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Queen of Chaos Edition

>Giten Megami Tensei's partial translation patch for PC-98

>Vengeance OST scans

>Atlus Game Music, a portal website dedicated to Atlus music related products, has officially launched

>Shin Megami Tensei The Board Game Kickstarter

>Patch 1.0.2 for SMT Vengeance in the works according to SteamDB, still no details about its content

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Archive of 3DS Texture Packs

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks is now available on digital streaming services

>Old neocities site containing info and useful links (no longer updated)

>Information about the schizo so people are aware to not interact with them in any shape or form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19l6oTnl9qU9mMLXh_Fuo60MUjzUVf1ln/view

>How to filter namefags with 4chanX: /^(?!Anonymous$)/

I didn't even notice the thread died lul
After finally playing VV multiple times and getting all the endings, I'm returning to smtg. My overall thoughts:
>gameplay massively improved but becomes far too easy with all the new additions
>new map is very good, new dungeon is only ok, navigation is still kind of poor overall though
>backyard is actually kind of bare-bones in retrospect despite the mountains of dialog pumped into it (I feel like this feature has the most potential going forward though)
>the story did everything I wanted it to and as the former Watatsumi fag I finally feel redeemed because all the shit I saw outside of wild theory fagging before release was finally addressed and even part of the plot which impressed me

So what did I miss besides the usual schizo posting between VV release and now? Any interesting datamining? (I saw the cut law ending dialog via twitter already).
How is that Giten translation I see in the OP? Is it further along than it was previously?
I personally didn't like it, nothing really interesting outside cut content that was never added and this general was mostly people realizing Satan was fun but disliking everything else. Giten is still under way, Dembissa is still happening.
>Any interesting datamining?
fun fact: the cut law ending was first discovered here and tcrf, which the guy on twitter pretends like he's the first one to ever find out about the cut ending text
The last thread we talked about nocturne not getting an representation for metaphor, but apparently we should also add astro bot, because demi-fiend didn't get his own bot, despite the PS2 era being full of so many megaten titles, only persona 3, 4, and 5 got cameo bots.
Is this where the debug mod came from? I saw someone else making youtube videos looking at files in VV with it. Turns out many demons have Navigator walking animation files. Some of them are nice.
Demi-Fiend not getting a bot makes sense.
>His game didn't have good sales nor was received well during the PS2 era(It took around the 2010s for Nocturne to have better reception, which led into SMT V being a Nocturne sequel)
>SMT is more synonymous with the Nintendo brand than Playstation, especially when the series first started on SNES and going back to Nintendo systems after nearly every SMT title on PS2 & Xbox sold poorly
>Persona been PlayStation exclusives for decades and Persona 4 is considered to be one of the best PS2 games of all time to many people, furthering cementing itself as a worthy (unofficial) PlayStation representative
Did we bitch about Komori saying "lol V MIGHT be connected to III but uh.... who knows!" in that new interview yet? I don't care about Sony's fanservice platformer honestly. Though maybe that quote was taken out of context because no one has uploaded that interview anywhere.
where the hell did the time traveling aliens and particle accelerator shit come from in IV?
it seems so random in a game where nearly everything else is lifted wholesale from an older title
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also the Yamato Reactor in IV should have looked like this instead of that weird cock ring thing on a pole we got
>>Agrat will continue to resurrect and chase you endlessly on the field until you find and destroy her main body
>>Ishtar gives herself more press turns for every field device you don't destroy in the map prior to fighting her and at full power she gains a big power up if she has all her turns on her last hit.
Why do people overexaggerate how interesting these bosses are?

For Agrat you literally just fight a weak version of her boss until you go in the most straightforward direction to a trigger point for the actual boss, which is forgettable.
For Ishtar, you have to intentionally not disable any of those pillars in order to see that fight. Most people would either disable most of them or all of them.

>>Doesn't have a big health bar
Should be able to figure out the issue here. The boss could have something interesting but if you can easily kill it and not have to engage then it's forgettable.

This is the only boss I'll concede to but only in the original V as in my CoV playthrough he was just as forgettable as the rest. They nerfed him since his fight is earlier and removed his second phase that tested your MP management through the first phase.

VV filed all the edges of the original whether good or bad which led to a lesser experience.
The only other good bosses in VV is either the Yuzuru fight if he was higher-leveled and the AI was smarter. And the endless waves of Powers/
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Nah, he's just that retarded and obsessed with huffing his own farts.
He did do what he said though. A lot of open ended things had answers but he also left new things open ended, so, what can you do.
>For Ishtar, you have to intentionally not disable any of those pillars in order to see that fight. Most people would either disable most of them or all of them.
You get an achievement if you don't disable any of them, so there is encouragement not to cheese it now. I'm not gonna act like it's great incentive but it's there.
>Why do people overexaggerate how interesting these bosses are?
Because many fans of V are barely into the JRPG genre or trying to cope with the fact that they paid $60 for a underwhelmed product.
>What can you do
NTA, but my answer is nothing, I'm glad Atlus is finished with V, but I dread the fact that there is a high chance they'll pull the same shit with SMT VI.
>there was no compelling reason to delve deep into stuff for the narrative
>make a game that doesn’t expand on shit and created new open ended bullshit
Bravo Atlus you’ve done it again
>I'm glad Atlus is finished with V
I doubt it. I feel like new Navigators is just the start. They are also pushing a lot of new merch and cafe colabs.
Game is out and done. Atlus can do as many collabs as they want but thankfully the game is done and over with
We'll see but I can already see a different attitude with VV post release compared to the original.
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>I feel like new Navigators is just the start.
It's not. It's just a small lazy addition since it doesn't take too much development time to make a Nabi demon. Otherwise we would have seen an announcement of some sort of season pass.
>They are also pushing a lot of new merch and cafe colabs.
Every game does this nowadays. Were you not there when Apocalypse did the same stuff despite being the least selling nu-SMT entry?
What’s the general attitude this time around? I know there was alot of discontentment back during the original release
I was there when the original release got no collabs like this which was extremely odd. Also barely any merch at all.
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>Me who played the Switch version
pic maybeunrelated
>I dread the fact that there is a high chance they'll pull the same shit with SMT VI.
Given the praise VV is receiving I have no faith in any improvement in VI.
At best we may get slightly better dungeons as that is the only part that is consistently shit on but the rest will be the same quality.

But we will have to wait and see in 4 years for them to even announce the game.
Gameplay and dungeons need the most polish by far. If they can clean that up there is plenty to be hopeful for. Mainly the dungeons. I don't know what's keeping them from making proper dungeons honestly.
>I don't know what's keeping them from making proper dungeons honestly.
Modern JRPGs don't do dungeons anymore. It's just environments and sometimes small spaces. Just look at Xenoblade and Tales for what modern JRPGs are like nowadays
No, I'd look at Elden Ring honestly, since it's the open world RPG that's highly successful after Zelda. Both of those games still have fairly large and decent dungeons despite having open areas. VV has no decent dungeons and they are all embarrassingly short and their concept of trying to marry dungeon elements with open world elements with each map weren't that great either. Shinjuku is a push in a better direction but it still needs a lot more work to be considered better over traditional dungeon crawling. It hasn't come close to replacing it.
Playing undernauts is make me realize I vastly prefer traditional dungeon crawling of the more open dungeon exploration, cuase if you can just casual maneuver pass the enemy then yeah no shit these dungeons are gonna be embarrassingly short.
More like denim whore.
>he disabled ishtars devices
lmao you never beat the game
>He didn't beat a shitty game
Okay and? Do you want him to feel proud for beating trash?
not much really
the translation is a patch but afaik most of the game is translated now
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The light change hee. Hee hold hee light to become Master Man.
The towns in NINE are tiny, just a couple of screens big, but they are full scale and have many people. Feels the most like a real city out of all the Megatens I’ve played, which is ironic when all of this is virtual.

I haven’t played SJ so maybe that’s next.
did anybody ever get arrested from the vesk cp saga
No because it was obviously fake and even in the scenario she cooked up to try and scare people she was seething at, she would have been the distributor in that scenario
Like she was literally putting her nudes in public google documents she was posting on her own public twitter without warning "as a bonus"
Bro Qadistu fight. Beelzebub. Abdiel and Dazai
NTA but
>Qadistu fight
The entire gimmick is to make sure that at least one of them is dead so they can't use their super move
Don't be weak to dark and you're fine
>Abdiel and Dazai
Same as above but at this point they're not really challenging since you're already got your endgame build and team to essentially counter nearly everything
All The Fiends?
All the Nahobino battles?
Shiva, Lucifer, Demifiend, Satan?

The point is you clowns just pretend every fight with a gimmick is exactly the same. How did you ever make it past the rest of the megaten series?
>both V and VV reviewed better than wukong
>VV reviewed better than P3
how come it reviewed so well? if atlus puts more budget and effort into story VI could get a 90 meta and I never thought that would be a possibility
Quite frankly I think it was taxed for not being Psrsona if anything.
>Qadistu fight
I didn't realise they had a group Magatsuhi skill as Naamah is so fragile that I killed her first with my phys build.

Literally easier than Vasuki. What is even interesting about this one?

>Abdiel and Dazai
Same issue as Odin and Zeus fight. They aren't bosses that synegize with each other but instead, you're fighting 2 weak bosses at the same time.
Yuzuru fight did this 10 times better than any other boss in the game. including Qadistu.

Listing bosses without explaining what makes them any different from the rest of the game isn't an argument.
You're like a music reviewer who just plays the song and says it is good at the end without providing any insight on what makes it good.

>How did you ever make it past the rest of the megaten series?
Play DDS1&2 and you'll realise how dogshit V is in comparison. I'm not expecting the second coming of Christ but VV has set standards so low and can't reach the level of DDS.
And dipshit, the argument is that the bosses are unengaging and lack any differentiating factor from each other.
>if atlus puts more budget and effort into story VI could get a 90 meta
But it won't translate into sales.

>how come it reviewed so well?
Probably because the game is viewed as V but better so they are expected to give the same score or higher. And also expectations were probably more in check given that most reviewers were the ones that played the original and knew what to expect.
You guys are conveniently forgetting the fact that most critics are terrified of harassment from fanboys, so they just slap high scores and give poor reasons for why the game is good to not face mob justice.
Party compliment each other and their innates buff each other. Lilith heals debuffs and sets up phys wall, Namah charms and dekajas, Eisheth powers up from ailment enemies and raises everyone's crit rate, Agart makes magic crit and has almighty nuke. In order to drop their essence you have to kill all of them once.

Beelzebub is definitely harder than Vasuki, 2x Debilitate, Thunder Reign and when he gets sub 50% Death Flies spam the strongest AoE attack

Dazai uses a variety of status spells while Abby impaler's Animus and uses big AoE attacks that get powered up by Dazai's innate. Usually one of the two will put up karns for the other. If you kill Abby first Dazai switches up his magatsuhi attack to Trisagion spam. They actually do synergies with each other lol.

>Hurr play DDS

Now whose just spitting out bosses without saying anything specific? The bosses of DDS have similar unique gimmicks, the only real difference is your party is way more limited in what they can do.
>But it won't translate into sales.
it translated into sales for both versions. what directly correlates to sales is good advertisement and getting the customer base interested. a game like SH2 failed at that so no matter how it reviewed it couldn't get good sales or milestone worth announcing.
>expectations were probably more in check
most of the reviews had a sections comparing it to the original and asking if purchasing it for a second time was worth it. it did not act in favor of the game if anything it deducted points from it and it still reviewed better
but that's an industry wide score inflation. the point of comparison is the same industry. objectively VV is not a 9/10 game but neither are a lot of other games.
Lmao, critics aren't scared of Megatenfags.
No, VV is a 9/10 game. It's peak turn based RPG and best single player monster RPG.
> best single player monster RPG
>Lmao, critics aren't scared of Megatenfags.
If that was the case then Leana Hafer wouldn't need to go offline for months due to constant harassment and IGN getting someone else to review Vengeance and made sure he did nothing but butter it up to calm them down.
>objectively VV is not a 9/10 game but neither are a lot of other games.
Yes but it's mostly common with JRPGs and Nintendo titles due to their communities.
good gameplay, non pozzed
>Namah charms
RNG that you can easily ignore even when inflicted.

>Party compliment each other
Lol. Lmao. Even.
These are just 4 bosses at the same time but easier versions of their prior encounters. The only synergy of note is the Qadistu Entropy skill which I never even got to see on my playthrough

> innates buff each other
I don't even know what they are. They are never a factor. Especially when I accidentally killed off Lilith with a Freikugel Ex.

>In order to drop their essence you have to kill all of them once.
The boss would've been good if it required you to kill all of them in one or two turns.

>when he gets sub 50% Death Flies
I didn't even know he had death flies.
>2x Debilitate
Imagine never realising buffs/debuffs aren't worth a shit in this game.

At this point I'm confident people felating VV are playing like complete dumbasses that they are forced to see those moves.
And before you say I was overleveled, I was 12 levels below the boss. And only good part of that bossfight was the boss theme.

> the only real difference is your party is way more limited in what they can do.
Retard slowly realises one of the issues of V. The game gives you too much that you can just ignore many of the dogshit bosses.
Why are you taking ringoschizos opinions on game design at face value, he openly posted his cheated IVA screenshots
He doesn't play these games legitimately the retard was probably on safety and using mitama dlc
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does smt JS has the best fusion system? it doesn't let you pick whatever you thus it's more unique consistent and challenging that way also you have demon sources and it's different from essences in V. sources don't give you the exact sets of skill that said demon has, they provide different/random skills which is interesting. some can be lame or amazing
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>non pozzed
Does he know?
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at least it's nothing like deadflop lmao
>Now whose just spitting out bosses without saying anything specific?
It was a reccomendation but since you are too retarded.

Look at the first Camazotz fight. He someones 2 Baphomets and uses void earth and expel. This isn't too insane considering he is an earlygame boss.
For the first half he focuses on covering both his and the Baphomets weaknesses whilst he lets them cast mudo. You have to beat the Baphomets to transition to the next phase and avoid the risk of dealing with the mudo.
But now in this phase he can drain hp and has strong force skills. You have to outdamage him and also make use of combo skills.
This on its own is better than anything V brought out.

I'm not going through every boss in the game but hopefully an example of what the early game brings is enough for you
But it's still pozzed trash.
Lmao these gimmicks are in VV you disingenuous tool. Norn and dis have covering elemental weaknesses bit, hell Lilith does it too covering Namah's phys weakness. Pretty sure some of the Abcess battles do this shit too. Eisheth and Chimera have HP drain skills.
Eisheth is even worse since she does AoE poison into Voracious Appetite which is an instant kill and major heal. She also innately boosts her own crit rate.
When you a pedophile:
holy fuck get fucking gassed already newnigger kike tourist. Fuck you you rat. post hidden
lmao you're on fucking vg look around you you murican secondary shitstain mutt
>hell Lilith does it too covering Namah's phys weakness
Hoenstly a skill issue if you actually had to deal with that. Namah is dead before any of that matters.
>Eisheth is even worse since she does AoE poison into Voracious Appetite which is an instant kill and major heal. She also innately boosts her own crit rate.
Doesn't matter when the bossfight is already over when Lilith is killed.

>Chimera have HP drain skills.
I swear you have to try to find these skills. I accidentally killed Chimera before I got the quest to do so and never saw this.
She doesn't use it enough for it to matter. The difference between that and the example I gave is that you have to outdamage meaining a consitent damage output. Eiseth uses the skill so rarely that it only counts as eye candy.

The more you argue the more retarded you get. Let me remind you the bosses are unengaging and lack any differentiating factor from each other. You haven't made that evident.
VV is the Sonic Unleashed of SMT
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The Susano-o's wife pipeline. Beware. Stay vigilant. If a proto-fiend offers to rescue you, say NO.
Sonic Unleashed is the best 3D sonic. VV is the worst. V is the Sonic 06 of SMT.
On the topic of Vengeance boss fights I'm surprised nobody's brought up the AI script, you know Mastema's great lament, he doesn't use it until you push his health bar into the red.
V being Sonic 06 implies that it had potential in the first place, which it clearly doesn't since it was always planned to be a Nocturne sequel
Eisheth uses Voracious Appetite every other turn
Nocturne is better than you remember, it's mostly V discarded most of what made it good. It did have that potential to bring back reasons, movie level cinematography, and more. V only is a sequel to Nocturne that it is a boring desert and the terminals exist with Lucifer being where he is. The idea had so much more potential.
Correct me if I'm wrong but do the super bosses also have stupidly high crit chances that aren't normally seen in regular battle and other fights and someone went and calculated this? I remember reading about that but it might be bullshit.
People have brought that up. There's also funny youtube videos of him spamming it over and over with a bunch of press turns.
Mastema has like 5 phases, with two other signature skills.
Crit is based on the user's luck stat vs the enemies luck stat. The effect is less pronounced than it is for Status Ailment efficacy, but on Godborn you'll definitely see it.
The original CoC endings are more like reasons now than ever before with the inclusion of the new endings. Doi even said before release the original endings are all law flavored except neutral. You could say all the reasons are also law flavored because they follow Kagutsuchi.
They had no development. Not even a cool scene where the reason is explained. You fundamentally do not understand how much V removed from reasons that made them good in the first place.
>Not even a cool scene where the reason is explained.
That sounds like the main thing you wanted and what made reasons cool to you. At the same time though, if they did that, I think everyone would roll their eyes on that being a massive rehash.
I'd rather have a rehash than a pile of shit.
There is a scene where the reason is explained you literally have Goko narrate what happened. The only difference from the reason end is instead of demifiend standing in front of their reason buddy in a white world while they say check out my new world roll credits you have Bino see the ghost of their allognment buddy and walk through space while goko tells you about the new world.

Also Vengeance real ending cinematics (True, Law and Chaos)>>>>Nocturne real endings (Freedom and TDE)
But that's shit, I want to know before making the choice. Also you have to be baiting with that last sentence, so no more (You)s for you. If that is your actual opinion, then kill yourself.
Comparing Chaos Vengeance with TDE since True/Law/Freedom are boring as hell, CoV has cool alternate Garden of Eden scene that bookends the game and the Fall of Man, TDE is just Lucy going well done but the real fight starts now! Then DF and everyone pose. Much cheesier and more abrupt.
Also outside everything, the aesthetic of Nahobino walking through the cosmos in the credits is kino. And actually I will give some credit to true end afterall him walking back in human form instead on that end is cool.
Absolutely disgusting.
Actually their "reasons" are explained in CoC during the big argument where everyone shows up together to complain about their ideology. In Nocturne they all explain their reason to Demi and it's all very isolated. In V they all announce it to each other and argue. Goko explains the aftermath.

True demon and CoV chaos also piss off the Great Will in mostly the same fashion. They are meant to parallel each other. Demi has created the "void" already while Vkun goes to create his own you just don't see that part yet. That's because Demi's destroys all chance at creation the other lets the primordial void do the creating. They are the same but at the same time opposites.
Wait Hyss Ho?? Lmao holy shit so youre the pedofag.
Sometimes I wish that I was in the timeline where V failed and SH2 was successful, causing Komori to realize that it's best to leave Nocturne alone as it's already ruined enough by Yamai antics
We know Ringo Schizo.
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we been called out
Proof? Never seen that before or maybe I killed the boss before she used it again.
>browsing /vp/
You need to go back immediately.
Pretty much all of that shit is no longer in Pokemon. Stickers, mega evo etc are all one game gimmicks. Only fangames try and retain everything. That's why they're better.

But in Pokemon it focusses on you keeping your pokemon the whole game so it makes sense to have your pokemon unique because you are steamrolling the whole game with your max IV square shiny poke, whereas in SMT you trash all your demons in a few levels the instant they outlive their use.
Atlus is never going to leave nocturne alone, because the positive reception it got later in its life is because of us, we unironically meme'd it into cult classic status.
Also you'll notice that SMT has a lot more in common with the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games than mainline pokemon. For one thing, Mystery Dungeon is a lot harder.

For another thing, your team party is now heavily limited and simplified to like 3 units rather than 6 units to force people to think about the party composition. For another thing, a lot more punishing mechanics are introduced, for example being fucked by room wide AOE enemy attacks. if you die in a dungeon and can't rescue yourself, you lose anywhere between 50% to 100% of your items and can also delete the unique one of a kind items you get in the game. in the latest game (a remake) forces autosave too so no save scumming for people.

All these dungeon games have specific things they have in common like being forced out of dungeons if you stay too long on one floor, stamina mechanics like wiping if you die from not eating enough food, being spawnkilled instantly by the enemy for example you enter a room where there's like 10 enemies jumping on you at once. etc
you cannot make a pokefag enjoy megaten and that's because what they want is pokemon. you cannot make me enjoy pokemon cause what I want is megaten. simple as
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It's probably not hard scripted. When I fought her she was using it every couple of turns, she'd instagib a demon and come back
Pokemon is a multi-player game. SMT is a single player game.
SMT writing has gotten so bad that SWSH unironically has a better story
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It's a good thing he wasn't in V in retrospect. It would have created issues.
goddamn now I want a fic with both of them competing to manipulate Yuzuru
I wish there was a harder difficulty that forced the enemies to use their skill sets in interesting ways.

What are the chances of someone making a hard type mod that does that? Preferably one that makes it so the bosses acknowledge your weaknesses and resistance.

>SWSH unironically has a better story
I wouldn't go that far. Comparable is more accurate.
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Don't let your dreams be dreams. Start writing.
absolutely suck at writing fiction :(
calm your tits schizohomo
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Not my favorite overall but I love all the new attention she's getting and the personality they gave her in VV. It's still mostly a "what could have been" because she got so few lines.
How are you posting from a psych ward?
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Oh wow, her heiny is huge.
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oh sweet, it's comedy hour.
I used to play competitive pokemon.
While I do agree that it's the best RPG for PvP, a lot of the shit listed literally doesn't matter, the meta is set and people will always gravitate towards min maxing their shit, often by cheating because a lot of these things were RNG-based (though I don't know if that's still the case) so they were effectively single-player gacha.
may i slap
>playing baldur’s gate
>one character is a lawfag
>another is chaosfag
>me, a neutralfag
>Captain Ahab is here too
>were all infected by Lucy’s gay worms
Playing this makes me realize how fucking amazing a megaten crpg would be
there are a bunch of games in that sense already on steam
Can you pass along some recs? I want some stuff with that SMT vibe ya feel?
>>493397796 (took me a bit to get all of the links)
best dungeon crawler
this is like pokemon but with many megaten elements
this is actually pretty fun with the slavery aspects
another pokemon clone
Sort of counts if you want a certain vibe
this is good
this is a EO/wizardery clone. has a limited summoner class. Dev said they might make a game based on summoning and adding demon negotiations if it does well.
You can probably do a megaten run in BG3 with custom characters.
Forgot this link, has no demo or any new info for a long time.
You know I just had an epiphany while on /v/. It's been suggested a few times but the Great Will being Atlus itself is probably not only intended but like all of Megaten an homage to Wizardry.
Most jap games are in homage to it to a degree.
Is that why he's particularly an asshole in V? Is it meant to show how jaded Atlus has become?
I'm starting to think the Marduk stuff in vengeance is just a stand in for Yamai.
>Dude who started this mess
>Fucked off never comeback
>Left a cursed product for someone else to deal with
Komori is Susano-o
idk much about marduk mythologically and i only really know him as "that one ok persona in persona 1" so him being so important was really funny to me
He wasn't really "important" he just makes snakes seethe. All bulls do actually.
>Komori has a hot wife he won't come home to because he's busy hanging out with teenage boys
Oh fuck and Lucifer is Kaneko. Just let him retire.
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No, no. I know what's happening here. Doi is Vkun, Komori is Aogami. It all makes sense. Doi got divorced, remember? He said Aogami and Vkun are his favorite characters. The truth was in front of us all along..... They even have a height difference!
Kozuka confirmed that the snow queen remix in P3re is also his remix
Deepest lore
He's gonna get burn out at this rate.
SMT will lose what little soul it has left the moment he quits
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also only these 3 songs, the snow queen remix, the new battle theme and the op song. all other songs are still kitajoh
he kinda looks like he's overworking too
interview from yesterday, he talks about hiphop influence on his music. it's up on atlus's main channel (but in jp, no translation)
Hacking is pretty cool. You guide your team through the digital battlefield to defeat the enemy’s leader, in these abstract battles. You can build healing zones and stuff, but I think it seems better to rush the enemy’s leader.
Yes. Feels like Kozuka really cares about Megaten and making the best music he can, even if I think he peaked in IV.
I see you MysteryDungeonbro.
personally for me I feel like in IV Kozuka was just making stuff based on the mood of the development stage and the kind of music he wanted to make cause he was new in atlus and didn't know much about mainline, and in everything that came after it he is trying to innovate on the music in the context of the series and the game itself and is yet to reach the optimum point in this approach. although alot of people think V and VV have the best music of series and best of his career and this is kinda just my opinion.
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Kush is very supportive.
I want to know what happened to her Aogami so fucking badly. I hate that they teased me with some death tale of the last Susano-o that brought the Amatsu and Kunitsu together and then didn't elaborate at all.
Anon, Aogami is her Aogami. Aogami is type 0, he's the original Susano'O.
There is more than one type 0, you even collect one.
Bethel scientists literally tell you there's only one type-0. The Aogami you find in Taito either got the essence after Lucy threw main Aogami in the party van.
Then why is there a type 0 essence? She even says it was a long time ago. I'd reread that. You can physically see in game there is more than one type 0. They made more than one of them.
All the Aogami look the same. That's why I say the Aogami that drops the type 0 essence must have got it after Lucy nabbed him. The way essences work is a little nebulous, look at the Tsukuyomi essences, Bethel is able to make multiple essences of varying strength from the same protofiend. Hell, Gustave sells them. And all demons can produce their essence and give them to you.
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the original creator god feels like it should be someone else, like Kaneko.
I actually think he was more inspired by other Megatens like I and II when he was making the music for IV, I think V is more unique but not necessarily better for me.
very distinctly remember him talking about how he didn't know much about the music of mainline cause he had only played SH
I think he's still inspired by the Snes game OST's.
You can hear old school sounds in his latest songs.
Oh really? I can see that being the case when he started the project but I think he would listen to the old games to get inspired for IV. Maybe not, but then I guess it's a coincidence how IV music feels like a continuation of I and II.

I agree on the first one for sure. Seems like he's even using "bad" instrument samples on purpose.
If that's how you interpret it doesn't make sense with Kush saying it was a long time ago. That would implied he died a long time ago unless there is some convoluted story where he was kidnapped and brainwashed or something before Lucifer grabbed him. 20 years ago is not a "long time" and it isn't for other demons that talk about it. I think they made more than one type 0. He's mass produced, I think it makes more sense than an Aogami holding an essence that isn't his for some reason.
Chiaki is Law, not Chaos
Yoko didn't need to exist. Could have easily just replaced her with Sahori especially with the cringy edgelord dialogue about cars.
Japanese gods have been in service since time immemorial. The current crisis started 18 years ago with the conception but it doesnt mean everyone was living happily before that. And the Ring of Gaea was at it way before that too, remember Nocturne begins with a battle between cults in Yoyogi Park
Yoko is cuter and has sexier legs
There's no way Tao isn't bi, if not fully pussy-sexual.
you may
I think it's crazy that Yoko was originally planned for base V(This isn't the usual corporate lie as there's actual evidence in the files that shows this) and she's written so terribly. It's a rare case where some things during game development should have remained scrapped.
I wonder what her role in coc would have been?
>Her partner was supposed to be Amaterasu
>was probably a big titty office lady
That speaks for itself.
Probably the exact same. Her panagia design spells out who she is. It was in the game files as "chaos girl".
Lawfags are big titted bimbos.
She's written great anon. Not every chaos rep can be as reasonable as Tsukuyomi. In fact, most chaos reps are batshit crazy.
One of these days someone will draw art of what proto Amaterasu would have looked like. One day.
I'm thinking a gender bend Koshimizu with nice tits would be accurate and sexo.
Inb4 they add an izanagi doimon as dlc
They're not adding anything new besides navis because they're low effort. They'll save that for SMT VI, which they'll redesign izanami too.
Meaning you think Nocturne and V are the same world? Way too much of Nocturne and V world lore clash for that to be true. I don't want to get into an argument over that just discussing if there is more than one type-0 Aogami though.
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How much of a bad sign is this?
>new VV strategy guide mislabeled the flowers on the school uniform
>new western VV merch mislabeled the game over tree

Simple mistakes or a complete lack of communication with the design team and extra material and merch being made? This didn't happen with previous games. Is it because of Sega?
Atlus has fallen, it's over.
When it comes to canon of creation, what essence gives Nahobino the best resistances? I'm using Huang long but I feel like there is probably something better
Betatron outside of Demi-fiend
You forgot to mention that the new strategy guide doesn't have new art on it's cover, which is a huge red flag
Thanks for the recommendations!
Why do they still make strategy guides when the internet exists?
>This didn't happen with previous games
are you sure? these stuff are outsourced
Kind of interesting the Quadistu's method for summoning Tiamat is the same as the Reason heads method for summoning their sponsor God.
the self sacrifice part?
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>cast Inflamming Divinity on this nigga right here
>his turn, he uses taunt
>3rd spot switches to my most powertful dude in stock
>4th spot switches my 2nd most powerful dude in stock
>back to 'Bino who then casts Inflaming Divinity on himself
>'Baki uses Debilitate
>enemy turn

fun game
Any guides on how to mod vengeance? I want to put pierce on paraselene
Shiva collected Magatsuhi too. I feel like the whole sacrifice subplot was purely there because Atlus saw people bitching that there wasn't enough Susano-o myth use. In fact the new story feels like it exists to address that problem almost entirely. I shouldn't complain because I wanted them to do this too
Not to sound racist, but you have to understand that Japanese internet users are mostly stuck in the early 2000s. They don't have easy access to hundreds of guides and are still using shitty blogs that nobody but themselves will ever see. They don't even know how to emulate games nor mod their old systems.
That's why strategy guides and gaming magazines are still thriving over there, while it's dead in the west.
Friendly reminder that proto-fiends were designed to """merge""" with humans and this feature was made before they had any idea how Nahobino fusion worked.
Dr. Nitta is a very sick man....
Robo child predators
>Japanese internet users are mostly stuck in the early 2000s
I envy them
I mean at this point, can't we assume they are all 18? Miyazu is 17 and she is supposed to be younger. Khonsu is the real pedo here. And Nuwa....
Why? Paying money to learn how to beat the game sucks.
It's more of a reference of Aogami's VA flirting with 12 year olds on facebook.
>Why yes, I only played the popular SMT titles and never went out of my comfort zone, how can you tell?
You have to do a lot of folders inside of folders shit. Using the editor is simple though atleast. If I was home right now I would whip up a catbox link with a folder you would just need to drag and drop. I can do it in a few hours but if you don't want to wait I would suggest looking around on Gamebanana for tutorials.
Don't all the god summonings require a sacrifice? Hiriji for Noah, Yuko for Ahriman, Futomimi for Baal and finally V-kun for Tiamat.
This, where are the P3 4 and 5 protags wtf??????
V-kun should've been female
Correct me if I'm wrong but did they need to kill someone? I know it's said directly in game you have to gather magatsuhi but they never said you needed to sacrifice a particular person did they? When Hijiri, Yuko, and Futomimi die, they are kind of treated like "I need just a little more magatsuhi" and they're the final drop in the bucket so to speak. Tiamat needed a bull or all the magatsuhi would have went to waste.
Pokefags already do this when talking about how little demons are in each SMT compared to some modern pokemon titles, without getting how "gotta catch em all" isn't exactly a SMT gimmick. Plenty of other shit they don't get too
Basically this. I've seen pokefags tried to make SMT likes and it just doesn't scratch the same itch at all
>without getting how "gotta catch em all" isn't exactly a SMT gimmick.
You're literally rewarded for obtaining and recording every single demon in the compendium lmao
>inb4 "that doesn't count because I said so"
>You're literally rewarded for obtaining and recording every single demon in the compendium lmao
You're being a dense retard on purpose right now aren't you
Do I really have to fucking explain it to you. Or do you deep down know what I mean and you're being a fucking retard on purpose. The literal fucking tagline on the cover, forced in every theme song and ad and merch, the fucking reason for the double-triple release gimmick each gen where you need both fucking games to complete a pokedex, the need to trade between two gameboys of DS's, the fucking controversies when you couldn't do that in gen 3 or SWSH
Do you think SMT ever goes on that level you fucking retard
>that doesn't count because I said so
>Nozuchi is a Doimon
I want to see this man in this thread right now
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One day there will be a V artbook and in it will be sketches of Vkun as a female protag like he should have been and I will seethe over it just like I seethe over the IVA sketches of better character designs we should have gotten. I'm certain of it. It's not fair.
Alice and Yoshitsune are Soejima-mons
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Is this worth $15 in your opinion
I've only ever heard negatives, no positives
I unfortunately know from first-hand experience that Apocalypse gives you jack shit and I don't think IV does either (It didn't even have a percentage indicator). Nocturne gave you discounts after certain milestones but that's it. V has the seed of Knowledge but you don't need every demon for that. Pretty sure SJ doesn't give you anything aside from maybe an achievement in the DS version.
>t. ringoshillzo
It's better than V/VV.
Every time a Nahobino pair fuses for the sole purpose of procreation, YHVH dies a little on the inside.
I think it is personally
Yeah, it's worth to buy it at that price. Don't go into expecting something like OG SH, but something closer to Oldsona.
nigga is samefagging to get some gullible retard to buy sh2 lmao
Nobody is samefagging though?
you're too obvious man
I am.
The problem with the name "ringoschizo" is that his schizoism is not exclusive to ringo or sh2, he was baiting and false flagging and stirring the pot before sh2, and then adopted ringo once he could use her to annoy her.
This right here could be him
are you itching for megaten and have nothing else to play, yes
otherwise not really unless you find something about it interesting
That's why most of us swapped to calling "them" Avery.
>It's a another episode where a schizo lives rent free inside smtg head
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>schizo regularly shits in your gathering spot
>point it out
There's no proof that the schizo was even shitting up the general. Some anon asked if they should buy SH2 for 15 bucks, which some anons said "sure, why not?". But some /smtg/ anons are so mindbroken to the point they think it's schizo posting. No different from what happened few days where a new anon wanted to talk about NINE, which led to several anons sperging out about some fucking schizo.

this is part of the reason why smtg declined heavily once V revealed it was a femboy mc
regardless what you think of sh2 it's somewhat better than V because it doesn't have yoko
*worse than V because it doesn't have Yoko
yoko is one of the worst characters ever made and gives chaos reps a bad reputation
Another schizo conjuring used so you can accuse anyone normally discussing smt of being random shit, thus derailing the conversations. Same for the kogetsu shit
Nah I like her. Her existence made V better for me. Every other character in base V was like a quarter of a person.
>normally discussing smt
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Shut the fuck up kogetsufag
>But some /smtg/ anons are so mindbroken to the point they think it's schizo posting. No different from what happened few
That's the schizo trying to shit up the thread, ie >>493457196
when are we getting a DDS rerelease
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For real though we probably should remove the hyss-ho shit from the OP because they clearly aren't here anymore. I study schizo's and Hyss was clearly a Class A schizo meaning they would always make themselves known if they were here. Avery tries to make people believe that he goes incognito here but you can spot his behavior from a mile away.
Ringo looks more pretty than her
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>It's been suggested a few times but the Great Will being Atlus itself is probably not only intended but like all of Megaten an homage to Wizardry
I've never seen that but could be. I think megaten took alignments straight from Wizardry too and added plot importance to them. In Wizardry alignments simply determined who could or couldn't be in your party, like how some demons worked in early SMT's.
Both games have some esotericism/occult autism to them too, Wiz 4 has a whole kabbalah tree of life map
>Avery tries to make people believe that he goes incognito here but you can spot his behavior from a mile away.
I get called both avery and kogetsu all the time and I don't even know who they are
Vengeance is one of the worst jrpgs of the year
On opposite day.
At least fucking tell me why I should know them or care
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I want PM Koshimizu to fill my holes
Avery is a schizo that has haunted this board since at least 2019-2020. You can tell it's him by his ESL posts and his praise for SH2.

Kogetsu is an OC based on the Raidou games that another schizo came up with, but you can read all about him in the google doc in the OP.
So what is Atlus working on once Metaphor is released?
wasn't he just a random salesfag in /v/? he must have moved on
Persona 4 remake.
P6 and raidou 3 or a PS2 remaster or EO
>All the other teams working on projects except the smt team
>You can tell it's him by his ESL posts
There's a lot of ESL's here, and some EOP's who are just too retarded to grasp English correctly(me)
>and his praise for SH2
So ringoschizo
>but you can read all about him in the google doc in the OP
I don't wanna click on that
>So ringoschizo
Avery is his real name, he was doxxed a while ago.
I stopped posting here for months so that makes sense. He's the guy who would spam reddit bird and reddit hackers and samefag dozens of time against single posts, like from drawfags, right. Or did that get memoryholed
Yeah, that's him
None of that is true btw
Which post should I believe
Trust your heart.
The one that says none of this shit happens because there's no real evidence of that crap ever happening in this general
>what are archives
But there was a schizo who did spam this thread and likes attacking drawfags, this guy >>493457569
This much is true
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>this conversation right now
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Dont worry MetaGODS will save us
Just bought EO3 HD on switch
Am I a true Atlus Faithful now
It's obviously a melting Jack Frost
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So close!
What was the best possible time to be a megaten fan?
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Don't Open
When Persona 3 FES released
Late 00's
Maybe late 90's, early 00's
DS era.
Right now
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I'm pulling through. You guys want anything?
No, overpriced goyslop
give me the hello kitty yugioh happy meal
The future when more of the games are translated
Two Mcchickens and a large Hi-C.
For me it's the Devil Summoner
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By the gods, Becky! Cast thine eyes upon his posterior!
finally smt is good again
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Male demon ass > female demon ass
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They only talk to him, because, he looks like a total prostitute, 'kay?
Someone get me smt v vengeance for either xbox or switch, I'd do anything
Hack your switch dumbass.
Give us your answer to the question NOW
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Use ryujinx to emulate VV if you can't mod your switch. Modding your switch is highly recommended unless you are like one of those people on /vp/ who every single year get banned because of doing stuff like installing a pirated game to their sysnand and went online with it instead of putting it in emunand where it belongs...
Why? It's a bad game.
Fatlus fags are no different from Pokemon fags
I found one editor in gamebanana but trying to modify some skills (like paraselene) just gives me an exception error
Raidou 3 please god (and make it good double please)
>and make it good double please
Sure! But first, it will need to do these things:
>Day one DLC that has new demons that are insanely broken and money/EXP DLC
>Story is poorly written with tons of soulless nostalgia bait moments("Hey Raidou, remember our previous adventures? Wasn't that so cool?")
>Affinities are now a thing, making sure you can't use any demon you like without "proper" thinking
>Game will be laggy due to being made in UE5
>There will be platforming sections since the game is built off of VV
>Enemies will barely give any EXP at a certain point to encourage you to buy the EXP DLC
>There's a NG+ quest where you encounter Lucifer once more, where he asks you to do several things to see if you're worthy to team up with Demi-Fiend and Nahobino to take down the Great Will
>The secret boss will be multiple Aogamis, all of them uses the same skills that can be found on Aogami corpses in VV
>Alice, Shuvuu, Nekomata, and Pixie will receive redesigns
The fabled monkey paw....
Why did I laugh?
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You are gay
Cool but yet their game is garbage
How did the most autistic one end up with two wives? How did he do it?
I bet Senri let's Dazai rest his head on her soft breast whenever he feels tired.
ass more likely
Squeezing her breast, nibble on her nipple, spank her ass, and taste her hag pussy, all this and more because Senri's love seducing young men, I love that Dazai has a Japanese succubus on his team, young men on older women is fucking based!
Abdiel found suddenly on a Senri killing spree....
That sucker rightfully belongs to her!
Smtvv was my first smt. Are they all plot front end and back end? I feel like almost nothing of note happened on map 2 or 3 and all the plot was at the beginning of in this pillar of the empyrean. Canon of creation btw.
CoC is the base game SMT V, which had probably the most story rewrites and development issues compared to any other mainline entry
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I guess that makes sense.

I'm trying to clean up all the quests but I still don't know how to get down to this corner of the map. Anyone know?
loop up magatsu rails
i used the dlc increased spawn rates to get money
i could not stomach running between vending machines
Where's the next Egyptian quest? I did the first Khonsu one and then I did the second one with Asura, Khonsu took the serpent thing and left. I feel like I've searched everywhere for the next quest
what is the purpose of high pixie in smt v? i don't get it
she sucks
Do people really think the Bosses in VV are good?
Ever since the disaster that is 4 happened the series gameplay never recovered.
just shut the fuck up already. god i feel like i'm going crazy it's the same 10 posts over and over for years. we get it, v bad. proceed to talk about literally anything else now, thank you.
V got rid of evolution so they made her a special fusion, it's dumb buy hey that's what Atlus is best at doing.
People are just discussing the most recent games in the series.
And also some people just realise they don't like something over time so you can't expect all discussion to end in one burst.

She shouldn't have been a special fusion and if they were to keep her as such she should've been like 20 levels higher than where she is currently.
i'm playing it right now and i wasn't dissing it, i'm having a lot of fun actually
i was just asking about high pixie because i thought i was missing something, like a magikarp power thing
I want to destroy the control mechanism for the Yamato Reactor.
If you press that button you are a fag. Death may take us all but you will forever be gay
pushing the button =/= destroying the mechanism
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Mermaid... ToT
Is there more of this art
im here to save europe
don't get people asking for a raidou port or remaster
game runs and looks great on emulator, played it recently
is there a guide online with all effects of the moon phases? google is filled with AI clickbait that contradicts each other
Yeah, I think they're the best in the series in fact, with Shiva being an all time favorite.
>Dx2 is nearly 7 years old
What the fuck
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>2014 was 20 years ago
Sniffing Vesk's toes!
Did they finally fuck off?
She still posts but it's been a while since she's had a proper meltdown
someone removed all of the lewd contents from the smt booru, whoever did this is a gaynigger and this art is lost media now
The booru died more than a year ago, retard
Booru got nuked a while ago
why am i a retard for saying this? i grabbed this picture from there though, long time ago
>why am i a retard for saying this?
Because no one specifically removed lewd content, the entire database was "accidentally" deleted by Neocities because he lost faith and interest in Atlus and I don't blame him.
>the entire database was "accidentally" deleted
Then why /smtg/ booru is still accessible via search engine?
That's a different booru that was also abandoned
This isn't just your average brand of stupidity, this is an advanced strain of monumental proportions
Hey retard, did you try looking at the literal last post on the booru you found by googling, it would have told you the whole story
Older booru
no one gives a fuck about your booru autism, snowflake
I care.
You clearly do based on your reply
Checkmate faggot
clearly i don't based on my disinterest and lack of browsing in those places
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If I had a bunch of apples and suddenly they were missing, I would know who the culprit is.
bro she got a pussy
You know, SMT1's setting and lore were more exciting when I knew less about Japan. Now a big chunk of it comes across as something superficial.
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do you dislike how it portrays Mishima?
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Fucking apple loving Eve insert. Aogami can do better, etc, etc.
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Nah, it's more like I know which parts of pop culture and history the game references (not all of it but definitely more than 15 years ago) so it seems a bit more lame.
Why does she love mint flavored ice cream?
I want her to cut me with her chin
Somewhere around 2012 when SMTIV got confirmed and Persona didn't yet manage to overtake everything.
Artist drew the demon with the ass skill
what ass? did you mean thighs? esl
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getting eaten alive by Woodflies in EO1 >>> any part of SMT V
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He's talking about Naamah.
Pic related.
Can we talk about how fucking dogshit Metaphor looks?
It looks good except the writing and the characters which is the main reason I would play it.
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Fan games status?
That was literally during the peak of the Persona 4 era, fucking retard.
>the writing
The game isn't even out yet and we barely know anything about the story outside of some scenes
what even is the point of fusing any demons in V? all the demons are just running around and barely any fusion only demons
am I being a boomer or something? I remember most demons being fusion only in the older titles like raidou
The only point of fusing in VV is for special demons, many of which are top tier demons.
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>Shitty unique skill
>Shitty innate skill
If he was a doimon or had actual importance in Nocturne then he would have been insanely good
>some scenes
Anon, they have practically spoiled the whole game by now. There is also that character bonding scene where they are crawling on the ground like retards.
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Why'd they do him so dirty in V?
What? He's Yoshitsune tier in Vengeance. That means he's better than like 90% of the roster.
Soejima face
not a true Kaneko demon anymore
Who gives a shit? Besides you obviously.
Yoshitsune tier is fucking garbage in vengeance when demons like Gogmagag and Arioch are walking around hit motherfuckers with nuke level figment slash.
Kaneko erasure...
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And I will love it
>2 late game demons under specific circumstances outdamage every other demon which means every other demon is bad
Interesting logic.
It's almost as if the game is so shit that the sweeping generalizations are true
Generalization is an understatement. It's like you are pretending 3/4ths of the game doesn't exist. As if I shouldn't bother using midgame demons because lategame demons exist.
Soul Hackers 2 lost
> I shouldn't bother using midgame demons because lategame demons exist
That's exactly it though
>Shitty unique skill
Are you high? It's literally the only skill of the game that is guaranteed to both hit and crit AND it has Pierce so you're guaranteed a press turn no matter what.
>Shitty innate skill
25% bonus damage on all the crit he does and his unique skill is guaranteed to crit so it's a free pleroma.

The earliest souce of Figment Slash is Kali, a lvl 74 demon.
You're not using it until you reach the end of the game.
Arioch himself is lvl 75 btw and Gog by himself has the same damage boost than Cu.
Also your argument was that Doimon got all the good stuff but both Gog and Arioch are Kaneko's, essentailly contradicting yourself.
The last update fucked everything up and the guy who made it is too retarded to keep old versions on his page
POV: You are level 45 and can't get Gogmagog or Arioch. Who do you use instead?
You speak exactly like noobs in PvP games who can only think of the shiny stuff you get in the late game while not understanding that you need to survive first to reach said late game.
Good thing SMT is a single player game so you don't have to flaunt your retardation.
just strategize, VV removed the retarded level scaling
He knows you need to use early and mid demons to reach late demons, but will pretend to be retarded for (You)s. End the cycle of replying to bait.
I think he hasn't actually played VV and just want to shit on the game.
>hasn't actually played VV and just want to shit on the game
I can't believe someone would actually do this, what a fucking sicko
/v/ is an entire board dedicated to this concept
Wow I think we (all the V/VV bros) should post there instead!!
The constant bad faith arguments against VV just make me like it more.
Choo Choo train and Scat Hatch are probably the best normal demons in the game. Boosts his own crit damage for his piercing critical unique attack, Scat Hatch gets perfect accuracy in the same party letting her spam Figment/Myriad Slash, and together they have the easiest to access fusion skill. Stop being such a goddam retard, for once.
.....at nothing while Vengeance continues to make this franchise worse by turning it into some shitty amala multiverse bullshit.
Johnny pull up those sales numbers.
Sales /=/ quality
Who said anything about quality? The purpose of Soul Hackers 2 was to sell. It didn't so it lost. VV did sell so it won. Simple as.
>I'll ironically cut my penis off just to spite all those transphobes! That'll show them!!
>trans people out of nowhere
You have a funny brain
How would you feel if Atlus slapped minigames into demon hunts in the next installment?
Depends on what kind of minigames
Fishing minigame with Amabie and Mermaid? Sounds good.
Optional minigames in RPG's are never a bad idea.
but then why not just have towns
That's a good question, i can't imagine them doing something like puzzle boy, I was thinking maybe something casino related but that probably wouldn't work either, and good god anything but a card fight minigame.
If you still want it I made a pak file with the only change giving Paraselene Blur pierce.
create a ~mods folder in the pic related location and just drop the pak file inside.
That would be based
I can't beat Shiva in SMTVV and I feel bad
Is there literally any guide on which navis are good at finding what in VV? The best I could find was for V and even then it wasn't that great.
Casino and puzzle boy sound amazing. Also put in more demon haunt only quests. And let demons talk to each other.
What if they made a demon haunt into a demon town you can build up and recruit demons to?
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Best pair in the game by far
I liked them being a parallel to the MC and Aogami until Nuwa had to tell me the parallel is there point blank in the demon haunt. Why did they put that in the game, jesus christ. Just let the people who don't get it not get it.
They don't expect the player to be smart
I noticed.
What do I get rid of bros
Where are his eyes?
If you're planning on fighting Demi then that null is going to be a liability. Also get rid of luster candy.
Leave the buffs to demons that are proficient at it.
He blinked
Explain the null liability
If you haven't noticed yet, if you make it so bosses can't attack you due to nulls they will then start to spam attacks like megidolaon or other similar attacks that bypass nulls.
In this case the null phys is something Demi-fiend really does not like. So if you're planning on fighting that super boss reconsider the null phys
You can have null phys on up to 3 party members and resist phys on the remaining one and it's fine, he'll just target the one with resist. The problem is putting null on everyone makes him spam almighty
I think the aim of demon haunts was to have your demons talk to you which are supposed to be different from overworld demons
town must be a distinct part of the world with its own characteristic. they should exist mutually
Is it possible to get more that one Demi-Fiend essence?
Do you think the Demi Fiend ever gets cold
Fight him again. You can do so even after he joins you.
He can just switch to a different Magatama.
>Fight him again

Ha... haha....

Anyway what skills do you all recommend?
Not when he's enjoying his pixie wife.
I killed his Pixie wife.
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Dark Fantasy should make a comeback.
best fantasy
I don't know much about Corum, but I heard he was an inspiration for megaten, since he has a power in the books to summon spirits as minions.
VV is about specialization unless you're the buff/heal slut.
Don't worry, I'll hug him and keep him warm.
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>Grimdark fantasy is more popular than dark fantasy
It's so over.
I'm sorry, but caring sales is pathetic and only something a /v/ fag would do.
Yeah it's not like sales indicate which direction a developer will go. SH2 sold like shit so they will be less willing to make more games like it. This is good because I hate SH2. Vengeance sold well so Atlus will be more willing to make games like it. This is good because I like Vengeance.
>Vengeance sold well so Atlus will be more willing to make games like it. This is good because I like Vengeance.
I see, good for you then. But unfortunately many people(Including me) don't want future SMT titles to take heavy inspiration from Vengeance and start the trend of Lucifer recruiting protags to fight against the Great Will or some newly introduced system.
nigga what the fuck is this build
The build of someone actually wanting to have fun instead of just stacking passives and abusing one overpowered move like a mindless faggot.
>Having fun
>In VV
In all honesty I think that shit is done with. Lucifer died doing that. The only carry on from this I see is Satan saying one universe giving the middle finger to the great will will cause a chain reaction, whatever that is. They could go in any direction with that and it doesn't have To be about ending the cycle again.
Optimizing builds is part of the fun
The next game will be about Lucifer being dead (not necessarily from the events of V) and the ascension of a new king of Chaos, a la DeSu1
Also plot twist of Lucifer not actually being dead
>wanting to have fun
holy shit what a loser
I really can't see a mainline game being standalone thanks to vengeance.
You mean IVA. That's where this really started.
You mean Maniax.
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I want to fuck Asahi. I want to see her cry while getting fucked and learn to love it.
Based dogfucker.
The amala network lore dump didn't immediately imply everything is connected via a multiverse. They said only worlds that experience conception.
>VV if it had a good artsyle
Care to explain why SMTIVA Dagda can hop into V's universe, if I remember correctly there was no mention of a conception in SMTIV or IVA.
He got hit by truck-kun
who is this semen demon
Teodora Villavicencio.
No. It started with Maniax by introducing the concept of the "Amala universe", which is to connect every single entry together. Then DDS made it worse by having the Demi-Fiend boss fight take place during the Amala network, which is something Demi-Fiend would use to travel across different worlds.
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cute, but also reminded me of this
Because IVA made it into a multiverse with the messiahs in the diamond realm. Everything is connected by the Axiom. Worlds connected by conception are still connected but they are also connected to everything else. How Dagda from IVA navigated all that to find V's world is plot convenience.
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Based Maniax oposers, the Fiend fights were the only good thing in that trashsheap but they still ruined by tying them to the labyrinth and making them too OP to use.
>mfw Maniax deniers
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Maniax is a government plot between the US and Japan to sell more copies of Devil May Cry and indoctrinate children into a combination of Satanism and Shintoism.
this would bother me to
He never did...
How do I tell what alignment I'm on in SMTVV?
Will the spooky scary skeletons stay as eternal day one DLC, or will Atlus make them super rare spawns again?
thoughts on united states infrastructure
Are all the smt games connected? Do I need to play them in order?
Did you agree with Tao's logical decisions or Yoko's retarded ideas? That shows which alignment you're on.
>Are all the smt games connected?
Yes. The Amala universe and Axiom has it that EVERY game is connected.
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For me it's Frankelda
>Are all the smt games connected?
>Do I need to play them in order?
The connections are only there if you really want to look for them, but it's not really treated in a marvel multiverse way either. Until IV at least
Only games that really need to be played in order are IV and IVA.
You need to play SMT 1 to understand every future entry btw
It would have been the easiest fucking thing for ATLUS to have given it a remaster on 3ds but noooooo
Unfortunately it actually more requirement to remaster than SJ, as they couldn't just slap it easily into the 3DS EO engine.
>T. Bull Chud
You need to read Digital Devil Story to understand every future entry btw
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as if I and II aren't direct continuation of each other
unironically. the amount of times the nuke situation is relevant to the plot of other titles is actually absurd.
Man I wish I could read Nishitani's posts about shintoism. American anons should always be thankful they were born there.
You have Asahi right there with all the potential rape and coercion and everyone is drawing gay sex. Come on. And I do not know the source sorry
I hear Canon of Creation. It was alright. I feel like a lot of stuff just happened for the sake of happening.
How badly willy I ruin my experience of CoV by using my clear data?
There are some very memorable fights in CoV I can immediately think of. It'd be a shame if you stomped them right away.

It'd also be a shame to play through a very similar game again however.
I'm mostly interested in the story differences, the combat of this game was alright maybe I'm missing the nuance a bit but it feels very snowbally once things go wrong.
I don't like the combat in V. Sorry not sorry.
>There are some very memorable fights in CoV
Such as? CoC had more memorable fights than Vengeance. Lahmu and Abdiel fight in CoC was much better and Vasuki is a 19 times better boss than Beelzebub.

Skill issue
First Nahmah fight
Replacement Lahmu fight
Temple duo fight
Boss rush for CoC's area 3
Double thunder
>Man I wish I could read Nishitani's posts about shintoism
His tweets were great but I fucking hate twitter as a format, everything gets lost in shuffle. There's a lot of interesting stuff like his other books, having a convo about astrology with a guy from Mexico back in the 80's or something, going to catholic school, etc
>American anons should always be thankful they were born there.
I'm shitting on the US flag right now
>feels very snowbally once things go wrong.
If you have enough demons in stock then this isn't an issue. You can easily replace them.
The only strategy that V has is to maximise your press turns. As long as you do that you've beat the game.
>Skill issue
I played Shin Megami Tensei, Shin Megami Tensei II, Shin Megami Tensei If..., Shin Megami Tensei NINE, Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE, Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse, Shin Megami Tensei V, Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner, Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers, Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army, Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon, Soul Hackers 2, Megami Ibunroku Persona, Persona 2: Innocent Sin, Persona 2: Eternal Punishment, Persona 3, Persona 3 FES, Persona 3 FES: The Answer, Persona 3 Portable, Persona 3 Reload, Persona 4, Persona 4 Golden, Persona 5, Persona 5 Royal, Persona 5 Strikers, Persona 5 Tactica, Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth, Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth, Majin Tensei, Majin Tensei: Spiral Nemesis, Devil Survivor, Devil Survivor Overclocked, Devil Survivor 2, Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker, and Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 and VV definitely has the worst combat out of any of these games.
>First Nahmah fight
Phys weakness was hilarious. But it made me realise how inconsistent the charm effect was in the game. You can act like it doesn't exist and only miss one or two actions.

>Replacement Lahmu fight
Are you talking when we beat Lahmu earlier or the Yuzuru fight?
If Yuzuru then I'll agree that that is probably the only none super boss fight in VV that I liked.
If the Lahmu fight then that one was a joke. They made the fight too easy.

I don't like VV's combat but kindly explain what makes it so bad.
Yes the Yuzuru fight.
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>no YHVH-mandate Angel GF
SMT6 will have a female guardian angel
Believe it
so like Abdiel to Dazai?
I completely lost interest in Angel after V redesigned all of them into being dudes with ugly golden masks
I'm very much in denial about the Kaneko design eventually coming back.
I want to hug zhu tun she
more Kaneko erasure...its all so tiresome...
I'm surprised Atlus never tried selling demon variants or skins as DLC.
That's because Atlus wants the public to know that Doi is the new demon artist and his designs are extremely important to this franchise. Allowing people to go back to the Kaneko designs for certain like Odin would also hurt Doi's popularity.
It's one game for christ's sake. You retards act like they've never changed designs for a game or two before.
>It's one game
You and me know it's the design they'll use for a long time until Doi gets replaced by his successor
you don't get gogmagog arahabaki until taito
you can get gay bulge in area 3
Kaneko's washed up
cane co
kank co
The best part of V's story is the way they played with Susano-o myth. That used to be hard to see but the new route highlighted how it was used originally.
That said, they should have poured more effort into it. The themes are pulled in multiple directions. It's divided between Nocturne references and the fall of man. They could have kept those but they should have been very minor compared to the Susano-o stuff, because that's what really shines the most.
>Susanoo mythology
>Doesn't do anything interesting with it and the game is the least japanese feeling entry in the series
Worst SMT
>desperate for a (you)
>won't even direct reply

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