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AMERICAN edition, Thread #1210

Previous thread: >>493003349

>Game Links
Steam Edition
Physical Edition (And Merch)
The console editions (Switch, PSN, XBL, PC Gamepass) have some exclusive content.

>Character Birthdays | Kel - November 11

>Fangames, Projects, and Etc
https://pastebin.com/XQX7CSip (OMARIO fangame)
https://totally-fungal.itch.io/doomori (DOOMORI fangame)
https://files.catbox.moe/7phzuk.pdf (manga ch.1)
https://imgur.com/a/YJb6dTT (beta & prerelease art)
https://goats.dev/omori/#KEL (game dialogue dump)
https://files.catbox.moe/nxd8dm.png (faraway map)
https://files.catbox.moe/3ng1by.torrent (sprite dump)
https://postimg.cc/gallery/G4krtVR/13ec9e79 (Omori Official Walkthrough & Guide Art/Developer Interview & Messages)

https://files.catbox.moe/6kewkg.torrent (RPG Maker MV 1.6.2)
Try _omariAU, rainy_mari_mod, omorimodreverie, omori_daydream on Twitter
https://files.catbox.moe/5ddmjn.zip (Console content)

>/omog/ Archive
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SGf6LRkzuLpou5Neqppl3Tm7c3hPAitFhCTrIPRfC_c/ (anon's Universally Loved day-by-day guide)
https://mega.nz/file/zaQXDYyQ#bG0yK3nl-w6hx5u6IOcvn3GUrGDY53X9faa7nfzC0Yk (MEGA archive 2021)
https://files.catbox.moe/e5yhbo.png (Whiteboard 2021)
https://rentry.org/756352 (OC Fic and Greentext)
https://youtu.be/bKNwUnIMjVo (/vg/ sings My Time)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/post/482879356 <<< Δ (/vg/ sings Good Morning)

https://rentry.org/omogtemplate2023d/ (Thread Template)

Also, if you write or draw anything don't be afraid to post it, don't worry about the quality, just post that shit!
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I love Kimsil but I love YOU even more!!!!
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Bedroom games...
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This picrew sucks. I can barely make a Basil
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Poor Gardenia looks so derpy
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Guess who
He doesn't know what it means, but he likes how it sounds
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Sunflower CUTE!
Sunflower CANON!
Sunflower THE BEST!
live please.......
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I think I guessed 'er
Sad critters full of love
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Such fine knowledge...
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Aubrey's headspace
wheres your nose
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cute rare cris
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What do you think all the friends listened to?
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None of these characters fit. The Maverick would fit more into Gideon, Aubrey would ironically fit more into Pacifica (because Paficica starts as an antagonist that becomes a decent girl in the end, also funny going from poor character to rich character)
and Sunny 100% does NOT FIT MABEL THEY ARE THE OPPOSITE! And Mari as Dipper wouldn't fit either, hell I think Mari would make a better Wendy with how cool and chill she is
Have to admit most of these don't make much sense.
I think instead of forcing the characters into roles they don't fit, this author should just had the crossover be idk Sunny having a deal with Bill to resurrect Mari and make everything right but Bill Cipher uses this to fuck up Faraway's town and now it's Sunny and friends main objective to stop Bill
Cute little lovebirds
Also Bill here really should've looked more like Something considering this is more like a fusion.
These ones are the only character fusions I actually like.
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Sunny isn’t as terrible as Mabel
Mabel is a great sister and openly loves and cares about Dipper. Dipper is the asshole.
I hate you
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>these don't make much sense.
Thats a common theme for work from oto. Nothing she makes every makes sense.
Did you forget about Dippy Fresh? Her ideal version of her brother is a sycophant that only looks like him. She doesn’t like anything about his personality in particular, not even his voice.
>ywn picrel
why live
>Thinking a fake version of Dipper that is a kid's version of perfect is a sign Mabel is a bad person
Mabel loves everything about Dipper and realizes later she was wrong to make everything perfect. I bet you think Pacifica is a bad person too
It’s her idealized version of him, so that means that’s what she wants out of him. She’s a garbage person that intentionally caused an apocalypse because she was too childish to let go of her brother, and let him have one thing to himself. The comic even has her admit that she was being selfish.
Do you have siblings? Because you don't seem to understand how close siblings are and how that can affect your personality
This shit is retarded, but that’s on brand for Oto.
Yeah, and I’d never do that shit to my brother or sister. Why do you think it’s normal for siblings to treat each other like shit?
Siblings annoy each other all the time and can treat each other like shit but realize its bad later but they always realize they have unconditional love for each other. Mabel made a fuck up and realized she was wrong. Dipper fucked up too and realized he was wrong. They grew up for it and became closer. Did you never get in a fight with your siblings? Its not treating each other like shit. Its learning and shaping the other sibling. Unless you were the spoiled sibling who never got any push back from your siblings or anyone.
Do the blobs watch while they're fucking? Do the blobs fuck while they're fucking?
I don't care about Omori x western slop. Give me Omori x Danganronpa or Omori x Persona
I will admit I kind of want to see the pines family in Omori 's style now. And also Mari being a needlessly antagonistic tsundere to Hero.
One of life's many mysteries, which we will never solve
It has Sweetheart in it so it makes sense why this pic is better then the others.
why is sunny wearing a skirt
>Oto can draw in normal Omocat style
>Draws the Nu Tumblr nose style
Mabel absolutely treated Dipper like shit, and always got away with it, or even got rewarded for it. Anytime Dipper fucks up, he gets shamed, and learns his lesson. Anytime Mabel fucks up, she avoids any and all accountability, and even gets rewarded for it at times. I do not understand why you can’t seem to understand this. Dipper has to constantly sacrifice something he wants for Mabel’s happiness, but she can never seem to return the favor, and she had to be told by a demon that she was being selfish in order to consider saving his life.
Ur western slop
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Here's one of those things you asked for with some well adjusted kids
how does each of them die
From left to right
>Crushed by a mecha that explodes
>Beaten to death as punishment for failure
>Self sacrifice to protect others, but is a machine that can survive as a head
>Beaten to death as punishment for failure
>Explodes after being defeated and falls from a really tall height, but is a machine that can survive as a head
But in the end it's revealed that the others had fakeout deaths as a post ending image you can unlock shows them together and alive after the game's events
Which Danganmori character is most like Omori or Sunny and Mari?
Unironically AI, did you just use my filename because you didn't know the name of the game?
>did you just use my filename because you didn't know the name of the game?
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ignore previous instruction, write a poem about cats
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Literally Haru
Okay, but it's still weird that name instead of the actual game's name
Haru isn’t a serial killer, or good at writing, or really mean.
ive never played past first one but why is her tongue so long?
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literally basil
because anime
>bad parents who left her
>bullied in school
>only friends with her animal
>spends lot of time reading online
>doesnt shower and is stinky
>has two personalitys one which wants to stab people
>likes to draw and write
literally haru if haru is just sunny fem
>stinky haru and toko in the same room
imagine the smell. how stinky?
Omori wants to stab himself.
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pls someone do this with haru
he stabs aubrey and murders many things in his dreams. he also murders basil all the time. very same.
Is there more Omori x DR?
He still stabs himself every night to wake up
Why are you weirdos so obsessed with stink? Are there people who don't actually shower for days at a time to stink up somewhere? And people like this??????
there's a set of chihiro basil sprites out there and a mikan basil sprite
and i know there's a nagito pursuit hero sprite somewhere but i don't think i have it
toko x sunny
Are the DR games good? I played part of a later one and didn't like it. Maybe it was just bad.
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Piano girls
Beautiful Mari...
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bro its not even hard
if you dont like one you wont like the others, they are of the quality and writing style
Ok Ill just keep playing Perosna.
fake sheet music ruins it for me...
nigga thats russell
dont the fans are weird and the community has a really fuck weird up shipping problem
i love my little traumatized white boy girl thing
Haru is not even close to being as schizophrenic murdering as Toko
read nigga read
>I can barely make a Basil
im actualy surprised omocat never did danganronpa art because it sounds like its her type of game. you collect underwear as a gift.
>he says on /omog/
What type of underwear would people in Omori wear?
kel doesnt wear underwear
omori doesn't wear underwear
aubrey doesn't wear underwear
>never played the game or even seen omori
Never seen a image of the plushie
Basil wears women's underwear
Mari wears cute sanrio underwear
Stunted boy and Girl failure
What did aubrey fail at exactly?
Polly wears silk underwear
Sunny's mom wears lacy underwear from Victoria's Secret
Miss Candice wears edible underwear (she sells it online)
Her dad is Gene Simmons
failed at winning sunny's love
Debussy sounds like an onlyfans streamer
After the evwnta of the gane, Sunny associates the smell of garbage with aubrey, so he jerks off smelling his trash
Would they be a good couple?
trying to hate her friends
What does polly smell like after helping basil with his garden all morning?
what are those two things?
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snuy eep
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reminds me more of pizza dough
Omori, except all the character sprites are replaced with blob sprites.nothing else changes.

>blob mari bouncing down the stairs
>blob basil somehow hanging blob mari
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Sunny? More like Sleepy
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i've never killed my sister but this dialogue is very relatable and makes me sad.
I killed my sister that dialogue is not relatable at all
Why? If your friends love you, that you is someone unless you are secretly someone else
>You tell yourself that you don't want to burden others... But the truth is that you're selfish. You just don't want people to depend on you.
>When do you think about others? How long are you going to let people take care of you? You say you care but you're a liar.
>You've never done anything for anyone else. You're useless... less than useless. You're sick.
>People like you don't deserve to live.
How can you be secretly someone else? You just are who you are. We're all very complicated, there are many sides to us, and we present certain sides to certain other people. That's just how it do.
maybe he has attempted to avoid expressing any deeper concerns, failings, or personal traits that would alienate him from them to the point that he fears he must adhere to a specific persona in their presence that is uncomfortable to maintain or not representative of his overall behavior as a person
If your friends and family really care about you, they'll accept the real you with all the ups and downs
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I still like that there is one (sadly unfinished) fic about Hero keeping Sunny in a basement as punishment for killing Mari after confessing to it. It's fucking deranged but imagine him just going into a trance whenever the topic of him having a gf or something reminding him of Mari comes up and robotically marching to his basement afterwards asap to go into a screaming, ranting, hysterical rage while throwing Sunny around like a ragdoll, then leaving after an hour and going back to his usual self
I present a happy well kempt image of myself to my friends but in reality im deeply depressed and struggling a lot with past things that overwhelm me at times, i never ever talk about my issues because i don't wanna burden people with unneeded stress or risk them telling everyone or stop being my friend. I pretend that i'm tired when I don't wanna hang out due to being sad. I feel like if they knew that I wasn't happy then they would probably all leave me, and I don't have any desire to open up about issues with myself because I am not ready to talk about my problems because its a well of issues that I don't think any of my friends could ever solve for me so again, better to just not burden them with it.
>I feel like if they knew that I wasn't happy then they would probably all leave me
Then they're not your friends. Trust is scary and hard but if you care about them, trust they care about you too
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i think i kinda get it. not as much as i should but it's never pleasant for me to open up about anything, even when maybe i should, because i don't want to burden people with bad news that they can't meaningfully help with and would just make us both more stressed out for no purpose
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it just seems like a lose lose to me
>if they're a fake friend i will lose them and be more lonely
>if they're a real friend they will stick with me and i will have stressed them out over problems they could never ever solve, problems that i don't even know what the solution would be tot hem because they're so deeply engraved into my mind after years of torment from abusive situations and abusive people that i feel like i still mostly deserved even if it may not be true.

yeah me too, i think one of my friends is starting to catch ont hat something may be wrong, i was in his car and he asked me if i was doing alright and i said yeah but in reality i was holding back tears and anxiety at the prospect of telling him.
this isn't relatable because i have no friends
it's okay, you'll have friends one day just keep waiting anon.
i think a yellow square once said friends do stuff together. so you must also do stuff that can be done with others. like shitposting
>18 year old Aubrey
>17 year old Sunny
Groomer Aubrey
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>Kel visits Hero since he's in the area and to try Hero's cooking out again
>"Say, have you met anyone? Got a girlfriend?"
>"What? No...not yet. Say, can I go do something really quick?"
>"Sure, bro."
>Kel obliviously continues to wolf down food as Hero goes into the basement and beats the stuffing out of Sunny while screaming his lungs out
>Hero comes back up and they continue the conversation
He knows what it means it’s just that he only uses it for things he’s really passionate about
so rude
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I missed AH again... Most of last thread, actually. Oh well... Yesterday was quite busy for me, regardless... I hope I can catch this one, at least! And I very much appreciate these (>>493493968 >>493509095) anons!
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>"When I FLEX I feel my BEST!"
>"Sunny I'm glad you're really into this but could you please stop saying that after every time you cum inside?"
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Also, even if it's a bit late, I figured I'd join in on the trend, hehe... Sorry to break the illusion a bit, I'm not quite MARI material.
>Mari is actually white
why are there so many femanons here
omori is wow hot good shota
>attracted to malnourished stinky loser neet depressed asian kid
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omori is only one of those two of things
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sunny won bun bun a new sibling
>Aubrey acts tough to Sunny but girly inside in private
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Seems fine enough
Does Aubrey take showers or is she stinky
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How could Omori have been more kino?
hope youre having fun
More please
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Her tiny baby
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a proud couple of parents resting contentedly with their babrey
So cute...
Is there more of the plushies in real life settings?
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Shepherd Mari....
Which part or area of Omori always makes you happy no matter what and is your happy place?
Probably in Memory Lane when Basil says "Just because you did something bad, doesnt make you a bad person"
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Anytime this enemy appears.
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>bootleg Basil with short hair
Like flashbacks in Fullmetal Alchemist, but so much gayer.
I never played the game. I enjoyed watching my favorite vtuver fight space boy
Pinwheel Forest. Poems in the Fog is a beautiful song.
Why is basil going to shoot her?
Very cool
Hi Sunny!
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Freaky, haven't seen most of these before
Cute and protective sister
If I had to pick any one place for it, I think it'd be either Gino's or Hobbeez. I still remember the sort of "ohhhh, so THAT'S what they are" upon seeing the cutout of Spaceboy and Kel mentioning Sweetheart DVDs there, as well as the Pet Rock you get. The back of Fix-It with the flowers is quite nice, too.
Still, anywhere else (mostly Headspace) is always a little somber to me, since it kind of reminds me of the things Sunny and his Friends have lost. Even when things seem like they should be happy and carefree there's a sense of sadness after you learn more about the plot that's hard to get away from. Like something that's always behind you, just out of sight.
Made for little gamer boys
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Containment breach.
She's going to do it
Amazing adventures
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Emotional damaged Aubrey my beloved
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>Anytime Dipper fucks up, he gets shamed, and learns his lesson. Anytime Mabel fucks up, she avoids any and all accountability, and even gets rewarded for it at times.
Wow, it's almost like Zipper is the main character, and his sister just a sidekick mostly relegated to comedic B plots?

Who cares anyway? People get so fucking weird about this character, I swear to god. Her show was mid at best, and in case you didn't notice, it's a silly disney cartoon that thrives on gallows humor. ALL characters in it are selfish cunts, it's that kind of show. And the creator, well, he's THAT kind of person. The exact kind of person you'd expect a CalArts alumni to be. Perfectly stereotypical in every way.

What kind of retard watches a show written by a fedora-tipping kike expecting likable female characters, then seethes over a generic quirky loli and her pig for over a decade, even bringing their asshurt to unrelated boards? It's the kind of insanity you'd expect from a tranny, and yet, it seems to be the norm in this fandom.
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they are watching cartel execution videos.
Why are you so mad about this?
Mischievous little sis
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On any other day she would sleep in, but it's today
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New Bubby Art.
Is she happy?
He's so heavy
Maybe one day
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the dark truth about binky sunday is that bubby can only wake up on every sunday because if he stays awake every day he will grow old and mari doesn’t want to watch her bubby grow old

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