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Quick Snack Edition

>Steam Page

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>How do I git in?
Respond to the invite anchor with your Steam Profile. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for heroes in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Stats Trackers
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

ivy is so fucking ugly
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I kneel.
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Invite Anchor
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>retard leaves 5 minutes in
>comes back at 30 min
>10000s souls behind + no items
>instantly dies at every push
Why? Just go into another match, we already had it bad enough with you leaving us 5v6.
who is anchor
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I could eat a Paradox
I fucking hate playing against warden
Decisions, decisions friend
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Sex with Abrams
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Are McGinnis players courting the worst reputation or is it just me?
>last game lane against a mcginnis
>pretty awful to fight against but no big deal
>after getting owned for a bit our team makes a come back
>McGinnis dies in a teamfight and instantly disconnects
>next game
>laning against a mcginnis and geist
>kill the mcginnis once
>they instantly abandon the lane and let the geist get owned
>viscous rage quits 10 minutes later
How do you deal with pocket? Every game I have against him they always get fed and do like 50 million damage
silence his ass, buy debuff reducer/remover for ult
I'm starting to really like playing Geist. It's interesting how people will underestimate you: a Lash will dive you thinking you're easy pickings but after hitting him with three daggers his health just burns away. Not to mention you have a great deterrent from being solo dived
we've got vindicta retard syndrome except people play her because there's constant talk about how busted she is not because she's sexy
t. 80% winrate with mcginnis
No, it doesn't....
Thumper brings hope for /bun/gods
because all mcginnis does is push lane, if they cant push lane why even live?
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I had to immortalize the moment.
I find it hard to believe anyone has a win rate above 60% on any hero they've played more than 15 games with. Maybe you 5 stack but forced 50% seems real with how you get saddled with the worst players ever sometimes
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Post character ideas
Why is Paradox the sexiest character Valve have ever made? They don't usually make attractive characters.
>haze and bebop laning
This felt so dirty. She would dagger them and then it would be a free hook.
i hope he's just a tough guy construction worker with a soft spot for bnuuy
McGinnis being the dedicated splitpusher gives her players illusion they are playing a single player game and can leave as they please
needs more skeletons and robots. I will ONLY play as skeleton and robot characters
>laning against grey talon
I leave game
This. I have like a 99% "winrate" in my own lane for my past 15 games but whether we actually win the game or not will depend entirely on how retarded my teammates are compared to the enemy team. I once had a game where I was the only one with the positive K/D and my soul count was higher than all of my teammates' combined.
what the fuck are "shop bonuses" in the stats hover menus?
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we got a goo skelly
For me? I want them to add a doll girl. Love doll joints. That's a type of magical robot really
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Bionicle soon, brother.
>laning against warden
I leave game
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i ship tokomak and yamato purely due to headshape
>Lash attempts to build a robot to surpass Bebop
>only one with the positive K/D
I know that feel. I don't buy the "yeah I have 90% win rate" because literally half my games feel unwinnable because I have 2 guys going 1/22.

I don't understand why people die so much. Even when I lose to a stomp I won't get more than 5-8 deaths.
But is the robot also an asshole?
>"high mmr" games with spectators
>people are just as clueless about what to do as before
ah yes
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im glad he added shoes
i can inspect element too anon look
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Makuta hero when ?
Did they add new pain sounds? I don't remember the characters quitely grunting when they got hit. Also they added some lines about being overextended like some will say stuff like "it's dangerous to be out here alone" and "an ambush could come from anywhere"
I fucking love max movement speed Warden build. Dash in, stun+root Vendincta/Talon/whatever, kill em, press your movement speed buttons and run the fuck away at 26ms, peak gameplay.
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>Did they add new pain sounds?
think so
> Also they added some lines about being overextended like some will say stuff like "it's dangerous to be out here alone" and "an ambush could come from anywhere"
they already did that, but they do it more often now
I can literally see the photoshop lines. Sloppy job
Mods moved ANOTHER /v/ thread to this board. Do they not understand how /vg/ works?
>"high mmr" video autoplays on youtube
>player is just diving in lane ignoring troopers
>everyone is retarded
>doesn't even have a build, just looks at the default pocket built and then tabs over to other tabs to pick other stuff that isn't in it
>17 kills by the 12 minute mark
>looks less sweaty than 90% of the matches i'm in
high mmr is just a massive red flag
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It doesn't matter how hard you won your lane and how hard you try to win, all it takes is bunch of mute retards to force feed the enemy and
For both YOU and the retards. Valve will keep their dogshit dota 2 elo system, do yourself a favor and get a boost from some Ivan for a can of peas or be doomed to be a plantation slave forever.
seething because it's possible to have a high winrate with the shitty matchmaking and poor balance is very funny
>17k player damage
some mod must be having a real melty over the game for some reason. meanwhile coomer gachas get to have their daily threads for years
>buy a boost to high mmr
>the retards you complain about do the same
>still stuck on the same plantation as everyone else
kill all jannies
Before I even finished reading your post I knew you were talking about EU servers. It's fucking painful. Go complain about it on the forum like I have. We have a lifeline to the devs
Ricochet on Infernus REALLY is that good, isnt it??

I'm not sure I want to play a game without it
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Thank you anon. So it seems like it boils down to
>knowing when to fight and when to fuck off
>paying attention to allies to make sure i can help with ganks and vice versa
>better active management and usage not spamming Fleetfoot on CD is hard
>not overcommitting to urn or trying to do it solo when it's risky
>calling missing more often
>being more proactive with neutrals but also farming them better, especially early game
One thing I really want to ask about is the Urn, because I know it's good but I don't know how good. Is it worth dying for at any point, either when we're behind or ahead?
Also, when it comes to neutrals, what's the "best" way to farm those?
I appreciate this rundown. I'm still pretty new (69 games, <100 hours) so I know I've got a ton of room for improvement but it's hard to know specifics a lot of the time when you've only seen yourself play.
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being comfy as an NA player sorry for your pain EU guys
it is, I always get it after leech
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Pretty please
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i love bebop. i cant aim for shit so i just punt bombs everywhere
How do I do damage as Paradox? Should I even bother?
How much damage do you get per bomb?
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threadly reminder that this game will be plagued with aimbots and other cheats
delete bebop
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Speculation on how an early cosmetic will inflate to be worth thousands later on?
snipe with 3
Warden is just a skill check
i was at 302% by the end of the game. i was doing 800-1100 per bomb
it is inevitable. as long as I can still punt creep bombs ill be happy
You post about getting boosts every thread. Pretty sure you're a Russian bot or something.
Don’t some CS2 skins sell for tens of thousands of dollars?
threadly reminder it's an alpha honeypot that hardware bans every cheating faggot so remember to report
Deadlock threads are staying up too as long as they're shitposting about identity politics
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Feels good when you're on the other side of it.
>Play vs a sweaty Shiv
>10/0 at 15 minutes
>6k souls ahead of everyone on my team
>wrecking everyone with tier 3 items when we're barely scraping by with tier 1s
>Farm and catch up
>Buy Silencer
>Silence him when he jumps in a teamfight
>See the hope drain from his eyes
>He dies
>we win
>he rages
>BUT I WAS 24/2
i reported a vindicta aimbotter who was on my team, she had 21k souls by the time everyone else had 6k. oh and we lost lol
Someone gonna push the objective retardino.
Most good goys are afraid that some cyka will steal their account and will hack their fridge, it will still be better to play with an occasional retard vs consistent flow of retards (only after getting to mid 4K I started to get consistently enjoyable games with an occasional booster/someone on a tilt vs a constant unrefined steam of retards prior to that)
I don't think it was Ivans, all the fucks started typing in perfect English as the game was about to end. The issue is Valve being retarded enough to use chess 1vs1 elo system for a team based game, so your performance means jack shit and you get treated the same meaning half of your games just null themselves. Maybe shit is better on US but the elo system is fucked by default.
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I am once again posting to regretfully inform you that I WILL be playing Spirit Turret Mcginnis with top priority on every game

And I WILL have fun doing so
what objective, one walker
Post your're roster
Dunking on shivniggers is good regardless of the outcome.
>it's another PSG having a melty episode
>he bought humiliation rite
get the hell outta my lane
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>viscous can't melee lifesteal off of multiple goo punch targets
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The plantation nigger poster isn't psg, get your schizo lore right
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Yeah, either the ones nobody unboxed yet or the gem knives.
The ones that are like 1-6k are something that got moved to ultra contraband status because it was removed. Like that fire snake M4 skin, or the Alpine Stalker set in DotA.
How do you even land that many bombs in a match? I need a match ID to study.
why do we have two other threads not named deadlock general in the catalogue
mods moving threads from /v/
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I only get it for Geist. You can't tell me it's not useful on her when half your harass damages you.

Also it's good on her since you're back up anyways lobbing bombs and knives until you're ready to kill them
jannies moved them from /v/.
one of our beloved faggot /v/ jannies is having a little meltdown and moves any normal discussion thread to /vg/
I have a 3GB 1060 can I run this goyslop?
ah. but that's just dumb, since /vg/ jannies delete dupe generals
/v/ jannies hate deadlock
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if only there was a video of their faces after getting fucked over in a TEAM GAME. retarded cheaters getting their ego shot is sweet like honey
thank you for your service of adding to my score and giving me free wins.
guy was so fucking dogshit too it was unreal. 0 game sense
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>Team keeps teamfighting and doesn't split
>They just pick one lane and run down it while fighting whoever shows
>Grabs multiple midbosses
>We lose every single walker before we even get 2 of theirs
>Only one we got was from my lane
>I have almost double everyone else's souls from farming lanes
>I'm doing the most damage with Lash on our team
>Go into base alone and take out a shrine and their patron first form
>They still fumble the fucking opportunity
>Enemy pushes every lane to our base
>"Dude we just do no damage wtf"
>vindicta with 3x as many souls as the rest of her team contributes nothing to the match
Many such cases!
I'm so fucking tired of Vindicta when playing from behind. Literally can't go anywhere with that stupid piece of shit root
>How do you even land that many bombs in a match?
echo shard and lots of double hits
shivs death at ~6:25 is funny
Are they banning leavers? There are way too many.
God, I love Geist. I'm warming up to Yamato too, but I need to play her outside of the lab/bots.
match id? i wanna watch it
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that was me.
dont really know how to come back from a deficit in souls but im having fun :^)
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it has strengths and weaknesses for every hero, tips for every ability
is it good or no?
>Friends are starting to understand heroes, deliver urn, and midboss timing
>They still refuse to buy active items
Almost there…
>finally won a game after like 10 lose
Why do people put tesla bullets on wraith, other than it allowing you to charge up cards more easily in lane?
you can help them use active items by getting them to change the first binding to something less retarded
is the magic wand item actually good? feels like i never get enough charges on it to make it better than other regen items.
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>dude in team thinks hes the big shot caller
>Guys dont go solo please
No i dont think i will you cuck


Also whoever decided that paradox has to be played as an epic sniper char with her EPIC carbine dealing 600 damage per 14seconds needs to seriously reconsider his life
>Great poke in lane
That's as far as I'm going to read, no it's not good.
seems accurate to me
Same. At first I didn't "get her" but I gave it some study and surprisingly one of the public builds opened my eyes a bit—while some build her gun and others spirit, in essence, Geist is a tank. Playing Geist in general has enlightened me about farming better, getting her bomb up and just going camp to camp is kinda relaxing.

I had an issue of playing Geist too passively, using her range and bombs to do nothing but once you realise the power of her dagger amp and suck you become a top tier duelist
Its extremely good for early and midgame skirmishes as ohshit button

You dont use it as passive regen
alright bros, what are the good characters that can carry shitters? hardmode : don't mention haze or seven.
it's like Maelstrom/Statikk Shiv
faster farm, faster push
I think it's generally good
Thanks bro. I'll watch this. I have about 100 matches on bebop but lately I've been going gun. Bomb was my bread and butter when I started playing him
more fire rate big farm, you than buy bulk and delete enemy team. is big strategy.
buy bulk what
i have only built gun on him, i assume it's better? but idk
at the shop you spend the 20k like merican at mcdonald
Warden, bebop, abrams, lash
Never do this btw

Just buying ~any~ Item increases your stats in game
how do i extract images from the UI resource files so i can make some high quality HUD mockups as feedback?
source 2 viewer
these websites never hire people actually good at the game to write articles for them.
As a Puck player I've been trying Pocket and he's pretty fun, but I absolutely can't stand the fact that his abilities have startup animations. It feels so much clunkier to play this guy as a result. I want to actually be able to dodge stuff with the 3rd spell on reaction.
behead all stack players
behead yoshi for no strict solo queue
yep i play puck and tried pocket, too. i don't know if i like him or not honestly. gun build feels way better than spirit build but the top ranked pocket does spirit build. i didn't like it.
I just want something more detailed than the in-game guide
Trackers only have stats but no explanation
this really says something about the society we live in
That Geist was desperate to hit her 4 lmao
You think they'll add illusion heroes like in Dota?
thanks anon
How would that work?
illu faggot heroes are hard enough to balance in dota, they'd be OP as shit in a game like this
Button that creates the illusion could be used to tell it to move or attack certain targets. Could even add the ability to swap between the two. We'll never get phantom lancer levels of illusions but I think it'd be cool.
First off, you should really slide more. But this has been kinda eye opening: I think my issue was that I viewed bebop's bombs too conditionally, that one has to hook then bomb, but I see you just kinda running at people spamming bombs on them. Whether this would work against real players (no offence but half these guys literally stood still and only one bought spirit armour) is another question but I'm excited to try this out.
Yeah it's functionally better. It has a higher DPS and can't be as easily countered.
fact: when I win it's entirely because of me
fact: when I lose it's entirely because of team
no I do not need to get better, I always play perfectly
no I will not post replays or scoreboards
ur so real for this bestie
This is me unironically
>windows defender smartscreen
are u tryin 2 bullshit me
This shit sure doesn't feel like its matching based on MMR. I'll be averaging like 1000 souls a minute not even on a good jungle character outpacing everyone on both teams, helping gank and do team fights and get put on a team full of bots and lose. It's a playtest so I don't really give a fuck at the moment but I would like to play on a team with people my skill level.
fuck i don't remember posting this but this is exactly what i would say?
What's the best character to combo with Lash?
Differentfag here but yeah, just slap bombs on people all day no need for hook. In fact, save hook for when they try to escape afterwards if possible. Also dashing forward to place a bomb on people in lane is pretty easy if the opponent isn't specifically looking out for it.
>have kevin
How do I check my stats?
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works on my machine
being able to take midboss at will because you have Kelvin on your team is nuts
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I don't think there is one really, Lash kinda just does his own thing regardless. If I were to think of something, I guess someone like M&K or Abrams is nice to have in the fight creating chaos so Lash can jump in afterwards for his ult when everyone is distracted. Aside from that, I having people actually follow up with damage when you chase and slam people down is nice.
That's what I was thinking
Since Lash is a giga-jungler glass cannon, you need a beefy laner to balance him out
>First off, you should really slide more
yeah, im getting there. im a shitter (as you can see by the people im playing against) but im learning more as i play
>I think my issue was that I viewed bebop's bombs too conditionally, that one has to hook then bomb, but I see you just kinda running at people spamming bombs on them
this was my issue at first, too. before i learned the items, and before i learned how to view player builds, i kept trying to make bombs work but couldn't figure it out. its not just slapping bombs on heroes. it's slapping bombs on everything. it has a low enough cd that it's not punishing to do so IMO. like ill slap bombs on my creeps and throw them at towers and even then there's usually an enemy near the tower so I'll still get the hero bonus
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I actually prefer having a proper ranged hero with me in lane when I play Lash, I was talking more mid-late.
I'm not sure what you mean, I don't think he's above average at killing neutrals.
How do you Abrams? I've found Siphon Life/Infernal resiliance spirit build usually tends to perform best but idk if that's what I should be doing
also sometimes i get a big brain moment and ill put bombs on allies that are being chased. sometimes the enemy backs off and i save my team mate, or the bomb goes off and i get more bomb damage
>I actually prefer having a proper ranged hero with me in lane when I play Lash, I was talking more mid-late.
Yeah I meant in terms of overall team comp, not in the starting lane
>I'm not sure what you mean, I don't think he's above average at killing neutrals.
Maybe roamer or ganker is a more accurate term
How do I stop being so nervous when trying to shoot someone? It fucks my aim since my hands just start shaking on my mouse whenever I'm in an intense duel. I'm a moba player and don't play that much shooters unless it's a single player shooter.
>late game and dynamo never black holes
>he has t4 gun and health items but no refresher

Interestingly you put reach on hook and cool down on bomb, which is the opposite of what one normally does. You never once hit a long range hook so increase your bomb range makes your play of rushing people or launching creeps with bombs better. I watched the whole replay and I can't believe it took like 40 minutes until one person (the kelvin, the only enemy with half a brain) to buy debuff remover. Reaching 300+% is mental but those enemies felt like bots, the infernus would just walk in circles and almost all of them would run into your ult AOE. As you get better you're gonna run into better players and if you pose a slight problem they'll just buy something like etheral shift which pretty much cucks bombbop hard as well as debuff remover. But now you can place bombs on yourself so who knows, that might be the counterplay.

Also spirit strike is a good item for bebop as the uppercut triggers the spirit resist reduction. And it's only 500 and it increases your uppercut damage
Gun. Usual suspects like close quarters and point blank, escalating resilience, hunter's aura if you're roaming a lot, melee charge to reload instantly (it's too convenient, I don't care), heroic aura for the movement speed and fire rate. Your abilities basically exist to position yourself, and your 1 exists to apply spirit damage-related effects like bullet resist shredder or suppressor. Typically your spirit slots should be dedicated to either active items (cold front is good early on) or anything that gives you passive stats like more ammunition or fire rate. For green, just build whatever is appropriate to the match. I usually like picking up extra stamina early.
If people start itemizing against my bombbop and I can afford it, I just get curse. Never a bad item to have anyway.
ok, this is based
>tfw you take an ulting warden (with more farm than you) to pound town USA as Abrams
nigger thought he would melee me and I wouldn't fucking parry it
I forgot to mention that for abilities, I usually go 3, 1, 2 unlock order, and then put 2 points into his 3, saving 1 for last. You get more sustain from items than you do your 1.
>"I will stand against all odds!!!"
>crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch
>girly ass warden death scream
Audio's so funny in this game

bump my anti melee item thread, abrams needs a buff!
kelvin is such a fucking degen character what the fuck are these devs thinking
timing curse to bomb explosions while also echosharding your bombs sounds really finicky. Since curse only lasts like 3s.
Take a deep breath when going into combat
Deep breath, hold it, breathe out
unironically go play tarkov for a bit then come back to this game you won't get scared again
fuck off
lightning nigga is my favorite toon so far
I just do it immediately after applying the bombs, they have a 3s fuse time.
stop saying toon
i hope they add more characters for disabled people like me soon
t. krill/abrams/kelvin main currently learning shiv
>Interestingly you put reach on hook and cool down on bomb, which is the opposite of what one normally does.
oh that was a misclick LOL
seven is for you!
nta but curse has good cast range, it's not too difficult to time unless you're against an adderall korean with perfect reaction time
you can completely break the pregame lobby by pausing in it btw
>Also spirit strike is a good item for bebop as the uppercut triggers the spirit resist reduction. And it's only 500 and it increases your uppercut damage
thanks for this. im still learning how to understand what the items actually do. ill play with this next time
dont pause if you dont want to get banned it's bannable lmao
what else would you call a toon?
low IQ: spirit damage bebop
midwits: gun bebop
high IQ: spirit damage bebop
Laning against a decent 7 is truly hell
I think Kelvin may have a 100% winrate in my recent matches. I swear the team with ice nigger on it wins every time
wraith is cool but she feels weak like wtf do i do against a crowd of people
>play Miku
>heavily focus spirit items
>shit the battlefield with sentries
>a teamfight breaks out
>tanky enemies ignore my sentries because there are better targets
>enter cocky Vindicta and Grey Talon, high in the air
>they drop like flies in a few seconds to 4-5 sentries
I love my personal anti-air defense system
Deep anal sex with Paradox!
You leave and don't put yourself in that situation to begin with. Wraith exists to rat lanes, dump magazines into objectives and jungle camps, and then teleport out when she sniffs anything other than a 1v1 coming her way. If it's a 1v1, you just ult and win. Very boring but effective character design.
He's easy to play as a support. Ivy needs to hit her shots and needs her allies to hit their shots, but Kelvin beams and slows multiple people while also clearing waves.
by far the best support in the game, mass debuffs the enemy with mystic slow, healbane and then tier 3 ice laser and it's free as fuck. Heal teammates with ice bubble spam grenades. Ice path is like ivys ult except you can shoot on while on it and tier 3 buffs your spirit by 55.
I think most 1v1 is doable without really falling behind with a few exceptions of weakest laner vs strongest laner. Seven is only slightly above average, not quite as oppressive as say, grey talon. You can safely farm, especially with good melee and good soul confirm/deny and just get through the laning phase roughly even
it's VERY easy to accidentally misplay kelvin's ultimate and cuck your own team at critical moments

t. a shitter kelvin that loses
wow pardox is really fun her ult feels so good
does it cancel channels?
reminds me of naga song from dota 2
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I am now announcing my transition to a Cadence main.
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>Teammate infernus activates ult and running at the enemy team
>Teammate Kelvin activates his ult, only trapping the infernus, me, and none of the enemy team inside
How? I was Warden and he could just dodge my 3 and inflict endless chip damage on me. I don't have a way to disjoint his stun.
Kind of bored of mole and shiv, I will wait for that cowgirl hero
This model is grotesque but I hope they don't scrap the concept of an opera hero, being a lover of opera myself it would be nice. Sick of the "lol fat lady opera singer" meme though
No, I've gotten ult by the enemy paradox as I am doing the autistic Haze ult spin the whole time while riding the ult
the new build editor is cool but also kind of sucks ass at the same time
there's also one guy who posted here seething about a kelvin spamming ice walls whenever he owl ulted so it would never get through anywhere
that cant be real holy fuck can they make one hot girl
genuinely don't understand how this is possible
yeah when I think of opera i think of pavarotti not some uggo fat bitch
muh dick
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand ivy DROPPED
Just don't worry about "winning" your lane with kill or damage. Just focus on last hit, deny, and farm soul. Try to melee last hit as much as you can for guarantee soul.
By the time you get 2 health recovery item, which is the first item you should buy if you'l want comfortable laning, you don't worry too much about chip damage here and there. You only throw out some harassment to keep the enemy honest on and their feet, maybe to disrupt their last hit a bit
>All this woke shit
We were the modern audience all along.
I really resent not being able to learn heroes by spamming them.
I get Yamato like 80% of the queue because nobody is playing her lol. Guess I'm a Yamato "main" now
I don't think there's any point to learning a hero when they're almost certainly going to be changes to them later on

it's like people learning how to do super precise movement tech, you're gonna get to use that for maybe a few months before gravity gets tweaked or jump height is altered or speed values get changed and then all that muscle memory will be wasted.
Honestly most opera singers are in shape. Largely built ones would be bass. The even contraltos in wagner's works, which the stereotype seems to derive, are still mostly quite normal looking women. They have large diaphragms but they're not fat. I wonder if Pavarotti being kinda heavyset is also an aspect that has fueled this idea—since he's so famous.

From my memory most of the opera singers I've seen with my own eyes were actually quite thin. I saw one in berlin recently and she was very skinny.
I need miku guiness
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When will they add a hero like pic related to the game? Int strats are kino as fuck.
>sniping people with long range Splatters
Nothing in Deadlock compares to this feeling
How do you fight Kelvin in lane? He bullies me out of lane every time and then I don't know how to stop him in a team fight
Break his spirit in all chat. Remind him that he picked a beta male support hero on purpose.
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Make one of these for your main
>128.9MB update
>he doesn't speak english
great, can you be helpful now?
there is new update everyday
probably just bug fixes
make predictions on the riot knockoff.

- they'll probably keep the 3 lane system and adhere heavily to the same roles in league
- same dumbed down league itemization
- same overloaded kits with obnoxious valorant style screen vomit
- try to compensate for everything but going ham on movement, I really think they'll throw in wall running if icefrog doesn't go through with it
- some gimmick like everyone getting a grappling hook or something
- no denies or last hits, so pure melee characters will be base characters unlike deadlock
- probably keep traditional jungler role
where do i find heroes' move speed?
unless you're talking about duo lane just kill him lol
his beam does shit damage and his grenade takes a while to get going. frozone run does nothing before being leveled either
>game that hasn't even launched yet is in active development
everything will be worse but they'll have actually attractive characters and sell more copies/skins
Much like the Riot fighting game, it will never see the light of day
I actually disagree, I think deadlock is a serious threat to LoL, Riot really needs their own answer. and it's time for LoL 2 anyway
>today is the day I'm going to sit my ass down and buy an active item that isn't just one from tier 1 or tier 4
whoops all passives again how does this keep happening
I tried trading with him and I couldn't attack him fast enough with the slow on me sohe always came out ahead
Just got my shit kicked in, shit game
Vindicta is the highest skill cap character
the t2s are good, especially for kill confims
I'm okay with sniper characters in this type of game because it's genuinely skillful because of how big the map is, all the different angles and corners, how different the enemy models are making some headshots harder than others, and of course the speed of movement especially late game.
just get slowing hex it's a decent one in all games
Just outrange him, manfight him, or focus on denies. The beam has low damage and high cooldown in the laning phase, it's blocked by cover, he's vulnerable without it, and his 15 rounds slow gun projectile means you can deny his souls all day and force him into desperation.
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>buy active items
>forget to use them
I will not improve
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>win a 1v2 just barely
>see vindicta's laser appear
Kinda. She's above average in skill requirement and you have to really keep up with both of your farm and pressure mid game to turn into a beast late game. If you are a bad Vindicta, you become the worst feeder on your team.
that's why I only buy 1 active item and it's Warp Stone
Is there a bug with Seven's stun right now? just played a game where it landed, lasted about 8-9 seconds, then after it was done my character got stunned a second time with no SFX for another 8-9 seconds.
Possible got hit with a knockdown active
It’s easier for them to make a card game
i had this for the first few matches i bought infuser until i realized you just pop it every time you're about to use abilities/engage in a fight so i just press it before using any other ability and don't have to think about it at all
I swear, the seven just casted it on me and ran off. No one was around, it happened in a total vacuum to me and the guy next to me. I wish I clipped it
>buy active items
>panic and spam them all at the beginning of every fight
i am the cosmos!
I mostly only buy 2 max because I have them in mouse 4 and 5 (which are extremely easy to activate). I rarely see a game go long enough to get to a 3rd active item.
infuser seems like nuts value, I can't help but to pick it up just to fill out item slots. just the lifesteal alone is noticeable
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Active items are such a hassle. Nevermind the clunky targeting, binding them to ZXCV and using them correctly in the middle of a chaotic teamfight is almost impossible for the average player.
Let's say you're in a teamfight. You're getting shot at from behind and your first priority is to use Silencing Glyph on a specific target that hasn't used his skills. You must then remember which key you bound it to. The range should be correct, the targeting should be correct, your allies must capitalize on the silence window instead of standing around like a retard, you then must headshot enemy heroes while also avoiding bullets, skills, and simultaneously planning an escape route in case everything goes south. All of this in a tiny window of ~5 seconds. It's way too overwhelming.
>put active item to C
>click C nigga
>click C nigga!!!!!
>omg actives are too hard....riot pls save me...
oh my god is that a 5th button I need to press i'm going insaaaaaaaaaaaaane
it's probably the best t1 for any character that likes spirit a lot, so most of them
that's one of the qualities that make this game great
Now that the game has actual rooftops they should change grey talon fly ability to a grappling hook and have him revolve around sniping people from high ground
>play on NA
>every game there is some autistic retard screeching on mic
>that or someone types ez every kill or some insane cope in all chat every time they die

>play any other region
>they speak funny language i cannot understand

really makes you think..
never happened to me
I bind melee to M4 and then put two the active items on Q and E
feels a little more natural
my friends mock me for how much i communicate during the game
Im actually starting to come around on Yamato. I think she's strong, just kinda clunky to play and that's why so many people struggle/feed with her.
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>Win 3 matches in a row
I don't know how to feel. It seems like I was beating up children all day.
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this but with any skill that requires targeting

yes I'm a shitter but it's super frustrating to try and target something with a short range skill just to be told NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE TOO FAR, when the whole time you COULD have been shooting and maybe confirmed the kill anyway but you were too busy getting fucked by not calculating your distance properly. I swear Wraith's ult randomly has half its normal range for no reason sometimes.
That's retard shit
I just hate any item/ability that requires me to left click to confirm a target because it just refuses to fucking work half the time, it's why I basically never pick people up with Ivy's ult because the game won't let me. There are abilities that only require you to aim at a target and press a button (like Seven's stun bomb), I wish all abilities in that vein would work like that.
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please and thank you
fuck dynamo fucking yellow ball ult can't do shit
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Someone give me their best Chief prepping Bull build
i usually just tell them to pull back from bad fights because they're still learning how to play and are consistently underfarmed, which leads to them saying
>hmm... nooo, i think i'll stay :^)))
and then they die 10 seconds later

i need to learn some reverse psychology
I hard carried a game with a 10k networth lead over everyone else and felt like a god but then I realized the guy I was laning against had 7k networth after 25 minutes and was probably like, a 10 year old or something. and also I'm just in the shitter bracket anyway if he's the guy I got chosen to lane against.
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She is lesbian with haze though
I felt this the other day trying to catch someone with my ult as Mo
ended up looking like a retard just running after someone in circles "missing" my stun instead of shooting and punching
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Veil walker meme gun build
You don't need all of these items, it only costs like 15-17k to get going
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based icenigger
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My final match had a mo and krill disconnect but he was my team, and we were just winning despite the 5 vs 6 disadvantage. And once the red box appeared top right they just started leaving after losing a team fight. Then we just ate their base.
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is warden the new vindicta?
no because actually good wardens can oppress like nothing else with ult
how do i join
>0 objective damage
he lost this one btw
The barrier of entry for literally carrying the game and removing the other team's ability to play with Warden is much lower than Vindicta
Warden 3 is basically just Wraith's ult but as a regular ability
His ult is basically unstoppable in teamfights
His 1 and 2 just give him even more survivability
And his gun is amazing
nevermind found it
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>dynamo on the opposite lane talking shit since his first death
>kill him thrice and he keeps talking shit
>t-bags me when they gank on my lane early
>win the match
>type a simple 'GG' after the game ended
feels good man
Nah, warden is opposite of Vindicta in every way
Warden is the noob stomper and get picked by mostly by people who just want the comfort of stomping new players but usually fall apart against good opponent unless they can adapt themselves to make that jump to be a smart and good player
Vindicta is the noob trap because of her attractive design (also draw in the e girls) and the label of "noob friendly" but she actually requires one of the highest mechanical skill and game knowledge to play well and if she feeds, she feeds harder than anyone else.
vindicta and mcginnis are blatantly broken, it's just most players are shitters. infernus comes in 3rd, you just see more of them because he's easy to play.
lol, lmao
>mcginnis broken
shitter detected
It's crazy how Vindicta is the only attractive woman in the entire game, even though she's blue. We need a blonde petite pretty woman or this game is cooked.
shitters spotted. wall is the best ability in the game. having the best gun dps in the game comes in second
>the best gun dps in the game
shitter confirmed, sorry you lost to a farmed mcginnis. try buying slows/stuns/silences next game!
mcginnis's ult has a crazy low cooldown and I spam it to push waves safely and clear jungle camps

it's not like anyone is going to let you use it in a teamfight anyway
I use Seven's ult to clear camps
I will not apologize
>ignores wall

kek. we all know it's the best ability in the game, it's a guaranteed kill if the mcginnis players know how to use it and is basically a warpstone check
Nah, I disagree about infernus. I think the best characters in the game and mid late/late game itemization can shut him down. I think he's average, but very beginner friendly due to his easy farming
They shitted up their netcode to handle 100,000 slavik interbutts, so now everything feels like ass
post a game where you lost to mcginnis and i'll tell you what you did wrong
Active items are so scary can we just completely remove them from the game entirely thanks
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This character should not be allowed to exist
>b-but he has -15% spirit vulnerability
Literally all you have to do is silence him
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okay, I had my fun learning the game
I want human teammates now
>just waste 3,000 souls on an item to counter one character
I unironically love it when I teabag people and when people teabag me. It can be for the most dogshit lucky or 1hp kill and it just cracks me up so much.
>Just follow "Rizzler Ohio's .5% MMR Build" and complain when it doesn't win you the game
It's one of the best item in the game for mid range burst damage lol
t- Yamato player
A hypothetical game where a McGinnis lands every wall in the ideal position is the biggest stomp possible. No other single ability is as impactful relative to how often it's up. Miku wall is on the same level as Black Hole and Storm Cloud.
Yes, unironically the entire game is balanced around "spend 3000 to counter one skill or potentially kill one enemy hero." Congratulations you've figured out Valve's balancing philosophy.
im out thanks for game
come join bros
ggs man
People realized you can dash out of his 3 and Warden mains crumbled.
the fuck is this lingo I keep seeing you spam?
do you have it published?
what item is the biggest fraud

i vote glass cannon
you only have yourself to blame for shit positioning if the wall fucks you up that much
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I had a dynamo on my team build glass cannon and then defensively go "I KEEP DYING WHEN I GO IN" when suggested that majestic leap might be good
>bully lane opponent so hard he ragequits
sorry bro... but you were asking for it...
chief prepping bull is the indian with the bow
Vampiric burst
Nobody ever takes it in my games but holy fuck it's good, especially on Shiv
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Can kind anons please post funny or nice pictures of Infernus or Vindicta? I've been enjoying playing them and need to start a pics folder
when glass cannon works its more busted than pre nerf leech though
sex with mona and this anon
>shit positioning
>against a wall that can go up to about 40m, which is about all guns are start drop off

are you retarded? wait a minute, yea you're a mcginnis downplayer
Is it true Shiv is glad to watch Vindicta leave because he checks out her huge ass?
Titanic Magazine, no one buys it and Yoshi keeps buffing it every patch
>think warden looks pretty cool, british bobby loicense posting etc.
>has the worst voice and voicelines in the game and also isn't british
>kit entirely exists only to filter shitters who can't dashslide
>gun feels like shit even though it's really good
>does nothing but statcheck bad players
remove this gay ass character and put in a real bobby to compliment bebop
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What ult takes the least amount of skill? Okay other than that
titanic mag is pretty dang neat with quicksilver reload,
I would definitely main warden if he was british
Most ults in this game are just press to win, that's why they have such long cooldowns.
torment pulse
>40 damage every 1.5 seconds, barely boosted by spirit power and cooldown reduction, terrible for farming
>health and spirit power bonus are okay but not great
>only works when you're within buttfucking range anyway
>other way better options exist for the spirit slots
>basically useless on loads of characters
alchemical fire
>MORE spirit power
>MORE health (bullet shield)
>boosts your teams damage as well
>huge 'fuck off' area' you can throw down and retreat, no commitment necessary
>can pick it up easily on spirit or vitality builds that have an empty weapon slot anyway
>still decent even on a weapon build
why does torment pulse exist
Played a couple games of seven and you downplayers should be fucking ashamed of yourselves. Character is absolutely disgusting if you have a couple of braincells and know how to use actives.
>long cooldowns
>talon gets a nuke every 30 seconds
Playing orb seven is hilarious, i dont even have to get a good ult off
For brain dead Abrams players to waste an item slot
cuz torment pulse is for afk abrams players to go in and farm damage with q
After imbue. Itemization is king in this game. Just buy healing items and he's basically neutered.
For me when I play Mo and Krill :)
torment pulse is good on maybe 3 characters right now
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>Enjoy Warden but believe he's just a noob checker
>Get 5th white card Warden
>Read Mystic Reach looking for 500 for easier flask spamming in lane
>Notice it also made it significantly harder to escape cage radius
>Neurons making connections
>search "ability range"
>Divine Barrier has +ability range
>nobody can get away from the wage cage
>Barrier it up, Enchanter's Barrier, Combat Barrier, Veil Walker
>Total Warden domination
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I love getting Ricochet+Leach and consistently 1v4'ing the enemy team to victory
>wraith ult is just warden cage but better
>warden ult is just abrams book but better
Creatively bankrupt indie company please understand.
Torment Pulse takes advantage of mystic vuln (which you're probably building on Abrams/Mo etc), and it increases your farming speed, allowing you to make more money. Alchemical Fire iis good but it doesn't synergize with the rest of your vit/spirit build.
when will people stop leaving their patron exposed it's a free win. haven't had this much fun playing games this shits good
Probably one of the all time greatest pictures of a character
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second game wonner
last game for now
starting in 5
assassin warden feels very fucking cheesy to play, coming from a warden main
>wait for them to use like one dash
>monkey mode: on
>activate fleetfoot + warden shield for hypersonic speed
>slowing hex + cage
>9/10 they get trapped
>kill them because funny brap gun goes prrrrrttt
>27/3 end of game
dont forget carpet
Alchemical Fire doesn't synergize very well with Yamato, who is one of the primary builders of Torment Pulse
i had 1 spectator... does that mean i'm high elo??
Imnah, it's ass on Yamato. Yamato doesn't need help to clear because she can spam 1 on spirit build. You are better off with silencing glyph, which has huge burst damage and make sure the opponent can't interrupt your 1 or escape with some ability. I start doing better the instant I skip that dumb torrent pulse the people put on her guide for some stupid reason. Yamato is supposed to weave in and out of the fight in between her burst, not gluing your ass to the opponent to proc torent pulse.
where do u see spectators
very cool
>9 losses in a row
can this end sometime soon thanks yoshigger
nta but top left i think
Yes, you're supposed to adapt your builds to counter what your enemy has.
That's literally how you win in a moba.
>play Viscous once
>lose fucking horribly
Give me every possible tip
You are always the problem. Imagine if you got every last hit, killed your lane opponent, ganked other lanes, split push and won 1v2, and landed a game-winning ult that wiped the whole enemy team. But you did not do that, you whining fuck.
Diabolical build anon, have you had anyone ever escape using debuff remover or warpstone?
>see opponent
>throw goo
Repeat this process until the end of the game
>get torment pulse
>go gank people
>they try to escape using the zipline
>TP hits them
>get thrown off the zipline and stunned
>free kill
You have no fucking idea how many kills I have gotten with this.
How does wraiths 1 work if I want to lock on enemies?
The reticule shows 1 below it when card is in flight, but pressing it just throws another card
there's no clutching in gangbang games where 4 teammates go 0-14, and no amount of "well if you did xyz" changes that fact.
I throw goo and Yamato runs me the fuck down
headshot booster and warpstone both are stupidly good for the price. Warpstone is gonna get gutted I just know it or they're gonna bump it up in price
You could have prevented them going 0-14 by doing well from the start, then rotate to other lanes. Pick Haze, dominate your lane, always land your headshots 100% of the time, you can win easy. We should always blame ourselves not other people.
if you're dominating your laning opponent and your teammates are feeding you should be ganking
if you're not good enough to provide a gank then you should prioritize farming
if you can't farm enough to carry then you should just focus on practicing your movement, map awareness, and team fighting so you'll be better in the next game
solo queue is a nightmare but you can get a little better even when you lose
i haven't had this much fun in a game in years
i hope it doesn't get VALVED
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usually i can outrun them with the fucking 18 m/s, even if they use debuff remover, and flask to make them basically get a diet slowing hex, even so the gun does like a 100 dmg per shot, on that topic, i dont get warp stone, the distance feels very small even if it is just league flash
Have the models been ported into SFM yet?
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>there is no girlfriend character they said
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you know what, i was assmad and now i'm not because of these
i'll see what tomorrow brings i suppose
remember anon, mental is the most important stat in a moba
>enduring speed
finally ended like a 5 game losing streak due to my inflated mmr (playing with a 6 stack)
feels so much more satisfying to win soloq
any general ivy tips? I've been rushing her 3, then just trying to build gun dps items. apparently I should be sliding everywhere and using my 2 more, is that right?
vindictatard btw
split push like a janny then fly to catch up to your team
Why does everyone buy pristine emblem now? What makes it so good? Is it just stats rather than the conditional effect?
Nah, I already know Talon is just a better Vindicta anyways
>feeding my ass off as mole
>enemy team player starts shit talking me
>end up winning game despite going 1-16 with some good stuns
>he's seething about losing to me and other feeder and said they lost 4v6
kek, KDA players are all such retards
I don't care if chief prepping bull is better than Vindicta. I will still play her and not that geriatric
vindicta is harder to gank than grey talon and easier to get multi kill secures
can somebody explain how vindictas rope trap thing works exactly, i never seem to get caught by it even when solo killing her
Got 70% wr on Shiv but he is busted so, I win lane 90% of the time but the team cannot be carried every time
ground targeted pretty sure, with a slight travel time
Playing Mo seems humiliating. Even if you're good and impactful you're still gonna have an awful k/d which just looks bad and is embarassing regardless of the circumstances
is he still broken after the nerfs? i swear the shivs i get just dont perform
it's worth it to stun the carry and win the game off it
Mo and krills only redeeming value is being a stun bot otherwise they are dead weight 90% of the time
which deadlock slut needs her pussy licked
how do you exactly die with him though, cant he burst heal 300 off minions
nah he's pretty beatable and I have doubts on a 70% wr claim, but he's kind of like seven in that it takes a huge amount of effort and planning to shut down because if you let him stack rage and daggers you will lose
He seems very polarising. He's either an unstoppable monster or just a punching bag. My theory is that teams that all buy antiheals can just kill him, teams that don't become walking healthpacks.

I'm so sick of my teammates never buying antiheal against dominating shivs and abrams

So even if you buy an antiheal it might not matter if you're the only one.
It makes you unable to leave area where Stake was thrown and slows you
what the fuck are unsecured souls
Yeah but what do you do after that
He sucks and relies on farm he can't get fast enough
Do I have a free charged melee after Abrams' 2 stun or are people just not blocking ?
By being a big fat target that does no damage. No one's ever "oh shit, there's the mo and krill, better back up", no you see the giantmole man and rape him if he's without his buddies.

punch build is a meme. splatter has 1.5x scaling w/ spirit

you do the math
from my expierience most seven players either go 17/1 or 1/17, no inbetween, so ig youre right
before they quickly nerfed it I remember getting hit with 1000+ damage from one splatter. Genuinely flabbergasted me
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Ok what's a good splatter memebuild
idk mannn when i played him i kinda just walked up to people and shot them, might be in shitter elo though dont know how its like up in the higher mmrs
yeah and the funny thing is that both seven and shiv can easily fuck each other up it's an even carry matchup
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I think featured matches might actually be full of retards.
>full gun bebop upgrades his ult to max first
>also buys titanic mag on a nonfire rate build
>geist never buys leech and never uses their daggers even when shooting objectives
Not only your body hitbox is fucking gigantic, but you have TWO headshot hitboxes.
He has insane sustain if he's armed but takes a shit lot of damage too.
Most shivs are still using the most favorited knife build that the nerfs hit hardest, a good shiv has his own build and will still rape
First game played, a guy DC'ed at level 4 after he died. Played Cruella de Vil that sucks the life out of you. The revolver sucks. Also, feels like you really have only a few good items/enhancements and you should only use those. Since I didn't know which ones were good or not, I felt weak even if I had the same networth to the enemies. Got stomped late game. The electric guy is retarded op. Game feels like it has huge potential.
Free charged melee if you pin them on a wall otherwise they can still parry at the end of it
it really depends, you have a blind to stop yourself from getting 5 man focused but if you fuck up you are getting shredded because the other anons are right, his hitbox is too big man. I might start going metal skin instead of etheral shift because i need to gtfo more than survive for a few seconds
Geist is both beginner friendly and not at the same time. There are easy simple ways to play her like doing all gun to make her revolver a head popping machine. But real Geist is a lot more complicated.

Also if you think geist’s gun is bad you just can’t aim because it has the highest base damage of any gun
>Also, feels like you really have only a few good items/enhancements and you should only use those
Really not the case
Wait holy shit
Mystic Reach increases your 3's escape radius?
there's a tournament on twitch tomorrow with 2 bans on each team.
gonna be interesting with 12 picks, 4 bans when you can only choose from 21 characters
you need to find a build, open the build browser and pick the 2nd or 3rd (never pick the first one it's ALWAYS bad)
if you've never played a moba before you're gonna have an insane amount of trouble with items, it takes ages to learn how to itemize even if you're already familiar with the basic ideas
Mystic reach increases EVERYTHING that is counted in meters
My guess is Seven, McGinnis, Shiv, and Kelvin.
seven is getting banned for sure and i'll be surprised if kevin doesn't get banned too
haze might get banned but they might just decide to fight over who gets to pick her instead
how can they actually set up custom matches?
Abramsbros is the high skill stuff listed real ? Besides the Parry Fakes, I know that's important.
can't you cancel his charged melee with book to delay it (catch parries) AND make it go twice as far?
i know it works for paradox with KC
Hitting the charge from the air is. Though lately I find myself bouncing off of stuff while the charge is going somehow. Like doomfist punch cancelling except the charge keeps going.
They were moved over from /v/ because they displaced a Concord SBI discord tranny flop tortanic thread
streamer client
What's the best rat hero in this game? I have no technical skills and want to win purely off of others frustration.
t. immortal dota
it's cheesey but worse than real warden (tanky initiator/frontline)

still fun though, but remember that the combo becomes worthless if they realise they can just shoot warden to death instead
Define rat? Also it’s wraith
pocket has the best escape tool
wraith is good at it and can also nuke people in 1v1s with her ult
but it's hard to rat if you can't do schmovement
Split pushing and avoiding any conflict you might not win.
McGinnis is the ultimate suicide splitpush champ. It takes more than 2 enemy heroes to dislodge her when shes set up, and even if they do the damage is usually already done. She doesn't contribute much to a teamfight other than passive damage, even if the wall lands, so shes never wrong to avoid fights.
Gunbrams shreds it's very real and very strong when you have good movement
My favourite is flanker Warden
>teamfight before an enemy Walker by the enemy lane side shop
>flank from behind the shadow veil
>pop ult and rush in, throwing actives
>immediately pop their backliner Talon/Vindicta
>my team pushes in
>they can't retreat because they'll be pushing in me with ult and they have no stamina
>3 die, 2 escape, we take walker
What's the strat here? Lanes seem to move to fast to really hunker down. Do you throw down two turrets and jungle only to return when the lane comes to you again?
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This post is 100% FACT. GODBRAMS haters in shambles
yeah element of surprise or just jumping in with leap it's the best way to play warden just being a disruptor
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was actually getting shit done as gun dynamo but we had a 0/18 bebop and a 3/16 mcginnis that dc'd
i had fuckin ricochet and escalating resillience and i was at the store buyin another item with 7k souls and 2k unsecured and my team still couldn't do shit for the 30 sec i had to take the zipline
do not play dynamo until you get out of wood bracket

dont pick mole either
why are the dump file heroes being posted like it's some big revelation?
ofc there's half-finished content... the game is half finished...
the only ones we can be sure they're going to add are holliday and calico at this point
you shove lanes out with your gun, keeping most your turrets ready for the walker/base guardians. Dump turrets at the walker/base and force enemies to come back and deal with you. Farm enemy camps where possible to get a turret that can hit both lane and camp. One guy shows up and will likely get his shit pushed in, if two guys show up then their team is much weaker and your team can press a significant advantage (they won't because they are bad), either way you are doing damage that adds up over time. Its the same principle as Furion/ratdota that won Admiral Bulldog a couple million at TI.
Am I crazy or does that image look like a bald Pocket
Bebop feeds even when he's carrying. I don't know how Bebop players always manage to pass 10 deaths in every match.
Honestly, Surge of Power just doesn't seem worth buying ever, it's marginally more damage than Mystic Vuln, and doesn't provide anything else like Reach or Cooldown or whatever else. Very expensive for what it provides.

works well on viscous once you have ball leveled enough to use abilities in it
Works well on Kelvin after Reach and Cooldown because every time you beam people would always run the fuck away.
The djinn (I forget his name) looks nearly as finished as Holliday and he and Wrecker both have voice lines. The two of them also briefly showed up in the profile stats window by mistake, alongside Holliday.
>move speed is le bad
you suck
If speed is your goal and spirit is your build, you have other options like Fleetfoot.
Nah, seven and haze probably aren't that good on top level of play. People itemize too hard on mobility and cc actives at top level imo.
that's not available at all times with a nice bonus to spirit damage
>Kill midboss
Ez game. Can anyone solo midboss easily? I just don't want to rely on my team mates.
>move speed (most important stat)
>much more spirit power on an important ability
>at a cheap midgame price
geist, I cannot land shots but I can farm from another lane over. Build her tanky-ish.
Like I said it's only marginally more damage than Mystic Vuln, a 1250 item, after which you can buy a movement speed item like Fleetfoot or Enduring Speed without taking up a Spirit slot. I just don't see the value at 3k.
seven is broken as fuck not because of the ulti but the stun and third skill when you get some farm there is no answer to your spirit resistance reduction + leech
starting to see familiar names in my games, pretty sure the real matchmaking doesn't kick in until you're well over 100 games played
>lose lane as mole
>continue farming for a couple of minutes
>become the fastest mole ever witnessed

Digging at insane speeds and bursting 50 to 80% off of peoples hp with minimal early-mid game farm with a fucked up op ult and disarm to follow. Mole is so easy and so strong, i think ill pick him more today and see if people start crying.
>but you have TWO headshot hitboxes.
they both count?
Yep, both Krill and Mo have their own headshot hitbox
infernus is so much fun bros
i love poking and then zooming away when i sense a gank coming
for me it's ulting 5 people
oh yeah and the lifesteal on burn ticks goes crazy
Max splatter first, then max ult so you can splatter and warp stone in it. I like to get some regen early and the npc damage bullets. Imp burst imp cooldown splatter all day, practice the ball control a bit in sandbox. I get kinetic dash as the only movement item except warp.
I had a day where i kept fucking up as viscous and felt like he was trash, then the next day i was stomping, just takes some practice.
people who think viscous is a good laner are just saying that they suck at last hitting and denying. The last few viscous ive gone up against just end up insanely negative in souls because the gun is so slow even with high velocity rounds.
>t-then they will just melee it
yeah and then end up real close to me and my gun while they're in melee animation
>retards doing mid-boss
>ult right when they're about to get the crystal
>run the fuck away
It's just so much fun.
I wonder if this game can handle portal guns. Like the orange blue kind.
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Can someone translate what's written on the guardians?
It would be pretty op but awesome
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The same writing is their backs as well.
It's just Latin isn't it
It’s actually fair from a balance perspective. From the front you can’t really shoot krill’s head and from the back you can’t really shoot mo’s head.
I watch some high MMR play and they way they play just make seven kinda an average hero. Seven just needs way too much to get going.
It's basically bounty, it's how much you will drop when you're killed
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I realized that I have Google Translate and a Latin keyboard, so I did it myself.

you really start to feel the power of shotgun characters as you go up in elo, it's extremely oppressive in lane. People also play around 3k souls way more aggressively, nearly hard diving you with ults depending on the character.
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Works a lot better if you remove the new lines.
>some dipshit gets mad that people are killing lane creeps after a gank to try to push a tower down
I wish I could kill people over the internet.
if your team takes a walker or t3 towers and is still fighting at the end of the lane with no hope of killing shrine, you're still in shitter elo
Correction, it's:
Which in turn is more or less:
>see pocket constantly on sidelanes after we die teamfighting
>every walker is down, assume he's been pushing
>end of the game we lose without him pressing ult or helping us at all, again, for the final fight
>he has less building damage than me and 1/3rd teamfight
what the fuck was he doing all game, he wasnt even throwing he's just genuinely that bad literally doing nothing
He should be a mostly melee focused hero, that's the drawback, you dodge his 1 and he can either just stand there looking at you or go all in with his ult, for example vindicta flying negates most of his kit.
holliday bending me over a barrel
with the amount of mobility in this game, I just don't see any squishy long range character being any good
>teamed with a stack who just BROOLS constantly while the enemy team fucks all our objectives
>"bro how'd they get so much stronger than us wtf"
Honestly I kinda prefer 5 solo retards who dont talk all game
the long range squishy characters are also very mobile and presumably are also being protected by their teams
>the long range squishy characters are also very mobile
Vindicta is least mobile hero in the game
don't forget mcginnis
Also applies to small AoE skills. With so much mobility options, if you got caught by Dynamo's ult in this game you probably deserved it.
yeah this game is pretty fucking bad when the enemy knows what they're doing and pick all the faggot heroes

warden, talon,pocket, mcginnis, pocket, infernus lmao. the games balance is just truly awful to take seriously
the distance between the towers seems so short compared to dota and lol, shoving a wave is not bad at all, but in dota and lol I get pissed when that shit happens and the enemy holds the wave right at their tower
yeah warp stone being on a 15s cooldown, magic carpet having a low as fuck cooldown to. Anyone who needs to be in roughly the back of a fight is getting dived the fuck out
>honor and glory
>skeleton soldier inhabited by a ghost, constantly talks to himself

>slow firing rifle
>1 burts: empties the magazine in a quick burst (really fast), bad accuracy (maybe deals dmg in a cone or something)
>2 stim pack, self or friendly, temp stamina and max hp boost
>3 ammo crate, drops a destructible box that gives one a full reload who picks it up, gives weapon damage

>trench shotgun, inaccurate
>1 gut shot, applies bleed and slow with each pellet hit
>2 bayonet charge straight line charge, applies bleed on first enemy hit, carries 1 enemy
>3 smoke grenade (is there an effect for this?) pops smoke, disarms and hides everyone in the area

>4 switches between honor and glory giving some boosts to relevant stats

God I love warp stone. I only really get it on Geist but man it’s fun. You become so slippery
I know it's a dead horse but goddamn I forgot how unfun it is to play with stacks as a solo player.
how do i use Ivy ult? what for?
i don't know how to make Ivy good

Every time I win I just shove towers and crumple in every 1v1. Do I just need to aim better?
For me it's Haze. Shit's broken beyond belief.
oh they also had haze
Geist is one of my mains but she’s not really a rat hero. She’s too slow.
>grey talon
lol lmao
Press 4 then press M3 to go in the air. You could theoretically press M1 instead to pick up an ally if you're within licking distance of them and if the game feels like it but you'll both probably be dead before you can make it actually work. No I'm not mad (I am very mad).
lmao bebop can grab you from the other side of the map thats how long is arm is
with that team comp he has a free game and he still chunks for like 600 damage a hit even after nerfs, so yeah he is going to be cancerous

it's at the point in the game where if i'm in a high mmr faggot lobby i can tell which team is going to lose just based on draft, it's not very fun
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>there are people that would be okay with the shop item icons and names staying the way they are
imbued range bebop hooks are crazy long
If I can't be toxic then I will report for the most minor toxicity in hopes they get banned. I will adapt.
Minimalism mind virus
it is kinda odd with so many people getting very comfortable with the item names now, but is still looks insanely unfinished. It's a bandaid they need to rip off asap.
I would love 3D designed items ala Dota or at least nice pngs like smite or LoL
i wouldn't hate new icons but I can tell what most of them are just by seeing the icons at this point
bebop should have the stamina reducing talent, not haze

haze is too dumb of a hero right now she's actually a better bebop since she allows for setup, bebop has to knock them around immediately and they can just warp stone out he kinda sucks
I already do this. I went from TF2 saying nigger all the time to Overwatch where I got month long game bans for swearing a little too much. Now I’m scared of toxicity so I report anyone who is slightly rude to me because that’s my toxicity now
They remind me of the minimalistic UI of my favorite game, Genshin Impact.
That is literally impossible in this game.
I fucking hate how you dodge has such huge fucking range that you get stuck on everything
the collisions killing me in lane really triggers me, they shouldnt just stop when hitting an object it should slide past with some movement penalty

it punishes aggression in laning too much when you try to roll out and get stuck, it's a large part of why laning feels really boring imo
We were sieging the base and our Ivy solo’d the boss. Anyone with a really fast attack speed and a multi tick skill can I think. Heroes that can’t do it are ones like Geist, lash, warden, bebop etc.
yeah and you have to memorize the entire fucking map so you don't backroll yourself into a literal corner, the map is way too cluttered with random trash that's just close enough to fuck with dodging comfortably
i look forward to an icon and name update eventually. because most of the icons are a bad representation of what they do, and things like 'debuff remover' have pretty gay names. I'd rather have silly thematic names like "Lincoln's Instant Chiropractory device"
No way you guys are getting filtered by 3D space. Stop bumping into things while you dodge, ever think of that?
am i crazy for enjoying Dynamo? I wish he was a little stronger early game though shits rough
Holy shit haze early game sucks
in mobas you have perfect 360 degree vision, in this game you get like 140 degree view, so you would have to turn all the way around to dodge properly without knowing exactly where each object is
Yeah some items are clearly items just like in Dota but then some are called "Duration Extender"...
you have to keep your fixation stacks on your enemy, and then she is strong
homie its not like the map is switching out walls behind you when you arent looking, just know where you are and roll accordingly
pretty sure it's 70° or close to it like most games
Yeah but you know what’s behind you because you’ve seen it before. Do MOBA players not have map permanence?
it's 3rd person so it's a bit different
>he memorizes random barrel clutter and doorway angles
>don't oneshot grey talon
>deipower makes him start flying
>shoots 300 fanning shots per second
>regen all his hp with gun lifesteal faster than I can damage him
cool character I hope anyone playing him has a nice day and doesn't get run over by a truck
your slowing hex sar!?? yeah he op
>faster than Vindicta
>much stronger gun while flying that needs no aim
>spammable charge arrow harass instead of her buggy crow
>AOE FPV owl drone every 20 seconds
I hate this nigger
t. Vindy spammer
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I guess 5s really do exist.
nah i just filter that garbage out cause it's not interesting to me and also the map has changed 3 times in a month
Honestly in 300 hours, grey talon has not really given me much grief.
skill issue
he's like the one hero that can out duel haze because he can burst her down in 2-3 shots at all points in the game, and owl can chase her down too
One of my friends who is just insanely bad at mobas becomes insanely fearful anytime Vindicta or Grey Talon jump into the air and that really only leads to more free shots as they run away. That's what I assume all people who have issue with those characters are like.
This is such a strange brainlet cope. I’m not “memorising” the map. It’s the same concept as walking through a doorway and knowing that if I walk backwards I’m gonna go through a doorway instead of bumping into a wall

People who brush off basic memory as a matter of indifference just come off as retarded. It’s like when people don’t know basic common knowledge or elementary stuff and just say “well I didn’t memorise it because it’s not important”

No one “memorises” this shit, they just don’t forget it because they’re not morons
zero chance grey talon can out duel haze lmao if roughly equal in souls
hes probably one of the best early laners. Charge shot has a massive hitbox and easily can hit people behind cover without even seeing them, arrow rain dishes out a ton of damage and shreds minions, and the trap is a straight upgrade to vindictas stake. ults okay, stacks spirit infinitely just has an annoying windup. I don't lost lanes but I stopped playing him because i want to play him spirit but hes squishy as fuck and it just doesn't work out since I main Mo&K.
shoot arrow -> roll behind cover-> shoot arrow -> roll behind cover
wow you did it
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what was ivy's old ult again?

Why does all fanart give him a goatee when he is clearly clean shaved. What is this collective mandela effect?
kill you
The thing is that being able to shoot first and apply your debuff just give you so much advantage. Being safely deal damage atr range and forcing shorter range enemies to have to use their mobility to commit to you is a big difference. Of course, there are bullshit broken items like phantom strike that kinda make that playstyle difficult, but if phantom strike is nerfed alone, that would change a lot
magic carpet
no i killed u first from 100 meters away before you saw me i won
Does Paradox's gun just feel bad to anyone else?
>play lash
>11 kills, 11 deaths every game
How do you play this guy?
she flew by herself for 3 seconds and then dropped to the floor like a stone, then got massive regen on landing
shitters liked it because it was just majestic leap with a big heal for ratting and getting away
>get owned by balanced zappy man
>talk about what items we need to get for the team to counter seven
>mole chad says he almost has phantom strike and not to worry about them
>immediately once he gets it seven is swatted out of the sky like a fucking bug and we win right after
lol, lmao even
actually I slept you and walked up in your face bursting you down before you could do anything i won
my arrow goes faster than the dagger and i woke up from sleep after you already died
one full mag into the head does 380 dmg, and she has no other damage than her gun, even getting items barely help, it's a struggle to get the creeps too because you have such a low single bullet damage
you cannot 1v1 anyone early to mid game (disregarding retards)

Bout to be my third attempt at getting an invite. Please help.
>to the head
oh no he's retarded
Yea, phantom strike just break a lot of characters. Things that should be avoidable with good spacing and reaction is irrelevant with someone can insta teleport across the map right on you. Also, the counter play such as unstoppable have significantly longer cool down.
>haze in the game
>build blademail
>she kills herself everytime
Yea, like just hide under a tall cover lmao
but that's not the issue, the map is a fucking labyrinth, and the center of the lanes have so limited straight lines that you can' t move comfortably
I could probably draw the lane from memory, but when I see a skillshot coming I'm not thinking about if I need to turn 5-10 degrees so I won't hit a barrel to my side, but go behind it or walk a bit back so I can get through the doorway.
headshots deal more damage
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May I offer you this video for an invite?
1 damage scales with distance, using it from a rooftop is giga damage. but really maxing 3 is the most reliable plus the best spam. do not go for big flashy ult plays, 9/10 times you will die, be happy to ult one person or two for a confirmed kill. superior stamina allows you to air dash in directions people arent used to, which is key to dodging and living stuff
yeah and the whole problem is that just a slight clipping of the cover completely stops all momentum so you just die, and makes the game pretty dumb you need to give such a wide berth you can't reliably dodge shit like grey talon arrows without risking just not moving at all

Abrams has a really strong base and a strong gameplan. There are minor variants to his build but his key points are
>Good CC
>Strong staying power in fights
>High power up close
>Naturally beefy
>Has a strong hybrid damage profile

You don't really need a singular expensive item to get online, so your objective is to fill all your slot with soul efficient items that just makes you better at what you are already good at:
>Duration extender is core as the increased cc time makes heavy melee punches into a guaranteed combo on stun and your aura lasts for longer (more damage and healing as a result
>Get items in each category that buffs other category. Mystic slow makes your aura slow everyone it hits, which buffs your tanking and damage. Mystic Punch buffs your aura damage and your melee damage on combo. Frenzy synergizes with your tankiness since you can actually survive building stacks. Hunters aura makes you indirectly tankier and is relevant to your up close fighting style

With Abrams your goal is to be up close shooting, lifedraining and punching. Just because you picked up a bunch of punch buffs it doesn't mean you shouldn't primarily be shooting targets (because of the risk of parries), but at the same time you should definitively punch people. You want people to parry you, it makes it easier to shoot them in the face.
Paradox just seems so boring to me, I don't get her kit at all
if you aren't getting at least 2 to 3 active items on every character by the end of the game, you are still in shitter elo
build full tank and just get mystic pulse at some point
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The charge shot hitbox is disgusting. He might as well be firing Bebop's laser at you.
>You want people to parry you, it makes it easier to shoot them in the face.
I love it when someone parries and they sit helplessly as I just shoot them.
You actually buy headshot booster as Haze just for the flat harass because of how weak her bullets are
you keep posting this webm and it just isn't doing what you think it's doing. That crosshair is REALLY close to that person's head. It's not that big of a hitbox at all. I'm almost entirely sure at least a third of the roster has projectiles just as large.
t. gay talon abuser
You can't say that Vindicta is viable and doesnt need a rework then immediately say Talon is balanced.
If Vindicta is strong then Talon is gamebreaking, he does everything she does but better.
Simple as.
>buy infuser first item
>hate to but have to sell it late to make room for knockdown or curse
They are about even imo.
Both are average but Vindicta is a bit harder to play for sure.
talon is better solo but vindicta is better in teamfights
wait, i dont need to go for head-shots with Vindicta awp??
Vindicta is counterbalanced by having 2 base stamina and -10% bullet resist, although she has the highest movement speed tied with Haze and Yamato. Her flight has a 40s cooldown (25s at level 3) and she's very vulnerable while flying, which is where the -10% bullet resist really hurts her.

Grey Talon is counterbalanced by having 6 base movement speed... except it scales with spirit, and reaches 7m/s with just 4 500 soul items that he'll have 3 minutes into the game. His flight has a 33s cooldown (18s at level 2) and he can reposition with stamina while flying. They really made no effort to balance Grey Talon like they did Vindicta, and the result is a character that does everything better except CCing with stake.
Both of the flying characters exist to make your lane really boring to play in.
it's pretty bad early since you have to use a 5 shot burst for every creep as well as every soul
vindicta can fly pretty fast in the air sometimes if they go certain items
Keep downplaying, faggot
in other words you need to have aim
I would say vindicta's crow is low key pretty good because it built in debuff healing, which is huge for late game
>ecause it built in debuff healing
It also deals 60% of 3 heroes HP unless they have 60+% of spirit resist
>region swapped for the first time so I can keep playing after servers close
It's over boys, I'm an addict
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>carry your team
>no one says anything
>do bad
>people seethe
Vindicta can go rolling extremely hard with a good team, but without a team she is a free kill, she has no escape and no mobility, she is a pure skill based adcarry, her kit allows you to use your skill and not replace it, like the tv guided owl.

his trap is way too strong too, you should be able to at least destroy it, but he can just drop it on a chokepoint, snare multiple people and you can't do anything about it
>S tier
Haze, Shiv, Pocket
>A tier
Talon, Seven, McGinnis, Warden
>B tier
Infernus, Wraith, Kelvin, Abrams, Viscous, Bebop
>C tier
Geist, Paradox, Mo & Krill, Yamato, Dynamo, Lash, Ivy, Vindicta
I will buy 4 every game once I realize good keybinds, the default feels AWFUL
aim doesn't matter when you don't have the damage, literally dumping your entire mag into the enemy's head (unrealistic) will not get them to half HP at best
aim your dagger and punch them, and it definitely adds up, why should 1 magazine kill someone at 1 minute youre hitscan
I was gonna offer praise but youre still posting frogs, so fuck you faggot.
s tier : mole, haze infernus shiv seven
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needs to have his shoulder up to maximize smugness
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>Play Warden
>150 hp left, running away
>Shiv with full health is stalking me to get a free kill
>hide in a corner
>ult just before he sees me
>win the duel
I'm living for this shit
same but instead its some retard chasing me around the when im 100 hp as Geist and ult just came up
>worst player on the team becomes the team leader because he uses his microphone
geist having her ult cd visible is kind of a huge nerf to her at higher mmr
what's the deal with lash? i struggle with him in early game but once i get a lot of movement i like hopping rooftops and slamming minions
>Making a TPS MOBA in the age of frantic cheating
i buy 3 actives and im still stuck in shitter elo
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>enemy Haze denies and confirms every orb in the radius while teamfigting and always landing headshots
its over
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>duo lane struggles and starts shit talking each other for doing bad
>they both have the exact same stats
I love the creatures you see in this game
they should add more i-frame moves
>going even in my solo lane
>check the other solo lane, he's ahead
>"Nice good start"
>check the duos
>both have 5+ deaths before 9 minutes
There's something in the water in the duo lanes
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All Pick when
All Random when
your discord moderation staff ladies and gentlemen say something nice
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what's this about
he's beginning to believe
download counterstrike source
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Dynamo vision

Neon Prime!
he's doing it
it's always the hazes and inferni(g)
anon… your graphics card………… fuck
yeah it's old but i've never had an issue, normally just use medium to low settings if the game is demanding, looks like it's a common bug
i imagine it'll get fixed. ah well

Jokes aside, duo lanes are inherently more volatile since a single player might end up taking twice as much damage as in a solo lane.

Solo lanes are chill comfy aimlab duels. Duolanes are a chimpanzee fight club
Lady Geist teaching Haze to act more ladylike and less like a sleep paralysis smoke demon. Haze trying on frilly dresses and pretty shoes. Haze learning to ballroom dance. Haze as the blushing bride in a wedding dress at our wedding.
and since nobody communicates one guy will go for a dive, die, and fuck his lane partner
>youre hitscan
anon-san the only hitscan primary in this game is bebop's and he has a hard range cap. everyone shoots projectiles
I hate how they can deny before my bullets can even travel that far
anyone else having their animations bugged while watching the replays since recent updates?
Actually, no. Bebop's is just an extremely fast projectile lol.
>anon-san the only hitscan primary in this game is bebop's
Does Paradox's swap interrupt?
it shouldn't but the problem with haze is that she need 2.5 mags to kill someone, with the dagger
for seven it's one mag and one ability, for over 600 dmg at lvl1, most heroes do somewhat lower, haze does around 400 while also having the lowest health at 500, most heroes out dps her or out sustain her, one mag + one dmg ability on most heroes is enough to get her extremely low, her dps (56) is only higher that dynamo(52), talon and geist(55)
sex with vindicta
Viscous is a woman
Viscous is a sea anemone
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>vindicta with some spirit/cdr can have perma flight
out of 10!
I've been telling you this for a month now.
That's basic knowledge
hell yeah make me a bigass target people can hear from two lanes over
I like testing builds in bot matches :)
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that's a woman?
kinda wish we got this model already but I guess animation takes a long time
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How come this is fair
stinky doomer
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>another 14/3 Vindicta game (lost)
>one death was from ratting as the slowest zero escape hero because my team doesn't know to use space
Playing Vindicta is a humilation.
>go 4/0/0 in lane
>destroy tower, rotate to next lane, repeat after all towers are dead
>get to 10/0
>check souls
>we're down 4k souls despite me being 10k above everyone in my team
We won in the end but it was suffering, even being so much ahead I could barely do anything
She's pretty bad in pubs, try to pick her only with a team with good communic-AAAAAAIIIIEEEEEEE
4 active slots is too few
tell me about the baxter society
Why do they wear the prosthetic arm?
Lady Geist
20 Young and Healthy Underaged Boys

Think about it.
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>game already has a designated /ss/ hag
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is it normal to be so ass at a game? what the fuck i can't even get a single kill
Pick Warden, he's the Pyro of this game.
Pop ult, front towards enemy, mash random buttons (flask, fleetfoot, cold front, slow hex, binding word) and start blasting
If you're in a teamfight and you rush 1v3 even better
I love the way some of the best Ivy players in the game can at best manage a 55-60% winrate on her and then you look at other people who are the top of their heroes and they're literally all 80% and up. And yet people will claim Ivy is op.
that's because ivyfags are retarded
they have yo numbah
I was 1-4 with 18 assists as McGinnis. If you cant get kills, you feed kills to your heavy hitter.
Just installed, who's the most fun character to play anons? I tried clock girl and it was fun swapping and fucking a guy with the barrier
Also any newfag tips would be appreciated. The tutorials are garbage, which is expected for a MOBA I guess
Infernus and Abrams
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very subtle
The character feels like hot garbage to me, I don't get it
>1 is stupid hard to hit
>2 is meh until you get some items up
>3 is fucking slow as moleasses
>4 is whatever
The devs overestimated the aim accuracy of the average player. They gave her a great 2nd skill then made said skill gimped by cooldown and teammates' just standing around doing nothing with it until it expires.
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the red day is upon me
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[Worrying news] Despite massive grassroots campaign Deadlock struggles to gain players
tf2 and overwatch players are being filtered
cute shitter..... id queue with you....
people love to say things like this about their disgusting faggot characters it seems
I don't like playing these kinds of games alone but I don't have any friends who play it either (we just play MMOs together)
Sucks but that's life I guess
warden's 3 doesnt work against players who know how to dodge jump.
valve is in serious trouble now, only being in the top 10 most played games on steam.
it's fucking over bros!
>bait so bad not even /v/ bit
>tries to spam it here
go kys
i guess warden's 3 not working against players who know how to dodge jump means the character instantly dies and does nothing else
That's because Deadlock is the latest FOTM to grace the hero shooter genre. Just like Marvel Rivals and Concord before it.
the moment slowing hex is bought its over
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>lost 2 games in a row last night
>know for a fact I will win today
>pick heroes I've never used before just for shits and giggles
>3/7 Bebop
>1/6 Shiv
>get carried both times
Thanks, forced 50%
It's over. Deadslop has fallen.
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love this little lightning nigga like you wouldnt believe
do you only play the overpowered toons?
>lane against the monkey looking faggot
>getting harrassed by his shotgun from a million miles away
Fucking hell this faggot is annoying
of course why would i play a bad hero
It will be the same as Dota 2, the game will find its audience and never grow, but the playerbase will be stable.
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You're getting the nerf hammer, faggot. Enjoy it while it lasts.
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>yfw valve actually employs a psychologist for their game design
He does fuck all damage from long range so just ignore the -1hp tickles
>Data is from a popular PvP game made by EA.
anon... the words are right there for you to read...
also, even if this was Valve data they wouldve hired a consulting firm to do this for them. They absolutely do not have a staff psychoanalyist
Why not? They literally hired an economist before. Every big games company has psychologists these days.
CEO Mindset
Anon, you just posted a link to the paper, if you had read it youd see that the very first thing in it is a list of names. This was written by researchers at a few colleges and 2 EA contacts, who were both data analysts/scientists. Its clear as day that EA had contractors for this, not people on staff.

2/10 bait, got me to reply more than once
why the fuck is everyone always telling ME to stop feeding when everyone else on my team is feeding harder?
>He really thinks the people who INVENTED lootboxes and battlepasses aren't predatory
How naive.
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She's the best lane pusher. She can take any 1v1.
read my post, numbnuts is saying that valve has a full time psychologist on staff. thats fucking retarded.

Haven't thought of Cruelty Squad in ages
I didn't post the paper
Engagement-based matchmaking is real and it has been applied for years in games, it's obvious Valve does it too.

Cod players call it riding the rollercoaster, where no matter what you do you will win some and lose some. The matches are fixed, they're fixed to make sure everyone gets some wins and some fun because nobody wants to lose 10 matches in a row over the course of 5 days for example.
How the fuck do you actually play Lash?
whip infernus and wraith
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I had this game the other week and this Lash was on voice at the end saying "Well if Ivy wasn't feeding all game we'd have won". I don't think he even looked at the scoreboard.
>nobody wants to lose 10 matches in a row
funny you mention that, because the eomm in overwatch is calibrated so poorly that's exactly what happens, you get complete troglodytes in your team for 10 matches in a row then suddenly after losing several ranks you start getting better teammates?
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Why can't people sometimes just accept that the enemy team was better?
Wraith is better. She's also very easy to gank with in the early game which enables her to snowball out of control.
i agree to all of this about WHAT valve and EA are doing. I am saying that sudios pay external contractors for this, they do not keep that expertise in-house.
>I lost so the game is fixed
No it's not fucking retarded. The job position exists.
jump 500 miles into the air, whip them, and then slam them for all their HP.
don't play lash until you learn this combo because it's all he does all game.
Overwatch matchmaking is fucked sometimes. My worst record was 13 losses in a row, and 7 of them had leavers on my team.
anon btfo
wait, as in I should jump, THEN ult them, and THEN divekick? If so, I didn't realize that you can cast that in air
Because that would've been the case in 2005 on some random pub server. When you introduce matchmaking into it its purpose is explicitly to balance games so they're fair. Now when it starts doing funky shit like creating 'high skill' games that end in 12 minutes. And you're sitting there, hundreds of hours in high MMR games, and you don't recognise a SINGLE person on your team. But the enemy team is some all star team. It gets questionable.
I find his character really annoying from a design perspective. Why does he look like a monkey?
Read the ability description
yes, they have literal hitsquads designed to fuck you over at any given notice
This game is infested with discord squads. They can't blame their e-friends for doing shit so they have to find someone else
Because somehow according to someone at Valve, the monkey face and pompadour were traits of a handsome charming male in the 1920s.
What did you expect from Valve? Their character designers suck.
i was explaining his basic lane combo but yeah you throw in an ult while you're up in the air before you ground pound for the ult combo. the range for it is vertically infinite so you can be 50000 feet into the air and still grab people below you.
the whip is his lane sustain that keeps him alive, hit it when you see a bunch of troopers grouped up because every target you hit heals you. you don't have to hit it while you're in the air and you can just do the jump -> ground pound combo.
keep in mind that ground pound gets bonus damage the higher you are in the air so later in the game you want to double jump and then ground pound.
>jump 500 miles into the air
With double jump? I heard people say that you habe to use the ziplines but I don't understand how when they are hiding behind
that guy is a fucking mongoloid
jump up to your zip, use the jump on a nearby trooper, and then use jump again on your target or another trooper and then aim your ground pound at the enemy.
the zip honestly isn't required but just do it when you can, buy extra charge early if you trust your ability to land double jump ground pounds.
Healbane and Decay stack right? Just had a game where the only thing that could kill me 1v1 was a infernus because he had Leech / spirit lifesteal and it kept him up through my decay.
Last time I checked they should. but that was last week maybe they changed that
grapple will always give you vertical height, so off of a zipline or out of Mag Leap you can grapple for even more height as you aim your stomp.

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