnancy/pregnant belly stuff
Based and same, not sure how that’s super weird though
Why does Iyo call you "Future", that makes no sense. Would it have been too much effort to create a gender check and make her use Futura or Futuro?
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I like Nobbu and Iyo being these two retards that are on the exact same wavelength
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Albert's way to show difference between Mirai-kun and Mirai-san.
You can't blame them for not knowing it though? Especially Iyo.
Mr./Ms. Futuro/a would have been better.
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Kinda lol.
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dumb and cute second queen
do JK gyaru Miyamoto Musashi with Andromeda
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>cuckshit (male) so not even husbandofag/yume would want him
Which playerbase is this character’s target again?
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Albert disagrees, especially after what he did for Yamanami and Iyo-sama and Iyo-san, which makes this choice even more hilarious.
How is she dumb for not knowing those guys?
A male character having experience with females isn't really a negative trait you know
It's not like females are attracted to ultra virgins
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I would have preferred this guy over fag doctor
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bro? Aren't you forgetting someone?
shotacons are obviously a different audience from fujos and yumes
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The fuck is a reverse trap?
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>A male character having experience with females isn't really a negative trait you know
based cuck queen sis
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Trap = guy pretending to be a girl
Reverse trap = girl pretending to be a boy

Watch Ouran High School, it's a comedy reverse harem with a reverse trap very famous from the 90s
>let Mash be the MC
If there's a single character in this kusoge with more atrocious and uninspired writing than the cardboard-kun, it's got to be Trashu.
Here's a better idea: axe both of these literary abominations, and write an actually interesting MC.
You know they wrote Mash to be as bland as possible so there'd be no inconsistencies when different writers use her, right? And your dislike towards her would be solved by writing an actually interesting character, which is exactly the solution you proposed? Surely you can't be this dense.
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Why use Rikyu when Summer Ibuki exists?
name one typeslop mc who isnt generic self insert cardboard
Why use Summer Ibuki when Iyo is for (You)?
Shirou, Kiritsugu, Soujiro
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>And your dislike towards her would be solved by writing an actually interesting character, which is exactly the solution you proposed?
Your mistake is assuming the writers are merely unwilling to write Mash into an actually interesting character, instead of outright incapable.

There is unironically no reason unless your favourite color is green.
glorified reddit trash
literally who
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why y'all hatin' on sous chef
Already am, this is my new farming team till 90++ drops
Read the VN, tertiary
im primary fgoonlychad
Based. Gonna take my Ibuki to 120 and give her gold fous after Kuku just to see if she can take on 90++ nodes
Green isn't actually a real colour. It's a mixture of blue and yellow, from the proper primaries.
ummm actually colors aren't real, they're simply illusions created by light wavelengths which are interpreted by the color cones in your eyes
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What do you call a girl pretending to be a boy pretending to be a girl?
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Umm, actually nobody cares
Post sexo
That's not even true. Her writing has always been all over the place, just like cardboard-kun's.
She was written like that, because a bland, maximally inoffensive ''''main'''' girl has been a mainstain of gacha/anime slop writing in the late 2000s and 2010s.
And that's where it should have remained.
Her entire character concept is unsalvageable.
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>Post sexo
thats bannable...
A fake trap aka a disappointment.
i miss 2004
i can't even remember what 2004 was like
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Old man sex
I think I really like the TMNT show that was airing then. Yugioh, Digimon and Pokemon as well
Shiki, actually both of them.
It's Guda that's an unfavourable outlier, among an otherwise well thought out and varied line up of past protagonists.
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I hardly remember 2004, except for the pop music I listened to. And how I broke my knee I think. Not sure if it was the same year.
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Stop being a whore, sis.
Bassed, gonna 120 all 3 of them (my wives)
You disgust me.
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Imagine not wanting a harem
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advertisement for bbchannel premium
Not with these women
And you're missing the fact that she has always been intended and written to work as a tandem with the cardboard.
Meaning, while it would have been possible to remove her and rewrite the protag-san into something workable, the reverse would be not.
Her entire personality/character arc revolves around being an accessory and supplement to the lead who minmaxed 'being a normal human bean' to the detriment of all his other potential personality traits.
Belongs to Aurora and Percival
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Stop whoring.
I am Percival
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sex with paladins
keep posting
Get out those muscle tittes
Those are Rex's wives' children.
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I like how Rikyu is a lolibaba that actually sounds like a baba
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why would you ever set up your lv120 melusine with event CE set on her fucking third ascension?!
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Raikou a best.

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