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March of Shame Edition

>Steam Page

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>How do I get in?
Respond to the invite anchor with your Steam Profile. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for heroes in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Stats Trackers
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

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>I have played 38 games of Lash and won 25
>In all these games ZERO (0) ocassions my teammates have ever engaged on my ult, not even with the loud DING DING DING sound, not even dropping them on top of my dynamo with ult available.
>My only way to win is stomp lane and gank people and get 1 or 2 kills all by myself every single time i have ultimate and then go back to destroy my lane and getting al the farm in the map
When the fuck do i get paired with non mouthbreathers? I cannot play 200 games per character in 3 weeks man
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How do I play Abrams as a Warden spammer?
Just build melee?
why are the minions candle people anyway?
I've been spamming Lash and same here, I just play like my team is only there to cause a distraction before I go in. I need to get a few kills solo in most fights or we can't win, it feels like. Luckily Lash is strong as fuck and people don't know how to play against him yet, really.
all good and proper satanic rituals need to have some candles anon
because the goal of the game is to complete the humiliation ritual
Yeah, honestly kind of sick of the state of matchmaking. Sometimes you get entire teams that refuse to communicate in game and just bait you for every last thing. They don't give a fuck about anyone outside their stack and you're just treated like dirt and if you express any sort of frustration whatsoever you get dogpiled all of a sudden.
as it should be get fucked random
who is anchor and why do you keep asking to invite him to the game?
MOBAs are literally 2 different games in low elo/high elo

High ELO you are playing the game. players know what characters can do and play accordingly, you can have good games and you can interact and have sinergy BUT you have to deal with gigantic egos, streamers, one-tricks.. etc
Low ELO you are playing kindergarden simulator, you and 1 or 2 guys in the enemy team know some stuff and the game is a race to exploit the retards on their team before they exploit yours. Thats why 90% of the online discourse about MOBAs is about ''muh team etc.''
What's wild is them telling me "to get friends". All of my friends that touch this game play it like once a month.
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I mean, it doesn't say "Air OK"
Oh, I thought you meant the ult by saying "whip", I get it now
I always feel like 3 isn't really healing much, but it makes sense if the healing scales off of how many enemies I hit with it
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ever considered using voice chat you retard
how about you just hit creeps and then solo win a game with 60k souls
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Vindicta is probably the only class that can reliably go 15/2 and still lose
Who would you pair with her to take advantage of her role as basically just Sniper TF2?
>worst player on our team starts telling people what to do
>he suggests the dumbest shit
>people still listen to him
It's scary how often this happens. People really are cattle
Literally me as Haze
I AFK farm, only look at the map when my ult isn't on cooldown, smoke to next lane, ult, get a kill, back to farming
she fucks up the comeback mechanics with her extra souls on snipe and her numbers are basically tuned around her having more items than everyone else.
don't pick her until they fix it.
I may be retarded
meant for
Remove her souls on assassinate kill bonus.
It fucks her entire kit and makes her a stomper or a stomping target.
She and Talon need to be pushed apart somehow, make her gun more viable so she's the sharpshooter, make Talon's kit more caster oriented so he can use owl and charged arrow.
She's just an inferior clone right now
Yeah but if you have a retarded friend who wants to play her, who's the best at helping her secure kills?
Warden or Abrams
just pick Mo so he can feel like a god at hitting the stationary target
Bad plan is better than no plan often enough
>vindicta has the best lane matchups in the game
>best early to mid game in the lane
>but they are squishy so she needs drastic buffs

can the vindicta players here shut the fuck up you scrubby know nothing pieces of shit
Paradox denying your orgasm by turning back time and making the cum return to the balls.
Vindicta stake + Warden cage = super effective combo
I'm watching a September 1 VoD and I'm hearing the Yamato redesign is already known? Someone post it, please?
tps team games are so unfun to play since you don't know what the fuck your allies are doing especially in a fast paced game like this
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i have a 60% winrate with her and only build spirit, my entire gameplan is sitting on the backline throwing crows at people. those crows hurt.
paradoxical cumswap
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Yoshi posted a bunch of concept art last month but there's no confirmed look.
Definitely getting gangster vibes from this, but it feels too modern, not early 1900s?
Are they really gonna take away exposed legs ;_;
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Forgot to thank you.
This pic is why the "bitch line" got removed
>Hear the bell ring
>Look into the sky
>Make eye contact with him as he's yoinking Pudgecrank and Gal Capone
>Throws them into my face, I Shiv naruto dash through them and we clean up.
Moments like these with randoms are crack to me. Lol, OW, Dota, I don't know why people play these games if they're not chasing the teamplay dragon.
I'm not a really good Abrams player but people telling you to just parry him are insane
>you manage to parry,
I lose the trade but I don't die
>you fail parry
You die
And I can fake charge punch, you can't react to light or I can just choose to shoot you down
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It's one of I think 5 possible designs but I forgot to save them all.
Why is Abrams a demon for no reason?
The Yakuza has been rocking suit and ties ever since Japan opened up to western influence.
I think you got a little carried away here, I'm not contesting whether she should be wearing western formal (if anything, it's lore-accurate).
>no reason
Mike Mignola and Hellboy are based, that's the reason.
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He's Hellboy
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You said "feels a bit too modern", figured the clothing was your main issue since often people think that's the not the case. Personally I hope the redesign with a full tattoo sleeve gets in because tatted Yakuza Imouto is a slam dunk. Picrel.
I'm liking the yokai influence, in terms of her hair. Hoping they don't give her a school uniform, though. Honestly, they should just put her in a robe/yukata. No armor, just a Japanese robe that isn't tied.
>they're willing to redesign Yamato because it's a hideous design
>but they plan to keep on shoveling in ugly women and negros as new characters
Are they unwilling to learn recent lessons but got spooked by the AssCreed thing? ffs
don't you have /v/ threads to bait?
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He has his own backstory and scheme behind what he is. Why in DL is some detective guy also a demon?
There's a single black character that's upcoming and it's Calico anon. Please. Holiday is a cutie. No need to make up fictional narratives.
because america colonized hell
Because the US annexed a demon realm and made it a state
I'm constantly thinking about Yakuza tattooing and somehow I forgot about it around Yamato.
I fully support her having a skimpy (not provocative/sexy) outfit to put her tattoo on near-full display. Her hair can compensate.
Because New York is progressive.
kali is black coded
Doesn't america have enough demons in it?

>despite literal demons composing 2000% of the population...
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Yeah just ignore all objectives and hit the jungle bro. Don't forget to pick up my patented 70700 soul build. Look at that DPS bro!! Ivy is so OP I'm going to go to the forums right away to tell everyone so her 4 damage gun gets nerf to 3 damage!
>best player on team doesn't impart any wisdom or calls at all
>team just mindlessly roams around the map until someone starts giving them direction
shouldn't be a shocker. communicate more if it bothers you.
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>make her a stoic quiet type until she ultis with mixture of creeping hair and slit mouth youkai
Trust me, it'll be fucking hot.
what are the best items to pair up with ricochet ?
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g'day cunts
How can you tell what you're supposed to be doing and when? You can't move your camera like in top down view you can't tell what the fuck is going to happen. If you go kill creeps maybe your team fights and it was bad move. If you go fight maybe nothing happens or maybe your team loses fight because enemy was alrdy going as 6. It's all just luck in my head. You are working with so much missing information. This is like really making me appreciate rts again because you always know what the fuck is going on but this is just yeah lets press buttons yeah lets hope things work out yeah ok im winning ok now im losing yeah ok.
How to fix Vindicta
>stake now snares in the middle
>instead of just flying she sticks to surfaces for the duration, recast to move
>raven is fine
>ult instead of giving a bonus souls on kills, gives you 1 stack of bonus on kills that scale into lategame, the stacks give you bonus souls, you lose some on death
yo we got street sharks?
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I hope they remove this item from the game next patch.
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What's Warden like? What character from other games would you compare him to?
They may keep the concept but the vest and baseball shorts are gonna go.
minimap nigga
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Didn't read your post, sorry
kindash is insane for just 1250 souls
How can you tell from the minimap how the push or fight is going? I die so fucking many times because I see my team fighting behind the corner and so ofc I go to help but little did I know they alrdy used their spells and items and are gonna die right when I come in and I just chain feed. If I could move my camera this would never happen.
he runs niggers down
So you're saying she should be redesigned to look like a sexy spider monstergirl.
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How do I git gud at Kelvin? Do you hit them with the ice beam then the grenade, or vice versa?
speaking of which, put Bloodseeker in the game
Bloodseekeer with SK Ulti
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Urn mechanic seems like absolute dogshit
>The side the urn spawns in is randomized
>takes like 3+ seconds to grab the urn
>30+ second trek from one side of the map to the other, you can't shoot or use any abilities
>Have to take 3+ seconds to drop the turn
>The souls earned are orbs and not instant, meaning enemies can steal them so in addition to the time spent to drop it, you have to baby the orbs so they can't steal them
>You only get 350 souls per teammate, which is only a 2k soul advantage for the entire team
Legitimately seems worthless. I assume the souls scale as time goes on in the match but at that point, all it does is give the team whose pushed lanes the most and even bigger advantage
You hope your team wins the game and then chase people down. Ult works like that too. On many heroes they are just useless and shit unless you're playing ahead.
only the first spawn is random
I think it's just going to be the minor map gimmick for this map. I agree that it's underdeveloped.
Just like most of the mechanics. Just like how punching machines used to be op but now when people actually know how to play it gives you like nothing and youre not doing anything for your team.
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It's okay anon
Guess I'm sticking with my man Lash, then
Ya a lot of the minor map diversion gimmicks just aren't there yet and to be fair neither is the map.
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Convinced I'm getting bots in some of these games, how do you only deal 7k damage in 36 minutes?
>7k damage
>as wraith
Wraith is my secondary main and she shits out damage. That's probably a bot.
No but really why the FUCK did they remove that? I think few characters say shit and even fuck, but lord forbid an asshole character saying the b word
>farm for late game
>team sharts before you get to do anything
Many such cases.
Look at the healthbars at the top?
I'm trying to learn Pocket because his spells are really fun, but man shotguns are tough to use after laning phase. I'm used to tracking people from range with Ivy and Haze's automatic guns so it's hard for me to do the flick aiming that shotguns require.
Haven't had a single Peruvian in my Deadlock games. Immediately better than Dota 2.
me seven
What's the deal with peruANOs anyways.
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>get set up on top of the highest building as Lash
>grapple for even more height
>my Dynamo just got a fat Singularity
>licking my lips, press 1 and prepare to slam into their team like the meteorite that destroyed the dinosaurs
>my Kelvin dashes in and domes for no fucking reason, the enemy team kills him and Dynamo inside the dome while the rest of us watch from outside
I haven't had my orgasm ruined like this in years.
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>best lane matchups in the game
>best early to mid game in the lane
Needs competent team
>>but they are squishy so she needs drastic buffs
No, she needs her gun to be relevant.
The only way to eke out a +50% WR is to build buggy and shitty crows like a goddamn cuck
I could use the exact same build to go Spirit Talon and just delete teams with owl
>and even fuck
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>Mega-rare 4-man singularity
>Rest of the team watches
>Mega-rare ultra late game 3-man singularity
>Rest of the team watches
>Repeat ultra late game 3-man singularity
>One or two teammates finally shoots
I hate this game.
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I like using singularity as setup for Lash's ult, then taking all of the credit
i've basically given up trying to initiate with huge ults because my team will never capitalize on it. better to just wait until they have already started fighting, jump in and try to ult at least 2 people already being shot at
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6-man ult or I won't follow
Slork when
after kali
It's not Lash
It's THE Lash

Get it right anons
Who would win, THE LASH or THE BOSS?
lash is a homo
Firstname Jacob
Lastname Lash
idc if its a fake name, it is a name
Who do you think has the biggest bush?
Vindicta is from a time before shaving, so her.
should i try dota?
If you weren't playing before Allstars went down you missed it.
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pressing f1~f6 should bring up a mini-splitscreen of your teammates
You should play every single moba and make a comparison table
wth is allstars?
it's over for you
If you have friends to play it with, yes
Don't, Deadlock is more fun and less stressful.
i dunno as a guy with 20k hours of dota and 600 hours of deadlock, i feel like deadlock can be just as if not more stressful at times
How do you play so much video games? How can someone have 20k hours in Dota, that's impossible
In Deadlock everyone's just starting to learn. You're figuring out things together with your teammates and enemies. That's why it's way less forgiving at the moment.
But in Dota most of the people are veterans, so there's way less room for newbies.
Why does infernus sound like a nigger?
Game counts the time if you afk while on the main menu.I have 10k hours and over 4k games of dota.
i dunno it's really not that impossible i like the game
i have a few other accounts
he's from hell
not him but i don't watch tv or movies anymore. i would never pay attention and think 'i'd rather be playing video games'.
Because he's a nigger. Just look at how he runs.
Bro I play video games all day everyday and the most play time I have is on TF2 that I've been playing since 2012. And that's only 2K hours.
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shivbros where we at
not to be a sourpuss but 23/8 isn't really worth screenshotting.
I have over 5,000 hours each in TF2, Path of Exile, DotA2, and Eve Online. You clearly do not play all day everyday.
Went 17/2 after dying in lane twice yesterday.
I have not played Shiv yet and every time I have one on the enemy team we either don't interact at all or I turn him into paste how does he work?
i was more looking at the team difference in general
stacks up escelating dots with his first skill knives, these have been nerfed and onlny come online lategame now.

Second skill is a dash that can be really low cooldown late, usually deals big damg.

third skill

Fourth is an execute of 20/28%
*Execute with no cooldown

only if it kills :^)
you just throw the first skill on people until your rage is full and then you two skill and hopefully they're dead after that
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my highest is PoE with 3.5k. but i have 40+ games with over 100.
honestly hour tracking was a mistake, it doesn't represent anything in terms of skill, knowledge, or experience.
and only fully upgraded
He doesn't miss

*le shivvy face*
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Just got a 50 minutes match that was perfectly balanced from beginning to end
I fucking love the game bro
>slow mo naruto runs after being slowed
>gets shot
pro players have like 50k hours
Any chance of PvE mode in the future? Dota had several. Overwatch promised one but didn't deliver.
why is shiv top fragging in game, you might ask
he monkey, that's why
I know Paradox has some good spells, but did they really have to give her such garbage stats and such a garbage gun?
Even her skills are too skillshot-y for me. I can't seem to land her 3rd skill reliably.
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even when i lose lane, if i keep my head down and just last hit/deny stuff, i am still contributing right? that's the correct play right?
Yeah you should maximize economy or try to gank other lanes
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Another one.
Do other mobas have holiday restricted cosmetics? They're gonna add skins so I hope the more egergious ones are exclusively for certain periods (kinda like TF2's halloween stuff).

However, since Deadlock is kinda supernatural halloween stuff wouldn't really be out of place year round, so I kinda hope they make Christmas their wacky period. So during december everyone's running around in Christmassy outfits
Reason: I love Christmas.

>dynamo is a snow man
>bebop's nade out of gingerbread
>seven is covered in christmas lights
>mcginnis is a workshop elf
>Ivy the red nosed gargoyle
>geist has a sexy mrs claus outfit
>Kelvin is santa
And the map could be Christmas themed and snowy and the urn is a present and there's a big christmas tree in the middle :)
yeah better than brain dead running at teamfights and dying repeatedly
what you're doing is right
The quality of my past games has been so shit I'm genuinely considering quitting.
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*is on your team*
*holds w until he dies*
*does it again*
*gets mad when you tell him to stop*
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I feel like actually aiming/landing abilities feels really awkward
for example Lash's divekick is kinda strange with the blue cone it shows when you do it - it doesn't actually represent the hitbox, and most importantly it doesn't show how far it stretches out
>I build colossus on every female character because I have a giantess fetish
>you cannot stop me, I will step on you as vindicta with my giant feet
i found your post, just wanted to tell you that you are super based
There is no shame in playing carefully if the alternative is feeding
i will hit creeps
i will not talk to you
i will not join fights
i will not respond to calls made ingame
i will full pause at some point during the game and not provide a reason
i will win the game
when exactly should i reload? i'm playing vindicta and i just instinctively reload after short engagements and lose out on dps/last hitting, it's kinda infuriating
honestly too many yappers trying to get epic kills while candle fucks take walkers for free
A bot would perform better
>lash uses christmas lights instead of whips and has santa's bag instead of the anchor on his back
>paradox's head is a snowglobe
cool man enjoy your sub 50% winrate
I've lost my guardian and died multiple times during laning phase and would only be off a couple hundred souls. You can catch up pretty quickly, especially if they ditch lane and you farm a few waves and maybe a camp or two. I'll buy restorative shot or extra regen and chill behind a wall and pop out for melee kills every now and then.
Never, hopefully. PVE in a competitive game is for losers
reloads are really retarded in this game
i think their way of playing is very valid, people ignore macro so fucking hard in this game, when was the last time you heard someone say "I am going to fix purple lane"
okay now how many times have you heard someone say "HE'S ONE HE'S ONE HE'S ONE" while you have chased passed several waves of creep and your walker's health goes from 100% to 20% from troopers
Christmas is such a kino holiday. I hate the anti christ convincing the bean counters to forgo it for extra third worlder profits.
My last game of the night yesterday as like this. Totally ignored lanes for the most part and just let our walkers get fucked while I'm running cleanup and we end up losing because they can't keep up anymore.
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i'd like for them to actually make this game playable on a controller, with console crossplay, this game can be huge
Kys Bebop
Getting aim assisted by a console Haze would make me an hero.
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i have reached a point where they put sandbags on me
one dude managed to participate in 4 kills in 40+ minutes
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He's Hoss Delgado to me
You won't get much out of it if you just dip your toes in, and it's kind of late to become a 10k+ hours obsessive Dota guy. Even the pro scene is starting to wind down to make room for Deadlock.
retards that dont macro is par for the course, especially premade friend groups
you gain an econ advantage for yourself by cleaning up the lanes and jg while they play roblox, but you have to use your advantage at some point and join their clown fiesta
>Abraham beating everyone up with Q

Do people know that parry exist?
yes to fuck over boringwatch players and bliztard by having it on full release
>slam into stun
>heavy melee
>he just shotguns you down
parry when, exactly
i can never hit a melee off ult, it fucking slides them around randomly
Ew fuck no. We got enough trannies and OW fags as it is
Yeah, I didn't include any christianity ideas because I know no modern western dev would include christianity in a game but you could have shit like Lash as one of the 3 kings.

But I do think it would be distasteful to include religious stuff in a irreverant place like a game where people run around and kill each other. It would be nice if the in game chapel had a nativity scene during Christmas

You could also have someone be Scrooge, although that would be an awesome year round cosmetic. Pocket could literally be Scrooge's nephew (he already dresses like a victorian chap)

There's no way people are letting go of Christmas. It's pretty much the only holiday people care about in my country. It's just so kino and wholesome, it's all about giving and family. Fucking love Christmas. If you say happy holidays to me during Christmas I will correct you
its horrendously unreliable and desyncs
Does Spirit Lifesteal (the item) have a higher tier equivalent you could replace it with?
lmao fuck no
parry is too lenient, it should only stun if the parry is frame perfect
and if two heavy melees hit each other, there should be a clashing interaction
also put super armor in
lets go full fighting games
Understandable anon but this abraham was just pressing Q

no gun, no skills, Q and everyone on my fucking team was panicking because big punch numbers
leech. The base life steal items are like 23%, leech is 33% for both. It's pretty much a must on hybrid tanks
I am continuously astounded by my ability to spam light melee strikes on a guy only to have him do nothing.
>being a PC elitist in 2024
So it's inefficient to have both? As in both the T2 item + Leech?
You’d probably be better off with leech and healing boosters.
So why did they change leech? Heal reduction is still incredibly OP.

>being a consolepoor in 2024
I've been observing games and it's very apparent some people are playing on a deck or controller anyway

which seems nuts to me because of how little damage you do if you can't keep your cursor right on top of someone constantly
because people are still to stupid to buy healing reduction.
my pc is more expensive than yours, i'm sure of this
from now on, controller optimization is a given because valve wants to sell their deck
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Damage Taken. The least looked at stat in the game. But it tells a tale. One team has some even spread of 30k damage taken each. The other team has like 40k damage taken on 4 heroes, but they have a grey talon and a vindicta. And they're snipers bro. So they need to stay safe... so they sit outside where they would be viable targets to go on. They build no vitality items and play like absolute pussies just hunting for killing blows. And what happens? Any damage that would've been spread out amongst a team is instead directed at those 4 people. And they eat shit for it. I see it constantly. Vindicta and Grey Talon with like 10k damage taken in a long game and meanwhile the rest of their team that was performing well just ultimately loses because the focus becomes overwhelming in the late game.

wrong general my guy
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2d fighters are boring as fuck
>Win a minor fight, maybe 2-3 enemies down around mid game (death timer still short
>At least 3 fuckers take the zip to the lane that already pushed out the farthest so they can poke into the enemy's base
>Tell them that it's a bad idea because they gonna get killed by respawning enemies. Maybe grab the urn instead or something
>They ignore it and spend the whole respawning timer hovering right in front of enemy base
>Meanwhile, I'm trying to to clean up 2 lanes that are pushed all the way near our base
>By the time I finish, those guys gave the respawning enemies a triple kill and swing the game back to the opponent's advantage again.
So is T8
you communicate. europeans do not communicate enough.
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outlasted an entire genre, can't say the same for your shit
You say that as if it's the team's fault for being down a player. Lmao.
How does "jungling" work in this case?
Is jungling even a thing? And if so, which characters are those?
You can heavy around the parry so you just miss instead of getting stunned
Jungling is a thing in the dota sense, as in there's no dedicated role for it and everyone hits neutral creeps once in a while.
Roles do not exist, everyone is in lane. Neutrals are just free farm whenever you have time to do it.
In some games I feel americans talk too much but damn I would take that over european server where people do not say ANYTHING, in Dota it kinda works but I think comms are as important as they are in CS here. Simple "behind you" helps so much in Deadlock
>instant pop
this always makes me nervous because it usually takes 10 minutes to find a game
they need to keep the vest and basketball shorts so we can have TUNNEL SNAKES RULE representation
So since it's literally a moba shooter, I assume matches go for 30-45 minutes?
I literally had a game where my team was falling apart jungling while enemy did shit and I had to tell them on repeat what to do for the next 35 minutes to recover and gradually everyone else started opening up and communicating what the fuck they were doing in fights and we ultimately won. But they were so reluctant to talk.
it depends on how well each team is playing.
What's you guys' fastest game without people leaving or giving up? I had a 14 minute stomp the other day.
>get cock rammed down my throat in lane
>forever behind on farm
>entire enemy team bullies me for the entire match whenever they see me because I'm perpetually behind
>we win somehow despite their entire team being rapists
>say it was ez and call them noobs
>I have the worst kd on my team
were you a seven?
I've had so many games recently where we slightly lose laning phase and then nothing really happens - enemies just slowly whittle us down walker by walker while their lead keeps growing.
How do you break this cycle as a team? What are we supposed to be doing?
I think I had one end at ten/twelve minutes
>parry is too lenient


>it should only stun if frame perfect

sounds stupid, no

>clashing interaction

seems pointless

>super armor

maybe as a unique hero ability, but melee is already built around the RPS, I have no idea why people want to fuck with it
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>really want to have sex with holliday
>want to main her
>try her in sandbox
>it's the most gimmicky bullshit ever
farm your neutrals and open crates/jars, coordinate ganks on out of positioned players, split push if the enemy is grouping too hard.
i had a fun game with a paradox, lined up grenades really often and destroyed
>entire enemy team bullies you for the entire match
>They let my team free farm the whole game and rightfully lost
if you're able to shred guardians and walkers fast take an empty lane to their base and rape their shrines and dip when they come back from a team fight
laning phase barely matters.
You can go 0-2 in lane lose farm and be 2k behind and you'll recover that in 5 post-10 minute denies and a neutral camp.
Team just needs to build smart items and rotate as a team over objectives like walkers and the urn. The problem comes from teammates who don't know how to position, get from place to place quickly, adhd out and just generally can't play well.
Playing from behind is one of the trickiest parts of a game like this for sure. I would recommend either split pushing and trying to catch back up while trying to avoid fights if they ball up. If they slowly choke you out, maybe bring the numbers and go for pickoffs. They can't cover the whole map while also being ready to teamfight. The most important part is recognising that you are behind and playing accordingly, trying to mitigate losses and taking whatever opportunities are presented.

someone needs to split push and distract or there needs to be a good pick on an opponent playing like a dumbass.

if they are just deathballing with a lead and are a better teamfight lineup you're going to continue to lose.

t. dumbass that can't figure out when i should fuck off and split push when i'm playing haze/infernus
>you can't shoot or use any abilities
you can use an ability that will last while you are carrying it tho
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Despite making up 1.3% of the population, Ixians are responsible for 50% of arsons in NYC.
No matter the elo/mmr, one team will lose and 7/10 times get completely shit on.
>split pushing as Haze/Infernus
YOU are the problem
Probably not far off, they probably thought I would be a toxic tranny rager to my team if they killed me enough but I wasn't even mad, just a little sad.

amount of souls increases with every urn run. runner gets +1AP.

you can use abilities/items in the beginning of picking up the urn and it provides a sprint bonus as well (mokrill dive, warden with 2+fleetfoot, haze with smoke bomb, etc) right before he picks up the urn will cross the map very quickly.
>fight an Abrams

you're right those characters should sit in the forever teamfight that goes on from 10m->end of game in most lobbies rather than farming and coming in when they have their 4 available
I think it's possible. remove some unnecessary extra buttons like parry, put items on a radial wheel or maybe just limit actives to 2, aim assist on last hits/denies. crossplay with the ps5 audience would be a game changer.
These games are too fucking long.
You get 1 AP. If this furthers your AP its more than worth it.
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>duo lanes in the first 10 minutes magically duplicate creep souls so both players get full value
icefrog what the FUCK

last thing you want is people sperging out for their solo lane exp/farm
I am a Black man.
Which hero is for me?
How the fuck do you deal with warden?
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You don't play shooters with a controller anymore then you play a Souls with keyboard anon
Shit has it's preferential control scheme
hmm i have 2k in cs2 only since it launched and i have a job, family and animals. i do play cs2 whilw working though…
lady geist
i do want this
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>aim assisted Vidicta, Haze, Wraith, Infernus
45 minutes is actually too long considering this game has such an insanely low amount of downtime
25-35 should be the aim for this game, 45 minutes should be absolute slogfests, 15-20 minutes for stomps
I have 20k hours in FFXIV
it's wild to me how popular this genre is given how it's seemingly designed to be as frustrating as possible with how the team in the lead is able to snowball and have the advantage consistently in fights

in cs even if you're getting slapped at least you get the money loss bonus so generally you're not outgunned
absolutely, you just need to keep working relentlessly and know when you spike
You're right, I won't launch the game again. See ya in Hunt.
>play Abrams
>see people random parry
Some people are really traumatized aren't they
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>tfw still waiting for my invite
just pause and ask for a break. i swear you guys don't even try.
>play against seven warden and pocket
>team buys literally no spirit resist
not a problem for me cause i go in and destroy the enemies shrines and end the game quick
>I hate consequences plz nerf your entire game devs!
Also I've seen countless turnabouts playing this game. If anything they should have stiffer penalties for losing Guardians and Walkers.
12min everyone on our team apparently won lane/push.
Seven is a gun character though unless you build for the meme ult
Which heroes are the best rats?
>If anything they should have stiffer penalties for losing Guardians and Walkers.
Until they make it easier to defend them, I don't agree. You can die once in lane and lose your tower even if you've been winning hard. And without tp scrolls or glyph, babysitting buildings can be tough.
>an entire game of me (Bebop) having to carry 5 shitters around and losing
It's been the last 4/5 matches like this.
anon his gun scales incredibly hard with spirit because of his third skill not fucking gun items
Curious how everyone who talks about the game is always the only good player on their team.
The game is great at it's core but it definitely needs refinement. The shooting, movement, and hero kits are very good and that by itself is enough to make the game worth playing, that is enough to make it distinct from traditional mobas, third person shooter mobas (yes, there have been a few), and even "hero shooters" like Overwatch, seriously if you put these heros into overwatch type map/game mode it would be 10x fun. The issue with the game, however, is that it is trying too hard to distinguish itself beyond the very good core and you end up with a ton of gimmicks that get in the way or at worse are just ignored. The game does not need 4 lanes and 6 heroes per team, it just doesn't. It literally adds nothing to the gameplay and it only detracts from the familiar and loved gameplay of a traditional moba.
>the only good player on the team
I was the only one with a positive K/D
I was the one with the highest soul net worth
I was the only one who bought actives
I won my lane
Vindicta did 110k damage and we still lost.
i had competent teams yesterday and we stomped until very late at night where it was just suffering all around
today has been almost entirely suffering with shit that feels like bots
four lanes and 6v6 makes it unique from dota and shant be changed
traditional mobas aren't some kind of gold standard. and even if they were the market is saturated in hero shooter slop. this game needs to be LESS like traditional mobas because that market is completely cornered and entrenched

you look at streamers and what people are saying online about the game and they love how it follows the moba 'buy stuff and teamfight' pattern and doesn't have dedicated cuck roles like support. the less this game is like a 'traditional' moba the better, the audience it wants are people who were disenfranchised or bored with that model years ago.
Yeah but you don't build mainly spirit items for him
What do I do when I push out my free lane after winning the 1v1? Gank or farm jungle? I feel like ganking and failing negates my winning the lane.
if the enemy is dead and you're pushed up, steal their easy camps
>can't find anyone else I like playing besides Lash and Viscous

Guess my third pick will be Kelvin.
>Matchmaking opens at 4PM my time
But I want to play it noooooooooowwww...
>I feel like ganking and failing negates my winning the lane.
if you win the lane and then fail the gank you rotated for, that's on you
balance in all things
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>literally 1st game on warden
>i am a retarded feeder all game
>45 minutes in, get the game winning cage on infernus
aw yea

>How do I change servers?
The test is currently on NA Central (Chicago), EU (Stockholm), Asia (Hong Kong), South America (Santiago) and Oceania. In order to change your preferred server you can open the console with the F7 key by default and enter:
citadel_region_override -1 (automatic)
citadel_region_override 0 (NA-C)
citadel_region_override 1 (EU)
citadel_region_override 2 (Asia)
citadel_region_override 3 (SA)
citadel_region_override 5 (OCE)
Take jungle camps or help your next lane push the tower
>no Ivy in featured matches
Valve did it they killed the gargirl
hero was shit before, just crutched by siphon bullets being too good
""featured"" matches
anyone else dislike how they pitched down Lash's voice? He genuinely sounds less like a complete douche now.
Too masculine I guess. They want the Concord audience after all.
for me it's hiding in random corners as mole as my teammate baits, and pretends like they're leaving then the enemy chases them and they get stunned for a free kill
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>if you put these heroes into overwatch type map/gamemode
hero shooters are dead, overbotch killed the concept and also killed itself a bit like wow
it's like anti hype, all of this extra stuff is absolutely necessary and also fun
What's the best item for just raw +health for the gold cost? That isn't the 500g one?
I hope they don't cutesy or humanize Ivy's design when they improve the model. The ugliness is part of her appeal.
>super armor
put him in. NOW
How do you try her?
you have to retire warden with a perfect 100% winrate now
only n00bs buy spirit/bullet armor
Not really. A couple of bad ones don't invalidate it. There are still a lot to the hero shooter formula.
Imo, Gundam Evo was a really good hero shooter but the way namco handle live service and the shitty server caused the game to die. The game did away with the shitty role system and had a faster pace than overwatch while retaining similar obj type, which I like
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>Fighting 1v3
>Winning because I'm gigafed
>Kill all three of them
>Push into enemy base
>Entire team just kinda stands around various lanes doing nothing
Can these dipshits look at the map one single fucking time during the entire game? One of them ended the game with 1/0/0 as his score, having done nothing all game long.
6v6 and 4 lanes are needed because with fewer people the noob would stand out even more and his mistakes would be amplified. In 6v6 the noob can't ruin the game alone but the pro would have more people to pick off leading to better solo carry potential.
>duo lane as geist with infernus, against lash and bebop
>we're winning pretty comfortably, have killed them
>always landing my bombs and daggers
>infernus starts bitching in thick balkan accent at me for not being as aggressive as him
>"Im do everything can you be more aggerrsive?"
Why are inferni like this? Of course I'm gonna hang back as geist during lane because if i get hooked or caught out I can't escape like him
>all of this extra stuff is absolutely necessary
mobas are complete cancer and i say this as someone with four digit hours in both dota and overwatch
AT LEAST you can just turn your brain off and go off mechanics in overwatch with the hero's kits being good from the get-go even if simple. in deadlock you have shit like warden instead which is a complete snoozefest to play as until minute 30 when you have enough items to do anything besides running down mid with your ult
i had a game yesterday as >abams where i died 3x to a dynamo thinking i was better than i was at video games trying to 1v1 him, at 7m i'm 0/3 and 800 souls behind him

so i just started playing super safe and last hitting and by 10m his guardian is dead and i have 500 souls on him and then i just start to kill him over and over because i'm >abams and our team ends up taking the game easily
call him a shitter that can't take a lane by himself

then uninstall and fuck off
How does shiv work? It seems if he hits serrated knives you just die no matter what since it lasts forever. Do you ahve to go back to base to clear the debuff?
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I miss gevo so goddamn much
Are Ethereal Shift and Warp Stone OP?
Warden as an example really highlights how stupid you are.
>fight an Abrams
>oh shit i only had like 5 bullets left in my clip
>get 2 heavy melees instead
>i'm now in melee range of an abrams at 60% health, who knows not to melee me predictably

wow, thank god for parrying huh
being 3rd person and having movement makes it unique from dota, 4 lanes is just excessive and it just doesn't really work.

>traditional mobas aren't some kind of gold standard.
They are.
>and even if they were the market is saturated in hero shooter slop. this game needs to be LESS like traditional mobas because that market is completely cornered and entrenched
This doesn't matter. Being a moba makes it different from normal hero shooters and it's not like mobas aren't popular. If anything the game has a lot more potential to get people into the moba genre. I've already seen a few people in my friend groups who have never played a moba but picked this up.

Gundam Evo was really good, coincidentally it did what Deadlock is doing, giving everybody universal mobility options and tried to get away from restricted, defined roles for characters.

Dumbest response you could've given, seriously.
desu i only buy resists that account for most of the damage i'm taking when i die, even if they have characters that -could- make me want spirit armor, i wont buy it unless they are actually killing me
4 lanes is not excessive and the fact that deadlock has only picked up in players proves it does, in fact, work
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>fight an abrams
>he now has more ehp
SMITE would be right up your alley.

>load up bot game

it's fun because it's new and people are finding new shit all the time
once a meta forms and people start actually understanding the game you'll be stuck in a loop of trying to catch up or getting rolfstomped over and over again. the game WILL become a sweatfest inevitably, it is built into it's adn because it's a moba. yet you'll still log in to play one more match, not because it's fun, but because it's addictive. you'll be forever trying to catch that lighting again, never really able to fully do so.
you'd know all of this if you weren't such a fucking newfag
>the fact that deadlock has only picked up in players
That just means it's free and new
The retention is what'll matter
Best thing an assfaggots can do is play around with the formula when it comes to lanes on maps. No reason for every match to be the same thing over and over again.
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How will Kelvin's new indead Wight head look?
That's old Kelvin...
Uninstall 4chan while you're at it you're trying too hard.
sorry bro but I like to play lash trying to catch people off ward by removing their abilities and slowly waddling towards them is just the blandest most boring shit ever in this fucking game
>did you know this competitive game will become even more competitive with time???

no fucking shit, now uninstall and go on with your life
no it's just for le ebin high mmr outplays
get a real item that gives you damage instead
selecthero hero_astro in console
in what world is she gimmicky lol she's a basic revolver bitch
every single teammate had double digit deaths
>closed beta in which the devs deliberately remove the way for people to see their own MMRs and hero's win%
>can't even choose your own
i like how i'm not even shitting on the game yet you guys can't help yourselves
>maining a hero based on sex appeal
based overwatch enjoyer
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soul rebirth
Right, as proof that his gun and head are still the old ones.
Just saw Lady Geist with another young boy...
>four lanes are bad because...it just is, it's so haaaaard


>but teh n00bs will feed

they will feed no matter how many lanes exist

>this game will become optimized

Eyes too small
Eyes too far apart
Face too wide
Nose too wide
Lips too low
i never complained about noobs OR four lanes you schizo retard, learn to read
It's clear you think highly of yourself and your opinion on things but so far you just come off as a faggot with retarded ideas.
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even the enemy team gets agents now but they manage to carry him while my agents are somehow even worse
They're just too awestruck to do anything.
your posts aren't really worth reading so I skim over them, plz uninstall
No, but curse and phantom strikes are
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The waddling will continue until my lane is clear.
I literally said I'm a fucking heroin addict who can't quit chasing the moba lighting yet for some reason you take me saying "yo bro heroin is actually dogshit wtf" as me thinking highly of myself
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>get to top 100 players
>start getting paired with absolute braindead begginers teammates
What the fuck is wrong with this matchmaking?
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>same heroes every single match
This is actually getting boring. The last big patch really fucked the game
as expected of a warden nigger
it's a beta
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Post character ideas
>pov you have just muted mnk
me and the boys getting ready to go 0-10
Now that I've logged a few hours, I can definitely say this game is the worst MOBA on the market. The only thing it offers is frustration.
The tutorial both offers misinformation and lacks extremely important basic game mechanics.
The gameplay is extremely aim reliant, and good mechanical aiming skill paired with basic MOBA knowledge is enough to ensure you can crush any enemies that aren't at extremely high MMR.
The lack of choice in selecting heroes or lanes means you can get put into an unwinnable situation as soon as the queue pops, where even if your team wins the game is very unfun for you personally.
Finally, games take way too long to end. A team can have an overwhelming advantage but certain heroes are so ridiculously good on defense that they can easily stall out a game an additional ten to twenty minutes. In better games this is the majority, or in the case of HOTS, the entire game.
This isn't really surprising given many of DOTA2's pitfalls, but at least underneath that DOTA2 has a lot more to offer. Unfortunately, Deadlock seems to lack any real depth, and I'd conjecture the longevity is also extremely limited if they don't make major overhauls to base game systems.
We need petite white blonde pretty female support hero with heals and aim assist for girls to play.
I genuinely don't know if there is any. I got paired with a top 100 in my literal second game.
skibidi toilet beam[/spoiler]
valve doesn't make pretty boys or heal bitches
they hate catering to women
naziggers are so fucking lame
So what? My matches were pretty well balanced in lower MMR. This was an absolute rape festival, one teammated didn't even buy items
Very good concept, will never happen
Blue uniforms are French
>Bro I'm like so addicted bro you have to listen to me I've self diagnosed myself with a fake addiction to mobas so people will put more weight into what I say but in a self depreciating sort of way so people still like me bro

Ya while I smoke crack and Deadlock is alright.
it's literally broken as confirmed by yoshi
we ARE the sweats moron, we're the ones bugging the devs for more mechanics to raise the skill floor/ceiling, where do you think you are?
don't care, anyone with world war brainworms is at minimum adjacent to it
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Gundam evo side 7
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>anyone with world war brainworms
This is clearly Great War themed you spastic monkey
kit design is too generic

I must agree because I feel like I'm glued to this game only because it feels fresh and new. I'm probably going to move to MechaBreak once it officially releases. Not only the matches are shorter (12 minutes), it also has aim assist and no itemization. Overall it's less stressful than this game.
3d invoker
gun is magic missiles
1 2 3 are the reagents, 4 is the invoke, when a spell is invoked, you shoot it like a gun
>it's not world war 1 it's the great war
fuck you
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nice job moving the goalpost bro too bad you're a retard if you think anyone's saying bad stuff about the game here to be liked
>fake addiction to mobas
normal people don't have this many hours on a game they hate
>invoker with WASD , 1-2-3-4

holy hand cramp
kit is kind of bland and also being healed to full when you switch (on a 10s cd) is retarded OP
>we are the sweats
>half the thread complaining about abrams
Guess American boomers into Civil War miniatures and Romeaboos are also Nazi then?

at the very least autistic
maybe you should hire a therapist instead of venting your mental illness in a general thread that doesn't give a fuck about you
that's everyone here
uh oh melty
4chan has always been a maelstrom of shitters and sweats
Abram is legitimately good
People complaining about seven and haze are bigger red flag
Do you know what thread we're in, anon?
these days almost always
I don't think insulting you multiple times is moving the goalposts but I can see how you, a braindead nigger, may think that.

>look at my credentials bro I have sooooo many hours you have to listen to me
>well that's not too bad
>3k player damage
>0 objective damage

>2k player damage
>0 objective damage

>10k player damage
Oof, what a rough team to get paired with. It’s even worse when compared to the other team. While not all of them were good, the bad ones are not even close to being as bad as yours.

They really need to fix the matchmaking because is pretty shitty to get throw into these forced loss games
we're all autistic down here
why it's always the subhuman with twitch tags in their nicknames that shits the bed? aren't these people ashamed to stream their retardness?
what are some ludokino binds?
Can someone tell me why they decided to nerf every character that was already struggling but buffed haze?
i only hate seven because broken matchmaking retard teammates will somehow always find a way to die to him, even if he's being played by another retard
>say i'm a literal crack addict telling you crack is bad
>what no retard i just said i'm a fucking addict
>literally show you the track marks on my arms

ok you're a retard i'm done, throw your life away just like i did 10 years ago it'll be fine
because haze can be nullified by one single 3000 item
which one?
>own retard with ttv in his name
>nice I can look up the vod and watch their face as they get their shit wrecked
>they dont actually stream
EVERY goddamn time
>track marks

larpers gonna larp
i've never played a moba in my life but i'm absolutely loving deadlock

goddamn it valve does it again
more like it's light on MOBA heavy on shooter so attracts a different crowd
problem is I think OW already did that so volvo is like 10 years too late
>light on MOBA heavy on shooter
what? it's extremely heavy on MOBA
itemization is more complex than smite
>even the slightest bit at all like a moba
same the only major time i spent in an online game is tf2 with 5k hours and after i played a couple matches in deadlock it clicked
the hero shooter that puts every other one to death thank you yoshi
Because it's more of a shooter than a moba even with the farming, last hitting, and denying. If your aim is good you can just follow preset builds and remember which item counters which heroes that's it. But if your aim sucks you're NGMI.
The team that gets the first two urn runs wins 76% of the time.
The itemization doesn't matter if you can't aim though. It's like saying
as an FPS addict and a former league player (3k hours from like 2011-2015) deadlock is absolutely the best new game I've played in almost a decade, only comparable game is Apex
heroes roles objective gameplay
Because most of the time they already had the map advantage
the aiming in deadlock is all tracking-based which anyone who has played a shooter casually can do (and nearly everyone who would be interested in playing a competitive multiplayer game has played a shooter casually)
twitch aim is only relevant for certain heroes like vindicta and it's still not nearly as dominant as it is in a game like CS or siege
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what if one of his abilities put a spell circle on screen that you got to draw through any 2 of 5 runes to invoke a spell. naturally the player would need focus (not actively be turning around) to invoke spells so i think it plays to the grand magus fantasy.
if those are the only two things that make a moba then chess is one too
The only time I matched against a TTV fag that was actually streaming, I saw him have a melty in real time and get flustered because I called him a nigger in all chat. This was a few years ago in dota. Felt good.
They need to remove this console command because so many faggots around the world are gaying up NA with maximum ping and turdworlder shitbrain understanding of the game.
boomers and those with high sens can't aim, even if they're literal pros in sc2 or whatever
the only moba element in overwatch is heroes with four abilities each
it is otherwise completely different in every way
buy debuff remover, but yes the knives are his main killer and they refresh the duration + stack more damage so if there are multiple on you youre fucked
no i mean like they lasted 30+ seconds after I disengaged
We know, Warden.
cool idea actually
it's a way to troll people that look up streamers and also saturate lobbies so every game has a ttv and people cant advertise that way
As a 30 y.o aimlet, I always lose my lane to denies and it's frustrating because I can't even land my active items well and I'm always behind by 2k+ gold after the laning phase is over. Classic FPS players definitely adapted better than MOBA players.
i'm the first guy who said he's never played a moba and likes deadlock- i played a lot of OW when it came out, stopped before doomfist came out but deadlock is a far superior game imo, OW doesn't even come close (and they are also completely different games)

i wholeheartedly agree. after midnight (CST) i dread seeing cyrillic characters in my teammate's names because the russorcs are completely fucking useless
my 14 yo brother is an aimlet too and he plays valorant daily
he probably hit you with more as you were running away, they only last 7-8 seconds

you were probably hit by pocket ult which DOES last 20 seconds. check your damage summary at the top right, there's a way to pull it up when alive too i think it's alt
play shotgun or spread hero and push lane so you can punch creeps then just use the big hitbox on your pellets to secure it easier
I've always considered myself an aimlet but posts like this make me think all the boomer shooters I've played have made me pretty decent.
Ditto as 27 year old former masters rts player, and plat in LoL and HOTS casually.
I can't aim, and don't see myself getting out of bronze equivalent in Deadlock.
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but with red hair instead of bald and no helmet
This is a nice look, but maybe without the face paint
I used to play Dota back when it was a Warcraft 3 custom game and required a 3rd-party banlist program or else you'd get kicked

This game is the most fun I've had since those times(also the most frustration, but you can't have the highs without the lows)

I'm fucking hooked
Is it confirmed he's going to have his head changed?
Yeah, I haven't played competetive shooters since Quake, CS 1.6 and Tribes but I'm still out last hitting the vast majority of people I lane against.
Absolutely deranged behavior, have you considered getting yourself checked for one of those disorders women have?
thats crazy but you have to go back
agreed. it was fun while it lasted but seriously we can't let Trump get the nuclear codes. again

>be aimlet
>can't CS for shit, lose lanes
>play goonigger
>splatter scales 1.5x spirit, easily bully opponents out of lane so i can freefarm and even kill
>entire team is sandbags

just play people like viscous and make your opponent be unable to play the game so that it's easier for you to play the game. midgame to late game/end you just play like a caster and disrupt/support while throwing splatters that melt opponents. you can easily handle two adjacent lanes by yourself. buy shit like phantom strike/warp stone for great gooball plays
That's cool, you're welcome here
there's a massive divide between those who have played shooters adn those who haven't
if you have, you probably think the moba mechanics matter
if you haven't, you know they are laughably unimportant unless you can hit a certain shooting skill floor
that's awesome, I have no opinion on whether or not you belong in this thread
it's a 13s CD, please try to play against people who know what they're doing
Excuses. Urn runs are huge boons and should be contested and done ASAP
I don't understand why aimlets don't just play bebop
I guess everyone ITT should play DOOM and Blood.

i'll let you know when i get there
Why are my matches getting more and more unbalanced the higher I climb? It feels like the more I win, the more glue my team eats
enjoy it while it lasts, zoomer meta fags will ruin this game quickly like they ruin everything new and interesting.
I've noticed the same thing and I thought I was going crazy.
you used to be a 5 getting matched with other 5s
now youre a 10 and getting matched with 1s so the teams are balanced
idk i played a top 100 in my second match so the matchmaking just sucks
i'm eating glue but it's not my fault the game puts good players on my team
where do you see these stats
What if I'm seeing tons of 1s on both teams?
It seems totally random which team gets more feeders but there are always a bunch of feeders in my games now.

Click view profile in the top-right of the main menu.
Veil Walker and shields on a character that can exploit it easy like Warden is OP
On the other hand all aim no brain isn't going to get you far either.
the first and second urn are garbage and it's better always better to trade urn to push lanes and get a walker or two
I don't mind getting shit players it happens but having leavers every game is infuriating
I've had multiple matches where my laning opponent played way too aggro, got killed by me 2 or 3 times, and then ragequit.
Everyone in every thread should play Doom and Blood, they're free.
it's not bad on mo and pals either. you can use it to go go fast underground or to give a buffer so you can to re-approach a fight with some extra slack to survive till your next heal.
yeah, I hate those matches too
im a pretty bad player and getting matched with or against good players feels so fucking bad. winning or losing i get to do jackshit in the game and end up feeling bad either way
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Usually I'm like fish in the water when it comes to new MOBAs but Deadlock is a different beast. I know when to gank, when to take objectives, and when to push and teamfight. But I can't execute the things I wanted to do because I just miss every shot and whiff every active.
I usually play Kelvin, accept that I'd lose lane, try to catch up by leveling beam to max, go AWOL in the jungle for 5 minutes beaming every single camp, then try to win by abusing beam's auto bounce mechanics.

That, or McGinnis turret. Or Bird Talon but I feel he's 100% getting nerfed.
Is Talon that busted?
>26 mins in
>have 30k souls
>enemy team has 25-30k souls
>2 guys in my team have 9k souls
fun videogame
Let's put it this way : in my 1500 bracket, I can win with Talon simply AFKing in base/jungle and launching bird every 30 seconds.

i think you're underestimating the power of global stun+damage.

plus the psychological damage of REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE missile floating around you makes you duck and cover if you're not completely retarded.

i've seen talons use it to help their teammates initiate too which is brutal, but you're not talking about that level of coordination.
only in low elo where people don't understand stamina management
I think character progression across a match feels like a roguelike, because your item slot count is so high
So what's up with Wraith? Never played her so I'm not the most familiar with her kit
But last game I played I was laning against her and it was the first time in ~80hours I felt literally hopeless during lane phase. Was she buffed recently? As soon as she hit lvl 4 the lane was over for me, her ult combo would just instantly delete me even at full life so I couldn't even farm (and before lvl 4 she was denying me hard already, the player was very good at harrassing me)
Any tips for laning against her? I'm often good at laning and even when I get bullied a bit I usually manage to end up with more souls than the other guy, here there was a 2k difference in like 5-6min. Laning was atrocious and since I was stomped hard midgame was quite the slog too...

don't get hit with cards and if she pops full auto don't let her shoot you. her gun is amazing for last hitting so unless you're another amazing gun you have to bully her or melee your LH
>ult combo

when she has ult you should never pushing her side of the lane when you hear the chains just instantly jump behind your tower
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seven and haze are such retard magnets its absurd
she was probably building all gun items, and you had no vit items (or wrong vit items). As far as the ult goes you generally see/hear it coming if she has any distance from you, so stay near tall cover and she wont get nearly as much out of it.
She's 1v1 : the hero. Not only that, she's even great at ganking early on. Had a game where Wraith ganked my lane opponent three times with teleport and he ragequitted.
Not true, pro CS players have been ripping up lobbies with zero moba knowledge
lmao says infernos get skillcapped n00b haze is underpowered and so is seven, you should be able to kill both as infernos easily
anon is right, the MOBA mechanics matter if you're able to shoot back. if you can't shoot back you're worthless and need to run aimlabs until you're at least the equivalent of like, plat or diamond in a shooter
Buying knockdown every time there's a Seven, him falling out of the sky 2 seconds into his ult is too funny to watch.
haze is on my team anon
because they're playing against people who also have zero moba knowledge, low/mid MMR is chock full of overwatchoids
Poor mcmuffin trying to carry those anchors
MMR is completely meaningless right now
another clearly unbalanced match heavily stacked against blue, almost impossible for them to win with those 2 braindeads
New York is for humans only. If Ixians don’t leave I will send them back to hel
you moba mechancis matter guys dont' realize how bad it is for aimlets
I consistently get my third ability after my lane opponent gets his ult, just from last hitting/deny dfiference
I've seen Shroud play and the only reason he wins is because his teammates do objectives for him.
aimlabs is free. what is your DPI and what is your ingame sens? what is your mouse?
>45 games
24 wins
>32 games on abrams
23 wins
plz never nerf him
Just being kind of good at pointing and clicking will give you some insane mileage rn with matchmaking being broken. At some point though just rawdogging it has a cap.
>tfw you bully a shiv so hard in lane as Dynamo that he rage quits 5 minutes in.
Laning phase is the best part of the game simply because you can clearly exert superiority.
>git gud
it doesn't matter if I can get better, what matters is unless I do the game is purely who's aim is better?
the point is that as a game you lock out all players without good aim, so a majority of the game is just inaccessible to them and that's terrible for a game that's trying to attract players
that's not what I asked, what is your sens and dpi? I'm trying to help you
Yeah her last hitting was insane, and her denying too. Never knew she had such a good gun, I was playing Paradox so I had no chance on that front. Meleeing was ok at first, but once she got a couple of items and levels it was difficult to even approach creeps...

Yeah I wasn't expecting her to instantly delete me once she had ult. Does it work like Lash's immobilization? Like once you're far enough from it it doesn't affect you? I just couldn't run away from it and quickly the tower became useless in defending me.

Yeah well I'll be more careful next time, first time I get bullied this hard and honestly I felt like shit during the whole game. But we still managed to win and she ragequit right before the end, so it least I had that going for me
to add on, that's what killed RTS
the barrier to entry for a new player is too high, so only old players kept playing
I love queuing with my friend because we get sent to a duo lane with another pair of dudes who are also friends and it devolves into a sweaty grimy chimp fight between four retards.
I recommend you playthrough DOOM, DOOM 2, and Blood.
i've played doom; aim in that game isn't real since it's not 3d
Economy strategy is also thing in CS. Besides it's not like itemization in this game is complicated or anything. It's just a set of "if" conditions (If Seven, buy Knockdown. If spirit heavy, buy Spirit Armor) that anyone can learn within one week. Aiming, on the other hand, is often trained over years or decades and largely depends on natural born talent.
not that simple, competitive FPS games are still alive and kicking while old school RTS fizzled out. it's pretty obvious FPS is way easier for people to grasp than even a single unit RTS, hence deadlock
Fighting games are doing just fine.
No they aren't
fps works because you're almost entirely comparing aim, and selling the game on that
rts failed because you're selling the game on strategy but need to have a base mechanical skill for that to be relevant
this game is being sold as a moba, but in reality it's a hero shooter until you have a certain level of shooting skill

see above; it's about what the game is ebing sold as
also fighting games are laughably dead; SF6 had a sub 25k max population
>it's simple if

wrong. not all sevens are going ultbot, I have seen enough ability 3 sevens at high elo to know that. you're also discounting the fact that they can also see YOUR counter items too, so it becomes a strategy to try to out itemize them or even timing your CC to throw them off
a game changer
as in I'm changing the fucking game if I get a ps5tard on my team
Strive sold 3 million copies.
>aim assisted Vidicta, Haze, Wraith, Infernus
It's already in game. The only people that use it are from russia.
Most CS players dabble in MOBA and can coordinate well. That's enough to shit up any average rando's online
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my brother

oh god paradox gun is the WORST. why a five round burst was ever thought to be a good idea is beyond me, but i guess they needed something besides pea shooter and fully automatic aside from seven's three round burst. maybe in the future ask for a lane swap, don't get your hopes up though.

my only suggestion then would be to bully her off of lane with either the snipe (sound is scarier than the shot) or grenade spamming where she wants to stand when she tries to CS. if she has to do it from awkward positions it at least gives you the chance to get your own CS even if you can't deny her.
I definitely oversimplified my explanation, but in the end everything's still just "if" including item counters and the counter to item counters. You can definitely teach anyone hard theory especially with written build notes and stuff. But aiming? Just aim lol. Why can't you aim? Just click heads. It's that simple! /s
if they ever add aim-assist to this game it'll fucking die (I will kill icefag)
>the pro scene is starting to wind down

The exact opposite is happening - next season will see FAR more tournaments than this one.

There are going to be like 10 tournaments with a million dollar prize pool each, 5 new tier 1 events with yet unknown prize pool (probably ~500k), Riyadh (5-15 million) and TI 2025 (unknown prize pool, depends on whether Valve will do a battle pass).

Links to BLAST, ESL and PGL events.

I wanna see something revolving around a weapon with a single shot weapon that cannot be boosted by stats. Maybe each skill applies a particular effect onto the one shot you've got.
Have him be a skeleton that's a loveable curmudgeon or something.
there already are cheats and im pretty sure i played against an infernus with aimbot (ofc he was russian lmao)
It's not the five round burst that makes it bad, it's the low velocity. Paradox will miss every contested confirm/deny even with a ping advantage.
Maybe not to the point of aim assist (which can be good on certain hero shooters, mind you. Mecha Break is great even with aim assist) but it's possible they will make projectiles larger or make certain heroes less dependent on aim.
I'll be honest, I think you have a LOT more control in Deadlock than you ever do in Dota. In most 1v1, or 2v1 scenarios, if you're skilled enough you can come out on top. In dota, gg ez, get fucked, especially if the enemy just happens to have more stats than you do at the moment
>having years CS/PUBG/TF2/Quake/UT/LiterallyAnyShooterEver experience
>reading movements
>snapping to head height
>knowing when and where to dodge to cover
>peeking corners
>NAW dog, that shits all worthless, just buy the right items and you dont need any of those boomer shooter skills.

This is how stupid you moba fags sound when you cope with your dota experience nonsense. everything you've learned in years of playing ASSFAGGOTS can be learned in 2 hours, shooter skills take a lifetime to hone.
>Paradox will miss every contested confirm/deny even with a ping advantage.
literally just prefire, that's what the burst fire is for. this is why us fps fags are making fun of you guys
>here are my sources for my argument

Gay retard alert.
To clarify, I mean it's AMMO COUNT cannot be boosted.
every viscous build i try to put together doesn't work
i'm so fucking bad bros
They're coping but you actually have a lot to learn too. Except everything you have to learn can be read about and applied almost immediately lmao.
anyone who trash talks or teabags or pauses is reportable btw

embrace toxic positivity
I do this but the exact spot where the bubble appears seems to be slightly random, likely specifically to cuck prefiring.
you can see where the orbs are gonna show up? i play on lowest settings possible to get high fps (~300 when nothing is going on) and i cant tell where the shitty things are going to be after a lasthit
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So play a shooter instead. That's fine.
prefiring is easiest on shotguns/spread/burst like he said but not reliable, I also suspect there's a ~40ms visibility advantage for the person who shot it so you are always unlikely to beat them to a deny without prefiring assuming all skill level is the same
you don't have to guess where the orb is going to show up, what I do is pick one side (usually the left side) about 15° off normal and drag to the right. I'd say this works like 2/3 of the time and I can consistently outfarm every other hero in lane
I've seen this exact argument far too many times and suspect Riot paid poster involvement. The pro scene will be more lively next season than at any point since 2018, which also had tons of majors.

The ongoing TI group stage routinely gets 400k twitch viewers and there will be 600-900k for the finals.
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teabagging is so heckin unwholesomerino they need to remove crouching IMMEDIATELY
economy "strategy" in CS is the most straightforward thing possible who the fucking are you kidding by comparing it to a MOBA, even a mild one
CS isn't a bad game but it's 95% mechanical skill
t. all aim no brain
i am disrespectful to my opponents
Game is fun but I'm obviously fucking terrible. I usually get brutalised from start to finish and then occasionally there will be a game where literally nobody else seems to have a clue and I curbstomp the entire other team by farming creeps.
Wraith is on the stronger end of a laner if the enemy doesn't play ultra defensive, then she gets a power spike where she can shred anybody and rip through objectives with her 3 and her 4, then she plateaus and doesn't want the game to drag on
cool idea but he will autolose every solo lane so he'd better have a dedicated support kit
So, MOBAbros, are we doomed to be stuck in ELO hell, constantly losing to FPS CHADS with their superhuman aim accuracy?
I just don't get the point you teabag them when you kill them wow epic poggers, then they kill you later and you look like a jackass
Greedy viscous and overfed vindicta get comeuppance

Also how is this vindicta so tanky?
I'll try this. Does it work with Lash's 3-round burst as well?
Yeah I was super disappointed when I picked the DEDICATED SNIPER and got a fuckign SMG
had a dynamo that only ulted what person i swapped as paradox, not a single 2 man ult the whole game and he had refresher too
what makes these braindead retards pick him
no because fps kids are too twitchy and jumpy to have patience to farm up
wdym they kill me later?
So, as far as we know, which characters aside from Yamato are the most likely to get a visual overhaul?
cs2 scrambled mashed all ranks together for some god forsaken reason and i raged about every time some absolute fucking retard would buy when our team as a whole couldnt
so yes, theres strategy in buying, forcing and saving
coordination (mostly) isnt a thing in pubs, but when you find people you mesh with you can absolutely smash opponents even when theyre individually stronger players
she used divine barrier. you probably haven't seen it because nobody buys it.
Goo because it uses modified Kelvin model

have you watched any of the front page games
They were talking about you btw
not him but cs is mostly mechanical skill, it's just more than just aiming
stuff like swinging with a teammate properly is really important too, but ti's still a mechanical skill and normally obvious when you should do it
viscous's model is just kelvin's neon prime model with a goo shader
grey talon is a neon prime holdover just like yamato
probably the fucking robot character, he seems a little out of place in ~1950s new york + magic.
1920s new york. there's nothing 1950s about the setting
i think other characters call bebop "the golem" i wonder what that would look like.
i'm not saying there's NO strategy, retard, i'm saying there's several orders of magnitudes more strategy in assfaggots. this is so trivially true that even having to point it out feels unnecessary.
the zoomer newfags are like the dota/league players who have 2k hours but are still below average, they think the game is simple because they don't even really know what is happening
in cs the most emphasis is on aim sure, but teamplay is what made it a forever game
if it was all mechanical skill arena shooters like quake would still be popular
Some weapons will maybe like Kelvin's and Time Bitch's, Haze will get a slight visual rework. Viscous, Bebop, and Yamato are getting complete visual reworks.
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i teabagged a known rager and he immediately exploded in all chat and called me a 1700 mmr shitter
he's going to be a speakeasy jazz musician
dota isnt more complex strategy wise
the only really complex thing dota has is the draft and that isnt something a normal player interacts with besides "how do i counter [hero]"
Does the Metal Skin active counter-synergize with Return Fire? Do I need to space them out or can people still kill themselves of me if I pop both at once?
I think I'm starting to understand laning as Geist. When you hit a dagger or two you really can just terminator walk at people. And if they run away you can just bomb their house.
I haven't posted there in weeks. I don't recall blogposting really, don't know why they're obsessing over my person.
I don't play lash so idk, I hardmain paradox and that's what I figured out for her during lain
Lmao, ASSFAGGOT overblow the strategy aspect of their game again
>the only really complex thing dota has is the draft and that isnt something a normal player interacts with
exactly the kind of delusional retardation i was talking about, thank you for such an excellent example
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i don't know who calls him a golem but i hear it when you ping him. golems play instruments all the time actually
for me it's just a habit, like pausing was. I've had to ween myself off of being annoying because i heard it's actually bannable. It's kind of just a funny wordless way to say you got owned at that moment. Some people find it funny, others get really fucking mad. So because it's 2024 one person seething means nobody can have fun
>I hardmain paradox
See, I was doing this for a while but it gets tiresome when your team is all feeders.
you never played cd, dont kid yourself
you teabag so that your opponent can have a good laugh when you die doing it.
it's sportsmanlike.
>ghostamatronic jazz drummer
this would be so fucking soulful
i can see pause abusing being bannable cause it fucks over everyone but just crouching a couple times over the person is a no no seems pretty dumb
he could be a one-man band, it fits his combo-centric kit maybe with different little jingles that play depending on the order you use your spells.
i mean, if you're a 1k retard shitter i can see why you'd think dota has no strategy, but feel free to keep putting words in my mouth
it's probably cause it's slightly sexual
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CD? Nah not really but CM was my preferred mode and I wish it was the main ranked mode, always had it ticked but most solo queue zombies wanted to main all pick so games were rare. Heard china does Random Draft mostly tho. Battle Cups also are cool too but only once a week
what is "the wrong vit items" during lane phase? people only get sprint shoes or extra regen, and the only thing that i could see possibly helping you not get deleted by an ult (assuming they have the health to just tank guardian damage during it) is maaaybe extra health but thats otherwise such a bad item to take generally
i had a guy do it to me who was low health, he was unaware i had spirit rebirth and respawned and killed him with 1 ability press, the immediate karma was pretty funny
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>I don't play at a high level so no one else does
You managed to out-cope the aimlets, well done.
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>"Hi haze"
you dont even know what im talking about, congrats
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what's his problem?
Profound Radness.
his mother was involved in the secret soviet project to create human-orangutan hybrids
society make monkey angry
he monke
some guy told me gg ez and to play vlorant

you best believe he got a report, do your job janny
Why does everyone call him "pretty boy"
Is he really the most attractive male character we're gonna get? A fucking joke monkey character?
Why does everything have to be ugly?
Draft still matters without CM/CD, retard. Way to reinforce his point.
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Is viscous an A-tier hero or S-tier?
It's greaser terminology. You're too young to get it.
Why is there a right click zoom button? Has anyone ever used this?
"badah bah, badah"
thats what i wrote, you fucking illiterate monkey
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this shitshow was the best match today which should tell you enough about the state of my games
they got our patron to about 10% health twice trying to brureforce it before finally losing kek
no it isn't
and only non greasers call him that
I will uninstall if they niggerfy bebop.
Extra regen, Extra stamina, sprint boots. All good items, but none of them are going to save you from getting bursted down full to none. Extra regen only has 25 hp, +1 stamina is probably the better of the 3 in-lane but is still useless when you're stunned, and sprint boots are mostly for the regen (usless when getting bursted) and building into enduring speed later. Better items are Extra Health, enduring spirit, melee lifesteal, and healing rite, which all have lots of raw HP on them along with mechanics that can be played with to be more efficient.
A to B tier, easy to shutdown in lane if you play around splatter's CD and then later on gets shutdown by silence like pocket.
You said:
>the only really complex thing dota has is the draft and that isnt something a normal player interacts with
Which is wrong on multiple levels. I say this as someone who doesn't even like nu-dota.
his lore page calls him a "scrap golem"

i'm pretty sure he's already black dude
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That fARKIN feeling of getting that melee kill and seeing that fucker not just go limp but instead get ragdolled into some boxes is so fucking satisfying. Fighting urges to not play Abrams just so I can chase this high more.
how do i get good with abrams his shoulder charge feels like it goes 2 meters and does nothing for 0 seconds
When are they going to nerf Seven holy fuck I'm actually so fucking sick of seeing him literally every single game.

>buy knockdown lmao
He could literally not have an ultimate and be better than a lot of other heroes.
Dash before to get in front of the guy you want to charge into
bruh just walk away and break los
Haze ult goes through walls and shit.
the zoom itself is not very useful but a few characters have alt-fires. the zoom is just the default. Bebop can warm up his laser, shiv can fire a double shot, yamato and viscous have an AoE effect. new heroes will likely have them too (some already do). if they decide to add alternative weapons to heroes new alt-fires could be a possibility too.
wow you almost could read a whole sentence!
> besides "how do i counter [hero]"
sadly you didnt make it to that part
what on earth is oathkeeper making her do...

is it just me or does the shiv double shot altfire just feel like ass to use
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>it's a "the two competent players on each team have to find out who has the heaviest anchor" episode
>it's a rerun
yeah, but i think spending 500 souls on any of those items to mitigate dying once in the last 2 minutes of laning is a bit silly when you could just start the post-laning phase once they have ult (lets be real, even if you aren't 100% dead because you took extra health, you still only have 20% left at most, so you are still dead meat)
It's still completely, utterly wrong, retard.
>it's a paradox going damage items episode
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I'm brand new someone tell me right the fuck now if im playing warden what the fuck do i do against haze? she just ults on a 40 second cooldown and my ults just dogshit?
>what the fuck do i do against haze?
Buy metal skin
Wait for her to ult
Use metal skin
Use your ult
Rape her corpse
how the fuck do I play carry ivy?
it's oddly committal and the only thing i have used it for is accidentally trying to zoom in on far away orbs. it can extend slides, potentially infinitely, but i never catch myself wanting to use it.
iron skin nigga
It's good for combos
>left click on approach
>right click
>quick melee
>2 if it's up
get siphon bullets within 12-13 minutes, power farm with kudzu
you are my real niggas, its over for haze niggers

i will try this. i was trying to throw it in as my first shot after 2 as that was when i'm usually closest. i guess alternatively alt-firing with 1 shot left in the magazine still gives full damage.
I think Paradox's gun is not great, but not the worst. Tried Bebop and couldn't handle its attack, there's a delay between click and shooting that is very annoying and the range is miserable especially for last hitting at a distance.
Like other anons have said, you need to prefire with Paradox and drag the mouse. Not ideal, but works against most players (at least at my level).

Just played a game and there was a Wraith in the enemy team, thankfully I wasn't laning against her but she got fed a bit early so she instantly deleted me a couple of times. Does debuff remover work against her ult? Thought about getting it, but wasn't sure it was a good idea since she didn't seem to focus me particularly anyway.
I see the detective
If you survive their bullshit with 50 hp, turn it around on them and kill them you get gold from the kill, 2 waves uncontested, they miss 2 waves worth of gold, and you a lot of damage on the tower or even kill it. All for a measly 500 gold which will continue to be useful to you until you need to sell it for space 20 minutes later. Seems like a worthy investment to not lose momentum early.
alchemical fire feels really fucking good but idk if that's just my low skill brain talking
Can also use it for quick quick nigga blast off a ledge, then tap ctrl twice to fast fall
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>feedback post on the forum has 12 views
>just 1v1 this full health opponent when you are at 50 hp

okay got it thanks i'll try to work this into my gameplan
no its not, what i said holds true even in highest level pubs
pub draft is rock paper scissors, old dota captains draft was an art in itself
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I'm sure the bluehaired bimbos writing this game would unironically respond with this
>feedback post has 1 view (my own)

it's over
I will max stun duration and range on seven and you cant stop me
>feedback post was liked by yoshi
i win nerds
Every time I see this image I think of Joshua Connor Moon.
Woman detected.
The world doesn't revolve around you, in fact nothing does.
reactive barrier is very good vs wraith at least
idk if debuff remover lets you dispel before the stun kicks in, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was undispellable
mine get no response
>it's a paradox sitting on your face episode
many such cases

i don't think it's dispellable, but i know that knockdown is.
>be viscous
>everyone just fucking runs me down
I don't even get views anymore. betrayed and NTR'd by icefrog...
Baxter society has his numbah
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>He doesn't get it
This hasn't been true for a long time, for better or for worse. But even if it wasn't, the actual game is still a hell of a lot more complex than CS. I'd even argue it's become too complex for its own good with all of the bullshit they keep tacking onto it.
wtf does that mean you schizo retard lol
skill issue.
ive made multiple turbo shitters leave today from trash talking
broken by the BDC (Big Dynamo Cock)
how? your punches are like rocket jumps
I've just scrolled over your conversation and just want to remark that

>only really complex thing dota has is the draft and that isnt something a normal player interacts with

is simply ridiculous. Perhaps the only dotalike you're familiar with is LoL, but even 10% of Dota complexity is enough to create a modem game which would be considered to have "high replayability" by the general public and the gaming press.
yeah but his projectiles aren't great and splash is relatively high cooldown so the jumping feels kind of pointless
Valve will never ban you for TBagging retards

??? goo ball ???
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For example, take a look at this character sheet. It shows three layers of hero specialization, including completely changing her ult, even without selecting her position and buying items.
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>Icefrog offers you 6 new retards to end the day on a high note
I'll look it up, don't know all the items yet I'm bad at builds
This time I got bullet armor, but she stills shreds through it, and the one that reduces movement and fire rate with spirit damage so she'd be a little bit less annoying during teamfights (plus it worked against the rest of the team too)
thats 100% on you, youve got punch boosts and the best getaway ult in the game. Youre probably burning all of your stamina in a stupid way and then getting punished for it
todays dota is really just "pick strong hero together with best facet/talents/items"
its not more complex than that and hasnt been in the last decade
just buy auras bro, its really not that hard
is that a high note? stomps cap out at 3/5 stars of fun for me on the winning side, much more fun to beat a team roughly or only slightly less competent than you
why are there 3 deadlock threads up rn
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Only correct answer.
>the best getaway ult in the game
i've been trying to play him like a brooling pango, should i be playing him like a rat splitpusher instead?
think more like oingo boingo with a few items that flerbert would use
Janny keeps offloading /v/ threads here
I actually tried this when dark souls first came out on PC back in 2012 and it put me off the game because it felt so shit. Haven't gone back to it.
is it not a video game? what is their problem
/v/ janny hates fun
thats not complex, thats "pick whats stronger / suits role" and since they buffed the shit out of the sun variant potm is actually playable again
i think youre confusing variety with complexity, theyre not the same
>play seven
>teammate vindicta calls me braindead for "not abusing my broken ult" at min 8
where do these people come from? trackers were a mistake
how do I get to Vindicta/Grey as Abrams? Or I guess any close range engager
its not a "cultural phenomenon" like smash bros
It is after a horrible game with 4 megaretards, i really needed that nobrainer
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Which facet on the picture is the "best"?
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uhuh mhm okay that gives me an idea
I liked the game more than I liked the people you had to play with. I vividly remember solo queueing and having to play against literal 6 stacks of new types while my team was uncoordinated and pussy as fuck and then I'd complain about it and those same people would make fun of me as if the matchmaking wasn't total dog shit. I left and had fond memories of the game itself until checking in on old discords for it and remembering it was full of retards who all thought they were breaking into the next big esport. So many twitch streamers. I don't imagine Side7 has more than like 12 active players at once. The dreams over.
not your job until you get phantom strike
Shiv has a fantastic design but Shiv is fundementally busted so I hate anyway
They keep adding more and more new "features" to DotA without ever taking a step back and evaluating how much any of them are improving the game. Even terrible old features never get removed to make room for the new shit. They just keep throwing more bullshit in. That's exactly why I want a new moba and not the crusty cum sock that is DotA.
>wrecking shit with every class I try
>go paradox with the most popular build
>fucker is completely useless
i feel like moo and krill is actually busted
never seen them have a bad match
lefaa is a DUMB faggot
i soft int lefaa every game i get him just because listening to him rage is funny
the answer to this is dont pick fucking lycan since the hero is terrible atm
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wow haze thank god you were afk half of the match it only took you 10k more souls than me to deal less damage on heroes and on objectives
im at the elo where people farm way too much and forget how to play the actual game
I know the games new n all but can someone tell me the gist of warden? Ive played a good few games as him and I feel like Im choosing between damage and tanking, am i supposed to deal fuck off damage? do i have some kind of "job" im supposed to do?
way to concede the argument lmao
EVERYONE bought it back in June, I can't even recall how they nerfed it to get people to stop, stats don't look that different to me
what i said is "pick strong hero with best talents"
not "pick weak hero"
if it wasnt for his sand ability he'd be dogshit. it gives a character who does fuckall outside melee range a teamfight presence
the complexity is still there even if you choose to ignore it, retard-kun
it's really easy to get in melee range tho there's like 3 items to do it
run at retards and bind them. buy active items so they cant get away. shoot them in the fucking face when they get rooted. buy burst speed items so you can ult from safety and rush to keep people in your void zone. Basically, get good with active items because thats the best way to use his kit.
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Redesign when?
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WEW! Thank god I parried Abrams, time to kill him !!!!!
maybe next year goy
the long ass delay until you can fire again make it something you'll rarely want to use over the M1, but it's still good for the last shot in your magazine or for the movement boost
just parry again
Idea: a successful parry refreshes your parry cooldown
its differently flavoured shit, but its still shit
doesnt mean its complex, just more shit to pick from
i can see the range increase being useful on kelvin and dynamo, i need to play with it more.
it is good at preventing getting bursted on a squishy backline but every time i would use it on allies it felt wasted because they were trying to get shredded in the first place.
The latest feature expansion was extremely popular. Even /r/dota2 was near unanimous in welcoming it and that place is often chock full of complaints.

that's how it works already...
Notice how I had Healbane too, the item that """""counters""""" Abrams !! Wow what a balanced character !!!!!!!
should've parried him again then
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wow i wish i knew that (not him)
use the warp stone and *teleports behind him*, nigga
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>the haze on your team
>8800 souls
it's too bad there's nothing you could have done to have an advantage in that fight, abrams is just too strong obviously
>enemy team has seven haze talon vindicta
>literally cannot play the game with all their ranged bullshit preventing any access to the backline
needs draft mode asap, or hardcoding to prevent both snipers on the same team
you didnt actually hit him with KC, you got into a fist fight with a dude that heals off of punching, you fought him in a very narrow corridor, you wasted your parry trying to punch him instead of just bursting into his head twice, and on top of all that you had a blink stone which never got used.
>down literally 8 thousand souls to the abrams haven't bought an item
not buying silence vs pocket is griefing
lil bro still thinks he isn't playing a moba

this has to be this person's first time encountering pocket. surely anon...
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Why are you running around with the entire GDP of a small country in your pocket?
healbane alone isnt really enough, you also need toxic bullets to counter people with big healing
it's not pocket it's paradox
I'll give it a try, thanks anon
Imagine playing like that and thinking abrams is the problem
this ff7 frog is litrlly me
yeah but in reality most heroes have a good and a bad talent, for some heroes you could blindly pick one and be ok, for others you have to pick one to specialize which gives you really no choice at all
You should take a look at the minimap and realize where I was going
Imagine saying wasting your parry, are you fucking braindead? How can you even reply with this

People really can't jusy say "hmm that character is kinda strong", they must do the most retarded dance around it and blame you
you saw him charge a heavy melee and you didn't parry
>imagine hitting all your abilities
I forgot I'm playing Paradox, sorry
everyone else is shitting on you but legit, you parrying him and then abrams literally turning 180 so his head is as unexposed as it could possibly be is some horseshit
i always thought this was a WoW critter.
you should have used your warpstone to not get stunned and slapped in the first place.
the character is strong
you are retarded
these can both be correct
not only were you effectively down 9k souls from the money you havent spent yet, but you were down effectively another 4k+ on top of that because you had two items you didnt use in that encounter (kinetic dash and warp stone)
The Moonlight Shadow facet has a full 1,5% extra win rate compared to Solar Flare.


Mirana herself is at 46% winrate in divine+ despite being constantly picked at TI.
you would've won that if you had done a quick melee instead of shooting with 2 bullets left
I get that it's hard to judge this sort of thing in the heat of the moment but that's why we watch replays
nah shitters are just allergic to active items
>dude is kneeling infront of you, head fully exposed for 2 seconds
>Yes, now is the time to punch him, dealing non-critical damage with no items that specifically improve my punch
Literally everything you did was wrong, especially taking the fight at all with 9000 gold in your pocket and a shop 10m away.
all of the long stun animations make it harder for you to hit someone's head
it's an intentional balance choice
???? Are you guys actually chatgpt? His head isn't exposed you fucking moron what are these replies I'm getting from people who didn't even watch the webm
You didn't read any of the negative comments because that site enforces groupthink. You can't even see the dissenting opinions by default. Fuck off back to your echo chamber.
warpstone out for range
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>The Moonlight Shadow facet has a full 1,5% extra win rate compared to Solar Flare.
Because you're retarded and using a website that doesn't differentiate facet stats based on role when the whole argument was "pick what's good for your role"

warpstone through the charge lmao
i'll agree to that, but i don't think him literally turning all the way around from the direction he was faced is actually an intended effect on top of that, the abrams probably saw he was gonna get parried and spun to avoid it and then it snapshotted him turned around, making his head not just marginally harder to hit like the animation should be but damn near impossible, reducing it to a small line of pixels from the paradox's view
dotabuff isnt the right tool to analyze why some heroes are getting picked at pro level
mirana has 64% wr this international across 22 matches because solar flare is a good steroid now
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>here's your head hitbox as a reward for that parry bro
shooting your gun and using your warpstone is still gonna be better than fist fighting the abrams you are 8.8k souls behind.
the trick to Paradox is realizing that carbine is the weakest part of her kit late game
>not only avoid all damage, but stun the enemy for 2 seconds
>harder to get a headshot kill though :(
gamers are entitled
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It is intended so braindead tank nigger players can be rewarded for being counter played
threadly reminder that this game will be plagued with cheaters and make it unplayable
The negative comments regularly prevail there and there's no need to seek them out since they're already both at the very top and everywhere else in the thread. That was the point.

I've shown him (or you) that there is no such thing as a "best facet". One of the most popular heroes at TI sits at 45-46% winrate across 99% of the mmr spectrum and the "wrong" (not picked at TI) facet actually prevails in win rate.

Here's what this guy originally claimed

>todays dota is really just "pick strong hero together with best facet/talents/items" its not more complex than that
you lost ivan keep crying about your hardware ban
I wish i was this retarded through life must be nice, maybe look at the ammo
nah wall hacks dont make that much of an advantage and aimbots are trivial to detect
>dotabuff isnt the right tool to analyze why some heroes are getting picked at pro level

That's not what I'm doing. This guy said not to pick Lycan >>493445532 sitting at 50% win rate, yet Mirana sits at 45% herself.
>warpstone away
>KC comes off CD
>reload and KC at the same time
>fire KC
>fire gun

NAHH bro watch this ima just punch him
>*posts a webm of himself getting pwned*
>why is everyone calling me a retard?
>a-a-abrams is OP guys, its not a skill issue!
again, they buffed the shit out of solar flare and thats the only reason mirana gets picked at high level, nobody plays moonlight shadow
also you dont understand that theres a huge difference between tournament play and pubs, that alone kinda tells me you have no idea what youre talking about, some things dont work in pubs since you need to coordinate well and miranas ult, be it solar flare or moonlight shadow is one example for that and a reason her winrate is low in pubs
youre looking at it wrong
>parries abrams
>fires a 5 shot burst over his shoulder
lmao even
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you don't even know how paradox works
oh my fucking god im out of this general actual subhumans that only watch youtube videos/streamers and don't play the game
You have a gun, you had stamina, shift button away at 0:07 instead of trying to outmelee a Abrams
You can charge KC while reloading, retard

literally not worth the time to convert it to webm, honestly.
Sir are you lost? Or are you just trolling the deadlock thread for fun?
You guys ever have to diarrhea but it's blocked by normal shit so it feels really annoying and bad to get it out of the way? That's what laning feels like to me. I just want to get to the diarrhea teamfights but I have to waste time taking a normal more boring poop
every hero can use abilities while reloading at full speed you moron
Do you even know Paradox's gun damage? Or how ammo works? I know we're on 4chan but I can't imagine being a contrarian to this extent
Also it's not out meleeing, it's trying to kill him while he's incapacitated
Yeah, and guess what happens if you try to shoot KC while your 5 sec reload happens? Nothing because you can't shoot and Abrams can just run away
dude, why wont you understand that dotabuff is NOT THE RIGHT TOOL TO ANALYZE PRO PLAY
some heroes are pubstompers, some require good coordination to really shine
now guess why lycan has a better winrate IN PUBS than mirana does and but was literally NEVER PICKED OR EVEN BANNED IN TI
use your brain man
>you have no idea what youre talking about

>"todays dota is really just "pick strong hero together with best facet/talents/items" its not more complex than that"

Your argument is absolutely ridiculous and can be countered in literally dozens of ways. One of "strong heroes" you mentioned above ended up having a catastrophically low win rate across pubs.

And even if we assume this hero appeared in the draft of a pro team, it's never certain on which position he will be played. Mirana can be a 1 2 4 or even 5. Sniper can be 2 or 4. Timbersaw can be 2 3 or 4 and so on.
Like I said, I really wish I was this retarded so I can go through life peacefully while not thinking about anything
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Everybody gets one. Kindly return to reddit now.
>just wait 4 secs, ignore that his team is right there
>also just chase him into a tight corridor where he has his run again
Oh my goooooooooooooood you actually do not have above 5 hours in this game what are these fucking replies I thought more highly of /vg/
LMAOOOOO everyone laugh at this fucking retarded gorilla brain troglodyte
pub play != pro play
get that in your fucking brain man, its literally a different game
that doesnt mean the rule "pick strong hero/facet/items for current patch" doesnt apply
but you're the retarded one, you can't use KC while reloading, you can charge KC
like I said you guys do not play this game at all
are you arguing that you can't shoot while reloading? fucking ESL brazilians jesus christ use standard english
is it worth going for the melee items on him to buff up punch?
you do realize that you can use your 1 while reloading but not fire the KC, charging the KC doesn't mean you can use it
please post a pic of your hours

also that initial post said to just reload and use KC, so I should chase him without a gun for 4 secs? and he's gonna stay afk waiting for the KC to charge?
There are around 3500 dudes in the discord, but I don't know how many of them plays regularly as I'm waiting for them to implement quickplay before I jump in.
(And I think a lot of other people are in the same boat)
>reload and use KC
yes you reload and press three at the same time you retarded gorilla nigga

no you should stay in melee range of abrams while warp stone is available you fucking retard
Yes, you even saved your warpstone for just such an occasion!

maybe but it was a lot better when punch was 60m instead of 40m a week or so ago. splatter has 1.5x spirit scaling and gooball has 1.3x. if you're really deadset on using punch build be prepared to fuck over your teammates a bunch when
skill issue
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Everyone is shitting on anon, but he's right.
You can't FIRE KC while you're still reloading and that's what the original anon was saying.
and tell me the downtime of you not having a gun is
then tell me why would abrams sit there and just watch me like a retard
so in your heads the optimal play is to parry him, teleport away, stay afk 4 seconds waiting for your gun to reload, then kill him?

also keep in mind i didn't even have KC off cooldown :) you stupid fucking niggers imagine being this bad at video games and still replying to me
>still hasn't addressed the 9k unspent souls
lol cope
it's seriously just autists that have 10 hours on this game and think they can reply, i don't think they ever used paradox in a real match or played against an abrams
>this is 4chan so i NEED to be contrarian and always in opposite to the guy i'm replying
i think the optimal way would be not to play paradox
if i had 2k souls what would your reply be? i was literally going to the shop if you knew what the map looks like by playing the game but there was a big blue monkey in front of it
but yeah sure a half hp abrams should win after being parried that has healbane on him
The optimal play would be to get the stun, and then run the fuck away so you don't lose the fat pile of souls you're carrying around.
If your plan lead to a kill that'd be great but we can clearly see it didn't so better luck next time retard.
I agree with Haze but Seven is legitimately god-tier. He's got good farm, good CC, and good damage output - he's probably the most well-,rounded character in the entire game. His ult is reactable and answerable but MUST be respected, only Black Hole is on the same level and Dynamo isn't half as good outside of it.
wasnt there supposed to be a deadlock tourney today
how'd that go
another replay retard over here knowing the perfect situation after watching it unfold
My only problem with heavy melee spam is that turd worlders use their 400 ping to make it unreactable.
russians can't plan anything and it's tomorrow
No shit moron we can't go into your game and play for you
Bro I literally do the same thing lmfao I just show upto his lane and start mag dumping creeps 0m in and he starts raging asking who paid me to ruin his game rofl
Just run straight into Seven ult while tanking the damage the entire time, cast knockdown on him from short range, and tank the damage for another 2 seconds until the stun lands. It's so easy to counter Seven.
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>The meta shitters are infesting the game now
Its over bros. People are going to start yelling as soon as you pick anything off meta. As soon as you buy on "off meta" item. Its over. Even just picking certain characters will get you yelled at(Yamato). Its over. Game is in alpha and the meta shitters are already infesting it.
Similarly, it makes zero sense to be in combat and reload both at once (unless you're running active reload), cause that's 3-4 second of literally doing nothing in a game that takes 2 seconds to escape or 2 seconds to die.

I guess you could call it a "design issue" that KC locks out your gun, but its an empowered shot by design. You can't use your gun at all if you want the full charge and your other skills don't do shit besides your ult.
and thank the almighty God for that
you don't have to listen to your teammates. just play the game.
It would be interesting to make Seven's ult have a blind spot underneath him. An "Eye of the Storm" so to speak. Right now it just feels like it has no real counter besides pay the 3000 soul tax to buy a knock down and then he just buys an unstoppable that he was going to get anyway.
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this shit bothers me even if it's not necessarily wrong

like surely spending half of your giant pile of souls to pick up a bunch of small items will help you farm faster anyway
why yamoto? seems like a good hero to me with 8 kills and 4 deaths just playing once with them
Lane phase is too trivial in impact. Can end lane 4.4k down vs. 6k and it'll be entirely irrelevant.
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>my haze
>deadlock tourney
and it'll be full of faggots who can't play.
I've been playing for 2 weeks and literally just realized what they mean by "Monday through Thursday," I thought it was like, Monday at 5:00am until Thursday at 3:00pm or whatever
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I was so confused
can confirm. lystic just rages at everyone for 'bad builds'.
i will be picking seven and building around stun and you cant stop me. i should go echo shard
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don't care
I am building max ammo ricochet+tesla bullets Ivy
McGinnis is such a fucking liability on a team holy shit

>my mcniggis
complete dogshit, blocks own team with walls constantly, turrets are free farm for the opponent
>their mcniggis
split pushing god, complete cancer to be in lane proximity, every time you try to catch her split push she can hold out long enough for the entire enemy team to show up. every teamfight seems to revolve around her area of influence.
When I'm Mcginnis I always keep a sliver of attention on that 3 key in case the wall gets fucked up.
Sadly I'm always the "enemy team" to someone.
The devs knew what they were doing
anyone elses game starts stuttering strangely as it goes into late?
>see mcniggis
>return fire
>literally kills herself
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Been spamming ICBM grey talon and man its so much more fun than building around powershot. Know its just the tip of the iceberg for fun builds but pill me on some lesser played builds pls. Gun McGinnis might be next. Except dagger haze that looks boring as shit.

do you just imbue everything into 4 instead of 1 and skip +charge items? i can imagine mystic reverb goes hard with owl
design looks good but the hair detracts from the overall profile. this would be boring as hell to view from behind. same issue with wraith's jacket basically just turning her into a rectangular carpet with a gun
How do I Shiv
Who do I pick if I really like Alchemist
Waiting room for a techies like hero.
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>Paradox player having a meltdown over Chudbrams

Funniest shit I've read all day

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