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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7604 - Irrelevant Antagonist Edition

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Official Trailer

>Sonic is getting a five issue crossover miniseries with DC, further collaboration will continue through 2026

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog #75 - 11 December 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #76 - 05 February 2025
Sonic the Hedgehog #77 - 19 March 2025

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread: >>503432647
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Balling the save the universe
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Who's the pajeethog fighting?
I’m gonna say what no one has the guts to say.
Design-wise, Sonic Lost World has the best Modern Sonic model to date. If they had just omitted the brown shit lips it would have been perfect.
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Reminder that Sonic is brand mascot and nothing more. He's not representational of anything other than being a mascot for SEGA as a brand. He exists to make SEGA money, so they can use it making Yakuza games, the series they actually like. He's not "the wind" he's not anything other than a means of making money, stop deluding yourself.
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Good morning. I (Espio's human wife) love my husband.
I'll have the whiteboard open within the next hour or so.
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This, is BOY.
Blaze and Babylon rogues are the only pajeets
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The next Storybook game: Lolita
>short quills
"Sonic" = Sonic the Hedgehog
"Kid Sonic" = Kid growing and learning to be like Sonic the Hedgehog = Miles "Tails" Prower, Sonic's little brother sidekick.
"Girl Sonic" = Feminine equivalent to Sonic the Hedgehog = Amy Rose, Sonic's self-proclaimed girlfriend figure.
"Anti Sonic" = Against Sonic the Hedgehog as the antithesis = Knuckles the Echidna, Sonic's friendly rival and fighting buddy.
"Nega Sonic" = Polar opposite of Sonic the Hedgehog, the negative to Sonic's positive = Blaze the Cat, Sonic's foil from a parallel world.
"Dark Sonic" = Dark reflection of Sonic the Hedgehog = Shadow the Hedgehog
"Light Sonic" = Light reflection of Sonic the Hedgehog = Silver the Hedgehog
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>liking wiggly hentai tentacle quills
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Anti Sonic = Fang
Nega Sonic = Fang
Dark Sonic = Fang
Nah, he's dark-skinned, he's low IQ, he's hairy, he has a unibrow, he wears kohl eyelimer, he's a whiny incel who simps hard for women... Silver's your standard pajeet.
Tania growing out her quills to resemble maria's hair!
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None of those other characters are Sonic the Hedgehog, so none of those titles fit those other characters.
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No vault can hold me.
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I want to fit inside of Sonic the Hedgehog
>Pinky promise you won get genocidal again?
You just described Jet and Blaze, especially Blaze since she's flat ugly and very bad at her job as a monarch
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Metal Sonic = The Real Sonic = Anti Loathsome Copy
I wish they let Amy have more outfits. I love these
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Wanna smell me?
Literally none of those things describe Jet or Blaze. Cope Pajeetverfag.
>he's low IQ
Don't disrespect my Indian YouTube guy
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Sonic the Hedgehog is a fictional character. The official character of Sonic is pic-related. Stop fixating on surface-level constructs of the franchise being a "Brand", because the actual franchise itself is a creative work brought into the world via talented creatives and the like. Sonic is a Mascot, and what that actually means is a character that embodies a particular set of concepts and ideals represented via the character as the personification of those ideals as a symbol. What Sonic is actually the "mascot" of is speed, freedom and coolness. That is the spirit Sega, or Sonic Team, wants to evoke through using Sonic the Hedgehog as their mascot.
Low IQ, she had to talk to a caveman to make her understand what "duty" means.
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Blaze is Japanese.
Was he?
He was nice to me on the whiteboards.
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Disgusting smelly filthy animal
He's Italian/Japanese, ain't no way in hell he's close to pajeet levels of Blaze the shat and Babylon rogues
>Was he?
No. Quit giving dramafags (You)s.
>None of those other characters are Sonic the Hedgehog
Shadow and Silver ARE Sonic, that's kinda the point with both. But regardless, the Kid/Girl/Anti/Nega labels do not mean "Sonic" himself, it specifies a certain relationship TO Sonic.

"Kid Sonic" is the kid that wants to be like Sonic. Not Sonic as a kid.
"Girl Sonic" is the girl equivalent to Sonic. Not Sonic as a girl.
"Anti Sonic" is the antithesis placed against Sonic. Not Sonic as an antithesis of himself.
"Nega Sonic" is the polar opposite equivalent to Sonic, like the other end of a magnet. Not Sonic himself as a negative version or whatever.

By contrast, "Dark" and "Light" inherently mean a mirror image of the same thing. Shadow the Hedgehog as a character is designed to be a reflection of Sonic, but the mirror in question is one of darkness. Shadow is the dark incarnation of Sonic, as the Sonic Heroes manual describes.
He's a filthy dark-skinned Pajeet with a giant unibrow, eyeliner, and smells like curry. He uses his powers to fly over the streets and shit directly onto them from the air.
I just realized he kinda resembles Nega?
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El zorro!
Sounds like fun
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Aw dammit, bamboozled by dramafaggotry again.
>Shadow and Silver ARE Sonic
Nah, they're LIKE Sonic, but they're not Sonics. They're a Shadow and a Silver.
Bro you got played. You fell for a marketing trap. These stories are superficial. There is no deeper meaning to it other than lining their pockets, you're delusional to think they at all adhere to any of that garbage. The writing is so inconsistent that you have to bend the narrative to fit your molds. SEGA literally only cares about the money, so they'll shove underdeveloped slop ion your face and tell you it has a super rich and deep stories but infact only serve as to tell nothing, advance nothing and ultimatley go back to zero so they can shove out whatever boring ass game they need to next. You're nan idiot for trying to push this idea that Sonic exists for any other reason than to make money for SEGA. You're a stupid ass consumer trying to give this BRAND a deeper meaning than anything ever intended.
If she was Japanese she would've killed herself from how much she has.
The Time Eater's little bro called the Second Devourer

Get it

He's the second one and the devourer of seconds.
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BOY is strong.
She tried, Sonic didn't let her.
>a pajeet is into a pajeet
eh makes sense i guess.
You might as well say that about all fiction everywhere, and you would be wrong every single time. Because every creative work was crafted from the minds of creative individuals who have passion for the art they make and the stories they tell. Sonic the Hedgehog is a genuine work of art created from the passion of Sonic Team. SEGA as a corporation wants to use that to make money, but the actual creators of Sonic created Sonic out of passion for the character and his story.
He needs to be so he can hold you down and rape you with his boypenis.
Wait, Silver's into Surge?
But Sonic is free like he wind! he would let her do whatever she wants!
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My girl Ulala needs more love...

Whisper is black, not indian
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No wonder Sonic has been mediocre for so long, stupid faggot schizos like you delude yourself into thinking there is literally any fucking passion left there, especially from the Japanese.
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I love sage, do you anon?
The entire cast is pajeets, why do you think their pushing jew propaganda into the movies?
It does not matter how distinct they are as individuals. The core concept and foundation for Shadow the Hedgehog and even Silver the Hedgehog as characters is in being versions of Sonic.

Professor Gerald sought out to create the Ultimate Lifeform, and the end result was a Sonic clone spawned from demonic alien blood. Thus, a "Dark Sonic" was born. Shadow as an individual is not LITERALLY the specific person born on Christmas Island or the reincarnation of the test pilot who died breaking the sound barrier, but what he represents is a dark reflection of that same individual. As a character, his function is to be another Sonic.

And Silver is an attempt to re-create all of that, but with light instead of dark, as ANOTHER version of Sonic.
No he does whatever HE wants and HE forces everyone to live until he says otherwise
Dammit why the fuck does he interfere with everything?
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I do not.
If you don't like Sonic and see no value in Sonic, then leave.

As long as you remain here, your argument can never be valid because you must find value in Sonic as a franchise to continue to post in the Sonic general about Sonic.
Okay but they're still not Sonic the Hedgehog so your own definition doesn't support the titles.
That doesn't sound like the wind...
No, the fact that faggots like you breathe the same air as me disgusts me, you have no value, and neither does your empty words. You're desperately pathetic and do not get to dictate what I do. Kill yourself, you poison and blight on this series.
dramafag is getting weaker
>Forehead bindi
Kodomo franchise
Sparky drained his power with his infernal autism.
You're missing the fact that I derived the title "Dark Sonic" from how Shadow has been officially described in official media. Shadow is Dark Sonic, that is what he fundamentally is.

"But he isn't LITERALLY Sonic, so how can he be a dark version of Sonic?" What, and Mephiles isn't a "Dark Shadow"? A character whose very DESIGN Only exists because he absorbed Shadow's shadow and spent the whole '06 Shadow campaign trying to pull Shadow back into the darkness? You're gonna say that he isn't 'Dark Shadow' because Mephiles as an individual is a different person from Shadow?

This is about character roles and archetypes in fictional stories. Many characters exist with a specific purpose of filling a particular role that functions adjacently to another character. The "Anti Sonic" is a character that stands against Sonic, on an antithetical level. That does not mean it is literally Sonic himself against himself, it is anyone who fits the bill of being "Anti" (against) Sonic. That specific role is Knuckles, Sonic's rival who challenges him on an ideological level. Knuckles obviously is not Sonic, and that is the point. He is NOT Sonic, he is ANTI Sonic. He's the guy who'll call Sonic out for doing something he is morally opposed to, argue that Sonic's way of life is fundamentally wrong or flawed.
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>No, the fact that faggots like you breathe the same air as me disgusts me,
Well then obviously I have a ton of value and my means carry a ton of meaning to 'em, to incite such a reaction within you.

Thus, the Sonic franchise has depth and meaning to it, that you can never destroy, because any attempt you make at doing so will only further prove that it exists in the first place.
If your idea of decent is a Windows XP wallpaper and floating popping in rails, or a shitty remake of a 13 year old game with maybe 2 hours of extra content and you're satisfied with that, you deserve the rope too. Boost is also cancer, if you needed to hear that.
Best character, finally we're focusing on eggmans development.
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post your tier lists
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I do love Knuckles, however.
damn you're one hateful sack of misery
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Then he wouldn't be called the "Anti Sonic" he wouldn't be called the anything Sonic he's just he a guy against Sonic.
Sorry, I don't like low effort trash like you do.
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How can anyone hate him, look at how genuine his suffering is
Find an autistic girl
Be friends with her by being trust worthy and funny
Introduce her to Sonic little by little
Show her more of your masculine side
Remove all other competition for her and give her the competition
Stay with her for quite some time
Tell her to leave and call a hooker and tell her to talk to you about Sonic.
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>He's the guy who'll call Sonic out for doing something he is morally opposed to,
That would be great if Knuckles were allowed to do that, but we all know Sonic is always right and anything any character says is from someone less experienced than our Paragon
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How would you defend yourself from her?
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Throw a bucket on her head.
Water, she'd fry herself
The term "Anti Sonic" MEANS "Against Sonic", because that is what "Anti-" as a suffix means when paired with anything!

"Anti-Me" would be someone against me. Like, in this case, you. Obviously, you are not me. You are against me. Therefor, you are 'Anti Me'.

Regardless, the point is that many core characters in this franchise are designed to be adjacent to Sonic in some way. When your role is "Sidekick", "Girlfriend" or "Rival", then you as a character exist to have a particular relationship with another character. And then they also give other characters their own adjacent sidekicks or rivals.

Tails is Sonic's sidekick, the "Kid Sonic". I derived this term from The Flash's sidekick who is called "Kid Flash". Cream was created to be Amy's own equivalent to Tails, so she is "Kid Amy". Marine exists similarly for Blaze.

Blaze is Sonic's polar opposite, and Rouge is the same for Knuckles. Blaze is Nega-Sonic, Rouge is Nega-Knuckles. Blaze has many things in common with Knuckles, and Rouge has many things in common with Sonic. Because Knuckles is the Anti-Sonic. To be opposite to Sonic is to hold the qualities of Knuckles or Blaze.

It's all relative to each other in a giant spider web of connections. It's all connected. Everything is connected.

All is One. One is All.
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just be made of rubber 5head
>Calling Racing Transformed slop
Post discarded
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>abandons the creative and very cool riders for mario kart rip off SLOP
I hate him because he's a shitty character who should have vaulted after sa1
knuckles hate are redundant now anon, get with times
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Who's a good character then
That's literally happening now with the cuck rock.
Sir, that's an elephant hitting a mole
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Amy is a precious treasure!
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Who's the niggest character?
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>The term "Anti Sonic" MEANS "Against Sonic"
Wouldn't that also make him Anti-Everyone if everyone is a Sonic? Including himself?
>Wouldn't that also make him Anti-Everyone if everyone is a Sonic? Including himself?
No. It's not everyone is a Sonic, the terminology refers to how everyone relates to Sonic. Shadow and Silver relate to Sonic by being mirror images of him through different lens, Knuckles relates to Sonic by being the thing that stands against Sonic.

Knuckles is against the idea of "Sonic". If someone contains that idea of "Sonic", then yes Knuckles is against them. Amy is Girl Sonic, so she inherently has Sonic-like traits just as Rouge does, so Knuckles would be against both of them fort hat same reason. Rouge is already the Nega-Knuckles which is why she has Sonic-like traits, because Knuckles is against the collection of ideas that create the concept of Sonic. Those same ideas can be found in Rouge.
It's my turn to be Sonic
This is true, Evan said Whisper is canonically black.
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Aunt amy, what is a... a nigger?
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>I see that you're more machine than biologics, Tenrec.
>Do you know what that means? It means I can control, reprogram and create all manner of punishments for someone like you.
>... No, no, I don't think I'll kill you.
>Though dreadfully satisfying for all the trouble you've caused, that solution is far too... Short term.
>Something far more rewarding would be your absolute servitude.
>Hm? You'll never fight for Eggman willingly, you say?
>Then... Oh, you know what sounds fun? What if I forced you to become a priestess? The Maiden to His church, that you'd have to establish.
>Construction aside, I think I'd enjoy seeing you sing His praises to the masses.
>I could even make some rituals for you to perform in his honor too, day in and day out.
>You'll be praising The Doctor until the hours bleed away.
>Then, once you've earned the right, I'll even let you return home.
>But you'll be going there to spread His word and praise Him before the masses.
>You don't like that idea?
>I guess I can agree it's rather tasteless. After all, Father doesn't need someone like you to validate his existence.
>But then...
>He could use a Maid... Yes, you heard me.
>Surely you've seen them, dressed in frills and heels. No doubt modified for the comfort of the onlooker rather than the wearer. Humans seem fond of the idea.
>Could you picture it? Dusting and sweeping, serving the finest coffee and cakes, and all with a smile on your face.
>I will expect to hear nothing but "Yes, sir." and "Please," from you. Regardless of what He may ask or demand.
>Speak out of line, and I will not hesitate to erase you.
>I know, they're all so horrible. But that's the point, this is your punishment.
>Shh, you shouldn't cry so desperately. It's unbecoming. Not to mention, useless.
>I don't wish to waste anymore time on this so you should pick now, before I pick for you.
>Decide, how I will make you His for all time.
>He's pretending to be Sonic again
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You niggas hyping up Knuckles as the "mountain" who goes against Sonic's ideals, when all that coon does is sit on his rock all day getting less screentime than Amy.
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> shota femdom rape

Now you're speakin' my language
you're so boring, /sthg/
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Pay me. No?
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>singlehandedly caused Ian Flynn to have a nervous breakdown
Gets raped by thirsty human women on a constant basis
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or this?
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It's still NO NUT NOVEMBER you can't give up now you're so close!
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They left out she fucks platypuses.
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BOY refuses.
This one’s much better.
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Anyone but Knuckles. He was effectively rendered completely redundant by Shadow, and Blaze already does guardianship better than him.
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She's Potential the Character, so I cannot wait to see how Sonic Team ruins her.
Shadow needs a big foxy hug.
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Sonic coomer,24 Days straight without nutting, you guys wanna challenge me?
>No. It's not everyone is a Sonic, the terminology refers to how everyone relates to Sonic.
Then calling them all Sonic is bad terminology.
>Own domain to protect (angel island and sol)
>sacred jewel
>back story of some sort
>clashes with Sonic
>befriends Sonic later
Knuckles is beta Blaze
>Alone on a Friday night? God, you're pathetic
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>Blaze already does guardianship better than him
She also genocided everyone who might think different than herself. We can't just kill Eggdude off, even though that would fix all problems.
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Honeyfags usually don't like Honey. Honey canonically has a duel personality. Her clothes give her confidence. Without them, she is very introverted and unconfident.
She also isn't an expert fashionista, she is a student and her clothes are seen as kind of tacky in-universe.
Flynn fucked her up by not properly looking into her source material.
I'm not calling them all Sonic.
Knuckles has that "Why is this bitch so hot?" look.
>flyinn ruins everything
That's why i only use sthg canon.
It's the first time he sees an Echidna.
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Just let him have Tikal already, bro. Rouge has nothing he wants.
do you think this is incest
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Touch the fox and i break your hands.
Rouge belongs to shadow, but bringing tikal back would feel forced. Give knuckles trip or ariem. It would solve all shipping debates
Fang WON
If she never had kids and he wasn't her cousin or brother, no
They’re 2,000 years apart, so it doesn’t even matter.
People who say this is incest are so retarded.
First of all, there's no proof that Tikal is even part of Knuckles' family tree.
Second, even if she was, their genetics are thousands of years apart.
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Tikal is for Shadow
>Flynn fucked her up by not properly looking into her source material.
Ian has done this with many characters
Are you retarded?
IDW Sonic wishes he was this cool.
To be incest you have to fuck anything below your third cousin.
>throws mom
Tikal is dead. Maria is dead. Stop shipping him with dead girls

I've already explained, the terminology centers around how they relate to Sonic.

"This character is X-Sonic. The X version of Sonic." <- This is the general structure/format I am using. It's just a quick and easy way to get these ideas across as simple and clean as I can put it.
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He just got a deeper connection with his aunt who raised and loved him like a son since he was a little pup.
If it is incest, it's too far removed to actually matter.
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Do you need to cum?
Everyone dies eventually
>Flynn didn't rip off someone else's work
This is a bad thing now?
Oh, it's terrible.
Babylon Rogues are arab
This is the kind of music Sonic listens to

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Are you retarded?
Are you?
Anti-Shadriafags don't cry at funerals because they automatically stop feeling anything when someone dies
Sparky just hasn't been the same since they killed knuxouge despite him insisting that is was canon
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Only if Knuckles is somehow descended from Pachacamac(which he's probably not) and even then it would be so incredibly distant from millennia of Generations that it wouldn't matter. They'd be ten times more distant than Knuckles and Julie.
>Ian is such a good writer
>No I don't read Drogune and no one I know does it either but Ian is definitely a good writer I promise
He is writing a character. A character created by someone else. He should be writing that character in accordance to the original vision. That isn't "ripping off someone else's work", that is literally using that other person's work itself as that is what it means to be writing for a property you do not own.
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Eggman keeps a picture of her framed in his workshop.
I could see Blaze meditating in bathhouses to relax
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@ 39:57
not gonna start a relationship with a dead person no.
>He should be writing that character in accordance to the original vision.
The original vision was a bonus character in a fighting game. There is nothing saying that animal Honey is the exact same character as human Honey. That's not following a vision, that's being lazy and just doing the same thing.
That's right anon it doesn't matter who you ship him with it will end the same way, with him putting flowers on their tombstone and missing the time they had together
Writing characters in character isn't ripping people off you dipshit
You people literally falseflag as shadougebros to give us a bad name
Sonic Honey had no character.
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More nightmare fuel for my dream, thanks God.
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>fucks up character
>"This is a good thing."
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Great thanks to Black Doom for sponsoring this child
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Uwuver is more popular than regular Silver ever was.
She looks like she fucks bird women.
Sonic the hedgehog?
Honey the Cat is literally just Honey from Fighting Vipers as a Sonic OC. There is absolutely no reason to believe or even want Honey to be a different character altogether from Honey, because HONEY IS HONEY.

Stuff like this is what gives us Movie Sonic and stuff when SONIC should just be SONIC, meaning the same SONIC that was originally conceived. If a Sonic movie is being produced, then the expectation should be "wow, I get to see Sonic in a movie!", not "yeah, let's create an entirely different character altogether but still give him Sonic's name and branding even though this has nothing to with the Sonic all the fans know and love".
no sonichu
Yep, nobody liked silver before, now he got trannies.
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No one even knows what regular Silver even is
Then I fail to see what some guy has to do with Sonic.
Dude, I know about Sonichu, I don't care about the creator.
>Honey the Cat is literally just Honey from Fighting Vipers
no she isn’t.
Shut the fuck up lesbian.
Sonic The Comic: Online is cringe fanfiction.
>Honey the Cat is literally just Honey from Fighting Vipers
That's your headcanon. It's no where established that is the case. All they share is some design choices and general occupation, nothing more. This is in no way the same situation with Movie Sonic where Sonic is already an established character in the franchise. Cat Honey's character was never established anywhere in the franchise until Archie.
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>I know about Sonichu, I don't care about the creator.
Sonichu is just one part of Chris's infamy. It's a packaged deal with his story.
>what is a different interpretation?
Mills Basset
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Sonichu is barely on topic, his creator's anitcs are not.
Now, how would you make Sonic x Pokemon crossover genuienly good?
>"Smash Brothers."
Who should I draw naked /sthg/?
the bride of rich nights.
Yeah because it's todays content nitwit.
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yes! x2
Nah, Silver wasn't popular when he was in current content until Uwuver was cemented.
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This cat character is just a Sonic OC design of the Fighting Vipers character. There is absolutely no reason to believe its an entirely separate entity.

>>what is a different interpretation?
Pointless, is what it is. All these different "interpretations" dilute the integrity of the original concept to the point that no one would even know or remember what it even was anymore. If I watched a show as a kid that was an adaptation of a long-running franchise but the characters are all very different and far removed from the original source, and so then I see the original version of that franchise later and its basically unrecognizable to me, what exactly was I watch before? Who are the characters I thought I loved, in this hypothetical example? If it's all the same character, why are they so different? If they're fundamentally different and should be treated as such, who do they share the exact same name and certain things as if its meant to be considered the same?

It's all pointless nonsense. If a franchise is adapted to a different medium, that adaptation should still retain the same underlying conceptual core as the original version, otherwise why does the adaptation even exist? At a certain point, there's no point in telling a different story if this is a new adaptation meant to bring in new audiences that didn't even know the original work.
>There is absolutely no reason to believe its an entirely separate entity.
one is a human the other is a cat
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Not only that, it's the worst thing made even worse by stronger mandates and the focus on being canon filler. All of it on the hands of sega having a PTSD thanks to penders.
Tge entire shit cake locked under a progressive zeitgeist.

You literally can't do shit except pulling out gay and childish content.
With the same name and outfit and stuff.

It's the same character drawn in a different style, adapted to a different world.
I'm glad someone said it.
Her only redeeming quality is that her taste in hetero ships is pretty solid (sonamy and shadouge)
Archie Silver was popular
Game Silver was never popular because he hails from obscure or infamously bad media with localizations that misrepresent him and have terrible voice acting on top of the actual meat of his character being unclear.
>This cat character is just a Sonic OC design of the Fighting Vipers character. There is absolutely no reason to believe its an entirely separate entity.
That is entirely the reason why it's a separate entity. It's an entirely different universe, setting, and premise. There's no reason to think she's a carbon copy.
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Consider it done
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Do you know what an expy is
in a completely different world far removed from the source material her character is based on she isn’t Honey from Fighting Vipers she’s Honey the Cat.
>That is entirely the reason why it's a separate entity.
No. That's stupid. It makes no sense. It doesn't matter if its a different universe, "Honey" is still "Honey". It's not creating a new character, the character already exists, she's just being adapted to a different world. Regardless of whether she's a version of Honey from Sonic's world or the human Honey isekia transformed into Sonic's World as a cat, it should still be "Honey".

Reinventing an entirely new personality and background just because you "can" is stupid and pointless when the character should ultimately just be the same character.
So, is Ian not allowed to talk about Fang?
>20 year old dating a 16 year old
He definitely doesn't
what does she see in Vector that made her prepare 2 very different ships for him?
>It doesn't matter if its a different universe
If you're lazy and just want to be a rip-off, then I guess so.
>Archie Silver was popular
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>Vector x Espio
>When Espio it's not only a minor, but also Vector's protege/son/babybro
Someone post this on Xitter and let's watch the ensuing shitshow together
>It doesn't matter if its a different universe
no THATS stupid
Big green cock
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Forgot my image
Thank god sega doesn't make her go free.
Archie Silver was never popular because he hails from obscure or infamously bad media with localizations that misrepresent him and have terrible dialogue on top of the actual meat of his character being unclear.
Okay, is he not allowed to talk about Fang, or does he simply have no interest in talking about Fang?
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Sex with Sonic's dad
>If you're lazy and just want to be a rip-off, then I guess so.
No. What's lazy is trying to create an entirely new character but still calling it the exact same name as the original.

The same character should be the same character. A different character should be a different character. If it has the same name, it should have the same general design and personality and everything else. If it has a different personality and design and everything, it should have a different name.

It is not that hard.

Either write the character, or make a new one. DON'T WRITE A NEW CHARACTER WHILE CALLING IT THE SAME NAME.
>>When Espio it's not only a minor
When did that stop people?
Also 16 is like 17, and 17 is near 18, so it's legal.
When was it the case? Yeah, Vector runs the agency, but Espio's voice and manners would imply he's pretty mature
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The autism is too powerful in this one.
They probably mandated him not to because Ian has a problem with having characters read out their personalities and dynamics with each other, and they didn't trust him to handle how Fang and Trip feel about each other for whatever reason.
>having characters read out their personalities and dynamics with each other
Bojack Horsemanism
>it should have the same general design and personality and everything else
Not possible if they come from a different background in a different continuity.
See movie Sonic
He’s the only boring 20 year old character so sonictwitterfags won’t cancel her for it
Who is the leader of Team Dark?
Honey the Cat was never written to be the same as human Honey. It is not going off the original here because there was no original Honey the Cat. The two are entirely different characters. Just doing the exact same thing is lazy when it was never part of the original's character, that being Honey from Sonic Fighters.
Good thing we're not then since her name is Honey the Cat.
fang is present in the comic why wouldn’t he be
Alright, what was stopping them from just writing Sonic in-character in the movies other than a hollow desire for a relatable child protagonist?
He still don't act like Sonic even though they market him as such.
None, Team Dark is an out-of-universe brand.
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Archie was legitimately the only reason anyone liked the character for a long time. People that hate every other version of Silver like Archie Silver.
>has an endless audience waiting for main ships like sonamy to get canonize
>"why yeah let's do vector/espio gay nigger bullshit"
WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH THESE LESBIANIGGERS WHO THE FUCK HIRED THEM? Who the fuck put them in charge of the canon and why is ian so fucking gay to not do anything...
His background. He didn't grow up to be the wind man. instead he became someone's giant pet hedgehog. He still retains that cockiness though.
Anon she considers herself BULLIED into helping the BAD GUYS and that it was pretty PATHETIC. That's some loaded language that should tell you everything you need to know.
The hoops you guys jump through...
>yet more yelling about shipping
You're all allegedly grown men, and here you are getting into fights and forcing drama over shipping.
>death battle
Noone even read archie. Its fanbase was always a very vocal minority, their readership was never even hitting a million and only a fraction of what IDW one got. Silver was popular for 06
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based she’s underrated
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Iizuka can't write Shadow for shit and flat out does not understand what made Shadow so special as a character. Shadow in his game is among the most disliked Shadow personalities, and not for the guns, no, because he's boring.
Look at Shadow in Rivals, written by Iizuka. What Shadowfag brings up the Rivals series? None of them, unless it's to post that scene where Metal rips a hole in himself. And that's more about Metal than it is Shadow, honestly.

When Maekawa wrote Shadow, he was far less flat. Maekawa understood Shadow was pure of mind, was subtle, used 僕 (boku) like a schoolboy. Because under Shadow's serious demeanor, that's what he is. A boy who was forced to grow up too fast -- no, never really given a chance to "grow up" to begin with. And he's also haughty, and pompous, and self important, but he beats himself up inside for things he can't control.
I think it becomes clearer if you view Shadow less as a le serious edgy adult character and more as the teenager he is. A teenager lacking proper life experience. And this isn't to say Shadow is some little baby uwu boy, because he's not, he's intelligent, sharp-witted, ruthless, and usually knows what he's doing.

"I was right to let Shadow cry there at that time. I'm proud of you, me from 20 years ago." - Shiro Maekawa
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There are no men on /sthg/ and only retards like you think anyone is claiming anything else
Duh, look how much content he has, hell even in that table you posted they barely know jack shit about him.
Has anyone ever actually read Drogune
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No but seriously fuck the canon, they could hire a goddamn homeless spic in cali and brand his brain farts as canonic to the series, at this point it's less valuable than a cold turd left on the street.
She is literally a furry version of the original Honey. Her acting different completely misses the point.
>People that hate Silver like [Character that isn't Silver]
I would have never guessed.
Yeah because it's todays content nitwit, learn to read, Silver didn't have shit back then. uwuver does, and that's why he's known more, shocking right?
Maekawa literally created him, of course he knows Shadow
Everyone knows fans get characters better than anyone in Sonic Team currently.
>diapershiter it's obsessed with turds
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uuuu Tangle i’m sad and gay
You're still ostensibly adults though. Maybe try acting like it for once in your worthless lives.
no she literally isn’t.
And fuck you ragebaiter.
>She is literally a furry version of the original Honey.
You keep using that word and it's never true. That's your headcanon, not what was established.
I hate leftoids.
Silver is not popular no matter the iteration. Only shippers care about this faggot. He'll never be like Sonic and Shadow or even Knuckles.
Lanolin and Whisper should beat up Silver for being a sexist misogynist
>Silver didn't have shit back then
>video games are nothing
Okay anon
That's ironic and you know it is.
>Silver was popular for 06
Everyone hated him for 06. Nobody has ever liked or even known his actual character and only like parodies of him. The English dub of 06 portrays him as a nervous insecure co-dependent child with a whiny voice and the Japanese versions of Sonic games are even more obscure than Archie. The only time Silver's character has been accurately represented in English Sonic games are the obscure Rivals and Colors DS handhelds.
Wait for the movies and remake.
>Ianfags have no idea how homages work now.
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and fat too
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Proud beautiful lesbian queens are not “boring”, chud, independent women who are more than just trophies for the males just intimidate you
Ends justifies the means. Will protect his cause using his wrath.
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Fang is so insignificant to Trip that he isn’t even worth remembering.
do you? Goku is a homage to Sun Wukong he isn’t literally him.
Nobody talks about Archie Silver except Silverfags who try to use it as cope to say "S-See! Silver was cool somewhere!" Don't fucking kid yourself.
>dumbass thinks a homage means just straight up copying something else
Way to expose yourself.
>Nobody has ever liked or even known his actual character
How can you hate something if you don't actually know anything about it? It sounds to me like people hate Silver because of SegaSammy rushed 06, and SoA bastardized his character to the point where people only see their version instead who he actually is, and hate him because of that.
lol stop arguing with him
Maybe she'll leave the US once he's inaugurated.
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More than intimidated i feel cock and balls tortured.
Goku doesn't look like Son Wukong.

It's just Honey as a cat because she was designed with Sonic's setting in mind.

Why are you guys suddenly drooling retards on this simple subject?
Not even that, it's just powerfags that brag about him fighting the big guy really hard
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Reminder Honey wears a wig.
She wants to be split roasted.
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>Goku doesn't look like Son Wukong
holyshit you really don’t know what a homage is
Once upon a time all the Lesbian OCs would be romantically paired up with a male from the game cast each and their every scene would be telling the reader how horny and in love they are with the man. Or more likely the writer would self-insert as Sonic or Knuckles and they’d all be a harem around only them.
His games are nothing because he's "mysterious" and Sega refuses to explain his character to the point that the comics writers and artists literally don't even know what they're working with.
>Why are you guys suddenly drooling retards on this simple subject?
>Why are you guys suddenly drooling retards on this simple subject?
It's not them being retards, it's you being an overly conservative autist for a minor character anyone barely knows outside of comicfags.
>A Shadamy post
>First thing mentioned is Sonic
I can't make this shit up.
It's a stripe.
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She wears way more than just a wig
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Flynnfags tried to claim Honey from Fighting Vipers didn't have a personality for Ian to give Sonic!Honey, but then a profile was shown and their defense changed to "Well, it doesn't matter! Ian wrote her better!" and "Honey the Cat doesn't have to have the same personalty as Honey the Human anyway!"

They pulled the same shit with Bean and Bark by claiming they never had established personalities and then flipped the script when they were proven wrong. Bunch of dishonest faggots with this weird parasocial relationship with that fat retard they give money to.
Shadow and Amy have never interacted since '05.
flynn fans are just barafags
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>Shadamy is an amyfag cope ship for being rejected by CHADnic
>banned from /v/ again
>Ian wrote her better!

I look like this and say this. fpbp /thread + ratio
>drawfags exiled
what's this?
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>Lack of proper knowledge means ignorance and misrepresentation is okay.
Don't write a character if you don't know or care about their original source, retard. Especially since some rando here can easily find it online.
Just because I don't subscribe to your autism, doesn't mean it's my fault.
>Just because I'm a retard doesn't mean I'm a retard.
True, Shadow and Amy have not interacted since '05.
Nobody played Fighting Vipers, and nobody cares. Shut the fuck up.
>character has the same name as Honey
>made by the same creators as Honey
>is only in Fighters because they put Sonic characters in Vipers to see if they’d play then did the inverse by putting a Vipers character in Sonic to see if the game crashes or not
>is a “cat” because Honey in Vipers has a cat theme and several cat-named moves
>does the same moves as Honey
>has the same clothes as Honey
>has the same description and origin as Honey
But she’s totally meant to be a different character at her core
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Proper knowledge about what? Every trivia and bio bullshit only lifeless losers know about and pretend to be adapted for something inspired?
>sports is a personality
This is why I will never agree with you guys.
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Imagine defending Ian Flynn's revisionist trash. Fighting Vipers Honey is Sonic Honey.
Me too, anon.
Is Honeyschizo dramafag or what
This. Though his actual character is still really obscure and the comics getting him backwards doesn't help.
Okay, so that means Honey the Cat should never appear in Sonic again since we don't care about Fighting Vipers.
The original source was Sonic the Fighters
I did. I'm not a part of the argument though because it's very autistic.
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what is the male hedgehogs retcon?
Canonically. Then they're a non-factor to one another in Gens, and now his movie. If you told me only Twitter shitposts fueled a ship I'd say no shit.
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>she’s totally meant to be a different character at her core
now you’re getting it.
Everything is canon
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Where is Fang...
fucking finally we got rid of that feline bitch
Either that or an archiefag
So, Honey is the first human that can morph into a blobian?
>what did you do this time anon?

Entered Sonic Adventure thread that wasn't getting any replies and complaining about Indians.
Dragon Trip killed him.
Different universe different character
True. The only people who think otherwise hate real Honey because it fucks up their pedophile fantasies.
No, Honey the Cat is cute and fun. Nobody gives a damn about her connection to an old obscure fighting game outside of it being a random trivia note.
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>Flynn cocksuckers get BTFO by simple facts and are now going "YOU'RE AUTISTIC FOR KNOWING THAT INFORMATION ANYWAY AND NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT FIGHTING VIPERS SO SHUT UP!" to flee from the discussion.
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>Can't beat him
>Cheats with an infinite energy McGuffin
People who defend Flynnslop need to be bullied out of the general
Perky pink titties
Ian's paypigs will look at this and think yeah they're completely different characters.
That only male hedgehogs can have Super Forms.
That actually started in Sonic Heroes but people will blame Silver for anything bad in his vicinity.
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Las gata estuprador.
>being mad at someone for something that does not matter
What the fuck if your life, anon? Oh right, I'm looking at it.
The idea of her being the shy creator of lesser known fashion brand who only dons her confident fighting mascot persona to promote her designs is way cooler than the character Ian tried to replace her with.
I got banned from Reddit's Sonic Discord server for being too perverted.
>anyone who disagrees is [BOOGEYMAN]
krack is that you?
I played it and I liked it
Pepsiman is my main
Nice counter argument.
You only think that because it's contrary to what Flynn did. If Ian started writing her exactly the way /sthg/ does, you would instantly start hating that portrayal.
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I thought she couldn't today, anyway.
I want Ian cancelled purely because I grow fatigued over having to debate his faggots over the most trivial topics they are unable to grasp. They are illiterate in some many ways, yet speak so cocksure just like their hack writer. I didn't have to deal with this shit with Pontaff; everyone agreed they were trash.
>You only think that because it's contrary to what Flynn did.
Literally. L i t e r a l l y.
A lot of the Ian seethe stems from backwards thinking. First we conclude Ian is bad, then we look for reasons why that is so. No matter how pedantic it may be.
Wasn't arguing, just pointing out the fact you spend all day on 4chan getting mad over nothing.
Context for both?
You are wrong, and nothing I say will change your mind because you've already decided what I believe.
You should complain to him again for $15 instead of textwalling here tbdesu
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It's more interesting than LE SMUG.
We have plenty of confident female characters already. Where's the shy introvert larping as confident extrovert?
If Ian Flynn wrote the characters the way their creator intended them to be written, people wouldn't hate him. Nice try though.
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People here would like Ian if he actually wrote the characters properly, but he refuses to, because he thinks he knows better than all the people who created them.
They did the same thing with Silver. They defended the way Ian wrote him in IDW as character development for years then it came out that Ian thinks Silver has never been rude the defense shifted to "Silver's always been polite because he helps Amy and considers people's feelings".
Become a 12 year old girl and seduce him. Then after he’s fucked all your holes you can get him in real trouble.
Crazy how Ian has enough power to write for the actual sonic games
Guys, but what about Dark Beginnings
Breeding Jest the Rabbit
>Become a 12 year old girl
where are these Ianfags nobody here likes the guy?
A tsundere basically?
When was Knux x Rouge ever mentioned or suggested to be sibling coded?
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And now Penders (and Pontaff) have W's over him as a result. Shouldn't have fucked with Generations, ian.
Well, considering you appear to structure your very thoughts around finding a way to be mad at Flynn, you're gonna have a hard time convincing anyone that you're not a contrarian.
Well, let's be fair...
on twitter, back where you came
>Giving Ian money
I wouldn't give that fatass money even if he discovered the cure for Cancer and AIDS.
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>Sonic fans have autism and some will go out of their way to double check to see if a character is written properly
What is Sega's and Sonic Team's excuse for not only not correcting third party writers when they have and dictate the source material, but also fucking up their own characters?
uuuu Tangle help me i’m so fucking gay uuuuuu
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The creator of the character's view > Ian Flynn's view.
The fact that anyone disagrees with this is astounding.
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... WHO?
I'm all for people calling out on anti-sex/hetero agenda that plagued vidya and Hollywood that hopefully he coming into power ends this era.
This just make the fanbase look retarded when Penders makes a point that holds water.
But you do this already, "anon"
>the way their creator intended them to be written
Does anyone at Sega actually care about Fighting Vipers?

No, pretty sure you'd still find a way to be mad at him even if he had all the original creators as consultants to make sure he got the characters perfectly in line with the supposed original intent.
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She gets a brief mention but it stops there. because they haven't interacted much. and I think they should now that Shadow is finally off of the bench and back to action
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Alright Anons, finally finished this Lanolin, here you go.
Have a Big Blue Hedgecock variant just for you!
oh shit new boogieman
I only turned on him because he can't write any of the hedgehog characters right
AM2 care enough about it to make sure Sonic Team don't fuck with Honey, Bean, and Bark. On that note, Virtua Fighter is coming back. Not a stretch for them to bring back Fighting Vipers as well.
Nobody gives a shit about your "art". Kill yourself.
No one at Sega cares about these characters. Only Anon on /sthg/ does.
Do you think people dislike Ian for no reason? Lol. Get real, retard. If Ian was a good writer and wrote the characters properly I would be glazing him every thread.
That’s probably why Ian was forced to separate Bean and Bark from Fang.
Sega has more power than Sonic team, and if they are told to change everything to pander they can't say no, just like how they tried to retcon all other humans except Eggman because people complained too loudly.
You shouldn't be drawing porn out of all things, sorry but IA just looks better.
thanks now I need sheep milk
It's not a good point. The people that called Ian faithful to the games were a fraction of archiefags (that on its own being only a fraction of the community), the people hating on Ian now are gamefags.
Based but imagine the back pain
>AM2 care enough about it to make sure Sonic Team don't fuck with Honey, Bean, and Bark.
And yet they can't be bothered to just write the characters themselves. Interesting.

>Virtua Fighter is coming back
Not without rollback it ain't. You might as well throw that in the garbage right now.
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God, why does he have an avatar with the most punchable face imaginable? His actual face is nowhere near as punchable.
That's fine and all calling back to their first and one of the only interactions.
Not my kind of thing, but I've never liked sonic characters' dicks being covered completely in fur
I honestly never liked how Ian glued Bean and Bark to Fang so such an extend that they were considered a packaged deal like the Chaotix. Fang spent most of his appearances in this franchise working solo and only working with others because they pay him or he gets something out of it.
>Do you think people dislike Ian for no reason?
People in this fanbase will hate things simply because it's not what they grew up with
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>Do you think people dislike Ian for no reason?
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You paypigs do know Ian didn't create these characters or own them, right? Why do you act like he's entitled to them? He's not even an employee at Sega either.
>And yet they can't be bothered to just write the characters themselves. Interesting.
You overestimate how much Sega in general cares about IDW. If what >>503501212
is saying is true, AM2 just wanted Bean and Bark away from Fang the "cucked by the Knux" Hunter. And they got it.
I don't like when things I enjoy are needlessly changed into something I don't enjoy.
off model coomer garbage
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Nice zeroes
based trans classic fan speedrunner
>once you hate hitler, everything he does is bad
No Shadow variant?
After all the reasons and even footage displaying why Ian gets hate you faggots have turned to screaming that Ian's hate just came out of nowhere. You retards are unbelievable.
Ian sucks
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>cucked by the Knux
uuuu Tangle i’m gay
This. Either give them red rockets, human cocks in their skin tone or a combination thereof like this

>You hate this guy for eating crackers!?
>I hate him because he chews with his mouth open.
>I knew it! You're just looking for reasons to hate him!
Just let him sperg out until he's tired
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>fang has to surprise attack to get the advantage
Ian was asked once
"If you could rewrite Shadow in the earlier IDW issues, what would you change?"
And Ian said
"Not much"
When will Ian cultists stop paying Ian to say "I don't know" to their retarded questions?
It's just knuxougefaggots trying to pretend their ship is persecuted
I realized that Modern Mighty would have black eyelids and that's really weird to me.
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uuuu Tangle the misogyny in this thread is giving me trauma
Well if Sega doesn't care, why the hell do YOU care so much that you dedicate your lives to complaining about it?

Shut up, Godwin.

Delusional screeching from whiny forum users is not a valid reason. You have done absolutely nothing to effectively make your arguments. All you have accomplished is making yourself look like an angry child.
Mighty has Velcro shoes?
Flynnfags aka "people" who literally pay Ian to tell them his headcanon. They're in this thread right now.
This general goes "I HATE THAT HEDGEHOG" whenever they think about Ian, it's beyond parody
knuckles x rouge is more "sibling-coded" than shadouge because knuckles and rouge fight and bicker like siblings. Plus, they both have similar abilities, interests etc.
>both are trying to ambush each other
>Fang tracked him first
>uses his vehicle to distract Knuckles and land a blow
>"ummm don't use surprise attacks"
Bro, even Knuckles surprise attacked Fang when he got distracted by ghosts. And then he outsmarted Knuckles again by tanking hits and freeing his henchmen.
>50% off already
Laugh at the idiots who bought the game day one.
Hell, laugh at the people who bought the game at all.
Niggas in these thread love to give indirect responses like that
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All that screechin
and for what?
nothing would change. most likely
We're not the ones switching gears and just outright pretending that people just hate Ian for no reason even though people have given lists for why that man's a hack.
Beautiful, precious treasure!
Are shops still selling anything for PS3/X360?
Whisper you're literally a Men's Rights Activist.
Chaining Shadow up and cutting all of his sharp quills off!
Sedating Shadow and pulling out his sharp canine teeth!
Selling Shadow as a sex slave for cash!
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Rouge, my beloved.
If Ian is Ian, who's the anti-Ian, who's the nega-Ian and who's the girl Ian?
Is the helmet part of his design?
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Lived thru hell, changed the universe, controls the laws of physics, violent, kills demons daily, lifts mountains and was the closest in killing the protagonist:
Didn't happen with everyone else who wrote for this franchise. Why should Ian get special treatment?
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>40% off
>black friday
at least try
>girl Ian
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Cause I know its possible to get quality tie-in products. Also

Every time.
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Sure, why not, have a quick edit!
>Lived thru hell, changed the universe, controls the laws of physics, violent, kills demons daily, lifts mountains and was the closest in killing the protagonist
Not anymore, he didnt do that
Making one of the three iconic Fleetway poses.
Whisper thinks the MRA deserve execution for being homophobic
That looks like shit, which is fitting
You DO hate him for no reason. At least for any tangible reason. And quite frankly, I'm sick of hearing about it, so I don't really care if you have a good reason for hating him. You are far more annoying than anything he'd ever done.
No, he's just wearing because they're racing in space.
If I'm not mistake sonic wears a helmet in this arc too.
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seethe harder
All the console versions are on sale. Steam sale hasn't started yet.
Evan actually listens to people and tries to improve though
Go the fuck back to bitchsky you trannylover
I can’t believe Ian has paycows he literally ran over my dogs puppies
You sound like someone who hates characters based on whether or not their fans are annoying, instead of caring about the actual characters.
ew, I feel bad for anyone that likes or faps to this shit.
>and tries to improve though
Her current arc has all the exact same shit people were telling her to stop in her first Belle arc. She even forced Belle into it again for no reason at all
With the power of SoA we turned him gay cause we know it's better...what? what do you mean "that's just lame" you homophobe?
If #76’s B cover is any indication, Belle is leaving
You realize your ship is never happening right? It only got "teased" in the takeover, which is non canon, because they know fans eat this slop up.
That is only the case in one circumstance, and that is Silver. Granted, I already hated Silver, but good fucking lord his fans are kind of the actual goddamn worst.
>same shit people were telling her to stop
What have they been telling her exactly?
Writers always put in their OCs. That's not a Sonic thing but a general thing that happens.
his chubby bunny
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And I try, oh, my God, do I try
I try all the time
In this institution

And I pray, oh, my God, do I pray
I pray every single day
For a revolution

And so I cry sometimes
When I'm lying in bed
Just to get it all out
What's in my head
And I, I am feeling
A little peculiar

And so I wake in the morning
And I step outside
And I take deep breath
And I get real high
And I scream from the top of my lungs
What's going on?
Cool beans
everyfuckingbodys here this thread is AIDS
They know if they get rid of this containment general we’ll spill out all over 4chan.
Imagine being so new you don't remember the constant 2018 Gaydow spam and think Crashdow (which came after) was what destroyed this place.
I hate fucking clown designs.
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>You DO hate him for no reason.
Kek. Threads upon threads stating reasons why they think Ian is a shit writer and this is the conclusion you come to.
then stop.
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She can admit that she's wrong and doesn't deflect blame to Sega for anything bad like Ian.
My question is if Rouge and Omega are already debatable in being a factor to Shadow when Maria and Gerald then how do you fit Amy into this circle? Like a future game is just going to suddenly give them a new interaction?
anon 2018 was 9 years ago
Anon hates his reflection
Sex with Belle
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Does it feel funny?
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aaah. ok. guess I'll continue enjoying my slop
Evan and Ian are posting itt.
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i literally came here two months ago
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Again, all you do is screech like a pissy child, never making any actual points. And Iwill reiterate that I(and many others) no longer care why you hate him, you have eroded all possible good will towards your position by being spammy shitposters who literally never shut up.
i literally came
If Ohshima likes it, I do too. It's better than the slop fujos and bots like.
To make it action-focused again and stop it being a boring crybaby feefee-fest. Which she again failed and made the latest arc about Lanolin crying again and the gay owl doing a gay podcast about how problematic Clutch is with zero fighting
To stop flooding it with her lesbian breakfast club OCs and make it about the game cast again. Instead Sonic and Tails literally only got to say 1 line in each while the rest of the entire issue was dedicated to her writer’s room self-inserts and boring nobody lgbt background characters
To stop making Surge a crybaby woobie and make her a badass threat again. Which she again refused to do and had Clutch tell her off until she cried then had Sonic beat her up easily again without a single hit in on her side.

Which criticism on earth has she “improved” on, you consoomer piggy? She’s been told all these complaints, mentioned seeing all these complaints, and only got worse because she refuses to ever improve or change her self-absorbed masturbatory writing
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Nta but
>You are not presenting any arguments
>That's why I will ignore said arguments
C'mon now
Bait used to be better
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Stop. Making. Fun. Of. Me.
Everyone who genuinely cares about their favorite character hates Ian. Cope.
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Cute girls
... You wanna try that again when you learn how English actually works?
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We need Maekawa back. Both the east and west have been ruining the writing for too long
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So you hate Ian. Who would you replace him with as a western writer?
…..anon do you see who you’re replying to?
>all you do is screech like a pissy child, never making any actual points.
Like what you do when someone criticizes Ian or merely disagrees with his character portrayals? How hypocritical.
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>If Ohshima likes it, I do too. It's better than the slop fujos and bots like.
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Vault everything.
I dislike Ian but I loathe Sega for not caring
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>"If you're not with us, you're against us."
This shit doesn't help either.
Hiring Ian is the result of Sega not caring.
It's been years
Why do people still care about her when we got Sage?
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I don't think the series should have a single main writer like Ian is trying to be. But I would replace Ian with Ian.
>So you hate Ian. Who would you replace him with as a western writer?
I wouldn't. Western writers ruin everything they touch in this franchise because the entire inspiration and framework of Sonic is built off of Japanese culture and ideals.
Sometimes it feels like I care more about my escapist fantasies than my actual life. To be honest, that sounds kind of unfulfilling but to me it seems to be working out in a way.
When Maria and Gerald are*
Wow, one missing letter and now it's English. Now answer the fucking question.
We need some fresh talented blood, anon.
preferably those who do not post on tumblr and hate wokeness, politics and shipping and only focus on action and world building. Somewhat like the golden days of archie but without the annoying nonsense
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I just think she’s neat and cute!
The fact you are unable to comprehend neutrality says a lot about you. This isn't me disagreeing with you even, I just want you to stop spamming your constant whining about Ian Flynn. That's all you ever do, and it's annoying as fuck.
You shouldn't have shown me this. By the way, yet another Sonadow piece where Sonic is just Amy.
So you believe that on an intrinsic, perhaps even biological level, no western writer will ever "get it".
>To make it action-focused again and stop it being a boring crybaby feefee-fest.
That a problem with IDW in general and not Evan specific. See recent Knuckles Anniversary mini by Ian.
>To stop flooding it with her lesbian breakfast club OCs and make it about the game cast again.
Tangle, Whisper, and Lanolin aren't her OCs. And this problem, again, isn't Evan specific.
>To stop making Surge a crybaby woobie and make her a badass threat again.
She was never a threat. Surge got BTFO'd by a giant hammer Super Badnik and needed Kit's help to beat Metal. Really, the only W she's gotten was against Whisper of all people. And even then, she needed whatever that Eggtech was called in order to do it.

You seem to be blaming Evan specifically for problems that exist in IDW in general. The truth is, things aren't gonna change cause IDW hires cheap not talented. See the differences between IDW GI Joe and Skybound GI Joe.
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Nta, but I like her for the same reason I like Silver. Good concept for a neat character, soiled by a shitty execution.
How the fuck is it "debatable" that Rouge and Omega are a "factor" to Shadow? Your question is based on a false premise.
Yes, it's exactly like that South Park episode where the boys saw George Lucas and Steven Spielberg raping Indiana Jones. We have to witness Ian Flynn raping our favorite characters in every game now and yet have think it isn't horrific because Sega nonchalantly allows it.
Go take your clothes off and wait for me on the couch. I'll make you feel better soon
If they were born in Japan or spent time reworking the way they viewed things to be more in line with Japan, they would get it. But they do not.
I think we all know IDW characters are great by concept and design but have shitty writing.
Whisper needs her doritos
Do you actually think only one person shits on Ian in here? Lol. Kek even.
literally me
Because the whole Team Dark argument is a gray area. People can still say Shadow only gives a fuck about Maria and Gerald.
>unironically citing a South Park joke as your reason for hating someone
... Do you also sincerely believe that redheads are soulless monsters? Fuck me, I'm talking to someone who actually never matured past their edgy teen phase. The fuck am I doing with my life right now?
Ianfags believe
>Ian is hate for NO REASON at all.
>Only one person hates Ian. Everyone loves him actually.
Those "people" are fucking retarded.
The fact you took that post so literal shows your level of maturity.
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>Do you also sincerely believe that redheads are soulless monsters?
Not him, but...
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Silver is a pragmatic yet emotional brash punk. Very similar to Surge actually but with way more altruism.
So, does Amy fit into this circle? You have her relationship with Sonic to still deal with.
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>That a problem with IDW in general
Because both of the head writers love emotions and melodrama more than action and adventure.
>Tangle, Whisper, and Lanolin aren't her OCs.
Ian and Evan both love gay OC drama, and Whisper is literally her OC.
>Surge was never a threat.
Good, she's an underdog.
>Surge got BTFO'd by a giant hammer Super Badnik and needed Kit's help to beat Metal.
She tanked the hammer, and Metal SHOULD take backup to beat unless the one fighting him is Sonic himself.

>The truth is, things aren't gonna change cause IDW hires cheap not talented.
Sad but true.
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Convert them all with the fox dick.
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Who triggered you now, /sthg/? was it that yellow cat's fault?
What does THE Flynnfag hope to accomplish whining to everyone in these threads? Like always, you can tell it's him by how emotionally invested he is in defending Ian's honor and trying to be the "reasonable" one among us.
Some of them are shitty by concept. Anything that tries to deconstruct the Sonic status quo in IDW is nowhere near as smart as it thinks it is.
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no it was the crying lesbians
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Las gata gets no blame.
Tangle was the only one great in concept. The others are shit all around, especially Whisper.
other way around, tangle is the only downright superfluous character
>So it was YOUR fault. you bad cat. who did you assault this time? You are much worse than Sonic...
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>raping our favorite characters in every game now and yet have think it isn't horrific because Sega nonchalantly allows it.
These characters have been raped so much over the decades that it registers like a Tuesday shoot out at an american theater
I need that comic with the Billy Elish copypasta where Lanolin it's talking about Whisper being autistic
Can anyone post it please?
Whisper is great under a different direction. I like the op official vibe.
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>Me? Assaulted? Nobody.
>Not yet at least.
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It's even better now that we have Sage, because they can completely fucking destroy Belle's ego, hopes and desires with Sage's inclusion.
Belle might've been the perfect girl for Mr. Tinkerer, but Sage is the perfect girl for Eggman.
For one thing Sage isn’t an ugly-ass puppet.
Belle was built for RAPE
... No. No she fucking doesn't. Retard piece of shit.
it's on the booru
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Fang. Join us.
>Protective mother wolf who wants to kill Eggman and Mimic after being betrayed, losing the people she cared about and being distant from others out of fear of losing again.
>Fun loving and clumsy lemur who just wants to go on cool adventures and save the day like the heroes she looks up to.
These are both completely fine on paper, and would be fine if they weren't written so horribly. Plus they even have gameplay options built into their design as well.
Who will Trip rape first if she comes to Modern?
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What do you mean? Didn't you enjoy the Eggmoon episode? Don't you love a bunch of fakers and nobodies thinking they can challenge Sonic's ways?
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What do you mean? You can't just retcon it out.
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Canon shipping!
Jet is the worst one because without a hoverboard he’s absolutely nothing.
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You can't just give Amy Shadow when Rouge exists and they have leagues more to work with as recent as Shadow Gens.
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Woof woof whimper
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Boy is this person gonna be mad to find out Sega made the character straight.
It's mainly one dude who spams shadamy here. Don't give them attention.
>without a hoverboard he’s absolutely nothing.
The Bashosen would like to have a word with you.
There's nothing to retcon. Amy and Shadow had ONE conversation, and the VN is apparently not canon. So no, fuck your character dynamics. Shadow is STRONG and doesn't need anyone. Fuck off with your retarded headcanon shite.
Why is this allowed
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He's so young, though.
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>ARRRRR We boardin yer ships landlubbers!
Now post the Daniel Barnes anti-white
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Hey dumbass, its black friday this week. No shit its half off so early in the game. The same thing happened to Sonic Frontiers. Think before you post, faggot.
Why are you allowed to be here
>a ship
>with no canons
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Why are you allowed to defend degenerates
I'm just talking in general, like genuinely they should just keep it to takeovers, but leave it out of the games.
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Best ship coming through.
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the only sonic game I own that's not a rom download or stupid license to view the content is sonic adventure for the dreamcast
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>We takin yours too... oh you don't have any......... BUNCHA LANDLUBBERS
>thread devolved into drama about literal whos on twitter
why is he so hard for people to talk about sonic here?
>Everyone keeps forgeting about the literal Sun Wukong weapons
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Look at this perfect ship
>shadow already had the perfect woman
>retards try to stick him with Sonic’s girl
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I think people who bought day one are retarded.
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Trans kids is such a disgusting movement that I'll forever hate about the left.
Stealing Amy’s booty
I'm so jaded with real life...now I'm just pretending that I'm having hot sex with Shadow...
>draws literal diapershit
>troon ideology
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This isn't your blog
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Tails looks sickly without his orange.
Belongs to shadow
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Why are all tranny shills into children
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Why doesn't Surge dress like Sonic if she was designed solely to succeed
Sa2 was a shadouge game, sorry shadamykeks
>Naval warfare
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>Surrenda all yer booty, SCRUBS.
They're pedophiles.
I'm all for people living their life and all but how's this different than the guy who inserted Jesus Fish in that one Sonic game he helped make?
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They are Sega characters now. And having gay and trans characters are bad for business i.e. can't see shit in China or the middle east.

All characters are either Straight or Default (Straight but not mentioned). You'll never see an actual gay kiss in IDW Sonic. Not without someone getting fired anyway.
Made for batten rouge
Why is it that literally ALL Tails fans are pedophiles? Absolutely every single one.
how many piratdows are there
>t. pedophile degenerate
There are so many artists online that haven't posted porn and do a way better job at drawing Sonic, yet they don't work for Sega.
Naoto Oshima literally likes shotacon art of Tails on twitter
Lol do you have any screenshots i wanna see
But he doesn't support child mutilating for fetishes.
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>even the creators are pedo freaks
... I want to be surprised, but I'm not.
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sonic in my dramathread????
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One of the few reasons that Shadow even bothers to protect the planet is because Amy proved to him that there are people like Maria that see the best even in the worst of places, still living on Earth.
I don't even see Shadow caring enough to be truly intimate with anyone ever again, but even if he doesn't bother with Amy directly he still enjoys knowing that people like her exist.
>Yea but I still guarantee they have drawn porn of the characters. They just haven't publicly posted it.
Who cares? You can do whatever you want behind closed doors, but making it public changes absolutely everything you fucking buffoon.
He’s Japanese, so he’s a pedophile by default.
Tails shotacon art is fine, it's making your own self-insert to fuck him that comes off as weird, then on top of that pushing for trans children activism which is an incredibly sickening and evil agenda that mutilates children who haven't even fully developed their brains.
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troons don't want to be seen for the degenerates they really are. They'll deflect, call you a bigot, etc. all in an attempt to take the moral highground and spread their filthy ideology.
Sonic should buzzsaw through them and say a quip.
Kek doesn't seem that bad desu
This isn't fucking new dude
Capcom hired lolicon smut artists to work on Mega Man games one of which does art for Pokemon cards now
Plenty of mangaka have made NSFW material and sold it at conventions like comiket like the woman who made Bocchi the Rock being a lolicon
Japan doesn't give a flying fuck about what you draw in fiction and think you're the crazy one for equating fictional people with real life people
>that first pic
Anon, that's the SFW stuff
Japan is so based for that
desu seconding that
what the fuck is ia?
Uncensored now....
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I hope she dies for being a woman...
If they're all versions of Sonic, they're all Sonic, that's what I said.
It all starts with this, a jewel containing the ultimate power...
Who the fuck cares about fighting vipers lol, archie honey is way better
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>this is your last chance, Sonic. take off your pants, OR ELSE!!!
am i going crazy?
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I am not weak I am not weak I am not weak I am not weak I am not weak I am not weak
If Fowler based Sonic and Shadow off of what they were like in Shadow 05, I wonder how if influenced his view of the other characters.
What happened here?
I don't know.
Ok. Wanna hold hands?
I haven't held hands with anyone in nearly a decade now.
Let's change that.
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