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Previous: >>493002231

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Kama Love!
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Time to conquer the stars!
post them grailed servants
Aesc....*smooch *
Imagine futa Himiko.
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damned ritualposters
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Post white haired evil women with big tits who are actually huge dorks
lol eurokek has a tiny gun (penis)
Already two surveyposts... That bitch is craving for (You)s.
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Lip love!
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Pretty sure she isnt a dork
Holy based...
that's not how it works bro
Not dorks
the fact there are several servants that fit these criteria is kind of scary
It's a conceptual bullet.
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Good, we still need MORE
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Koma/Rikyu doesn't have big tits.
She has a huge sphere which looks like a boob
There's like 600 servants so overlap is inevitable
Plus it's a popular niche. Like the tall/lanky/scummy otome bait characters
Is that a themed support list I am seeing
So I guess light blonde counts as white now?
So why does Iyo just call (you) "future" and not "futuro" like in the first yamataikoku? It's supposed to be NA's attempt to localize "future-kun".
It's weird, like calling your friend Texas because he's from Texas. You can technically do it, sometimes it's normal, but most of the time it's odd and distant.

Another of Albert and Jesus' 500 IQ moves?
Does Iyo wear panties? Does she enjoy giving others a view up her skirt in her attacks?
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I wish I could check...
They wanted a gender neutral pronoun for the alphabet soup crowd.
Do not use His name in vain.
Also they are retard, their localization sucks, their "high IQ moves" are a cope so people don't realize how much of a dumbass they are, which by the way, we know ever since they exist.
It would have been better if the localization was just "Mr. Future" or even just say "Mirai" and add the fucking parenthesis to say "Future in japanese" like they do so many fucking times but they casually don't use it here.
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Tomoe is not evil though?
Probably because they saw criticism of "Futuro" sounding stupid as fuck, so they backpedaled to just "Future" because they still refuse to allow Japanese servants to use honorifics for some reasons.
And Jesus wasn't white, but who cares?
Post Rolls
Okay here's my Rikyu roll
That music is comfy.
It's a pretty common set of circumstances.
Many evil characters are monochromatic or color-sapped, and many evil characters who join your team are neutered and end up being the butt of the joke since they can't be evil anymore.
So yeah white hair evil women dorks, actually in a lot of series.
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Not until I use a grail on her.
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My personal favorite is purple haired evil dorks.
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Really good music that I didn't expect from GUDAGUDA of all places.
In the first Yamataikoko, Himiko calls you Mirai-kun or Mirai-chan depending on your gender. This translate to NA as futuro or futura.
Iyo however use the gender neutral Mirai-san. There is no gender neutral term for thisin english, so they just decided to use future.
Good night braps…
Himiko was the best part of OG Yamataikoku and they decide to re-do Yamataikoku without putting Himiko in it? Now that I'm thinking about it, these retards are prone to do that type of shit, for example let's take everybody's favorite Summer 3 but instead of characters who made it so good put lobotomized versions of characters players fell in love with in it and pray it works!
First class solution: Mirai-kun/Mirai-chan/Mirai-san
Second class solution: Mr./Ms. Future/Future
Albertization: Futuro/Futura/Future
Servant for this feeling?
Why do so many of them have big tits? I why do I want to have passionate unprotected missionary sex for the purpose of procreation while holding hands with them?
Gonna rape Iyo
This doesn't extend only to women either
See: Douman, Oberon, and more recently Cagliostro
Tomoe was found guilty of being too cute.
Actually those are based (please sis fuck me)
What if she's a virgin?
The evil is stored in them. Big boobs are basically the tanks of evil.
>He forgot hopeman
It is well and truly over.
Eric Bloodaxe
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It's unironically goghver.
Morgan and Jalter don't actually have big tits. This is clear in both their summer forms. Fanart isn't canon.
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Evil women with huge tits are the best kind of women is why.
No one fucking cares
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>how dare you write a new story with new characters!
>you need to write the same story over and over again!
>t. Salter
Cope and seethe flattie
They had to give lyo a chance to shine without himiko stealing all the spotlight
It's like doing UBW route and you saying "yeah but I liked saber, she's popular, let's bring her back as the heroine here a bit"
Himiko is allowed to come back near the end but not yet. We gotta give lyo a chance to shine on her own, she's too much of a second fiddle to do it with himiko around. It's like how nobukatsu can't shine if Nobu is around
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Gudaguda always has good musics
Both np bgms are kino tier
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>Big boobs are basically the tanks of evil.
Told you the was a good girl
Remember Chaldea Boys event? Nobukatsu couldn't shut the fuck up about his sister and that's it
I'm talking about last yamatotoku event where nobu died so nobukatsu has to grow a spine
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Melt’s evil is stored in her feet
I blame the fact that Keikenchi wasn't writing that event.
Is she for (you)
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Metl doesn't have legs
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let her cook
>skill requires bronze mats at level 8 and 9
Thanks lasagna I hate it.
>5 toes
Not my castoria
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>had 2 years to prepare for it
>mats not new
>still fumbled it
gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang
Farming mats is a perfect way to not get the servant.
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>had 2 years to prepa- ACK
Posts like this make me wonder about what you anons miss because of your non-ultra-wide screens
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I forgot to screenshot it but I got a double Rikyu that made me really happy. That's the second double SSR I've ever gotten.
We warned you bro...
I had to cum-cube 22 of them
yeah it's not exactly easy either
FACT: your favorite servant wasn't really that powerful in real life
You are mentally ill
>Shiki is connected to the Root
>Shiki has all the powers of everyone in the Nasuverse
>Shiki has the powers of Allah
sasuga Nasu-sama
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It doesn't work like that.
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Does this look evil to you?
>That's the second double SSR I've ever gotten.
Wow so unlucky, unlike people who never have nor will get a double SSR
Are you implying that Charlemagne couldn't grow wings and fly?
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Foreigner Ordeal Call is going to be crazy when he shows up.
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Yes. Pure evil.
Besides the 30 on the shop, the 90++ quest in this event will drop heaps of ashes (89% drop rate), you might still be able to level her here still.
I always saw face masks even before that one picture
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I'm archetyping.
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I didn't imply I was unlucky, quit being bitter over nothing.
>Foreigner Ordeal Call
No such things
Sexo with Scathach BANI
Literally confirmed at the end of Id.
Correct. Servants are given a huge stat boost by being magical beings, and on top of that, all of their abilities are twisted and enhanced by mysticism. It's almost like a Geass. That because the world believes you accomplished all these feats, you must have the power to have done so.
Lancelot used a tree branch as a weapon. He probably used a pretty solid one that was firm enough to parry a sword and let him get into brawling range. It probably wasn't that significant of a feat. But as the story is passed down and the legend spreads, it gets misinterpreted that he could pick up a tiny flimsy stick of a tree branch and strengthen it to the point it can clash with a enchanted swords.
It's just how the fate myth system works.
>red garden sprites getting drip fed by type moon via merch
It's happening, same thing happened in 2020
Wonder if they'll continue their global release trend they've had
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Takeru's strength is actually pretty much the same in his irl legend as it is in Fate.
Servants for marriage, impregnation and child rearing?
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>Foreigner Ordeal Call
>quit being bitter over nothing.
Easy when you are lucky.
Arclets, don't look!
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Why are you so eager to be mad at someone?
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I saw these ones you did last night, this one was pretty nice. Can you lewd her next?
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Mom Love!
Auntie Love!
It'd be extremely odd to decide not to have a global release now but I guess I shouldn't put it past them, looking forward to it in any case
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We are going to have exclusive NA Arc rate-up!
Feels good to be NAchad
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Cute gays.
They are not gays, they are bros.
Gay bros.
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A cat is fine too.
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Imagine marrying Rikyu, imagine her talking about how she's actually an old man and how you're so strange for seeing her that way. Imagine making her pregnant and seeing her rub her pregnant stomach through her traditional japanese clothing while saying "This old man would never have thought something like this could happen" with a beautiful smile on her face. Imagine her holding your daughter who looks just like her, and saying she's so happy that you made her a mother.
Because I'm not lucky.
That sounds kind of gay bro.
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When are they gonna release Monkey?
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Why are we so slow?
Owari da...
We used to rule the world
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we? are you sure it's not just your fat ass slowing it down?
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Good wife
Wise mother
Sorry I'm in the bathroom
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Dinner time hours are starting.
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When is the mahjong night again?
Anyone else farming half AP doors instead of the event
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The tea making later gives QP also
What if my favorite servant is Arc?
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gross, don't you ever ask me to imagine things again you fucking homo.
You probably shouldn't read replies to a roll posting surveypost then bro.
My favorite servant can solo the entire Nasuverse based on his irl lore.
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I cant believe Nobu didn't actually summon rifles from thin air and had a cool flaming skeleton to punch monks...
Dunno,how about asking the mahjong general.
Nuh uh
I prefarmed 300m for Iyo and now it's more efficient for the tea mats. I'll need embers for the mission later on.
I just saw your post, I wasn't looking for it or anything.
I know but I'm not a servant, dumbo
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So what, women shouldn't fight anyway.
Someone else mentioned they were, but not me.
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i am actually, want to reach 100M QP for the first time ever then go ham on the event.
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She has A+ strength though.
Not anymore. The new node is worth farming. It still sucks that the campaign overlaps with the event.
Yet not strong enough to get a summer servant LOL
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She will be the welfare at the end of OC3.
talking about OC 3, when is it coming out? is it gonna be an event like CCC or a normal story mode like traum?
I don't know. This isn't /fgog/.
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Okita if real
Oh and I speak for all my fellow lippers when I say we're so confident of this we'll eat a bag of cat dicks if it doesn't happen
I just farmed QP in this one initial campaign week before the event. Went from 15m to 450m which should be enough to get me by September and October, before Tam Lim's lottery.
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I didn't ask if its /fgog/ or not, answer me now faggot.
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Well I hope you land a double roll on your next target.
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I will be holding the lipfags to this one
Koyan still doesn't have a replacement on jp, btw.
>when is it coming out?
...It's already out?
Part 1 was already released. Part 2 will be released on Sep 11, part 3 will be released on Sep 25, and after completing part 3 you will have your welfare like LB6.
There's a new event scheduled in Oct which requires LB4 to be cleared.
Stop rubbing it in,prick.
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And He gives us sight, and we see the light, and it burns so bright
Now we know we're right
When His kingdom come, and Thy will be done, we have just begun
We're the chosen ones!!
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I still think it was pretty fucking retarded to mix summer with the ordeal calls, even if its just a prologue at the very end of the event or something, it kind of ruins the fun of summer and sacrifices stuff like the welfare or SSR's on rateup considering it even got mixed up with annie.
>collapsing replies
Holy Reddit.
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time for international break
lolibaba chads...
i kneel
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Let Nasu cook, people loved the Fae Summer, I bet the OC3 will be kino too
>customizing 4chanx instead of just leaving it on default for the last 12 years
Found the redditor
Nasu ruins everything he touches.
>customizing 4chanx
But that's the default reply format 4chanx uses.
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Nobu if Nobu real
i can't deny that the man (?) can still writte quality stuff, but im kind of getting tired of fae's and british lore.....oh well atleast we will get school shooter obbie.
Reading comprehension
I ain't rubbing anything in, stop making up shit.
Thanks! Could you do a couple with anal too?
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>Using plugins on the yak milking forum
>Using any style other than Yotsuba
bro stop bullying that guy just because he's a lucklet, thats not cool
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Is the event bugged, bros? none of the nodes drop ladder points.
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Nobu on ice!
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Bully this, assface!
yeah wtf I thought I was the only one
>For the first time
Cute latelet
Look, I just don't want your pity or good will or whatever
i need my image embedder though for the sweet abby porn
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i have been playing since covid
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Nasu wanted to kill summer, one way or another he gets what he wants even if it means giving the middle finger to his fans, which is the thing he usually does and gets away. But this may be the last straw.
Learn some patience and stop spending your QP the instant you have enough to level a skill.
Smartest Oni...
Tomorrow goes easier on my eyes.
There is still room for the faes and you know it. The mushroom just hates pandering to the fans, despite that interaction between servants is the thing that we barely see with the LB6 cast besides the Lively Trio. People want to see at least enough dedication to them, not the bullshit he did in summer 8 by adding Shitzuka. Actually, now with this summer if it feels like he really wants to kill summer which pisses the hel off
>Takeuchi says they were going to add in swimsuit lip but discovered that their polls for desired servants were being highly botted, so decided to just make her an NPC
>There is still room for the faes and you know it.
Fuxk no, they sucked.
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>making tea gives you ladder point
I see, bro, thanks. Still they only show mats as the rewards for making tea and don't show the ladder points until after you make the tea, its their fault for making it too confusing.
Can't make that tea until you clear the story nodes which require you to make less efficient teas anyways.
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Ibaraki needs to be featured in more events or in other projects of this franchise
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Nah, mixing tea for fangs.
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this is not the titoria love i expected
I used to agree with you but I hate shitroha so much I literally put up with all the shit you fags have to throw at me for the last 6 years and all my time on other boards before that, but when she started getting spammed I finally bent the knee and got yotsuba eckusu to never have to see her but once in a blue moon when the fag updates his catalog.

Also dark theme everywhere, even here. I live in a dark cave.
The only thing you can receive from complaining about your unluck is empathy so I don't know what you expect from me when making a post like that.
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>I used to not be a redditor, but...
What did you expect? That slop spammer is a literal pedo.
and that's a good thing
Kuroha is reddit. Filtering her is BBchan
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I have so many bros that haven't logged in the past 30 days, what should I do with them? they have been with me for so long, I don't want to remove them...
Fake BB-chan. Probably Violet in disguise.
BB is reddit
they aren’t bros if they ain’t logging in
B is the 2nd letter of the alphabet
BB = 2x2 = 4
BB channel = 4chan
Reddit don't even like BB, Melt Reddit' Sakuraface of choice. They also hate Lip but everyone else hates Lip too.
Empathy? All I have gotten is
Getting called bitter, getting told I was looking for it, and getting reminded how I have no real chance of getting a double SSR unlike you.
Honestly I don't expect empathy from someone that just doesn't understand how it feels to be unlucky and feel bitter about it.
It's not your fault really, it's just that your kind can't understand. But you shouldn't pretend you do.
rare prism
>new event just released
>we're even deader than during the dead week.
It's actually over.
Pretty sure that the double SSR thing is something everyone gets eventually.
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Is this Nasu Kino?
He said it was the only thing you CAN receive, not that you WILL receive it.
don't lie, you also got a bunch of sweet 3*ces and sometimes 4* ces too. like that one with Jinako's feet.
You are right. I should be grateful.
Dead weeks claimed a lot of bros. We're the sole survivors.
Sakura five 5 + BB ranking from Redditcore to 4chancore:
(Reddit) Melt > Violet > BB > Kingprotea > Lip > Kazuradrop (4chan)
>BB + sakura 5 makes 6
>reddit is 6 characters long
>CCC is C x 3
>C is the third letter of the alphabet
>mooncell characters are officially reddit and 9gag
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Weirdly enough EU hours were more lively than usual. Guess GudaGuda kino is beyond the grasp of the American plebeian.
nobody cares for gudaguda garbage
Lippers are subhuman, not 4chan.
>verification not required
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>jinako’s feet
If melt is reddit and BB 4chan how come melt has been grailed more here?
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>Rolled 200sq on jp
>3 4*ces in a row, 1 lakshimi, a million casters, and a Kscope
>before assclap
Fuck this fucking game....
4channers (true) are subhuman, bro.
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Case and point.
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Using reddit doesn't make you a redditor, they have really good event guides
Sasuga lipper.
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Opinions on Jinako's feet?
/alter/ is reddit
>needing a guide
just do the story nodes, then farm the newest free quest until new story node unlocks, that's every single event, bro.
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>Using reddit doesn't make you a redditor
Is that so?
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We have to carry on their memory, their dreams, and ambitions.
About what I'd expect from a fucking Lipper.
Woul worship them while she reads manga and eats junk food desu
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DAMN, no one told me Okita had a fat ass
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I think plenty of people pointed that out.
Lip IS the ugliest female in the whole game desu senpaitachi
Not when gogh exists
she needs strong glutes for her hops to be able to break time and space.
>*coughs up blood and dies*
>they have really good event guides
This. Anyone who uses Reddit for anything more than guides is a brainless retard AKA a redditor.
gogh is a top 5 beauty, bro.
Sorry I've been playing blazblue.
Ramen gives you Okita butts.
She just looks like Sakura
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>Ascend Iyo
>She claims the only thing Himiko taugth her was to kick super hard
Maybe un the Netherlands
i just give what anons ask for
Sakura with comically oversized tits and hideous crab "hands"
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You came to my post about my own joy looking to effectively call me an asshole and complain about your luck. All I can offer to you is a wish of good luck and if that pisses you off then cry about it.
>someone that just doesn't understand how it feels to be unlucky
>your kind
Give me a break with this drama queen nonsense, you don't know anything about my luck or unluck in life.
Ramen is mostly carbs and sodium bro, you're gonna need alot of protein and squats to get a good butt.
She's super cute.
Her ascension lines made me laugh because she straight up says Himiko has what would best be translated as 'retard strength' but for obvious reasons they went with 'brute force'
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Lip IS the prettiest female in the whole game desu senpaitachi
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lmao, this anon look at this thing and thinks "yup, this is a beauty right there"
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can you do Okita alter with Rengoku, please?
Only in the abyss
Where nobody can see shit
I've seen abyssal fish sexier than gogh on national geographic.
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When do I get to dress up my Drake like this?
I was expecting nothing from Iyo and I think I like her more than Himiko alredy
When she gets her summer version
So never?
Why the fuck do you even need event guides. Every event is the same outside of mission ones but we haven't had those in forever.
Same. She's cuter in mannerisms and looks. I just wish she wasn't a welfare so we could get some. I also had no idea she was a twin tail until she took off the headdress.
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She also says she will be with you forever. She is plotting to steal you from Himiko and make you her husband.

Or possibly just have a polygamous marriage. It's unclear.
Never ever...
I'm playing through Atlantis on my alt and seeing her wear this outfit got me pissed at lasagna.
Listen, I love Gogh but she isn't a beauty, she's just a stinky little thing.
baka chikara...
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nobody cares for that ugly hag
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breed me anon~kun uwu
I really and unironically hate the coin system for grail casting
Personally I find really funny how Gogh is one of the most liked servants in this place despite almost everyone seeing her as a non sexual thing with weird feet when 4chan is mostly aobut coomposting
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Kill yourself, dumb lipper
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I think she's cute and should show up more.
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At least we get more free coins in 2 years if you're not a bondlet, but by then JP will probably introduce more coin bullshit anyway to milk the gigawhales
Grail casting should have just been using the existing grail shards and be given from weekly randomized grail fronts.
Fine, maybe I don't know your life or whatever. But you really rubbed in the fact that I'm not getting a double SRR with your "wishing for good luck.
>I really and unironically hate the coin system
>when 4chan is mostly aobut coomposting
I think you know nothing of 4chan and you should go back to discord.
>hating 2 free grails per month
Soon! haha...
Nice wasted bond nerd
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Just... you know... J-j-am it in!
I also didnt ask for your opinion + you are fat + kawasumi REALLY hates you + people bully you in streams + take an l + you are literally gonna lose money soon + people are moving to other games + lose some fucking weight + you are adopted
Nai is bad at chibi, or at least mixing normal and chibi characters
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back to twitter with you
In which one?!
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Rindr a cute
I accept your concession. Also you don't have my permission to post pics of my and my fae kohai
Rindr? More like Rider with an ass like that!
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>what if Seiba og had a silly hat and ears and a Fat Ass
The should have added Monkey instead of the boring swordguy desu
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Yeah me, 2 weeks is more than enough to complete the event.
Valks are older than Saber. It's more accurate to say, with Takeuchi's artistic history, that Saber is a Valkface.
If your interpretation of me wishing you get lucky is me rubbing it in, then I retract it.
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i'm eating goghgurt
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>Fridge empty
>Pantry empty
>Wallet empty
>Bank account empty
Go on without me, bros...
I haven't farmed doors in years, I get my QP from lottos
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Post support
Also need more /alter/hermanos
The solution to the servant coin problem was just to let us convert holy Grails into blank servant coins. One Grail equals 60 coins. One append costs two Grails. 120 costs five. Whales would benefit from accelerated grailing, and poor fags would have to give up tons of Grails but they'd still be able to 120 and full append at np 1 if they were absolutely dedicated to not rolling for more copies.
It's sufficiently enabling and crippling as another means of pressuring people to spend more without actually forcing them to spend more. It would have gone over swimmingly.
Hunt pigeons and squirrels. Forage wild plants.
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Poorfags really are abhorrent
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He said an Okita Butts are Not Good Butts. When was the last time somebody went behind the ramen shop for Ass?
>When was the last time somebody went behind the ramen shop for Ass?
Don't half of the people who go behind the ramen shop do so for ass?
Or just offer 50 blank coins in event shops like any normal game would.
It's time to hunt the neighborhood cats, bro...
the whole point of going behind the ramen shop is for ass bro.
I want to FUCK Kohaku.
says the guy posting the maid sex slave
That would be too user friendly. You're starting to sound a little greedy there Anon.
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So it's currently like this:
Valk -> ... > Caligula and his sister > Nero, Caligula descendant > ... > Uther > Morgan and Artoria > Morgan childen > Gawain or Gaheris descendant > ... > Gray
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I gotchu Bro
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I wouldn't recommend it
She works for a rich family bro, doesnt matter how often she was raped, she still has more money than you
uh, didn't Odin used Altera as the base for the Valks? are you telling me this is an Alteraface franchise?
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Bro, sweaty, steamy sex with a plump MHXX would be great, but it sadly wouldn't solve my financial problems.
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Your date for the evening /alter/
Well, putting the Romans into the mix complicates things. In Extella, Nero is revealed to be an Aphrodite face (despite what we saw of Aphrodite in Olympus, maybe Wada forgot), so all the Julian-Claudian women are Aphrodite faces, who presumably predates the Valks.
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would suck her dick
If you played Tsukihime you know this didnt work that easily.
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Would this be good for having a nice Okita Butt™?
Why do cosplayers always use shit material for their clothes
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oh no….
Remember to do your kegel reps
Because it's cheaper duh
Sent, schez in all.
Non-professional regular con-going cosplayer here, we work on a budget most of the time. The BEST you can hope for is that we exercise and are in decent shape.
From what I recall the plot of this event is kinda like that NTR doujinshi where a guy kidnaps some guys wife and kid as revenge for ruining his life, he calls him and says what he's planning to do to them to hear him break down, and the guy is just like "Eh, so what? Bro I'm a sociopath, I don't give a fuck, I'm diagnosed with autism, I'm a sigma, I have no feelings for others. I run a giant company because I don't have human feelings. You're free to keep the two whores though I guess" and then he hangs up, and the NTRman has no idea what to do since he just wasted his entire life on this shit only for the target of his revenge to not care.
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Drink water.
Go outside.
Have sex.
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No bitches?
Because it's not something they'll wear everyday, it's something they wear a few days a year for a couple of years before the trend dies. It doesn't need to be extremely high quality.
Sure, they could pay a thousand bucks on nice fabrics and professional tailoring done in traditional styles, or they could spend a hundred bucks on stuff from AliExpress made of polyester or nylon.
nurse no. having sex outside is a felony
I tried to beat Elden Ring maidenless, but apparently, the game will lock you out of necessary plot points without a maiden.
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In my medical opinion you should do it anyway.
do you have the link for that doujin? it's for research purpose of course.
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As an amateur cosplayer, cosplay itself is already an expensive as hell hobby (convention tickets, transportation, materials, time invested, etc). So it makes sense to buy the cheaper materials since its only gonna be worn every now and again. Also im a lazy cunt who buys off the shelf ones on aliexpress/amazon since they work just as well
now naked
No remake route?
Is nurse a Makima face?
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Hey that's me in the picture!
Post Jalter’s huge tits
So does it say anywhere when exactly the Valks were created? If they are based on Altera, it must have been during or just after Velber/Altera wiped out all the gods.
Better question that would also answer the first one, did Odin actually survive Velber, or is he confirmed dead and his appearance in caster Cu is his first appearance since Velber?
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Nurse predates Makima by more than two years
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Had some taco bell and had to take a massive lip. Was in the toilet almost forever lipping and now my apartment smells like lip.
What do I do?
RIkyu 1 > 2 > 3
the baja blast gelato was super disappointing
People may not like it but this is the only correct opinion.
It feels so long since anyone posted kuroha…
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not very cool of you to lie like that bro.
Not long enough. Try again in a century or two.
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shut the fuck up, simp
>NP is even jewel related
why even pretend it's not a Rin pseudo
aoko sex
I prefer her first ascension as well. Plus her first NP animation is kino compared to the usual giantess shenanigans.
Aoko is the worst written Heroine in any type moon game
>best teas for points give a bunch of mats I don't need
I hate this
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because she’s a Good Girl, unlike el rin
Luvia is a better gem magecraft user than Rin
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Thank you. And I apologize for acting like that.
sakura exists
Post servants dressed like sluts
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Rinfags really like claiming everything they ser as theirs. This behavior is kind of fitting if you ask me.
that whore isn't a heroine
I would be aoko's simp
She is and Nasu desperately wanted you to like her
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Yeah, but Aoko sex
Aoko is for shotas only.
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Should I FA Rikyu now or wait until THAT happens?
>sakurahater hours
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What's wrong with that? Sounds based if you ask me.
BB Dubai is a fat, ugly whore with sagging tits.
feito gurando ooda?
God I wish I was groomed by Aoko
Read Fate/Requiem.
kill yourself
Best part of the event so far
Thats the thing, Iyo isn't the best at anything she is second rate compared to Himko, just like Rin with Luvia.
>Rin gets a fucking True Magic, is born with the Average One affinity, learns a school of kung fu designed to reach the Root and even wins the Shiroubowl in at least one Route
>Still second rate to Luvia
Dios mio...
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Officially FGO related btw. More on topic than whatever random discordfags.
You should want to be the man she needs on your own so she doesn't need to groom shiki.
May Allah forgive me but I'd rather have lucksucker over you here
Me every single morning
Yep. Honestly both her and Rikyu are soul
>Rin gets a fucking True Magic
its not hers though. Zeltrech should stop leaving reality breaking mystic codes laying anywhere
Go back to your SEAmonkey board.
Ai bro you there?
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I’m here! We can play dinosaurs anon!
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>i'd rather see disgustingly drawn porn, esl tantrums and autistic samefagging than sexy women
Morbid self report.
yes, but NAI is down i think, im getting timed out gens
>i'd rather see disgustingly drawn porn, esl tantrums and autistic samefagging
You just described /vt/fags
Rin only gets to activate Zelretch's sword in the route she gets Illya's help, bro, and activating the jewel sword is still way far bellow actually becoming a second magic user (true).
The lack of self awareness is astonishing.
all that matters is that Sakura got her fat butt kicked again
At least he's somewhat on topic. You aren't even trying, fucking tourist.
Nobunaga banner when?
Iyo would have been better as Yamataikoku's public toilet than the second queen
Stop samefagging.
Today or tomorrow
Appreciate cavewomen.
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never ever
Nobbu is Fucking Dead
When it's working can you do some double BJ and double paizuri with Medb and Mori Calliope
Artist YD
It should work since both are pink haired sluts
swimsuit ssr when
Stop replying to yourself.
just summon her again, fivehead
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To be honest I fuck mori.
gudaguda 10 needs all of the NPC stuck in jail released in the friend point gacha (no voices are fine with me)
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Name three blue servants.
Do you really expect them to release like 30 servants all at once?
Redman (Evil)
Iskandar (Evil)
i just like singing with anytime but she doesn't show up lately
AbbyBro here. Sorry for the late blog post, I am now officially working to become an infectious disease specialist in my country, I have no life anymore btw. I don't post in bag, I used to play for like a month a long time ago but got bored.
Sorry to all my bros for leaving you hanging there, I wish I could be with all of you but life changed a lot after my dad passed away... I am trying to become someone and I am working in the biggest hospital in my country so I have tons of stuff to do, I will always remember my bros. I miss all of you, don't forget to grail your Abby and always have a loli servant in your support. I will see you again someday, maybe...
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they did 7 ages ago with the bronze batch
we need another one like that
How would Kama react to all the world's intense hate for India right now?
Medea Lily
Bros should I buy a wh-1000xm4
>Iyo is a certified girlfailure who fucks everything up
I love her.
Alright, glad to see you are alive and maybe we will meet again.
I will make room from someone else, I assume you don't mind
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I was the Okita/Castoria at AnimeNYC bro
She's more like an Olga
Someone who is competent, but she's naturally going to be compared to her far superior predecessor who was simply inhumanly good. An above average person being compared to a genius will feel like an idiot.
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BRO, I'm so glad you are alive and well! It's fine bro, I wish you all the luck in your path. Even if you don't come here anymore I'll remember you. I might remove you since it seems you wont be playing anymore, but if you ever come back I will add you again in a heartbeat!
luv u XOXO
i will, and yes their services are disrupted, oh well
But Kama is an Indian man that pretty much embodies everything that is being called out (rape, dirtiness, shitty attitudes, etc.)
Thanks bro
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I'll never delete you, we're bros forever...!
>Someone who is competent
She literally caused the downfall of an entire civilization.
Maybe Sakurai forgot to include Nero to aid the God Destroyers in defeating Aphrodite, instead of the out of nowhere Kintoki Gundam
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okita, keisuki and saito
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Boudica? Artoria?
I'll never delete you bro...
So did Olga, but it doesn't mean either of them were incompetent. The entire point of Fate route of FSN is "Sometimes the civilization falling apart is just the natural result, you didn't do anything wrong, there's no reason to regret it. No you shouldn't redo it, you didn't actually do anything wrong. The fact that it failed doesn't mean you were incompetant, it simply means that's the natural result"
They aren't blue they're wearing blue coats
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Can you fuck off fellationing yourself everytime?
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Bro did you see Abby got an insane buff
He can't
He was mindbroken
melushit is a literal mud golem that fucks around for fun
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Would you want a story chapter featuring Aesc as a heroine?
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i don't understand this event
Are we really fighting to see who can sell more tea?
The same amount your momma gets
Fuck no, im fucking sick of fae and britain knights, bring me new nationality's historical figures or more japwank.
Oh look, THAT retard is here spamming the same exact shit as he does every day. Absolutely pathetic lmao.
Based LizCHAD
How much does your mom take for deepthroats, georgie?
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I wouldn't mind them giving the parts with her and mash a little more depth if they ever do an LB6 anime. Feels like it was woefully underexplored
>Are we really doing (something stupid)
Yes, it's gudaguda, you should be used to this yearly retardation japwank event by now
I will personally save Chaldea.
Why won't you fuck off back into your desolate trash heap of a general, shitposting fgognigger?
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>kamafag meltdown
what's the story this time?
Strange how the Bobnigger defense force disappears as soon as he's asleep every single night?
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He's going all out tonight
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I don't think Abby or Dantes would allow Freddy Krueger servant to live.
Who's that 'he' you're talking about?
Care to share with the class?
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I like fate grand order
His inner demons
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The bobkek's number one fan
Here he is hoping senpai notices him >>493065232
We almost did in LB6 but Nasu had to cut most of the past arc for time.
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>bob is a prostitute
This is 10000000% correct though
Melt my beloved.
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I'm just pointing out how strange it is that Veneno's samefagging is so obvious
He was gonna make her the welfare for summer 8 and write a story about her but they decided it would be more profitable to sell her.
Stop feeding the fgog rats with the screenshots from the game they can't read.
That's just plainly cruel.
Hope he sees this bro
>story about Boregan
Good idea, that would have ruined Summer 8 even more than making it focus on Suzuka has. Morgan is boring as shit.
>LB6 is already the longest chapter in the game
>Everything felt tight-knit, yet there was still more that could've been done
Almost disappointed Nasu used this excellent story on a gacha game, but it's nice knowing he can still bust out bangers when he's really motivated
Carl Jung servant when?
I know /fgog/ can't read but denying the reality that B*b is a prostitute and a whore is just silly. Even their version says it.
interesting how you always seem aggravated about me pointing out obvious truths like the bobfag's constant samefagging between his phone and desktop and denial of the actual text of LB6? no reason to lie to yourself as well.
What's his class?
>randomly got roland
>forgot he was even a servant
>level him up and see his ascensions
no fucking wonder no one cares about this guy
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Post your pegging mistress
There were plenty of ups and downs within LB6 though. For instance, all the Castoria and Oberon parts felt well constructed. As well as Melu and Aurora and Percival. But the Morgan and Bob stuff was just slop on the level of Sakurai. I guess Mash being a part of most of it contributed there too.
The paladins are all incredibly gay looking. Their designs are everything wrong with Extella Link.
Why do you diss the greatest knight like that, anon?
>attached image
Pretty clever, as far as self-parody goes, I admit.
Alright cuckstance is awake
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There may be a chance. Lasengle are aware of her popularity, along Morgan, so maybe. Final decision falls on Nasu though, and you know how much lack of dedication he has in terms of pandering if it doesn't involve Sakura or claps.
That being said. I do believe she may have a role. In OC Ruler. Mainly, because a part of me believes PHH Morgan will finally appear there.
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>the greatest knight
>would you like your gay nudist(lol funny) in clown suit 1 2 or 3?
they are all the exact same pose btw
How much tea have you made?
Please be patient
He's French
Sorry, bro. Normal knight designs are only for the KOTR.
So trashy, lol.
Fully deserves the dirty red monicker...
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Does futa count?
>Morganfag is retarded
And more news at 11
So is raikouschizo. The whole zigger clown discord is in town.
That's because Rin's gem magecraft and Gandr is what the Tohsakas acquired from the Edelfelts by fucking one of their heirs so well that the heir ran away with the Tohsaka granddaddy. It isn't theirs, it's something that they managed to steal by turbo fucking the Edelfelt Ore Scales attribute (which allows Edelfelts to have two heirs without any corresponding loss of Mystery, but that was sabotaged when one of their heirs abandoned them for Nipponman and they've despised the Tohsakas ever since).

The actual path of Tohsaka magecraft is Kaleidoscope (from the schematics Zelretch left with the OG Tohsaka) mixed with the potential for Kung fu and martial arts + magic combinations (in worlds where they abandon the Fuyuki HGW system, such as Apocrypha).
nah different categories
Holy shit, Morgan's role in OC just flew over my house
Go back, k*zu
Is Morgan actually in the new OC?
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Understandable. Have a good day.
No, she never will be. Its /fgog/ coping.
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>someone says anything positive about morgan or a wish involving her
>the shitposters start posting
Every time
Probably not but it would be really funny
The meltdowns would be the best part. Bonus points if they shoehorn Bob in again too
Just like heian kyo never being relevant, or shirou and saber never being canon. Go back.
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I kneel
I squeal
My headcanon isn't real
I cope
I mope
Someone hand me a rope
I sin
I never win
I belong in a trash bin
I job
I'm a slob
I am Baobhan Sith the whore of darlington
Mooncancer one?
Only the first part got released so far, but it's safe to assume she won't be making an appearance there.
>last line doesn't rhyme
I read this as Knights of the Old Republic and was confused for a second
Fuck off. I'm tired of fae. I'm convinced LB6 was the worst thing to happen to FGO because TM can't fucking move on from it.
sorry bro, but wifeguy/loland ruined me for anything characters with resemblances thereof or similar names
They can't move on because it was mediocre and yet people just held their nose and declared it the best thing ever. So now they can't move on or it would be admitting that it was gaslighting.
>would you like your gay nudist(lol funny) in clown suit 1 2 or 3?
>they are all the exact same pose btw
That's everyone.
>I belong in a trash bin
>wasted opportunity for the waste pit joke
It's just fgog obsessing over it because it was apparently actually translated by humans, so it was the one chapter they could read.
LB7 was a flop and while OC2 was popular it was mainly because it was carried by the old fan favorites. They don't have faith in themselves to make anything new anymore. Same reason this year's been all clapshit
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Hardworking goho...
>I'm convinced LB6 was the worst thing to happen to FGO because TM can't fucking move on from it.
Just to be sure. How many actual events that revolved around the fae cast had? Cause from what I see, using my Clairvoyance EX. It's literally 2, one this November, and the other in summer next year. Meanwhile for sakurafaces we have
>Summer 3
>Grail Front Sakura version
>Summer 9 + OC3
I am pretty sure that you are just a contrarian shithead that would rather eat shit rather than the only saving grace this kusoge had created. So kindly, kill yourself.
written out by nasu in the filler chapters
I love how despite all their flaws TM still manages to put out interesting designs
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Did I hear someone seething at the best chapter of Fate Grand Order Cosmos in the Lostbelt?
Go back
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>schizoing out
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It's just Morgankeks seething because of how hard she gets dabbed on in it
Those subhumans ate up Takeuchishit designs so makes sense as well
I had sex with her many times I'm afraid
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>inmediatly moves the goal post
But sure, blame morgan, is probably easier to say that you hate the only saving grace of this kusoge and look ridiculous, something that we know you are already.
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>LB7 was a flop
>3rd most liked chapter in the game
>has tlaloc and Tez who are fan favorites
>Camazotz is the most wanted NPC by far
Explain why it's a flop.
We? Wdym, sister?
>get one of the best chapters in the game
>gimme more
>get a CD drama from it
>gimme more
>get a lotto for it
>gimme more
>3 of the 4 faes are main characters in events
>gimme more
>get a whole summer for it
>gimme more
>gimme another main chapter for them
At this point they are the new ushifags.
I'm not that retard
LB6 is kino because of Castoria and Oberon
The only people who don't like it are Morgankeks, Bobkeks, and Melushitters because it makes them all look like dumb whores.
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This damn brat... what are you doing being so cheeky when you don't even belong! You look like a blue archive character!
Because Kuku has herpes.
Don't forget all the pointless interlude and event cameos, that didn't even serve any point.
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Speaking of Ore Scales, it cracks me up that pic related was almost certainly meant to be the the third war Edelfelt Sisters, but they look so similar to Luvia that nobody noticed.
Seek help.
Just bought a batch of earl grey tea. It better be worth it.
I like LB6, I don't like morgan nor melusine
But fuck bro can we just stop trying to force everything into more LB6? its always the same shit
>nooo we need another main chapter
>nooo they need more events
Like...fuck off one can get sick of the good stuff too
I like it with milk and sugar
LB6fags are the election tourists of /alter/.
Can't wait for the day raikouschizo and lucksucker get drafted and sent to die in the middle of a minefield for their shithole.
Baobhan sith is a whore and a prostitute?
>get a CD drama from it
Not part of the game
>get a lotto for it
After a year of said event
>3 of the 4 faes are main characters in events
Being the companion servant doesn't equal to being a main character, unless the story works around them.
>get a whole summer for it
Hijacked by the same Nasu thanks to his nepotism and adding Suzuka, as well as himself wanting to end Summer the same way he end up Halloween
>gimme another main chapter for them
At this point if you don't want a chapter that works around your favourites then you are doing something wrong with your life
>At this point they are the new ushifags.
Funny. After all the shit they get, they also deserve good things. But ok, keep being a contrarian, is easier for you.
>I'm not that retard
Yeah, you are a super retard.
>The only people who don't like it are Morgankeks, Bobkeks, and Melushitters because it makes them all look like dumb whores.
Figured out it was you, georgie.
Raikou won.
I forgot. Who's the counterweight to Luvia's Ore Scale? Was it Rin after all?
I like it, try it as is first
This but sincerely
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Buy Oolong tea
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This is the best command code in the game
Rin has the other half of the Edelfelt crest, it's incorporated into the Tohsaka crest.
The consequences of NA having FGO
How would you feel if next year’s summer added Mysterious Executor N.O.E.L to follow up this year?
And they all slithered here from /fgog/.
LB6 have gotten more than any other FGO original, you just will never have enough
I just bought a six pack of Guinness. It better be worth it.
What does Nobbu tea taste like?
Keep deluding yourself.
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There's still tons of pending servants related to LB6 that are unreleased, like
>Fae Medb (non-summer version)
>Woodwose (Takeuchi requested him)
>The original Ruler Morgan
>The original non-fused Vortigen
>Fae Knight Mordred
>The bitchy pink girl that got turned into a catterpillar
>The goblin brothers
>Beryl pseudo servant
etc etc
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It will
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If we're getting more Tsuki clapbait then it better be Akiha and not some shitter from the remake that only exists to siphon Ciel's negative traits
It is. Guinness is nice.
Because Nasu wants to push Olga and then Kukulkan in the center stage. However, they flopped and the other elements, as in the villains, are the ones that got attention.
Almost as if the fans want to be the bad guys.
Evil Ritsuka when?
>mass replying /fgog/ tourist
Oh no no no no
What is your boogieman doing this time?
Why isn't this game friendlier to newfags
I have no kaleidoscope, I have bg3 but that's it and even with selector I can't get it to 5 reliably, etc.
I'm sad but I have been playing for almost a year and a half now, how are people who pick up the game literally today supposed to catch up?
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2nd best, right after
Gonna put this on my Ranmaru.
>The goblin brothers
why would anyone want those as a servant when they were just a simple plot piece with a short arc, really dont care to see more goblin porn being spammed
We call them Guda, tourist. Please go back.
You wish.
>>Woodwose (Takeuchi requested him)
I WILL grail him. He is based as fuck and he never deserved the shit he got.
>Beryl pseudo servant
No, let them stay dead.
Also you forgot Viviane and Ector
Or maybe it's because Olga was poorly executed and poorly designed.
Gonna sick your bots on the thread again, fag?
Was Morgan even in LB6? I dont remember her at all, what did she do?
I'm just stating the facts
im nearing my 2 year mark and my only kscope is from the ticket, this game is ASS for newplayers in more ways than just those CEs
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>Raikou won.
Thanks for confirming your identity, subhuman.
Most of these suck dick. You didn't even list that lion guy who went out like a champ.
Fae Knight Mordred isn't a thing.
There's more
>Aesc's husband Uther Pendragon
>Morgan's son Ywain
>Fae Spriggan
Space Akiha... ruler of the imoutoens from the flat earth planet...
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She Kam and stay
Is caffeine good for you?
Georgie we talked about this. You should honestly know that is not healthy spamming morgankek, uther, aurora, and all that crap you post in here (that you used to post in /fgog/, too). So maybe you should not project your subhuman side on others.
She made Fae Britain inhabited and fucked over Beryl.
You don't need kaleido. Events often hand out 50% charge CEs and catch up what? They hand out white cubes precisely so latelets can level their roster. If you don't have BG, you can just farm the old 90+ nodes which people have been farming for years.
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>At this point if you don't want a chapter that works around your favourites then you are doing something wrong with your life
So, here's the crazy thing here, there's this chapter called Lostbelt 6: Avalon le Fae. I heard it was pretty good.
Anyway, I have no idea why i thought about that.
Would akiha be for (You)?
>nitpicky shit
Nobody really cares about the self-insert or what I call him in this board
You're the retard
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The good thing about that is CEs are less important than ever. 99% of the time I just Detective Foumes and event drop CEs.

Who even cares about BG or scope when the meta is all about 6CE? Honestly.
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where i can read the new CHOCO artbook?
I care because it shows you are a /fgog/fag
Please understand, he's trying his best to transplant fgognigger discourse 1:1 here.
Check the drawer where your mom puts her dildos.
What's wrong with ushi?
>Beryl pseudo servant
Death to people who want pseudos. Why the fuck can't it just be werewolf Beryl? Why would ruin a perfectly good historical figure for this worthless character.
She was the most powerful of all the Lostbelt Kings.
She was able to fire one Rhongomyniad onto another Lostbelt, just because Beryl pissed everybody off and fucked off like a cunning jackass cockroach.
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she's black
I care because you should kill yourself, you're a waste of humanity and what's worse, you already know you are.
She sat down for ages, stood up and then lost.
Just like Ousen, come to think of it.
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Kama hugs...
probably not considering her backstory
Although they could change it if they do the dumb servantverse space shit again so who knows?
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>What's wrong with ushi?
>a perfectly good historical figure
What if they just use a shitty one like Constantine I?
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Another hour and 10 minutes till the new node opens.
Morgan jobbed like a bitch and lost while being a boring stale piece of stale bread who acts retarded the entire time
Russia was a mistake.
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Nothing's wrong with ushi
It truly was.
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An absolutely barren and lifeless planet
Olympus was so fucking shit. Except the part where Musashi sacrifices herself and Wodime.
Yet Kirsch was able to block it in his weakened state.
She turned a nonviable birth Lostbelt into a fully fledged singularity and tardwrangled the untardwrangable for 4000 years
>worthless character
He was the most evil and despicable of the Crypters and the most cunning and manipulative.
He was responsible for killing and ruining Kirsch's plan, as well partly for the British Lostworld going to complete shit and total annihilation.
If a just-as-evil Douman allows himself to be summoned by Chaldea later on, why not?
>most powerful
Kek. Not even the strongest in her own LB.
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All flat servants are for me
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mine is fully maxed without paws
Do you ever think of anything other than cuckoldry, georgie?
It looks like you're ashamed of your fetish or some shit.
we would repopulate it
even better, don't bother summoning him. He's literally the least interesting of all the crypters and yes that includes ohhhhhphelia. Funny that the best LB had the worst crypter.
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>Except the part where Musashi sacrifices hersel
Yeah. I was choking back tears too bro.
>resurrected all the faeries after the great calamity despite hating them all immensely
>let Castoria live for reasons that don't make any sense
>gets fucking killed by a mob of random fearies after they chimped out because they are the soulless abominations Morgan always knew they were
6000 years wasted to create some Rhongobongos to eventually kill Cernunnos to continue ruling the faeries she loathes
>She was the most powerful of all the Lostbelt Kings.
Where are you dumb niggers taking it from?
And in the end he was just a pathetic simp
People unironically miss how fucking hardcore was that. It's not like zeus who went mad to fight sefar. She legit made the land worth it under her rule (despite still having flaws). But /alter/ gotta shitpost cause that's their only worth on life (minus the cool anons that appreciate the servants and stories, those are cool)
Nah you really don't, given your generic 4chan reply and shit
Any retard with a grail can do that.
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>eventually kill Cernunnos
She would have never been able to.
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nice comeback
Bob jumpscare...
I call him what he really is: Cardboard.
Any actual historical figure is leagues above ANY FATE OC.
That doesn't mean he has to be a Pseudo. Just make him a servant and stop fucking with actual historical figures.
Pseudos need to be reworked and removed. Add in the FATE OCs as standalone servants like the cups, Shiki, Fujino, etc
How in the actual fuck are they so dedicated to NOT returning musashi? Jack is not even supposed to be here, for example, yet she is.
>6000 years wasted to create some Rhongobongos to eventually kill Cernunnos to continue ruling the faeries she loathes
>ruling the faeries
Actually, it was the land. She had the intention of erasing the faeries at some point (and honestly it was a good move). Her homeland is the only thing that mattered to her back then.
I call him what he really is: Onahole
as if yours is any better
>despite hating them all immensely
I'm pretty sure that Morgan didn't have any opinion on them. She just wanted to rule Camelot even if she had to die to do it. The rest is LB Morgan dealing with the fallout/second chance.
>She turned a nonviable birth Lostbelt into a fully fledged singularity
>this is supposed to be a good thing
Morgancucks are mentally ill.
my POV
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It is supposed to be impressive.
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Post proof or I won't believe you.
The villain is autistic this time around.
Villain believes the only way they can win is lawfully
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Mein schatz
Every event some nigger or the other manages to create a singularity.
It's not impressive.
My needy wife
How about gods that can't be summoned by normal means?
and he's based for that. Better than these other goofs hiding as turtles and amnesia (dementia) old men in their daughter's bodies .
Liz creates singularities every week while M*rgan needs to absord a whole universe tree to make one
Then what the fuck would she do.
Wander around her castle, rule over the mayfly humans?
She did it without a grail and it wasn't a worthless minute singularity either but a Lostbelt depth EX one
I think it was. She made a LB a singularity and was ready to kill herself for it. I may not like her but I think it was impressive
Those billions of dead fairies she was standing on probably had magical energy ir oar with a grail.
Do it anyway, they already "broke" the rule with Artemis year one and went on to break it further with Poo Alter. And if it wasn't enough, Beast class and servantverse exist both also shouldn't be summoned by normal means.
Be honest. Would you REALLY want to deal with schizos for 4k+ years old? Her white hair is not because of ages, but dealing with the stress of living with them. At best, only a few mattered.
Lorelet, lostbelt depth is a measure of it's divergence from the PHH, hers being EX rank had nothing to do with her actions.
Poo Alter is an Arjuna bro.
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Kek, why are the raitafags always the insecure ones?
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Why does she sound like a busty MILF?
That's like saying why not just put some leaves in the fuel valve of your car
The throne also had A LOT of magical energy. Hell, I believe it was a waste to have it lost at all.
And also EX doesn't mean higher than A++. Just that there is way to measure it, although seeing that it was as complicated as LB7, it could have been easily A+++ or even S if such rank exist.
Not really. Lostbelt Britain had true ether on par with the age of gods.
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Bake the thread.
>She did it without a grail
She used the tree instead.
It's not like she can conjure arbitrarily large amounts of magical energy from thin air.
Here you go *farts*
I will put a bun in her oven
No way Moegan is epic. She never runs out of magic even uf she uses all of it and knows every magecraft and all 8 true Magics.
My cute wifes.
Lily Raikou is cute.
That's because you're niggers, you can't be called people let alone humans.
Mash is the canon wife. You'll get her whether you like it or not.

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