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>Opening Cinematic
>Early Access Launch Trailer
>Full PoE 2 EA Content Revel Stream

>Early Access Launch December 6th

>Official Wiki (WIP)
>Game Database (WIP)
https://poe2db .tw/us/
>Ingame Chat Channel
/global 1488

dual 2H titan is the only good EA build
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Don't be sad POE1 is dead, be glad it happened.
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4K Art Wallpapers



>Gemling Legionaire



>Acolyte of Chayula

>Boss 1
>Boss 2
>boss 2
that's Lumenoctis to you
uh his name is Lumerius sister...
same shit
Diablo 4 is for $30 now so it makes more sense to buy Diablo 4 and enjoy it for 6 months and then play PoE 2 for free after it's been betatested by paykeks. Think about it logically.
it actually doesn't make sense to do that, because then you will have wasted money on a Blizzard product in the year 2024.
am feeling comfy sisters
woke up at midnight
straight in poe with me new mouse
heating on
comfy jim jams on
gonna spend the day gaming and tidying up / moving stuff out me bedroom in prep for new carpet coming tomorrow
today is a good day
I'm going to run shadow monk in heavy armor just for the darkness mechanic. It's edgy enough to be a meme.
>buy Diablo 4 and enjoy it for 6 months
I couldn't manage six hours when I played the open beta. good luck enjoying it for 6 days.
get a job loser faggot
>6 months
D4 is barely even 6 DAYS of enjoyment. You could be done with that and still be left waiting for PoE2 EA.
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oh shit
best tujen drop I've ever had
based neet lad game enjoyer
I burned out on my juggy so bought d4 and the expansion, played through the campaign then quit kek

poe2 will be my fulltime job
Is the Sorc a pajeet? Which class does the white man plays...
i am happy poe1 is dead
>cares enough about visuals to make a gay shader preset
>doesn't care enough to stretch out the window the get a MASSIVE field of view increase and gameplay advantage
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We do a little trolling ;^)
This except shield. The pros will use their swap points to change between shield and dual wield so they can swap to black really fast and then swap back to dish out damage.

Looks Med. Brown tomboys are a top tier white man's choice.
Which classes won't be available during early access?
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yeah I don't like having it covering my whole screen mate
I like the black of my desktop wallpaper showing up at the sides and what not as a bit of contrast
It'd be cool for the Scion area to be added so that classes can path to the opposite side, but it doesn't seem necessary anymore, would get in the way of the art also
wonder if they made it broken strong for melee because they wanted to balance it to how good moving while casting/using ranged is.
Deadeye and pathfinder being the only poe 1 ascendancies still in poe 2 just goes to show how biased they are towards those shit archetypes. I wish pathfinder was deleted at the very least. It's a problematic ascendancy.
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I was the biggest blizz bootlicker and i could barely last 3 weeks

I hear Druid and Huntress are next in line to be added during EA. Probably before Feb.
Black Friday sales week. I'm thinking of a new build for poe 2. My current build is from like 2018 with a ryzen 2700x and rtx 2080. Maybe a 9800X3D?
We're also missing non-minion Sceptres, and we've heard no word of Traps or Claws since last exilecon
>unironically still playing poe 1 in the year of poe 2
Druid and Huntress are supposed to be pretty soon, I expect one of them before January and one before December. Huntress is probably first as Druid has 3 forms they need to finish animating.
wait wat no more life on the skill tree?
thank fuck.
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Is the NO SWORDS thing a meme or not...
i suck big fat dicks
Wtf is a primal weapon? Fists?
how do you get life then? just from gear and levels?
nah there's still life as of the nov.8 thing.
but there are much fewer nodes, the amount is much lower (notable is like 3%) and appears only in the str area?
>Is a sequel now and not just Overwatch 2 meme update
>Still looks like hot garbage, with ARPG combat from the year 2005
I don't get it.
Swords are not in early access. Swords, along with 20+ skills for them, will be added with the Duelist.
I reckon flails are meant to replace bonk scepters since they're basically a reskin of maces, while traps will probably go huntress. And I can totally see claws being ditched as they give daggers an identity and claws end up redundant.
Primal is the druid's school of magic, like the witch's occult.
>I reckon flails are meant to replace bonk scepters
Jonathan said in the interview today that there are non-minion sceptres.
I have to imagine traps are daggers since they're associated with Shadow, and Huntress is associated with spears and we already saw spear skills.
You now remember: Lost Ark.
But how is it a weapon? It's gear that drops? Doesn't fit with the rest of the weapons listed if not.
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>saw spear
The game is a shitshow, but nothing will ever be as fun to play as the Artillerist for me.
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only 11 days to go
two more weeks...
im so fucking bored i might play ruthless
>Try out Lost Ark
>Pick Paladin because Paladins are cool
>Turns out to be a support class in an MMO and I normally dislike support
>It actually is pretty fun, constantly get MVP, people suck my dick and queue times are instant
>Not actually bad at dealing damage either
I enjoyed my time with Lost Ark but eventually the whole YOU HAVE TO BE THERE AT A TUESDAY AT 3 PM TO DO THIS IMPORTANT EVENT AND YOU NEED TO DO IT 100 TIMES pissed me off and annoyed me, and I failed to upgrade a single piece of gear several times and was left 5 gear score short of the next raid/boss/whatever. Was just too annoying.
You're the guy who promised to play with me on launch.
yeah I'm going to
also where the fuck is the poe2 release timer?
it was on the front page or the poe2 page yesterday or the day before
I just couldn't handle the beginning, too much of a slog.
poe is missing some paladin archetype. I wish it also had something like d2 holy bolt that could heal your party and damage the enemy. It'd be cool to have a way to heal others besides a stupid life regen aura.
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So they're doing "Thematic" releases.
[Class + Weapon] combos.
Duelist from PoE 1 is associated with Swords, so Sword related content wont be added until he is, he's the alternate version of Mercenary.

The next ones to be released are [Druid + Primal], and [Huntress + Spear]
Then there is [Templar + Flails], [Shadow + Daggers], [Marauder + Axes]
based, I went and did it too >:)
>rogue exiles dont seem to be in
bros.... its over.
This class weapon dedication thing is retarded. Flails makes zero sense for Templar.
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>Flails makes zero sense for Templar.
I disagree
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>Doesn't fit with the rest of the weapons listed if not.
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Last we saw of traps, they were actual weapons with different types for automatic detonation(actual traps) and manual detonation(mines), this was last exilecon though
Well, it has the Templar in PoE2 which is WAY more of a Paladin than in PoE1 where is just a half naked old guy
>no whips
why even live
Claws are straight up cut though, right?
Ok so how is it a weapon you equip? What does it look like?
Do you think PoE 2 will be more beginner friendly? I'm thinking of getting a friend to play it but he never got into PoE
Why the fuck are you fixated on it being a weapon equip? Do you not see the screenshot where it's sitting next to OCCULT and ELEMENTAL? Are those weapons you equip?
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literal retard
It's all based on attribute associations.
Thematically Templar will the Scepters/Flails because they're Str/Int weapons. As you can see here >>503548527
Elemental and Occult aren't weapon types either. They're both associated with staves and scepters. I think Primal is the same.
Yes those also make no sense. Explain. What is the thematic weapon druids equip just like duelists equip swords?
Occult is soft-tied to wands and Elemental is soft-tied to staves according to Jonathan. He said Sceptres are soft-tied to a last class, which is presumably Templar because Druid has a bunch of elemental skills which are tied to staves.
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Don't think they have confirmed it.
Shields for instance are a weapon and have a bunch of unique skills, but no dedicated section.
Claws potentially will be the same, like a sub tier class of weapon with only a small handful of skills.
Also staves, because they are primarily casters in human form. While shapeshifted, they don't have a weapon.
weak content desu, need cooler enemies like corrupted exiles with


>What is the thematic weapon druids equip
staves, scepters
>this is the faggot shilling poo2
Uh huh Templar never had flails in poe 1. Nice retcon.
>Do you think PoE 2 will be more beginner friendly? I'm thinking of getting a friend to play it but he never got into PoE
POE already is so POE2 will be even more so. Seriously, anyone can pick up POE from scratch right now and do fine. You don't need to beat ubers to play the game. There's tons of content.

Basically what I am saying is if your friend just restarts the ledge zone a couple of times back and forth and then plays normally they will outpace all of the content through the campaign.
LITERAL retard
They would need to design entirely new exiles because the PoE1 exiles all use PoE1 skills
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whats up with the top of me noggin?
Looks a little faggy. Are you gay? Seems like a lot of cum has been on that face. Not insulting it's cool just curious if I'm right.
Melee has to have some upside, it seems you're animation locked pretty hard. Some of the monk combo videos even have dudes nearly dying trying to do some wushu spinny shit on a pack, compared to playing a TPS with xbow or fireballs while moving
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>12 classes instead of 6
>as a tradeoff our ascendancies are now x.25 as interesting
wow...5% cull as a notable...its so fun...im so hyped...
Biggest upside for melee, I believe, is much more stun generation. A slam build will probably stun a boss multiple times while casters will struggle to stun bosses.
no mate
99% straight
I tell women I'm going to smash their heads in and they love it
Shadow also has mines/traps as well, there might be other weapon types eventually
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One day we will get these madlads...
I like the new duelist look.
Strength gives a lot more life also, but it seems life nodes are spread out and only on notables. Given that your base health is going to be higher smaller %s should be nice enough. 3% of 4000 is 120, for instance. Basically a tier 3 mod
ascendancies need to be removed from the game and put on the tree.
we have the madlass at least
dont forget your FREE temporal rift and FREE 12% gem quality and FREE mana leech!*
*sanctum and trial of the ancestor runs required.
>no 75% int
>6 spots
>12 characters
wonder how they'll do it.
I miss the boat.
It's a toggle to swap between old vs new classes
>freeze/phys build with lightning weapon swap
>sequence stun into freeze into electrocute
>DR wears off by the time you start the cycle again
>permacc all bosses
oh look at that monk is phys/cold/lightning themed
Ascendancy nodes only have 1 effect in poe 2 in most cases and in 1 they have 2-4. No fun allowed. Not nearly as much power from ascendancies now.
Stun gen's really only relevant for Warrior/Karuigga, I can't imagine melee monk and huntress will feel as good
That ascendancy in particular seems like shit, some of the other ones are pretty nice like the cooldown reset or time stop. 5% cull is crap though when cull is already so easy to get
your not animation locked ever, you can dodge roll to cancel any attack. This has been demonstrated several times and was at the beginning of the last big video.
How do I build flicker monk?
Skills versus passives seem to be the main ascendancy gimmick this time, except the jobber GemGuy. Some skills seem pretty decent
Maybe, but in exchange, notables seem way more than just "small nodes but bigger" now.
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i wanna fuck this slut
I guess that's true but if it's your choice between
>deal damage
>get raped
While ranged classes get to play risk of rain I'm not sure it's very balanced
You dodge, dodging is not getting hit, it's that simple.
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seems about right
this is stun buildup vs freeze buildup for whatever they were doing with monk vs the breach boss
take with a grain of salt since they probably had that massive freeze dev modifier on the fight
Monk has the warden elemental status build up buffs and avatar so I guess that's what they want monk to go for. We don't know all the supports also so there might be a freeze support
Any good leaks yet? I want to see the entire passive tree including ascendancies.
How about you sniff my anus
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To add this, "Unarmed" attacks also has a few abilities associated with it, but It has no dedicated category, as there are not enough skills to warrant one.
yeah. my guess is unarmed will be enabled by a unique or something, and youll basically just want to use some of the attacks that can be used with it.

i also see a huge opportunity for them to have perhaps and ascendancy node or uniques that enable you using skills of one weapon type on a different weapon type.

that ranged node from 2020 or whatever that said you could use melee skills with your bow made no sense back then.

now? that's kind of a cool idea, essentially means you could use 3 weapon type skills (one on swap). obviously its not in anymore, but i would be surprised if there wasnt at least one unique that enabled something like that, especially considering they said uniques now have unique animations and stuff too, that could easily extend to skill animations
inb4 vaporware
inb4 elon calls it shit, causing coked-up faggot jon rogers to off himself
inb4 poe1 tard devs delete every skill gem except heavy strike and we get to experience BFR's visionâ„¢
who asked
Heavy is good, heavy is reliable.
BFR's vision is running the same map 400 times with 600%MF while not getting "1 shot" by "mechanics"
ruthless is in the other general
can you link original video pls
>muh elon
that cunt obviously doesn't play diablo 4 beyond maybe 1-2 hours a week and his elite status is based on a deal he has with blizzard who probably levelled and geared up his account so he can use x streaming to shill the game for a tidy profit and advertising deals for the future
this is the sequel to ruthless though. ben said so and you fags worship streamers also I am GGG now.
Which CPU do you recommend for poe 2? Price isn't an issue anything under $1k is fine.
poop of excrement
good question
I have an amd ryzen 5 5500
should I upgrade?
Where the early access keys at?
buy one
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>tfw still no PoE2 starter build
it's over
bit pricey innit
hate getting unlucky in ssf m and not getting a 6link.
$30 isnt pricey
>bit pricey innit
it's way cheaper than open beta pack
wait until the forums then when they have key giveaways
shut up and buy 30$ of stash tabs
I thought chinese had a taboo against skeletons and shit. Can't find the screenshot but I remember the chinese client had smoothed out balls instead of skulls for headhunter.
that's japan you fucking mongoloid
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forgot pic
no it's definitely china
>2d game
>the year of our Lord, two thousand and twenty-four
that's the japanese language on that banner
>>2d game
it's 3d, retard
So theres source that there is 6 people group play?

How would that be ok in a souls-like vibe game?
Should be 2 in a party TOPS
Trve Chad melee build. Meleebros we are so fucking back.
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My wife
that's Iga, my nigga
he's Japanese
if I were a mongoloid I'd do a better job of distinguishing between my fellow mongoloids. Checkmate
i concede
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im making a animated version of the blood mage
I meant that China had the anti-skeletor policy, I didn't mean that the image happened in china
why would you randomly bring that up in reply to that post
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Druid and Huntress is next to be out
weird. I seem to have stupid fusing luck in ssf and get better drops overall
isometric!=3d, retard
The fuck are you talking about? Clueless. poe is full 3D.
That's what I thought the reply meant, my bad
the camera angle being isometric doesn't mean the game models and world arent rendered in 3d, dumbass
it's 2.5D
Isometric refers to a 3d->2d projection. Although technically poe isn't isometric anyway since it's not an orthogonal projection.
game world is rendered in 3 dimensions. length, width, and height.
not two and a half
No. No it's not.
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>Website updated
>Ranger: booba
>Pathfinder: thighs
>Deadeye: ugly dyke crazy eyes

That's it I'm playing Witch
From the last exilecon trailer.
depth isn't real
that's why you can't look under witch'es skirt or rotate camera around her
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>Just got my first ranked flawless victory in Bazaar
Honestly just a fun thing to kill time on while waiting for poo2. Try to get a free key and not have to spend money on some "founder's pack" BS
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ignite bros...
All the tool tip text being centered triggers me. It looks even worse than in poe 1 and is harder to read than in poe 1 for some reason. It should all be left aligned and each line should have a stylized bullet to make it easier to see it's a different thing.
Is living bomb what I think it is
>living bomb
You absolutely could if they gave you an unlocked camera.
Whips will prob be in an expansion update in a few years.
>new trailer
>rhoa gets trapped by a net out of nowhere
>einhar stands up from the bushes
>beast tamer class
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what is it? im going for infernalist
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What are the chances it's Izaro?
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doomers blown the fuck out eternally
so like relic of the pact? or does it kill you?
somewhere between fuck all and none
it's zana
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It's Izarover...
they redesigned templar to be a chad instead of an older schizophrenic huh
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>MF on helm and ring
If there's any consolation with the 4th/5th act taking place closer to Sarm there might be an Izaro somewhere
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"Blood Sacrament" type skill, a new skill or discharge. Given it's searing touch I'm thinking the latter
would Zana really come from the ground? I guess it makes sense with the current lore
Does the unbound avatar thing that monk can get exist in poe 1 in some form currently? I just want to have some idea of what it might do
the poe 1 characters and the poe 2 characters are different people
it's 20 years later
There was a part in the video reveal where they had an infernalist doing a skill where she was charging up and an AoE was expanding around her then she kind of blew up, so I think it is that.
I get that it's confusing, what with the witch, ranger, and the expedition folk looking exactly the same, but PoE2 takes place decades after PoE. It's a different dude entirely.
Act 4 has a zone called Izaro's Prision, basically a broken down labyrinth.
However the boss of the zone is the Dark Souls 2 style boss chained up.

I 100% expect a Izaro fight will be a unique map on the Atlas or something.
Ranger is basically the same bitch she was last time though, I would have preferred an Innocence boomer but soulless chad is fine too
it'll be an actual part of progression now (like they want it to be in poe1 but it never will be)
>stack mf and blow up everything with no gear anyway
>6 portals if you die who cares
>stack mf
>character is weak because power is reigned way back
>die and lose your map
is that the one where shes channelling and its a round circle around her getting bigger and it explodes? and then she could use the sun orb thing and detonate it the same way?

i think as the other anon said it was in the gameplay it looks similar to that webm, so what happened to that skill in poe1? i have never seen it
we don't know what this atlas actually is yet, nor why doryani goes from trying to kill us to helping us. So to say that spire is coming out of the ground is a bit of an assumption
>shes channelling and its a round circle around her getting bigger and it explodes?
I assumed that was just flameblast
Michael Hurst is still alive and most likely on good terms with GGG.
He also lives like 20mins from their studio.

Doubt hes the new pineapple boss and even if his not playing Izaro I'm sure he's done VA for characters in PoE 2.
It is.
witch is a bit different and I can forgive Alva, but whatever those Kalgurans are eating must be making them immortal
thats new flameblast
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Thanks for the anchor! It's taking longer than expected. I should have the second part done this week.
I guess that's true, it also seems like the other factions possess an atlas as well
my last ssf run in 3.23 went good and i got a 6l right away, but this run ive poured like 1000 fusings into this armor and it hasnt happened yet. sucks cause its a unique i need for damage mitigation. at least im learning more about farming and stuff.
they said explicitly in the ziggyd Q&A afterwards that it's Wraeclast. just Wraeclast.
what a retardedly niche support
What are you asking exactly?
Flameblast was mainly used in self-cast form, then moved to totem casting when inquisitor came out and people used it to race for a while, later on nobody bothered using it.
Discharge was mainly used in self-cast ignite form with endurance charges, then moved to cast on critical with fakener/mjolner, later on nobody bothered using it both CoC or self cast.
inverse Blessed Rebirth?
Oh, that's not nearly as cool as the atlas
can you link that? I'm somewhat disappointed if it's true tbqhwyf, I wanted it to be some other more interesting location, doesn't make sense for wraeclast to expand without limit
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>Studio who does the new Valve trailers made the PoE one
crit OG Archmage that you can use for attacks too?
It's actually sick for flame wall
When's the next league?
jonathan said they were a small studio and it turns out they are the head of valves trailers lol
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I love my new mouse so much
wrong thread
/poeg/ is this way >>503390371
probably half way through the poe2 ea, expect event leagues until then
End of january/Feb, Jonathan did refer to it as the February league during the ziggy d interview so yeah...
i hope theres a disable particles graphics option so my laptop can hopefully run it
how mad are poe players for being betrayed and having their money used to fund their replacements (casuals)
why don't you go ask >>503390371
drop resolution and turn up the sharpness
that place is ded
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so you have your answer then
its over for poe1-only chuds
theyre all dead
poe2 chads inherited the earth
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>Cast on dodge
The madmen actually did it.
Confirmed end of Feb
necrosettlers was a test
next "league" will be a rehash of an old league, maybe a combo of two with a slight difference. increased drops, increased mobs, lots of bait to keep some people invested and thats all it'll be from this point forward. we might see some new content now and then, but not often because only a minority of the playerbase will still play poo1
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wrong thread
best class for autist who used to play gunz at 800 apm?
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This your chad?
>what a retardedly niche support
Cast firewall on your location
Fire sparks anywhere and they get the bonus
name 5 wall skills aside from jackie chan
I don't want or need any old stinky PoE1 assets in my clean PoE2 account
Take your time bro, is hard to find posts sometimes in the hustle and bustle of the threads but I'm watching :)
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All this talk is so damn boring. I want to fucking play already.
>Diablo 4
>enjoy more than 4 hours
If it was D2R at 30 dollars I would easily recommend you to buy, but its Diablo 4 bro, you will lose your interest before reaching your "master skill".
Quin needs to go to the GGG offices and interview Mark and Jonathan on his stream.
GGG dont want anything to do with quin lmao
I think that him, Mathil, Zizaran and Steelmage will interview him in the upcoming week to explain calm down their inner autism.
December 6
Why do you guys worship this faggot?
i wonder if a ultimatum tab is going to be needed for poe2 now that its lab
me shitbuild ranger is looking quarter decent now sisters
grinding expedition for that 5 div tujen drop now
poe 2 endgame looks like shit
>no maps, it's THE map
>looks like a tabletop game
People will realize when they get to maps that they don't actually want to be a slow turd rollslopping around everywhere. Someone will figure out an optimally "fast" build and post it, 90% of players will reroll in a week, and that will be that. Either GGG nerfs it and gets a shitstorm, ignores it and lets there be zero build diversity, or massively buffs movespeed for all builds and moves on, flushing the molasses dreams of rollsloppers forever. Poe will always be Poe1.
Looks great to me
>no maps
based, fuck maps annoying ass system. Literally anything is better than that dumb shit
I wish autistic people would realize how autistic it is to just hate change for the sake of hating change
it's a huge improvement
Why would they waste time on that WHO when elon musk is getting invited
aight i'll just be combo-slamming bosses in 2 hits on titan while you 'quickly' run around the boss for 30 minutes on deadeye.
enjoy your wasd.
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>>looks like a tabletop game

you are not ready for the pure kino that is poe2
>no maps
it's waypoints now. literally same thing just different name. except now you gonna call them waypoints because you're running them to walk on map
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I don't think anything's been said about stash tab translation to PoE2. Simplification of the map opening process means a Map Tab is just going to be a glorified currency tab for waystones.
And tabs like Delve and Blight don't seem to serve any purpose at all, at the moment. I guess one of them convert to an Expedition Tab if GGG chooses to go the way of banking tribe and take away our free Expedition box, which seems possible since Kalguur artifacts are itemized again.
Or insta killing bosses with grenades
early access was actually $12 for me thanks for regional pricing on steam. They removed it a day ago now though

Not so sure the dude's twitter times show he sleeps like 4 hrs a day
Slams two-shotting bosses is no different from poe1. My point is it's the same game fundamentally and will become even moreso over time, right now it's just decorated with consoleslop for the casuals
you're very short sighted
its still maps
its fundamentally the same
only you use blank "maps" to access the nodes and you still get the same level of randomisation you would in poe1 maps
only, this opens up the endgame to a lot more possibility
namely, story-based content
in the future, in new content drops, leagues, whatever
the map will change depending on whats going on in the story
or they will add entirely new maps with new biomes, new content etc
instead of you being stuck running the same maps every year just with different league content
my fren
think about it for a second
he's the big boss of a million companies
most of the work he does is him deferring to the right people. 99.9% of his work is him relaying information to the correct people who get the job done for him
obviously that will extend to his social media
he will not be the only one with access to that account
he will queue posts too
>instead of you being stuck running the same maps every year just with different league content
We aren't "stuck" running the same map, we want to run the same map because we like the layout. Remember the last batch of dogshit maps they released? Grave trough, lmao. No one cares about map variety if the layouts are garbage.
>Say that PoE2 was supposed to be PoE1+, but ended up being too much of its own game during presentation the last year
>Go for such lengths as annoncing PoE1 to be supported and updated separately for people who didnt feel at home in PoE2
>*year and half later*
>PoE2 is actually PoE1+
What happened?

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