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Pink Nelf Butts Edition
>The War Within
>Anniversary Event

>/wowg/ Guilds
<Clover Crusade> - NA
<Nerub Silkweaver Forum> - EU
WoWg NA Community

Previous: >>493279775
It costs nothing to be nice to others :)
i want to PLAP a HUMAN female
Let's make it happen.
>It costs nothing to be nice to others :)
You gonna tell Maye and all the Avatroons that? Castelia? Lunathepanda?
reminder to report and hide avatarfags
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My life for the Horde.
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don't use fandom
new warcraft wiki that updates is here
lol there is literally zero horde representation in this story. thrall is basically an alliance member at this point and he fucks off for 95% of the expansion.
imagine the smell
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The land is healing
Oh my God just fucking do it you guys never shut up
Your opinion WILL BE DISREGARDED if you avatarfag (or play) as:
>Male Human

In any other case, your post will be regarded as usual.
Thank you for your time.

im going to use the first thing that pops up when I google Drenden
download this then
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If you aren't at least 585 item level then you're NOT GETTING INVITED TO MY M0 WORLD TOUR!!!
Night Elven female exist to be decapitated by human male footmen and shot to death by dwarven riflemen.
flying ruins the game
Behead avatarfags
Imagine bailing on THIS for fucking FAERIN.
mentally stable posts
ok based
can i make my lightforged goat red after doing that quest?
What would sex with a fem nelf be like
yea castrate avatarfags
Is it worth spending Weathered Crests right now to get my gear to 590ilvl?

From what I've read there's no use for them once M0 opens up so I may as well use them now.
You sucking her cock
im only level 75. i like taking my time and started yesterday :)
Why do we have two threads again

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Stop, my sanctimonious son...
because OP is a dumb faggot who couldn't search the catalogue before making an early thread even though we were still on page 7. many such cases.
Where is sloppa chad?

Human females are by far the best WoW race. I really don't see how the others can compete.
Your opinion WILL BE DISREGARDED if you avatarfag (or play) as:
>Female Human
>Female Blood Elf
>Female Void Elf
>Female Night Elf
>Female Pandaren
>Female Draenei
>Male Orc
>Male Kul Tiran
>Male Worgen
Meanwhile, your post will be REGARDED MORE HIGHLY if you avatarfag (or play) as:
>Female Gnome
>Female Goblin
>Female Dwarf
>Female Worgen
>Female Undead
>Male Human

In any other case, your post will be regarded as usual.
Thank you for your time.
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What do you want to see in next month’s trading post?
roundhouse kick avatarfags into concrete
wow token
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>he's not above 588
lmao fucking frogshitter as per usual, get raped
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Would you like to find out
im 580 and wont have a single issue finding groups, though
I know what I said child. Did you honestly think fem nelves get fucked? No they do the fucking.
I haven't played since BFA and just got War Within. I got a quest to go to the Trading Post and got 6800 tokens. Is that normal? Everything seems cheap on here. This rotates every month?
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Regenerating Hymen
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crystal gang crystal gang
Who is your favourite avatar?
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I'm a Death Knight but maybe all 2 of the people playing Hunter on my server will get a use out of this.
the vulpera
ok frost dk is kind of gay that was 12 hours levelling wasted. hows devestation evoker that looks kind of fun
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I wish human females were real bros...
Give it to me straight. Is this really difficult/timeconsuming/expensive/impossible? I have a few missing pieces of t3 and would like to finish the set but I also only have 500k gold.

wait do other professions give dmg increase? I just have gathering professions
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if you want to complete a set your best bet is to set up mules on dead servers that sit at the bmah and check periodically
you can get it much cheaper than buying all the fucking phylacterweave and then paying some asshole that has the cheevo + recipe
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95% of my characters is male human
homosexual behavior
Human or Draenei dk?
100% of my character is male human. i only play 1 character.

the dumb dog
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two generals?
these mods are legal now huh
What vulpera?
someone should make a wowg guild
i vote for <wowg guild no not that one the other one>
are you that faggot that named his paladin Basedhuman?
Are you mentally deficient? Did you even check the catalogue before making this thread?
This thread existed 23 minutes before you decided to use your cheeto-encrusted fingers to make this thread
Yea it’s expensive
I casually did crafting orders in DF from s2 to s4 and the mats ate up half the cash I made
What I’m getting at is if you get a lot of professions trained on your alts you should be able to afford it eventually without trying too hard
/wowg/ guild status?
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popping off
we now have two EU ones
pure mental illness saving literal 11+ year old screenshots
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Female humans get mogged by female belfs
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Nigger what? I took that screenshot. They're precious memories
>two EU ones
Which ones? I was in one for years
ive killed the stonevault 2nd boss probably 30 times now and his weapon still hasnt dropped
Flat as a plank clown feet having ass bitches
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How's your rep farming going, /wowg/?
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Join <Nerub Silkweaving Form> on EU Argent Dawn! Whisper Cawaen or any member on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Horde players can join but you have to join the community first or add Castriot#2261 on battlenet. Play or shoot the shit with wowg anons!

the second one refuses to invite anyone beyond their 20 man raid team. Idk guy in charge seems autistic but im not trying to cause drama
Ringing Deeps is TWW's Grizzly Hills
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They're all at like 9 and 8 and I think the spiders are at 4. I don't care about the mounts.
never farming rares
not doing it
>too many guilds
>too many generals
>too many retards
metzen be praised
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Only if you're not chuds.
What class should I level next if I mainly listen to https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3eDqJb37F8GGuM1fkoeE0k when I PvP?
I already have two warriors at 80, so don't say warrior
Metzen should've thrown his daughter off a cliff.
Only a son for the warchief of the horde.
QRD on maye?
I only created the guild a few hours ago today there's only about 8 people not counting alts. I'm sure theres a good mix of chuds and non-chuds like any /vg/ group
Why is the sacbrood trinket in such high demand/regards? The eggs must stack or something?
So what's the EU guild?
are you a pretentious zoomie
everything around 6-7
not gonna burn myself out with dumb shit before the season even starts
<Nerub Silkweaving Form> on Argent Dawn Alliance!
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I ate them, digested them, then disposed of them
Alleira is Kerrigan 3.0
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pLEASE stop posting this
As ass as Dark Ranger is I'm probably going to make a Undead Hunter just to play that Heroic Class for lore.fluff
That's it, I'm joining Elysian.
who /ELITE20/ here?
I have returned to WoW after a decade away. I started my own AzerothCore instance on my home server and spent a couple weeks writing bot software. I made a bunch of characters and I have them all running around doing random things in the world. Every now and then I log in and check on them, see what level they are and what items they have found. I feel like a literal god. I'm not even really playing myself, but this is honestly the most fun I've had in gaming.
>Straight up poopsock-farming rares for trash gear that will instantly be replaced by m0 gear and gay ass mounts instead of just organically capping rep over the course of the expansion
lmao even
>This is your average avatarfag on /wowg/
>dk guy in charge seems autistic but im not trying to cause drama
LMAO you are literally having a pissbaby fit about him not giving you invite privs for hours
Why are all the trannies coming out of the woodwork when guilds are brought up?
don't know, ask the orcs
>playlist is 90s and early 2000s metal
are you dumb? I'm clearly a millennial
Koragon why are you like this
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>LMAO you are literally having a pissbaby fit about him not giving you invite privs for hours
Not really. I replied with this screenshot because i was being lied about. I'm not the only person posting in this thread I just want to play with wowg anons
price of 2* mycobloom is already lower than 1* mycobloom lol braindead auction addon cucks ruin everything
you clearly are a zoomer nigger, if you weren't you wouldn't ask this question
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I've posted it a total of two times now
I won't stop
The guild has more than 20 members already retard
we will neeeveeer be slaaaaves!
but we will be konkerors
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got my 590ILVL before m0s, so fucking ez
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Why is Maye always getting furred?
I was hungry
I met a lot of zoomers that listened to that shit actually
Next Expansion wishlist:
Spellsword Melee-Caster hybrid spec for Mage, can turn wands into lightsabers but can also use swords.
Ranged spec for Rogue centered around throwing weapons.
>but why
Mage and Rogue are the only classes in the game with zero variations in their specs now. Hunter got a melee/ranged hybrid spec, but Mage and Rogue are still stuck within their respective roles as Caster or Melee DPS.
>they wouldn't do it
Melee mage was planned for Legion, as either a 4th spec or as Fire, which the balance team hates because of combustion and ignite.
You can see this in some quests during Legion, there's mages who are spellswords, and so is Wrathion.
btw Nefarian naming his son Wrathion is like Elon Musk naming his son Spaceion.
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How do I get in the community
>Gatekeeping for the sake of raiding
Dodged a bullet there
>inb4 the sexpest
>t.autistic dk
somewhat expensive with the main parts running around 120k or so in NA (check the whole region on undermine exchange) and the weave parts being 2k or maybe about 1-2 an hour to grind the weave if you go do all the bullshit to grind them.

just grinding out the vendor tokens to get chances at the weave also gives quite a lot of good classic items for transmog at a chromie time scale. so you can collect that stuff while chipping off some cost and you can even use it to feed a new 30+ character green items as they level since the tokens are warbound

you can scout the bmah but that could be pretty time consuming even checking once a day when there are so many bad days that don't even have a single piece up there at all. then the better the slot you need the less likely you are to find a great deal. most prices are usually well under the mat cost of having it crafted but it's not going to be done remotely quick without a lot of characters on a lot of realms.

the craft can be public workordered once you have the final setup so you can just put it on a big server for really not a lot. people are competitive so you don't have to put some huge commission on there. you might get a message or two trying to get you to pay more but most people are going just do things so others keep seeing nothing to do. maybe not now with current orders about to be real hot but next month and on you can just put it up for a few k and some no lifer will do it for relatively nothing eventually.
The community is called Nerub Silkweaving Forum. or just type in /wowg/ in the community finder. I only use it to add cross faction players otherwise just apply to the guild
take a shower
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how do i make money if im on a low pop realm with no patron orders available and selling shit on the global AH is a net negative
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Is there any new Jaina slop?
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I'm not actually upset it's funny
But still blehchgh
why are there no fucking specs on SimulationCraft?
>this guy
Nah something's off about you
She takes worgen knot
I joined the community, I'm Horde so I can't really apply directly
did you buy it
zoomers listen to tiktok phonk
still waiting on globo fomo
i can invite u now
post something interesting wowg or I will end you.
>fully upgrading shit you are going to replace
m0s are daily now
the NA community code doesn't work
i'm a zoomer and i grew up with this music thoughever
sell materials, materials in the AH are for all servers
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me 2
kek I just realized there is no Strand of the Ancients anymore... what happened? I had an 11 yr break
take a hint
Is B.net down or something
>off about you
what'd I do anon
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Now that the dust has settled, what did we think of it?
Removed in 8.0 because of how badly designed it was. Yet for some reason, Blizzard keeps Isle of Conquest in the game.
qrd on the ongoing EU guild civil war?
MoP was pretty good as a whole. Like every expac outside of WoD and SL the hate was frontloaded
why did they make rares weekly and not give them quick respawns
Pure kino. Wish it never ended desu.
mee three
QRD on maye's feet?
how much did you pay?
>civil war
There isn't one. Elysian's GM is throwing a fit cause he can't be carried
>I have to engage in the minigame for rep

about 200 dollarinos
QRD on globo fomo?
I joined asking about the guild I wasn't sure if it was even a wowg guild cus people were complaining about invite privliges. Turns out he wants to only invite enough people for the raid team and nobody else, then sperged at me and kicked me when I called it dumb. I want a wowg guild with anons from the thread so I made another one open to anyone. Genuinely not trying to start drama but I cant think of anything more retarded than locking a thread based wowg guild to 20 people max for a normal/heroic raid when thats not even the number people use for flex raids
What do you need to do to get it this high? After a day I can't do any more WQ because they don't give reputation
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which dps spec is preforming exceeding well in pvp right now? I want to fotm reroll
more fun than tww
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>start tanking dungos
>faggot healer starts pulling for me
>can't even keep the party alive from the aoe damage, dps start dying
>one of the dps d/c's
>I try to quickly replace him before the boss
>faggot healer pulls the boss for me
I just left. Call me a snowflake but I'm not dealing with that cuckshit.
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won the vote (bigly)
no one has yet to get off their ass create it
>yuros attempting human social interaction
to be expected
skill issue
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>eight revamped bosses and five minibosses
Who's gonna make the cut?
some anon thought he'd hold a strawpoll. Lost to a meme suggestion. No guild was made so now the meme starter is poorly disguising his spam
Are you on speed?
level 1 tauren rapist better be there
When going to sleep I put on my headphones and listen to the storyline of The War Within, so that the story can be absorbed into my sovl without my conscious mind and limited intelligence getting in the way of serenity and enjoyment
for the azeroth
Yes anon how could you tell
i'm glad futa faerin lothar finally fucked some sense into anduin
Killing (almost) every rare once a week, always having a contract on and doing all WQs, and doing a few bountiful delves on an alt for the one-time rep.
why am I doing 0 damage as enh at level 77? I know scaling is a bit fucked but how fucked is it? I was doing completely fine dps at like 72, and other people around my level seem to be doing fine, and I didn't actually change what I'm doing at all.
Yes my lord.
Just allow the level 71s to carry you, senpaiichi
no. only normal goats can be red
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>'memberberry anniversary after two 'memberberry expansions and a 'memberberry remix

I'm tired man.
>caring about anyone else as a tankBVLL in heroics

you can solo the dungeons, chud
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I know thinking might not be your best strength, so allow me to help. M0 gear starts at 593 ilvl. The highest ilvl you can upgrade current adventurer gear is to 593 ilvl.
If you are not spending weathered crests now, when are you going to spend them?
when is the level 1 tauren rapist anniversary
The Light is my strength.
that brings back memories
ill listen to you since you almost got 69
>so I made another one open to anyone
>open to anyone
Somehow I doubt that
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how do i remove quest gives sparkling like this? I have all the outline stuff turned off
That's every night when my night elf wife takes a dip in the moonwell located closest to the barrens
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Should I
1.level my goblin
2.do heroics on my gnome for gear I'll replace the nano micro second m+ is out
3.flirt with worgen and tauren
when did /wowg/ become infested with so many avatarfags? i dont ever remember it being this bad before.
I'm realizing I don't like pet play or kill command procs. I wish survival let you do lone wolf
turning outlines off is what makes things sparkle
you can turn outlines on but change it to only make objectives be outlined
otherwise you're getting sparkles
Number 3.
lmao this is nothing compared to bfa and sl
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Are the avatarfriends in the room with us right now?
oh perfect thank you
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Pumping to this slut.
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You're so right

We need way more
do 1 and 3 at the same time
QRD on the Elysian GM?
From what I've read he seems very unhinged, power hungry, and slight autistic.
Okay well its open to anyone that browses the thread. I dont care beyond that
as long as avatar frens control themselves and don't do ERP in the fucking thread i'm fine with them.
The warband system is actually hilarious for this. It's really exposed so many avatarfags. Like 80% of avatars in this general are all just 3 people with different alts.
He, like all demon hunters, needs his dialiy bathtub HRT injection. Don't join his guild.
Shadow priest or Warlock
Why did they change back to the old instance portal animation (back in Legion I believe)?
Day 217889600 of waiting for globo fomo while clover crusade continues to exist.... Someone make it make sense

Is there no globo bull who can put it together?
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Fine. I'll do warlock.
Alliance or Horde first?
you aus
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In a time of cosmic forces, void lords and queens, the worldsoul sang out for a hero.
She was Alleria, a Windrunner crafted in the heat of war.
The power
>Alleria does a beam clash with Xal'atath
The passion
>Alleria has sex naked with Turalyon
The danger
>Alleria does a bunch of backflips, front flips, and shoots her bow twisting the arrow to go in a chain ricochet through a bunch of bad guys
Her destiny will change the world.
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>all that bought crafted gear

lmao imagine wasting all that gold on something you'll replace next week within 1 day
alright i'll do it
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All me, it's all me. Every single post. I've been masterminding this whole fake thread for years just to trick (you).
Now that you've fallen for my evil plot uh.... you'll have to..... I'll get to..... uh.....
what would you like to request?
These guild fellas come off as unhinged troons
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just make you're own lol?
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It's dogshit. 20% uptime on 961 str instead of just taking a trinket with more str than that baseline. Can't believe I fell for the meme and upgraded it to 593 lol.
That and the special snowflake graphic settings
thats the dot uptime not the buff uptime
you still have time to delete this bro
Same, I deleted my character over this.
This is a really embarrassing post for you, just so you know.
i hate that exotic pets exist. fuck bm
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>someone is on a wolf mount
>the mount audibly snarls
>get flashbacks to webm related
musn't... fap... need... to focus...
oh nononono
blud can't read ahahahahaha
They're pretty much the only reason I played BM as off-spec and I don't even care that much about pets
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Ok, gonna dm >>493308261 right now
>It's really exposed so many avatarfags
How so? I know next to nothing about warbands, can you see what warband characters belong to?
>anon didn't already know that
First time?
There's no chance an 8 second proc was up for 20% of the dungeon.
If it were, that would give the egg buff uptime of nearly 100%
and it would still be worse than just getting a trinket with str on it. did you guys get baited by a bugged sim or something?
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He can see that the worgen who posts ice cream is also the other worgen who posts ice cream. Very hard to tell before. Exposed.
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quit typing like you're a nigger
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Rets are pumpers, bros.
do you like trolls
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Thanks for your commitment me.
Jaina Proudmoore paizuri
make it happen!
Sounds like I deserve a pat on the back
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yeah 1ppm. if it were hatching multiple eggs it would have more than that. Stealth nerfed or you guys got baited by
>muh sims
this trinket is ass.
>ask anduin about wrathion
>oh yeah he exists wonder how he is doing
oh nononono fujo sisters not like this
Cause your log in screen shows 4 of your characters at a time now and these people cannot help themselves but to post their log in screens.

Of course we already knew that, but some of them were just theories so it was funny to see them fully expose themselves. Like i thought there were two people that were obsessed with female worgen but it's literally all 1 guy.
Guys, I'm utter dogshit with keyboard hotkeys due to awful muscle memory due to keyboard layout, would a keypad in the likes of that razer Tartarus be a good investment, or a "mmo mouse"

Pretty conflicted as to which to choose.
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Am I missing something or does this just delete gold
pls respond
>npcs no longer walk around you when you stand in their path
was this only a Legion thing or what?
stand in front of a dummy for a few hours you retard stop coping with "muscle memory"
That's my experience as well
what is the fastest way to grind siesbarg items?
I don't remember myself being so enthusiastic to play WoW
It was removed because people were using that tech to make NPCs walk off the side of dalaran to bug them out
The technology was lost to the ages.
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>how to get t3
First of all, you need a guy with this achievement (i.e., a guy who collected one set of t3 (YES YOU NEED A GUY WITH ANY FULL T3))
And a character on HIS account that has 300 in classic Tailoring/BS/LW. That character should learn how to create an item (he buys recipes for Death's Bargaining Chips, he is getting them for Scourgestones, which he is getting from bosses from naxx (1 to 1), strat, and sholo (1 to10) (All of these tokens items can be mailed). So this guy, buys a recipe, creates an item (Cursed Cloth, Languished Leather, Scourged Scales, Undeath Metal—reagent price is close to 6k—only a guy with t3 achievement on account can craft these), and that item can REPAIR other item - Lamented Crusaders Something - this is a broken token; everyone can get it, BUT it's a random drop from another item (DENTED helm, DENTED armor etc) which the vendor sells for Death's Bargaining Chips. (This is your job- you have to unlock the vendor and randomly farm a piece you need). After that, T3 GUY repairs your armor with an item he created. You'll get DESECRATED something something piece of gear (this item has a class marker on it). Now you have to PURIFY that item. You need gold to buy Phylacterweave from a vendor; it costs 2k and you need a lot (gold: Helm 560k Shoulder 560k Chest 420k Leggings 420k Gauntlet 280k Boots 280k Bracer 140k Belt 140k) you also need 10 Righteous Orbs per item (2.5k for 10 max). You may get lucky with T3 guy, maybe he will craft it for free but people usually ask for a lot of money. A LOT.
You never need more than a logitech k120. mmo mice are valid for mmos but they're shitty for anything else.
start making macros if you're a bloat class and git gud if you're not.

I think it's to keep prices fixed. 2 star cant ever be more than 5x 1star. 3 star cant ever be more than 5x 2star.
I remember reading it was something about embellishment bugs.
dont bother unless you are a crafter
>Like 80% of avatars in this general are all just 3 people with different alts.
>3 schizos who regularly derail and try to make everything about themselves
incredibly grim
Luredrop refining was a small profit for a while
its purpose is really to just ensure there's a floor on the price of lower rank herbs since they designed professions to eventually obsooletee rank 1/2 shit after autists start to max out a few months in.
Why yes I have full tier three
Why no, I won't be leveling
thats kinda normal unfortunately, i had that experience on a lot of specs. maybe try Ele, that spec can at least do good burst with ancestors up, very good for questing
is ebon might supposed to give int to classes that don't use it?
>blizzard brings back minor trivial reward from over a decade ago
>account buying fags start coming out the woodwork like

>my entire hero tree is passives
>choice are "lower cd on what use to be an optional ability i don't like using or that same ability now gives me more stacks of gimmick"

God damn man
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how do you guys keep the will to level? im at 78 and bored out of my fucking skull at the moment
No refunds/Thanks for the 90 dollars/Not every class needs flashy buttons/Etc
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>join RIP in Peace
>2 people online
>guild leader posts this
>ez mine node
>It's actually hard to mine because it throws dynamite at you
Can i sue for false advertisement?
if you think thats bad look at sentinel and packmaster

>both have nodes utilizing butchery which has no use in raid so you effectively lose a node
>packmaster turns sv into kc mage
>packmaster is on every level absolute shit compared to sentinel
>sentinel's capstone is wild spirits 2.0 but this time the circle/aoe is invisible to everyone but the hunter who casts it
Moonbros... it's over...
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NA /wowg/ guild
has been baked.

>Globo Fomo community if you're horde so you can ask for invites

Cross faction-Cross realm
>Base realm: NA Moonguard

Not allowed. Control yourself.

Goblins did this, no refunds
Am I understanding wrong? He told you he recruits from wowg and you keep asking why isn't he recruiting from the thread? Looks more like you're trying to make him look like he's not recruiting from here, asking the same thing twice and ignoring the answers.
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I want to know his story and what cartel he is from
I'm too austistic to join this guild and interact with other humans, but good luck!
Honestly can't think of a time I was more excited for the launch of a new season
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the annoying nodes made me immediately stop gathering. there was the one herb node that was annoying in Dragonflight also but they really doubled down by adding a mining one this time. i'm sure the bullshit excuse is something about preventing bots
I can't believe close to launch people were shitting on Frost DK because of 15s of 700k DPS in AoE and now Arcane Mages are blasting 1.2M DPS on single target
Hi foxxo!! Just keep your main on warband screen, don't worry :3
metzen's kino is real
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3k from my weekly instead of 1.6k you mad?
You know whats funny, i stole that image from a hoe on twitter, thanks for confirming that women on wow hashtag are just utterly fucking retarded and need boosts to even get ANYWHERE
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>he didn't have an auction house baron mommy back in MoP to funnel him gold for the BMAH
sucks to suck
I summon sloppa bro to bless us with ai generated elves
Why is sepulcher so comfy to solo?
>Great Kyron yells: Champion! Ranger General! The Harbinger has struck at the Aegis Wall!
what exactly is alleria the ranger general of?
i'm pretty sure it isn't silvermoon and there are canonically like a dozen void elves, so....?
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uh oh! too many hopers in this thread
stick to the plan guys, stick to the plan!
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Join <Nerub Silkweaving Form> on EU Argent Dawn!
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Back with more AI sloppa requests

usual rules
new: maiev lora (with full armor too)
Tyrande getting BVLLED by a tauren
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This shit is still bugged after nearly 4 years. It's baffling how Blizzard refuses to do band-aid fixes for old stuff.
I do more than that in st as frost after the nerfs, you don't have to always fudge the truth just to cry about another class retardfren
no explicit shit
also no male characters
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I'm not interested in these wowg guilds but could you please post all the /gquits that happen after your first normal mode wipe?
alexstraza and ysera nude squishing their tits together, visible pubic hair if possible
3D Blender style Maiev with huge tits, having to use both her hands as an impromptu handbra, embarrassed nude female
>a climbing world quest in hallowfall had the bug of missing stones which was present in some DF climbing world quests for the entire expansion
This kind of shit makes me giggle at this point.
>join wowg guild
>quit because it's filled with terrible players
>some schizo leaks my b.net info he somehow pulled from just my character name
yeaaaaaaaaa no thanks lmao
prob join in like an hour
>Not allowed.
*yawn* ... Next guild, baker.
It's funny how they perfectly coded the Wondrous Wisdomball to turn off and then back on the second you found out he's still alive but yeah quick code fixes like that require waiting for a major patch.
these nodes are a complete waste of time unless you overload them, just skip them retard
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>clicking on AH stuff too fast
>accidentally buy 600 stormbound armor kits
well there goes a million gold
same I'm lvl 76. as the levels go up and the haste is scaled down the game play gets more difficult to bare. I miss dragonflight. I just wanna do mythic plus with at least 30% haste again.
Who's gonna be her boyfriend now that Anduin dumped her for Faerin?
me hopefully
My worgen druid
>neets with infinite free time are bad at a game that only makes you better the more you play it
>all these neets are homosexual as well
so homosexuality is retarded?
We already know and we don't care anon#2178
there are no neets or homosexuals here doebeit
Two Nightbrone in sexy pajamas (or nightgowns whichever is easier) having a pillow fight
i did. i skipped every node. now buy my bags please
well yeah you have to be pretty retarded to stick it in the wrong hole
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*throws cum on u*
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>log onto b.net for the first time in 3 weeks
>see my former wow buddy from MoP-Legion who hasn't logged in since 2018 logged in 3 days ago and I missed him
Aw man.
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nvm we are so back
jaina plapmore
I wanna buy a token. How do I farm a ton of gold? I have time.
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I guess that's it for clover crusade, let me know when globo fomo gets a forced name change and I might join up. Not into meme shit.
A Nightborne with dark blue skin and dark top knot hair, yellow eyes relaxing in a arcane bathtub her tits hidden by bubbles, beckoning the viewer to join in.
RIP in Peace vindicated...
I did this with enchants but it was only 5k.
Good luck selling those Anon.
it's pretty R*ddit ngl
>Dracthyr get new cosmetic racials despite it not being their expansion
>Dracthyr get new classes while other races are still begging for theirs
>Dracthyr were a major feature of the nostalgiabait anniversary video despite being one of the freshest additions to the game
>Dracthyr will get Paladin before Night Elves, Undead or Worgen

Accept scaly supremacy.
y'all could've been using <mentally ill>. what a waste.
Could you do Maiev with strong muscled and scarred body wearing an iron bikini and looking grumpy while striking a pinup pose?
I'd love to tell you but some inbred youtuber subhuman will read it too, xir'll make a video and then the profits will be gone
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save yourself two weeks of grinding and do this for 2 hours instead
My warband is a femorc maghar shaman, femtroll rogue and a femtauren sunwalker hanging out with their personal male blood elf warlock
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Hello I'm just here to let you all know that slayarms is the only specs that exists.
The rest of the specs this expansion are fake.
And gay.

No I mean every spec, all the other classes too.
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>Non evoker dracthyr never have to enter trannylizard form ever
>Horde getting female humans
This is based
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Go with the flow, join us.
Honestly I think it's kinda retarded how much everyone cares about the name. NA guild isn't going to actually happen.
Can you make the punch meme image with Maiev? Luke the one you did with Xal'atath

Then why did their prince try to fuck a 19 year old human princess(who was fucking a human prince herself) and disregard all of the supposedly perfect women of his own kind throwing themselves at his feet.
Tailoring and skinning is definitely the based "don't waste my time" choice
Or foam* whatever it's called, the white stuff
Vulpera were pushing it with the horde races, but seeing dwarves and lizard humans in Orgrimmar is fucking wrong. Like fuck bro the forsaken and blood elves were interesting but this shit is cursed
Insanely fucking good, holy shit that is hot. Can we get one more? This time with a black ponytail maybe? I like black nelf hair
Hey AI anon I have a question, do you have any loras that replicate certain armor sets or other wow stuff that isn't part of the characters?
Like Judgement set for paladin etc.
And what are some of the less requested meme poses that you have?
tits WAY too small
could you do that with maybe a Blood Elf with breasts the size of pic related?
>Genuinely not trying to start drama but I cant think of anything more retarded than locking a thread based wowg guild to 20 people max for a normal/heroic raid when thats not even the number people use for flex raids
this is complete bullshit because there are more than 20 people in the guild already. fuck off with this power play bullshit trying to play the victim
Enhance or WW?
Complaining about this stuff is pointless blizzard is just going to add whatever to appeal to the depressed boomers who still play look forward to undead paladin
3d blender style smug orc woman holding a belf (m*le) in a headlock
neither, both are autistic as fuck for mediocre dps
Fuxk off asshole
Then your gm shouldn't say retarded shit like this. He's the one that said it. Also 36 players including many many alts so lmao. If it's not true why do you have some idiot in charge saying it.
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Spellslinger is cooler than sunfury.
Let survival use one handers
Can't dude. Cock too big
What am I missing with patron work orders? I hit start order and 30 minutes later it's "done" but I cannot click to complete anything and it doesn't look like it's used the materials.
he didnt say 20 people max
we should get a wowg guild going
<F in chat for skybidi>
Freshly baked.
that's not how orders work. you start the order > craft the item > click complete order. the 30 minutes is the time you have to complete the order
that shits got no rizz
its aura is all cap
you shoulda grinded your cooking skill more, beta
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I quite literally said he is only going to invite 20 and no more for the raid team, then kicked me shortly after. Glad I took screenshots for lying niggers like ur gm. He kicked me right after
God bless thanks anon
that's photoshopped, i never said that
getting rekt by someone from QT in-game then posting it for 4chan to see is wildly retarded lmao
>Demon Hunter
>Completely and utterly fucking retarded
Yep, sums it up nicely methinks
This, the dude is clearly some control freak sperging out and ran to the thread to cry and type out some sob story about the evil other guild that kicked him for being a sperg
>i just want to play with wowg
>i'm not trying to start drama
That's EU QT though, not US QT.
that's not photoshopped, i said that
Look im done arguing with powertripping janny retards, even you are welcome to join the Nerub Silkweaving Form because im not a power tripping faggot
again, there are more than 20 in the guild right now.
EU QT is a white server
>6 minute alliance bg queue
what the fuck happened? is everyone playing on alliance now or is pvp dead? I remember these being insta pops
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'arcane bathtub' is a bit of a stretch so went with something else
hand didn't turn out so good, had trouble redrawing it but didn't want to spend a large amount of time on it


I'd like to not repeat the same image

specific armor sets would need specific loras, and Im not sure anything that specific exists

eh maybe but that size is off-putting
>get called out
>add more people to cover your retardation
sussy fr simp
why you dickridin
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this is still in the game and anyone can see it
There are a bunch of alts in the guild not more than 20 actual players. I'm done now not going to shit up the thread with drama cus ur GM has single digit IQ.
Could you make a selfie pose?
I'd like a blood elf warlock that has long wavy black hair, beauty mark next to plump dark lips, green eyes and cleavage showing in robes. She's winking, making a duck face and sticking up 2 fingers while a town burns in the background with green fire.
There are more than 20 in the discord
>Not allowed. Control yourself.
Fuck off, that's what /wowg/ has always been about puritan. Someone needs to make a REAL /wowg/ guild.
what is it?
>is pvp dead?
Congratulations on waking up from your coma, anon. It's been 14 years.
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should I resub yet?
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why did you have to make it on MG?
everyone on tichondrius would laugh at me if they saw me in this guild
we have a guild called met your mom on moonguard
idk hows the ratman server guild looking...?
also what are the chances these guilds clear hc week one
get a job
>weapon about to break
>don't want to repair that shit
Guess I'm respeccing lol
uninstanced version of stratholme
Anyone that is an officer in that community can see the logs, he said it not me, i'm starting to suspect its some circle jerk outside of this thread though because it would be very easy to verify
is there a guide for this exquisite art
>im not a power tripping faggot
I seriously doubt that, both of you spergs seem like you are
do you just fly over stratholme?
reminds me of when brawlgar had a leak and you could walk under orgrimmar into an infinite orange hellscape
reminded me of the new vegas game world
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what's with the mature language filter being on?
i wont say ive never complained about my party as a tank but youll never make it if you let something this tame get to you
this ong
vibe is def cuck on cuck crime
I should turn it off lol forgot about it when i reinstalled the game on fresh pc
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jesus fuck i miss dragonflight
Pvp fucking sucks its like its own little game inside wow where literally nothing you do inside it matters outside and nothing outside matters inside
get a grip, you are not funny freak.
no you can't only using various jump abilities
but you still can see this untextured version of naxx without any bugs
It's so sad the ffxiv pvp queues are faster
you lost. the illusion that blizz was obeying your shit headcanon ruleset is gone. I would've been happy with just undead pala, but will take vulpera DH now too just to desecrate your assbackwards retarded idea of what makes sense & what other people should be allowed to enjoy.
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>I'd like to not repeat the same image
Fair enough, really hot bath though

Night Elf female with huge tits in a country girl tanktop, arms back behind her head, sweat on her tits like picrel
Fresh guild baked:
<Pretending to be Regarded>
NA guild apply now
>is everyone playing on alliance now
yes unironically
x faction groups and nerfs to orc racial did that, you might be able to merc mode for faster ques
That's literally what I said in my post you sperg
you good bro
someone skeet in your stanley or something
Dragonflight really was kino wasn't it.
is that a ret paladin
this town aint big enough for the both of us, pal
Just join <BLT>
fuckin weirdos
why are they ripping of xiv by having so many new armor sets have ass capes
>wowg guild exists for like 1 day
>thread is already filled with turbosperg autism from it
l o l m a o
If the world is revamped again, it would be cool if the dungeons and raids that were visible in the open world turned into some locations with quests and other activities, I mean stratholme, ann'qiraj and others
because now they look very strange, and you can't fly over stratholme at all
they like damn fifty, they really booked you for another hat?
literally 1 guy being a huge retard creating a schism because he wasn't given invite priveleges
If it even survives creation, it will crumble and fall apart in a week.
New guild dropped get in here:
<Gigapudi Powerhouses>
I'll stop shitting up the thread about it. I only want to play with wowg anons
thats still less than the /wowg/ moonguard discord, lmfao
the point is that he is lying about there being a 20 player max
you aren't a hero just because you bought a thing 16 years ago dude.
>no /wowg/ vulpera-only guild
this lora is incredibly inflexible, can't get what I want as it keeps fighting my negative prompts by adding stuff in anyway
person who made it used incredibly limited training data I assume
gonna have to give it up
kek im sorry it did not read like you were saying it in earnest.
am i the only person that thinks the EU regular isnt being a shithead and the other guy is freaking out over nothing
out of 20 max, he can probably rely on the 5 regulars he had from before and then pray that the other 15 have decent enough gear in the correct roles to field a 2/2/6 or 2/3/8 for the first few weeks
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this is the most fucked up quest ive done
none of the people posting vulperas play the game anymore, thoughever.
Why would someone let a spic into a wowg guild? Ragnaros and Quel'thalas are literally public enemies #1 in NA, don't ever let these people in your groups let alone your guild.
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Made a WoW General Community on NA for those who wanna be around other anons but maybe not a full-fledged guild.
It's on NA, all are welcome, just don't be a spergy weirdo in the chat

New wowg vulp guild just dropped
<Flapjacks with Foxxo>
I need an alliance character.
Current options as stand are
>Worgen druid that is partially leveled but abandoned
>survival hunter void elf (I hate the Windrunners I hate the Windrunners I hate the Windrunners) that has not yet been made
>lvl 10 lightforged monk because the concept is neat but I don't play monk
reported for hatespeech
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New guild just baked. No you can't join, fuck off!
what specs are you looking for
Hey Maye, what's the difference between shemale, dickgirl, futa, herm and mtf?
I've been wondering my whole life but I could never find someone who's actually knowledgeable in these affairs
>lvl 70-79 Epic BG queues are often over an hour long
>queue times so long it doesnt even show an estimate
Nice dead game.
god i wish i were my dracthyr
It's a white QT anon.
now this is the guild for me
That's an EU guild
Umm c-can I join? I exclusively play vulpera, lower the quality of the thread with my mere presence, and even occasionally avatarfag. I think I qualify
who the fuck would do epic battlegrounds instead of leveling?
This is a new guild that dropped by the way
but i play on ragnaros amigo, you have to invite me!
sorry cant do this one either
this lora sucks man
are bountiful delves worth doing?
will I make more gold having both herbalism and mining or are there enough nodes so that I could make the same gold if I had just one of them?
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>still can't have hair under hood or hat transmogs
shit game.
>585 guardian
>can solo heroics
Who else /tankchad/ here?
I'm worried. Everyone on the WoW forums says the mount is ugly and it's not a flex. They keep saying the pixels are worthless. A weirdly large number of them claim to own the mount and don't care that others will get access to it... Combine that with you guys viewing the mount as a shameful thing...

Does this mean our anniversary update will flop?

People won't even bother resubbing to claim the free old stuff. There's nothing else to tide us over to new year. We might actually drop below 1m subs... Unless people are for some reason lying about not wanting these items...?
Kino, joining right now.
Not until next week, tier 3 just gives 571 gear, tier 8 that unlocks next week's gonna give 603
My bad
they need to nerf tanks again, thats completely fucked
Could you do a big titted Lightforged Draenei wearing a belly dancer outfit with lots of jewelry and golden chains?
I dropped herbing and still made basically the same amount of money

Jaina would mop the fucking floor with Job'atath
How about a Night Elf with long white hair, white eyes and white lingerie laying in a pile of purple leaves in a sexy pose.
Also can you give her a moon necklace and dark warpaint around eyes + dark lips?
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For most interpretations, shemale, dickgirl, futa are all the same thing. It is cock + balls on a woman's body, she was born this way, no transitioning.
I held this understanding for a while until someone told me that "real" futa is just cock + vagina with no balls
But having no balls sucks ass, balls are awesome
Tfw I can't join this because I play worgen and they're human, not furry.
No I agree, this Cawaen/Castriot dude is being a gigantic sperg, losing his shit over not immediately being allowed to invite others into someone else's guild that he just joined, probably wanted his group of friends to join
Complete overreaction, he's either mentally ill or on drugs
Wait, they are removing forced lizard form?
finna try this on veng
>horde gets female humans
>horde gets dwarves
>alliance still didn't get high elves
lmaaooooo no horde bias 100%%
Are the delve solo cheevos seriously earned from tier 5? Or is that a typo in the bluepost. Seriously I thought those cosmetics were the delve version of CE. tier 3 is a levelling difficulty, tier 5 will be nothing.
isn't tier 8 going to be really hard
Only if you're bad
seconding this, but also one as flatchested femboy pleaaaase
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not sure what you mean by country girl tank top

I generated another one but it's more risque and think I went overboard on the sweat and tits though
>hats don't hide worg hair.
It's nothing to do with invite privileges. He doesn't allow anyone into the guild apart from the 20 man raid team. I don't know why you people keep making shit up other than that ur the Elysian GM samefagging
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Edgy dog!
Edging to this dog
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Insanely fucking hot and exactly what I wanted
God bless you

God I love sweaty nelves with huge tits bros
Can you do Jaina with a bulge in her pants
Love it, what software are you using to make these?
i like how ion was no where to be seen for the anniversary announcement despite being the longest serving game director. blizz realized he's a hype vampire/hopefully he's on his way out.
I won't join the wowg guild because I'm scared I'll spaghetti.
Bro look at the game credits he got promoted to VP of the entire company
dude isn't going anywhere any time soon
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Anon, I...
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Worg hair is simply too powerful.
I think your dog and my dog should hold hands
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Who said that
Take your armor off and post again
They're all chuds so that's probably for the best.
what are the QT/ragnaros of EU?
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Post your dog and I'll see what I can do, anon!
reminder to instantly hide avatarfags
wow this is so cool i can be a retchud without even being paladin

I love worgen
>people post their characters
uh oh meltie
>unironically has a melty
kys avatartroon
This pic convinced me we need factions to be removed so I can sleeve every goober
>uh oh meltie
>instant reply to his basic bait
yeah m8, you are having a meltie alright
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has this game ever made you shit your pants?
uh oh
avatar tranny melty
cute dog
fortunately ours are labelled clearly. they're called pozzhole del eternita, and aggra (português)
I have to advertise my goblin sleeve by making friends on my gnome sleeve generally, it's kind of a hassle, but it works.
>pierced nips
Should've just been a futa wolf
Right there with you anon.
since we still cannot be a necromancer, and no Unholy dk is not one, who is the cooler edgy spellcaster spriest or warlock?
That's a neat trick. She can make mine disappear next.
If you're on EU, I'd gladly sleeve your green shorty with my worgen
>avatars get mentioned
>has a meltie
no but i really liked this cave
i dont like spiders, i do find them scary, but i think scary spider caves are kino
i thought the arachnophobia mode was just a stupid meme but when i got to azjkahet i saw these guys and i didnt expect the new spider models were going to actually be these realistic horrible spindly things, pretty cool
warlock. It's THE Edgecaster. They get so much. Dk's the only one else that gets close
spriest is way more edgy. they use evil psychic energy and have to battle with it constantly inside their mind.

lock is way cooler overall though.
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>and no Unholy dk is not one
fucking retards im not having a meltie, you guys are over avatars being posted
if it was a necromancer it would be called "necromancer". it's a mini arthas OG
Sure! Wanna meet somewhere?
If you're a worgen I would be inclined to try
US shorty player sadly
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>GOT the 100k public work order someone put up
>GOT the meme sac trinket on first run of the dungeon
>GOT the best tier sets this year
It ain't easy being the main character, but someone has to do it...
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>this game needs a ranger class. NO, hunter is not one!
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when did they add a giant line showing you where youre flying to?
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Im an American, i just think you're acting like a woman
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>just because you're an undead guy who raises an army of undead and has an undead minion doesn't mean you're a necromancer
Kek on that timing
And a terrible shame it is
I don't mind meeting though, what race?
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Not sure what it is but this clip made me like Xala'thath more
>inb4 i am woman hear me roar
Just something about it breaks from the usual sequence/cadence of how official characters speak to each other. Giving us a raw emotion like how Garrosh says Time Change in WoD then the usual script what Grommash says after.
Goblin. Wanna meet on a horde toon first?
I'm not sure when I should use tranq shot or binding shot
pvp be like just spread your asshole inting matches for 5 hours until you get gear and can actually play the game
>why is pvp dead bros?
they didn't; that must be from an addon
Sure I'll be near the Embassy in Orgrimmar on my Zandalari
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>try to fly to beledar's light
>neat little animation stops you
>try to fly to beledar's shadow
purge when it gets buffed and root it when it's running towards you
>i have no idea what the context is surrounding this 5 second clip but i like it!
How smooth is your brain? You literally sound like an NPC.
Yea a little bit
you had 10 days to do comp stomp and you can still semi afk epic bgs, two of which have 1000 honor reward quests in them.
zamn where can i find this lad
W-what happens
I think you're confused, the hunter plays exactly like a ranger in other games
DK don't play like necromancers, they can't even be a meme 30yrd spec like ret
uh oh it's a retard
i like the giant floating squid by it
>see a cool transmog I want
>it was only available from trading post 4 months ago
What is this bullshit
Which guild is Trollanon joining?
Don't you just get fatigued?
I'm afraid you missed out.
>You literally sound like an NPC
Worse, he's a Blizzard Employee
this reads like chatgpt was fed on mmo-c posts
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I had to drop the chains because the AI didn't know what to do with it
hands are still a struggle most of the time, try to ignore it as Im tired of spinning the inpaint gacha for well drawn ones at this zoom level

local forge setup with autismmix_dpo model

that's gay, anon

I'm doing one last gen after this before I leave
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they rotate back in eventually. still waiting on the blood troll transmog
Weirdly enough I think that's from rare finder? Tomtom otherwise
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they slip in some good stuff every once in a while
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I know the context dillhole. Alleria shot her maguffin and she's angry. Its how she reacted to it makes me like her more which I am not sure WHY the scene does
I don't know if you know this, but necromancers are casters, not warriors
DK misses the class fantasy of necromancer entirely
i really hate Hallowfall and i don't understand why everyone likes it so much. it's always bright as hell and can't even use inky black potion. fucking shit overrated zone
ai has been doing waist up images for so long that it has no idea how to draw legs kek
how did operation gnomeregan end?
it knows how to draw legs, just not draenei legs
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what did he do to deserve such fate
oh yeah? prove it!!
complete mating press for team fat retarded orc; devastating losses for female gnomes
no way the trinket doesn't get nerfed, some raid dev is going to be absolutely assblasted people aren't getting skinner boxed by one of his gay trinkets
because it's not AI and it's not learning, retard
>that's gay, anon
grrr futas not gay
*checks watch* yep, time for some trannynari
dont worry youll have to get the meme sac trinket all over again when the seasons starts
Made the mistake of trusting m*ges and living in their city
>2 insta seethe replies
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Can you make another Nightborne in lingerie pic? I think those turn out the best.
Maybe with a shorter bob cut hair to mix things up
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reminder that no one who plays the economy is going to give away trade secrets to you
any advice you get is going to be nothingburger bullshit (diversify or "dude just flip lol") or actively detrimental in order to keep sheep behind the curve
>yeah man don't go 60/60 fundamentals, gathering while mounted is a trap. you want to rush aquirite refining and 2nd overload charge ASAP that's the next big rush
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Holy fuck man, this game is way too sweaty for me. I had plans to play multiple characters but this shit is torturous on more than one character.

I'm just gonna play a Ret this expansion - they're the main characters of TWW anyway. Fuck outta here with playing this game more than 20 hours a week MAX.
The quest where you help that one mage apprentice who finally figures out how to create a portal back to the Arathi empire and he gets murdered in his home depressed me.
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if this post ends in 9, on god t dubs is bussin
>warband makes it easier than ever to play alts by sharing resources/reps/mogs/whatever
>too tortuous
anon what
when will sylvanas apologize to genn
doomsisters...... we lost
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>try to play shaman in pvp
>40+ keybinds
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yeah that's easy enough

will maybe be back tomorrow to do more
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>stressed out after leveling more than one character
skill issue
silly dog
female worgen are built for spanking
Because people fundamentally misunderstand how this works.
People want advice in the form of
>yeah buy all the bismuth, craft it into X and sell. It at 5 times the price
Or similar. This doesn't work because the economy changes all the time. It's a tip, not actual advice. It's like saying "yeah to win at pvp kill the healer" wow no shit Sherlock, then when asked "hey how do I kill the healer" someone says "death grip and obliterate". It's just dumb.

In reality the market has its own dynamics that you have to learn in order to profit from it. You learn to read the highs and lows, you learn to look for flips that give you value, or what resetting a market is, or at least take advantage from it.
But few want this. This involves effort and learning and they don't want that, they just want the gold.
Goes beyond saying, that's as dumb as wanting top pvp gear without ever learning pvp
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>Tits and ass
You are the best poster and it isn't even close
if you want to play 3-button classes go to CLASSIC
>final verdict is just a magic hammer hitter the target
I hate this magic summoned hammer shit, just let me smite things with actual weapons
don't care
stop fighting mid
kill healer
simple as
>AI can reliably do feet
so long brethren
i descend into the goon cave
>stop fighting mid
>cant get through mid because its full of enemies intercepting you
>summoned hammer
nah, thats peak old school paladin aesthetic and you have shit taste
what spec has crit at the top of their stat priority? i want big crits
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its peak d2 shitstain paladin
is mmr / cr fixed? or is it like DF s1 where you needed like a 75% WR just to climb.
>link has expired
But why wasn't the new pvp map released at launch?
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Mental illness.

Don't you went to play other games? Fuck your gf? Watch an anime? Go outside and play sports? etc.

WoW can't be all there is for you, right...?
>two of the toes are melded
>this will never change because it's not AI and it's just a scripted program and you're a massive normalfaggot with a beta fetish for feet
>failed normie

Loving Every Laugh
Go double gatherer
Grab mats
Sell mats

Same thing
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>random soijak post responding to no one in particular
feet wasn't the focus of this image
if you make it the focus and have aDetailer plugin make a pass at it, the result will be a lot better
>i dont ever remember it being this bad before.
It's been like this for at least over a decade now.
Ralph, Lynris, Huns, Pissado, the dark iron futafag, etc.
you don't have a girlfriend lol
marksman / havoc gets increased crit damage from crit rating
ele shaman gets flat 75% more damage from crits, and during ascendance lava burst is amped by your crit chance
BM kill command gets 100% of your crit chance as crit damage
chaos bolt similar story
idt any singular skill is critting higher than enh shaman tempest right now someone tell me if I'm wrong
I have 5000 resonance crystals. I'm at 565 ilvl. Do I just burn them all on better gear
>want to play disc priest with my friends in arena
>level as shadow and absolutely hate every second of it
>get to 80 and continue playing shadow while gearing
>start to really enjoy it
how is spriest this expansion?
im still gonna whack off to this and degrading me only makes it better
So yeah I just ran the numbers... turns out... WoW won.
For non evokers yeah, outside of using soar i guess
When do solo RBGs release?
To add to this the community can't for the life of them shut up about giving up trade secrets, if anything.
They won't literally say all they are doing because that's dumb and would fuck their market, but walk into any space about gold making and it's the most open shit ever
BUT IT DOES REQUIRE EFFORT. Nobody wants to put effort.
Understandably, most people don't want to build fucking excel tables and have a personal goddamned ledger to play world of warcraft.
frost DK
fire mage
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during this event we have indicators for how big the radius of an effect is, but for swirlies on the ground in raids and dungeons blizzard still refuses to do it :^)
It lasts 30 minutes only buddy.
Here's an updated one.

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say sike right now
because it looks horrible. Id rather keep a semblance of atmosphere seeing as were in a fantasy world when playing worlo
they were not on the same level as the scourge plaguing /wowg/ now
make an option to turn it off and on? once youre at a certain level and did the dungeon or raid 100 hundred times already you only care about progress and not muh fantasy
Wouldn't it be possible to change the texture of the swirly in the usual "against tos but who cares" manner?
>make an option to turn it on
>instantly becomes mandatory
nah. I shall personally keep this from ever being implemented
You're right, they were worse
so your only allowed to do the pinnacle cache weekly on like 7 characters apparently
This makes sense when you look at Metzen's involvement. He retired in 2016, the year Legion came out - so it would have been his last expansion worked on - and wasn't involved in BFA, Shadowlands, or most (if any) of DF. It's also been confirmed that the BFA into SLands story was a mess, with now-ousted former head writers/devs forcing the faction war in BFA and people with no organization picking up the pieces to try to make Shadowlands into *anything*, Metzen coming in and going "well fuck ALL of that, lets pick this back up where I left off" is honestly a completely valid response.
holy paladin filters me so hard. i have no issue playing any other healer
what's hard about it
I picked it up yesterday after being a ret main and think I had a good grasp of it after a few heroics
What's the legendary this expac?
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>Kill 12 Goblins world quest
Did fucking Goblin Slayer come through before we arrived? Where are the Goblins?
if blizzard is based, khadgar will give you atiesh
Wax was the only interesting expansion feature and it's already over. Time to get the pet and unsub. Rent controlled housing content coming soon same as Dragonflight mobile phone endgame
But only to hunters
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do you still remember me?
I remember his wise choice of dying before the most dogshit expansion in the history of worlo
wont know until sixish weeks into the season
season 4 was over inflated because they didnt soft reset at the end of season 3
nigga went straight to the maw
who cares
Vol'jin on the other hand, he should have stayed both alive and the warchief

I loved that little nigga
take off your pants
how good are you
you have to cast alot
if you suck at faking youll just quit
if you're good its good
if you're bad its one of the worst specs to play unironically
Why is casting a lot bad?
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>real patch is not even out
>we're getting patch notes from future patchs already
Yeah i'm thinking we won.
>massive hero spec redesigns in literally the very first patch of the expansion
>brapped to death by fartvanas
probably dealing with the spenders. throws me off on a class that has to heal
nta but
>melee healer
NO shot.
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>Varok Saurfang: A traitors life. Dishonorable. Cheap shots. Died through trickery. Spent most of his last expansion in jail or hiding in a swamp. Three times displayed cowardice on the field of battle.
lol guardian druids got one single change
uh sisters why are all of these dungeons marked as 70-80 now...
I just did a city of threads as a 74...
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>the light will protec-ACK
>Dark Ranger rework
Looks good desu
you dont even have to be in melee
every button you have generates hpower now
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jesus fucking christ
i still don't know what to main between lock and shaman and monk and dk. i really want to take it down to 2 classes because i feel like splitting between more than that will burn me out faster
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>Undertaking one of these new classes as a Dracthyr will allow you to choose between fighting as a Dracthyr or fighting in Visage form by activating Visage, which switches you between forms. You can additionally choose to toggle on Chosen Identity, which will automatically shift you into Dracthyr form when entering combat and Visage form when leaving combat.
No more scalies; they want to hide those abominations as much as possible.
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they're so cute i love them
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EU bros...
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Post green machines
they only do that because the fanbase keeps calling blizzard out on being lazy cunts with the dracthyr, people want to play them but are turned off by the lack of mogs
the complaining won't stop until they have mogs and blizzard are too lazy to do that so they'll give these weird concessions that don't really solve the issue at all and will inevitably just make people more mad
in dragonflight every class got access to just about every stop every spec had available to them
so if you want to play a hard caster you have to have an incredible amount of will power and patience because you're just going to get zugged
i was bored in s4 and went for 1800 on every class and i really only push on melee, maybe healer if my prefered healer is good
its extremely tedious and frustrating trying to get a cast out when you have two melees breathing down your throat and they can use their mobility semi effectively
So are Warriors just good now or do Blizzard not give enough of a fuck to give them a rework?
>Shamans can now float on water while in their Ascendant form
Sovl is back. Metzenkino is spreading even to the gameplay team.
Ah you meant pvp, yes I already experienced it, it's miserable if they focus you or chain interrupt you. For some reason I'm still having fun
>no proper rogue rework
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>new patch notes dropped
>see this
>can hide warband UI
yay I can take warband screenshots
holy fuck what a wall for paladins. Fixed?
>want to play a druid
>cant because I didn't get the mage tower skins and dont want to be shown up by chads
Really no point since they topped both mythic plus and raid charts on the ptr as assassination spec.
>Ancient Teachings is now a baseline effect and transfers damage from Crackling Jade Lightning, but now transfers 30% of damage into healing.

>Crackling Jade Lightning damage increased by 100%.

>Crackling Jade Lightning now channels 25% faster.

Are they giving MW option to stay "100%" ranged? Am I reading this correct?
With the new changes, does your realm affect your ping, or are you connecting to the nearest data center?
Honestly think Blizz is trying to make Monk a top tier class in any spec. So far been kicking ass in both dungeons and pvp as windwalker as of late which is odd.
i dont know why they dont just put MT skins back in the game, even as just recolors. i know they did with werebear but ferals dont get glowkitties at all. theres no real prestige to them other than getting them the patch they were introduced, by the end of legion they were all completely free.
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>>Dracthyr will get Paladin before Night Elves, Undead or Worgen
They will get paladin at the same time
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it's a talent now
EU is back up
>no lunar themed spells for Nelf priests
>no sun themed effects for Tauren priests/paladins
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Pls respond idk what to do with these currencies like weathered crest
I need to plap a goblin slut BAD
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Is it weird to send a crafting order to a cafterino without saying anything
.t autism
>Divine Shield may now be cast while Forbearance is active.
Yes. Use them to get the vendor gear.
>Ancient Teachings is now a baseline effect and transfers damage from Crackling Jade Lightning, but now transfers 30% of damage into healing.
got damn
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New PvP Talent: Ultimate Retribution – Mark an enemy player for retribution after they kill an ally within your active Aura. If the marked enemy is slain within 12 seconds, cast Redemption on the fallen ally.
lmao thats is utter cancer for battlegrounds
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>didn't even read the patch notes in detail but I just know it
we are so back bros
>tfw no male panda bf to adventure with
It's over
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What races do I make my:
Alliance btw
Hunters are getting a soft rework, fucking wow.
Why would bears get changes? Bears are in a great spot atm.
For the first time in a long time warrior is actually doing decent and they're being gracious enough to not nerf us. Let's just take it and be thankful. We're not even OP but usually they don't even let us be decent so it's nice they're actually not cucking us for once.
Bear is g8 though
this happens sometimes when I fly upwards on my mount for some reason
I need someone to plap my (us) goblin slut BAD
Prot Pally is still in terrible state but Blizzard are seemingly going to actually make big changes fast this expansion so little by little until it's ok is fine.
Lightforged female
Void elf female
Nelf female
Dark Iron
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>you will never EVER cast starshards again
>Prot and Ret is shit
>Holy is still top tier
We got ourselves a Vanilla andy dev working at class balancing it would seem.
>New PvP Talent: Bear the Burden – Word of Glory’s mana cost is reduced by 100% and now reduces the cooldown of Blessing of Freedom by 2 seconds when cast, but its healing is reduced by 50% when cast on allies.

This is a dracthyr game now, do not apply to my groups if you are playing a scaleless race
Dark Iron
Worgen I guess
they have been the same for years now. yea raze is new and you got a new procc for the hero trees. wow
Female Human
Female Human
Female Human
Female Night Elf
Female Human
kul tiran forms are the best anyways my dude
Dark Iron
This is fucking op
So basically demon hunter/insert class hybrids?
they REALLY want people to play dracthyr lol
how does this make sense lorewise
Female Void Elf
Female Void Elf
Female Void Elf
Female Night Elf
Female Void Elf
i think theyre just trying to make cackling jade lightning an ability you press
maybe if they didn't look like shit
absolute cancer for pvp
What the fuck? You'd have to be retarded to not play dracthyr
that isn't a double jump though?
it's just a normal jump and glide, exactly like regular dracthyr evokers have right now
Shadowmeld is still more OP.
It's over. Non-scalies bros... WE LOST...
Did they change it so you can fight in Visage form as Evoker? I haven't played recently.
By the way it works when playing visage only
Massive jobber couldn't avoid his wanted level even with help from the Alliance
Correct though not right now but soon.
Body 2 Humans in horde are now real...
For any class except evoker
ret needs the 15% they knocked off all of our abilities besides divine storm and then its back to business
holy isnt top tier, its ok tier
Eredar forcefully converted is fighting one corruptive force with the og
nobody in their right mind is swapping fagthyr in pvp when shadowmeld exists and escape artist is on a 60 second cd
How am I taking damage?!
that is not double jump though, what a bunch of retards
this talent has been with us for years.

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