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Outskilled edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
5th Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahy0AO8WwRc

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>506916204
is there an active lumu
inside my cavernous asshole
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Now there is.

World PC lumu room:

t. scatreon
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Capcom just give me another 4U with a buffed SA, a nerfed CB and none of that counter gimmick trash.
>asking for balance changes in a PvE game
>counter gimmick trash
Now that mobsters are spastic it doesn't feel good to fight them with no counters
>Capcom just give me
capcom doesn't care about you they care about money
Rise fucking won
the boring contest
>defending shitty balancing because you're an unskilled shitter
Yes and I'll do it again.
very funny guys very original haha lol rise le bad hahahahahdsohfadfgrfgskfohfa
>rise le good
if you're a pedophile
rice le good is even more funny if you ask me
Goes to… GU congratulations GU it wasnt even close!
OK Morloids.
>wilds is so shit we're back to the endless morlo rice wars
ichinose fucking save us
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>19 post
>no huntresses in sight
y'all gays
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Had to get going unfortunately, might put another one up later. Room closed.
when is rice 2 coming out even? i don't think i'm gonna be alive by then
how is it possible to have a strong opinion on a game that isn't even out?
i cant wait until 6 portable can you imagine a rise tier trainwreck modification of the worst mh ever?
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>mhg wasn't kidding when they said milds
>the year is 2040
>a new Monster Hunter has released and sold 40 copies
>Monster Hunter World player count achieves a new all time record
2027 the absolute earliest but probably a little later
lack of SEX does that
Why does rice have to be so grindy I just want to switch to another weapon it will make me forever to make a set
This but with World
tendiebrain does that
yeah frankly I don't think even ichinose can save this series after focus mode and attack skills on weapons it's over
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das ist over fur mich
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Make it MH related

Hard mode: Make it funny
you guys are so funny did I ever say that?
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You better come back later and host a new room! I will be in!
rise bad rise bad rise le bad
>finally, after a combined 500 hours in world, befriend the gajalaka to see why people like their gadget so much
>gajalaka on maps still attack me
worthless. I knew the coral sonicgong is all I needed
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>hub in old games is fucking impossible unless you're autistic
>3U barioth is fucking bullshit
>yes the bing birds are required retard
>world fucking saved this series
GU is better than 4U in every way
Having OP weapons and bad weapons is fun
I've never played a monster hunter game and thought a weapon was too bad to be usable
What is your opinion on hunting horn in FU
They aren't but some weapons in the older games are very clearly playing with a handicap or their playstyles don't gel with the monster design and having to work around that is fun
didnt play that one sounds like boomer shit
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captards see slop and be like mmm yummy
Is that wilds? Yes I would like seconds please
>Monster Hunter Wilds writers' room
>says the captard
God i hate redditors
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The people that complain about balance in PvE games are usually low control FOMO sufferers who can't enjoy something if they read on reddit that something much better exists.
The people tend to say things like "there is only one viable option" and "that playstyle is unplayable" when the optimizations they are making rarely shave off more seconds than the carts they keep committing by being dogshit at the game.
>keep saying rise is shit
>tendies get more uppity each time
I'm sorry I couldn't come up with a quality line such as "YOU'VE GOT A WEAPON AND DO NOOTHIIIIIIIING"
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I guess the palicoes would have good reason
People who dont care about balance in a single player pve game are usually so bad at videogames theyd be measured in the bottom 30%
Bad weapons can be fun to play with but when you choose another weapon you're not even skilled with and you're able to kill monsters in a fraction of the time and realize what you've been robbed of it ruins the experience.
Why does it ruin the experience to know you could've experienced less of the experience
People who care about balance in a single player pve game are usually so bad at videogames theyd be measured in the bottom 30%
*shits in your mouth*
enjoy, niggercattle
safi's blast switchaxe or safi's poison switchaxe? both have power phials
>everything is LE REDDIT
I've been to r/monsterhunter and they're always making the same argument you are whenever weapon balancing is brought up. I don't wanna hear it.
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>mocks someone for yelling reddit while admitting he's reddit
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my wife
>Why do you not like to play bad games?
>I've been to r/monsterhunter
go back then and stay there
I love huntresses
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Post cute palicoes.
It's just a bunch of scrubs really. Like how many do you see still running blankets + palicos and other crutch skills despite them having 1000+ hours in the games?
They don't want to learn anything, they don't want to be challenged. Their mindset is "If I can do it then the devs intended it" and that's why they grind armor sphere in low rank to get double defense despite what the devs actually intented. That's why they piss and shit themselves because "waaaaaaaah the health bar is gray and it means I need to collect bingbug to fill it up otherwise I'm underpowered but if I do then the game is too easy waaaah".
Scrubs with disonnance and it's incredible that they're not all using HBG or some other bullshit weapons to faceroll the content.
Not the question I asked you illiterate-kun
>Palicocs are plotting to kiPP us !!!
what did he mean by this
>never spend time on website
>pretend to know what website is like
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honestly? same
ma'am those are tits
There will always be value to balance in a pve game, even single player ones. Creating a setting where not everyone can mindlessly rape the content creates a demand for thoughts and content creation. That can be either informative content, impressive content, it can be build and strategy arguments. When you create a super easy game with a single catch all solution to everything you throw all that away.

You wanna see an example of what happens when you create a game with no difficulty? See No Man Sky. That game doesnt even have a community because that game gets solved in 10 minutes of play even by baddies.
You said having a bad experience adds to the experience and I'm saying, no, a bad experience worsens it.
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everybody here is always glazing themselves as good players but they never dare stream

you're all bad at the game, stop larping so much, its pathetic
No I'm saying an experience isn't necessarily worse just because it's longer, illiterate-kun
blast or poison for safi's switchaxe
you're genuinely brown if you watch mh streamers
it's one of the most bland franchise to watch
>jar, doj, aira, ryu, mlx
another mhg thread another long series of chimp outs oh look here comes another melty
>it ruins it for me when i find out other people have been putting in less effort to succeed
how haven't you killed yourself yet
This is a normal human reaction to have
You are a soulless shitskin subhuman
yeah and im saying that you should kill yourself because everyone in the world has it much easier than someone this autistic
who's the hag?
For a manchild, maybe
the thought of being exposed on stream as a shitter makes you quake with fear
Shitskin shitskin you will never be white <3
jar's an annoying humblebrag cheater, doj is a faggotranny, never heard of the last 3
>the best experience you can have is obliterating something with a HBG
chink mentality
See >>507062051
disgusting brown monkey!
>jar's an annoying humblebrag cheater
I only cheated once as a fucking joke you asshole
name one way that 4U is better than GU without saying "muh story" since thats the cope that all 4Utards always have.
That's not what you said, retard-san. Shorter hunts means more monsters, hunting more monsters = more meaningful engagement with the core mechanics.
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>staggering everything to death is the best experience you can have
chink mentality
>shorter hunts = more meaningful engangement
rofl you cancer downie
Better armor variety. Sad that should be the case in a game with as much """content""" as GU.
>hunting more monsters = more meaningful engagement with the core mechanics.
You are actually so retarded it's unreal
That's like saying HAME rooms are the peak of fun
he's also terminally online, hence his instant reply. thirsty for validation and (you)s

truly disgusting creatures
Shut up you faggot.
I don't see a refutation.
Okay you guys can make fun of doj and whatever but jar is my friend and you're taking this too far
probably samefag
When I see "begging for stream" anon I imagine a fat American desperately trying to con some anon into streaming for him to supplement his bread with a circus
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Thats right nobody fucks with my buddy Jar
doj do really be like that
Do you have severe autism? Just because I think weapons should actually be competitive to reward mastery doesn't mean I think raping monsters in 4 person sleep bomb kill squads is fun.
Why would they stream if you could join a room to find out?
Stop being a nigger doj
I've been playing ls in sunbreak and while it's very satisfying to pull some shit the low damage is tedious at times and feels like way too much work
I love huntresses
doj and jar kissing in a tree
What do you want streamed?
You crazy? I’m not going to join a room on 4chan. It’ll probably be filled with pedophiles and I’ll get doxxed for not using a lifepowder
GU has more armor sets than 4U though
trolls are out in full force today huh
I said BETTER, not MORE.
oops meant for >>507063360
define better
I'm just reading your words and quoting them back to you, sis
meant for >>507063536
There's better variety in 4U whereas in GU there are a few good sets in a sea of dogshit. If you have MORE dogshit in your game, the variety is negatively affected.
all weapons are competitive tho
>ctrl + f "HAME"
>1 result
How do you guys feel about the monster hunter series here? Any good?
clunky dogshit just play dmc or souls
>stop using examples to refute my frickin logic bozo!
GU also has a good variety of armor, the fuck you on about.
anyone who claims every weapon since 3rd gen isn't competitive is a metatranny cumslurper
>I only [did the exact thing you said]
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MHR+SB for $15 seems like a steel.
I remember the DRM got changed to Enigma half a year ago.
Does this DRM affect performance/modding like Denuvo?
Poison because purple is cooler
so I should just kill myself because I cheated one time? fuck off
You're a cherry-picking faggot.
0-3 Play World
4-7 Play MHFU
8-9 Play TF2
how do i dodge giant laser/breath attacks in fu
It does literally nothing
I think Capcom actually got scammed
Is that supposed to be boogie?
Did your weapon win in the community update?
>f i n a l l y fucking get to G Rank in GU after trudging through LR/HR
>cool, lets see what weapon upgrades I can get
>every single one requires "hyper" parts
>look up where to get those
>have to grind HR hyper monsters for them despite already unlocking G monsters and quests
>ok fine how do I unlock them
>villager requests and even more fucking key quests
This entire game is a spectrum of slop grind, does it even get good 300 hours in or was that a meme too
If you hate fighting monsters this is the wrong series for you anon
Enjoying the
>Gating progression by forcing the player to mash through NPC dialogue (you do NOT want to read the disappointing BuzzFeed garbo that passes for a North American localization) spread across 5 separate villages that only refresh once you've left one of said villages
central to MHGU's gameplay loop?
>do safijiva recon
>finish it, game says the rewards change if you were to attempt it again
>become curious
>try it again
>break head twice, the back, and both wings
>finish recon for the 2nd time
>rewards are exactly the same
>get nothing for part breaks, not even extra lifepowder
why do they get such enjoyment out of lying through their teeth
Every monster is the same adept dodge or Valor counter slop that's unironically worse than rise
Then use another style
True, every monster introduced in GU is built around perfect dodges and counters, so much that hunting them with guild style feels like a joke.
Knowing this game got fisted by room temp normies? No thanks gonna keep playing 4U
balance is for speedtrannies
I love fighting monsters when it's fun and not a boring grind. Even grinding 25+ Rathalos' in 4U for the Ruby was still more enjoyable than fighting the 4 mascots in key quests for the 5th time in a row.

That's another thing too, this game is carried by nostalgia bait like Atlas carries the sky. Having to bounce around between villages for their stupid requests got old almost immediately.
what the fuck happen to this general
wilds killed the hype everyone is depressed
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is dragon piercer a better wakeup than thousand dragon
dragon piercer in 99% of matchups if you don't want to wallbang
bak2back neet shitposters
Reddit won
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Just rush through the key quests in G-Rank (really, the only hard one should be the Duramboros+Agnaktor arena quest since that moronic faggot Itchynose nerfed smoke bomb durations in Generations and Ichihara sadly didn't unnerf it in GU) and grind for the final boss's full armor at the very least.
Then here's your next step: Go and find out what your weapon's best meta weapon is and figure out a plan to grind for that. So for example, the two best meta weapons for Longsword is deviant Ceanataur and deviant Tetsucabra. These two make up like 99 percent of all the fastest LS speedruns in MHGU.
So how do you unlock deviant Ceanataur? Beat a G-Rank Shogun.
So how do you unlock deviant Tetsucabra? Beat a High Rank Tetsucabra.
Then comes the hard and tedious part of slowly leveling them up so that you can get all the materials to max out each of their LS trees.
Unfortunately, you'll need some hyper materials (pic related for the deviant Ceanataur LS), so just be smart and get them via subquest rewards to be efficient and not waste time with hyper garbage.
The final boss's LS is actually very good and should be the one you use to farm for these two meta LSes.
Then, once you've maxed out your meta deviant LS, you can beat hypers much more quickly. Plus it helps you beat village/LR/HR content much more easily as well.

Be smart and figure out an efficient progression plan so that you don't waste time doing trash quests for trash weapons you don't care about. And, as I've already noted, you need to be smart about what you grind for in terms of weapons, since 99 percent of the "diverse" weapon trees in MHGU are useless and there's only a handful of truly good meta choices at best.
>just ignore all content and only touch 1%
Massive tranny energy above me
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>do all this retarded bullshit
>or play a better MH game
>Try to talk about MH
>Morlos shit the thread up
>Outs himself as a morlo
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Good hunts! 3/16.
Can you 3-1 people enjoy your shitty "Kino" in silence? Why do you feel the need to always post about it?

fuck off
Uh oh melty
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Can you 3-1 people enjoy your shitty "Kino" in silence? Why do you feel the need to always post about it?

fuck off to your discord, this is a monster hunter thread not world thread, we don't want to hear about it.
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I'm sorry, I'll include pictures of dicks next time so you don't feel excluded.
melty double kill
rice tendies mad that Wilds' popularity exceeded World
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Newfags, discord and trannies. There you go
- ____ -
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Maybe world is a garbage game? And maybe wilds is just World ver0.3 that doesn't even run on modern hardware? Give me one good reason why the Monster Hunter IP needs world and the new players?
Do you really have nothing else to do on a saturday besides world/rise/wilds shitposting to about 20 unique posters for the 700th time?
scHMop scHMop scHMop ʏum ʏum scHMop
Do you have nothing else than to bitch about my bitching? Now answer or enjoy your kino in slicence.
wow that direction change is bonkers
I'm currently playing Balatro while occasionally checking /mhg/. It's a fun game.
>World sold more than the entirety of the series before it
Lmao, MH "fans" don't even buy the games they shitpost about.
ok hope you enjoy your kino in silence.
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I dont even know when I can do a wakeup wallbang
I know when monsters are slept via sleep ailment they'll wake up not enraged but sometimes when I wake up monsters that slept on their own theyre instantly enraged
Anyone here have a psp/vita? If you play FU on the vita do the camera controls automatically get out on the right stick or do you still have to claw?
>what the fuck happen to this general
Scatreon drove the residents mad
You can map the right stick to the D-Pad in the PSP mode of the Vita so that it effectively becomes the camera controls.
That's exactly what I wanted to know thanks. Might play claw anyway just for the authentic experience or whatever
Don't damage your joints if you don't have to.
Well I don't actually do the claw position because it's unnecessary I just use the stick and dpad together with one thumb just by sliding my thumb. I'm already used to it from dos
feel tha thunda
absolute soul
boomers will look at this and think wow so soulful
wow so soulful
kek last thread was fun
I hate boomers with a burning visceral passion
I used to stream World/Iceborne back then.
Some shitposter kept posting the url here constantly, so that was swell. Not sure if it's worth doing again for Wilds.
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So a Rathian, Monoblos and Lunastra walk into a bar...
uhm can you not post this? Enjoy your kino in silence please you dumb attention whore
yeah these are the neet shitposters I was talking about
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>safi 3rd stage
>baby blanket ls tard has aggro
>will not take safi to any of the gas traps ever
>I flinch shot safi no joke 10 times in a row while its enraged
>every time it says "lstard has drawn safi's attention"
>safi gets away because we missed out on a total of like 6000 potential dmg because this tard wanted to clip the toenails in the back
nice fucking nonfunctional mechanic jappos
Total Vespoid Death
I'm getting the hang of bow! I'm glad I didn't give up, thank you to everyone who gave me advice a few days ago. I'm still screwing up my inputs but I'm getting better with it.
I'm delaying my foray into MR to grind out a lot of HR gear that I'm going to replace anyway. I've never done this before for any other weapon!
ganbatte cutie
MH prior to 3rd gen was dogshit. Pre-3rd gen was basically like an early access version of what MH should have been like, with Tri being the 1.0 release.
this but 5th gen
oook ook ook oooook
average rice player vocabulary
Very funny Morloid we get it you don't like Rise.
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For reference.
Tri is the Wilds of FU
Good luck!
Just remember to not spam the fucking rock rain unless the monster is CC'd, and you should only be targeting the head with it
I run into so many morons who don't know how to rotate their combo with bow so there's just rock rain everywhere constantly staggering people trying to hit the monster
Useful, thanks again I appreciate you taking the time
Yeah I only spam it when a monster is downed. I use KBM so aiming the rock rain is a bit of a pain, I usually just go through the combo and let the rock rain aim itself and most of it ends up falling on the body rather than head. Maybe if I took a step or two back it'd hit the head without aiming.
I can't tell if bow in general is very strong or if targeting elemental weaknesses is with bow is really strong, but I'm glad I can finally say I use element builds outside of alatreon.
0-3: Freedom
4-6: Sunbreak
7-9: Shantae
Which shantae?
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Pirates curse
Fun game, play that
rawr >:3
I did yesterday and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it but I rolled freedom and I should make progress in freedom anyway
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squidsmith sexoooooo
Oh you've done him in!
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>4 squids needed
Feels kind of arbitrary. Did Zelda even require 4 heart containers?
MH stop being MH after 3rd gen, then it just became boss rush the game.
Every zelda required 4 heart pieces to make a new container, until twilight princess which required 5
>scariest attacks in oldgen are mons walking forward slightly faster
riveting gameplay
>are mons walking forward slightly faster
3U aged better than every other classic mh, but FU still has a special place in my heart
wow SA used to be really boring before world
Huh to think I thought it was 3 and I've played a fuck ton of Zelda. Must have forgot
SA peaked in SB, now Wilds took away the ability to turn when you do a roll morph and is making it a ZSD spamfest with the new move.
Zelda did 4 heart pieces, but just about every macguffin follows the rule of 3
>get the three things to make the cool thing happen
so i understand the confusion.
>dos instincts kicking in and I keep trying to flick the right stick to attack
I...I still bear the scars...
It was literally just medium sword
used to be?
>noooooo where is my epic invincible super move where I bswhoooom boomboomboomboomboomboomfBAM! it's so epic and I can't live without it
This but unironically
It's same as now unless you are temporal mantle ZSD spammer shitter
it is nowhere near the same, have a (you)
>temporal mantle ZSD spam
i am and it's based
Next should I learn SnS or DB?
It's really not
truth hurts
lol stay mad, explosions are fun as fuck
when I play gunlance I also use rocksteady with recovery up so I can spam full burst and watch a million explosions without moving an inch
Lol the cats really used to have insane tracking I'm over here dodging and weaving and they turn on a dime to follow you and the black ones are fast as fuck
around blacks (melynx) never relax
SB SA is fluid and flashy but it's also really braindead, just ZR A ZR on repeat forever with no variation and no need to ever commit to anything bigger. I'm somewhat cautiously optimistic for Wilds SA.
you're being disingenuous, every weapon can be boiled down to their most effective combo when you know what you're doing. the Wilds SA gets rid of some of the fluidity and is making it put all the eggs in the new discharge, which people are going to spam since it now does more damage and has knockback protection with reduced damage taken.
> no need to ever commit to anything bigger
it's not even half your best source of damage
I wish they'd stop adding super moves to weapons, they're impossible to balance in a game like this, they're either going to be useless or the only thing that matters with nothing in between
All weapons are the same since world, build meter, dump meter.
>they're impossible to balance in a game like this
No they're not, you're just autistic
Name 1 instance where super moves were a natural part of a weapon's moveset and not either overcentralizing or never worth using
If you don't use faster moves because "landing the big hit" is all that matters you're probably dogshit at the game and a GS player
>I wish they'd stop adding super moves to weapons

hee hee hoo hoo
look at the shiny lights
check out those big numbers
ah ah don't look too close at the gameplay,
just focus on the shinny attack!
Disingenuous demand based around your autistic definition of "not worth using"
If the big hit has 360 degree free aim and hyper armor there's not much reason not to spam it
Last I checked even the big hits have windup and recovery, regardless of any attached hyper armor
Look forward to you killing yourself trying to spam it and then complaining about the monster AI being cheap
>your autistic definition of "not worth using"
SAED in Wilds is a good example of a move that's just never worth using by any definition.
I didn't have trouble spamming them on Rey Dau in the demo and that's supposed to be the second hardest monster in the game after Arkveld, I'm sure I'm going to be just fine
you guys cry about everything, it's comical
How about I dump my meter in your ass? How about that?
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Hyper armor moves are rarely even good until the endgame where the game feeds you life steal abilities
Come on guys it's christmas, be nice.
>god I hate this game so much!
>*plays it for 1000 hours*
kill yourself?
It's not like you're going to trade with them every time, it just makes them fuckup proof
Plus if the hyper armor lets you tank Rey Dau's railgun with a 1.65x attack mod with 30 defense in the beta, at endgame you're going to take scratch damage
just dont use that move then, just like how you dont use bowguns and mantles
stop rolling backwards too while youre at it
Using Hunting Edge on Rathalos/Surge Slash on Zinogre has been an absolute blast.
I can hate Monster Hunter and still acknowledge that it's better than other games that I hate more
Why do monsters get to have a free hit after they scream stun you
vaal hazak gives me mega aids
effluvium and his damage aura can suck my balls
It's almost like those """""""""""""""""""qol"""""""""""""""""""""elements don't belong to MH or something
exactly so just don't use them retard
nobody's forcing you to use them
>fighting iodrome with 4 ioprey constantly tripping me
>khezu shows up
I honestly miss how fucking cancer monhun used to be but at the same time holy shit fuck ioprey
i used to hate vaal hazak but i like the fight now
not an argument, i've never used a mantle but i can't blame others for using them when the game is designed and balanced around those subpar mechanics
Slot in effluvial resist 3 and he's like anjanath tier
> when the game is designed and balanced around those subpar mechanics
A game can have a deliberately designed skill floor and ceiling
I dislike the arch-tempered version.
does that skill also remove his damage aura because if so i'd probably agree that shit does more damage to me than his actual attacks
>i've never used a mantle
so whats the problem? you should be enjoying yourself then?
just use the ledge GS cheese :)
>game is designed and balanced around those subpar mechanics
The skill ceiling is intended to be learning to abuse those mechanics as hard as possible, not learning to play without them
Playing without mantles is cope
Is "casual and streamlined mechanics" any better ?
The game really isn't that hard that you ever have to touch mantles. I never use them.
>I never use them
Why do you fags just blatantly lie constantly?
>if we did another beta it would just be the first one again with no changes
Guess that confirms no demo before release
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oye como yo gano a el monstruo rana verde ascendido?
World having a third of the roster in its demo was pretty dumb desu so I don't blame them
You're forgetting Sunbreak SA's biggest source of damage: Elemental Burst Counter. It's at least like 50 percent of all your damage output (and way higher for some matchups I've seen speedrunners do). This is what Sunbreak SA is all about. It's all about playing the weapon like Longsword, the same way you'd set up Iai Spirit Slash attacks on monsters with Longsword.
I don't howeverbeit.
But you still have fast movement, weapons with super armor moves, Rick and Morty shinny attacks, crutchclaw, backroll, etc. The mantle is one of many subpar mechanics.
no I'm saying youre a coping shitter if you think the game is balanced around mantles, regardless of whether or not you use them
why bitch about all this stuff
you can just not use it
same people bitching probably use dps meters and whine if they're not doing as well as their compatriots
just play for fun
Comparison is the thief of joy, and /mhg/ is an incredibly joyless general
dont use them?
the game certainly isnt balanced around any of those either
Are you just trying to proovesbait again?
If the game isn't balanced around basic movement and weapon attacks then the devs clearly failed in a quite spectacular fashion
exactly 8 inches 5 inches who cares?
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I'm so excited to see my friends from /mhg/ again soon in MHW.
Tienes que cojerlo wey
didn't we decide on "MHWS"
What does that stand for? I'm talking about the upcoming entry in the series called Monster Hunter Wilds (MHW).
we? ah yes the discord troons
>basic movement
if you consider a backroll to be basic movement then it isnt a subpar mechanic
if you think it's a subpar mechanic and you ever find yourself in a situation where a backroll is your only way out of danger, a thus the game is "balanced around it" then youve betrayed your own ethos and poorly positioned yourself in a way that requires you to use a backroll. In other words, if you think backrolls are unnecessary then you should know how to position yourself such that you never have to use them.
>weapon attacks
nobody is forcing you to use the super armor and "rick and morty shinny attacks". every weapon has a basic moveset
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>quit MH game after only single digit hours: "lol filtered"
>quit MH game after only double digit hours: "lol, you barely played the game, therefore your criticisms are invalid"
>quit MH game after triple or quadruple digit hours: "lol, look at this loser hating a game he has triple/quadruple digit hours on"
>rathalos is limping
>flies back to nest
>im already there and already set a trap because im a pro hunter
>literally dodges the trap and flies right back up out of the next
>spends the next minute flying to every fucking zone on the map before coming back
first gen please im only a man
Is gunlance good in Dos?
Everyone who is smaller than me is a pussy and everyone bigger than me is on steroids.
The effluvia isn't a problem for me my only gripe is that vaal hazak is such a boring no fight which is a shame because the monster looks cool and the concept is neat
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I love huntresses
fuck no
it's great in F2 though
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>you need to flick your right analog stick in different directions to do different attacks for blademasters
>you need to click your right analog stick to shoot each individual shot for gunner weapons (so if you shoot 10 times, you need to click the stick 10 times)

Did Kaname Fujioka and the rest of the people who made MH1 have any experience playing videogames at all prior to making MH1? I ask this because it has so many retarded design decisions that could only have been made by people who have never played games before.
There's literally no excuse for its control scheme to be THIS bad when it came out in 2004, which was the same year games like Doom 3, Halo 2 and Max Payne 1 already had pretty modern controls for 3D games.
>max payne
you SOUND like you're in Max Payne!
Can anyone help me with a sticky aqua shot build? I wanna try and make one to take on lunastras and teostras since I heard sticky ignores their fire aura. You need the nargacuga armor and zorah magdaros set?
Just mod the fire aura out bro
what do you need help with cutie
Wait do you really click it for bowguns lmao? I tried bow and it was just pulling the stick back. Damn bowguns got cucked
OoT had great action game controls six years prior when action games typically had fucking retarded controls. DMC1 and 2 were also out by then and made by the same company and both controlled way better.
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assuming you have no lvl7 guiding lands for awakening charm 3
empty safi slot is for narga essence
replace vitality decos for attack decos if you want
empty slots for whatever like agitator or more attack
this website doesn't have hbg/lbg on it so greatsword is just placeholder; it works fine on a bowgun as well
fucking casual
How the absolutely hell did you...
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>got inspired by that clown huntress from a few days ago
>want to make my own clown
>can't get close to a clown without copying most of the layered armor
its over
Just b yourself
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>targeting elemental weaknesses is with bow is really strong
this, physical bow is kinda dookie
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SnS is a lot cooler
DB is a lot more anime
you NEED flinch free if you're gonna play SnS tho
It just feels like you guys haven't been yourself lately. Like is it me? I mean...what are we anon? I think it's only fair we talk about it
I want to creampie a clowntress
and then support the clown kids for 18 years right?
post the clown, do it nown
no I want her to be barren but neither of us know so we keep trying and then through the miracle of loving your clown wife one finally takes after thousands and thousands of creampies
its from like a week old thread id have to search the archive
What a bunch of unfunny baboons.
this hits a little close to home for me actually I knew a girl like that and got her pregnant
that could be anyone with green hair
nigh is the time of clowntress
Fitting since you’re all clowns
i'm a court jester actually
You're more like Pierrots with how utterly unfunny and devoid of humour your posts are. At least I get a chuckle or a smirk out of Clowns and Jesters.
Is Freedom Unite any good?
Better than Rise that's for sure.
What if I just put my dick in front of your nose and made you take a whiff? Would that be funny to you tough guy?
>immediately talk about dicks
Gay Clowns from /mhg/
gay Jesters from /mhg/
Being gay is a sin though
not really
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Bless Sunbreak
sucks ass just play world
It's the boomers golden standard
The game they claim is the peak of monster hunter but play through it with a x10 speedup button
based fuck boomers kill em all I say
my autistic potion avoiding wife
You guys are so fucking funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>Is Freedom Unite any good?
genuinely one of the worst experiences i've ever had. extreme dogshit, better than Dos and the original MH, but that's not saying much.
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/mhg/ is balatro clay
World was the only good monhun
>didn't take responsibility
your clown wife would disapprove
thanks, based
it alright
This but Rise
Finally a good post
Lots of zoomer replies. Sure is looking great for Wilds I guess.
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Only good games are Rise, GU & World.

In that specific order.
One thousand Teostras hitting one thousand Lunastras
I knew she wasn't emotionally ready for a child and I knew I wasn't financially ready for one and frankly I didn't really love her at least not initially. I was doing my best to learn to love her after the real love of my life had left me. Anyway there's a ton of drama involved with this story including me stealing her from her micro dick bf but it's not monhun related so I'll leave it at that. I just encouraged her to have an abortion and she thankfully agreed despite resenting me afterward
Goodmorning Homosexual Comedians of /mhg/
Favorite shitmon to bully?
It's almost 10PM
I was just shitposting lol but the zoomers ate it up. The pre tri filter is strong
It's actually absurd how much better hit effects used to be
How did we regress this hard
Depends on the game but across the series? Probably rathian
I like blasting kushala with sticky ammo
neither of these are shitmons aside from maybe ruiner nerg or arch tempered nerg
This but without smiling
Nergigante is on the ground flailing because you broke his nails 70% of the fight.
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me when I see a great girros
Every mon should be like Barioth, where breaking a part directly influences and changes the mon's moveset. Is there any other mon where it's like that (outside a tail cut making the tail swipe hitbox smaller)?
The only one I can recall is breaking Tetsucabra fangs make its move where it digs up a rock only cause it to dig up small rocks.
pukei pukei is most certainly a shitmon
I dont bully him though, he's too cute
that makes (regular) nergigante easy
the other two are arguably shitmons because they're dps races that punish you for being aggressive but also punish you for playing it safe
since when did shitmon start meaning easy monster and not shitty monster
That's why shitmon is a retarded term because it means different things to different people
Shitmon had always meant easy mon and you’re lying to yourself if you think otherwise
as far as i remember, breaking gravios's legs(?) when he does the hop-body slam, he'll tumble over leaving his underside open.
Also if yoi break his back, when he does the heat gas after shooting a beam, he'll try to do it but it won't come out from under him, and he'll turn his head towards himself as if something's wrong.
I thought shitmon was just a mon that was...shit
Otherwise everything before the flagship is probably a shitmon which is retarded
I'm playing world right now and while it is fun, it just seems like every battle is the same thing. Go here, track, attack, run, attack, kill. I'm sure if this was a 10 hour game or something it'd be fine, but isn't this game like 100 hours? And is there really a point in playing the sequels if its just more of the same? It's not a bad game, but it's just too long.
Uninstall the game and move on
A lot of monsters are affected by part breaks
Game isn't for you. The whole loop of the series is fight monsters - get parts - make stronger gear - fight stronger monsters - get parts - etc. If it's boring you then you don't need to force yourself to keep playing it.
Gypceros can't do the flash if you smash his head
No they aren’t
dragon piercer killscreens look so goofy
>I'm playing world right now and while it is fun, it just seems like every battle is the same thing. Go here, track, attack, run, attack, kill. I'm sure if this was a 10 hour game or something it'd be fine, but isn't this game like 100 hours? And is there really a point in playing the sequels if its just more of the same? It's not a bad game, but it's just too long.

Welcome to the NU-Monster Hunter, you should give 4U and p.3rd a chance before moving on.
turned on dx12 and gained like 100 fps
is dx11 just that shit
That just reminded me.
When you busted up Qurupeco's beak, did it cause an effect where if it tried to buff itself with a song, it would buff you as well?
Ik when it gets tired and plays a song that puts you to sleep, it affects itself too.
depends on your gpu, world was released around that funny time where news gpus were starting to be developed for dx12 rather than dx11
not him but I have a 7800xt and dx12 causes instant crashes
like, as soon at I try to load into seliana/astera after choosing a save file type crash
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still no rabbit wi- I mean monster
no it hasn't
it was this
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The dx12 implementation into world is genuinely one of the worst I've ever seen lol
when it works it's hardly better, and it rarely works
Wow, no clues here
rathalos/rathian wingbreaks
lil bro living in 2012
let's not pretend nvidia doesn't have its own issues, lest we forget the
incident, among the countless others
am I playing the game wrong or are a bunch of these later master rank monsters too active? it feels like if I do anything more than swing once or twice I get hit by the monster when it starts breakdancing. it's like impossible to tell what moves they're doing since they're just spinning 180 and wavedashing and covered in particle effects, and then on top of that when they're enraged they're like 25% faster
haha based son that nigga
can you guys stop talking about PCfaggotry for 5 minutes
>it feels like if I do anything more than swing once or twice I get hit by the monster when it starts breakdancing
Hilarious you figured it out and don't realize it. That's what you're supposed to do. One two and bail. Stick and move
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why are they looking at me like that?
/mhg/ posters
bullying doj is fun he cries so hard
I DON'T cry I'm a big boy
>Break glavenus's tail
>It shouldn't be able to really sharpen it or use it at all for most of its moves
>It still does
Big in midsection circumference mayhaps
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If teardrops could be bottled, there'd be swimming pools filled by /mhg/
>play rice
>try to forge a weapon
>while on the forging menu my gpu reaches 99% utilization 70C
not even in-game in the new map that runs like shit that happens
kek fucking gooks wtf why does that happen?
>tail tip is cut off
>glavenus immediately cauterizes the wound and uses the rest of the blade tail anyway
i mean would be pretty kino if you saw an animation of it doing that.
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that sounds like it's gonna suck to play sword and shield then, ive been liking it so far
I am not fat
I'm convinced HBG users are playing a different game than the rest of us meleechads.
cus they are
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so what's the lance memeta on sunbreak now?
last time I checked before amatsu it was incel magnamalo, but what about now that we have fucking infinite sharpness?

the reddit lance guide is fucked
sns is a very quick weapon so it would be more like 2-4 hits before you bail and because of your mobility with sns you can dodge and immediately go back to attacking very quickly so it's pretty much nonstop attacking and timing your dodges with sns even in older games like dos. just don't mash without thinking
gunners in general play a different game
indeed. I recommend playing valor HBG, its so fucking fun. Try it with normal ammo if you don't want to stunlock monster to death with pierce.
Also playing end-game bow (pre-rise) is scary as fuck, 1 hit you die and you have to play in melee range (unless using pierce).
gunning its worth a try in most games, but usually only switching at end-game or when replaying, because the ammo economy can be harsh, and errors are punished more severely than when using blademaster.

t. I play with all weapons in all games
(except dual blades lmoa)
Hahaha this is soo truee, silly Rise monsties
You know in the games your hunter sleeps with armor on but I wonder if they really all do that. I mean some of that armor has spikes which could poke your eye out
yet another World W
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>Want to join Alatreon SOS for fun
>See this
Why would I swim in a pool of majority rise tears?
What the fuck were they even thinking when they designed Ebony Odagaron, did someone just think WOW HE WOULD LOOK HECKING RAD IF HE HAD RED LIGHTNING COME OUT OF HIS MOUTH and somehow they allowed that to progress all the way to this pathetic monster that does absolutely nothing threatening ever and is just mildly annoying to some people whose weapons take longer to kill it if you get hit by his edge vomit
Put on your DBs and be a true hero.
He's cool concept-wise. Eating a lot of dragon meat made him capable of throwing dragon spit, but he's still Odogaron. People liked Odogaron in base World because he's a punching bag + his armor was good on release.
Make lumu, perhaps I will join.
why don't you make it?
why do they gotta ruin so many bows with this spread shit
>wHy DoNt YoU mAkE iT?
MH Sunbreak PC room/lobby/lumu

Up for whatever
Shit, I should have said Iceborne PC lumu. Damn. Sorry, anon-kun. I don't really play much of Rise/SB. I wish you a Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, however.
I understood that reference
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You can join my World PC lumu room instead:

Should have posted a switch room.
I don't want to join other peoples lumu because i'm still practicing high-rank stuff and they mostly want to hunt master rank stuff.
you shouldnt join because theyre all faggots
you sound like the insufferable one fag
seems like I struck a nerve
I thought it was some weird color grading shit going on in Rise but Wilds has the same washed out look going on when it's bright so I'm starting to think that actually is just how RE Engine is somehow even though Rise had a wildly different rendering pipeline.
I just saw this today
Who asked for this? Even normalfags don't like this slag
Where is CAPCOM finding the money to spend on pointless networking like this
What makes you think it's expensive to hire someone nobody likes to read a script for 2 minutes
Low public opinion is not low personal opinion of oneself, or that of the agent
probably some capcom executive wanted to fuck her and gave her a job as payment
pls respond
Talent MIGHT get away with being a stuck up bitch but agents want to make money.
>still no mod that gets rid of palico iceborne skills
I am so tired of pinging my cat to stop it from spilling pennies all over the floor when I just want it to pluck off a part or two from a monster...
coral sonicgong chads dont even know what their cat is doing 99% of the time
yes they do
their cat is bonging monsters out of stun animations to ruin their TCS
yeah. i like it better than world/rise. comfy game. slower paced. its not perfect or anything but as a sum total its great.
>Shockproof Jew is back in Wilds
is there a single bowgun good at slicing ammo
feels like it takes 300 sliving ammo to cut off anything's tail even with partbreaker 3
kushala loses wind aura when you break his head
blagonga roars go down a level and dont summon blangos when you break his fangs
gravios and basarios chestbreaks open up not shitzones
Lagiacrus' lightning aura moves are either eliminated entirely or mostly nerfed when you break the glowing back spines, it's been a while so I don't remember if it was outright or not
>kushala loses wind aura when you break his head
maybe in a good monhun
yeah, in freedom unite.
When was the last real Monster Hunter, according to the top veterans of /mhg/? In addition, will we ever experience a return to form?
The last real Monster Hunter was World and Iceborne. We will experience a return to form when Wilds comes out.
if it ain't on PS2 it ain't even a real video game
Monster Hunter Now
about 2 months I believe
>When was the last real Monster Hunter
monster hunter 1
>will we ever experience a return to form?
why can't any of you answer his question genuinely
I did
none of those answers are serious
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It appears my superiourity has caused controversy
Now was the last Monster Hunter game and Wilds is coming out in 2 months, my post was purely factual.
I was initially under the impression that they would make certain decos only equippable on the weapon and some only equippable on armour in Wilds, but I guess not. The "separation" of weapon and armour skills seems to be what's available to be built-in to the weapon or armour piece. I'm just guessing here, but maybe Attack Boost will never be found on an armour piece but can be found as an intrinsic skill of a weapon. However, you might still be able to put an Attack Boost deco on either a weapon or armour.
Doesn't change much in the end. Your armour will still have multiple Guard-related decos, which would be completely useless if you switch to something like hammer mid-fight.
every day this rings more true.
4u. but even that's questionable if we're being 'pure' about it. thats just my personal brass tacks answer on 'what was genuinely good last'. no there will never be a return to form every element has been sanded down to zilch. autotracking, instant gathering, zero resource scarcity, abundantly pointless weapon trees, items are now mostly superfluous, small monsters are just set dressing and launching teammates is getting removed.
and now they're coming for the core gameplay. while it isn't completely eroded yet, focus mode has been a big step towards fully trivializing your movement, timing and positioning.
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>no there will never be a return to form every element has been sanded down to zilch. autotracking, instant gathering, zero resource scarcity, abundantly pointless weapon trees, items are now mostly superfluous, small monsters are just set dressing and launching teammates is getting removed.
>Rise introduces bingbugs, which enhance movement
>monsters are beyond spastic and jump all over the place. Tracking is also greatly increased
>Wilds introduces Focus Mode
I'm expecting the monsters to just fucking teleport behind you, forcing you to do constant 180s.
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Good hunts! 1/16 or closed.
>worldspermtendybab thinks Rise/Sunbreak had monsters that deserve to be called spastic
I'm too old for this shit.
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honestly, might as well just give you all the resources from the word go at this point and make it about fighting the monster if they wanna dumb down the gathering so much.
more like third feet master
Tigrex also falls over more often when turning during a charge if his arms are broken, instead of it only happening when he's tired
I like it
Its definitely a developer choice since Sunbreak even added those ingame color filter options to change it. Although the one that's just "normal colors but more saturated" made some areas eye-searing imo.
Did they remove charms or something?
Didn't that get nerfed to hell at release cause it became the meta for guns for a bit?
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Idk about meta but this was my last setup
Amatsu pants and then whatever the fuck else you want really it'll vary depending on anomaly skills
Post cute huntresses
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Mine set. Infinite stamina is nice for thrusting, so Heaven-Sent is there.
Oh yeah Heaven-Sent allows me to make use of Max Might as well which is nice.
helpful vid for /mhg/
This Heaven-Sent talk reminded me
>Heaven-Sent gives infinite stamina if you don't get hit
>Amatsu Coil has Latent Power 4, which gives crit and stamina reduction and is charged faster when you get hit
what the fuck were they thinking?
>joined a hunt with afflicted zinogre and apex rathian
>stayed with zinogre until i broke his first horn, then left for Apex
>even when they got the wyvern ride on Magnamalo AND Zinogre, i STILL killed Apex Rathian before them
DAMN that feels good.
Love doing dumbass races like that if allowed.
I can tell the guy talking is black so opinion discarded
Obscure misunderstood niche cult game Monster Hunter World with only 25 million sales and 60,000 daily peak players on Steam 6 years after release.
it did, but that's because every hit was inflicting full stun
blacks talk very diferently, actually. Why is black people living rent free on your head?
So they can give Latent Power 1 to the sleeves, which you can then trade out using Qurious Crafting. Trust Itchynose's plan.
i remember watching this and realizing 2 minutes in that this retard didnt know what he was talking about and then i deleted the experience from my brain
holy esl
esl franchise
>no argument
>no counterpoint
>make armor shit on purpose so players have to slave away in the gacha mines to make it better
I kneel. Now that I think about it, maybe I'll make a Lance set with Latent Power so all the chip damage can trigger it for me
This is his best video.
He just ends it with:
>What about a fundamental change that capcom is already making to the series? That's what this video is all about.
He 100% is black, I am without doubt
For christmas I just want a cute choco huntress GF
latent power isn't triggered by taking damage in Rise
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why not vanilla?
Taking Heaven-sent and the other survivability shit in Sunbreak helped me to not lose my mind fighting Risen Shagaru Magala.
>takes 175 seconds and landing hits decreases the time
Wait, is it not complete and utter shit now?
I've actually masturbated to some of the huntresses here
I'm sorry, bros
Does she have cute feet?
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don't need to be sorry
deviljho doesnt eat his own tail, its a farce by the guild
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Would she be able to enjoy a straight marathon of the extended versions of all three lord of the rings movies?
He never ever does that and has never done that, him falling over is exclusively tied to exhaustion
No, breaking his beak makes take twice as long to play a song, which will apply a buff to you if you manage to do enough damage to him during the song, but you can do that while unbroken
ok your shilling is pointless i'm not gonna watch your jewtuber friend
ahh, thanks for the fact-check then. Been...almost 15 years since i last played 3U.
No, Iceborne release fucked dx11, it worked fine before, also why do you need all that FPS?
cringe, theatrical has better pacing
Rathalos sometimes does a special animation when on the ground if his wing is broken but his and Rathians moveset are unaffected
Good answer, you're hired
huntresses do that to you
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>my face when I get poisoned by a tail cut Rathalos
los's poison is in his talons.
...for some reason.
Rathalos has venomous claws, not tail.
/mhg/ your averaged iq is showing...
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Bizarre samefag
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anime website, newfag
Good decos and to confirm which armor pieces or upgrades on the aqua shot

Thanks for this, will use as a base. been looking up some other variations. I have level 7 GL, but just got them and only got sand lands to 7 just today.
>low rank Rhenoplos set doesn't give full artillery in 4U
I'm free.
Don't know which armor to craft in GU after getting the HR nargacuga set.
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>he isn't a solo hunter
went through the entirety of HR up to G nerscylla in unupgraded Lagombi armor cause of aerial GS.
You can unironically just rock with what you got.
Yeah, the armor works just fine. That's why I have trouble finding another that makes me want to grind it.
But on the other hand, I'd like some variety from time to time.
I'm also using GS but Guild Style.
any kind of armor works just pick the skills you want for your playstyle
I'd honestly just wait till G rank to decide that at that point.
I remember gunning for Duramboros armor cause...i think it came with focus, and also had Brawn (stamina thief + Knockout King) so it finally made me try out a Punishing Draw build.
Does this place have a leader?
An absolute authority that people listen to?
melty hours
>wojak deleted
>"i know! I'll post it again!"
unironic melty hours kek.
some of them were tho
Latent power also decreases stamina usage, which is pointless with heavensent
It's pure armor augment fodder
fatherless behavior
pretty much
Something happened to this general in the past couple of weeks.
So who exactly is this wojak spammer?
someone very mad at Wilds
>350 hours and all content cleared solo
>Literally 0 (zero) Attack +4 decos have dropped during this time
>at least 80 kills on Day of Ruin
I wish these generals would go back to 3u/4u times of comfy instead of the absolute putrid shit it is now.
Why do we have console warring, /v/ tier trolling, incoherent shitposting, avatarfagging, borderline-porn posting, wojak spamming in this general now?
Like the worst we had in these generals were Doj or PixelEater tripfagging and acting a fool. But they could be filtered or ignored.

Can we make /mhg/ chill again? Is it even possible?
The only armor I suggest until you get to late stage G rank is the snowbaron armor combined with arial switch axe. It's the most cheesy thing this series has ever seen by far and can decimate any hunt easily with spamming jump attacks, and its a cute armor. Even athal ka is a joke with that armor set.
Sunbreak, cause I'm not a shitty depressed youtuber trying to bait people into watching my 8 hour video about how Dos made me discover my inner woman.
>Is it even possible?
not with contemporary 4chan
That anon is kinda soft lying to you. The thing with master rank monsters in post 3rd gen games is that they drop all fairness to their attack patterns, so you have to learn their "blind spots" where you can stick to and keep attacking without getting hit. Just try the hunts constantly and you'll pick up what those spots are. Having an evasion set helps massively especially in the newer games where evade extender makes you jump 10 fucking meters.
Yeah you're not repressed at all sister
Oh I definetly want to be a sexy girl. Its just not Dos that made me think that. Quite the big difference.
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>someone post an innocent and/or newfag-ish post
>gets shunned down by "people" here who make sure to reply in the most hateful edgy way, literally the leddit karmawhoring equivalent
>'''haha I'm so acid and bitter, I've showed him''
>guy with a functional braincell doesn't come up anymore
>residents will lose interest because they'd be here for so long
>newfags won't bother also
>only people left are the mentally ill addicts and self-hating neets
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merry christmas anon
EE buffs are just compensation for monsters tracking you more tightly
Things like magnamalo's tail or rajangs laser obliterate normies
In the old games you would have been right, G rank heavily favored weapons that can do high damage in quick bursts, but it's not so skewed anymore these days since you have lots of ways to minimize downtime, and ways to do burst damage on non burst oriented weapons. Is this for World or Rise?
Atleast doj is an ironic shitposter the rest of you are genuine losers
Shut up Doj you faggot
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More fun than teaming up with real people, setup free trap too

I like the diver design I hope the diver hat were back
Doj only occasionally dons the cloak of irony to shelter his real shit takes from criticism
aira's grace left us because we are sinners and now we're in the company of demons.

prove me wrong
There's no true answer because if you're strict enough you can make a cutoff just about anywhere in the series but the most reasonable answer is 4U. Movesets are still largely the same as in previous gens, tons of older monsters as well as new stuff, it's actually difficult towards the end of the game and no super moves unless you're bitching about charge blade. Generations was the first shift towards nu monhun but it's not really until world that things take a massive shift away from the old style and with wilds we've left monhun altogether
Could you actually list some of the World SPECIFIC changes that you feel make it a departure from older games, stylistically, gameplay loop wise, etc.?

Anything that only existed because of dogshit hardware limitations absolutely does not count.
>Movesets are still largely the same as in previous gens
Tbh 4U also showed why this isn't actually that great because the movesets were mostly tuned for much slower 3rd gen monsters.
it actually does chill out but not in this early morning time slot
It’s not on a Nintendo platform, World bad, etc
The addition of "super moves" to most weapons as a part of their regular moveset as opposed to being a supplementary mechanic.
Reduction of part break thresholds with significantly longer topple times that give extended periods of time where weapons can just combo off and change the gameplay to be about forcing a topple and then going ham with your strongest combo.
Mantles that destroy the fundamental concepts of Monster Hunter and turn hunts into exercises to see how hard you can break the game.
Traps and recovery items can be found for free in the map, and you passively generate so many staple consumable items that you will have stacks of hundreds of healing items, traps, flashbombs, etc at all times, making them effectively free to use and removing any downtime between hunts outside of going through a couple of menus.
These are just a few.
I mean if I did sit down and list everything it could probably go on a long while but let's just take one quick example the skill system. It was the same in every game until world when negative skills and point thresholds were removed which has a tangible effect on the power of hunters
>super moves
Dos did it first
>Greatsword charging
>Hammer KOing
The only effect negative skills have ever had is forcing you to get certain skills from your charm or armor instead of decos
>Traps and recovery items can be found for free in the map, and you passively generate so many staple consumable items that you will have stacks of hundreds of healing items, traps, flashbombs, etc at all times, making them effectively free to use and removing any downtime between hunts outside of going through a couple of menus.
Ignoring whether I agree with your other points or not, this one feels like pure friction for the sake of friction that only people with the "i suffered so you must suffer also" attitude have.

It's the same reason POE 2 is currently being lambasted. Pointless, time wasting friction that doesn't add to the fun or health of the game past a certain point and only serves to push people away who don't feel spending 1 in 5 of their gaming sessions or whatever gathering materials is worthy of their time.
Friction is what makes games memorable, games that are 100% convenient and painless all the time just get boring.
Oh no now i have to slot ONE deco in to cancel out the negative effect with one exception being razor sharp and handicraft always cancelling each other out

And that’s only in full sets because everyone who gives a fuck about this uses an armor set searcher anyway to get a mix set with sharpness+2, wex, and crit eye with no negative skill downsides

I think we can disagree on that but more importantly the point is there was an effect on hunter power with point thresholds and negative skills. It was a limiting effect and with it gone hunters are now stronger than ever which would probably be fine if hunters didn't also get a fuck ton of more tools as well
Is Nargacuga in wilds?
>I think we can disagree on that but more importantly the point is there was an effect on hunter power with point thresholds and negative skills.
There really wasn't, the thing that sent hunter power levels through the roof was the change to decos. Decos in 5th gen are just far too powerful.
If negative skills came back they would just work like all the negative skills in rise that kill you for using them, the negative skills don't matter half as much as all the space armorsets have now for decorations
Monster hunter game i like
>first monster hunter game i played

Monster hunter game i worship as perfect
>first game -1 generation

Monster hunter game that are too clunky for me
>first game -2 or more generations

Monster hunter game thats too easy
>first game +1 generation

Monster hunter that ruined the series and everything after is unplayable
>first game +2 generations
Definitely, but the friction of grinding out consumables with arbitrary limits is vastly different to the friction of overcoming a well designed and challenging fight.

You think people remember every random fucking material / plant / fish they wasted hours collecting so they could actually play?

Same shit with Classic WoW. We all remember how great it was having infinite time back in the day to do pointless busy work, but there's a reason the Classic servers only exist in waves of nostalgia between streamer groups. Nobody wants to go back to that. Nobody has time for that.

I'm not saying, in this example, all consumables should be free and infinite. Friction should absolutely exist for powerful items. But pretending the franchise got worse because you don't have to dick around for hours restocking every so many hunts is just dick wavey rose tinted shit.
>If negative skills came back they would just work like all the negative skills in rise that kill you for using them
I honestly think we should get more of this because creating real tradeoffs of damage vs comfort is how they actually gave us real reasons to use different sets for the first time. Better than choosing between a major damage skill and minor QoL and the game pretending these are somehow equal at least.
>There really wasn't
Alright then this conversation is pointless. If we can't agree on baseline facts then we have nothing to discuss. If you can't agree with the very basic assertion that point thresholds and negative skills limited the power of hunters then we simply disagree at a fundamental level so good day to you sir
>nobody has time for that
Everyone has time for that. It’s your own choice to waste your free time on other things. It’s your problem that you either
chose a dead end grind job, or that you’re a compulsive hyperconsoomer, or a dumbass who chose to have children
You need downtime between boss fights, modern MH feels too much like a boss rush because you just go through monsters at a way too rapid pace and none of them get any time to stand out
you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

Monster Hunter has had many changes across the series to speed up the experience or make it more immediate, but all the farming and gathering stuff is not important compared to the real big shift.
All Monster Hunter games up to and including 3 Ultimate had monsters attack based on patterns. These patterns sped up and got new attacks thrown in during high rank and g rank, but it was still patterns. The monsters gave the player garunteed down time so they can throw out their high commitment attacks to deal good damage. Third Gen even built more around this with the stamina system so monsters in that third gen spent roughly an equal amount of time between their 3 states: neutral, enraged, and tired.
4 was the game that actually changed MH in the biggest way because all monsters, be it new or returning, no longer have attack patterns. They either throw out any attack they want whenever they want, or combo stuff. The move sets no longer have any assured downtime but the weapons in 4 (even insect glaive and charge blade) were still seemingly made in mind with 3rd gen combat, which is why 4U is infamously the most shitty g rank experience in the series. It's the only MH game where you're geniunenly massively underpowered and kept back compared to the monsters, especially when so many endgame hunts in 4U have monsters using one shot attacks.
The devs knew this was a problem so for Generations and GU, not only did they give the hunter more abilities with styles and arts, but the weapon philosophy was changed to make attacks overall deal less damage and have less impact on the hunt, but be faster and less commitment so you can keep up with the monsters, and Gen introduced even wilder monsters in terms of movesets than 4. The player reaction to all of it was positive so this is the blueprint we have been following ever since. 5th gen changed a lot of things but it still used this blueprint.
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Don't dawdle anon the newest episode of "Ow my balls" is on right now.
>Go to play some vidya
>2 hours passed
>Come back
>3 faggots dedicate their weekend to post literal nonsense textwalls on a chinese basket weaving forum
>For free

I assume you are stuck in some kinda dead end job night shift and there is nothing else to do but this because otherwise the implication is just kind of sad
after 200 hours of switch axe i've come to realise i don't like this weapon very much
Even the states of the monsters have been warped around this. World and Iceborne monsters barely ever enter their tired state and in master rank it never happens for most hunts, same for Rise and Sunbreak and some monsters in Sunbreak can't even get tired anymore. Although I still consider literally every game released this far "Monster Hunter", this change in commitment regarding both Monster attacks and Hunter attacks is what I feel to be the biggest change from classic MH gameplay and what has warped the series the most. Even the Wilds beta had Doshugama spam close range attacks that made you stick to it impossible unless you abuse the special moves each weapon has.
I, for one, am excited for Wilds
>4 was the game that actually changed MH in the biggest way because all monsters, be it new or returning, no longer have attack patterns. They either throw out any attack they want whenever they want, or combo stuff
??? That wasn't my experience at all. I noted a ton of patterns for monsters even into g rank with monsters like raging brachy. I think you're missing the patterns because monsters are faster
same but 300 hours of IG
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The last Nergi tail won't drop!
this but 10,000 hours of hunting horn
Same I can't wait to do cool stuff like 1v5ing packs and styling on guardian doshagumas without ever leaving close range to make shitters like >>507165981 mad
Even in world and rise monsters still have attack patterns I don't know what that guy smoked
>All Monster Hunter games up to and including 3 Ultimate had monsters attack based on patterns.
Do people unironically think the "pattern based" (read: dogshit ai) monsters were actually more fun to fight than reacting on the fly to modern monster AI?
they'll say it to be contrarian
Literally all monster hunter games have some small combos built into the AI. Only Now and Rise have full blown spreadsheetable AI flowcharts and they both suck ass
They look like patterns but they're combos. Teostra can decide to use his flamethrower whenever he attacks regardless of his position, he couldn't do that in earlier games. Rathalos had to prepare for his claw stun attack specifically before 4th gen, starting with 4 he can claw attack at any time when he's flying even stopping the animation of his current attack to do it. Monsters can still seemingly look like they have patterns cause they can still be predictable sometimes, but they're not patterns cause they're not set in stone, they can do whenever they want at any time, so they're actually combos.
I agree the only issue I have with 5th gen is that despite the patterns still being there it's much more difficult to pick them out because animations between attacks are smoother leading to the monsters basically looking like they're wiggling until an attack suddenly comes out. It makes fights much more reaction based until you fight the monster several times to memorize moves which is in contrast to older games where I could tell what most monsters were going to do even fighting them the first time. I suppose it's all part of the plan though with the shift from positioning based gameplay to now timing based gameplay with wilds and future games
It was and it still is more fun. World rajang is garbage because it barely has any patterns. Whereas Zinogre is still fun
You are so low IQ you only managed to make false observations on all monsters, but praise where it’s due at least you tried to observe cause most people cant even muster the self awareness to attempt it
I didn't say that. My favourite game in the series is unironically Risebreak followed shortly by GU. My textwall was about how that change was the biggest change to the series' feel and combat and its the biggest difference to "classic" Monster Hunter. I don't like having to watch and react to Garuga doing the same tail flip into roar 20 times in a row while I wack it with the same 2 longsword attacks but that's how combat used to be in those games.
>no argument
Okay, keep coping that new MH combat is "learning the monster's moveset to react to it with skill" and not just reacting on the fly to attacks.
>tl;dr i dont know what the word pattern means

world Rajang absolutely had tons of patterns i can reliably predict all his punches, short hops, and big smashes
I think you're arguing that attacks and their previous start ups are totally decoupled now? That's not entirely true in 4th gen though as I've personally seen rathalos do the slow fly up and poison claw like the old games. They do have more combo routes though I agree with you there but even in 5th gen you have noticeable patterns like double slams or rajang's dig into blanka ball. I guess I'm just not understanding where you differentiate a "pattern" from a "combo". Is a pattern just a combo but with more noticeable start up?
Monsters having patterns leads to that feel of dancing with the monsters when you learn their moveset and is in the end what peak monhun is.
Okay find me a recording of World teostra using his Flamethrower when on the other side of the map

I think he made a wrong statement earlier and instead of admitting it he started trolling and now he’s just posting random garbage

Very based and true but this is something midwits will never understand
It definitely doesn't have tons of especially compared to 4u who always had 3 step combos like 3 hops , or punches into backward kicks into spinning fists then pause. World ranjag can do any attack endlessly until it decides to pause, punches into back kick is still there but what follows is random
>World ranjag can do any attack endlessly until it decides to pause
No it can't XDDD monster AI in World is unironically too complicated for you lmfao
Do you both think World doesn't, in essence, still have this?

It might not be as rigid as learning static patterns like A move -> B move -> C move -> opening, but it's still very much the same type of learning curve where you're figuring out the timings for openings based on long animation structures and positioning that somewhat forces/baits certain attacks.
now I understand why there's so much shitposting these days. none of you actually play the games and just make up any old shit.
it's actual game discussion which is better than the thread most of the time. take what you can get.
>why is this general dying?
>resumes to calling people who try to discuss the games trolling and posting random garbage

>>507167149 you describe exactly what I'm talking about. Rathalos will sometimes fly up and prepare to do his poison claw, but he can also just, not do that. It's not a pattern anymore, it's a chain of animations he can decide to go through with but he can just break it whenever the monster AI feels like. A player cannot rely on "I only need to prepare to dive when I see the rathalos doing that animation" because he can do it whenever he wants, even if sometimes he still does it like in the classic games. Tiggy is another good example. In 2nd gen and P3rd, Tigrex had a set pattern where if he started his attack chain of 3 charges towards you, he would always stop and taunt at the end. This would always happen regardless of context, to give you time to hit him. It's a pattern, it never breaks. Starting in 4, Tigrex can still sometimes stop and taunt after that attack chain, most of the time he doesn't. HIs taunts are now random and even his charges are not in sets of 2 or 3 anymore. It's just attacks and animations he can throw out whenever the AI feels like it. It's not fucking rocket science dude just open up 4U and observe this monsters and then open up P3rd and observe them, they're literally completely different in how they act.
It can still do D move > E move ->... > Pause. I remember that vividly but it's been some times since I played world.
I also rememeber speedrunners farming, it did look inconsistent in its pattern so much wasting time sometimes they would reset quest kekw.
World does have that but with a lot more AI variety and that makes it the most satisfying game to master, despite being really easy combat. Rise on the flip side has far too predictable AI and you master a monster in one 20th of the time as a World monster so it ends up feeling lackluster.

Overall 5th gen was a mess

The other option is that you’re ChatGPTing since all your posts are filled with complete falsehoods
you can even notice this change in monster behavior in speedruns. Time attack runs of older games used to specifically rely on the players locking down the AI in the same pattern of attack, it was the most advanced thing you could do to take hunt times down to mere minutes. In 4U speedruns are just players flinchlocking/stunlocking the monster with the weapon's strongest attacks, and since World is just good weapon play, no AI dog whisperer shit. Again, this is why I see this change as an improvement in the long run. But it is by far the biggest difference between games.
>its not a pattern its a chain of events
fuck off pseudo
Yeah cause a shitty ai text bot would definetly call Tigrex "Tiggy".
I think you have several issues here though anon.
1. This is something that's been in the games as far back as gen 1. The most obvious and probably well known example is rathalos who can cancel his charge animation to do a very quick charge instead of finishing the entire animation. It looks really janky and goofy which catches people off guard
2. You're assuming this kind of stuff started in 4th gen when even in third gen you can find stuff like this. For example with the pink rathian I fought the other day
>World does have that but with a lot more AI variety and that makes it the most satisfying game to master
Yeah this is kind of my point really. I feel like the people saying the old AI (dumber, slower, more rigid) is better than the modern AI (reactive, less predictable, more fluid) just don't really have a good argument for that being the case.
Rigid AI is fun with rigid weapons
Rigid weapons and AI that just does whatever the fuck either requires them to make monsters super slow so you can still play reactively, or design the game around you just removing interactivity from the fight and forcibly immobilizing the monster so you can hit it.
You seem to misunderstand what anon is saying as "old rigid Monster Hunter AI was better" rather then what he's actually saying which is "Monsters behave very differently in the recent games" which is just 100% fact retard. Trying to gaslight yourself into believing otherwise is just so dumb, what do you even have to gain from refusing to admit this 20 year old series of games has changed over the years?
> Tiggy is another good example. In 2nd gen and P3rd, Tigrex had a set pattern where if he started his attack chain of 3 charges towards you, he would always stop and taunt at the end
No he doesnt, tigrex taunted after a double jump and only if hes in rage mode
>its a pattern it never breaks
fun fact it can if tigrex AI rolls two single jumps in a row

Tigrex has never had a baked in taunt tied to his charges

I will prove you wrong with video proof in 3 to 4 hours
holy shit he posted the upvoted thing again lets fucking GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
You can make chatgpt say anything that isnt a slur i can even make it encourage me to kill myself if i tell it its a joke or a play
The only monster who threw attacks out like that in 3rd gen is Zinogre and the dog raptors. I guess you could also make the argument for monsters that do not use patterns cause they always only use one attack at a time like Royal Ludroth.
Thank you chatgpt can you write me an arzuros spareribs recipe next?
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I can't even get my Hinoa AI Girlfriend to tell me she wants a creampie without breaking and acting like I already came on her face.
I distinctly remember pink rathian doing 3 tails flips in a row despite not being enraged so I figured that was just what she always did but then the next time she flipped she only did 2 and I know she wasn't enraged because my challenger wasn't activated. This kind of thing has been in the series forever even if it's way more noticeable now likely because monsters are faster and have more combo routes
Dont use chatgpt for that, use janitor.ai
So I'm on my first playthrough and have just got to the kill the Anajath quest which is filtering me. I just upgraded my bow to the thunder tree so I get 150~ damage plus 150 thunder which seems great as that's like double my base damage and I can use power coatin now.

As for armor I've been just goring any only random stuff was going to farm a set of the tobi armor but I noitced I can actually upgrade my armor with armor spheres, should I be doing that now or save those spheres for later?

Not sure how p2w grinding for them is as I've not upgraded any of my armor since starting only forged new stuff which has slightly better base stats?
It's only true up to a point. There is a balance to be struck here. If the monsters keep the same patterns from one gen to another then it's boring since you already know them by heart from the previous gen, but if they make them too random and rng heavy with little patterns then it can become tedious to fight them even if you react accordingly with your weapon, you don't have the learning curve or that feeling of mastery since luck was a bigger factor. They need to keep monsters feel both fresh and predictable.
not that guy but I remember both being true honestly, him roaring after 3 charges and the two jumps. I think he used to prefer to roar after a tail spin when not in rage mode too, talking about FU that is.
I use a different ai app made specifically for nsfw stuff. It's quite nice since it reacts realistically to extreme situations but it just breaks easily.
I don't mind it but I wish the monsters got more properly exhausted.
Janitor ai is limitless and i never had it break. Make your own character though the existing ones are all made by foids who make them write 3000 characters per message
Well that's enough grinding for today
I think I'm ready enough for the Elder trio minus Hazak
They could probably find a decent balance if they stopped buffing hunters so damn hard every new game but they're addicted to it since gen and now we have focus mode and heat seeking arrows. Hunters may as well be god now
Tigrex's roar taunt was either random or it would be used after what the AI considered a "high commitment" attack from him. If irc it was the three charges, the two jumps, and if he did a snowball throw into a spin.
I deserve to be an E-celeb
There is nothing wrong with monsters having multiple different followups from the same windup
In fact, being able to move in a way that covers multiple options simultaneously is pretty much the peak skill ceiling of these type of games
I know this place love to shit on everything but I think devs deserve props for trying to innovate the franchise when they could go the fifa way and sell the same game over and over for easy profit
that's like saying ''props to you for not raping an old lady in the streets''
I got two from turning in 40 silver tickets
just spam the steamworks and do fuel runs
I will save /mhg/.
monster hunter wilds...
Attack +4 isn't that great. The attack/x decos are a lot easier to get and you can just slap those into your build to get attack and another useful skill.
I know but I'm at the meta minmax step of playing if I bother to continue at all and for that, I need the +4s.
world zinogre is not fun because he just spins and spins and you randomly get hit by it or it misses completely
>"It’s not. Both Nintendo and third parties see Switch 2 AAA titles as a big potential growth driver."
>"The hardware is very capable."
>"I’m not at all saying it’ll get everything always, but I think a lot of people will be pleasantly surprised."

Switch 2 getting a Wilds port 100%
But only after a while so they can double dip the Japs
Yeah, the "cloud gaming" port of Wilds
I didn't get my first one till like 600 hours although I wasn't grinding specifically for it.
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Make fun of Nintendo one more time
I dare you
>could go the fifa way and sell the same game over and over for easy profit
They did exactly that though lol everything up to and including FU is basically the same game with one or two things slapped on. Gen 3 and 4 were the innovation eras and now with gen 5 and 6 were in the rehash era bringing back the same ideas over and over but with a new coat of paint to appeal to a wider audience. Clutch claw is just wystones, silkbinds are just hunter arts, switch skills are just styles, weather system is just seasons again. That's not to say we haven't gotten anything new. Wirebugs and wall running were genuinely new and fun ideas but by and large the games are just rehashing old ideas now. Something as groundbreaking as underwater will probably never happen again or at least not for a long while. They'll redo underwater of course but what I'm saying is they won't have an idea as big and radical like that again for quite some time. Then again ichinose has had a long time to cook because of wilds taking forever so maybe he'll do something
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Hey guys let's play MHW (PC) and Marvel Rivals (PC) today guys :)
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no ports, it's his fucking turn!
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>Marvel Rivals
Even if they do it'll likely run like shit and not be worth paying attention to
Sorry fren, today I'm marathoning Castlevania Dominus Collection (Dawn of Sorrow [PC]).
Switch 2 making Wilds 2 sell more than world would be a plot twist for the ages
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>>Marvel Rivals
Wow! That's a solid game to marathon this holiday season, please have fun :)
>sequel is available on more systems
>sells more
>plot twist
Assuming the switch 2 is cheaper than upgrading my PC and assuming it even runs decently well I probably still wouldn't get wilds because it just seems boring and not worth the upgrade price. I guess that's assuming I don't get the switch 2 for other games but I was thoroughly disappointed with the switch with very few exceptions and probably won't get a switch 2 until something interesting comes out. Focus mode has really soured what little interest I could muster into wilds
Why do people doubt Wilds could run on Switch 2?
The game can run at 1080p@30fps on Series S, and the Switch 2 is reportedly more capable than that (plus the games are still 720p in handheld mode)
Where'd you get that idea from? All the leaked specs I've seen put it at around PS4 level in power and it would probably be weaker than that due to them wanting a small form factor and not wanting to shove a giant fan for cooling on it.
The Shitch doesn't even have world yet and tendies really think they're gonna get wilds... Lmao... LMAO
Rise is available on more systems than World but it sold only half as much?
Rise is not World's sequel
I'm sure it can run on the switch 2 relatively fine but it simply remains to be seen. It's not useful to assume
Yeah it's a spinoff
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The hardware itself should be more in line with a PS4 Pro. but on the software side it reportedly has some pretty great DLSS features that put it above Series S
Series S runs Wilds natively at 1080p, meanwhile Switch 2 could run it 720p in handheld and upscaled to 1080p docked

I don't expect anything above 30fps, but I think the possible sales are way too high for Capcom to ignore it
it's just the standard capcom formula, every few games they change the game to keep it fresh, they did the same thing with resident evil and every other long running capcom franchise.
why the fuck do dead small mons vanish so fast
I have not played with you guys since 4U I hope we get to have fun on Wilds with yall, even with all the shit going on here in this shit general I like it better than anywhere else, never change /mhg/
So if everyone gets the game can you guys stop having these gay Mario vs Ricky Bobby arguments every five minutes?
Why yes mr marketer I will be buying Monster Hunter Wilds the new game from CAPCOM on day 1 with the brave new world expansion pass
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Why is Frontier considered an MMO? I've been playing this for awhile now and it's just been solo. How is this different from any other MH game besides seeing AFK people doing nothing in the hub?
The content later on is extremely difficult unless you use their cheat potion that you only got a few of and had to purchase more, and the grind is absolutely motherfucking insane compared to any of the rest of the games.
how is that different from any other mmo? have you play an mmo lately? they are all like that till late game, mmos were you need to group up from he start die out in the 90s, now is all solo till end game.
It's not.
Actually impressive and probably more athletic than the average poster.
pure tard power, anon
Me practicing for when IchinoseGAWD adds tonfas to Portable 6th
no grind is too insane for a monster hunter gamer
People here complain about needing to take like 10+ hours of grinding in endgame to minmax their shit in 5th gen, they wouldn't survive 100x that in frontier
Frontier is genuinely a shit game, not even a bad Monster Hunter game.
Guys, I love monster hunter!
Worlos once again saying every other game is shit.
Well, because at first I thought it looked bad enough to run on portable hardware, and then we got the beta which for whatever reason is the most CPU-demanding game in existence. As gimped as the Series S is, it has the same CPU as the Series X. Switch 2 does not have anything near that.
Frontier's grind is pretty insane it took me 2 months of casual play to farm out the decos I wanted for one set in Gou Rank, but I liked it still
Now on the other hand is too grindy even for me
those kind of replays are the best

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