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Burn it down Edition

>Steam Page

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>How do I git in?
Respond to the invite anchor with your Steam Profile. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for heroes in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Stats Trackers
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

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trackers are now useless because valve doesn't allow it
Trackers were always stupid anyway, half the top% were people under 100 games who didn't even make it out of the wood MMR
I want to look up Vindicta's dress while she's flying to see what type of panties she wears~!
>Spirit ivy build
Does she even do well spirit damage in the first place??
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Sorry but lady G is the only one modeled, they took out vindicta's upskirt
the baxter society has yo grown ass numbah
she is impossible to play in solo
>On a loss streak so ELO was low
>now it's stuck at 1300
Bros... I'm better than that I swear
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Post character concepts
I've just checked and she doesn't have anything there either.
cant be fucked to put any effort into it but Id like to see a scout character that's like, a close-ranged shotgun in-your-face type
Seriously though why does every game like this need some invisible asshole that comes out of invis and instantly fucks your ass if they're slightly ahead
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a bit too slow innit?
slork isnt out yet
reminds me of lodz from carnivale. but he's a blind polish mystic
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What character would you want to have clown shoe sounds for when they walk around because of some personal grudge
for me it's mcniggis
what's his kit
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Started playing the zesty nigga of many DoTs, am I correct that he is the "I have finished farming" character ? I shat out ungodly amounts of damage but only after like my 2nd or 3rd 6300 item.
There should be a clown character

But i think it would be those black and white depresso clowns
Yamato and Lash are so fun to play.
Abrams on the other hand...
seven and give him a sideshow bob hairstyle skin
she actually does a lot of spirit damage but her cooldowns are ages long
>but doctor.... *i'm* despacito...
>went 0-5 in the first 20 minutes
>end up stomping the enemy eventually because they make retarded plays
its amazing how much you can fuck with simple map control and keeping lanes pushed
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>wait 3 days for my invite to arrive
>invite all my friends
>they all get it within an hour
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bros it keeps happening
6-1 today
congrats, now here's your system-mandated rape by 6-stack
how mad will people get if I jump straight into multiplayer after the tutorials?
nobody will care
even Super Monday Night Combat was better than this
Do you think this game will get custom games and/or casual maps? I enjoy the competitive aspect of it but I also like dota custom games and I feel like this game has a lot of potential for fun shit like that
valve purposely delays some peoples invites based on how many people they think that person will invite
Bruh, I always had something like 2 kills 20 deaths for first 3 days. Nobody cares. Even Russians were mad only once.
>game has obvious 4channer
uh oh cringe alarm
smnc was fantastic
>disconnects after dying twice on lane
epic just epic
>teammate drops off urn
>doesn't shoot the orbs
>enemy denies them all
many such cases
the tutorial really needs to be expanded to add shit like that
Yeah I'm coming from Dota, where you will get abused hard from the Russians if you have 2 kills less than your deaths
>some kinda frog
>basic attack is spitting
>1 is tongue attack, pulls target, recast while in effect pulls you too, applies weapon effects
>2 is point blank bite, can stack to 200% dmg by attacking, gives you a short time bonus based on what you ate if you kill with it or you carry it for a bit if you didn't kill
>3 is slimy skin, stacks poison on melee attack on you or you attacking
>4 is flat, long jump with impact damage, applies max stack poison, landing on someone pins them and you automatically score criticals for the duration with attacks
>shooting the urn orbs
welcome to the top 1% of players, anon.
I don't know why people try to bully me in lane as Abrams. I'll constantly get my health back and your existence is guaranteed to end once I get my ult.
>pick Abrams
>get put against a Talon

3 games in a row of the most boring matchup in history.
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what do you think?
I'm always mildly paranoid when solo laning that someone will swooce in and 2v1 my ass from 100 to zero and being under the tower won't do dick because the ticklebeam isn't threatening enough to be a discouragement. If it applied slow and / or fire rate debuff it would at least provide some extra scariness early game.
not always, absolutely bullied an abrams in lane last night to the point that he dc'd
>trust me bro
I've invited >70 people. Most got theirs within 15-90 minutes, others days.
Is it just me or is haze ridiculous right now? What changed? Every other game it's a haze melting everyone with her ult and melting everyone withotu her ult
just get extra stamina for 500 and always keep up two bars for a double dodge and you're fine
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>right now?
Poor feller must not have put any money into life items cause that's insane. I've never lost in lane as Abrams
i wonder how many moba players ever got super into fighting games as well, and i wonder if it affects how mad the games make them... i've got like 4k hours in tekken and while i used to rage, i achieved zen somewhere around 1.5k hours and haven't since, and deadlock doesn't even come close to getting me mad, like when you are used to losing being solely your own fault, it honestly is so easy not to get mad when it's literally not even in your hands whether you could have won
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I suck at the game and I fucking hate Grey Talon

t. sf6 player (avoid the general)

fighting games are such a relief coming off of competitive team games because all of the blame is solely on you (if no netcode issues)
la abuela
>because all of the blame is solely on you
professional player lowtiergod begs to differ
i hate that this game is stealing Dota 2's playerbase.
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The sovl of the arab random on my team shouting "BLACK HOLE" as we do Singularity+Bullet Dance combo, I wish the replay had voice chat too.
Haze is really OP. One of my first game that was as tense as a good old long, clutch dota game.

don't worry, most of them will go back when they realize they are kovaacs gods and right clicking a jungle camp is easier
>fighting games are such a relief coming off of competitive team games because all of the blame is solely on you
i dunno, my own lack of skill is consistently more tilting than my teammates lack of skill in any given game (or games that have no teammates)
maybe Dota's dev team should put some fucking effort in for once in their fucking lives
tfw your dynamo has 20 morts but 21 cooperations

how the fuck did paradox have 30 kills
>30 paradox kills
What the fuck
>59,725 total dames
a hyper fed paradox can carry, ive done it before. Only happened in super low mmr games

Thank you in advance o7
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>Winning game
>Comfortable lead
>Two enemy shrines down
>Entire enemy team up
>Retarded Russian: EVERYONE GO ROSH
>While we're in the middle of a teamfight, retarded Russian and one other guy go midboss
>Lose teamfight, enemy gets a 20% health midboss for free
>Lose game
Shut the fuck up, retard. You don't know shit about the game. Your call has cost us the game. Be quiet.
I'm sure I'm a low MMR scrub so it's probably just a good player playing in duo.
truly it was
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>Nobody on my team has any macro sense whatsoever and our walkers are just pushed CONSTANTLY because no one besides me ever sits in a lane and farms it out
>Everyone just fixated on jungling and 'denying enemy jungle' while we lose literally everything on the map
>Figure it's just low MMR retards and I got a shit game
>Friend informs me 200 people were watching
"High" MMR is a joke.
I finally got access. Who is the best character for a newb with no ASSFAGGOTS experience?

>a hyper fed xyz can carry, ive done it before. only happened with absolute retards


He was playing Infernus wasn't he?
kek kinda true
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Bluegger. Build for melee damage and movement, hit em with charged melee until they die.
should I play dota
How much do you hate yourself?
I'm not going back to dota unless they literally revert the game to https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Version_6.88f
If you can play with friends and can afford to lose them, yes.
If you can't, then don't.
Dota just isn't fun long term alone.
Done with this game until they rebalance Haze.
why do you nigs keep asking this

probably not
Post match ID
New thread
We already have a thread >>493285291
can you faggots stop making new fucking threads. migrate
nice discord raid
kys discord fags, where are the jannies when you need them
what the fuck is this schizo trying to accomplish exactly?
Blame /v/'s janny. who moved /v/ thread into /vg/
should have just deleted it, what a moron
Thats a /v/ thread retard
I always trade my walkers for big jungle camps. only farming matters. It sounds like you're the shitter without a clue
Austrian painter hero would be dope
Where can I find funni fan art?
DAE remember Hitler? lol
No this is /vg/ retard
That's it. He fits in the setting of occult and early 20th century setting like a glove
Col. Volgen from MGS3 but he's a Pre WW2 German instead
is there a clean high res version of the logo without the text just the eye thing it'd look cool on a shirt from one of those make your own and upload an image thing
Grey Talon is fun. I love bow characters
What's written on the guardians?
And their entire team is each going to get what you got singularly from the camp. Enjoy low MMR.
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Is lash good for a newcomer?
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>Lash on either team
>Roaming murdergod at the start
>Harmless puppy by even midgame
went 12 kills 6 deaths on my 13th game and only 12 hours currently in the game so far so maybe
I feel like is spend most of my time on Geist farming. Like I usually have the least deaths but I also don’t really get many kills. Am I playing her wrong? I just don’t see how you can instigate or carry with her?
Lady Geist has a mesmerizing ass.
>I just don’t see how you can instigate or carry with her?
You push a lane from afar with your bombs. If you see any enemies trying to stop you from pushing, you throw a bomb at them, chunking them for half of their health. If they stick around, you chuck another bomb at them. Now they are either dead or running away so you can push.
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She is also fun to play as. The most fun I've had in my 5 hours with this game. Can't tell if it coming from me getting better at the game, or if her play style of sapping HP suits me. I took with amusing screenshot while seeking through my Steam replay to make that webm.
my guy you gotta disable depth of field to see that glorious ass in full focus
anyone else having sound issues?
hero specific binds fucking when? Dota has had it for years, there is no excuse.
is there a way to bind something like healing rite to automatically activate on yourself instead of pressing the button and clicking scrollwheel
>there is no excuse
alpha gaem no bitching
>I mindbroke a Bebop so hard in lane as Wraith he left and his entire team folded
I'm sorry... My son... You stole my main....
you can change self-cast settings in the options but it'll apply to all skills
isnt that good? unless im playing support but i dont ever cast on anyone but me
they didn't expect that from you because based on your social interactions on steam they profiled you as a solocel
Ok, but what about a glitch where your mouse is locked and you cannot aim or fire? Anyone else getting that? It's really fucking annoying.
Not that but I randomly don't fire even if I click M1.
can we make a petition to rename shim/her to rainbow talon
i had that once, just pause the game and disconnect/reconnect
I had a glitch where I was stuck punching and couldn't do anything else, until it eventually stopped. It happened on 2 occasions.
Walkers are bank accounts and go down fast. Stop pretending you have any clue. Taking big enemy jungle camps is way more beneficial. All that matters is the last teamfight
>No unavoidable obligations today, like uni
>Played Factorio for half the day
>After lunch/dinner, played a really good round of Deadlock
I had a really good day. About to go to bed and I'm still coming off of it.
I actually find it easier to just Alt-tab back and forth, keep trying if it doesn't work the first time
the daggers help me kill heroes like seven or haze, i dont really want to fight abrams or kelvin so leveling the dash skill doesnt help that much and the seven/haze heroes stay far away from me to the point 2 skill doesnt assist me much except for as an escape. I do max 2 after dagger but daggers are just so good at building rage and ticking people down for a free ult
>accidentally press R while dead
>oh no
>have to sit through the whole replay
>afterwards game is bugged and enemy health bars don't appear
>died, really mad about it
>slam my fists like a monkey on my keyboard to feel better
>hit R on accident
>watch myself die to bullshit
>get mad
>slam my fists like a monkey on my keyboard to feel better
>hit R on accident
>watch myself die to bullshit
>get mad
no it wasn't t. SMNC lover
>press R
>look at where i made a mistake
>don't get mad at a game that's in alpha
Just like, press R again, or something. There's a button to cancel
doesn't work
>accidentally press R
>see if there was a mistake I can learn from next time
>realize I was doing perfectly fine and that nothing I did different could have hoped to change the outcome
I know I remember canceling it at one point, I just don't remember the button
if you died, you weren't doing perfectly fine
next time don't take the fight, or position better
if you were jumped by a pack of niggers, tough luck
yeah, i don't see people talking about it much i guess because the dress kind of hides it, but during the pre-match if you hold crouch and then do a charged melee, the camera will stay low and give you a good look under the dress
Everyone ITT should play a fighting game to stop raging.
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I feel like I'm doing pretty well with the blue guy
Played with bros for the first time
Very fun game even tho it was challenging and we won in the end, dynamo carried us
Why cant pubs be like this
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i've played thousands of hours of all kinds of fighting games and shooters, but the worst i've ever actually raged was in master duel.
>the vibe in my ass starts violently pulsing as punishment
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kys ivyfag
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>the baxter society has yo numbah...
I laugh like a retard every time I spectate people playing shiv. I hope they don't change him
I've noticed the invite anchor gets fewer and fewer requests. I hope that means all the anons who want to get in are getting in.
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Who is your most satisfying hero to kill?
Seven's screm is funny but squashing the ugly bug that's Ivy never gets old

what is the deal with one of warden's death screams?
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>Dr.Dynamo, I'm CIA
Yes and he also deals ridiculous objective damage with the Catalyst debuff up.
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>I'm gonna make this guardian disappear.
Ive carried as lash late with the FLOG, nobody really expects it and you are unkillable
Give me big tits and big asses Valve.
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Haze, as long as she isnt up to her bullshit she pops so easy
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>have a good time
>team is about to win
>stop helping and go back to farming
Sorry, but the game doesn't end until I have at least 25 kills
what's the tactical advantage of giving a hag an ass this fat
do you guys think mcginnis shaves at all
yes but not where you think
More blood in enemy penis = less blood in enemy brain
you missed stuncancel thoughbeit....
her anus?
How do I use her HP swap ability? I can't seem to target anyone with it.
she shaves her arms and legs to try for some femininity but ignores her armpits and gigabush forest downstairs (both of which coalesce a large amount of sweat)
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I noticed that basically every gun bebop build starts with rapid rounds. This seemed strange to me since bebop has such a high fire rate by default, I figured that weapon damage would scale better. well I have done some testing and basic mag does indeed do a lot better, both in DPS and in total damage output. I've tried some item combos and while firerate isn't bad, builds that have mixed firerate and weapon damage items do much better than any build with straight firerate. Why is every public build so wrong?
you have to in like melee range
Update this or next thursday?
next thursday
Dynamo is probably the only fat person I've ever liked.
you don't like james earl jones? that's kinda fucked up
I like killing Seven while he's in his ult or stunning him out of it.
In fact, I just did some testing. Gave Seven a ton of Spirit items, Spirit life steal and bullet resist to max out Storm Cloud.
Gave Talon a bunch of damage and fire rate items.
With both of them maxed, as long as bullet resist shredder is up, Talon can reasonably blast Seven out of the sky without his owl
I had to test this because one time I hit Seven out of his ult and bitch had refresh up. I needed to check if I could have actually won that.
Thanks guys.
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>enemy team has perfect synergy and always move as a unit
>my team scatters the second one (1) minion shows up and has no team play to speak of at all just running in alone and dying
>company owned by gaben makes likable fatass character
I wonder if the VA for dynamo in game and in the lady geost VN are the same.
I liked the VN's more by a long shot. Something about the robot filter and slightly richer tone was nice
the ulti is a complete meme
the rest of sevens kit is absurd
theres a healthy middle ground between turtling to farm a powerspike item and engaging the enemy team over objectives/towers, but nobody seems to get it
Is it just me or is matchmaking fucked? As in, I can actually join games even though the time is incorrect?
mmm flavor savors
This is not the insult you think it is, SMNC was godlike in everything but its monetization and matchmaking.
>winning lane with pocket, take out their statue
>pocket decides to leave for some fucking reason
>lose statue
mouth breathing retards seriously
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>one more Concord thread can now be up on /v/
How do you check your MMR?
she has a groomed stache above her cunt
once I fix my Yamato winrate, I'm going to start playing Lash, way more fun than that cone head looking motherfucker
you don't anymore because valve blocked match scraping
You can't, on purpose.
Trooncord autists made 3rd party sites but Valve killed the API and my knees buckled
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They dont want people to take their unfinished product seriously at all, but many of us are trying to make a career out of gitting gud
I actually forgot that you had to buy pros in SMNC. I think Assault was the only one I bought.

it's called ganking, dumbass
Ask the important question
do you think vindicta has an upside down triangle above her pussy
even before that it was extremely unreliable, like people with 5 games somehow being in the top 0,001%
anyone who looked at those numbers or refers to them is a retard
why tho
because valve doesn't want people measuring epeen over winrates in an alpha playtest
more like seeing how terrible their balancing is already

spergs were losing their fucking mind over the bullshit algos the tracker sites were putting out. you'd go +10 and suddenly sites would tell you you're the top .05% or some shit
but i just want to see character winrates and junk
valve already has internal metrics, extern sites only serve to influence artificial comments like buff vindicta and nerf seven
Some people do love games that are jobs.

gee golly good thing they update frequently and have gigantic amounts of data to go through
>competitive rating in a closed alpha playtest
vindicta's real stats must be hilarious if they decided to kill trackers over people begging for buffs
frog not interested in community input on balance as gathered from aggregate MM tracking sites. frog will balance based on his own numbers and from talking to select playtesters who need not be influenced by flawed tracking systems.
So what's the deal with this post>>493281914 ?
Is there an MMR system that's just hidden from the public or something? And are matches being available, matches from people with high MMR? How do you know If someone is spectating your match?
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>artificial comments like buff vindicta and nerf seven
I support reworking vindicta and leaving seven alone
they don't want you to make decisions based on those
Because hosting the API costs money and there's no real point in spending that money before the game is actually released, or at least in (de jure) open beta. Same reason you have to queue at certain times of day, it cuts down on server costs.
It's also a much better litmus test of how fun the game actually is, since MOBA games are full of nolifes who stopped having fun years ago but keep playing because their rank makes them feel like they achieved something.
why? just so shitters can point out "uhhh this character has 49,6% win rate so clearly they need a buff!"
but i'm a massive tier whore
it's in my soul
>Is there an MMR system that's just hidden from the public or something?
it's also buggy as shit
there is a hidden MMR but the devs admitted that actual matchmaking is flawed at the moment so it doesn't even really matter

some people can't experience joy without imaginary number go up.


yes there is internal mmr based on your full history, as well as a shittier, being reworked version of individual hero MMR. your lane assignment is ideally with someone at your mmr, both ally and enemy with groups getting prio. grouping messes up the MMR algo they are using
vindicta is still top tier in non potato mmr because of the soul bonus

she is so fucking annoying. and I suspect netcode also makes her ult harder to dodge than it should be
it would be weird as fuck if the game was balanced right now
taking their statue only to then fuck off from the lane making it easy for the enemy to take your statue is fucking retarded you nigger.
>your lane assignment is ideally with someone at your mmr
huh, that's actually pretty clever
it means even if the teams have a variety of MMRs represented people should (ideally) still have a fair match in lane so they can get into the midgame without being bullied
>huh, that's actually pretty clever
until people start swapping lanes
Ive definitely been sniped around a wall or under a bridge
Is there some way to convey to your local tardmates that when most of the opponents are dead, the entire team is near mid and you callout "LET'S GO KILL THE BOSS" while furiously clicking on its icon it does not, in fact, mean "2 people mid the rest can go farm lanes or jungle or whatever"
If matchmaking in general is working correctly, with a sufficiently large sample size (which the game already has), all 12 players should be roughly similar in MMR anyway. So it won't make a difference unless you're either a top MMR player, or your MMR is so low that it's actually rare to be as bad as you are.
yeah I think they made the ability need to be charged to limit that immediate ping advantage snipe but idk it still seems to work very fast
tell them midboss gives souls and they'll come
only the fast gun builds need to be there, really
>If matchmaking in general is working correctly
it very obviously isn't though so that's moot
how to fix the game:
>remove items
this is bait but this is what overwatch players actually want
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>shitter trifecta of Dynamo, Vindicta, Grey Talon on my team
Nah I'll just disconnect
How can I improve this Geist build? Someone suggested fleetfoot and it doesn't seem like a bad idea. I feel like I play too reactively. Like I can't aggress on others only react to aggression
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how to fix the game:
add wall running
add sex
add slork
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Sex with Abrams
Both or dps were farming the camps near the boss until the enemy respawned
that's what i said thoughever dumb shartroon
>get paired with Infernus who is obviously playing for the first time in his life
>opponents are Vindicta who hits literally every single deny and Lash
kill me
>their team: shiv, infernus, warden, lash, haze and seven
>our team: yamato, vindicta, geist, grey talon, bebop and Mo&Krill
Sometimes I feel like this game is rigged
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i know intellectually what causes heroes to level up and ability points and flex slots to unlock but while i'm actually playing a match they might as well just be "things that randomly happen over time"
This, some heroes like McNiggis can even solo it pretty easily if you're feeling ballsy.
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looking real chuddy there, they need to adjust his model and VN style to match the portrait
sigh wish i had people watching me dominate matches
So is bomb bebop or a complete meme or what? I feel like if you're gonna land that many bombs to make it do even mediocre damage you're stomping them anyways.
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What do you guys think go through the mind of the two dudes that go 2/10 in your team every match?
i dunno probably something like
>how do you play this game this is my second match
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>I'm losing because my team doesn't gank my lane.
i went 1-6 w/l with paradox today and i think i realized why, i play her like i can outplay everybody but she's just a fucking support
Why is my team always full of fucking retards who throw the easiest games out there? Literally 15k ahead and they just go one by one into enemy team and feed until they stomp us.

Retarded niggers always in my fucking team.
do you think mo and krill is busted
this is the underlying issue, you have to play her as a suicide nuke late game
Bot matches don't influence your MMR right? I don't want to jump in and get stomped
bots are strong though
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My favorite is when they cope and say they had high player damage and then you see shit like this
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2/10 or 4/12 is nothing.
I just figured out you're supposed to skip Dynamo's ult and just buy damage items with your steroid. Thanks a lot dotards.
best tank in the game, best single target shutdown, auto counter to all problematic characters, yes
I wasn't about to suffer and let the game drag out to give my retards more playtime. At least your Grey Talon sniffed an objective
128mb patch, what did they do
made paradox thicker
Vindicta is really great, it isn't good enough to carry by herself. A Vindicta player can be 30/2 and they would still lose if their teammates are retarded.
added the quarry
>reworking vindicta
she's perfect, stay away from her
>- New Game Mode: Sex with Haze
>vindicta is still top tier in non potato mmr
Is Vindicta a good hero to learn the laning phase ?
I love ivy
>like Vindicta
>both design and kit
>completely fucking useless in solo unless turbo sweating
trackers are gay and fake
Play a shotgun character that isn't Abrams
>~120 ms ping
>game is completely unplayable
>not only you cannot last hit, your hits simply wont connect on anything moving
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>that grey talon
I kneel
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>she's perfect
I have more than a hundred matches with her, I love Vindicta dearly, and she's a worse Talon
It hurts my soul
he prepped the enemy team
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>it's "Vindicta is actually good in high mmr" episode
how do I skip this season for the good part?
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time to settle it
what the fuck is MBOIT?
whats the update
>mobster called Tiny that picks up street lamps to throw them
chief prepping bull doing his part to prep the enemy team
how do you not automatically win every single laning phase as vindicta? are you retarded?
If you want someone with no gimmicks go for wraith. You've got gun, card poke, more gun and a teleport.
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>Vindicta is actually good in high mmr
they shut down the trackers because it showed that she isn't
the ivytranny discord mod council did this to suppress the truth
Valve's new term to replace MOBA
also to suppress the truth that nobody is playing Ivy
laning phase doesn't matter
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who snowpilled here?
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>what the fuck is MBOIT?
Many Black Obelisks Inside Talon
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im so tired bros
Kelvin is getting nerfed soon bro
If you're unironically getting curbstomped in solos just don't bother feeding into the nonsense. Just let the enemy team take the base and go on to the next game

transperg obsession says otherwise
give me talents instead, like HotS
they're literally the only ones that do so
>most art by far
>lowest played character even behind Mo & Krill
They're all furry/tranny secondaries
looks like some more work has been done with calico, she now does some weird indian squat on her leap ability. additionally her cat bombs drag enemies along with them
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what a shitty match
when are they going to fix her giant dome
when are they going to fix her skin color
i want to be a deadlock pro
>Ivy pickrate drops faster than ragpulled shitcoin value
>devs instantly pull the plug so we don't know how far pickrate drops
you might be right
How is that even remotely possible. They sit in spawn after laning phase was up?
i need "basically, he monke" please
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You're in luck, I made it and have the original file
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Despite most of their players being shit, I like having ivy and vindicta on my team. Hearing their lines motivates me
surely they dc
this is how i feel about pocket
I dont really see gun Ivys anymore? What happened? Extinction?
i could watch her ride ziplines all day long
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>"Good to see you, Shiv"
>"Always good to see you leave, Vindicta"
Why is she getting bullied so much
i dont really care what the stats say, as a hero she was really oppressive, maybe they're bad at ending the game but the hero certainly didnt feel weak at all

i am pretty certain if you filtered out new players being baited into picking her she would have at least 51% wr
thanks homie, the baxter society will remember this
stop spreading bullshit yourself nigger
it was the 30-70 games played category and that doesn't mean shit, 30 games is 20-25 hours and there are hordes of shitters with those hours
in the last recorded games before the trackers got shut down, high mmr games had a 45% vindicta pickrate
that means he's checking out her ass dumbass
shiv hates monster bitches
hope they add a female with a rifle style weapon
mcniggis doesn't count
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She probably has no social skills due to her abruptly ended childhood. Annoying ghost femcel deserves to be excluded from the Deadlock group photo and have water dumped on her at the deadlock dance
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This lane looks empty, I think I'll push the objecti-
he's talking about her ass
>45% vindicta pickrate
for a hero that depends on communication and competent teammates (6 man stacks are supposedly her ideal environment) that's still bad
Siphon Bullets got a slight nerf and all ivy players went from decent teammates to useless healsluts.
Just buy lucky bullets you idiots
Instead of Haze ?
haze needs to play her lane far more carefully, and needs to farm a lot early to pop off
Wraith is much simpler
>Owl IED
>Ivy uses moai form
>No damage
>Mo and krill take damage in tunnel mode

wow valve giving the latina buffs baka

Questions anons, if an enemy is floating/flying, do you just gun them down or try to hit them with skills? Usually stuff like nades or area never hit them
ah, kali has a new animation in the shop window. he's crouched over looking like he's gonna wreck your shit
>but the hero certainly didnt feel weak at all
she's strong against people that peak sightlines during laning phase, after that she's squishiest, least mobile hero that can be picked off by any high mobile hero like Lash even 10k in souls behind her.
She's THE weakest pubstomper, she can't rrat, she can't 1v6, she needs bodyguards, she needs competent team to even exist. All those demands for Pocket ult + assassinate
I can't play Haze because her voice arouses me too much
if she's dying to lash she built wrong, yeah she's easy to kill if bad and she requires intelligent positioning, which usually means staying hidden until the fight starts

she does a lot of damage she's a glass cannon and she's the best at securing kills so low targets can't get out
>object-only motion blur
valve is so based for this
Talon does all of that even better, securing kills included
the lizard with the ricochet 2 boomerang
i always liked motion blur it makes the game feel smoother i don't understand why people hate it
>for a hero that depends on communication and competent teammates
that's exactly why it's bad, most players aren't doing full parties
he can't snowball as hard as vindicta but yeah he's pretty similar and a bit better at laning due to the aoe denial
a lot of console games overdo it to mask the low frame rate
That's the problem, even with ideal conditions with 6 man discord stacks stomping pubs she is STILL below average.
>he can't snowball as hard as vindicta
That's why her souls on kill must be removed, it gimps her entire kit.
If you are against competent people and can't get one kill in lane then another two fast ganks in the first 10 minutes, you're dead weight, she can't farm or clear waves like other carries.
She's impossible to play from behind and just dooms the match
>if she's dying to lash she built wrong
If assassin wants her dead there's very little she can do besides hiding so well enemies don't know she exist
>which usually means staying hidden until the fight starts
her BIGGEST strength post laning phase is crow, get enemies low before fight starts, not trying to pepper enemies with her gun during fight. You can't just hide if you want to throw crow
>give Wraith a try
>lane with bebop vs haze and viscous
>bebop goes in and dies
>kill both in retaliation
>bebop immediately disconnects
>proceed to win the game
It was an alright start for the match
whoever posted that vindicta crowfeet build the other day I love you
Thinking about something

>4 players choose the same characters in priority queue
What happens here? Does the matchimaking kicks one of them out and leave the other 3?
Lady Geist teaching Haze to act more ladylike and less like a sleep paralysis smoke demon. Haze trying on frilly dresses and pretty shoes. Haze learning to ballroom dance. Haze as the blushing bride in a wedding dress at our wedding.
sure i can agree with that, but a fed vindicta is pretty common in my games it's hard to stop a flying piece of shit from sniping people in any lane she goes to after she gets ult
the bigger dash item really helps avoid and ethereal shift too, she cant stop them individually it's up to her team to save her and a good team isnt going to let a solo assassin run up
It's annoying when done badly, which is the case 99% of the time.
She's this game's version of TF2 sniper. High killcount but actually very ineffectual when it comes to winning
Not surprising since their gimmick is the same
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realized that if you just accept doing less damage, building pure support on Paradox late game is pretty OP
personally it's because it's always a full-frame effect that blurs for everything that moves relative to the camera, meaning that moving the camera causes motion blur
what i've always wanted is motion blur that only pertains to the ways things are moving in the game world, not on the screen, because i control my camera and i don't need motion queues to tell me how my perspective is changing according to my own input
ergo, valve is based
nigga how desperate do you have to be to imagine this scenario with a black flaming featureless head
That's my wife you're talking about, watch your tongue.
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Excellent post
>sleep paralysis succubus that can canonically rape and kill you in your dreams
>BDSM tier voice
>wears leather
Yet ivyfags are normal to you?
Got any ideas for a name. Am making a profile for this
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sorry this is the best I can do I don't want to get banned again
if you're not on a school computer you can look it up on google don't forget to clear your browsing history just in case
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>tfw my build is working
who gave you permission to use the word of my people
>watching random game while I eat some food
>everyone has Divine Barrier

Should I be building this?
what are the stats on how much that gets bought? do the trackers even work anymore?
You can do, but haze is more DPS / gank focussed whereas wraith feels like a middle of the road, jack of all trades gunner with built in warp stone / heroic aura / knockdown actives. Plus you're pretty much guaranteed to always get wraith if you have her on priority.
>do the trackers even work anymore?

Not since the 2nd.
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they never worked
I bet this guy is from the Bermuda Triangle just like Viscous.
What was in the patch just now?
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where patch note?
So ... Pocket or Shiv ? Lash is not a shotgun right ?
why is slork in bondage gear
Heroes with passives are inherently stronger than heroes without
>mboit runs like shit
>vulkan runs like shit
>no amd antilag 2 on vulkan
icefraud pls
I play Abrams/Kelvin/Lash/Warden what does that say about my personality.
ready for a freaky night with naga siren
who's canonically the smelliest hero and why is it McGinnis?
What's the lore on Europe? I saw someone claim that WW1 didn't happen but it's not mentioned in any character backstories. Haze's backstory mentions the CIA though which implies WW2 did happen.
Lucky shot good on bebop?
i mean the style of
that style
my team had 4 new player vs a competent team with comms, we got fucked instantly
the only good thing that I can take from that match is that I know that there's at least 4 retards that won't play this game never again
I hope they change Shiv's voice, it sounds like a gruffer shopkeeper
i thought his name was fathom?
either way, i want the poison flamethrower nigga
>me ooga
>team booga
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are chinks queuing in EU during their downtime or why do i see so many moonrunes
>Haze's backstory mentions the CIA though which implies WW2 did happen.
But her uniform is OSS which was before the CIA.
It's a bit blurry right now
i don't, i like monke man as is
Gimmie some items to use with McGUNnis, I got intensify mag and titan mag, what else I need?
chinese students just started the fall semester
The OSS became the CIA in 1947. It's not a separate organization. Deadlock takes place in 1949.
Also, Haze doesn't actually work for the OSS/CIA, her backstory just mentions it.
I just don't want you tanking Abrams winrate, but using a shotgun character is easy to lane with. Just last hit everything and you'll do just fine
I'm not a huge fan of Abrams so it's fine for your winrate.
A single guy is not making an impact on a character's winrate in a game with a million players.
Fleetfoot and Warp Stone if you can handle pressing buttons.
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It's actually a retarded max ult build, but hey, if it works it works
one drop rule
Sex animations
>Deadlock takes place in 1949.
Source on that?
You need to brush up on your old timey pickup lines
Nice to see you leave means he's checking out her feet
>lose lane
>win game
simple as
An unused radio clip and major reddit-tier extrapolation. aka his ass
>major reddit-tier extrapolation
it's literally just looking up the release year of South Pacific
what are good use cases for divine barrier, i have trouble putting it on anybody.
slork had its way with you
That feels way too recent
I felt the same way at first, but the point of divergence would be 1899 and that would mean it's entirely possible WW1 didn't happen, which would make the world completely unrecognizable to us.
More speed = More raping with Warden's ult

>How do I change servers?
The test is currently on NA Central (Chicago), EU (Stockholm), Asia (Hong Kong), South America (Santiago) and Oceania. In order to change your preferred server you can open the console with the F7 key by default and enter:
citadel_region_override -1 (automatic)
citadel_region_override 0 (NA-C)
citadel_region_override 1 (EU)
citadel_region_override 2 (Asia)
citadel_region_override 3 (SA)
citadel_region_override 5 (OCE)
I don't have the screencap but I remember a while back Yoshi mentioning that she smelled like brakleen and old socks
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>Y-y-you're telling me that the enemy team is going to g-gank my Haze!?
>They're going to p-pound her repeatedly in lane
>She's going to get ulted down in mid?
>Lash is going to tie her up?
>Abrams is going to pin her down
>And all I can do is just watch?
It is. The reddittor push for 1949 is wrong.
The radio file isn't actually unused. It's in the game. Ivy also mentions buying tickets.
>stupid faggot seven farms all game giving up all our towers
>40k souls finally ready to play the game as they siege our base he dies alone
>respawns in time to defend just to die in his ult without being interrupted because he built no bullet resistance
fucking retarded faggots wasting time just stop farming jungle
>that dynamo that always saves ult for after everyone dies
>nows our chance!
His mmr is inflated from spamming Seven. You're going to have to accept this and move on with your life.
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Am I griefing my team by playing Yamato? Is she that bad? Its gotten really bad now. People actively yell if you pick her now.
Hey bros can I get an invite too
No, your teammates are retarded
Would it be too extreme to change Yamato to a pure melee character and make her M1/M2 melee
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I thought it was kind of weird she wasn't.
All I can think of is that maybe a melee character would suck too much at laning. They must have at least tried it internally, right?
Unironically because youre the only one who bothered to test other methods.
I dont think that'd work well at all, laning would be impossible. I do think they should make her pull out her sword for her ult and make her melees unparriable and do like 2x damage or something, her ult is just so fucking bad as it stands
a melee character would get every last hit but no denies
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Reposting the artillery nun
Would make her the worst character sure
>a melee character would get every last hit
Not if they're being zoned the fuck out.
And yeah, denies would be almost impossible.
What utility would having 3 different melee attacks (before skills) even be? And don't say unparryable
it seems so. pretty impressive
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You know what would be great lore? If the British Royal Family is still an autocracy in England and the colonial period had Britain accrew/loot a shit ton of magical artifacts from across the world. As a result the Royals themselves are magically powerful, and the jewels in the King's Crown is among some of the most powerful magical objects out there. If magic was a factor it wouldn't surprise me kept the steam in the imperialism train
nigga cant even rub his two brain cells together and figure out if he's been shot down multiple times by haze and mcginnis in ult he should get bullet resist or metal skin it's unbelievable, he got fucking improved stamina it's just insane
They are saving that for Deadlock: Global Offensive
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Deadlock: Across the Pond. Full of European Folklore in Victorian England (Victoria is still alive 30 years after when she should've died)
5 new players this time, wtf?
am I in ELO hell?
She's a pretty solid character but I play her a lot (mostly because few people play her so I get locked into her like 70% of the time).
it's a pre alpha beta test it's really pointless to complain about shit teammates
at least you don't get leavers every game like i do
Keeping your health low so you can instagib someone as geist is unironically mean
Choking on Icefraud's cock this early?
I took over 3000 damage from a late game Mo & Krill ult when he had seven tank items, one spirit item, and one duration item.
>bringing soul urn to delivery
>3 teammates in the area
>they know I'm coming, they requested the urn in the first place
>as soon as I reach the delivery Mo shows up to slap my shit
>none of the three shoot at him
>Kelvin comes skating in from nowhere to icedome and save me
how can people be this retarded?
he's actually busted but because he's ugly no one plays him
He made a valid point, go to >>>/v/ if you want to "win" with retard arguments
>get a 5 man pocket ult
>watch them dwindle and die as my team comes in
fucking hell this guy is fun
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>point blank + pristine emblem on Abrams
briefcase nigger
>teammate picks paradox
>loudly complains on and off about how shit the hero is
at least he learned something from the experience, lol lmao
His only counter is top tier map positioning skills where he has to buy magic carpet to reach anybody.
>Don't give feedback in an alpha that explicitly asks for feedback!
Eat shit
>If the British Royal Family is still an autocracy in England
anon they never were
never ever ever, not even before the magna carta
It's a new game with no ranked queue, and most people don't even have 50 hours of play time yet. There's not much the devs can do about it.
The counter to a hero that solo kills anyone for free with a point and click ability would be to group up instead, but he's a fucking CC bot tank that loves to teamfight.
Necrolyte but fast.
It's Terrorblade you dummy
Did characters always make a sound when they take damage?
Her ult can't actually put someone below 30% iirc
yeah if only Valve had years of experience making a moba matchmaking system.
yes but taking 70% of your hp for being looked at isnt nothing to sneeze at
McGinnis is overtuned in a way that just isn't fun
She shreds NPCs way too well. You can't counter her splitpushing, because the tower she's after is dead before you reach her.
This shit happens in unranked Dota, retardbro. It's why even shitters play ranked.
>Watch that lash autist main stream
>He says paradox is totally op!
>Watch 3 replays from first page
>They all have zero impact and lose

O k a y

Paradox is direct downgrade to bebop
Vindicta is direct downgrade to grey talon
Seven is direct downgrade from seven
matchmaking is fixed the moment you stop crying about your team
>Paradox is direct downgrade to bebop
this has got to be the most incorrect way to say that paradox is bad
So you're admitting that it isn't going to get any better? lmao
>mcginnis gets instant free kills if she knows how to use her wall
>most players using her don't so they whine that she's weak and needs drastic buffs and a kit rework

it's the dumbest thing. also, she's probably the hardest carry when she's overfed, she's impossible to take down in time
Cheesing a random walker while her team is dying? Sounds like a winning strategy.
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just git gud? idk
Yes, you should quit now
>Paradox is direct downgrade to bebop
not true at all
Paradox is good but she need at least another competent player on her team, she can't carry by herself. That doesn't mean she's bad though.
Kinetic Carbine + Time Wall is insanely strong if you're not fighting alone.
It will happen less, once enough people have settled into their skill level.
M1 would work as long as they changed it to a sword and not punch, but m2 should deflect bullets so you can keep from being poked to death
shit players will always exist
90% of everyone is a shit player right now because the game is new
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>play a game just before going to bed
>carry the team to victory single-handedly with Warden
>get prepared for the best sleep in my life
Good night /dlg/
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Could I get some feedback on my Warden build? This is just a rough draft, I threw it together based on a premade one I was using after an anon recommended to add in Quicksilver and I gotta say I've been liking it a lot.
>game already has a nature's prophet analogue
kinda based tbqh
>be sleepy
>okay after I get 1 win i'll go sleep
>lose every game
needs a tinker
I'm a visual learner..anyone got some good high level Shiv and Lash replay links for me to learn?
needs a techies
imagine an annoying fag with 0 weapon damage that just spends all game planting bombs haha
then a techies (demoman?) and the lolbab filter will be complete
Personally, I never found Reach that great, even for his Binding it makes barely any difference. Also fuck Haze should be Bullet proof instead
Didn't they cut off his balls for some reason after all those years? Took away item refreshing or something?

inb4 some dota apologist tells me how ackshually tinker is really good without his defining gimmick for the past 10+ years
shiv is literally just about landing daggers, just practice hitting people
seven is basically tinker with how hard he makes pushing
The arcane blink build was actually even worse for a bit until they nerfed him again
Now they play him as a support with march and shield
It's funny because even if you nerf her shred capabilities to the ground, she would still be useful because of her wall being one of the strongest abilities in the entire game.
Being able to wall people out from their team for picks, instantly separating enemy teams during team-fights allowing you to initiate as you like, blocking enemy ults, one of the best escape tools for team wide escapes, etc.
As long as you're not spamming it as a retard it gives you so much control over BOTH teams it's just insane.
Metal Skin sorry, though now I see it over in the Anti-Bullet slot
the dress isn't attached to her body's texture and you have to lag the dress off the body to see her ass like that picture
the children yearn for the earthshaker
there's already talents on ability level ups
>Enemy team just throw themselves at our base in a meat grinder
>Constant fucking pressure the entire game, extremely close to losing
>3 overwatch nigs in my game NEVER farm or touch a lane so have to push all 4 out from our base myself after each fight
>By the time I do they’re all back up
>Game goes on long enough that death timers let us end after we wipe them in our base for the 6th time

I think i popped a blood vessel
I wish to chaos dunk
if you think about it mcginnis building a wall to keep ivy out is a metaphor for current politics
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How do you hard counter McGinnis? I'm so tired of going against her and her army of turrets.
he used to be called slork because he's slark from dota 2 mixed with pyro from tf2
mcnigger is the most aids thing, nearly as infuriating as kelvin
I think it's pretty cool when kelvin builds a dome around the enemy when i'm firing mah lazor as bebop
you can't let her set up, your team needs to run at her before she starts shooting walkers and stuff but they're going to be too low iq to react or predict where she's going so just give up and die
Burst damage in this game is kind of dogshit in general
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The more people flock to deadcocc the more unfun it becomes where your win is decided by who has the least amount of retards in a team, also forget about trying new heroes valve will never half ass a functioning match making system. I am getting a boost once this shit is out, see you on the other side future plantation niggers.
I remember people bitching non-stop about Mei's wall on OW1, and here you have McGinnis with an indestructible, almost instant cast, lane wide wall.
And every single Mc builds builds slow too.
Dynamo is actually really fun. His gun damage is insane if you get your build going.
is there anything like pure damage or crits in this game? I'm so sick of infinite HP and regen heroes.
Hello, is this a Vindicta main?
he was reworked into a healer and was recently the most cancer hero in the game because march of machines healed your entire team in a huge aoe
it's 20% with the talent
Don't let her set up turrets, and destroy them the second they go up.
Harass the shit out of her when healing with her 2.
She need to wind up her gun everytime she stops shooting so to take advantage of props to break LoS.
She only has one wall, and has shit mobility during early/mid game so gank the shit outta her with your team.
Split-push with your team so she doesn't dive your walkers.
If you're soloqueuing you're probably fucked, if she's better than you and your team isn't helping there's not much you can do, but this is true for pretty much 90% of the cast.
Healing reduction items exist.
Lucky shot is a crit item.
Syphon bullets steal HP.
Read the items you dumb faggot.
There aren't any choices there except the order that you take them
HotS talents replace items - each hero gets a choice of usually three talents to pick from every few levels. And two choices of ult too.
Forgive me I haven't played dota in forever.
What the fuck is with Kelvin doing massive damage at a huge range without items? It feels broken.
How do I die less? I can kill well but I die too much.
He has one of the strongest guns in the game (Maybe the strongest?)
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me seven
make sure your enemies don't reduce your HP to 0
bebop is way less fun to play when you're not playing against retards

Yeah usually in solo queue I'll try to make it my mission to prevent her from just shoving lanes since most of the time the team will ignore her.

I'll try to keep that in mind though, turrets still take full weapon damage at any range right?
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>"Yeah guys I just need to farm to late game the we'll win"
>lose 3 times in a row
There's a common thread here and I can't quite put my finger on it...
these late night european games are awful
Post some match IDs so we can help you
We can hardly know what you're doing wrong without a replay
so little orange
McGinnis' Turrets need to be less tanky and not allow her to get denies from them. She needs to be like Venomancer where you get punished for retarded turret placement.
>9 obj dmg
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>9 objective damage
uhhh hazesisters our response??
welcome to ghoul queue, you will not enjoy your stay
It's actually true tho, I've had a few games where I raped her in lane then just got shredded later.
i hit people not building
So am I wrong in thinking assist souls are way too low? Not getting the kill on someone nets you sometimes less than a wave of creeps meaning you're generally wasting time going to other lanes for ganks.
Well, now you know the reason why you keep losing.
How the fuck do I get good.
I always fall behind in souls even if I don't die or get forced out of lane too often, I genuinely don't know what I'm doing wrong.
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paradox is fine, issue just stems from the nerfs making her fall off hard in the endgame unfournately.
and desu I wish her ult and 1 was a little better, I guess im just biased cause its not some braindead massive AoE damaging ult and its just an iffy vengeful spirit ult
have you trying denying and last hitting?
how, are you solo queuing?
you mean in lane? some heroes just have a hard time in lane no matter what but you are at least TRYING to deny, right?
based TDM player
>fall behind in souls
Learn to deny. It's a lot more important than last hitting for now, because most people are still struggling with it
>get forced out of lane too often
Buy healing rite and the cheap regen item
When I can see it yeah. Sometimes it feels like I'm not getting it right because the bullet seems to connect but doesn't actually pop the soul and give me a bonus so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
just laned against a retarded vindicta that thought i was exploiting because i kept throwing yamato's alt fire bombs at her over and over again. is yamato actually that rare that people haven't seen it before?
easiest game of my life.
go back to overwatch
Unless you're extremely laggy it should always work
Denying and last hitting are some of the things overwatch/shooter players seem to struggle with the most and they're pretty much the most important part of laning
>Sometimes it feels like I'm not getting it right because the bullet seems to connect but doesn't actually pop the soul and give me a bonus so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
most likely your opponent shot it first and you just didn't see their bullet
if you have a low bullet velocity (this is hero-specific) you will miss most denies against someone who is confirming them consistently, unfortunately
this is one of the problems paradox has in lane, for example

ping is also a factor btw
second strongest base DPS under miku, but mcginnis has to rev her minigun up completely
they should do less damage/firerate if they are damaged so that you don't have to fully kill them to reduce their effectiveness
I don't think I'm too laggy. I guess I'll just keep trying.
I'm mostly trying to play less aggressive characters, guys like Klein or Dynamo. I guess my problem is I'm spending more time trying to poke at the opponents than actually farming.
how do you even do this little obj damage?
>most likely your opponent shot it first and you just didn't see their bullet
I didn't even know that was a mechanic, what the fuck.
it's fine to prioritize farming, it's not fine to completely ignore pushing and occasionally helping a team when you ahve ult, you can't be complete dead weight
Are there any better bindings? 1234 just don't work for my monkey fingers.
that you can see bullets? anon, every weapon in this game is a projectile...
This is one of the biggest mistakes early. Another anon pointed it out yesterday but Denies > Last Hits > Harass in that order of priority. Other thing is DO NOT attack creeps unless it's for a last hit or they're pounding your tower. You want the creep wave on your side of the bridge to make it safer for you to farm. Once you're 1-2K ahead you'll be able to secure a kill when they get greedy. Playing super aggressively early almost never works.
Who needs an IMMEDIATE nerf in you guy's opinion?
My personal ones are E, F, Mouse5, Mouse2.
Mouse5 is this little button on the left side of my mouse near the front. Basically exactly where my thumb rests.
completely wrong it's easier to deny when the wave is under their tower
this game will be plagued with aimbot cheaters.
I use/
>2= side mouse button
>3= e
>4 = r
>reload = the other side mouse button
>melee = mouse wheel
>items = 1,2,3,4
i use Q, mmo mouse button 6, E, 1
Melee and Parry also bound to mmo mouse buttons
one of the few characters i wouldn't mind he was a faggot. Fuck Grey faglon players, such a bullshit hero. Every time i'm against this shitlord he just spam skills and crushes the lane, doesnt matters if he's a good or a bad player.
Warden and/or abrams are impossible to kill without wasting a second player's time.
mcginnis's gun shouldn't win games by just ignoring team fights and going into far lanes rushing shrines, needs a pve decrease on how easy it is to shred towers and shes even able to solo midboss with enough turrets.
What are you smoking? They can easily melee last hit with the towers protection which means you just won't even get a chance to deny.
alpha honeypot all ruskies and chiniggers will be hardware banned by the time of full release
like 70% of the time yeah
Build for a lategame that never comes.
*shoots u*
the safest place to farm is actually right in the middle of the lane because you can melee the enemy troopers without being in LoS of an enemy unless they get close to you or overextend.
try punching a trooper in front of your tower and tell me that's better than right in the middle of the lane.
it sounds dumb but it works for me, getting harassed at your tower while trying to secure last hits is so much worse and you open up your souls to getting denied way more.
the urn
It depends on the opponent really, some like to focus more on harassing you than farming, others prefer to just deny creeps and let you push towards them, and others like to just push. When its someone that just wants to harass or just doesn't go for denies I tend to push in since they'll be dumb enough to try to focus you instead of farming under the guardian.
rearranging atoms
Can you make a general build for every characters instead of going 1 by 1?
I generally know what to build on each character, but I would rather make a build focused on counters for enemies than for myself.
>pause replay
>ram usage skyrockets to 9 GB
I'm the Lash
no wonder scrolling through the replay timeline sucks ass
McGuyver is able to lock down an entire lane by herself which means that you either straight up lose on a 1v1 lane or get pushed by the other dude on the 2v2 since he can focus kills while McNigger forces the two of you all the way back to the tower while denying all your hits.
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For the enemy to do any significant damage to you they need to give up their cover if you're under tower. You can easily fuck them up because of that big ass cover right in front of the tower.
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>Know i should play multiple heroes to learn as much as possible
>Keep playing Warden
It's over for me
It's my Bristleback
only the gold jars give buffs
This is objectively wrong. They can hit you without aggroing the tower. You may not know this but they can shoot from the left or right of the cover!
>0-11 sub 20k souls warden on team serving as an amazingly effective anchor

holy FUCK does coming back feel great, despite the retard feeding and making it a 5v6
Sure, just finished 8358469, I'm the Warden.
Sometimes I know what went wrong, like at one point in this match I fucked up and used my Debuff Remover early, but other times it seems something nigh impossible to prevent like getting hooked by Bebop in the duo lane. I'm sure my positioning is not that great but it'd be easier if I could identify specific problems.

Kelvin could use a bit of tweaking, the buff they gave him was massive and he wasn't even that bad before.

Same, he's fun as fuck even on the backfoot
It doesn't matter how hard you wipe the enemy team as long as you have more braindead retards in your own team vs the enemy team.
>muh push da lanes
Yeah vs constantly roaming wraith, gigafed shiv and other crap that you either burst down before they wake up, or a slight fuck up and you die.
Personally, the only thing I consider to fucking strong early is Talon's jumping attack, it shouldn't deplete your hp so fucking hard.
And I guess McGinnis sentries fire-rate/dmg and making her wall destructible (it should have enough hp to easily stand up against 1-2 people, but not against 6 shooting it at the same time during a teamfight.)
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me abams
Why are you letting them get that close without shooting back? Do you just play like a passive little bitch? They are at a cover disadvantage when pushed up that far meaning you can easily push them back if they start getting aggro. You're a fucking retard if you're literally never punishing them for over-pushing like that.
Talon's whole kit makes laning miserable, he's on par with a good bepop. It evens out though since he falls off late game

yeah but i can't tell you how many times i cross upper mid and am able to double roll through both sets of jars/boxes
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>pick warden
shotgun is way too retarded for last hitting
? how? I'm forced to play 3 different heroes
Her wall is as strong as an ult but it's not an ult. The fact that it actually stuns and gives a damage amp too is just insane. It should be destroyable.
are you retarded? you either choose to farm or to damage your enemy
also they are not at a cover disadvantage they can easily strafe up and down the stairs and if you get in their face then the minions will start beating you up
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It do be like that
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>enemy picks warden
>get slowing hex and cold front
please give suggestions for rebinding on-use items.

I only feel comfortable clicking C and V is push to talk
Haze is not a "farm jungle then win" character but the character is a retard magnet and they don't get that. She's not hard to play, they're just so retarded they don't understand she power spikes from her 3 and 4 super early from inexpensive fire rate items and just fucks the game with her smoke bomb sleep dagger m1 deletes from hovering around her team's objective pushes.
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Do you have an older one?
yeah youre going to get absoltuely fucking pelted with bullets and abilities if you just walk up to hit creeps dumbass god youre fuckin BADDDDD
I intentionally only pick passives to not have to deal with them

you had me until tower's protection. these towers don't do fuck all after 5 minutes
He does kind of suck in team fights but he eventually scales if the game really goes late.
Kelvin and Haze
just build warp stone it's the only OP active item
I'd ignore Monster Rounds and get High Velocity rounds instead. Warden's m1 is very slow in lane so you really benefit from quicker bullet speed
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video game scientists, explain how?
Try uhhh
8007681 (this was a catastrophe)

Monster Rounds feels really good for farm, but HV can also build into Headhunter which is great for Warden. Good idea, I'll give it a shot in this next game if I get him.
The game knows you're somehow responsible.
intimidation factor
not only can they shoot you from the sides, most skills hitting the ground near the cover just splashes you and if they've killed all your creeps you're going to be tanking trooper damage while you're up there.
lash grapple
Holy fuck you're so retarded. Keep losing lanes for all I care then.
You can use ultrawide for higher fov?..... cheating
I would appreciate it, bros.
when are they releasing holliday she seems finished already
Yoshi usually does QnA in the discord on Fridays right? Someone ask him for Grey Talon or Haze concept art.
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Sorry put when i think of frogs that speak i think of mr. Toad from Wind in the willows, not french (they eat frogs, they are not frogs)

Paradox buff when?
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my bad bro


no way
items like phantom strike, silencer, unstoppable, knockdown etc etc are just necessary to actually win games
why dont you ask discord how the fuck would we know nigga
phantom strike is probably the only good one and only on heroes like mole

curse is better than all of the other ones, defensive items are shit
video games in 2030
How long did it take for the game to click and start being fun in your case? I'm 20 hours deep already and I'm miserable
that's not paradox
it was fun instantly
>sneaks into your base and kills your patron
for me it was about 10 hours of playing against real people
Does anybody want an invite real quick before I have to go?
I have almost 30 hours and I regularly feed
it's easy you just have to stop caring
>run down a guy past his walker and base guardians kill him in his patron pit and run out
>seven voice lines "has reality set in yet"
damn seven you a cold one
like 5 games.
It's better, IMO
Good for you!
Yeah, I haven't played a single bot match yet, maybe that's part of the problem though?
I'm not upset about losing or anything like that, it's just that I'm not really having fun, it feels like I respawn, zipline, farm some creeps, get into a teamfight, not do anything and die
Kelvin, Haze, McGinnis, and Seven all need extensive reworks
Warden could just use a couple stat nerfs
I mostly queue with at least one other, which is more fun desu. that said I still enjoy solo queuing and even an occasional bot match to learn a new character.
dotards... is this our new home....
>TI in the morning
>deadlock in the evening
yeah it's gamer time
>plants big TF2flag
This here be our land
Date me
the baxter society has yo grown-ass-man numbah
so close to left 4 dead 3 siiggghh...
i would recommend you go back to your chinese prostitute simulator as it would appear that deadlock simply isn't for you
some guy is absolutely seething that infernus is "canceling" and winning his lane versus him and died like 3 times

im sure "canceling" is why you died 3 times bro
>used to be first person
I bet it didn't have any of the other dota garbage back then either. fucking dotards spreading their plague to everything they touch
put 1 hero on high priority
canceling what? his melee animation to bait parries?
What's a good item to deal with Infernus?
debuff reducer
it's clearly already a moba you retard
i finally cured my queue anxiety by switching regions to a third world shithole (OCE) and now i dont care anymore if i suck or throw. i can just relax and have fun fucking aruond with meme builds

10/10 would recommend, my abos cunts
Like 5 hours
Your new gulag
>someone gets ganked by my team
>"lol there 3 of you"
>catch them solo and rape them in a 1v1
>they say nothing, there's no cope for them to cling onto
a good feeling
just because it's a team fight lane game doesn't mean it has to have item autism and be 3rd person
good thing they realized it's better with that stuff
>I get to play Dota without playing Dota or League
it's home.
I like him but he would probably be so aids to fight against, tongue grab would be bebop with damage, stacking DOT with poison sounds evil and leap is viscous's ball but easier to land and more DOT stacking

during the holidays duh
NO he just means denying lol
>he has never felt the joy of a purple mcginnis rooftop ult gank
Where do I go to get a pic of McGinnis just sitting in a lounge chair, drinking her heal juice, 4 turrets aiming at an enemy trapped behind her wall?
so what is krill? some kind of drow or something? mo is obviously just a mole man.
Game was instantly fun for me and it's only miserable when I'm getting stomped which isn't THAT often. I'm a long time Dota player though and it's surprising how much knowledge you can use between games.
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>in a 6 stack
>friend gets assigned the hero I have 70% of my games on
>he is completely useless on her
>I get assigned the 5th character on my cards I have never played
>I am completely useless on him
>we lose
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/dlg/ genuinely what do I do against this

is the only play against this "Just run?"
>team good
>have fun
>team BAD
it's area denial
warp to him using your 2 and ult using your 4
Knock-down. It literally negates his whole Ult.
tell your friend to stop picking your main dumbas
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So stop pushing, build a specific item or have all your abilities to counter him specifically. Got it.
>32 minutes in
>ZERO spirit items
>only vitality item is basically just another bullet item
jesus christ man
The lesson is to stop one tricking a single toon and git gud.
>another grenade hero
post them
Never played a shooter before. Clicked at 30 hours. I figured I can stomp by farming a lot and buying what my team actually needs to either counter or sustain.
I was trying a push build and it was WORKING leave me alone!
What did you expect? It's his ult of course it's strong but it has plenty of counters, in your webm if you could've easily stunned him with your own ult
This is some real gaming journalist gameplay
nta, you're wrong retard
>22k souls but 20k behind the top teammate
>all damage upgrades with a single life item, no spirit
>only active item is vampiric bust
>just sitting still spamming left click on the seven
i refuse to believe this isn't bait
Yes? Are you new to assfaggots? Items are there to counter. If this faggot has built entirely into his ult and you only need a 3000 soul item to completely counter him, why wouldn't you just buy it?
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Fuck you I was trying something new.
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I've been playing shooters all my life and MOBAs for the last 11 years. It clicked instantly. I really want to go back to League and learn DotA more, but Deadlock ticks all the boxes for me in a game. Hell, you can even parry like its a fighting game.
Are you darksydephil?
i'm sorry anon, tell me what your build's about maybe i'm missing something here
you can still push as dynamo without wasting 7 item slots
put some basic tier 1/2 items in there at least, they're the most soul efficient power boosts in the game
no wonder he has 59% winrate
how do I counter a stove
You pull out the Acme Anvil
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someone turn axe into seven ulting
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already done
Only shiv's ult is anything like Axe
Seven ult is literally don't run into him
>man challenges sun to staring contest
I usually play a five stack with my friends who are way more versed in MOBAs than me (sorry random sixth person)
Ion get it
I actually don't play genshin, it's just random shit I've got saved
Yeah, my friends who play MOBAs were having a lot of fun from the get-go
Yeah, I figure I'll get over the learning curve eventually
I really like the movement, the sole reason I still play it is because I want to learn it to it's full(-esque) potential

enjoy your shit ping when you can't LH/deny
You literally could have gotten outside of his line of sight anon.
sometimes i feel like the biggest shitter to ever shit then i see actual circus clownery like this
bravo /dlg/
This will be pretty broad though.
>You are too aggressive when you shouldn't be (this should be obvious but don't jump at people when you're under 100hp)
>You mistime when you should be aggressive (your McGinnis died multiple times because you let her fight alone while over 70% hp)
>Just because you killed their tier 1 guardian doesn't mean you can just roam around for kills for no end instead of farming, getting kills is good but focus on arming yourself. Get some kills ganking and then go back to your lane.
>Stop focusing so much on the stupid urn, you lost minutes of farming and got yourself killed because you tried to drop it in front of almost the entire team.
>When you see a teammate setting up a gank help them instead of staying there shooting creeps
>If you see your entire team getting wiped don't stay there fighting alone, just run.
>Avoid going into team-fights after everyone died and ending up in 1v3
>You use your items too early and have them on cooldown but you actually need them.
>Tunneling the wrong enemies and getting yourself in 1v3s
>viscous 8k
>you 22k
>abram 45k
>all in same team
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>duo laning with friend
>wipe our lane
>"let's go help blue and gank abrams"
>"okay dude"
>jump abrams
>he survives with like 100 HP
>makes it back to his guardian
>starts teabagging behind cover
>dive him as i'm looking at the map and wondering why i'm seemingly attacking abrams alone
>my friend is sitting at the shop in our lane
>get jumped by a second player on the enemy team, die, and get teabagged
Yeah except the last team fight is going to be the enemy team in your pit at 15 minutes raping your patron.
Are you actually supposed to shoot the creeps? Or are you just supposed to last hit them like any other MOBA? It seems like without actually attacking the creeps the laning phase would just kinda be jumping around like a moron
>pick dynamo
>zip lining to the team for a fight
>my bebop uses hyper beam before I get there so the enemy team scatters
>my haze does the same thing constantly
>my seven is going all in on a weapon build
>whenever I ult my team ignores the people I grab or they don't have their ults so the enemy survives
fucking team games
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>mona's ass avatarfagging
>I don't play
I'm not pretending to have a perfect build. I just like labbing things and looking to see how effective it is. I was against a Mcginnis and building fire rate was doing wonders. So I stuck to it until I finally hit some opposition.

Personally it's really ironic to say but I've got a bit of a mental thing going on with MOBAS in which I know the genre is repetitive and promotes META because it works. But in games like League Dota and Smite I always get the urge to break routine and just try something new and dumb.

"You should probably play a different genre if you hate repetition." Yeah. Probably.

I heard people could just shoot him down so I just went fuck it and gave it a shot. I also could have jumped in there and ulted myself.
Your only option is to scream over voice or repeatedly ping your ult icon and then have them do nothing anyways
Why are some of the top builds so fucking retarded?
>Pretty much everything I said about aggresiveness applies here, but tenfold here because Kelvin is a character that will punish you hard for being overagressive but failling to get the kill.
>Don't let your money pile up so much, early 500 items gives you a considerable power up.
>Farm your neutrals, especially when you're THAT behind on souls
>When going for neutrals try being smart, use walls to cut line of sight so you only fight one at the time, and don't punch them when you could be safely shooting. If you're going to use your punch try positioning yourself in the mid one so you hit multiple with a single punch.
>There's no reason why you should lose 50% of your HP against a medium neutral camp (nor having to use your ult ont hem)
>Kelvin stood under his tower instead of pushing pretty much half the match, I know your brains tell you that pushing your lane is better, but under that souls and item difference you should be focusing on farming souls.
>Please use the "x is missing" more, especially for strong ganking characters like Kelvin leaving your lane.
>Check your map more, if you're trying to push a lane while your team is in base you SHOULD be checking the enemies position, there was a time 4 people stopped pushing your walkers to go for you.

Watch the rest of your replays yourself, you make obvious mistakes that could be easily avoided by paying more attention. I'm not trying to call you shit here but you need to be more aware of what you're doing wrong.
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As long as I exist it can always get worse. I don't typically browse /dlg/ and the gameplay should make that apparent.
I just shoot him with my minigun, who cares how close range he is? I heal it all back anyways
you can buy different items; firerate is good on dynamo
you just completely ignored your purple/green slots to rush two 6k items, which is generally a bad idea
Some games I absolutely shit on who I'm laning against and feel like I'm actually good at the game but then the next ill be up against someone who instantly hits denies and just shits on me. The skill range seem really broad.
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Welp, it was a good run lads
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Lash was right
I know. Abrams was shitting on everything so hard I never had to leave lane for farm. So I just kept farming for the high damage items.
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do they just have yoshi on call 24/7
it just makes me want to play Dota 2, desu
Shared account maybe?
I just like her butt, man
it's literally icefraud
Abrams stomped, Viscous went afk and all i did was farm all game
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If you would be so kind.
your butt looks like this
The funniest part is that he could have maybe won if he went for headshots instead
Don't you just love when some asshole instantly leaves their lane to turn your casual 1v1 lane into a 2v1 start of the match?
I heard that if you invite 100+ people to the playtest you'll get a cool medal when the game comes out of beta
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Add it to the iceberg. Bebop is canonically too powerful.
/vg/ was a mistake
man i cannot lane with lash at all. his laning feels so bad.
I'm not inviting you
I can win a 3v1 if it comes to it i'm fucking invincible
why the fuck do /v/ mods hate when people talk about video games on /v/, like holy fuck vg genuinely should just be nuked and all gacha general sent to /vm/ or whatever the fuck the mobile board is called. literally the only traffic /vg/ even gets is from gacha
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Phew, that was a close one
>stuns you
that viscous was me
sorry I had to go take a shit
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>he doesn't know
What's the plan?
I forgive you
you can actually shoot him from behind cover without taking damage if you line it up right (not that you will be able to kill him with his probably 95% bullet resist)
>laning against gray talon
I leave game, simple as
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Funny electric man
holy shit im going to play the fuck out of this hero so goddamn awesome
could be worse, could go on a 3 loss streak into the same 5 stack while you get queued with a bunch of random british niggers who chain feed
looking to try out infer and seven

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