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/wowg/ guilds
US-Sargeras - <RIP in Peace>

>Official WoW News

https://youtu.be/o03STclgxSc [Embed]
>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic
https://youtu.be/brOSi_rpGj4 [Embed]

>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview
https://youtu.be/MNeQdGV5_2U?si=GTerY-rZZSnTPzP2 [Embed]

Previous: >>493279775
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1st for cumming inside elf asshole
If you arent playing dk you arent having optimal FUN with the game
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>tell the group I'm going to big pull LOS
>hunter attacks before the mobs come to me
>mage follows
>they die
>pull is a mess
>have to jump everywhere to get agro
jesus christ at least use misdirect fucking retard
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>take few days off
>ah fuck i better finish the campaign before content opens up
>alright here we go
>i was already at the end
what the fuck
What did she do wrong for Jobduin to drop her?
i'm surprised they never nerfed jaina's rack
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Is the EU guild not cross server and cross faction?
It's both
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*dabs on you're stinky dead game*
Can't seemingly join the community for it via the link.
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How will they kill him?
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Don't join No Fun Allowed
The noblest aspiration.
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Xal'atath will try to devour his BHC but his yeeyee cripple ass can't get it up anymore which sends Xal'atath into a blind psychotic rage where she throws him over a balcony rail
>literally never saw a weapon drop in dungeon over 5 level 80 characters
>90% of dungeon runs end with no loot at all
is there a loot chance bug or something ?
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what the hell is up with SimCraft? Why are there 5 specs
what would even be the fun of this, warcraft doesnt send your message through if it contains a gamer word
is pshero a schizoid or just severely depressed?
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I thought of something the other day anons
I havent been playing since BFA

did they do anything with Sylvanas Loyalists after BFA? including potentially us? in trannylands, tranntflight or in the tranny within?

did it ever come up again?
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>Use former timerunner monk as my inscription slave
>remember I have to deal with capped specialization points for weeks
dude plays wow for a job, what do you think?
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>Come back
>Story's fuckin great now, bruv.
The story is still fucking trash, what sort of copium is he on at the moment?
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r8 my worgen's TRP profile
She gains her power from draining BHCs
how anyone gives a fuck about what these 'people' say is beyond me, they are here to make money, get you to click on as many videos as possible. stop being a retard
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he needs the money
yes actually
in dragonflight you got a conclusive message from her, basically telling you to commit yourself to the new horde and how she wishes to one day come back and join us as an ally but not as a leader

so they kind of tied it well
>Let me know how you don't play the game without letting me know you don't play the game
reminder to report and hide avatarfags
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I miss him bros...
game is dead
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reminder to hug and snuggle avatarfriends
Interesting choice on their end.
>brand new expansion
>haven't logged in since sunday
holy hell surely stiffing your entire community for two months of playtime won't work out in the long run, right?
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Should I
1.level my goblin
2.do heroics on my gnome for gear I'll replace the nano micro second m+ is out
3.flirt with worgen and tauren
makes sense I guess as she is now partly? wholly? a mortal elf again, but is able to remember all that the banshee did
ok come post here then >>493299203
Why are rogues so hard to make good transmogs on certain races? Namely vulpera
>17 minutes ago
>OP's is from 40 minutes ago
Bros it kinda scares me to think about how old Teal'c is now, imagine how old Bra'tac must be... Khadgar isn't long for this world, or the world of warcraft...
>He thinks the "I'll get you next time, Gadget" capeshit esque writing is good
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There are three characters in Clover Crusade
I wish Blizz would just let us mod body shapes to some degree.
Next time if you want this thread to win post it in the old thread retard
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Bit of a bold claim
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How patron orders should work.

>Only spawn orders for recipes you know on reset
>cut week long orders in half for time
>Always provide bullshit mats from the patron I.E. Acuity, Chaos circuits, anything that uses nullstones or isn't easily gatherable in a few minutes
>multiply the rewards based on difficulty and amount of mats needed
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when is blizzard removing racials from pvp?
let's not get political, now
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EUbros join <Nerub Silkweaving Forum> open to any thread user on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Whisper Cawaen or any member on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Horde players can join but you have to join the community called Nerub Silkweaving Forum, add me on battlenet (Castriot#2261) or just type in /wowg/ in the community finder, I only use the community to add cross faction players otherwise just apply to the guild first or add Castriot#2261 on battlenet. Play or shoot the shit with wowg anons!
when are m0s opened? next week? i only just got to end game
guys how tf do you do dungeons every single run the whole group leaves after 1 or 2 bosses, then it takes 10 mins to refill, and then the newcomers leave too.

I've been away for a week, are people really spamming heroics for targeted drops of adventure track shit?
Why the fuck are arena skirmishes still a thing? Whenever the weekly quest is up for them it's just a coinflip on which team gets the undergeared pve shitter who dies instantly.
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People are just looking up their BiS preseason 1 on iceyveins/wowhead/youtube and just target farming specific bosses yes
As a solo player, I fucking hated how the only rated option I had was either joining a premade which never filled, or shuffle. I am glad RBG solo was added finally. It seemed like it should've been in by default.
Yo, I'm here because it's maintenance numero 236 956 in Europe
>earthen exploration exp
do I still get this if I use the map toys?
>35% xp bonus
>still hate leveling
>solo player
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>Classic timewalking

It's going to be ugly, I don't want to ruin my good souvenirs with lvl 70-80 rushing like cows
Think in term of gold. More 80 alt = more gold
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>no heroic/low mythic guilds recruiting
>all other guilds are asking for logs
how am i supposed to find a guild as a returning player without logs
More Xal'atath, sir.
Join the Scarlet Crusade.
Night Elf
Why did they rehash the Sylvanas vs Greymane fight here??
>Remix moP has ruined retail dungeons for ever
People rush because of that
>New dracthyr classes get both glide and double jump
Blizz found a new way to get people to spend money on race changes eh?
Scarlet fursade :3
when's the 20th anniversary patch
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that is just a generic elf with huge tits tho
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NA /wowg/ guild
has been baked.

>Globo Fomo community if you're horde so you can ask for invites

Cross faction-Cross realm
>Base realm: NA Moonguard

Not allowed. Control yourself.
>Standard Roleplay
Good, encouraged even.


it's time.
Yeah I know, I'm asking for a specific elf with huge tits
dracthyr never had a double jump
stop being retarded and regurgitating some hastily spat out wowhead article written by a very confused mongoloid
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im an eu chad
dont join Globo Fomo I just fought one of their ret paladins in PvP and he was really bad. he lost the BG match.
ive been rushing for longer than you have been alive kiddo
>Not allowed. Control yourself.
Uh oh, Maye and his clique will NOT like this one...


Keep in mind that these changes are still a long way off
>want to play femgob
>character name is my literal first name (I'm a man obviously) with no accents or bullshit added on
>Not allowed. Control yourself.
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Made a WoW General Community on NA for those who wanna be around other anons but maybe not a full-fledged guild.
It's on NA, all are welcome, even the degens, but any dramafagging will be immediately removed

We (horde players) played like that since vanilla, sissy.
You can have more than one character
Jfc. Patch notes completely re-designing every class like it's a new expansion. So bad.
>no erp
gay and cringe
always remember DPS are adhd goblins and will attack the instant they want to. Most of the time they are patient enough to wait for the tank to pull. Most of the time
That was just the launch chapters, tehres still like 3 or 4 more for you to do.
Nice cope response, can I have another?
No I tried
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>character name is my literal first name
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GOD i want to play worlo so bad but im broke atm. any richfags to gift me the expac? i will pray for you and your family forever
Are you all going to change race to become Dracthyrs when they can roll the other classes?
You can erp and talk smut in this community btw
fuck. Time to make another earthen that I didn't fuck myself with
ok give me your email or btag whatever and i'll gift you basic edition.
or you have expac and need sub?
Idk might do mage
lol youll never make it as a tank if you give your group any room to fuck things up. this is why tanks rush ahead so much. its the only way to guarantee a functional pull because dipshits are literally too far behind to sabotage anything
ask maye
you will probably have to suck his futa balls tho
Sorry, I'm EU (and broke too)
>change race
absolutely not
but I'll probably make a few
I wish Maye played EU so I could gargle his futa balls for gold
I got you, post a throwaway email
it's true, a big part of pugging m+ as a tank is knowing which mobs are physically closest to your drooling dps since they will tab target and go gorilla on it 100% of the time
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i can afford the sub, but sub + xpac will fuck me up
anon, kind anon, please....
>>pull is a mess
Everytime. The DPS don't know how to pull. They think pull = shoot the mob and that's it. Pulling is an art and tanks are the artists.
>EU down for 4 hours
I'll race swap my void elf warrior to dracthyr yeah
Scalegods making smoothskins seethe in fear.
Which guild is Trollanon joining?
I wish you'd make a trial on NA so you could drain my musky futa cumtanks anon
>blizzard is changing all the shadowlands skill icons
Metzen is literally erasing sneedolands
maint from 3 to fucking 7?!
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bros is there a new tier list yet?? i NEED to know what to play after the updates
Yeah, you have completed the Khaz Algar campaign but now you still have 4 (or 5) long quests about the World versus Xal'atath
gimme a moment
pls dont dox me if it shows name
Ok this is fire
oh nonono euKEKS time to sleep
not fast enough. the one saving grace for SL is some of the transmog looks good
sent ;)
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Will be done by 5AM same as usual
>moto in WoW
Yeah... no...
I only do that for gold Maye, I've got no use for it on a trial account...
Now only if they made all the pets/mounts/titles made purchase with anima with said anima also buffed. Tormentors and shadehound still fucking broken.
>All the DKs who works on this not serious meme tier list say during beta Riders doesn't deal frost damage therefore it's bad
>It does in fact do shadowfrost and easily surpasses the other hero talent if Trollbane has good uptime
Tier lists are for retards
theres 4(3) motorcycles in the game right now. what are you talking about?
I don't ERP for gold but how much we talking
Except that one time I got paid 100k gold to literally fuck someone's wallet in a rp scene
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Unironically restored my faith in humanity
You can get him the expansion through a third party too and send him the code
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>"uhh wow doesnt need better damage telegraphs"
the addon that warns you if you're standing in shit has 76.000.000 downloads ...
Did they release third party codes? If you can find one then I've got him covered
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y-you did it? i don't see anything in my gift tabs yet. Anyway, i will keep refreshing it

i cant express how grateful i am, i send all my gold to you if you want. Im desperate. THANK YOU
Oh wow, they're actually going to try and make Dark Ranger good
You pay me like 90-100k and I gargle your futa balls.
it doesnt, people are just blind retards
You have to use reseller websites such as Instant Gaming or G2A they usually send a code that can be input by anyone that well recieves it
aaaaw that sucks, just saw it now. Well, if you're feeling kind in 3 days time, i will still be waiting.

i will pray for you and your family anyway
>Stand in a damage puddle
>Screen is covered in a color effect appropriate for the theme of the boss
>Get a giant red debuff
>Your HP starts going down
Correct. It doesn't need better telegraphs anymore and hasn't since TBC.
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You drive a good bargain
I'll consider rolling on EU
nobody says wow has good damage telegraphs. they are all awful. Once WIldstar did the clear telegraphs wow shoudl have done that too. its fucking asinine that they havent made any of the older damage telegraphs any more clear.
>Paying gold for it when a proper spank on the right ass leads to it for free
Piggies never learn
How do I get elf girls to like me when I'm a male human paladin?
>patron orders
It's a tutorial for people to use work orders with some rewards. literally weekly quest to craft X. For most people, it's more than enough; others use TSM.
G2A literally explains the process as adding a friend on battle.net and waiting 3 days
see >>493297105
the only attractive male paladin races are horde, other than maybe male drae
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this is about to go crazy on my futa manari
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Ok big, these 4 might be my favorite dungeons so far
That's strange, usually resellers send a code so you just give the code to a friend, they input it and they're free to go.
Still, don't want you to spend your money for nothing Anon, sorry I couldn't help more
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None of them, I stopped joining guilds in MoP.
I'd suck you for free Maye. Just like the past three times.
Thanks for the video of you cumming
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>entire book of changes
uhhh shambros, are we gana be ok?...
Ancient futa manari warlord and her 23 year old goblin warlock girlfriend
WoW has good damage telegraphs.
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>introduce a cool male character
>kill him off so a woman with a beard can be leader next

this game sucks
>>493333703 qrd?
Enh and Ele are getting gutted.
That sucks, dawnbreaker is insta leave
pretty mad about the dracthyr classes. I hate dracthyr visually but I can't pass up that mobility.
>got a cloth intellect piece from weekly chest as hunter
Fucking seriously
>party is half dead
>"gaem has gud telegrafs DURRRRRRRRRRRRR"
i laughed
no idea what you're trying to say
Someone fucking explain to me why the servers are down AGAIN?
I got absolutely fuck all nothing on my hunter so don't complain
brother there is no qrd, both hero talents and spec talents are getting many additions/switchups/buffs/nerfs
explain it to me, a readlet. are they getting rid of the fucking lightning bolt bullshit and going back to hitting things with hammers using stormstrike?
EU sisters... the servers are never coming back up
doomchads won
Hunters in the same boat. Mail users are fucked
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>Goes to Nectrotic Wake to try the mount that's off the final boss
>Mythic Nectroic Wake is not yet available.
we're finally free...
QRD of the Shaman and Hunter PTR changes?
Lufsela doesn't have a beard though? And Adelgonn was already Stoneward. Merrix is also still technically the leader of the Earthens.
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you can be cute AND strong now
welcome to the club casual dogshit mountsmogcheevos shitter

if M+ chads have to wait then you have to wait to do your oh so challenging and stimulating mount runs
>quit at start of cata when my server first guild disbanded over a worm boss
>just came back
>see cool owl mount and ask about it, everyone says its just an RMT mount from last raid tier's boss
>see guy on RMT'd fyrakk mount running around dornogal in a meme guild
>think nothing of it, good for him
>see another guy from the same guild, poptart corndog, also riding on it
>assume its the same guy on his alt and go on with my day
>later see yet a third guy on mount, the same class as the last one
>ok wtf, google this guild
>world rank #15
holy shit kek
Marksman really just gets a different flavor of shit
Shaman gets completely gutted
>if M+ chads
Stop reading right there.
Survival kinda looks nice? I guess? Idk how cleave will be now that Butchery only has one charge. Will it only be bomb spam now? Oy vey
They're removing kill shot
Dark ranger larpers.... we fucking won bigly.
Mythic plus dungeons are less challenging than even rated battlegrounds.
>quit at start of cata
ok that was 13 years ago, you're 13 years older. Imagine showing back up to something like "yeah I was here 13 years ago and just came back lol"

you boomer freaks are fucking weird
RIP shamans, tseric curse still in effect
NA Guild is now GLOBO FOMO, listed on horde and alliance side
what fucking autistic retard creates tier list for every hero talent as if 99% of people aren't picking the one that performs slightly better regardless. Its a bunch of passives with very few active abilities
>welcome to the club casual dogshit mountsmogcheevos shitter
>Is a mythic plus player
There really a difference?
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>park my yak by the AH and set AFK
>wait for someone to start using it
>wait a moment to make sure they're actually working on a transmog and not just applying one
>randomly ride away
Get your own mount, poorcucks.
ERP allowed or nah?
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release the m zeros
Oh damn I'm less interested now
Next promo of the guild i'll make will change that part... slightly...
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Asmongoloid hated m+ and he was the biggest mountsmogscheevos shitter
They fear our power.
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>Pandaria Enthusiast %s
finally, a title for me
idk what point you're even trying to make but you can vent to me if you want bud
>M+ in such a bad state that they had to get rid of Glory of the insert expansion dungeon hero to get people to do M+ only
Really showed that retard off, eh?
bro calm down he already announced he's depressed again
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>Below you can find the full list of new character titles coming in Patch 11.0.5.
>NEW Molten Core Prospector %s
>NEW Karazhan Graduate %s
>NEW Detective %s
>NEW Grizzly Hills Hiker %s
>NEW Plaguelands Survivor %s
>NEW Classic Enthusiast %s
>NEW Outland Enthusiast %s
>NEW Northrend Enthusiast %s
>NEW Cataclsym Enthusiast %s
>NEW Pandaria Enthusiast %s
>NEW Draenor Enthusiast %s
>NEW Broken Isles Enthusiast %s
>NEW Zuldazar Enthusiast %s
>NEW Kul Tiras Enthusiast %s
>NEW Shadowlands Enthusiast %s
>NEW Dragon Isles Enthusiast %s
>NEW Khaz Algar Racer %s

I'd be sad too if I engaged in willing matricide
Best way of levelling alts 70-80?
i wish he were wrong for once
And the baldie actually right for once in his pathetic life. Funny since he did both Mythic Plus and rated bg/arena and reaped both rewards before he became a full time grifter.
holy shit that was wholesome
please comeback in 3 days and show us proof that this actually happenned poorfag anon
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Why don't the nerubians just dig up and destroy the Arathi crops?
>Shadowlands Enthusiast %s
>Pop. 0.000%
Dungeon spam as tank or healer. Preferably with some friends so as to not want to blow out your brain
>But I'm DPS
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>6 months of beta
>massive class changes in the first PTR/patch
The fuck do I do with cloth waist anon

Peonbros... it's a massacre in the comments... our response?
>"Non-cosmetic class restricted gear can now have its appearance collected by other classes. This change will be retroactive to any gear currently your bank or inventory."
>"When quests are completed, all appearances from non-cosmetic item rewards will now be granted, regardless of if that particular class can see or choose them or not. This should apply retroactively to all quests previously completed."
>he doesn't have 7000k hp
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paladin sisters... we are so back... in 11.0.5
I know I need to undelete my paladin
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I never doubted him.
Not really. Both types of players do share one thing in common. And that's they're dogshit in pvp in a game called World of Warcraft.
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Moonbros... we're SO BACK
>Zuldazar Enthusiast
That's me on my Vulpera (he takes troll cock)
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TWW was probably supposed to be released 2 weeks before the anniversary patch, but there wasnt enough content from DF left to span the almost year between amirdrassil and november 2024
how long
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>had to get rid of Glory of the insert expansion dungeon hero
>been in wow since WOTLK and killed off in TWW
Still hurts bros.
wait what weekly chest?
>tfw forgot to level my pally in mopmix
Change it to Ywnbag (You will never be a girl) when you get back from ingame vacation anon.
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gunner class/spec when.
dude you should name it sneednfeed next that would be so funny
Should've called it Yowinebeawo
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They can't keep getting away with it...
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I have a confession to make: Dragonflight was my first expansion
why can't I mog earthen starting gear to other characters?
hey look
a newfag
who has never played marks hunter.
What's the most redneck, trailer trash race/class combo in all of Worlo?
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whoever posted this a few threads ago, I appreciate your dedication
a lot of these are generic or uninteresting but some are very evocative, I particularly like Luctor and Austere
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>There are "people", perhaps in this very thread who main a demon hunter
Kul Tiran warrior
Human warrior
Blood Elf paladin
That's a good one
Human male warrior
Human male hunter
Nelf hunter or druid
male human paladin
orc hunter
Male Tauren hunter with a female Tauren druid wife
No there aren't all those are mexicans
Human Male Ret Paladin.
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can't stand this damn gnome
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female human hunter
femhumans can get some incredible trailer trash aesthetic going.
and hunter should be fairly obvious.
hunter, guns, dogs, white trash girl you figure the rest out.
Players on Thrall and the Latin/Brazil/Australian servers are a true sight to behold.
Would fuck
>Garzathan (if female)

The rest not really.
I can't even tell if these are supposed to be horde or alliance players
Which race has the best aesthetic for ass rogue?
I wanna FUCK the SHIT out of your dragon.
dont consider anything else
its aesthetically the best
and it is the best
do not play rogue and not play nelf
dont be that retard
fem panda ASS rogue
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Built for being bred by futas and never, ever pulling out of her tight sweaty butt
male or female?
I want her to steal my seed.
female. infinitely better animations.
When's a good time to switch to ass if I'm leveling a rogue? 40 or wait til 50?
10 unless you're a pussy
fem draenei
>Which race has the best aesthetic for ass rogue?
Orc female, or Forsaken male or female.
The most famous assassin in Warcraft is literally a Half-Orc.
hErE's our friend NoW
cancel my meeting with wyrmbane
its friday why are eu servers down?
reminder to instantly hide avatarfags
troons are peak cringe lmao. literal laughing stock of the modern world
EU took the night off to play the final Baldurs Gate 3 patch
>literal laughing stock of the modern world
is that why they're the ones getting banned?
0 day vacation
suspension was probably added to boot me into the login menu to immediately force a namechange
Your complaint is noted
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>Let your trilogy villain fail before the first raid tier.
What the fuck were they thinking? Are they really afraid of writing another Jailer???
>banned from giving dei floppa sloppa corp more money
how is that not a win?
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Retvrn to trvdition
>return to trudition
Learn to spell retard.
>What the fuck were they thinking?
"We need to show Xal'atath mad, because she's going to look incredibly sexy while angry."
At least now she doesn't have that stupid disc thing floating in front of her
not false
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>dawnbreaker, cinderbrew, COT, and darkflame cleft now in non level 80 random dungeon rotation
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This shield looks like a bumhole
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i watched that blizzcon
midnight will be popping
all you doomtrannies will see then
metzen will fix everything by midnight
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only oldfags remember
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>Dawn breaker pugs
>you lived long enough to see demon hunters having too many buttons

that's how many D2 LoD discs I had to buy while my cd roms gobbled them shits up like laffy taffy
>mfw glide is a drachtyr racial
I really don't want to be a cringe twig lizard, but goddamn i'm gonna fucking do it :(
Fucking hell... gotta wait for tw now
>Blizzard nerfs 70-80 dungeons foe the nth time
Poorfags continue to get dabbed on by early access chads.
I started playing during this and had no idea what was going on

I just ran around puking on things :3
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>Hits you with a Present-hammer
>Your eramufs fall to the ground
>chuddies endlessly shit-talking superior dracthyrBVLLS
>chuddies still want to reroll as one
Troll Rogue
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Just be like me and quest in warmode with darkmoon faire buff.
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This is a naaru ship right?
Nelf and dwarf are better tho
bad idea to use my spark now?
no this is patrick
No, it's a really big tear of Elune
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not bad
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lookin thick
when's the anniversary patch
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do it so I can get a free crafting level, goy
It looked better in the video
it's azeroth
it looked better on a dwarf?
EU is back up
Getting my skull crushed between this femworg's iron thighs.
yep, its a good class
>people still crying about not having the tabard almost two decades later
No the video had a female forsaken not a manlet
would be okay if tanks knew where the hell to go and could hold aggro
except for this. this will always be a clown show
I was in a guild once way back in the day where our male human fury warrior got arrested for domestic violence mid raid.
His wife was also in the guild and saw multiple healers eat shit during an early mechanic, so she called a wipe. He didn't like that she "went above his head" and made the call himself so the raid went on a break while they argued. Turns out he punched her in the face and she called the cops, and being white trash, he had to pop back on vent as the cops showed up to tell us about how his wife is an evil bitch who betrayed him and we should kick her out of the guild.
>Was about to create one right as server went down
Guess it did work
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>deleted the character I had the tabard on back in BC, account doesn't remember having it
>just like my field marshal rank
I have made mistakes...
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You know its not so bad when you take off the belt.
nice spandex faggot
gay ass looking Buzz Lightyear onesie
Fucking based
Wasn't the monk set another color in previous material?
It looked darker in the video but same colors.
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i'm guessing each raid difficulty might have a different color.
The gay hip armor they put on everything nowadays looks so fucking stupid.
Are you guys bothering with The Severed Threads/Azj-Kahet zone?
The whole thing seems weirdly pointless to me at the moment.
No, in a previous screenshot there was a red/gold variant.
i hope so, but i'd think those would've been datamined by now then
There are no recolors and the armor is from the vendors.
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>High Elf fans bitching won out.
Thanks Helftards, we're now stuck with another Windrunner
she's been around though
arathi set beats it by a mile
they showed the monk set in two different colors, though
She exist in game since wotlk
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Retailbros we won. We fucking won.
maybe different tints as the raid has lfr/normal/heroic difficulties?
What did anon mean by this post?
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Yes, a Naaru ship buried several hundred meters from the surface, which arrived there by who knows what magic... It simply doesn't make sense.
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Man, I just love Warcraft.
Actively ignoring how High Elf fans kicked up a fuss that they forgot about her living in the beta.
>would be okay if tanks knew where the hell to go and could hold aggro
Which is like a blue moon encounter unless you're the tank yourself
>naaru ship
Don't forget this crystal sensed and literally teleported the arathi expedition underground. It's literally the azeroth world soul
How far can I get with crafted gear
Whats the easiest cheapest class to gear?
Death Knight sissies absolutely obliterated. Enjoy having no good hero talents now aHAHAHAHAHAHA
zamn when is 11.0.5
how's arms looking for pvp bros
Riders is better and only got a slap on the wrist, retard.
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Yep, that's pure Orc Kino alright.
>(Azerothian) Orc Warlock

Name a more anti lore class-race
(Stormwind) Human Paladin.
Based brainlet
>hunter discord is saying dark ranger BM is going to be broken
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Welcome back N.Kagnito
i shid and farded
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Mistweaver looking alright? I just leveled one to 40 and I'm having a ball
Yeah just fucking read it shits crazy
I just took one of those awful sludge shits. Now everyone is mad at me because I've been wiping my ass for 35 minutes.
>DK nerfed twice before the expansion even launched
I don't think this semen slurping game is for me bros
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>Doesn't underestimate the player character/good guys and wins all his goals
>Job'atath proceeds to underestimate the player character/good guys and immediately jobs 2 weeks into the expansion.
And that's why he's IridiGOD.
Anon theres a naaru inside it...
holy shit you're right LMAO
god bless america
>having no good hero talents
>blizz removed trash and improved other talents
literally an idiot who doesn't play dk
>WAAAAHHH i only want to play when my class is OP! What do you mean I can't top the charts by pressing 2 buttons?! I quit!
The average DKbabby
>Xal'atath loses her mcguffin before the raid even opens
Speaking of world souls.. wouldn't azeroth with her fat ass crack the planet that formed around her once she grows up and becomes a titan? Shouldn't we kill her so the planet survives?
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my normie ass friend just told me the same thing, said the story had him on the edge of his seat the entire time

yeah fuckin right
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>US-Sargeras - <RIP in Peace>

How do I join the guild? I tried the guild search but it didn't show me anything.
enjoy your humiliation ritual, diaperbaby
It's time for her to sit down and let Iridikron get shit done.
He's the only competent member on her team.
Sorry dude I have IBS and no one told me there was dairy in the BBQ chicken.
>implying it wasn't part of her plan
>implying "khadgar" isn't actually Xal'atath
you guys act like this is the best thing to ever happen in the history of mankind

It's like $40 lol
>the other old gods imprisoned Xal because she was too incompetent to be left free
imagine what they did to her before locking her up...
It's azeroth. She's inside.
They devoured her
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>2nd expansion in the row where he lets an incompetent jobber be the distraction for the good guys, while he achieves his plans.
>Xal'atath is the third character he's doing it to.
And that's why he's the GOAT.
It's a naaru egg
Blizzard still hasn't added cross server guilds?
what race for horde monk?
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It's literally the best thing to happen in /wowg/ since the dawn of /wowg/.
Pandaren. The OG Monk is basically Horde in all but name anyway
thats how low the bar is. theyve given more to the thread than any avatartroon has in years of shitposting
Orc, tauren, nightborne (if brewmaster) or panda
This was better than the Wrath version.
The zombies were so op.

>Was retarded newfag to pc gaming
>Blasted through ancient year 2000 computers several times by nuking them with porn
>Every time I got a new computer I bought WoW over again
I actually thought I had to. I didn't know you could just download it.
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Pure Tauren Kino
after the cringe story with x'era and illidan I just never wanna see a naaru again in my life
Is that really what it looked like? kinda based

I never played wow then and only remember the tv commercials with mr t and ozzy

wtf do they even do commercials anymore? I stopped watching tv long ago
Blood Elf is underrated kino
Sanlayn wins! Glad they are shitting on deathbringer. A tank should never deal damage. We tank. Our sissies deal damage for us
You'll be seeing another Naaru at some point. Blizzard wants to connect them to Night Elf lore via Elune.
This guy is solid
shut up that scene was kino
bro he literally sacrificed his own brother's life to get the macguffin for xal'atath only for alleria to shoot with a fucking arrow and destroy it
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>be in the FF general
>someone bought shadowbringers for an IRL friend and they decided not to play so they posted the key ITT
>I snagged it even though I could totally afford it
>years later
>Endwalker comes out
>I buy 2 copies, one for me and one to post ITT
>someone gets it and is super excited because they were a broke ass NEET

It's just that shrimple...
>Knock back and knock up
Dracthyr op race
Yeah, Xal'atath really is letting the team down here.
fempander is best monk for both factions
Why won't it let me queue?
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Is it true you can join guilds cross-faction and cross-realm now so there's basically no difference in servers?
My man doesn't give a shit about anything except trying to kill the titans.
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Thoughts on the true sons of Lordaeron?
Can any loremasters tell me if alliance and horde are still at war?
correct except it's still better to be on a high pop server as opposed to a dead server.
i think once they had changed from battle.net to blizzard app or some bullshit it became just like every other launcher. they folded and renamed it back to battle.net though. it's still basically just blizzard app though. some other retard here would know better than me though
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I'm not playing WoW at the moment. Is Blizzard really going to remove covena't effects from all SL era spells with the next patch?
EU sisters... we're so fucking BACK
They've always been at war (peace)
Alliance and Horde have been at peace since the end of BFA.
Off screen they said Turalyon's a very good diplomat who managed to convince the likes of pro war members of the Horde like Talanji, to let go of her desire to get revenge on Jaina
>no difference
it's true but you can't queue in some activities like LFD LFR if you are from a different faction
You just described assassination rogue. They're the tankiest and highest damage melee, got buffed on the ptr, and actively downplay their entire class non-stop.
Archmage Dreden, Dalaran's arcane profile has changed since last teleportation. We must reconsider.
How much stuff did Jaina get away with exactly?
Panda, or Goblin
Everything would so much better for every race if they finally moved on from the tube for the lower half of robes.
I’m playing the game for the first time, and I don’t think I’ve felt such joy with a vidya since I was a child. It feels like I’m in a Blockbuster on Halloween night.
they changed graphics in beta now they are changing tooltips
*farts then wafts in into your face*
Are you talking about the visuals? They already did it back in DF, but you can buy a glyph with the old effects. In the next patch they are just gonna update the icons
Turalyon is completely irrelevant to the talaji situation, that was covered in a book.

I don't understand why people blame Jaina for that, Anduin crafted the plan and Greymane led the alliance to Rastakan.
Mostly just the staging an invasion on at the time neutral nation Zandalar leading to the death of it's King. Oh they also had Aethas apologise to Jaina off screen for causing her to purge Dalaran in MoP and she's now back in the good books with the Belves.
They need to add Nathanos-type humans to the Forsaken so we can finally have the human, elf and dwarf fantasy triad in the Horde.
Based if true
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Ok there I fixed it by swapping out the pants.
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Should i level in classic era or SoD, i don't care bout the runes much, just wanna level in the classic world
BASED WoW enjoyer
no, it's just low to drive engagement. if you get all your items in a day or two you might not log in.
player enjoyment is secondary to player engagement, so you get drip-fed items over time rather than a full platter right away. you might not be having fun, but you're logged the fuck in and grinding.
Doesn't look right
SoD's still getting updates and new content which may or may not tie into retail's story down the line.
Since it's a FOMO thing, I'd say just do SoD before you run out of the chance to experience the additional content.
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I'm glad you a re enjoying your time anon...
Ok what about the paladin legs with no belt
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so how many NA guilds are we up to now
rip in piss in the op
tranny socks <BLT> on illidan, definitely a honey pot
w/e the fuck koragons guild is, i think its NFA
clover crusade
globo fomo
>Turalyon is completely irrelevant to the talaji situation, that was covered in a book.
NTA but didn't he just talk to her and get her to calm down (lol)?
I swear I read something like that, possibly the short story about lor'themar's wedding?
Well of course he should apologize, that whole incident was his fault. He saw his own Sunreavers carrying out Garrosh's orders using Dalaran as a base and thought to himself "Should I saw something about this? Nah, Jaina won't do shit."
Then he cried about being a victim when she got fed up with him and evicted him from the city she was the ruler of, and called it an atrocity when the Sunreavers that chose to chimp the fuck out and start killing people died.
EXTREMELY based. enjoy your time, friendo
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What do you guys think of this WIP of my night elf archer
I love when the rocks are randomly out of reach
I have never got s weapon but i do get loot like 90% of the time. I even got 2 items once
No I don't even think he was even mentioned in that book.
needs to be smugger
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>Still no Orc DH's despite Orcs being apart of Illidan's army.
This is an AI slop general
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Goblins on the Alliance, when?

I want to play my short little green bitch but don't like Horde cities.
>gold version of the """t2""" monk set appeared in the video
>not in the datamining and no indictation of recolours existing at all
She's not smug she is nice, but distant
Maye is smug (but shelved)
The artist is a total sweetheart
DH sucks and should be replaced with Runemaster
It was green in the video, the goldish version was a screenshot
Trading Post bro.
It's the same stuff they did with the fomo plunderlord cosmetics.
Yes, but Orc girls in skimpy leather is hot, so.
it was some filter/photoshop
Maybe they will pull a blue deathwing and save it for next year. Or put them in the trading post... or the actual shop
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You were saying?
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at what point should i stop flipping? i am making money, but i dont even know what im saving up for at this point.
Not only is this Azeroth, but the quest reveal this week actually kind of revealed and solidified the story they're building.

World souls are born and sent out with the creation of the universe. If a world soul is near a sun and sustainable system it then begins to incubate and form a planetary crust. The titans consider themselves guardians of the universe and roam it seeking world souls so they can pump order energy into them so that when they hatch they'll be an order titan and join their pantheon. In particular the biggest prize is the 'prime world soul', to nobody's surprise Azeroth is the prime world soul. All of the titan installations and shit on the planet are pumping order energy into the planet so Azeroth is a fully order titan like them.
Argus was corrupted by fel energy and became a fel titan.
Xal'atath and the black empire want Azeroth to be a void titan. Sargeras' strike on the world damaged Azeroth enough for all of the remnant void energy (like all the black blood over millenia) to seep in which is causing the shadow flare ups. Xal'atath was trying to finish the job but her plans have been foiled, for now.

Midnight is the coming of Renilash, the final war between light/order and void. Light/order ultimately wins. Azeroth may be corrupted to shadow but we will cleanse her back.

The Last Titan is the full hatching of azeroth, she is the last titan. Story will probably unfold in a way that it's deemed wrong that the titans tried to turn Azeroth and other world souls into order, that they are a natural thing like us and should be able to choose or whatever. Probably fight the titans and end the pantheon, and Azeroth, the last titan, rejects picking a cosmic force at all.
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>Hey Talanji, I'm sorry that Anduin, Genn, Gelbin and Jaina basically caused the death of your father, resulting in your entire bloodline being cursed to be bound by a literal death god. But they're really, really, sorry about it. So I'm going to need you to settle down your desires of revenge to make my life easier. Kthyxbye
>Void Elves are irrelevant in TWW
>Mechagnomes are irrelevant in TWW
What a waste
Is marksman getting any buffs
Anon I'm talking about the book released before sneedolands not this, that's when Talaji stop complaining about Jaina.
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no i cant!!!

stop popping up!!!
Not until after the raid is on farm sorry
We just don't know
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Heres a fun game: You're forced to be a questing NPC for 24 hours. What ever that NPC is doing you'll have to do as well. If that npc is on their feet, walking around, sitting or doing an action(fishing, you'll catch fish, if eating you'll eat etc). You'll be doing your action for 24 hours. Which Quest NPC do you choose?
Xal Atath will be an ally in midnight
Cap this
She will become a first one and recreate the wowniverse
Turalyon's such a nice guy I'm sure she was ok with it in the end
Xal'atath feet.
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That johnny silverhand guy in tirisfal glades
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>>Void Elves are irrelevant in TWW
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>naaru presented as some subversive control freak villain instead of a cosmic force beyond mortal comprehension
>I am le my scars
>turalyon getting cucked for no reason after he already got character assasinated in legion
>"your destiny belongs to you!"
it was fucking cringe, you're cringe
Why are you talking like one of those nigger loving trannies? Are you mentally challenged? Hang yourself tranner
>naruus are le good
>turalyon is heckin based!
Incel rage
Where are they?
Is there a single class where playing a Maghar is even only minimally suboptimal instead of being a total joke
Umbric assisted with the crash in Dalaran
Alleria is also the literal main character of TWW if you missed that as well
Your racials are not that important
Do I need the latest xpac to leech the T2 reskin?
naaru aren't good but they're not karens either, they just ARE
blizz can't just let things BE because they only have shitty writers who ruin every idea the more it is exposed to their retardation
and I don't know if turalyon is based but the character I had in my mind from the little WC2 knowledge I have has nothing to do with this chump they presented to us in legion but then again everything in warcraft has been altered so why would he be an exception
If they are evil, you will only need a sub.
If they are cool, you will only need a free lvl 20

I don't see them ruining the happy anniversary with a mandatory TWW lvl 70+
Pls i don't want to deal with pet pathing or being melee
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Depends in the new anniversary raid requires level 80s only and not level scaling content.
From the announcement post, it seems to be where you'll get a lot of currency to buy the tier sets from.
>city of threads
>cinderbrew meadery
>darkflame cleft
>city of threads with a chinaman tank boosting two other afk accounts
it's joever
Wait, if they let Dracthyr keep their racials as other classes, won't that make them amazing? 3-minute cooldown knock-ups and knock-backs are fantastic utility, and you can combo them to pick people up and then throw them off ledges. I did it constantly in Arathi Basin back in DF.

The sad part is they're not all getting Glide, but that would make Dracthyr mandatory for any caster.
For me, the Naaru are evil only in the context of the eternal war Light versus Void. To win the war, they can do (and they did) some super evil shit.
aren't they say that new currency is from a weekly quest
>we are going to kill Moira's husband again
They really hate the Alliance
I still hate the 6 cosmic forces bullshit.
>oh this is the ORDER pantheon, these are the titans!
>they hate anything that isn't ORDER
Who cares about the knock up and knock back. Double jump on normal classes is absolutely fucking busted. Literally game changing.
You are now basically cucking yourself if you're not a dracthyr now. Guess i'm a cuck.
Currency's from a bunch of stuff associated with the event iirc.
Weeklys, new raid, etc etc
>yeah bro dagran was a beloved alliance character!
The victim complex lmao
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>Big Hwhite Cock?
She loved him. I mean really loved him. Killing him again is a torture.
why are the eyes chinese?
why is it still a dress?
palakeks are gushing over this and i dont get it. the original is way better and even then its pretty overrated
if the skirt was more like a cloak that opens and gives way to plate leggings when you move, it mite b cool
Am I retarded?
Doesn't Shield of the Righteous require a shield?
Isn't Retribution a 2-Hander spec?
Are Retribution Paladins supposed to be casting Shield of the Righteous?
>urm actually this monstrous ugly thing is le good
>this glorious beautiful thing you though was good? heh, guess what... it's actually... BAD!
No, see this is why WoW has gone down the shitter. People don't want these wannabe deep plot twists and "subversions of expectations". Especially when you start doing so methodically any retard can predict it and ESPECIALLY when it's fucking up something they were comfortable with for two decades, but suddenly now is upside down.
They should return to alliance being the good guys, horde the evil cunts and go from there.
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>Dracthyr lock
>teleports the whole team to the edge of the cliff
>casts Wing Buffet
nothn personel keds
These spells are baseline and they're obviously talking about Prot (since Strength of Conviction was a prot talent)
The poor fucker compiling these probably got confused.
>if the skirt was more like a cloak that opens and gives way to plate leggings when you move, it mite b cool
still seeing dresses that flex and stretch the textures on them in 2024 is inexcusable
>Who cares about the knock up and knock back. Double jump on normal classes is absolutely fucking busted. Literally game changing.
this, like for real what the fuck
>if the skirt was more like a cloak that opens and gives way to plate leggings when you move, it mite b cool
It's only 2024, blizzard cannot be expected to model a bespoke legs for sets, imagine the effort that would take.
You will enjoy your tube.
You're not world first, stop caring
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everybody is going to race change to Dracthyr. Imagine a warrior with the free stun, the double jump
my class set doesn't have a dress so im good lol
its just disappointing that this is still a thing
are you buying a racechange for all your characters or will you level new dracthyrs?
>tfw undead warlock
95% of my sets look terrible because of the tube legs.
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I won't be playing dracthyr because I think they look stupid
It's ok since we'll kill her too.
I hate how Warlock has still to get a tier set that doesn't have a tube bottom
Mage and Priest have gotten a couple recently but not Warlock because FUCK YOU
Bro... you can play them in eternal Visage form now... And the Visage form is pure kino
Extremely fuckable
Hold up they changed skills with the 20th anniversary patch??
what's maye's expert opinion on xally's feet?
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This shit is fucking lazy
The anniversary patch is the first .5 patch of tww
So don't play a class standing with their legs 5 miles apart.
Nigger bone structure. Needs a white face
That is neither a yes nor a no
Troll girls lust after human cock almost as much as elf girls
>80 billion customisation options
>now getting new animations for other classes
>meanwhile some other races have 5 customisation options and locked out of anything that requires new assets "because that would require new models"
Who's the higher up in the wow team that's a scalie?
But they look like they stuffed their face with botox
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Best of the best
You already saw the massive class changes on the patch notes.
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finally bois
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You can kill and eat your enemies, though, that potentially can cause psychological trauma to someone. very cool
80 gorillion options and none of them look good
>The joke is transphobia
wow... real nice...
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Dragonflight was just a love expansion, you had to be there
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Race and class/spec for this feel?
funny thing is they clearly have the tech to replace some of the tubes with this kind of style
imagine how much better judgement would look if it was like this
>6 shards in 2 hours
I got lucky in the end.
They don't have double jump.
it's a patch that includes the anniversary. class changes, system changes will also be there
like they're changing the delve row in vault from 3/6/12 to 2/4/8
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>delve row in vault from 3/6/12 to 2/4/8
Wowhead said they do.
new player experience is the absolute dog shittest of any mmo
Meaning how many delves you have to do, not dates.
delves have vault slots now. before, you needed to do 3 (to unlock 1 slot), 6 (2nd slot) and 12 to unlock the 3rd
they're changing so you need to do less delves to cap your delve row
so 2/4/8
They also posted a video showing there's no double jump.
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>some kike on tichondrius resets the price on elusive blasphemite design to 100k
>buy one on a52 for 5k
>sells in 2 hours
its that easy boyz
Cool, now put that effort into real life
>waste 20 minutes of my life doing a delve
>can't open box or ill cuck myself out of gear that i wont have for two more weeks
people are too kind to this feature
it's absolute shit
You needed to do 3 6 12 Delves for all the Vault rewards. Now you just need to do 2 4 8 Delves
as a solo player
who never raids
never does m+
i welcome this
They have the tech to do a lot of things with armor. They just... don't for some reason or very rarely do it. Like when I first saw the maldraxxus plate chest was an actual fully 3d thing instead of painted on I thought "holy shit they're actually making plate chests be more than a painted on texture with maybe a 3d element stuck on."
Then they never did it again.
Should I wear cloth if its worse in every way doesnt give main stat but its higher ilvl
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How the fuck are you the only person with half a brain in here.
This thread feels like a pol reddit post. Some fucktard makes up random nonsense and everyone just echo chambers it as the truth. These are the same people who'll tell you what talents to pick and that your playstyle is trash.

You all need rope
some of us have giant dicks
I've seen you make this post 3 times you autist. I don't know why you're pretending to be retarded so hard and acting like it's not double jump. You're acting like there being an additional glide effect is a totally different thing when it's not.
You press spacebar and your character jumps.
You press spacebar again and your character goes higher up.

That is literally double jump, mongo.
>How the fuck are you the only person with half a brain in here.
I'm an American and we're in EU hours right now.
this, and it lets them negate knockback mechanics which is fucking broken on classes like priest
>20 mins to do a delve
how much did you pay for heroic carries this week?
congrats, you earned less than minimum wage on that venture
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this is a thread for a video game you sour grapes wagie nigger
you cant do shit like that irl because of jews, taxes, and (((insurance)))
the system is designed to turn out more of (You)
holy fuck paladin sissies you have to wait for the 20th anniversary patch lmao
Struck a nerve huh
No, anon. Americans are dumber than indians. Just cause you have some brains doesn't mean the drooling retards sitting next to you have em too.
And it's not EU hours, it's literally 6 fucking am over here in switzerland. What you are witnessing is pure murica.
>we're in EU hours right now.
it's 5am ya pinhead
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>EPIC quality buff
>+3% leech
I am genuinely baffled that there is a video clip of a priest dracthyr double jumping around and this retard keeps replying to people saying "DUHHHH THEY CAN'T DOUBLE JUMP".
Astounding the sheer retardation of some people.
i could type up a diatribe about how youre off topic but i think ill just tell you to kill yourself, scum
its a good change for everyone desu
12 was overkill
We have the patch notes in this thread. READ
Do delves get more interesting or engaging the higher up the tier they go?
Because I genuinely dread the thought of doing them again next week to spend my keys.
>announcing a report
You're a piece of work aren't you
No just harder.
Please respond my guild will only let me raid with them if I don't get gear
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>charge 90 bucks (plus 15 a month) for 1 year of content
>timegate content so players have to pay for a minimum of 2 months
How does Chris get away with it bros...
Delves take like 7 minutes tops and it's your own autism keeping you from collecting your rewards at the end.
>You're a piece of work aren't you
make sure you get to work fifteen minutes early, mr shekelstein might call the police and do a wellness check on you if you dont
you'll be longing for Torghast
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Why are queues so long tonight...
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WoWg community for NA.
For those that wanna play with other anons or goof off and chat, but not be in a whole-on Guild.
No I don't care if you're a degen. Go wild. Dramafags get the boot.

>Astounding the sheer retardation of some people.
For real
Yeah that's fucking busted with the double jump but at least the dhs have the triple jump.
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you only push yourself ONCE off the floor
mid air you do some spastic movement but that's not a jump
hence you did a SINGLE jump
>webm of DH triple jumping and evoker double jumping
What he mean by this?
Isn't this still a strict movement speed increase compared to normal races?
>triple jumping
low iq post
>yea I totally live in Switzerland and not some SEA shithole
It's a massive movement advantage but I guess the two dracthyr fans are trying to downplay it.
It's a straight vertical increase, which is the point.
It's a fact he cannot refute.
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Giving holy paladins a 2h mace was one of the most SOVLFVL choices Blizzard has ever made.
Why did they take it away?? What the fuck were they thinking? Why do they always fuck everything up?
Who is your friend, Bellular?
>wowhead article mistakingly labels the glide boost as a double jump
>now, after 8 years, DH's double jump into glide is not being called a triple jump
it's genuinely depressing how just stupid you people are

now riddle me this; if a DH was to jump once then activate its glide would that be double jumping? it works if you bind glide
because, for me, double jumping on DH is jumping them jumping again, which can be followed by a third input of the space bar to activate glide
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Thread seems kinda slow too desu? GS also seems a bit sparse. I'm not sure but like less than 1 post a min at this time seems slow.

Guess it's back to college and shit for people.
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what happened blizz?
You can still use 2h maces as holy
>mogging to the holy artifact forces that stupid belt deleting book onto you
I fucking hate it.
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Are you an idiot?
thank god
threads been down right unusable since the 2 week tourists showed up
While this looks sick, it's absolutely NOT what a monk tier set would have looked like if they existed in vanilla.
>oh fuck we posted the store tint! quick, change it before anyone notices!
how did they fumble this hard?
Monk is a dumb class and you will get punished for playing it.
the one on the right looks good desu
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>Check the archive if anyone has ever called it a triple jump here before
>Find out not only they haven't but nobody ever called draggot glide a double jump either
Bro what are you doing stop
>Almost 100 bucks to start up TWW in leaf monopoly money
Christ. I'm prepared to cough up the cash but is this expansion really worth it.
Can you realistically though, or is that like saying you can still use staves as an arms warrior?
Yeah you're retarded, we get it. You can stop malding and having a meltie now.
Bro, how many time you push the space bar? Two times for the Drac, three times for the DH. That means two jumps (double) and three jumps (triple)
Struck a nerve huh
The glide isn't a jump
>Can you realistically though,
Yes 2h int weapons exist since vanilla.

>or is that like saying you can still use staves as an arms warrior?
If there is a str staff they can use it.
Lmao. If it helps you cope, sure little bro, sure. Get back to me if you can refute a vertical. increase upon pressing the spacebar a second time.
It's a modified jump
>Not keybinding your glide to a real button
Lotta LFRshitters in here tonight.
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Eh, fair point. When maintenance was going on it got realllly awful here.

>tfw wow will never again be the social-ish game it was
You can cry about semantics all you want, but the glide adds verticality so it literally doesn't matter.
>or is that like saying you can still use staves as an arms warrior?
You can actually if you end up with one of the fairly uncommon strength staffs.
Where did Genn go?
Retirement home. Tess is now the worgen racial leader and ruler of gilneas.
Please ignore the fact she isn't a worgen and embrace the girl boss power!
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Not even the red shirt guy is this autistic.
Back to his observatory so he can watch the Alliance be dominated by women in solace and he can jerk off in private.
Theyve been doing stretched textures for 20 years anon
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why is the volatility of herbs this expac so huge? from differnce in monday:

mycobloom rank 3: 140g each
null lotus: 50g
orbinid(all ranks): <10g each


mycobloom (all ranks): ~10g each
null lotus: 500g each
orbinid rank 3: 250g each

what the fuck, i could have made like 20x money if i didnt sell earlier, what gives for these huge swings? did everyone suddenly decide they want pots they didnt want before or what? why is the price so high now when it was in the dumps for almost a week straight?
play on a rp realm
The faggot and Genn are trying to find Anduin but Thrall did it.
How fast is levelling now?
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Probably has something to do with this
>spies cant find it
>wrathions agents cant find him
>thrall just teleports in behind him "hi we've been giving you space :)"
70-80 was pretty fast spamming dungeons until today because now you can get fucking dawnbreaker and the other azj kahet dungeon.
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Ey fuck u.. I do live in switzerland.
are they trying to make it seem like faerin is brave for refusing to use a prosthetic or something?
kind of gross, I've known people who relied on prosthetics
This series has a weird habit of making characters with no excuse live with handicaps.
Look at Zul'jin.
I decided not to sell under a certain threshold.
>3 days ago, sell honor flasks for 200g
>2 days ago they drop to 140g (there were thousands of them from different sellers)
>wait until yesterday, where they get to 230g (sold mine out completely)
Same goes for truevision flasks, waited a day, sold 20k worth the day after, which would have been about 15k if I didn't wait.
Her entire character is meant to get the highest score on Blizzards "diversity chart". She loses points for getting a prosthetic, thus defeating the entire purpose of the character.
>7 frost mages in one WSG
man can't wait for the season to start
I just learned skinning. What's the mat everyone's after atm? aka which tree do I need to go down to not brick my character
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>they let the twink furry dragons be warriors
>still no buff dragonoid body type
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paladins dead till 20th anniversary patch
Don't let Asmon see this. He'll light her on fire.
Unlearn skinning and learn tailoring if you wanna unbrick yourself.
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>she plays my class
These are the only classes I have left to level:
Which is one is most fun for pvp and dungeons?
Please don't speak of filthy, stinking hobos in my presence.
pres is the straight up best spec in the entire game so go with that
He retired to soul search.
Probably remains in Stormwind, spending his time with his wife, working as Reagent of Stormwind while Turalyon is out marching the war campaign
someone has to run stormwind while turalyon and anduin are not there
>i'm being unironically outplayed by a grandma
It's fucking over for me.
where is velen
I just unlearned tailoring, because I bricked my tailoring trying to make money off duskweave bolts.
In some blizzard retarded writer's head who isn't physically a cripple, but very likely a woman with some made up pronouns in twitter bio, yes she likely is.
still huge profit, are you retarded by chance?
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Not sure if i'm reading this right, but BRD raid looks to be split into 3 wings (for the queue-able difficulties at least)
>Old white woman
>Plays druid.
Many such cases
Banned from going to Hallowfall because he'd spoil the reveal of what Beledar is.
Is this going to be a one raid expansion?
its 2k profit per bolt on my server, and I can only make 4 a day. not great.
yes, midnight is coming next patch
probably going to be 2 raid xpac with the faster release schedule blizz wants to go for
So uhhhh... when do I start making those 5* flasks?
I specced into flask making and blessing blossom handling, and I still need to concentrate to make 2* flask, do I really need the rare gear which nobody actually makes, because it takes unachievable amounts of Acuity right now?
It's the worldsoul. Anduin even hints at it. Clearly it is in a struggle with light and dark.
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>already have lots of characters on an RP realm
Oh well.
Just go with 1 star for now. You dont need 3 stars to push for anything.
imagine a tauren cock between them
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marriage ring
are there non LFR difficulties? 10th and 15th raids were LFR only
if they wanted to empower missing limbs/women, they should have just made her a badass and turned the shield into part of a prosthetic
there's a way to do this shit that's cool, but they suck at it
They added eb to wow
Game allows for divorce? Woke liberal garbage.
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>you heckin HAVE to gear up for raid next week! be ready or else you get kicked from my guild? wait, you're pvping all weekend? YOU'RE OUT!!!
>blizzard implying divorce is blasphemous
what the fuck? that seems very unlike them
It's insane how you can tell the game is written by women now, it's just so fucking BLAND
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>divorce requires blasphemite
holy based
Yeah, the BRD raid will have LFR, Normal and Heroic difficulties. It was mentioned in the initial announcement.
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just double jumping around like us demon hunters do n_n
Dwarf / Gnome EB for my Dracthyr mage Forma de visage?
the hunter and mage get literal faget colors stfu i'm fuking pissed
no thanks, my gnome will remain on the hunt for a worgen, tauren, vulpera, or dracthyr who ISN'T ugly.
waste of fucking money WHERE IS M+
You don't play gnome though
Bro you can triple jump
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That's not a double jump..
Are you trying to make a bad joke?
Patron orders require 3*
It's all fucked up, man.
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>Umm ackshyually, holy pallies CAN use 2 handers
>you'll just be incredibly gimped because you can't use shield of the righteous
Thanks, Anon. Very cool!
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Damn this Moose is stealthy.
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I like this city.
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Why do people makes gnomes
>Why do people make the objectively best and most resourceful race that Blizz had to make up an excuse to take the leader out of action so that they stop winning?
because gelbin is BASED and the last non-ruined racial leader left
Not my problem
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Almost all of my characters are gnomes, dwarves, or goblins
OMG you're right!
I hate you.
>gelbin and gazlowe are tinkers
>still no tinker class
>dracthyr who ISN'T ugly.
Atleast you can make a good elf with the visage.
Ive seen some cute dracthyr, but it's like 1 in 5
They're obviously engineers with >9000 skill
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Ah, so you were trying to make a joke but your humor is so god awful nobody laughed. How sad..
Kind of fucked up tinker still isn't a class when it's one of the main archtypes from wc3 and warcraft in general. We probably have engineering as a prof to blame
>main archetypes of wc3
lmao retard
Play a survival hunter engineer gnome. Also fuck adding classes. Fuck you. Tinkers are gay.
what the heck am i suppose to do on this game?
i want my money back...
>Barbed Shot damage increased by 100%.
Why does Blizzard immediately buff BM hunter into top tier if it is even slightly underpowered?
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The issue with Dracthyr is that they're looking perfect for a twink archetype, they're SUPER androgenous so they make great twinks.
The issue is that you can't make one that looks more masculine, or feminine, they're basically baseline twinks with small heads and necks, A good way to deal with it would've been turning Body types into actual body type like imagine one more based on Drakonids, better yet, picture void corrupted Sarkareth.
whats a good DPS overall to be hitting in dungeons at 80? I need a goal
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>implying anyone uses mercenaries and they are a "main archetype"
>implying alchemists are tinkers
NTA but yikes
I've seen dracs that are pretty feminine (from the right angle) and pretty masculine ones, I think you can do a lot with them but it's so easy to fuck it up and most of the options are bad, so most people play ugly icky ones
excuse me chud but people do use mercenaries
I'm like 60% sure BM hunter has been shit for most of WoW's lifetime with 10.2 being a rare exception
the issue with dracthyr is that they owe me sex
I don't wanna hear it, your idea of humor is naming your character after a dildo brand with a diacritic
>dark rangers and beastmasters are not a main archetype
ok retard
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The dragon form is an acquired taste, when Dracthyrs were announced I already knew I wanted to play the visage the most.
But as you play you start to kinda enjoy it for what it is, still, if it could wear armor, it would unironically look MUCH better, it's not ever hard to design armor around their shape.
I mean shit look at worgen, tauren and even troll sometimes.
When does the big prove crash hit. Like bismuth is single digit gold
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>Retard who doesn't know what he's talking about
Name a better duo, you can't
No, anon.. See, you are just simply retarded. That's not humor. I named my DK after the company and the Evoker after the model I ACTUALLY OWN. There is no humor here, I simply own that thing and am showing it off.
If I ever make more characters, I name them after the others I own.
>he paid for it
Reminder to do a charge back with your bank if you don't like this expansion
dark rangers are a meme (there are a handful in the setting) and rexxar is literally the backdrop art for survival hunters retard
>main archetype
>Ele Shaman got gutted
I have 4 days to get my Hunter from lvl 1 to ilvl 580, can I make it in time?
>rexxar is a survival hunter not a beastmaster
you don't even deserve a (you) nigger
you named and are continuing to name your characters after your dildos because you think it will get a rise out of people
you're genuinely braindead if you think anyone is gonna believe you're not doing it for amusement
I wish pandaren actually looked like this
A cross between this and old worgen/tauren art
It's been bugged all week
It takes less than 5 hours to go 1-70, and every new expansion (or patch even) has catch up mechanics. Even if you only had a moderate amount of time to play, you could easily make it.
whenever. once it gets to the point it's so easy you realize you're surrounded by people who are either mentally ill or rmt gold sellers and the community is more or less a bunch of retards who will argue against their own economic interests it's all not fun anymore.

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